: .. . . f .... . V. ! . . ' . i !. . ' :" !,J;,.7KVVi V i ii Vsi; o"" V ... , -4 . ! ' I , Vol u mo XXXVI 7 f So. t ; V B AX.EIGH, N. q.; ,:0 V !.' B E,B 20, U 0 T2V i 17 ura b o r 1C. . '' ! . ' '-! - . J . . .. '.. 1 " . I - . ' ... The IJmaCAI. ItCCOflDEIt, Uef oted' to wi-tam gat,Tni t i rentiyiuaiHK iteli);imr6fiiie:Blbi when 1 b time iaul fur espirespj in vancf-tatthoi? lollo wing "tat win ilis. 620 V 2t mrheS'; moiitlisi lOr jyluTeftetrt' felt JieHof ihi extfeinb fclAMserf .Twixt two uulounlad 12 4iioii ths, SM ; i uajIi??; 3 moiit lis,: $15, 12 mfctta4M:0 4 inches, S-uun ths 20, 12 months, M 0 lncbe, Jtnonibv A25 12 iiwiit li, S oleoliimiilvt iiiifi 12 ; 1 mohfl 'plStfimithsSOOf XI aufreiueui arts mvariauv o-i cric'i aim quai tenv- ia uichu mt,,u' Vabcoare rc quired jpirihy .jixletaa.bj Obitta?jesi sixty iyorda lonariiw II bliT thkt;;'prtHraclr.il , meetings, UU.1i coEsfstt a sObiV! ml 'nithfuX. Mi t iun p.f H vi o irntb, iuWngsi Kf -praise, and in pratr. fr the presence ijgnidance'VtV tho lllvBpirit ; that tjiiTeitMbinld V be -rt;o-iV4r wn facil ii OhriMtt that 4i8'nh5hwiiieiiiber,i they ; ibiu!d'UirtfftrthetiWl!Ooa "b s frlfetiA8 the Lord prospetr. tbeiu, tu ibo bailiifigof neat and attractive boaseBof byiififip, to ibe coinfortb!e"'8oppbrtJ the trdt wiiafever uri co meei i At to meet bfm'onjlib yitorion rplnrii; nis home.' Ttie con 'j up'ror. t went y ' cl t ie Vnll 'Keati n'iSr ih'e "X Vimo ; Tutfi! "vritb a rcrv en hi onTohlhliitlahfftir'obmin'i &fcfo heart1 WaatronbTdf hwthe klarined VIf halve opened niy 'iiViMllhlpn an4.I!eanJni?? .A';"! AVT. mootha pr(preparation;o.n berparfu;, did with her dpoordii.Rt4i.hjj vow "t lesson? , is ply ian awttiU ,warnmjK j against.QunecortJiary yowiM kTiia 3nvitr came to teaoh a higher. type ( relii-m u than tnenlhatl ever known t before,'.! ? anui bia lancrnacrH ia -. Auain ivu bavA liaril? tht it bath beri said byn then. .vif mvld th6 Briplutea ' eYerffroin'arhild tinie,1 Tboa halti nutf rswear tbrgelf, bdt shall perf)riri wntivUhe M'Lrd thine Viosonable feMrvice.5'4- Not'fo Aeotp.' JW8 Cbrik'tt nnV 8 ivUi and.il by fftViiV ulwl Ys ii pj4ct 'JjinitJ.Ti r Jj-cf'.' biin M :6nrWerve out' .Own let u beware or the devices of Safui; Let na beware lest lie, i us til ia oar htarta pride hnd bijr otrr and, tbo we sliould ;ome sbortot the fflori oiw destiny that seems now to await us as a church iianvly,' that of seetd tho whole religious .'world subscribe to bar coufessiou of faith.1 Let us ever bear la mind the glorious tidius - announced by the heavenlv host nt the birth of our Lord. Glo- ry to .God in the highest, and on earth . ieaee, 1 $:ood will towards men. la inauifestiu a spirit of lore ind Inndoess toward those 4 wuo may" differ irom us b; non-essential points.of onr .holy . relirioD, we shall exercise a power and juflnence for good that will be felt for all tune to come. Let as then deal geutly wtih what we way regard nsrror, and as Moses jrentlyTtook the venomous 8er)eut by the tail, aud it became a rod of power in his hands so, may. the error of which , we .now coinpiam ue lastrumcmai in muring our cunrcn universal cnnstian cnurcir. v u: r 1 f The i : ; piaKw.A'j pwnfcW iieo, iviat iHi y jf 1 1 f ... '.v.iifjl-. ...... .-.v., ........ , lm-Jifi jTilV i-tJ-i 'ji . i 4 . , t' t" J ? a u weu Known to ta paoiK, iter. A. S. Etna bas re- byith6 deliberate energies t)f :'o "uilt H'ttricotblke who inv bo VoosTgfiei 'fpltiire ; andiVverlastintf no-' i'hi mart nrltn tiod rtn nrAl1 i n er I ria tMnS ari 'Hi u mau nii'i nau vuu i ti .: . iuviii i ,T h erw i 1 1 f jm? IT E io ( hav o, Kee n t h ejr ; to w n wqrk. -'Betarvaid dr Wliat ispast, . I il. T. ..." ..I V"':'-Tf i' 4.J TTi - . yeu in mis woriu-r w mnsi ii.mt. m jtbis; irespectj in I ne'neit f ' 'Will ot f Ve 1 morse an d'agaiiy'tbeii' tatVthe placo'of i Jint'wby;ish6tiTdf;I ' attempt to argne the one jucb'itiint' witbyou1,;- Yoahkyd known ; t si' huoorinuixa eveu lruui a t uiiu. xun way i8 very plain You have simply tf talS HJlIglU Vi-lO XkJA VftWU HUiU iUUOfc oatbsbaIay nnto you,r3vreat tinf ;opjn.'WMftgivo'yoajxnac you wmraiw pa catonb'M a u4Soai kUaina priM'&vr atf all t beiiher by heaven fotlt is GrodW ; Obnst at bis word, and you will be fcdflv ae pMpKdrtmHidi&ii, ptaimliJm throne ? nor bWtbe eaUh t-fo itis'bii ' 'vVrteAmaol-w-.Th8inrrenrdr'tftliim-'inatSI f wtfo. Fy f? d fontstli beitherl bV jAroUifoMl"0 absblntanUrb, nrditiphal. l!Toti lr,t7:! The lyery 3o ;iccliarged for the ments and obitnarie, .makes the iigid:j obaeryanco of tho cash system an absOri luto necessity. Tbe Bnsinesj Office is' near tho corner ot a warn xravie street s. V LstteM shbnld . be directed to BiBLicllECoiiDECTale JEor two subscribers (JMO ! !. ' Mell's 3?or tbreo subscribers .: (6) 3Jalcoru's. isow Biblo ,I)ictioDry, ; Baptist, -HymiT book, or Service of Sonpr divyiTs s i Jfor five subscribers ($10) Dr.- Hack- ett'sj 5 lllnstratioDSDf Scriptrirpr tDn Kub Wltona FtireigVvl MiS3ioriary7liifef& imes of Dr. J.fB taVlorj or Sarviciebf Song with Music. . , ; Hymn and Tnae book with jmusie.W&4 Por ten snbscrsbers ($20) ?JSatto'& Oy clopiodia of Bibl ical Iiiteratnro, or Dr. EaddioV Analytical GoncordanceiW f 1 Please sen d ? tho names j on' rrornitly and name'the oooipre Personal Explanation: - - 3?or moro than five years I bave published the Biblical RECQEpEBj'and .have honestly ebdeavbrejlto make it an exponent of Bible truth, aud a , free and. ejisy medium of commuDication andac qtfaintance for . the Baptists of Korth. Carolina. INbwIam ? discouraged ; not because many church tmembers rare in different tajTeligioua literature and tnrre- li prion itself: not becaaso politicians have paid $100, 500, aud even 5000 for the, Circulation vi tueir party papers,;. wuu many ' so-called Baptists discoutiuued the IIecobdeb as soon as the campaign opened; not because - some pastors are c4mneteni and consecrated payors, ,aru tq tbepreachingof tbe'gpspetHrYBTT fl.'tnf.niWPIit Ti,-R&tinHitii& pan!4t tho world. 1 bey. should Iso gof "if;We correctly apprehend 1 tho : teaching rft thjeropinionsCtnentogo anywberej: fmaBgBVttid"wi ino t&jinr better. to do m .abbutoing good, in .imitation i' thjbir I of the Scriptures, weareaUowe to make br do any thm extract "fro'm article pab- juori ana oavior?(, jjapus neea.a gri ttjivil bitbs for the protection of the State; euro; this great assurance. on mostbe retoTiaatioB;tO: place, tuem squareiy on t butall other oaths are riostivelv 4 forbid- come a child again ? ione m those ;ilittle the brmativn toit place, them squarely.on burall other oaths are postively ' forbid- Bible platform, andil felt that some ' And vowa to God are nnt renniredl suioyiucrpeu, uu sumo wcr, uosu .uu nor commended; , It is SO I Iniought tatU.them YmUle'any batli or" vo. great a sm to theologian'mi Sbult d u t ies -of tho paperinitimei rore equal to the diffi. editor of a! religious ones" of whom Christ so tenderly speaks. ' You and I have been intimate for many or solemn years. 1 know no man, , not of, .my own tban I ? do many , excel aveiyou liahed in the Rtligioux Herald of Richmond V., by - Dr. EIohmrdFallerof Baltimore, Jaaxuaj 6th,' IS 70. . Dr. Falter lathe foremost m&a among the Baptists of 'America, 'North or South. - , , . r W. Boyan,vP.H. Toatain, j: HV Alford,. ILHeck, Jo'hn Armstrong, F. F. Peeood, Jordan Womble,Jno." OJ WflliAnu- T. H.pritchard W4 B: Earrell JS, AUiaon, J. S, "Pnrefoy,. w. B. Boyll, J. t, Carroll, C. E, Taylor, C." Durham, G. W.8anderlin.; .'; ' V 1 '. v. . "i,yy..i;,rf u pit ruu,ua XDXZOBIAZfc' . ' i.Tl '.jr. We bare heard Mr.'.Earle three times; and under the ; 8eri-f demoralized by oaths of "loyality. bank ruot oatba and.., various ; ,'otber kinds of nuneftCMairv; iweftrinff ! We beard a tojou.' Datiold, ibQWvHoiliaS DrosDfired LJSti JLii, laid these views before tbe-06nveiiti6iil"ma "i .J. fi.t. rrui I vnn ! TTow R. hiu criTnn vnn ana I , . - , . . ,in ayeuevme, uupmg xor .somejjscape oath, that bo had;voIunUry assumed all from what seemed to be a disagreeable the terrible Kn klux oaths and obliffa- -tUC ID6 DUraen silll res aPQR-rtinna. witb tb fliViT-at intnnfi.i.i nfr. thought of itl) are the gift Of the . Hoi y I diaadvaatage of a dLrtrwing oongh : and we do not hmi. Soirit. Ood haa been, and i vrr. irruvl I tet tapnmoase Umnwotth ibtNt maoe em listened ooedbS'falt, jexioning, . . . A . . . . . . . . . . anu wilt) auu uuiiurcuauu 11S DieSSeu I we most naiuru w ana numor, a areiy imagination. i a cor J ; , .J. TIT UD.iaTT IS TO BS ntPBOTID. ... 'i Educating , I do not tuenn the eJacation of the; - head merely, t Poweve? important tlu may be, tj J I rr-vi it vfry important, yet X.do nqt Tnean; the e-,1 ic-"n c'y -that eaablesamn to ,rea4brewfc Greek, and Lfttin,tLcr-V i these are needed to ieep np; -with the. advancejaant of the -. i world, but the edncatloa otthe heart; X agree with the view , xpresaedby the lately installed professor at the CreeaTUI pniversity, "our mission, ai PantisU, is. to , the nwoea of the people.. I qnote from memory. , yThe masses are not educated, and the" man who would be ' ' be3 mnkt b! famOiM Vitn'4 theft habit ' xt though.-''''''-' mitst be -ae - iationii,';.mW great deI of their peculiai1 riews and mode of zprHaoii, -!'' Thos educated, thnalearafog to sympathize with them', hia -: " heart ill be "educated and be prepared to labor sncoefefu!y i?iong thoee to whom WeJ as Baptist, are sent asMisaionarica, ' " the ma'woe the great people. .'"," " f jBjf mtdttation on the tWont.if God, ' Familiarity wit! ' ? every part of the Bible is almost' absolutely essential to ; the , 1 . ' most successful work crfinlnuatryIrie sad,' very sad, ! to kaowhowmuchy l was . going to aay yraoronca, how little'' f amliaKt with tie whole Bible there ii to bi; found among ; fiii angaged &ibirivhoaii "tell yon iom. thing about almost every thing else pertaining to the arte and sciences; .'to joeopby, Ehetorio, History, Philology the , f affcierit and modern Uoaes, 1 all taa" fenw thAt aire, "and , f. have ffceeu 4n .the yod and likely Jto.rwe and f all y et are , . ehaine4 by the anperkir .Jawf-ledger of fJoca and mnrdt, famO Iarityi theBib3e,;eT Ex3:y., t ohoof pupil or by aomeelose ntpdentof the word, in the mow iumble walkspf life. , The lawyer remembere end turns at once tq the authorities ; for lur opinions vhen .consulted by ..--hiacBeat, or when plea4ing ; before tha Judge - and jury. . 1 t , TherAysio'iaaaftorthe diagnosii prescribes (he remedy, why should not the minister be aa familiar with 7 v bis Bible as the lawyer with his books, or the physician with his medicinea. After proper preparation of head and heart ,' ' be most improve by becoming more 'o man of but one foot i a dangerous man to sceptics and would-be philosophers. . ", : aL-2?y CJrhmunLjrt with: God and spiritual thing. "Tc'i r talk with' men, to persuade men, the minister inust walk much -' withUod.1 To nse inen to put mfteor apixitoal joya,the min- , ister must get oftoa wi& (e fa tho worli hp' ; must soar 'above it, and know much' of the satisfying nature -i.-tt of spiritual tningatf Jifi"w!'if. js , - f j He must gaze, himself upon" the beautiful father-land, ere duty; light and air, and .health and., strength! .aiataitiTiinigat into homm natare, resottroa te itsgorgus icenes. He must ' often walk' the Aay aud meat lie knocks at the door of r i T'5 tree. tat WednowIgiYe publicf pticthat jour, heart. He maynot - it is, my purpose, so far as the .Lord sball reache4 the bottom of the ocean t f infa- accept OhrisV; for i you are not , an aaJ witwt y eifait, with th. which - mS!SS!t! ie WMfMue. x jvwer. . . , , . mjlre hk f ellow.men with tha ' lfltflrmttt5m. ' A rAt, k.f ? turn Tcry appeaxauco uraw. reverew. auaience. no weu- happy, happy land.; Bat I mas' Huuum mwum.ie vi gwuw ; no unnnpurninin wmw Tesu lit, 10 y purpose, bo xr b mo -uuru suau reacuea tuef bottom of tue ocean 1 1 inta- accept vjarist ; f or? you are .not an an givene, strength and,;wisdom, to hold my, and was lower down on ,the ladder tomaton, but, free (tgeni!, ,Oh what jup divine truth astbeBibie teacheiif1 of iniquity than the most degraded weight in those Swords, r. as ;. Milton and. to expose the corrtrptions and delu i ions ox iapuoi8, aa weu as vimu ywvj who may attempt to deceive the people. 1 . - - J. H. Mills. i . .OathsVowa and Pledges. ? m. fiUucn swearing is cnaracteristic oi a heathen.. - 1 Sometimes ministers, at their ordina tion, make ordinatiou" vows," and pa rents, at the ea called -baptism of their children make baptismal vows" which no ;! one expect them to keep 'Even Baptists ; jare 1 sometimes f so t hought less as to talk of ' their baptismal and sacramental vows " J Some imagine that tby 'made vows attheir ' baptism and renew them at every ! communion. If ! ';.';v';; - - t A 3 jsays oi .AQaui,,;, "Sufficient to have stood, though free to fall' OIL- low type of rel igionn8ha?eSpeare reP" r8entH the heathen Oassins as sweario z f'in stbb naihrH of all' ibe prods' "at a onpe.! Homer, and Virgil- describe the Greek and Roman gods as accepting the service you' have made any vow, comply with 1 host that gave the commandment to iloses: 'pat ol iu mi oy couiracc r .X4ieii --prievts . very i iuo jast loner ui your ouugauou. xi no j - ' vwo - nfron nrmnisAd divinA Wi.iahiuin war vnwa affl rinoh' vonlrerriftinher the wnrda r l la,Pu!s Mosesould bf ve en --r- 7-7',"-"T7 . r -f-T -r - rv, i-.t -".V Vrr toseizetne serpent by tbeeck.fibr wef .and love, on tho faith of vowsof services I of the Savior, o wear not, at all." Ihven I of throttling it, audio doine ' so Vfculd , vFo the Biblioal Beoorder.: ' 44ht Forth'fhy band, take it by the taH.n',,.i : Wheuthe aucel announced, to the shenherda ou the plains of JJetUlehem; the birth ot our tKe doeincr, we are told that a multitotfe bf the lieav euly host suddenly appeared praising s God and saying, 'Glory to Gd intbe highest, i; on earth , peace, good will towards , men.'. It ia the saoie Liord whose advent into the -world ia the likeness ot hninau flesh was thus heralded by the angelio purpose have in to be Derformed. and offdrine-s to be laid I in exciting revivals.when ministeis urce I curre'd the hazard of receivinir ; its" deadlv tHifn I faith. 1 .'j. i. -2S-2 J i" i JTL"- "-m.1 3' t- 11 tf4. I .. Jx ' il ' f-' ' t ' '-Li- -"-J. intn)iirfiiia liw wdinli at.- "I W wfll fnlv add thai broth ft r lt&rU ia an faithful nnm ill von.ro HEana on , anu. Hoiemniv urouiiise 1 -"" , ""'flw w'w'si u',- ?""! 1 - - --- " mr:. k . , , . the tord krermWtlon in .fourife:1WS r -v 7; . inaoKiua. JSUE iieODeyea tue ;COmmanament : Oi I inflaenoe of hia SDirit and hia nreaohlnff on their sonla have upon their altarsjC3Che VBhiepIaiply I you to stand up - and "solemnly promise ttacues inai ine.True, uoxu'uoeta accora- ine JLiora a reiprmauon,sin your uie, ing to his will in the ..army ffr beaY.n 1 be cautious. Our greatest objection to and among, the inhabitants of tbeearth ; Slder. ii) irle putn , of .conducting re vi and none caVsty hj bandi prJ'sayVnnto vals is that he so firequently and so per-, Itim, what doest thou.tJiW'e are. tils') in sistently, urged s the people to . rise and farmed that he "called us. with an.: holy make fiolem. public pledges to ,God .and calling, not according to our works, but to met that i they would reform. The active agents mr the papertiO another state which' hasublisbed its rpxsd t allJUs I pledge to deal Jcmdly withi Jesus,- ant rmv the entire Sonth nor because I creatures, and sends bis rain on the just 1 he keeps that grog-shop still; Another have failed to please some Whose .'appro 'and on the nnj ut- : He demands the love, in an pledged a more active and zealoua Nation was flesirca. :; These ( tMnga are a0(15! IPI8) christian iife but be now says be does discouraffina'. it is true: bnt 1 ain dis Dat, ac ine same uma, no scorns, tne nire- i not remeraoer ine ' pieuge. " .uotnep his Lord, and by the -exercise bf i pradencejand I not only made him most dear to them, but made them dearer gentleuess. the veilimons serjeut becomes in his 1 wto their churches.- Wherever pastors are true men baud a rod of nspfhlm. Thft niiriatian reliffihn 1 "f" Pt."" w-iua.Jniiuawy ana s genuine ' The'world is the field, 'and aa God by bia providenoee opens . the doors of the nations, and we look' in and behold the sella white and ready for the harvest there must be more, fervent and inportunate, Jacob-like prayer to God to send more la towtt into harvest; f . " '. ! t The difficulty of supporting those' who are already en- ' gaged in the work of the ministry and whose fmnilies often -need the necessaries of life, whose children go uneducated," ami their cry for bread reaches-the ear of the JUmighty, t bringing down his mercif ul and providential supply must not cause us to restrain the prayer, that the Lord ot the har- . Vest would aeid forth more laborers iato bia rineyardv Aa the area of labor enlarges, as it will, necessarily srast, there .wfll he needed more workmen Hiese wfll come. And men ; ; whose coffers Odd hak filled must contribute more liberally. -God uiH fnakethemdo it. - For this purpose, men; are now el- -, lowed to accumulate property, . .The time .ia coming , when they wffl dare to retain h hue of G's laborers no longer, God speed the day when all O'aniinistera shall have their , hands loosed and their limbs unfettered, that all . may come ; ujf to the help of tbebord, to the help of ' Ga Lord against ; ' the mightr--whea their number shin be increased, and ehria J; tiaa hearts shall be concerned for the success of their : work, ' and christian churches shall adequately support God's me- chanica who are working on the spiritual : building . of ' the " Lord I This they must do, will do; then his kingdom shall oomeand hia will shall be done. Lord, send more laborers 1 I The ministry is to bo increased by looking after and en t I queitqft the 8amej by Elder''lA'D. I.oouragmg those' young men .who appear gifted wi&'plety.and i I Caken." . I alfia fitted for usefulness. ' - - - - :-y.- r Tvi.- i.'i . I. ? -"iswimany mnowerisoorn to Diusa unseen and ' s .njii.tj I -.Wasto its fragrance on the desert air." t:. . : 'nyt.' 1 I J So, many a pioiu and gifted young man, for want , of en. -Pe has not bean before the glass, but on bis knees. None of thai self-oonsciousnega which shows Itself in an affected simplicity and naturalness, in tha awkward attempt, to be easy, to put out the hand gracefully, to modulate the voice arfistically. He ptainly forgets himself; and before he has uttered twenty words, the people forget the man asoomplately as Feter wm forgotten on the day, of Pentecost ; they are wpossed with the truth he is, proclaiming. ;; Physical pow enf are of vast importance in a publio speaker and his -are' nnoommoo.: f A voice rich,deep, '-' musical, resembling that of Mr.' Clay. J A person-all and oommaading, 1 Animal spirits ioaxliaaatible.s terrible capacity to work and endare. -.h , , j We haTS akeady spoken of brother Earle's preachings Siioe hearing 'some Any sermons we'aie moW 'oonvinc of the abenraey of all we have said. And there is one eletnent we did not mention, but whlob now strikes us as exerting: freat power ; we mean the simple belief with which he is con versant among the unseen realities of the Bible. ' Few of us are aware of the poteney of snob an ,t earnest; : aubctantiatina feetiooate, i preacher can be : and that hia af- gard for aU the pastors and the blessed i axr r, "For the work of the ministry.; Eph. iv j 12. 7V COirOLUDED Va6itLASTPAPEBV,y. fj ; Zn the eroMeutKm of tha work of the ministry, oaeaaa-rbe tatapted to pr ant tba fearful anathemas of heaven' againat 'i t conra ed because, while I have been re-1 ling, "because be is a bireling.'i God re- I promised to preacb the goapel to others 1 human demon into a- servant-of -the most high porting the proceedirigspfyanousb nis servants io perve nim, oecauge ana now ue Claims mat do was m isiea - and deceived. ' ' We mention these facts to warn other ministers of the great dan and exhibiting their deoarturea from the f they love bis service, and not because of "Rihtft nfwtfnTm. nrnminent tKeiubirians i any oath they may; have taken. ' Jjove - a . - 1 1 ' I iiAli rt nrd - t w Wl awa f hnti t arret nnrl nam . ana competenb, wrirers nave noi , ueen i 01,6ulf U,U1 uiuio uiu . w u, .w Tvillintr to rebuke errors nor to Doint I dience is more acceptable than sacrifice , ! out to 4he churches l and individuals,- The Mosaic dispensation prescribed their dan herons aberration's 'J have 1 oatns'AVuenever-1 ney. couia contnoute to been expected to 'flatter; puff and tiraise, theprotection'of life or property j but unf 'Earlei "we publish Jn this 'I paper, Pr phrLordandJeemer.IUsth not individuals onlv, but; Jarg, Udies Recess WDg?iie'r: oert Vemafeili editorial . ISSSSS -i:fi;i ' - . ' 122 - fdtnna1 a nti ra shall - nif ' anroa hv ' j. Vau nan lira olnga rhu artlAIA telthnnr. B s ".l?Yv. 2 i ,. 1 :n i j.. I vivsi, . the same ratio that itsinfluences. predominate 'is I Introductory vSeratoxwpreacftedb'i'at the the condition of society ameliorated and plvatftd. v t xt-j i..- j?... .i.iTj.i . j-t.. Uiider itsbenifririnnn thisrt of p h r ments has nudergone important changes , in. re gard to great crimen, many of them havio s ; sub-, stituted penal serviutdelfor capital 'punishment Oar peatentiaries 1 and' other penal ; institutions may aptly be called; itta cities J refuge of th -Mosaic law. where oftentimes tb rmor criminals byfiayiDgtlieiiillueaasortlifclip sinister of the Lord Jesus Christ. tVEant Vfs up brethren. t bring them oatp let them exercise their gifts and xnaie pro-; j vIotAra nv alAm an iVa. La. at. l. .-i t a ' : brought to bear upon him, is transformed from a I The passagfe of 3crf poire wuich ioms the can- tiotf to this article is not only Applicable to the perpecTRtors or greaccrimesj: but may he merreu . I rra.m nt aTontincr wrktrra an1 'rvla1 tTAa'"vonitr I "tA hnnifl.n orrnra rf looa-tnofilfr,lA ainb oa nra i . i may maae tue iasi ataie ui mauy uieu, 1 JTTij v; '"''' i may be r -i . t i- j.. j - . . t i . ' - il . t v - r-,- i - - i -'T' B -aw -- uii Kair i ri i r i va van n wn v n ran. a mtw rw nn a . arm a . b s . one than the first. TAtthe same fime, it-i SSSSiS Hj w ' , J - aJ , -t i wjwwi' ouiuuiJO.iVUO a.rMa.rTM aaas-j ULTUilbY Va -1 i a . I OI aVMUS by CJobb a lOU.WU liaptisfs.. x believe in salvation by sovereign and " un merited grace. .My hope toheayen resti nbK the experience tbari. r 'Jesus sought me when a stranger M: forbearance inculcated by our .libiithese- erenerai rem arts l wm t eDdeaver tu: innruy- ttao- passage of .srtptnrR iu iueetion to th tbareb ef i Wandering from the fold of God.' 5... . God in' vajn j for theIiord'will 'iiot bold Tor pastors.;"-? Christianity - is, disgraced Tiim vnlltlesw -f.ris.rf a1cTh lLi.'4'-'Tui.TTi-iiTi rwhKnnvnr r.hriatian neonln fa.Trtn.i r.n t.Tio nih.KBat the IJibloaUo plainly pretenders,. am mii the ttiirw?! avvAri rtnfi Att 4-1- av ' w a v a 1 . s w . ti'nn "TKa I r aa lAVrvnta, ikriLi rhnn f na raa. I - - . . . . . I 1i.;a JrJav; amrax..w ; LMa. - sV.a "u" 4? .wa F (iiu;iia3 wK-6w.viwp wau u,-. roroneot tho oruiaT cesof the church. hau, we :Y--r-;"rrr"' "r-" i .a t tr. ht...-; j m- . , v. - 0ibeonitecameitoJoshn .wbiWi . : l., j j . I a. u , llu -U - nit tn thm an1 rofndi.Al.mBfian faiinrl.;nnfh I x was people arernegLectea as me manner ox , some . ;M I . . . . . f . .... , .. .-.7 . . . with, a lavish hand the proaaiaed blessings and comforting aa-j sipnoes of &e gospel 0r he may bt tempted jto gloss over or entirely drerlook the glaring inoonairtenoea of hia bretlireti,' and smooth with plastio hand the--crying sinsj which alas t sometimes characterize some of the leading members of the oyer which he .may have the oversight.' 7 Ah ! this great trial of his faithfulness ; ,but jn a matter so what shall he do .who watches for souls as he who an account t 'He must be faithful By the worth' fot whom Jesus did--by hi Son's oommand--by hoi; much the purity of his church ' is. important; and the -progress of Cbrist's kingdom in the hearts of -the children of men depends upon it,'and the building up of Christ's church on earth and th tremendous Issues which are 'at stake', in ,'volyiDg .the salvation of 1 souls perhaps his jwn jt is iW quired of a steward that he shall be faithful, thatlhe msn wh6 Is appointed to labor in the work of' the ministry shall bs faithful, "faithful to his faQow-men, faithful to his Master, covetous, or th church as a respecif uierarrent ei- prompUy "met, .If the cause of ' those at home, riaion for them and send them forth into the white harvMt' .fields of the world.' ) "': -s - . '' ' t By adapting our sun day school instructions to this end." il Sere a fine opportunity is presented Snnday after Sunday, to ' "inspire the hearts of little boys and girls with a de? p tym , pathy for the destitute at home, and for the benighted heath-' ' en abroad.' The dignity and tmportanoeof the work of the ministry may often be inculcated and- hence, from the snn4 ! day schools many a bold and heroic minister may be recruited , for pais service.,, True, many physician, or lawyer or me- chanlc, or merchant 'may be spoiled, but many a useful miiu "' iiter of Jesus will go forth to prafch the' gospel to the per-' ' -ishlnnv'.'lJtrL "'5 .ov': , J I would ssk every Sunday-school teacher who hears me have you appreciated thU opportunity to advance the interest v of the Redeemer's cause t . . . v " J -I..ay,'t.rfwr oftJuminiitri ia remunerative. Notln cold'' lad silTer Little of these co called precious, metals to C' ' minfeter allowed to handle z Day after day night after night he mart apply hiinself to his ew"i, aiok, Weary, worn; in eold ,,t X never VgotieligionVtnQrsecnred most Pt to them aud refusing christian fellowsMpynth the salvation of my;soul,'Inor bnderstood t ihosewhom be was commanded t6de- men have as much as fhftv hr1 onw ri'trht I them,or ratherishalLwe hotfoliov the'eommand-' utney naa any.ngnt jneht to" Moses'byiltaldnsf this error bfniiMlJ there is coldness, mdifferenee, apathy, faithfulness requires hunt to rebuke, to exhort, to entreat, to threaten, to stand bo w a man could i take k bold of regener j stroy ; bnt they exhibited their old ieatn? r ta expects If therefore you have. ; made J go that it tnaybeeome an instrnment of i Dower t tiponhe wakh-taya? sad blow iht trampet -.f, jOann, kmg; ation at-will anaaet.f it gowhen sver it I er Dotriesv ineir worn-out suoesr ana their i a vow to iod. ot promise or -any &ma : a .3-..n - - - r , a . r j a i ' Jt. "w w m jm ,.. m - . . a w .w w k a. a v t a m . . stands in the way of his appetites ' But ! mouldy bread, and told Joshaa that their the doctrine of, election is a, double $oo- botties aiid shoes Jyere jaew and;iheia trme.Tnb" Cmanwho aa predestinated treadat9hen''i they left their dis-i to eternal life in. the next world,; is pre-, fant hotnb r JSa s,wore thatl he would destinated to a holy, active, laborious,' not destroy them, and then be respected christian life in this world. Old-ship-of-f his oath, even when he fotind that these I in nncdnverted friandl and by bis1 per MKraVat s1- itAAA4V..tsfl.. I 1 ! x : J J 4, J, w aV atV -a. KM..M1AJi. - - - in our hands. , God ia truth and it - follows, that truth. must ultimately prevaii,and if we are right 0 yonr fellow-Tnen; beprompt and care I truth,must ultimately prevall,aad if we are right wi s''iXm iV '' i'wwfr : VVw in' regard to the ordinance referred 'to? hV follows corn 0, . ?Tf r7 ??y.WJ. that the wholelwdrld will soonerhr later be with pisagey anu eTcry4pr,uiuo, j j,, v a , . i A prominent citizei wrote a letter to us, i Such a glortoos event cab only be postponed oy our own action,, liwe show ourselves Dirots and persecutors,, we put ourselves in . error which must ever give way to the , onward march ot truth and justiceV Iiet as gUnce for a moment 4 iion cnnsiiauiiyiis a nyran:Ooos reiig i aeceinai' uiDeonues; were; among nu i tnu? slon. wo copy wimout the Knowledge I at the past of cnrtcimrchmnd flret a. ; win say l bleeding hearts, ionTery "difiereht front thartauffht in I nearest neiahbors. David essras to.have Hf tba rfiteri- 4 Mavtiod blcai it to the I tiiattliQ piblaalona is.cnr conteouTpf -Mth. I peaceful quiet Wa riiSMa:iS i 'Al nshhannhimln"tvbnb W ohfw 1 IA Wil W-' fiiihrX 'rt ri . rer.4-.ll trt I ISvery OU6 by aarmlng.tluit bishopO pt Salya- I Bretheren, to vrti;r-4?l IS ln" 2 l.Tr'r: tion tests poa the glorious truths there revealed irgingyour .wu iuauiiotauux,uuu bwuo .vavui,i wui.iusuuff Jkf,wu! v. -..,. micw. taa 1 ps OU VCI . VI UJUt tu v,uuui ifc Mt.J I na By COutortSInj tOjUe rales of OUT ChUrcn," IS I conversation, do ydtl ministers nreachinsr that reDsntanct) is I bis own'hurt and chan!Teth not.". ; -A written; u Herd is the letter; with the I admitted to ,oor coacuniontiwhiie the conies-1 faithful m the work tint a antv. Knt nnlr a rifh irindithat:! v.Bnt to ws made to (rod era I tr.r.ra cole I b - 4 t ! ! r3-VH r S'r' - "". 'A : t I tica cf faith cf many cf tboss who diSer, Iron xs I fcuenoes, wmehmay ,-a"-L- s- .rj iL t.s- 1 L- -u- -ttT 1 .-w t -toift.. I is a medley of Bibt truths andhntnan traditions. I faiihfuL; ' ;" . ' loud and clear, giving no . uncertain sound, but such a blast as shall be understood Suits personal individual application. And then to patiently bear with christian fortitude Jhe com- plaints which shah reach his ears' and burden hi heart with wcit;that almost crushes him. to the arth--0 nry hearers, what a responsibilityl how hard it is to be faithful 1 Well is it that Jesus has said to bis faithful laborers, 'Lo I ana wuuyou aiway evenunotnetna ox. vae woria, or now many "noble iouley sensitive spirits would lie ' down with and go sorrowing kTthetr gravei,seeklng the and rest of thstombr J: selecting the subjects of your discourses, or pastoral risitatto&a, or directing your private hot. have vou not found it hard to be if tha ministry f ' Yet the fearful conse- accrue, demand that the xnirJstu shall be till God bestows it upon them. "These I man voW avow unto the Lord, 'or swear are opposed to protracted m jet infra, aud I ian oath to bind bis soul with' a bond be Sunday schools. They are not willing I shall not break his word : be shall do ao" topiKGli tor25C3l'nMnfal;3fli'j( fcordiosiJto r U th-t t-th rrcc: :;tb out and tbey never tell the people of the creat l of b ik.llJ'ontb.,' When thou .vowett a duty of sending tbe pel to the regions t)3yond. On the other hand, I find an other class of ministers holding uproar ions meeting;, and making people cry oyer their dead kin, till the c&lm, which always follows a: storm, ii mistaken for "peace with Gd. Then, when the pas tors tell an ep'orienco fur e:jli c;'.!:',!Hi'to atd draw out a reluctant yes, all aro?re- c : .red, to ba dead weights aa l cliurchei. : Tbus Eapti hardens :Ldr "converted membersliip, are - "u;ds who are not even tndy the vow unto God, defer-not to pay it ; for be hzth no plcraro in b;oU ijizzX 7mca tbou bast vowed ' ' Paul, in a'.ludiogto tho Old thii pis 'iiitionVv'-Li rMhrrcfcro l:?.ra"aless: from tho gad tic ry cf Je atLahS unfor tunato vow. : Ho Lo Izilzr ciz I.:. 1 cfi-uioua C'zhters."- m 3a' lia Trent a --in't tha ? 2ly Dear Friend Tt is not strange, esteeming von as X do. that 1' should tirjje npon your attention a subject that concern yci i ror::rly tln my tMcj In this world., X am sure yon , will J?ai-. don me for this. ' I 1 lr.T0 b:cn thinking abont you a grct deal, and . praTinir ,for . von. Common tioa has undergone glrevioils and aevere pertscil'. tious. Cat the tertial principles pf trtith Ailrt ins tice have prevailed, and our cliarch-comes,, forth "from its fiery ordeal Klorioa3 and great in respect it Upon HocetT. . For tbia. let as constantly rive thanks to liira -who has said, And lot 1 an vritb. veil alwav, evea unto tli3 end . cf XtQ world. Having but recsfltly etaered froin the Crdcal cf ptrsecutioa, Kiiaii te ia tu.ru Uecoa persecutors nVvnT.er-s .nnd fivrnt Tf r.nriien in tea I o ft f-Mtb-irr fihri-t. vnin. 1 i. lotir4' t.-.vf, "fTlrtvrfn I . . . - . 1 - ft i 1 I ... . . . .. j.ft.a. I I . . a,. .Lm... A . 11 . 1 . - . . . - . a . " " ' ) Teitamenr. says: "jow, an ..ictsa 1 .nothiCT is lost oy it; out it it oo a ,veii- ,iwo'dr- oreuirtuoicuicrocau puauousi-va j rat tikWana- t ' . - - - 1 ' - - . ' " . - ' j . - - a. . - - I l irl !-. S. M.n..rt - - . It fwilma rf"VV 1 " lesbaDPened nnto them.; ior. ensun- ty. end. nnt vin, then, tba eonl that ro-. , u" , :. V. . , , . lVt:" "i manuru the ana of rebeiiioa :s. andthey are written (for oar aatiio- I lectsit. reriw h.1 I. and at last loses v all. I .u.t.i..r.v,M nnur..f - tVh,Uf r be needed and continued. . 1 I that ia, vro have ' nothin't we can cuiin 13 oar own.- TLa r"t is' rone forever." Xt 11. hit of' It Ac wo r; th t. t!:3 prcj Vro Lavo no 1 Iiito it enly l v : , ' rr'.: , i. . . - . . . JL ila J . - 1 ' r " . , ... ., . w . ... v. t .hi r? to a ;?Ietfcoc,.!-tf 5 rreyH chnrcb, snd t!:cra fca r-ri v.l in the past to have been drunkards, ' persecutors aud fc;...' . ::.Ujf .t'...' r!in or .--.Episcopal. n I bavjjuk 1 Rjd ia tlieir ri-rht it:.. 1.. .0 .'. -.rt t'i with ;-r i.tuJty liir.i who rpI:c;r.ed tLera by Li? rnciuas L'.ood, slall I cot l.il tLcni as trcth a;; 1 yearu lor their fellowship &3 spreads but before us an almost illimitable field of faywght and application, but X must pass on- to observe, that ihia oOam ia to be parpetuaSed.- This appaaxa from ,tti na ture of tha work to be aooompliahed, and the end and pur- bose contemplated. "Jill we all come in the unitv 01 tee Caefc man, aato the nwnn of the etetere of the olnoaof .Christ." ;ii'! --; iT-'n- " r'rsfifls: I :M as tosl fci cHl-.l is ta ts ediiede ho2t up ,oa its holy faith or there remains a ainner on earth to whom, tne gospel of Jesus is to be preached ; or a aarx 1 iaoe 10 w eoutness ju so long as we remain the posesf-ions of ;Sat6n, or against God, : this oiace ;wiii Faith cometh by hearing, and bemrisg, by tfae word or Uoo. -in preaenmg ot w ty:V. i3,e) rrr:l:truzii:tj Jtrjted and used by -Jeena i foi tha eon-reiBion jof . ailLners; Jj'Till . Je ua rei'--' rrer all the earth, and there be "me -Lord, one cr.S c".s V 7" "t," w3 tie Lord forth those " who BhaU acooinrLa Lis' dasi ju. Then sLjuI the desert blossom M the rose. "'Ti.en aaaU tie heathen be giTen to him for bia LerlU t-1 Ca c'-Unict psiti "cf the'E.a for hi F3. srsslon. C3 -1 cf ea tie czzl cf Cr' t f" 1 U.3 love ttC':: 1 13 ccr-.triia r -3 to Lbor ia the wc:i c f whQe sowing broad-oast the spiritual seed which are to spring np into eternal life; no not in gold and aQter shall be find.', his remuneration, but in souls, more precious, more j.lclesa. T Souls shall be given hint for his hire. Brethren, it is often told in ridicule, that on one occasion,' when a eommittee had' been appointed to see the pastor of a church,' to let him know I -that they we're tired of him, one of them said to the minister i . plainly, ;y brother, you have been preaching here these t fourteen years and only one soul has been converted.", ; f 0ne soul did you say has been converted by rny pre ichlig, t is that sot Lifting up his eyes to heaven, Awhile .big tears . flowed down his cheeis, he exclaimed, "Glory be to God, I -one soul canvsrted, one soulsaved 1 1 -Turning to his brethren, i ieifid, I am now willicj to work is hard, t:rt:: years i' jnore for another bouL'! - ' , lean enter into his fcellngl lie tppieclated the worth of souL" The Savior gives us an idea of tha value of tauls, when he stands there, ss With the balances in his hand) ahd. heaps on one scale,' all the diamods and precious ettrhas, . all, the gold and ailtef , ail the he&ors end fields tf ti wci-li.-and asks the question, 'What ehaHit profit a nl&a if he shall gain the whole world and Idse his soul ) - or . t hat shall trnu gin in eScheaga tot his 1 eottl.1' Thaa places the ' im mortal soul in the ethr wa).; Thi ia an to . outweigh -them all. It descends faf fctldw the hole world pi,'?d hef p Then the chafeh shall be built Up 4hron tiila InfctrtLuientalityl -irlar, snmll be brengU AaUOa), Jesos snail thus aee of fbe travail of bis soul and be satined, with the treaties ; of bis redeeming blood; while acftls e'aall . rejoice ever and anon as one sinner txxaanotdter, and anol.wr, is brought to repentance. ' Brethren, this is your work. , Hard work, work enough for every hour ot life. How dibtiuguiahed the honor conferred . upon the minister- coworker with God! . Cosufferer, if need . Iwj -with. Christ ! i-, .? r-? -:- - - Glonooa oocapatlon, discouraged, labor ou J the work of the ministry!' Be not Your work will soon be done. A few more days of toil, thett'cones !'i!.srei.t.M ' UlrljU ruil r -iCtloriooe fraitof your labor, when pointing to " ' have been bro"jht to Jc -is throcjh yonr lab" l-y the Kins,"' "iT.Ta aa I, Jjot 1 a Kinner ; and the children fciou hast given unto me," ' '-TTLca tL:.t iZz ...loi&aj shU r' . 1 r- T'.a 3 Cl V. rtory tbro-C' h tl " - w r - fc f v , 4

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