vol. xxsiv. AuXjx&Bir zsr. p. ; wEXDisTEaip-y, mabch 22, :is7i. 1 .... '.! - " t. - , i v . - for the Biblical Recorder. , ' : , - Let' the Truth be SpoW j f Editor. Tcrar corres pondent (Yen Us) of the 15th alt, seems to he in donbttn re gard to tnQ trnt " aml' inlPofr tknce of the christian religion. jfar X-in aware that the dif ferences which bxist between the Baptists andlPedobtptista, do hamper the mind of those "WOO alv fcvr Mrvvfc&w the truths of the christian . ro 'IjVion as a mere matter of fact, with difficulties whicb are al- most nnsnnnonntablo. But I am Tally persuaded tnat tne wrong is inhnen,and not in the truths of the Bible. . And ho cause fallible men differ, is no reason that we should discrcd- the truths of theLBi We. "We shonld not go to tho dif ferences of men to prove any thing but to the standard: so the Bible and see wlfollqws But your correspondent says his "difficulty is - not with the doctrines of the Bible &c.n "But the gordian knot, which I can notpossibjrpuntien (And I am certaiuhenastie'l it him self)" is found in the following statement." - ; '.- 4tThe Lord Jesus has, in .tho gospel, promulgated his com- ' inands, accompanying v them. with the "most solemn sanc tions, promising his 'favor? to the obedient, and - threatening ' the disobedient with his dis pleasure, when at the same ' time, 1 his laws are declared in language so vague, and ambig uous, that ! hey can not possibly he understood." . - . ; 1 "In the name of reason, I ask can an institute, or relig ion, subject to so serious an exr ''ttiou be divine 1" . TT 4-1. A. il. o lAlminitAtl such exceptions.. 1 -I confess that soTne passa ges, in King James7 Transla tion, are burdened with ambig uity, owing to the stato of the language at present And some ; words are s anglicised .which should have been trans lated. But this fault is in the translators, and not in Christ. OPaulsays : MBut the natural man receiveth not tho things of the spirit of God ; for they are foolishness unto him : nei- thev are srmritnftllr discerned? J I Cor. ii :14. Audi suppose, i if Tteis notii speaking ironically, that this must , be his condition. Now I , assert that Christ's commands - are spoken in language plain enough for any, sane man , to understand. But the difficulty,!, after all, which seems to bo in his (Ver itas7) way is that men ; differ about baptism. Now liiy.aur, swer to this is if the Scriptures prove anything "under the sun it is the immersion of bo lievers.in water, without the least iutimation tint" infants should ever be substituted for for believers, or sprinkling for immersion. 5 , Divine sanction, precept, precedent, or example cannot be produced for such a change. And I would suggest a supple ment, to the prayer Veritas has compiled, for some of his "thrbne-beseigers," in the lol- , lowing words : Oh Lord, we know thou hast not command ed us to bantize , ( or snrinklel ! infants, but it is more conven ient, and we think will answer es weu as me immersion 01 believers. : He; (Veritas) gays: "The Kcran toz more tsvidenco divinautIi?nticity.M ; "The mcrjlicn are rnoro united tln chri;t-ns JEo this vro answer: Satan is H3 Enre.of tho mcssulinen as he wants to be, in their present -disturb them. But he wants to divide thc:3 who prefer toba cliristhns, in order to "haipcr" tbo mind3 t ci r.3 mny 3 hz can. a ... . Vr. A. Pool. Taylorsville, lu C. I OTE. If Eeems to : bo ; our duty to r'ate, that 'V.eritas, was Elder TT. II. Jcrd an, and Is "U'as certainly ing ironically.. -Answer; It tCf B ut salvation depends oii (j I in st alone. , , 1 I o 1 1 - ourselves oi iuis memoa asi ii measurca mur uescrt ? witn of nhrUf " at1 ntiiliiiAa in ! Dkar', Rboobobb :-My V jm " tUpir stead imtorate,, and tho l.it ' n-i n-l.nni ftf I. . vH4i fVrtlM I U. 11 V 1U Ills itlUIVtUMlS. iVIItl UUU I.UUMSI III iUMIIli VUU1IU1UU iUf UU I. For. tJe Biblical Recorder., - Andersonvllle., : -J4. young brother, O. Inrham, of Yako rovest I College, thinks chancro ,of ,b,if r vile ienmity.- ,and: opposition J that because I" said ... i sermon, did not grow particular" text, I ought to LimvT ivliJit: dnna ffroWout of it-i in ?uke manner,- i say a has been distributed over many pravors th it n i 1'ornuiia iii'Xi. vj.. nnu is i read i mmiA nriitA inr n ttmn tnumvrt i iiim.t navm.f rnnfntannrnnT. i ccriaiu t : - . w I " - ; ? i . ; ------a -r- v--- -t ' a r n7J-""sans. Jt may be found active habits may , so.ronovatq p the,, costr-not .who horn we ' uuu in miu vuuicia ui i ijis Ills ueullll illlll iTUUirilliq I "i uwiu wuv ti wti swiMf picture. frames and in other I to enable him to roturn.to his I tucro is, no,?repentancot inihat conspicuous places. : - - - ministerial labors, and bo long NeiUerdoes' jepentanco require . L . l 1. 1 ? J. ! l ntilAtUAM Alfmh f vnT . J .ft - . . jfc. -. ministers 1 rstea u nr tmmtr overy where preacliincr 'the word in accordance with their coniinission' stay at home arid ord, and this is the solution Jf the "TJnVnrtwn pmit-.'' - ' ' 1 waikefl sadly - through the hroad central walks are L-nlA -i.:k i.i covered with nure whifn c,t from fffteen to forty -1 W f"e Vlack .eorfili pc-hlo is Yankee prisoners ofW scad oyer it, which has a Trti not crro w unon . r 4. i . -..-. v si l j ' a oanyuu i: fllU urrader of the wdl to lor grauiou j uim a- iwi t Jots grow upon nt niLuougu x never saw such a tree-' - : It has been tho burden'1 of prayer and of vthought' with uie not so much to know what the, unpardonable ? sin Uiui that I may never be guilty ' of thatin. Tho sermon refor-f red to in a fonner commuriica? uou reprteuis ,iuo -ui l'auu- , vatio of otherg amo sin to do -someming- hko g, ;A dosiro to o' y Chriat iu hi nej?iecr,inriiie crearsaivaxion. i commands iin-iimnnanoe. : . . f or siigntmg tne cans 01 mercy i , jjv &n w nntil the Spirit grieved :takes h is; ' everlasting flight; r ' 3CU leiffbr the'sermori was Mat- j . . 1 1 . 1. ! I nrlmtUn. .,an.t ft .W.... ! I - . J ' .... ten kvidkjtcss op conversion, i presorveaasau iionoreu iuiru-f "mim? ugui..w mch; uui comwission Jind therefore the m UH BeiyemL-iorsaKei ungoauness churches.wiU not mv thm. r anaiyprwiy jiiists Jtbti thatis Resolved 4. That these res4 lunxlerstpoaandWelkriownl ment in the service of. his vino ULasier. . 2. The rqmoval of a birden ot ain. gradualfy or suddenly.. 3 , -,vf - : J,3. ;A uewr Jov to Christiana and to Jeans.' . v - '- 'i? .4' A,, new reliBh for ,the Wonl-of : ? ;; " , ... m 5. . Plfaauro lnaeerot prayer, at leitst at tima. . ; v.C,Sii rk ain ful thoughts will cause jIn, , , 7. Da-iro and efibrta for the aaJ4 .- - v v ! ; these res4 churches will not pay them. .:... j ,A i . MONTAGUE. w re fellow creatures stilL with i ? aaU hi;ra.a cc ,ar'ji rcs'e. the same Heavenly Father, and llr. wd ,J laaf : raa5 the same caDacitv for mianrv nr oU kcePs ever th? sllcat ment. 10. A jfro viMirioairb hp I W ana like Uamtw 1 John in: d. - .4rf you a Christian? Jf not, why t We will review this card: 1. Who makes a full sur render of the will to God 1 2. a. -trfiril vn era i n at' t n a IT nl v hWOlW Conversion UOCS remove gow.t ilinnro nF his mvn rnontnnM'i it shall not'be forgiyen tne paraon ot sin,me nnpar - " tTr a word, the worth of alibis . - ' O . ,? l 3 2 ; A !I flin nnoaihllirir rtt Ilia mini Alll- I i . . j -fii . . . . .,--t i i it . ' us .--. ijt i An miner i.iiAuBnmn T.mnrr i aio avajvimuvu. uu i i i. 1 o uiai uuu uuui wa.ni u: anu at thewxii: 32, "And -whosoever tycalteth &Kwntft against tle Son of man , it shall be" forgiv en him ; but whosoever speak- eth Ghost; him ther there is any similarity bet ween the text and the sermon, I am not able W see It-u According to the sermon, the nnpardona-, W sin ma?., bo "i committed without uttering - a. word r but the word of God. 5. I don't according to the text and the: know" but I think it probable context it appears that - it is sorao unconverted persons committed by t spcaMng only j take pleasure even in reading Iwna Wats nt Tin vila ;i1iv.1ia prayers in secret. 6. Sin or olntions iVe Unread ?iinontho! I IJut te; jjostisiascettairied td chnrch hnhWrand that a'coi) heno4reformatoht, hwt regen! - T". 7 1. 1 TM " k W 1 I - w 1)Q "presented to"' par ;bejdvqd lf atpilpr fUwUy;3emst hagaihst 'ill propositions pastor as a memorial of out.aH i.ia .wiu s noifeceiye eaa abolish, transfer, or sell out lectionato at a Iishod ft rtir An A.J Udy,agamst ;,all . . o -n . . r I IMPlf ItPSI Will fir IhKIP hcotiilnl I -mm v . oi mi en. X75 1 x. i- : - . -v.-r? '""Ui1 M.ri nan Jicraiu. in is Harmon v wittt H. O. Moss, Mod. .t ' mvyw&' our views: but we respectfallr G. W. Blount, Clerk. , ,4 ; le Wfna no protest against the proposed thnl il. I. i .1 il A. ly called Bro. Thos. ROwcn 7 T A 11 n- snoweth mercy.1 is He comes to . HH ' lliivn Cfllr.RTl " TlT'ArAOTrtil I . . . " " ------ "7 nMrt kft.l.t . i .. . . . t i ibiiii'ii '.i i nir . anMi r ttir i - ...... u ... ,.: to LKon,,dnii 'i ,!t .. tl I- hearts, to rurli 0:2 51! ' regara, ana re-nreB yli xsoxas 3 or the Southern , Bap ui. u J " v; , " " i I read with a rvm rtV,W parting witli him ; and tliafc LimmmWmmi correct tist : Convention. All;i such ""' J" : ? 1 those loved CT fumvoltlio safiie be forward caiculaHonr inatinotrftent fes4 autrffeationa tnl tn rrmnln if a "" Pb y sine, r - - copy ottuo aatiieiwiorwaw iL-tr-A;an;;a .suggesuons tena.to cripple, its andCverv few hundred fat 4h h J?KfcnAifv.! ut. i toi no jsmuoALiiEcoiiuisjji niYs?t'wwMij operations anu suouid be care ...jj " " . .... . . i i .... . ' . . . II J , i lrl- wimrA thn .....J lu 1 1 ,:; i 5 in the same, and-Also! w,PWy, and from the '"ri.u .. , 1 irtirii u fl ins nR or rn. wan ma consolidation of tho two mis- sion ooaros." uur- mission board is doing well. Its opar-' ations have recently been en4 larged and it has the confidence of our people. This confidence dead line" is still ' clearlv marked, and woe to the man! who passed beyond it'. . i he ground undulatinir. and a limpid stream goes r gurgling on, seeming to - say: "Men may come, and men may aw but I go on lorever. :pti6h . t; , y 5,,, - j -7,. -1 t & of DivW.::. and IL GiTtQn. . Co. I 4th Jleg. O. Va.i t; Vt131' " - - ' . A Prisoner ef war to the Rebels," ? " ' , Jnly 1864. ' . , ' f ' ' Age 19 years. 1 . ' . -t ne trusted In Jesu is ' The . Uehellion' is dpd- buried deep beneath the : ashes w ruinea - nomes. amidst ihn wrecK ot equal rights, and earth- I rnnvnrspi with mta iiranf I l V.n. -i " .1 ni. : . ' . . can not be transferred ran not '.i iu V rrw"6v'f- 'J vpcs. ne sleeps calm y SlnJnlidr" ge.n.t,eme" m, that y'tv, and the .deepj sleep of despair-let tmtmw Onr T,nni; Tn'tpmv I ff'T f tooa. on her rest! Shakspearo was wrone don't need it; and i ho must un "Al guaru mere lormomns; ana was when , he made Anthony isH 'with'it a!L? So:the:pVn.i T?!?? TSible to our asd that the same ration i claim. - . , y 3. A f now ! love to Chris tians isf a 1 scriptural evi dence of conversion: 4. Un converted persona relish the history- and the sublimity of ably not take formal , charge until about 1st of June. In the mean time can not some broth er lull ol lovo .tor the cause, and the Holy Spirit, visit us and give us a sories of meet- inss i Wo see that Bro.Pritch- tan won't ner - pens pen- the "full ideter- ard is out on missionary labor. unfei , afflicted with hia own A i. 11 XJ UVJ Ui.ll itent comrs to, mination that ,,. relying upon Christ as hia only righteousness, !l- .. J ! lUCl ITD churches.1 " It has not been long with no confidence j in Sprit of , God. But tho Phar isees said : Matt xii: 21, ; This fellow doth not castont Devils, but by Beelzebub, the prince of the Devils' In reply, Je sus said: vs. ' 31-32, Where fore I say unto you, all man sinful thoughts certainly give pain to some wnconyerted per sons. ...7. It. was stated in the Hecobdeb, that daring the revival in Baleigh, some un converted persons seemed anx ious; about the salvation of For tbe Biblic&l Recorder. Is BepentaTiCQ Preached ? What was the first doctrine taught in tho gospel ? Ans. Repentance. Who taught itl Ans. John the Baptist, and Christ, and theapostles. Said f mm ner of sin and blasphemy shall others. : . 8 and 10. Somo 'per be forciven nnto men: .but the sons desire to Obey , Ohrht in blasphemy against the Holy nisepmman and o kingdom. Said Jesus: libost snallnot De torgiven " "i,; . - . fnlfillftrl anf, tllft kiT1!r John: "Repent ye; for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." And none others are for that Now is not repentance ; drop ped by preachers from the cat alogue of the gospel? And are not sinners instructed to come to Christ without it? Are not . .... . i young and old, children and rong ex- ivPTf alwnvs issiiorl trt tht uria- I Th .vll thoi it ' -..- . . , ii. ' ' . . ' n I J - i I : - r. vtw urea simr tilCU , ' - since, while sitting within a few oners as to v our soldiers: on The good u oft interred with their bone.." teetot where we are now writ- guarL Iknowthat they-suf: - It is an ignoble soul that will ing, wo requested Dr. Yates, of fered fearfully for delicacies.1 insult the Mead. - ai, (we -put this in be- 1 medicines yes. even the c6m-M On a line with the Southeast 1 our square are - six solitary craves, . who with name at their head and and ar- feet; , A name with .Coraranv and Regiment is oneach head board, and beneath simply this: - - . 11U2IO . Jaly 11th, 1861. w The ; Yankee soldier, who . had the Cemetery ia charge told mei that the'sa : werb des- fare, "hoping against hope" ws n the r consohdahon of ranged the cartel . for -the ex and rejoicingl in tribulation!" hejn and Southern boards, change of prisoners, and anally, TVnw U nnf r0nOntnnnn. a He said: "1 would sooner in- when their prisoners outnum- when their prisoners outnum bered ours, refused to exchange aitogetnerr - Ana aid . our soldiers suffer nothing, immured m Yankee prisons t a I hear the unto men., And whosoever uesire to oo noiy ana iiko speak a word against tho Son . Christ. But the great diffi of lman, it shall - be forgiven culty, with them is they desire him; .but whosoever speaketh ' something else more than they against the Holy Ghost," it desire to obey Christ and tobe shaU not be forgiven him, nei- holy; like him. 9. I once knew ther in this world, neither in a sinner .who .professed deep the . world to come." , In the humility, and, j self-abasement same: connection Jesus i sJays, ; M t? are jton oVi deuces s31: 36. i?7. 0 ffene'ratt6n Of -XJOnversioniy!! whichi SSJ10' T?S SSlSmSSS 'What .Eepentancell nv ii. DUDOiL ; t:uuu x i - r rf-.-o - . i n a nr n x,ut of the abundance; ofUhe Christians maraud ought to gea Wt Tho'oldikUli r,e?irf:tbft month sneaketh; , I have theso . evidences of con- -nt s.i- i a..,. But I say unto you, that every l10 0 fa? cees . that is. that thev were ..l ohnll unAnlr 1 LUBf "L'lBV HUllSt IiaVB inB HVI. I , ... - . ... they shall give account thereof 1 weucea was, are rpquireu in pentance. "Bap- ' Ths kr.o,va. anJ much love 1 hjxzn, '! would not live always," Y; ' t ':y elx years a,-ro, by !;.r the " l:jnm ha So the twelve: "They went out and preached that men should repent." How could it be known that they had repented Ans. By their fruits. What were the fruits 1 J " Ans.- Holr behavior : but chiefly, their confession of crease the number ot boards to excite more interest in the work . of missions. ' 1 1 somo times feel that it would be be t-, ter for me to throw myself up l,at adults, told to ffive thnmslve ? the Baptists of North Oar-, ing from . 1 to Christ " when and wKfire r oUua m order to enlist an in-; girt islands. ,1 remember, that 1TI IT- 1 . . " " I JS ; 1.1 .. ill 1 I . i . ' . I . ureaseu Hyuiyaiuy wiiu my a letter sewea dv. manly nanas Work.Vi'AYo should it seek to i within the lining of the coat of araw ucn men near to our J an exchanged prisoner, reached hearts, instead, of talking of me safely from Johnson's Island. transferring them to strangers That letter portrayed in vivid and upon the return of tho raes But here is tho article : ' ; ' i colors the horrors of prison life; senger, was carried1 into ccca 'A writer in tho Iteligiom Herald,' how; 4 each night, our men Jay on j ? recently, advocates theVmenririff of down with the t gnawing , sense 1 - it Was ins saiu::t Eil;r I caw Paatora! Ralainfta 4 -M the two'Uiwioii Boarda into one.and. Ot hunger unappeased With an w J''-ll I suWesU tW-Drburietv ol dromhW insuflicient quantity "of- bed LI 11.1L LIII.L IV IIKII .III' 4 Y 1 ., WW . . mm - - r - j . . r . cellant hrnthfti? T TT T" W I tfwSaBUy -School Board 4rom tho I clothing to protect them trpm dom of God is at hand: repent fJS'UK-8 ? , .I i love a rehg on which has Men no re pentance in it; and it we pub lish a gospel without it, we can soon till our churches with empty professors.,, iy Mark 'Bennett: '4 echoes ot many voices resound-1 jperate men, tried by a ' court- sombre walls, and sea- maruaioi lueir own scliicrs and condemned. - Our tuthor- ities permitted them to sc.id a flag ot truce to - Washis-tcn 'to inform their Government cf the decision. It was aDurovcd of. pletes his articles for' the Be- of boards, and lettbg.the H the ngid . cold, ancL; disease ,m --rt-i oV;:itJ7 uum. Publixatinn SnrUn flinii tn their midst: and the writer ex- wAUMk uu, xaawispttiaues I .: - . .. -.; Li'r :.ur tU-A that ha wil fvnrfbA 'rAo ttio woric mat tne . SonUay Hobool vyu- : Vf."" of the Recorder at Andersonvilbv Ccir.ctcry- the23 . six . graves. -Hcthhlis. I can see me - j uiy saa ii: nictterea.carjinroua tacca eix gallows' V ercctud ' -wlthia the I t . it .. iii rT.:-niJ Itlnwwk thun . s,.mi R,i,.v.r claimed: uver una prison aoor iaoas.-j ci IetoSeb iti iS lWi'ii o'ioiLg.;. .w. direct. bouU , be . emblazoned -the pnsonen were ready to csscsti VIUUUII UIEUIlUUUUUlliaUlOUIHl . .... -r.,, ; ...w. u i,UiU1i Y6 Who en- putu weary nearicx ccnircs. hope behind. I A turn Irom the scene with a - ... . , . ULlLVVaJLll- JViVltlll- " UU UUIl I w . - c T snail joe, conaeumeu. xi me I v"v" " wo . , - , , tlmit.. haurt What Jarft, tlifl I wwuuxone,jiau ministers Pharisees liad hbtalready com-1 But I am tresspassing on pre twn'ttraai. nninte in rnnvflNinn? I officers they had' a mitted the unpardonable sin cious space wmcn 1 wish to a n Ponhtipn nn . f iith I And as we have departed ov wnat iney aiu, tuey .must boo juiou uv auiur pens tuau A-ftff, twn HnMr n ..nnw mo ev xesumwui inoaei in I " 'MUWt u ueuue. i ...x r.f..i tf-. bave been m great danger ot mm&v-Aiiowrmo to say to our taucht bv preachers - .This is I mis respect, JL .suouia be pleas vmiKracaand w naoie nu , Ppare tn : their ashes!". Southern gate is this beautiful it.1 Jit mis is a correct render- young urouier, preseryo your vei.v donbtfnl. Because preach-1 eu xoruo uiuls saKe torsomo raiwaons . wunout .mucn T. 0 ;niin1 uaq hAPn nnnfi,. I stanzaf ing of the passage, then those communication nve years,then ers do not represent sinnerias; mother to, give scriptural difficulty, and .fully well as two cated b the v 8 Government, iminals Tbotore God,-1 u"ut J, ,A yupyuaugo. Vcap- wruH u. ; j ue orK w me mme, as we ap. .1 tit' . - -. rt m ura I Ira htinr f trrv t waaa . L : :.M....riv.. !..!.-n i Tins . uemeiery. . oiep boiuv ....6usu..p5a, iop - v , . k -.i,.j. frames , contiininT Tir-- l vcr. Plurality: io.poaoSraed, n. toolmed to be-" "u7 "121 W of : and Aif fm ir.ut woold b. WibW o j;; ,0'hrThWJtotle;.Md Cosre in rcrard to Kabad I Uemetenes. - To the lcll cf tho who attribute the work of the I read it carefully, and if you ,:ifv Spirit in the conversion of I are not afterwards ashamed of I with wicked hearts which must tists should give scriptnral an sinners 10 iu wicKeu one, aro i vraui, ui -jjrouwutijr, j-uuc i be recognized. The sinner is I i-uorxt. f :4 -;v?5 The field oiily ia eulargext. ipprbach,, the first m a teariui conditi n. This is done, by; the scoffers, and perhaps by some who. profesa! to be christians.' - ' " - - ; " 2fow, I : believe that it is a dangerous thing to grieve the Holy Spirit j ior (iod says: "My, Spirit shall not always strive: with man.'' Asthey (the heathen) " "did not :like to retain God m their-knowl- f Resolutions of the Baptist edge, Clod gave them over to Church' at ' JYilson, on the ac- a rebrobate mind." EphrainV ceptarice of of the ' .resignation wasv joined to his idols, "and Rev.W. C. Lindsay a its Fas- God said: "Let him alone." I tor: " ' - , ' ; not . aiono on tours; 1 B. G went his extensive Covixqtoh'.1 could weep over Einners.-who -were ; once i .enlightened and have tasted cf the heavenly gift, and ero iciado partakers cf tho Holy Gfccit, and nave tasted the good word of God, and the papers ci the " world to come, if they Ehall fall away Seeing (xtheyf crucify 'tp; themselves LtLo con - cf God' afresh, and put him to au open shame." All this may bo dono without spealdnj a word. $ But tho text - says, ? TTLcoevcr cih a tccrd r.aic:t tLa Hcly Ghost, it shall not ho for given him." "All manner of sin and of blaspkemv Llxall ba but I ii 3 ;o Holy lv of one all-absorbinir idea mr ; . .. : - .Ti , . r . O ; t , Jp that is r'giving one's; self :o. Uhrist." . ; . . . t . '' The sinner ia lnstrnoted in believe that his change consists denote the gifts of the church in, ceasing, from hostilities of God, designate church offi-at-ainst Jesus Christ ; f and to ' It secularizes the whole "lay down his arms," that his gpspei system; s to tne tvvo continuance in sin isirreat un- week words translated Bishop ed cood to tha trreat Mead of kindness toonr Savior " nrd and Deacon, tho first named the chuich to obli-3 our prcs- that all the person needs is, to properly means and represents ent pastor, KsT.VWi 0. Lmd- give himself to tho Lord.' The a superinionaent. or overseer, gay, toy withdraw his labors I BinneVs attention is direeted, (tne highest gift inthechurch). amon ns by reason of hi3 de- not to the baseness, of his heart clming ; he-lthp vro dceui it a I which must bo ; cleansed . and fitting occasion to express to renewed i but he is reminded him and to the publidotr ciccp ofhla outward course of actions regret at the termination cf and is made to believe that if thin or that meets the eve i?: A ; .Datthewi.auetHity lorteex- National Cemeter Anderson- viile, painted mT large black let- ters. ,1 approached tne aoutn- n nnlrn nnm n n I AMnilhni honl wpuia oe aposroAifi Society to ac- were stretched 1 many rows of to onicers, it . they .would not coihphVu thy work' of this boant is turfed mounds with their.white imitate tne sects in making the simply laying that wearnoi able I head-boards dittcring ;in, the ministers o i. . tue jjora : Jesus to do it: aud if we were to get that sunshine; There are two broad Mhnst niciaLiaigmtariesB Society to our work for usl it walks that intersect each - other At is a very saa mistake to ,1.1 i, ' riir. . .u, make the Words nsed. in. Eph.: Haptinte. . The Sunday School iioarJ Tffl .-AV?r?:fU.59,iIO i,a8 a ereat and noble t work to do. and if baptists all j over the South will throw -a way their pn-judicea and pet plans and trahy around tht't superfluous words, alid; your n(lt told that repontanco brines i Wili Brother lUlls allow an istenoo oP a Sunday BJlJoV Board criticism on "two ana two," l bim to God a convict seeking earnest brother to give an bpih- just a much u'w w there ever Was. you are etmiw ioip.: Read and beiJjrin2 for mercy, ..when ion? " Itis that our churches The idea of gaiug the American 3 V.-so", - ; . I divine, favor can not be e pec 1 f - 0050 Pl". ted except entirely for tho sake wero leftalone,7etyettPaulf of 0hrist. The eosnel of our j v . :.. 2 1 . 1. . . . a. : r. an.mspirea evangelist, went time consl8ts almost exclusive. at right 'OaFame' eternal camplpj ground Their Bileut teats ftro epread, And glory giwrdd with alle&t soaad Tlia liivniiannflha l...l . A fittle farther onr to tha right we read: ' ' ' ; ' The hopes, the feari, .the silent teaM r That marked tbe bitter trlK,H - Are now all cromed by .victory, L That saved the XatJou'a JUe.'1. v ; . - s My only comment is that "Sorrow's crown of sorrow, is h;i.i.iflr Again wo, rvUji - Whether la the prU.a Uivkc, Or la the battle's vau, : j ... WncnEAB, it havinff seem angles, dividing the I rememberin craves into iour squares, ana whee they L intersect: an oyal crass-plot is laid on in the cen- ier oi wuicn a mu, uag-sinn 1 The fittest plaw tot men to die. ilSCS in SOhtary grandeur. - OX 0 I , Is where tneadie for mea."- rioard, it will be able to accomplish I ag wasnying v-nen 1 was mere, 1 jl endorse una sentir.;c. l!iU work... L y r , I ana I was gu 01 u, iui a iievci 1 jy, ouijl nope 1 win oe exc tr ti.i w.,r!t i A,n i,tfr 1 see one smce our mistortune, J from giving my tall TVlTf 1 AAA unto fornivcii f( GLcct shall not be unto incn." If tlio i jeet Clirist, "there remaincili Tm TYiriTft Kfir.rinr.o fnr sin." 11rt: bis ministry by tho following ho reforms his behavior, then resolutions: .. . - Resolve I- That in accept- the resignation ; cf cur i loved pactor. wocan not refrain from the erprecdon cf our deep and heartfelt sorrow, that tho adicting hand of Proyidenco has ma-Jo it ncco ar'. - : " 0'" ' -. Resolved. . f. That tho man- no more sacriL.ee lor in..7' jiut i.i. nm c d to :tic3. dux in -r his f.l.crt flw il ty in 4 C- :li tliey li:.:Ilo-,r- iiiili t!-3 " Lcj.I cf - tho CC1T.C1V " AstoctLcrEtai: raio t .:"a:au-: J . . . . ..A..i.. .AW V Lis di Ltay a:::c::2 us- . m 11 t too pulpit, ana ni3 cz:i:izzi and - very . acccptalla rar.toral 9 1 " La,i ed . .mcrcr.rcj. our . ' ' o .1 Lo ii a christian.1 And tho poor soul is left under the im pression that religion consists mere in our mnaness to our Ecdecmer, there in mourning over our vilo heart,' our coin- plc3 forfeit of all favor, and our deep senso of helplessness, and reliance upon mercy alone tor Eaivation. xno lost mail a, and viva viiawatvvt buiii u k'j'Ut ' that 1:3 La3 only to c 13 UU v, a 11)013 which u- tho if, Ca thj chare 3 c::: . , vA. t!:. i::: C i c r "i - lir.) and activity cf r- - f- -:fr fO 1- 4' .3 :i, aud "coiao ri -lit now to 'Christ. The unccuvcrtcd is told to como last r.3 ho is. '- C:.v:- repontanco l:r.s inteh.cnt loch tc God; it 'Xho other word (Diacouate) ii tha-word; almost invariably .used by the sacred writers to designato the ministers ot tho Lord Jesu3 Christ and ia eo 'translated except , in tho third chapter of first Timothy ' and Pinl. 1 1 1 and hero literally means superintendeuts " and WaiUw Sj.X . .; f 4 1 think ' that James lived at Jerusalem during his lifj, Paul preached at liph.csu.3 three years, yet there is no iutima ticii in tho ; -New Testament, that cither of them had any of ficial connection with any j-a A Xha Apctlo Paul gloiicd ciily in bsiir: a minLtsr (Dia cz. aio) of th'j Lord Jc "3 the Alr?riCTn lie. slut Publication Sjzi :.'y, and wa ; will nut - giu-ay that tiaanciauy this - Society in bet ter prepared to dj it than our U.mnl, !tzi for the saints reason, th Hotue ilboioti f13 rd A al . jhe Foreign lioiru vi our uortnern nrvnirt-n are better preiro'l to ouluct bur min- sion work, both Home and Foreign, thaa oar boanU ure,f hiu! iherelore wo ought to d avy with them and turn their work over to bur North ero brethren. ? Will the orreepnn Herald agree to this? tLd m the word 4 oi Maaatn lvoiana i za, ana l cm ccr.c: r on her way to tne gumoune oq i thousand battieSeiii have druii Liberty r liiberty l . how many j ;. xho blood of warrion tmre; crimes arc perpeirateu in my i Andcouatwsaiiociesiro aesviata name" K " - I Tb-ro' the laud they died to tave." Th sohlifiM were baried in This comes i;!:o a trenches, .for the length of I guwniromaorno woKaaancar thA stminrP. nxcnnt here and anaunus a rcgpcnsive c;:cza in tKom wli0i-f ?i narrow TtTl th in. i thia Southern liad. whero all ------- - ,,. lie would but be tol'owing ioal coaclusloa of hia reason- (loin to. It would be far better Fur our 'cause, and all " onr Uwk:Ii vonM La r.iuoh iu ore sue. ccaeful ia their respective fields. j it our brethren vouhl bto ' Cv4AJ Li At.l I.4 t i W Ajj f -A .X ltJg Ml j.l-ins and to w ui k with c: A U i .2 d:: o, 1: ziz.i cur 4 W !.!y 1: :;rv3 (13 fh vr: ill c: i cl of c CL. 1L "' a v. in 1 crt1 L C0.11 1 Ca 11 1. . . r to 'cut plaus- Tf'Lwt c:Z: . ret I. n rron th 3 l...1u. tue Ijoiti'ds io t their prcp- nccnl now id j art vf r Tits c 1j ar !. Divi-i- .;.lv-.j wia reii!t in . - . .f t. " r.l with 1! tervenes. the earth is raised a smoothviiven ino'und beaiitiful; lv turfed, about "ix inches above the ground. The head- boards are very close to each other, and havethe names of the soldiers with the date oi each death, and name f Company and Regiment. In the JNorth- east square, it is very sad to see manv ' frraves marked "Un- V ..... known.'" A record was kept of. all the deaths, and a board with name, Company and llezriment painted on it. nlaced at the head of each crave; but when tho Yan kees were makinir raids on that section of country, it wasthought that th .:r cbject was, to release t . rrioners. ind iho r.ttcr : . oved ror:i An;tcrc;:i the, homes ara dcsylate, cr.J Alas 1 the land net -ve J. - - v TVTI3B - EoLE3. 'Simeon,' tho dis tinguished evangelical preaclicf of the Eagliah Church, onca e-id that the longer he tried, the raore -he felt the importance of aJhsrioj to the following rules: - , 1. To hear A3 little a podsibl whatever to pre j iIL i cf eth ers 1 2. To bt-Iievo notJ.i-i t V ' I till I am absolutely f rej ! it. ' 3. Njver ta drink ic.t V.i rt'.'. of oue who circ:! , i. to r.: I cau, the uakir. I 5. A!- :e? ai t j vi!'3 fbr t' .t : days,cr-Jt.. f ' " ClT. l Hf

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