l Biblical1 iRECOBDEit jmmi'-m '.it. ' i WJ wMa wwwww mwi1 i.uii,liii.. hfcgea-rjsiitj rr. I I " -1 Y" I I II T II A I I 1 I i Mm, f ' I I- -'ilt- UM,; V i J I I I f J V I F I " I 1 I V' II I II 1 - J Mi II I I laoxli ..II 1 Of) S X ihi'S ftft'lll. fin -1 ; t I V ' f I .11 .11 ' I I I I ( mil I V 1 i.ui .if -if II yi i II 1 1 I -I I il.n ' f,l - I I 1 V .- I I T AT all Ii I 1 i H " I nn it nn 'PUBLISHED 27EBY .WEDNESDAY. EDWARDS, BEOXTGHTON '4 CO. Offic raytttarill StrMt Qpptmit Marks TBRkS'OZ SUBSCRIPTION! On oopy, yer, 10 One oopy, six' months,. . . 1 25 Chabsof ftte,..1...' ..V ..'.V...W 50 Gab of lea; . . r . ri . V. T. .20 60 BemitUncMi mast b sent 1y Begistertd Lettei. txsoflo OrdBr, Express or Draft, paYbl tq tbtrda of th Pa.Uiiheja,'' . ; r , - - n for tbs SMoider. A SEBX0N BI ONE UF "THE LA1TT." "Gk ye therefore ainl teach allnatlona." Matthew ii i and part of 19th. " " ; Teath, to iastroct, Infora, edOeate and cooTert to the troths and" dod triaes I - have enoociated.' Tea6b whom I All nationB,- H people that inhabit the earth. -Who are the lr str actor t my disotplteSflliose whom I bare inatroo ed, those from how eyes the scales have fallen those wbu hare passed itom. death ; nntei life, and who -.feel and Bcknoiedeeith allegiance that kidne sa Kiegot KiDgii and LarjL,pfiliordS4j IVach what! That I am the $brisV the veritable Sua of God- That my blood parchaaed redemtion. That bjr faith in me .ud repentance toward God. salvation is obtained, observing all things whatsoever , l ; have com-, , manded jron.t obejing my laws and ordinances, copying my example, in 'short, following me. .Bat. bow .shall we teach! This brings, ns tobo.sub ject we desire to present for consid eration. , , - , n The redeemed soul alter the first gash of joyV feels intuitively there, Is something for me to do." There is no desire then ' to remain Idle- And leave to others the work' ot preaetn" ing tbe gopel, w1 oTs extendi rg a helping band to tbe poor and .diet ed, or sending , the. glad tidings to the ignorant and blind. ' Bat on the other hand the prayer goes op from the grateful heart," "Lord what wilt thoa have me to da , . T Qod in bis wisdom has divided his followers' into two classes. Viz : el ders or pastors, and private church members or flock:. ' Each having a separate and distinct work to perform in this process ef teaching, hat so interwoven"; and blended ; together that one cannot be a s access without the other. " The life of a pastor from a worldly standpoint is a hard one. It is fall ot trial, of snffeiing and self denial, c And it would be well for brethren who feel a desire to be enrolled among that class of laborers to count well the cost. The imple ments to be used iu rearing the structure to which "they ; propose to lend a hand, will be; in part, their sighs, their tears, their groans. Pov erty will be their bedfellow, and re proach and scorn maj assail tbem. are they piepared foi: Ut are ihey pfepainl ,t tarn their .back up : tii l h jitH-uM -t"i I) 58 oj !!; hy pr?ifs- i '; r,t ' iud;d. wnd, III lf!fb .1 ' M- -I,; ,i ltUi - . . J..--1 '"- i'.i'.x'iirii l'. .The.Oipa bflthc North' Caroliiti Bap&fceTOtt 9 0 t)iZ3 J 1 lb in IXXOIBBBapO. way over which he has to pass. To meet him at the sanctuary,:, at the door of the sick and- snifrring, and together with him ssow by a ploos walk and godly conversation tnat there is reality in , the .religion we profess. Tia here the work is inter woven It is at this point the teach-. Ing , becomes irresistable,f and rtbe the legions of his satanio majesty are driven from their , stronghold pat this Is not all ol oar task. There js the Sonday School.' the peculiar province ot the lajmember. epec ially among thirty day Baptists What a glorious privilege ! To gath erour own and oar neighbor' child ; rea and stody God's -word together. Teaching them by example as well as precept the glorious gospel of the SonofGod. a And yet how, many of bU proteased ; followers stay at home asd eay, they are not fitted for that work, and fail to reap the rich re ward of consolation and joy that God in Bis mercy vouchsafes to the San day School worker! ?y ?4 r We find aery large proportion of : GodTs; professed people who do not feel Called to preach, to labor at tbe sick bed of ia tbe Sabbath, School. What is their tworkt, ,We ; ire taught that God will have no droahsl 16 the great woi k of "teaching alt ha-' lion there Is work for every man to do. ' But thanks to ' His wisdom a way' is orovided. A field s open In which old and young; learned and ignorant, rich and poor can labor shoulder to shoulder. In tbe great missionary field there is room lor all to work. Ail kinds of gifts can be employed. If yon cannot preach, pray in public or labor ia tbeSnnday School, and have only the grace (tbe apostle calls it a grace three times in one chapter,) of giving, there is work for yon here. Here is. full scope for the exeroua., of that par ticular talent. Thousands are dying with no knowledge of a Saviour. By giving of our means as the Lord has prospered us, we may do more toward ."teaching all nations than many who have worn their lives out trying to preach. Ab, brethren, jast think of it Poor as we are, unlearned as we may be, to be able to , do some thing to carry. out the great commis sion enjoined by our blessed Master upon those who love him. Why is it that so many stand aloof aud take no part e en io this dppartmentf Brethren yon know vo' ; hepl-aare you aiis. Jt u c. . jprv :-eu t f--Hu w'' ; c, ..J.'.-'V' U'l - And poverty listen, well-pleaed from bis abed, . .,- J x -- r - - -v , , . T Even age,' in an ecatacy hobbling along, m Peat tloM with his crutch to tbe tnse of f her song." . - - t i So we beat time and "listsned; well pleased enough.' It was 'good 4 to be there, for .the trto were auie thoroughly- lacatBd, acodrttpliahed.'q refined, polished m and'; ptoos ana their beauty and grace softened aqd intensified their o(ber attractions. They. loved art,. science, the beauties of nature,1 and with . all; enterprise and' skill tberefore.the pictures 'and works E of master artists the deep, thoughts of acute " philoaopheni! the; learned -desertations- 6f;T)r.,v!niden and AmitAegrabd vtews of spreads ing nature, the grave t neology Tlbe Doctors) 4s well as the march of en terpriseand skill, gave them pleas ure to discos and sea. ' Your Trar eller isn't vaio. but who is not human? Who woald not please lair .woman I ir he could T Upon tbe high rounds and grave points of lofty thenies he, tried to reach the ueightsbbt felt itgtie unrest - At last joy, came; They-0 would " sen ' machinery,: We eoold show it. They would see it t work; We could do iW So in ; the absence of the man of all Work e hoisted the gate and the 1 storm began tbe waters roared and splash ed, the saw revelled iq the freedom and majesty of Its power, t sThe Jos yielded a Ante obedience to its vl Could, thejr.have spoken, , under the, merciless . laceration, they would, not , have.been' heard.. Even a, Pemos thehes with his swords and pebbles wonld have been dumb! Even, our. latter-day politicians in all the pomp of their stentorian Inng powert could hardly have excelled that noise, we bad triumph ! in the exaltation of the moment npon the round eyed wonder of the galaxy of 8 beauty, ; there, assembled. Tbe scene: was ? grand, but speechless. The climax - of skill was seen and felt. Then their dear voices, coming ont again, after the gates were .low ered, were sweet and subdued as the far oft strains of Ossiao! But for tbe arrival , of a hnnter with deep mouthed hounds, they might have talked of the farm the two blades of grass coming forth where but one grew before the wild, tangled woods, which had' fallen before tbe conquering axe and plow to give place to goldeu grain and-snowy rottoii 1 TnedArk nwHmti mirj rarf.s, whi"h. had j!led-'n?- for a high : grads school, and hope for aid from the .liberally disposed, tt is in the midst of. a large Baptist brotherhood, . convenient i to- reach, and we do hope it will be easily es Ublisbed on a permanent basis Let the Baptists bestir themselves . for iiolid edacaUon.;; ;, UM , k "v Cray's Creek Chalrk, x' - In Oatnberlana coantj ls,a Jargs Snd beantiful bulldipg It js neatly, tainted and nicely" fornishedln hall end gallery." It .has, an "evergreen; 8aaday School add the yoang people show their training In their walk and .Pveratfon2 j3s r-" f "31'ere 1 e addressed tbe deaf people 6Timrw'r,ancarsridf Bro.' Pitinwn added' ome ftlle remarks. With I the aid of Bro. Pittman and his ecbm Plisbed daughters we formed a strong Lodge here, which he preM lets,' from the material of-whichit is composed, will Jbe a permanent one; u& Lpi v' ( .Many . families and ipeople have grown deanta our hearts daring oar brief, sojosm Jff Ibis seotioaifrom among them-owe cannot ifbrbear re membrances of -T. J. Tolar, Jos. Thames, Blood worth, (descendant of the. heroior .voters for f,whom. your; i Bioociworth street ;was named jlJat- er, oyne ana uoQason, v -;;r) fY41f m tLnis is .jnst .what uoa. jsaaying now. In His providence lam, kept In the wbrid,no snfiernd do his ,v - -r6rthVKecorfer;jiti Senators Edmunds and Thnr man'keepi sort of mutual jng, One of the closets of thef Committee room, J- to which 'they often resort whea debate or bosineea erowadntl We "looked uvl Extract from t)us Utter of a WaK ! Tbe anusual; jnortality; anjorig members of Congress, is not dqe to !t.l..--t L tii'ft'tw.Htiii ttj me ? 5 -' - airna vim. -r . t Tears ago In a seasoi of sore be reavement -and great depression, 'I felt very much aa EUjah appears to have done when fleeing from Jezebel. It seemed better Jo die than to live, for life bad lost its 'brightness, 'and tbe future, stretching out before me, looked dailcdreary, hopeless. Iff this time of temptation' jthere asame as if by inspiration, this t-hought; Suppose I had been, taken way as I wished, and had been i received into glory. Arid after beholding' &n3 experience ing the bleiwedueAs of the redeemed, Gd bad eald, ThivbrlTirprldi, is to.be your home forever, bnt for a little time longer 'I have a work, a mission for yon upohtheearth In Stead- of , sending can iahgel tbereL' will send you.uouid. il nod hay felt greatly. h6uored,and gladly bava hastened backtothe world, testifier and tMI for my Satiour, fast where, and how, and as ? lonfe ha might sppoint.Tben ; came the, thenghtt l will, as his BlLne&aWhtsallgis done wun me?nere,f wiiAVJait metJience. Till then, let mejbe patient, and rejoice in the thought that He will tsa one so unworthx. Yes, faint- wasa datifaJ dof thodghi i edyonrdowbileheisalive ana if yofflikey you. may strike out the wordaYeed and cUyg, and Insert others UMMirdiiig'tb ybnr' judgment And( member that the man hnrt himself a great deal more than, he- hnrt tba jWanofpurreaderSeaiJlr tftsse- -Mn? tf expjabiit tohemjt.Jw 1 1 la. a. a. flng, treoblliigiaiaplsntisj T pmsmPiw.vw ftTe.ViaSQsSj Hldri hft,i?rowiifo--i V$9fh .3ey oajhlnkcapriea the hour f be faithful;-for tis "glorious to liye for Jesns. liememberthe words ot i dying christian loThose who atopd Dttnd hinf F&t&?thwr& l&ijkt aim- l& mL'd&cbh&, fry?t(T pleSse God". 8Mn6: Beiter than all, remember the j words1 sod exam' " pie of the Xbrd Jesus, r Who s1tf, ila must work .the; worf s of rfiTur that ,nt i me: while it f ts day 'the- the unheathfnlne8s of Washington L night cometh'; when no-man can general among members of one na tional iegisJatare,2rts u "been, going the rounds of ' the Secular jpreu 3rd. Whereas, l-t the mem ber from the, connty of , has conducted and continues to conduct himself in such a disorderly and dis gracefhl manner as is calculated; to bring' discredit, 'disgrace and ret proach upon this body j therefore be it. resolved. &c Proceedings of the House of Reprexentatites ttfl North Carolina Feb 20f 1879 as reported by the Observer. Work.w J. B.1 Tatlob. -1 Wilmington, AV CU - , . -.fyarx mi tm ioirttfrlteoorler3 jj ' JESUS WEPT. ,l" -,'-' j i I feel that mywritiog will, not in terest the fashionable, but JLuhave a desire to, write, a, little for each as, Mary, Mart ha and. Lizir as. i , n j .. I like to see. preachers weep, I like to see chrintiariH weep over siuoers I woull that, all.strmnns, exhrrta tiowd dui n(j: ovs and pryMrtt,57cn itccmti 1 iais. Ti't'f vf M-v - r f 1 g. ' l W.illU i t C ehjueis iux 4uvU(;hf , dfcdi takun; I J is wtr i oi;i lleir rule of Hie t 11 so,ibe .eivcW;idM we, niiiy ret ittur;d GhI will not suffer au . h ay or Rubble, to j ii- from, t bei r, hauda; ea ve . tjiousaodkof gos,, pel preachers. Evaugelnt are trav er8ingstbeconntry;"conyeting',J,by; scores,; Bnt .be great want of tbe country ia, pastors, shepherds to point out the way, and lead -thqir fipeks overtbe, rough w ays and oy the dan. geroba'4nlcksands1,tbA lie athwart their pathway in life,. !lt4s altering no new truth to . say preaching. the gospel front , the " pulpit, at regular and stated times, "is not "alVof teach ingf vBnt inrhow, manir localities is ll IB3 Ouijc way i .now uiaay cuntca n:r , ' . .--.i ' i ..' .. .. . . ; . . Anoii, et vn v. i---- .. e mm-.u , piMsuif iiiict -i ''it tre ti gifted breihreu, you ci K' Iword to tktiOieige mat. mere is j in giving. And tb thaght would arise, if those brethren exercise that gilt freely at h iie as abroad, what pleasure -? what bappmess 1 s this I Bat why is it so many give nothing i Beware of .a, covetous, spirit. Yon are letting slip the on l,v opportunity yoa m ay: ever have ol .doiu g some thing to extend Mis Kingaom. fe une after another our missionaries . are returning from heathen landa, and, no one is taking their places. Ths n Board is pleading for funds. The gates are open. The harvest is ready: God. has accorded as prm-. leges that were denied our fathers. Shall we possess the land I A heavy ui: l. ' ifD .t, t u Jesus; except once a month, and then ation. , Oh tor . more consecrated bv reason It blasted memories.:- i8 r? .., ed.t . Bow many know Httle or hotb- ! 1. All lovers of Christ are incUd5 ing of thereouiremeatabf Godalawt red as laborers underi the great com- n riAJ 1 TYil&fliftn nnw manv iifciiiis iitvtr filler itiul h i .-w- a .. ftni.tnartr r ThewTif ranffhfc at .IL I - & Pastoral teaching more effect- must be tafiebt ,bys BOmeOtber I ve on wa. uaya, aau couaequeut- . . - a . T-. . r .- a a - a jm av a.a. ar .ia j our gospel preachers be pastors lQ ir ! 3. Teaching W be done by precept fact. Let them mingieoreeiy with the I up , moe iww , i4ti I- T. w. f ' . ; '!,! 't j, f c u:-i : ; 1 ; ir !li's:u!w ci'it til b we ciu ui- Vmre'f t tbiiikwiii iifHt ' 'Muilit nlwnt (he tnim th GeinijiCH f Virgil, -' Oincini'Htnf, ' P iii-m t be pluwman hero, Born jbn plowman poet, ami Clny tbe 'miil-Wiy of the lishe8 -j Weil, though t wej boweyer ot her States may t estimate the Farmer aodthe rtean, North Var1--olinabolds tbem1' in ; btgb esteem, w . t . - - ... t . n .r . iorne.iB.Ka agricoiianti -oiaiejmi a land peculiarly blessed with water power, i Cities and cbmmeice are sot her. resources' or boast; Those who have gone: np: to highest "and most honored and nsefel posirtons-u. her D.D.'s, L L. D.'s, Generals-Bdi- Tors, anu xrroiessors uave mosuj been reared on her farmsv They now way Ult - ;; . t (!The court, the camp, the hall, -Bat stUl tbe farmer feeds them alL" Oar State and people honor sturdy toil, and above all i WdraHfAtnllgbtyaer T' WhofaaWonedtheearth" tiatnstamrjea maseatox neaov On Lahox from her birth.. - 1 Wlously, but -he never growled or bit The man said he was sorry. But if, that sameTdog had come to life again his master wonld have treated him the same way. He Was a.(pecnllarman(T He oouidn't belp ; having ariatural contempt for m dog, anyway, f Though be was, willing to have his service, ' , ) 4 We doh't mean an? barm by this ktorymBnt yoa se it bristles with jCpod points.. -j There; iSi no growl la J lt,,Tbe gbost only ,wbines,and doesn;V ask p(ty nor,expect it, mncb less does h'e'neod It. ' The truth fa,' tbe man was ld he didn't have the- dog to4 feedt Anq if anybody had ttEEered ti a brine? lhat doc to Ufa acrain. the I lifWk WKnrirM -r.ir mfrtW.' Hh 1 there. w a vaa as w aiiu wvavavs ' BEAUTIFUL INCIDENT. - ' A7 beautiful. illustration' of L the s weetness and bower of a 'child's Bimple faith is given1 in an1 incident related! of the recent 'wrecki of the new steamer Massachusetts on Long Island ' Sound. Among , the , many passengers were two "moth ere, each with a child, who were noticeable for jtheir oalmnese t during , the ifiours of jtba greatest peril and anxiety;whea It seemed as if the vessel mast short ly go to pieces.', A passenger frdto, Philadelphia says that bis attention' was first, icklledi to tbem'bv-' their vpipea n( jsingjngjo Goirtg-n toward fousd a little boy .standing with his life preserver .tf, and J tne uttie fellow was jas t joining with I his Toothei'' lit singing one of Uoody 1 and d Saakey.' 1 by mnswa ihymn-'i of trustjaadcpnfideoceL? J!jAa dbe hours passed. ,,00, roothrs -and ohil dren sat 'there toeietber kihEine.or iBettversing nyv rcador;b,at-n lettxs Godi had 'in Store foir: then JH They were folly .aware tef -their danA ger, but their faith was,.nnshakn ia Him who said,, "Wbea jhoq. passest, prr6trghthwafeii;Tuwfll with1 thee ) and,' throagb -the rivers they h.. & f-w u f X VfcaT. . -.f tin a I hhsil notiOTfitfiow: itaevio-a MaS h Jdw 'iSCB'CRCH MU.MS i An Episoonillan;of Montgomery. , Alabama, jhaajv been: attending thei .Baptist charch, and,, listening to Dr , H'airtbdrne's ? sermons'. After pay iDg ;DriH4wth6rnei;8ome-high and : de served compliments in a lette'r' to the ' Alabama Jlapt tit, h makes the fol-, .lowing sensible remarks on the sub: ject of cburpb, music.: In every anzel flower- That blossoms from the sod. , Behold the master toochea-i ' The hasdiwork ov Gor.i', j v, St Paal's, Sobesea County.1' ? At duty7s call your Traveller ftar- nessed Celini for a trip through this ancient borof, 0n his way to Gray's Urek church,-Cumberland county. TheTday iwaa very cold and just after night we reached tbe pleasant home ot Mri Loch Shaw; the leading . t . . i i ..? Mm ... mercoani 04 iuq piace. xue oeu was rang , and an audience assembled. We gave them a Ulk. St. Tanl's is a pleasant little place.: i It has two stores, turpentine atill. and . shops- There is a fine Presbyterian chuTCh or which Kev. Mr. ivans is pastor, also a good school, over,, which Miss Flora , McNeill, accomplished ,,in music and teaching, is Principal.. . . CapeTear Conatrj. 1? jNext day, we made an speed over the land of much water, to the home of our esteemed brother, Elder A. B. Fittman, who had pre vioasly ; ar ranged with as for a talk to his flock. We found Bro. Pittman, who thoueh comparatively yonng,' ia the father of. two propnera, surrouuaea oy every thing heart could wish a dear, de lightful family,' a 'people "after; his heart, and ; a farm of great beauty and fertility at Gray's Creek Landing. overlooking the Uape ear. It would be hard to flad a prettier ilocaliryJ Healthy, near, Fayetteville, a good fishing point, and the center; of his. chnrcnea, Uray a urees, ifrorideooe Zion a Taoern acie and ureeu aprlng. nv4Tiiiaa is a power isr gooa-r able, zealous, devoted, ready ibr ev ery igood; word and work. He is teac-in;ja prcsperoi.scbcclea tli "tome, nuaberi22,53 'scic?irs. Ttry tpcj ex t;.;ujaurr3 cc- rich and poor, making no difference except in favor of he poor,, for, tbey naveoareaaou irouyies.io wntcn me rich are strangerv and, a. visit from their pastor will cheer ' and comfort them, especially it, he talks of Jeans erf at 4. If men cannot preach or work in the Sabbath School, they can use the means or muscle that God has given tbem, for tne conversion of tbe world. Failing to do that, they are guilty of lUUIl VIHUJ , Ufl UIIM V I 9 V CS and his blessed promises. And In I covetousness and should be separa thir fnf erconrae. let thpm never for I i xrom we uuva. get' that ;'$beir tnissjoa is. to,, teach all things whatsoever. 1 have com manded ypu,.and they will find more real, lasting good will be accomplish ed between Monday Tand Satnr- day, than: will be from ' the rostrum i 5. Cultivate diligently whatever talent God has given, and the prom-jj lse is sure, "and lo, 1 am with yon always,' even; onto the and ; of 'the world.'' Keglect it and there is no promise, no assurance.1 ja - lur erace Bdincieab iu tauor in the Sabbath ' dav ' But one will I '.. fh for gn thUioACAAnh time to. select a I with all the means God has friven. snbiect. to collect scattered thoughts,! ana men soon tne great mission wm and nrenafethe gospel feast for Sun, I accomplished. day. , It has lately been, truthfully .itoii y 'Tha" man that Ancrflcrpa diUeentlv in this Work will, be at no loss for subject! ' They . will pre4 sent themselves at every, turn, ideas I I r From oar Travslllag Correspondent will arrange themselves; systematic-1 rjkar Recorder v' " " IIImam1. iT a,,ll rnaviiaha1 i f r- -. h. -.. . . ; - ' uo"""J" -rw-:,T I fYonr Traveller had a dav at borne WAYSIDE JOTTlKtiS. and revetted In the duigbts of rural retirement, xbe smoke curling up wsrds from distant fields, the tingle oft bells from browsing kine, and the mrry chatter of child q alone broke upon tne solitary meditations or the peaceful hour, when ' suddenly the ready ior Use.. ; and, iLeV r trouble will be saved.'bf poring Over.tbe written works of men '.for ihatter. ;- Oh' the wisdom and goodness ot Godl '1 . Bat there is-' another class of la- - borers far more unmerous, and whilst thev are not.called to endure I Beuben . Jones that there was no ity as tEe former, class.: We, as prr-if fba -7J rfX tArtWHCci.ftd"ll 8Pmt nad met, and of a truth . "teaclilngalr;buons.?,pars is the : ZX&T&Kl They add a new spring to the pulse. of the r a.X- . ". J " ? i .i. an it I- - t wmca- ce u t::,:u,.'uO (t-.iij each rs tvw.3 tLa tc;-i "d woman, what rantare her beaattes lm- i U t UCMbl At'th iwn i cf her vclce. sorrow c? ' if '' p-.1:- .!,. (o Mtvgai:t- Mi'! 1 Qud, uih U". A'uupt to i,: not eta'. ! iak:t. h ve may.je.t -t is into' ibat iniemptraitcB irt MbOiVsw- ipire to be the leaders of the reo- r,-and whose province it is to Shape the-.legliii!ation of the conntryv- The( turret of saoh thihgs as Quoted above: eannotraii :ro ' be iiifarioas-to the youth Of the coaatry It has been said that the example efj that wonderfully gifted, but er- rattc man, 8, 8. Prentice.t jbroueht ram -and woe Upon many" young men 3o aspired to imitate him, but who, Is always the case, could attain the least noble of his traits, and uau uvk uto geuiua 10 xxwuf.; uose-. which made him a giant . Every mafi has bis followers, .his sattellites;' so to speak,- and J when "the" "young men of tie '-coantry see drunkards In high ! position, f houdredby' the jaristian people of the naUom and' state, tittle wonder is it that so many of, thevfairest and bestof the youtb. of, oar land fall victims to the insid. fobs vice. In vain you mar discusa aipats iseu runcn and Local uptlon as long as honors fall ; thick and fast upon, men" whose brainaare' often' crazed b with the: efieeta tofc4i0aor; Jst only so, but; sadder' even t than alL is . the painful truth that onr Christian churches havebeoome hid ine -places' for men of-means: "whom the workrkhdw fo be nothidi less inan orunxaroa, Taiit" about your new departures, your beginning of oetter times, of your-great revival fn trade, and a xjrreatt owtpottrlag of vtoqs ravor upon Bute and JUhurch I jjo npt look for it until this gangrene ous eating ulcer is eradicated from otate .ana ;uburch. -v. vYhat J the wney::Wonl4 . toZJSodr I ne some remedyeome wonderful pana cea that f would." aa:if:bv mafiricT re lieve us of this 'dreadfut plague in the twinkling of an eve.' As I do not, allow, me lo suggest! ana presa npon, .vnnswan ; peopiectand our cnurcnes two considerations t iHi-h MWWe sin moet grievously sin ; jo pe signs 01 uoa when we know fogly giver our 'suffrage to men who are known to be intemperate,' Like wise do those in power who bare the appolhUng to offlce Insult the moral sense of the State by bestowini? re- sponsible positions upon intemperate men. ' -:;' -''i-; u---?.:wt - 2sd. Let it be no longer said that onr' cberches are 1 ad auger of becoming inebriate asylums for those members who, having, mdneyt are able tQ have their faults condoned because; their fJOCKec-DooK are mdUpensaUe "to the treaaary cf the hnrchi : TO lot. giva ; a perMaal c2ensa dosa by e a brother vi cnlte .a-, li2erent i thins troQf essastssi ttise after3 tisran cTcss-s. eriicst the discipUas cf tba cunr it tr e eJclrts ct tl cicrrb ts tlzzi t"i cit!;r wzd hia ta rrT. v U'l ter!, a:itl i viLw; l.:iiU'Hin juf icArA, that I ' ti;n p p uj kuU night, far. ibe t ialu bt V' 'Ugtler fcf lov lHDle.w , ol A ;M.ry It It no doubt uh JremiAh dni w hiie hhe were at the Sepuk h e of liw5iple8 returned to( their homes but iviary remainea there atone weeping,,! he Now Jesur loved Martba-and1 nensisier ana xissarns. Jesus wenr. Titan aatd ther Jews, behold fiov'He loved aim rt words ot Jesus spoken orpreacnea ratears will pierce the Sinners heart 6 j like to see persons1 eyeaJiewAD tears when they talk to lostnainnerSjjtfHe that goeth forth7 and weepeth, bearing precloas seed, shall doubtless come ieain with te- jolcing,- bringing', his sbeSves ' with: mmaiMSTb ia m Ki Q.e AvTaU.G'rm ito 'armingtoni $V Ol a9..fiottit gaidtd the j design of sacred emtio in connection with the public services of reUgionj and this,! think, is caus ed oy employing tooSnany Germans as -organists,1 Who do not fully nn derscsnd the English language,- and lb In k that music on Sundays , is for. the entertainment of the bearers, when " the place and occasion; are equally opposed to sach an idea. ' Alunm in twt clesipied to aroue tberorig?egnri(ni trui VhyMcal and iufi t,t tir at wrtrtii iiHeryolf -!' 'lifTvw,, w(j(n i hey may. '-i ';pi' i l i -.v.. q - jr.. m h 'it u , 7 a LeJ 0i Ml 9 e a i , caeff joA etl So X tit Liax ia JJrtvr.-ejia'9S .id 11 f bdcetkerenrasa man whooVnetf a dogjiaiFrom Bariautoffnesslid' etarved tne- dog to death - The flog-' Deggeo. nara xor nis? Hvmgand bw maatetwould oceasidualry throw him a crust, or a. bone? but he geheratiy accompanied it iwtth a teoold.ttoria- kick, and eeasone4 it with aout look so that the poor, beast had v no r oom rort of .bis . life, Finally, from ex banstiontanbardshiparid sorrow snAfrom, the, mortificatioo-. ot beios treated so badly, as wet) as from nau nral decay the poor dog died..Then tbfe man M-jritfih fered to the, dog,' after' herWasdefiL. a fine large piece of aw" fresh beef! Thjeaog-did tioUarJt Tfien tbemiu smoothed his faceand said' he bad dope his whole duty, and his con- ecijenco-jwas clear? r&tpv1 'fK- : Jut the dog's; ghost haunted'' the mi n; and he said that be conldbt sec tfor the life .'cf bim, why' said gh at should beso: snappish. Stilly to nake isiogs right, he laid a piece of neat every day on the doga grave. Bojt.it didn't do any .good that is, not to the dog.: perhaps it dtd the iuaa .euiaa Komvissffsh j:ol3'-5aTS cm . Here the Intelligent inquirer imayi ask, why didn't he do this- sooner f Wby, didn't- he- give the f -dosome mailt vhftii ha mna arwV - . r r " v ; ",i " rj f jt'.ro ts, didn't he f . fle said, that, the reason wak,that he didn't' know that the aog cDeat;;at;jeaaL diunt sp preciate iuimportance to him "Few people believed him. Bat many aid;5 thatlf'ttst West t3 torn his heart titt, aLd titca it1 ci it1 Would lave fearveS tt9 ti btiEj a i1'"- itUIttccJ tizz J cref Lij c: tier's r ud rez-rcJ Liza t:i tla sr- "i t-r H, b-iVf -n, ul i-.i it "41 "I ' i;-' h "i;'"r "itr ti i"o -r t i iu ii-i t'He . tb. l"H 1Slgs-."vv't'o" pi Vuee-a Ufep wna'-ilu-fg moral ?& pt t$gPon. upii e vny oal jui ten to eOuvey( religiuua.tiuJh; tA;th miud adbeHtclo'lied Jn , the, uot at trjietiVi gatr4 4hd accompHnietl with thei tUiitliUabd almost irresistible toiieaoiien earneat add comajanding elocution., jiy bis respect it is emi nently calculated to , beeome a paw-, eifal aaxiliarv to 'the faiiriiater of the GotL la disnennir'the word of Tifetalsd an Ornament tOGM'a ser- ;ibe,f nd, fo1p-& mtfom:- muisli - an siBging tne songs pruotv there should" be "a distinct enunciation of if c-BiblotoutertIi vervaces or Moa's house, andof course7 tbe.psalmody, should i tbe.p aueh a nature, and so conducted, as io pro-L rhote ediflcatioa. Bat how can the, slsriiigb performed to edifiiiatioir when tbBifiordslam id indiatincxiy uijBa pr rua into each other, as pa knowledge oflhe sen timent; the Ian guage of tbe poetry intends to con vey; and he also should remember t the jMtry ri not jrfded for the Mrpoaftof fcgtvifigJ trehte'eflfect to the music, bnt that music Drorjoaea to jWdjpoeibjaff to; tbe? poetry , The wsipsereierev. arenwHeti jtoour nrfet attention, and to the tnoat com-f iniidiDgpositionind Hhe musiq Bbpeld occupy atf important, b'utsee- ondsryfpost.giit ViiiiXWtvMt-it ft thbse foreign. Vartista, .who , do ,not u aiders tand oa rlabguageaodbeJteve tiittnafo to1 be everything and, the. poetry nothing; and7 have1 no? concep tion of-4bo natural paases In) poetry. ,a& fnajly important, is eerstoaand ftitphasis, v. Judicious expression , ,1a la deed 'the very soal of;vocal"ma--eidj-andi can only be the' reauit of natural, feeling, combiaed iWith? re fined judgment. , There; arev aiogers whose voices may , be toned to as svrieet harmony, and Who can pour forth SUAins as- exactly modulated, and to as great an extent of compass,' as the notes oi an- organ, and with as little feeling tooL We must, realize thf' sentiment' "we, H wonld express, " We mast make it onr own, reproduce tng as i If it -were Trom $ the deep foqutaiu of our own hearts, and then express it under the iofiuence of the feefing it inspires. Tbe choir of the First Baptist charch of oar city find in pressing my opinion I will say r mi nota baptist),, T believe are prdmpto4.byeeUnakjabove der; scribed, when they poor forth those ric Strains of r harmony on Sundays ' t au,. .caj sorua toe unuea praise of all who. attend" this chnxcica t-ti. cs'i should beccltivated. isietv owrl a mlltr Trim when Tescue. camev and the jpassen- gets- were safely on another teasels those feame sweet voices- "were ag'aiii 'loo 001 25 00 85 00 45 OOl 60 00 too oo; 175 00 125 CO 40 00 OCO 60 00 85 00 170 oa 300 00 r Special Notices charged 20 cents a Hne - " Obitnarles sixty words long, are inserted free of charge, When they exceed this length, on eent for each word must be paid ia ad - vamea.' StfaFli;K3l;l)eiaiiii6it ". ; 0 1 ' ." i oosmucTzo BX . for. See. 8. "B. Board. and 'Bte.'d Mlsnon,' powerful was ttihett,veiamplerof er their f fellow passengers that there was quick!y7agath'erIUgJab6nt them j 1-, of those bfaowere' saved' frdnrfIm4 l.i. pending -deathy sihnda pray"er,ti and songs r of Joy, and , glad,-wards .of gratitude went np from one and an-.,. ocner until as one says, uc was tne beet raise-rmeetingl ever attended. There' sotely, was-praise? perfected out oi the mouths of the little ones,' 'And it is euch trust aa that which aa-i l."asa 2 BIOJ l.AMast. UU k. .ktM-n. ,- Very erroneous opinions orevaitin Zr'JJ wai -wa.'waowa WB , waaw WUUV1J) TV IVU 'AU w ho Are brought up and trained to a confidence in the Lord Jesus as their alt-sufScieat and their ever present oaviour.: . t, 1 . ..',, ACHING HEARTS. 4 At the monthly .missionary meet ing, held on a recent evening in Dr. Crof by's cborch, in Fourth "Avenue, New York, E-dph" Wells closed bis n mark with thw little incidebt t -: Foriy years agos&id Mr.: Wells, 'w.hf'u I h i ( h!llxiy in BonU'ii, -l'f ;!hy "-iir m4mhiI a "the, 'Asylum'. fir D tab ffbK!l Laia Bridg o . ' ;;af-.iti Miuate. r. Oin day when e-i-.!l r.M , 111 J l,r L 1 lf Mf U'lIf d Ut MU l r On r k Vfv q'iVi V,VV hat "i4 tie -mi 1 ? U mu.h erd her in the am niute laifgnj4e: Tbe' sitnl tH bat w bicU thinks at4 -feeis and hof"es.. Audbept-llrd back,, while -ai look ;of rare intflligence pasm-d bfr her ex'pressiefeHt nresf' And acbea bolft "Ohtald' Mr. WIlsi 'l oftea thintt: of ittbej soul ie tbat which aches so, an f bich willoon tinue to ache so V it, 4?es not have tbtfLgospeIfrthe thohght of little Laara'i' qnick' appretiensron of Htie Sqalarjacityi lor "aching" often comes; to , me, v and. quickens o ne to I work, to, reach these ..souls aod fsend thtf gospeV to them.-We ; b'ave . en - trusted to os,-as Christians, the only 14 themilliDDJi of: souls that havathii capacity for ax5hiug f .The meeting ras one of the most spirited of that emihentlyml86ionary church.'-raa-getixL m fd J) oi ;i a . t . - ' -. - 5 Si A TOtCHrKG IHCTDEirT, 3- i &'aol4oidl' ii 1.f.b&?3s4&a jq Aisdyin the streetnnetf -little gitLbetweeq two and three years oldi evidently lost, and crying t bitterly. The lady took the; baby's ''hand; and 4skerf wfcefe sbe was eotix 8 J f 'Down. town, cto tfind5 mf pi,pii,w was the,sobbing reply.. Ct bus ; let ,eq the lad t. , - ,w , . . , Ll rtJ .-ir-ft'T'U?T fife 111 f - rxiia name is papa." ,J Batiwhat?!- bis'thername'f .What does your mama call, him H ! . "She calls him papa." persisted the Jlttie creature. vrJ4ir s The; lady nbeu tried to; lead her along,' saying, Yon had better come wrtbpme. Sii - guess yoa came from thlS-.WaV.n jwKft R?ii'feilai 1 1 f'Yes j bat I don't want to go back; A want to noa my papa," replied the. uttio girv crying-. afresh as if her heart wonld break, i .tss :j What do yon want of yourpspa T askedtoeladj..' s.,. 5-r ? ,-r-j : , " hi want to kiss him. c ' ' ' Just at this time a," sister of the chldf who had been- searching for iier, came along and took possession of j the little runawsy. From inquiry, it appeared that the little one's papa, whom she was so earnestly seekin&r. had recently' died, and . she, tired of waiting ior i mm to come home, had gone qui to una nun. n t - u...; ?. "ir,r r ' ' 1 a': 'y r - H" w 'Tear none of those things, 'tfi j- Wbioh tboo shalt suffer i, behold, the devil uau cam some pi: yoa -mto prison, mat ye -pikj be tried ; and ye stall haTo tribtdafioii' j jteadaysios thowiaahfalttrnto death, aad: IwiH-glTe thee a care wn of Wt, Esv.:il0.r i Thte yoa will reeegolze atonftess a put of the tneange, seat JUj thechurch atSinyina.:; 1 fThose' tbinjjs1 .refered to abote art the per- i jthey "a&toia,' as kld all pasage, have1 ? ktiullaafToTeey bobtss:; as fliey do.'frooi that i fqonth of thp Son of Jgaij.ViAiy one famOiari i iir;th ths history ot the early ehrlstian church, prill remembpr.how thia prediction was iiter-' f Kfly rqtnUei r4iWe'ar.e"renanded.ortr.e least'' r f FecutIonk enumerated by Ianl "ttThey 1 .. . - Fk . t ' v . a. 'nosea, ney' were sawn araader, were i wer atain irtth a sword they wanI : lered about ,jb , aheepailns. and goaUklas; r 1 ' ilBg4estMu, faictedU.torinentedi. , waoaerea in aeseru, ana in moan and la1 denlj' and " caves " of ths earth.1 I '' fate They were1 1 tilad" bV taawka&aaJ Thar !itArth:T ! t we. do not hare o . endure ,f sach thing, y I pat catf wbrsyp od acoordlog to tts diotataa pf durVwn3 cbnsclenceai "and under onr own v aia figtreef An mHhfs conneoUon; ! bearfclhiaeiine'iu svraptoo strain oTj jiaa,iafsaiiiaaytiier ! praise for e4eliveranaind ad I ofcrewafci c o do the uk .The name of Abraham's second wife t , ra.W.WWTMrWft .Aao; what are,, T - vTi5 temptations, here, if we ean ; nlyain, ithVerowa hereafter f tWett, Ve ' haU rbdnly' receive 'it' Theaa' ar' th J erd i-Jesna ' B thon faithful nato deathasd l will gire thee a crown of life Bible Ealgma-ft ' 1 ;-r'r' -I 1- Who was th wife of Isaae. ;Gen, 24 i 67. ! 2.. The name, of , the young man that fell , from the thlrd'loft wnfle Paul was pieachlnir. Aets,209.h "bo: : - ; tWh" neea madl i a feast in the royal honse of the king Ahaflueriua. Esther 1 4$. ' 4. The &am of tke man that was sent from, ; Ood t St. John 1 : 6. Gen. - 6.' What Komari 'governor trembled when ' Paul reasoned of righteousness,' temperance d.a jodgment to come t f ; Acts 24 : x5'- -, -, 7'V name of Kabal's wife whe had a , . good nnderstaindiog and a beautiful counts-, nanoe? I, Samuel 25 : S.J, . : ' ; - ' 8, What land did Job' come from? Job Is' 17' 9" Who '. was ' the LeloTed physician f CoL4:l4,v' Z 1. ' - p , , 10. Jfanae of the eleventh book of the Old Tfcflt4imem?f kM - , . : Jlir What Syma rjain applied to EUiha to be healed tbroUgft '. the Influence of a little maidr it :-EiR8 S. J fV f ;12Whowas the mother of John th i Bap listf.f Luke 1: lSJc-o S": xJ -j 13,WJu;Moabitiahil;taaidea had suoh tfong aOachmeut for her moher-in4aw en treat edjher not to leare her I Euth 1 : 16 l fey fabi thet letter ' each name will apett ihw name of af befeved Pastor fn East-" 1 era Caroliswril vdi , A. Sfaraa. ' Kinxon. " . ... r , Little Leaders an4 Prizes. - . , ChUdrenareprettymuotteaaHistbrouzh- wi uio wuriu. Almost any uuig will become woma'te tkemi and' they': WiU to some et- " 1eat,!at least, lose interest in almost anything. ' ' Sotuefer of oat Schools haVe WHttetr as er .rajed us verbally Jhat the -children do hot 'J faie-qai9sor muoli,. Interest .in th IitUV 1JT?eFi?la,!aBi Maiat-ytll, If all who have . ; means of cure that' is rssibl for I ttsdthtf plin 'Sluiula'wri&ws this. I think it I T ! at V a - i T -AAC-41 U VUU1U OUT CeaXefl iWlT. ryi aa J - i . a . , . . - " v , ae pwBww nawtnanears tomna, And hallowed thns, In sl'-st ry, - c v Atttits-a LIi aad tsoi J tad." 1 ErWCCrALXAJT. nil p you love others', thev will love yotu Ifyoq fpeak kindly.to them they will epeakkindly to yoa.; -Love is repaid with love, and hatred with hatred. iw6uld V yoa hear a sweet and pleasing echo, speak sweet end pleasing ypnjraelt-rJE i - v-i ?i i 1 "i.-j? "i )Va 'a' mill m ' - 0"' hi I jPOTAibiyreafcti'pjybcrUsdi tnorougbiy cross, plow, and harrow, iti Snd have It ready 'Jjt this icoor-. fattropiOIi'gToand of si" sandy! iiaturerana well enriched is tlie pfop" soil for tbe sweet potaSou.ew grciuul will gif e bstkr crops geaer tUly.j - . wcBotMTery-stran It ts perfeoUy ' wuMritae ntUe-onea" tc'manifef kas W.BJe spniethlog witfi Whlohtosyraiw' f t fmiliat,;J hare' Just this aaggestioa to make. If ffm i will offer ; ths,litue ones some good, 'mtfe,1 suitable prba'wia' nad that Veil ,&4reeffl be'ttnafed' to'awciderfolegree.' " qdeaWaot'svta ' ipeors, after alk Shot nte the man that doe , to ;M?y t reap- . fwli of ,bls ..labon. r Just o.tt. , .: &thehalrrtu "Offer some inch' prises as tkessrhe Lfttle'LeadM Who getahli1 Ck)ntidsi(ioa? fined and paid up in fuQ first," give .tao ITibI'rseiaa suitable CtUsbookv -t " ' A10 ; tiej on,wa,keepar hi CommiaBon bNtpaidtdnrthe-ye girs-a aioe gHH , edged Testament or ; aomething pt, the kindi . -Try this plan you wm find it to work adauV " ttbly. v r , - ' A -f " The Nflonar& 1 each "j .'" '.J M . the foltewing :Thers bj' almost' asl ! much ia tne-'iaa&aer of teaching a in tbe' maltea Tbo former may entiiely eemtradiot ff '.?5?ft jtterrpurgeca.jtelk of . ' Pachei, pho give iaviUtion 100100 'f'Hl'vdn ' ing attirade;Vlu simply ladicroua -Tlrtre are thcV too; who utter the troths they Uach with an sir so apologea- " tiojtlJjn4ency,iJ aroaot troths at alL Still others come before - thy clawos with a aort of an air that pUinly , -says: 111 teach Tthls lesson, ; but I don't behevs ' iuiallt wia'do one bit' of good t ; That they aWaaauecessfoI is sot absolutely wonderful,- V- Apathetie teachers, also,are sure to have Bat- :f clataes, no matter how well thef may pre- - :- seat the , lesson, A nwviancholy manner has , moth to So with the rejection of truth on th ' of the Scholars. 'A eloudv minLtnAa: v - aad( a mumbTing tome has as bad an effectutxm' ': - tlwfa allmnae?Jnaaa imTiCTd succeed,'' '! 4Sst show H Ms veXyaBanner that ha bV; s j -t lievfes that he a going to auoosedV that be baa-v' faiti in "the trutha be presents, that he is in-., .r, toreud lit them himself, aid that they have ' , iud .the Effect of sunahins pon his owS ha- ' t4ThW141fa Mucli Inihe waybf ' ,' holding sgua as fee thr perfection. of its taaka'! "A sjtlM imnnmut joadfagtA tasfcaaasl' of .some mea as old .fowHnowtjieaB is hetter,. ... - - buu. kub- an ute unnu -thai SeBf 11 i r. aaarOraataIs ? . lao'C-jr-au the Baptist Sazt&y-Scboe! Board, Eel S ebima, song-books, reward oards, Bible-. U-

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