!..'-, - . .. ' . . 1 l I - I. t - H ) : I I llll , BamW Tlar. b. H. BpurpMJ ; PHYSICIAN SUlXMMi- t J nl certain woman, which hwl ati . -.T.- n.iui iw1y rears, anil had. suf- r '" " fered many tblnof iny pbJJ . TnTbad spent all that she had,fed w . tJttrrat: bat rattier grew wprw, had licanl of Jms, came lathe ' 1 nrfgs behind, and tonwieu uw garment. .1 intend tb is inorning first - 01 all,. TO CAJ' o'Vi"is "upon whom poor, sin-sick souls nftpn trust; when I have done 4 : BoX'ynll - show you. why all ! ceDtion. fail ; thirdly, JL. V' describe' the plight of.'tliTa- tient after the; .'failure p.f hese ' trnsfpfl nhvsicfans: and lastly, at J 1 ' : 1 ' ' ' ' - - " "...V.r ':',...::,,'! ::;!,- ,- ....'.:..., ; - t i ; ' ' jI 1 t " ffclldiiini that' tticrn: is'tio roA- wrrecti'in; 5ieithlcr ' ansjoT, bor pirUr tt jmoMatp fOjW to isncli a'niiit 'L(vruk? oat and but men have wide 'walIown and can receive any tliiH g.Vh ihrnlfbr Iniinu wonVler lofran hour; ttcdtirott he sanctified liy 'gazing' at gena: flexions, millinery, and candle ! The'EMf is feaid to bu k hore graio3qiiarf eY rf the.fieavena' lhan the4Vesf,''any crecdiro- direction jposse33 a pecauar ef ficacyt ''tt'appeaa? that in Jupir-. itual onerationa certain' colors nhv 1rw ft Mirrt r can , DO ' -wronght even in tliwe." . t A k,. , J. xiet me exposo tho physi-, - Wans who delude so -inany.by l 1 their Tain pretensions. , i -"Amon the herd of deceit f'CTa,"ITsingI oat one of the yi- Cri; an Oia csuiunsueu J doctor, wlio has had a 'wide 4 f - practice auioug iu-iv;, isuum -v . a dieted old poisoner hie is, 1 - bnt for ' all that , exceedingly popular; Dr. Sadducee. Ho v adopts usnally the hoinceopa- sthic principle, namely, to enre 'r like by'its like. "He gives one ' ' fonii of sin a a carefoTatioth- ' - one melancholy with unbelief, '- he prescribes licentiousness. He says,uYou are getting dull; - - vou must cheer up: you ought ; ? to mix with society. A young t r' person liko you ought not t to be disturbed ,with these' seri- - - ou3thoughtsythbJ4lC : fanatics who alarm vupray ' be calm I would recommend you to attend the theatre bi tho music hall; these will drive ; dull care away." He feela the 1 patients pulse, tells him itris mucli too low; lie must really - - take 'a. little stimulant,' and try what gayety wili.do. 5 Alasf . this Id but damning prescrip t tion is frequently written; font and pressed ' upon " awakened J souls as if it were wisdom ? it ; 8elfwhereas it is a piecei of Satanic cf aftahd I falsehoodiJ It never did work a cure, and never can. It bids' the v man ? - escape fromdrowningby4 Jlun- gmg deeper beneath the waves ; r - It tells him to quench the flam e ' - which isburning in his heart bTaddisrfueltai&Itpre "r tends to heal the leper by ttrus- j ong mm mxo xne inner recess es of theilazaTaiousehere 's-s disease runs not the most mis- . erably. By makingbad worse, ,w the lover of pleasure hopes to recover ; from the qualms of conscience. As a notable ; in 1 . stance of Dr. SadduceVs pra( x ': tice," in ; its mildest form, I would quote the case of George Pox, the celebrated founder of - the Quakers; when perplexed - - i about his salvation, ho went to i divers friends and ministers - for advice; one said he thought it vould dohim much good to smoke tobacco; another recom1 - mended him to' get married as ' speedily as possible; another thought if he joined ; the ' voi : unteers,r that would certainly - take off his thoughts from -melancholy. '"Alas!" he says, - - - ?I found them as empty as a - hollow drum." SUch phy- - - sicians minister no medicine to a mind diseased; - - ; ' A story is -- told ' of Oarlini, ; the Italian actor, who being f the subject of heavy- depfes rsion of spirit, applied to a - Trench physician and was 're-. . .commended to attend tho Ital i iaa theatre, and, id tho phy- sician: "If Caxlini does : not : - dispel your clociny cciuplaint, -y our cas3 must be desperate in " deed The physician was not a . litth rpri::dyrhea his ipat , . , lent replied, ittAlas! eir, I am 1 , Oarliui;,End i whila I divert ,v , all Paris with mirth, and , :nokQ them almc:t dia with O t laughter. I tr!V5-ir rm f1n ,s v J "0 with melaccholy" Hotr einp ;ty and inefficient nro :i tho .amusements of: -the world! Even in their Ian filter, their heart rejoice 3 not. llircrahb comforters are all the: 3 who would drown " crion.;ness in Wini r'" 'po!mnnf " "V the heart is drink! f F to-morrow! wo die; tro dreads to 'die, and' trembles j him un;iwarcs.: , ...'.q -A uiach' more respectable firm ol physiciantoj he tablished fronT fitno lihme arof H al in the reionf IMount inai near jt ijo7abqtl"e. ofu-pno Halrar known' ps ji he bondwoman. jTlie hnsiness is nowi carricdori bV1 Dr. Legality and . his pupil! Mr. prtdwihth!e headf inUhat Civil it v. - i Yon ... wi 11 , remember thaiirt John BunyanV tjtiiejthey' were m ; large practice j air. Worldly wisemarj t :waV iheir, patron,' and 'sent the; pilgrim round that way; teninhim that the. bid" doctor 'had ' muchVskili irt delivering' meh., of heirj Or-' dehs'and that jf 4 the old Vehtle- :man" himself was not' at hbttie, nis young - man, : xur . vtviHty, would do almost as AvelL jlnis firm was trading in our Sa vior's day r under th&naxne -of Scribe -and4 Pharisee.It !vas the same4deceptivesystem,i'and under different names,; it will al ways be the; same Apiece oT im-f posture until; thexrack-of jdoom. Thephejory t)f Ipracticens this; VBe pareful in jjiet;arid .regi jneri be very observant Cok certain laws andregulationsy and theif your issue, .of blood, or. whatever it may be,-shall be healed.!'! G? all over England, and the great; doctor, for men's souls, the most popWarphysician .nojvhymgjJs; this1 I)r Legality iThoi ione greatresription : sJ tovtJns and do that; abstainfrprnf ihisu and give up thet)ther ephej commanamenw anq Play, ja; rtain hours, and Tjthese, thing i will save you," Dressed put in. cuereui itisiiiujiB, put ui was mo BanveTthirig t his great' falsehkodt bf salvation f htthe worksl .at the law isT s .A t H'i ' it iniaginii'lhat indterlal substan--cs"u'can "be !?fobd . for '"'souls. SurclyUhU "DrJ Ceromoiiial flonri?hes all the Inbro because of the "monstrous absurdity 4 6f iiiJT tencliingsj nis pills arc huge Ull i der its iron sway holding mem uh- aud deluding ineir s aesirucuon. There may bersome?nbwpres ent who are unhappy enough, riot to know the ' truth which us sb" plaihlyrt By ) ilia i the ilSee'dlWthelaw there s no flesh be justified in his si IbrWtheiawis'iheMowtedga ofSgin:IvraMmf self for many a a ay ireaiea oyais lur. draught 'have'I svvaI13we3 unV operati are peculiarly ' efficaciouyprajV5 ers Biihi. or' Bung - in : wihihi are far ;moro- prevalent tha tin blacky and acctirding to tho I age of the year 'a'rid 'the Condition .bf-the? moohypu.ee, violet', scar ier and bfue,' nr more acceDta ble ii Gcxl. have no patience with these 'things; it is hardly ' good enough sport for laughter; but? so long J as fools abound knaves 1 will ' flourish and ; this Dr. Ceremonial will get men to to r spend their substance in abundance; and ' laugh in I his sleeve to think that rational be ings should be his r silly dupes. I trust there are none such herei I hope none of you are so be fociledl What can there be in crossings, bowings, ! and utter "gi oyandi over the same words r btiWhati is any worship unle:thp reason and heart ent. teririto it la it nQt as absurd as the fetishism of the. Bushman, to believo that bricks and ? mor -raa stales ana jooaraing, can make; a holy- place? -iThat indeed, anVone plae can be a jot holier than another; jthatjany piptiiiigrnd,icanbe: holier than comrnpnigrjDundj not that any man, because, certain words have been said over his godless, graceless -head, can be made a dispenser' of the grace , of God. aiid a-parbner)f sins! ,iWe: are riot sq befooled; but still th;s quack f drives a good trad e, and is ei(x la yery mgu . repuie. i , t l;8haU now.mention a phys- iciau TyhapractigesamorigDis senters a well ,jas i elsewhere, am persuaded i has some der : his orders. I tried," to keenJ ao4ilriir swiorDiffoted. uik't jaw ui jruu, uu . uiuuu. CI vain to- ofTer : it 13 r.m :o ana uio nce, cr ta fill l.i-Ml.3 Lo-.tI. vh:n tLa arrows cf GcIeIIcIi WCiir3 .en tli3 c-r, i-.n.l 1 f-3tta rnicn' vain ee;:-3 ;tonr, tliey th:v Gel: 11:3 :rv rcn:- U2 that iiy epentancearidHears must l-an atonerrient for fthe' past ' But 'fvh6'-can '- keep the' law? What matfean keep whole what he has broken? We have each of tis already? simied and therefore me hope of aitiiiori by our own goodness "is vain one. - The law pronounces curse uponf the man ; that sms but once;iihowicari;thejmaii then, havmg alreadvLsiuned ten thousand times j hope by ' any future obedience to escape from the curse 4 'which hangs thick and heavy over his head, soon to burst in eternal storm ? i Yet this is the r fond, delusion, of hu- mamty; Sin-Ji is .still Jhe chosen route to ; heaven for the crip pled sons of a father who found tho.ta8k too much for. hirn. Some of you imagine that if you do your best if you are kind to every nouy, it you are. ?eherous to the poor, if you, owe no "man anytning,.ii you conauci your- selves respectable tnis - f "is enough to save, but i it is not so. He that1 believeth noC lori Jesus Christ shall be damned as Well in bis morality as in his debauchery, he that caste th pet mmseii upon tha mercy ct tiod as revciiea m tho crucmed Sa vior, hai: hnt hirnseSf i anmet tho cno portal of heaven, and t::ai n - D3 acia to enter into r physician ju.crcj u anotner pnyician Vi'hem I greatly tie -pise, but am compelled to, mention him. be- cno 13 0.rw.w.A-L ,41..-. , n '.. X1l3 drurs nro vre.v.. a..d 1..3 u.Cuvj o f c ... ii r Tsf cr t y lie is f ha y incur.- dec diver. entice cf then the l V...... J V,A t..o i.w . . .... mcnt. IL'Dr. C;rc:nc::;ii I: ? cmT pa re by i J! o v ... , i - ' to V - 1 ' ! t. t-. r ci::-a cf ; 1 CI 1 , ! C a of youfor ilis patients. J His name js rrthodoxy. i His trpMment consists in this, that you are to beliovd certain doc- ly, and then youjshall be saved. jaa v o x. uu u jsuiuo x inis place, thisiriornirig, whbse ereat dif- nculty about salvation, ; . is that iney; q Annoi quite, comprenena the mystery ot predesunationl If you falkio therii about the precious blood of , Jesus, arid ipeakcofthe soul-saving efSca 5y of a simple trust inhim,they reply: r'Jtsut x cannot auite hnt Serstand 3hte dctiWef elec tion 11 and then ihey mention soriie jpassagorof Scriptureupon that, subject-their notion be ing' that if they ; could under-; siana 4 mysteries . tney would then bo saved; i$ they could hold f he orthbdoxfaith ine.very point, 'they would be delivered from their sins. t But it is not so I have known ; scored of persons who haye been held in norrible bondage by exclusive ly thinking upon one part of orthodoxy to the , exclusion1 of the rest; . Xhey vhaye grown more wretched, more distract ed, moro hopeless than athey were before, ; because having heard the doctrine of I election andpredestinationpropounded. they must forever bo harpin upon it.'. It i a.blerzed. doc- trmej and I believe it and hold it hrrnly, that God has Va chbt snTpeople, bat for all that, bo fur3 men havo corns to Christ they often make that doctrine to b. a stcso of ttnmklir 7 and a roc!: of clTencs. Even if you would be infallibb and believe every truth r i it i 3 tar -lit i in scripture in tno raczt correct manner, yenr belief would r ct save ;r you, , j.ruo religion ? is Z mero th-n -ccrreet tometiiinT .a cpin ien s. .A r-n may r 3 well apecena to , r.eil ceircrthcdo. a3 heterodox. Thero is a cor rect re". 1 to dcetrncticu ci rrel tho subiect1 btdhtiiti?1' 't:,4 hot said Wilt Mat Book, ! Jjnt Btlll thfa is th'O cii rrprtt f edchm of'jfnariy; arid is sd' hrihchl Jua lioed that trie Hvill nof truf-t: ihesuSChrisfc: ccatistf ItUcH ' 'havb'notrfelMRribxrU cd the?6ther,'3atti6fe ijvcrM teUfdTori ihviSti thost1 neoa ; 1 xio nor leei any neeu n; I ought, arid thwefoVe i f ; insl riot 'ootne f ' 1 U fein'olrundeei atatowliy'lWiaMS' open tiieirer8yior time eiuri oi. miuu xuy mai, u esus vuriss. b& yW seristblo' iiiii'xWbirtHi "to avefeinners ffomjtlibirl ini 'ststtslbilitf 'tliaV Jeshs? 'Christ; bids sinners, as sinnertj believei injbirana command tdH6sowhd ferment. rSIen are not only to come tcitK broken' hearts,4 but jr(rvrbr6kea 4 heartVnd-f ftVeycarinofi feeO ineir ueeu, iiiuy suuuiu come to I Jesus to be helped to ie6t their 1 need ; for this he gives them, 1 'Tis his Spirit's rising beam.?-' My Lprd arid Master wadts nothing of you, O Iqst andbank rript sinfters. Ho bids you come nothing at all in yourself; and having aII in him. I n believe those who hink- they ! do i not feel theineod, often feel their need the! most. ( If 1 an v one should say, I have a sense of need then lie claims to have something good ; but those who confess that tuey have no good feelings or emotions, aro poor bankrupts, broken down,; .so that their last penny is' y6ne and to theni is the gospel sentl Trust Jesus, believe that ! he can do what you cannot ! dp, and in the absence of any good in yourselves, believe that, all the good you want is treas uredL up m him, and cast yourselves empty, naked, soul-diseased as you are, flat upon the perfect work of Jesus, and you shall be saved; : ' :;i 4; ' ' . k I have just gone through a list of those physicians with which I believe t many of you have long been acquainted, U. What is the "reason of their failure 1 " Why is it that none of the prescriptions bf these learned and popular gen tlemen haye lever beeV able 'to Hxst of all, because they; none 01 tuem, understand theidis- . If the disease of , human 'na ture were outward iniquity, or only sfcinrdeep, .through mtel lectual error,, ceremonies per-. naps inigus nave some etrect, and ' legal exhortations might be ot some use; but since the inmost heart, of man is deprav d and the sin of our: nature lies in the very core of ;our hu manity; and is inherited f frorii our birth, of what avail is 'cbh secrated .watery or sacraments. orft good, works, .or anything external,which cair notchans:e the nature and turn7 the bias of the mind! Tbe will is; obsti-: nate, . the affections depraved. tbo understanding is darkened, tne desires- are ' 5 polluted; the conscience- fis t stultified' but legal physicians' make Mclean the outside : of the ' cup5 " and platter, they touch not - these inward evils. They- do riot really know that man is dead in sin; they treat the'paticnt as. if he bad wounded himself a little, and could bd salved.and bound up, and made complete again, fiiiey know not r the deep pollutionf ' sih but (ml cgice that man : hai ; Etained hinaeelf a little, and only a- lit tie, EoaEpongo of. rciormation arid a littlo hot water of re pentance, will toon remoyo all unplea:aut marl:3 Ent it is not to; the fountain cf our be in is polluted, tho foundation cf our naturo is . rotten, and not until wo cono to Christ do - A I ft we una tne . puysiciau v. no cornea to tho point and who touciic3tii3 uie ,3at usEourco, Icrcovcr, . theo physl i i 1 ; 33. , phjdchuXiprfcscjibCi Mralknij m XUpsQ who bave brolicn their legiimVsightiaj iaromdfpr those i whose? ejfe ategorie ; bidiU menroiddinvlfal Jtheyf caU not,f andilmfveritpiuutiii, thraaQiiWlfafcfJcEU3yhas Jidda duithetw bhalflViWhen Me gospeItibidtedsijatieii! ie'ase5 frani .toUiiigfciiatns4'f(lftr- iaJti'uS( having diothinsj add beingtfi3iething int linmself,' alliiniH ;iAuxlwlienxAt nld vray in -iTlrich a r truth inhi.3 rijht.h iloriri bislci a li; Ono incro r-vri ..i l :i :nr.y cr.rry in hi; 1 7Cl t!;: 1 - X - 4 t. ton Hohol.Tirn-'lt-1 v.y to I;"1 r;T"l 'tl that eveni6jU?thfturiftbf Iqdmi4piiit,itfterjc3 itfpi2t4 le-f forei hito anatailabl0 .anethddl PiiltWeakfeiiUtllBstJ'Ikti'dn imosju uisxissiifnMa' ifi t ii Jrctnren uati: sistersiep me Bayjplainljfdbis oriemusil,! and thenx le2kt Iki&ipdlntiir Best rvVtionilyou sitsltracei the" creatures pdwertor;merrr,you; Beeiw4rjb thaiis Irfoilcdfarijd pouutoai xit tuore i a t u e fountain bndrop oC anything butl Jesus'tblooWatf will I not f cieanse: u uiero jdo in tno rooe one single; thread, of .anything l i .li l. !a.l 4 Jt I iLx often prcscriba rcmcdhj'which" aro impo.::ibl3 to their patient They tell tho man, "Yea mn f.alro inucli." . "Pcir t.dtli he, "7l1y my heart ii liko rraii- ltev' If I could "feci, I"' could uo iuo rcx; Lutican no i-eroioinylf f. ;1 tl. -il tin ma'o i:ij:..Jf an .r.-:l uO gained a:j'4 Ios.1 ; The ' doctors haij blistered here; and lanced, ihete and given this acrid poi sdriGand that !riausebria - druW jarid ha Jbiceri skillful irilrioth- mr, dub iu causing - neeuiess f n7J,BoySvJiile to effect your salvation r vou have obeeri look Inaf'awa from, Christ tbsome one else, yon have been n ecu IsiiT ,trbubl6d and ;-tortured Desbair'hasliWered'v'aronnd or.path'jV.desporiency I has hing its pall oabove "you ; and yon?nve mucn ,more , gioom and death, shade yet to endure, nniesSYon trlve'mr'all1 that comVipfye'tLarid .past Tyour ielfmfChrisL r Would make but what! Christ iworked i out for us while herd! below j the whole robe is polluted, .will nor served as fUweddihg garment.- d?or K- ai needy?; soul i tho. york must be t Ghrist's 1 from i top l to bottom, all of him, and alrbf grace; bufc?if there be anytliirig' of; human : merits br anything, else -t? that & Kcoinethsit liSman? the wbrkis!mawcdliupK)n thef wheel a-nd God! will in6t acM cept it. i These aro some of the reasons why i these physicians fail to brin'g health taudiicuVe.1 Ishail discrib the plight of i the patient ojhaa tried hesedeeeivererand how at lasi; unus niuiseu nrought inclistress:! nftib - 3?br fiveyearsfI"Wa!n that puguh "FS. cy . way, that I knew of 'to find peace 'wittfGooT Af the riji of that womau.,r K6 there were four pieces of mischief done" in her Who knows theValuVof a 'day 1 Twelve yearsi5 all gbriel And yyhat a "pityHhat; jthese! poor, rifionle who are seektiicr wt lie saved by the works bf the! law: isnouiu oujosmir aujuwiao-t"- ybu, dear friends, who are snot yet savelshould begetting gr&aiid so many years should be;runuing ! to waste i;TUey ought to be spent for the Lord. I hope. they may bet, what reraairieth, pf them, butt think and bo humble ; you have been all ibis time 'outside the ban- buet dooirall this time Tih- washed,' wherii tthe fountain is full-alLthiSi time, unhealed, when th restoring hand j can save'you,inxa minute-all this tiihe in ieopardyi .and iu tlan- gerofyourbul,"'3yhletheg,ate of the, city of :ref uge. has been open. iV It is a, solemn" Jo-sl 'hf time tnax xneseueiusions uring on men ; aid ypt we7canhot tear them awayjrom juem j tcr if ?we' prove the j folly' oV one tbey take another f and 1 if iwe prove the folly of all, l'y e t stil I r .1,-j,'.- .:.' J:i ''aiA- ,?t:: win. tney go uuck lo.uemtUKo a dog to his vomit. 'They will have anything soOrieOhahjgd to Christ, foiGhrist himself has said; lYe wilt; not ' coind unto me that jre'M. might, ihavb life any where "elso menjwill '' 1 11 . . t t -. ... i ' J 1 '""if ,Jf cneenaiiy go,- oui uocr 10 umi. The second mischief in tho caW waV that setcds'tlo letter I If gho had;felt! a " littloet ier, sho would havd llnd iobii en couragement ; it S, onld" hdvo been talhfaclJry to havo to mo Taia'mitgated, some i:v :.;aro of tho dk'iaso ttayed"; "t j in yomi ca;3, you aro na 1: W r W fifeas bad as jou'ean be. Bet- i tor oveu 11 uusus were autrrv to ruriiriWlus arnis, than to ChriobiTitai miif le.toVarej'tne utT teritbut wmlbhekiq others it Is not possible for you toWsaVed J they'3will either bolster you up with self tight- eoushesswhich will ' harden jyur uotiri ui ciao uaau ijuu dbiyn b)f putting before you im which will be to increase your adventure' of it, if I 'were' ..you, oFVou cannot lose bV it: 1 vou your . J "Kone Dtu jctas, ooae bat Jesa, 4-. ns 'ti$k &6 helplCM aoneri good i 1 Yet helpless' dinners pierce themselves thioughwiih many bhysiciaris for relief; One more niatter:I;hV woman) ihad hW; speh't all ' that she had. "Helyertyyras aTnewillbf wMcn tae oniy; good . was that now site h!ab!nb!mbre to spend !with ;the yiciahsf she was n: to vjmscir-too--.n is a man's finger that saved her j it' was Christ whom she touched ' True, the -healing came by the uufa vi uuiui, i out -uio act ot faith .is : not.j:the:;hcalinr tho .healinir, ?all lies in ! the person ; so that you an not ; to be looking to your faith, but to Jesus theUord. 4Has your faith' a good object 1 . Dost tho i rest in Jesus, God's Son,Godi ap pointed propitiation I .If so. thy faith will' bringr ithee to hcaven--ir is good cnoulrhl The strongest faith a nian ever bad, if it did not rest on Christ;', damned him ; the weakest faith ever man or woman had, if it did but terminate in the pre cious person ahu all-suificientf work .of Jesus, would 1 certain ly ei-A '( :.""-" 'i t -'-. . 1 be lact is, sinner, 4f thori wouldst'be saved,Uiou must from" this moment have nothing more" to do .with thyself, T, with i thy goouness or my baanessj 'r cannot feel,1' saith the. sinherr-' that is thyself again.' Away wiiii mai ieeung, tnou art to 1 be saved by what Christ felt nbt by 5 hat --:thou -feelest MI cannot" .What ' care I. what thou canst hot do? ' Thy . salva tion does' not lie! iri; what thou causi uo . our. in wnai Jesus can do, and he can1' do J everythingi than you were A, -hen yci Cr:t 1 per il vo 4 t cnterca tun iicu:3 cOr r Yci havo'-rcfer: hn. p3, v h ich i j ccci y given I'pa come icvil ;Cun3 which' vrcro onco'very tic ar t o yon that i? 11 ; "bait t till yen no net cno rrriuha'T; "."on could not dio to-day . r.nv greater c j avo (li l livo l;:wo r.o I " . .e: talityi-y,; ta" LV.A r.:, crvi: -r t 1 5 1 nT- r. : v, t cici i: V '- : t tv"nyc ic ion cr i ;i yr:a I'" 1 .t : i Lr 1 , i . ..a; ... ' nifesseIfhoriglv; exrietfence wheii a matt Has sbeht kll, j wheni 'he' f discovers that lie has-;m)thing 'lefWriot not so Imtwhaa o1an atprh of riieriiv br Ihbp or ever; having any. tIt is well HyHeiL the man w otj1 a! -il watra IHi rt it t li t that perchance tbere.xriight be an escapefor 'me,' but I,. have no hope left how- As for pow er, I am destitute of it as I am of meritr ; Xfeel that. I would but can not pray; I. would but cahj riot repent; I want toe be Ueve, but I catt no' more be- lieVR than X Waiifly tAf mnaf all come from God.! , A.t suchp ' .ime it will come from God : for maifs extremity,, is God's opportunityWheri you are empty; ;when your, stock is all gonereven to the last rag and crumo, auu you aro ieib a pP' Iesl,-hopeles3,v ' undeserving, hell-deserving sinner, and can truly,: feel that "'unless- God sireicnesoub uu, uuuu lo.savo you, you are lost as the lost in hell, are, 7 It is then that Jesus Christ; reveals himself, and the soul cries,' HlMy Lord,' the glo rioul'Son ofGod. there is. no hope -except 3 iri .thee ; . 'thou canst save me; I cast myself ou-vnee, wutmeri i, eiuit? or swim ; ! for, I am , persuaded nothing clso , can . rescue me and while I can but perish if I do rely, upon thee, so at a ven ture 1 will rely, upon thee. ! If I.ara cast into hell, as x ieei-x deserve to bo, yet still I will believe that, thou canst save me. Ah! then thou canst not 'perish neither shall any pluck thee out of bis hands- If ttod give tue e power to Deneve i" Clrist, and trust thyself to him, thou art as .surely -saved ai Ge l is iuTicaven.and Christ there'-' pic dfcj ut ht3 i I v . . . to th c : 3 who have feat teir nil ca .the faUo physic: r-. I havo a vrcrd to a cure . can bo rirjh 1 r if If Wfcj feu. V 4 Thi n caid to herself, euro u for mo to ret rear io" Jcaust.I can see t-atdeet : crocf norrood. can riot .!p tnyc;lf, neither t 1 I ca not pt my I3 t If I cannot . i to l j to lay hold -r 4 . t , . l - c:... - : tLoravel- :itis cf cf ,ole: 4 can- Liuu ..111, riie help thy faith with two or three words as th Holy Spirit inay bless them.', 'Christ is God; hath he not power to save ihee? Christ, the bleeding' Son of God,- hath bowed his head to i the uc, cursed d eath of the crossr bear ing his Father's anger that those who trust him may not bear it.. Cannot the blood-stained Christ pardon sin ?o Christ is hisoFath, era darling trust to him., ? Will notJQod grant mercy ? when you plead tor , Jesus isaker .Jesus lives I to it day he is i no o dead Christ that you; iire , bidden to trust in;;.. He lives,' and this is his occupation,; be ia I plead in before the throne of i God,- land this is his : plea, ."Father, forgive them for my sake.?'j v Seeing he died to save, txann -t si he now that he lives save, to the utter most?. At his Jast dying -moment" he said to the thief, "To clay shall thou be with rae lia paradise.'7 "Jan. he nat say as much now that he. "; wears the crown of elorv ? Yes; you maval -- . ' . ,r" . . . I nave come in nere xnis raornm without a cood ihobght' never having spoken a holy, word ,in .your life, but he can save you as . . I 1 . .. 1 J! , At. il!r.l A . quicKiy as ne aia iue vuiei. fixy. and though when-that clock struck twelve you were a grace less wretch, yet at this 'moment you may; be already & .saved soul; ay, . and 1 ere : the xlock ticks .again,' another -may i be called by crace, 'l- Christ .works not according to time; he is1 not hmited by minutes., It,, thou canst turn thine eyo to his cross and say, "Lord, remember me, he can give as his reply; "Thou shalt be with me ere long in para dise." With liod incarnate, with the God-man who bled on t'ie cross,Twith the ion of 1 God ascending, clothed with lhajis ty reigning in splendor,' with him whose promise we this day proclaim to you;" there r can be rieither difficulty nor; .debate. The promise" runs , thus: it file that belie veth on him is not con demned;'V ''Believe id the liord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.1!. "He that believeth and is baptized shall be : saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.'7 Wilt? thou believe in him? - It is t - come to him to trust him, to lean opon him, to hang upon - turn, to make him thy sola and only ground o dependence.; Wilt thou do Ciis? Has God enabled thee now to do it ? . If. so, go in peace; thy faith hath made thee whole, thy sins nro forgiven thee: po an livedo his praise, who bought thee with his blood, uo, you man. and serve him earnestly who hath served thco so wclL Go, now, and till lifs.s , lates hour be thou his eervast who hath been so much thy friend The Lord bless us for hi3 name sake. Amen 'From what I havo een I do believe that do class of per sons aro more likely to bo de ceived with false hopes th rn rucAi as havo been in - the hahitcf drinking freely ,thonp;h net to intoxication. If, whilo under conviction, a person, al loys him:elf to rip a littlo to rr.L3 hia fcinking -spiriti?, he 13 rnro to grieve away the srlrit c:God! I couM Cllrhceiiwith :i DUCArrnv op D(t nn Ape first, frrctt-f-nlf ;- their traimphV.o i-'-o -"-3 to" haver thf"i lerr-. t . m while ybua3..:Py r" -eans" their education is .r-rr ftn. ishedV.earlvT-thV... i""1,-rtnnl brce 'arid flash. b;n b-:med out, .used . up a Ho y., Of those thus ..'crowd?! rr"y dies early, 6me are Ieic rrment myalids,'and others'svll" retain their 'physical po. ?r l "t fail mentally. The brH;t f?1 - -rsh: come not only dul I r y r - rs ad- yance,but .fiomcti:... i 'f 'Lively imbecile,oras we say, w; -rnInd d. Of aH these cl-issta I have seen many very sad instances. til'The peculiar phases cf mjnt- ar anrl -physical deran ;sment induced ty: ovcr-staJy while oung -are prcjented.re at cngthinTo::to, !:nts and henca I v. r.elil... . uoon Hi ...i. kjl..j ... . ... ctiir- girls are not . c:.e.;h in mind orboy to . J ' 3 ta bor of a college- course till they, are eighteen cr tvrcLiy 'years of uge.; 1 j-uuncnaDcr, that I do not say they, can; no t i I :crn : tl. e ap- poinieu lessons, ,crtaat they may not -graduate .with - honor' ef eu.beforejthat c-e, tut it will & tne expence cf minder hodv; which .will jshe, itself, in after years; iThcir wemanhoed will notr peJ a.s stror.g, c.3 cerrplete, as enduring; as it would have been if they had had Ices" study ui vaify giruioou. nc. r :iy is ineir , jieaith almost ir'-r:ably i 1 t ... -. J uijjaucu,,iuc.. wii ir. " ' icarn when ; musvo vcr-cr c"''J d U evanescent,-s Many k vornff woman, uuurg the tJ-vs cf m- yaUdism which , succ-'.-l , her scheol course says, .'! ai lor- etting all that let ' : mrs. uleason,-in , ui T :rald of Health.-; j In connection - , ith ' t;:e in junction of the Apctl3 1'c.ul in ppaesians v: lOj .to t 3 "iiiied With the spirit," there ii r) cau- tion not to be drun'c wit :i, wine, showing that to be ' ur.d r the influence of alcohol is totally incompatiblef with beirT under divine . in3uencc3.' .Mno pure spirit of God will not corn 3 into the soul, or dvrcll v, hero this darrion is. , There is ecniethini: ofTeri'sive arid abhorrent tj Him in the condition as cno v;ho has yleldedTiiniseif up to tl:e apa tite . for strong, drink,' including wine." ' ' , ; : ' ; 'lii 1 5 Corinthians x: 21, the salno Apostle calbthe ir.ebria tirig'cup, "the cup of devils," because' the heathen in ! their worship poured but libatiens of wine to their false and abominable-gods, and drank to their honor,- under the impression that they wcio pica;, J with the intoxicating- Mrauht, end he warns christians ajainJ its use, declaring, "Ye . 'can not drink of the cup ' of the -Lord5 and the cup of devils.''' riot only b tha use of alcoholic liquor to the extent of drunkenness t.T .aeive to God, but it ij also U -ay de gr-e.1 - It shut3 out cno f. ni al communion and icllowwl.lp wit Him.' Dr. 'Ildllrcoh i.i th Herald of Ilealili. " all ith 8 "I think v: i k. f 11 UUHiJ .0 UZa a I;c a " aj . . r An : - Honest 2lAi;.---The Christ' an Kirn thu3 7 describes' him : - 1 y Wheu the war commence!, La -was known to ba ona of the Lioct sub stantial,' pnbHa ppiriteJ, a,aJ wealth lest citiiu ) '.-1 iT-llz. ' At iu clusej he found hiui if hcpdio-Aj invol--ved. 1 So great hji been U losjef by the result cf tha war, V;.Jz it was impossible for hiia to ci: ,t h: j pecu aiary obliga'tiocs. - lia i.-. ..-.lit'Iy eb'Jght an inter tie. .I,a!j c;;I itora. creat and E.ua!l. ana u-L i- r w ' ing Idaselt freely,' rcvcJ;i 1 hi tree condition, prZA c .L one a conprceeLe, by f 1 about thirty-lira c:at: ;L . with the procui?, tl't' r.'.: tune ever smila cn hi do better, they to tchx lecal ob'i;ta.tion to r. The propciitioa to f; ' nLly t 3 t;. ;. 3 accepted, and .a fill re!c"3 e 3 qW eu hira, end m soia? cz. moral obli, i'ioa to pay r absolVeJ. V s borrowt 1 t. to pay what ti diI paj, an 1 hia real en'a. h;ch j. left, to the pjtscnt f i' tI- And hen with a e :r.all rittr monv thus Lorrovre 1. t 'rt . ofhi3poor r.c:Lbor.', them fc-rnnll er.r..3 toe. start acun. TLij v;:.3 in t .of ISC5 and 'C3. - Time rolled on, an Jt': referred to went C to LuftinPi t r . I went air- -t cfi 1 th:a ) each - w 1 f:r eali cilli every i hid net. fibs :nuy o . 1 to fiind.i, . i ... .. i V - 1 (. c t .r nan . elf tnd rrncr

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