PUBLISHED WEDHESDAT; 3 vt- .;st i-jf;i it hb 4s CO. EDWARDS, BBOTJGH; OSce'ea WylttirllJt Stmt, Oppesite Mark ... Santma. TERMS OFIpPnOX: One copy, one yMft. y;t One oopy six ruJiith,.... . ; .. ',.".'' I 25 Clnbs of five, . . ". - . . iw ? -. 10 60 Qube of ten, . .1 . .-.I. . i I, . t . .20 ,60 Bsmittances most be sent by Registered Letter, BoBt-offloe Order Express Draft, payable to the order f the Publiaherm. -5- MOFFIT BELL-PUNCH FOB N0BTI1 CAKOLINJL- ' Capt. W. S: Harris; Senator from Franklin, and a . Baptist, haa, Intro duced into the legialatare a bill with the provisions of the Moffit Punch-1 uen, wuiuu ua ueeu auupieu in y it ginia, Louisiana, and perhaps jQtqp States, This bill levies "a tax en the 8piritar80l6V and" ft ispxoppsed tba the money, thns raised shallOito,the Public School und A for myself, I am opposed to all efforts lo regulate the liquor traffic . , jEou might a well;frt,ahorricaa!fori-the. yellow feveri'sMi to license i by law. the sale of-intoxicating AHnktr, fsytu' my judgment a arii Jagairisr sotsSety.1 n Brit "yr. since it protects tmen:iia a Joanss which protects crime-'aad'1 destroys life and property by the r wholesale. The thing to do is to 'forbid the. jrade altogether, aa&'&d protect society j from this most fearfalof all itscnrsefc, I said froui the palpit a fen Sabbaths since, ihatTib'tct see the 'd4y. when we should have in ifortbOaro lina a stringent, prohibitory ,law tha,t wonld make it a peniteatiary crime to sell ardent ' spirits; anil ftrepeafche I wish with emphasis. I do. not. want to, see alt the men how' engaged in . this business pat in the penitentiary, tor ! I believelhat there are good men, and even Christian .men, who make and sell liquor, though they surely have not reflecrtd? on, the nature pf their business, but I hope to see the day when public .sentiment iwili be so enlightened On this' subject-that no decent man will engage jn .the liquor traffic, and when the bnsiness will be recognized as 'disreputable ana criminal. ; ; v. n ,?.. cutis' That time has : not yet come, and while I do not regard the bill of Sen ator Harris : as" going; far enouglf, it. is a step in the right, direction. It will gnage"tfce:"'extent 'aridVoost,vof the driaking customs of oar .people, and this will serve to eub'gbtea their mindas to the enormity of this evil, and prepare them to favor a prahib-. itorylaw. . ., - : ' ' It is stated In' Virginia Cbat 'tbe revenue realized is far less than it would be but for the frauds practiced by the liquor sellers, and this Bng gests another evil of the liquor traffic the evasion or violation ' of the law. There is not a grogseller in Raleigh, who does not ;' violate the law. forbid ding the sale of spirits oa Sunday; The whole license system I believe to be an abomination in the; bight of God, andiehoutd bejn the sight of man. t. K Pjj .7. 5 : v ajrj'iritu MMMBMllMauMMlLJIMMJli "" ii i';. gJ n i m mmm njiiii iMeia'llJL Jlgm'L'MiiNEUOm'l!lPB''i''d. "1 ' a. ;urc.tJI . .-.-'-v.jiUiii-.pvi'f'-iJ: . . . . -i - 1 : ... - ' ? 4 b:pof; ,1,0 .OlU Ttli : n 5 ta I -mil V I 1 I T "VI - - 1 1 TfV nh'u-L .SiOL air' " Baptists, Devoted to. Bible .Ketigon BAicatwnrliaSm.: Ihtelligence. Vo'litmb 43: ; P AT.TTTftTT; 0. jJAMXTARTt 122 1879. ' vrsl u& if iSj'.sf'!1 Ft .--.I I oonrch bell announced the . hour for speakine had arrived. , The day was cold and sleety bat the assemblage in the church ,waa very good. . The meeting was opened with prayer by Bra Fitzgerald.". ! "After, which, the Organ, under the skilled hand of sis ter folmanf discoursed , excellent mdsic, aided l)y the vocal powers ot . a skilled 'choir. VYour Travelerfwas then Introduced and talked as W sometimes does, with what effect, the tism, he preached his first sermons 1 have often heard mm say warns ever thought of -there being any necessity for his obtaining a license from bis church, to preach, nntil after he had entered anon bis work..;; He conferred not with flesh and blood," bat consulted only. the Master pi the vineyard, and, at His bidding, he went In April,-1839,-Elder Hill was oraaiqea.jana.irom tnat ume nntil now, his name has been a house- Templars there can best Judge.' Bro. l hold word amoDg3t ahe .Eaptists of xuzgeraiu, aisq uuueu aaw uie uuu i, U.uujb;bowwb vi mu as pointed remarks on the good cause i: a preaener, iaer iiu naa 3 ovli lew : i Bro. F. A. Hatch then called upon J eqaaliwHe. wasalwaja eoand.. in such aa wished td 'foin.'tO come for- i doc trine, and, his-sermons I were ea ward. - Quite a nnmber responded, penally .noticeable? for .their deep amid' peals'' of soul-cheeritig, music f 'solemoity and 1, the earnestness with from Organ ahd choir. 'The church pwhwhh they were ! delivered. .siThe was beautifnll Vs adorned5 bv the1 fair there appropriate Bible truths 'awati ened thoughts, 'At night,' a'reat supper." was prepared, consisting! or more.tliaBffSosatio had ever dream jediie isJuaiihilo8ophy, choicest viahds take8i-rintsitxai8iusyfrnitaj andv iibost of. goodies, is When the feast : of jgood: things, was array tall hearts otihis hearers were moved by his tender and earnest persuasive-i nejss while their .minda wereenlight ened , by . his clear ihg;e.o. There ara banareds 01 men and women thrcmeb- out thia country who jean remember the greater; part of .many ofhifliser- monsrao; impressive iwaaj his; style. While he was a,man.;of ;strcirg;will ami of remarkable flrmhess, when hi wUysatisnflandxvivifyrog ihnsm. came to talk? for hisdliaster, it was jndaleed,' wei wer again; called. to tha froh WandodkLwhat ; we- ootdd t 8tajy-iber dread 4nsiaxight of destroys ing:totemraj)ce4-4)y the ; solid: op ppaifion landnujrhtxihAa&noe d, the tiood Templars.. he Dleasant res tive occasion then dosed , bv a bene- ' mi .; 1 iSnar .' . . : ;It as your Traveler's pleasure to enjoy two able sermons from the Ber-. Mr. .FLUserald. oft Hollsboro. Both f. the sermons were addressed jo the unconverted, and showed, "viv idly, the mighty importance of clo sing in note with .the, offered terms of, salvation or being- forever after wards speechless at the sentence of banishment to hell. s Monday.Bro. Uolman sent his con veyance 1 with brethren -Fitzgerald. Wijlet, . Uartman ; and oarself .back to Durham in time to meet the train i We carry withi as erj pleasant rei membrances ; of oar trip, the .goodly people, and the splendid festive oc casion, 01 spending a Uhristmas in new devotion to God and the farth- eranoa oC a great wock. v - A. COBBECXION. . I notice a communication in the ast number of the Eecoedee over the. signature of ."V stating, that there is Oat .one JBaptist church in Mecklenburg county outside of Char lotte, viz :' the one at Independence Jlill.. : I am sure it will be gratifying tov il.v and many others whp love the cause., ol ; Christ, to tnow ! that about twelvemonths ago. there was a Baptist churah constituted at Mat- Station,, on the C, U. is. ii.t - .-.-.Mat bTi:Zri ..1 ltt:JA lit ,J From onr TraTelUog Ckrrespcaident.i If Dear Meeorfer:Ai nmum i". ! Your Traveler lias1 lostbeenTQii' aT tour embraces1 tfreWlisfl&tlia1 Kaleigh aud Augusta Bk)lroa.di J tory, some 13 miles bejood: where the brethren J Jitrthe flonrUhingT.ttood 1 Templar .Lodge, nqmberiBgQyerjqi members, had called Bpon him iftot ads drees ihem on a festal Christmas oc casion they had arranged. Otf thi" way we stopped a night at Durham, and mingled, during , onr ..brief stay with the dear brethren, Elder Dur ham and ahis? flock , there, stopping for the night with the pleasant famU iy of Bro. Day, and attending the night service of the Union meeting then in session therehearing a good sermon, and seeing Brother, Wilson I eiectea jupaerator ior tneir turtner deliberatlolos? e'wrlktadllVmeet' thereTifet'Mna.aiffKdlrsioi; Wright and McDuffiend felr easy: in leaying'the Bec6&dbss interests. 4-nrnV.a. ntt-W h1,M Vu'nf lugciuct niiu : Mis viuu goau tukOi'- d4 Ft a pastor, thttioand; ( lieve the Eailroad Company wonld inejr.near,Siburmng with the Jove, esus. want. 10 wotk, accorumg. theadtficepflthe Presbytery, asking theliprd to direct tam aShWr lt.rtiOw' 'to nelrtfirfm and-'taiM colo tun vuuiuu auu uuyuimauyu, in thef hands'Whirexelidarh,eVe4 ww i" on to meet the calf )f ITtrfihd: Early i BataMay MnABgrotieH the pleasa'as feompafly:"0,brethr6n Wiliet and Strjhensyire1 all On the - way wesswere - shown f by our courteous escorts, jshci6, adrnnken man In a wUdfrtfcfityiig $t pass another vehicle in , the way. was thrown-.and killed after vbeing drag ged for along, distance, nea,rJElleby'8 creek On the ppDosita baak oi the stream the jplacei was ipoihted von where antherhan.I,Mctsllhfa:ta political circles, died fron- toadfea-x record each month gives of. the fell destroyer! -. Al- vs& At 12 o'clock we arrived at Orange Factory,- a1 beaTOljttti ltttfe ptasi. uug ; amoug .iutcitM tjA'ijiWi5.-p- Here we wereVmet by the brethren aud escorted to. the pleasant and happy horndf iBrother Solmari.ltie of Bro. Holuiajfe4hereuWere present Bev.BroFUzgerafaif theiablePres-byteriaa-pastor OfsiHfflsbdrO'Ina the Bev. Jttro. Gravrnaa-ased Metho- dist minister, J5joa,Willet and Csztr manvoDathasRA 8uttiorii'3:oved til'eniotd.At abont clcctie 'rinsipsicf' with eyes overflowing and with words of: impassioned tenderness.'. in -i--1 lasii- preachervhis' ross will be greatly lelt In the King's Mountain and- Gieen River, Associatiomv ; If ot only was he a great preacher, bat his heart .was. strangly .enlisted mall the benevolent works of onr Convention and Associations. 'As a i man and a dtizen, he was t upright in; his: con- J . 1 IS I " 5 uact auu aiH reugioniwaa oih guuie As a christian, he -possessed strong faith, and, in fact, his entire lite and teachings go?to furnish conclusive proof of his true and genuine chris tianity. A8 a husband i and : father, none can ever know his worth f save theu bereft widow and children; whose Jbearta are madet desolate by his death.. - -.iiit.-s tti- J TTi nrArlr la ilAna. an A txrw Mn say inaiii was noc iweu aone i) ana bn: the.first of December last, Elder wade mil went to his reward, t. f L M.D.J. December 17th, 1878 ? ... ill 1 J. For the Recorder. -2Xar Recorder? " 1 write this to call tbe attention of the Baptists to a little thrivin vil lage about 22 miles from Wilmington j on tne Wilmington weidon iau- road; the county seat of Pender. ' I preached there oil last Sunday night to a very attentiye congregation. Jt was very disagreeable weather, and Bro. Williams, who keeps a hotel in the village, made comfortable , ar rangements In his 'sitting room for the congregation." .We had good ringing and music on the organ j sis ter JLinzie periormed on the organ and conducted the Bin sing. We have some ' very, active brethren there : they have no house of wor Appear to me iaconsistenLa I am ao aainted with one of this class who says, that he finds, the members at his church generally very illiterate; Consequently, the ; most of bis yisi-. lng; and . association is among the4 Presbyterians, who are the more in telligent apd cultivated. ., Can he , be called a pastor t . The same man was ntten toDya memoerot a ennren ith which a Union Meeting 'was to e held'on the lastflfth Sunday; and eplied that it would beTery difmmni for him to leave his chorch c on that 3ay, but if theyi woald pay his ex, penses there and: back ho, would try to be on handtwIirQW ithUi man ben longed, , to the same - Associatien as the church with, which,, thft, meeting, was tO:bf , held, and vwasL'ti t not j hisx doty, as much as,-hat,pf .aqygother member, to bea ihere, jet ns .bear iromyoa. . 1014- thews' ten miles below Charlotte : at which time Bapistinaaence and cter-1 8nfpbat 0TJgnt t0 iaveone. lOTina va.A nnr ii.tiA fair irnnvn in f mm - . . , ' i. ... nnmmnnifv Aif Kftnt a. fiAnfl.. I . - . . ' . the cive tnem a lot rt tnev would build p on it.u We have some brethren there I imtlti ? rinA tTink Wau wilf oil In 0 ,was riff ! THEY GONttSfrEftity7' ilai '' fiin Ma SI 74,-. 1! 30T k, wasseni. x5.r4. wwawiw 1 preachfor them "when wecanvi wlf rr1" r-ZMtv-f pemron tne nrat Sttnday night an umSmmiS Ja5SSS 8, W we may had a noose snfficiently completed to t rrtv?n rinUi ,nnit a -ni,t.T S wWch ?,e eetgojys:! tniiafng op OufMastet'tf kingdom bn .waibtttttineedv thfi'ea8t6r) ahJ' r iii fH itiSirvw; oneeKwltfl-happy resaits.r tjev- erai proiessing iaun in vnnsc'rxne church stfetithened and the eomnVaJ nltyTavorablympe8seff, with!Vot i&9Wffltoi&.Jem.' 5a. Iariieccm2 fffefeiPwIrBMisfkf thAofdinikhbf jpittidBttW to get ,'al the them -&? theVfif st time iu- hfef v6P following classes of people,rr6fesai, ,wsu8ianuuig.Bonio naa -uvea ro sea i lag and callinfir themselves Baptists: their thre iscbrend ieri; TheMrst nraVbe khbwn as thekriffii iThftTiftTt RAHainnTif fhftT?v1rv Riv. I tIiwJL rni.L i,i ej ioraotftfiotf will ltfieJtitta mtoberakp af church. Ir have neglected-to say. e.f ejWe.tfSariftiriiP inasBvr orpainnng" tne lnonse I fr placet toi place, tieyjerB w,iu iuen8 m. iqi sisters, neaaea oy isister (Mcindon.'anobie iqrmo masier;! Jieis KprooaDie tnejeaureiierwiiiiD asTcedrthrotrgW l hteh they haye nbt seen for several ABE Tear,Ritt!Mr3jtr t iyr-) a 1 s FKMalIowme9acl9M a nrtMeiwhich 1 hope 'oti will1 r6 atayjdg 1,1088 man a - year at the:sarae -place. 6e1ha stilI, hbldifi'thmembhip that? I1 Wit K tli rt nliMwlY 4 h etxr fi rat -irA n art ' i c . . x: i u.u buLiuani w - n ilu luo buuiuu fitishfthei mmUato UrthArn itfthv not rii nrmi wixo vao, vp luatfevery unnrou m i nentiy Mcated.' The consequence is. thesitoilW resMnd'Likehe 1;tiey are identified with the Baptists cbmhH.n writes,hiS(i8 mbrethan with other BurroueaiwttDffs I"may be wrong, taIe Ettyteia itteaeehlfch!' bbt it is hardfo deter See any ben has beett lexer ted id a christian, like 1 pflt amrnintr tr ttr-Hant tvnm wav to onr ennren as iar as i mow.1 1 uhMi 100 miImn ujqu?i .. 1 t w , I mm viuuu w tuvmuvtoti, " i- lUl further saytbat- the -Becoe; I tfani convinced, both by experience tanirea hnd Idyed'by'BeVi 1 hA tdeVattoi that trififi- tnhnft ral member of tbirtJlTurch. I ahfl cOhsetentltharofrthAflphttm. f nXp-irtin:ChrwViA vA ify hWlWm&hliail Monrte, & Janl ISTO"?? .ef benefit bf he. ehnrchatid itho iridi- 'nfgUtEVW.attsY! edoii. "ill Oi-iiwi s - WWdi WOl L,nr.h AVn thnnh tfiATVa'fiA 1 class, are mcmoers wh JTIUST KEl'liElltSIBl.r;; , 1a & t There are extant certaiiv addresse aud sermons," of , the coarse order attributable to the, ministry, of Anti-s Missionary JBaptisU. These are very, popular in many locaHtieSj especially among the Pedo-baptists. Thelike;, ness of these effusions to those occa-' sionally, delivered, and '. their iola tion of air accepted exegeses "and' rhetoric, cause them to be hailed by ' the masses with'rapturous acclama tion. ! ; :"-- m " - ,!" Kow, there are reasons why the use of these' productions, as indica ted, are very censurable : " ' 1 I. They are libels on a denomina tion whose history is that of the ages one whose doctrines, in many respects, are the great cardinal truths of the Gospel. . . 1 2. Their use in school celebrations or their continued reproduction by the press, is bat to educate the rising, generation, in the belief that these are the real products of the ministry, alluded to. Conseqaently . they aie, tuitioned in a contempt for them and the denomination they, represent 3. It tuitions the masses in the habit of ridicule of ministers and things divine, regardless of the de nomination. If persons make , light of one class "of preachers they will eventually do so of others. 4. That which leads to disparaging views of the ministry will of the Bi ble and all things eacred. Here be gins scoffing, incipient infidelity. The use of these so-called eomie ser mons, should be : interdicted by all institutions of learning. How much better to encourage charitable views of the ministry of all ministers. B. G. M. Tazewell Colleger Eat Tenn. My dear Bro. Bailey : The old year has past and with it many sorrows and many hopes, and if we are not better we are at least wiser if so be, we hare profltted by the lessons it basrtaoght ns.' , Thenewyear finds as weil and as hopefnl as ever with prospects nroba bly as favorabiec asr the? moat of our neighbors, and better than we de serve -nothings to complain ot but oar own; impeilections and short Comings. -rvUMZ ii moil ylm This is my fiftieth year. How lit tle I hate done that I oaghtrto have idoaeand how mnch rfcavftlefVWti done which I hoald have 'done 1 t eeemaf that I have been all 'things' toll ' men3 and et hav6 beeiIeBs thannothiDg. My stewardshfpcaa not continue much lohger; and still how hard it is to be faithfall bat1!- : a T 1 ; 4 r ' : A I : m ' amiiKo ait oar race, a cruecopy 'or the Original eata sl TOi: i Hope you are all well j bony ah t and cheerful,, with bright prospects', for the future, even amid tbeser sad and flooaiy times. . rfi TqM'-wa gh1? ; i Glad ty see Dr. Pritchard's. weekly 1888008 bnl pronunciatton ; ,wish; he would give now and then ia lesson Qn: reading. Good readnig is the rarest abd y et the Inest aeoomiishmehirc ; f Hope I shall be able w renew my snbficription at proper time ; "do not see how tBO" Wany -of good f brethren' aha sisters do -without the paper. -t WOnld lIkeAto'fireicioaoJibyyoii again. How strange it if we do: not appreciate irienas tin we are : sepai rated from them.1' in wfif.-1 There ia, however, a better state of existence , than: this life. y In 3 that happy stateia the sweet bye and. Dyfir-nere wiU vpe jaoi parting from those that we love, no sitthinff or shedding a tear : no discord, np jar if at uvkuius wt ujai uur jieaue, vr make " as sad.'- Such' a 'condition' is' Worth strivlnff ffot; MarHre" all at? tain this through Christ, onr Lord, ts 1 1 . j at. t tas. Btate, and we do it with hearty good will, fori the vcausBii-' eminently Worthy the attention :of onr whole people, and ot all, who wish them well. Good religions and pa high toned! literature, are, essentials, lor the well .being of any people ; for as a people 'think so indeed are, tbey. The mindi'rB"'kndw) "makes 'the man.' k Therefore' whafwe 'oatf do; for spreading abroad among oar peo ple, the- Bnajcir TtacogrtTtt, we Shall di with our mi rht-feeling as 1 Sored that we: thus "itlrnp pure minds by way of remembrance ?.ae to what is due 5 to God, oar country, 4nd the Truth.. Demoralization, we know, is abroad, T in thf land, ah 1 trashy- literatare iftoodfns 'fhe ,highr j Ways ; one we anooia see ;tp n, an tne fear and love;1 df iaM'thilf1 hpno;c truth: Virtue, charity. Wmiferance; pure religion, soul, heart and head' mprovidg iiterataro6'fflacn -more bOUnd. J. CK CI oaw vtjiMtj Via & bappy rreW year ttiB all the Uear eaders of ihetxxsosDSB. in ,iocj m jjft'":"f5i J4 1t v-jsu-jmI ,acDu MOiJU lit 1 m, fi Becond WAvi1i1 a wr tiaalile1 to give him' ttfadVaib'l Se'ttersof ;;dismi8sfon, ' but.'' are;.'pre ion; so tna? 1 Tentea 4 irpm bo aoing py tneirrpa- ttielst of hly18ia Bis'pafe tftWatwFsn rlv edticatlbn tblgheharact8rhe,acqairedB3"r belong to prhMiwaaa'e,nnder tdttii tfteekmufcVith i!theni;V,Thtee 1 1 .... . " . t .. hurcnf some w jl D lfJ VUUUOLU fiarrlM in ntist. 1S34.J and in AbrilriSST.ti'wra fcaptiid litd.tbd fpflfl'ffihf r.f ih'A'r!-.n'rth7 4 Tltrla- c3"tii-tll l- day Of hlar 1ti-t J ttteMsetveawIth tor larehja'ndthe trrid?WgraSthe1Iletbrsi inW.trisa1 Uifeif inotheit didnbt l!i'HlLi2t Ib"blbhff "t6 a church Ariifoa Eerf Is ft cIiurcA jcstlfla-' fila in zich orocsedinrs 1 b 1 (Bit tL Jre is ft cli of p'sstcrar who . js 11 ti j usi; Aww' t.i m vd it iat,jt- AT wf 'J I For the lastj week octvoiwehave not given : yoq . any thoughtazby the ay, tnougn inaeea tnere were many, iottings , wpi4worthysiT;jrecord. he weeks since we wrote von. have been crowded with beantv ta oaj W ' rtvk wa nAAn mp-i tn m m a HttL es io sne " $ AuifjU rj, ttuu Buuiujsy uiuuu oif interest on Scottish scenes, 'llfft' evpnti. fi&hira wiu manners, Decauser apon toe calj oi ine peopie, tne oooit is being print e(l 'by rard8vB'roaghtonS?iOo.i and lllnstratetr fy yKa tan wili BOOff H&efbre5 theIbtibirc.',Tf wut oo issuea ac im low price eFw 'cental - copyvaais is W'e Tafped eyery JZstUi fiily taUi Etiti vKl tio; tivr -uS lccls 'tLrcdstie XesolntiomV'HeiiimVfllll' Two per- WHftlafi We? the Pleasant Hilt temperance Bdcfety; bene ve that the 4 Uqnor traf2ais the )(iia, cause of the great amount of . crime and r pan perism in the State, andothat,, that traffic will not soon cease, without some prohibitory legislation i thero-: tore, fiesolved; That Wesend5 a memo rial to the liegislature of lorth Car olina; as eariy aa if eoruary isc, isvv, praying them to-conflne the liquor tramo in'our'tttate toj paysieians who have taken the degree of M. D. at some Medical College and that they shall sell it only as a prescribed medicine. . , i JSetolvetU That we ask all the pub lishers of religious periodicala. In the State, and the ChnstianBun pt,Jix ginia, to publish theseVreiblutiohs : and ask their ministers to urge all. Of their congregations to send up a like memorial by the 1st of February, 1879. - - HefokecL' That we ask the leading political journals bf the State to pub lish the same. ' Rey.ishamCoi, ' Tll0S.M. R0iEBTS0N, --. H. W. Drxow, t' 1'.-'- j.j t-i W. A. DuNCAir, Pre. t . tJ , f, , Cane Creck,.2fH C. Pec 25 .88. sHs To the Baptist Ministers In , North , ' Carolina. . As the year is now closing and you are thinking of its labors your mind. perhaps, reviews; the protracted meeting -H by which your church was blessed t and yon think of those yoa baptized at ita close. . Oathis rainy Sunday, as If meditate: on the eauae of God, as committed to thexBaptista of North Carolina the slow, prosress .weV.are ; making, as compared" with w naif we vug ub mi wutv tarQ u um ber Who axe numbered with us, who are doing nothing, I recall the many revivals and the large namber;tap tizedrbf: whok I haveread" ftflhe5 EecoEdkb during the year, and ask tne question, Trnat nave tney aone for Christ , since their baptism T' What 'progress hare they made in thochristian lifil Perhapaewvea- ghths of j them haveiione nothing nee they teame op oat f .tbe.wa-4. terv JSow,: why is ; this brethren f IS it not. beoanse you have instructed them no rarther I Many of you haFB subject of religion or the 4utles of church members since-, Thev Jiave gone as far as they were instructed. When vOtt stotined vonr inatrfictions 'they thought yon were throagh f and astney nave perroTmea an youcaiKea about, they think they arQ throogb? too.i vun sucn ' wor t as tnis, is it strange we have so many members Who seem t regard -baptism as the ikxt'Act tobo performed bvi the he llever. instead of theZxiatttit oc the oath of enlistment as it were for ihelchristian warfare t ; -: ;"x t T t.i " - ! U BUIUO UUD DUUU1U BVUU tt UUU1U1U- ideation; to5 the 'Eecoedee' statlnir that his1 OrPnerpastor has'J hover vial tort Ma r !kAa.t&lrA nA the snbiect of reTitrion slbce mrrbao- tri : .... . w . . - usm now many7 Mfiisters' in- ih atate are there nho eouid not say t I am the person referred tol ? v? 1 1 The object of this iOommanioatloB IS to call your attention to this mat ter. with the. hope that each one who eeis guuij win-, reaoive, tuas jnis ihall no longer be the caseihut l wilt immediately go to work endeavoring tbliavfS.all te confer bf;mAln- Utryfo thyeaVlSTS enter thetyeal ,'79 instructed is to their duty as mem bers bf tfig chnrch.w "What Is netd ed 18' not bo much ;'8ermon8J cm ' the) soDject to" whole congregationtf as private conversation to - suit the in dividual case,? HerensrAprbfitablo limbs, do not neelect the olderh'eerL gllambs'ibanof gTWw without 100a. nor can tne oiaer ones Keen in K WiMUlK VVUIUUVh HIWVUI bUOllT "dany-portion? m im MOr' uecemoer ist ia 7. xrniio n cr, re? Et?r2tjrs cr iceije'rf- litc r 9 , ii fc " ' ? 5 c allad "fa t, h r r . . ty 'c of laws to f j rc t?t KlieeiViCfOjr V -A' to'fcrtbri wo :!!'. LketsVfk there-' the State, as & ttur f ri--t-i- tice and charity; to impress upon the Legislature the necessity of a law for the protection qf '-pow;orpto'kdtik Ifljren,' so that r.' the 'I little means left them by parents shall not ho taken br stolen from them by their? guar dlans,, who ofteh pay them ' tu bank rapt noUoes, Of so arrange their prop ferly, although often living: in luxury and eltratagance,' that it cannot be reached by law- should the1 Orphans6 have Mends land, mean4 to contend; for '.their honest i doca ; and, rights. Make iw genttemeni an offenoe, pon"; 8babiei with' fine and imprisonment uiownvasenononeyjana proper ix. f-,hia wards, ands thereHJwiU not be so many crushed and vbrokeQ-hearted bphans . dependent npon the cold1' harities;o'thworld;Who: thaX the State does notaffordthea protect, tiont nd that every one ia his or her enemy,' endeavoring toverusa them1 because theY hive l)een, robbed bV those;Wh9 8houl4jiobk aiter their in-r eresia.r.Hi fcs , i : rxaavnT iai I .Again, let the la w require that aTF Siatttrektoirnardiaht) (e pignedIh thej presence- of vumpeieut anu UKUUierewxi. wjuiinhh es, the said witnesses to attach their Owne signatnreat ia the proper place apoD the bwnav and saia bon mied with aud recorded In the pf?tce of the uugt; of f jroMajdH .ott uiOj wuntjf here the ward. reeides who shall bet required also to see that the" security 1 xue necessiiy osneviauexiawwiu be . apparent when t I- stata - that -ft young; i lady in one of the- eastern eouhtiesr lest omo fifteen J thousand dollaraVteft ; her by her parents, and is unable to recover one cent because the bond given by her guardian wav f destroyed' by fire, with the court house, and no one could remember the names of the sureties - to the bond. Tours, truly, - t Wru. i Wilmington, if. C.i Jan. 4. ' i,Y NEWS FROM THE CHURCHES. 3 ! i hi iji.i i.i hi' ' '..mi I i" ' mi ui ,.i that the churbh follow hinx with her prayers, and -the above, acUon- pej putuisnea in tne jsEqovai) xirt. I - Ear. A; e; Bennett, itodf Bj. Bi Gaddy Clerk. . O'fM j Bro. Austin will enter Wake For est Ctollegetotomjughly- fitthimself for the work to whichhVis calledV He has beeti.bdr Bible 01888 teacher for more than a yettrj discharging the tduties of bis position faithfully and efficiently. , , We shall miss, him. Badly iVevery Christian dTity'aud'givehiin btfrelnctantiyi-lrat; praythit peannly. Father tn ealling-him to a ore,xtesdfd field; JfiUbjendawhin tfca doubleijort4oact1H48-Spirit ind enable, hlm to. gather sheaye tdtut faM ' bv the 1 tima; liis'r work la eBdalPrhefewillb6a fclarilWbuil bhurch few can fill when hd haasosqu but from us f batwfrgiyeim to the tienaMnatibriwe loveso'wll.jand Mr ttvorite : brother - ifr' Uhrlsti Cl hsarta of hia friends and this e&ureis UrheJiaa.0 eemiesre will ? bo mere than thankful. Toitrs,in,Clirlst:,un' : "I bee ,b!uvy a ut wK. a ,;'... , 'I l mi .. ... Erlgg lthnA. lai , 'ai.! li'miJ JIaoh... f 1 00 1 8 00 $ S p0 115,00 t2& 00 do. -S 00 8 00 15 OO 25 00 40 00 -8 00 8 00 .20 00 85 00 60 00- -r.-dor. ilOOO 28 00 45 00 CO 00 ecd'om 8, 00 15 00 87 00 o oo sioo : do 10 00 27 00 60 00 100 00 1Z0 Oo do 16 00 50 00100 00 175 00 300 00 a Special yotioes chjgged 20 oacts a has a Qbiburtef sixty; worflt, long, srs lafarUd free of ehuge. - Whes they exceed this lssgth i qgfjgejt forff8fih word, mnrt be rmirt is rooster with his first spurs. I believe " jiSaU Ctoand shall always Jry.tokeepon good terns, with him.. To one" so young In the ministry this1 ffitu aAappreciatioriOf his laboraM Illy 'toeouragifig.' " lfav T never! Ore inwerthyiof their esteem and enevolence. JXow? it nerves a,, naa. v Itbr'to'hls duty to know that his peb- It ia not the fac ihat'a 'man lias1 riches thaMeeps-hi&i-ren4he king dom of. heaven, . bat the fact that s Wtir It W tt,'ITI " TiA - ' i y i. iii.i mmwm . v dl . .VWVff.l. edl 'to VB&J-M -We have just closed a meeting at nlphur Spring, Surry county. ; JBro. Vlpperman had been .preaching' sev: Cedar Branch. . ,., F As good news from this part of the State is always relished by the well wishers of oarZion. I take this priv ilege to chronicle the happy saeeting through which fioae of x$ hare josi passed. ' About, two weeks ago Eev. W. U. Kjiighc and myself coromenoed a meeting at Cedar Branch church. one mile and ft hali from Jamesvillev Tle, brethren jandsiatera had tbeen praying for a revival vox religion in their ;mtdfit ' for 'Some tim&v Bro.' Knighf f their , pastor, kept, telling tnem tney were not ready lor, the meeting yet. So when it began every thing' seemed to be ripe for it." "Bro.' Barbee. their much esteemed , pastor in other , years, came over the river and. spent a few! days and nights with as,- to the gratifleation of ail.: Bro.! Powell Was also with' us some of the time and seemed to be 'unusu-. allyamprossed, jodgingfrom some of his tftllUU .' Jl ' ''tit-M visU r I The meeting lftBted;twwe1tft? bo5jhade brigh professions of WtoWFW ft numoexi when the meeting closed anxiooatyn enoQBimr the- wan of eternal - lifal' :Tiefpeopl ch(rcht4yeiribfe meeting am.toiotnaiTeryioaen during the night services at least l()?eople had stahC biitldbdra4 Wohldlfau down on their knees, and ask their neighbors to pray for them, 1 as they would makfrtheir way-home. aaie.couatrj m immediate. o tton lsfflii npffi'foreighersOW orotner tells me that he was bom in England, ' had traveled 1 thronffh a part of China and other doniinionflC Borne, j or tha peoplaciiaraiy know what they do believe when they are inverted. TheMijodjyBm- oer or yuakerf ju .jipns round, about. Our baptizing came off last naay-mormng.-xf rwiiiing: souis were ouneu oeneaui me suenc wa ter in the 'preseneo of onambng- the largest con ere gatiOTSeverkwiwni tb assemble on such an :eecasio in ekoressed themselves as beina- favor: ply' impre&sed wh the itom&ffe tried at the water's edge to give the Seople the Bible iJflewJ bf haptlsmT and persuaded -them to be Bible Christians. Onawaarestorexi toth fellowship of the chorc,b,, and -three JQlneo; by , letter 6 while the meeting. was in progress, making ;in all.22, additions to the church. It has been mf happy privilege sihee my ordinal tioh last June to baptize 62 pefsoha!' Some of themv are very; influential ladies aud gentlemen in ! their ' community.- While I live' will! praise s a 'mara a . . t . . 40if . OffO - era! days, and oh Wednesday (18th) I ihad; the' pleasure- f umtlri my- Weak effort witiihini,otwithfltand fng the. jnclemency,, of .the .weather, we had; m 'gpoQi congregation ( both day 'and night 4 Our labors were crowned with rich bleeaingB. -Many seemed deeply coneemed. mx pert Sous were enabled to , exercise faith in Christ, five of whom foHowedl Him in baptism; The baptismal scene was beautiful, and attended " with' good order.- a "War closed on. Friday, 2 And left ai; themembers wiUitheirrpaar tor J. ,H. Yippermani - alive to the great work before them,,' Ttf ay It be onr happy lot sobn to meet Wiftt the pastors and members of neighboring' churches and find them as we Sound those of Sulphur Spring, 'Doing what their hands find to do with their might" . . W.Au Simmons, : pec. 26A, 1878. . FsrmlnxtOB Church. MBbrojnittee, m lie. ;set Apsrtfore toalstry; ear tUcordett.:! ..u vs j.aii 1 At ft meeting or the church at this Place, Ion the 3rd Sabbath" in this i month, It was moved that Brol; unsearchable riches of our Saviour's gospel. -' Bro, Gaddy id seconding the motion said he h ad known Bro. AuT tin well and intimately - for 5 years;" and , n .his walk aadi lUa he JtAd been.aibrisht.and.stlciasJihL a .of rare piety, ,heart J .iled with Christian lore, ft head at rays devising plans to. frtrther.oar Waster's causeL Ue, loved .Udinnor only as a ChristUn. ' trcthir bat s a Wara.' pure IHend. who" wofeld HrV itaexuse ne. cpcasea rus time ana , 1 .a uiuvj .ui . v iUwt a CLjsentins vcice, with tta additica i ATalatemeeUng of the church at Eaton's, Davie county, O.; thirty nine members Were dismissed by let let ifi' order to forni.k new chhrch at armington.". ' " 't ": : InJcompliance with a call from the members so dismissed, a presbytery composed of Elders K. w. tjrews and M. Baldwin met at Union Academy, near Farmington, on the 29th of De cember, 1878, and after the adoption of Articles of Faith, a Church Cove nant, and a constitution by the breth renu bonstiruted them into a regular Baptist church, to bo knowne as the " Farmington JBaptist ehnrch."; ; . J The brethren compriajn ther new church are a working people, having tbe.ability together with the will, and we predictLgcod rultaironxthe or ganization. - tion the brethren elected their dea cons and clerk, a board , of trustees, . Kni14?ni nnm nt 1 1 taa an A a iianM mang tneflrst mniodushoMo pt worlp amungiou Javj- ptvpotie 10 com- niCT(jeJWdin andpnsh It to completion. .The new churchfwilVW !grtF conyeMepce tb jkn8lderalSle'po Wei memberBMrflat Eaton's.' and en- largethe:"fieidtot&t and: Utso.1" tid iL'Bi&rxit w TJnln Keetlkg ef Etent A4Settla.- On account of inclement weather. .the lastTJnion Meethnrof the East- uroifi' wasawifriift faiiurer" jno siness was "done Friday. -Afew ithmi finet an-Satarday and-or- for the ehaUiBi' jczts Tho ofher worftreelaeted; t dndav School addresses were delivered Son- day morning; and" Elder Stalling pMachbd aexceUenrmonEld.' Albrittbn is to Treacbtho- next in- trcaluotofyi aernton.' WOiejoioei to thow that falling- Ureeic vchorch is biagweluOar brethrea therehavo rtoeatly buUtasc house, of wor shtpaud have a large stove for. corn-. IfOijfcsviTkiy aye ,t fna;i today . Sbhookarmto lTpeacon John &ood, Jr, 8lame4aVoiu oodl,n4 Moses Bntfc areeeded ,aU over the JantL each 'other to duty ' - J The next place of meeting win be designated hy thoExtive Ooa ; i I thought ay overcoat was a rj)odoBe,butrpeopuai artdlrom mev and as, a. cc I nhnr T am now aitlcte AinAxtKtA f tnosiifin a uraau newueaver oTercuaw k i - i - . a.- - - '- , a ana now, tney, saew x was4 uttfia? 1 .tameoTeocMtc tellWirtt J have c4 ttcf irpif Moii can't uciu lu ruu u v iMviiu. imvs poctet wit-ouTJ-puiimg;- oursruew' hani dkert-f j "anor rTfttaaYw r "Tjcsoaafcsiriwa f f-yrKtt rantt and Ujiatdi-eak t3 1 cant-uiS tet teiaTCoh wiKftS';"ar"'-riSf 4f VfcsJif?i;t.:'t3B'r.3 txf ordv tii xrsO iLbcd Lia aryoca3 1 I iMmhertnti. N. tl. ol J9Usqmo9 6t sw ,etW 9 a! lo lATsaa Riill?-??!" a 11 jpt isd HP inortaatHeetIiig,7 ""y"' Lire ji ni aicJ.nn 5?npSflMlfp,ij TTner win bs very impdnsnf meeting of lltfthltiATtr.TWbWEtlt.Uiai I 05j Sfcii fc-S 'spers for Sunday SchooLv.oijft&oa man izBviithexnBaDtist SuncUv Schools. lUvf hm(fafBtor with!" wty tatowm mr hewheCier'we will br J! aai' IlhW Wgfti Uww raattwiUiiki bwa vrsaM-of lont7;sndldinMwi itsgeaersV. spptkranoa.iIt i rbuha t .Cfc, -ytetjdy, at s eost of .68 oU pw.oop jn clul ef ten or zooro ; Semimonthly fix' cost of, SS'eenttm'ienU'e fp klsd Monthly? ed1fiofil&&'4 exbaidWgi fyaftnetiirs.Th weMy4ftvl senif-mbift&rye ditians - oomtain vlh; fotcMatlona JBanszw School LessouB ,wifplndi4 ewpofoni fl The BemjieqcJitr,, published it 'Fhua' . aelphia, is a nioat ,. ezoeuent paper for (each- -era. fiTfiry 'Biptkt1 Sufid-y BdnoolGw6rket 'a honld have iis ft oosia"? 'snUper knigis aopywso4attia'inlMrof mo Philadalphii, at 1115 per, year. v A most ia-,,, WlnW EttaWsf Cadi Keassat jdi )o j 8taaltiiaw'ytife"floncai wiataB avvaings aolL -f Oim Try good wy W . , make them pleasant is by reading altud. We " adtiw you to try It Seied somsgoodpoiat or pioM rnm tha astmpaper; or tak a poem . .. of Longfellow. Tens json, or. Whittier 'onsof ' , the shorter andiaore lively ones at first (am, for exampltt, Jjeogfollow's M Wrack of tha , HespemsV' or Whittier's 'Snow Boand" (vhioh is not so very short, to be sore, bat roa can read part of it). Let the oldest t brother or ' aister read it alood, J juat' as well at It, caa .be- dona. Then, yon, oan talk.V about 1 in various ways. Suppose that you hats teat Tbs Wrack of XLaptrus; 1st thafw, little brother or aister s tell ,tha story of hs ; wreck. Then the father or mother can ex- plain abont sMpa'bow ianaVJwhars'ttey sraiii bnUV their, nsa in ownmsres, warf exptorstiott, . a &a Find oat about the differ ear kinds of veesels-iahipB, birfbile,ashoi4BloopBVi!J iov (Tas unabrtogevj J,?ictionry win e;p yon ht tbisV Let the littl folks draw picturea of ' fawsjMaisjsjsai' saay ISW TllTrllTPnsT west down tha tO DO done Ufeiof 4a0y aawsjSwfc atsft MoaiaaipB, auppins. oommeroe.aaawxwsas, maybe madS varj at the. seaside, ot when tou veRylnMy'eenAna .fnTftfta J"lSaMa lo aabedao4 have begom. to- thiaki; pose Voa trr something and write a -the xmjkAMoUirft' di baa ebies yliara:r.'i t .insayenaratTBBa oibjhmmm. u w,oir.Kn unn upo , wwnui 'ICUMi AUS MMBPJISiH V SJW RUWJWVS MfHWI above? or fcl connection Srita it,- n jhw ttS yeinat lgftewiSefftfaa ol with tha Saaisj fidSPw. Jeesonsi g6gveo 10 fMr iftry no aJ - T1 A. At..X 11 .Va flwiepolspa la&iI hW way Wy hnportint KkUcaf '6 win be obtained ia soeh a way as to bslafarvi fating as well as Improving, T think it woold bi wise to go even farther. Why not have 7tgtiiwa-;n the: and dtyr "'"tt onf every weak, or lisenKfpoiBta of genaraT interest ?. Use th the money Jon Wow aW'foourt da bny&g4&t1&& aialfytbayjaaaeQUec SiitiXerofeaMiaiJ -nT. 'Q,vVv-.vjf,': iftMfr'jv.vui sdl Good Beading Hatter. . ; i. " Ilfr'' Tin: fa another article X hare hinted ai s gooa. manner, In which oar jonng zolks may spend heir eyealaga 'profitably. 'r is soofien that Va irao are younger! wa&la njanT. mioy pro-' eipos momenta and even hoars at , a time , In. , ithutg.that to not exactly right, and thus l . retoonmead-sopoe Bood jreidjng matter for always toatady onr oonaay eoaoot leaaons, . yhasyry shanliyj tte kwdugpanam. bed at Et. Lotiis. Mo at a cost ol , pernnwfaaerwithjb i - .. ar eontiaBpf Wfl jaffJSSdWlSW ana mHters g qt5Spij APd, t J7a- asAoaoCte .as to stava ji JTatf-cnall Dr . JSrtfTTX ho;.Iiv C. K sva sou or iae?vi 1. TJsi eyhwfj isCpf.it9 vkvx J hirr nK'. i

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