- J 4 - ft tit OA L V - K &CORDER? $rA S J.il r IV . td -7tT.-7. j .no .-rj g i 1 ii r 'i 1 r ' n r JnJ;" lo eo;?-i sil oi sLi hioI fril .asTS-jd -JUr fJ firwaa s?9t?9-J w baa EttWADs,.BiuuanroN ago. -cJfii ,wa4d 'T3rr rCV-al lo vsh 0'rJif FayatteVflle 8trtt;'t)iyotoU'i. on copy, fl wraths, ?.! r f MrJi, J-5 CiHHsf c.i5!,. v.-iufy j ' wr v.: ri'm $wft ftrtfr "!!? j " ;2't -vs.? vRaMttac Tnust b7 strati byy&egiatored: Ier, Poto$H-Otder,!.-ExpeM r Draft, ravabUtilth6 order of the Pubhatora. : J UtW.nl I ) '.V .rta x,dJ f V;-r; 'i Hnq JU-i ' -r--O r 4 ! i ) J- Jatf lT1! jJii;i V.-.'.-.- 'X'i TT-S5"3 " ' SjLDTUiTISim SATES. J 3 hfe -ovl b( J;-.tAVd 1 fete RfAKkU:;;" Efv'd vrJlk) rarfefe : CONTRIBUTIONS- For Ut4J5wccdr. ; CUKISTUMIX AND : lrJilNL'TOC i - jiit-.T.'i :J W lu 8tu4j'i biatofir. otthecien'ce t liDgoai, the'qioves gato ii apt tc be sttack3riththtf aooxnaloAdipo sitiou occapied by some of the greaU est oE Uie noieataand eapeclAlly by riato AfistotTeBd'JaBu8Car. X .AVhile-PUto; engestsr ;:thatatbe GreeI;s;:ilgq,t":Jiav0 ro5eive5i their were -older tban th-Greekg,u and while he -erea . points 0t thafi two Greek V nis' fot 'Jfi rjreaer1 aid" rfop are the same . as'.tUja ,Efajry gian, 4til Hd: lit .accQau.tilciuttie -Jtritoiig phenomeaoD of identity ot JFordJyk Bappowiig;thAtheGfeeka,4)Ofroed Ihtie words from, the JEhrygiatkrJan- .'Aristotlef hiiq8e!f,MjM'?tet5pf all the learning tf bis own' dayjaiffd even bqw, tbe teacber of dot. iae-' est and Labiqt'. A"6b,vaf)r6bably tba most . qonoprebensiy e... intellect that em -.lived, seenia to have had co idea tbat hnman speech ooald be" reduced to law and order.4 Aristotle's Jietorfc labd 'to 'dayonfessdiy the Hues; ea"UlBpyo4:vle;;;8i!bjet. Bi Poetics, followed, by Horace in the Arg'iPoeik&i is ithB' Wgbest au thority5 rextant. Mri?he domain-' of Metaphysics ;itis'at,bnrsb4ok Q tbiuk how JittleVbaa. beep, added to what imi-Jett u&The :scinceT of Xjogia ia dimes fe "' precisely where he f c ft; i r, exeept as:te trie "mere itail 5Tei.:lje never learned ttt there wa fl-jb e? f iaO all .siGi W: ti buatentiiiui raoil wJaid ) . ".;.' j ;--'; ! " ' r.'"'- ':.'. :.r'f O: 'QrUri-obNdrffiaroiin I'll;-'.'.' -c 1 -V3- S ! III for be Tiever- heard ; oftbe- brotber- bood of, man, and tbat stnpid word ribairian,'' was safietjel Jto iecIoul eveu his clear intellect. r -a ti i Mm Uaesar was' a carefol st dent cf .a'bguae, and la to tbistifiy, one -o out very oeat T modeU 'o 6tjie7 p'arlBg. the Gallic wirj,'; cam posed- a woi k eu Latin Gram mar, and dedicated" it ;: to -i Gicero. Oae cf bis favorite; plana'watq foa iiJ a Greek- and" Latin Library'lat Iiujfee,,atd be offered' the position cf LsbiaTi au to Varro the ablest scholar of1 bUtayj'ibongb. Varro- badfoaght agaiu'srhftn in the war with PompeT- Amj jk, Caesir, th'otigh be f6ngot the GauJd nd Gvrmaus and "w'roto itrHifctbc .manaer8 customs IKa-ssfems bovx" t bare discovered- eimiiaitty oetwcen mtia an i live, :y From him. thron gh. bim and in him la-all, tbe material as well aa jthe ,piritual-all tbat ;.we. know, 'and that re know not yet foe were ia mucn-co aov iaar is yecn dottek!Li t Wbatna l coatrastl. The tfflidJy spirittii flarraw, selfisbv et elusive : the Christian bpirit is broad; : free, expansireL) ) MThej&rst jnaa is of tkeeaxtb, ear tbylhoHOther breathes' theflpiri of 'ttUe. &econdi man, the IjordicXnvseaveiLf c Heathenism couldLDDft evolre a . science of lan 'gnage becapsft the spiritjvaA want . (iogj attolongm thatl narrow, bigot ed and "barbarian'; remained Uajthe vocabnlary-of- philosopher ittnd :tf pjeaeanVno.ancbadieiioe conld exist That grand word tlbntranityn.fliaa aa- iMIlliECU!!lULM': jOreek'Vncc i$Qtqu before ttuo kUTCQV :of OhrigWlt ib noty- t'QeDr-witboQt I valid rtaboa that weboId; with that ! profound Philologist, Max Muller, inaiine true Degmmng 01 xne acienee of laatati aaten 'from the'daf of iPfatebost? I io-Aai bin ad: Ou'potton tbat the gene nee' of laocruagtii is a Cbristian sclencey is strongly ftrtifidd by th Tact taaC, !eteri-atabic present day, the transla tions of the' Lord's' Prayer; and of the Bible, and Darts of the Bible. into- various languages of theartb, forriiffb the COibparative Philbldl8t ' with bid rirtt Vblttablef ind reliable' cnaterialS. For raatanw, in 1548 tbe Eofd'SlPraer wipbli3hed in fonr tlrtf 3laaage ByaBibirander f- fit iK39l.? lb 'twentvix lanertia2res.''bv iRdma;.tna50 In forty, and in Tfa x&Qfiabof &f laxigaags into "wbridi- tbTBible baa teeti trau slated is now rabwag into lidndreds, and still tbe wdrirgoaB'ion.-' The-impulse, and tbepTaedeal interest whioh this de- murtmeat ef - Christian labor has giTeH, auI is stilt giving to tbe study of labgaage; can scarcely . be over- estimated. 'i-'' "'-' : : God is determined to honor his Wdfd;-!aticl seems to1 have decreed, that mien "tbe infidel 'scholar Bboald not be allowed utterly to Ignore the word. No student of - the history 6i lingnistio science can advance at all, without taking -account of the in flaenceoX thepbrietian seligion, and of the Bible, upon the origin, founda tion and progress of tbe science of &nkTative Philology:' : ' M jui-.o null . fcrj 4Jri3-.' tieep' seas, - was composed of Tiviog bioplasts, and that it "was In the past; and would be iu tbe future the progenitor of all life on 'the planet iThls wonderful substance ha called. lSatbybbi8,from two: Greek. words meaning dcepin& life. -Ac-i o.; ? , i ' A ship was equipped and sent out to gather this "Deep-life lor analy sis. Under- tbe microscope", ii", was found to be, simply Sulphate of lime, iwhicb,'. whjen "dissolved, " crystallized into Gypsna.. ., ..t , , , ; i;Mr; Huxley, thus driven to the wall, frankly acknowledged his error, and spoiled a book, which one 'of his ;iaiitatorshadwrittenadvoca tinfe tba vv e are Tenumiea ot tne oki coioreu fe hord t bim B any eimiiaitty oetween mtm an1 ..(A cimiiNnn aciiiccn nitltl HQ Guttiic,' Ihough tbe two languages are as .tuueu,anko as are Litm and. Greeks How could be fail to notice he simHarify, fir instance,-ia, -ttie following innectSoDS or the .verb fd .r-aba,;,ii r;i7,I have, . HrtaiSj ; h ; Thou hast, 1 ! :r.;Habaip, He has,, ,?fL ii ;, H&bwp, .Tjtji-lpa.hayev.t Lathi. . llabeu, .;. , tllabfeti: : .HabeUfi, . ' lSCt)ES CE AND KELTWION.-II. J ' The;Darwjn family anpear to have otigiriated this "moderu tUeory of Evolution. 'Carlyle 'says 'of them ; ftbo-'(Jalled literafy 'closes W Eng.1 land noW proudly give themselves to' protoplasm,-origi.n of species, and tbe like, to prove that, God did not build the universe-.-1- have known three-fgeaerations of the Darwins, HtbeiiV: .', :' -.Habaat, - rJhej jiavo., grandfather, father and son atheists '"We eau'aeccuh t for such at ovtrt all vi'-lbe bratbeci of the present la sliibf. only otf tbs siiPboSitibni that mous natoraUstfwlu lives neai here, . " . ' 7': ... 1 ... "1 . - , t I a. 1 J Ji.il tho clear yi-sious ; or., tne v'roremost ioi me roatamong nis granmatHers maaffJb'tiai8wQrld7 ivaT41n'm'ea ffts hejound aseaiftngravted-with bv.thatatsnid.ternrtarbariaD.,,f!. mermfkmcottmT -''TRrf "middle 'wall n of Dartitiou be thing from-a, damhul)..:jA'.ood fiftieb bfeek' and-; barlferldn1 bad td sort p..man )s this Darwin, aod well conld be fodnd for 'our .piencei of I lect.?.f:; ?a jjay -j m9ii fr!. jf LaiiEkn-B Iiet Ciiirwtian mao study-sr-epeto rfmeii fby trial of thejconspirators :Tet bina see bow com rJlefely rtie'feiigrfty intellect tof Cqear viZ8,,bUMed bythe Qod of MM Korij a8cf iet;nim compare the spirit of such a man"with 'wti'M ie (Jhriian:pbirOi!opber, AiDutna Mag nus.wbb1 Wrote tcGed baStrtreiHto ' man bis' spfnfrand'wfth it alsdltttel le'ctithat" maB..;nMgh$, -'nsAX0 jAntLiUQdJAr Muown Jtn suite ot CbrlTleVopuuoD. flow; rervwarwin Ut pretty-peuejaUy ooa ever, WteU ued ft treat taan, lie is certain-: ly'mbre'" careful' and 'honest iu "his etatemeuta f than sre- Ty odail aikd Huxley, bo bavfentried to-' confirm' theiroaiatioa"c to tbe : mQBirey Dy. opting Jus.. opinions.'T They, have sa misappbeatbA barm OJarwiniantbat Darwiabimaeifjcan no longer .claim it. .. . .e'.8 Sometime aero I saw Dosted on the alfjof a store-a large" advertisement dt Moe J aaked hghtal t old r ;deaeeo.-rSoilght down, dar, my jbradderv and thoi4iryowfpftace. , A;: few questions 4ike r dat would troy all tbeorgy-'" Tyndall.does not stop to inquire, who made; tbat nery cloud f -! ; . Still there is a notion prevalent that it is the' height Of presumption to call In question the assertions of these wise scientists.1 Wbo are you, It is asked,' fthat you "should criticise the opinions of a man who has spent his whole life investigating such i subjects I" - ww iz you can jtellthe distance to the moon, and show us bow you measure it, our hat jispJaV and we believe yon J but when jyou begin to praise the beanty of the :"man in the moon." and his family, 'please excuse us, if we look Incredu lous and smile, and the wiser you look the looder well smile. - Tbe JBibl hu nothiog to fear from ; Science. " " Oars Is tbe God ' Doth of ff;'!!,il,ir.','.::i;:"! "iv'i t Nature and Kevelation. Kightlyin derstood, tbey cannot conatct. And when a theory is advanced which contradicts the Bible, jast: wait awhilej and it wilt give place to an- other. Qeolosy wasonceabngbeai to Christians. Mr. Gook says a book of Geology is scarcely out or print before it is out of date. It makes us who studied it sometime ago afraid to air our learning. Not long since the corpuscular theory of. light was taught. Now we have the un derlatory or vibratory theory. We mean no disparagement- to science. Its facts and fixed laws remain ever the same, New discoveries require new theories. What we wish to show is that Ubristians need not be alarm-' eel by oer aelentiris - fa eori which appear to conflict -with God's Word. at stood, lor eighteen centuries, tbe en mity of men and Devils, and has re mained the same, while - continents and empires have changed, can tnrn aside any Bhaft of infidelity. Scien tists as well try to batter down Gib raltar with pop-guns, as to attempt its overthrow. f . ' Wemay thank Tyndall and Huxley for their tcientifie discoveries, : and laugh at their wild . speculations. Hannibal found his army one night surrounded by the enemy. Never at a loss for a strategem he caught a thousand oxen, tied straw to their horns, and,i having set it oa: fire, turned them loose upon tbe enemy's lines. The advanced guard, were so bewildered by thU; fiery jbost charg ing upon them, . tbat they fled in cou fajiim.. rl mra , Hannibal r time to lead out hisarray... Had Uieylooked oply atthe oxen,, taey.,,miebt have been simply amused at tbeijr, burning head-dreasea r .And so wUh the unnstian soldier. Infidels have tied their . speculations Lo some, solid facts,.aud set on fire Jnlh hatred of, God, they have been urned loose nboa the Christian ar my.' Iet each soldiet look only1 at the If facjs. ;tRie "A splulations1 wjll Boott lbiurn off. and leave thetf harm'- Receiver of stolen goods is asad as' Ehe' thief. ,JaJI ''' " s f If llquof sellers sfoteHheir liquors hen theremight be some reason fot ; coming to such a conelnsion, but, as a genea .rule, . they buy . them, and jhence the inference, is '.unfair and it-" logical . N r . . ' Meff do'not buy and sell liquor for one and the' same'purpdse.' " A man iwho'buya to sell again, does ;so fof. Wain, and fof that gain he is willing 6 see want, wretebodness and evils w !-'... 'ah ...-...-. a f- . n. . - . . l r all sorts flooding trie iana, ana ic s otten the case tnac rnis noou caches a little further than be means Xa..hei& reach. There la a just' retribotion sometimes -i, that recoils on- tbe- evil doers bead.. for no? .man 4 IcaneBgage m Aba Hqoor riirBo.with- oati baying bia uaorals, aad ,tl- mor i Llfl ol lls laxnlly Jnlnrei Lyt,.anl , 'the carae which 0od sometimes visits , iupou some men .because of (bis evil , Is fearful The.'Bnyer, who buys for , for his'own use, inay abuse it, or he ; may not. The seller does not trouble . himself 'to findc out' about that, and henoe it is unfair to put tbe buyer and the seller tin the same footing, and make one rvlen apply ;tO:bOth. ri r.tll"-. .-.'t.. v.K i f Dr. Jeter is: usually very clear in hia statements, but be. missed the marfc a long ways this time. j Better . bad. his . arm beeu paralyzed, than that he should have written a word that could give tbe slightest cncour agement to a traffic, which Satan is just now,, by. means of & crank in Dr. Jeter's own State, sending death,' destruction, dishonor, and damnation into every nook and corner thereof. If I could whisper in the ear of the i honorable member from Feairklin, of wbiofa Ox. fntcbard speaka, ! woald say,let tbat cranlc alone-there is dis I . ' J honor and death ia it. Xr. Jeter is a noble man, and, in many respects, a mighty power .for good, but there are spots evea ia tbe, Ban. . . ' - !:!-.( Worn tb Booorder. JtEADIKG HYMNS. ,n The adage says "a cat may look at a king" on the same principle, per haps,' it is allowable ' for one Of the sisters to dissent from the Utterances of the editorial "We. . a i In the article on Keading Hymns'' the Kecokdeb commends tbe sng- gestiori of ft writer who wishes tbe minister simply ' to annoaoee the bvmns witboaC reading said vri(er takiDg cue: t tbe caatom ori etna ted ; years A Bum'",,, when the knowledge of readiner was not so general as now --. , It may be true, that it ia a relio- of tbe period when hymn books and the ability to read them were alike rare, but there mast have been; other; and better reasons for a custom which is so generally practiced by the churches. To me, it seems one of the old ens- we can not afford and ainrv n'f find. And 'r thfne.fit I the healins oil on his bruised Jtnee. of on r retbreu thati -wa Istudy. c .the I abd repeating, with''a Ithbwing 16bk, nafHrHhf erPated thines. In all ot I Wese WOKIS r v"' " ""-t' t.' tM-Wfc-w- 1 ld-jneatJari.tt Kt ktoem)? iurmatiuu vi eicij oiukio uicbiuic, i it iotiows, aon t you see, hot likewise in the , variet v. of differ-1 "... 'Itil BM U ftoM J0J BUB tenVorms- wa:cau,and waongbtttoi iHdortbryoaiftrrae." admiren the majes(Bbwiflaom;4ir 'r:'ax''''jan7r,pieTe -hmapwn uoa." ; . "-t'r ' ri a hori aa.SArongu.as aoes tnaf .mon B9iM qoflB-g'jg U) Mint !: AMZl. T? Al T - .1 iheartha ago, onvey that meaning: to tbe coDgre- I of God's word; they are well en on gb' igation. Ta be, Able to read well, la iao aooomplishuient worth an earnest effort, and nowhere can. it .be more jusefnlly employdi tbanaiikv.tbft puk iL,-,f 4j iwould,-suggest tayoung sniuisiers mat a Kuowieuge oi xie- knOwn throughout oar Stace; as well asotbersi Kfr -5.1 ".limS! 1 . Now jast at the foot, of the moun tains in Wilke county, Is Bro.'E.b5r. Gwyn; the fehrtStlan soldier, the earnest! MefirMrtualM-aanday-acoooi brew and Greek is . not more impor- I worker, tbe Gospel veteran, who is. taut, than the ability to read, their bt "work for Jesus" in the Northern own beautiful, inotber, tongue! .with. I part of therlerXreek'Association texpressionand grace." L, u. u. t. ura jLrwyn is too wen Known lorme "Oxford: N. 0.' " fc.-4 to Speakany wdtd of commendation iu-: awl niiowiaawTiy f Besida ainth6 Vacbs 'ihatThave m ft- trt m ;va V-WVWU, 1 ; j VVnVWATTST'.AtlPT'iTS- " . 1 f-I fvdaKieaii- admisRibre ' under0! jbaW :been i:sent Wme" circumstances fof q a' writer1 tod express bia views anoDymoasit." X E may -or jnsnnauie - soimniine, v . been mentioned tamy three sketch jes and r that have been , supplied, Other "appeals: that np- to wbicbawed could fflotlaasweeltorvwantotfundaJ iBarer reqawats have cpma t ns from Albemarle, N.wton lOonoonl, tVUi Mi nt Graham. ' Qreeneboro,?1and tber important tawnTad. Tillageav an J ilove iibr.tbeiaiaster.'si cause,.- not enough to iostifvtbe church in, xe- !taining,them.;;It is3c'st pf course,! lor tne cnurcu io do pruaenr ana as ilenient as bar good: may dictate, but ino farthet). for: lf mere; personal jconsiderati m 5 influences us; In ; our jdeallngs with such members we will jbe apt toJtinf . and BrIng3jreproach lupon the causes Chnrcbes in a conn-r :try, like ours, would perhaps do well to get rid of ail fiuch.iguorant mem loers:- "jTV i " ; -r V" I ' If it is covetousnesi that keeps .brethren ftom tielping to support the ministry then! (without any .further reflectpp,.tbey, ought, fto be excom jmunicatedr AVbat benefit are they 'to the ehnrcnl none whatever. -They iare- a dead weight. - it 4e- i4rn& to when it'ean beu db4S2'awltliaie4)deri-! bfw refleetfVBsws3 tberbaraoterioI' particular clasros, "r part icnlar In- Uividuala. But auonymousicarping Barcasm and ' ridicule,. especially in religions journal ia harmful 4a ma directions, f When 1 perpetrated n by, hnA . hrothpr , ncrainat &nolbAr. f iL.ia- iuomanly, U3Bchristian4uid cowardly. hile, Jhere are, sq, many things to .1 wouldnot Mketopeea wQpanaa., Pucourage us, there f re also many. to church;. 4Jen ifv ,ri, rih6-torievery jinembei . ..topeajcta ; proportional besides, olacesr in the eoaQtrr j Dart of that 'sQDDort :. and he' who ppiedloujto mention, wMoh,. while JldTO hey have not directly applied for aid: 1 wiab1 toy is s cbW tbat the. cbutch, in rVAafl iamttA J bbaiarafinar' ''Wo' fiVa 1 'intMna ft. tiaraalf. an1 . tm iha natiaa mi uuuipeiicu to ucgiev aii iuobo Ss toe (Want . ota means.., Aua she reoresents. should remove. i- "The church of Christ is the church militant, alie is engaged ib a warfare fwuh Hatan andthft world.- and every Bunoe . a '.masculine iname,r neuina I B,B h w mv?s bu muuuw u i pwiuiciauyum, .w, wwro m which to hurl jayelins at. the chaiao.l toisgmnga with reference to our duty ireadj to do something that will re- ter of good mentor tOhrow dirty p tbui partlcniatpartYOf our worx. i aouncrto the glory or our uaptain. water on theii falr-irarments. to sNow, brethjfen, 4ii believe there is I !But these cbvetoustfarrbw-hearir. makfltHddv headed snetinltf nftmh.". one thing needed ; ana tnac is ior j iieartea memDers-are enemies in our k.n t ,nnif i;NVn.1 the ministers and nrominent lavmen 1 wn famna.rNot havinfl' Arfiamsitinn ner, like Christina of Sweden,trying l18!0.8 totbeir I to supnorjWjUie jnuystry: at? home, from place to place, with short bair, 1 pta arenota reading peopte;nor are I jta BUpport'abroad." Anorteingr thusf '("i.t. M r. "lflnnimhli. I ZDrjT OD .lln UUIBE nann. Jft BeiUBU. UI1 J illiev Uarr DOE lue-HHSBiOnarT HlHrll. iyoung wives with the idea; tbat hus-f j grateful people, hey. need only to jwbicbas ; thejspint jofi ouxaviottr, bands are machines to keep- pnrses flave P"1. pointea xnem to j ana the great mop power py-which well titled, and etttsvagant tastes l tr 1 trT -TTii. grfttifted. --i'" 1 "f ' 1 SATrrir; , raster to coarse! f -Hor' wouio . iiKe.io see a.ofusuau i r. . - . . 1 1 ii mil L 1 "I" .T " - :To ; r teu cnem oar wanes ana neeas i so and let out watchword bey1 "This year,. !Nort h- Oarolma for J esnaJ ' u 111 II slash 811 hia brethren.,, rjht . and tbrn8t ii ISatanis to. beJeonqneredand,.Jhe world eoaVenea to Ood. These "dead ' beads in the church Do Sec'y.B'a Mi83f tue Gospel of jescs cubist HOW JBEUEiVEll AU UUTT to toms which give up; A good hymn, expressing the out pouring of some christian heart in prayer- or thanksgiving; - read 4 not hurriedly, br carelessly; as If f to fill up a gap in the exercises, or to give the choir time ; to select the music, : but slowly; and reverently, and with) proper emphasis, ior ma-no insignifi cant part of church: worship, i Such: a hymn as VJust as I am withoutoae flea.? read Dtoperb. -can iv an. eu quirer after troth .oke as macb aid and left It would be ' unmanly . to i a womatf between himself, and those be nndertakee to hack and excoriate. ' if any one ehoaia 'Wt'$ ma-e an. onslaught on, a brother, :or on brethren, let hinr come out over hi own signatQr and, not screen :himi self behind a feminine name. Let him come out a real man, and not "a iwomahjj 'made but of a:banJ An American divine once 'said; Mifo-': man made out of a woman is God's noblest work f tut 'a' -womarf made out of a man" is his meanest. 1 somewhat half way iuctine towards Ihe same opinion.,- i4 u U ,. I most protest against the farther deeeeratioii of the honored uuiies. vfcJnaitb." and "Jonee,? by eocli anoy- mous, censors an aiuo mm . "Smiths" can do as' they please, .but T don't intend that my family name shall any longer be a refuge and shield for every anonymous carper that wishes to satiriEe and lampoon his brethren incognito. 'Nov I mean Gospei .of -Jesus Christ, and.jhe ta i drive them from behind itheir I full Gospel can only be written with are the auihors ot much evil, in tbat, tbery: keep down tbe atanaara ot mm- isterial efficiency : for a failure on 1 ueir arfc aeepzr viow. . .iiviu uouig what, they could otherwise 'do, and lue resaic is, preacaers are compelled to do somethinir else- fora. living be sides; preaohingt and f; thus ' being forced to divide their jenergies they never can become . more . than vent ora)rrtf 'expounders "or the word. The Annstla Paul aavs. in his I th6v cab ceti whether;ood. iad or pSpiStle to the Galatiaus, 1st Chapter I iuderensuits.sach members best, anu'iztn verse, inai no uiu not re-i Tit.,, , - u.. xv. urtJii. ceive i iroiii iuan, uuii xruiu owu Christ I find no Scripture authoriz ing any other.authorily.The question hen 1 arises bow do 'we 'receive it frBmC!tarist: It . oertaialrt U8Ka tbroogh tBeuMkBte , mediwnitkroapih (17? '1 XT. ZION UNION. ssmu ii- fi ll carim inn Tnnnrin irmyfinr. nr The TJnion MeetiDir of the Mt. (Zion. i .Bociatiom jnfc- w th t. to o jBp- tist cnarcn at -jjorbani, pa. Jfnda in Decern t ir,hna liiriii il fil t ii il l a. una - lutuuie uib Jtu ufru a uav in iiecem- made choice , of certain men whom ;he J 5ber; 1878J Elder A. O. DiXon ''pxeach- bas called, not with the natural voice I cd the Introductory Sermon, f from but with the Bptntnat voice, and be 1 Hebrews,,xltb chapter, j and part of it?! masked batteries (if they have- got any shame) and make them ' go forth to 3 battle i under the shield ot their own proper name. ,t t a ,h-msi Admitting that preachers and: others have serious defects, of char acter; I tbbse u defects - will faever be . removed 5lJv"an6nVm6nis0icriticfsUi ; , . . . r r .. - . . ... ,. i . . and abuse- through thef press. ' It a. a;:f . .aM.Aalraw tA !.!. .msifai I Mtt-a. wAa.aA and ibey are made preachers of the pThe congregatiou ,vas , Bmalland out tew cnurcnes tnns lar represent ed owing to the weather being so dis- a spiritual pen ; with spiritual ink in a spiritual heart, to be known and read of : all mem God calls mea to preach the Gospel,- but . there 4s Zno necessitv for a divine call to read the G(wpcZJ,thiS!iicaU be taught by men but man cannot -teach man to preach .the. Gospel of .pur Lord and Saviour ' Jeshs Christ' " Christ is the will4 bntv make! the rf artietf'thuS' I lonlv teacher and .the soiiit the onlv abused TiateS'the abuserf and!(td H;cbaunelr through ,whicb we can be think less Of the toaoer tbkt Publishes ' : t'ddeht ' those blessed truths. Paul me auuBe. - -' i saysi ne was nos maue a minister oi -clSWw.8 if "an vbod vi takes ex$ertiona tfitf lette of the New Teetamerili.bat to this article, "aol iwanU to faic tlrel,of;trje airiTfortaMdettiMkdlUt authoroe may Know who be 11. ana I but'tue SOirtfc t dvetU lllrr. 'Mu.iWvg uyiu iuc bci itwueie wuajnim.' fc5af Jt l f.tctt a;b.;(Toomany,deatb; oo, without hymn-books,- and 'that class could not possibly be benefitted by the; singing of the hymns, unless agreeable.iT,i?0iTi; cot d At 7 oclockv -injthe eveninar. the congregation ana aeiegates, (a lar ger number being: Presentlaffain' as :6embled;:and was entertained by an lniereBiiug sermon - rrjpuiiiiaer Uesse Howellf iromNebemiab, 4th chapter 1 a m Vk . a . latter oiause procn. verse s 4I) or the people bad a mind la work.? a.bi. tuo sciiuvu, JUIUOC ill U VV 11- son was chosen Moderator, and Eevi i.u. ,JUougflej2 ecreUry.iAiCom . a . m3u.ee ? 01, fwajrran gemen ts v )eng -ap pointed, the "XTtiioo, jthen , adjourned 'lyymcciMB ffl mm 11 .00 man v death nilla mren .in l lliloVlnMt uul n mnri nimn .hriMK.. rnis age ) tnat . is 100 m any lettereu i ; w.ee- ioubq j d pe represenjteo, also SlliTJKJI STATB ISSI0,AJfDMlSSI9 :tose death piUSjint tinctiy thatt they usually are in cott-' : hies. . actually administer gigaaon singing Jftimtmi ; - r ; : Or: let nl .,cobJD'a're!: tbo BrjltltC ot a fcv;HevfaankTy.a baa thft tlmroWhlv. storldlv Caesar, with toht tfeftrt ZMebecaUse mahv that maniicBtEd-bjttUB great Kepler, 4 links between the orders bt1 animals - iu ;tha6c8ubUme t prayer f witjuwhtchil nTei8shi1rM1NdJhulnoisTstronfi5er ha-jrfdspsfihifiO fHartaonv f f lbeiHmflits .SrriakrWollnk-i tahd since ! WoHrT :-Thau whtt' bv tttelfsbt bf i fhe'rela'b cbasntbetweeU man f and 1 nature bast kindted fulns'theibng. j the animal klngdomLwh " ing?; after theiligbt'lf tbyglotyf! bridged, Evolution. will never be es thanks to. thee, theater 'and lrd, i tablished. :i JSevex, never, will Chxjs- thae thmKiIette8tf maf rejotee: itf thy tiansireeeive it;r until it is proved -worWrt'w:,-2?l -vtsd n'nui - that God di6Vhol create man 1 iniHis T,o f havW donffe eWorK8r6f nrv ! owh imae&' In the:lmage of God iifA wit h ! tfcWferffcLtMliilhkltil creAtedHe htm must firet be Wotted -.whichrtbcu.hast,venwrtiiaiejir ' corded to - men ? hee : feiory of ; thy ' tosay the-theory 1 is: taught in tome "xtotkW.1As far 'ferot t'ffliBcoUld 1f -onriAmericaooHBgesw'r-3T7H : SrconaPRrwftffi'awiefo rVftrcIi as I Vfinti'bfitweeu I thd Tads tit science and -.far'asXcoukVitb tfaBjbletra - f ulnessVilf I, twoim befbre.tbioe ' prove, the' wild epecalaiions of infidel vpJj fid borh 'in ttrtfnonds of siri. acientists Isndall in hiaLaborato "have brbrfglit forth asythiug that IS ry,lnestaonmg Nature byexperiment nnornrthv of th v. ronnSels. lnsntra I and recording her answers, little re me wittlry:'4iirittbkt r may 'correct' semles 'Tyndall-cm the-speakers v. tti IfPby- tbe onaerfaU' toeattty of platform, ; tnakin;;gapeat ? JhU ii . . a. MfnAMnna v n tai .n rwv ttry wotkh;! nave neen ieu luiVjUoia-1 exrxvapvKycooco.-,.!; fM advanceed 1 eenerationia impossible before a iUUhfrwoikfuwhicli wasidesUned to a popular auaience ne asserts mas 1 h i nV rrn d-4 ftAvti hit i m ft tn tkiud- 'Emotion. " Intellect, will,' c. and all !ne"4utcn.aitya66v,bj.-thycrate a theijp.phfmVwf'-P!n? rrVnr. thaf. ;tTiinB ' mav. .be la 1 1 n"a"fierV"". cloud. . A sentence more byslorvlanddhe.WiBlfaTeiof allmea. i wortbl M JunaUo than ; ft pbuosot 'Ti atmoiiiesi 'apd"yeeiitnit'nnderttaSd 1 fn- JSCS Prcft; .Huxley .-'announced lT?a Iinl II .01 rill KT2.r.rj. Vi, t LIQUOR SELLING "When doctors differ j whot shall decide V Eecently two D. D's. have expressed their opinions on. thai li tunG traflbi? .:e.4. if'J ft fi'Df, Jf ntcnara, ia the iuecobtjxb, or Jan. 22adyaaya t 'To licence o by law; the sale- of intoxicating drinks; i8, iu myi judgment,'! a Sin against society; since! if protects-: men ioa business5 which i protects 'crlmey and destroys life -and 1 property by the -wholesale." ati,-.." isiJ uJiw "Dr. Jeter; in the Herald, of Jan. 23d says "'If a i merchant soaells spirits as to meet' thenecessities of his customers, without encouraging their abuse, he confers a public ben , eflt, and Is entitled to thank8.wirs 9 Dr. ; Pritchard utters sentiments which I think every christian man traght to utter, and not only ntter, but maintain and sustain by all the influence that he cao command, h. Dr. Jeter, nnfortnnatelv: nnta hlm self in a i position, to-be misnnder- stood, besides giving the weight of Jnis lnnaence to a, tralno that carries along with it the curse of curses, 'i Can any, man, seu arueuc , spiriis, so as not to encourage its abuse X, Such a tranc i t seems to me, is at variance with . every jrpnncipiej of piety, .ana every precept of " the. Divine word. f liquor te sold at an, in any :way. It will le abused by rsomebody, ,! Tit " Ta.fFei " roocnninff 1afe rtnfnl r -a-r-j v vta, 9- niywsviMis,wiq yuiti hypothetical, his man an ideal man, and. thougu he' search, for'-him, he cannot be found.' God preserve the cixarcnea ana i But the y Eecorder says thero are- very! feWgood readers of poety.,?,- ttow many of our mihistera are goody t.x, correct . readers got the Bible 7 If the fact that many of them cab not perform ceftaim services well,-, is a sufflcientr reason- why ii those Services should ibo . dispensed o with, Ithinki that in two-thirds of the churchea lu tbe : land,, the public reading of the Scriptures would at once cease. . At school our reading teacher often used the Bible aa a text , book for the ad-, yanced classes, and bnis,. criticisms seemed to. us. then almost' merciless. JBnt l have Since , been convinced of lueir justice on nearmg some oi our youthful blunders repeated' in the pulpit, One passage be' -seeuied to nse hAsi au klndiof shibboleth with which toietrmme,iho siull'oi the ne Wigurls in elocntion It dwaa .the reply of the centurion, ta the Savior, Dut-8peatc ; the wordV only, and my servant snail pe beaied," v Almost invariably.-, they, placed the -accent on ?onlf as if i the word .yonlM like tne U!vupen;oesame i", ofr "Arabian Sights" , possessed, a. magiovirtue, vhlAh , An ltt .h.inf . n n n n n n 1 wnnin pftpnr an insl-it.nEi.nra . Koma bthers. besides school-girls read even that simple .passage.wrong. srHjiifiw oi 3 t&WltMQQdjr&AiX ' I i i .a ' - .. r t Tygiuitt.iJi ..,.!. . .. , . , a aiii gaarn seeu-aome oi 'no preacneri.ir vmct Ifi ' tftfst !fl Ftatha EMordsiht iWOSftOUia'ea lUtotnepuipi.ana u:r iueui to ineir suck their spiritual Urk'mitl ofiilhotni.and' tbattiditi fA : want of i i betterH medirins. n Bnrelv- the dBUi? Where wfibd'firo fL? tho8e(Vministers Jtofgfy .God.jWheu J! (Uiilon OoliTentionsaihan WeTiave A. Brbwri, laboring adbleii itWriseW t'oWas takeUa up and .Tuicusa! m ui9-quiet,-nioueHt, ye' vueutuaf acnonnce tueir tezc ana cfFronf thefMtL Zrotf oSMiAtloa we ; take"ra 'Oflh-westerix1 directibb fO f the, following visitors, Elders JS wghtantt'oressbTLriai;lffilIs. lixae committee: of L Arrangements I'rAnortad .Mia anhionta an ine jJBcgspEB, or uecember. lltb xue ecuouu Buoiect : ne aannath School WOrk--Staf e ioan'dv 'ftrintitv then take" way; to' bt inBi oners to 'Jestra; ills r another Book and cover the face of special field is Winstbhy in FOTsytbr 1 GodV Word -and Breach the letter countyv! In the messocIatton:lS j in8teaauor'th'a "spirit "(preacb from Bra) Wop?8f irontamerfpreaehtn rtheir own book instead ot the Bible. the unsearchable riches ct Cariat at ; Oh, how it kUls. r Christ nor his Sharon , charch.;0. AJlt': thxengbi thia j Apostles never gaxans that example. the 'world ;.fr6ni each public ;benefactors. :iDrv Jeter also tes tbe question when be says tbe Jsayer. n 3 culpable ,as the seller, fciiftaltfatlia pricciplahat thj ed thoroughly y Elders Aj C. Dir on, J. S. Purefoy. Professor L. Mills wand? othersiThe;j,folWw- ing;TeaoltftiOfts,i;wblcIiwere 'Unant mnaair adoritedj was the tenor of thtv dwasioaveamloafff Of at mi Ketolved. That in. tha onininn seqUop fBaptist .prinoiriara,- aajl -.Theii .who started it I (Well I reckon I &U Union Meeting, each denoteinaV low ebbjspc; aa far ilflwn Wmmn j fJheiJDehoaghi: q pe "asucoess- i t!e cabndt will do ' its fSabbatti oayt " wy w?.uoy!fBwj 1 m1 t".'1 lu fMiuw Bpir4iuaipoweriu.il oouooi jxora y more-'saiisiacstorriv even D-UUbpro,-there .lam w and, puccessfolly .without, thafc with i,uwMtti,Ha. wusuvw,jsujjpu cnurcnes. woo are. so yoionunate as atate ana.Uounty (Union) Sabbath gospelpreachlng atonce.,ff ,vU, VjJ ; nW paa6rlMnii0t, preacli1 IScbobtCohventions; d:jn:.theSptttXad.ihj8w ; without; having-their own book or ! i feThalf ine 'opmion J. B.. BOOIIB eamestlv at work at' unrinr hfor4i thprrt. -if 1 ht&'haira' a. mbaHhtrlanvT affMi i.nKAi.l. (ruaw aawMaic. was v wuir UU 'LIlBIIHrL B; IL0" Salisbury. asty hav? been sooften'toldis' onb h.Dldes towns Id the Stats'. 'Bro.tBOoue haa been preaching at thead rt wo'placesi for t wo-Dr more years aad biceffbrta walk therein, and we shall find rest Salisbury aid Stateavnlewo jfreitt; : revival "of.relgiohiilnblbeirt ohurehci i of atha.State Sabbath Scbobl Board. ""1"""' u . v. ovuiD imin m.o.iucBtueoiiuiB jnutwrri ur. uy uerutier oi it m. orfiranize a must conduct it huca many of ounl! Union : State ' Sabbath School inon. cburcbesi areinowi jilmoBt-frozen toj vebtfoit will tujulre its? Work among death , under such preaching. , Let j a large iinmberJ6f oar churches ia us enquire; toriuaoia patus ana , the-tttate.7 ?j TStf4p?i it&pmAcu . .f Tbft fourtli subject The: Missions : of the churches, was ably discussed uy 4iuers j. jurnam, j. o. irareiOy and PiWessorli B; MAlli ? t5 -' f o Owing! to tha Sudden ieatb ofMr. ' Edward 9 Farringtony ; of rc Catham county, a ixical .Methodist nreaehcr. who dropped dead, near the' church door of appoplexy, we had no service Ui-thef aftcrnoonjrtsaiuiis fr.t 7.10'clock. the first anbject was have jbeenpilar fromj frnitlefls.: lAt'.l toour souls. rrJnM.c.HouotaiLW.' Satesvmetheyarebuildingaenurehb Apex, TST.Q.. , t , . , Jf? -3 fiO'J l.flJ Ji I'SJ j What should Tie done with church . members, who can,-but will not do &Acau: Ulnv:s '8jbu, -Cm. . 12 m a llnch,.-: $ 100 $ S 00 S 00 tlS 00 f25 CO '-.Coal' 'IS 00 IS 00 '25 00 40 00 2dor 8 00 8 00 20 00 85 00 50 00 - dr "4 OOf 10 00 -26 00 45 00 60 0O ool'mn -- 6 00 15 00 -87 00 60 00 85 00 J : do v 10 00 27 00 0 00 100 00 170 00 : r. do IS 00' 50 00 100 00 17S 00 300 00 "Special Kotloea charged 20 cents a line. X) Obitoarlefl lixtV words Ion?, sre. inserted free of charge.-"Whea they exceed this length one cent ior each word most' he pud in d morning, and at Al o'clock, instead of a sermonvElder J. S. Purefby took top the, filth subject t;Wake Forest Couege and the Baptists of ; ; JNorth Carolina their mutual dependences aud benefits followed by. Professor , L, R. Millsn the 3rdubject :Min-1 isterial Education, the scriptural andt practical position the, duty of , the churches.- i ri-tzz-1 vi Zsui t- tBoth; wew entertaining i and in- Btructi ve addresses. ; -4 j?:; .v I ? I Though our representation ;were s small, yet, I believe the meeting was pleasant and profitable to all who attended. crA'.ir'oV. I 0 Our Mission 'Committees also met - at the " same' time Jand"place. " The . few chnrcbea .repreaented, sent op for. tbe eapDott of ' tbe Alissionarv Svaa enooaraginer. & He -is coo B-ient; btoreanizine three or four chu rubes. : with .houses of .worship, befr re: the tiext Association. . .1 ... . r !L.' 0.1x)UGiit:: tJlerk'5 Snnaay ScnooIDeDartnient 00SDU0TXD ST JOHN E.'EAY. )C&." Sfe Jfcdon; and Bee. S. S? Board. and where she gave them a x Dxa Baa Bat : I preached in teeh Point ' f ahnkry 26th;J eupplyin the' church is Mis- ' kmary. v ; I find1 Ura-'J. Riohardson wbrki ing fitiieUy.'patiendy wad devotedly with her-3 little Sunday SchooL --.No ono ; seema to en-:. cojMXUg0 her by .tbeir prononce ox otlaWwisjBv, S wrsas a&&. ata on Christmas day, she bsad liear. Bohooi of eigrxteexi to xnee.aU bex bcrose wboza ri ('if ' i sj: i" f gave them a nice treat 1 X called ' to aeafaeroa the 26th,' and she aajs aha needs papers, ; tickets .and '. cateclutnaJ f; Conld . 'not yon do aowiethiag tar hex School T Eie njn . aha has no hnlp And .she . c&zxmot get these tilings h6rsel 'uonasponcT1 with find encour age her. - Send tickets If yon can: ' " Hetst Sh szts. The Teacher's " Influence Dnriiu? . the Week. r " ; When Sunday School teachers . appreciate the fact that little eats' and ' eyes are as wide ppea daring the other days of the week as ' bpon Sanday, end that the life teactuaga are jy M potential as. .the. rolass instrootiou. then will ws begia to reach our Ideal in Son. ; daj Sohool work. Tb model tuetam eootia.. Kak Imiuu a3rs of the vwk.: TT.-: Coat task wRtr lliiS lnnliTim of pmrltr : aari,yf trat! esaitJIDQ mm, nnnrnairi ?i finlfl WW A MIITI 11 1BIIUI V UUiMrUM ta8Me.lus ' J mission ead; bath expects hi papUa to look to his - daily hfe and personal habits for an exempli fication of the prinoiplea taoRht. . Think yon , a Inmon of temperance' could be impreaaed npoh 'an intelligent boy' who had seen his ' teacher emerge from- a 'beer saloon--with-a'- cigar in .hia raonth, on the prerfoaa day I How would the (hoaghtfol girl udga of sin cerity pf the instructress who urged bereT. olenoe, but who wbre Tery fioe clothes, and sever put ir senBTvinto the mirfnn.hoT i None are quicker than children to notice the consistencies f those' who' are sho'wing them ' the way of 1 The scholars mnrt respect before they will be iafluenced. -., : vj- ; A yottBR an abott to be prdaUiea for the auinistry . acknowledged that at one time he was nearly an inndal. .Bat,weaid he, ."there ; rbrtatlaa Wnrlr. A christian sometime a good Sunday School , in oucceeafal operation. - ' - - j-.?. y go-. noxr to Jung's rMountain Association. ' WeRt of "'Charlotte.: ,We.mu8tnot excuse the Preachers I where we have twomissionatieSzeal-1 Ii an v thins forvthe snrnort nf the rnin Jrbm'rany", dnty simply and aolely; I buslylpusblng the' use of Christ Itfl iatrXil e'll)UQ3$atlwoxtii lwrAn9A t hpT (In not narfnrm It vol) I aontiAn rxnih YtitTfoAtaA'Sfl T?irti'.T-fTl!!l! annatitaniinn anA frt,nrttn1m rA u is pussiom ior vuem to learn to i 4ooiu is ac xraiias, in was ion couniyr i i-wui venture -to f give an a opinion do it better. - -i r"'J' ' 1 and Lowesvlffe, -in lebln,ath'ert B hoDina td. ba.irrected.if..wrons?.: " ijwuuv.o, tumc buubiu uo i vi i tii wuim euuiBuw V uig viiMgD i A 44iiu ,yu , -me s par 1. 1 cnurcu. it rr'ao if I "Afte being handled with such an anomaly as a lazy preacher; I that are t.auarain:jaa:aarB 1 members to,. do, ' their 'dutx.ln v this4, Ii wiitotmatob ifaltibanvbl' iha it would be, loo machcUkaiOflexing I est, oTeVoted,nard-workIner minister 1 respect, shows one Of two things il;hrethwn,tw,?rriiiort oiw akenf up t T(Asaoeiational' i JUssiauv wore now snail we most successful iudi a prrjtuiuui jtuciucvupetomsy. -m y-. I am not willing Sot At? to be said Uit we must . discontinue tbe read lug of bymnsn public .worship, be cause minsters otten read them with so little,; force and sneauty. ...Bather TrM t lid'.jf.W.iwnwrf.n f m,wA ;tvtstl Uw :.t. n- t.X. ii ' r . . ' . w ouiuioc ouu ui9 I lucjr. am tuuci jguoiaui, or uuveioua. If Was ,80,00160 Jv r. Aff w rt vuu.io--mi k.ia iti.Muu - uu&iug .-uo i 11 iguviauL vi nuak uo tJLUia LCiMJU" II HCSOlCtXi. XDai 106 r OeCretaTV Of ruut Msr ham Ivati rrnwna-1 witK I mi it Xtiii&t f rV To?y VTrifroTw k4. I Va iwrrTAt:L C,3T Bignal success.,, Bro. l4.;S,o'dghr I mlilstryj the otfght,-trTall means Is AssociWian libHcested 5ioc report one ctbut, veryestpreacl.era U; to brtaaghf.cButl2lAlgnbrabcei!q teltheSecretoifitHi, etationed at Lincolnton.iu connection' I lw -f3atGlyic6sabia nn' a -conntryi lj Board. ofStatoMiasionSifrf nibu aa m n i a av in liiq u cautiiui aiiti umii ma r.tm bui iu iitx j m iiii x . w n aa i aa. a, nn vw n inn n i a a lit them read the bymna over care- thriving1 little bwtt bf Shelbyf Bra3 1 pmehiat lw heard almost avery' held 'withMe; Uead nShity In I IrT hAfnM aai T, r. r A jrn .l.Ana 1 M.n A I.mM' wAr. ... . i. rj. A. Mw J C3 j.1hBi..u .... . - . Z ilj j . , . r . .1 v. . . - - ' - . . . . - - - ' luiy.utiuip guiuji ku I.UUI1.U, una;. . mas uuiu auu icoicu iu uciuiauj and; if l.mlstafceynot, waa-edUcated' for a Cathslic PriaaL-Ifieed net ni sei ectingM" some, . by-tbe-way, ..which have some meaning, and then try to f jread ;thea In," -Scanner" which will I ItZi U LX'Zlli&& ta czpoand Babbato, toecauso. itbdws an ihdia-a Friday before' the fiftb SundayJiiu' position on the? part of sucb: to knowr llartsh;187a :2i m&w tvou $&-i wiat their duty? is, tkadr when atxchi b tha thera is net mushy It any Wajhad-itn' intejtingbflnnday; JlitWSnp&J&i Sunday Was one argument. in ' favor of Christianity- rwhioh X eoTilct iie.au" Trrit&---tlie' ooosistexit" jiiimilil .orjmji.' f.lfcw. ,i!30a iilaiii hiiJ. rfrfflOTi'liuill!!,!) theater., when in dlataat city. .. .YeAra after-. wards he was sent for to ,-tisit adyuig man, jwo'charged him with ' the ruin' of his soul. ' jae had seen 'his' Sunday School - Snperinten-' . 4ehrgo-:to the . play-house ;7hid followed been f winaied ;.hecoma hardenBd, "and now fajfl&te&m', Jo 2i .t i. Mtsl Ja Ivit ;Erea tbpersona habits,, such as heataess ? ;o : 4resst.TiBa,oi rlangy. eto are quickly no-. Uoed. ' The greet aim of the Sunday 'School Is tie WnnaUon Vf character ;ahd' some one naff weB fUdd-'By (he' fanaence of early im jpressioiig, the foroe oi example, and the pow er of habit,.the character becomes slowly and .imperoeptihuity, but' at length decidedly, 0 yrruL from inactiyitr or ttegleot beeomes 'cbuled In his religious' jalfo&tidni ind: 3oae Tinf? i measure the joy of afH)ttffg tyawaTianyJe has a sense of his jeottioBmrWef;Hwas as In time past when the oandle ef the Lord shone around jabwi hira ! He asks, it may KeJ;'How .shall , I'reooTer my'spiritiiality, shake off this death- ly'aiattberaod 1tel able lo' go on my3 way rejoiein'gJ! r,The followtng incident-may be : fJnweller hwesing' ariinountain--. height, aloos :OTer alroet7 untrodden snow. j jWarniBR ha4 been given him that if almnher . preaseddown upon, his weary eyelids they - would inevitably' be sealed In deailL ' iPor a j titntfhe 'went' bravely .along ' his patiu' L Bat f ;wi& the deepening abade and freezing' blast1 !of eighttherafaUra weight spot his brain' Jwhicb seemed , ineigtlblev;Iu vaia.he; 'tlwaaaitfj. .himself ; ia .vain.,hej : 'strained his utmost enerjjpes to shake'bff that. fatal lieavmesaJii this erfcU of his fate, his ifeottHraek ag3asf a'heap that lay across his1 Ipatfat Hatme'W.that;;aIthohgt n itbnel jegfdawf Ufeleas,? jH stopped; to toueh Uj. and 4ound- a -human body hairy " buried , tenea avfresh";drif of, snawvThe." ; 'hext Momehi die traveler had taken a brother! ' ,m his arms and wW-chanag his hands, ikd j chesabdbxov; ifoaQuig oped (hV'sUff, eolrf jhps the warm breath of a.irrihg soul : press! -ing the silent heart ta the beaUag pulses of !his own generous bosoin. 'TheTf ffort to save ' ' another had bra&. bacVto himself JIfe'and iwwtath 53" energy;' lie" was a man again; In. jaiwau oi -a,-wei- creature succamwag to a1 :.deepyarmg herpfeDesa,'i drooping down in a tMb was Mvii,?Mmself.' Young folkf' -' . ' jfjy ft ff" ; J ; ...