:XJLi ' prELISriED ETEBY WD2sESDAf., ' -2fevi1- 9fc:lodfel u Ififf jreyetteUle Street, Oypejate, Mer On copy," one jw,; .. .... . s U . t ;v; . : . 3 10 One opry six uKtoths,...i .vj.tvl;: :i . 25 , Bwmittsnc ;taost beihBt by Begistered fitter,' Poft-p3ce ,fedefJExpre or Jgaft, -'-t$4t 'mri :; Fdf the'fcieoraer;fl ViTfrtw& il " f ' -""fr f" . i. I'll'.ilT '- i .-"-tea . iii Vs tic .a .7 f I j r ..I .1 17 .1 .fcr So r;--.t -.if ? ,&h1 M i 11 tn li 1UIJ 'Ull'l i-JSi ,eooei it'll Ji ll - 1 i i 1 - I? A I ! thcsNorth Carolina Uafttis .are, rithy i eplden , ateps whereby , we ascend, from earth to t, Thft-visdom here teferred tot by the Apostle i&s not that cCtUe royld --it ia pot th&iwisdoitof 'that blato f philosopher s;tatsaiea; acientista and ftbralorxeoogftizs bo Deity except rcasoocana i accept 'berailon a aa the rrude- and lamp toitheirieeC in life's pi!gri!ruga;t;But the. wisdom exclaims, f I trow tiiat rayJiedeeine liTetbj tod t: La uili sui:d -as tbd tatta )tv mvAii, that earth ?! !H iha UiHMM j r r 7 . T ir qnestioft rj8htl.?b6i asked,' how 1 it that so mnyi the great and'wlsi of th earth eiect this wisdom, the! answer ia, Decease of the tremendoas power ixercisBd tta8;EpiriBtil in Xhe-woxld.U OarLord telJs B8 that he saw Satan fall litre lightninir froin keat en. ii-offence Iwaa, rebelliotf agaiasfrthe.aathorityTof jGLiIIe A now in the world, nd having byThta' defiefsnbce&dpd In causing tfie fall of. iaaA:fronbi:bigh-'stat heii bow, most actirely'eDgaged in Wind-' ing the children otanea to. the fact 6f their lost aadoroinfid condition-' with out- rexmciliatioplsrith heir.Makfcr, and inopposiDg the tnly plan whexe by that reconciliation may be brought abonLr. slSd one tout the christian haw any fait conception of the great splf itaat warfar04hat is going on in the world-between . tha. epirit-of-Chriat and the fwrjt oi yjyjV0? Reference to the final aesuoyjat souls. . Good and'eyiliare, beor,etiaand-jt iafbr as to determine htch we'wjirfolloj '.Choose Ae, itdV day'wbohi jS ytm Bervlirtbe tord U God; follow tim If KaaT.lrtnnw hIm li WaH hntf heart kpn to thfi fpflo.hinffa and rIpariinfl Vf K ? ft f iiT-w? oVirl vi?wit rAOA aI V r oevH.iaen oy in j tuciaj lag, luua eoces of the former, we! become new creatures, And enter ' upon", the holv way that leads h lite indVimmoriaK ity, beyond the., gratey Bu' cpnyer 8ion is not sal YationL There are two fntejsmediiHeat,ep wew isdomj ana reaempuouJeierreo,,iip;( py, ine, Apostlel namelj, risbteoasn'eea 'ahd; complete sanctificationl i ; If 'we sh ali i remam tionarj nppn toe nist step', shall make, no progress Jh the divine, life, there , is srreat danger that we "will never attain ' Jp Jhat 'nalesl saja one, wuf, not .the good jpiiit that has led me Into thi way of saW vation. go with me nd suafaio "mk to theend Jdpst assuredly; he ill by the; deviL, Shalt you hope' to es-' cape temptation I ' Will not that evil spirit seek'to take advantage of all the infirmities ih at characterise fallen man, the lusts ot' the flesh, the lusts of the :eye;aaxi . Abe ipcido of Jife,-in order to turn Ton aaide from the hoiv way upon, wbih yon jhSiTe entered, 4 iiat yon are tot m darkness, but a the nght,: ,iivl; ! jjaat P95 ,into:. your baoda the3 v&am& of ufin .wordy which will -be ? lamp jtf'jonr;-feet whereby, pu'iiat "escapes the idaogefa a'nd;,djfflQoltfejt Siody, tUix Bniollect .the , iparabie-of the hocleano fprit-.' Tnrn tothe his-' tory'of -the w8idelibe:8ro the Israel! ites', lr6in roo of their; ra Mrhoase iu Kgypl.to the promised AauiiwUch4 u a remarkable type of the nstran Hfe,T"A6cl there" learn that if after having entered-open Hhfr heavenly way, we eball ease AJIdagtnglinger: ing look back to -the- world and its vanities, as did the Israelites -to the flesh pots of EgypttM,tberei iaeat dange-that onr'-lattef end willibe worse thin fhe 'fittstT Bat if our"face shall) m SepC raobwArd aid 6ur course upward and onward, then at each step in life's! pilgrimage the glorious Bentlmenf, fNeater ray God to thee ' -will find b Teady echo in'Onr hearts,' and 1 Ins with peace and joy and.con&olac.i, Those'iwbo t haves arrived at this stage t in the- diviner way-are' far above the'donbts nnd fears that are coo tinually presentibg themselves to the minds of those' who "have j ust entered tbereopon, or of those who remain stationary and make no pro gress therein. il The righteons-havo at ' alt : tioiea thetestjnipriyoC the Holy 8pirit that they are the children of God. and to whatever ,f trials and persecutions they .'may -beJwibiectea, - cantconfidently exdaimi'if tX5bd'biB for us. whotiari be acaiQiE tVa have some .beaotlfol illustrations of rishteoosnesa in the uves-Ot'many " of ;tbe patriarchs.- - It is fWrittiett that Abraham believed God, ahd 1t Was im Dated onto him for riehteoasness. Why was it bo -imputed J r!-Notr be cauae he simply recognized Jehotah as the great sovereign lialer of the ' universe, for devils do as mqclj and tnmble.!hubcattse.hf8herUit:wks accompanied" by "good "works,. Job vas a righteous man, and thus after the loss of cDiiarea cana property, we ear bimexclalnilfl"gv 'the Iiord gaTe, and tt a t9rd bath taken away . Blessed bo" the name of "the Lord.' Acain. when bowed down under the severest aflictibd to which' T?erb a ps anyr:',i -yr? ever pnbj?"ts ,f vra t?' him fr; i t a very d i : t a . c i i: : ry. cry oat. i ll trust: iu tccuga ba ti v r David too tces a ri - tt ectxa man, and amid .alltL? -v:z: tionraM truls'tron'-h wHchta -'":-, atd tley wt:r:22y,l 3'eve ... Scu-Uc- ' -v-i" ii.Iiia v,L3. Ll3 " , V- i r IngftUaya1 toheaings; Lord m Jtriy5Shepherdi shall d hof wantHe rmakeOT me'io'lie dbwrf Iif Tgf efea i pasthfes." He readeth by-tfieBtiiL,waterr,ri4Yea,Jth,dngh' Irwaikhrongh1: the v valley hofthrf shadow ol deathX wili fear no evttf for Thou art with me; Thy rod andf Thy staff they arnXort main later times, we eaa-point to the life of . tb great.'. Apostles j. s anntheit lillua teation .of the. irigbtQonsaeg&dioC wbiclit we are -speaJtingHearJiimk "I.ant now ready3tQ bogered,)5wdi the, timeiQCmT departnrf Jj gtjhaadj Ihave Joeghii.a ;gpod figlt4; JU hayf finished mw eourse,, I, hatf, keptthej faith. 4 Henceforth there 4a n laid no, tor me a crowncf ; rijjtoasness" which the Lord, the righteous Joda, shall give tia dttllt day ?ai3 tot to me only, bnt uoto-H them that shall for Ida- ppearitrg. TtteliviBif these men' 'were Tut ink mnfcrrktidfls' of thai righteonsnesswblthpreoedeV domplete: sanctificaiion,"and -wtich; ih my humble tfpibldft, dOe&hiot ttke plaoeTiBtlt-at the cloeet tife'S pil grltnage.1 .awsivyf d?i w-tnl wis 9(f aaif t;s wtt fUrTT3 ft. utrfi moil when ,one f draw mg.he .draperyofj couch boog&ti,-3t&i4qfp d and.lide aofiATe.ena, ana emotions, becomes. t for. the ronDamonanip fit .God, aM,eghtoljj angeis. xne oatue nas oeen iougut, the victory won, "Jhtl "the" cOnqaeror steps frbto!eirth iritd'-efernitr'and The sonl'.standst forth . crowned with; life:, .and , imm6rtalityX,,CA: new. soagis ppttflto Usjjulh. JLath atoeef anq nejfamo, "J4t&x haf marveupnjs are inyworfra, upa, AJmighty.;Jn8nd: tmeXire t thy wavs. thoa .Kinicr., of Saints.'? Jw ha' sliall. not fear, jthee,' prdfthd, gla-H oyjqf louBn.M,,couieina, ship;berproe,iJ6r thy jud I gao"'.' ;aiy"J-'rft-r?ttr?Afitj 1 1-htV) i;i tii.r :i -J oaj TfHAT JaVf,AKPlf AX 79.VU4UIX,i Thea .followfedi Borne ( era vers.,, in, wbioh, of course,! X; failed to joinw fected me strangely. r Oar .minUter, Sf& ov&thto, b.wepecAful ia a, house of worship,; and so,Ittied to. be. Bat when, folks kneel to asb; the liord'a blessing onr what X think; the jLdrd haa-forbidden? ibeg to be cjjt'j nseu'f ?xpB prayejBLoyer. tuere, .ap-A peare4 another-improvement,!? This time on the work of thet,LorcL hfm- self,; ' xhe.children brought ,$o Christ. ere taken by him &vd blmed.. Thi , childJtad.watex not on ita had.ao: companied with the beaattui baptW; io5u to;. mv03 uecnuoojras 3 pap-, j fazed theq, I0njuderstoo4t y.he iahj-t ijn,4 apUfuifc differed, jHMlbnmt, bly thpught, iron that .jlMJlibla ; cUrisJuwailpae unletted eerapqs, ptrratseajKhere 4ber waAplentx s bpUzed' will there be two ciassea in heaven.regenerate and unregeneraieT l( it doit fsan. these, peopte say than baptlsaiil esssotial.to B.Tati.pn3,jpi5 h'at without'bahtism fhere Js ho.ren geberationfT .Is baptism. Qod'a ap pointed Qeabi lif TegeheratiQO,! 7- li It ik'not? why ask'hTea to sanctify, that par tlculaV ordinance to the wash ing away of ain7rather than leave him t'fclatnmethod ! If It it, why afik bim to do what he Is already jniatftstnerat chooea,jto3 baptize, Why, not jgt forWanf and - take the worlfi ip?, Jesn8f,fbaptizing;?aa7joa,gQlMBut thenl why ever baptize infants at allt. They ara f.t 'catjecta, 'for the ;kiag- C; 3c!ko ;;r ".d'Vftsif.j J-'t'T'T ;. ; ,.ua f stjt 1 co .'r'-vl tit J 9T4 Jif;;3wD . . HP 4 li .K ,f l' . di ei Iai" sii taw Lai toci iiu: rrr; , t t . ... I h- 1 V ci 1!. frn 13 1 I If . .id v , a. f - , rT' ; f r n.:V irnnf .ijjTTVirUflL :i t J3C 7-.I r tiJ "la 3 .C; 11 7.fnb joa ti I a Iiltisniil nari,, i1mt i.-.r-i -jcr. t ni iaitiiiiT i I . . . i . inn i 'ill' 'i . f rid ariiwTnnT id ivf 4 8V1 'Vflf f'l -fV :.'.?j2-rnf 9 'jDohaoo tffc iol esTiJota ov j tad ed TO noiJomoii sjfsosotni ediwriJi ;i iU-cktmrthe, MiiK J CI.G3. a&sra iney were, -iioy-uej t ItiSfOver tava' hdwman iftLojfta&d'f wikeitftnplrafredF tty 'etptrfhsst thitf they10 wereiUt4isd4 lrtt:i tist s? thTttstln g'c1 cawirdi' 4 1 sy tct beeft merclfhlly tCsftatcd, r results : oidBST5cakahteidissteriaciHjtriT I Besides, we do not tee far cscai l I goyern them (desires) nnderstatsains I tyj 6riafeny" taf'i Cert'alilccaf 3' way, i Bach'as'ire fcostfcUInlWilt&alt- ach'&s'ire mostbUInlirwl! ifisr as it' '"were4-above the "rcr-ti, Ve doa of heaveo, we we r tolc. thef arehbly. for Christ's people are (?fsa$er WWftK? tbej bjipjtized,, Hut taev tola ma that bavtiza meant ppq ngvfiisjressea-me pont;uxat bbUd: oaptfzV means", por.,Tln.to" IbaijTSijbaBtldjbnMh was; m &KWm MW gaonay; 'And.i vgreatlvrfear,, Uiat.1tba1poojr, child. failed. of .baoUam after all. i t While t)V.H,t'&ft5 1 about Christ's bTeaainir children at a pa&ttfisecjienlyj $$$1 PopwmthatocionnoU waal bapuze- the chjldrenaa.anyivbod knows 0f?0 Tne disciples grnmbled about tbe chiidff nbeing brought lorwaru, aot lacy werntaagncy uib biples toaW'doeWtf cthe had peen used to seetsg children brought Nwaaudbapd?ed.And theW those diacmlea. so far aa vrm. ftrnitl W thecontratyrseem'toveTorgoT; all about, the incident never, re-. ' ten ceived nor bTessedV'nbr baptized' any phUdreh,, afterrda ) aqd, pjever f old disci plea were human, .and, tbey left hndo'jnanyhings' iUiat Ifhey.pughtj to,haye dooe,.,tStilJ,'I.. though that. ueuueu iu iub u&uusiniu service, mu hboul Moses! itsvUttlo arkor jabbnt the children eaten hip by bearsu pr ue ueator oi i-viu a cuua, or me elaaghter of thkxluldxeQ of Bethle hem, or the, tcsannaa cf the children to Z ion's kingi either or all would hayeeen jostrM.apprppji.ate the bnet selected i teeins that peithef eoa tamed, the lightest utjsjypna bajhi i8m9T;At least, wss, nyi yiew, f the matter bht Z pi2ke,nopreten ion, Mta great .tacntenecs .ofyiaioni aving- been blind fronr birth i 0 tBefQre the-b?ptisa It sard a prny? r like this iH"Sanctify this j?aterto cataystical .washing JawayicfBia,,' After, thebapiism 1 heard tl;!a:d?,W fyjelSlthee tearty . thanks, cost .-ess-tifak fathiritt-t it .hath p!sci thee tOiTe-erserate, this iiau:t-with thy Holy Spirit,? Tte Zrz jr: er askea for, re:nratoa cy ..i7a::r th? lass prays? retarded Casta t' it t'e.fisst; fcU -fccca &r3wcrsd.Lj ZZs tcrenfrttlsa car;'?, .then,. I tt"t,; w:t: it c called a "holy people,, and are ad dressed aa taints f ahd 5sdrclyno!j people need ntf regenerataotf.s' More-i over, I fail to see the fitness of pay log for holy, sanctified people' to be cleansed by the mystical washiDg of waterBartimas is blind, he knowV bat he can seeaoaejthings. " Come to thinkf-it, it strikes me tht.thJSbaptlamaWregeneraUon Idea la pother, imprpvemeot.?!, read, frequently fn my Testament ahout persons 'washed fn:thCfbloddWrthe, Caniblrand of bersohs saved Werace' through faith : bat nevet ohbe of any ooay sancunea or Bavea Dy papiism, especially ia the case of sncht 'persons aa can katrtM faith. -And theoThap tism seems to be a dvt fj and Tmerrer thought duties were required of tn ihligeht peftoiiaj6rafi?tlj! Were capable pf perfbrmlng them Jf so, the infant who is baptized never Performs theater 'bf betnr baptized at all.-aineea person can hardly' bw; BiU lU rUU iM. UUiJT, WUab JiO UUtBU k want'ioi djaaielpm tolQwa. nothiDg-.aDOtttb.fepH s i-ts' ' Moreover, the prayer after baptism. ;a8umesthatf iQrmysucai.vWaaaiug, i,regeoe,iuon,. hastnbeena answeredx uila lttrue ! Then erery , baptized infant Who grows trpa; sWearefyrlives adfhttk-' ard and kd fee ;a mttrderer will o',to heaveocvVill he not 4 Jheh, there will be some regenerate persona in hell Once Jbornagan' (which onr minister; says is the .imeanifi'pf rV generated) can a, person becone -! born f That is not true of the aati dral birthv and - Bcripture seems? to lalnrta the same thing- pf the BpirltuaL'6 fl?o(paCthe inlahiy'forfei thia ptkv; max pnvueges r xnea he fails away, and acoordins to Paal4here Is no imor hope for hioi.!' Would it hot be what he was abont and heuce would be more eaief al to preserve hia bap tismal prlvUeges, than "tebaptizr him whea aijconscioxis,' let him for feit," asdlhus cut" hinentlrely off fcom heaven I : vgachkeptical thoughts as these fwddld, rthC tCedoi,whatfl:1 night."Xhen a neara the isobe pro., ceed to say to the ladies and the gen?: tleman, (baby agaw-ieft out) : Ye axei ito take aiestta.titliJsijcbU4:bei; brought to the Bishop to be confirmed by, him, so jBwal aa.he.can saythe ;cr?edt.the Jrd'sray errpd theten, fCp.minAndinenttftnd iasufiiciLentljri ins$mcted.in the ptber, . parta of the ;oh5rh,cawchl8ni(etort; fbrtnsi firmationconterred, X, Was1 left to ichilrr7spirUual'' welfare.linew; Then. I tboughtJthose' Sponsors:1 in' ,cfi8iddratfon of the 9hU(fs BOtu-ek. I ahd put hinito meinoriztng theTcried, ; iScarsooat1 as possfbie.-- lrut then. jthere are tome poof Bonis1 whtrneVer dd learn now' to 'read,' and cant re peat the rereed, Lord's" Prayer haiid !ttnnntaindttiehtaThe8e alas, are1 tehat dstded the touch of the Bishu op' bealihg hands,and hencedsbar irtdfromi heaven, t .Thereiinsed to he: fan eld saying about the way of alvarJ tion being aa plain thai way farisg tmanvsthoc2Q a fool, need:.not?rr itberein $"r bat 'tinrea -change . and aaenv? a&0m 9aO&s who hasbeen Regenerated :, in. baptiam ; and then J cpnhrmed. by the bishop onght to be tolerabbr secure,, for Jieay eor And; y.e,M memhered..Tseein2soma3who had enioved .these, xreat orivilezes.. (v.ihg , like - persona who tbe. Bible, says, are tolerably secure for, a plape somewhat below heaven. , . Vr AlkVf (UVUKUU lUCiO ta all I1U ooKL wnicn teus me v-oeueve on the rd Jesus Christ, and thou shaltbe ced ;w and though a' poor Ignorant he like me know little about con fir- mation; baptismal regeheration. knd7 siJishops, i am not afraid: to restny1 hope'ea tte fllthlal EaVlai aboqt h!a who came to save sinners. 1 There is wofa icomiort' -for men4hat otisr verta cf Scripture than fa'alt I heifd can Swell e'a'ociU" dl:'. rui .nd r4 pr$'T7isnknow'wmetbiog;'k'Dd( eatffceViflrtlAav.'bnt if'we ?ruld5 ;jnst See One lbchtrther,1iOw-bfie-iJre sooaia stana Dacz J irom a uesire tasr eem to be ?tirt "wiie, veu ks from ST pmsrptCBi' loTiwoaKf seetor ex ample that the hers yda ra dssii: iogand 'bargainjng forz4a4ay,iwill: k4eki9en into etefnityutamorrowA And so amgleratagelaxtheijaCper oaptknwanla aahncafr everyi hour set. yonbackJn3 recoil from amenOier. ahd;AMllQthetpcrWiPi?ieQrr aovk ilfiowriltpxldjHeFTalft sre4su?ft1jtaJ aeptjne lyvinftimoraneeiftaiifc thlngi jrptkatoser.the.jt,. which, are ana nave.Deepf ip.usiue, tThe only Baptist ojch i&balecked lenbartr , onnty a i nexeepti the church ift ChariQUe,is located at In deDehdeneeflUh ntar.the) resideoca 'of.Bro. BnrwelLJPaahiononher A4 T. PH.J t?iAne. wlea.frqmvjhar. i9ttea thftJ4ftWcat,.piat ol.gio on .Which, it u said.lhe.MecklenDnre jDcUratfpno made, on the oighi .pMYJoag, to .its publication in Charlotte, May 20th, 1773, benoe the iname,.Inaependence liULxXhecharch paiiaine iasmau, bnt neatly and comfortably arranged. It wasbodtinASTat.acostof about MWKjoS, which f 9u,ftaa paid. byt.the, South Yadkin Association. All bv 'the Brnshv I Moantain "Asaociafmn. an a the oaiance,. a oonp. e w. was j membership is small, , consisting. gf brother Uw&f iia, (neighbors u with their jfamUka earaJ est worsers j in tue csos" vi jnnss. Thewirt icWlecteUjatid organized by- 1.1 jh laoora di Xiiuer j. x. uuoue. .woo. didioc tiem oOoJsirAbleiAmouaC jofi Work for bctiactriviai 1 remunera tibo. They have hie berti'occaBionaU' , r HosW8terua,rHjeiibo?f!Wi8e1 ioaa ceaucss witn .ns, , .vrtea we knurmur because of .ourLdi ?ppon t men is, wpea uiey wer juesimeaar bur. blessln?. The .treat Horace jBdshneU eaysV. 'How ahsard jour jQcEirea tave tcen, Txte narnaa re, cclit.wc-.a. cave kept C3 frcp a li'ci:?i.,ks4';WpalJ5-'Lave')bC2a'! it- eclfa t.tt:rtvc3)tlattl3 Lad vrct tr cf y:.tar 'ay, xo cia;h tst'ear wa3 trr:.! , c? U3 steamer tl:waj paai ; tL .1 1 . 2 tr: a.!; try tf a r. : ; fc3'ia-.-;- :;..:,-ra..Ir.ir..ii tl. .vra vera5 r.ar-:aj:tt- ti3 ;.:ar .r3 '3 v::3 rr- c: an . v , CI pWfrbuTVirlSaa Pennsylvania and Jersey" .. . I tbthbrwdriPefOtittfvattnfhWwasw GranvIHa Jwcaf 'etctedin. If Id: ahd, (j pJaiyfcwitacdiadiotaiflgaitSibM tty tiref irs-lt-Jin ytMVrmw I derspartlcaIarJj;44n fihe, oatber (. ..y cama xtirecayi ram y lrginia, ior tre the immediate descended tacr t' zzs .ria JasdaQCisafrcQLXhatfitate. Lilat ittot t4rtioaicl ahaiStatei !: ' -1 c :ariohi.fifjBachr.wa f ttrjrdqigraclarih ycrkjedi taeir way into the interior froeke Fpla frdai TIfg!Ma''Mh85lva,n& t,rM Nob, 1Mniii . I .'.-.WOKil W J,-a 'v waovja ...t ! i It is evident-that1y lJ5theOBap--U&ts-'rere-.cs n " otaXi elyBBmc.roa" ia ii GrwviibifcB Them werali at ;tlme; aa.wajlsajn from JJMo Ad.iaiyj iiuueraryj at a least two Kaposi;; churches in that county. ..Granville timesiSan ttls noW.rtfT taktflttliir the5 lsh!btf3t7teeraptlsrObTlreh' refafred wariaNphat a doW-Warvl Iren .eoamyi9 iiwiwrifcwTwtK kfmbe? .fainakg Boiarda4 ofj istrftt .1 ws-s afSrwaids oiaaa pleasant 'visiB 4 edisrivfleflre oi accOmDantihza flag 1 of trnce The escOtt wa imbnsheti: and the officer who occupied his po sition - in the ' rauKSnedT How God kn iws wbafTsbe8t tor na. I could cite mahy'TikeJnetances, even imy.owbriere. ir vTBedby; mTtohdatieiBehJ thf , &mih.ZSTiLtikihl Aj&aociktioiL.and ;bv rv- -jiii.L.MM.ii. j t ?;,pt j .TH.'iBTn fra (other ;i jBiaJsteringJabreihrea-olUhe: brtghborbood. "In-8eptember 1 last they caned W"twrpasOHr BWer yniles distant, and-Jtorking for bnt a b-ominalaaJaryi iprjompttfdpajic- tualJn. hiseffoxtftto ervft thttpu ajtd, weaWojtiappear tftjesaiug, Wfitorjyy n. hwyiapdftMf aohni 2eJchnji3s.itwfed at an Jncefligent .Breaby tenao com- tariu!,.'andtt8 tfuthuas errbf or incompetence Would. be'lm WefaTvdettedn-ex Thir ii" I B6rtfotiav6f the'Btate1 tW! which every patriotic heart1 revfefW wi:n mmgiea emotions ,01 pleasure kha rMddaynnlstfiit kjrespectfully'iovlted' td'VlsfVW taaing fttinst powers' or- car Eess, ana 'aTeeBdeavotiflg1 to ior, pUitnallyi w hat onr jpatriotiB ances tors did inatetifodrat andtavil ttoint fcrvlitfWi' vfztTlatrt ftnef fandaftftl ppecuaiiy ast tiiati oar DrstUren asu Sisters throtrghoatthe etateaid ntj at least bv thelir.pTaye'rs. J i' .f H. H i SiJiJOr 4iit4t jitua 1 ,i.i! ... EARLTI BiniSTa IN G"AKYILLE fBdmefwees ard Irread fca frrfefi festingpaper, 'Jnihf.ftfcbOvSps'froa Klder IIufbam.TonTtlieerly.tistory M Baptists in Nerth-Garcliaa. Pro bably thefollowinr will nct.be taial teresting, as it- will sniIscitat in Part what heeaid so weih I .ilaocttfSsaUct' '5'ca. iri!l sd somei-nterUinic: extracts t from; a diary kept hy Csv HughdlcAddea aieaio5. :jtnd cCSibireytuq minister from PearisvlvaEia. whawss educated atNassa n II2.II, now Prino- .Uangrslu-Jith,.! tnat,C9 .was, at ranvilid coaatv wnere r.3 Eays was a uaptnt nset ugsUz:.3, la which to ficcaeJ ;6 a't-ccpla who seeded Ve'ry'iaq'ai' tive tUut'tLa wy CfZla ' Tha hekrayha,''icccrmp:ciM.ri Lest, V air :t:itily -atlcaia cy tti Lena Of LivrUcc," ia r;Llc. CrccL; ti & EaptisJ -Yeirry Zlczixz, t.zl'i EitSTiay fend Caaday prcaclcd :ta s xjewifjer8ey.- ipo. ne yecoras Grassy ' Cr e e k. i a G Although L hare no time foirai pap.witinsaratuawnion fwtuiseseiaiuefewTeneson vtJ f fifteen to twenty five coTamns veryTI feviaences of Drosrresswhileat other six days,1 IthduilIheriWYOadl kfiehfiyiled'hOusei wtihburiiahs tn' aavMuM w www w uw vw iuuv was huu . nivuvuv w v vwe adaita scdicata:thatUh9Ueaz! reJSgoeededsKrriaa njtf aJJtd interest enough to' Halt-hotiradUjtianaliWbr'k. & iAui i I mw iwvieUalf?1-81' The soggeiiyonmaae atii unity man among luem wpuia gi & I XlWftit Wfailedto hethid e Convention , would gladly appoint' Rev. J. B. Hartwell Missionary to thff Cbttftkeftr Oalifarhfartmded ihA' TftMn'rtWinlir sorted' fdff?hTr vlgorons ptb8ecatiohiwJk4 desJgntjpeoeAsityaX diiilttotleami a the DoinestiondIndii-epaf f f hinafopglk3yefetf sendfe, a 4 meat, metwitb aa njoe&iavor with gooa qo meeuug 01 me duuiu uamuus'i i oiiem Acauumj, iu cuttre ui iiu. Jactist UoaveoUonalew-aavs uter, ishawdyalL'stswerul teacher bf ''X " I l -j -. it I d r . . -'.a. a f . no receivea wm, e.nMiufliasmjvr s i isxee experwncwas neariviowe cw ippointedBro. fiartwelUo thatorxl anhijat-jU joinff great gopj for.that afidboyt Ironlhoiae 0n the con4it?oh"that;he"sfia as their .asrent an amount snmcient for the ttansportatibl of' himself and,! le4f fae wjdi-yddtil fien family to hm6 tfeld'f laWr;SiM"frI wbadiaAhaveiWeiuaWMy li lueir mtuuicuaauo uun jcav niiw uo gijF)paci (shall rezch.itjxiid vaa d rdr : , . viaenoe j i.The, preaencDo fheaepeoplffrin r as' were i ouxown laodi Bro. HartweUsMBxpe Which1!' rience.JaiahpraaOJigthjeni, hiaJ Academy. tJalemt Academy knowledge -off tueiri character dand Mew tears of its existenbe has exerted modes pfvthoulahiadabjntyitaM dress thein. in their own tongue, aqd I yeara to ;come, ,f Those. Salem breth:, hia ardent 4eaira tg bear the,f!g98peUrea ; weW'isel mehJ ho 'leas wlseV of salvatipto them, the prjpvioptfau. their selection of a teacher than : in ninarances xo ma return cojmna, l DUtiaiog tng-ZLCaaemy. max many the open door to California, so far as I years and increasing patronage axe thcseobsUcTear'wncerQe(r,'all look I in store for Saleni Academy lEham Koy very hlueh likVatiifeWentmraajtis1 faenrc-T the'amehhs' ttfW'imfr Ida rhMnefiattnel1itf&irticrAS ftliftfriT.I MrW8eW6ae51isitlerl6if ifitf earlf- f 3I ' , , hnrtn , th wTm alS , TLJ-i.theirlmpresa upon those1 ahcceeding. F'JaWtyfixt7TJiau 3j IVjhj-ji aa im .fc id yujti 1 were in tiaa to .hear" onlyc at part of the iztrciz;tary.jcraaoai w I . I Tb? rrcjseclip'ra iravir.d3eeaal& readj rr?tcI.l(rin.:xoLa;.cilj!) aa, Cera cr eot f",r.ent2H:?'T acaraarrer riatt:a?.'f cf taIL.fats,-tQitaixCicL r that repfrters misht.dQ A kinaesa tat -ts ..cf ..their, .rirnorv' .rcr. ' strac es It Jc n v erri, .even 'p .iostl pen lias soe nearr van' piy.ps isrrf r,a ccr. :j ia;;::;;:a -aa-.-f taua s.3 ma t,&aia take bis power- tl.Gcl --ariI xc: cilia,; eoastartoaa tdtt ward rrccl ta f -M -' . 7 f, - - - r: , . . , - . . . " ........ . .... f ' ' - r ' - .. - - - i , - w , . i . .,( .. . . - . - - -..i .. . --. t t3Xt- Ilarcriil t5 rrcac-tdLfcm - '"A";'tt H 1 I,- tft t' Grovev In" Johnston: thefrmissioharv fSSISi twSretitSi hfifi!.3 tobe coastiated?dtoiabhmcSr, ahdl afteti mstnrei deliberation, oir.the .csrt-of, judipwas brethren, ii,jy as detennlnecf j in view ur an me lacis to uq bu : auu 8y,cGIivWG&ve'c t?tetiwith:t6'c:Tabcri':roarhave4 members have pet Mork tobaiU anf beuse fot .tbeJjord. - I-did not ask, t&enito'&ve aMhinYfor te Simi-1 tfsryy iThy flP sfof gtw" tab'5 "thtaf S WJO!Jj4;ti9u'!d&lf4a ber of snb8criptions, - uc&44gdod bwbecwhogavtf me aitontrihtttlon afff twartilattiled.cit'tthea.f n&nz d bxuneandsayfthft That is the sort of Itahjachnjchan Iff not done vet. bWotneb$tW ctioare4ple'-!i' &tWlieV to nd a community so poor that it dan 1 ot build a -comfortable house of oxshlD and Dut a stove in it. The rst'liOerilfBriselbrafneaWfeis romj si ifixUIetbaml iwkdOare fttnrg ateiy erecteq, ana, ,iet,. uia most 6 (e.ofjthsAsspatiottsat baajdoji( entire section. ' X Was not expecting r I"ZTtiJt m , ZajiLu wo&Aj:ur.JL paeej,iwtirontrexeeptlon.4 into a wine glas3 of water,and stirred H:eDSjons oyer and to come thef nWi and labors bf his' pdpils BroHaitwelrwilfi ajrencycaJtbe-rstof Jafntffttyneitrf , .Will not North and South CarolAact3 nndertake-thfr'qsrpoortoftht -tela ionlajThewBoardi will auxiffifaiyf, awaittheist responseiT-un. a wv,i ;;,V ''l 'r7 XT .oCT . VipBgincevanea, oiceuieen cioaea, M(mQwAtDa. 18I& t.M MmavfeeoV iote&irhl?-Tno! ufc w imi J'WTisi aenioifomembeco 06 1 the facnlty Botneaixnaad Sweaty tyeari'iago ' s) & i Acadeoyi iiiav ia eouuty, waa dnened nnder the, .management; of, tan. Waka KnrD o f tvrurinata If ! rial inn miv ha iraced to TTninrr Aruul. 'KaT-""r ?7..,flrI T-'dl'STTTi g i emy, nor its inuaenp? Epqp,pea 10 I ipab vicinage, lur suiueui lit i wituin leared Away.prihe scrApaxpMBjned arfthrre4n awkrtlihatfar ,fTer -the ,OQnveBtloxiwvaJ43v,ixx)S i.thejretm2,:Blaeeof ;hiaXidVii &ret. gentniioKveip.nwa care or tner.iiracvonSiUneiJrvine in tne men wno were "school iwhb'8et& I6th:n'ot fatrto tteirouhd ina uotaB.ooro urongpt .me jrowar- aw aircr. uiuuaii. , a uau. scarcely toriched foot ioA Wie1 .rouhWhi Was kindly saldteVI th'thy ffmafy7buW Inquiry, ,j?jnn WriMinton,. loose wno onus um-Acaaemy are it 1",. Just that jamei was what Ll lelill livinet to jrhom. I ,;wouid . eav. : Was after bit Jfc ejejmedi tPXpafiaiadoXonr labor was, not ia vain nor vpur Strange..that,Aipttan2errfhonJd hf4mmtJmi reaauys Qiyipe, m.ines1jprajafeJl' nooier wora, ana n is naa stooa any, in teres y i,i ueif accompi i s,a njenjce i fif j: nve years is were a nooie invest One however.,mayi be readily iakenl meat'T di ) c.it &i oj fcsttaoc fot a good too kiqg man Id the dark L I There ia a crowing interest inihe r and the moba, was not ' u D veti; "But.l matter of education in all tbe.(CaDe fiiii irBL'n h ruuir run run nn wnn nr ad v a icoiueu wan tuo uuio ui coapie I Bue ui lua river uava iu uiioa of dollars; was the racte of. liiidivi. ! iect for startmz a school; nation, and liquid, heai the breach f they wiH f severe ahd conufcrBn hiSHdismterestefLillikindnesa .ml?hftttA8B.t e jki f w-. H cause int his Eiat:s rest, jwticalarly43 Whnethsubject-f schools,1 1 sines fcs ,m to roby rrpmiiaai may add that I think th'ferela rfifie dlock ,waastriking itwelyewtn .thalpeniDgJSL. good, teacher to build J Clinton.,, hotel .Irfit?o:,ajtbfl idooriop.aarpti ;rate,,achppla ati-Salphur ,4 sMvmn- jjua gjpQVWIS fQtlispnogsonfsQmerifConntytK In. kas. , ,7 flH vijUaditioB to (be gro,wjUtg;rjtpBtooht 1 jjarly next mcrmns oucOodJsraJ water or. the Hprinestne location is I SDivev. fctill ftrriva In lahne nrt 1 Id a"oTRrf!p fedaiitrv3 f&dtr WhprA thw L calkd tad.' tbo'me m Ms bnigytatcad'sahd efet hifdf proterblal I the Both licrAciatioiu . eT rThere'ira kbod schbhr basse hdfaIntfes-forlward iik in the vicinity. "I Should this fair nbderthe; seyaofranmar lire tteacher he ciht dQ-weU tp iopen correspoa-f d fitnest -nuaHev. WJiBostick, Solphcc 5pnngs,.. C.4. who could grveali needenformation jjrndiirc?-. taeseats f lxay n? n, to tasmfatara 1 1 I cro?rr!pid m rrintmr.ntaiiA nearer? ,by pcittms ,tar?en.tt9 ltd reach Providence church in Eobe-i sou, ina irsi 9anaaY.4aTipfl ,iiope oi Iitttin their re tnWdsy endjEetlp. "crrpe, oaly to ilOOFOa, JIT odr. rood ' brotter ,Jad tht'l wia we I rca, .ad"t- i I.-t cf'tir.. - ac:iiivnrasfi.'cewssoeiaV'lxti'to'l--ral,UJ 1 t i. - fi.:i r??rri"ri"":.'rc:::ra'rartcr t "r -A ' - -f Pekin'andUt Jloant Gilead t foahd brethren rho added to the subscilp-i onsj.theyiinade two-yeataago,-i There jsyery deep regret expressed by the brethren or the Pee, Dee at ttie prospect of Bro. Cobb's removing fronj theif sbdfdef s.'CP :bc'oo':av ..j b In .ft portiom of the -field ' that I oan,vaed there. was ; adroit- last simmerwhich, cnt off the crops tery iuuuu ttuu cuuo ureioreii couia uo gttOtolhe Seminarv'rhO wished to do. jo,ana others:Jelt?oonsaised to raake. tbeirr contribationsr less-thai they, ould therwise-yhaye made 'thea. I am nnder obligations to the jOTetnren every "wnerei'have;Deea ItortJthelr kitrd?oehsideratfon and kne on .my way," sometimes at some inconvenience to themselves. I have eaaUygxatJSMat&epiaehM kith v whichi4 tbiey have heard my keasi and ith growinffi interest 7 iaf ministerial, B4ncation. Their kindly py mpathy in my. work has done much to'fessen the hardslilps and smooth aa rorrn a mi nr a. mbw tonrf ... i.What a ariehtv power for ood are tUBaptistrjof NertltCaioUsaiiilay peLorlJess theni and, make thent pany 'timeh more numerous and nse foiirtel reached W fhbnsand for thieemiaary. v Now, ! brethren, for vuwputerinve uionsana.1?? 10 v-oe:ct WS fid itt'He '"Belfast fVlre1andV pfifttwi th fonowing- core for diph tberla, and publish it by reonest: It Is certainly simple enonghf andifft" is'Mndeed what u W cfaimwi fnr it- bdihi to be Widely drenlated ??J;F: musnbhld anyf yddt family be at-' fkeid'with?jdiphtheriagTda nor be ilvliifasilyi ..speedily! thouK.dporiyhen, $t gIa5companied Dr. Field on hia obodi, t6 Witness tlie SO called "won etfut cores4 he performed while the patienta of ptherss were dropping on both sides The remedy, tp be ,so iajld kusrfbe simple.' AIlThe took With1 hlwl wai powder ot aulDher and $ hTiilt, and with these he cured every aie pns tent Was oat "of danger? "Brimstone kuis every species 01 lungus in man. 3 beast and plant, : in a few minutes. I Instead of spitting out the gargle, he recmn)enas4 11104 swallowing) of aiL xn extreme-cases,, in . which be had uocu vuieu jwtu iu tuu nica 91 ume, heff thf 5 fungus': iras too " nearly closed to allow the gargling, he blew the sulphur through m quid into the .tbroaU, and. after .the. fanerua had shrunktd allowbrit, then thegarg linHe never1 lost f a patient from diphtheiia. If a patient cannot earele. take a tiv oosl- pa? tt'oa-a shovel anjprinklo; j.,spoonttl foRi two of ,nopr.p bnmstpne,at aume upoOjitj lt the patient, inhale it, holding the head over it, and the fungus will die. 2 plentifully used, : the ' whole room ayjbfcfiiied'altoost ito suffociaUon t the. patient can walk abontf itt.lLJn. alingthe fumes, .withdoora. and muuws Buub, xae moae ot, iami- .nag a room With sulphur has often red most violent attacks of cold in ahead. cheat uU& at anv- time. and is recommended jn cases of con . &FACX. Jlnc.J :. , GO -i M oi'H ltime. f tool .8 00 t8.00 4 00, 6 00 10 00 16 00 Im.: J 2m. I Ca, 1 12 a; t a 00 8 CO; 1S tJ "i CO -a ecu 15 col 25 col a 00 10 Cv IS 001 37 C 27 00 .53 00 ?5 -f CO CO CO 100 CO 17a -00 100 CO 175 CO ??-J0q Special Uofioes charsd 3 eei'j a ll-e -' .. ' l ".... I.'IJ.'.I.H liH"11 'J. J '.1 li. Obituaries itiXj worda2g? am lnsarte4 fr f awga -'Vfhea tfy exseeltl!ytaa oa cent for WQrdKiut ba paid la ad VUM. yA X -h ) r.,t 1 f odkaoctJL' st f -lio.' did 41 1 3 ? p'riniftKf-wrrWiii( WkV"fi e'rTh'e inniftr Settled in the vicinitv and 1 3. 1" " Taiiier - years 01 woraing, ana exem 1 K JfidJ v.KowAah aw atowl kui-t? teMf'fEohfnf. Jtha'i woodoi ed lfrw TiJtc1 WWert 'nan bv rmortI kffl. Alid blcwhe on ths naur gtda of 1 ths hih, rig vwersLiWovem , dy , weaver. P wbere Th warp Wtaiat, and Uie woof & air ; Thstrprld 4) dreaaed Bka a bird, m 1 Jia tros of liX ; and he that wianethfcr. ! Th are tLe words of &e wlst of ; ikhii The words "of tia f&o j&'txxtenh Mwfcksdi.we5 ihiwjaiwijs oWihn us look. l fcase'ifee.W&a fcf 1 faoneat.f Ths froit efj&s. riims?-J (the reroUa of bis dally. toand efforff to4 I Vt&M fhm tfmrrlwn f vn r..n4. . . ru a tree of m&." Vi HmMn.rn. - -. , , - "T f" T11 " a44W I JrordsWlDiTid: ktaki tU1- eluaibelit.atre, ?pUntedy-Ueretti of0 water that bringeta forthl tiSPthi ti peaaon t ,hfa .leaf - also ; shall Ourapd jtrhataoerer te doeth 'shall .prosper". Bat. iiWiriutran .wh4t4mlant.Jiy theatres of' life Mrhailarf,iMTS4T fcae;as jmub,. &0lv',13fTbP. Whmeth MSft'lCwisail And ibis ifcwisaofkdta' freWgbert.tTpe i laying troMvresla hejit en-Ttae trait of .one's labors, the. harrett of- -fsoht Anthen ttUe timVtlOT ?! flh? jlslrteiaV. wrjBdiiB toatt iTJai "Sad LI9D? lthe 8wijioh.i?J th:riaar.eSzi;s is.Xop seholajtiariallj gsjhezfd 5fbpttfcnw jffld joo aatellaem Jtaljjwa hfflfj ; th simple story of the Cross-r-the tovSccf aj dyhig Bariour f oV djmihffli: 1 'Who wpold ot have tide wisdom f . m5 ao Vc as &oi to 3 QQTta;attajanieBtriittCfa vial $2s? Pf? JryVohQPli towhw, r 4ttW .yw47 -j.'Hiiwf yme-'d -Jsaj -f Is a private letter a few, days sinoe,ro. jClDelkehaS this to wSa reference Wotx? flsas for the iaeit 7earr! M mSUVta.- tiimeUie 'lime Idei1 elamest rilia d ?4fe UembeViaHtppoiated, ia: that&giad J mstttattoo, - Lefclt ,live M:k30g M thmfcrc children, (hat they may meet ttet Lord at oolning. ' If onr Union 'if eettnga would tae tt matter la 'bandl 1 b8 Wiloo8, aehooala ttswkP&f gk)&3&$" School iaewtr eltft, aiaatrftstnat tiie eostoea of gainy in st Wfel.3oartaiJT I shall ,hdng" this, jobjecty hsfors ;r,iexW3 UMoa itoni Perhaps jtipldbe, jaanj for tiii Board to appoint a geneuBun3ax, : oiioolageBi1 iaH5tiia-'f;'ox ais leai ia'avlMocwaV and soggest some plan tor taoreaaing Uieiuiir ber sadeJTdency of th isUrt amid ffh vijauA aid in tMt direction t think Brotillstendtte fcekabtoA xacfly, rads is the very plaawhush weliavVt paW traveling agents Jwl- aonu obatlipSjto snt thf Board a a; laljor !0f tore, awLtq flaK.'q perintend the gewrl jrorls of tteAnogiUfx-f ThiM is the work thaoor mirustahoxM'o bkt it is a.'lsi scwaif iuid hsadnii of ihem soon' ia take iao hitereec l hS gNsi work-of s3 eworksS iafcmg the greatest, the most tmnmiaatadl eiqo-a oitn this lateiBBtiag littie Sdhoolwi&tf at to f&a kjwp fSOnt School has aqpndndjdaaotkew of the church, 43 far as I know. . It ts been , thrmigh (he sWmir nKtalCin'ileU'tjTml1 w4 hav had a School going Joflniven mtitZdtl aUnyeaa jyp;nBijn d now Is funds, and teachers, ."We, have p a tman Maskmary SwdetyThuTlt hi wW? ?lkcauy that we geitW eraWerl wiS1 their Qwmlssfcwiff ' -ITefc We" tave dbe 0j oat Btaa m na reect.;c xj is aiatgg tttTpos-oaj aiIe to get brethren andaiferg:t5iLarte9gn;W patent to .teach to, .take hold, oft the work that are' regular atteddauta; ad? feemtai great interest itt ' tte'6chool0irlttJefyyi eaoonraging )omt jSFet bcpe'tji iperaeirelali kite. thooxh thei poojt old yea? ,died. last sight. u- 'ttsop not a ? tear un tne eokl v bte-' iif j a. . - we . oravt -vear n , - t i ' v ,1 iHiHfcrnworki ie done,- wbirri I ...r....iOf jCil fit And battles M won. Aadhewm'lia i? Kaniediwlta the free U-J' i; t xnronga rutore Urn .. r hi sLrJWej!iWeloome'heTSi' wt-' ? nf'-'Taeanow;that-.taUs A A. TJ .Fwuti the grey walls il - fe9!?frJFbt ta r Ave-, fled R & Kf j'aai-' bwiKa oi pesos. ,f V i-f p i down., to .ebeef ine soil young year. ?r'3 U'KiyiBJ red 'vein r2M Jo'amJf4frii i ,! 'j' toe - a .the robe white ( 0dl toWqvebst Paight re'rTJ .tftv8 riag; the h soft; r-rf?" di ' r Sweet belle aloft, . na zz Bing die true ehime -" ! JrdJ l- Bisgloud and dear, ' 1 SOllf For this 'Kew -Yaar:0 T&tration.'AtnRmpnt.' Wacp: raT demptioa, ia? gtut perdition, ' great saiyaucna great tad civics Eayiosr, ill ' become credible when, there n trhly, realized, the Idea jot einv T. 1 wti traa'ClriEiiaa' 'desires' "with tq srjictl-aill-a, tla; U L.ay lc! cca:2;:caa:::-; ' ciy not bo. CcCkU , ;n taat it my - f. i is very arrange lba tne very best people btooi ouj9and! fiooaVwhe Sri fioiSefcuU8 to Uacb ia the 8andaj Sehor eenv 'to l-iSO ojlitOe interest ht the? igittiwork5f 4vja3 si getising tha rising gearatipavj yiiereare pStot few communities in the State that have ,Tr ooQipeteiU teachers no onfi to take the lead ia fids no&dertasing Andf et m;M many00 faistanoes where brethrenai'd a'lstera sie well guaCfled to load, they emphjy SCiftlr tin,tia:i rather waste the precioa4batlfc JbourtiaodJ benefiting aobody thuatthrowtogjawBjhed preoloos moments God has given them.' ! ; TFVeskasaf Ing eonoerning this great and good maiu $1 fa reUted that wW Andxew Fuller weaitnto Ml Baflviownoolla ti'sU" mfarioas,roai iof his Hi ialataaoef aJJios Vfelli Aadrww, ratTe.Spotifeds-sosfaJX'.'tO U'j you.-., ''lfo,.I wgtake ao&Sfcg t sa man was stung, and said, "Andrew, von, are right' -i Here are tea pou&dVsediig it te lJ79 fhaXord yeanl Christ"' Ttiili tU 1 J Wsd ttfs-i.hrltfol. -flmi'dJoa-rStool eVf We have just received three hundred oofie, bo re if ;iMSongi of Gradtud tit bj j-r9 Sunday' Schoot song tick, cf iLT.S 4 '"L'i? 'tl fhjeftjly'toUBhietaeaaimdael eciei? I2xJxd T 5. TT J Jnr pctDol rp. ZTZ V7T I a J book, write us at once. nwe r'! t" i isiersrrioe'CXO pe' dorT t-j. t4.20-ty.Buu!.' !Adhi-j t EchoJ Board, XUIJ 1 The uadaT.LLo,I Il.J. Vl ;;il ;:t 1 JO elv Tttke X-T-c rtaal, aalIti3f-;-lf ' aooonipILI.ed. e sore t go. - - '