B IBWQAL-ECpM)ER PUBLISHED BTEat WKDIOSDAT. EDWABDS, BROXJGHTON 4 00. ' XALXIGH, N. C. OSes ob Paycttsvill StrMt, Opp salts Mark . Saaars. . TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : One opy, one year,. .. .. 2 10 One copy, six months,,' 1 25 Clube of fire, .10 60 Clube of ten,... ................20 60 - XemttUnoes most bo Mat by Begistered Letter, Post-offloe Order, Expie or Draft, parable to the order of the Publishers. CONTRIBUTIONS. . , j",. fteeorder. ELIJAH UNUERTHE JCN1PS TKEE. Dear Header ; . Go with re e, in imagination, a day's journey in tbe wilderness," and see sitting at tbe foot of some lone tree, a woe-begone haman being his hands pressing on his temples, and his face buried between bis knees, the personification of despond ency and desperation. Step softly j to his aide, and hear him in dolorous tones cry i. lt Is enough f ' bow, O Lord, take away my life. :. Who is this wretched human creature pray iog- so earnestly to die ! : la he some poor outcast of God f No It is Elijah, one of heaven's favorites. What f Not that honored , prophet, who was fed by God's raven, at the brook Cberith f Not the Elijah who awhile ago was triumphing over the vanquished priests of Baal on Mt. Oarmel T Not theJElijih who awhile ago was bold as a lion ; now timid an a bare who awhile ago was soaring on the wings of triumphant success ; now groaning on che jagged rocks of failnref Yes, the same ElVjihj hi life, like the tide, how 'swelling on ward and upward, a mighty flood of joy ; then ebbing downward to the bottom of despair. Such is hnman life; a series ot un dulations, a concatenation of para doxes ; now on the mountain top of ecstacy, then in the deep vale of de epondency ; now wishing for wings to fly away and be in heaven, then ready to die and be lost j now sing ing like an ,angel of light, then howl ing like a lost fiend of dajrkness ; now" n nder great "light and power, then shrouded ln horrid gloom and insupportable weakness. So it often happen with churches and with individuals. My brethren, when yon have had a great vic tory look oat for some sore trial. When you find yourself on theiiouse top, take care you don't land in the cellar. When yon come down from Mc. Garmel, beware of the janiper tree. We may think it was very strange and very silly in Elijah, who just now was so bold in the presence of the priests of Baal, so ready to meet his Creator alone, and mount the chariot flame of fire that Elijah, so stern, so independent, so far above all human weakness, should in his trial-hour give way to petulance, and wish that he might die. But many good men, and good women also, have felt and done tbe same thing with no better reason than Elijah had. The best of us sometimes get under the juniper tree. The housekeeper, when ber domes tic matters become hopelessly entan gled and everything seems to come op wrong end foremost, gets into a fit of impatience. aDd says, "I had rather be dead than to live." She is under the juniper, tree. Another female, because of some imaginary neglect or slight, cries out, "1 am one by my sell, and no body cares for me. It would be a blessed thing for me, if I coold die.9 Poor creature, she too is under the janiper tree. . ! There is a fond wife, whose idea of perfect bliss is to be loved of her husband. When her sensitive soul looks op for tokens of sympathy and affection, and receives nothing .bntj persistent coldness and indifference, which little by little dries, up tbe fountain of her life, she hides herself in solitude, and with bitter tears cries, 0, that I were out of my mis-! ery and in heaven I" Poor woman I No wonder such a mal-treated wife should get nnder the juniper tree. . How many men; ansnccessfal in business, bankrupt in fortune, broken down in character, their property and their prospects all gone Gallio like, "plunge into desperation, sayings I had jost as soon die as live. ' All tinder the janiper tree. '. ,' j Many a tool-hardy sinner, thwarted in his hopes, disgusted with the world anneGtidtKrOTeTiirly says; "I'm no Christian and don't, want to be. I don't care for death nor b ell ' This 'silly , man. is4 nttdjeij theanirtreeJ":rVd1 i Now and -then :we:tneet a good Christian man, like Elijah, who,wben confronted with sore triala, forgets God's past mercies, and looks ppon . the dark providences that now assail him with the eye of melancholy, an til' the whole earth ; and the vveTy heavens are clothed in black. He goes wa dajfc journey into the wilder " nes, get B0der tho jumper tree, And sajSj-It is enough : Lord, take my life.1 1. ... r Many el as amid the dafty conflict of life, yield to despondency, and Ji "a fit of desperation .rust: into th solitudes ot the wilderness, and ji a : - . . 1 " ' - - - - - :' -.' , , j i i ii i s f i ... i i ..... ii The Organ of the North Carolina; BapristsV tDcvbicd to! Bible Rejigio VoLtmB 43. RALEIGH, J N. CL MAH0H12,1879::' "My brother, yon have got under the janiper tree, tbe very worst thing you possibly could do. That's the matter.;,! Oome away quickly or you are gQnef t :u . i ; t Long ago some of us would have perished under that miserable tree bad not God sent his angel, and led ua from under . the death laden boughs. -1 . . , ; My . brethren, no matter - what comes, whether poverty, or misfor tune, or the desertion of friends, or persecution, don't get under that aw ,fol juniper tree. Itt would ;be . the . most foolish' act of your life,: f Tbe heavens above :you and the wide earth beneath, are bright with : the beauties, and resonant with the songs of happy world. Its .riches are spread out. before you t Friends en viron your pathway, they cluster in clouds above you. Why should you wish tq die t Jf one friend deserts another comes to. take his place. - If one comfort is taken away ten thous and more are left. If one fountain of joy dries up, others are gushing all around you. If old, age, comes, yon need not go moping and bending to the grave before your time. , No. Go bathe in the glorioua sunlight. Go drink of life's perennial stream and be glad. Go join nature's grand choir and make melody in your heart. Enjoy and Improve the blessed life your Creator, has . given you, and don't allow any evil fit of despair or melancholy to drag you under tbe janiper tree.! ., . a , , It any of joa. should feel that black imp called the blues stealthily creeping along y our nerves, rush out of doors and listen to the carols of the happy birds, or the mnsic of the babbling brook. If it is night, go look op to the stars, and hear them "sing as they shine, the band that made us is divine." If it is stormy, rrmember how the clouds, and tbe rain, and the snow symbolize the di vine goodness, and bow they preach the great salvation. Don't be sad. Don't be in a hurry to get out of this beautiful world which God has given you. .' Dear reader, if any of you are now si t ting under the dreadful shadow of that juniper tree, yon have my sym pathy and my pity. May the Lord send his angel and bring you away quickly, is the prayer of your riend, Reuben Jones. , Ghurchland Ta. actual instead of what is postible or hypothetical. Therefore, it ,. is not clear or even probable, that the Apostle, in the passage under con sideration, "hypothecates" either the reverse doctrine or any other doo-. trine.-:-. ,. : I wish to close , this Article with Conybeare aud,Howson'a rendering of the passage and their comments upon it..., Here is the rendering: "It is impossible again to renew un to repentance those who have been once enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and been made partakers of the Holy Splrit,and hive tasted the goodness of the word of God, and tbe powers of the world to come, and afterwards fall away ; see ing they' crucify to "themielves1 the Son of God afresh "and 'put him to an open shame.' Here follows a part of the comments :-" A reason is here given by the writer why he will not attempt to teach his readers theTu dimetts of Christianity over again ; namely, that it is useless to attempt, by tbe repetition of suoh instruction, to recall those who have renounced Christianity to repentance. The im- posHbiUtp which he speaeks oftba reference (itsnoaJd be observed) only to human agent it is only said that all human means of acting on tbe heart have been exhausted in such a case. Of course no limit is placed on the Divine power. . . . These Apostates to Judaism . crucified Christ afresh, inasmuch as they vir-i tnally gave their approbation to his crucifixion by joining his craciflers." Jno. T. Albeixton. Mt. Olive, IT. C. . melees divisions in the church of Christ To be consistent, they must re-eprinkle tbe nwopoZiaw as well a the Heman Cathe-lioi id For the Recorder. A BE-SPRINKLIN. i nowro For the Beoorder. "X. I. Z." AND HEBKEWS : I read tbe exegesis of Hebrews 6: 4-6, by your correspondent 4X. Y. Z." I saw nothing in tbe article that could serve as a foundation for the charge of dodging, or apostatiz ing from the faith, . x On the contrary, it evinced careful and honest study of a passage of Scripture over . which its advocates? aa, well as the : oppo nents, of final apostasy have been much perplexed.. . .-:tl- r.u-x The views expressed by your cos respondent in the article referred to are, in the main, the views pf such men as Dr. J, L. Dagg asd N.M. Crawfremutfat? saint whom we would? iofcchargeywitli, 4odging, or with having missed a good conscience and made shipwreck oonoeraisir the faith, as did .Hjmeaeua and Alexan der. ijjKe. ,:, -vrrtLtt-fi j. Dr. Crawford, eommeoting on the passage Jpr i is impossible," $&, says, "There is nothings to prevent bur understanding this to refer to the. knowledge of the persons spoken of, and mt to their grace.'' . He regards the terms "enlightened,' . "tasted,' &a,a& descriptive of the unregenerate lie ore W8 who had in i intellectual discernment of ( the truth without tbe love pt i?See" Chwtian Parar , doxeifcajter'tct. ' ? ? , . Dr Dagg, in his Manuel of Theolo-i gy, page 290, 'says of "those who were once 'enlightened, &&, (Heb. 6: 46) these'apostates had never: been' true disciples of Christ, tiistin-! gaished by love, to him and i works! of holyfobedience., ii; 1 ;Your humble correspondent be lieves, with many 'others, hat we have in Heb. 6 ;. 46 an example of; apostacy" and a most fearful warning i wbohad beebnre ttnited to Christ,' not vitally, bht professionally, had gone back to Judaism and renounced, Christ, thus crucifying him afresh j Paul, fearing that others wonld foK low this example, wrote the "Epistle to the Hebrews'' to prevent them r-As . to the hypothesis "if they shall fall away," it if easier to show that it is the work of the translators! than ittt 1 is :W show that it is themindof HheHSiijrlt- We are told that Such a translation :1s thef required ihs rules of gram4 mar nor, in harmony with the design down under the Janiper tree, where I .of the Apostle.'1 4 V : 'i0i&iV suicide : holds,' his .wtur coort and wDf.:McKnightt Calvinistio Com the bleached bones of his Victims ats ..' piled aroand.himrrand say,.now let "tins diC.I'WirtifK. t 'i-i iJ2 j I meet a brother minister, his fac , black and elongated. I say to him; i.MMy brotherwhat's the matter wkh youf a HeQswers, ''Everything is the matter. My salary, small at best; js only half paid, my family are,ii : want, my credit is gone, my childrei V are growing; np without , educatiori, '1 and t am on my way lo the 'toot " hoase.,iNor U this alliV Myitbroat is ailing, my voice is broken,; my "tiArVnfl m aKaf f aaA nvwL converted, the church la languishing, and I am wearing out Dy lifavfor nothing. O that I had. been ft biac?4- smith,, a , hostler, aaythin5 rather uuaa a minister, it wczU be o c;er meoiator, reus us ;tnai; oi being an - aorist ' participle, as are also the woidi tendered "enlighten eontMted, &e. ugbjfe to . have been translated i tb - past . timej have fallen: away." He affirma that pur translators, following Bess, bare rendered the participle, thef fait ytkiV Pfdst j$hat;,thespasaagi -might not appear to contradict the doctqne or the perse verauce pMhe rThe Douay Bible render the prv Icipie are fallen away.vyesiey, in bis Notes on the New Testament, taS itbaye, faJlen away.lCrawtordV if Cbf Paradoxes, hsit. , ,;hav8 idlfin away..cc feja-i,'ic CloMb8ara:a(l nowMttthavealL afterwards iiH ar-j';- T-st;, it la ese2,xs lis ed relief if I cooli di3.B Shea I zli, I participls as cxprei , vtliJ Much has been said , and written about re-baptism, but it is seldom you see anything about re-sprinkling, and yet it does sometimes occur. Not long since, a person applied for admission in a certain Presbyte rian cbnreb, wbo bad been brought up in the Roman Catholic church. The case was taken nnder consid eration and it was decided that though the individual had; received a so called baptism, at the bands of a Romish priest, it was in effect no baptism at all, and therefore the rite most ! be . repeated. This ques tion opens np a ' wide field for . dis cession and might be discussed atf libitum. We do not profess, however, to discuss it at any great length, bnt simply call attention to it, and make a tew inquiries about it. Why 1 ask first, is not the admin istration of a rite by a Catholic priest, when it is tbe same in form, equally as valid as tbe same rite ad ministered. by an Episcopal or Luth eran priest or a Methodist minister? Eaeb one of these organizations, along with tbe Presbyterian church are of&hoots from the Romisb ebnrcbj came forth from . it, bringing' this' rite with, them, in its pervertedbta, attaching to it, at the same time, more or less the id a Attached to. H by the Eomiah chnrch, tliat it is the means of sealing orScOnvey ing spirit aKttflswnga;tei those who receive if, iwhether:duU -rintanti' tDri t Guthrie, in his gospel, in Eiekiely', A as taw to say on mm point :- "irrone. as we of Scotland are, to boast that Attr fAther5. with XTnnr At thmVluAl came forth from liome, . with leaaof her old soperstitions about: them! than most other, churches, to what else, than some .lingering remains of popery, can we ascribe tbd extreme, anxiety .which some parents chow to have baptism administered j to: a dying bild!.Does foot this look very like a ray .of old, faith 7'' :n& i Is not tbe sprinkling bait of it too a iray of the old faith n How cornea it then tnatit is : jiot as. valoable m. the bands of .Catholic . priest as in that of an Episcopal priest and why! should the authority j of the rorither be set asides and thair bna i.of ; her chadrea; reoeivsd.t If the answer shourdlbe that there IS too great a dia4 similarity between mother and child ior, uae caua ta enuorse mtax tne metbetdoes, I thenf ask if there ia coti dissimilarity also between! the cbildren .And if the dissimilarity M not great: enough j to justify ;mnonJ interchange: o ritea it Is; not great enough to justify separation: in any jOtber:way.-ii1; yim. I i Where, aall 1 the line; be drawn, between truth -and error ll; Wha Js wise enough to say bow. much trnthj and how much error, shall eater into a certain organizationr and yet the rites of that organization be recogniz' ed aa Scrtptnral and valid by otbersf This is .a ; carious question, i and in folvea principles, i which, fulljf carried oat, would result in One pr two things the Abandonment of all sectarian, organizations,rjr putting the claim of non interchange of rites on the same ground j with the claim txt.:n separate organization; It'as upon this ground that Baptists refuse intereommamou iwitn otnerdenom inationsr i They have set np their claim to a separate organization, had also to ft non-J aterchange of rites, and non intercommunion : Jf the former la right, the latter ia right aLjo. Tbey Doth stand or tail oy the same rule. Whenever one ; christian rdrganixaf tion separates ; from ; anothezioon grounds that dot not Justify ::a.tnon- intercbange bf rites and non-inter- cbmmnnion, it is: guilty of. schism nd achism in the i Jbody taC Gbri&t is av great atn. I ,ai our rresoytenan friends think that their j separation frcrf the church ot Home is latticed ca thess greeds, so .well and good. Bat it their tsparatioa from ethers is not so jastiled, they torn ft r-rty t?ft t:-ictr til trar czcxing ,T?PorthoBi)ordei'. i - iv ."-1 ail .fi'i.' tt'.l ; Bro. Bailey : - .iT ii a , A word, if joo please, Jn courtesy and brotherly love- to my reviewers. And first to Bro. Oxford.' If yoa will 'reread inZfbrmTafHtoylbrali er, you win: find: mat yon nave.mia-1 understood me. u tbve not said j that the writer bf the epistle to this Hebrewias hot "addressing: chris tians. It is, 6n 4 the'tontirrvery clear that; at least, a portion of the Epistle is thus addrtsMd.' ntr my position was and Ii;cthat this pas-1 sago is not descriptive of christians. ; A man may ' b Jast Suchvs vthe apostle " describes, . and yet 1 be bo christian, " Of Such I gave several examples in my former artide. " Hence fc their l "falling away"odoea ? not, , by any means, prove that any true christian : can ever be lost ; On the contrary,; the. contrast is presented in the same' chapter, between those "described In this passage, and "the heirs of promise" whose faith rests on the, immutable counsel of God. : The one class are enlightened ? the other re-! generated. The one class may so fall away as to be lost ; 1 the other class "are kept by the power of God, through faith unto salvation. f All this ia necessarily implied in my former article. : - : ! To avoid an appearance of . wish ing to make a display in my exegesis, I made no reference to the incon sistent cause of our translators in their renderingporapesonto, "if they 6hould fall away." The true and literal rendering - would be, "(those who) have fallen away.? This par-, ticiple is in the same form and tense of those rendered have been ealight i ened' 'have tasted''' &c ? Whyiour translators should have rendered it, they should fall away,'' rwe are left to guess. They had jast. j as much authority to render, "It they; should be , enlightened, and it they should taste the heavenly gift,", &o. The idea of the passage ia f bat it is impossible to renew, to repentance, tbose.wbo have once been enlighten- ed, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, . . - . . and have; fallen away, &c The falling away" is hot expressed in tbe , original as a fact contingent and in the future, but as one already existing.' They have al 'ready fallen away, and can not be renewed to repentance; uat this language does not describe the true ehfld of God, but otely 7STjcb,-as l: showed in my fofmersr title,) as have' bad great ad vaatagsa, andliavisg mn their danger And tbaEdttfy have deliberately , made npilheir; mind to reject the offers of aalvatiou through Christ eaoaf Ibiartjee tiou is efpressetLift fi vhff e Mm f. A k V d iV kV :Wtte Beoorter.i LETTEU FBOS BEAUFORT 1 Bean fort is tttj(d towrj, Jlnoorpo-; ra ted J723,, when ,laid outT L, know; not.:', It is named in'Jbooor oftHenry, Duke of Beauforr, "whose", namel; found to a grant for land as fari)ack -Tbe sohnty wa formed in ,1722, then called a pretttfctfnawg!ledj cpantfesjill J78-VfkTbis is gthe most! quiet Jtqwn I ever saw.,.. WU ha pop ulation bj 500 scarcely any sound Is heard except that of the wind land waves. . Only one . road leads f 6' it. which is sometimes- travel ledj - The; StfllieWTmosopPWsstv saodiSOdeep that Oothihg passing over it makes any noise;No fsbrill whistle j of j the Lengine.? enlyr boats! glidioeeihMJtly over jibe wa ves, and I iSWiknoWAQtivbeik they, come and? go. This is A, place jrhere things are' run by wind, mills, and. al. No wind) no go j nud the: wlpfj bioweth3 where; it llsfeth-WTiat ar placel -"Ait it 1si a popnlar'and fashiOnabfeleaf hide! resort, delightful ftt Sntttner and much more pleasant iuWinter than' nsaally BupposedWrberear& tthree j&eaamtBAUoBSf 3aptistj jMethodist and Episcopal, f Oaly the Methodist .have preaching. Tbe Baptist church; '- - am. . -- ew a A -. was organizea ao oi Apniaooi, oy Wm. ' P.. Biddle,tt Jacob tTxley ' and Nathan Askew. BroBlddle preach ed; text,! Cor: l i 2,The churth of God which is at -Corinth.'' v. 1st pas orv tleySad J. a P- Montague, ; while he was pastor in 1853 the boase of worship was bmlt4It was dedica . Jed-jn .Nov. 1853,bongh1unfioished.; t(ro.,Jt J JLiansaeil. preached, rird pastor, Eayfield, 4thWeatherly, 5 th W. B. Jones. 6th E.TA. Best After him J. tTtley,Vur lamented Tborne, Cohen, Harrell, Kennedy and Sand- Ting. - Shall thelr work - cease. O Lord,' revive thy work.4" Their first Bonday School was organized In 1857 with Bro. John Nichols, of Kaleigb, as Superintendent. Tbe Methodist church was organized . m any years before the Baptist, and the Episco pal about 130 years before. , 1 have,: through the kindness of Mr Alexan der, been lookiog over their chorcbi record, which goes back to 1739, (the church further) "and ends in 1841.: I In; this I, find before the BevoIutiOn- ary war me cnurcn omcers assessea. the people to build churches, 'pay the' preacher, read divine service, and; take4re of the poor Also' to pay i tbe clerk of the church and' persons for killing: wild cats,- wolves, i pan thers and bears.: - i : -1 am moving on in my work, try ing to put a Bible in every bouse and tracts in the bands of all I love it; because I think it a great ,. work.and will result in great good. - -V " -T. K.H6WE1L. 1 : ti .r .Li. ,4.8 to oro. i'ltohiord, wnen 1 read, the sentence pt his srticIe X was reading, thewhole of iUJ wastne morej surprised: to, find Bro. P, mhch more; affiorwitiiirns t rayed in his4 said rst sentence,' than with any thing I had written.': His chief complaint, after all, is In my fnaaaarof -putting the- case. I' am glad pfi thav, elnriooxni fo condense my views, as much aa pos sible, may havo, caused , some bbscu-j With much " love to vthes dearj "brethren and Jn deference, tof the wlsnei of several ipTUiebrethmisi expressed m yoor columns, l drop my nom de plume, a. x.1 z.t ana anrj-; scribe myself, Yours in lore,1 J Sharon, PtT" f r " 1 '' 'e 1 , Beoorder,, . TUE PABABLE OF SHADOW. A. man .was given a. carden. tin which sil kinds ofibeantifal and fra-. cranii nowersaa aeiictoua and nu- tritionst fruits, .wera to be cultivated, For a time the flowers perfumed the passing breeze and tbe fruits refresh ed the weary traveller, but ,.tbe man decided .to . boUd tower on: the southexa .side . of the. garden,. v .The tower grew rapidly,. n0 one .knew how, it appeared: to tbe built in the jblgb t'L , vltwae " bniltt of J pptUlied Biooes aoa giuienng .gems. 7 vvneu the tower bad been. built toil great Tieighfc, though r,not" as "high 'as the builder desired or Intended it should W, it cast a shadow over the garden; red and lost their bdorslThtf fruif was e tasteless and worthless. The garden became a nseless waster9 tThat garden is the heart, given' t tig to which wri are tc ealtivateall the beautiful flowers of -grace, inno cence and purity, where are to grd the fruits of tbe spirit, ' Icviey joy, peace; long-saffering,' gentlehessj goodness,' faith, , meekness tempers ance, but If , by - secret slnay, as dlsi honesty we make . fortune, biild 4 tower of riches, iAvtho darkness, lit will cast shadow aver, tha i heart; under which all the flowers of crace will fade, and the f ru its of the spirit will be blaited, the heMtuWilLbecomi L sterile and barren - a 3- 1 ,f Aadtboogh tna Cowers fade and die, and the fruits." become orthlesh a -'m ' t - ' ? -je. ineEaaaowstui ..remains, a"3 lis i .1 r.i.'c. t For the Becoxder. : dead wEiqnts. ; r The Baptist chbrcbes 'of -North; Carolina are icoostaBtly,add1nro: their membere," tout are th.iiddr tions Jthose who are saved A fi i j Ki Id creat Bomber of our feliglonsi organizations tnat nnconverted-ele-mentoP'opoDderatea. :- The ? world hast jiuedrtheijKurch. The ' Jgood work, is itfudered... .The dead height of indtflerence hangs like a millstone around tbe neck ot the church. The drift Chokes the stream, and' the wafers; )rnn slnggishly. Pocket-1 books ar not baptized , alonr.witb i the owners, nd Impewmiosity fe. driving some of , the best preaching! talent Xrom.i tbAjpuIpit and erupting the parsonages., -m; .M2Ci t . :,... si -at What are the caasslv, .; -! may bo mistaken, bat I verily be liete that the misguided yeal of self appointed evangelists has caused very many persons to unite with churches,! who have no knowledge of tbe way bf Balvatloh.-Lbridirordsraud awful dehfittciatlohrmayi,8triietei'rorr!nto the-Heart fa-sinner: SnoT fear of coming wratn may cause mm to 'jom the cTitfrch but thi1irnot convel-! sion'Tne ttiicanea convert 'nrakfa ft vow to himself, not . to Godttfem no more. " xnis metnoa or increasing membership does as mnch real good 1 ' t ' : 1 - .1'-' -mi t as signing a lemperaocepieage, xnej pledge mast be , made; to .God witb! prayerforhis , guidance 'ahdfaithih! his promises, else it is worthless. ; Bo called revIvaIIsts"brInethou4 sabdstnto therbhnrchf--pfededf 10 uoa auo wiiu nearcs uncuangeaj They hate "plehty Of zeal, "but not according to knowledge.". Itmatew?enouM?very iolema ottestmn, how.AhaiI.tbe obnrehes get nd o tniadead daiateriai T fiomeof a ! 1 m t uese oouies nave a msjoncy or. mem bers jwhoknow not the way the trpth, -the life" How long-O Jjow -i j r a . it . . t ..I. a n t,::.:-? &ttZ l;td iat 1 long I j r v .ABACHSL. yf iFBOX FAfETTETILLE-L' There have been additions' lo tie Fayetteville .Baptist charchf every Sunday tnornrog after eernSon for the last fours weeks Oh t last Sunday morning, February i!6tbf-whea snowswawpourinji down med were restored tochtxreh fellowshto and one received by, letter;- Within month labave beeft added ta tha church t .by letter; 3. by reatoration Aad 4 recelred; to baptism, , f Others bM probably Joia- nxt Qanday, Julia n T!ant!at fnllA- " . All persons wbo made, pledges tq me for Jndsod'TJiptist 'College are hereby requested to forward fbesama to tahAtijayetteviiieif.vj., in regfsf terea kucr cr I'Cit uce money or der.' - - f-5&i -js TaWs-wr:i tie acknowl .- For the Beoorder. 0UBEEI)S-OCB DUTIES. rfi S . , V. .a .J..' For.tte.JBAoaraer, BAPTIST. SUMS AT SCHOUL CONTEN- . Brother x:Hay - msks,' shall we hare such a Convention thif year, in North Carolina I .. -r Of, course werwttMf, There can be "butone reply? from every Worker for Jesns, in regard to this matter. Onr Sunday .School xork saAUPfc ber well,' and eamestlyjAnid vigorously, car ried forward,, witK hope of .large and permanent success, without a grandj gatheriBg.-and enthUilastio 1 rallying of trar forces :at .'some point, ;cetitral or conrenient, for. consultation? and tmutnal advice, and. the sooner such a Convention is decided ttpdn," the bet' Thev -ouestfonf. irWhat:' are': our needs and duties is one that comes: up to my mind' very often, and to de Wmne these is'hO smart m after. f It) s true that u we"onty iook over our State and t ate even a" glance at the destItutiofl,randnben 'just' think of the xich harvestthat awaits the Bap-; tists,r oar needs rise up in such num-j bers teto ttafczle tbe most penetra-i tine intellect. TtrerState at large is; tterrepared-to recelvexiBaptIsti pf ineipies thepnncipree,'pr n God's : blessed 1 word--tnan ever ' 1 werore.! Anrfyetf we lie back hpon- tmr oars and stifier the interests of thecanse to wane simply tor want' of ft little effort on our - parti New dh'ooea-i tion is what are onr duties i want : to ive:-joa.the;TwwA ief .A goad: brothei who' lives intone of these deatitate sections: Brother S. Trir i etti of Marion, writes me tbe follow ing: Newton,i Hickory, . Morgan- ton and.Mama Are.aH well supplied : with preaching oyother denomma-' tions. Do tbeypreachrthe truth 1 li so, then the State :Misskn Board shenldjiot trouble itself about either of the. places. - Bat it otherwise ; here is Newton . with ; its 500 inhabi tants, Hickory, with i ita 2,000, Mor gan ton with its ow ana Marion with its 600, without the truth as we un derstand it. Shall the standard of gospel truth be planted in these fast growing towns in almost- the den of.North; Carolina, the . fertile "Pied mont Kegion 01 our state, Along tne W. N. C. K. B , which, when finished, will be one of the "grand tronk lines of the nation T And these towns. too, are the summer; resort of the in valid and tbe pleasure seeker. New ton has no house of worship: Hick ory has a good house ; so has Mor- ganton ; and as months roll on, not a sermon . preacned - at eitner place. Marion has a ' good house of Wor ship jast completed j and here are a ew poor Baptists who have expend ed almost every dollar they are worth in building this bouse and, with aid for the present year, they would be, for the future, a eelf-eus- laining church in a fast growing town. Is there an ear open to the Macedonian cry T If so will not tbe wants of these, four towns be sup plied.: The Board may', plead the want ot means, to. which I answer. the Baptists of flortb, Carolina have the mouey and if you will show them these needs, , they Will, meet them. We ate said .to be poor.. We are not poor; and if I were . in the fields that, some have, I would , have the money.. It the men have no liber ality, the bisters have,' and if the subject was properly presented, they wouiu respona oy me worit or ineir own fingers, knitting and7- sewing, and thus sustain living ministry in every city, town, Village- and neigh borhood from 'the - seaboard to tne mountain summita. a i 1 1 1 is not more money .we need, it is more -grace.- When the aoul is fail oi naiu.thaM ia nasal k !str nf mfiaitfl toeupport the gospehuxJf our minis- 'o! TJUJfZ tO Dieaae the I nuw, wo iuuus w Naraeydar piaW brethren, and isetydur timerWb;at iarit-worthudo done, bnt done ntiicklv.. Tim a m hort,r8o don't lel'nS be too1 long con sidering "that W'shalT r Let il$ t&oiiteiq l3eiW hetato&t.-A:, E very 'jbodyjj wants tSodty School - Convention. " It. ia seeded badly, andinhe: TipdMfii Koftb uaronna, aont use steps, in tnat direction, soon,' some other denomln adan trill and eo! we fihali be bo hindt fojlowmg in somebody wake, Instead of pleading others ourselves. " ' Tbd' Sundav School iJ taklnsr its "irapoUofi,bhgtjBf last: and uiuj wbu (jiiua uhi voij luaiuereBCi? to the whole matter;are waking op to the 'vastn ess of, this .grand christian inBtrumentality for Duildirig up the kingdom of Jesus in the earth." M " The questionShSll every church have a Sunday School II is a very sjlly one indeedfcJ !We ha4 .rather askr WhatiS;.any church, icttSoift onel"' c,Ih 'this - day fib; tiatist church can Iobg: retain its vitalify, that does not see to it, that San day School is Opened At; ita place oi worship, and faithfully kept up. ; Its life and name, verily depend upon it. tiet us, thengo fof the convention,. And let the hosts of Gode labbrers -come together in the name jot Jesus, and that rights earlyf qi j,..,,, Y, H, HARRELL... rtrahnm V tl ; a PAiNFtL ytmxsimv I) --: Compels the Home- Mission Board to reply Noftio, no.'to ynany earhest appeals foe help to sustain their pas te r from churches at important cen, 'tres, and for the ministry of salvation from sections destitute of the preach ed Word. But What else can we say, when the means are not sent na to meet these importunate and increas ing demands.. . : At the last meeting of the' Board applications from prominent ; and growing towns in Florida, Alabama, 'Tennessee, Arkansas and .Texas, to say nothing of other calls' which are not few, were, of necessity, laid upon 'the table. UiA -'" '-i,w - e-.-iiii x The Board Is5 lot In1 debt; and Is endeavoring to eniatged its? wdrkan the domestie and Indian field. - Bev. J, B. Hartwejl has been appointed to labor among the Chinese in Can- iera would study less fancy ot the people, and more about the clear, unvarnisned tratn, .wore more, pray , more, and trust inGod, ,cannot refrain ftom"4 believing fat we wonld soon conquer tne .world, Mav God helo us. and heln vour Board to remember my little Marion church upon which I have expended in the last nine months about $300.00, one-third .of all I ' am worth, and many of my members have done "not much 'less. ! Brethren " and'sistera, what say you to your daties In such chses T JOHH E BAYiT 1 Secretary Board Missions. 1 take hint and bit: family , to 'his Qejd of labor and to pay . his salary , for a Bafe are fiot tdfoitiai" duty,1 nor balf hor a fourth? of it, to the mnltt- tndes.wbO cover4)ar land, destitute pfae; breads o life, .many o whom are asking towt-What shall, we do I The Boara cahnot'go4 fhrther 6r jfas "ter than Ihe'lffvers 6t Jesus dud his cause, by their contributions;- bid them, WiL H MciirTaSBVi vl i1h .OorSec. H BjAj B.pnb For the Beoorder PEOGBTESS. .0 The4 Baptists of North" 'Carolina are surely a1 progressive, peopled It dld mv heart good to see the' edito rial of last Bd6BDW shOWihithe! great nuraoer or caurcnes mac are beloe built ovef the State. It'fthows thtlt we are'goirfg ahead. The greiit needniow of the PansiRJo 'regioriTs bohses of WorsblprTbe1 cohntrf In many 'iplaras is densely" Tabulated and large Jcoogregations uan ' be se eared Almost anywawe: ' Baptists progress more or less with railroads, and now there is a prospect of having railroada interline thi country it ia expected that- we take this whole Section, f '?:;!- m l7sii&'-Kt&Sr& j , . Aceording toPiy Boyce'a caksola tioa the Baptists in the last century have incieased eigh t tiroes.aa fast as tUepopolation o this great nation. Bat it is not best to. count too much.) ..Washington Jones, in a late Reli-. rinva Herald, nrod acea & -canltal ar-i tide on the subject.of counting. '-.j ought , to "be ..read and .re read by evervoouy, especiauy dy: revivaitsis. 'Would it not be better to count men by their value, or, in other ..words.1 wouldn't It be better to look more at what we do for Christ than how man IJ sJ ti i ,iM lf,t.HJ lt'i " Wake Foresfbaa much to do witbi Ourpfogrt8s; It ehbuld rourage every Baptistto see thai thd" prb4 pecta-of our-'Oollegeftre trighar than ever before' Wake Form has- wen uiewing uiuur c uemjmuia- tlonsas-weu aslJaptU-a.i: 1 saw:-a dIethodiat miaiatexH tef prominence tUAotnerxiay wn ioiajae ; tnax no was educated by a graduate of Wake Purest Cqllesekif Jf St is. .the ( jord's - wUII would liket to live nfifty;yers, ana tnen see toe opyooKjjr me- iiay tists in the worJcU. - p,"l e &mgaurij&: m,i 3d m.1 : 'During a revival, many years ago, in Princeton CoHege -One of fho'stu dents was deeply impressed With the imDortance of reliffion. He-,son?ht Religions advice, and his friend told him that the interest In the' college as fanatical, arjd Mot truly religions. He went away reiiflvedrand his ant. iety 'about his sonl ceased altogether. ,T bat youth left college, became ft con spicuous man in the hitibn j'and oc cupied prominent offices. a H4 fought a duel, In Whtta his - antagonist ioit htsltfe, and from that day his iAfln ence and happiness were onetM At the "age of "seventy np Was a resident of New York city, where h practiced law. 1 A society er Christian 'ladies made the condition tof thisjpldmah the subject . of conversation, $ land Apecial prayer. As he had descend ed from ah ancestry whohad been' pror4iiiebTlh"the fChristlab: Church they came bopefnUy with his case to! tbe God of prayer 3Tbey secured' tbe services of auminister to converse w Ith him, and to -: assure him of the interest of the Christian ladies in hiaj salvation.' After all these leflortsi he remained in his hardened condM tion, and after ja. few t years died in! trosenrityj; ThaVoId mAnwas Aaroa1 au,una me. Key) jo nisr aposuc career, it is said, were the few word spoken in disparagement of the r vival, which impressed him so mucl uto -iA v 1 1 I,; 4 1. a. 1 t ,1 ;.,- w'OtW motives ar" 'faever" qdft rood ai We tmak. and never on! so bad as our enemies" t"appo5ar Ofli best Is inwoven with evil, and worst, let ns hoper has some strands! bt-good.1''.''-1.--' y 1 r-TT cidiHtcp 5st4 tjeA'-r-jnaaf li m Set I .ii.p eaajaasj ccn.8vtptfrcerj ,uesa who fees not felt in? some de gree that his life belonged to his race, and that what God gjves himJts g$t him for mankiadA "r -" .AD71XTWXQXJLTZ8. : 11 f T 1 f ."..imi... ..'j 1 iii yfeaontipjA;ti; ;8ik;':feia.- 12ra I Iniih,.; fl-Wt 8 00 $8D0 115 00 125 00 do r 00 : S 00 "15'CO 25 00 4o 00 Stt&oli J:eo jBooiSOtD as 00 eobo 4--do:; ;4 00 10 00 26 00 4S 00 60 00 Uool'oui 6 00 45 00 S7 00 SO 00 85 00 H-dOt 10 00 27 00 0 00 100 00 170 00 do 18 00 50 OO'IOO 00 175 00300 00 n Bpeetil Kotioes charged 20 efiats a Use. OtntaaritW fAjrfv-W6r61onf,-tW laserted fee oi charge. Whea they ezotod tide lengtk 0B tor each word ' must be paid la ad iflaF'SclIDojartneit :-r 'JOHNc 231! RiL , ' Cor &Smiitmd BWd JSttions. 'Then?8hkll hi kiiwer thek,' S-:fi.yb,Teriry ta'ftW Inwmmohu as did Jtaof tsooDaa'pf thaieatt of thcas, ye did iknoj to; And ttteae shUle away mtoevfldasUsg ponlsbmsnt; - tmt, the right ,..F?r y66 n4T montis, w hare Been giv . bg some of tie motsbiftBEed promW Ii!bods -ordmoBhiea8 t"riei6aa- worx ox posatmgms tbildrea to Jeu, with some slight oonunebtB ' thereoa. j Ia tho pes. Wf hsw tie oppoeiU oUss poiated jonthose who do npthiag for Christ with !' the ' terribls nmlbi ' aiMnmMnt.hi. j ' such 'dondtcfc Nothing done,' kothmg' ts- tnliik; or this, -ye cWh iibermhQ do Jitog tmJbm oc Vtt, tUe SAtratJon of semis &.V$&&&?i to,ashonld tty, there are, eome of xa who will even thlni we'hiTe"done iwittithlisg 'and "jtX ASMi&iS the TenL'itnkiy eoe of m W Babled" to 'eA 'tmnelTee this qwetionwltk tag hearVsearoiung. i Shall I no Mfkopg those who eom np tahe Judge at the last day, thiakbg thatllUTa ay ehesrec. and And that there Is nixoOahg' tmt leaves t "wia it bV so iwlm4S,myl brother? t-Ood ' forbid ft. t-Vet 2 tthess'' aliaQgo' awiytilo ereflaiilngfpThUiaibent bnT Ueeaod be Oodc (hero II :rea ; pntOu to theM who" ?ftiilf!rJm .P6 ' W iterrihls stateiaeat j there I a'waj to hell from the Terjr gate of iieaTea, there pi also 'ItalTa tlon to me thief on tie"cro3, toihe chief of tfiinerj ; Ch'caB, ixii ihi&k Qod,' h WB, aTi;evea Satan'li offoaata-' 'the rlgtteokaiato life iternal.". Ah tsji brother.! Jaro; we V .be.MBong tATes; i we are only wfJHag to treat Him and . .work ia His rlnerard. "Help thoa minS onbeliet" ;'And Whatsoever e Do, " f -V Do it heartily, as to' the Lord, and not ato men; knowing that of tie lxjfd ye ahall rl8 thai-ewara of the iahetitancet for je fwrre the JjotdJCawisi?. jCol, & y , 3ft 24. f r--;, - How mnlikooar .nalural inclinations to do aooordanoe with the mandate aboTe. We are to'prone to do what'faeeda ai to men and notto the lxird. ' We lost reTerso thiatn and !take them biekwardii 'How lilce hnman sa- tvre to that; apoi eTtrything Wpuld that we "laaight always kesp this thonght before onr .eyeju that we are doing whatoTer we do unto te Lord. And men the manner of onr "work "Is preaoibea. We moat do onr wokf"Jar 0". Wonder if a great deal more would not bo aoeompHahftd by fjiriifians, and espedaQy Boaday School Workers, if , they .wonld only adopt this way. of doiag things ? ; .There are eo many ( of na! who-go . to tb iolass-room wUhA dolefarfaoeand so 'httle fdr'fiie aalvatioA' oif the hbaRmdsr otrr charge. Lef a aolt this way of doiaff,- aad- do ai the Japostla Pinl tell ua-wWeh; ttenvwo knew .thaithe reward iif the d.--.:,iwe Terjda anythiag tat lot which bo does . not give ns V rich reward ? .1 think hot. EVerf the giver of the enp ' of' eold water in His name shaS ' reoetTe the reward of i'dls- dpU. t Tbla U so swange; viewed from a hil- mao BtAttd pointj.lt Mt jwwkea we thiai re-of ,vta Maatar: "for ye aerre .Christ- ..:....t . .Take Sotice, . r . , : . xn oonnecuou wun tne Bonaay Donooi ia (ttUmt'io be helcf It Ml Terhon'charoh, m the lrar'AaxJat-ori oi thi-'-fiU. Sanity to- Marob;' OeM wiUbe a meeting ob Savtfcrday iTOorgiflg a- lO W e'iOock, a.m. ;Th,o,t)ject of Uds meetinf la to take uteoon aideranoth expedianoy of otganLsing an AasWaonai' 'Sunday' ,8Aool i rnveAOoh. -Thfir ma3tter;whl,e bronghV' ip BarardAy Wdrnfim and the first tjert rf thdiy droUd 4 the diaCTWwiVm.) j 'HB&J&.,tem-'icti ftla the aiteaooa there is to be a rlisonarion on the rabjeot of jTempemee at which time speoohes will be expected from a nmber of 'fipta&sra fortbe mornfeg.'Bv B. Bafftlo, J. V. Heel, DoeAaiidW. BllUiyaJL Araar. iaswa, ifvfll Bronghtoa, J.l8i JUy, i.J, Baf row and.J. AUe;I Jsbpe4thlarall tejijanoe.wffl J had and that fire. Uilla will be promptly at ,hia post Batuiday'cCTn. !gaVlHelji?-1,i;'' J,'fc gWKA409a Ths Suaoaj School Black-board. , ".A Weekly Eheei" dealgned"to illasliaU, In 'mVexaeform ub 'style Bhtck-fiiMrd, taoIaasfkktiooArSaiida !8Aool XsssWUf for Ixaisnq ha vtQdbi$. J..oiaea.::ai ..' tE .fandaj flohool Jpedateodenta and, Work .ere, gig iJiidit? a gnn(Mp ."Sf 12x48 inches In ie, ' and the ffliwtraUons on be ,aiy Wilf Iwfi bf mslargeU fldiy ftcaool oHn. . tt u reiaaIuUy low tofxlaBiXhrM IMkrsrjir year, oifOe IM JftrfQuartr40Smp eopIeaTeo eents,j . f W- F. ftoEaroa Pnbliaher. i.Ctii sdi t2 imq bat r.w k-j-Ai A Jlr Hoody-j,;, . rt, as.onoted as saying :' "If I see a teaoher fire minutes late, he iatti ' fifty pef cent at oace.ffhi ruoWtrsnaiff' hands with us QidUtii'l takeMoff fas' other fifty pee cent. Aadgtoitam'tbto leeeM we snpp that . he w' charge, against bis , name a minits fifty, Ae, fr. Moody's "Bonday School book' keeper is of a sort mat ' enables him to atrike a -balance wlthont rTdelay.,-iT'a9. S, UsaeHeffi ii Y.dq:a's Si 1 loufrant ihv T"fiiai I' v 6oae 'lliil Leidstf CbAmlaatotoA' send on jrflorl order Mibioa ;taitbef.3apBst fcniday EfcheotBowQ, fUMghBSkft Tkeyecet yea AoWEng, bat gfre o great deaL ; ; forget o 'nr. ,lrt'n SjnttimrtSSt th ;?tmday ?Wko1 Board frettetFad,P7f .i P:t ,,ri ' A, thousand fxaca,lind"'fl' la 'eterftilhg 'else thin attempt cto- aL&pe' '-tot yourself Sri. istih, "barest Ii lAiisdLrJz';S-JL &f&f 9.;& 81:3 -Sv.?aH

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