V i .1 '' Volnno HHH VI I. p. a irE ro h v ir. o., n iz.c-n o r; 11 7 o o r A sermon on the' Final Icrscrcranca of I il . i:'t.. T" T ... T- j r. ' Text:--Tha righteous also shall held, on Lia ay, and he that bath clean hands shall be stronger and stronger Job xrii ; 9. r ; " ; A. Every intelligent human being leels more or less the importance of finding the way of eternal life. CJ " V; ; Then are those who moved to a small extant by this mo tire, bat to a much larger extent by iatae motiTaa, pretend to seek and pretend to find this good way. There are hypocrites.' They are deeply conscious all that time thai they are acting hypocritically. - ,r' - ' - . .- There are oiiitrs, who moved by a deeper sense oflheirjsia and guilt and daBger, seek, as we must believe, with much -earnestness to find the right way and walk therein. 'But these,' not seeking with the "wAofe Vwrt," grasp at the 'shad ow for the tubitmc" They take some change' of feeling, physicaT or mental, for religion. They are deceived, and perhaps for a time, honestly deceived. Neither of these . characters shall . hold on his way. - God's word declares t ''Thehopeof the hypocrite ahai) perish. h . Bat there are still others (and would to God they were more numerous) who hare deeply felt their 'miserable and rained condition as tinners ; and ;have most earnestly sought,' and oertainly found the way of life and pesos. They hare come . with broken and contrite nearts, on aeeeant of their sins, and God has not despised or rejected them bat received, them, m his boss end laughters. , These in the - text are called the "Righteous f These shall hold on their way, because they are rigbteoua, they hare clean bands, and shall add strength to strength. . They' shall "Grow in grace and increase in knowledge." ' " B. I hare no doubt of the fact that the doctrine of the Final Fersereran.ee of the taints, would be more readily un derstood and believed if persons would seek to know and . remember that there are many who seem to men to be right-' 1 eons, but are not ; while there are others who really ' are ; ; righteous before '.God and men. , :. $ f A' " .?' Some of the former hold on their seemingly right way but v short time; others may hold en till death; but all these shall sooner or later be thrown out of their way. . - Bui all the latter ahall hold on their way unta grace shall end in gliry, and hope be lost m full fruition. ' J.1..- . 'Bnt let us come more directly to the comrideration of the text, which assures us that the; righteous shall hold on his . wayandihe that hath clean hands shall be stronger and stronger. ' Our present purpose is to examine some of the grounds of this assurances ; And, . -.' .t'Ll V f .. .; 1. God has prepared a perfect way for the righteous. i S. He prepares the righteous for this wsy. i x , 8. The Bible furnishes numerous, positive, assurances that : the righteous shall bold on in this way.' . 1 j , . L God has prepared s perfect way -for the righteous. A . perfect God can only prepare a .'perfect way. God is the perfection of knowledge,' power and love, ' His . knowledge enablea him to know the best way to conduct his people from' earth to heaven. Eis power enables kirn to pro pare that way,' and his love prompts him to prepare it, , j The best ways ever devised and prepared by man, to con vey paasengera from one oountry to another, have proved so defective, that travellers have often : encountered Accidents, ' danger and death. V And if they-do aot meet death, they often ; fail to reach the desired country. But all those oeUed ; into God's way will find it so perfect, thai without; doubt or dsn ger, it will lead them to a glorious home on high. y-t j.,- , 9. This way was foretold by prophets. i - Isaiah, in predicting flae blessings of the gospel state, tells us, ohapterxxxv i 8,. "And an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called the. way of holiness ; the unclean ;. shall aoot pass over it; bat it ahall be for those: the way-ar-tag men, though fools, shall not erriherein." . - This shows us that God has determined, and actually has prepared a "lligh, a holy and therefore a perfect way for his people It is a perfect way of holineasy prepared for the righteous for those who have "clean hands."' The wridaany the unregenexatel.shan'noi'paM so per feet that the way-faring man, though a 1 fool, shall not err therein." It is perfect because it is the 'King'a high-wsy of holiness,' prepared by the King for his subjeets,' and hia peo., pie traveling in this way are keptfrom ail danger for, :tno lion ahall be then, nor any ravenous beast shall go up there-" on." Nothing, saiih the Lord 'shall hurt or destroy in all .. my holy mountain." fti :?-LustTf:;W'ti:J . ,.; : - The Devil, that roaring Con, who goes : about ateking : whom he may devour,may often terrify, but can never hurt or ; destroy any .who are in this high, holy and perfect war. -8. God assuredly has prepared this way in the goepeL Tor: we hear Christ proclaiming (John xiv : 6,) MI am the way, the truth, and the life: no man oometh unto the Father, but by me.1 , Cere we see: . . . . , - '. A. God has made Christ the way. Christ is equal with God. He is a way, then aa high, as holy and as perfect aa God himself. He is the only way that leads from earth to t heaven. No other way is needed, because this is a sure and, perfect way. ,lThere is away that seemeth right Utito men, - but the end thereof ia death.; Many choose this way, walk therein a while,' - Tout fall team it v and perish. 3ut all who find Christ, God"a prepared way,; and walk' therein, shall - never perLh." Trose it&i thou gavest me,I Lave kept, and none of tht xa is lost, but the sen cf periitionJchn xrii : 12.' B. 'Qodh&smada Cbrkt the way of irntln, the only war of truth, or true way.' This way stands in opposition to the numerous false ways of men. Against this way of truth, th gates of hell nercr have and never shall: preraiL - This way ., of truth and those in this way, have' often been, and still Are attacked, but have not, cannot be prevailed aiinst., ,- - After all the assaults of hell, through ages past, made upon . this way, it still stands a high, a holy and a gloriously per- feet wsy. -Surely then, the r6ueeme3 of the Lard, walking in this way are secure,' and shall at last arrive where Jesus is. . C God has made Christ the' way of life. ' -, - ' , ' AH in a state of nature Tare 'dead in trespasses and in sins.' Bat the spirit proclaims to those choecn to be heirs cf silra tkm : r"Awike, thou that deepest, and arise from the dead, i. and CSikiat shall give thee .Jzt-lM light, of clr.taa , ta.' . - Christ deolares of himself t 'I am tie - Irving bread which came down from heaven ; if any man eat ol tlis bread, he - ahall live forever." -John vi : 60. "; Apraia he says i cive unto my.sLeep ctersil Ufa.".' 'Agoia, "In w?3 Ilia." To all then who are made alive by him, and are .found . w&lliag in him, rhe aaya ; - As X live ye shall live alao." -ATmrely then, as Qirist the vinrf lives, so surely - shall : ' O what a perfect and glorious way God L&s' prepared in Christ for the righteous. ' "Wea may te tart aflrm of these . "Aicy t ii.o:a cn tiejr way, ayf-- azl zzif :sircr-sr'.-al -, Hkey'sht!! grow strorer in stronger i.i ilia. r-.T-U trsy.1 love to tiai who has prepaied tlia perfect way f ot, tliea c&lll il aiitj ii. ' Ail C.3 lar:rtlej i'ozrztj iatLiswey, the-more-proefs tli?y-wi!l have cf iltj" .'.! i a.3 beiul.. And this willicr.,3 L-cl.' f-Ii'an-I tn. the prepaitr cf ti3 k-;, t "? c-r . ' T" XL God prepares tla rJt:o"3 f .r .' . V and in "Irg tlem. i a "cLni ine ume naa t :.a .wa everj c .: v ; 1 ; i r of wraih even as ethara." Tut f, : i I. terats.s c:.":L" - '.-- ' r."J ii v.-rl'.'2 t t!:3 c'. . j it. . 1. , asr "C ' ! cf Jrr-s CL:: '," c " 1 tj accordr z t Cep-a cf C. V .. Godtlsa, e "jclla Hsi'" ' a. . l 3t ii 1 r t.f pr:,- f fortius v. y ty lis Licit cc "3 COi v. . 1 L j "1 ia i'-i ' t c j ret s, te L- d.is tat S2c:r- .. su'b a f :r iu Ll , . God In i tLfcia'fwr .1' C- la Hen:..; z t :" ,v: '.lout str;r -'.j, Ti God co-IL-j The change that must be" effected,' and ia thus 'effected in : the sinner's heart, in order to prepare him for this holy wy,: li so great that it is spoken of aa anew birth, and when the sinner has been born again, he is called a "new creature in Christ " . Yes, the old man" ia put to death, and the "new man springs into life. "Christ the hope of' glory' a formed' within him." He is now anew creature actuated by new and holy purposes he has engaged in a new and holy and God-'t like work He runs in obedience to a new and heavenly call He looks for a new and enduring reward, - even s home in heaven. And m order that he may obtain this reward, God has opened up before him, and placed him fn a new 'and living way." And now the eontrolling purpose of his life i is to 'Tress forward," in this way toward the . marav; . f or , the. prise of the high calling ol God in Christ Jesus.' V. T ' 8. By placing them m tne way ana going wim mem. nnen the redeemed a of the Lord begin to inqure for the Higlt way f ofHoliness,' then they hear the1, wtia amaS Vtoke i of God I asrinatothemt Thiskthe W.? w aoon as they start in his way, God joins himself to them ana says; iwm never Mavs nor turuu use. I am with thee always, even unto the end. - . i. . , . 1 .1 m IT l 1 3 I 'Behold f is ' And When! the "christian traveller meete with trials and troubles, on hia way, then b hears the encouraging voice of God saying to himi 'Fear not, I am with thee, Q be not dis-, eomaged, I am thy God,.' and .wffl ; atffl : gha thee aid-ni 1 strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand, upheld by my righteous oxnnipotsnt band.' And nbw with such -, a way prepared for the righteous and the righteous thus pre- Dared for this way and thus , helped on in this wsy, msy I not ask with boldnea,ahall he not bold on his way unta graee ahall end in glory? Surely, surely he ahalh Sut if in the minds of any, the doctrine of the Final Perseverance' of the saints.' needs farther confirmation, we Drooeed to the exam nation of our last ground of assuranoe, which is found ; TIL. In numeroos and positive declarations of Scripture. J .xBt. Gill says Jthat the, doctrine now under .consideration, is taught aa clearly in the Scripturee as if written with a -sun beam, and that to' tranaoribe all the passages that teach it, 'would be to transcribe a very Urge portion of the Bible. 1 .The Soriptures tesnhing this doctrine are notonly numer ous but poaitire. They ontam. ,n ' implymg oondH Hons or uncertainty; but they sJLemtainthe and the HntF of God. On the other tend all the passages of Scrip- I tmifrom wbichtheotiof inal Apoetaoy is inferred, 1 for such a doctrine is only inferred, and no where! positively taught, contain if or some other word; o words of eontta-i gency or uncertainty,-, as if the righteous fall away. c J . But out of the .hundreda .of, paaaagee .of, ;Scoptore ; that. ""f '"ST' v"Xa7 "TT-lBiddle4 aiwi prT, uau w . way u. from earthlo Tasivefe; X ItaTaautetsQaitlylbtf tenfcl :r.ukaxxr.IcW-idJ thee that thy faith fail not.' ,80 he prays for each of bis peo. pie ana soau no pray m vamr t - , U John x 28, Christ says? "I give unto my sheep eternal life, and none shall pluck them ! out of my hand." '"Bternal hfa,a life that begins, butherar ends. Bu4 if therighteous eans fall finally away,. ,then the text must be read, "Igiv unto 'John be that heareth my words, lha Tery thing : thM he which hath, begun a good you, will perform it until the day of Jeeua Christ." i Colia: S 7e sjre djM4 in God, And when Christ who ia our life ahall appear then ahall ye also appear with hire in glory.? "t 5 ' I Peter 1 j 23. Being bona again, not of eorruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by. the 'word of God, which hreth and abideth forever.", j Wj-- - ?ni .-,V - t ohn iii : 9. ,rWhosoever 'fa, born of God doth not mit ain;-forhis seed remaineth in lum ; and he cannot sin, because he is born of (!tMHnmM&jks 1 h v Jer. j'xxzii 0. 1 will make an ewlasting opvenant with. them, that X will not tarn away from them, to do them good 1 but I will put my fear in their hearts, that they shall not de part from me." t? (, :- & : -: We quote but one more, which beautifully closes our Scripture testimony ; it is from Eora.: rai-, 2-3a; "lor whomhe did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be- conformed to tha image of his Son, that he might be the first born among many brethren. Moreover, Whom he did predestinate, them he also called, and whom, he .called, them he also Justined, snd whom he justified, them he also glorified. ;f si : .Uow Xask, can any one JeHeYe th . Toreknows, predestinates, .calls and justines a "sinner, " and then w3f not eWy -lumf:; Xt eatf not be;.'' :.fifpy- ' ilhe great end then that God has, in -view, ia calling and justifying sinners is, that ha-, may glorify them In hearexu' :. li the gloriScatipri thca, cf Ida jsopls,: ist the complc tion of his most ' gracious purpose towards tem, And also the completion of his people's everlasting happiness. i "With the glorious, and sotJ-deering doctrine of the H nally Ferseveraace of the Saints, thus substantiated y waU may the christian sing as he journeys on in God's "high and holy way:' '.l....'..- iJ . "IIow firm a foundation ye saints of the Lord Is laid for your faith ia Lis excellent word," . But allow sns briefly to notice, li concla,-:ion, some of the abjections urged agaiast this doctrine : and 1st, the objec tor aays : "It is all true that God will never cast Sway any cf hia pecple yet hia " people tiiy tum away from him." answer. 'None who are really God's people ever even desire io turn from him. They now love holiness snd hate sin. They aave been bo enlightened by grace, that they now , see things hi their true lfghLThey see, and are ful!y persuaded, that ft is better to follow' God,' than S&ian to go to heaven than tell, They now : love Cod, hia 'woila, hi3 'i :cjle ad hia lapssi ; wii. a love atror 5r ; C.r.a'! tlcath. ' : TLcy wZl not tun iway from these to the tweak- and berly; lemeato of the f CoJ e;.;s Jer.xxxa : 43, I r 71 r i i; y I -r h tl: j t-"ti : til-y biriut ail Uoia ia. Mey aid kept by tl j wr o God, tloc0'a faith Uiito s-lrs. Joa, rcdy to be re- I .2ni .llary passages cf 'Ss or -a a,--ify.' -t tho-9vlo 4-C. : , . ( J. ,yariou Cireslenir js . are dio --ecl j 1. rir,f3.- rr.!w.Li ; CD, xtO : 2 1. . vi 1 Awr. r?me cf these t-xts do r&t evn e--- a V e - -. t' .t tiPV CZ ' t vcf a Lw'y f- lr- i: jt ra ::'.:' i, L v tv, 1 1 J t" 9 C K.y ci .L3 C-l L wy,-v.lkh ulU La . 1 1 T t e:,'i!3 can tot ; r,,r -sctr-v ta I?. 7;, .ret sr' r! 1 C " 'If 'tl - I. , r r ' t i i - f b .. ' 1 1 .3 you eternal life" which may not U eternal life, ;) ,f ;.T t : ?4, Christ says : Verily, verily I say, unto you; and bebeveth OvL mm that sent I 4mt,V 'atr-efwl-wW.iUU tti.MliavtmftlrAai na rluu'n!a t .Tttr.triia nlill Teancation. WIUCn.13 DertiaDa tlie most lm- same uwuw-usw-i-uu.. .0.1. u,i . f ...shaa Urticuiariyinterested 1 d mide .tinuai m allimknafeluS .iiVlitp xaysc talk !ius:t;s U ? WihaWoj.qaiattahant iedr-us the ;deaetianf mey-iv3?ftmwett dbe"gvii6 ink, dUciplifcoiaprovea yiiettBeetbrenLmeit and spend pt utter 'a gc.d c.ai ct tij&x seontioor famm huh. he aithfuiiy oar 0TAcM8temIwWpis j owf J&'at RTZiys &IookBalf touV educationaV may be suretbat Le is cna mn catcfa ia tiittg.Mte.i. teeaa itemgisfefaav Aini. jojyuwheu wcken.;therou f jnieVestsAridrwetbelieTe'that t! ill thousand2no many cf us I :ird ser. thi loved ua, .For I am persuade aettte eerviee by the taddeardeTelopUent 4 Uten -Jf JiiiWye-ifT9lu UrvrV-? TKft-Hni"4 tLa rov.-i liffuorangeprindp eni Wthmgtocom nebrnVrkh oVmost QVfti tbfivideneeiaegen joresf, repmust andballba ricbry, erfereetare,nhirb btan fortUddei ok the rti NOvimbeflsad Btated Q WllttbTXSJO.llpmQ,- f e?8?: rJ;! ofcinf ionhi IWd rdayJ,- Sencestlbln rxiirpsuistotheirmppm :A'lU iii.i 'iriia'alflL atTl-Ii'i if ' iul ' U nlA nlV f f.a. ' in,;,a Uf aVerVwere broairbt, by xust tbu sort cf Christ, which is pure and holy. :.M..! i t- ItK. -: Th, rlnttrn inrMnvulAii fia nm , of mBatm. An- swsr. Itdcesnotj for he. who has ordained the end. hv9 i . . ' . .. i ' - : t . i - - ' .ill a' so ordained the means to be used in securiug that end. The strongest believers in 'Final Perseverance' -believe arf f mimntnee.f means, as those who oppose the doctrine, vnrisana. ms ; spoBuea- laugns tius aoewuje, ana yet mey i warned, reprored, exhorted and made use of means. 1 Finally. And now, after having seen-the rest j plain and posUve evidence in favor of - the. doctrine 'Final Perseveranoe of the Saints 5 and on the other 1 how Uttle, andhow doubtful that little is, in faror of Tinfii apostasy.VlImuBtyWithanunahaken oonfldeuoe, believe , the doctrine, which has to day been advocated. Christians may uoudi wneuxer uey are reauy . cnrisuans doubts and fears on this point but 1 tao that I am one of tThe rJ fact, that I am one of th The righteous, aare a shadow of a doubt, but that f. snau noia on . my raj, -1 uiuvkUuiuoUiMi,:iuDj be made like unto him.' , , . , - : i - " " Vi .1- i it' l& , 4ain, while yet groaning under the Wry burden of; repeated vliiUtlona of death in the family-pone dear little ' nephew. whote ' acsel-vcitlt 'wiaeed itt night to hearen, it seems but few-Hnortihrsgtyj'thed-rin a belored and .! nromlslnj? ' aon Inst entered nnon ma4 i . - . . r- - tared manhood and active lif auddeolr eat - down : - ... - - - then . a lovely and moat beautiful opening iu eyei upon these mortal i tnent to gaae witn wonder upon per world ; then a mo t useful jn-law. akilled In the dealing aliter, rich in piety and good works ; toother, ft fine peelmen of the dyi pioni and digoiOad all vitals i ere we) had wiped away -our : tears, to the dying eoooh Of hint whose i ever our, State, and whose usefulness orinose ror wnom we . Ttumble christian the trlot- the frtend of rear deaf and belored t Elddlo of l"ort Barnwell Li Thla most excellent I Sajnhel Simpson one of tha fathers of I w llTrtrtJ, SrllnVT! Tk tk Vfc . grft.d.cWMb.toitfr also weep the noble man the I 'Pfe0 "" "SUK . . .,. . . honOrU'clttaeMn theobr-iho rerrWtted of aU reIdominiirrit-rwr, irl tbenefiWVeT states .wilijooa beffiu: to draw a iaree A 8ai9 sme .iwngsiuai. wereirue ; aua, . irwberMdirrteal)a bo .CrTenuutyAl9d 6iQf i'4WkiAw;iiaS v,gAiaiiAXaJf oi'trifji's-wf M tbe.oth-," man was the grand-son 0 blXiflU J?- 'ilvrJWt. 2 lauturL.jfMjfiJI&l' WaWlnnViv "CI- v7Ti7r, Z, ' .XVSi Tr AidiiT'w: (: same day, and re JoleeoW the of most " -( - - . v -''-" "VV .4 gwd flgbt and laid him down to Test.1 Col. S. 8. Biddlsaud hia deceased and aalnted: sister Sirs. 1 Fi barxawayof tfewberaweht dovrn together into thelio. ttid grura in 1833 now over 49 years t ago. time her remained "aatlsfled with the choice, he had inaue sou cnueavorea to illustrate tne aocume oue- Tntifn.tiijv,iinil wHthhim iM lh xmtAt jx clat relation..!! had every.opportojdtyleamrhla habUaandmortfrequentoccMlona ttfdbaerTehUcon- duet.; l-l. j.5 Jl -'-I 1-"t-"-i-t J '!- (i - tii ii i, ..& 14. ; i - sorrowing companion uenma. , . lie was ft kind and indulgent ' fatherland flrtchU- SZ-vk.:. county puts on her : sabl ararments ' for one . or her fcrt.-ht.tt rema.' ' !' 1 1 s 1 - J- f J. i i " O ------ a" 1 ' .. f-'- . 4 ....-..,,..- - 1 This li noalsoae eaolojy bat the exprewlpn of an' I tpprtcliUopuMMesento man ne had no superior, and when death took - him f-om us, ha struck down' or e of the few that' ' remain lacaeiytawrfilndttibfAeidjgif maiineihat aist!nni4ha in an 'miia j' - tmTi T W-" T-TW " W'aSWSS UCZ I Drl -p,sisw old school echool gentleman As a literary gentlemen Were la accordance with tion.' . lie graduated Few men of this day are a conversant as ne politlci Cf the past and his conTersilioa around tire, and susjestlve f t - r 1 ' V . . and to?" 1 J 3 I. : it, J V; r .cr'owr. ;TLa v. c . i i.. . . . . , L j L4 . la. 1 1-1 J l.Ii t r.' i i . " ; T9 1 ' u;':t .-. i ' ' rc. Vi f r. r . . . t.- SI. .:..izzl;V:j tecauis Vss tarsi - ' 1 erf -:s3." T,"e .,,;----" 1 tfc. r ,..r?y.';tVa - ----- 5 --.-, ... i . rr j . -- i " . .... ..t , '''' i r. i It iii v 1 aiiM.iaa.iiwi i r.iavLiuun ass. siid. . nuuw 11 11 a. si ia aiinp niv 1 111 vs k run nviiirn 1. r i bl it ji umi nr 1 v a ski . iv,aa,vaw ay w. v a ' aw ... ft Ja, .. aii a .i a. kjaa- iiuu in - .7 - v . w, v -- - TWngatater;Uoftfhom,ftreinetnberso( ToeBp. xwuupui. auC? .auoauu ical person; ana in Upp(TC tut chnreh, testify to(hu work and mourn his loss. fop teaching that the cnufch pi4i6d lUt? addiiesei touisa the inevaa afaithfoi deacon and loring brother in the' eludes infants :as - professsd believera ihh 'Da&ise in-Ezelasl X1V! f ennrcaoiwnicnnewae amemDr,uaahe4haagsherf steaa ox true oeiierera in vine jjoraie- in' Ja&ies Y) rllr'lld' ECfitnsT f'ath'fet to SttnuSnJ Sfrhbi?;- Li'lrfu; 8'0bTist;iu t wvr, -.hVviOl- b assume, than tdTcuch for, the historical arhnon mmmPi gret hia loss far many daya to ome, and the poor wUl romS JaODapusM vpyDeilCTin ia:n J Hhu ; bUtit SSn:3 m& tbattL3 Cnhi3f I misahu oft repeated and Umeiy banefaotiona.,; . ..A eonvertea. membership, 4Obnst's people, j foikal, or mythicali or dramatioeharac IHe was a pure minded and noble citiion and the ' I IUO WTie meaxunci OX IU6 Cflnrcil i I r. y t-i. 1 fer 0f these DCrsOH-JTCJ TTOUld D0. f ery I his liberal," class ical ' ed up.- 1 Vsrrrnri-itrd to. thaV.hr? rfth 'bri' tbe'whro.CT I KvorCi ci" Ju'j Hi' 'il IsuJis ! n.t1l2iri4 fnv a f" i ! (v?' i '.!': n v -? r t.i!r.v,L::i t' C7 un3 an,Tej-7c:inlS3i.rK I ithT.iUIrtJYd tn mtemret1 Provla;. .j."-' ' 7 l I aot "gaged lnputiic Ilfe, fiT Havft Snfredarf if thevrsrireseiiteaj btid the Sacrell wiltcf Un1y xerTdffttiifc I I?Th:;tr i tvWas1--! ttst- orecis.il v lhL-,: lb at vrms with" the' literature knd'l Ut, 'K'.f:'.-M h Aa, 9-1 ? il T':5 ! 1 fr .l'-3 1 .VB aTS1 tr rXl refvttuU. JU'-T; ' '41 i' Tl-rlnf-f - i V.-.ta- present .times. OonseqcUy Lw- .n.t... .11' 1 i' ..t ;f'ilii? nf I'i.iVii T. - -.- m. . :'';t :r she family hearth waa inttrrmi i vriSHPL1-"111 1 ?3i!-"'J ltl '-tt'l.rfZ auenipun!Z. -J-uu vp i -u.. ofhf-WraDe of oht initials , ci ,4u4ioc ciup; iDsrsfexenceo.J ibe'ordductiGiiVcf j iaDired 'writgrr iw." i 1 ' Ocddone U is j: :t uoq rortiaaiithtt branches cf Art and Edenee.,; C i ithocrchiQhrrj sCcnjia tbp styby hrid tbuu ILiincJ' 1 ikefed byDiviiii jbM net; told ''cnyboay yby. co . . ; aut J Ai.ft ehrlsUan; he', wae good "model bV'wUch'ee jOcr:i!;tjn,lK RV'rfowiiorui if hehad toldhisre-: jn,I do not L-liave OMgdlaclpiea-might; aafelj build' up his "chara'cter fQqZ-TVT tMs'Or ifoiSirVUrin- iL vJ tUTiol tC j Xi "X ISlzj' I'ft ylifln- liU CO hid ;1: TO.'.U'-l Jerf , and clJcrcnis vronld Co welltdlMiIie:,La followed ilrfin In 1 "1 ' vi" Fftl'li' r1'" Url ! 1 1" .i.'fraJ .'J.TJlt f) VX ; V" -"-V v-" ' "" --l.Jut.JVuuL. iera-e5r!airt,the:.i' ss.th iiifibf, ruiai - to-tahe tol 'eafV'it:- ircrtlierTvIiSa1 Jehovali is Jutrodnced; s.---.-0- -,r"f.-?T wa kM i - v - - g a . , r , , . s -; I - f ; w t . i : .' a -e 1 t r ' .... ----Bi.J.T''' .1' T. m ". Tl""..- "If - i FIXAU CONCLUSION. it 1 . m i. i '. ' JUOIMUO SDCO OlftDOUC 'IWff; TCafS . ' 't'-;' - . : VIT .': 11 ."-rr-l .- - - - I liavB DOeu prf aCuIug JUe TlV.inUOlJl Ol.f QodaS different frOHl tboCUUfCD 01 Q6d. 1 fforplajiatidn' wbuWf. b&' necessir-if i -"iz tiu ' ' r pressed in t1iQ tPresbytenan lOdnfession of Faitb, page dOv tbat .vthe JLord all 'erected To j? ... . , n , w v4J 1 T isioi in luo . uruuuocirs' vuuwfuiui: w ? spiritual kingdom or tefgnYof Messiari Paedobapt is ta witli'ou Lahy gcriptaral ex-! 1 MDple) Qth kingdom :atiaieimrCli.;iaU J 1 1 V Wasl ledlto t!OUce,tb idlSerefaca. iftl i i ween Kingaom rdq CDnreaiDj.'nnpmp thereeMesUmentttbatlbe bridDaiif 1 ktit i iirH wnrnii Lraniiniiin r.nirrpn irn cinmii u It - , .... . . i-' . t Tv i . . - .. u a B mm mmm uabB u .a a -uiaa.a uui D. . t Veligion, and not mini i iir. mt:. inVn t:U:4.:-:if k5nm, CaZi vwirMn v . Tl,oW i xmwn n an inii. hittii i a wi s fftT pno!iTiin rrann n uoduii w aajuuixi iiii&UDLa; a a 1112 i jvr, i naiiJii i wy - f"ar inA'?W IV:ii;'iwwi-: :Tw-f-i. it 1 m1tr?ATTrnr4li"infl1!nW- tnen we bave tbe same endoratioa cf we giorieaortoe up-, f 4"J owa. vu aao- Jt?rfKr--rl.ril Jilti -irir AJLA. at r; ? w, i ftud eminent'brother; ;iW.fajJitoiT , 1 y . . reacuea ana prougni. jo .lee anier foiV? Y4 r v, a"VA art; theaVbetovud 11 was 16 J to inquire wbV dd soin'tnei pur beIqTedvinsUtutiqn:. "lithfa ja iW lueraraa, aaa;)jeuoTLi acuj;iicj con - rthen-fcuhMiahedf bloHanains :.; rtdi4tVlrgtnU!aftlr -or i.yeryl brief apaca: hrA&itbA& ZZS. Hiliwr irVsH to tbe ctlicf crtrcaie,'- : utstretened that I :xJiJ lb. i-' - jj i :if j-Zittu s l. fi I "fefvn crir! VT m --onfl ("nnft-'en-- AT-v1 1 -Vliri Vines tiot notlCO him' t.caU23 1.3 bad - t- t ivi iraA.wnrv, rA'AAwtnMAA mtfMtivii,M'iiiKn 1111111 111 1,1 h wiirK- iv in i.i H.nrnftpr i v-.. , - , - - -. prean"atiier0voutwartfi wpwwuauguu viti uupue,,, f - .t; ,i.r , . , . iy..-r : the "GSsfeeibf tbe to1t; hajeTtheiqoaTeiitida: tvs, earlOa cpursg ot -JUiORa ,roy;acc ; cut j. c-a ... la nnlwV;: " Sincthat ;irrT' itiiiarrcoT? cf iucutIv! r.T.l th3- Ityv lit 4sixegeperati6nfarid noilovel many1subje,cta. f o be jeporped npon, that sfcakcrjswfcpttwia- to ..it 3. . t tiaCtakeiwp eancion?hlcb;ifpe .sme field of,disqu?ion.: ,If an:: s :1 .1 . xl - . TP f llo tA thA vwvnaw nitiniinn I TiTF. r I lTP. 1.-1.1., .1 - Ail. K J. i w ui i. I - w-t n V" preach religion or the outward duties rot .Ifj ' j': 1 l"!fl'i" it. 2' i. .1. --t-I2 v. 1 meOlOgy reieCIS IQ6 "gospel 0IHU9 JiljngT aoxa oi uoa.u ana isacnes a; ncspeit pi.?a --2 : ia"iii'"';lLiJj t x SadtiteacUngpecalbr - torawt to iii 1 'I e 1 Tha vuhcrst It KS. ar6:fiactj iu; tne decoration ox cnurcuesbeioa fedme4 ri of Viponi r I they do not melliry tbiuffr they are sup UB -V -a. ...... W. Usn:whn-:in3.liiL3'iut;a;:X,lb.ilr?t. a.M4 W4tUWUUW4 lWa. r a, .- w bo the ructto cf tbp .crd:r. ; l::4tc?co Ur cf tbo Ictm. L i Clzi A'L b"i cmbUror.-'l over the fw'cljt.. 4 1 ' Ollr tlieth;.. it n i. , J Ml II, i .It 4 ' of tbe;past generation I rosea 10 oe ine initials -pi certain .ixnporf: lioi- iuu liii-u xt.cr , "Hf 6 yv" rcJa, ;33juj.-C.J "Wiut u.-j -.i.;u ,'WaadiizVndf researcki jant5 wcrd3i7hiche3pculjulyi ap- bvatiun.'t'; a. a-Iiao i-ao thverj-i hcuzccI-atd-iV-lsty.-'ULl.-u ; .;snht- Jestu. OLlieiruse v?2.3 therefore pri!iAblvr alrt'f faiailisr to Lny 61aJ and if La "net- alleiptdined C tbeij aa reported it- -onld'seeiii that Hd wa3 more aula "ss a .Koinaiirst'tuaa a3 an antiquarian1 :Thc! ViiTnl InU-arriniiAn ,-.'.-,'.1 X . ' 3 1' -lJ i 'lnterbrefj whicll are criVll' th tin ft ftntiminf a1 -trin i bilf it Is a questions be id good taste for tuoaehurlieswhi.cb reject a dead language-inr their- vTorsbiii to snape their Uhristnoas pinea into the, letters JESUS, instead of III S. SwEC ,,! t- r . . . . - . , (Dear Becobdeb 5omo .of - are; giad.torjseeihatihft frien4n rllileisbiij -and''l)r2WiniwateaTid 1 arrt all iont to -wake nn to Tthrt limtinrfannft. 'T iy say,- tne necessity" of vneces&itjofk endowing rake iJForest 1 0ollegetf Ihe hlkU srrc-" P1 i )sea, we ininKa.gQga,onea (A lie one whic&oUkSfdr ilnp.atino iri. vnnnr. .!.-.. J PrlnT . : ihii tokav a word or two when I Wri TV T? 'nwulvrr - " ,.;H JWi..uwaiiA4IiilJtrl t ' I.L ' tf T7ho grrVTiiat wan Elihu ? ; .7 f. - DrJ'OoiianVln ni3' fraslaticn :cf Uho iere need be Je'aM'Oua Job wa-avcrifi fable bister' m tbi3 Ticw,5 well .known 14-20 ydud flifficiiltr:iy ii5cl'aibll--tb prove, and hat such aview i37lot3pj.;sed with in- taairiyi2 in; ji 2ht, thour, jlj u il d vin takm g the I boards ci taa Lvo Ci -u ob 1 prGvCiv ..j. i , . r t.wt JCJ-J :t . .:t;t: . tec!.' ' ;t6 ill,, : i V.i I J .... i 1! w f- V 4 -t-n . . . V5 ,T r It 1 3 C ! i'cz.l ' '(if t S . . ... :: . 1 A ..... ...., - f ,.- 1 - j - , 4 ' - ; - r r -" f 1 1 1 - . . - . t t . " J I ! 1 vJn i iid I-ul (IT. TTli'l,) r--t- r5:!"-: nn Tr j ri-v -ud4tro- -ir : V j t . t--r'i' fT f If-- C: z thit inj t: : .7 - - - -jf "T fV.- ......... .s G I. l ... c r; rn r , 11.3 'Jc;h, LonnAiii tr wliBr,A,v I IhA tpor Affl Aff ''flflWnOT fit f T LIB I J ITir. .1 m t. cuaracter cf J oVs tio ma lo out npen c f ,tl, Jerco.;;.;::; ' ITho'cIiarsctrr cf x., r c , i- A ..0- ' r -1 I, 1 i 4i lX 5 0 in varioTisly cstiir r.f ? '1 . -.1 A l,t. rla.irio-ns-' and-.tir-on t not c j (as bo does Job an d ! ' re3 fri tlie clos!Dff cbsrtrtn rf , tho T Ji.anru-amui inn 13' cr. ir"ir sfjs ;0-Rreasoni2jr.-';,i'Jf v.I:r.::; c;n- di rj;.rJi ntfotr.r.:::cuic: t a 3 ;:nf fer,tkl in sr.! ml! r.n frrrn ihfs Al:i-Ti- T - I r J ' . I tff tLcii tbeidajs ci insrirafion cr. ccr- 4nlj not passed; r- no oro cfn r.ocd elTefy faV fo find cnrio- qaeralous critic; .w.b'O 0ttld do wnCcrs ini bi3 'tire itioa. Iic6nfe38':tIiat'I Iivo no ;t"ccic! izz for -believing "tbafcr doldin i; any 2"r0 ' ofihsbiration. I reasoning:; to aaopttae I- ' f ;.-- - ' F s. . ----- m ; W ' 'W X -..(" that est battalhonsF Tha toaxia b03, aa V I intldel 'sound. it is true; , but it has a I ; " - ."- 1 I t - t--:i - great aeal more esuss, ana a grci ueax 1 more iruth in 'I it; than cn bo found in ; ; the reasoniug from Trhich it i3 a natural y recoil.; ." " . '' ' ' ' - "Hb7 juauy of "fiinco.'.tho -r, rhaye ' been hearing; and reading .'Vast ' xnacssa ' of noussnso about Jtb6 lois cf CTcnta". J proving that slavery ra3 tttc, t scau33 VProTidence bad aDoimca u; ttccu s,ny mancf fesusa ought tola c'wla to'.xca at a glarico, that tha same argument, bei foreUhtj yrar, ;7cnld Lavs ilo-n tbat " Slavery was, rigbt bscausa "FroTiaeace , had established it" If tho r!:oIiticn of felavery xindsr the perinirsicn cr tinno providence chows that clarcry, was i. ur 2ioxt canwo c:cr ccr.r.Ia-x" W "r ,,ir jWas not this done under tha c: 3 Pror-.i 5T,rr?.0 Ji i't l-y;7 -,-. - TKq truth i3 llataLGvr isut of thcu - ht on which yes,-'. fuse? to do anythir c f tbt.fort. ..Nay, He adds prbblsm to j;fol''!c"j'ir.ud' puz- Von ' It-wculd.f''htV.'at rv- , ft 4 frlH jtw b lc 1 - lr o.- 2 c o ? te -cU-r-n -y, tL " t "dTl::n carrii by vrcrC i Trryiinortrint ? 'Jcb "rthialy - r.':t- to J $ - - " " 1 - ,W .... a - ... Tr -''' call to mind cotne nf tba'.'I'.-.t:: 1 : 23 -tly - fi'-'-rr.::: r::lr:t?." riC- I ... i a s, x w - - m . '"W -v- I i A "in car v:ut-rcd to Cl3- lIU c ,:r ire 4. ? , i -r tl-aa Lr ii t j 1 6 ; 'Is ' .. I I r v ds a'.out t j 1 1'.'2 '' ' :rj b; jan to.b3 ud in; cburch I -.-: tZz:: w: ; c cc:::L.M f