T" aware. " 'vtjw? ;irw"n arnisniirpTrrir - 1 0n oprow year, . 2 ; . aJH: i ;s-J.r.f ! On eopy, ttnth)vM .. ) 1 24 Clubt ot fiT?v .... j, j,., .,. 10 ov, Clubs of tei. ...,..'....,.... 1 ...... .20 60 Remittances uattHt be sent, by Registered, Letter, Foat-oISoe Order,' Express or Draft, 1 paYaoWMtnertieror. tne ruobaners. .i--u i ...... - , T. . S-S-' .. . iew ptuirjo the Beorder.4- EVOLUTION vsv OTH0IHWt;" Back is the Leading, to a commu nication, addressed bya' Church man" to thet WrYwfcSu,- and in which we fiad the following sentence? "uat toe churchman can opt be, un aware that" grave arid ievereni tuen,' philosophy," r scientists.-' and histo riographers, men who, prove -every , thin i?. and- ask nothing of faith or special pleading; are: standing no In iDeir piaces anu vaiuag n a system - that proves nothing, but leaves eve rything to faith? to give new reasons .for that faith, reasons cthat shall at least -keep abreast of-the. discovery,' the research and the intellect of t bp age." owflCharchinaa"iii8thavo read his Bible .very, (cnxsoiijxther wise he would not assert that we are left to blind faith, alone,? unassisted byany . evidences ot, the truths, of Christianity f It is not ,my. purpose to enter fully into , these . evidences. It will be finfflcient, in order to show the error into' which "Churchman" has fallen, to point to only a few of the strong links In the chain' thereof Christ said to the'JewsBelieve me for tbe very f works' " sake.""' These i wo"ks were snch as no one but God himself could have wrought, t Not to speak of, qthecleatimooy, they were witnessed,' by , his,, twelve; Apostles, all of. whom, save one. sealed. their testimony with their own blood. This fact is attested. both by inspired and nniDspIred history,' ,The ; Apostle John,' who (lied a natural death, has left behind htm, a .monument' com memorative of the truths Vf Chris tiaulfy"th at;wiN vp'rtiye the ."wreck of matter and the crush of worlds. Surely there Is positive' evidence as to the truths of Christianity Again; the effects of Christianity npon mankind.areasevidentas those of the sou in mid day splendor upon the material world.' Its regenerating, transforming, influences-must have been felt by t'Churchmaa'rr himself,, and observed, by him in others-lord Be,acon's6eldwho isj himself of .Jew ish descent,', has recently .declared that it is to , the Christian religion t h at Ihe Shemitio- tri pes are indebted for the.enjoyment of much of their past and present religious liberty So; too, it is by the ligh VHof Xairis-': tianty that the scientists' and others are discharging th'eif, ' pop guns against its immutable truths'. " Here then is a ' relfgious system' attested by VmulilpHcity of divine miracles, whose truths are4' self evident, pro daeing1 upon the hearts and under BtandiDgs of meh ; effects as visible and 'well warked as those of the solar syetem- opon the material world.' ( And her we are' reminded of the beautiful figure under which the great Apostle , illustrates the, bless ings of faith and obVdiehceVand.'the curses of; unbelief: " "For the earth which drinketh in the rain that com etbr uponit,? and bringeth forth herbs' meet for them by wboni it is dressed,' receivatb? " blessing from i God. ; But thair whiebr beareth thorns atrd bfiert 1 is rejected, -and is nigh untd cursing whose end is-to- twhorued.l'J o In ibe face of : all these : wellaested lactsf "ChurChmanJVproDounees Christito ity a - religions f ajatem that proves! Wjia xtoes,; svoJottoiu, prqFe,:,o rath ex,w hat does it attempt to nrovet, It attemota to.Drova that. the JinmAtv. ratje haajji origl a. some Jnfexjosi I t 3 A a a. " . a ' . T auuaailanunai.iconBeqaiyjyr ne . uiau , w aise-pupppsew naccept the scientists theory then,' itjwou4 be ntcessary to, discard idivne revel lation altogether,' . because' tinder, tu'e Mosaic insXituofis" Christ wiObe grearti6htrit' flgufa'Hd1 linictfW' things pointed.1" It fStliW'serth'Ml the object4 of the ISiW&Hf'ffleiM thos"e falseTy ed &lleT ftdMlSplaW i i It I dJ vnj v J. ..,. . w,rsi sol n&ai! i h 1 -i-.-.f j, a bih I Ifsis: W I I tall lTz.i I ' .V-if'l til Ur W t'J it-W't) rl I - - aa -kw mm mm im V . ...... , . . a . .- ... ' 1 . ... - z. . . . i ...i,. i ttDi n irtt ,1? lo ?.'jti,"t.- it ill 9nrr-8 ratm-j'! f -' Tw Ids : .ritt-a A .iitu i,ii,.oj if-mra !M;i; i'. -i--" ( J"gJOAii JlLCUUlOil 1 , )l'rrr: JJriSTXSZS9 EATS3. , The Organ of the Nortn Carolina. Baptists Devoted-to Bible iRehgion, .EducaUon Literature;; Agnculture, and General Intelligence. SrjkOK. I that. Ira. em. 6m. 1 12 a ' llaov. f i oo (a oo s oo'sis oo iu oo S -do- -100 '00 15 00 25 00 40 00 S .tda ; S 00 8 00 20 00 85 00 50 00 4 do 4 00 10 00 26 00 45 00 0 00 UeoTma 6 00 15 00 87 00 60 00 85 00 U do 10 00 n 00 60 00 100 00 170 00 do 16 00 50 00100 00 175 00 SOO 00 Special Mottoes charged SO eemts liae. Volume -43. 1mn 5'sti4H" .1; y J OUtaarlw tfjctr words lonr, ere latsrttd TCr-llVriTrT ' OO rreeoicluuxe. Wfcea they exceed tUitagt JN UUBEB OZ. I one cat lor eeok word mt U pid U ed - vaaea. his place J that tt might take hold of the ends of the earth, that the wick 'edjttight be shaken; out ofitT,. It is turned as day to tbe .seal j and they 'stand, as a garment A ad S&m A 'wicked their light is withbolden,au4 the high axra shall be broken flast thou euteredjotalhe, .springs ofrtbef seal or hast thoa .walked "ija4,the,. Bearcn of the depth! wave the gates ot death been opened uh to thee! at hast tnon seen tne aoors t)r iner hadd of death'!1 Hast thbtTper4' ceived tne oreaatn oi tne eaixu i tie dare if thota knowest it alC Where s the way where light dwelleth ff and as lor aarKness wnere is iue- piaco thereof, that tbdu shonldest take it to the bound thereof, and that the shonldest know the paths to the hpuscu.thereof.I j Kuowest .Jhot, because thou wast then corn i or do-. cause tn janmDer,oi .uiy, Hjo.ia great 1A flast thou entered into the. tnajtnriea of thn aoow T or hast thou een the, treasures, of the bail which l nave reservett agamss uie uy ;uc, bittle and war 1 By whaf vay . is" the flight, parted, which, scattereui i.n flast wioa UDon tne earbu i w uu hath divided a watercourse lot the nArnowlnsr of waters, or a way lor the liphtntaff el-thunder r to cause it td Tain on thfteartn, wnere i not man j is ; n the wikierness,. whereu tbre 8DO inani to satisfy the desolate and. waste ground i and to causa jthe bpdi t4 thm ittndecJifirbto .spnug, forth 1 r : ... -.,.- Hatft therain a lamer, or, who nato. biffotten the drODS.of dew I, UotoJ whose wo w.cam. the ice J and Joe hoary frost of heaven, who natn geU'; Aired itf The waters are nia as aWth astone,3ndjtheM'faeeB of'tne dep is frozen. f Oamst tboaWnd the sweet mnuence8 oi trieiaua w iuuhv the band of5 Orion 1 Oanst- tbou bring forth' Mazsaroth" in his season; i or canst tbon guiae atciutub. wua hisons f ' Knowest: thoa,the 'ordi nances ofheaven 1 canst thouet the dominion thereot in the earth I. Oaust thoa lift up thy vwee to tbejcwods,' that abundance of waters may coyer theet. Canst thou send lightnings, that they may go ana say unto tnee Hpfe we are ! Who bath pur wis dom in the inward parts v or 'who hath' given understanding w the heart f Who can number the clouds in' wisdom ! or who can stay.the bot tles of heavetf' when the-dnst grow eth' into" hardness, and 'tbe eiocis cleave fast ' together l" ?vvut tnoa hunt the: prey for the lion I er nll the appetite of the young nonay wnea they couch tu theirj nens, . aua aoiae in the covert., to e in wait ! V Who provideth, for the , raven y uis . wou i when bis vouue" ones cry, unto God, they wApder.for lack of meat Yben the scientist elu-ll have an-. swerefl, satisfactorily tne foregoing questions, we wllllhen" coulder!lii8r meory oi xavoiuuon mute wci;wj. I s-'jJl-.L -vi-''-w fi 'Ct hist . -tttdn'kae h'.irv Fop the BeoovdeCH A TASE FOB tHS ijllNSI IIEB ATlf lf fir? T11K iTWliCkTVS i AlilCSi IK i We will premise, that the case we state, is nbtarcreamre of the imag rnatfonitDjared np from the misty deei. In some' distant und inaccessi- bleBland, which obody. naceo SeaBTor ta'eTer Ukely to seepbatisi vetitaWe fact which toccarea;mae ' ... a . mm 1 f the eduntie r-iortn uaroiuia iflud itt then knowledge f . many per obs; jf whom some tue nottmprft qy-4.BQtijUYlBg. Leu tar I aiT ( . a mmA trr m rm . AnA mAF III A ambsfepiousjejef erJ ka QWarearjii, J8tlya,Aesjr WdPeajMptizAnaa united wawiUsav.. for. the sake of .caurcn,,uu,in iniaf uesuE,n ew jC y . - m " - m, tt L.wta f!i' rir turn, fine caasea, iirseu to , do cap tia 'aVecond ifme,1 a female ser-' ChHstf aantyrana tdefithrttli te&wrf faW6ThTebelI0tachld.c4a1th, 1 thd Ldrdthaf takS ttftfte1i 'tTSoH of me-and that coverHHth covering, but-iMtwe ffpiriK'that bef loav1 addislnsraH'TheBdorebelbour chiWtsa uretha."grae anoVseveeeafeathj sheKM:hpe4Nrby.aeUst, men reierrea to dt 'Cinorcnmajs-t intiiitfiTuana,..:receivea intarftne and who," aooordiBg-to- himrbave al reaay passed jtb Jiffo aod are now thundering Wthet"$d'Jtiei6t the defences of Christiaon v. This .would be startlipg news .indeed were ' it mud. -WHWfstw.KwqLitt.fts not troe. The .church of Christ is founded on a rock, and. we have the assurancthat .ewljalt notprevs againsjt &h,m a Let the scientist, who has arrayed himself against tberutbs' of ' dlyine , revelation:, .rostdfer. lotto win' questions that were pot to rigbteoos Job, and, which cauiiim.to abhor J himself, aa to go dowi to sackxloth and ashes la thesightof his Maker-i "Then theH(mwreJ(ni- "Where wast thoa when 1" laid,tbe knowest T or who hath stretched the lines udod it f Whereunon are the foundatibthtteffa8jfe,d:tb wu. ine corner stone, tnereot.twoen the morning stars sang tpgetben'aad place.. "2i;g.t. kirsZevteftr and said, Hitherto Bhal; thou coc?,but Eir ua c :a ue dzyrprias ti trov er immJs f and hence' ad wpblloant could nbt be received futo ajhttrth; for the wan trot vaiia baptisn; woo naa seen validly baptized three times-T? i i At A believer, what has received svaiux oapQsm is iigioiro: enures nietnbership does it hot fbilowfrom: l sxTppoaition that eatifcof xbe three ibfiBtimViD eeestion was valid, that tlev were none of them valid 1 that id. that the were all both valid and Invalid t valid by sapposttion.. and lilvaltdjt)j; neccessary fconeaiuence(f bU.iP8 , it, not iso,.rouow .,tnat three valid baptism are equal to one that is Invadoraaivalenl to.no i 6;" If a dntyisperfbrmed by;one aetiisH' hot-complete, la that act 1 be performed by ahother nbse(iaent' .aet f ;'IftheflrSt'"perfortha6ee of an aet be valldvWharudditJoaal validity does it acquire from ttrepltitlon T on rather, :il-the ?arstj act: Demand, is not the awooedoiuvaUd lj iThe var. lidity, of -aa, act depeuda npon its canfixmyiilfiFUwV u .wen law, re-c aoires the Derfornaanea of,o act, it does j ao jreflttire,! bu orblda,ho performance of, hro :,aod the aeconcL aa pt cbmformable,;but. oonjrary to iawA isv o; course, ooyauu. 4 unt tliAn'a abtecism" to. aav that the saruo dtycaA. be ; performed by. the 1 same person in tnree several acts j sbsthat each performance shall be of equal vahdityi1 hnd"atm thO eame eognizance, protection "and benefit of ,ii ff Is it not still more solecism to say . that tbe same doty can rbe: per formed by the same peraoov inlets which am different ni only.' mtseeri-'J callfr balmodaUf t lot example, that a iian who. is under an obligation to bmldi house perforP: bis duty iu 'bmUlingjshipt ,Ai hiswo acts, in buUding a house and building a ship, are specialty, differenVifone is riffht. innst not the other be wronsf 8. lithe foregoing, questions aa it only of an. affirmative answer, does it not follow that if eitlier one of the three specified baptisms was valid, the other two Were invalid t ' 9 If only one was' valid, ( which was that one? ; u? ' 10. If It be said the flraL we ask, Does the .Doctor we mean our brother believe that- the language of the Saviour, baptiing them into the t.name , of the father, , and, the Sob, and, the.Boly pir'U was ia , tesded to signify that the command it contains would be as truly, and validlytfulfilledjn the .baptism, of a . subjeot by himself as by another ad ministrator T.s. Does the langaage ad mit of such a couStructio'u t . , ', ( It.' Would it not be algal anom.' ally, that the sam person should be both the subject1 and 'administrator1 Of ja-preceptof the4w ?ithit "the Fsow on whoii tbealawt isj to epei ratehoBld'- benae effieer through whoseragency its? ope ration isJcfft- fedifie 'toH .til nrtvm-9 ab-r bw eoi 1J3 l2jBapti6Bi is represented; by the 'Apestlei aa,analogoa3 F ta the : burial 6t aaaa4betMadedi.i.vBotc.iweldi f it potcbejki strange, eight to .eee dead man i bory gt b imsell 1 1 and, ia natrwnat lsanaiogicaiyr.aDsarqg icilly false? s ..- c f,;Tei,f. baptism is valtdt ,tq what Jbuulia-, tiogpositioa is.the ordinaupe-of bap tbim. reduced.'. It becomes ones tiqnpi mere expeaiency wnemer a elwarch- shall Insist" npon' the ad min 1$ tration, 00)3 ptism ! by r her delicate pasto rw heeaano t, espotal & naJaa prpviaea wun anr inoiA ru uoer ores gd into the waters oo. acokl oay , ori t j . : ...vi. i....i. j finkf&jemcfld3 negKVjKoncan whstf'K wiagingescajfwajurwueswtta j ,a ttdr .couverta doffw bis,, Jian4sw i Shelf , otweMpiismswowafcw.n,er4;T fbfjbf ttiewje U!ML6 Pfd, wjfl,je untyerially .adnfe 9 MM tuSiCtosilajUMiAfterber husband t wXaiil,a1 Js i. u. I uauuaiu wa. iMyi was ui ut tuui church, oLvhicb she-was a shining member unlil the day if .ties 4eath jTIpon lhi case,wa wish 4q submi 6omegueRionst9 qor'alien imniersipOj brethren ' and as . a learned iau4 cellent pother, livihg .not yery.re-, mbfelv frbcS the omoe of the Brnil- 554' CpEfiEKi1 is; a iBenuOnsad haprs,cei furnfsnus with' atf Mnswer whlchall'coiisistehtitfrb doctrine;1 and ttnas6ofreTof us" prbTem,-mcb,.ar:wen-asstired! we BhbuldimUhgly' ftrtrttfthtfend ot ouf Mretfd sotv '-Tor Ourseltesf Wd Teg ItaVeiter submit t tbe 'follow ing?i'qaesHonssJ:,,r.5? ff. ;fi' sis Didt-this woman receive oni twaor three 1 baptism8l'dtAccordiugs td the doctnTOiOfJalie imnersion-' lounaatums 01 tne, eartn 1 declare, if 1 Istsr toe immersion or f a -oeuever is laid-the "measures1 thereof,' if!.thou I Thiarwomaa was a ? believer and was immersed three umeav . vy as, each bhe bk imawaloue, a valid,bap. tiSULl. f rt?- - ".f e a Ifjthe answert be in the aiarma- tttweaskppn.whi all the 80T1S of Ood isboated fbr-jbjpf4 validbaplisms conldshe properly ,bej Orhhut qps the1 VpCtt dob sued. dDufciOf the wombt Wheni Ic adt for the same' reason; be.recejyed madetba cloud -the garaest thereof- npotL'a'cither twbwtrc fcre ialid,- andHlrTr'AitftioM 4wtcft'ee:4i.HiK.MnliiLrwathrthft AM !thuaf ahurehi1 cbntratt'-'tb'tha tor it, anor brakepp fqr itlay decreed ApCille7 KSK,iadre;w ihtvzzep- tion bf a csmcsr net oaa cspsay hilt t?,f eaTf, cc .JroiiDUin9,uie validly of, baptism i ttiPrdetM'VbWf nd Mbnfr1'3 Gi ttSUhl na4 atft)riedtoi;hTf' . ty:T tl . ..j For the Beoorder. f The natural sua Imparts, portion of-bis owivraovsreiguglojy! tsrthe taeaoejt object ht h shines upon. fPW m 1 -1.. A.an tkaf . JftnL'. In. kta beamy is4C- with jponsolqaglaaness. 14 rendered, poumereiyyisipie but lndyf bxU JigtveAUiQlet, that gvaps, tike a threaa pr.sxiYer ia his beam-, rt fleets .bis. clorlons im age. So God Impresses portion cf UiaowninuniiegreainessoD muufc pertains to. Of mself, Thus id regard to the hold J5 baa bu the conscience abd the sebse he?uur ns of ' tbe hblinesi wilchv He veacl6 ff hfr is strictlv lUilultef. Wo 'attainment can Mtfefy It; tl6 bigber heiceTTthe more distant apparently1 tntottjecr before him.'- iu "11J 1AJl 01 vi tB MBilla peep o'er hflls and alpf biTSipi irfce TKeho'riof'dnV-'ex definitely on evry:',aide.1-Thinati; (Wis iufc ue otu uwver vuuie uu tv his obligations do 1rliktlWrw1tl.MTnY mote and1 tfie urer Kzhl let in ouref oa his conscience the meaner abd the" mote tnltW flows bWaH&tlons ind noblest deMs1 Vpneaf!4 'Ahd what he fs satlslleewltti and 'it maybe secfetry ewrtrt iai WHentB m eout asdr worldly frsm cf tntad.eeems -fld hhd haaKWnebp-feeai lnitbe light of God aaid shone tpon by, the lampof trnthi Thht jnay explain toi ms 4bef pnctiaaL para4oxt that gtowiDg vlJlmstUBicnecpmeA rCior homble as he baoomeso mpia holy., Afcer Job: had, heaxdb jojoe, Apo;. sees someuung 01 tne oryoiuog,. he eried i ouU,," Wherefore,. X abhor.. my self and repent in dust shjl ashes ;me reai ana auquate, corteciiyQ bf aelf-righteous, self-complacency, is Truth : austere 'and. unbending because not a flattering 'falsehood but truik. We all feel: in our better momenta, when we see ourselves by the lightof truth.itbattrtf otrsf altogether ' different ' Arsons troinr' what we actdaliy ' arei and what w know ourselves to be. This makes the doctrine" of "grace? the Jfaotof re' deanptioD, the very bame of Jesus eo f congenial, so deitrhtfal,o soul-sat- isfjiflg to thnbhe has attained any ad eq Hate tense of his sins j who, has once seen his own -lmage ia the gospel glass : who' knows what .an evil-ana Dittet tuing su is ana waau a sinner he is. -.: ' j i . tv, The light of troth end of God, shiDes upon oa ia the midst of, our weakness. - Wei areithe consciou8 sobjeots of isfluvnees and .sgeocies, totally. eonilieting par very na tura is at war . wit'aio at war with ksejf., though Teutipyt jdeyoyl of holiness and alienated from. ..God. it m yeLpossessed'iotreaso.n, which pro-' ouuncep against jis qwu erruruauu sses: 01 couscieoce wniuu con ns its 'iwncoAdfict d-'statei qfj immortaUliyJfeiQUJcapaciats,I for endless progress in a higher fipheie43t4 arfrJille tbdwrhx upon by evil teaching, by evil associa- oifpoeinoaa 01 oar un wuicu ire earthlv. sensaaL devUfefii ' We' Are- prpneio eeillshoe88 lug cruelty, jo-jastiovenvr.'deAlott-Ji .all) forma pi practical abomination. l0Xe$i f Q are. tne suojects ,oi goou inuaences,Moi f tw est te&t '4Foi' thelteoorder. trft ft 4 ? f h' If its werea possible to weigh, in stead of county the sentiments of the people of iNortn Carolina,; with ic gardLtolhis. Bintul .practice,! a Jaxj rofcioritv would be found obboaed to liquor erlliog, Hquor drinking, liquor in every 4tormr . Dr. PrUchArii ine JiECOBDIB s orjao. zaaa,.(aya; "to ticUHe by saefed precepts; of wise counsel a, of rood" eiamules. and '6f Moled jasS( disrWlthe'ktfts5!ef heavenly - a . -a - a r rrace : lights that snine npon tne m dnighiafi Wi p9 rHWt we, sura 01) heaven, and illuminate, our path-. way,tbrough' e,vildernees,' yf, .this" Uiiu-Uttv buu. f.;: J082PH M. ATKINSON. tLw it Js'Vw.ttm-BaoordW ot to"nlElSlIE!LLlSt30 14 SH 1 day Sut brother for admission Into hlschnrcK rehaanci8glitBrtodiiec)Bd,bap- tismaas 01 sojralueteavjHg; that she hativ sAbmiueAi to tnem,puaer, the brMaura ftecesaityfc .Andoolv -to: oetitainitnextliloeJb eobacience.t and rea airinfir lo be re- fcied ufjoit, ejrtbW, as Jr;j)nJy 1 true. Dapusniwwpuiqnienav,ejraeetea kerf- rWenbteeVbe weuiqMBf TOewonjWoua. pwp.. obaritabe.stomacbButpp his DrSnciDles. he could- only receive.her ,aa a disorderly 'anahapst, .wiio.,li.atr ranooncea Yaiia uaDtusutiar one tuat wS . unlawful., and "void rjri other words' he would receive t nej ipto the,' chn'ren' wfthodt baotisci. 0e would b4 6bnged"ef tb"reeiviM6 bisJ church att5 unbaptixed 'bersbh.' or to ' admit that her flrtf and second' bap--1 4Um .am not valtiT." -t 1 a&IX par respondent sbaJlaayiraa thkiocsly reruaining , alternative, lb a thseitbirdnaptUja. it'tbe.!oneijthatBs: talv wjlkfte. nofcgtye up,, tus pri.nc ble.thatne.more is eesenUal tajraJioj b4ptismthan,tlhei ;Jpiay rsiocta, believer, ahducosei upon tthe, only, grbned upca whic- , a. 'Baptist, can tnmiyiM s tytana.jnato , Tpff W 7 1 Dresuma tnac an tnoueuiini De tiava .nmn Mod Snrhik Viaraho1T'T faTar'ThAT trnow' it Ua'ti k'niniA gMMoysectW4ptisr1)eOT ttfclp.belief.ln upcrnatsral.abajty r3 "W,wn Mvue if wwuh. jef jf lmvve ,pppiSs. fv e orcen tiled "c ?.;j,?wrafi?r it fftenfwl ,J t:.. t7 .saol eti 1 - W - a a a a j. m.'.L T. X W T ' . ttl T ' t :lvdcr:- i-3:t-:ii3 nctatlu. -Vv - -i,f-3t'- -n - eeenany, veryvmany, who .become veTy'ehthuslastio'chtistians q hring a revival of religion, but soon become cold Ap4sisacMviu regard tp relijg; Ibba ahd28eemt to tbibk, .they, .bave tldnedl that wis vrequired .of. themu aiascer aeiayeinniaeoming, ,i?,xuey believaso firmly-in Predestlhatidn, for rataie usvtf an erroDeoua idea'ot itj thactpej lawiwiattney cannve d theyLlistwandalo assthey please,'! never. tnay ingn tue wora i nz.uoa audi eonseQaentiy.3 forget , or never leara that, God hai said ,AHe that endureth to the end shall be saved.9. aiknf 1 Sunday-' VhrlatianS vwho neVejfliavrea'lBMimil 4d1tre totfbnsy airhe wek' toJ even tutor or uoa.OT teao hiswbra. if.theyiadcii Bttndayrlt tiaa acct lAh, sad indeed that such shoord be the easel. God, grant, that, the Yimft'mav toon, eoma when tWfti aaUSU&a. BatWtta a reii,gidW'kha!f be ii'Mdel'.'taristfiffl .Even the name christian safteeTi1 thavweukl xtJhrteWaett sbbtlirfetifcttar.ftS mcxi iat Jcsst as; 9tz taftatiU Circ2it lis La-wcild." so,many o( our 4ear brethren j?rwca. ,uarasueuism,irouj tne aess: , " I Everv minister should carefully. ana prayerfully consider this matter .before it ia forever, tod late; and ask. Umself tbe quest ton,' "Am' Iat fanllf to I ablhrmf ,,d'tttr1lDvthe8liht tit ,uoa t1 jjo x rats wsaynocr oriseir UUI Y I- aav IHKimB-lUE 'CBDeD'' UUyis too1 bftetr left1 ithdonfc tfl5- manyofar ministers havitfgeharge- Vif nhavo.fiaa- rm o.fwl3'TiehjkVtft--hfn ttra vaa ay w VttVtt BkV W a VWV Ml tt,- a aa MB once a months and then ( go t sonie3 cuuutrempioynaur'eua.'ieBTe loeir people to starve airfaole'4B0Btb'or the bread oi lifei ,t:da .t l ! Then too:many.t:tbems in their Unorauce Lset y thejosslveai-agsinst education aadjtBttacbaVgreeas. sec tnoos," hal preparer1 and sexyedia socb quantities, coldJLhat their peo ple can't digest them. Dividing the hoof but Toot chewing1 the cud, with lottbf thhadif bnt rfolfghtdlnf. nneb wind or no rainPloofafag at prepares sermons, " eainng 'tnem T,-deathTpills';oV rwbrfc Of thedsvil, and many 4uch ibifarf butl thiak lhis- Bardahellisnti of,.eerf raen: jgnorantj isvei.wock .L4b devil: way orjaeAbbyrkich sataakjeeps men. from omingXocivUis ilisbWiest their deeds I hpnld be reproved.,Qod a a tt mm w-W W "r a e M weteht with him. By gtadtinfe'thls request. Who can tell what inflaence It may bate1 with - the-friends and- trusteesi of AVake forest, Colleges, la -securing for him, from that institution so dear to 0aroUha ; Babti8ts.' the D. D. so etmtt1 Bought 'after bv gome' of the trentlemean of n Iris 'otow. Will yod not, therefore, 4eaxMBxcoBDZS joint ,with your .correspondent . in ririnc knncle Behben" a .polite, but urgent Muvuauon to maae user or; your cot grant to wn4i:he llply iritjp tAiM in giVUg to your readers, and his tbe world., to enlighten the ignorant for Jt is ,"ea 'Jndeed ' totbink ; that , there are mien claiming to be teach ers ia tsraeU0od ignorant to take good counsel, even boasting of their J iKUurttuue, tuiu ib 10 w mo itwrcu, wui continne 1 td ' boast ; like Banyan's mni'Igtiotnt;"; till thet comeC to the river and are c&rtleoIovef 'by' tain ' bopei?ahd afrivef at tbe ce testial gat, and'flnd thatlhef have not a certificate, and that there fS "a way to bell' from hft1" gates bfthe celestial ity, -as well" as from the city of 'destruction. ' God' forbid that any of us should ever realize the iabt-s3 oif at wofe BfsMi'-Ji-'VWn:- AthpoU InttituU, H. C. lXmm9 tH afalaa AT I n t AT t A4 tl n V 'ff wi f iV a wn. AMD i CW1? V IUWMVOIUUbiMIUeI i Ui my judgement, a siu againjt society, since . it" pirof c men in'a bquess ' which 'protects crime, and desfroys life aodfproperty 'bv''tbe Wholesale' Aqmittlug the truth end correctness of these sentiments i there isViiri8:bnir mldstt'lnlSatfH thropic tnonste'Vlealiog daaiuatioff-f rbhftd ihmaft!vbiilantiro pistS" are holding 'the bklaacelof f pOWefi-1 1 ena J s?J jo aidls fc a iaaovi eTCDann oeownroTeis State, are beodrag'bodyi and soul to vflerrthraidonvctbadi 4batifrocnv which- the. beroes ot1876 freleaaed them christian legtslators-thinfc of thJsiOne of. y our number reeenlly remarked, that b&.4i4 botxpect-to sufceed IHA mm WOjectoi Jthalt belwasjdewmlBedtao-howxo! Wa. oonsutuents a wiutoao so, wiy yqur how npon thls brother, as once upon m ime he dared, to cress the imagi nary . line . between, the two States, and )ead captive at his will .a fair, cltlzeh 6f: this 'section; ' well' known for qualities ef feid and heart In this and adjoining countiesiIIaviBgf aa he t confessca, f. passed; r hie three score years aud, ten, .with . all his facDltles as;frelh' and unimpaired a-they were-' m Ycore of Wears ago, be oouid atroni to: lay aside nis piti verbial. ; baahfutDess; (Without: being: accused. o( ; thata quality, ndispen, elble to 'success, which he denomU pates orr;i,and yield to "taewisa of his-man v friends over here which ifesleure 1 b St eexpreistd, o Allow Joe to T present something? else - for nsideration whioh., hoped, be wiir suner 10 nave ane thing." Tes, sir, it is leaving out that costa, i llerer is what tries the spinal column and the faith and the piety ' and the oottscience.r , fv., t He addedf in m mournful tone, "I shall ttot last very long. Boon my K widow: and my orphaned children, wiu weep over ' my silent: remains. Flesh and. blood cannot long endure the strain of leaving ont. so much matter. ' 'And when all is over; (here tears fell from his eyes) I wUh this simpla inscription to Jpear above y ashear 'ir,? ,r ' ' I 'Here repose the remains, (or did, tflt1theywere' quietly tenoved" for the beneat of science)' "of ;ene who was a 0 good editor r his last 1 words many, friends, history of the times, when ha nnon hompharlr. . with mmA. dsbaga'wenJh rfto fight fo? the Cross in IhVhlbnntaitiBOf Tenneaaeef Dp'aiadH yonccW,1 yxrtt'lritf aak - 1 a. i aa. ae m lucnt snv receive tne (nauaeot r- j yve heartiiyeudorse, tbe request of J-iA & ndiA8sara Jft Jones that the BECQKb& is open to h is rmiDisoences. . : of , esrly . life in Tennesse, P Wjth t Drw! dates' thirty years iu China, Bre Mills experience as Editor,, and :J Pc Jones reminis oencea, . we can promise our readers a rare and instructive paper. SELECTIONS. YHC EDITOR IN ; 1 Jl ' v.i ANTIJPODE A LEC- 1 faith and love. Shall we deny Him t Shall we denv onraalveaf , Thara porta of our. Missionaries have never . oeen more cheering and hopeful The present gives occasion for us to rise to a. sublime. moral oh!i mitkin. and to enjoy an inestimable spiritual privilege. , xne times may . be bard ; bxtLwere the v not hard with the l Master, who said : 'My meat is to I dO the Will Of TTIm vhn KAnt TTtAf Trust Hlct i' trust Ood. : GiTe, and 1t shall ; be -given nntdyoa, good measure, pressed down, shaken to i gether, running over. God says ; wivu. - ix, a.. xuppKs, uor. secy. -'EiclmoML Virginia, i-'r-.4 were, ,It is well: I have, left out,.s 7 : .... 1 ... - 18 PO aCeeted.u thatr the Doctor- was obliged to dose his lecture.--JTatum- r . PS.J. B. GRATES UN THE BIG TBEES Wilt to remove jthis great eyH! Dr." JeterrTrom. 'the supposil tfo Dion that all men fajre" good life Imscb&clddes1 merchant so sells the- -necessities0 ! ithoat encodf aging their uunieiB n uuiio ueaeai, aatr eu- tifledr1hanlS,'Dirt unfb1fttinay, all merchants with their customers BYiEEV. L. tHlLKTtTS DOBBS, Tj. t. t ; -(!B..i. .?' iaiaa. 'iKUi'.:.i!J ! fTo raa Edito, Really, sir. 1 doa'k know how to describe oar fevored eitaetion.' We are indeed exalted te poiat of privilege. Aa' other of tbeae manaif, gurgepoe. resplcodeet, lanmoni leotaree npon Autipode. I Mnd an Imperf eat ektttoh of it; 500 en Jitdge whet ft bost lutTe been to near U. . I will not longer keep yon from enjoying this joteOectnal and moral treat ; J Baton Brtm. 6ezton.1 f y .;. ? , i " t I tare. o . ' tswt.; ' Darine the tuno .that I snent in 1 (Apiime, pmu.ayjNPciaj.atienuon to whatever related , to the press, juugiUKiuab uuiciu waa to ue fpuaditbe todexfcancU the ' Sdurde bf troe.ebiightepmdnL jtigs t;, 7 I xook an early opportunity to call tbepoartion jehicb theldinfmybwn' Ikoiaqd. .especially, thft? relation ia which I stood to.that!,mjgbtyJ organ, XAwrttonaVBapiitt, he was pleased to say that be felt honored by my iivisit. In the -course of our Inter view, L edi . It must be a great tax on you to have to find mat r. to pet in your paper every week.". -lit made no re- L a tt ' -tt a I 'St'V aj 010 SH Kuwiuwi euveviuuaUB4 vnlir maw. I -.mwtmr ai mmt apsai-Ucratoxi,,finiJ esj fouftofaaooittOorrespflndenUE denominates , jiWkAialiroMBWith-i nnpmyso; eFtynasisbeenjaaifti thhllljpie, rieoplflthe. tdceotGoathen Jetn.,women, Kjrl fiftUrAn onftt " thoia nJaaa In luepeuuoiiB; ot ,iaeir.cconsmnents, and men fof 'anthbritv .'Werf Where iJ teach perslBtently, example s well. ms utvueui, Myu lue ivu ueuu uiuv uo driven, from" dur otherwise" happy land: U.KrBEirttETT.!; .iifftJiifj. VUJ 1il S kifl ,it k.?J d vliEYa BECBE JQNE3tl rh f. . . . . . ... . . . a. AietieriouiciaBTaiKtKosBtroD the bro thet -Wh6se name heaflktbts article,- has reealled! tto thei memory of the writer.joany pleasantr-hours spent in bis . ooclety someelxyeara. agotat iuhurchiano Anatbe, letter Ude4 to,3 as called, 4nftoane.w , &W$QPm&99m to gof asking tbroagb your columsot him his recollectioisfheear? he as! aultitferant "bf . the Tlethodlst1 ...a . ai,4.i.i.ii uoubt. Becoirectlbrii liketne, look fot a new chapter1 in those intensely (deal orbrk 4ndaT;gret.deo a gi eat deal of ineotal perv spration, so to speak, to fill up all Is So kjnd, asifayoypjauithn sl-f fs mxm wJ (ajemp ouv-te serve ttpad41ig.aa.cTw.erenA4lniJ, caked t bie with' face which aeem dit.PPlli thateta4 ezhsmited All hwcapacityor emaecinenW-At issi no, seemtiQtto: unct-woraa, ana taj ears 'mislead me f Do I gathef jrqm your remaiKs instcXqa concelye tat tbe great, business.; and labor of an! edUor is to find I matter '- to fill np withthat he devote his main efforts to pulnrigin matter? ; vSir I Tepliedyc)tt havecorrect ly apprehended my meaning." ; 5 !Aud yet," saidher "yoa tell me. that inyouVowtf 'land' yoi are reck onded wiset nianthe "Soloinon of the -cQuntry &jmLZj&fn-2Uzi M: n, 1 -.replied ifSadf ha been the' opialOB of toy perbape i too; partial ( friendsLt' .a jl-w-mk- f 4 BaidAheir'VSlrepardon for setmingito instruct,, man who has the tappearaflcei of wisdom , which 4i4guises you j&ujt the great bosiness of fcnditor4s.1to0Jaw ocOatter to q pu( n. .jit U . the natter, he .leaves out. which, testifies to hisjudg. 'rrianf V AAnAewA Vla f nAnaiaai ay ' easiest matter into ib paper; it is as easy ai repudia- Inte-restlnr'ahdMnSluctfV' rimlhlS-'l tlobfllt'redalres'no'imlirment-no enceft I Tothowhflbiveejnjoywli backbone. The man who writes the fromtimetotimeBroVJones' sketches l tlece is pleased: Wbrinters are of 8iesc3xn cbareittrrS .cssnar tt?- FplesssdXDuy to3 U&tfr matter out,' p'rlroitiv. popaUtiSa et JlTortatCar blma's r daughter, theirpuUcltion 'tohli tct foilto.r.r,;tdbctliai5 'iaentitsai & iasircrtlsa ,t A!r -if he cohld ba' prsvttlclrpsrtS'Sivs-tij li'rrs dcc13 .towtLaitisk Iea aura ,ha$ tt;;2 tttt aurr.rxr-iQ m1s rtn-?jt3'rr,' faoWxl";ff?reAt Ji-Yotf leave1 outTSceet of thurta resoiiitiOBS, br a Rjsj ebit cay; ci as trtichrwrittcatj tcri lag toelr.weaUhycsa )ssd the emitted piece writes i Alt cfthi sateatcsni isutssriicrs utzixz car .cburch.awtr.Sc thtir.'tip27C2.istc7;ed Jfef Li -Ciirr JTcrrualJttiiLtcsai ito rra-cxrti: i3:fra f 'Bro. Crane said it would not do for , us, to return without seeing a specimen ot tne forest vna lumber trees of Callforeiasand f he kindly proposed to take bs np te the Eed woods aome twenty miles, distant. ahd we gladly accepted. We reached them .before twelve .o'clock, z ' Bro, Mciradden. of fjovingtos, Tenn., in describtng' to its itsartiaberiof Dyer asq. , uoion .pouaues, .Tcao eaid. f'wby yoa have, to look up twice to see the tops or some of them.' It was fact that we were com polled to look np tarMiMd four tioes to sew the tops . of these: trees, some of them, were three and some four hun dred feet high. We measured with a tape line Several; fifty and fifty-four feet, and they are so thickly set that it is quite impossible to drive a wagon into the forest, and the gloom is reartui at mia-aay. . ; By the roadside; two miles above Gnrneyville, in the almost unbroken forest, we came upon the most bean tifal camp grounds Mre ever saw bo me nnnarea . teat square . waa en tirely inclosed by well built . Blank houses, and well coveted with plank, ana tats pisza or court was weu seat id, with a nice preachers stand on the, east side, , But the Preacher's Palace is the, object , of greatest to terest. "A" tree stands near on the lett of thet stand, the heart of which has been burned out and np for some nttecn or twenty feet : the ax and the, adze have done the rest.. The first floor, full eighteen feet in diam eter, is fixed up for Sitting room and around It are beds fore dozen aleep- eren There is a- sejrond story filled with a ide bunks for sixteen more. ,Wbat'a,Mtree. and who pwilli belieye. tnis story 1 wnat . were tbeieedars of Lebanon in comparison-with these? One of these trees would furnish lumber enough to -build a meeting house sixty by forty and fence the lot from 75.000 td 80.000 feet. Lam. ,ber at twenty and twenty-five dollars perhottsasd makes these tree val- i ThsIJedwood evidently belongs to the cypress lamily, jadglng frotn its bark and foliage, but its' wood is mahogany-' color,' the' grain course, and fibre brush, i It Is as edduriog as cedar, but will pot make fine fart niture. lt.is an loyalaable wood to A f4 fr-'l j oiij . 1.. 5. , f ; . HdTT BE CTJEEPTflEff.' ? j fcq till -gOffaSaU tUl" t Oa'?i'i-, part of their religion, to .twist their necks out of joint to witness tne en trance of every person: who passes np thfeldklsthe chrrch mm- Si Betn3forriedrfcsaJer thjs turning practice U bi co usrega-- tea yon who the people are a each onepztttBmomesinj' n-jKTi ffts, TW!tlri w1thQA.lB die, course until ftjgentieaau, euterrd, -when ha bawled out like an nshen' ' uTWmUi Ai.'Wbn ';kta'-k vfifm 'trvertae mnjvrmQm t;-a ,m De sgaln went onj withlhia ser mon, when presently.,, another mas pasaed. into the aisle, and he gave his name, residence and occupation. So be continued fOT some time, 5; Al. length some one opened 'the door who was unknown to Mr. Deant .when he cried outs , . ,-., ' A little, old man. with' drab coat and an bid whiter hat.( Dont know him; look for yourselves.n ; A, The congregation. was cured. -.:A PLAIN ST ATEJH3T. ,' H . The "receipts of the Board of For- eisn missions or the Bonthern uap- fist CJonventionv tfrom the? firsr of 1979. Have " nov mcV by some thousand: dollars, the , f necessary disbursements of the Board. The aggregate"' receipts have - hot1 been leas than. theeesi of : the 'same period last yearf The short eontba occurs by) tbe . Board . havings to pay some seven thousand dollars of last years 1 Indebtedness, a reported to the ljoh- vehtrudtsoassKsvea nv&ama doll tsyczd tLs f sada t lavesd, fori the Come ChapeLTaiiuaks np thiacenciL orth Carolina u asked ta iadd CtCCO to fcer csttnisiicss. xaywhatra8JCitiit2:taasti3tf t Ccrr CIrrzU: Eztt:iU tlz txtcca czy f-!!v ca tb9 ttCciT---3 Sji awaa., -J W. V-a' I ratuwcrbef?re .. , f 3 C aw. 7X ; . f 7r i 4i -.oaawwTiDaT-t . rt.,7i-. &bu& & -Board, mnd Btc Bi Jtmt ' :s ' ' . if I L ' a- a-r-I. Saaday ! School Instltate-Ceatral As ; oclstion.. " t. . -; 1 Bjmday'SoWlntutwwui be held ht" the Central Aeeooiatioa on the Ilfth Bnndey ' in) Haroh at the plaoes turned below,' at ; wtieato the fottowiag qMeUona wittbe ditonseed; rrA -i-vest- 'i'v'J ti." iigjf JatWb, ta.jt ih,k a, MT1Sondav4- Sohoob ran well lor a while, ana than !. - '. x Wwlst are the 'elements VlJoh naka ".7J anboeaefalSnndejBohoolr 7 '" 'i; ri SruVn "What ttleOon't doss rth 8undur v Soheol ametala to the ohnroht ' . th. s"OoRht anytUaK exoept lhBible t.-', 1 ba unght ia Sunday School V '' ; -: 5th. "Shall we ornnice in the Central Aa- Milt . a..u.. ' k--' ..... .. 'm ' . School Con-ettoar; - : -.. Flat Book church; epeakers, ForeDOon t ' i lstsabjeot; W. L. Wright and C A Hon.'j ingez. Sadnbjeet; P.; If. Harrhna ,aad H. P. Johnson. Afternoon. Srd snbloot; T. H. Bonner, W. O. Hart and N. Y. Galley, 4th subjeot : H.J. Oonyen, J. T. Aldenaaa and a&Vania.- v' ' - ; Perry ohepel; Forenooa: j; B. Jonee and H. MonUgue; Cept Bid Joyaar and O. P. - : Bjanriok. JAittemoon Wat MitsheO, Ber. X. ( F. Beachaia and a E. Goweri W. L. Potest, M.;B. PimIl and W. f. Jonea. VL Tiraon ' . ForeaooBi Ti. B. Hula and if. D. Allen; J. XT, ' Holding and E. 8. Dunns Afternoon W. N.1 JoneA W. XL i Lewellan and B. XL 'Phillips; ' " John ArmatrDog. If. V. MeDoSU nod N. R. Pittman.7:;"" . ' , . . C V? The 5th subject 1 for general diecuasion " tn the afternoon. The exerebee are to begin 'promptly at 10 o'clock, and it ie hoped that each epeaker appointed will make it a point ' to be preeent ' The 'first named brother in each ttei, wOl act ae conductor of the Inad- r ' Hopirth brethren wilt folly diecuat the 1 th subject; and lei mo know the eonelaaioa ; ' arriTedat f v. X'-7" ,C ? f Joaar X. lUl,? ? ... ...... .'li.a1. V fWIUu f.. - OI tMJS-a-i i a ( yvwaiwaii r i AseeelAtlensl'S. 8. Coertrntisa J ' "'' "'"f ' T Tn Baptiat denosiinaUiA kiartk Cart-! m. Una ia f yeat tmtobldf body, eepeoiaHy !b x . pact to.the ' Sonday SohooL work, anoVl, . tUak greatly needs nbdiriding for fpsedflo' ' , an4 particular departments of "- tho: work.li " W bare aeea this xeapHfledV too, m the ' jStaia IQauoa work, ; mil than a a taU i . Mieeoa Board, and ooa that la doing a great tf s deal,) etilL there i need- ot AaaooiaUonal Boaxdi through wh- to( mora throughly,.. , carry on the greay work of spreading jtbe goe pel throuehotrt oar destitute aaettons, ' And ' 1 ! ra no pert of theSfaUia the eauaa' Wetter' joinoeed than jhertbeea Boarda are aa 1 o aisag th 8taBoardU 1 1 think something of kmd la needed , in the Sunday Sahsol v work. '"We eeML flraC a Biotlat State Suni: 'day School Conation, ' properly olScered " and equipped; ah47theaa'wery Aaaoalatioal should haw; ta orgaiiiaatfcm of tta own; with ': ! Preaiaeato r3eortaryti T'eeamier Suttetkal Secretary,; leonliTf Comitttoe, ? e theaa-,t. ot yttuzae, to repoit to the State CoOTenUoa, . rfoir Wn' ttot the brethren, hi" the 'different f ' AaaooUtiona come' te'mraaatUnoa and -aUl"'f ; tw hrttTtngmota tboroaguly to orgaaixaooi r''jl :8tmdayahOMwWkrar) s-rhf !a 3.'-1 isiiuiitafofaiiii: f:'-5t;: ! i4 1 am hi teoeipt ot ' a oefr eacallant llttte ? pompMM goitew wp by Bro JL Payoa Patter, j of Caiotgo, CL, which eouUinf some af tha ytrj beat Sunday, Bcbool information lab. , had, aH in a aot-ehelL Erery Saaday Sohool . worker In the Unttedj States ahould own a T'': apy? 1 It ooata only 2S oenta, and gf Tea the '' atetiatlcea of all the Sonday 8ohoot work to f -all the Etatee. ia tbenion, together wUh thf j Prorincee of taatnadae ; j alao forma foc,r; ,7 oity, township, eonnty, Stats' and Prorincial 4 -. . organIraUona,'wilh the best hinta at the way t U et tnetanpV ; It gires aho aketchee of thai ' hiatory of the Xitional and International ' t Snaday Bobooi ConT-nllo fraeK their sratt $: i orgapitatioa la 18S3.dowa to the praaent e..,.,! baa, too, eereral email maps gmag the- comparatire emnunt of work dona in the smral parte of thi United States: li faoC ' ; Ikaow of do book which ' presents so much 3 - informaUon and ao maay.faeta of iaterest tar.; so small a apaoa.- Bead 25 eaats to , Bro; ' :j Porter and get one. t- CU-Fsahiaa Bible SehapL ;1 'Aad all the peopte gatherthemeelTea to-1 , getheras one man into, the street that was ..,tl . before the water gate ; and they spake nnto Earn the scribe to bring the book of the law fc of Uoaaa, which the Lord bsl eonmiaaded ter .' - ' r.And Earatha pries brouatt the law ) 51 i baforo ta.eoagregatioWfibp;Tl ' woin,an4aa that oouw. hear. Vila flnierr' -ataadiag;' mvm&t&ZZt&f "Eia". mosta.1 And!The reaa ttereia ttXre 'tie treet that wai before tie aLr i .3 frc-i tLa "t - aorning until ml&bsyy? bef-r' tl tsa' and ' iaWwwBaai'Saa lhc?a acslJ.ttiaKtsr Ji" sr. and ee eara of a!T; tt p-'e.-r-rrattertiTa' - unto the book of IU lav. , . "- Ca JLey'reii la tie book Lx Hi L n c f C. 1 CaUty 'asli'ckt'a? tie "ici'.'4 i-1 ; 1 .. . 2 25 ft

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