BibScal co: d: SrAC.. ltime.1 lm. tm. ' fa. J 12a. llnch, $ 1 00 t 00 $ 8 00 tl5 00! $25 00 Omc Fayettcvuie street. Cppit Market I ' S -do .4 00 00 8 00 10 00 IS 00 5 00 St 00 45 CO 40 00 60 00 60 00 85 00 no oo- 300 00 5. do a oo 4 00 23 00 28 00 4 do rcolmn : 6 oo lo oo1 15 00 tr oo 60 00 60 00 One Copy on year, . . . j..... , . 10 ! 0neeopy;ii month iriii 1'24 dabs of fti viV;;sv,.il.i-i Mw.'i4,..! 5tf . BemitUnoea mast be sent by Eegii?terecl t Letter, PostQoe Ordr,f, Express or Draft, -' payable to the order of the FabUstanbpura 'do ST 00 100 00 1 do. JIOO! 60.00100 00175 00 V3f f W-WWi!ia Special Hotieea charged 80 eenU per line. ' '- K X h t I .1 .... .i.hi, - i . i .ji I. i.i ! Obitnarlea" -ltty Vbrda ion?, are Inserted t iad;j free ol charge. jWhea they exceed this length, -: lit. oneeent TOTrwejr rord must be "paid la ad-5 I . !' I . . : . ... I I it ii "s. . ' . ' I 1 I J- -' r-- . t I ' , I I . - r V i I I. in;-; t I I , ? h ' t : i i :.;: 1 ' : t- 4 I a I . "v ' . i , . I : .... : A ' s i ' , . - f I - . t I i . I S I I ' K 1 1 -rt M f I Comment on Petra2. bfiJ:ir : I "Feed the fioek iffe'-f "1? Every fetep of the way of Sur salya- majesty, wisdom .and goodness, and this amongst 1 Use ; rest ; 1 tbat ' sinful, weak men, are .made isabsierVient iii that great work and soals ta meet ishness if preaching, so td carnal .wisdom) tbe chosen of God are called, an( pome unto Jesus, 1 A and'aremadftiWiiOT and that the lifewhicl is conveyed t0 "ft? 'J&'Wi nanus oi poor mentis . oy.ioe same means preserved and.: a4vaTiced-i This is .the.: standing work, of - the ministryi and this thething - here j bonnd upontEeinijaf are employed in it : "to feed the flock of God that is among them."' Jesus' Christ de- s(5endeo;yio; pprebase, ajchurcb, and 1 ascended, to i provide and forniahi U,L v uuuwg .vuiihi. i miun,o yonr: .own ..neans. anasee I ciiumeu ue gospel among, uie uiua $;tha by tbefc l wliatyou swti , (or what appears ral'JBafl?: W?f to senddown ? His Spirit "He: as ceaded and; gave; gifts, particularly 1 "for the workttpf ;the;niinis j and the great " use themlis this,tQ feed tno noca ot liocuT i ji Xot to sav anv more T of this nsnal I - i- resemblanciaj thA wpalrrlpM and tenderness of thfe l -rhnrnh- the continnal need she stands in of inspection ,e and guidance -and I Chief Shephj 4 the phrase enforces Jthe present duty of subordinate pastors, a itbeiri care and diligence In feeding that flock. I The due mle ot discipline e not ex- cloded, the main part of this duty is, S bv doctrine. ; the t leading Hhem ; the wholesome JivgTjtenatthv saving truths revealed in the gospel accommodating the,. way; of teaching I J to their condiUon sand capacity ; and I with this thv Ahonld be! as mtlch as I . r. . tt - : - - - . . possible, ;pait cniany .acqnainiea, i anL snitdiugenUyiandi prudently l their doctrine to jit.MTbey are; tol jeeaiMSMtj). luose more auvauueu, to fee4 j&,Lt weaker ; to have, special , care ot the infirm; to learn of v their Master, the Great 4bind np that which is ..broken,'' and,strengtheh that which is sick,. (Ezek" 34 ; 16) those that are broken 1 in spirit, that are exerdseitf with r temptations : and "gentiyVWafthem't young, o(IsaQil)i'thoa whom the inward work of grace is aan the conceDtion and they heavy' arid weak 1 with the weight ot it jandltbe mah difficuldesahddoqbtgsw C A. m..m!omb avis) . atf M.rl'na of that work. - Ob, what dexterity thipgsr (zOor. :;2T.6J Who would not taint and give over la it, were not vua, .iwrav i ww v , --w aw -y not all our sufficiency 4aid up in Hia rich fnlness, and all otir insufficiency covered in, Hisgra'cWus accept Inference This; U t,he thing w;e have toV eye and "study, to set Him before us, and tto apply ;Mrselveslh Hia RtrAnerth t6f 1 thia'" seek to please but to jeea j not to ae- light the ears, but to feed tA t& of bis people; to' 'see kat the tood according -;p jais apppmimui. empty or. subtile , notions, .not. .1 affected expressions.t but hpiesome truths, solid jfood, .spiritual imngs :w ..nifH . . i .iv? " wiolydespg tionMAnd: wfeta: copsider his to our Custody fbtHimwho loves higidd pme HKflk Paul uses this same consideration in, the same, argument, . (Acts,-20 ? 28.) ana BKiuiainesa, wuav uiugeuce, uu jou nave canea J to watcn over you" I uew iwot jnwuw iuo huiu, uu qo; ii above alwiatioa nt enmnflftsinn i are:i needrnli for' this 1 iriia Wamaifa rn1nft'' I fdld all t.ialr 1 liV7Kn lo onffloiont fnr thcOA I fTKfr. T mAnUnn mii1i .1: ffirmAd.4 last - v a DviivtV"" .." ."rl lawl ?uua ,x nuiuu'oaj IUI JUUI - a -i reauire bfiustan account concerning I with! a mind cleai! j and! active, iind t it- . n:'-iiifJ-tt!B'!iinMfcif flruilr I .Amunnfi tlmnir anil fllf At tritK f liA I deed,' Ir haVft f and at RA ilpar a-rateras the anostle message of divibe. life.rwhicfi Vwili hich a feeling "The flock ofGodywMcii'fHjJiaUtl.pprsn stroag .efficient . - .-. ..r. ... .rW Dougnt with Jls own oiooa' '.now reasonable is it ' that we bestow our strength and life on that flock for which our Lord laid down His life that Ve beVmost; f$:!&f$H. our spirits for them for .whom. fete lei out His blood i ' j'Biist holy man, Bernard,- A'somef that blood Wired forth on' the Cross; how carefully . would I - carry , it jy And ought i not to be as careful of those 8pnj8ihatWwaa.shed.for 8erm.,'3). Oh that-price which was paid for sonl3, which" He, who was. ' no foplish mercb ant, , bat ) wisdom itself, gave for them ! Were ..that price raor8 ia our eyes or core ia yours,1 notLir: z woaU so either you cr cs, z the n each take soalsJ In this rcIJc"r ilrirci zi enaeayors meet: we .to nse, and yoa to Improve tbe means of earing toot precloni souls. 'And Its we ought in preaohihg Bofonght; yttharinj -it to propound tAw ena to yourselves. tbityoa may be spiritnally' refreshed anh?alltl !n Ihe 'atrengthof to Dirine : ribirrishnent Ii ,thia' your jprish yra wme W rwf t JPi theirprayirf,anthnj.aung 11 ;7ear oreinren, aua aiso incinae I the sisters: sour Dastor. witallliia faiita-rTanLd wel alii haye imnd greift ultisl deepl eoncerned ftavJdpnBt ttiat heMeJmai as, is ;l too gotten jparaenea ; pyt tne seeming neglect of those who fail to!pay the very1 smali snm pf dmisedi Xhere are avfewF perhaps wbo have grace, enough, npt to let theitbings. nnrnr tham int & okt fiaw Vx "oo auuw w ii a .w mm w . mi mm . i'AsiNi?..ttiS--il':WwifWi. 1 ftiw r H.oii.i.n I and not show some feeling, v For the I happiness of your pastor and the 1 comfort of. bis amUy; JwonldBay? If Pari Mm a iufment sa Anc now, let me tell you whya ive you this , advice, ..First of, alL give- yoa ; this , adyice f. First of, all, not that it is above all otber'cbri vnn know von do not fe&l as nleasant Q! his society, ybu 'would f if yoxf inAitA;; ''Jwtfln: "'vA' I nolo auuvubtu.iiv M4u. t ji u vu v vw ; i would foel at ease jnthe presence of yxiur. minister, be snre to pay him. j Again, youdo!hot like to think of I yoQr creditors. : Your , pastor not 1 Anlir ilAfiirPR ta ba thoncht of. bnt to l be prayed for by . each one of you I ant to think their creditors verv un. I kind and ' nngen tlemanly if any re j mark is made which teem to refer to I them Thnslamilies ands friends I are often alienated TnTtheix.feelingSjJ lecome the jnost bitvl and sometimes become tArr AnAmlAW . Xnw. rAliHnn is love I JJepd ttdlnahlgTheuo nof, I be: I ' ." J " r ' toestrangerypur cunstian sympathy : from him whom - I love and svm I pwh growth In into I A'tAv vonrkitianiifWBcy much the hpwlmg tenipest. and Lthtf waning ret of I mrif .nAW irniPA:. Jf. von nwA 1 iephyr, in tbes thundenng cataract, i anvone-and vou intendJto pav him; BJ,a the pattendgsjrain-di Then: if vou would- have freedom in! the earwhether it is talked, or, read,' which the prayer at a throne of grace, beisttre5 J or declaimed or sung into the heart t I 'tieirjheart to; pay;'your. pastor .Debtors are 1 It is the; holy alliance j of the,truth I ;wealth; fpf brother.ovendH?Qftenheh christian sympathy for yont preachU Vta OJ' Uaif, A fi I 1 1 might say mnchcom tbis pointy . . . . I but I wHrot,'as I always mak it a ppint -never tb ;f sayV anything to oftendi urthink: I'h'avVsaid enoughA however., to -convince each- of his 1 bearers tbatit is his' 'christian dutv I tA VrA'w r ;TTnrr?w osij ujtrmi Let M lpokt,nowTat theinnpr Jifej I Uocery bill is paid np. ; unkind i word falls ' from his lips. ' He cah 1 4 -i-L?J.iil' zi4jiz zzifirjiiii! it - I f r B!nrT?s r?" ifB? I JihpQ what UdueLhimHe ijeait I &ust,'ffll'"BTerrt"-l.eatt71kMOT I hot fail to produce its effect on the I congregation. ,This is the conrse to I -" .' ' ' 5- mw.. :-!-- i : .-.nSTtT'SV .Hire i preacners. xnen pay your preacaer ana .yoa win vnuesa grjuiugp ; ill a hort timeVHi8 penwt eyer: be employed in; writing hard things. . - . . - . ' .. ' i Tf;- nnA r;u lenn&ir vnrtpateAa 14 allhea-ssbclaiionslo the best people, and ae tne oes5 pas tovewlllt&mut will be feryenU-; , Visits always seas phable and profitable. Sermons elo- nnont- ToarriAiy dh"ir,'frittH7Sr"iirit:lAn. . i.' i'l"" -1rrst2 . - A - - I pf snch a preacher I mean the paidl some oi, ine mos. ansiocrauc, iasn j arpn ot ,wnicn stopa is smau ilioaso, j fio ,man I Li! i 'rr. -L !Ji2'i.r 1 tAnahlA nitv mnprpjratinna nf annf hpr I the residence of the tDllmani V!Dnrf I ihAathpr I" : I np, prtcaef. - fie vaa, go iuw-ius i --r.- "--?-'T .1 . -"1 JiJ rT.; iiWJ lirrTC WmKMWtSra wai cpmpietetelrpzei bveriahdltt iThe I p JfiWrl cares. JSis "coat? is paid ibr h s J leading the unbelievers to Cbrist and I company fwith genteel, people with I Those ; whoiarJjej had i rescued oyerv reioicintheiheartsyof thegodly the' corners ,of moutbi xahd helmed ..bia ith S piesstonafif i n ii lit n r t i a. i iii w in Mr-i. ra ii i.iin church; and the church love arid re joice with her pastor. , IA I ' Let no one suppose that I: am writing in my own interest, as you, Bro. EJitr", know that ia S wapvilla net a cealcr cf "my cliurch t the .Recobee,, and none, of thera r., 34fii3''ft THE SING SONG PEEACUEES OF THE 4 SV(i-:J f. cnei ties. . They .song , their hymns, sung their ermonilijThe ftnne, ws in peculiar on all r WEena4l Drimltiv of instrumental church musical ever.'heardj.was at Hickman Crek Smi)thCOTnljytnja(e8see, where father Durham ? the pastor, would "stand np in the pnlpitj tall ndeoerabielwhis' long white bair hanging, :about r his shoulders, -and sing I through the teeth fot jail tuck cqmbyryubbrown0 paper a be natives of ! those wild hills knew bui littJeior scientifioAAnsi&feBut J - ! . u .l comb and " the ; paper, viwaS 'tt sort of h1!"6" ?Tf fit !ft Tt b aQd U tho ptherparts.i3 P ft ?F,,e';ca1 vatea this oid-fashioned! Isingsongeacbbi irigutljjveye aanoeoi souis Jiave: oeen conyeneu i g sanas ot soaia nave: oeen conyenea nnaer meeis .? PeffnT wan . a V - '. ' A . l . ?ps-h uiusiu iu iuoi UU.-UWY .oco, auu iu mw 'H and in heaven. .1 (Jur i religion Would I x- --' - ..-t '"f j .t. . r- f"! 1 of ppcriecc, wis oia noi, respona w tho musical wants of our nature. -it I is; the "gospel : taken into the heart, I 1 oat saves, men, uai.! 19 iue piuer ePce. whether th trnth entei eyej or thi s the ough heart through tn with the heart,' 1 tbat Converts the soul, and makes man 'a pew creature.' We learn in . chemical science, that at different : bodies , imay,-lie in nnxta , . posU until., the 'presence - of a- ihrsub-f I stance! suchias oxifirenl. of caloric. l stir their affinities, then a,newcpm-; I 1:Ftn' t..".'ixrt I lie in juxta posiuoniwun inenearc, 1 without analliance , with it, until a affiliation witn tne trutn, and Uhe affiliation with the trnth. and thft lfiul wconrerteojaany ot pur oiu- I : . . .. ?. . J.,l ..f. . , Jashioned hymns are foil thegdspel. I Hence it is that ; so many sduls are bsertedtk pur yeyyal meetipgs, by singing the gospel into them,. i sLet ns not be in, haste to condemn this old-fashioned sing song ireach I ing. It accomplished good I in its t 1 .l t?r41 "ti'i-,-J il'i I xnenyerwwBpauniwByypi t toine-true ana living 5x00. ' isnonia day. There must be. power lhit, fo!bala4tifal pridgekph thecentraljlnotiaireldared I Xhe two are aUthe 'J same ; only the I organ? nas aaen, inei piace pi : tne i rBAb AAnk iifiTiTrrmvwv jaWh'i i fT. Tlr w-l ; i-TIt T-'TTfil ; -yrJ,iSMmiMitim Ssifi ,ta.i iii5u-iHa:f 4i4i tobacco may. be pleasant ! are engaged therein; Puc .P08"1?,?0?8? aTe?.0M panippi to jtbp8e btta seensomei cases in somewhat akin if somewnai axp W, It altogether ofdisgust was created rioweyer," the last month pr tyro held U srownibg AAi ino'sit disgusting it ail the events ot the kind that I ha - 1 :-"i' -"-'i. m 1 tt.- ki Tr,;lBeeDi bo too, althPughu I have ;both peardt of and sWn . some r,yery .remarkable I f' . ...TT.. ' Linsxances. f nave f J .1 ' . tt. :r.lj:,.i!.'r..- - 1 j"" r - -w-f ' t niwi ti nfti ffhhAr'a fiharnhn flAAri-Af another spitting upon his neisbbors parlor carpet.' Have seen a , man in j - - bosoni slightly ;:t dispo!bred:ftom not being particular .: .while 1 ch e win g tobacco." Have seen persons while engaged ia pleasant - conversation with la s and gentlemen in cham- ber, and in parlor, interrupt tho coar a nnr. yersation, vi ance- of ' the ery mncb uch toitheann annpyi ladies1 particularly by tiitig; frod their : Beats! and walking; serosa the iio6ritot4ptt ibi'ih4;iii jfceprm a-;S pito&pBut'ttte bt- ring instance tops the climax .i"L :ktL it- 1 . I : . -I : .... :t plendid andl; spadi(iu5i church I One io theiactoM m. Plpt, telptber very near. ediately ia front bfil tin r ent. refined WpM christian P 6f lev importance. ml rwiWAi ch istiau dcnominatidnl '; j WXc&nY 'Mweldery , U1FU' iiuli nopie lamiuet?, prommenB "1.-.!- Ji J ..!.'. -i : -i I i-i-i. i-H cUnsti ns:i eminent mimsters or tqe gos ts" : I. fail:: aph(they uuu uiuie iuc re- spitting upoa Brussels c: laiiy spitting upon at! ehb of khat highly! genteel and , as iu-1 telligent ( gregatipal 4? Someho -I oriothcr, I cannot keej? from thinking M t Mis hadtbenh theras M years ago; Wool brethre severelv.'l if Hd ' w i ve driven tbem oatj far making lose a'topaoco PheWeris epitboj 1 1 . E 1-3' : " v - 1 3 :I I - IT r !T t . HOME IN FL age pi piu, aou opuus, nca ou I lnW4;ofteh i wpiiaelLif ikbeii ark Is hot more the lanfiruatre bfi F MiAAnUAUAy tlhari Wiril! o Ui Dp we ever think bow iasUng itsini I naence i . now nome is interwoven; WAr:im1s if ' fit t-i ' I :Thil Iwfcp Wffl Mlldiiot' fit mi PENCE. 1 I in .. -J 11 Anw:iUSLU'J-iri.!:vmLi'1 I JHWiMWR ' VIUC I,; iiUlM 11 W1 I eat earti with ai ta.t saeptres;. )thoras, .diadms;tkfo dpms and empires, vtil) pe forgotten iiie pleasures alter wmcuttfe youn and the gay pnrsod . with the! nio, aeinaea 1 eamesEness-uG earnestness 4 H . l3j' am onto Iaccc s4JwithraIl the gHtieling v are i ivmi- if., i ii M-ishil away a bat tl hjome, it J nyer iabit8, moulds er die I forms thd habits. ! mod elchtrf l - W - n "I r X ' ill, ; ; f i 1 . I acteri shapes the life add tunes tne a . F - tf. 1 bt fore a ' 111 i - i f s or.iraraarpus songs oi pta t if ft .-trlT'lTl 1 orges tnenainfwunj whic! the ! : Lii'k-- '-1.5 II rL'J abound I etrlSj 1: ; l -t. ' iK- othe or rathe lfW w;hat after , home; only II i t. 1 I i S 'to wh oft, children Jrli 8tream$ i .'.r,.. iaiheifiwa ifylnjue tliemi nrhiJi mKnLik-iiit.a idr.nL'l uw3fcjf uu uv tuw WKLvuea"ri" ttzLV-riSX ."T"'" ion life ate losf. - Undthen make home iwhat soWeWa I ypuiwill w l t ... ... i. . j . . .. ; k . lso 'you naa maae iK.a'iP f 1-f-Hf. ax'AvSpfircfHT.;-! Berldev. R . ft: THE HEROIC iPEASlNTiJk illaJy.tbekiW!x) thelTefjn Adige, fitahds. the talyi of OTerpnaJi I broke,' aud Jwas dasbtd witb bu. .uij BaiuoM wic ui.u6P .ui itsi0entraliarch;5b0forfer tbej ilectoe andihis fomily: were, able Sore, sjiqlfiritly, against thft bridgeV hBi-ra4nUjc 'tlla:.gavjajirayl and ati Jast pptnmg was.jett put the smglej pillar on which tho toil-taker!4 honsg -jwasii puuti pieiuntortunate mani who saw his Pwn death and that the face, could ftj$ lmplpfjaj hem 1 ions wnpagft 4nany persousMqre asj.( wppatftftia jBiues x)! .toejriyeni I -ha-hoata-Brera at hand, nnroria had I MniifrAenonffh, to ? venture tnrthAi rescue. A rich nobleman :ofi'ered ai Jbak Pf to thei peikn wio rwohld 4vhf. Pirfortnnate family. I The as eembled crowd heard the word;0f the nenfflalW'fc HnfcnonnA liajJn ! age enpogh to attempt to win warn,, uuui a iasui. ,uittuO; uia way; thrpush .the crowd, loosened, i boat, and with his strong arm forced a pasf j sage, tbrpughthecras&ingic&ii' With anxous hearts the, e pec tatprs watched him trpm.thQ shore. .. 'JLhe rescuer ar rived; at .the .cottage, but. unfortun ately, his.ppat was- top small to cou-tiin- the whole I family-. ? and - three times he made ; tbe perilous yoyagi purseoigoii m t is cr.nd; bnt he re. iassd it, saying? .,I da not put cy lite in jeopardy for rroney. Give it rather to this poor ocn bh3 Lis fin ny, tor they Uro ir:t ell tr.c.r f;r:3 in tLis f.ood." An J v ithout r for an answer ta rett his hone. r riii in I 13ITESE$TJNG SSI0NABI TO iit-r f TreMiBe-'kai Taai4lBir. ! Hating ; worked! so bard indoors.; 7T ,r?ir we were giaa to pel asram in tne pnen ttrwifl iiniU nrn?TCaafA -A -&it.4f- ' 9 - 1 w 1 . -. 1 v ytuagea ere we reacnea ine nome r - ot Purfriend MrVf Dioong Once l mere wet uaa a greac many visuors I mostly women: ana children; rAlew l pwu uau4a m 1 an uigui, wubu lUcir flays: worKiwasovertfiH -grm m i 1 jext qayiiwe ;visitea six villages. wn4 mi. ,u.,iur. LU4UUUC. h 6 were, i Hklr.U.iV.1 i.i.. fim..-,Ljl'i' - j I lieiigntea to see ;ine coraiai regard i en5e m m by nisneatheu nergn has ahalltlreely ai: his service the I ancestral balo a,heathett houArtine.iwhich.fewillsvettflllfonpj rtila4 t.-:T v. i.j. -it' access to) some small "room where hA room wnerene 1 teach ibrehvwho are soksedsittiuWo stodingir4 a,;attee tottalk to the A iP"f I futo'the ntSf a natlvA 1 frAntlAmnn J Berved. with tea, thfe; women urged to cpie in, jaad fall .liberty given us to talk-jto them as lohg as we pleased. U is-IMuchii easier on'' the ! throat to talk in a robni i thabin the (men air. Next day .was Bunday, and we, of P?F8TO?nrf?me1jra tSK Kik 5nJ at Mrs. Nuggestiiajj We had1 BndaychpoU -She, took the women, I Hi nrnnA(r thai man ant tkanltil I UU1CU OUU bUllUiDU. .LIE LUD D1LC1" I enf' an1l J' i- I 4 van too'1 usual,! at mef J aopnfgxteen in tee ciass, '"sv's m?- w iH'.w6' w tnilri. IIUnrinnili.rt),l.nnn. I deil before, they! could, answer very I well: and there vere several children aFnryWTOrP tad lonff Instructed" tbem ioyed; it V6j7iHn Wiafe .ik: Mil a ii auu c i IUIOL1UUU.U duqui . w en er;u- rye en- I b 1 Monday imothihg found us again in i &rnh1krimnfcin foritirl tia airamin I y,f k natWehristiaPMr,! JedHia twiie sava us m coraiai ereeiin. anc we felt at home latonce. lOur.quar Iters wertf tjr pleasant, be ng a new a.'At.o.d: fl Uf fthAJ U . lint Wo rttty ii ot'haylt batthe third was Clean ai ii comfortable. J We had visited Incessantly.! The pne cnrsi ani Wdnian and the inquire r re they had I earne Jbej Catechism1 andhymn cbk,i ad-weiutig Ith them.;;.. (At iirliti Mr. Diontiffi holds' ' r An Aral ervice.1 ;it flip' my neart good to ee the pork thisf good, bnmble man s i accompusniusj r. : . ue. nas, readv lacs intp ilthel families of many of )th;;bhtt4ii(d inent pi ue-wpen,' teacuing- mem and their husbands together. ? What ost tofueib eesd me, .as farmers We st f the next M. I t t- U l':-.a.LT-1 'SJ.-.tJ- J '!-" -r I 1 for. y W W01" Are twp. things s that t llliNFK VI IIS II V 4 IHrn flt I IIPIMIIH IIIIIIHII I H4,n. Ul-iiift i n i j v i) ii rTr."ri".rrrrTiT'a: - r.ri v riiurr.ii I. iim I. in in I j 1 1H I iizoouE eeema i m iauor i uuuu.ap I .nnHitinn t 'Brr riino 7 rflT prwi?anou8enias. t)4.. neara nim p u, that ma Mi jexnorapg a nuspanoj ana wue to pray i ,tbe other; at Pn xogeiuer;uauyj . xue veopie in inas i fimft if 1 teDen ahicrbll abd ii m afiiday:iamdntetbi8,li warm-hearted, hos- p pitaoie peppie, ana lett with; pressing .nvitAtiOns th ?n baeki '' In themnrn i ius u apena t ma signs i a jus.noose jotbel enipihefj tcamea ugaiuto . argp crow4, wscpw usIf! There wa! nrettv soon in attendance saimanv i ;n attem Hhe hall would fnot 'hPld! them, and thev! adjourned toir the vardJ'tlhone !you Jwou'fethihki topi desperately nn jfeminine,,bnt Xjspokp.tpj fhem all iwith thenii to :taf nt iroui their idolater y'Boulsj before me sunk, m ilnarkhARsL ' J Mr. TrATiof fnl. U.1J JUUIUICB; spoke last. toldHto go ?pie were; men and-returu-forpreaching at mum After; supperJ Mr . lizoone? Jield services! iri the! han, thejwomen who caMdsitting:wUhiJlrsi Holmes and myslfnii thJM ain4tbi inner, jroom, jwheie .wp . could hear all and Jake jpaf tTibrithe singing.! Services fen! we retired I with" inward groans ourf s'leepirigf aarttaent ! l i catf vrforgetthat'nMht.1 Tbesmoke! bbekB&dlihiinddwj tb-i' wb4iopnilhe8tiflin ppere,-the i sli varigii creatures (insects) that crawled ever : as t-Uucn. a' night I never passea vy pf coma not but jaWb at the situation ; but we wished no lets tor moraingf.;iiffpT'.i:'if ; f P1NT1 Cie Throat M f f . AtterJpmK some inquirers and 1 1 j taught ; some bojsi Then followed a general service by Mr.ifD2obbg.:; We welcomed the1 time of departare;1for Mrs," Holmes' jandjrwera Pxhausted.r:Our thrPatS were, sorepand tited,! imperatively' demandiogrest. f Tbe.s'train of teach-; ng,--teacbing," talking; 'talkibg, rights throttgbi all day, fong, from, before breakfastrfrequentry; ;;nearly always tiirfter;"feupperV;wa3j' beginning tQ teli;!pp:! carl ;Oar teoorteoiis bcst-4' who; by the "way,1 ib to be baptized soon' escorted cs puti of tbe villi je. hVYe rere too lircd to do any talking at yillaTs ca the way end tow g'.r. J we were to f rt back ito car cleo, cos:forl-l lz qcarters aillr.Dzooag's He bznt .-,T2j. visitors itLat we niit have aifclircst.! AfLcr Clzner I m night, i Mj8; Holmesand. I, ,with Jdr. n uiya I; xf jbpongd jiuen.j tWaipkeaiovcr! -to a ISoU cold neiehbor ntr villaffe: )' ;'f I "drr' 4 T nlgh Mr; Dzoong" had family pray- J SHOKT, ts. PKATEB-aEETKGS. era, and a good many neighbors were V iVimTMnnii- iHU io.-i.tien the last; hymnwas sansr my poor , throat felt itself, very ill usea. ana x Knew u l aia not rest it. v juu wouiu nave auoiuer missionary i onxne retired list peiore long.' -A a.: ji ? a a i" v ? m mr Mrs.4 Holmes? throat was even.worse than tnifia i . . . . i r 4- iWoTropities. ;j We aetout earlv on ofarretn lAnrnMif Tiia fu.Bf n9rt nr if n tbat - We back with The little4 14... .... .... v A fnll of , ttftnhirtMa :at; t.h nrtMAt .1; "Tl - nf thn innrnv ! Thv wrA nnitft.l heroines in i the; eyes of, their PlayL who came to see them offiI Jinrm wa hivA-ri thbt' viiia.or k-Vii r Kf.hnnl tnll rnVPrtlftWIllW - IXhlMMlA .miHron traroi Aonnontin jw i,of. stdwed cosHy in Ibasketimnd lifted f pnuo:a.flonKey.. iiow4 cauv tnev chattered 1 v Mrs. Holmes intends to have our return .cavalcade painted by a' native artist and send it tp'youY if not sent trith tnis letter, it will go oetore long.i wei wereoveiyhappy. to carry pacK , tnis taneiuie resnlt 01 Pur labor. The little eirls are. chil dren ot ennrcu members. - Mrs. Holmes has the 'promise of another P" theriWnett month or next mv BlGTAfva I DAhAA " IrhA .a A AAMIA 1 next monthlf Thernight .have' come at once, but ' for want of clothing:4i'l' ttt '.v . . . "..t'?l (We require their parents to clothe fTm--) t We had twenty-five miles, before I rus our we passed over it ramdiv i t It ' . . ' I ana were at nome i oy tour o'clock, l resting ah inn. v i , aoont' neon for dinner1 at an 1: 51 "-AliiPtr' 1 1 1 : The nleasnre of eleanlinASS. nniftt 1 u xi a,i nnrnTirr orrov onnn n vnejenAW and comfort, after snch a lonrnAV. la I better imagined than described?-1' r- j- -r I -I s '-ki-W' rf"'IMdiONp I Titty GlimjChiw ii Ttinui (Vhitnti J fTkinn - Ann ft At la? vfiil A Healthy Church : u ? ,!It is the mission of a ch urch to" do goodj To this end it must be healthy.' ii a iact sorry we. are to state it -that top many churches, 60(called fall short of doing the 'work they ought1 They are not healthy.' Some Af , thAtn arA VATu'ih: ; Tlrin flrthatw whole existence some ot them have I "been HviDg at a, "poor, dying rate uu iurv tuiKuii as wen oe ueaa ior all the good they accomplish.1 Their trouble is that they do not Observe .tbe laws of healtb. Wben;a man violates well-known. health, laws fbe need not' be surprised if he ' becomes , week and emaciated, pends his days in wreieneaness, ana sinKsMprema1 tnrely to tne grave; What is true of the manis trheof . the chnrch. j)t. Oojlevwho la-himselt the : live worffttM characterize J ioe ; a igoest ' . lm . " - health." The. they all; worship," arid that tber all work. 'The appertains more directly tof the heart r the second appertains as'weir tp stheaKhead.ttfie bandsvand the parsejiThe if allest combination pf the twol would almost realize ithe ideal ; of church-life in. 'its hiffhest QmJMMM4e,vfrmi silt itdlh - B-B" B W I ' Ht-'t i' Ii i' i . m 1 ' wmm ' - I rf !i-w-fcTl'nf im. W" -'-r'T?iiJ-;tre''-' t f VriiteStfi!i3 :- ' foist.; ft)i.5&3 U: j;.i'plh.'.-sT-kAl:o Ii ; xue ioiiowiuff uisconrse uy a con- Vetted Chinese tailor, with " reference Vbthemerita i of Coufacianism, 3ul, dhisib and Christianity,' is worth preserving: ; ; ... T'.' ;;'...'""'r :':,: I A' mail had fallen into a deep, dark tA tj anrf.4 at ft i 'eli rnfvB Imh ' J"' -b Bwf - bm ,.; aaaaaj . uviWUia groaqing a.nd .utterly,unable to move. Confucious. walked by, approaching the edge of the; pit; ! and aidr Pobr fellow; I am Very sorry for you. Why were yotf "snchJ a foot as to get in there I Let nip; give: you a piece pf aayice in jyouy gep pucjjiop't ; get in A Buddhist priestext" pame by and saidf "Podr-fellow If ' I am very mucu pained to' see; yoa there.i l think if you could scramble op two-, isirus pj ,ipe; way, or even nait, i could reach you 'and lift youup the rest:? 4 But the 3hao X i b the pit' was entirely helpless and unable to rise.' 4 j IText r the .Sayiour . earned byand; hearing tbe cries, .went to the very brink of the pit, stretched down and laid hoTdof: this ;podrrfroaribrtngbtr h im r n fi. laml r lea ill : ) fitn I mi A nin.nA lio aud cin -no '..I fr' -t t - if Be?aimpucxrj or u neatness, cs "i a! Princeton Seminary '" were in the habit of preaching at a statioh some distance from! that - place. T Among their habitual hearers was a sincere and bumble, bat unedacated; Chris tian slave, called Uncle Sam, who on bis return home would try to tell bis hiisttess what hef could remember of the sermon, but complained that the students were top : deep and; learned for him. One day j however, came home in great good humor; saying that a poor unlarnt old man; i ost like himself, had preached that day, who pe supposed, was bardly fi t to preach to the white people : but he was clad be catsey for. his 6ake.for he could remembcr 'tcerything he had said.' Od inquiry in was found that Uncle Sam's "nplarnt" eld preacher was llev. Dr. Archibald Alexander, who when be heard tbe criticism, said it was. the highest coapliraent ever paid to his preaciiiag. naa , two utue gins coming . which nrolone them trf an hour and us to'Mr8.v Holmes school. A 'half, or 'two honrs arid ' fn hnA daturas ere-'iBO mem'lrcihiimho lnnW Rin. 1 Attend S it wise to hold long praver-meet- ,ingst ; The practise; ot our largest cuurcues, wiose wnicn nave tne sreac comuuiuer ui ouvt)f wonting mem bers, and those which accomplish. the. greatest amount or work, both in the prayer meeting and out of it, is,' un? 1 .1 V less I am; mistakeii,1 strongly against jela it!" Their meetings are limited to an hour, orat most an honr and a qnart ' ter.t But' there are some, churches mAAnnr. th ..r...n!.i i-iuiiuj uc;wu& luni noo kuuuuutu ioir Now if the shortmeetin are betSm5Txn,eal. tr for Me, why not for another; es-?w riJrttonv; iiat-t-awriTt7il7,n'nnm, t riT withth-AA! ninm,t r I l.nrnrlrlnn niatol t ;i 1. u i . ui t. ur.i 1 endure with profitrrAfter attendine twd.nd4 'iumany thrS vices during the day; they are called 1 npoa tP attendfauiveniflgc8ervice which is longer; than any :of t the oth. SfZl cannot be very favorable to the exer cise of active t religious1 feeling, or to the performance pi religious -duty It not onfrequently happens that.those who. are interested ;,and thoughtful Muring the first half of the meetioer. h.irfn.M AnnnMtlil.MjiMi wheu the real, cause :ia fatigue and drowsiness, .With such persons the . ..t . , '. r . -. meeting ceases to be of any benefit Llong - befbW. ii closes; and itislmpbs-fmusitfof sible for them to carry away from it anvoi tnatimnression which anrotit-i . . .! . W:-.T'T- able meeting always leaves. f Again, it is universally admitted : that ions' Tirftvers and PTrpndAri-rA mart dAtHmAntartA thA lifm nf a nmvAr. mpptin tr. nnrt iwt it ia atiIv r ;-T--oji' f.," J by these, very means, to say nothing of the pauses which sometimes occur, meetings; can be ear-i ried onj A conscientious pastor majr 1 teei tnat Hi be ciose8;at s the na ot I an hour he will hot be followiner the lead of the Spirit,! and will do an in justice to those who would be prompt ed to tate part alter mat time bnt it has been - demonstrated; we think, that no one need tQ be thus deprived r of the opportunity of doing his duty. pLet the meeting be commenced with r the utmbst!DromDtnes8. and let ' it be' understood that itlwill close just as promptly Let bestor,: after one or'wo Zwfi prayers, open the meet inr by a few verses of Scnptuie, and 4 few brief, pointed remarks, and the remaining: thirty or: forty i minutes will ibe all, sufficient fpr .as many as duty requires to take:partrJForln this part of the' meeting two minute' speeches and prayers are more effect' aa! ' jthan r longerp ones.; iriWhen i a brother, prays, he should baye some' thing special to jiray for, and, then l siop: ana usewise wneu-ae speaas. i I storsy tbiplabrif bu have i , " " - " r ? v- j - - -luT VAnAivn.awaninlai. tiAftfirnii nrian the, tneering t carried :pn, and, see if uj j v;.v n if nui uiv v w. J ui f sou your uieeuuKs . uo nos, increase in nnmbers, interest and efflciehcy'. JP., i 'iJSl 516 i.' s.-fca' 'What is vour,secretF asked a -1 lady of "Turner, i tbe .distirigoished painter, , Ho. replied,' 'I secret;;. madam, but. uarq work. Says Doctor Arnold, The diflerence between ohe man and anotberis not so touch P in :- taleo t 3 as i & eriergy.w f tJNotning,D says ueynoids, 4iis dented well-directed labor, and nothing -is IP be: attained 'withbnt it. 'Excel- lence inany department," says Jobn- Bon.t(cau s now be obtamed by. the Jabor ;of a life-time, .but is not to bp is but one' "method, ! says' ;Sidney Smitb. and that lis hard labor: and a man who . will,, not pay, that price for distinction bad . better, at r once dedicate himself to the pursuit of the fpx7 fistep f by Cstep?r reads the French proverb, i tone goes very far." 'Nothing, rays Mirabeau,'is im- possible to the man iwho can wiIL-r This W the' only taw-4. of sUccesS.rxr "iiave you-ever entered a cottage, ever traveled in a coach, ever talked with a peasant in the field, or loitered wiiu a mecuanm at iue loom," asseu Sir Edward Bui wer Ly tton, "and not found that each of these men bad Pr talent yon had not! .knew something ypu .knew - not T" .The most .useless pfeature that erer; yawned at a club, or luieu in rags uuaer ujo sans oi Calabria;' has t no excuse for Want Pf iritellectfei What utenWwant? isnot talent, but pnri)osersla other: words; not tbe power to- ach ieye,:,bu 1 1 he will to labor. mniZ tv;-T!j; miB'Mi: i Tele GkkAT :a.tdEiThe: mother of a family was married lo an infldel,.who made 'jest of religion iu the presence of his own children j yet she succeeded in ! bringing them all np in the fear of the Lord. r I asked hec one day how she preserved them from the influence of . a father whose sentiments were so .opposed to her own.' This was her answer, "Because tp the authority of a father, 1 do not oppose tbe authority of u niother but that of; God, Fromc their t earliest years my children;, have always seen the Bible upon my table, f This holy book has constituted the whole; of their . religious : instruction. -1 was silent that I might allow it to speak, Did they propose a question, did they perform a good action, I opened the Bible, and the Bible answered, 1 re proved or encouraged them. The constant, reading! cf the Scriptures has wrought the prcdivry which Enr prises yoa. Eev. Adotyh ZIonod. SHE feAN THE EISX. yrhe Bv Mri Damall. Presbyte-.; rian pastor at Milton, .'C., relates ,i the, following' incident, ?which was 4 told him at the recent meeting ot the , Presbytery at Greensboro by a raling er.:and attu&Iiycccuneda among a .,certaui. .congregation in lorth. Oarblina jv? r:":J- I A yqnng lady at church gave heed . . toa powerful and awakening sermon, ;i the preacher; urging an immediate ! acceptance of Christ, and warning Ptitae darigera of delay and putting". off lbr.a; more convenient seasoni4' A alter, tneypungja dangeroosiyiill iand sent i ladywasi; for . the preacher qJcome-and see, her.. He. went, and found her at death's door, ,.. and: yet she' told him' she neither :f anu yec 6u Wisned nim to pray with or talk to , her that sbp .heard, his Isermon the i Sunday before, and-at the time had" r TmmiE'm l "T "rrTrr V C raTortheayl the book the following fatal sentence : 'III run the risk.' A few hours more1" and the ' young woman ' died in the 3 darkness of! despair, j ! She had run ? the risk.' "-Presbyterian. :, .. , : ; 7 iij V i 'xhe , gospel gloomy I It , is an J anthem from the harps of heaven, the thriver of Iifo washingits ? shores on - high jand i pouring in cas cades upon the earth. ' sso so cheer .! ful was the song of the morning stars, nor the shouts of the sons of God so . ' joyful. Gushing from the fountains t J. of etetnalharmony it was first heard i on earth: iri a l low .tone, of solemn giauuee9.uiici.t3u iu jMieu u v iuo iiuiu ; 1 .1 . 1 S 1 1 il. T 1 God himself! f This gave the keynote othegospl semg; Wr Patriarchs ? caught it ;.up 5 and taoeht It to the generations foUowinSri lb breathed from the barb of the psalmistr, and y:'-. rang like a clarion, from ,towr to mountain-top as prophets proclaimed ttiea-year tldfs jubilee p Fresh notes f from bcaveii : have enriched the har-J J mpny, as tap juora ot .iiosts ana nis an'gels have revealed ' promises, and . called bnrthe: sufferin g children of " Zioa to be joyful in their King.'From ' bondage andi exile, t from dens and ,' caves, from bloody fields and ; fiery; stakes and peacefal death-beds, have '.t they; ; answered, ' forces which cheered -tne disconsolate and made"- oppressors shake upon their thrones,-; while sun and moon, and all the stars u - ofnifhr. atnrmv wind- fnlfillincr Lin . word, the roaring sea and the fullness " llinmnf inijinliiifii nriif I. ilia -IWi5fT,t fleldsiaud all .the;. trees of the wood,' ' havA .rAirtinpd .JiAfnTW-'thrt i Trfird. and I the coming pf his armoiuted, for the -, redemption of Lis . people ' and i the glory of his holy name. -l)r: Hodge.' ' SLEtPINO BI FAITH. ? tfii'trtciui iFdlth tA cToArr wirooflr t . Worry is the' parent bf restlessness j '" ' -but he thatjlievethu1ers ioto!rest. -1 "(Tberjust live by; faith jiVlbey work, 3 k iwait;itoiVprest, eat 'and slerp, well ; ; vben they believe firmly. Pillow the bai bP 'the assurance "that the Lord scares for nsu and work all things for ' v onr gofnl, a$d the pillowed bead rests : 4p comfort. Befresbing sleep :pro- tiy Jongs )lfe' tbe physical thus profits , " ;by tbeitpiritaal. vMany 'believe tbat 1 jChriiMtirwilljOsaveat laet, bat doubt ? his care in little things j , they trust ; , Jhim. for . the greater, bat distrust iu small concerns, and nence worry and,-. bhafeJjrThijjLord Is Purt keeper in " : the little every-day; trifles of life, the v, iC Jafiirs fpt,v;thefe8hop,?farm, of3ce, ; 1 kitchpn, .nursery, parlor, temporal and. spintnal, indiyiduaj and social,, !4 hnd 'invitei os "to cast all our cares onhim;abd when we 'do it, -He u eiveth) his . beloved sleepiand that I enables them to work? and prosper. U! i THE CHRISTIAN I PERSECUTION, v .1 f tiny ,il ' - " ' ' ; $ I Uoleas a fcrain of nustard seed be brnised thpnextentiot itsirtue is never acknowledged. For without i T bruising it is insipid, .but if it . is , bruised it becomes hot, and it gives . out all those pungent properties that " wiera t0061116 Tans :every - ,v gpodso Jong, as hp is not smitten is regarded asj insipid and of slight aeV' count, r But if ever tne grinding or s j pprsecition crush him; iustantly he ' givesl forth! all :theVwarmth ot his S savor, and aH that appeared befor to be weak or contemptible is turned i into godly fervor, and that which ia .'. . peaceful times he bad been glad to : keep from view within hisown bosom, he is driven by the force of tribula. f (ion to make knoyrnrr-Oregory BELIGIOUS ; F1DEL1TT. ' ': W?; ' When 'Eldssuth, escaping' the par- ' Suit of the Cossacks, sought the pro- . tection of the Sultan, that monarch -pffered,him! safety, wealth and high .v military command, if ho would re-. , npdnce Christianity and embrace the fdigisi-cf Mohaamed.1 -A refusal of these conditions, for anything La . kpew; to the contrary wonli te -equivalent to throwiug tinsclf epen the sword cf .; Eussia," which ."was whetted for hi3 destructicaj an J tLI.3 was his answer: " Welcome, if need be, the ax cr tbe gibtst, l -t evil bs fall tha tongua that drci to n'S to bp1'' so ;iiafanou3'"a" rrc; c:al. LIj, Treas.1 r ' " . ; . I si :-?'t ;:i -1 ' il