The Biblical Record6r.:l PUBLISHED EVEBX WEDNESDAY hiiil lor Kd. EDWARDS,' BBOUGHTOJ A CO. , -;-w--i ,i-j.-i .T2i j. VT tai.j j Office on'fnrrfllt.StrtrtiOpSorttji lUrkt . , Bauer. , , ,-. , - f : , - TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIONS L One coEjr, Pptay-pfiy f$J !Q One copy,' x'iu&W,'l-.J, , , 1 f.5, Club8 Of nv,,A......v V10 SO aubH of tea,.t;r;?.s?;:A...i'3o w Eeinittlnces 'mUst be irent l yR)&gier4" letter, Paet-ofuatr Order, tEhttm' ox Draft, t I' " SATAN AKD W armBDIES f i ,a ii tat tsi.-J t;o-j it Its i 3 dl 5 st fc;.a r?? :.-i ! j ar-tr i i- ' 1 .. , . - t - iv;t rf.-. --fr- ... J :T.oilio, Ik l oljffr 5 uuixi i'-; iirvw 'A n f.' f ;J ti "in TT mitt 1 I I I flv . I I I 0di8 8 .1:1 1' f. Jew1 5 sn wta: til. ' toad n I tr n a i vat&ji . rvir am Am man r BaDtist minister, and ia vbich hadtv. nips Caa rpnorifui ,hv rttiA, nf.thA v York taUie9i.tiUik$; Satan's pxeseDtia all.petvaoiqg n bmaf ,lami that iberB are" thlrtftn hnndred mili iions. pi, aaraaik jue?ga , apoa,me rT?bp. 'and asks lhft ooeslioh: how drpd millions -f ilifftrent nlaces, atf t be same moment Vitborit po&seing the power 5f ' mtkipresence t ' Ltr the Jf r Join i JBTlatiom and hie will learn that-net Satan alone, bqt with him, theissickeji angel,- who re belled Baiaat be ao tUdrUjt of God, were east xlown Xrooi IieaveDa jiThey are now in the world, Ihe! edcaies?! of God and of mankiad unnecssary tfortts vto sneculatiou as to 4her number-S We una ltf recordea?ia the- hotyBcrip-; tares that Saninel, Mosea,;Klias and others i.were iandy j-doabtless? 4til are) engaged; ia the reati wnraot redemption. Prom . this .fact; shalf wa rvf.lnfai rif Htm ljlnrf nf nil in the eaose of Curat who die ia Hue faith and an the tliop ot a glorious immortality will not itenninatei: arim their life; bnt that? they, will go b in' spirits land nntil the iconanmation ot ail things. If tbis bec So -(and who shall be able to dispfdve k)'Tnay we terye Sitari in this life wUl.contihne least, until the;- great lodgment day. If ;4he i Dr4 n nr ill ? bat glance at ihe cqnntlesa up rubers' whq have served him (the evil piritfroml tie -creation of ithe world down to the pres ent time; he will comprehend how easily Satan tan throw aronnd exery: soul coming into the world- not one a'one, but a legion.of his ministering spirits. We thna hare' some Concep tion of the great Ispiritaali warfare that is going on in the world between the spirit cf Const and the spirit of evil. !; i ' ' nh to? citv . Again . The Ee v. gentleman de nies that Satani has tbei power: to read the secrets of all hearts. How it is expressly deciared"He that com mitteth sin is of. the devil." Are not wrong thoughts, motives, words and. actions sinful 1 nlf so. then it follows that they are the .promptings: of the pose, that ha isigrtorant ot the very; secrets .withwhicbr. he h as inspired our hearts. ; Nor is this omniscience. God .alone : Is. omniscient. -Omnis-cieDce is the knowledge not only of past and present things, bntof those to come- Devils ican know, enly the secrets of ( those hearts that they that: are 'tempting ; .others . cannot : know the secrets fur.-pwn. heart. The Bevs Dnays5 r 'To endow iny - rafnr?ritlv fthfl fflaftilt:fthilif;vt tn read thesfci eta bf another m-eatnre)s heart . wduM be to e"vadfe the sanctity of hialttghtsf .responsibilities,' and sources of .happiness. ott to 3rJ : Tade tbeaaanctttTioef oapxight)and .2 1 - . ''.-J "t i these tmngsitidfioifoTTna-toanqtii - CV&9 UUUiiW UAfUk UlUWMi . . . t, T-i r 1 1 ' "V UUUUl' 1111 LU D&lllH.ll3jIjnKIi IkLf ; tis a iwayaamerepyfire Tispjoa :nnTe - u : .ft... .c Satarml Let tJecepfeitAnd letur hearts swell .with gratitude to (i for it.i agxeawun the, Kev. ge tieman tnat oatan is limited in nis peristal; bt&VHo horagreii Vith hi tnat ne is iimitea -in nis revresentm fire, presence. With, reference4- to his devices and porter, we have on y to 100K arootrd rw and down intconc own hearts n'ordertoforrri-i sotna adequate conception of them?f" :iti oAposafri oeeiares ' ari'-'wie wrestle noc against nesnnd woo but''gain8t principalities, against The kingdom r SMahis-tt kirredohf of darkBess,5 and f&isvpbllcy ii & blind to ankiod 'both as toi hi ivat Dower for mischief 4n the world 'and to onr" eternal welfare Tbe -most succesefnl strategists iare thoaeho- keep secret from them to' whom thiy are opposed their plans nd Jpdf poses. 'themselves tothe'ehildreh ofmeik s 1 5 f ofienly ms didtheir- ehtef i to t Christ, , u bu wouia weees eaieiy at once -;! in the 'bosom oi theihnrchvtdo 3 m jsterioas and secret are the Jwork iogstf. theie Rioted i spirits;; thjtt . itbpmRelea J belieTei Jand j. tremW-they fcave bronhtnatry q deny thw-veryi existenoe i ineii on- J vpremef itolert'tue UdTCMKiwiue ii theyi themselves confessed i Christ 0 'loiiiiiocaifliintttflcir ' tration -of ' tlie pot-r oft derril u fce - i wot id: wbPDwIa reflect tbatf attetitie ' m3oNdah an4-hiamiiytic6tistitii4 5 Udtlie whole pfebaJatidtrofiheeartfav 4hthtlffiy-rrghrect8 peopK - ami yet in me.isoar-oii wwcw rartonsroefcold Utdd aestroyingjBe citieaof -thri fitainT becanseiot the -- wfektaness of thetrinBlabitanrA? BH 3 ''Chriatcatrie idoflitrblriiheaven: thkt he mishit destrdv thla? woriM ct tie. TdeyilaJttdiit isibaJy?4y carefaUDtfc, Bervation oti 6r actstJotothers; ad 4 S strict eiaMination of ourselves by the light of his jyordj thatjwe can. , comprehend the . importance, and 'X, .'-i-rij'jj l (. !! t'fix ..! j , Satan in the earth, there is not a lir- jog hnman beink that, cannot (come oS victonoas in his conflicjj'with hin), It he will but exercise an hnwavet1 if he wlll but exercise an unwavjei-1 of his mights-Yea; if 'Satan shbrlld concentrate agaihst one Bbaf atone' eool would come oft bor.3 than con- i at lVAke.Forear.30I va anre thatfar the first vet Feeoald obtain com peteoii jectarera.jenoasa jo uoat an euterUinioe iDroeramjme ihj sini-. f ply pay ing.ther board nd travelljin ejwnep.4ijtawrtianrn5j aUonorhtjtojaiageCfijelyj with the , instrucuon jjLncnargeor. V lh6:. eutaies, presenf dky ehritik front it T1 f go-lintb- anyi , ka: a Ht- s! 4 number.! . We : j i c&m a wndi 4-tK ! 0 Bfioorder. 4! or tni FK0nBR0,,N. B, COBB. a :-;iii-.i"..' OhatauiqolfJthey, fnave? aatovi, Hebref; mt!tfifrirrr;i rulea of tterpUUonf4hi4ii8piratio4f.! the- word, -vocatmsstev-ssa lecxuTejs od -animals - the Blble' science, stronymferoseopsmjhafeoldy, chemistry, blackbbard exeroisee,' &C, &&M We could .havex most! of these I qoerei tjy and thfdngtf fJitd to whbrh- aii things mnstnltlmately bein bed-, Jeetio&wi isfci .t'at at - It To the minister, otthe word ofte tbereispodntjmorefiad.apd moorrj. fal than thatr which .requires, him,- to. aj!nstihe1secmn sabtlftjj .mjes mat are unceasingly eaeaYOf-, ing,totqrn them; from ; the straight . andnkrrow patfc 'I'ttaX leada!tq life into the broad and moch frequented' -ajf that lead to death. Christ and his ApostTes and prppheti' shrank hot from W 8traTl- ministers of fhb-i .!EhatttkatJ.$ni,in6 wabff ing desire tp be, at De wer enrisaq-f-16 do' more of duty tp JleaTf iindoae more of sin a yearning' to be mora, Gariat4ik longings toran away front my owir' propensities to 4vil, is to xs4 one of :the--most sauaractor AvidBBeea et reemraUon. tern ..etr . mi kl. li.u. Tr t.L. -1 is oonstantlr m&ehn zn error, and si i bimnelf, and ia at U times consci oosi)f his own aniKorthinesvj -When he t4WJPodaiotfnca,irajwardnes8 would be a frand success j'andi iratlnjft many 3lipsa iahia, own con-. an aivniHGamanr if vnnin rain 1 inAt b a narnM o oalra vho u thli akrrorwst fMefee",The sh'oorat iJhapeFHans Already aVf it that la' lacking Jn!my,8oul tttei i uaf J dan -"I iMrtvI.T r)ymv TiAmmJ , Ater,reading; , joor taxUce. ia the1 GUerverc im timeagQ, vdeclin injgJn behalfjOt thejjpjasteeactf' Wake,Fpre8t Oplh?geVto accept State1 aid to establish. a . Kormal Scboortatv that placeA the though. t occured to me' thatthere was a .kind, ot a JJormal 'Scn'oofNrli at Wake1 Forest ' withouf State aid, that wdnld le bf thcalcfalableene'fit r to the State,eih'e? OolleleV3 the risfpg 3 generation fe and all the , Baptist i chnrehes in pjorth uaroima.; l mean a Normal Bohdol - forBanda Scbool teachers Somewhat' like the Chatau baa Sanday13 Sehool TJniveraity. of New York, which has already ae-J 1 1 1 . . i - A ? : VI qoirea aa iBieiuauonai rcpnisnoD, and made its : founder, Dr.. Vincent, more widely aad - more favorably known, perhaps, than any of the Bishops of ,tnftMethodi8t commu nion. . -.. -.a in i Ihe thing is needed. One great want all over-North Carolina is com petent and efficient Sunday School teachers, Xae day . ox green-back or blue-back church catechisms is past. , Teachers now are required to impart ; instruction J which - is-.not found prepared to hand in the mere qsiestions and answers pf.thejeaj chism. , Oar '..Sandriy Schools are nO longer regarded as places $d gather : ,tbe little cnudren together ana mate them, repeat hard ' answerV to , dry doctrlaal qhestions about which they think and'care 'iDothing in Iahgoage the meaning of which they do not understand, to" keep ' them' out of mischief : but they are 'the1 Bible schools of the land, for the bid as well as the young for the middle-aged as well as the children." The Sunday School teacher must study and quali fy himself for his: position, he must know how both to interest and in structs his class; or his pupils iwiB desert hi aw He . must study himself and know how-to .atady . before he can teach - others, A good . Normal School with lectures from our wisest and be8t,workers will give him more practical knowledge pjt the, BbJe and :, nqw to jeacn it m pneilmpntn xnan ne could acquire without suph aidjn se.V- 4 tractin e a large number of people besides feehool teachers, whb go there to ehjoy'the ieeturea Bhdnkeat wft old friends,' in spit f the lonjrdtisty hack ride from Durham? .-ands it ia making friends tand patrons ? the University all OTertth0J Btatew:c I verily believe .that , a, good Normal School lot Sunday School teachers will do more in this way for kWake Fprest College than the State Npr mal..SehobL can' 'do .. for jour ..State nnivrsityftfnTheOQllege better locajted for, a, Bujnmer resort, . It is ;im mediately, on. the Bailroad and the expense or , attending tne irnoie course or lectures . even ai .w wiu tinfc 'YM so much : 'as the hack-hire trotri Inrhamto Chapel "Hilf and back:"' If ia W less than att.hourt ridebf-Ealelgh. tManjrJ6f the pd pl from the State' OapitoTould go out to'spend a day car two at a time. If eally, I do not see anything to pre vent its being a financial success, and I know we can command the talent to maker it a success tn other respects. ; roL Simmons could give us . les sons in Natural History and botany; Pro. .oyall. in Greek,, Testament and Frensh ; Prof. Taylor, in German and Hebrew jPrbf. Mills , and other Professors, in some other, studies; Pro. Wilson, " in" music, and other "brethren could he selected from dif- ierenb paxis ui lue qui; uuu t iryia other States to lectute on church history, church disciplinecheinistry, Botany, Geology",1' &a The whole session ought hot to be longer than one month;"' In that time classes might be taught a great 'deal by lecture and " tecitatiori. ' If the month " of 1 July were 1 taken,3 the month of August would he left for i mountain1 trip or for protracted meet ings iu the country. r1 ' I am sure that' I can -put a class through the entire course of Phonog raphy in one month and have them writing at least 25 worda a minute. I would suggest as a name for the institution, "The . Korth Carolina Sunday SahooL ZFniwrtity?! and whilst its advantages should be open to all of all denominations, I would not hesitate to have.some of the lectures on the distinctive docj trines of tbe.Batists such aa relate to the tetm of mmmiibrmr of church goverarnenr hapdsmsi &&' ; A.lIt edit eermilflkS ikMe&fnd cidl weeets. IJet tickets of a'dmissloii behold to be ffenve-red at the gatei of its campur'at the rate of 35 cents' a ttayi-tli60peifa wTBek'oir6 14.0C per I . - -u-i " i 'LI lilWJWiaW5furWuwiqpwa 4he priviIeBetr the mitmeetr with Hunday , Hooworkera 1 i1-iftffti1-riftifatrthe .)nb, J from aiisections ana uavA abundant Xandnheafe ikn onnortnnitv of exchaneinsr "'Sundai Scliool ideas and" le'arningundaj School methods f outside,, of his owl Association 'and outside of hlsbwi State. A Normal School for Sundaj SchooUeaehera isineedefii by all thi Baotists of JSortn-Uaroana. ai2. The thing. practicable , In thi month aamittiUgnbe bearer ito8! instithttorttbt ticket dallsfbTi wiil provide tevnhe enough tdpayj tte5aaTelifigrpeh 1 and Ward tnila Of,e ieclttrers 4 nod teachers ajeetAtherinciden jfcal expenses, sj aj daw& in wtt' 13 i tbjokwitb..board-,ou tbeCoUeg hUk at ;98m fciuoQth citable 4afe aRdaUjo.hera nseesfary91?expimjefti rA'Kir .ftS!AlOTSil L notioug eincetha auuuBMaw. kWnuwivu(HM- i Tiiaces sou iiULeui lor .uuaiu .iuoub, ers have their, vacaUon; Then, the 1 jtb fhejwtcelleiit water ajidE jntg mrchant,,thelawyerthe banker and 1 oratinelimate'ofakeorest and the prosperoua.farmer eek eat and 1 ita conyehient location .onry 15 mirei recreation. ThenJa the best seasoji1 front thk Capitol,4, wftlr b6th?a'!Eail4 of tl?e year,to,r,secure the,aextfeea of toad; station 'ahd,tai telagyapB 'office emht lecturers,; proficien foslxud- - g a-hundred1 ttief Oonefd iutb auu uaiHju .dvicuwh, campus; we mar iareryiwy,upen"trt ato secure the3 attendance. trJwuvMgi6F20V'oi 25rtlsitcmai?Ttd litgestuttmbethfisi Lethfe i hundred, -at 91 00 each! Will plfIfitd school' oe conductedrbtt "the satoe plan as the otrh at Chatauqua a'mi ft will pay-its ,sh(wtfexpetises7 Bora Istheaper atf WakeFotest thah'at any wateribg place in the State," ah d If Uteraryj social and scientific nter tainmeht together With board be of fered them for -teas tUoueytherathan they can get board for at tha springs or on the sea-snore, they (or the moatiateUigentttOfjthemwUfc go WakeSiFore4t cip. apendatheaehcit mpntha, s(The managera,,pt.the;Chi- auojia,, scnopi ayeajBpjeneyerai the treasdrv Now, Bro.'Tritohard,'! Varit to-see this Jtorth-tJaroliua. Buuulay Bchoo seou iocatea-at uaKeiueaiiUEu lege and I want to see it done thi snmmerWfThi: -BatCQstji'tef Nor: Carolina need it : ther haw the bes location tn the tStateand the appli anceafprit;;,they;4iaveitbe7bxa.i:ta run it i it as .entirely.practAcal, caM jfby iwtjbAye4tr;,cAafWrtteoithe grand possibilities of such M juder j paaijig nu.jne. wijodij epejc-; I should stumble so often. i i u Such reflections 1 know have often filled my0wrji mimiand perhaps I the toiads-of !pthrav& pit It must b4Pfron -a - want of faith. . Nottkat, there is no' faith :in the eart4 ibai.Lthat.iitt is so tceok,' For example, wa read the Scriptures, we review there the- moat exciting scenes that occured under our Lord's 1 . A. mmiairj, ana jewtwu musi craieBs it,) the reading often fails to awaken within ns those. emoUouspf wonder, love and praisef thatr we 4 eel ahoajd fill our souls. There' must be a lack of faithVf living f(th, in the Record, or.1t would hot be soi f 1 Around" us are friends -and loved 4 ones, who do not love1 the Savfdur, aUd who, consequently are exposed to his wrath, whof are condemned already, fend stills we christian par ents can eagerly pursue business all day and sleep soandly at night with barely a ; thonght of the danger to which our children are exposed and of our .duties' to them., -jt- l , The church meets from, week to week, from month to month, and the church la living in peace, with not a. - member, it may bey' engaged in prayer-meetings or Sunday Schools. From one month to the next, perhaps rnot prayer is heard by the World Ot the family ; Surely if we have faith, we are not faithful Surely e do not realize ouri relationship; but are trusting to a vague hope which now and then , rises up, that we are fol lowers of Jesus. . But, He clearly teaches us that., if we j.wpuld follow Him, we' must deny v ourselves, and take up our crosses. . V ' The Saviour at twelve years of age says": WIst ye hot; that I must be about my Fathers business?" He spent- his time "going about doing - good ;n , healing; the . sick, giving sight to the blind, raising tfie dead comforting the distressed, and, aa he said, preaching the gospel to the poor. , , ,. , We will do well to examine cloeely the groundof our hope, for the Word tells us that if we have not the spirit of Christ, we are none ot His. ; Mr. Darle in his "bringing in iheavehaa a sermon On "The Rest of Faith, in which he inculcates ex treme views on the subject j for there is no "Resf here. Our life a warfare audi we seek a land of rest Yet there ,is a degree iiofurest attainable. . In deed e very christiaa should , enjoy it. v ;tTw the .rest:: that comes , from ,ruat4ng,T4 Hun-rthatu cpmea from doing one'audutj and leaving results with; vonr :;bu that.the ch Jy-pow DroO of th oi mm iuaw. uiics a iivue mot sleep, a little more sYumber " mil heard: the pastor a of one of your to that be wished that manv ottbem that nieht would have a saleepleHSnigh .that .thejj jnlgh ifenexamlp4v.iMtablMhJtk!tl ground .of their hope, and bebrougbt to appreciate their relationship a4 l y airiyit. acu wjf m, u.iauuwjoti eg preacner, wny. ne in speaaing an( acting the!' untrd''cpuld arouse : anc God. it was well expressed, jn New YearVEditoriaL . ? there JS- another . kind of rest Urch is eD lo vine too laifre TTYIi-,-? ft.JWl,Tr- Sy( the rest , and quiets that selres: Are weiby worklntbemin- istry wprtby of reward ! Would me same amount oi iaor mua, iime. expended by b In thejgospel minis' try; earn a liting', if- expended - lo soldiering, or farming, bt practicing law f l .? fjf tf4-5f r,f i- VfA'HsnA'V?- I ii. There Is the matter ot'ftjn. Should a man be paid for Sunday work;? I doubt it. Wc do' not pay a good' Sunday School teachej, thought he takes, some hoars otvtbepreek for preparation. ,Sbould a. preacher ,be. paid for what, has cost'hitD hotblng except Bunday work ! 1 Kn: Ordinarily it requires air days of toil and trow-weat jto t earaiia good4 living Kow-iratnatjC Jrrndvftvie pays m nis iarm ana one in tne gos pel miqistry, must the latter suppdrt him ?t seems odd - that some min-; Utes are paidibyf the day jbut per haps In those caBes (jtauianggesta the plan. r..f . ... 1 i ' Then the " question1 Qt6mpetencv comes up. If farmer knows' but little about farming his income Will be scanty. 11. a lawyer: is no better1 qualified than his clients for practice, must tbeyauprrt hpi f 'nd wbat. if we, are no more learned in the Scriptures than our 'congregations : can we possibly deserve ia Jiving.. at. their,? hands vy e must expect, if paid at all, toibe paid with honest money.""4 But ; whenVmen pajr rout their hard earnings, they like to see them go as honestly as they earns.' : & Then there is the matter of awditv. "If we. so wed for you, the things that . are spiritual, is it a great thing if we. shall reap your catnartbings 1" No, Paul; but it, .is a grea,t, thingif you shall reap our bard earned money by bawling and banging the Bible and charging over the pnlpit JSfow we ministers may spiritualize the Scrip tures a great deal without .'.'sowing the things that are spiritual. - Will curious interpretations of the Scrip ture convert sinners or nourish the graces "of christians f And should we be paid by sensible men for fool ish preaching f : V' - To earn a living py the gospel we must preach the gospel, we must ad minister spiritual ' truth, we must profit the souls of men ; and we must work in this business, like industri ous farmers, faithful shepherds, trne oxen ; and we must know how to work, by thorough knowledge of God's word and wisdom of Hit spirit, and we must work six day tin tKe ween. Whitfield. A .u thonsana.aoiiara on. their ,t)Uliaintr,l tntion. It will be such a nover tn l,v Kfl5ptt.i.prje. up pur aeaa. cnurcnes. to mate our Bluer eish Sunday Set to enlarge, the liberalitT.of outbreth4 ren . w jrarer; . we capmia oi aw ffti-ebt sectlonsltd dMw new fetadealJ r 4a h' to make tha'BatltisU V. Ji. T V.AM , W Ji V. .UWUV rtne'hearta;of ls andeh;whiL the-preacher" with the most momcn l tons message the world ever lieaci galled tp keep,, hia audience awake! rutn mm tnwere ncuon." .,. i I Tis thus ,we preach and thus 'we lite,, our. cold indiflference .arising! think, from a lack of faith, breeding infidelity inrthe: world and bringing dlsbonor.upon' the'eapse ofpur Lord ana Master. " ' - j. m: vv. srounashe.cost pjLthe grou ana improvements nave. oeen. est: mated atapont $150,000,, .Ihey paj large salaries to "the, ablest Iectoxera of the coa n try .and jy makie tluer iii-' fctitation'pay Its "own rw-ay.": 'Jtn "LStZ three weeks S8t $8000. Thein'Bfiey0 30 cents for b ticket of admii-J sioU tahe 'grounds) foTbua day; f.uu tor a tietec xsaaiBUungtD, holder ten daya ov for tbeJeeasoi i.-. Wboiwould not-:pay 42.Q0 oe (X for sooh privileges' As, res thereei ved. and who c would, not 4aj as mncb . for ihalCcthei advantageai at iWiakeTFi)re8t''jifitT9t ifeoiMPKM 1 1 3J$e school itould bealiWaMor 5 TAft wet wonld have, no buUd ing tp.erectr.iThe. College buildings would nrnish- am pie T room, lor .tne. different; instructors, and ifjneces-.. be, erected. sary, a hpstent-mint v masmtfideicf. til Icrlcta! nisncn. ia tfc? caopa ta tcli tr's aniirncca, Odd' Inf etld ing,nnteltignt;, lltesJ; ootMsecrated pauon oi sucu tuing uus me wuq deiignt. i wonT youworr riorit Won't yprrwtiteifor lt?oa saw a Atlanta-what CJhatauqaa has con tor the North and Wester Yoa ki What such an- institution-twill do fb our dear old mother :StatAt - Let ui hear from you through the Reco ussuii ;-i JJraiernaiiy,' ir .? LLLUt Laader Commission -.St. pretty tw era, aq3 nor e-dcrasl, it yon wilt X REACniNO FOR PAl"H-TfHAT..THB U(jf JSlf 8i lUfittR; 5031ETJUSU3 SAITQ itta?ww?nv.-j.i8. preao&era re generally . ftn crxmi- nallv' tteaefe. Dul l! have 'Ion J i ttbo ghtrtfcat ' in 5 inte4Hsre layman mfglit aalvke vplaasibte argament ln defense ' of bis i brethren.' ; ' VVhPii ministers ihavatdiscussed the:qus Utionr what paw given fori .1. i-v. -1 11 ! .unwuim t,aiajtiVixiMtrcj buwuuuu-i cuss tha quef Uon,kwhat; preaching saouid be given tot pay-w M 2 The argument pit aul ninJl Cor. m ia a two edged .blade. ? If , preachers: should be supported . .aa aoldiera or husbandmen they pnght to worki aii s tneir yutjiucaa, ii.o . comiers anu. farmers, 1 If ihey,. plead the statute! fn J lo-es forthe relief of oxenV they! 'shoald estabiishltbe .fact "Ithattheyj :r . - . For the Booorder. ' " ELDER WABE HILL. BT BLDEE A. A. KCSWAIK. The first time I ever saw brother Hill was at Double Springs. Camp Meeting, when I was a, boy. I soon learned that to know. him. was to love him, and as acquaintance grew more familiar I learned the more to love and honor him. , Without the advantages of a collegiate, training he labored successfully as one dis tinguished for zeal, intelligence and faithfulness. " He was a remarkable, man in many respects. - He was hoh est in bis opinion, which lie always dreW from the Scriptures ; fearless in his expressions,' and true to the convictions of his miadi He never sought honor of men in this Jife bo that he, might honor jGod. 4 And a such, with independence of thpng! he always.spoke to his hearers', a with perfect reliance he pufsued tb hisber and nobler aims of his callin ia a :way that gained to him the api plause'of his brethren and' secured! tor him the first rank as a '"minister When he entered the pulpit his com4 manding appearance and warm affecj tlons alwaya gave his hearers to un4 derstand that he wonld tell themj something that wouldi benefit . their souls, r And when he arose to speak to them, with his voice.rlnging like a silvery trumpet with clearness am melody, ana a large portion, vf th' time the tears chasing-eaeh'othe down his cheeks. whicb. told' them with" greater force how muctr he loved' them and the: cause bf Christ! uo Bciuwui inueu tu iuaa.e aa impreat iBion as lasting as life. c His" talents teal and Vlevotlon deserved Ihe suo cess which he achieved In the Bef t For ainamber of jrears he lived in the bounda of the, Broad Rive Assodatipu, and.wasauiemberjflrst or tne ,-a.nuocu - .ennren ana then pi me uapernaurn cnurcnt ) j or aiew years he was iahelbounds of the Kings .'Mountain C Asssociation . and finally in the Green River, where he commenced the ministry Hrlabored with the very best of successln these Associations, and endeared many to i,t.,t iTfcs wsT..f -li:f 14)1 ECt VlCll. U ,ZS V,lj KitlCt torn j 'L.ey oo4 you nouinj.Try Lfea j I curcUa for a support Ttp, ask our-j himaelt:.Ia his death onrdenomiaai lion snstainaan exceedinelr- ereat Joss.i. , We bave felt sad ever, since we heard pjLhU death, remembering many pleasant' hours spent wiM' hin3 mm tm oo laborer id the .rmX ."worki Bot whlla we eontlnde bere be , ia naroontKti.Oaj'iiai -. r II I f f i,i.inillli n , -rffli-?"'Miit,'ililHI -i.T,,,- ten lo tbat we expect no : other and are rotherfalsappwtea. when, a Northern man .visits, the South and does hot write back to his paper that be la among heathen is badly treat-. ed and dally in danger, of being mut- aerea. , fonticians, tjeacners preacu-t ers and Bisbopg, have dpne bo till we have gotterf used to it rather expect and somewhat" enjoy it. 4 We have alwiygs heard-.' thatArchickens J will come home to roost?", and. .the Bible says,, ' vv natsoever ,,a man sowetn that shall be aiaoreaD." t vveexnorc onyNorthern brethren' to be patient and think kindly1 of M ; Mursell when be says: j:.i.t i:i? w-'i'l 'i , f Sach of your readers aa may boa- pr these little t sketches by . their pe-- rusai win rememuer uiai iu ueBuriu- ng th Mam moth Cave of Kentucky,2 we spoke bl a spot Called "Fat Man's Misery," and of the ; struggle to get through it ; being auoceeded(Epjiithe, freedom of a large and roomy temple. called the "Great. Relief. My .sen- aatloni on getting from America into 1 Canada were aometblng like those-i on getting out of "Fat Man's Misery" into tbe,"Great . Relief.'?,, The effect was magicaL The boat had no soon er completed its work of ploughing the'ioefioeS -between Detroit and Windsor than I began to grow and expand and feel more, at home than I have felt since the green headlands Of Ireland melted J from! our vessel's wake four months' ago. I felt that I dara look up from my newspaper. without being made ill by some juicy feat of tobacco expnlsion, and that I' might calculate upon more than two minutes passing before somebody went into protracted spasms of throat clearing,' There seemed ,to be a 'salve" or welcome broadly written; on each generoas face, instead of a su perciUous challenge as to what you meant by showing your -Untisht ace in , the . almighty Republic ,, When we got to the Custom Hoube on land ing at New York, it took an hour to. satisfy the inspectors by unpacking one's oaggage ana pacatcg it up again ; when we landed at Windsor, the Canadian supervisor just punch ed my portmanteau with his walking stick, and smilingly accepted my pa role that I would rather qie than ae frand Her Gracious Ma jjBty. -, 'When 1 went to preach ' at Hamilton, . in Ontario, the next daytI.found the cliurches crammed Vinsido and put," Tom Hood aaytic.witb devout con gregations,, and not filled ,with throngs which chewed tobacco,; with their bands on the pew doors, waiting for the laatj f'Amen", as the jsignal for a race and jostle who should get first into the street " When I met my audience, which, numbered .fifteen hundred at a lectnre the next night, they didn't quiz at me tbrough glass es, whisperto each x)ther, and begin to walk about ; but they gave me a generous salvo ; of ', applause,', and greeted ma with looks which made me feel happy under the , trne nag. In two days, the ppst kept me hard at work, excusing myself from the plethora of public and, private invir tations which; were poured upon me. Oh ! jas.,wa8n,t I glad to get to Can But it eP) happens that there is a forlorn little hole of a , place about ten . miles , out of Boston, la Massa4 chusett8wbere jinxageat; had en-i gaged me to appear on a particular date, whose claim would involve:.the " ' ir 1 i. a -. a - - At (raveiung ojneariy eLtnousaqa milet and the forfeituro of fivftyaK sable; aight'tii of work. Ivwrote ?p anip aume 10 entreat, to De iet oit etatiog tbe,: f ircqmstances, and how it, wonld make a leakage in my apaniy; pntse.of, abput eighty, ppuads to be I suggested ,he engagemepft oli aevf erai eminent -Ethiopian faerenaders as far mQrp popular and acceptable aubstitntea, hip ted at three blind fiddlers ? pf great j renown, and; eveni bronosed to Da v the exoenses of the Bengal sword-awallower to take mi place : put, no 1 the-xanicee Shy lock must nave bis pound of ttesh, He would pursue, he would overtake, he would destroy, he would . prosecute unless 1 put- in an appearance it waa nothing to ihirtt c that t aad to sacrifice a hundred pounds and trav el a tbousand..mitesSo; I. c, bad to leave Toronto at midnight, and jour? ucj mi us ' wicwucu uigu auu an the bexrdayvaad Wasfe a week of time,s to meet a "small roomfal pf pulseless Yankeeaiiop ja flightpf stairs in a snow-clogged village call-4 ed a "city,"' with a "population of nothing in particulat. I opened vif mind to the committee .In (explicit terms, j I had cast myself upon their courtesy,. their v j asticef their, good feeling, everything that Js reckoned upon as a matter of course in JSngi iana one mese are , 'inventions long WHAT AN ENGLISHMAN TniNKSOP O UU riUlvTIEKi UUETUUEN. f ' Rev. Arthur:Mur8eh,:an5EDgtsh liapust minister baa .lately LvUltedi the. United States .ctts a lectnriugf toiiri He.wasotdiallyj-epeived an4 kindly treated -by . everybody, es-f pecially the. Baptist preachers and now that, be has returned home hei is wrltm": letters, for. the London Chrtftuin World, in which bo freely? exprcP3 his opinion, of libe brethn rca. ie tcra tsej.iu jet i?ira to enjoy such txeaUnentWe haye cot-; inconvenient 3 toVbe'idetab3edi''totde- fend an action forlibeLAnd If it is a fact' that tbe Greater'' the truth the' greater the Ubel,". there Is no doubtf that.the statement of the trqabout this "brotherT wonld. have -amonn tea. EEM ASKABLE RELIGlOES KEYltAL. hb Iremark4ble'and ereak interest wnicn ; is manirestea at tne present time in .tbi city, on the su j ect ... ,of religion 4ati calculated . tfijiXi cite 'the attention of even the most thoughtless land incbhslderatei;'; The wnoie city, in iact, seems engaged in- oae universal revival. :u; a nimBK Ai)yjsTi$nrq 4 xss. lb-.. 4 1 Bo- 1 MooFms f rod' sw 2-00 4 001 6 00 l7tJ0 ilnit. 11 "WOO 8 001 W OOi 15 OOI ;no mi-27 00 wool twboi tts 00 15t "20:001 26 00 S7TK) ea 00 trnV-rijfin if X5 OOI ?s, ooj po 00 45 00 60 CO 100 00 100 oonrs 00 f25 00 40.00 60 00 85 00 170 00 soa 00 ".Mvvwkmmem chargM 20 eestt a 1u& . " Obitutries- sixty words. lac?, art liiserted of xthargt'i. yTbi Uieyexcdtk! luxgik on cent lor esoa wcm jjra jMuymia ma llWMIVIBhl 11 H..H.J. j- - - I, ii. mini vr ii.. 1. fDV.eneTgeUcanyliwe thought the . a . . a aw s . r a protesi.wpuia any gooa. ,sucn an ihtrusiorf ifitOouf field is selftsri and diseowfebtrsl'merntty pTrit has.conairieLn5t:Ubor,riow:for epmany y.earsi-fortha establishment and. circulation - of a - State oaner smnnvrnH nannsrji ni a i a nam a. 'inn brgans of btber'filaUadid hot serve the piitpdsevfci the medium of -com musicatifm loziks.vmvWi Ncran , they serve the purpose now, Iwpijld joo suipiaai zor us to reiynpou .any !6thejottfealtoiaothhwoTknicli is tion tried tbacresptt for eight, years Purablest- writers and most inflnen Ual ministers co-operated.',' And " the result rwas; by well tiigtf universal mT - a 1 I . i.VnaaK:cieaaami periment again. , . The .success of the Alabama Baptist 'is ,.cojinecteJ w)th that Pf everv" other -'denominational interest in the State.' Thepaper is bo more a private enterprise at this mo ment, than it was oa the day when it was established, It Js conducted in 1 the same spirit now as thenMt advo cates the aameF p'ublle Interest' 3 It has no private ends to serve; It prac tises no duplicity. It lends itself to no underground devices., , It ,1s hon estly. and . earnestly . consecrated ; to our churches and Boards and educa tional institationB ; :to 1 the work ' of our evangelists,' tbafraternal jcom manion of our ministers, to, the unifi cation of the Baptists of the State; in a word; to the 'supreme' interests of justice, charity andreligion. Let it be sustained I If you have tnoney to devote to a religtoua newspaper eubacribe first for your own." -i - Uina BajtisWh : y ' :r ; , Our noble brother .of Alabama nas pur warmest; Asy mpatny rtne triala he is enduring for the Baptists of h(s State. , The ; circulars,' postal card sspecial !' offersVrewards'and indncements offered, byrival editors area reproach, to Christianity,, people who probably,, haven scarcely ever attended1 tefigions0 services be-r fore, have been drawn to them as'byv an nnseen i handrf and i Jiava ; become thpughtfnj and jnteregted particl pants.. "A v . :'..',-,'.., , . ,Vft..4 I " In addition to the regular. meetings held .every day ' by ' MrMoody, and th6y dailyj Lenteu services i in the Episcopal phurohea, missiona pr ra- vivats ot , great earnestness nave been held' recently , at, Mt. Calvary' and St' Paul's, which were thronged with eager! congregations from the- opening to the closing days, numi , Tpe Cathplic Chnrches nave not been1 behind the ' others in religious zeal,' andL the services1 which 'have been recently in- progresaitat St. Ig i natius, have w: been attended. by such large Dumbera of people has. been necessary to .', provide 'overflow meetings in the basement' for those' who could not gain admission to the church :i zt.r 1 '.hnijy-jJiM: ' -Revivals -. have been , and still are in progress -many a of the Metho dist churches, and . ' within the last few days the Friends and the tThi-i versalists lhave also commenced: a series of revival services, mr,-:': im In every section of the city can,be beard the voice of prayer, the song of praise, and the words of exhorta tion. "And while all classes of Chris tians seem . to have! been r moved by one mighty impulse to a fresh conse cration of themselves to a. religions life and to a fervent andT burning zeal,' the mysterions influence of re ligion baa been making itself - felt among thousands: of. ft e irreligious and the thoughtless, -dt. ' would in deed asem, as was remarked in one of bur churches last Sunday, that "God is moving over the- face of the waters,' and that it is His spirit that is at work in our midst.. - r ' -- ? Undoubtedly Mr. Moody has been largely instrumental in creating the general interest on the subject of re ligion, which is now manifested in Baltimore. The success which haS attended his efforts ip this city is a practical demonstration of . the' truth as Well as the power of Christianity. Were the most brilliant infidel that ever lived to spend month - after month in our midst, proclaiming his doctrines three or four times , a day, the "attraction'' might have "run? for a week or so, but it would hot be long before the public would leave him to himself, But; here comes an uneducated Christian preacher, with nothing, bnt a strong and ; rngged earnestness, to recommend him, and when he "proclaims ! the verlasttn g Gospel,? the whole city is' moved, and; mouth after, month, he continues his mio wtrations( with a pablio inter est that increases as time goes onl The advantages are ail on' the Bide of tbe infidel, for the : doctrines he prpi- claims are far more acceptable to hn man nature than. those. of tbejUcnsr tian preacher. r 1 .. After alt that atheisnl and infideU ity have been able to say and do in all tbe centuries 1 that have -passed since John the Baptist came preachl ing his stern doctrines of repentance the hnman heart still feels its own weakness and wants,' and by a, divine instinct reooghizea and responds tb the m voice i ofa Christianity aK L seperseded by brother Jonathan, and he didp't see ir, Show, him a dollarj lira. JiL 'com mi and Uncle Bam wakes up $ show hiun a principle. anVI be cooref. Tis clerics were tbf Worst of alll thp lay If III I. member . the committee saw the bard neea pf my x:aa, a o 4 were; w i l-( ling to. accept the SaUf Prancjeco Fire eater, who was , on a profess tonal tour ' in' tbe' ' neighborhood,! aa my Caubstitute ; but thei cbarrban who wrote Rey.. befoier his name and. I tbink D.,Dn after , it, would not yield,' and I ,had to .show' up The - reverend barbarian txtempbri Used a sore thoat aa an eicnse for n6fi preshlingiPttr the ccasion which J have every reason to believe entirely; Jeft him immediately on the depart ture. of iny "train ; and -his; absence from the 'meeting deprived me of an opportunity of mildly expressing: my; jfeeliags.. , Perhaps it - was just-as! well because, beis iaxioss to'eail' on February 12, it "would have been! JOURNALISTIC BAIDSL 'Certain papers published in'other otaies seem 10 nave a- special rona ness for-Alabama. With an activtj that knows no in termission and tha ; is( checked by no . rebnffs, making special appeals and offers o '. tremfnma or' reduced prices In brde toisecurer theplatrohagts of our sUb Bcribers. Our:noble State seems t jbe regarded by them as an unfenceol territory upon whose acres every past nai stranger may Jay a pre-emptioa olalm'. - The inducements we refer to are Urged with a persistent f nstrusivef xiess that quite transcends the limits of legitimate rivalry o The specimen! I copies, the,, postal ( cards, the lithol grapnic circulars are uiscnargea upoq oar devoted field as rapidly and pitii Jcwly bM ' rtoiwn .Awl j wi ot Boston drammer. TbDB one or on Tivals published In a neigbborln state: proposes to give its readers - portrait ioL the chief editor itifith Alabatna- Baptist rla order to ducethem to send their subscription out of Alabamal ' -'71 We deny the right of one paper fo( la vade and ' claim for itip proper ; domaJik pf. another f 'itot iSBekj to supplant, a friendly.neighbor and Viye a harmonius denomination jand to intermeddle and tamper With thef Religious' institutions' of a great peo-j phs. in? orderthat itlmay tbttildxa! .publishing ; house ft jnppn thai .xoins Bach, an w enterprise, ,oughtV notttf ucceed.',-:"1 .''iV7'" For1 our "pajl' we; would pretest; r a-ai mt-tbia mftlttul mt&ma of. ileal Studying the Scholars, ;?j .Mf. , The Sunday jkforf Time$ as, follow iag Ko stody ii more important to?the 8a&dy;8ohool taufaar ' than' tb study of his achblari viriiiae'naoa' laaaiiwhleh inteNrti himsalf ioaybe quite wunltcd to the eomprebeoaioa ec the needs of hia BWrWsm ; pr again it may M.jost.tae Uuag forjone of them hat not for ; the , others.'. It is for him to kno w , abonf this.' '4 Each of his' soholars has peculiar irarronsaingt1 peculiar perplexi ties, peculiar temptation and, of eonrse, re quires peculiar instrnetion and enoonrage menu uaiessjie treats eacn scholar indmd nally, he fails to be a teacher of that scholar. The inspired injunctions ' to , Hrainiip a child ia they way kt ahbnldgo Inclodes the nwuuuiu w iww uis ways ux eaoa cnua as distinct from aVery cer fhild. The ttudy of a child's ways is an iadispeasabl prehmi nary to, good teaehing and .traisiog hi; (he home o ia the- Sunday .School "- j This is a" point too often overlookedty Sunday School teachers aa well"; as others V' and noUhig is mora debimental to1 tbr sneee.'9 And thJaia none the leas is'.witk kaeot1is?pa' ' leAlts,;; .8)14 aaysjat the parent pays more attention to,', and knows mors of, the peculiarities pf his i than of his toj. as a generu rme. -, xnere as more umui in pus than we many "es a burning.Bbamt to. oa : Ko doabt ihU.istha prolifio cause of so little religion and morality among the young people of our 'land . ' There is noeHort made to know their special failiogs or their aeoessible points .and consequently they,- arey in many eases, given np ' to their ;ofcw iaoliaatioba and go to wreok and rain, ? Is this your fanlt?. ' , r ... , from Fay etteTille. . . .v . ,t " Broj Cobb 'writes ,ns fna following" note wim merenoa to: thS Sunday School work: "I bust that Uis iSunday- Sohoel Board wiU takbteps; hava i Baptist ,Staia Babbath Sohool rVinvan tlnn and I mjiiA notramt that it be held , isT tha . month of AnensU. soma. where In the unta, why could wa sol hTe'a Kprth 'ciWolina Sunday Sohoot t7ai Tersfty- att? Wakel Floras. College Wmakr to thai at !llakeOtoa-Hi Baptist Konaal Sohodf for ' flata Sntwlnl i T Ra i TV thing is pmctieal Ithhik, gai, would tend to a . . . oruig aoorit a eioser sympamy .oetveen tna Coege'an'tha' chjuxheCl aavf jfost writ ten W Frftohard on ftiie-aubieetandthopa his wttl bring ft tot eVb attention of the Trus tees of .Wake Forest Congaj Wa aaaBol It Ijk oanbe made tojjpay Its pw wayr:Thara eau ba ao religious objection fo it, and It wil do mora . for the 'fiteU of fTorth' Carolina and Wake Forest CoIIega, far inora:thantharK6r mal School at'Chapel Hill : fs 1 ooing' for the TJaiVersityf Pretnrea, what dw-jn think of Brothe r Cobb's auggeB&m I, Whaterer you think, be sura: ana let : us hare the Can- Aasoelatleaal Gokreattlaasrrf ntna io - aeraval rj aBnciitin raantnbl tb aeelTCS to. KBuisc a as erij, aij u possioie ana. taK into cicmauleralioii'he xpedieaoy of orgmn- isink aa'AsoOiational 6oaTenBdvrThelSth SdialayiamfoKwoBld ii h gothaafor this: matter ti; U 'sttendftd to, I turre ao doubt hut that the ; matter, eeuld . be effected with a vary, little exertion and no. expense. Brethren, will you not mention and urge this fy bar Union If eeting or Sunday School In ' atitntef I'usheaf'from you. 1 W y BeaVla Hlal6-" 'f 37;j 'ui'.?y Ti ;t iCTba IiUtalitoJle:lU at;nt Sock- Perrr'a Chanel and! Ml. iTer&on chrrrrhtm tmm : Ra Joouyr, ana. .egaJIy, the j Satordays f meeting' at MtTeraonhen the matter of x organizing a' CbnTention la the Ceixb1! As-i KetetioBrrErchaTrma ' church in c?e Ajocfstica Urs tt teasr one representative present pa Saturday as lO O'OaWjsafc. - vlszlp

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