ft'"-!-- : PUBLISHED ETEBX. WEPNISDAT. EDWARDS BROUGHTON 50, ,,7 J I..IU TIT jV ST? i; t pficf'ea rayttMTUle.StneV.Oppoelte Mark Til t 4" n : jTJZRXS jOF UBSCRJOPTIOy : , One copy.aix iawhtbr:. .. r. 125 i Clotxrof iWeyCHT. . .r-JT19 60 Clubs of ten.U-UVvUvJa Ji. .. 20 60 Beuvittances must Te sent by Registered Letter, Post-offlse Order;, Express - Draft,' . pajafclato-tbsorder of the Pu Wishers.-; -J 70 t Contributions - - . - - - . - ' 1 , , . . . . W : " ' 7 .. .... I I . V ' . . :. ? 4 oJ el ,Urr;j , i . - T 1 ... A L . r tZs. zinc i &myjy ;v:3,lu;;!. "'''il .1.-11'. 1 m r v j a K ' S - . Il.' itVl I f - J I - I I .11 . f f . I 1 J lit II. a i k r j .vxB'' m .mm. mm - m m m iL.:L X VVJ 1J" Mi I V't. W Ta ibj i . . a m - - - - - - - - - . nM'U 1il iittJi$ tJflW stir 1 -' .-'V r : rrT ..r. nr, T .H. ' .' ,JI , " - .v.i .: ii ti Ti- i 4 J &J r - ,-.-, . -'fvo.otTB-tpjipur-j IJ EUJiijsrj' ..." ,7 VOLTJMB 43. i' "frs(f tar. S3 Mi! lo 6n &etU- ,R ALMQHto JSTI.J HjMB 1 5 87rr9' Ad ,xioqiB8jo eIUir - sill- i 1 7 n o: For the Eeoorder. XE'EPIKQ 0 US OB' PAIIS. DEBTS a sehmon ;rev: j. sr pubefot; "When thoa Towest tow" tin to Go4,'lefer not to pay it ; for he hath no pleasure to foou : pay that which Ujoq hastTowm. Better U U that thou shoulest oot tow, than that, thou shonldest tow and not pay. Suffer not thy month to cause thy flesh to sin ; neither ear iho before the angJ,-that it was an error : wherefore should God be angry at thy roioe, and destroy -the work of, thine haDda?" r sclesiastee Si, m.9M. , i L.WbAt ia arrow Webster Aja it ia Ad solemn promise made to God.?. ..'-AiVow is solemn promise of something to be given or done tiereatterJ'sAs a. verb, iTo gi?e con secrate or dedicate to God f solemn . promise, a When Jacob veal to Mes sopoUmia he vowed to God a tenth of his sabstance and his own fa tore derotion to hi service.- a. Ungodly men make Vows to serve.God, which, are sometimes kept but often broken, j God beard them, Ie knows the- result. :t ; ... ! b. Ji Christians vow to serve God when they join the eburch.and are baptized, - They thosdedicate them selves to God and hia t service : they shsald; pay their service u Having thas pat their hands to the plow they . ghoold not look back.; , : j ; t : c. Every-pledge i made' to- give to any cause. f:godly benencence is a vow ajid, must te jedeemed. God may excoee, if providentially .hin dered. - But.where no reai effort is made to redeem: the vow aad all the income is used: and nothing laid by to meet the, obligation do aot think that God will hold the delinquent guiltless. Sometimes - members of churches make vows or pledges to give bo much tQ the pastor's support or other chorea expenses and utterly fail to' pay tliat ' which - they have vowed. Hundreds have made vows for college endowments for the glory of God in the education and fittlDg young ministers to preach acceptably the gogpelof Christ. Some are very prompt lo pay their vows. Some do so very slowly, while others seem to make no -effort a& all or wholly de cline to pay ; fiaying to the 4langel messenger that it was an error." 'Itis only a rnbecription, and if I ever have the money to spore I -will pay if." They seem to forget that it is a vow, signed and seated before II. We must be careful what say or do about it ' We may obo words very displeasing to tod. The text says in the 6 tb; verse, "Soffer Dot thy moQth to catise thy flesh to Bio." We had better not think aboat CO we We fear that he will nof j then let nat first go and pay our Vbwa, tedeent oar pledges, and then eoae and offer; ourselves and oar prayers and -Hei will surely, bless. - .God directed Mo6ea to say to the people, iNambera .3Q;,2,:'If a. man vow a yownntothe Lord s or swear an. oatfti a solemn promise to bind, bis soul with aJond; he shall not break bis wold, be. shalt, do according to all , that Rroceedeth ont of liis xnonth,'.MMattbew Henry on this passage says :;A promise to. man is a . bond on Js . estateV,bn( a promise tb God is a bond upon Tiis soulJ? . Ont occasionally tvo wsjpon cerning that, which before was inxar oar own power, (Acts 5 :4,) , wlien they are made , are bonds upon the soal' likewise.''" Ananias1 and ,8ap phiraf'lo whom Mr.' Henry4 here' re fers, failed to perform their vows ana kept back: pan of nhenprice and Drought a Their implied pledge was like o personally to the brethren out at The sametimo to God, atid bonttd their isoal8'siid''So''4d'eB our8:,-i teva Jeptha's rash vow had tl betpaidj even ) to the sacrifioiag' Of his' Own daughter: and will not Ood: reQire ours whieh are : of ' small ; ioms i of money with t bd usual Cbf istfatl du4 tiesT David regardea Msiwo1 al debt. He Bays twice 'itfHh 116tlt Psalm;: IlwUl'p&yyt Vows Alitor the Lord nowitt the- presence ot ' all his people. Tetiiy,- Ilk David, re gard our tows, pledges' as Jflebts nd pay them in the presence Of his peo ple and . confidently 'loofri rorsGod blessinffnnoniia. tdv' fc:5!f o it or- repadiatiiw oiir vows in nch -1 Bpeakof H, Bd"tfaBS to okxf fleet to Mn." 'Neitber say tboa be- J . . it it i fore the aegel (messenger or agent . that it was an error,'' for this would be-tbe firfct Step towards repudiation, "Wbrfefore should Oodbe angry at tby ! voice T" i How cautious, - how vety cintiou8, yoa should be about what yoo do or ay, 3et God ehoald be angry with you, "and destroy the-work"' ot 'thine hands.' Many - complain of r?ard times, -hOrt crops, inabttity tb pay their' vows-' or pledges. "iN" wonder, when Gfld has tA- mocb cause to be-angry at their denoquency and destroy the wort of.tjaBi? bandar This may be what be means whe- fre says, "defer not ,!to:paj4t,,tpthehath nopleasrire in , foblsJU tneahiug that it is foolish thns to fight agahi8LGodr and think we can- withhold with impunity.) We bavo aa illustjitioa of: this m Mala . chU 3i-8?i-JLOr .KWill.Va man tob God I. Yet yd have robbed me. But' ye ay wherein : have we robbed tUee l. ; ,In n tithes and offerings 1 ; il"o re Cursed wit h a cafse fbra ye hare robbed r me, evea ;this whole. nation.: iBring je all tbe titbes.into theiStorehdnsef .thatCIhere- may i be : '- meat lnimino . bouse, : and prove tee now herewith,.; Sayetb . the Jxrd of .hostsi it I will&ot open tbe (windows of heafen aod'pourTyou out ayblet s ingr that there , shall not be room - enough to receive -itnis Would that ; all would read, the 8th andSth chap ters of 2nd Corinthians and see what Paul saya op the .obiect Jest tbey .should by withholding , receive ilfce , s anger of God and provoke Hiaf o - "destroy thef wor k of thine (hands." In Pih chapter andtOlh verse, fEvery maa accordiog as he purposethin his heart, (agues promises: or signsX so let hin sive: not grudgingly J gram- bliugiy or complainioglj J .or o, ne4 . ceesity i moral; oom pulsion or church i discipline for God lovethla.cheeriiit giver," and jwiU, bless him.' . A few - brethren itht a touch", of iinfidelity ' in, .tneir neaus, ; ( wiit not say nearts) acfe as though they believed that :iGpd, hadjoothiog 4o doiwiththeir temporal affairs. j.Paul ifiays in tthe IQthjiersei'Now He that is GodJ that.miaiQteretbeeed to. the sower, , both, njinister.bread f for -your i food. and multiply .your seed sown and in crease the irttits"6f 'your righteous ness. It is a righteous thing both to fow and yajrr "therEfore Paul calls ":God's"fncrea8e 'iiUir seed , sownUhe : fruitsfif for'TjyT bur ; rIghteon8ne8s.n, " He Increasing our" ability to do inore s and more coniinnally;'" ,r' V; 1 '. -" IIL'These owsflmust' be" paid. ! "When thnn vhveiit. rivttvr rtnfn f?od deter nof to riav if Tat it: mronint- f'ly. liP we do no ilftve to payi what 1 dalhilbaveW'bpn-oxiHhaOe ; euouiu mujnpiy our seed sown i now can we kneel and ask Hi blessfnir ud ,ou hi or any thing we ha've.When we V kneel in rjraveT tn aak Gnd'nhipssin should e hbt 'temembei' Whether or "no.t??Xe t6ws pledges" 'dc 3 andnpdl if so, will' God he: r as r He answer t wiU He Wc ' For the Beoorder. -. EDITIXG A DENOVIINATIO. - - Alt PAPB. . j Those rejected articles mentioned in ttieliEcoErii of Jan. tu,) are distinctly remembered. r.They were exceedingly .interesting to these who knew tha writer. Unfortunately he signed "ilas" instead of his real name. ' So his .writings were misunderstood and heavy complaints were made against them. -' If he had only signed his name, all the trouble and vexation might have been aviod ed, The publication of IhR articles was stopped to promote peace. i-It may be that this, explanation-ought to have: been made long ago. In religious papers -especially, Veoot tributors will do more good if they sign i their :i own names;; and va writer should not bec'aUowed tuucair another's name without giving bis own.) One illustration .will : show bow good .friends may misconstrue' each other:. An aged and- deyoajf minister, who is now shaking from his feet the dost of 'time, sod laying bis band on tbe door-kaotv of etonii.. tv. vt.- aa. irooical artiole rlal Joe inoooBitt brietiane.; 1 lie also: ni tuaoftctLicai tntictianoi InD 111Q0 signed a ficutioasnamoA good mas in -Gas welt stopped i the ' paper, because be : ranted : no infidelity in Jiis fauoiiv. Xbese gooa weu lorea 'fiiis pxlcef tOjjwrft, reguar?yjioftthe Recobdee.j Others would not sub scribe f fa paper ' if h was to write for It i To' please jbotb J Sides: was riia.nifeatlytmpossiblei';i?-i3 1 ri Sometimes too; manyi peeplawish to d it - the paper - They i eel com-, petent aud losiati o? being employed. 8oft eendpafts of thejngelves tobe inserted as editprWa. Sometimes an editor is misled aud pWfshVsa things nbt true; 'Once 'a city -paper stated that Govi Caldwell hsd 1 appolored T Dtb Pfiillfpis Iffuper intendenC' or 'iraono-1 instruction. 'TbeEEOOEDEB 'promptfy9;Ddorsed; ttw appointments ft-lively editorial Which) waagener41y copied by the f rapera of ;theitate,r Un? tnejrext day the city paper swallowedto'its wn wprda :,bfl$.0he Reqqedee's jirords wfre gQne,Jv tJheiqur iWdsl Whiln there ara man v diaaneeable curse n4 themselves! r'utes wnnect?djvl;h t&jediting ol a, denonunationaLper,. anCUwhiie jtnlBur Itbaij, nQ wducemen,t or persuasion wn .turn td such a to'maioV friends and am glad toknow1 so mduy good peopte? My ptfnciptttadvffeers among thwtnhil8ter8 wew'Dr;cWAlrefs,rDri Mad Etdets TtteKend JaSaeMyi p assistaBtBv iai thei officer were iMrs44i Peaces MissWilsoo, -:W (cRejPace Esq., ev.tGkW.sAlreesef EtoLCi D. Grandy, W. N. Jones, IX-RrJ& and J, R, Eastbum. and I will love paper with nV .ardj sausages; stlgary coffee, Mjbolaesesvtwreteri eggs," peas, Tta toe i inshortdt looked to-me like a .grocerystoreyniarketand huckster's stall comuiueu: aueie, m vuo jiu, IS a1 'quantity 'of flre'wood;and in the pool ttj'-house ehldkens ttnd d ucks. Besidesy in the kitchen, a good kind, mnthrlv.,oookj with: :avboerfol face And a ,",howde,- massa Goheo,M,f to sen a sunsnine nv ,wj uxj Bro. Cohen all these ere It yoar dhv 'Ttosal !-lrr the large t tnrnlr andc on JWtbeJiei thesciosetyou.wiii fincl Mheera. hnd.coverins. &s. - lOQ fcanhjakedurslfcomfdttabfr as; f ldng asylitt pleaseuse'all as if your owTqieah whafifyonncan nnainere, and. welcome,. 3athose house-Is h and .whose things ure, all theseV- ineqi.aii lor tueit iik eleven' hundred "subscr ibers. The list ;went to thirty-two hundred, but came aown to Twenty-eignc nunarea, liecanserln every "hot campaign four hundred- Baptists quit their religions. and taMPpomicar papers: v J. H. MUtS. . r for the Heoonier. SERTED HM RIGHT. , A TadV entered with a live chick en in her band, saying, V?hat shall I do with this 1 it wont lie stdl Witn th bundles. Take Ht eomeWhere, Mri Oobb."--. B. Oobb tiv Bxblcal Recorder Feb. 12A, 1878. f 1 j t.it is an old eaying, "chickens wul come , home to : roost.' . And. l. am constrained to say, served him tight, that voundina he got at Fayetteyille. rfeOhbhaisa jfB-ia vi t- lne. was as cotmoTiaoie as possiDie. -newrww m tun ptrwr, luerv wuj, ADd bete .and; thers bedrrooms all qiceij iurnsneii jrFPro mwr vwj bonnCfatly supplied witbuour, meal, -t- They hae Wubtftsf eptn sohiewliavyosthftdlsagreatblei j and endofsed. Were they ashamed ortneirown actr- - . , ' A A m irt-Vt Y . 'T mJ A -t S A LTi.W-i . f It. ' SJheirpUf fftsPasWr-aine f "t1 Besrre a snow inrtnerj-wuBiu-t aDtist Cihurch. and 'he is J eraa Academy docloi? will rank as 'oTny' bleased,,0aket ; W Hands, onajne people oi jjayeiieynie have fallen into good, hands,' and J If ahd do well and thev don't prosper reao abondantlv tin a spiritnal ' and temporal sense l snair ne nrucu mis" got what he deserved,' a gtsbd ponnd iog-'- Tots will appear in rte sequel, if -von will fco--o- patfanoef itb-iii. ud let-iatl my utoryBiid give t I l 0 mv reasons, in my own wy zcum: .w '-j. - . . ooa . . M r.s wate year.ooj, a whs ,.aii..;i. he-Kewbern ehuroh Tbenfederat -traop: Kmtdr theifappearaooe ra their ganboat8, ana im spue- pi ;tne They ; were once mine audi my wife's, ,hj4 tJbeytareaow jour8rias) long, as you ire pleased to use them, and TttHFthkewtotand f liiwagtMse,:aying'as be 4efe me in bewddflnng and grateiol i astonisn- Lment me y eurgelt comfoj pawe. , i will Aee y ou in ,a . lew, "days1, ' .Who VLrthfs 'manthla'-'eodirtnan t Why; this same Bto Need Bam Cobb, i who.bae jast got sack's pobudiag as X tbin:he . ,dwryedtdwhe,!l qope, may live long aud,receivejast people ,ofFayBttevilk'have-jttst served him many.many; times; 1 V Dear reader,; was I not right, when, X. said, lie deserved a good ponnding and isbot the adage illustrated, "cHickenswill com6 homfe trj 1608 If yea know rof any paste' who has been treated to a more -decent poundiDg by . a fellow-pastor pot him in the papers. If not publish thlstbai rbtherr may iearn"hdw! brother Cobb-' treated I a' 'pastor in such? great distress, nek. " .f .im ,My family staid, there, aa comfort ably aa possible,! for several , weeks, till T had an Opportunity to settle hem iu Hiilsbwo. where, tinder the leadership! of 'MrsviGov. Graham, one oftbe qaostLestimablOjLchnstian adies I havevever met, -my family was agafn most bountTfully poabded. I snowy 5reatheri-Tb qieOp'Ve.areide lighted, Dianev saidtOe TweacMng'them lemVCwer-fo Hbr.i ..doctor. .In, other .words, i wisn to mdtra. rBroj JEIutloni (hmthrj ol J. 1)6 informed whether the 'title D..D. 1L Ilatson, thr evangelist); has-been nterred6warrahted;,aha fdeffended bavin? a food time in the way of a !VJarolioiCentral Academy Cedar revival at' his church' tiue"StreetViiGreelf Academy anit Shelby FemalO and edhai'BrdycibptoiS;! W CHayj iSeminaT pass.cnrjent wth allj otreecf tBoavur. ivist"?"1'", inn i,vub uwiuiowim iu uuhm Reennd RanHak Ghnrfth . tDE HatChi Tlov3rnneut.h(rith all'the WOtld, f era Church Grace Street,. have fin- f Affeaal fa ! tafhel to the t4me title taneotneir oasemenc, ana inougn x i emauauug iivw. Buy; mwj,wi,mu Eave not seen aiV'thechurch Hiase-: -tioo.whatCTety'T.v, ,nrr.-f meniA'taTBe oiEy-'aBiDoiiiHHrv iq r AVr 1 wuj euowii uio " thmkthia.isJ.not hiiUedi hjiny' if ( have "entered into a combinatfcm to indeed Ur is not the n icesU f It Ahassasaszamsanr not on 1 v been rendered more beant 1-S i iterates &rltm UB willing, to be fa rul'bv the Tfenllra'rm iinnrt'W brit itIfiiartvMLv:.ajS xeelsln- theSfiatttrtfivbtflAronQ flthVawbrthfr the title ana tjomiorc, ai cusjaiterauy fspien t wuerajraireaay exisw,oxLuai wm re. didly lighted. iajchnKbffiAtends fleet unravoraoiy prmjtRose nonor- soon toeive a aimilartonch tatheir I ed Dretnren wno now wear tne uue audience room? i4 aouo-jftu Sal t ieffitimately andy general consent. M itev. Dr.WinfreeBapslApBto tTheyh8erm of Mar cheaters Tcce ally ifeld Isavhry! Lbecahsn incmost ucase' the title was supccassful, mepting wkh hia church thfqfpe4(pat.he,VWithout itheirj eon- . . A.' i t 'ItIf -"r; I A. .i J M n n . : innn. W.. E. Hatchlrid"most f the! fdijsgul? ThV Vuld not; refuse to tit Athaii a iI Iaita maIv Atka atiff Knr Ana feill 'to .Anient imilv i 1 efforts of the OonfederaUiw f fieetd k.kc.n te nennsnca la laDdioedut beJow.-the ity,AiHf a triend? If tbermrnister hid JlgPtd berta aadcharg- his :real' name, ! his have douegood ; but prevented good and reaulted It ay b j well to m entHm. here that unless irony. i8vnspecrea lit wiel dom be detected nUtl ouce DaUishedi a tract to prove ikbat nLauch : being aa Jeans Christ ,hd ,iarticle,tmlght m iWM bia false name IdWoBesseaajon, cwy, , &m iih.m. I wisnmg.xo ;peBeparaieq- iromiy; family who were boarding at a friends near-EttiSton. and preferriogito share 1 left what lad-f hoilBehold nieo- tlR,!farsAtdretndi'tedulandi went ever visited h earth. b J?r.:Wbftely jith the retrtsDg 'ioroejioipar re plied, with another i tract arguJirg that no neb.oan:a8 Jfapoieottf Bo naparte had ever, lived. A promi nent citizen of Oxfords borrowed' the Archbishop'a-txact, read it, and re- eulattas to the: manner fkfeoing, and joined, ay aaiilyt .con'gey.the ,.aad news or itaiiotewwrnri4ia.ioss of -almoat, l ehacLri an4.4o,p make helifive all thhaa? - iWriea abont Bo 4ng; m Jfaipili ajad, CQD8Qltlg,.my I friends.we.concloxled.-We were, too tiawpr . hm nnh 4' rfinn.-rf fl th I. near the advance posts, pushing sipt crrespondentso of -itbwtRnjbB&ifiifcjf thenohntryi to-remahi wish to leaifta lesson from tbe his-ar5where wewere, nniess-we aesirea ia tnrtu tifthd mmtthAv nwiif inio-nrtliBWf Titfenoloeeownniaiseaerarennes, real "Bam-e aad aoid tobae trail fwfife icat remark. zw: tm&T m ?.ioi3 1 nos aesire w i sranea u iwaur Sometimes an edlttan is blamettby ! toariiWKf rwacmng iwtusooro xsmei those' whoWnot"Jtntw3theacts.1 abtherJotrthe tot&aa&tim! O if one occasion a 1 great lamityyaT4uBistaoeea. TiWahonthftlter, threatened thtr Statei nAshortnedt wiuroarproviaitMjs.osi! vw i :.j.n. iii.iDi.witii .i.:.tfcj iJ lArM. nit'h.wifA -and Jttnn children." avrtiit t tanfc at one niit nfSAe nwerTf traskedi if. bet could .tell ,jna where enbsertber stopped the paper, 7T4LeyiuW;bire as h cut tnemseives ; on irom fine- ssvery i- w ntcu, uwi4aouiu T u j, wj Information wtticn tney neeoen.of ' ? i i coma mmta ,i,uc.iiuujujcibB, iflA minister was tried bybisc&urch ana get.tnem nigner up iao couuiry -onnnHtoTv' M Annfoo,. 'mrniptoi. I Raid hfl the TOWn IS CTOWded ! (aUo the ; prosecutor) insisted Uhat llhay of 'btne'placeybrbiitf Jget tm RfcnonnKK ahonid dendnnca the I 3 &ix not"ocdnrmodate 5ybtt,'aSKiy trlar aa a f aroa. .When the, T.atr" f tiThliy is Outrbf toWhl'trat iryo&wilt declined to tneddley theprdsecotdril preaWiortiSO'nighriIwiu te!tyon5 turned his arrows against ife 8om44 f&ywtretia?mWn times a minister rbeeome a bone of contention; Northf Carolina .'once had a very learned scholar' 'and a truly pions man. He was -firsts San Episcopal minister; Bishop Atkinson would probably nave lovea nim ana been patient with ) him tT but ishop to'brother, fikid 'I, look at; me ?-ib& smote or tne'asamp ? Tire; i scarcely but otiiny face; my mind is distract ed With anxious care for my lamily,' I tuldicarcely. couecC my thoughts winch have alt. hni dhipated- y the fearful roar of r the fiwt real bat lUvenscroft pabliclyi denounced hia Jitle?ITiSe,fW.3ntCply "christian charity''-sasrj'snblimated perjury.wThisi was t!a heavy straw on tbe camelijiinacK anda separa tion t was jiecessary, Si mall j xhe minister united wilha tBmaltHap tlsfi church, with the agrtemenf that he might retain some of ma pecubar opinions.' This' ohtracti 'Was wery offensive to. some Baptists 8ome veara afterwards When thes Baptists were complaining that they bad not been properly representea at ine u ni versitrthia minister uwrote.anatti cle aectarinff-that they Gwere'astly exdeded because 'they did notixava competent meuuU: Sow-very few peo- jwithyonr tern8 1, 4ust.thea; a good aister-4e-0ljpy lewbern,oagrega- tlon, came up, and the brother rela W 'WiB0 mi 'Mrcnmstances and D18 propOBiiion, ana nca-ncu uijr .'Vii a t-i it e t ft tii 1 4.1 -A. vt'; what sue tnomrnB wa preacner 'no-; Ter'tlre eirfefthistaiaceewhoeoJiM not rSW)videelOr, HS-WraouseboId onaertne' conamonsr ne oaa maae. She'sided with hte J pastoroaod thooeht irwrnrfa great deal worse-tn tae partof a brotcer wdo conianct assist tine in:saoat cusiress'-iriLauui insisting Ma: the: terms meaUooed Well, well, said be,.Ic.wiil ell joa where you icaiL'Xua m. -plaoeyto t put pleenjoy beingf told: of. their, Igao- jyote family iwIt on th corner i-of rauce, and this article:! waaf yeryioi- fenslve;! 8o then chere Jprsli a .rzzi tehderlv loved and centrally adralr- ed. Yet33anyiraitiittria thr!: fnrftr.it!n JtoL Li3.'Cr-niaSj iJ-oir Xid py t!i tLrtsCJto ac: streefii What kind: pfhoupa i is; it tor cenfert, ! rtissaaired, ,- Oh, LsaW.iheit is es; good as the house I e-smvY. a.i"t 'yefiatiSiictory, welded do'-a to the 'ce, ,He :?. t-it V M r,-:Ji5 aToqg Bide the g 'Jratidn, to which For the Keoorder. - IETTEB PBOM TIK6IKIA. Dear Recorder : X was jastroady to etier a. 1 1 1 t.I tiroe back eeced some, items out (li I t . i I Ml ii ,13 1 voca .a JiHviDfir col of wblcU X ''. I ill ft HI ii j 1311 hi III I J D U , iiKMiMftiittaio Ml OllllDICai oght to make it; but things' took i such a tarn before I coald get 'my scraps reduced tb a letter that- -half X- would, tiave ."wwten1 "would bsve proved uutrtreyund much of it stale :And out of? place, I was going to say a worqioutJ-V. iSatoaTegnatJLon ?t ,tbe church in Petexshurg, apC;Of bis going to take charge of the Bap tist Uh nrch in Edgefield Tenn., ipL-WSS brpaght;tQ;,bear nbpn, him.. in3 Petersburg , waa..ao strong tpac ne couia, doc, it, seems, find iUnh 13 "heart to leave a people BVuvvgnu iu uiui, duu BDiinij; wuvui Ms rdttfea45t)eeflVs aigwaliy tlesBdi Therewa toubfi rfreg1tt ert'reesed attheproepect bf bis leav ing. He Is very pbpslar if- Peters-. bnaLJwjoiig aU:. classesandTetanda jhihA!oog the wechera,! including oae f tQteKBfftaronnaifeua Rhe . a w eunjenew ana is a aesiiapjeH pastorate, na.o doubt had the Dr. gone to Tchnea seeiwotild. hafe'-been1. !nThigh de- aiff.'IlriaeedfTittit a!htimber of brethren ad: aTreadyhflspered'it; SrodmiouTdrjWiiliirg tBae- Vlflce" the"msvftsslt,iithefiecteflC10)t servial; ihechercti- w . tlFwatf the pnvuege - on yoof cor respondent to be present atthe mar-; i ABmb of .addltiansiaAd heeanrcb; itArwimeBiWKrmn'Jobieotionk mm greatly tfexiyedWcTjdft, church W&$m$mfiW rfjneno,o. bate. was,! ur. mtcoers. cm eul .lie a a. voice, m iBcmawer. , j, u. rVeil them fkrfl information" on all nfnallOvereehWiftetoltffih voTtiii Wferefu I 'decide i4the tneir old pastoYseeaig evr tofiaya rfae8Uoh'ot Acceptaaoe.1' aamce ic w abated in thtj Jeastafa a ss ed f U-rfiayiddviDce!that ii I am made a cPft IeceMaJViidnVo AjajplIaLdet mustnanometh,lug more county, a me ltnau , pio. , veneraote' i man a uuere. tp.aea i r respec itum lobkjngentlemall byit,hexnani9,pf f fewpersonal friends;5 something rnore Harris." On making toquiry riearntban atriempty title' to give' me i& ed that he is a son of Ebv rHAr-tCUtiojisampetan, with tb ris, famous in history a one fOffthe; aotv clsanot;1nkind, uwhich,vare pioneer preachers . of yirginia,,. always io.th.e mjoity. .yVhen whpm Dr. Jeter makes specia men-- wed to-'me, '1$ must proclaim tbe gentleman, 'whose preoomes'I otd b position before the people. .1 am not learn, is nm Very (reduced eir- Lnot wmjng to,,be iiftearnp.eveojin camstance8rf with no . family .bat. an name .to a position pt .equality agedi wife t In . conversation ..wltb him he .told me. ' If .'mistake; hot, that he and Dr.; j Jeter5 were bora -in-, the same coarity.'teand, fehew each! other .well when ".boft,; He i ftiw years tha; Dr. a j ampr Jboj, beasjthe marts ol Deing a ,nucu oiaer man. He is familial iy known jn1 his neigh borhood asJudge" Harris, -and is so called by every bodyk Ho- ianQt raaUy a judge, but received; tbii jsobrigmst years ago on account of his Celebrity as a magistrate.' Hb is quite Intel ligeut, likes companyAand seems-to prize ' the privilege uf ! having, -a; preacher visit him. ,1 am, sorry ja say that be is not a christian. v On the other band he is considered a skeptic; He never attends preach- ntf, tboazh hBTestdW Wthih- mile S'i v:i,;,";i,,vi iilni iil&SaKiil!il?IPI onu vow iuh ,vuo, wijii "ui.iuj , WW in, asfc tha d ml&teuaryTrO&iAfrlca,JMch f he since at "the; ace Tesid-eOee-' BfanoVpf tjhesterlietd' corfhtyThei children, oth daughters, and it was he oldex-pfhese, JBrp Dayid jehose .ft R.hisieepropanion.whQ .was? tho bude on the occasion .She. is a col-; tivateti ana oevoat woman, and mar-! r ted, hi m Withjt he, f alL .detef mi o a tion Thev are now on a visit to his mdthi faeHdTa1ttssi8ilbt.firo? ; David's heattB has Vhifehirapf oved vuflio tne jasiueTerai moninsj anu ivis -expeccea -tna -s ne-WMi travel through' thfrSbuth lu c tier1 interests jf the Foreifrb' Mission' Board j dur ing parfotthisysar? fit "Will be re-' ,meip.bered tha tiro, l)avid has spedt Uonr, years aswsigoarx Jn. tbefittti- miles jrom the coast bf-Lagps; 'IHe ha. many , curious, nd Tdtefesting "oltell Of :"that daaudbe uiutcu iuu nuu;, people ui wen oj many slrikin'i1 and stirring facts 'in f regardrWlhe'prbgr8fr'ahd;n8uccess bt tils' labors among theur.t His work amoflg thhrpopte durrdgcthese fyearwreofwditf spart'-in his"haptifc- ltfgatosttrforty onvettv4ta orgah- msg-axbiitrcb) Malays they are a devetoonseeiedbandWiThjpy give freely of their means to.spread the gospel amen g .their own people ; ibejrjives arejeonsifltent and nprigbt aschn3tianstt,andihb ona of them whencalled upbahas eje rjef ced iopy;lWp' a, ..It -has notbeen tmy privuese to f ee'puch'oT Eichoond.and, tet preachlngVv There waaqaife' large frQieihcMcMfhdrng;4 i4 8omUkiieabthflrilett! call tthem. iSomeUtnes :Godialls: themi Those- .fp ?Mdtba wurr opes who should pieach. I. behevej a f godd.ruei5 this-JH a 'id ah believes -he can' dctma' doty Without entering 'Ibe-aaintiyoa'gBt not:taenter it. J0e ought to esteV it.wiy iwhoahe is Lrmly,cdn.Tipce4tftercC5etal! .prayerful consideration tha; be can 1 hot-dorhis duty wlthoUfeiSteringHhe ministry. God : doesn't can a man : who cannot preafehai If sacbsalhing Were possible God would be.nn wise.,! j-' -WoaldVa Bhattronf hi said theljal. 'Kejftdge his jastice-rbe the God ef God V rUOGEESS HAUE FT THE COLOBXS : : u8 PEOPLE SINCE 18654 fc- If 1 ,08e j6 et;ene I'M .1 'x -t.v' ' ow uiuiiu ou uiaii ib uas aipjQsi uecuuie k&4ojr ttai:inatrilctioBspiiani.i sorry; .rnooevelith ane, T know myself1 to U reat ; divln aj; of the latriWjno lway entt itled. Nor am I 'willing" that' tbey flbnidibedrsirgudowa to ai )com- so nn worthy as be. I prefer ja this case to pass ior what l am tfoftU Just ??thatv nb more,'- no less andVfo beiiknowli nandi? addressed Tr!iT-rtnaT Tjmoa I-1 r a2W iFfw en .una InMt K t- .. . 'iff fii 7 .j. w w-h i 140DEKN PBEACHING-WHAT It IS- iiJAHiTHAx lTSUOlLDBE NO. II. ' . In . mv Jast . article. I re.forrpd fi inrep classes 01 bbtiodb, viz ; inoae prayerful ' consideration of Tl' chrif- tiansr? FftrVrM'K ii If -fb;sJ Ins; Irir'OieRfteordB.) I i i 'EEY.N, B.;COBa .-.'r ? ,2?ir Bro?e edhdni f-f aveiuVt read your' report 'orthetieiPoKfte Faculty ' -and fTrnsteeB rio iDarfAleoa Central Academy in-inry tbefeil What I said to yon privately. spjpae years ago, about procuring , forT na the title or D: D "and 1 Hit V trrote for 'the BtLfrjiLL BO0irrEK;ftatbe same snbj act, .1 i upposedir'Conra, pieasantrsUjTAiy juonstuiuutaaueyfe of 'mischfef bubbled Jupf 9 Vher ought' nof.B and thus "eot iMd treable?sd 7 .iqevi eJi lo v aan.'i -f.i aowjcbu ootionoc tuw rwauy.wra ?f?4f PafRliDa peoM Acae my, and lis resurrection after it, had beentKirite'd ttWtttte places tbe uiatter la 'an esrteetTratWer too ser id as for je3tias.r) Laying 'aside ll a.nn.n T . 1 1 aii!JiuiuiuiiiuiB.ui(na ttra.HHiiue 1 Dear Br6tber'Ieappreeai!e'6hr personal : kindness, tand : begthat you'.wilii'acaptoiQtiryjourseii hd ypnrassocLatefi tlua ttaexwypf cere thankstor ygurlgopd Intentipus iti ofiering mefthe tmpf&D'AjB ekplanatory'of the eonrse lftftebo?tp pursue in the premisesi V btejieaye to Juform .yojuithtrjthvtWajvfas uuanQjUB one Mh AssoclatSbnv With Bll rthew W&t instincts of my natureV I appreoraied the lion or coming from tha quarter. But the "public felt differently, anfi 'neverrcoifiifea tbetttle i!fincrr red.t Besides tents, mnmroa8-tAelh- ten; cfcleteated f er tbeirjeholarship. A flI4TT9Aa ATA 1TlA.nT7 PiiVy n6tree S reW.rst? ajf rearvr- I .. Jue. rfa Hivr WMr W Stef. ' 2. a. r u. H M JamAetDirigbettet than he loves better than heloVesNo tfeach 'them Ih'd 'wayV th&itrutb and IheVjife, KJWa e, ftr,efeir tobaveabeoKcln- xhaa Dare them.ise qoto Balvatiou hrii-grywgrfc -IJ&f&iS iswedJ tb ipt wet f oa motiv fate ot.ieariWgiDot IhvoZ Christ V'aBd nreaches-learninff instead of ,th a sum. PiOfi't brethxeo, 'can it' be thai imll trldve -JearjSbg b'etle'r thao l8t'tAskerilioh.What!8iy 3ujS9a.i&mK- etrexrioi friii.i.'ny Yfh at say tey lo , r . ir-irUveJorseif, 6uf F thl Suhmffifeif tfii beSrt.-theMofith comer eu,ou bb uyb,, vote ol a uarior iuii oi sisters, aj. Of the i3sesst6iai 1 of tfi orts&o thejt piety, aoeknwjedg pf divni.ityhave , again., and, agajn ihf"ust thtstltleTtiDOn toe. Bacihft fraterhUy 6f docfOrimsfderesneh actioa Irregular Tmd'JtheJ- have not endorsed itroasi 9-8fiIfrtofiat ,w ii u u spurious, aujpgxis 4tuieh a must decline to atcepx thl doctorate from 4 Caroling Central eademy. matillaminformed mil tbe fdllow- IHWgpowtv,ii?ii tos oai JiSsn-s cohfef uSffchtiittes4 elritlil84s& ewr3lqctheef5rJnaU?e4i theolcl tnre fleltlvtheathonty 46 SafpoWer ny -naii6ribiKiy df 'tecao'to raake idi84iioo8,imongrfntn:istef8 fitfee gospel, which Christ, never, author ued,hich he virtually .forbidV "and vrtichl I- antagonistic' toTtDe7-Very geniaHf cuiistiaaityl t a x197 tfii ; r3.cIebeald.hke.fjUlc3w wbyjti . . Cansea. i Ll e can is tAlldlmeivAeppTeaches'3 him- Christ.. Whenhe,tmDrB8seshimafilf mherhitf'tlre -irttth.T'ph the'bfeans MiaiuWPnheaVegA ioesmimBeiLoeusrstnaiPii;7 Rrves tthtfathKodSeJvej isjihisTr,. in the material of his sermons. His rSetrreh'cea ,?fctWf"ittbeaintIte1ni V litnents stbtSng selTinstehd of Jesf s. iiejslips fielUttat every bpportanity. onginaL fresh, and interesting wbeU Ireachi Mselt enlu Wn eralicbnsartoir7 gfe'aWegV'Uafc may fifemlnnk97ca.nywberev' averyv jRere),?:' 3seen,Tthfcgreafc TIL Igdorance. ''VWhen a sermon llradtfoP6aU-mobthed.hothing iguoraoc Hiatal way s the cans'' - A so -called preacher ikea his text and and goes farther and farther from it StfmMfonheW sight and tftnbfy driar whife 1Be sorca9ed preacbert vpipe.riseft higher and louders he .leaves the.text nn tit ktlasf he iSiaelzed, by viblenVat. tacksWrhasdlhanialladzomaBla; '&c.and Aoisoad-nioatbediDbth-iPgeiPtelUestaiestpj Wfs.aVe;fcrisni3I.0pmelim'ei men calf'taemselibthl&mlstry 14idlstryJe8win preached5 and lthm.' Inohp-.fatO0 na r -CoTpanj ,,do. ?zeo! 3.00 10' 00 MX)jS S 00 saau 7-,eolr60 ow 16.0060 OtflOO 00 rr 42 W2S m ftS 00 f25 00 :35 ootw 00 35 OOi-,60 CO 45 OOl O 00 S 001 AS 00 iLboiajow ift am v n no :ir00i T 001 60 00 5,oo Anf rV AAff Aft IA J . . opecjy jptweaccargeaiv cents a uae ' sTbiUntBS ixtywbrts lotlgj 'aie'linerted free of charge. Wht CacVexeeed this len'fctb tm-wrrt for eexh WTifctBt" fcrYftld la, ad . tcege'andSspal Sanaa Schoels. H Mr.i3ftxC E. !lYyatt;T:of -BrdoiJynf y., hajprtoibbjtnilfj,- 3.--BrdUghtom''fia-jprhiteiident &wala St, fondayj SchooKal- WjftomoineplihSalo fuigethat ISwaln i SL . jBunday" Bohool la Veil oQcared and teAcher6ivaimJ5S ImiV be alloW ambiapn on the part ,ot thetofacera of your JSihooI'td niate' memberVlarge. "That pla rurelaa4 prfefit h ajxt&bm&aoa BfifiSav Is fiJ endToa worS that must ) done, aid'lhe retoifnder1 aink ont of slt? ihaa otlniniitJand Wt-la the owyirditaat JWnd go, bcatay, 1 thsy tIeai,' Take TO0801 1??T Mpl. jWeralifOO IS? mfVrlbiWKaw f, fa 10 arangs aiwnaanoa 01 euu yaosc ol the ye the ooloted - trifle ttfaoe'i the cifian- cipatiip, ahdiiow Enochs nrnrd might bBimf flehiies we admit that the. colored peoDle wera set free last' at " the "time -wheti there Was bothing la ihe cbufttty ( vferytnlng jiauaxu,iQaBiHX oy--me armies. Wbtfe weMftmhero Agree. thatt they ;have made wonderfal.and, rapid. pro- tug uumiug iu. oturt witu, we.aiso knOThat a great deal - more could have been gainedy hadiithey learaed the tiiat lesson, well, that was, been saving. , .Hadhey tHen ecouomical In' the out"set,'and spenc even pne lurlf .ttiei money! they -havef thrown awayafor rum, opium,' tobaecoy sbuff, &q,i idr;pat . it.: inr their; vteads . f hfoagh,: the,, BiBiviCAi r. Kecobeb inantt: eddcatiug theirchildren hnd In neriaF search 'of 'Christian, .if isdooa, how; much' 3etternoiTaud :aiS?,w,onldthey?iMafceen I' Xa-n ,?ot;?,ncad pbot iny pwa skill, witki otheid.e(.ilO,: from; any sourcei either parent or friend,' (except 'what ftFMaiii St. Baptist" 'Snndayi School vwjoccester Massacnusetts gave'me), .mP8g9d .iQii Bpend I four jear in 4he Swjyniversity, IJaleigh,. 1 ueaiae ta goou ueai 01 umn )o ocner ecboots 'before enteribg t.00 " Sn&W 1 artorerty.- -I Iec acbMI May 22b, ipdpo hlr.domrades bo too kp their Diplomasjit tbeaame time wjitntne express aesiro of giv- iflitttindBere :ptAaBol4ya StaavslMesiheleV as l.Tpm (and. QL.haahay wttsTtiohMlhres fioera are with four or fire exceptions nor halfthe teachers, .nor more than fiftyof the 'sefittUrW whereasl ITftwai ii'itSfihr itat w aioukl fauhr .ill t&ml.'t&'KlxBn ity, and tlxera J.mnBh, y tltit. T10 .W.talDu'8fct teiBt1:ex'oept ingeaoral fienstl, la Mmmtifom welf iticf persons whose names we do notlnowee pefflally Uiaoity wherelthere-' are So' many sfcfpg" thtnp iBffart.'ia madsto'aarta'so- nnnareds . of ,faoes.' old and totukt. whiah rv1 r n irirn rto nrnenr oi nm coid I W I 1ST fl 1111 Iffllf IV a If V ST W Y Y T 1 ia !ia.wUiiJuV.flfltnA.ot. ing tny time andf attention tolabae lpeopie.r l.vunt: when rsee laoes. old and roans, which jroV famTaar from being seen so of ten," aid ye I know jrthingof thepeople themselves. iAlk txICrjTto lani'r?oo Swho5woId you rJlfficejrajaf mfsdjootCBMai to be ? Tft??" f?,W,verw ope de BairB 6f knowing 'any f oph. just a in our 6me:iB?wVW oay'lifew dahTTtnowfiis . t daitdtf 0j dAdtPtelgbborg. Li& i' the tgral TisitaJJpn has almost eased .a :4hii$ty, - becanse.oi .the BlbtadeLIt j , Impossible to Tims su, so pp attempt, is made to rlait ouisiae or a smau ctrola. "My -wifs and I 1iliWis''vlsWal o&lesHenkln among my phsh by t hem,; t haav w hat haaAad is bing.donejand.bpwlitae.aomeio mem aprcuiaie. lOQse.aayantaires whfctf duld tehd tbnild them np in theworld, i t al mtMt iphtsmf to a stand still. I,eli,thecBeedyoft a teacheRina Uia.mteanWiU some -S?od ttrp.. put me in. possession of er-pwNeiDweio mewayoy wnrcn .theyihwy tecoaediiore j idtelli gent. a i - - et.wao? iPWier trom? those 4ngderaeb, that is carrying so many hundreds0 doWtr' the'Blacfc tm, Snthehearers with .wonderland amazement.- Xg noranoe "is tne cause." rxnar-m aa idosn'kbow that mij&fAg iWBy ftnom; it. i;ua is jacaid'OLit and.tohs T aI?W?4tsl4ift!ruu8ifjy:ella ana snirieM.autt jamps.aad., sboafs. He doesn'rknoW what he tay'st'Hia hearers are equally wise. ''What the tcto meansj'-he.'aietther titows'rjor .wa"5atm" 'in! 1 Vf-i&utL ututm'i cfYfiAfJuPWhe after All. is the chief aahra thx r gospelis'nqt always preached, from inepnpis vnen uoo aiisaraan 'kdpreaslithe.gospsl (finrelyG -cpesn'tcaijiaman tojpreaca learni?f i Vallev t& j&uvperauiQBiu ui sniH T 1 . 1 1- . . . be Scoomphshed. Oue is, ife could igCt the iiJELTCAL sscobdxb to shore oil them its) stmcd dsctrlb'e from wuf cbeAihinJieTind $ w?itri . wonia aror .inem yunir,,and onug a ongaier era upon tnem. Ah other way is, if eiHinidthehi morel awakened tto& tbe inecessttyf dacatmgrUir chUdren taudlbem-8elve8,.it-wpuld,hAyeu creatiJfecii toward making them leave off their indolent and sfotiiful Trafiif sV sl hht teaching here, a8ie ted by lir'.- Was, jd anduWile.riY(hfivetraiKdt08 pupus ejirollea .and .bout the same number n in , .the etreets . playing tnarblesfwhar ti call T "fattinin g fortheptiSon houSes.y Tbe question is with one how, what farther efforts an be.madatortriogQttr:peopiaout of,.fupwfttwn pnlpitiSitb greatestt leer, . where the, most good cahv be accomplished, provided 'we get the right kind of a man init.j WI mean by thlsv men mho know the vaftie ot edqcjatioD, &8.,i aud are not hostilev.But, the. nosfc of, our minis? ters are, hot ' friendly to ednpaUon and use thdP. ibffuehcer agaihstr'ln telligetrtJei i.ndBcorhgrhhketif ttess:ma kindof .1 healtltyr.leverage, .becaasesPalf said tp Omothyase wiua .fprtbystproach aake, and con seuently the'mbat membef r Jn some eburebes, &h1l&eir atomaeh 'are nearly all the timdJo of dialer? and henfce, that flea ouJi is J retarded ttje progress of our people, .prer than JC. XI. VUdstiMSS. 1J0O34-! WMWI'eKri Tf 1mi M ieHETrAif falUtlsgTand pzfyfi dralwith4iTinely pictured jrindows. Standing whout, ybh .see no;gVryf nor can possibly imagine ahiatahd l&gwithid, IVeryray of iightreveals ibar atoajt of unspeakable eplendors. VtftiiiLota sbui witEout weekness Tilike a'shfrnti a stcf di Idaiugercf nrf rckA.1 ia fceekj ctll .witS&t XCl is Jiso. a tj? jn-a eaJroUtafeox- I ir-TTm r-Wimn-fc ii1ailiintlii'. fciar . i ; (' : i ' ti;i''riiii ;fp Bendayftjbijol, vXiAmberloni t H. C, Pc s i '4arf hefSiidttSolMjol Peaatpuatthe. que5tioni aekfdSbaai welo baptist Btets Buo4aj3obool Cta- ventionUitfyearf dottbt' aafflrBa; hvs t&sWerwul bWgffen Iry all wotkers of. lie &bbatk.Scboi. f'U 'iery A eded, M :ttptci4ll;juiiong fiur.telagldjMea u WS iigaiajjmach ralwble.iniormatioii gT'.'.-: gfta''i?irryyt 'ggfi;rwpff powent manner, in .haying . our Sabbath wuuonN ; uai wiU 9x121019 rtfu I tabiith ehadrr-efathWasm wlti'the bftSftr?? ffitftW01? W9t3 idii; ti;h oj Ini, t;ela -axatiJ ia 5 ,WF?oWBe9tf ekfi .boos di or yera bees x&s very Has eome o than eT er. It j tta -Fam tar. it nnr SclwJs.Hurf jaswll eamrtaf,ei fee better flinBtnaiioonntim ioriVof le Vest and most tatSCTtfagaTftrieaf torcaldrah'Ji have VvK Oat.K.. AmI1 I-t. it. M . . with a sufficient number to put at least one ;in & WaibfWe'metiiWr oY Vvery.fami mfc,SohoLH itonwfere'ed tn iy- tway inseBf oappnShiip UIBavlibokat Smieh - - w4ikittii jd3x.Mw tbnuxttwraldreader tk Staswiiah. nQreT' vprds ". costs 63 eehts per copy .hv clubs of . Sunday, School Iieraturerof any kind, ia tofltong lhboki; spars; y&Umi&, 'HmWs,'nertt er; JrwmTd eardsL promnt- - attendance tarda, ii, 'tmH gt Uiem U "rmb- luhers rateyjipagrBBpuaiflipg wtflt nayyWs ifilsboakifJWsw'" "Songs of Qrajatnde.. j ,hey take we Aad "Kirut 'Worc&'U a better paper to-day than tver'ore iay? C? " Jteetrngef the Board. , . ,f., there whf be" a "meeting of fht 8unay 1 fiAoolBoird'in their 'o-ba'edflesday !gk$ Vm&mh3rQf4ote-'&tp4'm : luawttendajfl ' flUUi and, Asfwciaoria) Sunday chPol Con, fentions wfll protmbly elalnTthe ttbJhtioa i of ' flis feoard.' ' " ia-t t- iwt. ..j f .LtttisWerComiidsMons.;, - mwtsme Vv. hftti STtJT kasortment of them on hand & fed iir wntl atfxfoWr1 and ihmoioclv f or JtQ&ferrf alriaia . 5ft ffva X&iPepk&'P Jew " iLe!fJfe' vJ- ?ri ,3251 ,t non. Terryj Chapel, and vFlat!fcock ehurcies , on tne Bonaay in aiarcn. , A good tuns - izz!r-::;-ila. .Hai '-Xi-ir.i.x.i r t 3?ETer weighed 'otaVsaflTcIisto UsraC:it with half ao rnach t Tartoeiw.sa3 rata aa G ci ' toomneh. does he.eTer -rermiV to be rut in i .

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