7"QXj. IIIT- i f I- 1 m ' .. ? usttt: f ' For tit Ri'il'tCAl lieenrdar. :'j . J : Lt tha Truth b Spcta. ' r tMb.' ..DpiiAs your pa L' per i friendly to fro, discus.- S Vaa -t feci that Lshall f Wobtrudin-uron your gene ' rosity, in asking an insertion " of. the following article. ' ' j feeV cverr disposition, to '"' accredit the christian religion,' v.-- . ii ; n'nA revelation. ; ;I havo !; jjeen- reared , with - sentiments of .religions veneration for the r hicb. have oratea :in ihe these selfrsacriflcmg, ftud. '.fSwMAnWV character. JJ? Lord, that I' stand' ready. tQ forsahe tha dcHfc:t "fxieudVito ; srn to nrison. or at any moment to t. Di1a.iV . f. oi ;cfTli"ria? meeting'; in -Wilinington fSs ft? unite"' fcellqwin sneciaLdesigc, to .unite. . i t . vitwj.?j actcr their S them 10 tUriffi tice, yet ambiguous as the it- ssu,:?n1aa;5nfUVriiSl byl's leaves, betray tnem into Interminable and hopeless dis' cord; this too, while, !uitenng 1 all tne nine, ai tuo ears oi j. the apo.Mic ;"pl;i", two and onUt not to fro . 'Plcei; tell the rpublic hovr one man could4 go out fro, and o ; ami if dip ought riot mJ-Wibnington, h yr,;mi lfl Writers: strb ont - T.-- . - , ....".!.. . -atonol 'i:vliere la tlting in : V,.'t-q Vioory tatrnrahlft to ft b6- ; lief, both of its truth, - and, its - Importance. Bat in spite ot our education, and our Tril!, a " time must come, when ; men ' . will think for themselves: and, "u though not without reluc- , tance, and indeed, not .viith yt nin. I must,, candidly r-' acknowledge, that a. belief in Cti3 ZiUe, .:a .Baveb-tipu Iroin.God, s .hampered with diCculties that I cannot mas ter.: . Hy difaculty, is not with "the doctrines of the 3ible.c I can easily understand : that a V yeTelation from God, address ing itself to the faith of men, should contain truths beyond "-; the comprehension of onr rea son. I see mysteries in God's works of, nature and provi--dence, and I think it orriy rea- r t sonalile, that jfreater -mysteries should bo connected ; with ; a "8TEtcsi;oi truth designed for man a reaempxion xrvui aixi and ruin. " But the t Gordiah- c knot, which I can not possibly ; untie, is lonnd in tiio louo w - ing statement : 1 " ' ' ' gotpeljjromulged hii commands - accompanying 'them with, ike 'y xusst alexin sanctions, frovii&i i inp Tt ix favor to the obedient, and threatening the disobedient 't-vrith his displeasure, when at t . the same time, hi laics are de Y; dared in language so vague, - and ambiguous, ihaVf they can not POSSmLY be understood. s' In the name of reason, I ask ;can an. institute, or - religion, . j gnbject to so serious an excep I" tion be ; divine 1 r Can such a religiaii proceed from an an ' . thor possessing such attributes as are claimed for Jes us Christ! v " fearlessly reply, it can stot. '. i e But'snch -as is evident from k the endless diversity of opin- ion prevailing-among its ad herents is the character of ? the christian Treligion.' l Men, oTanimatcd with "an equal love '; for truth, and zeal for Christ, i CdHzr in th.8 rudimental prin - ciplc3 of the christian insti "y Churcb:3 h5T3 n:tr 1" ' "V '" A P- f:?,.I-V.:l i . . ,.-;n. i ;. i i.. i f. I. i, -iiiiui '..in i ' ,. , li ; How often tucse.ivcrd&Lr.W j Iln'cur, Ur.lzttprci cix.oy, I :u rcpeatQddurtng; thaist-'- rcjifcvthArptel month! Areatmany of our: TW ayrcrl; cf C;t:cr3.L; it 13 r "in 3lf.' i; ii: 1. It?. I ;. ; J havcrecbitcd tli 3. f jllovr- icj sines jny? list rerirf: . j dhtrqsscd onthisacc(mnt 01 ler, to livft durlucUhe: Jvln: Vebster that theranust.fc.? an, fae;.-.10. i.past Mdition to .this -dtficiticpj iz, 3 h TOIi-LLDEr. YATZo. Martha PittarQ, C 2: church at Wake JTcreiVpdr Df, Win- 10? f Pross-Koads, unti ZIon Associa Moh I would wiUuiglhaTe I r,. tj,orI,avo Uta cDufpclliedrJ WJ.. A ISraor, tonVZSO 31m. J, -t?-.lV, S2. ttftlffiSs' 'OTsSZflK.' ,w'e'f7n. vnraSSi52h ifw.-flbprfe.nwat Wte-tte JSw'iffSoWSStS McUfiato i5lttbn8''C.att'''' long ? nrin'iinlV - Et-atpil iboTO a3: 'WP WP?W,n45f' VJ.vti. TaAW.'xm ivtfte -Ihe 'JlW!p5JIlUni0.fttta Jtosa' Jono8. i i miiiu aim um, uicu iabiiu iao i a j. ii ... . ' it j i nn ni in T.ri mxnrii. ncrnuuiuri i w . i I such of Gody ,the deceptive '-words; -aeeK anu yoasuauuuf. rfg imed withiiho facl and you shall receive j taiodj f iX and it shall be opened to yoU.'V ,,Q v". ?Whn-fci rttv confidently Lch a book is not;, pf. Uod. 4 M - f i:- tA Tho Koran possesses more ;?vu"-7 w., r -. a - -Ti;Vyw tihiself anil, if ho misquotes, evidence of Dmne aulb.entio; s-iiiotrfcriAn' itv. Jiiusuimen are more urn-1 . ,!,..,.-. ted than carmiMsrxneaTO riea -aircaay - wwn er rd do thim good i wonder,; t r' 1 been mado by the t Board of Vfl J frtW -f mn:a e 1 and d, friend and as: men' conscious of "o; fffiin ? Vlhl?. C Prif?f th , Wiard, Wf would ; ilf ";; A"ss .Minunnd. thafactvthat wo fhall soon S?saSKow SurVd 'f$'X Btind'befiire God ih judgment, ti 'tty61i& fyM ,..T I ' : Ki..:, r i . IOj DuuiiAm. heScrarn linrveror tvouiq ne occuTUrtnpiittiff:".s:v 'Kmorf vil-ot 5edhiPsnOveli.rt' Erder P:; IL J Jones,.1 65 oM-AP'Oto ilounVnZi6n: 'Asifa- piecea"6f .'ptotthotf tionf g.Tg' TotaI, 22..' ; ' In addition to the missions very few, 6f bur ministers sup- - a l i a . . r n a : wm w mrw t- r n caiW'cr irta ip-speak M SS. ?. bounaersloapa tipii "tlf !. " 7 " " ,T Missions.,. .:,,.,: ,-; isevidehay a'.'pemiiioas! abU 8-4.3 liot -grow -out of, .two .mll' --bat : liberal fflSSfZSJ icr t:. j r in?. . tO 1. 3 ir; Icr i I sions and GroY-o- C .i.r, C;. t Eli. Euncii r i 12 After' partiLij , rr.eats ' y'o rici fori". .! - n.'SnrVsitv,-ci!;.:t prayer lyEIJ. Dtl'., E.: Smith aud J." F. Usui pointed 'Finaaco cu:rr:i fcer4 wefa real, aui t'1 1 ; 'Pamlico4 ITiiiiou call- showed tha willi- Uaion ' ? eetinp- to coC-"'v i SuJ.Ol, la th hanJs of o ts?cu tjve coium'ittee. - '. Ua r-"tion tha cocimito were instru:' 1 not to paj tb-s f 1 over ia the .Pamlico A," pastor, and, deacons v:r oommitttar ou religions eerr .Adjourned tj 10 O'c!- row with prajer, by. JLU. pKaihei f Itjtx 1 Jc La ili; met ia . conference, prayer by Eid. u Lst- 1 - i tliO 7 port and The then for instance commencing HnrJ "ir'V.CS TheUet mbid drank hiiitt; I c'7"rJW,w?T mcj'lli v.. . -i-.. - .-7 4 rrciTii7cn o n n i An tfi Tiri An a i - . ( . Bat tag at, elfid wu Tery Infll; .shoul4vbe v forwarded: to 'the i a4-" 1 ' I STT - - -w ' ' -r Vi- vvorreu; pcrstition Veritas ! f ortneuxt - oinceyou savinai alld efficient churches. They ' i tij what lie (Hiario) gaia WKa axe Eeal Primitive Edttists? 'i trrotr'out of the text. a resardUhe two jcinrtM??10 1fova - nrl Hi a pHJfnrl nfi: IdOSBS STOW OUt 01 ill and, ! as it l-vwvnibMl'Itn. TirftaftTi tied "Osbornisni. which- an- 13 a passage' which has given month at Greensboro. ueared in the last EeoohdekV mel10 utUe: thought and pray- h jBrother:, Jordan will labor as the inost important articles ex that 1 might understand fa onj0 third ofhiatime, as oyan- secular business who onMir W MoUere, he has not versilled nis" been full v organised .Here which have been published in- t earnestly toki that yfn lgelfatntointaon the ST. O. K&n?n?SMlhS "novelsS Lamartine, the feraf J aUrtliA- wit WW.iW JL,it.WWl rivefhet public I through- the ft. r from the T? PFf aCngttl? W1: A,her?,' fr.f. historian and rioeLhai. Nu!ffbJ Jea f-t-r . - i t!-r..L are ciiurcnes near was . ,.tecor.izsd ta ini my: judgment ttiey settle roaa. ; nraotisodlhiq Rlarvinr A, w-AiSn!- l icmiclusionsaA to-Jwhat 4s tne ThMA hrtl.TOn am .amonr praewfoa tins starving j.uAWf -wwvw, i ' ... - j. L.:. iti. iii I -w. o i unui iuev nave me reat jrnuiuicc jjuijiwui s . 8..1-r7-0- - :,"T - i our wvai auuucsiui luiuxsiis. Fu. . r. j j ,o4wwi? s.urcJPiUucauon, ; Jiii- visitor f-n tui.f r,.rt t . .-toW,. tferJ, -fciPwroB, Jorestyille; JTStol o-a.U. torrfTJnlTn' OI ;Eld. West W. brethrci J.H. Poor ' Telemaaue ! most', we t wiiiUra pi;i. tier n t I Garrett and G. B. Fk ministry is thus t brought linto no more follow? thee Sn thy 4havLtaken charge of contribu- JP?omted, delegates to tUEertfe contempt; many young men on by sea and by land and-be tiong and .receipted 'for. them u-meebag. -Bro. GarrctEt;:rite nswhohave P&Sf iSftfe Pts, i J,.UHiwiiamJ i Tronouncedi'Hugo?s(Toders of ;; x a ; L ... i theSeaa Creek poem iitprbsei Porthd Biblical Recorder. ; Pvprv pffiripnt noefnr H 1 11 IS P1U1V, gnuiu OUU immune, J oumuciu .iJapua ouuaajf ovuuu every eincient pastor, and, by f . r J.'Sni ax a I rnWtW'- : ry and Anti -missionary, or the embassador of Christ, v are the Wotk to be done. Primitive Baptists all Were calculated to injure the -caubft it Many other1 men nn in filth, r In Ifcl and tn of our Jledcemer. iOne maii, oj.ea Ar& annealirie 1S21, these two circular ikfers 8aytPr.kok,Tinder the head j bnt ?,we, have thought did not make , in versa; uThe ; has nevei ef- ; Convention Eld;;' John Amnions '.'is the of this Board in missionary and 4 ...... -LI roiUnil aa millth ) t K.Vtd . '. nitf 5rt'i I .I W l'n.rtlif ii. llv ikon JnnA I reuuiii wnen a IQW r,br Matca has iailU: tfjod Worin orknizln Ban- troductory 8a-U i". Were to iinterest US. His nen mtistitt.tnridriihooT andidinV ernatc, .nee oi mem. v . . . i , , . Tf t :r ' : . ; r . , . were adonted bv whatare riov J ot slandcrin ms moral science, two leading associations: of onif "bas ria . light , to bo i injuri 01d RAhooP Biethren Th4v UUe goooiJiame pricnaracter would riot, . and with their another, eren brxeporUngthat l ole State for Jesus present principles, could tibt hichmay ba-trnocarmmuri-i aaopi inese circular letters i uui g i oe none aionqe. ouaii wo i i.irA if.r..-WF'i.ri . it-- -SJ t UAt now; out vov vvuw, xueru is 1 mv..---. j not naveiuo aiu ui every 1 ;mes not a lMissionarv ; fartisi Asll is it essential." says lit. Haveb, nthe State 1 Prav for sbciation in the Statei that ?that tha thing said shcxild be God's blessing on the mission- ailds could riot 5 heartily endorse alse, in: Order to bhstitute jit aries already appointed. Help a1mni(1 every pnncipiovsei iorinini' 1 .V.r J is to jBusiaininem,auuiuruiBu Ui0I1 hoLord Dotn of tnese .aoie; papers- W'-'"' i toe means to susta i i Lt t i 1 1 1 ' U.MU I , ..L.k..mmM :i mi ! 1 IB D681 W Uiano uasto oitmiy. rtrir. fx- 1 orn a I wiumj r smui- suuic -viito '.imuug my. , t To conquer tho . whole State i f nn aT. m. - , it was tipped, .with &o!d,i whjenlchurches fc.lasf 1 spring; - and was for Jesus Js our purpose: "The 'in: -d r"; j he penned X?Uon, ,mt Jf r: we I recei; " is our ' ; ' w"i7wa noy? .Wwwuapy w means ded mucli totbe:- interest.ot who kee7bkTeaWs S?1 SllfeH mL , i 4. I Vi iiuTCiai iv t.?H-'J j hMv. i cLiiu ills taiivs iir uic vunuicu m schools he visited, was "the right :l,oll UUUli ' i- r xi i. Uow who has changed in tbe catua wby.itSlio.nja said; potter aestitnte 'points. Send k. lS!AS7; MSOT,u4WjttJP59 fifty orsixtyyea.TTestaaa lW"lW.r?W.te. purpose Bnt , EKAS-S"a& wnere our iatners stooa, ana i v v i uub- i to the treasurer oi tne . uoara W trZrZZ& PW the Sunday; 7i7-1r It , , ri J to be olacea. m t&e.essdSi:! a 1 conTinced us he .alias u a v .'") ' . ..v. - - t ,. Tm . historical ndyeoij tin fpurid, hebe kept in the field ? ; This ia bo taken m this direo I : - v AiTC.i " l-tJ. .x . u-.- 4 . . -. Tit. , .' - -1 i .. oraainea tnat I , vok0 n Vu nnlip1 in I.:.-:; oxtp. w tute They cannot even start i together. Some will tell you that christian baptism is im r.jnersion in water. Others, in iElst that sprinkling or pouring y.: water is: equally valid with - immersion. ' Some eay that a v, believer in Christ is the: only ;r prefer EiiLjectcf theordinance. Others again say that infants, I hot 1:23 than believers are to . be baptized. Can it - be be-1 lieved that a Divine Founder ; ,ever. prcmnljcd a religion ' cv,-hc-3 neccscary effect is to "involve its disciples in such - hcpclzs confusion and contra--V diction 1 Docs God write his V- laTrj tsyend the sight of them , en whom they are intended to m eperiic, and then punish them for net knoTring, cr obeying v them 1 . "Will any cue believe that , tho rihtcoii3 Gcd re quires brick, when ha furnish- ;;cs no ttraw 1 Such a belief 13 a mcrcl ir.:pc::i!;ility. s-; . If it ce-ill a-Imittc'I t!:t c" t'-o prcr;::er3 cf r;li- a4L Va ' Vii mJ A j.' w -a, ksj -1 1 i " I' , ' ' ''--- ! I Sj 1-4' i. : V' ffc : Hi ""l Tf fffc 11 -n. r'- ' .re n:::t rienrie as a fiend. ents Na Uou The Duch- are the true Primitive Baptists,! wterpret your language. Xsiy bf Missions,' JotmO. Williams, Tt S Abrantes tells Ecmeyety cast of the Blue Ridge teeHng tu c orreeponding' . letter. i th Camden and Currituck TJlIoL niss ion, Eldf D. J;fioberda,br6tLiwa W. AL ileetwood aadJ. Wi Tivan. Bro. Trotmaa to writs th letLr. "Agreed ' to take up a colleciioa to - morrow tor Uome Missions. Resolved to hold the next f"ion" with the church . at Middle Swamp, Eld. C. T. Uailey to preach the in- Eermon.: Eld, T7. Leary In the absenca of the Miss ionary report, th meetiegvn? en tertained a short time by remarks from ElderaBailey and Balb. : i Oa motion, 'Elder U. Spe:-Lt was. appointed missionary lor the ' pres ent year. j Eesolved,4 That wo heartily en dorso the Biblical HeconLrn, as ovr organ, and request all tha incmbers of our church to eubecriba for it. Treasurer reported &3 follows: 1870.-. .Oct.' .29. By - ant. received from the churches for Ilcma MLbs-. be -supported. -Who ought )to ions. . -..-j 12,17 ...... J..- mm mm r i m. ,7 V - 1 ' i - . . ' ' ' . i V support bimT Manitestly iorth Amt. eceivea . ..ior ramnco Carolina, tuapiisis.; xit? is ntiw r "u' - received. Ills ' presence l it - -j w w , , I uiblij i ttuwwMwwj ; fc-iiiv', 1 fltlOiLia .V VAi A Ull lliq IV; All uxcuneu, auu mo resu will I -.Mn Ta dasaa fiit v de.l Tlnrfh rnllnhtW nnolitW hft a most: rtiwasfrnna - failnrft I -v .1 . - ....: .lLl 1 i . , ; . . - T . 1 rues, un ine assumpunn- jinati cnlf pay m. salary,' out to con- ocuurencaanora to permit novels should not be-rread Hi frifinta'ic) diherallv fts to nlace tne salary, orbits pastor to re- all? the Cyopedia,' should pe geveril missionaries in the field uiix uuiu. t is a Buiciuai banished from the school room, I v.::hin two months, who shaU Father, tne neignt oi ais: ',ita cctva5 tcachLs: mi-ht 1 into thefhi2hwavs and hed- causes ot tne : departure ot youana ia pucucm ..la-pro- , " r "VT "7L? 7T offi, f 7. tfc"" j .r r.tV' .""s F- the Old School -Bantisti. are l.thetrnth of your-Utateinsnt indeed and truth a new school I for you .rrill sear from the tin with nrincioles unknown.' ia 1 :tations .inadef from standard thafaith of tho Baptists a hnn- writers -that thcsafawnotl h ' Vlmt. Tr-iv havo hfien th I count but tatlacd it tfora TtaS: Our heavenly ;Tn behalf of, the Board, ; lj To.taa.Chowan Assodatioarj , .1 Deart, Brethren- asd Sis 9,91 12.1C know not; but I - believe bro. j tl - it it I t;j-x ,,rr -i . 4 , jL". . i r...n . ... m,i unit . jl . 'i. . . a . . j.i K . uu&. . . . w .. .. v. w w mM'V w a .a w I ..... . ..... ........ ...u. . . 'w.-. . . . . j. . . ..... ' " v ..... a w . : . . . .- - T w , x ... . ' .. I T , .' M 1 A X Jl . . A . ........... ' I 1I1T.I. V Tlf.l- tfTl r-TMO-ri -it m .Xrt . tt . ; ... ; I , v . 1. 1 . .1 . ...:... L., ...... . landmarks in other States, I fanes cf Bro.arlc, for I thisil P. ,'a8?luuerire F"v"- Hvr:tae .tatDand . garnering - . . - - - iit"..!, ,aM a-. avnv '.v. inviTif rnn i: liiljii i iajuIjI 1 1 . jinn iipm r i iih i :mii t j m ..4- mm- a' . a heraihaa laltcaayTr been" tdo't" tt4ia .i,wwi. . u4i6 , r I snouia vn ,i;urx.va .u last-?. yearr ourj. numoers naa 1 bwiiw umuu mevxtiiuij 1 moa ntn - Jffren, -iiyou ioye 1 pxt 0f eternal cLlition, should i mhf.cn work more important ana wisn; his cause to I the Talea", cfByrcn Lek con-j t more hepefai-of euccess thin pay your, pastors ; Lrmed, though cermet in ; met-1 this, i We ;cannot "be true to ; J.j J , iiJtf APF. : : I Hr.nl hr..ii:tv r.r. J rcbed irith the nnrp1vrs nnd thfti'rhnsn hf or? irrr vnn nrn nnrrsn t ina 1 much said T)rO Xt COUtra S Her. I cribing the inove in 27: 0. to: fcra mtbh, ingiinst; .T4, f:uiTgZ Christ in in Knt'fn strHrft ft '-.-hTV, MAta Jt ens were - better ? than for Christ 1 rJEVTrA and our Sabbath School prosper,- t .Ltwk;JTi t- t rw, t:Tf.,r r t i I contained three tourtas of thq 4 ; . :? 1 remember the manTreii, icr j.to Cw3.cwwiyAir,iw.i, i , ., T , - , T ,, , i , .. ; t, . ,t t rv-fKTO fchudrea 01 tne place, m au tne l ttJ; " t..-. t ,1- tt. ti : 'i Ipt, wa never, turned any away - ..For j was a handsome man of some wnhng whitoTcr-. thoy .rzzzY attainments and conrderablo thinlzcf cnaarletLei reirdle.V pulpit ability; but a person of of ccr.ee 1'uenc cDtvs out neartuy., responded ta;dl calb ;fot!H benevolence rhantla oF.renias. To th Jove- Christ and nedect iu Give Bro. crs of purely; bcautfai jthe rp; 1 Aminons a liberal response. j f V-fin llmise.orrran. snn 1 f a jt-;t t-7 t-'-llt- tsy cilicr ar.l r.nr. r - ier a lire ,r!' 3 1 1 (3 1 t ' T "I, i JL w V "uu vpk v.v... .v,. . j o r hrom .nnci!"l6H h,ro . I quarter. .' ; '- ; i - Tforld, ,h t? c--: -M rl ()na who claims to bo a "Ilird ruin in th! 3 rc?rccV but . ill !' v. f Vl": Iln0?"-r?: Shell Be-::- c!l to .'xns-lh'o TOUs folloer cf Ohr;:t, r!- cL..cr- C.v. - .iary Uhe da-Tor mlho hI crlo I tan A : I Eeri: ii; r.;: : df- infidel-of : the ;m cf -: n 'o rr1::1 S 4ai5,llp to ur acinic, b,.. .w.a to ttc.j, Mitn ,7. . ..; 1 w : 1 ?r rj, ;3 an important t"ixr when vra c II I ? I ! Tf 7 T O . rr " 1 rt 11 "f r 1 ' ' Z . II 1U1 ACS lilUi .l t..,..iiiiL. . Li.. J 1 -tI ely frc:a i-j, v, Lleh I W4. A W aV K mi C, ... , v 4 v 'V.-. . V aV-kA, V.Jk VU, I thc-3 vrr o c".rdin tie:1: ! ITo cio ii vi to ; "'- JL-H J J i ii..'' - - ' ... -.1 ill r-: ,c:V On last' Sabbath, tho' Bal- rVitu' 5?jrn,-fU"" eigh Church, voted to invito day.8ch?5lUbrTy and furniture thlsouthern Bnntifit fW.n. tion to meet with them in ilay, 1872. Tho' next Conventica will meet in St. Louis. i Tho .Convention had agreed meet 'in Baleigh in 1865 : but by, reason of tho vrzf, mere was no session ot tr.3 body that year. , In 18G3, it met in JETussellvillo,.-Ky.; bh causa that part of the South f i i w s- '4 i . i f i ; i : i i i ii ii:"!. r r i i :.; Jf br til3lQ t0 Promote tho ictef- ryj ..i,.t...uj C...CI estsoftho Convention the.n rr!,.,:vi rn I any oiuer. ia acj it net m tne jsioueat JScoraer, , ; : r3 0f purcy The Southern baptist ; Conveh Mantle, thewcra!, the'reeherche, ; h wo would ccmaierra: Ber nard the Treasurer, Wi!iiact 13. IJ.I DonV. "Wait: L have been Total amt, recei -;od. C0STIU . , 1872. Oct -20. To amt. paid Eld Eoberds To amt; paid R B Simpson f , , tor Pamlico Mission. 27,74 Eeport. received, and ordrod to , be' appended . to the ninutn. Fi- nanoe committee reported froirf the . church at Macedonian for - Home Mission, 1,10. P. II; l,25;I;pin; H..M. 8,0a,P.M, 6,50; Piny Grovd, H. IL 3,25, P. 21. 5,Cd; IVAdl Swamp, 3,23; Hereford, II. II. 6,25,' Hertford Sunday school, H. Z 1.1,02. .Total for Home MhsioDP, C 19,02, for, Pamlico Mission, $10,00. The " clerk was directed to send tbe rain utes to Biblical Eeeer.2Er. irith ra quest to publish. . . , t ? . . ' .Adjourned .with, nraver by. Eld. the Breton Tor "Poets? they ate dly ,. received as.the . repre:. Speight. x . written in trntiquatod French, scntative .of. our Convention . Sunday morning, after thacrdi- v.-o know, but tL-ywlU acifcty vvhereever j have gone.. Every nation of,2 diacm?,' E!d. Buley -v . I ndiivrtn lliof T novo Tnoolnrl tn , j. t . - , H(ft. r ' T f Tn:n.a i LfUUlull uiub & iU.IV UMUIi,u- M. I Tifp.nAtiirl , trttvi MAh . iff 1 K 4!i&n TT I ' ." II 1 of history, Dridjewatcr's Sieg Ct U eymp i!:y cf crcry fricr.d cf Jcsua.in I Terl'.i Carcl:r.a. .U"e era . now cur f Gibraltar, it 13 ccr.r:;sV cbufdsit every church in Eider3SPeig fr.ctimdtD.th3?;r::;r1r.ctctr::i state ii think, that each of them. tin in IP' ;1 N F" M f the cj'sct which 1 , am pleading cn nee, with premises of contri butions J ca my .arrival. Of ce Tee I can accept but fe (tzzo invitaticr.3. and I hop the churches, yrill, not hold , hack met around the sicrarnental ' boardi ht an! V7orrell c!Heia Collection 1.09. Jos.T. Waff; Clk. A tha cud tee.c!l!7 in view. Heed it by all nzizz. It rrcv3 a ' Ulecpy Hallsv'Ma tha t-j- Ja4 u t JCLIAW. t -" i, . ! C ::to .i cr.d .v. C- 1 i 111 - - f J 4 v f r--' 4 -J r : i v . 1. 1 e if ITS '1 a i U. J . , r . . w. ... . 1- V - .... 'lb tc-.r c -1 - - r t. . ... ' r UI -iLcmpni3 ; in i;:atiiiicre o lSwj m -..Xeecn .Ga, m loui? .i nrr i T,""! r'1! --. ii.i JJ v.. V Ky. It heimct tvriee in lie!., t7ieo in Va., tv.'ica in C, thrci cr fjur limes i:i C;., cnc3 in tl.i.j t n c 3 m Lcii, threa times in Ky., r.r.d t!:': i t" I 'f 1 f rA .l r nfn, r- 4 1 . " J i" :y;"i ir.f j 7 To. It I:-,- v. r convene .1 in IT. C, r.r 1 '..j rs. 'ieeUV.lly t ult::iit l!,-.; v,3 1. ivo f : 'A1 cl 'ir: in r.r tl..:t il ; r. ;:.r : icn 1- j h Mi j 1 v ; 1 ' i ? v ; f t. t . r . I . A .J i. . . ..... . .... . A A Ji.. J a ,i. . , l. .. 1 I ... . . I WgXlMt J' i J , A r rivet 3 r.e! ) 'f.xa' Bt. r., p.., r--, r;"--'1r"f 1- ""t ... 11 It:; 3 Cf l--icfh-tr r rr i; :d t: :i,GC3 their ccr.tntmien3 on this ac count Tho r.eed cf funds i urgent rljrre ?cnd them lor- J. D. II. CojieI There is not a hort erj more'-hopeful, ricro invi ting word in all tho Bible ilian thiawcrd ;c:me." It i: in deed a Tier note to the r rel. To tho weary and heavy 1 -" en, VJlu ... UUU v. .... I thir:tycr.i f;dn:irT, coraa and crin!::" "cere only,sccme. lifo f. :id .? ii a t!:..rlt t r:t current esr:-:?, J 3 -wi J c:uU r-. vr::!;.' 4J . 1 ., 3 : c i . " '-h 4l-- ...... J Vw- j i i va ccal.l Taere was no Baptist church ia tliveiUfur many cf;r.tnri:3 alter times." f'hriotivi o. . ft ? tCSl U5 was : ia tho world r j " t .varv JLtf ,;."; 'c, Vol. 5 !" A 4 1 La 4 V hat cliurcli CAUTI0-US'E3.- i.- f T l o 1 f f ,..r i r ".'"nvrcnturif s. there vcs i:o I j. u. V t church m tiio world c c 1 c r i j tiiCr I c : e. Lir, ov r -. 1 1 1! , . ... v. e..i v.t; in i t si mature t: .v.:t s t V M A Tl t: - t : .r.-.i. speakers. f.et a tion. The? viclvcd,yct your . 1 A. ' 1 Lav v. - clojn tl.e;r c' i.i vc ct'icr.5 fr .: l ii it in r. ' zy V. f ; irlt cf h:: f:y c.Trr:..r. Tl.ry .rll rl- ct tLrr " v L e . i :r I:r.3v;l !' -i vc-i to t' evj i..; t i nr. ( 1! :ia ..r.d of d-s'. t to .en a . the , or ..eed -tial , i