PUBLISHED EYE3Y j WEDNESOATq EDWAivi)S!TBotrdn'!k,jo OS b ytwrintr t,TOaaf . Mark f( V 1 l 7 ."""V-. T" k :."7 f S'f'ltj .11- f ,? H II lft On copv. onaxear, ..-... .....,. e. lw X. copy, .ix -months.;;; f; ..:. . .; .i i ? Clu of ft v,J "'. ..'. U I . ... I . . 10 80 (Safe of : tti .. ' -v-J . "i -. n-,20 60 BmitUoa toUrt lWf by Jfeglater Letts, roat-afl Oruflr,?, Express ot JDrtft, a;, issue pttbeCORXSB yoft.Tefcraothjcorresponclencej myseifon-the D D. aqsUQn.,i.ln Duousn tbisypO; quotation ;fi;om article.? a part of : w b ieii eoversrElder. Pendjetoacjffer pt ;tJ,09Q,Ita,aoy colbla pia ju aUedi States. a JX, aatiafv bro. Carter'? ..t ,.,5,...... t wre f say. indeed; At idoeaot J saYfMi M?- A" -Mm piiu.t "saa In.a recbuV' edifonalj-ons the, DocfeffuI do not jthwk, that the permit acb worldly dwtiocaa,aad, Aftetaaiinle- UUswflrjoipa, ,Vsai- it as, it iahyjfrewjlijasi Mll II , Ml I I. -e'j aiti 10 si?; J J: , ' t i : : . ....... ,,.r i V ; I iJ 1 I 77 , VI " l J iff vh Key -'-" yyjj" "yj xLlx yy J ' Jl "- r a oo 8 oo 20 oo 85 oo 25 oo,;;- 40 W 0 00-60-00 ' E3 GO' 170 oo:;- 300 OO " Obitaartea lxtr vnrdafloiw. r Insert! ' I frp ot cluirjc. , Whea thj mpcJ tills taurtb ttaa.;-- . - - state, as one item, that we have form-' e6! a raatorar Ooaference in our city Df iate.and zpecMo bare. Interest taz aaaDrofitawe atiienneaot.out Ljoiiptstera ftom twa ana andme connties.. At oor oinfte crant of conatitntlon, and in l WeTiard been told ithatthe citiltna Jnlf the aame yeati "granted a priv J kubtrtiroai etna mniio wnetber -toe ilcee to Booa' Foard taf exoomma I xleceased was married or single, old nicat members without layinz aa 1 joryoaBg.. w Jtave neatd thw maaict several anrs I ctisation before tha body,? ft- ooUip Jjoftea bnt ear.weot enfaoieBtly iIJaMaTj?3evl L?wi .of conatited W11793 (See Ben. LnStin&riaaVja! reHUit totha.der nroUmeeUotfatDeep'Acrgrave. j-juj...'!! aWnfetitiona frbd aeveral branchlsr OnOhristmaaeTetbybavealpve-i Ira&kforu .win read a'oaoer oh The Ldvantaeea of V.'Pastortf-Confer- ehce.'LBevr J.'li.'Bmtif or -mia aty f op! rfadif i4TMore Efflcieaf Ministry I d riiicmalon tie ooened od hes I , Tn.Vi.iiiir. .'iimam! i nfi im a BAAiai irarnnnnfr iriiiiiirii Nriiiin i,s,Fo"ar.'Mntberiyj'Pield hatitartfpns of fecrjptnre are ead 4nd iig 4eeariTli8lyi ooastrtatad f Ftrajeiria oSered; The churcH,ll en-4 iirthe byitet:F.Tayior,oriaria,"ri Aha Ket; J.M. wi of lieorwwn,! n. wmo 1 &c On May 1778;- Bro., Cook feast in, e.chnrc Inritatlonaare, n-Prrtr.'ftnrt'-yMunrf that f afent ta, tboae whom. they, oe respectively ; jTbiAia teJay;J)efore Chriatmaar Jl l8: hiUecioold and - ft deep enow pp vera, jror jsrjt 04 xoam iiuij-T - ,-xi cbkbd'at1 exSmTnitidDg 'becanie1 tht felCabfrorbiog thpine'ot Con versa- ; . ! . 1 t. A . 1M I iYi KDfiQn t CallAWAhln .If hu narrl ra ahy ah eye, if riot In All, eonld be seentne 3determYnatfoV'td? bendTl1 the'jeTgiea lo vein aaewsa ifi atereeT'j l par. coUeses :eei proper to confer oon7i coafiictfl ibaj) jaflslft afiiDwfl4f .-f; f , , t . For lb IJecoraer. FKOlfDfiarXfclWtO , -etna o30iiuumibaM aUitinaittit I have read the rartieloila tnjarBBrv Cosdes beaded rtAiur eestionAbottt. State Miaiiona hf BadioLalaO' tbtf article' te3ed HtaltfilftsxoOT.'s badly and nntinlefT to outside ob- ;serverfii nd I "ear that sacb aetvon wiM .not continue-Drotheriy love nor atady and' close' application 'these' brethren merit the title or u. l., ana .a ai KATO.N'S CHUKCII, DAT1E. .CQCNTlC cBorchi leavea-xratcnciasp vreeav i eraiijr ucraica- m fu iiuunwio i u3i-u'-u. .-ajr,iici,aiy' ch urr u. . , 3rd , Ftbraary 17ia..a. manner. 'Ladies wearing Mp.yI!Ji Brej9 wtfo.DQth.pry pot argeagainaVeUtearrJehA! white aprona and caps -naM 1 cjorfespondenthatscethgs aopuipiapia W Mienana oretnrejB tWirht nmiwr tQ annoin t a maetin a. Uner. laeivea tcuevery b UO hich 1 there 1 'ho vatfent this tear -it rs the naearrhi;,habitaUony vbicii, waa -at, iXaaain. nowan coaniy, itonir varo- i m& beg teaye W Bubusit the foilow- ' aronna casBanu raium." p i ue uoiieuu , iuab rigyi .xi i taper, lagiyen tn,eyery ebuo hicn l there .1tttovgettt this ea nt ' Tna i jnac unnsi Droaenr-iDto iue wunu. nn jactflotcs ae oaasicca cans? ,10 have us uanmeot greaiirjinwuj mwur i anp wjeciaxiiojwiiuv fW RfrK' T'tlial ntf.tifAltr.i (rtTMi'lai(tttiffhiF4i (V WKaii ihn'nrnTviurmn sflii first. vnhe year a vast crowd eatbet1maWW raise7 tOa.OOO'endotr (' thA t rharrii toAwait the midnisrhi tlroar. Wttk!PtortoUef!4VaMVald'bt O iaseata that Ithanenf etf ot fativh Toorlsckmitteefiesii W recorarof the3ebntel of f recora.aMwa jueepjurees; I Vrmi ArtmmirtAA flnfl"",thft.1 Mothw nhbrnh m t T)itrAttibaB I Thcrf enerallv ihavADreaehtnQr: iXJreek. a-tfdrwa' aotbetiAe ty vbme other religiooa exercise., 1 appears to yonr oominiiteehats Eaton'a Meetitrg HonsoA jhsfrhe JargCctockaU ' 4w wiLn..r. ;nti.rv,f. hxn. I ! ub 3rd Wettac ana Mconsurerea iour oi iweive me coagjegiuM Jfc .lBieirWyUrVVfofcJ Neltlyirtt(xtb3Uiineife4rB "agreed to join-aAAaotaatioiu? ratalatSoath I ihaay;?? that-apipsr wt fre dor,5 xiiaperae i xaair- noroeav coas wiw ihony w the ch arch this yeariynnnaa brlnciDlea in the lajQita jjresen extent controlaieIL.w4wJUbateT: 1 I dred 4housana ,lptiataf.4n,aoruiv othe i 6arplipa,randJtht Pne;doteTftpni: e; leach WPttfdnrtet ttfteo'ttfretra1n:oIdnr theame npcq the ,ni,theD, J bjd teu ViTiDO fSnceesa.m, .lesas , name. va. 'bstegen'eraHy found; these' brethren to.'be 1 plons; 'humble ahd'idevoted chiistianaviandl lovaitheouiWe all ; Qojh;zoaU and ,'great, have1 jonr own .special work to do, at our own homes 'aQO1d oorTbwn'Asscicratlonsi'and'on IdnVowh e!dsbf labori 'OnPatherl willfltotd escbbne jrespoaslble fot ; that , which ni&:. entraBted to him.. ,v Each one most, tire an acconat for d'. 'himself nntoGod , 4 Where 'much V Jip ivea'uclr'wilrbe- Required; and' iwteTe'bUt tlttlA U fCivenbfltMittte iraaiug iieucM ;aooai aqi snutvwui :y akd' by th iamoI. Che time of i. .u. I z nninuiuiKU - - - i -T TT r. fcj UlIWJaiL', f I J ! l . lTz I fil. irethren bac&ma disaffWcted. . and wert expeilMfoTtrreguiarly rendlhg'laa of the lines of Tennyson : WrfEr'-atltf is tifonn talk!! I2iidIt locality 1 . . r to me..iiU,.ftaa,exniainn.iiw.yon u I iraVYhat reiaoojiat Dears w wjtuV? 'w:v r would be eatbfiedith iu , Andteil . t The first entry is, as follows : ''Oct'r H'2-" iA?"therCottttiftttion w;rnd1s kt llegura -BaptiStriChttre in whpM pecnut totaay .ajtbao'UCec. ortlt'Caroiiha fiowittfi"cdnnty? tn whom. UQve adtig&ieemmy ; ie-forkrorthe lkieiheafi nrere old doth themselves' from the churchy and tfolQi" a! protest? '"These expelled s.1; that. one.fdo)lar.wilUriott exense ha who, paid the' one dollar'. aooy'thoognr we-were-reieasea, out TeJltaeeepllM tbwwintet-ttoiO ... Xn hwia,tar wiBd:rervearilv xlchhu': Tolli Statistics for, Southern Baptist ConTen- CadarthalnstractionoftUeSonth.i I era t Baptist ConyenUon that , .the liaise; maston.XKmnappoiBt a wm- preceptor in Theology l Have I tf atttemoen ua&eirtInRinescM 9 oreiised Wtielf tnoro fnlly4!on ' this follows Wm'Cooki the viiBtsterz 61! Wef of his thin f1 Ja. ThomDkins, enertn- Fairchild. ex tho6sidd hate time td7d0.1and ir vbtt' wllf pardon thtf lengthjpr the qaotatioa I wilf malre'-lt" ra ftonf ttie!Wi AhrghTT ffAriam wThnrafli "F,j,tl mannar EasteU,t David ,fieavia il-oharehto labor tot ter with saen or - I- mU tL. .LL W.11. .. ..J .In. to by one Mr. tHUt which Wi 2JS oj3 iM. canse of mnch troQble and confnaon j ? "7": " " 4 . endowmehtor wake in the Tchurch. (to.3 Hmteematober f ITie" Moravian rtfW very jniet, llmi fnilpayiti1bfi the pastor Jatf &r(-wherever peaceaoie inaasmons popw,0pa tf fol'ort)4gtrJkltsalniiBaadiL for that place is) The charcheent; many ot theta givviaeneeagBnf r!he,rSnnday Sghooarjpaking. Angnst, 1777; delegatea to Mr. HUl'a uine piety. They are not tnakWg $30 fpt"Uie year 18?0 to support the dn1OTtott0o"laVM;witfatf ihiofftot tihri than thinWA1 mgroa wEiaTOswvittQiiitfc griw' usnany t tepreaeated in ! the I'oteBt college; flntlef MissiPui,5 Recorded ot ilkti December 19th,' misialieaTM. Jesse JitayiSi -There haa been added ainoe J' &e. 5 1 Tbia church atv led itself "A. Begn "WhtTe your t?ffer is fbefre us. let f lat Baptist Church.? .y We find It ex- me say that pu have4 dropped J an- erqisin gl all (he powers aud customs other deaoTfij' into the apothecary'? according to tb nttage of , a regular ointment by that thousand dollar' Baptist Church. ' Beceiving and dia offer. lr'Ai'X was reading your 'article missing' members; exercising discip and eaafe to the lines have : of ted line, censuring, : anspendrng and ex said thatweuld give ISOO ifny1 pelling membere, thooslr.g- deacons, man would put me where 1 1 was bo elders and" clerks. ' constitnting; lore the stUIe 1 was cdnfeired I now Branches at -Various places and ad: go farther.'and offer to givu f 11000 to minlsterlbg the'gopi ' ordinanees Of any bjie who- will! gn4rantee that I baptism and the Lord's Sdpper, de-: wilt neve be called 1 Doctor . again, teunining the iniea of decorum, and. I bettioaght metosayf'KjFoodi The the terra of oommaokMr appelating eoftd'old days of our communions time and place for cbnrph , meetiDgfc ifor. I Vnu. This mnthr rhnrfth. t hnnch back- brer me lile an exhiliratfiig I oradoai aad.other property, aJo a I somewhaJfeaiigratory Ine ita ooBferen the to ,-tal with tMri BUI. They then seemed to grow oold and finally the records ceased entirely after October, 1778, or are mialaidr , .. . ; The present organization oiEatonV Baptiat Chutck was had 16th Da cember, 1790, and seems to have been gathered-irom the old members and 5 of the excluded members above ailaded to, and was constituted by a tenlax"presbyteryJ;t;U fva i.---- : I From the foregoing" facts, your committee coBoindear" Vi p r t 3 1st.4 A regular Baptist chorcbj at DatchmanJa Creek, q Rowan cohnty, fxiated t rota the otn of Octo ber,' 1772, Ult 1778. Vtery ereat- progreaa in .establishing their priaciplta. In this they ."make haste lowly.".. They do not. aeet to, make proselytes. They love their church ; this is proper and right We caunot help respecting a people who have a belief and adhere to it. ;The most intensely sectarian people e have ever known are those who are constantly oryiag out for "onion " and 4 charity, andz who aay it does not make any difference what a man believes ox to whatenomination he belooes so, his . hart-,ia. light. Can our hear ta be right if , we. do, npt be Jieve and practice the truth I v, Can objewts of - the Stats' Con ventlon, f of' which: I wodld like a bertificate of hw.member8htp inlthe Baptist IStaW ConveBtiooftU iismynnderataadUig that $30. paid in atone time entitles one to a life membership. " t Therc1s certainly 'meinber itf erery Baptlat'Churehfthat will do as much as is proposed by me, and if so let the Treasurer have the amount by the, first Iday of February, or as OUVU N KJ&taVIiUAVIC, VUt lUq UaUOICUlf Board knd4Wha U depetid On? and Jwrw .to Ahape their Worto for the jearj 187if1Y5d'.wtHtw ji mere is noc one memoer in every two walku together except. theyHbe Iinrclrto give'tb $30, then let the t a greed f .Does charity 1 ffjoicein 2nd.. This mother chnrch. thonch I anything but the troth 1 which' s od ofier So' riberaily " in order I met toBectifu ike Covmant w hicb ap- to freeyourselt from' this trodblesomcr pears touhave had a previous .exist-, titIe,-yoal4fltJi wore liberally1 to have1 eface. that title' conferred od'allyonr miti- .Tune? 5th, "1773, is the following isteriaT bjfethten'j,Tl& wteti;tc repeat entry : lt was further agreed that yoocftebrtWO.fyOuyi K)r !1 a door ehoald be opened for our iSrp- vin give mat bum- to any respectaoie f traie xsretnren, tnav tney migni com- college that will uiakeovery Bt Dreaehef il '-whltei fend ' colored. ! UnitgdSfafes;a DFD?, spmtlb? sbsir oei ministerial ednanty,'" meanetU thttt'ldt tBItW lovruffTvafta&ea to-vout Breth is ifoYn1imsferial eaaatttH that VohH meetines at anv of the2?raoctei. . At arl readf to saenflced if need b meep Creekf ao6rther,'tacesf and foAhea1 1 alwaya belief yttl td Sohce. least at'lteese inv Siirry: P f . . i Z so tloW. .'Btit 'tever beTor e7. Have 1 Ladelich'laeTght'int'tftheAitffatbOia: CUB1STMAS CONCERT AT THOMAS TiLLE FEMALE COLLEGE. ; ' ces, had a "usoal : place ' of meeting at Dutchman's Creek meeting bouse" and that tyis and..t Eaton'a. Meeting HooBe waa'ooe and the same place. JJLAJ!h . Our.ChrUtmaa Concert, on the 8iu,.uU Ui u, ,tt wu uuiwi, 24th of-TJecemDeri- waa; as usual a on the same land, and U hiatoricany complete ancceaaVutThe musio of the ffSwfc-' '.IL-'' OaeretUtwaarparticttlariy fine and 4th. That 'these roId' record "are. ifT-.i -ji ..t. , 7 ' - i " 7 I BU BOUiU WDll aTtmS, 7 7 VI HUO church raise the $30 - and have the ltfe membersbip-eonferred'Oit some one Of $ta '.worthy Jay men whenv it and of ' rtght'boght to' De.a-fart of I Preachers, will you press this mat ter before your -churches f It will not hurt y oar salary In fact it will arouse ybur church to a double dili gence and.Tbur salary will bepald more prpmptiy;Hf TOS8ib!e,inJ ;87SF than tt has: been in th e past trust' every mlssidnarV Baptist chdrch-fn mirht - be invidionaijto aineie out I foftti CaroIma, or its members, Will HatJGjaneiSth. Adtourned;.With 1 PtatforntV aatloPUi ( j prayer by Bro. JT,' ward..:; m umess w. fc.B ,AnlifthlA I Prevented; they willeontinne to come la . We then .went, to, the : nospitaDie i rrt , ' . . . tiotneS of the brethren' and sisters oil treatriitaecms T PlfiftRftnt Grove.1 EetnmiDfir to- the i txrarayiit rTHmtiTntiv. or tntm mnAt r cbnrcb on' Sabbath morning a Sua; I fact which wusfrem,. however cleslra Tav Riyhnnl rnftA , mMtln 9 . was held I " IB7 M ueeinea ro cnange tnem. InrereatindresseaVerr I "J orgao, 1 - w : r t ' i. a lTST.inn arir r im . ja mt i m m n red by thp delegates and Wesent. After? - which the teotgfegalionj jwjia . .. - - v t vuv vawv kAKIV' WUU VUIU4M ill 19 - I 9UJ fajiiWi-TSTi!; '?!-.; jenresaiy. aupaiatea ttat tba-.snwectr r,s Union JXeeHBg PJ tn aw aonjUOCia I .xmperuu. vmoese uaty snail bare J , i: VA i."-'". i , i traaa, ac, as tee cicizens .oi toe. most fa? 'Xnia. nOIWlin8ianaJZ . iae Bieet I ,vbred nat,rnn. ThA Ch npja t hi,B hnU 1 irad RnnW.HraaOhnAKA. Btft Elders ltethemH-ht fav bnm!mfA-tA thf.i H ,J.tS. ;Parefoy',(- J.CWIUon, ' JeSse l chantry, to esHe artd triide here, as C- UoweU, ;ji JfxeemAii,.A-ULJLxon, TCVril,. Lr'trt" au"- w -rr i -t-xm- tvt t ' tttju I tbat ' America Tntist eroVe lalse to all her pi? SiSSr Virir ii- Ki AS. W gjhja,iif her Con.. , ,Frpt i L B.; Ulls,? With , the brethren I titation, 'and to her express treaty stipnla- ftajawttesofciibeseit :he amonnt of entHUj?flha dorme cue year J-o 4 o, iur oiaie, isirtct apu J n.ttMilKi KAnai. iiAi Schdol Vcrfc the number of eonver- siooa resul ting irom ? socn ' oontriba ions: the , amonnt of , money, raised to aid young men in, their theological men 4 persuing ' anch i; studies; That each of these committees be request ed to send their reports by April 1st, lvry, to the Corresponding Secretary of the Home Mission Board, who shall then prepare a short report for the next session of too eoatnern Baptbt Convention. . And that , the I funds needful for this work be raised oj vpruai couuiouuona vj me eev eral 13tate Committeea In their" re speed ve States. a The Jlomei Mission Board hereby appoint1 as' the om mittee for tLo state of. xiortai Caror Una the following brethren, with the earnest request that they, wilt ren der this serrice to the demomination; vi s Eevy 3 Ba Cobb, Rev. J. B. Blcbardson, andev. B. H: Griffith. Wm. H. Mcintosh, Cor. Setfy . .... , 1 11 ' tpuse f mane wiia nay ir uiey s Bawuns-ri i " --..u t,HU i voane.iaaiaa wnere au ADOX ao well lApopvim w iuo eugwuuu wi a . h'thipKaoaethat-wallf ordetLv'aAd toldna l t-e same be thair teacher. Miss Ora BrewaT I i fet4- M IiAT'MEMBEi.M ire f tereticaltn rTjtmnes8eW who, has.Jiadr f f9'' ! . a" ; WBWFejtfM-tfras isi waa mJUffmWtatMm wv'mmiwt w xis"f Warge or the Masid Department in 1, a?! tteBwsbtdeA1 st are Wo?IWcai wfcf wXt is J ill t wbidiatJ respectfully ftjw l-thk Ihatftntion4 6 'fouTeaiafde'h st Iff AT: tEKYEKSIOIf) M tea M ilt anDtars from the i Eerds that I aitted.T .aejWvJWMMaHw b lw-ain0r thlliVrTak ubwr :taoe bta r . nta Ohnrch held occasional haaineaa h I k Chairmaa fJoinrnttteeu i Miiirt knd tiakarimfii Hnhrfvatifi I lldiWtuta'xouri Isauectthe- ' A LETTEU FKOM. WINSTON . sniff? n-MF tl I'iUT " slr.w mJ abftPdf pfla W ytffj tw&thfexiy TOVey aid l'litwyiDg'twmucB ro my1 inat the efWjof ambijknd Pyhiaalf 5 iTotwitnslMi iigra1dlryhlJbU;nheMchtircK anoB, woicn -was 'Known as "our tr4eeirfig-botiSe -Of 'Hhft uiual - placp f parliament rpaea au act by, Which 0,4"Fe'brrVrdfi Wim was f hurcii.was secared to the Moravian red " If I mistakeeataad learn that agreed tha tohitf membe , She brings before the publio anuwr .colonies, xrrgmuiens mem.-i,everv.t)nt)u mat nas taxen lessons fcerapftlie Parliament MMmtt'ftnd nhakadmfn-f 'in "tirivati ii .. JU Jn't.KU.ni1 KwWdr-iSSth December. ! And tha fnllnwinori eJafltft ixi the discharge' bf Abe dUlleaf ,18 2i, X. Z.' a minister! If so he of her position, and possessing, its: 1 obgaUOiJBtapa preachlDg and po tot That Motia Settlementr-Se.Tijae-1 remarkable degree .the rares tacalty I the law i tor ue. fiaa great lacaJ ty in Iai lweBoi.lZiA9ika. BAtishrnfideiiceand aomethingof beftftwa 4 warWOonJpAiew : FIFTH SUNDAY MEETINGS. '. I Saaay CreekJUssoeUtUa. t ! Having enjoyed the pleasure : of attending the Jast. Di8tricta Meeting of the Sandy , Creek, , Association, wtu wjtu iuo cuuruuub jeuar raus, at the request' bf the brethren I send yon a i few notes. - O wior to the I a- clemeney of the . weather paly a, lew of the churches la the district were represented, ' Our good brother Geo; Tattersoo; the ' moderator, was ' with nsana presieea witn nis usual die- niyrn-Mo DusinesswasJ transacted. on .Jb ridav. the 27 th, of December. tne time adjourned to. uu Saturday ?ai croodlv number asaembled' and' 1!U tened attentively to the discussion of 1 the fOUowlneaoeries jt't-u n .v..-,t f 1, Is it the duty of the church to aguity ot!caim,aaclt,poaaeMie4W r-u'nranm nt .nnnwinn ynurt ttoo.., MCteaErneaded JaVman. t. ... . -r Ji t niifA .-r . . . . - -- ..T -UMWM waww wi-ww- -ar- '--nf--yin- it is not oQi-ssepnst ofJjratbEtry love tbat yon make this-ofier, I ask again; 'Wbawadetb tbis r la it tke old chargein a ntw ?dresat that "tsose wha?a D.wayaitaikingiegalnat :jke do(ratea8regenwalryo$mext?w agreement waa made by 3onnt'Ztn-j r the order of I constituted aoout mm:time. r.The foi- i xenoorr. ror ino punmaaeor a iareef "htfstmtjuekee Wttie testi Wtinehtry fbafstfTtfii 6f fand4!tf thbrwlldfc 6T North N, mowy wa-witness" vt liam aware of l ", . "jsra'xi i--'pe--j MaronnaioroneoT inese MtMemencs t the? ptcaioojnxd sewaaratiow of t t4g"hnder dealings, bynr brethren- f As any as iiB&stw or efgarmav m ioiav0cttactfcat ' tMtrajnftlw t&t flboWcarT4,fr 4fposef km i . . i :r l r j r t - . , . . . T j 8 ProEditpr, I sjmsft s MreriaMr))aiaf and.sin? pleOan ageprjaXPedesigp dD gbage1 aoiry,,,! bbdy attend at tb'IarfcAe at their moBfbl"n.0etin?r and tbaBomei from every israncn attend at oor I a yKiettera.ecei,vea froni anpus; tosTie'5 tuonthiy meetj8ES.7r t umv:tr. I Quarters, m reference to tne gooa iih8fiiTJ iiie raea.,aj iuj.ioerry.njeiaa l oraer, iqe mieneciajai anamorsi aa fVVilkahorol was constitrited.aaaneh 1 vantaees that obtalaed "in Moravian would get them if they.lwald HfSeavMieC oQ was desired for jfeaf fotiiuB. her. prpgrammeind tfer-ar- m my late artlcle.quotatipnJDromjporTl tdihlater. vMipspPf ..ordmanceas.of-lsake'prthe peace and good order of HaUo akill M "adornlnjeithe waUS of l toBd-ewtanfl,hat,m rnnr tn nnniar tfFrtu fT"nn ill I -Mranpri at HKnnti'fl hoard p. I an m I AtrVARrBAnr VUmnnAHVI Jrvfim imi''all who: ifrttf rEBneraFswi inaenniie cnareeoroer- tr tun j".'jrti iootoa jdt i vferrfoiiahPlease,ldea'r tmtbraclear The costftrnWorihe GypsfeStfdi neatieiajmatiyspeciry.aftainoW3 thool girls In the Opefetta m ueroui navogreat icoicyaB)er- ear-tietolatnaurw coold be conferred nDbu aU mMisteTaHievosltheyaaw fie tdclte hm to there would be no more oppoaitioo tot tieMothfer1 CHicircB the p.pIoaa'fceewhatlsftjour I body was clearly recognized, -i liberal pffet .can mean if it is eo J Aug -JthJ. ered by my nrat, oaesuon. -And if LBext.nnrcn meeung, -:aruie- wmu not so covered," t can "only see that place an'Tj&hman!, . C reeled iTbia joa mean "to decTare, not directly. 1 fi hn tn tht''nAtf!;)-.24?in-rIWAa-'l I tkAak'1irAmlwn9 hn-wW us who oppose the tttte through ,prin Jn ianeaUon; la'entered ourecord t ciple and have the moral courage toi this fclaee, as follows ti4,The names of say so tbe face ot all the Doctors? the oretbren, in the church at Dutch would accept the tttW if cobfred ib manV sfJreki vart hhderwrltteii us, and thas; petptrate .what ypu- Here Tollows- hinty '-six1 no.eSt and callt fh yriUical inconsistenoyi" t&o4 ftfst Hn-fiaBaes of ttWllst are'tlifj This "brtocritieali fneoiun8tetJcy, 4 idehticAl tetlf fbebbera'cOnStitnted fcleottagiia aultabie mcaiionu sFat ? iany -weeka they wakderedabo&A ix the woods "frwVlKlr lonely anarch, was sometimes interrupted by siuknessr- the cold wjuitrydblaste overtook them ajway(ou jintheJI4tralea,fore8ta ekewglyWUraaqaaj audi attzac . v6rtibg?tliac?meaaifig fcbttaW "arnd? 44diM..h0Htifcr &trit.uvf wr. ,in.d. L ! Thltai'.Jiead1 brother tbihka and tilted entirely :by their own fair I tpoj that luught taatop pxcachior handsedoa Satardays, at accost .of 1 Ahdgocto :theiiaws?ai account jof; . f : - " . - ' . 1 'afk. m; ' war ai j a i OPtt WMWiUhmd&m eacn1thera-.l-wrw5wjf- ?r4Asiarjear orotner hire tri'7hiihmA? ,7jvjI:w keslbfi. ipcation qi the 'iwm, pme rwcw.wppij o prpyisipnafaued and J;i)yiaetUoaaJexACiple Af economvia I ?toen8.jt)y : thw that, the pm.ilwgm ese, , times that try men's aoula'J "Pwo nimp04anguage'Loei9Uga, tar several days they were compelled to taaw cTbes were fortunate lnJaav-1 ahd nrnve thaemntiueiui nf all nn hi ii. f . to . the legal; prefesaion aa , shcb l lag; two hunterawithJtheui 'f ho' were things, especially purses, and I tmk-'M Goes tberi prpfessjoajand a. them from 'atatyationw.rtVn j At feDgth titlewaa obitainedior a'largebody o iahd;nbw;iyin(f .ia iforsy tne county, oaiem oecanje the place Of trade, 'ft? U nowone of "the tkto 3wbole8ome - ltLoo . tboyoana I large majority ot lta.memhera, .very, lidie. ot; this scboAl hbtfa bfaeita rtr.,l gross JDjuatKse. X , Del ieT0 lawyers atatentrv and dieerf aUv. teachin t? for I bkve eias enoogu to answer. for with. .tier last .-fuL3eaxtTWbw -aom JMP-u8beui fselyutian j An entertainment and, reception at I upricomiH,me!,iQ say wjatj, nave thi (rtftMrnoH Af vmiKwhiA-ra aaitaat I idtoa Behlat BaotifitTcLareh on the m. Knt-tMa hinftor t roATlPRttV hncf-1 Oth ui UfitOuen A 1 4Z.:aS auO vfi Blaiedrf I vlueBS 10 WU8 in . Iuo DtatB xne MO Kest to ypq that! theae whw liveAaJ AoHntliefairtow we tooguf laige,Tem'ater't;aioa - of peculiar priviieee s and.ltae'-profea8edmln)tere of the gospel giasa c nouses., ougntj not j tot tnrow i juawu swvifSM3Ti-ttuu ui.ue" 1' I iThe aAltf therohttrfahea , thktt "President Qregory recently 'ftaU'fo I digktla4worrbetlioHgiBal!One I ntafnoeir1 'of -youai?" kenUemen' tvbaTT cOualderablitf- fBul n Js nPt mi pur- . . . ... . T-t . I at Trl. A. kl Tk.An ria.k M 1 kMMa, lfM.,.t1aa aifMrla. KmIKmm in I m ' . i .Tl - ' f, - . . - . 1 nhaa a lAfAn4 ?eL 1. m.Af 2-7 va 11 if.ii: awaavM aat af mitjihim it mi i aw nm aa rnair a. - 1 r a ail.dineoU cTheroleaLot; thehouso. were, rigidly entorced pj an, inspector, &Dd, the ' cook-was f tha lord of the kitchen." vAfter liTiag.iiL tbat Inati- tatiou for. a:time a. bMfpagoiBg, impo88ibltfor MillorTyBdautoleap, across thejnafrdW Insit of humanex perience to tbeeternity of matter aa 1 it was for either one of them Mto lift himself loth? moon byhis-gboot. traps.,,, .Jt seems. to; jme thatBtheTe 'Fork Meeting! llotwo i was located id AheT fotkaotij toe xaaain " (a name applied to the ictow oijvbat i njixIlaYiS-cattatyladcertain: existed as earjyas, eptember,.i,,7A JUl . &b 11113 UUiUaUU allWaiUO, Bome from'a dial f All I want toj sayTs,rihat uce. 1 ' ? ,,u" .-.'.. i: i .1 two Bin ine ouiy. proiessiooai men lawyers Bardl5pccupyingw.tbeTsama-1 on5fJinio tne woca was preparea tor, tKaua conuiningt!;famaies I the .solitary Jifeof achelpi; tnhe vt. nrnminunt in i cODul sotdo anv DeCter. Ubactinrca Is probability tt)f impcsSibilitieS aHi Boona Fi most as 'treat in that W minister' can 1 tdrritory. on Christian ministers without' be1nff tthat cpmmW iu Buuio way accaaeuot lusuiceriij s hypocritical inconsisttfiicjt ; . Vf t'jliEaj 'petfiTsri'n nd ; permit; In some way accused of Ihsiricerlty m 1 mother .pbafch, and years aterre r pretnren w taKe,,caje,oi iemive&( i a (a eopUege at nightw somewhat ; i nnoLniae!a eenaicz , iovuo. uivi.uc i-ov u ,n i iuierruuieu. oy j r":2f2 1 inT.".tTV..t;TOr,. rlroov di" I Mofaviia' waa nermltted t6 own I ,n. ... cvdnties,- as well as iThe 2dthlprbved to U another day I wbbaYfacnltyin or testivitv tff a number of OoM. I Ue meaning of plain and simple laiJ in mates who attended th4 Wedding 4 Sha2eV4iBat let the brother, specif of Mr. J. W. UpchBrch, of Balefsh, the iastaSce, and -rr h can sustain danghterjoftProfIvrightand 1 h- 1flt.ll4ll'1a, teattl aU graUaate oi Ib College The ceptipa giveajthe Feeding rparty. pyjihe extreme incle'ra- eocaTvi,f,,f Jeauierf , out seemea.,lo "Which of yonl con vlsceth me ef sint 4 ir.Vrroui EVllr rre.Sra'Joat D. D.i I.a U 1 ' .11 A Ll If till II I Mm LA. as Via VvW V Uafe TWfyc f ? -c -emr dtb'JTaBooafer $ f rL. flAinsonio ihstallidoaMtha fihe '; It c3 Hirteultf tf tfetbrtu' forma iiaevoi'' t-pe toa:3 -rr; - Tftr5 neitoTr: .r-stitated a,Uen- . jsoBilcsiLOorriJ.fJUSXo:: ' additci by"4;G.M.JJoba;J?ict"w&,?of ' ncccsetalacLia'-C-hUa' tha It to let yi" Zic.hz12 w'Lf Lrl ii ti t C jtY- n rar i. ; V- ry irvnb?f. tLa' prld, the Cesb e-nt-ttp deyil, end wgofrrtTT-r-tiiBart'-tJ cf TftVatL i j ffy-", r it ' Ci--,tl:'4 is crc r V-1- - - & . - '; tra'whiw--a..-l-.s-;c-r Ujcrt taeB. Jruiitfr; -Ir-- tl tu-; (Kdlt'KLu ':xz3:ind of DUaiaftom the chuca tot:??, i. -' laO-. t-a t-cca 1 atidiculy cS DiTinltyv i Thia;1rwU .atrangely, 2. is It, in ' accordance' with the mma&da"of Ohfist' fot a preacher- xo serve aa oaaror ror veara. ims r 3; U it the duty: of the members XJbriat'a church to contnbnta for r n a MnBaAFmlB.TAn. ji i. iias ine sinner an advocate with e rather."'! oaus es3i ?v.:j;ot af yj OiyuurouDtutlie istiaistera . iaa tb strict , were -Dresent. Bid era Reckr anu. ruga. uar venerable brother. Elder. Cratchfielif. waa in the village. botJaas too unwell1 to attend' the meeting, much' to the regret of all; Bldtx Orutcb field is Derharn one of Jhe, ldes ministera among ns, and, t .ib ijuiie Lrtsao iiaieu wuiie sucu nietf ve'ds the . benefit of 'their ex- .. After. eojoylngi day In endeavor. lOg tabetter Qualify ourselves for the Great Master 'a work, the . hod v ad. jdurned to meet with the church at Mokyi'Bireiv' Chatham- county, on Friday before the - fifth Sabbath in 'March. 1879cr:liiopedrthat there 'Will be afuli delegation present. ; Let eich and every church in (he district veiMliomesaeogers.3 that ' we msyt taka sweet connael together -foe the: ad Tf natneni of the Kedetmw'ii king. Opnw a x4 Ai VlSmsa JfttOXHEB.; JIThis hody met with the, church at Pleasant Grove, Hobeaon ooauty, on. Sfttutday;;and ' Sanday of the 23th aaa sttror Decern ber. jln trod actory sermon by' tier; "Ki tarnes, - from fiiatt. 18: I; Alter recesi called to Order by the mbdera tor.'K. 'Barnes. 1 Oorrespondehta rei .pprtett and ? letters' were" read from thirteen cburcbea; , Brethren Davis, Ayres and O. T, Stria efield. viaitora. wjere recognized and . welcomed, to 'SeatS.) jJrrwfx 'wWkT&itift IThe destituUon iotthe Abounds of 1 1 no liooeson union waa then consid -ered and a resolntica ' adopted in." imiGtlpi Ihe- delesates.tQ,b4esithft sppject , pexore , their churches and. report the result tq the next meeting the.TJnion, There, are many pre cipus souls in o heard a tiona before she- ean prerent the' Chinese"1 1 If could? makeaimostanymeetlnTfr'oom oMr.con&ftyv, itSw?lijt-Wc 6 Cif 8lKl So la... , i One of the snbieetAdiacnsaed araxr 1 .L1 Zl' "lL. c.omr , TUO 811,8011001 Wprk;--Ba I pfea and practices and, uncleanly la their! ana County (TJnion) Conventions-- liikbltstfadlnr thHr cohvem itLih ffisfanTSc t 'tS .MfiQWt- ThholWyJbtI .i VjotoerTJaatine -opWKa 4e.fact,remalnvhere.they are andiither;. this.TJnioa, Meeting, each religious, eoohflhue'to5 corned Wecatiript'cret ionnm1na.tinn '' afid 4 wilt Mni Tf a rid-Of thtffifP hOrDteWlintl thrteotrflri! tn i Q SAbbaUi-SchoOjwbrrmoresa WHUO1410 uuuuly y uiuut i xjieufci f, Their condition appeals tons; then, f11 Sabbath SchTOTConfehtfon 1 hpMrht nopu. i m.dlSd.hatahfeffortortBe appeal fcf Sabbath School Boafdof the BaptiW tbereor,fOKMrgaBtaet3tatana uounty i their owHwortfjyot acoeptaBee, by the (TJektB) Sabbattl Shcl30TlVemi6n8 Chinese; Is thitt toimded uponlchristianlty. tiian God KastluWtheaykbdH ns;avta2bv Bwlde,UVilyifcs;oj hac tldanalitmg-tbe-momettoos'eoridi- ' tioavtapairaiATousftthemselyei tovigorul ious action. ahaU men of the world, actu- . Atdotfly"bt Werlmyriiicfplea "ami'mo-' uvea grapple, in toeir wefcoesvwfthv tha; : tthxhty, jqaestion, .whfle. Christians, who ' . alone have the" secret of Power wherebv i the -whole tiling can he adjaBted,:lie quleth fit iyhrnobyr, -wickedly despising one of . the will, In our 'OpinioO, irgreatlyi injure ita rerkif largo Bntnbexof our Chorchea." di ia taa ; U lit Lsiiir f iTbetewas. iu thet honse when this subject waa discuased, and the above reaolatioas;. pre8sed,va ; namberr .of Pedobaptist brethren; who, I am xiaitd 8ore had they been -asked , tor vote. would. have voted for thp resoiouonac Oar missionary. Eider Jesse How ell. haa been doing -good work the 1 grandest opportunities the world'has ever t dhBrchea baVei known, collect l JZSSiS'V' -1 1 . t. . a- - aa- a , aL i. t a I nd glorifying the Redeemer f, Jesus com- wsh!wbbix I aandsi t wwapHf the ijeathcn;" We fail to iwuoMU Kp 4pwH , w cuiaigaruuc. i ooeyy 6e4iamg tii6ru6sre4 to anything i "k5 aeqaio measure, to cneneacnen, ana ' i J . .1. t I DanHa f Via kuth.. . n.l Ck.1t ' II1MI1H . IV II I f ' 1 1 v.w:.uw u.nvucu Ml MO . Dtulii ,VC3 mission; work soon! t Arrangements -were wft'iJink'VmJpay Wthe ISOOOO lhLlSlt? deb- on the QraVaV cErcfif, secure Stora - nrt. nf nrA ntSir ftn 'r!rtft-trm I ....... ? -mI... ' IVr JT "T- wi "'J7mT- ;0W,O0OjMls8tanary baptists of the conn, the support of one other (In addition trrbi false ti the miri. af rrfstrAntt to Brov McDoffie) young brothe hf I anddp nothing? -,tlt la troa that the 2.000.- the C611ege;Tand give toe aftertfestt I P Baptfets ia America have not.toJay, a, . Jnne, aa pastor of some of - oar I r,rT'fota,Ln'Jerotils' a: a: a Ma.A iuwvuubu uu : xi tHuicra rrcs- atWake 'Forest. Kl sopposc, -th4t 1 iyeriansi and theN-rthera Aasoctate Be- there baa beeo, not even in the Tar BiVer Association, more Ldevelope mentin tne past three years, than in the churches of the Mt Ziion Asso ciation. , M The ,, morning light -.; is breaking," .. . C. PtTSBAsi n e. . i ' ' OXFOKD BAPTIST MIS8I031ABY SO- i i tco is avd- sdl Ite -intx ; buTiirf SeW1 i3Wpl6yed ainettlP Leaders and the sum total ef; their pol lection a ia S47.97ft! Ot this amount $10 00 was paid tQ the State Missions .Octobet 2Qth,lJan6rnhe' iPreastrrer.fnatrnpted btbtf.Sociefy? ha84drWardea3thij remaining $32J3 slOfthe.iSnnday ffchool Board at jBaleigb,i?n aihw Many ot but k uBmbers manifest their interest M punctual attendance' oath metin7 ahd ' bftfenr wo are ehodnraged by tbo preseace oMead.'. 1a tf inembera other denomrnatinh.! jheldttiQ ieaderaj areptitledta thapks t of. theiSpciety for, their zeai in prosecuting tne Wurk assign ted them. d for tbe4ucces which tiaaTewarded their . 'efforts; J Atouri fist meeting taKdjideditmfioji-i tie coming year,, awaiting . instruc tions from thd Sunday Scbool Board hi tejfcard to fany baDgi tbef may emmecessaryJoiu stMlam formed Church have i American v Missiona- . ries to the! Chinesai in CSalif omla'. But the American; Baptists have hoWm-mhL a Many years agof before the.war, our be- -loved brother, Rev. J.:L: Shuch,"after his retamfrotp China, labored several years'' In San Frandseomnd Sacramento, but, re turning to South Carolina, he died lb. that State. Siaee the war Southern- Baptists have ..done, nothing toward v pporting; - juiMiuiu atuuug mis on our jracinc Ctoa8t. i Daring9Br,TJ.1Hi Graves' stay hi 3 -th countryaomeyeaMagoha ip one t ysar Iftihe work under , the. patronasre of " theHemeMssloifiSeeiety Pr-NewTork;' aid. dnee that time mwoi ha la-y Mred something more than a year in that fifia under the same Society. nbeMs re- " tuTn :ao AericaAr Baptist haPen him- L tiina, BOpported Vy ooi' Northern Baptist w"ou, ota BbuiTrorikwison siowivinere., ;ii. What shall be donef North and South ' pfcroHna havei spoken lalthei&TCspeCtite' Cbnventiona, saying TVej wi; arise and, d usdertake theworkmonr Master'anAmA " lit bothCiConvenaons aettoa was take - ptedta:aapMrt ofjhe Baptbitssf th- jgfatesTespectiyely to,ths enterprise, if the . uadersigned -would undertake the' Mission v 7br Home Mllon.f5oafck ef; the :fionthern . ' BAptist. Convention, responding promptly td tbe cordial action tf thes ttrd Convpn- tifns,iJMppomtedroiB;astMlsaloftArv tn- AhpCaUfprnla Chinese, , bat, having no ' fitous lorthis purposehas'condlned mr edlos OttlhV raifiimr-fmrri th- nfrfw that -- jneana to pay ue TIT T TTT YJ A r 3 i m ;?AKS FOBESTK", r. C, Janlst,X879. IlTja wwdenoa v gennf ; av special; oa:.; pwiuung - in me airecuonr ti llils -wofk, Though I lotig f o China, andiyeartf fefce ! t rtdbbe work thers .th jhealth of nv, my wife yill nbt allow me'now: to return.' 4 MVbeafrt has" therta.titTiA trtttt&n - i f CahopM.ii.roert favorable-field, v 1 fd, labor for tbe Tjeatheh.' Tbe minds of" rny'DTeuifen are turaed m th iatta dlrsa. r z Wir.jvwaiit S. ' CoV3 line-of steamersltween1 SaV Franciso and Hong-' Kong; the Chinese hve been flocking .by thotssanda to Aiflerw iLfJT ost part? along tbe Tachlo Coast, though multitudes of them duke their l way further - easli 1i i estimated that there- are, to-day. not less than 140,000 In this country ". Of this num ber abont 100,000 are probabUlntbSstat1 of California. Thew ioamigraDts all brin? VI th them their oatinai- caaracteristica, their language, their Jiahits, their tastes, .their morals (rather their Immoralities), and worse than all, their rehgkm. They settle Wbw. n .eomsauultiea, j H : praticabte,i where they can, comfort,,, assist and ifirehgtben eaehotbefM Where thesi om pjuoitiea ai Urge they erect their heathen temples,; set-up tbelr gods of .-clay, and wjorshlp them just sA In their native coutfi try.L i have asyself been lnt theietemple Id San Franciaco and seen, the, same, kind o Idols, the same khid of temple parapher nklfaV generally thai i Ii have been aeCu: tomed to la Uhina. It does aeeia a Provi dence" whose Indication cannot be mts taken that, after ehrUtendoai; has failed for so many centuries to obey the command of Christ and evangelize tbe great Chinese. doa,eyshotildV by the advances tnade In) commerce- and diplomacy,, be thrown non us hi our own country, either to receive' fromAistheWeeelngsof the Gospel and ef a (christian 'tfvihzabotver to forse- as end Oar children with the blighting, withering mflnenoesthaf acoombanv irMUtrvf iiiiwA h :, f?hehj maencer rtWs eoaotrr.tbeh; constantly increasing numbers here,, the relations they are to sustain to nn. thJ I-ties and responsibilities wbfcb their e-siiar passage, to, CaJifornla.-. . and thtf MlselonaryTi salary 3 for one year -aftevhil arttvatvl Ufd.K mi St y-ope Tears connection rwtth,,, tne Forehrn Mission Board, aa ft Miftsion- ' t i I . w " ' . - . : . : . . t f-'HtM JooTBJEa: xpu are.aware J arjanaxtAgentavemnia2ed -me-' temany-Jea jJl.ili.CbL ,rj3,'atvfi.t -i JZl tliChlaese l character, customs uru,mf?1 ux-.jJi.-H. I aadBttedltrasttior iWOTkf.wfcb.-tha.- weeessfuL work point-r 4 vl. - Dtiu i;'i.e wiifB- iiHvwr Ba!?tistiermen'::vt.r--'r-.'r;K Jifit cs- t!r i rf tenraptff Hluesdoh, tir wc;j..iixvu eai;..-var ljcrfUrsnci 1 1-" ""u w.ponoetat.tattai 4 ca v,.h e-i. o.v to- r. ofci:, I iasufraenUalc iu, jj i retard thereto waa air -nign, the . policy : is 14 made a' jlan in the J,t ong tbemflhare accepted ithe ap; nt. fihaUTiro? Will tha .h'ni NcrthArtd-Sontartaiiiam'nish-i'thQ ' taaiA PaU.ljgoT promptly fol Caanpt the necessary amount, be.ralae In 90 days? . Every day's delay is one day lost from thtf ' WpfkAxaiyf : vtam---.-iw- ttuJihsi" ? t The. passage . of j myself ;an4. wife and' ,4 three chadren to San 'rrAnclscavwfir cost ont AZ0Q then Aoxf rentbapetmrttrii aid living generallr will ba hig-h in. San y Francisco, and of coarse the Mission wrul fJ by aonwliat:expeBaw pneiatlf the'i; cHurcheg will they, pcyi raise the .necessary , funds In the three 'month and bfefore-'thtf' uUierOi aapUi Cooeati-boMif its M ixt meeting in Sin JFrancUco r nynryon, Pear Brother, act promptly , -upon this1 personal appeal to' yoOvUTElease1 read this letter before your cburcb -and be- fore all the Cbtrrches. you Visit, and earn- ' estly advocate i the j good- eaosei Tate npt cash ollectjons in fvery ehureb, and, take- Pledges for amounts to be paid Tn lthe fo ttfreiAhd way the dear Father in ntattrf w the God Of . MlsBkns, 3ha eaUed n9-:t- ; .Wwrk.bleiIayotir.ndeavora- ' . H Punds collected to tNorth Carolina m&r-" WsentoeithetM m4fcWake FpresivK. ait C. or ,to Jokdah Wohble, Jb Treaa. ort-1 Carolin ConvenUon, Kaltighf , JThose from South Carolba may be sent elthet to-me-tr toFBor. O. Ilciso .Treasurer South' Carelinar i CDnTnftnn. .r l.Qteenville.S., C. , i . .f ' , . " x Or any funds lor rtMs Object MronT any etatamay neaentto itEV wit3I!3IclN-i-i TOCorrespondiug .Secretary U. 21. 3. : j rjeaaewntato ma, and kc meknowtha.i'i refenlt of yonr efibrv, and whether, yoae.- rr people Via continue to susUiii the "enter-"5 isef-anaveryimttca omgn j t.t ITours in the love and service of Jeen-t rut, - - , WmvMtrf ani fifftnt $t (T.y