Ret. a TBAttET.rjriv.fvlvEraTO. T. II PRITClIAIiD, D.D.,.T..Oor. Editor. DUNCAJT MoXEILL, .Ag1 ATTe3lBg Cor. - iTAH ' cbtuatuilc&tsoasl, or. letters pr publication Bbonld b ddressed,to Biblical Recorder. RhC I C?"Remittaaces snd letters to bnsmes should be addressed to Edwards, Bronghton & Co., Pablishcr;lUadN. G. - . 1 tSrOnW prsmal:letta jflioidd b"id 'dressed Sdiseeav? ' ft'JI 'K3an'tytTmbli8brth6 BatmittB for.lesa thin two dollars a year! Thia question has been asked by a number of oni tei&j&eiy t last few weeks, and one good brother asked us to expUia to t Oot'rWlera why it is that we cannot the price of the iCpwjJ and now to answer j aU : these rqnes- . There are weejuy papers poouaonu fori LOp! aear; and e hareeen one such paper offered to the people at twenty fire cents a year:; Quite a number-Of people Ziorta Carolina subscribed to this twenty-fire cent paper, but it prored to be a mere campai ga sheet and. suspended fna week or twV&ter We j$eettovt!)$t' was to hare been" expected. -The publishers ,coniavnot nare BiiSTamep; . themselres as long as they didbad they no been aided largly; bjapqli ical party that furnished the money used rarpubHctioaf .Political ;paiy ties never, at least in the Soutfy offer to hire jreligioae paign sheets , or ( in any way contrib ute to the support oxeligidnew papers.: t Sach , papers Jlare nothing to do with pUticsi and hefeir adro-" cate or oppose the election of men to politieaioBce Jnlrteadotbeing benefitted by political are the secular papers, ; the religions press is greatjy hindered by general and 8tatetibh8;Oarhscrip tion list falls off at least fire hundred . daring snch elections. That W; Are hundred Baptists inJSortb Carolina daring a political excitement prefer a secnlarjtoaUg&n This was the experience of each of oar predecessors, and it has been a mo nofe-.difiiealt -task for ns to keep'.nfehs': Bscosde .duringa; general, election than, at any other finite1 .uifid-ii f-tyr. -;-t y. Thi4 i3 i not so with oar secular papers;1 Thejr flonxUh-during a po litical excitement.: Everybody, wants to hear - the political hews and 'be sides this the candidates themselres and their special, friends contribute freely of e9ieVjioexMd the circulation of the particular organ that "faro tBSrtS In addition to this class of papers we haHhoeteitiojf our large and; inflaentiai daily rpapers. The ISew XorimndTHbtSidr. ana irarwt are issutja. uauy at ironx $SM tot 10.06 'perVyesTj and they at the same timeiirrntiraweekly is sne, made tip from the undistributed articlesfofltheirda weekly 5mlf(?fI5 or JStat as the .offered, to?, tho people at one; dollar a ye.f;Touriwtry editor cim$ publish his small weekly paper at that ; price, nor can ant otner . weetij. paper ie so pnpusnea tlialfto00-?.??..!? cleaeadylpforihja'id tion.4 It wta about $L23 to set the typefoxa'cokmii la theEECOEDE Each of the -letters are to be taken 'up iaraie'a&lfC" place.T When - this column of matter is set andpaid fwf , thousand copies of it can be taken at a moderate ' expense of !1 labbf ink, paper, &e. , The daily papers.-, that :print;;a:f cblama of their .six :or seren papers pnblfshed'dag'aereeajnd putr. ting these columoa together make, up a Weekly paper, which underlthe dr- thewhl W papr pnW ed. :i n'iThey can ''jtnMtffo'to; print a Weekfj tditipa iher-pper for $1 Q4a yeJidaSrft'onii by it than religious weekly can ior the same 6 paper at 12.00,3 jearl We have Jtopay fori every type that is S8t for -the: Icdii)2 andrwheu the number of : papers are printed that wiU suppfyone ; for each of our subSOTbers these type or letten are distributed4iIr kCS8?0 ' subscriber and . printed, him one sin- gle'paperjltTwouldijCMt Jseteral . thousands of doliars during the year. Hous8frent and type setting would be no te8S and'itiie only Isarmgriwould' . be inclerks hlreink andapert . . Fpr thi? reason .the lger wennni ber of our subscribers the cheaper we'c'&fford to letisia harthe paper. But we bare already reduced the price of the paper jfai beloW what Its nunbtr of v subscribers ; would Recozdihs was 3jodayear. It had airiest cr uit3 jEji" iarum$er'of subscribers then as it has now. Yet Tra,fcayet. reduced jths ipricd'jSiS paper csa third; mud now send it to or -::cri5ers ? for two dollars; a yzz: "cza; dollar 1 sr six mcathat T7e ciizzt ri-9 anyf artherfeSucf ticot ia tla prica'.cf.. the paper aid . . , 1 : rii i---l -t.lj n;iv:'i . . .... r:r:.ictltha XapUt C7;.;;:.TC-io-ciikia 'this Issue"&3 wLll as that of a dozen other relig ions newspapers whose editors and frjends thought two-dollars r&Ag price for a weekl: t dantly proves that jlq J ich ? pa can lire on less . thn , tf 3 dollars a year. To-be sure we coal! lprlthe ecobdeb a month' orTwplbr "noth ing while bur "credit lasted, but that would rmnns and destroy the paper. tte do not proposeeto th; chances or run any sucn' nsKs. m many of thechurchesttere'are hb oVer)one ia fiftp f lb members who talce'tEe papeL " If iwenty-flve, flf- eWorfenTtenfoserellffea who do not now read the Beco&des coma De persaaaeu m buwcuw answer, the requests maqo ;ior,aje dnctioni ia; its i priced,, Till then! we ezOectto &ro 0U as 'We arer los v Jessittiaa any .uthe fiteligious Weeklies Jtnat are taken byiour people. The National -Baptist, the oigan of 'the Baptists of PennsylraU cla and published oy the American liaptt catioiePnU. addphla, owning millions of "wealth, is S2a a leax., liThtiJ&lkioUtiK iiof lmondYa4'-ihe'rlchest York, Is $2.50 a year in advance, and 4300 irhen sent en'creait. lo ;u r- iliIi&Mm hite been'aakihg it to reduce in price and the astute editor makes ;a reply that exactly expresses a part of what we Bhouldsay for thi EscdEDEB.' f . '. Could too not pobliab The 'Exa miner at ch-jifw a.ahfaai ialgtt do ttby buCUbs UmQ ppr mIlr; or by tiling poorer jnateruii jor by jmtan j less bnw into la 4bW wtjf fh Bat i wadgnot oWijtha rpct caabe Jttad nuDer, long: M it l f qond M r dit. fioal to Mk w lor aS , goea iota M la war thoet Wadidundartaka to mae apoora qnalitj of paper, bat almoai erarybody om- plained of it ; and ire hava not the' atightrtt doubt that if we should undertaka ' to hts a few thooaand Sollan a year in the brain work of the paper, that the. cry would ' be loader ag&lnst ft than against the poorer quality of paper. The aimple trnth ia, that a newspaper must ; adranee in interest and In power, ot it will tneritably reoeda in both.' Oar plan lit to expend all that we can aare, by the dimin iahed cost of material, in faring ' fresn life and loops' to erery' department ot The Exam k In faet,' we Intend to do nothing less than to gire subscribers a journal tbx AOTuai xbabxt oosr or which ssaix -BX xhi whouc AHoarr or' whit' kbit nx ro rr. Isn't it a HUle tmrnamrnaHfit , therefore, for a sub scriber not to be satisfled with :tha pries o paper which-actoaQy oosta :STery oent he pays for iit i'"" '-n t,as Then. we hare another idea, - It is that BaptitAi bars ia mission in this world which is peculiarly their own, and that it is a misaion the importance of wuioh oanno I be OTeresti mated. For this -reason, we . feel boand to spare neither pains nor expense in making The Examiner a paper that shall everywhere be reoognized as a great power for the truth the whole troth, nd nothing but the truth." 'Examiner tmd Chronicle; Jan.- 2iuttr .' , We 1 confess that r we iiave :i pat- about all the brainV we hare at our command, in the ;-l&CQBiBnand Vcrnid like rery :much to be ableJLko other . Editors, toliire lor;empk)y brains that- the'- -iCEantUKlt1 mlit' conOuyJprpr pers of ouri Prethren,' some ot them the ablest men in the State,' who nev er write anything for the paper. -We hare asked them3 to dd 80rreare giauiy .puDiisneat eyeryinipg, iney have written, and : our ! readers, have asked ns to continue ' doing soj but these brBThren will otMrtifa fo ns. Weyj'yery- busyf-rdplMprb vaeir separate; ; juepar imen wot wora, and cannot spare the time :to write for-iothihg'bi Were fwe S able ior haJ' w'ft ' a fftw thonRaiid' dollars tft ableanaj jearnea oracles 4rom ;the pens of our best scholars.feAs it is we do the next best -things or it may be the lest thing, f that is' print the best of what is sent us freely and for thekdrancem'enr' eonsness. --v- " s The thing for odr readers to do for the naDerl isu: zet'ten of the fiftr men add )romea' i ypurachurch- whoJddoenqt read... the . paper n to . tokert.and jW& ifo ) Whea tbisu is-4one all Orer the State, then we-may employ men to write torus ana possibly far iher reduce the price of the paper m ' i afr-'l- .T- W.' s itnaa i jThe, cityrof rBaleigh. iwaa .deeply griered on Sunday Morning, f Jahna-" ii fe'C ii-J-fiiiri 'K'' .-.i?i:ir-,T owi, 50 earui aa?s,aiweil was dead; i Tho readine of the' notice 'bt fcefdeapipduced. ly solemn;! impression iipob the con gregatSohSln our'chfceswM eren heard ot henillaess On the litoi oauuaiu ui xoio sua was jm,uer place amongfthOi worshippers of God fn ffis.Sarthlf Wur"On5-the!:rst" Sibbatif,the5new?yearJshe her toils'htfd sorrows' here,' ahdiolii-' ea ine, assemwiea nests arpuna me thrbne.'and wctxtg tfr the redetaed ii.r!?r--2-vi i,c'- J ue song ctaaaoyjijsurt. well was greatly belored by.all wh& yarS'wbie:Me christians wemaaV' e'-'UUHikaovi t'n. .? ' ;:St, Join A&irs, elot, cf hstapJ tLt jCr., kicrf MtLr.t li 'J'i 'Lrz:i the last number d ilia 7i5aar. wa bsadist:. itoenttjily if cr "t:c'.t::a inthe Western ConTention."' "; ' " ' " " v ' ' i THE HOCKSVILLE. HUDDLE. .Sometime Jast y earner. 8.- Oonr?3, the tpastotlof tbBttist chur. h in Mc:2sriK4lMr.8 ct inty, . v visuea uraaaip, x. va, .f mo poipoae of auJog; D. W. B. Harreli inra protracted-eetmg.At that time there lived in Mocksville a Mrs. Holman, a member of the Frotettant church. This ladr. it seems. "tiat Wen for 'foureafs Missatlsffed with her church,'-and -durin g a pro: tracted meeting ? held ia . Mocksville by Rer. F. M. Jordan, had coocladed Wjomhe5apTlsrimurc freely coinmanicated to two or three. of the' Baptists ot i the place, sod eii presM td Wmnher,'desire3 to'We ana., aiKwitugtn aDtjaspaator at thasamsitlaieiexpressiugaher.reaj gret at not having been baptized' by Bet.'Fi ordanhetP lie' Sdihfrit Jarred the ordinance ; at ;thQ close of da. jneetingf ,4n4 Josriile.u,On Utt. Oonrad'a'return ?froni i Graham,; two of tbe memDers bf the Baptist church iarrirnf Mf ttolmas desire tosttm'iahjt k,m ab joining the church. uHer aa a Qinia'i ter of the Igospel, called to see her- kedwittt tirch, and gara heratracli on baptism and Dri Pritchard'sibooBf Kd Infant Bapi tlsm in the.Bible erTBdohel" th Methodist27pic5pttI eirjiiir: for Dsvie county livesia Ilocksrille,' and, as a, matter otconrs$ heardythat mis i roiesiant memoam sister. was tKrnkihgSloinfng cliurclu 77He alsp;oalled to see her 'whether asked to do so,or of his own saw the tract and! book on Baptism. I This greatly enraeed him ahd in his zeal he set5 earnetlyf to workltd i du'ceMrW ilolman! to leare the Pro. CKlLst Erjscofk society j V These two bodies are 8te and distinct or gautzatioMS with Mrs. Holman i be wrote to the Uorth Carolina Christian Advocate a rery Tanchriatian article, dendunclng JtM$v.,aix. yyurau ;iu i.u t vuet)i terms otTi'JPqrsok s Rrownlow' vooaovJarj, charging ;Mr. Conrad with trying to proselyte one of hit members, and call mmany bad names for so doing. bxard her 'experience-tal her abqutJoiutog iBech . READING HYZINS. t ; ' The ilianea pblia xorresponc : t of te iStandard cf Jant .ry 2nd, eagj. ts to ttij mirl'ste: the of e' aolr anri: anciru tl s hytar' fin Lead of readini tbem. Hi bs the cuaiuuixii roiftuiug iuo ujruiua uoiuro singing them originated at a time w ben .the people were :aot: able .to Ssad. ahdihas riosslbly been'contin the choir a little ..time to arrange for the singiog-4 rj r - - rrt j- ; I The Bugestions of 'tnis correspem. dent' :are i. wurthyftTxmsideratioW Ihere are yery fewrgQodii:eadsra ;pf poetry.TiThe olargeMnajoritylof the pastors1 or Tonr J Churches are-poor in It isnoWj proren by three witnesses. otr-mgaeac r8peciaouity. tnas jar. Conrad was adrised to call on her by two of the' members of the 'church, to ' I a, " ' . ? . ''' ' - 'm'-m ' ' ' 1 ' vnom sue uaa eipressea jier lniea tion to'njaite'with tbie Baptist church. and her desire to see and talk with him.s That eren" when ' he did go td see her. he adrised her to read some Baptist books before bfiering to iinite ; with the church, and that, he didJ not after all make much of an effort, if any effort at alt,' to broselyte her. And it also turns out that Mr, Boone went to see MrVflbWab, talked with her. about baptism, dissuaded her from joining the Baptist church. aided her in- writing- a' letter for the do&&'aenTmir, that-1 aha . ' eViir jutiKea.witn jcertaiu j iapusts , aoout joinisg the Baptist church j and that hehas actoally persuaded the woman to Idlrfonot Wthuhtesmmhe country, AhpA, fane frafind the a 'pkvui apiMqpte-he, Qolenjjy, acoases lin. Conrad, of rattemp ting; and''"Whlch"he so ' rigotously j de- , I he-wriU festimpny from, thfeej witnesses is now Thie testimbuy was sent to us for1 phblfcal saawajiaaa wiv -mMajjAAJtMMtr s r uw uvl TOemawoHyfhw notice and . bare ooaelndednot i to publish theards sentuk one of them beai froln attosepebieybtt'n juane county deem such pubucatioa necessary, silfc these cli aonember of a Baptist church in "Kdrth: CarbHna whrjsHoiptectl Mititfm? tH the entire rectitode ofJBey,Tar, Con-, rad.conduct in the whole of, this tempest' in : tea pot, then we1 are readjf W tubmitfi to himffr heirthe erer, fally assured that no one ia sa ignorant of.the true iawardoess of 4 8erehth-rate'IIethodistiipreacher)as T i he) may, isayr write about Baptists hereaiterj rl, ; 3..ReT Jr.;iHadea's.: oongtegaUon Jiri QresaTills S, a,hTing haen lnterwptad, as we kam from thf JTm of theKfta;4yoi& yaougnussi young sen, t sacn as an round m all our towns' and Tillages) h declined td in- dot them, thoutt:dTt8ea to do o by a law yar of the city. ; On-fionday night last he Stated to the eoslrektiWlhai"l( after learn. InWelnatoesbr SeVeraf ot 'e offeneraL ni jAf. t..i v.!:- -iV.'. Mi not ot uiaf Knew any ociierj 4,u an expiatneajiua posiuon by relating .the; twine incident t - Boine veara. apo old brother iaiartftaTe.4ariiiH,a cTeachine tona Taylor administer a seren recroof to a vouev inan in, theloonrpgti4n, whonad beharedin a disorderly lnjtnnat i$rai HargAta; arose, and-thai addressed the congregation 1 11 am Very aorry that Brother Taylor reproTed thaV ytiubg ioaa ad ieterely f Tor It reioiember thai I rejproTed a'yttrfgttaan VeryseTerel xor aisgraoeroi cenaTionr in eouren, ana1 was rnrirftl i ' il ful i nii iT f f n i ' i Tii t i i Tin i ii fTi i7 'f i i pcr creattifv todi ani&Zot. ' ttdseebntitmed ' llr.ionj who came1 ter'e to' "clzo ,'aboat. And to'ainuse thiemsJlTes, will please now 'rei tire,41Ils; Ctking tp 1 the hyina'bolkJ'tioM' who came to beware' tl iTes'sI towrr slip Ood, are eurd..'y jv. 1 tj Joa Ij si -iE3tl3:;i hysa.1 A, e a 7-3 fc-.J all tucaa tobehaTeounMlTes." 1 tmhrnns rea expreswes the meaning-of the, w ards qV the design of e 'anthorj "much less to' th'e edification ot the hearers. As a general ; rule thlsr part of the uninterestlDg and -perfunctory man nerv W are often 'itlad' wbetf the preaclierettthrough with' ''hkread'.1 ugs-ana re jea no reason ior reaa log theihymna where there is a Well trained choir, bc-n intolHen't leader oi'tlwsmn trM.lnt'ljBat o jur twoapUs hjareheaan goguey 410 "choirs bf-tbesassem.' bhes knew when to sing and kney at h; proper tirne Thist method to nearly always parsaed :ih onu eplr iUdpraye't-meetingi j, J whymit, "in1 a deddeq improrement pre tne presx ent methods Will tome of our leaders ofmuslo try it t Select at least three or Tour gbodihymns ' and ' introduce' the serrices with, one of them ; then when the.; pastor has offered prayer for God's blessing on bis people sing anottier hymn ; aftr fhe-reads the sing another hymnr-rthen as aooq as the sermon is ended and the closing prater ofleredgthe dosgtj. irllA a'b)ogy t!aja4 sing these hymns promptlyhere no dead points and-long pauses in the serrice. It ! strikes us that this would add much to 'the 'services ana prove a blessing whererer tried. ? ;It can be done in any of our churches certainly where there is an organized choir,' and eren ' where 'there is' no choir.;. One totelligent christian man oriwomao in a congregation t,caa ''da' provided offcen6tolenof small amounts. The TVw JMavt'a irlwfi aa MHArt mm jtVtAwaa lnilaA9 it nay be, they can give a rery little, and tL ling that will do but little good, or per. , hf i ashamed of the email offering, tl'y g!?j nothing. ' '1 f f , 'A I hold that it is the daty 1 1 every pr .'es sc of religion to glre to tl 1 ansa l:4lte Ix , and X hare nrrer yet inown eraon so A that he oouM nbv give sometLL-and this vi ihould do, first, because of the power of HttlefcJThe ocean ia mads p of drops. and the large sums raised for various objects err Tans 01 Dgiaad raise about 1500,000, annnally: for. Foreign MisoiotM by wiat tley oaU pemny epUeottona, todmichurciWtl.9me5erf ja?rJtM Wfflr.M,th' conection of ' Pe. tVs penos." , Not the dollars or hundred of doUars from the few,:ul:ths oenhi hxini.(ht maay Is what we want ;toll lhe Jafeaanry ef, tie? Lord.'tiw .w IHnsm w hnetiw. iBeiddes,a tinall la. jhttaa tar Uesdng aafc large OSei There U adt la rlcbe blessing in all' theEIbla thaSthal bestowed upon the widow vho-'gavi twe initsay and y4 thers' Is not a profeWiig ehristian in all this land So poor's not toU ableiOgre as mneb as thia woman did. 1 Leigh1 lUdunbn'd'r1 f s Balry1 Man's Daughterj,-'hastbeen' Ute means of1 the" oonterBiori'of two'thotuand Wt'ini if )kif bs thf mite o sirs WfyltiJ Wf,oVr. copy of some part of 'W'ahion!5win be ma hot one dollar nr one oent, lej us, eteem t even 1 alwaySthowereTj they sing the hymns to tunes tne oonneauon , snows something, about: ftfVaj "-. 4 mTES"MDVOmENTSI it;-: BY.T. .H. P. TrioJ Jy jvry has some severe strictures ia two articks I harereoent ly reacL One of thenv ,is. from . ths :jansti pen pf t & the -jl&gbii the'other . is an editorial, ia ths,, Ksw York Ezmminer jc jareairfs, and is entiUad " Ju- ryysAnewuea.Zri,,, ods Mhvm yrne tauer writer, aeoiares that "ths Jury system was accidental in .its .origin, is defec tive in. its principle, and that the sole argu ments in its favor, t are antkiuity and preju dice. There are some serious objections to the system, bat I hardly think it Ss so bad as that jui'i'. Li l f-Ji mn l ,i'At,.i U. ' jThetowrffWQt'Chieagov.B of being ths first 1arnat to iatrodacs ths weekly expealtlos of the Seaday School lies sons of the International Beds, and never to hive been distanced in the reel value of fhese eipositlotta. DrOW Blaeauut "who' has removed to Hew Ton has been oooeeded by7 department?of -thai WpteJ-:vl)f?lQmdolph .umaj iu iw umww auiu jut, ua Ar. eusun X Bintti; 'the' Editor m'chiefof thtan&J ardnM present at ttiel sesW'k'our kenC era! Oonvenoon, when It met in fialeieh some vaars ago, and aecured our 'esteem bv bis ex- oeuent ennsuan spiru. mo paper, in all, ths Mono f Mirer towara, pie' eontd thaahe Standard. i 1r 3t.,'i,, f - ft.,.! .ThOj aterlslOB, or the Scrip tares., ,fl for several, years paaVinholars; represent.' ing many ohristiaa denentlonii bars been WW 3 WWW ith Holyperiptnrss There nave; . been, two divisions of workers to'ctli,miiW jai Ssgash contpany hits eoraded; their final revisiori b the New Testament, and are soon 1o pass ppcaths final axstians of - tha American fwmpanv. Tnereare JSncUatt and' Amarioan Bkptlsta engaged ia thia Work. It le a most foareatipg ' and Important sns "and mast W ftdtinreat good; to the cause of trathJIt ia'te be hoped that thlsreviaionuT be Vehl dered is rnore gif ol, and 'idiotnatio Enft. iian than'thai or the; Bible Union.! T'read rith great Interest Dr.vl. Xroadua' rerlew of the last mentioned version, published ioniS yeWsineeV tU'eftttsV JttraW'uA wnfU he convinced me that the new version 'often3 more nearly expressed ths mind of the Spirit,' X fnl ttotabU ti lead' witS patience io this day j the awkward and . Jnnoont& '. sentences some times encountered this yatoaUs work, Bttt whatever mav be the exfiellanoifi of 't? atill later revision it will tAe a long time to ' i ." . ... i ..... iuj.iwuit fuiurouuio( jreutou journais predlctins better times la ths near future! tbi tiMesSrMp PhnVfif '1h7Eraadsst moral tri umphs the natioK shas- ever 4aeen. As;d4ri.f Cook said la Ws ?Prslndt tof Tbwsday. Js.' tjis gift c?me I of Ood sad not' from the seventh-rate rtlcians.,!l 1' i", .' g k "friend. of tBtelligenos and mucn srpe tienMieeeatlyaffu was.Boii. more "delicate business barometer than the lumber trade, and t thai . tbe, indI?rstiora wrs fiod f of belt?? .tipisa. , ly ,they soca ecrast, lie, JLln K" -Uft:ciT9, a' beusrs it a a ala that saany oomm;(. i MPITf -J1,! ft-iTJndetwood,, ol, Oxford. hi lCT5bsM wj hikM miKPhi foaM psople..i j fb oitOiy i t1 f U JiidgsXert' has rv'iom a asi rarespan :jf iokoassand Is i aaGi,Tnl!rf cireuifc - .t'-.uviX'i , Miuv-iln mil jo ir. ta fMMk nl mm fVLinila In HTn.f ! r j JtevViO:o0ias,pf BJOspTaaohed twicwrsfBalah oa ths ftrsk rSabbsih t the pleai aT-ied.'flTUori':of; aa rhbhaaid niaa : oiia?H t?i t jo aoa i3J io I ... OurbrsthmJalhASoa yadaiaaa-" srjeisiioft win read 'Wim Interest Dr. Wiet man's report on ta Constitution Im Hislori' of Eaton's ehtakjH, ' nJJ Tv.-j 1 ..Dr.T. T.Zatoahaaeonoluded to sUv I in Petflrsburg, nimmim'i f jtSTsaiwayi tapugw i waf.bestror.A brother to go' after starting. T AbVUBev. C; H. Bpurgeoo, the foremost preacher in the worldi is wearing oat by rea son of exhaustive labors through a series of thev nromlaai" ISol writ5 ant ot 'tha rMtat' pastors in the SU brother,' how is It with' 1 .. .Tnere- is a pastor thia 1 aide hejJBhi Bidge who resigns on pay-day when his sahv ry is not i forth oomimj.i- Ea pays as hs goes and ezpeots his ehnrches to Bo the same, ? : .'.". . A census taken Ave years' ago shewed that out 0? a poptuation' of 26,000,000,' 17, 000,000 of the Italian people can neither" read tfor write. Booh ire the blessings of Bomah-' va when it has fall and unlimUeci pover!4 ' Dr. Siedd, a Methodist pastor ia Eich mond,Ya.,has issued the prospe otus of a "The ologioal Monthly.' The, tchmor. CAristw Advocate Btjn 1 j Jhylea of snoh.s jour nal will enlist the co-operation of many Meth .1 11 T .1 . .'. -The) Christian Adwcate of Biahmond,, Vsl, says Dr. Boaaor's articles ,-cni the Pis- aiding Elders' oiBosi aJr were written kaa Mareh,and therefer had no ' reference to the ehargea tnade m;th Coaeice appoint menta." Dr. It ry desired the office ooJ MountaWtaisoe&tioWbas sent us wilnin W sabsorinilons (lo .ths Baooanam. , Bro. JIoE; JilveatMjw tweWmss at .in oountry Juetwiiose there wfsac man evet s v an r o;'i8oq. ; tas .aoimou ' j. I VTs axe gratified to lesxnthUUt. Pink tieyUfjfwiwa;WheiweamofJt8fjrloaaIyiro'aie at Wahrat Grove aoa, weeks sinoa,as sa far recovered as to be abl to U removed to hit own home, wbjch-war- don on "Monday Ik . - 'lit... T i I' , ri-i m: 1 . m'' uat. ,jTne otner ' parnes - injurea are 1 aecriy soodclaa for ralairiff . monev fcr State "Mis- 'Ji, L,J'". ,i T JUI Uii 11. bjsetsof bo,q9vsatipiSn4m S jUft inwnber. tEead his fetter on first page,, fairly teated.T-ifVw an&rWs feel Eke eoni on this evidence or progress, tsnt we nope the ehnr wm apt ptjtyfin&f 1 i.kf Oonrad's Jrisa Uaeaw rflla eaUed on hlnl just. as he Jiad mated into, his new houss and ttrpplied him with rovis' Ions sufficient to last him smd ' bJa-faanly fo a month or two. Be says t ' "While I thought the fitasfofcurcM 1at'aIockavilWi;capbls af doing airything' goodr iinust ,o6nfeaaI ''Vtid not sustecf thent of 'tooraiarni?uand odn Atsing tlelr'pistAmttia' wayl W t vats ..-iiu'l ,if: SfctJJ':.YI the 6ih appomted Dr. j8anlp8on td i real in essay onM the. Beast sefi BeelatamtVi-W would as soon undertake ioexplaln the book of RevIaUon as to tterflptaBfplahationt T)apVfisByiltaii the itabjetf.lo'W have never11 been' able 'kunderstand 4he Doctor? 3,i?11vl ' l;j at JThsafiir ?thgives i.awuat:. tho'rls tou ! rifiv tMrrieMi In the it Jlfrffiin tUntlat nittiwri of luonmona. Va.. lir. xrs...t;urry. .war. .ren and , onea aided " the colored pastors. Holmes and prools iajhe meeang.Jj DrIe Donald.was sick and ii.nbl? t fd-l jrfi? Slurry explained, to ths. prethren tchaptefor. twotefePo8aa.Soanoinyiy ' L , : Brot P.J T PowelLtf Wuliamebarg Va in a private not aaya t " Brother B Barnes,1 paltor'' f Edmiius'snd Iibrf efaorehes In Ksw Sent eonnty, ne14 a Hieetu nare or ever two -weeaa, ana " t zeet -rrui y thankfat tb: thS Lord for hli wiati tolislWJIffc5 W proresaedidth'attd'a Jotoed. 'to "say rny ;,t4 Hunctllcirenier4! 1Taaasuoh't t Ero.irrnteSsUen" i t't'e hp'ptizing for tim. Tt ft f 11 1 to I j c f ttJs revival Ia KvV 'r l" c, i i 1 . . liamabarg. ...The New Tork IferaW ealled!the atten tion of its multitude of New, York readers to the suffering starving condition of a poor fam ily ia'iat cityud asl 3 ths bensvol at rjecIe tosJithem:; tWar". 'night of thl W 'ay some large he led too! sent th familj4 qoart of beans. t f piendidly pounded by his many friends in and out of his church, during Christmas week. natLlnks the kat weok oMS73 wa :thi best SI most fnjoyabls, week of-ihs year Jth bridal parties hs eeema to have had abetter time tluui oanADy falla' to e preacherl - 7 - I ....Taslm FrxxD.BeT. Mr. Eeafnan, Epiaeopal pastor in Elizabeth Cityhas, ae- oordioc to a eorrestmndent orHiheBarei'cn" Ubtenir.i .figured !onf ; that t the imillAnniom wb etia, tawlSSik.- Ii -ahieabei soi i th Jdinctng schools had ar wall sospand opera tibns,'i Jhftre is little toe of .karnhnr ai busU besviinleBs cne- expeeU WtdlloWl.t fiAjjK; w.iJthVp'.to' churiapn oyer hls congregation, and observing thAt it WWtfTrhttlias srisbfd saimyttoilwiSMpter, jAEta r Ljyi see pus. pomiiH jyoi on B jusitmnj to ths chapter andryon will see ;it,7aJ .f. .Tbeew Tork Pastors Conferenes Was enlivened Hreek: ol lysine' by apeSeh from;E4V:'T. 0. 'Potter ion Botoarfsin.: Mr:' PpOerenoa"mIfm mantaaal;r frail aiiiiiThs were ' taken WsujrW, abg . .Texas is a Baptist State.- but the breth . ren have blander 1 in havir -; too many pa- pe, oonegea ai ". conventio - :.. c w rd the endowi"tnf of tl i Southern Bap- "ti I Theo.' gioaf Seminary 1 it is thought tf J $30, O f Maryland jl be easily se- c red. iirfi"..w the.Wrt irfe'oifonai Sdjpot W 'Tich,d,tliattheyfa6d''l1o' to ' ! . MifJfJ bebifta Ifetttodist, Jhen JBspf, tiBtL then itothOdiflt agaiiBeviXfj Dixon, of New Albany,-bs)Sfo44 tothsModsralds- oipJaaiols Jsitabs hoped tthat-keh found isenu spot owhlol. jhe .sanjwst iuafoe.- . We$tem. Seeorda-i ' No, Dixon, tried lo mit suiddeWfifliia alenrphis a went WxWO ainceV' HelSfaf mnyrestiagi tf 3ffvlA f:la lestMpsiri of oar, J. 'yT:,iyicWiX wh'ichsavs'fipu L Waalon.wasers m?tmr(imii riff "sw Waahtoffton . was not t ef that class of men whg.frs ashamed rtf ,rif L'li' jUWe that i1 wsf bN?!1 HR1? : sl - a 1 an. ... . JJ it Saii Ja ; Sou have say hand and liieart in this work; andmypttyer W God is thab befcw snOther'year shall roll aiound,rthe BscoaMa's bright face ha& ! greet 1 everr Baptist family in North 'Cfcoltaa, and V ffaid wiv; adp. tance. Borrowed paperrdndlweditHpreak wi are? new asiwen 5 ippreciateor Wlwhea paid fdr. SO ssvi Br6. K, B:'8hs. of the Asaooiation, requests jUsjto say that the delay ia getting out the Minutes .of the last sessLoa of ihe.i8trn Aaafa otJae fault .cf the Clerk, but is the ft fault ithej printer., Bra Britt hopes the rnjnntes. wil appear span; He,says he did not prepere the truiuuacrJpt aa well a.he should have j done had it not been for sickness, o. Had Bed! Britt.aeni:Uis minntes to Edwarda, Bronghton k Gd., they would have been published lonsj ago. WeU, some Baptists will do as they will do ' I mhnsterserves Vohnreh and thaf enTir'fai&tpiy)haMald' he preach' to themagainltf f Weft,' taat oepe&ds on, wnstnsr t&e .canrcn is aoie ! pay ior, proaouuiK. . ai h i auio, auu the nreaoher knows that thev Jiave . done the leeVs fhey eonldyes. he , ajaljcnus to PP rhem.y,Buk tf they sflaWeAo pa, d jhf pxeschkaowa theytova jotjdons their daty by hbn,JthaHelBhojdA seassi hfni,jWdif lajbasjlhf jollfches tnenaQy resort to this expressivej method notifyJag aj pastes that; they prefer a changH I and would: likeiE lunl to, resign. Thia isi ' t . ... also thstBSattiatsihodesf settling up back debts. . . . .A.fctbeKHn the HJtUeiSlvef .Aeseoia Uon writes ns: "Theraris such s spirit of perseotulon among' itha Pedo4aptiBts toward the Baptiats iatliflrlocaniir.fithatrUtt almost ... .Ber. 3. J. Sledge, of Texas, ia classed among the u foundation builders " of Baptist ehurcheav IZlgbors-4a hard and rdesUtaie- rsecnpns and establishes chuehes wherever hs i-preakfes.1 5Br fledge Is a North Carolinian and. went to 'Tsxa long years. ago ....The Seoond Baptist church in Ski Louis, Mo.; lost by flrjL ijlahsjr house just aaltwaa receiving its finishing touches. - The house was tne" fiTmThTciTy .A a .ai L atAA aaa ?r- - ; - nfvsc pw!)w,wn,,1jj; ajS0 aiTift'li; 'LVltmJt. arer?WajntWyrv piomlsii us a news kto In a few'dsya,' -He asyJlaJhot theSrAwfnloldilMre? iejni&te8-dg not! all much below 10 denftltcmaiAret 1a tea seotfbn arid yet ttW very 000 ..Ajif; jnree ap Aasoeaanon prsiaed nrlnbtors sndJ.,5(Kr jgassabersjTbey. adooted; she loDowinsr k A5ofaiThat we advisa tt churches jrot .tolerate,helf mm- SL I S . . . . tf- . m . . sere jnuauung or venoingsaeni pir cs; using it as a beverage. ,v!-vft'vtn' , - j vwi w e a '. wetwsMfaaav wmi m- ifajThil faiari'of elgnl peraoWalf bong to the BaptiBt'iaro'andU thlrJcstheBa iia has'heiped to train them1 la the paths of Wutix and righteouanf-" ,here'; aie' huni 4reds who could bear witness far tts -good br aentseswineramayeiruie.' ' &.vj JSfeyrtuMworn.him put working or his Mwi.Tl wejtrnly,, as the Doctor. diteoJ)iijidsyasd(hf!m 'Recorder one of the beat Baptist papers of. this oo(ttaiy.! ls physician sajyf prt,g.jnins, stop work 91 jdiaj too? taT oT aii4 nr t..q'B. JllK lUheridgSIMtank county, puts the following pleasant words' ta a Dmuneas mier t 1 am giaa so aaa my eon gratulationatoyenand)Pritcli jftvsiat aaaaaw xsj w ev vtw sjaav ,1 imooesible to live amouir them. .If the laws M the' did noi troieciW Wwdold fare 'no Wtm thaa did:our brethren In the days of 'dnigebnsfraai! sHdaflf-'rgrrW tw? rabianoIthreaU oea nis wue Deeause ane wouia ro- fiJofa henrl who whin t W4"?wbnlibour J Wift'fTTffiF h(f srewsnxioas . j. anj.sadjOomnmae,wiiea mjasiajbeptoaooghof,h in ahnmber pf poasJa this 8. te, to fom ot el-ajanDQrJsACJSgf 4,iTKhjLot.nn4tfli sidreet the BapfiBts.anj example t Tese Per dhaptiata think fcigreaAfiaLaiore.oCBaiv IStStban theriOaoeg earhiiothes. jJheymvei hoWetoei lure'biiaasyi WelL we eaat help it) "f'fjaai .:-T l"lia,ii&3oJt aaustid J. '.The CUnver dlrorbe their wives:' rouldirhotbe'l alad' send aewMrk anese Strang people aa maicman3 w new Epglanayi'mo'lws'what r-'blessing (fie1 Cbe may rme toTis aaalUtiok? They en 1c? lay twlspteei.1WisWs3 unuuot vuum uug iu mubiiipm up utxou- aeri'aQh& property eietorl'aay b? l bnfa crjuationr ; Theaveever j yithbMfef'.se number pie iay and ( fafling wUh a. 1 fienifrMrl thanoand doUana, of othaf , narmlfl a I mbnevia their jDossession, ; iIThey, will .learn. 1 1 4 MaawhAeath s a f.ivIavbry'fanda aadiatS Iperfaht idisebreries f era ! aometimes made yi ii ; rtolbeeanae of the, nhacriotural Inode5 ul w refOM to'acinowl6(lgBpaA bsp-" r'nor evea MaFlEhe Author1 ol tvnilam tie Btrefuae'aamlnia 4 yAipijpiSl Mar as Lna ssdoni oo. ior vuerv ia. houube Bmboliealtn the moda tTmt we Menv thai If tsbfipjaa at alVecattse aoesof tymbo fx ins reaL". j onaer u juua is not tne, tev. JJ W. P. of K. d, who aa evangelist for bis Preabvterv has been la the habit of Vreach- ag in Baptist meeting houses and prbf esalsg' fc-retl aTwCipa'fiif'lJie fi'itii.T3riJXLt I-J tr: JSrur anI'kH.J. 'sof 'bll pailsh ? ' It k Lie LIuL0' nt.j j Otcn the KioOBnaa: .JUtfi ,..jj.uoDBv;or - syettevwey makes the following oorreotkmr 1 see from SbenuJlBant! BUt fvstton, thUsJtypohieslerrorjn tbjxeportha Bpaed 4tifjaions,!makes ,me reprt aJbont. 23 rsedvei by baptomat Polktgp.7 It should be ,labout 8.-1 I oaHedthe attsntjpaafiSrow Braaghtoa to the nua take, and he promised to eorredt It by insertino a ltef rra&vhitia baok of'&e minutes bnt l presume in Abe nnrry of Chriirtmaa times he Jorgoatt!-! tl phonal proac; I prc-;!isa a -,-7 rnon rery recently on "Ihree-Gcora JA-aa. J fT1 fSa.U-l JJ.e xwiawuicu, is ueing meisandar afterray seventieth shanal birthday : I reriewed my past, life and Ubori! mytanooa jn 4$ie, ot Wight conn-, ty, my boyhood and youth in tha K bU eonntry of-Micldle5 -Tennessee, ray stragglea for an edacatioa under 4 the disadrantages" of " poverty and vaabi aAltAnIs ' tvt e MMin '4w a! 2 . J wi mj iBtiuauoa 'AC for. r :Bill Academy, alios schnM. honoe, a,V iny 'jfl jploma. J. NbATM of the-irireiniaftUuiveraitv thOdgbt more of bis sheepskin than -ri Ildidof iny.fbolacaftdiDloma. The Idoscf that decarncnt was tjad mis. tonnne to me. unc iorthat loss li friigm luvu Uetm a floeuir btTllTfaiitr and H. W. BeubarXjof voar Btata btomised to intercede with , their fa. . male, colleges in, my behalf. Dr v n obd Oone2elibtiat;ferfJtM- b er,'Jf foxbo other reason, to' stop my I f . a . T - nntidsms. JfBat r beglnSto' thinar'. these relbrerxj.tbe' whole bf them, we dhiyHestJoir. f And now 1 hars i leBtioe. 'And now I hara ho hOT&l nhless von can whTsrwtr a 'i )rabrable word'la, my behalf ' to ths "1 ttttstees !'6f Wake ? Forest Colleffa. mt let them know that I want ife Would spoil my orosDects- forever. I spoke( briefly .of iny oonrersion r abd connection with.1 the Methodist . ehnrebV add 'the Tennessee Annual ... UniifToMnM 41. -.tZT-j.-: ui filled irr' ,that tOonferehce, Stone's i' mrer JCtrenifJ3-Oitr "ot 15aiibmiL 1 monreesooTO tmy .trahsrer to the M Virginia Conference tad 'labors fa" Williamsbnr? and Haratitrin.1 ,f J2i j:. f Gircnmsneeti too tediohs hers to menuon, lea me to don bt tie, Scrip. ' aiUfUHcaa u say uxo saoject ' of baptism; and catsd' of ehnrch zor ernment:t1 detetihined,J if ;-4potf trie.1" ;strenirtheiiandf fUrymy potl. a lonjpitihfhrj iid; Intebse Inresti. ?' 'EaOoaf at', thread 't)f which ,had ;l reacnea tne conclusion that nnmer. sioorTOdWt;rhidr i primitirepusti., and that,1 infant ' oapuam. was mieny wiinoui saactioa v" from the Bibla '-.Thfea came another " ' mlrninAei1! erorWet.tkl Methodist preachers, and gloried th Methodism. " flow coold I leave the church TlTlie'tety.thrHight wae tw' menting;! To remain and teach and!,w pracHpe. wna. a aia noi oeuerei or.ia - ble to think ot ,. fio, withoot reveal. L4ug juy ixvuuitt ar ray ooncutsion w ' :.".V ;One or otlr moei toelligenj.1 sisters as? thialoasVabont the Bnof loV tW Baanxatf'and bopi X may livis to isee it' tits' joest papvr .in uo yniWM iMates. jseiore. u reaones . was pre-eminence, oux . people muss work and write for it more. , 86me of our, ablest men seldom write.a line for its pages, -Our preacners do themWreSj an nusUc by biding, their Jight so persuteny, end it is. op I wonder that Jthey have .not .more reputation VPJBrewajM. Morgan, of iElixabetht City, hasthi'Wamesf sympathyof alargeaamber of his brethren in bis' sore bereavenient' Sister Morgan's home wan the' resting 'laee of Qod,sf weary servant''-There were few such noble, oousecrated women J as our de ceased . sister. The announcement of - ber .'deattt whl carry ssdneierli4sjfy heart Heaven help and sustain the bereaved htubandanachndreri. " V .fhriOian &tn of; Bfffolkys has. aaterea upon its inirry-eecona vorame.. u. W.JUrr waa'its tliratedJ gayeevj W Bg WeUenji and reseat joy asvsprUyseaipQi etnoup ertnr ana proprjetrtri.y4JT. "vyhitlej.) BjwifldilBy be- lie ves in aUthe hnncheVof 4ha.nhar0a.ji fie lovea Bta ITippo, audi wa easy not sarprised that he does, for Bro. Flippo believes ia the braiK'bnaiae aad 'lovBrti Whittyand allhhipeopla' lfei'jfm bbd d'Jiotiy 4 f -.1 1 iDr:!TflnWer,he aplendideditorV the ft lanams jopuw. cap oome nearer , saying ex .aotly what he wants to say thin any other wrijewekaW of, nnleeai Il?dea,(of GreenvlOei naretwrwltlr; f iBefe?A JifP nd aakfs.tojbej 1wjdf sen or spoaen. we wouia nKe,DowvarMi seeacorrepted copy of ofMiotVhelr.editorUlfj IWoat Jthe nropf-readera efthf QwrierivtA AWtwif1ptm aentu a oopj iJawe want id know whether thesx men; arai sroubled as. jw Vier.arai hasn s BsaWil at . WaanD! A RaiSkai4 vt raaiunmarVItfd; thaV hsV reaglonmid a vanaa aw smui saveaa vw etmj IWO reaT Wwork hard foi- md3Srata tMrr'.' vlteVMspwWllV ahy hnman beinff.I went to the Mill, i 1 Swamp .church , da, sla,: of - Wight coanty on Conference flay and , laid to Ber, Patnam Owens, .the pastor, I want jto ,be received, lor -baptism. I waa .baptized the , next, day, .first nnday ,in September,, ISiLi , ; Slnoa that Ume I bare served as r . J pastor theChnrches at Jtfill fliramp.t. I c ' a a . 1 a a-' mt ' a-i 9 ran Snuinneia cnnois, aaoaiaers jnu,r , omberjand Strieet ehnrch, Norfolk, u Helena Arkansas,:, and have been, settled ;the , secoad rfimd wUh, the 1 3hpnlder,s' Hill j .ehnrch, at Ghorch..., land.tor more jthan f twenty .tbreo; v years, "I bare given to thai serrics .j of thi church, twenty-eig&t pf.the, best years of ;my HfU'&t4Tw i'- , i;t hare reason. to , thank God that ,,i my health find rjgor bare been pre serred 1 that X, hare . still the , physi eal and; mental ability tor labor ot 1 . ,the Master. ; People aay, U am , old. : ,t Bqtas'p, trnthriet saidf:, they !f are mistaken.; I.nerer wai, yonnger ; in my life, never was tl neartr the immortal youth and rigv yf heaven.", (, I There is no. nse, in mopinsr a&4 bend. I inz down SU the .grare before one'i iMmiiXrnefi) jthe i ceyi Jiaira, tha , crQwsreet, the faded yuion, the stiflvj enedilmbe viil come, Bnt.wby not ; letjUjreen dd age "come along with , hem f - Whysirol; :betalwayf , ypun la beArv-always,yopog.infclovefor.t; pur bjethreo-falwaya; yoong a;loTt(fi for iCJhrisfe j poes jthe wind erer. grow w ldf iPDoeaj Jbove ver.growf phUrs Thank; Godi,ttere,.ia?Bci ojd rage in.)) religion no old age in htaven. f."g IA happy. flew? Year to yon, yonr. iYirgipia wife, andrtbe .little ones, Success iq your Jaborav and growing prosperity . for Ithe i.BrBT.KUT.g : pOp&K&hf'i'i W.'fETBEl'JOJrBI- 41; CArcsfaikl, Fit.; Jan. 6rt 1879. di , .... f: ' ift ui - 11 ! U" N JW'a5iwi!P'alrbr aa-b hi Wa.Wn.V V. IkAVtn W down South u'advertismaforiaann ff objections, sn4 should bftavoided, J. tLH !ift,; 'i'Vi: fV'asv'SMr v vfvwwe - as saw . aasav asgsaasr ia. tv x.i-ii.Jji'iO:" L iw roauuiK axtvo nuuuai auuivuuooe wsv. aaiM9u He peered among 't4 ''KXfbonl'jh die' fflMea9m- Jtf een thaSUtesarjand V0U9 9n1t vPi afitftiajn ot, TJnited,SUtea.wer a, 1 V i : ?2a.M t " a nsqt9 ia stilj given, in jth? llft:f.tle' Jieutmany people ; woniff fi6 aaewr. oijhaya n adopt as ajiioal.. books, Waylsnd5toMBistoty.f the .Great Hero- t JIartyi,TohB Brown. jer Bishop fiai van's 44 Hiatory ef theMc4ern,Btaiaman,J, JfadSsonmila,'' or! MrsJ 8toweair,Jaadam aenaaandBliraPinktont'.To Uamre these' books aretaot Jret oxrt but theywill be at' a yfjelws iwof'.M6.J iil. b f I j f4 UTtBlttY 50TICES. u i t iafs' i -ifl-iidi-oan.M 10 J4i ! j rjasj iTfcroi Uvidi beautiM rehlal of I0Q pages and 800 C&arlons of iowers J j and regstablea, with dlreotions bow to growf ' lhem.' v.8eat tree tor ft aWeat stamp: Jai. A of the best aarionltnral mindaii tmblished. .. ?rW;v?ftP yopstt fa .Of best of oar UtrjarjyiigiOsinea.aiid.reioj; by th4 bast ffefaelani ia Ameriaa. jThe euaa. h Jpera tvtimwrji la7? hnveiU apsiaaay ,' tnteresUMyeOi!i' diotao5 il bsoow 'ihUi. t ?VWratfbUahai by'D.'ip;'; piston Co?, Se.tofa?'Ttt 'tstne fsvorfte'' " bf oto'firnlDy. e all ! 1).' M tf lastrtaallf ahdf I 'sie-dewfl t nVn nr'fpiW1' rwriralinM fchereon.1 f ' wrtfi'V'iiKw hh.r:''Vfr-irTnei3ul' aae; ialclrtala'yeDow trimmed 'tonner if VYrhrow'4 cafiip-ffleerihgi,!annes. 84e?aDooi fhe;'yVil8'lWto.haa7 tvaan a fvArira ri!nf tvirh ma .tlu't UGCU f atW..V FMW .n.W UIV. J Old aeVrdrery ranch1 "'IncKne'f tc dwettpci theIctatitast,'! ' tiztL j is on j cf VV;r tz.cisj.l!i"ia-' Ltzi:::j. jtJTT-1 tive'ta'i ffyfa-ffffBy!? 1,hu -will 'iuu t-n,i tqbi- TJ. U. Fleming; First Baptist church m 3 ? for Dr. Yates salary per do.;rJ.Ta 0 'ff i Henry Hortaa. 1st BiA;rJmrciti 1 n'M 1 for tr.Yatea' salary.. a 65' ForBfltrilla church-- for "Dr. Xaiea' u i tadarv.'tjer ft M.Tonn.'Treaa. . tv la.' -D. Ki Wallace; ' Rutherfordton 1 i pJedgid at Coaventteap w . .4 Rii. 5-00 i John, L Btoner, Linwood, pledged ,r f - ait atorian .church,-. Transylvania j. P eonntv. er Rev. O? -W -Rrooia. . " 5 "0 J t hniM.laMa- aAlteAla a3:. ' QtM.lthl Ft ,; I ehiDBEaJeigh,pfnJ.Jl3ronghl i's EtaU jGitionvpSt io ; 1 H kw 1 on ehurch.'ps Kr. ttf AfleaJ " Zt fasnrer, 'J. i'ii; f. l :...... a . Caroliiie . Iiunsee. Strain Bk. ) I ; .a.ut. T3.IZ.b. l..flHM T Ia " ... .-rt ttie Leaders Wakaloreat & 8 af- per John ,.Bav.f..t 0 3(f. W.JWf.vas.,Trjsnrer Oittrai vw intttee, ed Jan, 9th 18 79, m lbs State(3 KaUO&alabk 17.72. to te useJ rar rg H Mm. i 1 EoUy Bpria-M Jl. C v fcalag i mire ret jlseM tiOJM cf aWopien's Hl-'.oia"? Rrty jj f Ji v kai-V'aaiiu,- is;.4 ' :

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