j v ' 1 b WWII. -'1:1 I I .XI - I 9 -vv S;jrn a JAOUfclli fiu V.- u - 1 i i.,.. r i 5t-.i- lit is sad to. contemplate? the; ,J tail cXfr6isesover Ibe fcliildren. I-, need auuace no 1 If of liirii.' 'T- o.eI fetter, proof , of this i assertion than, tbefjedl of Peter AndjJri- . 'dis; the? ffarmer by reentanco tdu Tlsff aeaiti said bfecotoe t'tirilUafii: stftVin. iKei galaxy of Jihochijrjcvin 7it 3 vvo tiro Mr formed that God'Wade man in. iuafcithejBngel&iihatiilMro,' inan Iwas formed mt of nian, J open'jbeforei bim J 'suffers' al an .to deceive Kim a a' to ita Dlain f teachings on the subject pAul in 4, i imoiuy says: (; "i o iuo 3pirH 8peaketh", expressly, that in the latter times, some shall ueuarMrom. itio .iaiui, giLUK Leed! to; ' seduciricr 'spirits' and ana Jioiv, Deinsra.and(weroi aocinnes ,oi flevusVf r uraui placed m.tbe.eardei) of iEara? iiema to. hare,been,more deep dise. and that t they fell cfr6m thoiraistateof nttoce'ncfyTahd. happiness' ' byibeing; flecjeired. iettfKtoi&lransffress thocou-i mandmeht'f i God by their owiniu7ureIltliwv wiiliout4si naud.iCp-nsequenflyi tUeira fallivjnust ?haver eem throuftithe iagencyof J some otherteifc andrtBat beiriff. : na'psi wily pufcJ tbejHqttcstiQUT, how came 4ie in I tb'sworldV; lillac;BotbTrex&'thd5pi3 i Wpanionrof urIrdaiidttn jaesseijt,hl3!!lmirac1e jSiglityrkprtfe wliile on ciartb? jif andyefvtiie ona depieclwbilst J t tho ot b e tf betrayed h i ui T, 8haU briefl traco Jwhal; seepi y to LaVo been te line "of ' OonV ductj oji picy of atan ilrdif ilf ilfewut agei of chrislianity, abtl 5 1 then show the utter falsity jf 'tbu donnesf Univerealism:r ; tU Wbeii iourXotd: commenced SVaa.ibedoiniflibn . exercised over mankind, that I answeT I" trill refer'toIiukoix: he showed a bold and bpeii-1 1 front'not' only " denying.'fhe j un6Sem Jbheld Satan ;as ' divine', nature Qf :rouf Savior,:! lightning: fall from heaven J v but imputing to him the char- And to shottf where he alight acter of an imposter. i How SdI refer; to JRev xiir 9T And: well he succeeded in blinding ''tbe ipt'djragpii paa cast out, and misleading ibe Tews,fitlie' tbat; ql 'senipallpii!tUQ. sad history of the cross infprma (.Devil, and s Satan iwhichi ,djf i us; tvicer. ine f resurrection ;ot ceiveinatne --wnoieworia,' nq? our Lord and his ; consequent was cast out1 into s tbe earth, triumphs over Satan,such was1 and his angels wefo'xt out the rapid spread of christiani- Iwitbim." f Twus JCaTe prov- ty, and so great was the num j en ibafe evil spirits are abroad ,1 ber of, those hying who were in the world, audi tor their dii witnesses of, its trutb, that this rect influencey ln be r tra'ced arch-enemy changes his tactics, . thecrime4 andj wicliedness of and no1 longer -sbowing an. meiir jBut'J 'willgo on with orch front, f transformed him-; my proofe.V We read that our self intoaii augeVof ligbt, and I Iiord himself i was - tempted . recognized , hinr there. : In Xt f riends h'a beep led to believo i iOorinthians be says "Eor subn nnysurdities, ancl-V tbey ; ; are false f apictlesf " deceitful mustLbe Jed still f urtber ito be r: workers ' ; trabsfo'rming: .them- lievo that 'our't IiOrd, that puro ' ing into the apostles of. Christ.- and lioly! Being by 1 whom all And noi smaryel f for ; Satan thingM rViiiiidef andareriip- bimself is transformed into an bejd, iyaSjAj 'nful'!eatnrtt angel of light Therefore, it is like ourselves,or else the whole ;tio'gt;'tWn?g'if;biaC ministers foundation of uuiversalism alsor'bel trsforiiied jjaji t,iie must be-wep-away. I be- i ininisterSt ?oil i rigbteousncks lieto tbeyiwill prefer seeing whose end ' should ;- be accord- tho latteialtcrnktiyel Out Sa- ingto their works It requir- yiour'fwas 'tempJ.fio;tirii- ed all the ability, 1 energy and yersalist will not say he, was zeal of Bauljand bis co-work- tempted by JaiA sinful nature era iii ferreting out and tearing for- he knew' no sin; : Oonse- the niaskf from ' this wily ene- quently bo was' tempted5 by my! of-mankind ; yet with all Satan, Whom' he' fells us, be our ttoaanto lascmousness proor.tnat estauiisfles tnis tact, denying tho ionly Ijofd' establishes the dQCtririopOfar j'landu ourLorda Jesus.?.' iiire' Dumsbibe ty initiated into the mysteries -jpieaYf of perditioVtban any of tbe apos iffV ' ---ft-tbe'istbm bis own declarations.' He tells u4 invtgQrinthians, ?How that hq jvas .ugbup into 43?ara diseand pjearr unspeakable Ys?wiicHvit)s tnot lawful iformartotter lesjt )L quld ao -exalted above .iqieasure ; tbrougb';! tbe , abun ancC pfttbft rjveations,. there was given, .to me a thorn in the Hesb, tbe messenger, of , Satin to buffet; me;, :r!Por;this thing X bsQUgbtstbe Lord tlirice, iM Xiax lt mignt ciepart irom me; .And.iie said unto me,my grace sujpHlcientifor thee," i ; , So, we are led to infer that Paiil recognized this .minister Of Satan as ever, present with limK1tempting him and en deavoring to h thwart his holy plans, and purposes of ! life. jHence, bis fervent .zeal J and almost ; sleepless watchfulness over, and earnest admonitions tovthe: ii churches of Christ. tTbusjiu: Epbesians be exhorts tbeui,!; But on the whole ar mor of God, that tye may be able to stand against tbe wiles pf i the , iDeviL i Por we wrestle not against flesh and blood, ib u t d i against . ;. . principalities, against powers, against i the rulers; of the darkness of this world, .against spiritual wick edness in high places.". It was doubtless ! Paul's intimate knowledge of . the workings of oatanV ; and i the influence he exercised oyer his countrymen, the Jews, that caused him to exclaim,' For Tj i could wish that myself were accursed from Christ ifor my ; brethren, my kinsmen according to the fleshy So this great -Apostle, this burning and shining light, basi' answered tho question, what will 1 a man give in x hange for his sooll He tells us that be could wish himself accursed from Christ tlxtL we learn ' tho success this, I heave works bef J ; fiend in his new role as ; angel came to destroy.' --Having : of light by the following x- proven! by the -'Scriptures the tract from; Jude r uEor tbe'ro existence of eTl'spiis.iftbe are certain men crept .in una- world, the whole farfc 'ofTni ; 'wijxeaffl of.old versalism-iust-tumble, for!iJ; uViTi1oTTTiQfJfir I ffcfa n nnn f H orl pri a 1 nf an la- ; ungoajy; men.turnmg ino grace mentaoie a 1 truin 5xne same of .and God - The writings of all tbe aps-J .cotntinue to .;be servant ofa, ; ties are replete witus evidences tan m this liie wo shall coav ; of the confriiioii andmiemlef tinuWbeie1irdfhVlife Ito' created by:thi wolftiri sheep's I coiq,' Pa KnowJ jre H'Clbthibgi within tboVJaleiofibq I hht'ffiatp ' Shjyeiield r church. And before tbet'last ;yQurselves.servantsi,ta Mobejyj one ot the-sApostles who wera his-t servants u9Rara wwueni me companions oi our . .': upons; earth, bad j entered his.rest wesea jesting aupin 1 right the church I already the ;sha li tberixamiue .tbpiiScripfnrejj ows of 1 tbdJloiighigVlof; ie:' - In ; fliost pf iqstabere 5 darlc? age'sv" At? the' dawq ot. !3eVoniac7!p'"er the reformation Satan Jagajnr J bysourliordfj na. iaccbtint' asi shows an opea front, and l M$f$W uis uiiuiisrers, lue uosi oiiinjih t tieTua r ejeciea, ana xor .uian briglit and glorious crown that awaited- him as the reward of his- earthly labors, if ! the mil: lions 'of hia'v deluded country menhaTneBltr; going .down f o 1 batpeifition of te horrors oiwMctf'bVh'ad' so last' a con- delvriters,1 attempts the ovc r Teasqnlj thinivereaii3tl wil, ;ibrdw, chtistiaiJJdefe ' ttMCIA49IjtXsemp"' ingtbJfmtbeimcity?f.t ie- niacsjwerevQrsbns' laboriiig T;Bcriptnres.j;rCompletieiin hi. WdMolWmt changes tactics. andTcenteirg irieht is TthdwWbAeJ 'the emrr e.n: and thfl isma oikif rinefon A 7, , Wk : i; u ciii79Ara.t iv- aWiu uui. ipv v we are miormeu wuai run i -Of theaqinany isma'it is my4t; It-inayWfound'iniMafe ?yimirrse to review that of TTtli I VftrtfW" aiKrl -WKiwJ 4ejilr)ertetotU surdity of its doctrines Xr'fTaii'dqwn afBteepplacelntoiLo -liu, . .fL . -. -n i gard Thiisalisiif as dangerf eiltltefe 1dxtjv?bed7 !mkkS5T Aft??! j ;:JkdeliteihTO ? w:; sdpri hs1 right mlii'yf bflst? dlbel i fTo:dcctneir in Abe whole Tl ic hplil thq. aw jnp, 3tp jbacFUei 6W Weis,iiioTB plainly tfbr ideminaludiieiitc&' ynlUr; 1p!hdo bouldjb jbat sacrifice 'on his parti do saved and inade 111- -iJl? -"' U't f i; :- .'. Atfirnallir hdnnr ! .Xtfl,h , abundantly 'snowV.fcy1' the Scriptures f the falsity 'of the doctrines Of uni- versaiism. t l. nave snown ine nee of evil' spirits, 'the enemies of mankind, by whom we are snrrounaea, ana wno arq constantly striving io ieaq us dowii'to destruction.; . Who suai aenyer. us i , . an uie ian gqageiof Saint Paul, "I: thank jiiy vxuu lujougii vesus Aunsii our.tf tt' ,is"to: bjmlwe caii look, and to bim, aldne for ueliveraMce.;, for, ihe camq into irqy.me wprxs olivine, jjeyii. But lie ' came to t . save; those w(yAwhe 'ipujr thei in "him, andJvhQMJ)y a pure and holytq,UV:tbe,iiiselves for, his ?A A-1 " ! WHY) mwEi.WU-, nouung. , xnat is jotherwise will be Admitt ed WF-etqrq 4qar,, Aesfi a n promise being ictt us. qf . , entering ,-into mUimtii abould; BQemf to ! x -iii'n r t-r . v . ' ;;;,anu iaugnx,tnan;tnairoi tunire -rusiiing lnwtmjea anaswai Siabuienti ijqur! ffiiMii' oWdWMmWHmf adversary tihas jgppfflyhidl miracle alotie ; many .10 jui&oeueYe .ic, .dul also ougm LOjoonyuicqjne univct ttqdisbelieye the TerVexistenbe KsalktHot tboeCTor f his dobl) 'Sifrt-Uifrtlt. ! Hi9LtIeati'dajlQemjtob ,'argumeji : ujp) salist jare JtheseAfeOhTisfe 'fcaioe' lation on the subject, oqr owu waav v-.v worn vi AAAtiAi- vwaoi v a hum uuuui uujitiuvtr y (I:tI1 in h iII saved: ,T 3 jernn g. tq a jBtatq pj future, p uh lshmentifcnilsfbo i vaken, in at traces bis ,originaOurj gurativqensov ds tveU alio and would-ntrausKHii hiib, ) ;--;athcs'q; tbat're'fer 'to evil? piritsiUelfj iiitalair devil tlnriarna&L .qr 'deyils.y 'That tbef Biblf t vere he'dt impelled bytbe t y vhm teaches the doctrine pf feecretimluenebf berll ofe , , . ,. t unu is i aim supexsauijus. nave Denev: 11 Aidw'f td iirtiture?revard3 and d uh. th( the rls1Iiricnl'si'a'hd:yLI! tli3' uiHver- y H(ijTli3 xcligion ofi-Ohriat; (says ialairj3nQtQniy;anns!Us iwith fortitude againai the approach of fivtfibat tnpposing eviUi to illlnpotf ns with, their ; ' beavi est pressure? itUi'ghtena,tbe hloadlby rtnany consolations to 'Which, others i are-; strangers. '-WTiile'bad cmeii i trace- in ibe calamities with which.they afe visited Ithe ihand oof an?offend ed sovereignii christians X ?ard taught" Jxriawm theih; as the bwbli-'inftndednchkstisenient bf id bndrcifal iPather. 1 They lieaf .whiclila gyodconsdieiica brin Irs to tneir arJi ear not for 1 am with henwnot dismayed? for Jain heir ap ply': tq .themselves the, comfort able promises with ii wh ich , the gospel abounds;; They discov cr'itf these the1 habnv inn de- tcreedtqtbeirroubles ; and vaiitt' patiehcel till Prbvji .denccf shall have accomplished r its great and good dcdrjns. In ... r 1 1 V o them its messed ! and noiy sanctuary,' that4 sanctuary an which the wounded heart s iicaled, and the weary mind is at rest, whero the cares of 1 tht world aro forgotten' ,where its tumults are liusbed;Jaudl i($ miseries i disappear ; 'where greater objects ;yoperi s to our view than any which the world presents; wbcrQ a moire serene sky sbineW abd swedter 1 and caimer light beams; on me fi' flicted1hearf:niIn'ibbseii)b-: men ts V of devotion iapiqus man nourinir bat ; bis wants and sorrows to an Aluiigbty Supporter, feels that be is iiot eft solitary and forsaken in a vale of woe; God is with him, Christ and the Holy Spirit are with bim ; and u though; he should be bereaved Of every riend on: earth, he can 'look up irk heaven to a friend that will never desert him, i;2Q: ,2:872.;'. person ricb., If I were there",' I wymu, saoscroe, spy jp. uave his com nan , ..- I , . i For tho BiWtc&l Beedr: t f It I rejoice yery.muclj, Ihat ihe spirit of i God . has bpebipxttn eively poured iou isupoa :th6 faithful preaching' of the gosper botbNorth ' and; South?'vlrrt though the'twotoaUpnarejnoi' as well united as I could wish that they were, yet ti rejoiceiin' tho prospective? triumpli 'of gbs-i pel grace in every5 paft'f ur't land and - of M" world' !Tbei; present year has seen many, gtoljr nous revivals m .ewf jugiapu I bavej febjojed for 'many years past. Bafc.OiHrfejLan bank' ion - Stomp lor lO'iuprrow i win u i vur.,')i iro oWIdi'&ortiig'TBfetMj4& away HywfX9alw4 fetnemire8iia tLU sectioajr M)w Babb and his should ba encoaracred iby is tbe school whicb bids fembg tbhe'artioW above alluded frifAi5E'Vrfe to! remarks "In eeveral instaacea widefes, intd a creati bavi Ia? the Forest' Collete.5 Mai; Babb la a have seen reported,; tUeybaye 1 freulng me! gooAiferehcii anfi 1 j working Baptist and we ought ; 4 for the Kblic&l Rooorder Bichest Paul charges the rich to bq j rich in good works.' some rich men act by a rule called Inverso Proportion, that more requires less. They damage Christ's . cause all ? their lives. Some few rich men carry out Pauls counsel or rather the command of the Holy Spirit. Brother N. Long, trustee of Bethel College, at Kusselville Ky, employs 11 students in the two months' vacation at $50 each, or $550, to preach over the State in the vacation. Howl many will do likewise for Greenville Seniinary,Wake Forest and llichmond Col legesl How much ought rich people to do tor our colleges and universities'! Samuel Miller, of Lynchburg Va.,gave ,000 to have an agricul tural department in the Uni versity of Va. We must have our Lawrences in the South. The Baptists in N. O. ought to throw all their influence into WakePorest College. The Professors should scatter in va cation as did the Professors of Chapel Hill. Mitchell's name was a household word all over N. Ci Those Professors not only attended the Synod and apparently , beginning v with -the work of prayer iii January j t 'Netr'Haippsh shared ihsritqal J blqssingsJ In J Brsitqi,:Bone rof .qqljmost! flourishing 1 towpsabbuti four ,vi oen converieo, wmguig iicaiT all to the ?Savi6rii AlthbUeb 1 . t many have hot been Conyerte oi late, a beayeniy ntmospnere pervades the, wholeV: place from the good work there.1 done.' In Franklin the early ho me oDan- iel , Webster which be' qwnedjat the time ofna dejatbdftere1 he visited a part of the time! ev ery year, there has been of lat about two' hundred havehcrr ished the christian ;jhbpe1f. A flourishing i Baptist-churcbthas there lately risen. ; In.the town of Lynn'bas!leeri!animter3e8tihz work: of graceiin j wljiob jalio-u two hundred have been; hope fully ; bprn again,iandia!.cons(dt- eraoiq numReri naves joiqfiqitng Baptbt church. ,r In , the Liter: ary : Institute atiNewk&ondpn, which is underiiAheareiplithe Baptist ii15taie mConvenUdbt where. 1 buildingSt Rwerer lately erected, costing abouti$0PJ)pO has of late heen , an t abundant woric or grace an wnicn, aqnt siderable number aretthaught to have expenenced - rebgion.: Concord, the capital of the State has had. pleasant fltafq !q thmgs and: some ? conversions. Manchester, the ! largesttown . 1 ti . 1 l me 4iaie nas nau more man usu al interest in religious things. 1 D. - F lUCHA&DSOK. ; to held on to, the money ;sent inem, . i WimW.W.Wffl?cen-; ee mm wen paid; as a teacner, ;ne andsent nb stock 'at 'Wl nd in TfW?"W?ukfr h8tno8QPeri,)r- . vAquit. others they have sent pat 'worthless Wkr&mWntm a-'"' ' Westera Noah' Carolina:; - ?Pec!.tohfor 4 ioigttbiCll -IkaeN inbC'tiw! to , ... ' ' -1 breeding purposes." . yJ soogef hQ fittlo bW;ia,V! Wal.which hbeentensive. daaaSaVAbWbfuad sifr r 'i " many. new-thing, MP??08? -tydband:lkiiub peopiean tbe 0rptjttmg'ourteaaett:up6U their ; ggKSt iS;ma: 4 would 'warn our in Woolly hedds, they aivt bite? r j be- i , uut mas 2 ui Qcui a, ueam Iho following: was a day set apart to reoeive mein some came. the preacher nattrarmeoAOftne eeia-ivo.wood praver-book; had foi-B-ot hia rfiwi. lTuavaapieageraUon41land pliae-boofc and said he could not re- Presbyteries in N. C., but tbe I J. . 4m m m4X A.'j i 1: Presbyteries in Va , Solomon Tsays, Me "thatrhath mends must show himself friendly. The moral instruction at Wake Porest College is worth worlds. Parents ought to prize At- :i it iuia principle auuYO ail price. Eternity alone .. will , tell : bow much t good this colleare lias done. About ten precious and glorious revivals . bave been at Wake Jb orest They have al ways been very . able . in the languages and mathematics at Wake Jb'orest. These are the bone mid sinew of a great, edu cation. , ,7? . j DEATH BEIGES. , j Since I left the . State,; God has taken away many precious i ir a- i jeweis- w , auorn. nis ,crown Bro. f O. ; W. Skinner Elder. James MoJianiel, Bro; Joseph Conrad, rJJr. ; Martin r Sister, Ulenn and her daughter,Sistei Williams earth's great lobs and heaven s great' gainl late now M sleeping ithe- sleep pf death. r . What a loss t to their families, to the church and to the; world. ItTras; a xnelting sight o witness the parting pf xro. mcjaniei ana jro. .u.qvy j oianner at me uonventioD. la Goldsboro inlS67iThey 'Were the last, two stars y of th6 lirst 0Baptist State Oonreht tion;4 iSrar. Mc-Lanielf wrote me a long :and affectionate let texnot:tojleave the State;: Tbe band trembled so that If took some time to write' itllt iafe fordsme i great happiness lof have been? so mncb itbTsioiehi men;and with a host of others. Irf 1852Brai Palmer poke bf resigning as clerk, BrovPle'as- A : .- ? W - 4 ? - t a. -I ants, me Moderator ? bf t h a lijnlah Association, requested him nbt tq doit; but to remain clerk as long as he' livedo ;S6me came M ter me tO'o to ahd'tb er aSsdciationVBroJ Pleasants said I ' must' hoi go'' 'while e liyed;p But before 1852 was gone,5 Bro. Pleasants bad pass ed away. Elder James King utw icii, us. " '. - -..ftoi u The apostles in 50 places de rive ihei r j oy ! from the resur rection ot; Christ, and ' their own resurrection. , I wish Elder ! Wm; H; Jor dan would write all his poetry and his wife's poetry in 'a! book and have it printed. " - "I jLcii iue Drethren to Brother Hulhairi ' in the; fieldj his agency will agency , will not cost the xa i iapusts in iM, u. zeents eacn, l was kindly carried byilllr, ,doh :zaiand 9 ccnti vili UQtt:3 ZZVhll; Icrtotcrfithsr'ut:- hfr aud a false inferencei After travelling 25,milee and preach- ina: twice on tne i5daapbath in June, x am via las i peiore aars. At the house of an old sister on Stump Sound.' A lady; whd altbougtif k waya loveijr. iirea apyeareu'ioreiier stilt because Fthe oniistian tedtle:. ness with whkh ihe,.boreI thbojbat qf the dayilonpBa psm: ptneuraigiah .TO . mo. ane naa an my oviupaiuwa pi my Ty because' shV'W kK afflicted ady, Bur'beeauae-'IS ' yilra ago uoa naa given nrxonw ta aahelp meet, a&qs&e Had ever , hi t ts . r r!.". ' fit " f she eniovs the: pure Water and the1 delicious . feint Unit k 4a . atr. the CrMil 1 i; juat ftoejc ovex, aiuto f Jaius. l assistants HWPKlbJf,JevVl,Il seRt ibu3 J us, for;it this ectiool are from difioreni statesi iMr. J. M. Dennis ,of j Biabopville..;, t Unmed that ( of the young ladies S. CL, under the caption 'Of , purine j how nam;s aro above will 'aittod anA AtifM wVm .n aitida nooitt the Chowan "Baptist fce , J . - . male; Institute, .at ; Murfreesboro, at! m the i?raZ ParoltMon, exposmg a its next session. Four ot the young j fraud which was? perpetrated, vpon .men. will go toAake Forest at ;its I him hi the purthasd Tof dm pair of , ocoaiuu, ,;iiUOUff!l lu. oav, ju.i i T.4V kJ W-fW, infirm f .1 dncteaacnoois 1 " r w -r - T ;vv Pennsylvania? The Bannit laf the South and" Plant? JourMU. in re- Topsail cama ruling bacta my. w? h 11 Ai itlHt fhra TeUWRv itJ ebook; eohe could not admin. WoW-6f flttiStaremarfcerr wcer U1S Dement.! Tins baulk iin;:,.. srensfa w--fJ "und lthef Wnce.- - - V - yten and on v ainlnation 1 found thit those insi ex insects ffhborinff clerffvinan iiriliWCh oiauomer oraer raicuiea w paDiio- ter ! Essex. 'BedIbrdn6: lrKslure wueje.'1 i no ioiiowmg jaDDatn! i k s- .ucl m 4 td t iaBUi!r?henui: oeive the candidates. But these irea -ffl?.aP.iSW!iP hl Ih&' jd16 ; tlemen clamor against the, old IPow feflbpfeherne Wes: appeared to me an assumptiua ap-; tfertttat-rohtiaJ. they .eonxjludethat' proaching infallibility to cSain mo' prayer-book, written by 4- we once aemanaeu uy wow i;cc J fioientiy pure'forjsllpracricaL pur axerxeea... taefdis preachiagiehoagh;fartherb I tals to ; do,not ethejngzonp, althonghfnMny.ppurplan todaborundr hatimpn.9,This remark is induced, byour lately near- to doatihonia. They, infer that. this nmHn fa AnA !.JtiJ ... . . I imr n .fttnn nlAntetof raanv vears LOTiHt tfltt KnafHl 5r - i -j build a stcalled church . ou the leg. experience demurtlasuggea,tion nS -jYI "T-TtTiDiVtr l lsiauonoi man, wnne tne legislation nOver bera trouoled by. muequitoes ,f .tMii ia mar 6 thair 10 miles Irom the boast. aiyuenJJeoqntiyA half So much as gratulato himself on an eaey prey IV WLft VFt V llAVmVi ' XUV O when htt reach pr tlii rpo-inn oorui. rboeBjltby andick)y loali- eially when they shew bim' their fidelity to bantismal ocksville 1 SalisBuTy1 Udther' boSnts' 'ori' the AonA nrni;vo t m nZ iv.? TWlktar l;B-;"Jltot ' chills it does as much good after death as v w w w ww u cuu utvv- ,f iiHinrH. f ' -We are hoping the clouds have not poured out tbeir precious . treas- about towing Urley.jChumjng 4that crab: grass bay saved from his I ora fields furnished as good (win ter" keep ing for his' stocIrirMHtlaTQ il OorJ 'elimAteiRn4 ifioU - jnef icent and will yield, to , as.jia the depth of Winter, fopdas putrious, at abundant! andss, cheapo o itt-" the flash season of Springaad fiacamer. By our conlinaed aad habual , fail ure to avail oursalvea of theie invalu. t where !' live, and4 'my health is f agwxl as it ! has.been; for several VBars. iDereare'DEinaDa xii nrnann- if n i .. i .a ertTinthe West toTin tueEftst.' Are. 'ed com. nntatoes tumin9 v mho- ame resoiircesw seem,to8sert m uwo ovaiao , nutmtA fcv , CAKUai'ED' I nafiE nH rwpn A Wf-ft Ii: fit rain mnof lr T IUB UXVO M, A.wviAC.iiliwA mwki tftlicibM t'? bifr?aej!r? oE moderate, doing very muchgood to ia asj longhand MjMtteAaiaew tnensni oysters anct t scupernones. meadows nwlv mown Rwtha tEnfflancLand.;io pe pmvweqsffainst 'of the latter. 'Wek:waiit,8bm6' 'more, J .rahi our nrmmeeta .wrA. aocordihffly. TSj the uttef SbegUwt laborers' iri the fieldsTioe' for the I tjr! t.hv th fooiM 'of winter" bropaolfoM'foe'tmr stock me ume coming so ciose. we need l BUr o w'rr6v r". "r""je not besrin to complain of hieh taxes 1 ot every wung la wieiwayox ry ior it is a good to know we have come to tHe. worst ofljSLthiiia and up here iney xaxea our an but tne grass hoppers and silver spoons.V Perhaps tney tnougbt we bad bat lew ot the latter leit. Yeldarts. harvest. Odineover into Macedonia and help us. Tbe soil is rich and schools are neeaea. mere will be some way r'..y.r wT" - . neeaea. mere win oe some wai coast one on lJteurew ncery iviaea ror-yacaer tu ne can build Up churches tor Mmsefrv I have never seen a kind er or a more hospitable people than I find ' here. " They appreciate the gospel and they ' esteem their preaob age, we imply really) that Vur, sea sons are ihpJrmsa zyneu. '; ?;';:;Ck' We do not wish' by'any means to decry or discouragelthe most abun dant stores ot dry 'forage, lor with the best efibrta it would be hard, on most plantations, to store away; more ' Dear Kecoedeb: We had a meet. , highly r ,.the(rs . workTa sakey ing of days with Sound Side Baptist than can ; be profitably used. -,But ar befa lo.ocrtnc add, lk)jp. high- Church, commencing oa the 19th of in so doing, it Mnbtwise-tdA ignore .eyor(wM&' B.rGoYlxTQX. AagOstlSl, and ending oa the UtH that wmtttgrasse Sueh as blue 27tn laitniui.io ipjaaiypAppomnfn Long before .our. ayaymauiwes swarmed around ut jahd created soihe", f.bodin'fra bf evil VlbV thdWMt ?J i Wehadia attendance breth grass and nToWJoatwherVrx)ne iia. orrjB&Qa tKc 2ith of ' Au- I Pasquotank county, and D. V. Eth-1 themV orif these are aofc j ready to I Arubt I had.tha ,Diea3ure Of witneBa- I eridffe of Ghowau. together with I hand, then barle7toats and rye. for- i ink iclQsm2Ixerciseses ofladiah the pastor.' The cuuro'b. was great- I nisbi moxe ano Honeir food 'fostoek lAiiiJira. Lia.ueLuv .iuis bvuaxji tia i it loviYtfu tiuu a irrtstiL aeaiox fwia i ia ninKuuui uawdk v buuuut taueht bv IVtai. lJEL liabb. aiid ithe done erenerallv we baDtized 2f).anri I -e a we are' accttBtdmedttofiaveir r ,o'i.T' . 7T-i .ji,, I . . . - .. a. i " ro- . - ... ... . . . , , . rotency pthose under his charge, received three more tor baptism.who t it the landu tmnana poor,pu ,wnat " . - '' f ' ; f i - . - I f - - rr.i -v - J . Ix w . III 3i - ll examiaat tion of the stodenta in thmr I ble.circumsta.uce3. The Tmrd ha I On tmnh soil, .it will da more ; Ulan thdiea tasted ihrte!. ilava. On .tJiA I certain I v baeu with un in l.ha nnt. 1 either oata or barley. lIt can bepas1 J24tK alarp-a crowd Wftrw ajWAmhlprl f bburina" of his Stiirit." and hioaoAH f tnrod tilllSthoiFebruarymordnaarr We had'not fongsbeeh tefttW isVfli a) botli church and peopigi The rain- seasons, and af piszza befoieiaaiDkei&lmoateciaac tj.bmeuce4with;. prayeif' istering brethren who were with !us -We'enesii pjeafieUiw.iattxng ot erahUj, reducepjjthe ppJnbejr., Jtaisy ,6i Sfyb't'P'Fbyft 4Tteu feho wed'' and assisted us by their labors, will all the grains w;e. havetijt i not vOftPPef eyftjflrt f?J?ecapalipnft,,p;. tne(, young j.men. I piease aecspt tne tnanaa ot botn pas-1 stf .non. aa parieyijoui ueiug W9 or on'conducted into.an uprjer-.l Aiteir the dedLamltions. brnnnal. ad.' r tor and church for their labors of 1 three weeks earlier is Taluable nhamher whlKh'mi mtf'heatHn tn MwU ' allvprMt . '.0 f)Ar- i lov amnrio- V U t.t,- - sSiffidalionuy'th eeWgHua, aLd-f.jereb su " ' ' ' WiiStobl h4 bM- sublet, nnchanlmuaUfd x ; V ''fAAmaAkTl' I ml td grdw up lw iWOp: W,rrauT or ii?- TW 'i:r J SQmftftperture,f(diis roe n!)?, o? that there-onia1 b'he aIeDif6idu eves. noraiamDerTor our eyeudv. Uut, we; reiaea aoa iiiwan in naoc fanned ai spit bree.ATerihaiacelc ot better, bal and drove the .enemi away unui sue ieu asieep. rf i Bnt Um4 'aiiVlrsoiv-tsk't'khbl?1 ttiUPkiKWbVil)e dis?JMr prop iniatt that there;wll be a falrTBy' the first tTlembeit'5t'Swia be the pmgt-KeVerit) averageyiell' ;while theri 'aftifff ba riches tha bet famt andfell-dateiihe -h7 fUl thaLisan:- :l "aHTen., , Manvr Mho e heard: it , on,.tHam'. next ne ws I heard; he war ioTCuderf myhandf and hit weWiniv more. Bro;tiWai wrote me a I -jn. over hmiu&s ThoiihnflM very anectionate letters 'His more b uner ous uxao! yey er;oftaio thb touwf KWjre,oWyeterAaKi6hd mistooae fnemyV.phdi uy uruoutQK sua vioBiDtr ine. uortr. got thaat'ail o'uiWlhe camWlyrei not be Veuitdtel;' taVl Ute fAithf al hat iro iliuUrVftlsi aiidiVdpplfed the coveted breeze., iThutsdayvigley the Charlotte i irain, carried my bettr half to her .native , hills in Richmond -oountyi i- She received the polite and gentlemanly , attend tiou ot the conductor. Cant. Lova and of MrlNtliegrandy who thas W nnKI tn.ii.( .a ....n. l,,.t 1 a. a I wut . no b wi-ucair 111 tUO MPS ucu oi any unconveriea 'man.f tnAM firiU. OnH tllA " .Imama 1 UU ilUU T it is a very dimcult matter, to fornriihrTiiniTifiJjrL U'lAjf )!.miuO;K correct estimate of the quantity o thA d is entomb 1, 1 nons were nneA anq tjQe, '.addresses J potion, wnioa wui'ixt gathered in dantly. Ji3t ine iana pei-wmrougu )trwere otelivered .'wMforoa..Tiie'4 adf.1 T Vni! Ka&U' & -fiii .12 4 icl' 'L hmkeajLnd pile ar the manor with- VTTanTuoatraff weoas toe addresesicutu w a i ;. -s 577H-Tr.Tr-i to tonr bosaeisoiseeaper acre, ana niiaii ina Bav. 8c$&PmiWe can niflh rrAnic rrw inn r.!itint.a . fpjvioiklto thjeyowfi:andthe;oidf I ; lui w WaMy svudJhaM souaohrtiduA i Afterttne jerjmpn are had ndinrler aJI.i. .1.1. . I U-tn vjii '.'.via' v- " : . , BUe.WOJSBaQQirnjujr jay, 0ted.L-TfcC liittou titan her aft W enlff xiikl r,f 4wiSi.U A, eiSlviml Li I .."UJ m7aayiT AtLAAXuJ jkstt i L -f v w WViA. KU 1 BJT VjFUt.lfS ivguryj BUPjefJI, no- a iowerrrooia, 1 mu uitsyi us uu summing; 'read soon the disinrbed imllv had a lii I .mhiect. "Tne nath tw n; , had; bteii?cloed? pMfrbtbeVenli gHXEvft. SuSwfth' ellay by tiiuk IIH A. A nlM. .u-.1 S 1 I SI 1 iTTl '-f - . woippi.MttMiiviung t.nang i iy uoraan,. saiyeci, jWiiat'isri Jt T "O Tt -u frail I .'.4. - : t r : r . J wi.w ;i(;ooours9 wilt uotf alft f ihi f rW.WMWHifa! Wft-iMPiPay ip? eincauoupread yk Berry ,Eq,' trayelIl54UetfH-tta4 Pppsifltb' tMiBliziirWinterBi'8hhjectJMoin4 tpendha iiight ax whatwaW calfed- TisiX&bngiitBxtiadr bys'LiWrWiici the 21milfe-boose!6n Topsail gobb I naamUMaliiai a.' lf.llorkao Here 'the Kmiuftiuitoea1 .. fMrAo&fem adMechITemfcttibertr jthe'TSihRan. mM m - - Khri- ituireadtby i EeviMri I jQ verb' 7&S essay JUissilt AaHalstead. sub. wagwisiuj vmui iiis':looct roojJoea tioi oa6,jHiniOPih.e ,neBt," 'fCBuv iMU. uiA t , isyj oin, essay :llissfjVr. Baxter, eutgect Chaty,: re4diyl3BlLtShawpgth!es8ay disss MtiMdMotoiifj ef Miss; ' sut'i4ot. 7'iwiuemoer iia a. ruiesT read by J .? J. iPerebeetsEjcrilOth eesayMiss M. kri Hhmplities,HSubjsctf'i My 2 school days,r rreaat pyronvmv bbaw Ef. These ! wsays wer.lt well 5 Written i-i hort, " :edily ing m and containifig' ouhU ivibdom.'- t'heyi ijeepoke lthe 'gbod seuse of the youug ladies' and tue-woTiLiuctw ol uio' whoje! duiy it was to iubtruot tutw? i'lheyouig laaiaad .'youhg xaen'-attendis , H'cV, ii'f l' -.; Jodeed. most of pur reporters hardly I tLt2I;JiUW take into consider atiod the raaantit v : rf no better or ebeaDer' way. than to prpdaqed in, North Caroliaav in mak-' give theih" ao hburmbfaSig Bdven cooked tlops.ifiThef chiaf jCLiflSulty total produced ia th e world.triij .I Unfortunatelv for lijl ini'ihAt (frrtA I Ik. Vf that fhn land iaoAat - w . : 1 wbs.ua w r "Tjr- . sr.ir.jVt. t- ' ! I- ."U-'.,V Itt ' t ' UT WBUUiun a nwif lions w have yisi ted, and 5 we "have 1 iy ucoii ui bcoi w jot moot txjiton pro, rdueiogcounties"Hhe ropTwill la!!. short of a good averagl yield, one : thi rd i'i f .. t arty a? half With ehprt orops cfjeorrijheat- baUfandcoff, ton, oar farmers to cist h'avo ' a5 hard weather. , vyuoviuwM v cv vwm rains keep the 'stdcB dffihe 'barley tt Other graia and'tnakenpbysxtra feedings t 1 iiiTvtiv . Barleyniay b pastured; finely till March first, after which time; ht it grow. Tqi a short time it will, fur lJlP! is of cotton, and economy, rigid- ecpn, primewill IWmshstKling tHriydays . omy tonst lief practad, by au ito -make buckle and tongue meeL We lor six or irbt eows .and calves. Jt " V ' ' A A 1 It.. may pe iea xrom ne.iime.uie -uoaa vlnk 1 forms.' till the beard', beebmea. suit crops of grain this fall,c as to cov- l ?"a Vi 'tsAr,l'--";f?''; - the month as -iaay be,' (sths 'favora- - . ble time 'fc8ithsja grains for , winter feed. Iiet nmctt; pegleot , er a .fat a .possible, the; tailnrn 1 of tho patf5Vi tb jwdnstry freconomy iaxid ASwise lore cast of Ihimpehd iag evil?,- we can live, cotton or jno cotton. These lai lures may, and "ve,; doubt not, will;work; ; jrood to they farming com mu n i ty. We shall after awhile learn, libat ; we . eat ( lread; and beef- ot c:ttton, and ? stern necessity twill force us to raise corn, .wheat and stock; of all d escript ions , for home consamptioa at leist, e and until we learn this ' lesson, we may look for hard times. -1 " !ii4 .4 1 j fixxeb. a .yau)abJeesource,.ttiat lies at onrfbands,;i i'bose who pnee fairly try the advantage ht' iihesa 1 v;inter cropsitier fail to! cultivata I' - afterward,4 but consider 'S : zz ' jaablei o Ko farm : cr; ' r ' .should be without .;tL:-j, f 1 a qfwinterin.raule', f'::-p. and ho3, t - L; ; : - .11 . healthy. c: ... ; 14 ill i fi