I 1 i 3 ' i : i 1 v t 1 . 1 1 ' 1 t't i ii ' !"'''-!' '.''"--. ' ' ' - , i . ,. . . .. ; , .: ; ,, 1 1 . iM . ! i .:!. n.!, 'J -'si-,- - $- -.- " , n - - ; - - -j- . - , . . L r ; . A I V k s ... r " " 1 .- t4k j j ta; : c 4 1 ' tx-! a v.-j l v i i 'it ; is 1 nn jt k&r; i lr-l)-i I ill i ijLLi: -l : l, V'i w -i l ' tit l;t(. J 1 " 11 " " ' . - . ' 1 . 1 " 1 111 - v. , , , - ; - - , -- , j . i - ., It Ii: . . ! t: iii i'-ll i .1 --i; it. . t i 1 !r-. . i .( . " " ' ' ' " 42ab T ..to 00 is, Pi4-1 -The Organ off the North! Carolina Baptists RtaiiUaoes f fl to irMritrMftK Mrdiaarf Mil aft. ar risk, bat U xt tUs, uMnat mmt- b et, by OSce Order r Kextstcred Ltfber, " FfV0LT71IB 40. 1 N s- tolbib its WW . H flu 4 j tbe wicopts anx-A StSEOX. r ETi-Tw-H.-FirrrH4.w, iu. ; .' ; Jink li f ITT " ll We r hews taoght tbat God is etl pleased "clti offerings ' to Ks eaase tbt it is bar doty, intlrtnT, to uonor uiui iiui vur tainuuHT, vUethvr that sabs tan c be penary or abundance. Tbis Is 4priacipto in Hod's dealings with -maa under all UisiHn.atioiis.'.It ' is landamental, and jrrow out bf ibe original , rela tions. between Gotland mani: "What ever diversity there maj between the OU Testament. atil :thn ew.lthey sgree lu thU; that "both,' by' express precept, reqnire habits of periodical appropriations frotn our ineome to sattainreHKti; ind ' feed, the poor. This is as distinctly Enjoined aathe habit ol prayer; "And this principle .did not originate with ,'the Mosaic' ' economy "There appeara t have 'tween a standing custom of giving for "reiifnoa.etiu" aa an "act , of nomage to God and tenevotence to man,'tong before the Mosaic system wa framed. ' Abrah am. gave " tithes to Melchis- dect, the priest of the most high God. This jtastoin is fully " recognized in the book of Job, by many , supposed ' to be the most, ancient part ' of the r Bible,"1 When " God appeared unto v young Jacob at Bethel, he' said, "Of all that thon sbalt giTe unto meI will sorely giro a. tenth, unto thee.w 'And even before tbe:days;tf Job or Abraham, we find; this principle at : the very .basis of the InstitnUon of s sacrifice i W that it., seems to have - been vital to, and coeval .with, the very origin fcnd existence bf religion itseJL , 4 r r ' r "When God had chosen the children; tf Israel, and was abont to plant them ,iu the land flowing yith milk 5 and honey, he impressed upon ihem 'iwV reqaiting gifts' to be made at ' stated and often recurring periods in order to form in them habits ot gen ron and constant 'beneficence. i " These laws are interwoven with the ?bo!e ritual tf a Jew's religion, "and T God seems to have designed to set his mark upon the most common ar4 : 1'tietes bf property, ?w that while em-i 1 ployed in ' hiS fieldf 'and with his flocks, and in gathering in his har vests, each one should be constantly remindeil tbarll he had, he held bat as a steward of the Lord. ' ; I know that"" the institutions of . Moses " a ud -1 he- patriarchs are not bradiog ou us but they serve to illus trate the general plan of God's deal4 ings with bis children, and therefore, merit bur careful consideration, ; Let . ' us seek to ascertain the law ot Jew isb benevolence. u j , ,. , . , I , , Iu t tie first place, "each one was . requiml to gire the first fruits both ! lot bis llocks and bis field and the first fruits ot the harvest, ,ere, by cos-tomv'rWe-8ixtietu of the t whole, Then tubuey was to . be paid ' as the rausoni of the first born male child Then in reaping the corners of the V field wei , tot h leftj for the poor here also'cu'stoni defined tbe require " ments to be a sixtieth ot the whole! '.Then 'whatever, fell from the reaper's . , uaua oeiongeu , to tne . poor, - and on j'eveiy. seventh tyear air the rfieldi 4 were to be left uncultivated to pro dace spontaneously for the poor. , . As direct offering for the support pf religion, one tenth of all the product -'. of the fields' was to, be given, to the , ,,Xievitesr,f Thea 'here ; were .trespass "'ofierings, sin offerings, and parts of most of the sacrificed animals .were Jdevoted to tbe -Priests and rLfTite4 ( Every seventh year all debts were to ,be remitted, Alh the ., males, of th n nation, old and young, no matter how -remote their residence, were required 7 . to . make three journeys a year to Jerusalem, that they1 miglit appear . t before the Lord at the great festivals ,K of religion. Added, to all these were - the. half .shekels for. the sanctuary, ; and abundant hospitalities and gifts for the poor. .. jfow taking all these 'I j donations in tot, consideration, it; has been estimated, that a conscien tious Jew gave not one-tenth, as we ; stroxtioa of the tabernacle and tlie i erectioa of the temple have never , been sarpassed m tne reeora or grat- i ful e2riags to God doctrines and usages "-;w hold as christian churches.; - ShouM "we tot be aa ready to imitate their example ia this respect as ia other t . Bat we are met at this pdint.by the objection that the early, diristUna at Jerusa lem, sold: all their Dossessions.1 and t&onJd sfnnlly havftexpectea peo-1 throwing ill intol a! oommoa Ihn pie In sascb circumstances to be called 1 formed aruMMtmiVj Eat jast delirered from Egyptian boadaxe, and destined to wander for forty yearain tne wilderness, we oo to.-make large oCenags fiw any purpose,' and yet' they : are scarcely out of sight of their pnrsurera before the word of tbe lxrd came to Moses, saying, "Speak s anto the children of Israel that they bring me an offering: of every man that giveth it willingly with bis beait,ye sbaU take ay of fering.i rAnd this is ithe offeriog ye shall take of them v gold and siUer and brass, and blue and purple, and scarlet and fine linen, and goats hair, and rams skias dyed red; and badger skins and shittiu wood, oil tor light,' spice for aanointiBgoil and forsweet incense, on vx stones aad to be set in the ephod and in the breast . plate.". Out of these," the tabernacle was to be constructed, and see bow the lib erality i of tbia people lost ont t of tttji mfew; and sarebr we are not reqaired at tola day to imiute them inilhis particnlir f The truth is, brethren, we have mis conceived I the conduct of the disci pies at Jerusalem, for ; tbe did not relinquish theif right to their private property, i and consolidate all ,tbetr goods ia ' a common , stock. ; This appears from thej fact that these and other Christiana jare afterwards kepL resented . as . being . in . iossesston of their private . property, j Christians are spoken of asfhaviug their 6a houses, as iu the case of JkTary jthe mother of John, Tabitha and Simon,. the tanner, i. After this Peter makes an. express acknowledgement of each one's thrht of proncrtw by"saiine to Ananias: While It remained, was it not thine!" own ; aud after it waa slavery, with small possessions, and j sold, was It not iu thine own power ! no means ot adduur to them. They devote freely and r joyfully to the ser vice of God, not a part of their in come, but a iargeopart of all they have, and it has pleased; God, to per petuate forever, the memory of such an instance of grateful generosity as an exalted example of sacrifice and; devotion, for the imitation of all the' ages. --; ' . .-!.-- i- v.. r " x . !. k ' it To pass now to the reign of JUavid,' Behold,' said he to ISolouiou, nn my trouble 1 have prepared for the house oi tne Lord a hundred thous and talents of gold,-and a thousand thousand talents of silver,and ot brass and iron without weight, timber and. atone also have 1 prepared, and thou may8t add thereto." it is estimated, that the temple of Solomon: cost three; thousand t millions of dollars. Aud all this vast sum was not only con tributed by the people willingly, but they rejoiced in the - sacritice and efftsred more than was needed, so that David blessed tbe Lord iefore all the congregation and said; "Who am I, It is true; that the 'Scriptures say. 'Neither was there any among them that lacked, .for . aa imany : as .were possessed I of; lands sold them, and broaxbt the prices of the things that were sold.! and laid them down at the apostWHVfevt.lr but to show, that the ale vf tossesskaisK went no further than , tbe wants of those that had need and that U was not general and; eiUw alienation of propenty oar person is uanmliwho actuallyi gavp ud all. and auotuer iwno preteuaeu to have dome it I Owe would not have been named' if Ihe same 4 bad i been' done by all. The state of j the ease ' was this i largenumber of strangers were attending the feast of renteeost in Jerusalem.- While there, the lloly ; Ghost came upon them, and 'many' thbusands were j converted. The in terests of Ohe i christian 1 church de manded that these converts should remain a: Jerusalem to be instructed,,! for at that! time ; ait the Christianity in the world wasl there. JS'ofi a word of the gosiel had been written : not 1 I Ii - , I ( M r iff J said that Deciaa. lErat crcr called en a deaooti j of i the ckurch at Vk I Jf- L JL-i. - x i.1 ! .A At L L J uwnetiorae treasure wj ue courca. The raco& Ireqatred one. ear's tis& tw ue n&i i iin i infc i voif ne nau assembled all tb-s blind Urts sick napeor, wno wem snpportCM oy ice ilisa; ciurcli. arid: mperor,an4 treasures ; of i V utjthe are, tne iin the tnaULe Nad. Mtbes! Ue;chrch.j time of CrvsoRtora. it iat said eh arch under 5 his earew bad lion' its catalogue! ot ! boofU and sick three thousfud .regular liene&cjanrs asi it aU wonder 1 ihat; Ithe heathen said after such , exhiUttonsioi tiud ness,MSee hbw these ehristUns love one another PI I Was it hu wond thai Jaltan. 11m arwv4tiit'i1!inror tit Bomej declared that nothing contrib uted bo muca to the SDread of ' whit he terimed, "the iuperstittoa( of chrUr tianiti'as tbHr juoblej charity; and that j he , Was ioWiged , to; . eXbort his follower to imitate the christians iu canuit tor tne wants ot tueir leuow tnenlirttey wouW fetuy; tne prog tees bf the christian relteiod I f ' .i i ana I tio U bevause ' God ' knew" tnat aw. and was very oafrt love ft imftntnv i iIia root of all etil, which while some I labor; and aacriuce and self denUI nay coveted latter,; they have! erred I wera necessary to our cpiritaal Ut freer the fiitih and have raereed 1 and nmsTvntr. - nvi Trnnwa thak themselves through with manv sor- I bv natnm. weare autwakelT Klfi&b tows. ! Bat Ol man bf God.! flee tbese I that ain&hft& Ia tS rvATnt tlinn u Tgn t v nof I J? 1 rao r w w fitrai wfmeut or ail sinthat i wtq bsi&iss a lay ii breathiu? witltdUUcttlty, wta, Ycmi wUt be glad to knw ! INre aettled all my aSairs, and Uttm wy avicraiat. the love of money ia one of the main am very, coutfortabK But his looks braachea of thia jrigantio tref ael- teUed hU words. There was auxiety fishness-4t is the root of all eriWt io.thft He that awaits uy rc$;am is the great euemv of our sal vat kn. i saw' his eaae waa i vwSwaL ; I and theretbre - he 1 has directed - his I hesitated what to say; u lie repeated, beatiest artUlery upon this deadly I with Ul-auja4 calnntwi Yrs. 1 sin, and has sought to cQunteract its I hate Cobo justice Jo every one I tremendous influence by command ing us to give frequently and Ubet ally to objects of beneTolence. . -' Oar i blessed Savior knows how strong is the love of the wrht ia us $ sitho, Lord be I that, absorbed ia businesthe natu -eaiuestlyAhd von, drat 'ho own .their ral tendeucy of our- hearts ia tft cov wbst of pHtmtfr,. Where es lb his cause. I etonsness and therelbre he hail , given 1 KOingTT i A shadow crossed historvi lof Our bow relicien furnishes Itbouandi of townees of heroid sacrifice, but I have time to day to mention t but twb more and they, hdorn the i pages of! tnodem church history 111 if q.K V ,16 the eternal honor1 of the Mora viankbr United Brethrcii, Ue itsauU tlut wbeul their whole iiomber;dId not exceed sixjhuudred sbuls,; hlarge 'ttaM ttlT wlioib wem AnlJ tlWv beVan the abrk lof christian missibus..! At the esipiratibn of ten years, jtbey bad carried the gospel to Laplaup Green " landi Bt. Croix, SnrinatnV to the 14 diios of North 1 America i toljUxkrs, .the CMm of Qoo4 Heiie, Ceyon and Tartaiyi! iWhatefer they possessed whlccooid promote so grand an end as the; conversion of the world, they laid upon the altar, with al spirit of noble jaud self denying' Uevjotiohftu Christ, aud Jtheii success, has been according to . t heir ; fai th ! and : love.--No christian com!muuioii ba4 done so much: for ) modern missions Jas ' tho Moravian church, land my very heart J ....'ILL..' uoes iuiejn umwr mentioned. mock and howl for vonr miseries that shall om4. upon joo. Your riches arei corropted land jpw garments are raoui eaten, i xonr j gold t and silver anal canker and1 the rnstof them shall be' witness against you, and shaU eatyout Ccsbssit were fire, Bex ware ot covotbusness. which Ja Mol- atry, f?r no tovetous man' hath anyj inheritance in tbeKJngdom of Christ . ; Aud now iUilie third iSlace. eoasid r the cooiDUKiadsitiousi tht Lord be stows Lupon; tnose hearts and their om telTU4 angel of the Iord said unto CojrueUusi thy prayers andthiue alms are come up jas at imemorial before Gotl, Ue that ejeth 1U the rioor shall not lacik.l Trutt in the . Lord ami dot pood; 'aud thbulshall dwell in the land aud j verily; thoa shall be fed, I He thi bath pity on the poor lftidth to the Lonl, and that which he hath glvejn will he pay him again. Bjesied is hb tha fcausideretU the poor, and he! ithat ihathi a- bountiful eyjs shall be Mecsed.klIo good and. lend hoping! jor nothing again, and your; re wan) shall J be .. great and yfiShall be tbe! childreb tbe nigh estilf thoil draw out! thy sOul 1 lo tne aangry ana satisfy the afiiioted soul,!then sh4U thy tiht rise in ob scurity, ana iny aarcness oe ss noon da co in! uro and thou sbalt be like i garden, and I in the 8th chapter ot his 2d letter, he use a sprius ot .water wnere waters I says, " Moreover, oretureu, we mase have arranged tortoy children,' and where they are to go after aiy death, 1 am quite comfortable.' , ; . 4eeibt moved, I took fcata thin. transparent hand in mints, and ssid gxAerai, are ea crossed fen Catai as the caution and the command,' l saw he. was. dwtatped' fidlrj. u Take heed and beware of covetous; I pointed It but he repeated, with, an ness,v which is WolAtry,? -s Knowing I efio,'fMr Ki has; eicta a tAe that this is our xreat tHint of dancer, I wuimmtK and rrms quite satisfied. he has . said to them that trust in I Whit a thrill of anguish 1 felt at rtobes to them that ctnae umler the l tnat nnnaeut Uiat my poor mod power id this easily t besetting at aj that it is easier for a rsmei . to gO through the eye of a needle than for, them to enter the kiugdoin of beaven.- should have fallen Into the hamU ot a Wiiid leader bf the blind t' 1 - It ts an awful thine for a ixMsed mluUter ot ChtUl to say.lVac I m satisfled, my brethren, that I peace f to a. dylae sinner, when there, many ot us bare altogether unworthy; is no peaoe $ to uirtc; too gwng eye ideas of this matter of stvlns nioueri I to a visible sacrament, instead of too as a means of grace, V have not J eye of be aouUto the unaeeo, but assiuei it inat position or imnor- i evep-nrtaeui awi wwi oaviouc. vi and what is my people that we should; J a preacher had gone jauy where else. be ableJto offer so willingly after this sort f - 'j 's 1 . t ; And now. brethren,, what was the principle upon which all these offer-: ings were made uuto God 1 Hear David as he announces iti H) Lord our God, all this store that we have prepared to, build , thee a house for; thine holy name,cometh of thine hand J and is alt . thine own, for all things come of thee and of thine own bave we given thee,? t ,We here recognixe that principle of stewardship, which distinguishes every system of God's grace from Genesis to lievelation the principle that the silver and the gold are the iLord's--tbati he has a right to all that his creatures possess, and that abere ure. higher, uses . to which mosey may be applied, yield ing purer and more permanent enjoy ment, than selfish gratification, i i Such was - tbe ) Ja w of beueficeuoe which obtained i among the Jews. Does the law of christian charity and benevolence require j less sacrifice than the law of Jdoses T i Judaism was but the shadow of good thidgs to oorae . its great truths Were half concealed by symbols and pompous eeremonies it was restricted iu its genius pertaining to- tbe - twelve tribes only, and created a great Jrwr and all other nations, efiectnall V excluding them from any x. Of the benefits of - the. -system.; - But the gospel is the substance ott the Law and tbe 'Prophets its' very' essence is 'Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace and good will to man.' Its' banner floats, upon every breeze, and upon f its 'folds - are written ; in letters of gold ; Hio ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.: Visit the sick,'; feed : the hungry, clothe the naked t freely ye have received, freely give, for there is neither, Jew , nor Greek, Scythian nor barbarian, bond nor free, but all are one in unrist tJ0sus,tne juora.7 Now to feed aud plothe this vast mul titude, while they -continued in tbe apostles doctrine, and iu fellowship,' and in breaking - of, bread, and in prayer, there- was a 'common fund raised, aud so liberally, did the dis ciples contribute that some sold a jxtrtand others their possessions, that as the record declares, "distri bution might : be made unto every man; according as be had need. L i n ' Tbe troth is, brethren, the cause of Christ demanded the eacriflce and those first christians iu selling a party or all of their property , did no mom than their duty, and I doubt not there are times! and circumstances now, when it is Ithe duty Of christians to give not a part of their income, or the whole Of their income, but to sell their possessions for the cause of Christ. ' . Another mistake we' nave made iu supposing! that ithls spirit of dlsin teres ted, and gejneroos benevolence wheii JoLu V 1 if -bM. Ill .-' S ' I I ,Thfl, example the last; li shall tnentioi head; When ;Mr' iii name is -1 S. -i A li ycsloyils usder this !WslytJ linconw charity.' Wbqu it was 'sjxt, he, sun lived ion we was thirty pounds: ay eari hd lived on twenty -eight and; reserved j two for f pounds twenty eight ami - God. KVhen It was abuudred and tw'ootyj ii!t eieut for himself only the twe4ty-elght pounds and gave away uipety twb pbuuds.' Wben he died h a wbote estate consisted of bis jclo bes,1 his booksj and a icarrUgei and jyeb he had given to God's; cause Hd hunilrtti thowind dollar? j Johu jVsley had his faults,: but there are hot many men whose record; js nobler- lhan bli. tauce aud influence' in t the Gospel system', which the Holy Spirit hast aceotded to it. Why, brethren, gtvs ing money to a good cause and from a pure motive, is a part of tho Gospel, !. 1 (hlfiil dsred not trlflle thus with an Immortal tout on the verge ot eternity Dear General, 1 said, "yon know the life you have led, ou know what ths law of God re- fail not," 1-11' 'I - fciew is; abbrtU dais of passagtsV wbioh seem to teach ahtraupw doe-ti-Sc44nd,yet merit!the caretul at teiition of 1 all who wish to prosjMn; la this ilworld. I fiemember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he sskl, It is ing plainly 1 1 do ao in love. You know, my dear friend, .you have not been pure in heart, nor , meek nor a pesremaker; uor njercimi, uor a God tearing mu. How van you fee' comfortable? Itemeraber . the true ;-. Ww tr V e n c i v-- i v- 1. U "iS.-U.T.vt-- Uriist t) aU t Us. OUlTa thwseii 1 4Tfci.iil ftatvi"Ts , Vtv?-i v.. ,.w t twi a-- w u 4 4 - 'Tav- crtsttx.' It U knowu to you the gracelof G01I bos stowed; Oo the churches or Macedonia how that in a great trial of aftllo-t tion the abundanoe of: their lav and a ami awlnl won) a of Horintnre. ,You the riches oh t hrir lilmliu-. ' Invru' will sobn smwut before , God.' and I eiiteriuif h(a roohi.ibat Govl oaU moon tnat we ucsimi ntus thst as3 f nave to give an aocouuv 01 tue 1 sptuMciurougAwuiouispuuc .ivouaiini seienea Cwst dairsed wi;a Utal and striz ir W V we t rs r a wcr than eotni,:hbcr V,.vt rvJicMa deatlA Catrs ia tU uuV t4? i f (TI lrl$ i--4 t& - rve att'3i h ca,;f w;-lv . vredlitev)wm UtvV cold breath oi t4e Uiaa -f Vvtrvrs; S our poor ftlod f-u.U A C jyt ox two Ut I .itKlTtlnf.Vr". ly IU hat bcn groauUijE s,Ui;ul," impatient Ut my amvauaad gmt?4 mesa I entered, wi;aj Ch, taw 12 you hava beta I You tve.Taa;,. tr. miserable. I wr sa eomtvrtstl, Kneel down, my. Yea tnilr it. Get the Blbl rv4d red sou itiujf, Gh, I'd so rafcMsrablv wr;UltJi, Qhv wbt a wicttd Uf 1 km led 1 1 uever teitu tin now, ira, w w n tuwi r Taking tfe!ocliif Gd.1, and dowry reading some ct its tiuiplf &V Uag soul to. that x) re tbft ludlKl upon !Chiut tl.tuiqulty: of os 1K I tried to -show l'...i ifcsV .-. to baaafe for ettriu, ta li$ tut t fiod helttr(.bc3e3i;thatc:s9i ft . Calvary, whtro Uca .Jj "'.! r4 . punisbtHl ain iu tb pcf ,i ef tve" brvtttttiub&tlUUS who, oa:h lie knew noai,yt watr.t-o tlas c that wo might be tv: 5 tts iv 'r, swf(isum. ,.israrV.tt tVrtTt him that through Jvua. sud Ut Ilia . ake,7hfeTfiHNilWi wsitis fcr ; I tried to prompt theory, Lt:i, , botp BJtlV I irndito. fcia. j'ifsrso 1 after psMgj Uogt ring .with hl-i. . prayed with MttvUt ut biui "al o'gnt, for a tew hourt rest, dark si -,. lirtrlyuext nor&uiatl was moueti again, to! M' vetiHtde, Wrll da 1 rvuiember praying nvrneitly, as, I held the handle ot lb lUior tKUro moW blessed lo trive than to he hud Imhmiu. mo ha would sUa tlnUh dium ill the-' ImkI V.w ' Jlo listened I SuqI vrorili hrl tliV , Lo eiljrbt : H Thtos iavtltsi iicattelrbtli;? &a iTU. iu you the same grave also, Thrroi eugerlvaodi tomy sunwise, qnlttly saved. 4 U is cry wssilU,vUcavifOU , tibial soul shsll be majde fa t and he" fore asye abound iu everything i iu ; 1 felt I .!! 4), Oft, . 4X ottld, noi ie wadl? And I rend .of .tho iwriu-- that jft aterethj shall lib watered hlw- faith, anl utterance.' ami knowledge, blm dl iui a dream oi .ftdso jxssee, eriut suit of t te UforttwlTtn 3 look BirrtL iMva ami ItLbkiii i and limn rttii.aiiiA. and in vh ioJ You ! know ' voir have never been of the bitten ' Israelites! ahd th0i .- onto!! youl gbbd measure, pressed to us, see that ye atniund iu tbi I WW or uhange! in heart and I slowly aad omphaUijally. iLre ft(i our dealh-ld 1 end lues rur tost suiih time, is ofalUhy!ndrfense,'sd shall thy barus I should give ot their means. Fop till disappointment was, on his coon J like a drop of JheiWatorof the river ye Kuow.iue grace vi uf uoitiiesiis i ohv -wHv'jHtvuLii i vi i u.- f w tw v v . Christ, who, though he waa rich yet I more, lit lh ani aUalu, . Jiut ha to our ioor lVlcK i MatUculy,, a I tor your sukoh ,ne became poor, mat i vuijfTm,ri1vu.,iiH w usiviu ifcuf it'um, . iaivt i'v v. 1 . 4 ' t . i. t,,.. . . W .. m. . n r, a .. ...A am.. a .1,1.. "?eH Muti i,vq ,navn vuv ! i imnnih vinti tipwu, and suaKen together, and ruu I grace aiso to provo tne aiueetity ot i wi hh vuris ww i m uiuffiover Ishall men igivo into! your I your love." . " ' I change yoq cansot. sw thokiofidowt Thst's thestory fur bosom. lom the Lord with tiy And now, brethren, to tbe rtnson lorGod,P. 1, , t . , wthbtd:ijtOl'p mikra a l! with tn ! AiiViita I whbdi ' ihrt AvnM ntv vhw ti.v I ' An einresslon ofinteuiiu sud bain. I atorW Kaeh wuril.at b6 Ueit with plenty, siul thy presses .a.; J i :a a. L ii al L ! : . ! ' a - . . . snaii Duist ouCj wita n;w wine." . , k jjjfowll bel eye these scriptures to be fyterally true. ( I believe! that, "tl erelU that scattorttli aud n In creiaseth and; there is that withhold etb moire thfO Is meet, laud it teudeth to poverty' j I do not soy that the mtvit who givS and neglects his busi es will l)e proapereilJ but 1 was only -exhibited In tbe peculiar emergency ot the, church in its origiu. for it manifested itself for several centuries Ss a peculiar characteristla ot the christian religion. -Many years atterwardi, the Macedonian cbnrohes received1 this I commendation frotu PauU uln a great - trial of affliction you, thrimgh his 'poverty; wight be rich. That's the wriruiocul of raul, brethreu. lie walls giviug to God's cause a grace the grace of love, the J trace of grutitmle, utul ho compares t to and bases it upon !ftit mighty love whtcn made Christ laylowu his life for us. that t he .love of ChrUt ut we hlould but uuto him IVlviNWlWDW najt wmiviii wivfeiwswi : irtAttt t I " M W. 1 I . ' . it A i whufe rrwil luin thafe Aa von. I iilVlWI I I iutlAtnil il nna I Jfetns. dear frieudt You want purdou. You j Bnvlpur, I lm k tow KM that all t sacrifices,, lt there wus a, msu in this church -orcitV Whoae'love 't especially, coveted' I might pechaps i gsiu his love by doing Jiim' some sot neSMiWlll ne itrosnerMlJ nut I an anv I that with the same talents for bnsl. . 1 i -i r ! . -; T .' i. . ik ii I .I..Lv.L.l ii.J .1 ,... 1 .i i. .......... . . ii. say, 01 our own copducti jultged by I uwjauu ,uauif? avuuon to ousi- i iuigu.au nuusiruiu us iu the light of the example I have I uessi ine manj wuo moBors uou wna I joonive umo oursuivcs, i ruwi i H l Wa ih I niAt. niit'iiaf ya I hlsl snUstanciv and gives to his cause l .wbodied for u f tufirail iuaUtAi! !tai Ltnr.ii-i. i liberallv and irom A hirG motive will I We ure so constituted that we love lof seldenial for Christ f i,Vhy,Jook I belinore shccesslul thahhethatglves I that cause and thos persous nwt at this poor jn-ldowi . She lali cast iu 1 ioUiln?. AbU why should it not be j for whoso sake we make; tbe grvuO'st eror. ; woe wooid wesayursonie "J inA"r tu B fia" nnn lu" member of thlk church were to do COUM mM. isayeth the Lord of that same tbihgiberet t6ddyt We bosts. xueAjord makctu rich, The ,rnn in LininiF. innn n .nna .1 nro n ran i a.vi .u I wm m w an .c lu.u uivclu and yet Christ approved of what this iljee'powertp get wealth." The Lord of special and peouliar klmluenn, but i)oor wuiow had done. HBreOireri, we curt imike s rlob and keep ns poor, 1 should,. bo sure of In love , if I have'HrMt to learn the rtrttt nrineJnlea aud facts n regard tO hatiOU. as the could get him to do . somethlug (or a vra ttiAui. I Jewsfbr instance, ia in ircirard to in. I mo which cvt him a ani1tet. " It la -us f requirements i the abundance or their joy andtheit I ure buraelveai ibyjtonei anotberwe lvidaois,i prove that whosovever douDtiesg on in gulf - between the I deer nOvsrfv abounded I unto the I h6iibruth God libera! will God honor. I love of parents tiatinna. ff(w.tnall 1 L:..t... n ki.JikiM -imUui f ..!.. . LlAm. ' ... . ..r . J7.. j '.T.. I A Iroii ?nt allyi bA hala w,m. I fnr tlilp ohllffruii than their power,' I bare tbem webrd, yea I give nud not byi what God j requires monpeopie of luiaagofj used to aay ana oeyona loeir power, tuey were ot usV The fext teadbes willing themselves,-praying us With bard for us poor. .selfish! i learn i but brethren, it must ul If ii ivanKl aittrawl it a va iirtwu i w uuiu ww. rs 1 vui awa- aj iidii i i i t nimseir nas said,! u any inan win 1 not tnereiis a consideration of far be my dlsctpleIet; bint; deny himself nnn rnirM nrt nil nrriBB ami ini inv mo.'- If: wei havo not had a due fcpprecia- waut i salvation. Salvation ' cornea ouly Ihjough faith In Ilim who gavo htmselfja sacrifice for sin j but a sao rumentlU uot a aacrifico, Tho tutort mt-nt Irt a jigu of aomethlBir which Gml bus, given . to a memorial of Cutlst girt or himseit to purge our slus j t ut a ascrlfioe ia something rendcnkl to (Jed as an atonement fur uir atna. Wh taba the bread and tb wiAi tu-rvtuaiubraauoof uusvuo i ihroima raiio in uurn hua aaVad ua. Hut to trust ill the sacrament, inttead of tba i&tvkr whom it commemorates, ia a tearful mUtako.' My dear friend, what good a.iaU.J. AA a.a. St Ji,ua .111 A J. , 1 1 a. uaa vna aauramcui ikihi vua r - j it atoned for tbe guilt or yout past i to birf. ' mi tiomuny ana contrition Ufa f a IU It cluueed your bf art 1 1 straclt oVry oba aw hoiaftif Ua Uh whosovever doubtlesa on (his priuelple that tbe i Yon letfl it uaa nou , u uai icuuer(i,nuiatcn?rui tcfl pXPHii iioa tsia ia. ts Is so much stronger I merit to uiot out your am, nor owrr imu a, isiUD.frm ,xapm, yci rtAi a Youuvi4uit 4Tyfivum vninr. . amPtor a look 1 Lord, I bellmi Lord, i pralaa thtofl Iu an 4Atant iho llgbt U1 tliCo iutaljU UsdeMlia , Spirit's ieacht2.b bad graed tun truth that had oothlug to do but to look in faith , that tf bad dont all ihoatotk otproi4tiatioB t that aaiyatloo WftMWt cf f oikMtyd not -i by , sacraajvu Vi. r . put y , cracs ttrouih faUb lit UbrlsV Vpu. 3 1 a, & Ob. tbo tcari bt joy and grrati tudt ieahsd 4ho C&fr-conti iu grU of iheart tVatiiceoniedf fcU rtrc anoei iila.tf ndrr Jovn to tie his Savioar now InaUs Iii pant lifa odious much en treat v.' that we should re ceive the gilt and - take upon us the reliowsbip of the' ministering w the saints. '-1 "tf- 'frfH PThe history of the first 1 two or three -. centuries ' of ' Christianity W lesson ot iaiu,,jrair n i uenevoient nortaU to maul 'Dav Id DaltV gives to the Lord, lioJearn. byjsboyeiruiaodithe Lord abovcls n.hriit it tack to hluiJ" . h "tJ li aboundsin remarkable facts, showing I tion pf the duty of giving ind have; witn wnatzeai ana consecration tne 1 ianeuao luimijfue wiuotuum ium( rnnvort incr vt.hft world." Thnoa ' wtin 1 arouse 1 ourselves ' and seek! ' to do perilled their5 lives and suffered tbe I 60metiiug worthy of tbdolfiigatioas I he cau wrtbootpravini and indeed loss of all. things, ia , preaching the I we owe to our blessed Savior ? , I And the early christian Were aoouatooed Gospel; were not the; only ones who made sacrifices i for Christ. ' - Many n wi.u. a thPinReiveH. to rnrntsii tne means or i ana i communicatB. iorcet tnoct xor i tnins aims are como uti aa a msmo i whw iu kivoiv. of converUng the ,worldWbich .is i '-prMdlnrthB'ffoSMll-lthose who bad with'ltsnch 1 sicriflces? iGoil lai well Hali-4!bWfdio10od. ifbrl it is solemn born.'Obarity Is twice 1 based on sacrifice tbe soffermcf, ' nrorM,rtT PAVt) the ' avails of thrtr I pleased. iCharirei them thai are rich I mockerv IforUs to! nruv to God for bleaaeth him that glvea and bleedinff.dvine Jesns. beine tbe chief 1 ut. ttltvi Alii!1. t ) i A Av Iktvi i ftUMualnas I takes. O that God niicht 17 M :.,) r ' , a; , , - - a oMiitr .i,i.n, k- n I eureiy, a system w men is tue iuuest wm.ij g.uuvovu. vut I call VIIC-I- . il ... j-i .,' - . c mtH'Ti ouv.iuwa .w. : vui is., ; wauj third of all bis income1 to 'purrealffl1" 0VYI.merc manrr I spent all.' beside a bare shppoh for , or religion and chanty- 4 k I H - . According to bur notion of benevo-i f- lence this ;Wonl6L Toe regarded 3as a! most oppressive and ruinous assess- ment of our propertyandjyet strange! ' .'; to say, it did not hinder tbe secular! prosperity, of, the. Jews.- Indeed, it - was so admirably adapted to their temporal, as wen as spiritual welfare 1 that the'people were prosperons or mm was ex- straitenedinninJpVorjortion 'as consume, one third : of;bis surely, God li um hot left; uf without) BUVUK lUlMlfCB ilWIIV U13 1I II AJISlU to his word hi bbiiimand '. Tit do codd t ! . A , Mi. i the lovo ot childreu for . their luirents. If wo could be induced to make Sacrifices i for 'Christ, we ' would love him far more tbau we do, , It la laid ol, Dr. ; Daniel t liaker, , t bat be . aaid . to a brother, who stated " he could irivu' m w iwibw. wi.w waavaaa a aauu wa, a a a higher! tuter& to all than pecuniary raUcU l? 8n. PbJect J"a,,ot A,,'l,r pront.i uur aouis aroi tar xuoro vai-1 wv liable than mbuev. and the uecesslw I more. tiftkr Vtr nnr Isonla riAmnnrt 1 flint W l.yoU Can alialt Plvi trd tha tAnn hf flrvl ianrl I JiCfi hnrhftnittr: IV christian PAnlnn mnr I uivburru crow in graooi without h st vlnir than! f ?! frow I III fT . li .1 I . T- . . I .daljik VUU1 Uil clally or spiritually, jbyt firing, too to renew yonf bear,, iJ v - rj 3 i chance J nsver .aw, Us nflfii rx a L ". . i . l .i li. I... I I.. Iii. . i .mt i i m ' ji i . . .ii - 'i a aorrowiut ansae oi am nrauua j emuueu. 'ucun woa ma not uis ii .:!.,,. . .. I i . . i fit. i . ,pua assent ao went qB.Mf puta I afoitBigutagui ua. uuw iongss..r case i USoppoio that, when you wrrs I ing Giul liM.larilb.ca all r.yllfa lu India, lave a a. a . inni tdq um iu uifl auDiui v ; m diu 1 1 11 Mm all mauuor of. kibdntM,, ,Suy " III ceyaraac 4eUr J tti cwa to vnoppoio that, wuea you wrrs, ius uou. bfts4)tn9; sfixit, bi an r-ytira dla, you had riiked your life to cf slu NYhat, Cifrcy, ,tt i:va :t9 at a Sepoy Ironi a llgera grip, aud! Uat t , My . mother's prayrra are an you had .tubseouciuly. sbovs; awcred.'' tfM4f t,i'-,i 1 1 ii. .1 I nni that, whan lftftvlnir the tlonJI.n'fWini.Tfa' e"''S. . Jli PTf(l sir. You Oughtito give-till- you biw aoiaa remembrancer Ibaxroypel ot GmtMat:-l ,rrr-r; 1 it feol.lti- you malt a nrt'il nUT, ow - pootograpo. "-aayinn ptronaiy. us .wot omy pi tus in omnn" Uutll we do this,1 1 wooa as is irom time to umo, acm i guapu coiamaHu "i.. i.r,' mi 119 , we may not expect a btesn-ii rcmeuibcrme, . That, msu Joins thOi I rested In tbe cossenproailic, i.ou the Leril.1 never1 knew ! mutineera,ana m .every way provtaisbiUt Do aavod.Tsiooi jn iwaa Kiior tn Inlnrn . Ira If. L rhaernnan. I nimSCII a irCUCUCrOUi rCWli Al JSSb CCftrssna iny, ,UB J f i, tm ttsi lit w tl ' w jw w mw . . L ;. o at! to sayi that ci ving was one of the wines of prayer. Wall did tbe anrtl pay; toifCornpllos 'ThyM prayera and corner-stone, cannot require less sel f denial, less; sacrifice, less, consecra tion of life andproperty than the imperfect; and; restricted? system pf the Jews. If . a good man's charity. confined to a, aiogle. nation, was ex- they QbeyM PSi dMobeyed this ..appai rently burdensome law. When they , honored the Lord with' their sub , stance and the first fruits'ot all their , increase, their baruj were filled with! " plenty, but 'wbehlthey; robbed God - intithes and offerings they soon found ; they had robbed themselves, f They were richer with the nine-tenths than tbe ten-tenths, yea, they were richer . , with the two-thirds than they would Tdive been '..with the two thirds. , 5 - " We isay regard this law as one of ? the rigors -of the Jewish economy' which Christ has set aside." but we ! cannot deny thefaettbatit was really no ouraen, out a blessing, and that it " rigcrcutly; bound the Jews to pat : sue a cotlrse which resnlted the it'bfshest good. . , . .. ' . ? I have thus far.spokea' of tbe or- dinaryralecf Jewish benecence--of their uniform costdra- of giving to reliios zrpoes," bat there were peculiar exigencies in tba Listcry cf me dewisa c3crch,. wtich -ttzi the zzz: trate f-tr - J ' :ry cf cccaevea bettsr c;ntnLut;cn, levied e Iir of Hoses. tlie Jews in tbQeoa- income, can less , be expected of ns whose cbanty is boa&d,to; embrace We read in the? New Tesmament, that God : is? lovo that love is the jfhlflUing iiOtthe jfisLawi-thiti-we should love-. Our rf neighbor as? Our selves, andj that! everyiTnanlris oar neighbor and that we' sre thererofe bound to do good to all meu, especial ly those who are of the household of 'No particular - law 5 'f lieneficence Is prescribed, but - all : are left to the great 'and - fundamental ' christian principle of love: to ' regulate1 their benefactions, and by considering tbe tpirit displayed; by the' early cbris tians,-who were taught by Christ and bis apostles we may learn tbe meas ere cf tz.zTZz$ we are: require J to irsaaabytbaLewTcsUnientlaw'ot ba' ctCceiii-o. - It most be admitted tliat tLaesLrly clristUas were in a 'condition ss favcra.L'3 &t least, fr forming a correct --j3t ia the matter cf Lc::svolt,i:ca S3 any who tave coco . s to izd - a siuutiC3 ir tie they sold tbemselvestto the heathen to get access toltbem -fdr their oon version. Tbefr charities to the poor were almost -bonndless. f Christiana felt'asmoch bohnd to take care 'of the poor as they did to pray or hear iue gospei. , -vii lue , vioe oi worsnip ou each Babbatb, lists Of the'widoWa uad orphans and the stck were read and their wants :were! supDlied- Christians supported hot only their 'own' laeedy:" but: dtwre i the bfiideD wbicbtne baroness or neatnen hearts voov uavu bucuis Aiauivo v iuq uiju estTankacted as nnrses for the sick. exposing tneuseives to deadly dis eases, aud ' devoting!: their toil, their prayers and their purses to the relief of anSering'andjinlsety; j; lt Nor did cruel persecution cool l;ke" ardor of their i love, tor no sooner waa it known that a fellow christian' was In a dungeon than crowds ; of christians cats a around the prisca. doors, i besgf for 1 admission and lifting np ; their prayers fpr his deliverance, orj ; for his -triusipant '' "death t r-'issitjr T'.to :t3 " i .:.! of Ci.rist. ! To t-uet all tbf j clari ties, they net cIy took cp tl.3 1 tion ca tba first d ay i. of; tbe wc;; ti much, but I have known uhurche to bo lnjared,yea. to wither and dlo by Parsimony : ond 4covetooiess The 1 leaven blessed t t him that give na ho ta taken, brought before you, tried j and condemned. Hark i be ia going to plead 1 wuut has . he to ay t 'M lrtit,4airtiaaj:but,yott1onab paraoa me. rvr 1 looKea iait oigui af tba tolfn if ' yoar lAdWM.I did ret mpmtwr vou."' Dear . gfusral, swill yon urge similar pies atuieiiaror let vtaoiv vuv.i wu svaa 111 1 atuji ui'iw.i fiwui vv u vbsaaajia-. warns ncj web a . r " r - -ft " v. w- - - - . . m r aauit . - . ,.. 1 a at v. rw w rt mma. urann ear a. - -.-- ,-w w x--r m t. ;.. , mav iav noia on eiernai iue. vvnosa i .a si..-.wii'.- i -f ' r:k cu which! s rf.tr 1 1 tLt ei th bUtea Isrucutr who lvwuu at th icrpent tscf irsw dld rril-b, Btttbef alill Uryi who tr-'y uIliTt :r4JeswIhHisTii8 Jrd Jmu! 4 ib U jtm.peri Ar h ou Ilia' manner,' bla Very fuca t.. .rd tUaarsd. i Jsc9, Isi. real rrst, a if .if i tbo ijcood brother have Heed and ibattetu Uis J U)wtU of comjiassloa iiatii lilai, bow , i dweiietn the love of Godjin bim i .1 ThooishaltbotlbirdeutUv leart and sbutj thy band froui thy iook brother. but thou isball bpen thv liahd iwide ' i J is r.. (ii i.iir. i i : T ..: . il juotq mm.. : n ricnes increase, set, not jouf fivih upuuj meuj, Xiy out. up ask' the question, why has God msde christians' the isaltof the earth aod the light of tbo world f; Why are we reqntred to iyfsit tbe hick, lied the hungry,' clothe tbe naked and preach tn- uosnei toi an men " Xbo poor ab: Godys creatures' and ! . he could feed and clothe them if be chose, aa he1 docs tbeilllliea bt tbo field, ' Tba 'S.-4 , AIucli of tlio miUvnul of Mil Mrinon hM tsx'tt (Jrswrr from a' little work cnirtlrd, 7vyM(msno iHUwncence.firit. htuPt 1 1 1 .i ! ti I,,,1. ,ii. 1 1 t-t TUR MACUMIENT 1NH1KAP OK t)l l ..ituni '."! i tor yqursels; iff asures ciirUi, Goipcl laf. hi lOosNl fibtt' be kold jAoofjaox mm ncn. lf .ewareue mnko his angels ihlteriog spirits to proclaim it to nil tue world, He -i i 4AUXUKSiyiOtUTtVl, I -I fiirec gave I o.r. I.ii t:.,t : i by Vi.il, Lzi L;!l fj.-.U e::4 wl .t tL?y thus t .ve l to tie I: 1 i . .1 u, d I. r i :ry. - ff J ltls vken-tlmH lli- iatoii anil fnll wheal thy herds j and tby .Cocks are multiplied, I Hiidfjthy silver had -gold arei multiplied,? then' thy heart be lifted? upland htijou i fcr jjeil the Lord thy od 3d ttoa itay .nstUne heart. rayjpowerriaDd the might of raltie band; bath gotten tno tbUfweattb;! TJpdsj tba rSdiybf tWweek Ut. every one or you lay by bltn in store as God. baa rrc;rcrcd Lira." s . ' ,-Att:d i:ortt(-tLe;c::MM (Idl protiuncesi npotit the ilhber.-il suid cacJ-irltablatvi.!! lie that l.!.kth ln cyt; froa the1 jdot aball lava tiianiy a curse.-Woo unto ih; -:i that j;)i!t Kcr t to I.cu--i t I.iy U( 'l-to .' rr- .i.i i t i . I " . . 1 ' : I j I 1 ' 1 : , i i t. . , i .to .y hurtful ii;. J fv...i 1-vU i ll-U a ica in i..:ir.wtiwj t:l l.-..l could write hU truth id characters ot living light 01 ion the 'ky, and thus fof a higher icaso thau! David meant ir'"ii of God. Mi could rustling breeze or t be .dare the glory preach It In the rushing tor i uot heed tbo help of . t:: l cad. I lie dec manto carry forward lis purposes of mercv ? The earth is the lord's aad,tbo jfalnci thcrtHJt tbe -jdlrer, atd goll are his If l;e were hon-ry of ia want or anything he need not 81 can fort it, f lie could have l:lhfi.aadi'bbljccd tetter M the gn-tt ienttr; rise : of i .fcdeetalcs' the v.-f-ii .'(iijiiTs : - n, it t" j i f r;.'- : n ith - X was with Oeuerst O f a good deal daring tbo last fw weka of bis llfo. rAVt went! neighbors, but hail: not been In i;he babltj of . weetink frequently,: jA sbort time before fat? death, hl legal adviser happened to can on me, aud Whwii4alts4 afwr; cue dying man, ne toia mo that be icprucd viry .omiJOiw! and had Jalt taken the sacrament, lie seemed to tegsrd this as a paaiptfrt for heavco,1 Uti added betf "1 shall! iiot jro tam him sgttiii i?bt'tter.: not disturbs him afterthis,".;',,;;., j :".t-s" t- r ; ( r iJiouglit jEaVwe parV ed t i wliih ha was ; anything but tsstkaad fearing tkiit Jistotfgbt be ll tct 1' -tG"l i: ir Jiltt!:-thec'.al: c(l).trithtir I i ;vo j . ,;it rwfblnz r.M rod lr:f:, . f.!t ;l q.I dved to lei r:o tlr On ?r ;W;hln'r t!;5 ty I.M liii?.,! bad UhctJ the f p" 1 r in t :W l.lm. U..V wa u.ifcuml that all waar well, ho him i' trat.;I have broken iiia law. rejected b' authorlt.v. aud dssinsfd M 10VI niy'dii a tia llo felt tba force of this, and said. 'Oh, no, not , but what . more cud J 1 JDowhataboBcpoy rafglit; do., Jlo pilbt say '1 own It all, air. i'rt b'n wlcke4, migrate ful rvnU:l I've lid tlaltii on your klndut'c-j bat you are goou j you' aaveu do enco wbcu 4 did ttotidesarro lt yoa isvo pit oo: wbeoiilfaerra It atyi leaa Yott can sav this to God.. You Ha Plead that ChM 4lc4 for tktMnhQdhnmte leek mercy Jw hid take, With a orrowf ul t. Iqqa ho irpllt?!,,J$Bt I cf?-!! ! pT??,i tljtj repoyieveri if bo.t;idi saehaa ah pent'! And I gladly 1 anawertJ.8 2o, but fod could psr Jca p pardoeed t tbe dy Ins I bUf j jie :jr dmmi; Hani of TarPttf f -rand iB 4s wriiteii, .Ilrn that, cosneth uuto cv J will In ijo cait ost.' Tberi i tried to b ad him to think of Jeias. IJm w;i) deeply atteuUva, : t9 Iilltf-r"?-! to t-rciU In f7?- ,!,: is!"'!. end. t Thiusrsrain atf'id'icn hnrd ly kuaw tlielf patletit ttte duct:.r w&i aatoolMh'edi tba family Lit a It a miracle 'bad1 beoa wroeiht Ha the hoaje, 4 M kmrnn a r t, f Audindecdtber had. I er a be r Hie old prhf who wm with l la toihd jaxt, itlll.g ci? 'Low l.r.r or fivo'pTsvlouaersfa 1,-1 tc;3 d.ireu away byitla ixryU:.:?ef xd t!'.!;st, asfSi uQWUUtm i':: c-i : "sa Itto tUiybfltfcflW ut t!-a,l lt 1 1 wm af.v.lUa d3VC .... r1: : : f :! kind that It waa a ple.M;a to vilt AU'-biOrf'Ni i i even t; !?stbtd .rjvr- '-n I sope mmt ,Ur tt;i.-. a fr tba t Lint tro izu.i I'rmtdwUlai wi:'-I. C, lht. itr- ' iS.r'-'.-tTr of Uol 1.1.- . .tj-.n t t i .it, :,.i ifi icf it!; L-w rd. rer ,.rr. v I i ,0-y b ?'y I " i.. - i: v. II It till' j r. f. ia ; 1 1 ii. . err- r ti; u t. hwanud cJoict.' A dytcrJK,.'aci;u ...I... J I ' V 4 - I - ' ' :;f .::i 'iy IMitl .1(1 i ! ! 1! -

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