r I "ft'. s 5 1 1 3 3 ;3 - - 3 3 3 ) i-Tfe I'liioriif Is'i of ttic Jlfnili o ry i even Isds atiif'otoi;'fi:vi N y of ii'niioar? tfi ti(ueir 1iishjoh lolio jabafi, fiuiulrl llio clmr !i lli-rn. ind"ivas is jiirst IsUip JSnvlhif is pniiy a liHtoricuil iucin tu M"t Ite sd(Ufctl by iiistanoal evule:ic. . A' l i" viovv if tUo vtAr'lini and m(uiienlouip n- fctuueiuces tlat ixically; Jl-w from ; tin H uiisli IlieurjiUiJiI art:uiisi4lHitivranr boldly avowed by iUstiiiMrter.- ems . (jnen tbo'e; o.tcliisi vo claim ofijtrtng Tbo cliuraii'wf Christ ami tho channel of Ciod'a rar;n .ill salration wo 'liavjofli rijjrht ta demund tliat the evidence fin llio'caso sluili n clear audoindeniaty'e, tied, in leal Jan Miatri tho best ovidenco' that (he nature f thd casein in us :or. vc nave a;reauv CaS annuls .ti. . c uavo iir5iiu unaatisfactofrvshapo . iu - whioli iVeria,l iriraiitioa, oM'ter'n bci g ." . . . . . i . . . seen h ilio nmer iii U'olna litxa amedoTtir,'lo XiA. IJatit is 4'uvibcr to' lKJ rtolieedifi -reference to tbU tradilion tbat it. refers ?ny to J ho close of Iter lilSu taociatcs l?ter aiid Panl at HMUiC4tand Paul wo know ras. not there tilt toward t bo close of h is Ii fe- In fact, ' )rigen jxp'ly g i v.w X bo t rad it ion only bis tteut, j.Jle says, that Peter liaviiig preacbetl to the .Teiv?? In P.nt ns, Oalai,ii:J5y l ihiaj Cappailycia, and Asia, foicarrJlhmVb ti;ltoine and v cruel tied Jwltb bii AbEeadjff d6 wn -ward. Bot'this jdud? rioiAhSbrB quire iiopt jptbe;Koiffijf jtUeqrJtbue sclecttill . c0yi)t liuie as tbo s Soeiiel of b is Hj 4iWow4i4Wbat endenCot;itbire i f that AV Mteftb; a stiijVtj came (o Hum e, undjr Claudius P. 42, (ougbjt to be 44,) presided over tbo cbhrcb there!twerity4ivoyeftriindalIer:d niar tyidoin iu tbotiast year of - Kero; A. D. GT orfcS. 15ut Easebin is the first 'mi to mfjtfc tbiii i taieitten t,atfd 7b lived in tbo (jurtbci'iitury. . It r'cs only pn his autburify. Jerome and others simply f ol 1 o sr b is tate men f.. It ii c3rtaii) ly cbroiiologlcallyj fitat? 'artd rests Upon j a iiiistalce of Jiistiu, f Jisiin (A, IX 130 1(G) had. reported nnder mistake that Simotr MaiBswciit td ; Home daring Crau4i.a$'''tcigp) bad won many followers there, and gained so great reputation that a statue was erectedW him on an inland in th Tihcrr i A isfcutuo Avas found there in ih0 year 174 bai not of Simo iSitnclui but ol'a Ilumatht tlivinity: JSemm iSatwu wbicb Justin AiWtal4n;tbe' Inscription supposed to beslafuixiiif Sunoiii 's.4jTra-: dition at onco laid boTd bf this statement aud, in its z$al to glorify Peler as mncb as possible, sent bim on the boels of the sapplsfcd1 Samaritan "areh-herotic to Koine, to ranquUb the sorcerer there as triumphantly as bd bad before done in Sams ria." l?or siieb a weibty super structure as Romanian we bave a rigbt to ask a betteHnmlation Ubau vague and nureliablem&'iuMi., To show the unre liability of this ort of evidence an illus tration or two may., be given. Papias basiei himself in collecting what tradi tions,! be co did of our Iijrd'i unrecorded-. sayiqg anil discotiftseg. He prpfosse fo liave U50d great care as. to lUe sources wbeilce ho gbtained " tbeso traditions that! he iiiiirht iie only those that were welt authenticated TbiNsone be gives as a! Teritablo discourse ot' turJLiord on thei time of his seorid coming ;s.!sberdays shall come, ill wbieb vines shall grow each vine witblteif tbousarM bdu2b8,eacb bougb witli ten tbousand brancbes, each; branbb wUbJltenHthontiand twlg8,f eaebj twigjwiUt teiij thousand bunches, eachj ibantik wilirten - thousand grapes; eacbi 1 grape cootaitiirg ' twcntfiyejineasnrjDS oil j wine. An d-wbeiiaiiy of the saints sbaill take a bunebjanotber shall, cry out; "Ij am a. better iibncby take methrougb inej bless tbejprd.lnnj nianne a grain otj wbeal'baUproduco Iteiithbiis-j and ears, and, -every earten thousand! I graii is, and every grain ;live measures of! tw6paTt8of elear white meal; and tuot ? rest of fruitsf andeeds and herbs acci d I " ingro their several proportions : ;and all animals using these kinds offood;whiclri are received from earth 1" are to become peacefal atid harmonious, subject to man wiiu an suojecuon. ivuu .wueu i uuaa the jtraitor believed noV and asked ? 'How shall these prdiction bo brought to -pass by 'iWTiQt&T, tho Lord ' said i 'They shall see who come to them ; for; these are the times of which Isaiah prop h-j eaied, "The wolf shal lio down witit the laiubw . ifowj ?what evidence fin ianyj statement is to bo given to a man wbd bauds this down as a veritable discourse of our Lord1rinay:be 8ald"But ye - he cocld tell the truth about Peter's hav ing ben in ItomePre'cisely BoC' And bo a man who is a habituui liar can some) times tell the truth f-bnfc who will believe -himi Irenajusj'jOUe of. the ; most. Jndi cious, clear lieadedplemperate and; dis creet men of all tbd fathersstatea i a4 a positive fact that the chiet part, of; ou 5 rliord a nun istryr took, place between th iortietu anuiimein yearfoi uis age.?iid defends thfs statement partly .byj infer ences from .lobnTiii5o57 but chiellv sby an appeal, Vto-tbe , testimony l ot . t tie i gospel a and -ail the elders who had metj John in usia, thatJohu bad handed down this statement toltbeiii ; , and soino Of thein t had seen not .only John, but CU v. V" i ii ' i rlT8 W rf Vi1 -ofdct from themand, testify to the dM fUu'hn'limUlgvttlivXtlw. IVatauif iit4 - Wo liAve uTifiitll tui.i,7fl - v - , 1 - nrimatvv. wo woiild nitu;alv. luro history vlKUlr10 jKrVRj ytves us, Moae-rt j a fjjijy eveii xvcw ci Yes us msiory oio.m tyiy,oi. 9 ttiMo rire.yqar.it , - Aftcrliw tbjjisto- ry is . Bueut acoutermng ,.uuii,auu wo cancb tnly,.an occasional gluiipsaf biju. Vfo nextiiudsbjinp A5N cliurcb cobrence in Ji4aIem,rcallW Judaizacs-iextjWsee, b ifi iij ' n tioeli', probably BoiHafeKjti.c when, Pau reproves biiu"Aftor nijvre lose siL'Ut M himr allogetbeii WliQre!is be labqring at Raie, it M;wtmU: ly xce rtainCji , In be. firt ejUtlef ttbe JojiiulibuiwrifeaX)! 5Tf;tte aj3ostlo,alludeititer( 1x5 Jn such a wavtas natnrallr leads to the; iijnr terence tbat be :iwa thea, iiot .rcsidept sti.uary, gym$a3r uieachinir J the- irlad lidinffs, JL11, ius piKtle(tp Ibelnaii AJP. oSt makes no allusion lo ;Peter s labors Ale-work anil M be.iPXf1? tliere. ' Surely Paul in tueH.jtgtaVHfli he, sends,. would have sent one to Peter. In AvB.Mlf thQHaposUe isjj xjarripd a prisoner to tl nne. j .The. book of Aet infornm us of his meeting; with. .the .chris tians of that city aud that iomeu ofilhe brethren went ontjto lnectIi tin JaV;faV as Appii-fyratiianjiirtl but not a wordalbqPetery--Thearir tlo was a orislmHJ lher& llnrini? this time be wrote his enistlea ! tlio? Ephesians, Colossianst JPnileniln anoiPhilinniansbereis them about Peters presence or1 labors in iCauie, or las oemg tno liishop of the tot ter evideijcn thi,; u r iai ;wtu the best ryjdm.cfithiHir.ftf xVA aduiiU or.:, and I Ur. WUilf li J in of, IiiA aimslolic ; labors. Svnd: f.inndfjhe Jtome.atmat Uipq of at nny uiue eiore, nr which & aj niost, iferUiqlv, would sffaVe done if tiiat.waHtbe -scene Peiei church. Can anvbodv believe that theobtameUAne consents and cooperation aoostle in norie ofibi epistles' wodld 1 ever have referred to iPeterr dtwhei wa there, or had founded the church there 1 This brings us tip fritbe vear tAD;; j and nh e vblencH 1 tliat Ptr 'bud a!ai 1 "been in Ttune. but neyativo evidence! that he bad not. It in zW hovvevir, that ther ii scripture vtdertce"mJ"tiibi fact that his first enistle is written Yrmn Roma under the frame of Babylon; Tiisi is; tndeed,; the universal teatimonylof antinuitr.; There are verv stroncr reasons agilnat it libwan.d.Jnjopport oninion tbat it wa Writfew frmti allili- H Ion on the Euphrates so muckf lia t'fffti soino Oatbo stauce, adopt that, and erantine Ubme, niost iasrm" It 1 ra.1il9.4- j I lation to the enistla . which P.nl wrArM during uisiinprfidnrooht; pecially that5 toUbe !. Ephesiansl1 tbiri that this eptstle of Peter conld" not have 1. 1. : it. .. (in. hi il Uc autlmritieai; Miig 'foV-la-i lM?erftjp,uat to. have bech a UaplUl church w4bisitiviewtHiBut waivibir" -fSanlev Jp.aPt,o J t P taTs that it wa wnt'n at bhas Kinoe tfrpvvu,;und still u growing, iq ib-. Bat this would put bim inme6nl7!Lue ana towai'ii 1 tlteudaf hUliWairr 3S7 scene lv Aom a: in diARt inn,n'f :t f,n iiitiZkl ment. Romanism is a wonderful system. It is not easily attacked. He I wbQldat- fan Ira if ninof tabu i.-Jll that he has butted bis ' headTaeihstiWi t. : s- ---4. . ' 1 IK Oreotioa UorreoteaLi k 3ro. Editob The.celebrated X Talv rand, administered a;;crilting reproof L li Satire to the presumptuous when he iV3.l1 Every body: knpy moriliari ,tw body. G. Harrell" in a lata nnihhp ot the AiECoRDEH said some things4 To iny "enlightenment!' about .whaL air tain preacher'sailbh the topacc subject .V'JB. U. liarreir! says bethinks be kno h the preacher that btf -never' ' used; j to sure of my evidence9, as the old Xawye advised bis pupil to do and my wifites is satu preiciier a 3jWite.f cleansed TTI aui not ashamed of the above sehtil ments, but having no boyish ambition! I nor anv nf ili I i -i , 7, . i pnuu iM'MiwU ia tlCklC.d b7 Jeein m ni" S t 'jemain as before, jiu.JCi(X 1 evidence hereof Borne, fieini filbeSL'fff WWHlP .Th ex?ning upon, l he cooi-. . xno limits oiaineW9paperarticl(!do; iftsv po.fuB.y.f"" kmi, iuu wun tint ailowanyiJela "ViV-ta? IV t vJ i ihe question wniaiPaseen cimsidered J mtffee be juftbgrpund , forcorapjamt The torearoinzu mtended to iriv ,nl-J ifwaye too. many i .tyeak and ine iii erful religion bat; ever aainVented, lMlblluhe 90 Master, in the But it Vestsonfalsehood, and culraiuates ifP'W H?1?! i--.n: j j in blaanhefiiv.'Brtf. hdWnkr Wli, -AiA. W raar? naT? not ths ptrt( cf Christ opus, hoc labor nt 1 WHvl 1 1 W,Mn oK.V will applyr to pbu rebel smoked her to.death for.ihreo Jrear- prayer' nieetingVin jiuhlic iiiul iri prialiii thought that was, excessive. This -dis ' m season and out is a rohjrr churcli crepancy is between G. Harrell" and lrficienl church:' ?KdrcliV and, the preacher, wife '(perhaps ;Ue knpwl "wohldto God e bad hundreds: where Ue her.) "Letf,bmi i!that'is u :ilthv I ;J nnW 'V'nfrfcb.f 4ii v H ti wJ.it it ?vuevil tttmmg as to jbave tiM,fJy 1 & tvU v uavnitonanyT tn , Msu ini'Iined to aiiHwer J Iickc iiuoMiiiM ill 1 uiaiivr'yh tut j tin: 41! lair Vt'Mlt .Of tie IJIimiMHl fat h3 UCibfPlHr m'theieachujrphoA1) bo, ivuld.ivt ba7 wnllen a wind Mngaih4 t'ScipiV' rtcleUt,i, 1 C fi,Utr.M th J jjVfoAibl.ask Jror urier, What makcU ffHif.fMvA.fv,ak inlnkpt I'V s:4 J asihnrrhi; nece8arly kweak lau) Ijaflllcifnt.lMH'aaM it antiot, at llr count its niombervs by fcorcft, fifties and. hundreds f lvi ,,mmiitH noceossa,vify implyrpngMtvnd flltrinrj, ? , : f Wbro lie tjio real iMwpuuJi(;U'i)( of even tfToso bburcUos tliat have hirtfe numbersl Will not evefylono answef, dO weiiytiaU,knowltbati to few really .9onstitutp the church in fail j j, A Ui, and oAen n verfjtmt. earnest workers soeluony to boiilivanjdto keep 5 the cinse.of rjsliion before 1ho wrl I. ,AVrb they iot jii the body ; the. balance, (so f.ir pfticUg H manifdsted by them) wouljj be a iJiterally , dcif! as the physical yiiiouybepiritis dead also." lBlJfprner8ays, ago feeble band was organized in Salisbury andiitjiieYer ijliad,, aiy. Jife.- A littfa jfielile band, was organized at resbor' gMiit4ied fJH We fhonbt the Greenij borobretjlf ren were, jslill alive; as bn". Jlichurd8)t ba been ejtlously at wnr c tbere, andwo liarnj Itbut a; tine, brio c cliurch-house tslgoiitg npfor the Haptists istai tou Tbajtjoolg like, Ufe j ltjWbatof tbisi JDJes not broibejr Xuriier know, that an any years ago , suiall and apparently, tpeal-,aml tn cTebaud was organized by lild, Kob( Daiiiel in tho old Baptist Wrove iji UUigblt4 They s dtilnti die. Look at .that people to-day, : , Tlihy. were neithojr Wiakjhor inefficient Jand why 1 Xot causo Uiey were, ''pitMjf ? JSt because tbey wore the leanior ihQ rich or iij jluentUd of that city. I And " yet the iiyed :and struggled PM the 111 hbt f muso um. tmeereu ai lueuiaiiupreuicieu iAilum B ui s ti U t h e yj 4 jfow,aeeo rd i nk 10 bro Turner's method bfbuildinc up the pBaptist cajtose .lU)igh brethreh oppUed fot me i.bership tjo lme adjacei,i liptist burph ; and brd. J ifjmJmiJm- She aforesaid '.tadjacent'Uhurnh, .until suc3i ein'lhe.jg'duriplhose best ae- i uainieu,iwuo ij mey .womano aose lo ''toQl-filMjW tin he eonaututed into ja ckurcli i ,'not betvru" If that Dolicv Jidd bWnaopied.lrnsriiiwo becjongi Baptist cMrcbijiKaieigUJo da 1 AM ft opied by oui Missionaries in tie tyturetbere.will beio knpre new church- Kbh1 .R'PW .or arjy! fli?Hjrw,et wppr oojaroiaie, -it ut proo.year or, .so aiio,! oro. a . uorusm oilierr ; out of Jnatenalt JounU i jnlhej .umvinjr town :pt M (A PlacP duenQe,;and eteugtii and power and thfy are, uot very nany, lvco- vbi urn - aic urnr they .should haVe Kew.rriendslijpij.periiaps, about 6 ra;les nut rP Itiwri N-nrul lint ntlamntml tn imnin Vhat influence is the -M 1 T3 1-1 I U .. .L- ItM jcliuf cites. let us sek Ip rendereverV HneP.rc Pnt uut b an attempt ticoMohdaiion,: lor.all SUcb attempt wll I UerWXUAT pruf O lUlBtSI ttUJeaooniOUS. Uih&Wh Vw ?rt n m thaipprsistenily neglecis the,divinelyiap pointed means of their own r soirilual . de:r jvejopuicnj wid. the'rebyaijf to beconip a ftctputqer m.Uiu town, or community, ;of neigtibQropain.wich .itis located, n is, Ja wek and inefiicientV'churcb J vnp, mailer how laree its meinbrsnin or how InAmwd Hi pasto,or howinanyji Wealthy nanlef upon thehurch-roll. Andiion tho tbe hand, a body4o poorl unlearned, and, , dpi uai vuii iccuib ineu uiu Voiueu WHO ire have fiutidreda of tsuch. alf over tl.e .Wn'rfit Tit5 thi imti church' Saybiy brcUi ren, bavcSve ()oriianf,v in .Norlh '.Car ohna? Would any mm blot s0ut:a , single oiuni. i i uuiu any u t:jc5.? i Goh for bid.: ' l'CUytdn,N,1Ol-'(Ul .WAX. 15. Uarrelli I itarn (l.ir.i fawn )YV;aV .1 lmv( if ipidinnit kilin;(rini tiyit ii,f.A( mauf l Ie rale wherei i tioor. un emcieni ootiv. imnrnnnriwin mids-daly,m,adife3imjr'iUA power of' the gospel in their own lives and wofjimg lof gethcr as'trueH'iborefs oChnsil :?rttik Sho-says - "he churcluin Ue undivSchi.of'fA 'Vfii r SiVpie h'll:lllenibenV.olit-i' into, all I tlo;uio9emehtai lhat). ttbe-wpildvi.prti? noiinci a rcspectalile, auVtbey 'deyofcdly pnirimiH all the vaniiirg i.f the gay and fislijoimljlo. Such iv cuiH0 of coudm t k nnwhere'Jaugbt, in .tbeKew.TestauitMit jt Hprofcsjing christians f; would jfarni tv;pjay;(j;tl!ie $n )u ttbo ayt vtA10'1?111.' rlAl -: 9)" niigb notl4 idlerai tfiVine'afrd ufjUVir uiaster, .thejvouldi in) j ti,finVd in , the i ii s zy dan ce iii jr at tb e par iy o f p Uas n re, whuro wine, makes 1 bo occasion one of Gxnrsslvo hjlarily and qxciieippt r KVrnest ciMisistent. christian, fecVlbat ihtM-e Is a workTora thaC thoya'j'e their own, but bought willi a price, even the blood, J of Christ, They deem it a sinful waste" of Umo in not liie. Uho,ppirit that i predominates deshes not' to glorify God.V Poplol who enter luiosucu . wonaiy amusemenis, cannot prar with bo Psalintst "Turn awny uiineoyes from leAtdg,,TaXv While faithful earnest christians juiay not participate in the party J pf pleasure in which jho! ole object is persoiial adpriuuentaud!uhdue(ekc)tement still they are not bjrjany iueans cut off, frotn social privileges. -j !i They may inot every Sabbath in Hire aiic.Uarynjage in the Habbatli school, prayer mei-ting, and attend .the public ministry oil the; word.! .Thoy may Jineet in the fauily circle. janu" nterciaiige views andj ijeeling jstrejigjthen each others luipels, sbare ibeir joys and divide (heir sorrows and mingle their prayers. (In all Ihu mumorieH of the past, the visits of chriKtian, brethren aud sisters stand out fresh and green like roses in the desert waste?.) i ' H l,.,V Besides; these .privileges, christians may meet in various societies whose ob jecls are thjo good of man and the -glory of God. t , .. -..-.n" i : 'J:J ' Whatever elevates while it relaxes the mind is innocent amusement ; but what ever excites the passions and (distracts the mind and obliterates tbo true ends of our being, is deletrious and sinful. . 11 we are! doubtful of tho propriety! of any course) before we decide npon it .we should earnestly pray that heaven : niay gr,iJe us iu all bur understandings. H I AIart: M TATTJM.U Discontoateo.4 Tftere is a reat d 'al being said thfousdi'th'e Keoorueb and elsa where. as to tbo most successful, plan, of rais ing funds for dififerent objects. Elder Dodson once beautifully romarkeil that, "first causes wero always . more impor tanttoau. secouu ones .!,:, What ilieh. is , the . first ..canso which obstructs i the I wheels of .tbejj gospoir car hero on eartli? WhV is our earthv 2iion made! ta languish lyby,is ifc that curiBvmiis give oj inue, auu ao gruQglilff- iy j.yv oat is tne uric ana great cause 1 A discontented spirit within the heart of christians, j Ydu Tnay suggest your piaivs, ana nx system ariersysTem, ana it will all avail ; itdhin until discontent Is removed from tho heart of christiansand they oomd out fully on the Iiord's side. f 'When christians art "contented in the love of Christ pr the religion "they 'pro fess, they are at ways preparcdi eady and willing to do theirxluty, yea, all that's xuo pour; wiuow.j was i a ojihouioj chrwtian,vai Vdectde'yea; afull chris 4 tiahhence'no5 greatf, indppinulsi,'nor to. stimulate iber to acti6ii,!no indeed I not ipthi ....-j., j ..i" ; -t i i .. t -tiki prompteri guest, ruler and director, is nt.Qt WtnTAr..ltvMn f j f - t nM0,wf n.i. i. .1.- i the Savior's feet atid beanl his wordses '"'J iAeavoowvuw iiuu sug 4t ; a She sat -there1 contentedf andlrank froth vtha weli? of satvatibn; She KA.n'fr fnllc- nh tr T.rrlV ! ai.l- .li .iJii.i-aiJ. -.(.iii..- .J iiiavn tint; hi: nil sis iiin : v nni ii;n.r iiwhi r v . T. . ' V. . . . V tent in'the lovet)f Christ. . ir-' t -11.-.-1.1 the man jof tli fessors PfVe in1 - A rtrt I y 7i rrnhrV' ii3rii- il f Vi- V :V gnlded.aua directed,- alone by religinuL uouaiiUji inpiuiuiu,. jjui IU Willi IUO world aud contribute to those 'various agencies of 'sin. "vicoatd foil v' and when the man of God presents the claims of uio gospel io mis peopie iney nayo . our- uiue or uotuing lor nun, now many voiinff men but what will navKO nt uiff waiieceBsry;uui,pmy .xo Know woai i hone He Will be Jon2 spared 10, her Ljrd l required1 or demanded of heri wotidfca rf ' D. F: IlicitARDsox; m Tho slimulantbibmpter,' being 'an .--o - 3.f ry ' " I f ?TeT aDwng 8? Wiff ier.;?S,?lWrW. . l J , B, R ? M fte : S wtlicra Baptist ( Coav owa And Marvs vet 'in' 'tlnttwnfM" wbo end,tdfter what brb. Jill, li saynaltut. bath hi Jlarehi Elder KOt Covlngtoa ;U up fhelrblessed Masters-Christ ftthe !LotO. t Sli ? 1 " ! T i V ... iAvl, foMHion i!,vthp folowltfi ' - But ifwepoakof a host bfhew,JWat Bro. J. UBlunk,. we nught -w;M i H to,witkmMioaiy diarr. Lyjiidrt wnirwo'beobliifedOtosaV irW takor:onr iwives; nhlidren tnStors.t ,J Vtirt - t ' ftetr? Svlthnsto 4 the: oonventiiu4iulps w ! --'d, yi,dt l tbj. faur wana rf pmmotlu no tra Ui wnicii.vre tnte id to; do at , nil kt..;- f-,1-. 4t. tr. Mf r ;j , aancttilii atlf aUiMfA -airloutf the" taemberS w t,.if i;MntAU,.t (:i,nn..,,lnl r.ne wives una uinznieri m.nii.ii).-: sy 1 t.v llfn. -4.i o.tn.L.:.i:u ioT..i.i. t ti.is ! If nans attend-the coumi It- iiH '.M; 1$ TJ-'rJUU' .t':.i-i;r i ,l l: vil I but dcle(ldtat" w wnld nt; Kivn ltiuoli taseu i.p$ TBtfiigehUVt-jSatatifTcVi'-Bn T,5,a f1?10 SStJS Ii . . . 1.. - i. i ; . U ii nil.! 1 t. i I CiUlrCll u i u auinuiuti ft-iiio uiiudimodi : f ft-A;iffcrA.'i!( rd .MXrsio I dndicl4bro MJ1S. It," t the, contrary it - i onsands1 of, discontented pror "w"V,rr,""V;"r.'.i ' " 7 . , rmtiigntwMt. Zi . liirliwl Whft TA dlK..nntPntAil 'I-' 'OlffJUW,. Vrr" I : - ,V clmrch kfnure. Or.n IT 1T1 lllllir Til f mt. T ItArAPTI ft', ff 1 - . . ..... ! . ' . i. ' . t . t at a show doori'Dar-rpom doors if . ;:.u j'-i. f v.s ii. 4 i v. if- 7 H ... --uii. "L and even at1lll13levl,'1a4clli,!(1lloVjg(5.oV and tben;llie iifixtidav: giyo'a deaf var t the irV imirtineiitk of ' the fj;oVmd;'aud eiiaVit'y;.':;; ; '-r H'J VT ! -j:;'"l!";4'- yPiiern 1s t'murb'ad, made nyvr st'c r nd i HiisVfi.'or fiocl,ranir n t ? nonniulJ A 5 i uinpli. Noj l.in nor.Hysteiii will liounsh is lori ns professors' of religimf lure a discontented as Uif cause theiri to resort tb the world tor lliel cbii f pleasure, ' A religion .wblcbcaiisCB one young man or Isdy lo liecoiii dfsco'ifeiiod and revvrt to the Vanities of ibe , world .jfL'r, cm y moht iaaltofeiherditTo;ont IVmu the re- 1 gion which ciUihi-s thersto be contented in tjip love bf ChnV; and iu bis sirvice. Could agents persuade professors to c mie but fully oh l ho j L'irds 'jwdfy 1 ben ! I h e y ni jgb t ex pec 1 1 lie! r calls to h i beeded 1 do think piUstofs o'fcfiurehe's oui;bt" io make mora pastoral vistl(.:r f They in my judgi hient 1 b in one half, or t wo thirds ot their useful ness by tins neglect.; 1 1 f I pastors wonld oiVnsunie '& faKv days previous to their; church meetings in pastoral visits, thd ebange of things would bo great for good; If pastbr would frequently! v Uit the entire tneuibrship of their ( respec tive churches, anjd get their! minds set ou thinjgs i.eavHily atid divinovt tins thby would bo contented in the lovo of Christ, and would hot be d isconteuted and run nihg'after S.itun and (bo vaiutie of the world for peasnre,but would bud their happiness colli )leto jti Christj Jesus their Lord. 'If pastors eoiild get I the entire membership of their churches io cohie phtilully bti tbe 'Lords Wide, thein their church bouses Would be filled to over flawing; aiild tlieir salaries easily raised, and missionary calls heeded with ulad- utwar Pasiqrsfjylsll. iti'e membefship'pf voiir cburcbes7stuVlhow them the post-! tiou they occupy id .'thi world as chris tians, beg tbptu lo Ootue ou'iully on the Lord's sideTO thatjdecision of jcbarac terjarid Jaspfrlt"uf jcouteutment in the love and service of Christ, characterized the churches throughout the inhabited world.- . IAI A. Opaque lu.r -rft s'r'roin Li ew; Hampshire. ! t was much interested iu D'. IIoDDor's account of. the Skihner family! It carried my mind back to the1 patt when I knew them. I graduated )af Dartmdutb Oolles in 1831.wbich was a, wonder ml year for revivals alf o Veiflhe ppu utry in iv h icb nl iny ptofesstonalf nten wer converted; Tho' celebrated jeviyaiisti ); Nettleson sp0nti jBovcral nionths theje and was great lv in stramrntalofgbid. Ia the Pail if thtt )eir' I cn!ered Andover Theological Su itia y , wii h:a class ;oiT. 70 i mauy of whjaui werp" hfierwardi highly dtsunguiiun, noble, trio. VVKu.t i, I'oner and S tujtrt we rbj sti 1 1 I y In jihit f wo ru "tlieVbi when the Seminary- was tbupuedT Sjii! DrVlirter died and; Dr. Thomas Skmhr ;oTfthUa4e!ihVa''Wa4!I'hVUed to luV place, which "he 'filled with great! ability foi;;jBeverAluyears, when ha roajove'd! to; New York where he preached tunl iiM structed Us as long as be lived. ! I him well " and s hildy ' esteemed for his his hlthmle. J devoted piety. knewi i him' .V' "Charles Skinner his brother, was one of 1 the be?t men, I eveif knew, distinguished gobd' praci ical common senso. ' To' an I bro. Wait, do Wakn Foreit1 Ov uv cuna9iuiitt. uici y, uuiinni; t-uviKT, miiu bim 0)'lttge -;t 15 1 ememter a eamp aieet Wake Liberty; about 31 years ag deTly he was' nwakeuel Sow i fer how fervently heblead for mercy. I have u a tclie I I i n witlimWhinterest' many1cars4' I uiess fine efltlbtl. i i irn. rn iu r.rrrarruiinar urn I'l-i it Mi; , -T T " - " ' r uR.who.J presume, la brot J;lJ. Eiclr- aroson snoum iaewrut;eiiaa no fna 1 ,. A, 1 .. j -; . a... n -V1 h- mis wcck, api.ni; n 'COT wn.uny uenu mo, p rm 1 bytbe prOachmg.conventioq being entertained ILaleiirh. brethren. .1 L . ; . t , ltdilf it was bis rmrDrrsetn pnt a? stop to ., "T . . i . ir . i : . . 1 , . a . i , f .: . . n .. : i , I 'i7if-' rfnini hlL that OnrttntA u-ill - noJdonbt ba iicccimpifbfjn'wwfx i rent : tor nor many, win reel f n 'tit' CO jsxitunoFor the convenience amine- Tmaiatio;i ot snndav school men. i there fll cintioiis j The brethren, everywhere are urged to t;ike imnK'.liate steps to hold and organicp Snn- diy school Conventions in States where they do not exist, lor the parrose-ot more tnorongniy or- fiaatan andsystetnatmugthe auniay - waou I wnrk Amon? the. Uantiat clinrches of tue oOUtu. t 'vtrfirM : anseCulVoploou:bt t.'htr k at;tbYoit of I ho bi itler,yi:H, at Ibe vi t v fountain liead," anil not llio hianp'.vH U (he tivc. and streams of the f iinlain, s.i dv sehool Oowventionn f n the Btate.5 and .- As- 1 ! 3- J . , . r . r, - r h Bq rmst. Cor. Sec- ro fenc i nowtob8obms:aQoQi'v7ntfir:!i:i' ". . xf ! .rd1jr possible for any one, with outjran acqnaintanre. wiih .our j.best y r i te rs to become a pbpula'rf and i 'acne p t ibje c'ohtHbutorof the pfess. Tlnvigb lhehnie Jjullis p od jilrralipg anil rr it rating'to;very; gmiefatitui, fyot ! if we -caiijclotbpi theiii with tbegnici'S.jftrVx''' predion . that como , from : study init 1 1" ritingiffl Addison! and 0'ldju)lthf if Shakespeare and Jereiny TViylorfVQ, niay gainjtbopr and the. heart of., Ihosiv ;we aim' to insirnctahd iinprovo. t.., L -: .Tho style in which a truth is clothoH is ortoh aimportant as tbo jtrulhlJlself. A king in rag onmmandsno bouiagf, (nit jwrap liinr in purple and the populace bows the ,cnee. - Clorbe4ih;lbo:royal robes of expression ;a cpuun on il lought becomes tyiprcssivck j . i (f,n , 4 he jitcrarvi aspirant innst consider not only the topics upon ; irhtch hflj U in clined to, Jwrite, .bqUaliosowliinVahe public wisli to Jiear.i about Wheti . the L ist Arts aro brought beforo us arrayed in alt the graces of rhetoricfthp porfottion :' of elocutic h, and the splendor of oratory welideh I spelJ-bonndr Iltit Pwhbn flho voipe ceas'es,- arid wq go to e very -day 1 i f e, whiM carp wo for tbl IoftArfaifuWe wish to ki iow how to double ourj : trade, to improvo onr lands, to lheet oujr .1 ibll gaHons, tf raise r:portiildrenkiiiriao higher tlian lonrselves tiii i theswale of wisdom and virtuoiiKe whooap fiiiat kMfully 1 iiiinister;!! tbQieiuiiiversal wants will bo our most popnlari4writer. Inl pultttig tbpngbta? nphn papers the yoongi writer may withtsafetrl follow t w or. to rco rules; ml imtii&h K , Jt'trnLiits each i sentence one nomiiVA tnonniixri and nnii. Ann: ixilt n i s Secoiidh it jth meaning bBexpresJod with clearness f force and elegance ; s atAtrd.ilYhero the subject admits it, tnj ploy illnstrat ionVlhision.j rribtfllioh , to enf.o-ce and adorn what yoiisaylUTbere is a world of meaninln that deolaralion of B t. M ark W. Wi thont arabto spaWe bejnotnntjo tbom. ; Generalities in wit ing or speaking fall tdrpundvbat1 let them bepjut in the form of nip stpryj an illu8tratipnV a prbyerba tmaximf a'pic-tare-, and they are Hke thbsevabcient spears which had olhobkf as weUas ia lolnt ; thy coald'grap'pleTaelts pierce. ? Bhakespeare ? seei eveTythitig double and the subtle7 force of his genius inculcates lcwons of high ihomlity while seeming nnly to ainnse and "delight. rarcHological. Journal, - ' ' ' " State Boauoh. The 8ntil j school bpard of tfif iUften?BiHtate8 will livid that they caaaecom plika'VPrylittt trtrtn thpy form -a' coaveutidiu or oonventioiil, iu' tlie States. Thertfore, 'tiiey should issue a call for a eofi veu tlon , beheld . at ,tUe..most:k'03veoient thn aud pla-e, pf suhday ifcaool worners. "tTKe As$!p;mUki;Kj! uiet, jit eUould organize far pc-i'munelitaetJoj-j nd tavor to pro cure the oranizii!ion of nuxiiiHry convention, miiU cKtabhslli Borne method fur rjiwiii : f imds for Siiidsy wUbol parposes JJaptisti ofctUe Soadi, ariiusa andlput on .tUeSand eho(4ftraior 1 Yoa are tob negligent and forgetivtryQvu:. da ties to the young. Throw 6ft yonr torpdiV itad take hold of this greatSvork with a win. ? ' Hj- ,rj i i, S. IkirKlCJon'Bec.rt) Uutl The Convention of West Va., now makiug a" Constitution has, decided that ministers may be members ot the teirislatttre-fflhe civil lar,oaa:ht j? it- not to hiiiwse auy disabilities, but as Reitvrnl nue miuiew-rs ougut noi w Havefumo v uuk The elnef treasures ot the; church arcr pot her stores of siver and gold, but her living jnembers, with their spiritual ''endowments' of Varied charac ter and grades;? d;i;.ftlywoaltt'Wre vival of nrimiuve faith tlraw upon the tintual resourees; for the supply of the perishing heathen 1 i ne iuissionary cause woiuu nop u eonsiuereu a making well-nlgb its exelnsiveeppealito ininis t.lf otthehnnth j bulrtheiBerciiaatthffertlsau, aud the facr, eachflnsioa the .Iionl's seiiriee would .present fiot a stinted nine oi ins eariuujjM, yus uunsi'ii, hih. jkjtsou ii laltor. and his life tu the erreiifc work of 'evancctU- iuff the betitbtu.--I)n Wm, Hi, WiUiamtsm $ 4 The next eafou of the Miowtfrs and JMicoiiV meeting of the Central Annotation will l?e held with tho Flat Itoek fjlrnriiW beiHnniuff'i ori Hatur- day beforo Jth nth Sunday -io ilarch slHl72Kld. ViT.' Walters U. IK is aoixanted fo nrcarlr th liitrdilactory ; rniott;S;Eld:Vv TKrook, J. 1 i .. ... . :t - ... . .1.- . - tae uissioaarjruermon t i&ia.iiuasis. xayior ait. Elder WIT. Brooks and W B. ltoyal by anpoint- lueniMiHueuuouoniuKuoui im i nnnsfnllrt flff mfire favoran Ia to Hi A tiroi ia tr 1. -f chstiity tbwitheliillilttwi - w tho Ministry are earnestly Mlicitd tp a tte as weecttoiuftlfutegomev plans of ope. raiwn. - - v " 'v. 1: W. Q Atxrj, Sec. CJATtox The next neasioa of this meeting, wip be. hehi ot pt owii'spleeUiig immi Kaamson iu ottr ebnrchestj The AUscnwion tO"-W. Ortdned Chete. . v. ' : s.t-L tlio mode of licgnsind ininiiCei'st &A nWd Ojut churches, in " dfcOnlilntk; 1tU'the or me .ow Teswtnent T i.Tiie ili4cu4 'iOneneu uj isiuer a. lv Laisoif. . J..J, . LfkXE See - . -a i-' ' ' ' ' - ? - : Jlw :HnUr tori Deafton. yocl tfoii will bK beM with 4 iionnty, FrKUr Ver-va ihS rfli..-Tl cons! lent loi ot I ht 1(?I ato all a? lar (ielerArt-inii tjeds in tliat, jw!y.. It, is hopi .that tin j several fhnrclf? cflmpofht Ihst' bo.'jr- 'Will erd a deWstloii ! Te M?niifii and Decor meeting, unl the Sab- lath f cl ool CthventUu ol t,e Vt 'Aon V,.ir tM Ao iii.Mi4 win mt o. Pr.lijr;.ttro 2!Oi f March. 1872, t iwri-H, in mnffconrf f, ahonr. nv mi r on uur turn r4 lj if xdy dcMrablr that all trie elpircfif he ful- y r pieieute1. 1 I- . : ; i t f! aw -iru!-:-'.-; p j" 5 "