'Broach Rsv. C. T. EAILI YjiVS .KDrron, T. H PBITCHABDr Ji.l)..ixa cc ceiving much, if any,' outside aid. The charch in Charlotte, as all oar people know, who read the RECQB- dkb or attended'" the U ..t Busionc WAKE FOREST COLLEGE. - I marriage state we do not hear of eep. arationa occurring weekly: because On Friday last, in company with a u U understand according to legal. nurtber off jrethrtn, w u rancnt tdl septal and mcxal mandate, that the coma in your effort for His glory in tbe salvation ox men. xoura truly, w. u. waiwi. ix4t Chapel, N. C. Jan. 3 If. , 'WEDNESDAY;;: W m it v u rruni sm I in.. I r af jimii ill I. . iiiox. i . -----i :r w t i i.ijl j oar. I th arimntihit.:a. for reason aim-? lH ewis-M " l uw-jium.-1 relatione are' 101 uta, xi we - ,, . - I Uar to those innuendo j the B wap "t f f . f . I fmpress upon caureow ana Hfrkrfmrfth in fit. hv. oondnded intiongnw nope.at , a.pearwice vx fact thFtt.e pastorals ieU - - - -1 -- . t- - L-!i.. .f 'isr... i si uoe Paiognay tne rge noaoet ceeding depravity. Here is-the won der : God commendeth his love to ill WW I, t f . A maWAMa. MA B S SRi . Christ died for the ngodly.w Jhe tnbiiigent, and thonghtfol ihyici of parallel wonld be mere just if "jDa- I cietham eonnty. , ; - , - - iastora moil or Pvthiaa had tlen willies not On farther reflection I see .no reason to to move their house -of -worshrp to n a holy and permanent one foot ion ia only to aiTer to die, tac actriWly t l'fjt11 V to be suffer death forhbe-aakeDiony" fe are ar dent spirita. I bay known it few sack, bat have never yet failed to oonrinee them that rrAn .nmmnnicuoni orv lettCTt tor 1 . . . :,;. ti,. I of handsome, healthy atndenta wno I rAitDnnUhfd for trivial eaaes. we I si as. the fvrant. m a dikiwi I cnuinu huu twwoiuie iwiu ' 1 . - .1 - 1 r wiruu luviUAww a w mj kiJLM euiM(' ajma va.m aa- i ia m isa emAa a pi- f 1 - nnE rntr LDini " Tjutiiii wa 11 w wn 1 it i 1 J 3 t a. 1. . r o- -v?bwm mnKwMie h NO. I BcCureu m tub ou nags ia ouuounr - . w - - I w- " i iuib, limceu, to tue lwb. iiiUBLriiuu v - ' - . . - . niB nrBnui 11 nnn n iirivuL miiti 111 lki 1 fcmild ht addressed to Ed Co., Publisher, Ealeigh, , aronly personal letersi dnssed to the Bditow. tiona about 12,000 toward the ereo has entered npon tipnxf the new bnflding. This house Pww eer, . .wo. nopeu ur u Md tue we i? e?nphf,e, tftimiH MkhniitF Mr t 1 n u r jv- - in tur niicnereuua ui luuurunai 1 . v um '.1 - ouv.i vuuk -j j i . . . . m ? . 1 1 - linn u nuni rn Trr QnRSCMRKRSAFXHE Doesible. aa-it ia now conoefledljjA thisd-fcoitew wwia, bu fount this world afford of ih divine t e i atraag, thi pioa man'aJght tank become interested in a bndness which the law ngardVuJeptimatr throws tta proteoting power. The law is a Ticiout one howerer. It Is a riolatioa of ni-prdpleot. govenuaenwhieh ie - .... I M lm fxRrciSea OI IQB OnvIODUU I 7 I ui aeep. airoiiK. aeaiaiesa lore. aaTe mat 1 crotection of aooiatr. BAPTIST GLEANER n w .wwest- aaa2moac ipeneace -'s'ii.- it.iiAm.kA.un P?rtoo.n f. v.-i ct'u .;- .- wuaugw J -iHtw iaiv . jwj ifcrfii'itfXUSh'f &XViWXuaM'r&i tiimm tTmW 'dT??"J$ :&y? M&JA 4ftert6ilingn!ghtanddayihrongh xaeutesrmetttcarrttoer J!"",, Wjodgment-'mnd dUtaeaed. tMnittAtt aj the year, in trytagot oniy u give onal,ly eiTecte!whne'JiAe:7ttroB riif"T"r nesa oi ourneoiogicai irroiesors, Dean rrom Der ,onsPTg y Aot them, the iaU .of, liqobr ss avarags m a mosiliK yoaa-papewhicKiIihaka nP jemahiiJJJ SQSlSSfflS wtieCdivjne rf3B4r iog Md a&ttfe teaty teOttr itle to fM m aw wUUoittvifialLfi jOQ Jo.be.. their They may be unworthitof ,tep. im-JSU s bw alao,to4 bet!! JWW bAi xnontfn ofir rr!lTY7!: IVlrmK: W, upon .nau reoommenuauon garrj j thty tnayforsake; 'aid' forget Zr.ZJHXlZZ emoiencyUgioaalai 1 t urui uuii lubii lub uruuiur ieuuui 1 irnrin miuiwcmn rnam nnnnniniwi i . . ...... lauurf u ererj 0911917 j waua 31 ; nu oeen wants, yon were what we feared from the beginning? that fnu tb6' Western Baptiaf Arafnrv. heasle.doelifmlri Uon. The Upta'hiVBver had lUifiJi&l mtLM vis: that tn-tne -weaiern wpiui 1 K- rt-,vTfiiH Hf .tPni. Th I tt13 v1'-""3 v1'0 r. Ct.-Kt aipneAitapDpkr.wejewpMet6 "T---- I tn tue eoan nouse aurioe iw wbi- 1 i4aU4k'tU iititi1iFr!rrftj;MrRadvantaffesand I . . - ... -.. . XJTkiMv y Uteraturo to anatam a paper in onr i Ktf tmder witf drsadvantaies and 1 r 7" 7rn$lT s fto rva'nr tharl fhA ' vvwitArti BStV I i.v' . tista, ancT yet none a mprelnajtiefe ttd depmseyeimoggfin ent to their antaa a &f, I fenVftt awork-jholdfn and mended does well, bat sometimes the I aad' .abandoned and-despise -.and. Professor oEjdistant) pastor does not I scorn themr4 bat tbatritotbercsnaor l fiaietthl Qi4;f6Mm; stmettjpnjaio menqa aqman iwnpuisjino6iaaaptea at her. bosorn whose childish prattle. to the people; and in' a ahort while onoe gladdened! her; heartl and ahe mast love them. 'Nay P ahe'wonld t. Dr. R a I uitted to enjoj the, right to worship Qod of typhoid iOqrdiogj to .thiUidlatet of.hU own Mrs. Mgoont.,wlfe ot Eer. Dr. K 8. S M - . . . . goon, oi rc.iMeipnia, cUea or typhoUl I oodiogj to thv dictates of im ieTer, on ttataray eta. j T ....Bev. J.,0. Fleetwood sends us the fol- Jfv :iiEeT, Geo, B.Tajfor; D. DuwrUs t, lowin 4ote: Gtie. ohnrch, in Coaferenoe I from Borne, Italy Jani JSrd: "I hare in' on Batorday, sanimoofly voted to extend an J received feleeran. from tho Board i tft-k"' ' inritalibn 6 jtbo Bertil Union meeting, to bold Its next session with Galatia on Friday rare the 6ih SudayJJIarcb, and reqneat the same to be published.ln the BinutOAi. Ea- ";:..:.Dr.' Jeter i sealoasly laboring' to a cara fnads foc("le ereitfcn of a monnmpnt to the wesaory of' Rev. John Kerr. He wishes one-htinierd brethren to send hint five dollar each, at as early a day as possible HT- 1 1 sv- i. :. . ! k J oimh iuiwiium or ciiisi to una una 'iUiVft a i e-Vi ?s7l -l-ri I that ea At the dam of the volume f lb I tV-.ti. J-kV- ir.ii I JiKl r.rf,tw.ii U& Joindrigist,lwere da could not hialeiraklyi'aarliadt I to bnild . house for God. Wti'klldV wtohlnrt&sebntSae KoBeroloW larger aTi rothlTweenteredlbib Tnigo r4 S'lS SfK 0 tS .mm the ment the C0XDES BSOOBSXS of families that orobablY never It ia the earnest wi&h atlha editor ift!UfiraHr vfy sequeatly a change .most take place,? give her life for taemr if need W, berssnd some of them sra t v And yet aUongex.? thao. a mother 'M hZZ 3 The 8Tior'spraises speak. aervioa.of. toe Master4tlISo ,pay4t bej withiaajntf ' RiiftHriKK Bv this arraneeit o' T"' r - tpy, uts wwMrWMi? SPhfl fnHdm??Sl I sma&m'JtltiaAMr. tallaref tt woii I ?m2L ..... r., rC(, i the nnexwrea, aipscripriona jft i and epeetmtn eoptmoua t ..iri TJLmnF saw' to the Qleaner may become a' perma nhimih In I nmMrrnn Ann rlt smsn E i r :-i , . mi j 4 thcri tMt4hrilSne aHfett tt Mobs I IkJuw-. n.nii-iiniii.i...i' I rf of wmg of lie eliatcbeis. . a! - V tJ' I J A(l..a. E A. -1 , i : -rr W , , 1 n i n A I ; t 1 1 . ss AAAWimAnafi w mm la aaAnvin v swam?. oir. srvwiu uivuvwu r.tii svaayuaaai We aire Impressed'' with'' the fact .this business of seoarjog charch- for pastors and . pastors for churches ia very joajich over-done. The time was when preachers and churches prayedifJwf divine guidance in this matter ; nowv however, they do not direct their Inquiries to heaven, bot to some Editor. Profess- DEATH OF MA J, ENGELHARD,, Aw av 'a afnV I "intfrTTi labs' t tn -wsl .".o ,s'i;fa7if.'d;. Utr U'ov "Can't you get. me a. charch !" ia I s Hon, Joseph Ad1Pan Engelhard. a question that ia. beooming monot- I Secretary of State of -North I Oaroli onous. ' "Send ub a pastor, is the F"3!M Isrfnptta M&braifbtit1e, triads - The habits of drinking hare, ateadUy inenaadiB thia oomttry and . Great BritUm for. the past: twenty yeara, , oandiltherf ja no qoeatloD of poliilos half ao important to the iiteresU of the people aa this. t;oiUaa-b 4 ? Aa to tbe Legislature now' laaeailon, I think I aaa oorrsot ta as j lag that there ia a strong temperas Oe element araong tta nen-t laxsvororsgeju probiWw.The nfti- f ii asiaisi eiiiiili St 1 at war at at J sacred love former child is tbe love Lru, irtitLdrZtetViliLl of ChHsti ig vim lots iovs wi rocsa aacauia fir-iiial'J-'1 frr"? nuiifcoTsr iuubutoiuwh- ThiF liltlns lil.niw kruV . " '..'.it'..!.'. Vi'.rr Tit "tf'ltl . And an harmonioos htrman tongnea; , I Whiu mn not em. -o -W . iu-n at the ,hnda pt this glaUtajre,' oios'taC bftiTa. that the tendenoy of trenia point to such a Uw to eoTsr theeotire Ute at no dis tant day. , Sneh a law has bee&Jjn jforoe ia llaine for twenty years, and with the happiest effects. and each a law X hope to see prevailing ia oar. The last observation of Dr. Watson is one of profound importance. ' No scientific fact has ' been more clearlv ABaiislrafad tnan na, died in this dty on Saturday af" thaiapredJsUon to ternoon,' at .fortyifiylhrrihtel'pap wen thia W'of traosmioii taree ocioca. ;Ot coageattpa .ot, the " 5l mo6t oainfhllr illastrated in manv esses.3 and this soientilc fact alas ! tmt tnaksa the reform' of the Uieaner tnat every aaoacneesi f w .- I: ;3ItTJraa 4f3T: crar-, rf,nr.hM fo- nhr. and nastors Mf.iEnlharfj wan tkn.i Maat PWaory tawaaoraMc a r.nu s. i i as l f- nias . wi w mi a iibihiu aw ui a amaa- a t : . a ar ? . j . arv . m nriiharifa Hver after an . illoeta Of: ietl Idaysc'l maUoa many drnnkarda mora diffiooU and reaohers,"' and pastors I MHEAgell for (I thurches thaejnaisterial cello. Mission the 27rh of SVb a prohibitery law aaore neeosssry.-.l U fot mond rammoning We home' to eoQeet ttie ostanoe iot ue oome cnapei. f I.eanBotds. cunt the eaB, thopgh. . m p, . ;to have to leave my field, especially ia the present moment, wnan. thosgh I eaanot speak o any remsrsabie eneonxagenient, I yet sea aa never before work to be done by tne, ud whioh more than "ever I feel like doing: J trmt, however that with the bleaMngof God and the kind eo-opertioa of Uts brethren, 1 mat be able not only to aeeore thefoad. w M&kSsa& J .sTMojyueaderatelolf. ee&n? ' low onr example. The monnment ahoold be ,oor bnilding In Eome, bat 'also to.do some.' worthy of the mad whose memory it perpet- towarda3idlngttape& ai other tta. nsw indite Imflderr w '-mam where they are preesingiy needed, ss- hli best efforts, by ;Ha good' old sister, whofce, ....Bev. Dr. Bnmplais writing a series of soni iraa' filled so ,fnH thait ' wasbonnd to. ;rtiQles for th N. t : Pfeebyterian,' on. Fiea. effervetoe a'nuie,l.e iarned himself aboni in byterianistn ia North JCatoliaa.2i Ia..hia Mil the pulpitand gaiag into thai faos of one j tory of Edgswdrth f Fssoala Seminary, he taJ of hie Stewards, with a Jook of wnestnesa, hiteethe following laoideBt in connection widt !i"?P haf giartoragalU otawaro,. wun -a amua vrnieb evidsaUj ap-1 wew iora, wbobaoamepresidant in 1844 f prpved ;pie jold.jifWqr'a eondnct, respooded, i :'Mr.-Morgan waa Regarded as a good teaeher1 .im W PM I vp .promptly .every I a nne grammarian ana sncoesarol In tetchhiv qnarter.f j Tbi paraon'e odnstanaooe light-1 his pnpila thoartof gUsm'oompoaiUoa.5, Ia ingp,b replied, rwiih cnephesia; f'Let her 1 alaiowledge; of prictioal affairst and the bmv AooiV'rJlkhit.vCMtChnifAicocaU. I ineae of everyday fife he waa nut regarded aa ao great a. anoeeaa.r .Hia, papiis entertained - Jti.k X a 1 sl ' 4 jwta. ' t "i bettlawsihare r.-. ffrTSY. flV - I thmsa. asDeaiallv.biaanita. and ah thanoht it jajht raise aoow,aa'welL: Ko-donbt this , was s firtioa Mr. Morgan must have beea can, only -have, honest Jodges,. and wahavea pamf aUysmsjsnmber pt them hi thia State, ; whVwwJorca, itepiviaiona. greait, ood i wittba doaf. One vestun nfey I am in f sro of the law ia the liquor dealers are: epposed lim Wa Isaxn by private 1 tar from 8outh Carolina that Be X.tti Bbueyf of Charles ton; will aa9 (by the' Aaoa oa her next voy- age), aa pastor of the 8ailoh. "Bspttst 1 Church which sailed by Its Aaor last apt lag? "Beta appohitad misefoasry of the Colored Baptist Cbsventtoo of Bonth CaroHna; 0 Ths Board of (very naooh after the t manner . and i type of ihe Bsv, Dr. Forey, of Morfreeebora,f: We bare. heard that Dr. .Forey thought the lightning-' ngs or fire flies f the Ohowsnf section: war. meteors, ana obaerroa tbem ,wun rmmr ':"!: WAYSIDE JUTTIKUS. WAYSIDE JOTTINUS. , From par Travelling OoTraspOndenl sii Deaf Recorder I'M "Hi t ft the Contention have approprUtetfasOtoanp assurea tnatnere will ;be re: ply nimwiih tookifior ihV chnfch;,8nnV l.ci - .77 -j T-i; 17 ; . l.Df. Yates bemna his recollections td acnom ana aay-scoooi worm." jxaxunai cap-1 . f. Z- 1" III 'rrr i we most : heartily corqinend all. wooia aton arm- I vSa and drunkenness' entirely bat it ' would JrofdnWiubr be: an iuappro- berU832, udiwaa, tliere, atltbe 'ZLfi! -'w a a mi 9 ma".w.a a.a ,1 .... . Q . priate tiue ior toem. yvoar ia me umeoi nisxjeauu to ; ine iortysev-ii tnerats to any other state of the Union, . conaequenee of this offlcioos med-1 enth year of his age." He come to WJ of the brethren wha have taken thia '2'" aeparaiedironi dling wkh the churches I Why just N;orth' parol in a to complete; hlsedn' Tth .htt.15', 8Pd4 !eaeA;otW Irj1 thetrM'oT liibrary a8' jkjiciei ptilpit bfjfii?a cation and graduated at (Cbapd Hill Md,aatUfatoCT &alli are ibe two Society Balls, each Vacant there ia a restleaa desire on with the class of 1834 . Ue waa; a An taking our leave of jon, we wish to return our thanks ; to every ono you wuuiouy v iu uu mio andtisfato,accompRshmeht. .Jf Halli are ibe two Society Halls, each vacant there ia a lestleaa desire on with the class of 1834. i He waa; a f-'it wtW'ii. Ivrith a1roadandhafid8om the part of many pastors to secure lawyer by ptofesaion, but after a gali TOgTATW "w Ida; splendid brick? building. - The letikioonof the front entrances the position; - Letters pour in upon lant service' in the war be settled in U&i chnrchfflhoe xled,iLan ' aie,gemeS the lufluentialVtretbre WUmingtou and Ibecame editor BonghamBalem;;w churchis elqged .wUh recom, of the WUmington Journal ,7,j As ..'T ? . - r -TZjVZZL TT. HooBavMatthewa. arid more, than Athiflraililrn for? this 'atMT had mendaUona, gratuitous ad viee, plead. I an editor, and a devoted citizen nereDT tenaerea. - - i. - l; - ,j):-ut-v t-vC w2. --i.i-i-sii aoaer ouiWJiwiaa ei iflwwii. are nf anriANamAAr nan haon amaYitial 1 . . . . a M woaw MaashaSMVisa';-',wam .ovaisaisi'i nnru: tow atwnrv . . .; j -. , a , Droving their meeting know not how ilia in other States, rmonument to tbeix interest in. and wanra. ; the people as a' Journalist he .was 'ine Devfjia-rea,,cnurcn calls one 1 elected .to the rjoition tif Secretarv have .been of State in 1876. '"Ta the disclunre one sbort Qf the duties of that responsible and 'dissatisfaction.' iaboxiona office. Mai. Eutelhard ; ; . 1' . '- 9 S9 There are I brought the scpomplishaajeots of a well fUnionwdOinot allude to thia tereloriVYajte J:orestioiiege. JSoj aome men Lwnp thiuJs; tbey. know the trained mind, abiHty and system, the succeeded beyond a doubt ; forjevery Asaociationf froni which we havs heard, knd the Western Coo vent ion reciraLion . rooms, is mncn neeaen. i - roc- Aua ui.u n tunc wm uu uicnsurv vi iuc uw i -rrTri" r. . - tt. ? frr t 7-- f i ' . .. t ..( ....... .. .. f i .. . f t . t . . .t , ef er Wheaihysiwmpletod, TakePor.1 Plf1 ?? pie in agitkion thitt hd did nqt ad-' iTO ;etCollege;waiba aUIlitll'ttop.'.H1u' ; , vocate no cause of right and justice gand im-, I tista oT ITottls CSrollna'InVcdf ait aa i Mm fituan ito, amt you-, that he did loot ichampkn.?a Ju S I j -...f , .-. I 'i I . t- v.. ,1 . : ... s ..I . housea. TWtf arilnstttuUotf'bf lea auaptea to your recoeuition of bis firreat ietvicee1 to I a4 ttaram w7aavt fwa-aaA awlATf' f It afv sWaKlf amt 1 1 Crw. kam avvliAarm nasl wasa.aaaw I . .... - - . r.a.w3awwaw du aaau a m 11 11 is si waaaaim aa veiivi a aa sen is iiiin sua j . an aa :u aaiajaBiBiru u r ua Bkxaiwjax a endotsed ie WMwafr-wrtriout aBy i ri: uz ! r'.v u niL. ' . f . ( , 4, , nf thian'w-w minima - i .- ' uil liberalitv or more activitv .in sivintt Itaonai im, s j.- n o..ume v.? l-1 1 ot , these, wuoro claims .. We1bundl)r. W T. rooks very pressed and possibly in UT'.' " iirSJ"Tt ."f MtahUshmaat bf hiikinedom cannot feebie,'mndr conflned', to 'Ma rpom.u year there is ihbtual y-Tr9 W6..008 be found in any tW Statorthe Ixtls hefeiijsti; nMp chaugel i In the meantime for the honor of the chris tian , faith the churches should not permit ueir memoers xo seu uquor or to zreqnent up-pnhgahops.'!,i!- ?( '.-'!---.v; PERSONAL & OTHER ITEMS: .SxBAJias. The National Baptist . haa not had a single editorial on the '"Cipher Dea patchea", . :.v.;. . Bev. F. If. Jordan spent last week in a meeting with the church in Whiteville. ii He writes that the prospect for s good meeting Is tnost'ShecTfag. " -' - biny I.-'I.mi .v h l '. ,"t .Bible-bcrning 'does nol aaooeed even in Sjria! ' sums' Jesuits ' in 'Tyre, who show ed their hatred of the Word of God inithia way excited such dklike that they, were obliged to leaye. .: - ,' t : ,...j.Bro. A. C. Dixon, ! of Chapel Eiu. passed through Baleigh oa tha 10th, on bis way :' to Wake Forest . College, hot went a round about way and did not reach . Wake Forest bazore tne 14th. t -.fuu-jiL? ;ug- Bev. 11 E. Peraell, of the'tar Biter ohnroh f hat. thj man vhoi krarathinb' I aI.e linln. m,r.wAittw v- . hw m. w V . " mXMT. VI UUUU1LIUU HmKBWBnMHJ. 1 . ..... ... . . . aodaieharehiare of a delicate and Ww"r fciiiin'w'".rtr,M: KXi? nJ:..Z . . 80,!,3,,? .-.." 357yr" Ti?. .1 T j Tf " M wu.F.iM, . sujr, ioatauvu i wall taught sad the theology imparted sound, i juw beUav 'prepared in bead and i for aooh woekv than Bro. Stoogh. ; a n i.Bev. tf. T. 7ordaa, tbe walona and poptdsyowng paatoif7 of lamberton passed through' Baleighi'on his way to Wake Fores f Thwraday last. Hs reports the brethren' Lumberton greater 'strengthened 'and eh-' is -right ' Onr eduoated colored preachers shbold go as mission ariee to Af rioa." (The hope of the naticm epends upon their interest in thia work. . . . .Thja wot4 thafaolve a greatf mystery The logicians and philologists and ph loso- pbersl and ' theologians and metapbysicisna make much use of the Word "proieptically Dr. Pendleion say that "The Bible' is the most aocommodating oook in the world. If a passage appear on the face of it to mesa ao and ao, ah yon have to dVb to'say that it ia used proleptioally, and you can make it mean what yoa plaase.n We snppose that prolepoally" means that if a thing isn't, so now, it will be one- of these days, or, may be for aagkt anybody can National Bap- tut. This, rel tares us. ,We ( have., been troubled for yean, to know how or by what means oar redobeptiat friends oonld so read the New Testanient u. to jfind the doctrines jthay teacfa.n We now. see. .They' rwtd the Scriptures proleptiMlljft ;7;ii Dr. kL' T. Tates eaili for a'towr of loapection,1 and names, the brethren to make it ' fie Is' -wise fn bis aeleetiona. ' ' Dra. Currt iand Fritchard; "either' one or both of them oonld do a grand work for Foreign Missions by making such a tour over onr foreign work as was made by Bishop 'Marvin aome years sco. These' brethren oonld tell all the saw and wonld tell it, r" Dr. . jtatea says in a letter to?the Fvrdffn Journal for February ; . j i The fields are' white nnto the harveat" at is impossible, tor yoa. pr any one, n. Amsr. ic,tw conoeive oi onr want or, laborers. .Aa the great mass of Uie -ehnrches aeam to be idasf toutbeoa4oX Prorideaoa, I aball do what 1 can to supply s feltjwaat,.- out of the mate- nab at my .dipoBJL Jaat now I feel, my needjof a Theological education. - Svery mis sionary for China ought to be qoaillled to tesnh Theologyai Can't Dr. -Carry; be in- daced to) corns ito' iJapsn and China t mike a tour of inspection f Comal 1 fad make a tvaut we havo earnsd fti 'Bosh- a visit jwoaldreaalU in jgreat'good1 to' the oaow , j ... ut tne -ci adreBes'inthe'iaud; 6Rewwntthe iBKiOsUa iatept iat 72T the aatanci-BO thsttte'osroT SSiS?! tTi -".kn t-wtu-s-'-ij. - I " tuver inline istern "a; the PenyeaJjt may; tne JttKCOEDKK is tne paper lor tne i iii t h .sJi. sai mi;T4 oi.meanaiajcnurca.iPUUUtoK xne M .Li- a. nriii: . . arhnla StatA teitqa needed at jCwbtohr Tosomerof our -u.jji's I brethren thia maw anno or linftnp tiSit I noneiiof iwesship tiiaatoa oUot Editor, BavtuUGteuur.v fl ,a, j --.r. - JTI . iwimnMirirui iiainauy fiaaBMi awnn mnaa i vvHipivMvut -rava awww vsai aaa ayaaayam g eM e U na " of hard times and the low prices paid gJJf MrktrvStmtiS of our.chttrohes are.Mgaae E&fefatf :and:actitit3Ma thi.idepartment,ta VSSShSM one tion is unable to rentfetina SSSSSSSSSSS& trial nM m XT.1. 1... . a " . . I . . ' -,awMiMTjBWJB;t Alias) W - own work on handqand U coraecxa . ting its means and-directing Its at bcuMwu w Ab wwii aticviai wuiKa-i. oe I In. TCmk n.sniin. v jusj parpnaaea a 10$ jiearertaicf & lo eenJti-Mj bsnlailyb syawla tre ofrthedty :uidi4axarTaBgiagr,to Ms79 sSb tdWih-itt taaoSari&mi. fistMUte ThUnakbeen iendered necessary HMlk,? icrcrtanca of th fMd it nasfSit mi&iV&r&ri labors of Breth red: Haf ham: KoJffhl 1 easily separated, . r . . . !; ... .'j r; ,. , . a .. ; . - . ... i mil ni.ii ni. j.iiri cinn i v . . . . r . m . m . VBsm is si ewr! x or a out. im flntuinraa Chicago, thf First Chnith U . Ban, rancVr: ? a ww a. aa. a w . " 'BU IB 1 1 saVfT 1 1pawwWMlaa , fUM. EZ Ixingtoa, ' e8tackyir ass B 'loll 'iflt irroi sia VhrtnUcU of tstk ditorlaltW,Jrrha krhvetr- depkireaAhai pose to UaTe,aa abOO An A more invife If t.l hl.t iVmhl f k I 'J thst there are good men and ayeaJ Way bis'&rVrtolfersd to BentteTreddeacyut ti.iicmwvpHiiuiu. iWsJftfiBevgdliilha doctrin.i-of Chm thiBbs trae.'witaan the available litrht I Lwl ojrsi. Jiii:-in.L ' Ja. -Lclt.niat. u.diuJttlcd! Klt?sl . . .. , L , 4 . , y. : .1 JLjl OO DOTHMll ma DUOTW UW ITUiniCI W vEie!iaWS mWW?'trW -SfiswaSn wmiblStttt m'tm sellrfqnor led Wit l ianamerahle evils follow in itetrata , rvn ,.l iTglacd. was made known Satardav the Sth bv , IWjrloa "fmwho loted Ue dteooWfy tha. iSrflcopal eharchee bis neighbor make and sell an article which I L . . w,. v ? i ' ' heaswm destrovniS behrhborl with th? If bwl hbed , of scommonlon service, fberiJ Is 'Baptist ribtirta r otthlrl jastccspletsdi, ito:eplendidit rc-fytotcicrdlwith: gSfStr r-cv ThacburchttDrrSaatiZt .72 .Ci ... Ai:.k imllX P! ! wno enterftu f.4W irnteil llaet StCIXfrom the wk X .V-'-"1n tiiwa manaiiHiawaeientjnwuigenoe Q j i ZZJm XI ,."t. I" . -" . i -jws'jvtiji -rrrratr. rw-?TOi i; nfacture or sell nquor bar xn precincts or obacuTiiy totathbrea l tate cohntry fialdst, and ihemani who ds arskiad V " annnaiiy, ww vooiavwey impresa iff nowniffi? todo this kind of 1bor. tbemwTres" -if --UJ ' I' W.S.'MIP.Hw1 "Vvuj w UO Bt.MllU- a ativ WtoUt'iwlyfertlatibnjiud Jtwheri fftetotattt Tthey vrit t 9nldjoJthen, be Sfluited witiu that restleiesA fid dlssstlsfa5tlbri'"wilh -theVr foi for their important df )iarr,;Tbey WPPldoTitett wof k .wh ; heart, and Cltia not locilTjifb'v'or detlrlag A1iaDSrJwh kftdflURedr.tfieir ?eawoaldPii tmrnif with: jeateirxxoenti add (hope vto tefeiphrlst. V rtetttf-iW ff&'pdXhU -made vacant 2? o 8 cto if1 short rna!stqratei PJ,I Jpand, inf.jLhe , churches ; aua pspUatsdirej tkre wa i trfqf4caUy.wtth UethodtstB frtitj )IethodUtpaa ffeHinlUh'Uthab'gw! fjen one fcUta to rtnatfierirthe Ban. , x r . . .t i i-t" ar? In iii"V a T t . J i ia"n ? tt?xalichat!2dxnildtwnela l.?a iH3 11&25Scotaf4eslJi,ne r tu ,m.i: ii i;oq ,u.?7 r: ?.i b ?:?r should ba ecilirlcIir M t ...... " . . fc ft . THEWONDERFUL MVE OF 1 PJd I-ijiJi j trath'Wlfhiafsce'so'lbft repeated in the oil go"PlMo otw haH trem roe. and nUmvhart.wiihreat sorrow whea ip""""- I look over, the world, mack aprclne charch, J I H....Two Horthern preachers and ths Edi ml u f na nnn, aatan tiia'ii.aaiia' kurf. i. . .. In the koTO Kbles, Prayer ,books, carpets king I icashioni, sod that the robbery had beei haite I ..J .nt(S nail MifltMai' and beeusyi We are so familiar with the slory of tbeBaviour'aiowe tbaitfwe do-' hot appreciate Its remarkable character; botuidwairowa witness aoyisueb BuanfestatioBbf i regard in ike rela ....Two northern preachers and the tne. hearts I . at.. K'---,,'- txmmt,u ot metf aad maylW, Itiwbmehtob.throagh "TSSSlSPi that Sgsncy of ardent spirits. -oti 1 1 1 Uta writtea.this itadrJag Ifght a I do Wi jstSulotW jj Bat, al tbess tothrem read .the ; see tbe mat,ter,in tbf light yon do, J had cod-. Uonatitatjoa roteptlpanyX. and aa a nutter 'la .a,rf5 ,'Wl Uifiaomwa'-coiiot kaow .-mash aboat the con- pel that-Christian men would not da' IhU, that U. make and aaU ardent snlrlta i IwOJMl ' faither-rawrUink lti as a Nrvatage. lJ 1 j'wowld(likafortt toba, bsit utterly at f anil a of.eamo not know.noeh eboat.the cpn- aUtation. c. They: art right good est what they ixiWoi. f 'oi tratt'Uat Week a n 'it would vet itlemsnftbm NewHamphirs,M.whoi,'i& anaK isWjyW0 , emir frfl 15 r jjr tfoimdfimad'man.ia wanldtfn niMW hn atrriek? wltlf ad mirntl An -f a1 l! a law uW with- onr law maksrsi is wtSt . - ..... -. - . " . - - J - - . t .hv,,.,; tut , . r;i wnndm iPoara wonld int nf t t "1f"! "Tvt " gnlneHt wth't xwsernlntrlhr afleotibnifto; heroic ; afldjdnsintoieatod I ecVK-ll iKyhditid'avet beabU tMaiii tbe; j Wrtd Uey 'wm'asyrpiljna r-wn)' i... w..--. awi Msarfn,oferrsdta wvum vv. TcK.ruwu as iue po- i te jo-theiiepatatioa, eHUair glory of i the age. 7hmmiimi I livtv to sonfer o areata boon, -mj--a tv.i.a. .- .. ' I: L While waahoiildd'j all we cool BB una osep conu . --aom ander maeoweaf arrbVand pITrxl Withtbat 'Of Dimorl andlV I siayetwelssoaotbapo to aocceaasvsd-' frJaaffrmfctfe tan rar-Arariaii.sWMa I StaSOBa;sanw w ara hfirotten bTdrnDkards rVlika bfitalLkB-. t hate thought that if we 6oil get three or. Tfitflv aons ri rt on nr riirania wun watTta marn.T ffom ahdet' tht laflaeaeS'bf i ar&at apirfts' I 'sniofiioemsni of hte-'dsathj Tt4 dil a geidY aetins directly vrpaw tketrj wystema, wa ooaUd I )m&ltxtbam diaonltiaa at knstea Iaayraalfa. then tepeby nMra. snasioa jtorreecaa the; banian ism ance. .a i tbaathiU Dataon' and 4Pybiaa rd both a'6od'4stai'ndrlect fUesdsytheyiwecs1 ttk,error'iover; mbar-djEUtlcbtf 'llfedtClirist ! rrQdsJfcbil-ciis'Ca f ila trilittSfff tf ah totrj'tLa-caeiy'cr'Ccdf aii sight cf God by reaiTtxlia Xxt i boa" shauxi . 1 ia . 'JjiaV soseeratedilaobarn ssytwakaoraiwxtsiHle Qtsbdsf IwovttTrnder diaonltiaa at lnitea IarMta.' $M&t WWfe U Uf wkkth. S C-roan'a Droakeiiness7 h tVge'&ajSfityf !a:;d ISA t9 C sUaoea,ita:tsjLUry, Jast AJ sfchssaptlaar tlkS folKs wt'&lV W-Mrttfll tr 3 c't d -tie u.rrpr',J t? vi; C '-ire ia 1 e "r.f . , ' llay V- Xaoid'e&oourage PPS-J W 1S SrLlfarti' aVailS ! k'tJCUi' cf 'sUiary'!nls L'e ii3 loVs uSfoiii CaiLa. whole people Wish if. and will1 not think of vgotism fu coonectlon with1 it. for they know assaredly 'that his' ; whole useful nra has peen ae voted to the glory of uod in tbe sarvation of nien. TbiSt vOdd' strengthening' lid", ne naa . oeea enaqiea to qo a ooighty work; whereof ;yery true branch of tbe Vine is glad," and will bear tbe more fruit tbe jnore iof .it . tnev feel and Know. ' uv: an means let the readers ;vf the EficotDEa, hav the Antobieoranhvl' ' ' -: 1 . Dr, Hartwellj rV " 1 We hope, eo soon as he enters up on his missionary work . on. tbe Cab. r r . - it a - . a w-a . loroia casi. win aeep tne xutcaav jaeb folly informed upon iTair points ia that great field. A knowledge of tbe advancement of Christ s king dom in the benighted . regions.- but a. - -a strengthens ana encourages the sop Iiapb in innra f.Ta-iraii rjitrinna, " f-Oh Lord, our Lord, how. excellent la thy, name in all the earth4? ,,. iA' tiv f Tour Traveller visited Ibis section of Eobeson county recently,! htop pior during our stay with the bless? ant family, of JUraAmia,H(&roagaiv fio uiauo a. cuvh jLuiuiar.ycna uj tne people wnue tnere, ana nesnyr enough signed to form a Lodge- We have little Uoubt bat that i we. will form one there sdona We fonnd oae good TemplaT thef e--a ? bright sun-; beam and a true right-hand-support ;r Misa iJL E.r Cobb, I aod we ieeh assured that she will aooa bavo! her heart's wish in. the fdr therance of tker food work therewT9 This isa goodly community, a religious ? and high" toned peoplesi aie!yr' ww ; i - st." Johns, ivfiiv-.r In Eicbmoud ''countyuneaf ' tbe , Sooth Carolina line, we made a'talk j aod formed a strong Lodgei' the Sfc iT . j TT .L CL-l ' aianns. nere iDB ut-uuiu'ara eumu- iof3mWona,laaaglorytP God. 1 IaTthi. 1 1 iatic in the good work. v This is aiV; i i 'wa r uo juncr.-s x( I auoiicut, lariuiu uuuituuuu. auuu DrrCorrrcanTf d;?ii' to sty zest, determioed to btr teinrr' ate, aa well as tiliient In basiness aemng the Lord.". !v"r 1 ktd-t- if r psobabiy .the 3 esti fjendpwsd t sad eqoipped, echoell m Aneticaw This Dniverd- ty haa three Knti5e.boTatories, ? ,Vt n prolSaos some ,ot the labors of theatadenta ia tUssa departments as Riven by Prof eaior Bnt aLl f'Dndar the bUraetion of the prof oaastadeaf haS JtMainiebgaged for the past twslyi motttbs ia tha study' f tbSstnieturs of tM eUada of -Ihe KtemaclJ'' with the viw brcMdeavartog decida what" 'parYeach of r J ii i 9- Is becoming dearer and, M$retfto the . hearts ,0Lf, me peopie., oiir la goodly ingatberiogr itaoop.ftWej . a-' - . W -J'. a S . - A a Sal w isn every uapusv 4auuy; j wef e ,aa.j ioir it. for, it stirs an the bearta oftbs, ! ax aVa ..Al BMWtfmlr SW llA St. A Ttrfsl attft AsV ffTI'9!- to tbeagedCbtisUanas bepearshiir JM -eternal home tUrbrioga uthe du! B" Ltfi wboratoryu a stady of the life a fab in the nartnre od.admox)tien; , fcatortbr terrain ihiarosaonld f tin at ' wMnii I .ui. I t-V naihi nnrpst. cause tome elds diseases. A series nftavesU. I rhnnehta of. tha oaieSlV and crreatfst. iwobitoim iciHiii wine nervous (actors i mirV mintluevOieu.lOi,ipa. K j crespira)o memisinof 'jtht rog.'W 'of .-God ,aadstbe good of . men ; mUKdsi in nnuncn. , un ua jnonmouanfiii uu. i AniivoDanr Maia anu uiajiUt af the FettQweh 'fct $ha j j Wh6ftfMU'n inaence, jof, 1st year in attvamg tne aeveiopment or tne 1 sacB ceaeeieaa; wvutu;.Hi11iJJ m fl.ko aanawtall ik. MniullUI 1Vlu. l a.lll1 l . .-.(''-iXJ.jWArr. Ihess studmu gradaite sad epma fluti ia J j , LeVterf urge ns ojt to tne W0fl;ia jtha world fgnoraAce .and i darkness .. will have wgarao, bioui w wjw uuwdu i .! n. if tallintr ns. IMina.a Ida anraaATifai aaii? Mnta- taiataaaa. 1 ) a . ' ..' - am. '"-y-'-s r-,,",,rfr lament when ne says rAOU-arB.frr? tioa of the pastor they were led to see them. J ... tn a noble worki The BsopB HS. -'a4'"' DiB onght to be read ju every liap-j pnTtey profefjsedtto UvAb;itjeas. f4miijiWe:have more and, bet-j jated. and hkring become cpnvinoed,fhaf iatv 4e- workf rS'iu cborches .wbf rej,tf anrnoD u iwiuT iajuani. uaju anuovp i -Hv?raiRnxR ia Airn.'' v nuun wa:. jshlp thechnrcEThe J we will visit Uiesei Associations apdf unMituuvu, appwnwo. h m i breiDreD, aaa nope may wi j iheir,bapUsm- 3at .hey, experienced' anch I bnt mind and accordin;placg t I jdeeided prosiuon rrom aotna memberaor ue I ECOBDKBin every tapvit . MUascoppeueo twvwmp fwto : a 3fT-r- Wb It iadmn to tha father f Lhasa voona I ? . JIu u liat haa ku IIVaaraa liaaaamMa. Mlll t,ftkkif$s jriaaM jnf,! duty fe.fteoacia a Baptiat. Vat ia CTstraiUed ijneasares .eancveuwy; ma admg to prevent Mas from carrying oat his jThebToaeTaiofMyoangladias'aa- ths terrible; ysousibiUtyinf intsrfat- with the xniigions rights of ;thdl sisterav o to extant 'foAiaanj fiisirt obnaeotton- witStSaStOrt! 'odaa&Ltm hret! ta Aanettoi rr 11 thlslhe laad of tallgtols I0eT ky 5 jCjm saoS tytraniy ailst awrebalad U i ' . a t. TuM4a. i! Major ' Proposition iX-baadafo fchuroamemwra.,srn-,:ivv F flBaoffitwtl. Uta4 fn sw'siAn vitrtVfin I j . a ' I t (Wi? 1M1U 'KH a-avsa v,v bili&etea&t sal I? tils Li Jcf 1 1 toivif and rellecs liberty f apVj I otlaJoa LlmUbl tlal everv ohi &eH beW-1 i1 :fra.icingar rVTrKn .1. ti"iw,:" ' " .w 1 ! I f IxMnot ioPrppo-ttiaa f J3athoi ferieats tc1 . .tale.- ' iskubimwa-i-,-

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