IBM1 ',71-. J. The Biblical Recorder. CBUSHEir ETEEY WEDNESDAY. . - i -r -. i a. .- - EDWARDS, BBOUOHTON A OO.j r - - ' ii ins A - j ;. ; .-sci i--KALEIGH;'K. C. . . , J( a i Office oa rayetttvUl 8treet,.Pparte IsArke '8ouar ll! If One copy,jWi-i.ii.'.vSif-.f3 TO Oq copy, u Ju.,tlavJ.i'-, J Qlube of '.. ' v.-. tnrttJJJ Clubs of tea t . :vi .... , . . v ?s20, , " BemOtancea most be, sent by Beghdared! letter. Poet offid Order; .JSxpreea or .Praft paveHo tothordef of the Publisher.- a.-.4.,. "tod VfiH tuTfc .4. C-r-- REMINISCENCES OF ME EAfcLl LIFE . w ... iv TKNNE!S!iE.irtK at o ,7i sulloHkf-l eo? ticho&imttcr-Lofi ' ttvdte Exhibition SShugglingfitra Education.' 1 ;.'7 At an esrjy age I 'was placed at sack . school ias thatpart of the Mimtrv then afforded. Every thine connected with met was on the most rude p and-M pttariti 5 tofdpr.j Tbe school-bouses a were J -only "iblaM;'log' huts.The eoeh Were" 'made,' of split logshewed ?oa' tbB' broad side, and supported by 'two legs at each end. uOi these rough seats we were nrmired to Bit. from; early moraine to late eting,EDtf ',nbt'a!lowed tal lookHrix from oar cooks a me.peri' .ot a law Ttaibe eaVvbr a 'stripe; o.aai hAnMflr3Tf "Wfif mv dall or drowsy (and what tnpxtal child coald help it the master bad I two meinouaoi arousmgs, yuo wao, a your book?: : The other method fwa to wait along toe oenenes, anu H.aude every boy and girl-he' came lo, 6ttC bamped aheiPieads together intU they were thoT0Ogh!yawake.ft f Now and then the" tfaster would call oDOtt- a bor for some5' trivial of- XJO ' 1 .1 ft s: mid t.ivi i -, j -KV4 tad to"3 V I -V" tine w eT 'u Im. .... k.. T fl I I I ih i m A "alajw - aw-aaaafc, IThiiibUcalBcorddr. i , i Hi llij f I " -. il I EenccJb39,,vS: ,4 .a aecostomed td deciaJm,.oai apetohesv? aiarrown jandlthei deoth belowftotL ingQua(.iorttdlgplay oi.theaUieal-J Biwiuaes tjnii n was a very suitable place; from whlch to pro)eeticari It Is jast posaibJe, .that, f that tame lofty rostrum, standing as ft dld with ipmestone dge3Iotithet3e:ft,. sun niof;t TjaobRue'Drdok . on. the 'right, aodgtand ''old, poplar ; tope hao gtng abOVft. VadliaomMkhi a & tt rfrtrin fnrm. Hg the poetio fancy, and curlihglpxa pensities of those TenneaseeJboys. 1 Mr. ForresUjr," ur teacher; about oi ice a mootawoaUl shbat from the ft iorof the school house these words. cfattot ;oninet.m-A Theu" h,e Jboysj tiame poaring. in from th4 eroVea. and fromi the-iog hut4 studied lo 4 near a lecture 09 cuaracter. : educav tion. : or aomersacli tODlCL1' These. lectnrea TerrrKreatlV' aided in form.' ini the fuureiaimtoemy !ifki They b$ Inflamed my inlnd with imbition. tor;KOOwledgpT that I could scaxcely. sleep, at nights The' desire burned in daring the day.''' I always car neu . uK. wuu me 10 ine neia, to piercing teriffieyell.lhat amenponlLS TWf";5 llkeS P of thunder. t?A walked along the i furrow Tfre, Uiaj ure nonrs etnagnp iBpent tnread ing bysUte, hghtt of wbo, fiVe,qr. nome-made tallow candles. ' Oaca , sionally . I taught school, to raue the1 means d proaedatlhg my studies aDuur:uies& greai oisaavancages. fenceand either "pour thelashes on LT u wn.aT him after the fashioa of aMWippil!?Q8' -nmry Two, overseer ui iimea ui Biawrj, or jraise blisters on his hands, or, the bot toms of his feet by application of the ferule. My sonl withers within me to- this day, at the remembefance of the b arbaritieaa practiced by' the , old fashioned school master !. ,r The school sports of those times were jamping.yfootTacid, cat, bull pen , prisoaer'a - base, 1 bandy, pnsb piD, fiven, leap-frog? 3tc Occasion ally the boys, fed on by the teacher, woulJ spend a half a "day in chasing 6ome fool-hardy - man' who would j dare to ride by and say School but ter," the greatest insult that could be offaied to a school. If such a man fell into the hands of those enraged boys, then, or at any time after wards, he fared very badly. Turning out the teachers on holi day occasions was generally a very exciting and enjoyable time. One of. the vivid recollections of my life was the day we turned out Mr. Boblnson, He was a lame man, bnt determined to bid defiance to' the boyp, and che"at them out of their expected fun, by riding up to the school house on the morning fixed npon for the fray and offering them two weeks holiday; Bnt, said the larger bdyg, "we want something to drink, and we mean to hase4fc With that,5 they raised a yell, and charged upon the mounted school master, in a solid body. Away the whole column dashed out to the road, and orer-thcrbnis, until the fleeing - horseman 1 was, bui'j of sight The main body "Of the' boys retreated to the house somewhat, dis-j concerted. , v A few- of the "grown young men concealed themselves behind trees." 5 . i J ; , . As the teacher came riding back; leaped from their aai brush caneht his bridle reins, and ' led him. in. triumph to the school house, we boys raised a shout of Tlctbry, sneh; as had never been heard In that beech grove since' itf had' a belng. Boon bottlea of brandy," ; whiskey, rum, gin, and- a- bowl of hot punch were placed t oo - the table, witn " sugar and spoons for mixing, jtJhe beverage. Erefy ?boyawaaaUow'eat to go to theboaitf;!,u''tat and anok without restraint. ' Wp sipped, Dest. as a matter" or course, the The spirit ot education was ad- young men, H. Gordon and1 J. B: Moorea, of fair scholarship, stablishr ed POrterahell Academy; a boarding scnodl of high orders Bonie1 distia-J 1 ri 1L' guwucu meu, vruvecuoni, vongress-f men, Judges and Divines Sprung out of that, Academy, i'lt was from that school, I-oWtamed 'toy diploma, which I had the misfortune to los. and my gradnajingepeeeh on 'Fhre-, noldgy, as well. If these manuscripts could be exhumed from' the 1 dead past, they mighbe t valid, as Tarn literary -curiosities, ot a bye gone age. llgtjBBN Jokes. J Churchland, Ta. . ,. ,.- - 1 Clerk's mind is full of plana for the .future good Mhe ehurch at laks-, rat work is toieall'onahd trav Wit ja slck brother. hasten onrdr'th church and find the -Sunday school hearty ready to.elose. t JLt the organ, izatlon of this, school! seven -years agoywhUe some of the brethren were hesitatihga: Bister saldi'Start the .school and I will do- what I 'oanrfor ik." That sister is now at the organ If adingthe Bflriday School in singing the praises of Christ.' Of'A that; all cbuxohinembers wohld as iaitb fully cirry oat their obligations td Podand wbuld as fhUyredeem their promises td their brethren lasthfg sister; has done Lv Blewir oUodk; Ai M.7;The people are here fromairthe sui round- A ng country,; tha bouse is fined to its utmost capacity, and 8omegoJaway Without - getting seats. : . One man A TBIP TO For7 the Beoorder. LEAItSTILL. OrganiMotio of New Church Rev. Daniel Taylor, etc. : " Dear Becorier : uit ' ' ' ' ' . Having received ai invitation to visit the church at Leaksville, Buck ingham county, T. C, I leave, Yan cey viile on- Thursday the I3th of Marchy atu2 o'clock, p, ' m, for the purpose of doing so. A short dis tanoe from Yancey viile I call to see a sister whose age and affliction have prevented her from attending church for several years. J find her relying npon the mercy of God in Christ Je eus for salvation; "Her husband, a Methodist, has lived his three score and ten years, and has: recently been severely afflicted. 'He participates freely in the conversation; and both these aged servants of the .Master .seem to enjoy serricea as I read and eommeht on the 8th chapter of Bo-mans.- i After services I( continue my journey ! witbotrt interruption fpr, eight miles. : - Here I -meet a brother' whofsajs, we are building a school, bouse in tWr neighbdrhood, , and when It is finished we wish you to come but and preach for us.' I prom ise todo as I may have opportu nity. Sun set" findsj me'en. aiilea fxom-Yanceytille a sister's house vJicJias recentl' been " quite sick, bnt Who is tnew ccohvalescent7 JSha has just read Of Pritehard's account of the life abd death of Dr. Wingate, andKis .much affected by it' She itakes - the Boosdxs I and Enjoys reading it trerj- much. i She is-of the opiuioa that Ae' . members Of our saylThave walked eleven miles iP day 6near preaohiAg., He cemaini in the house till he geJLa a seat. After preaching I' dine with a faithful sister who co-ODerated. with .maiir every cood work during my seven yaars pastorate at ueaasviiie. wnicn, 1 uei ened four vears i eo. " Her has. band ia visiting sftt neigbor, and A regret r cannot see,, ana talk with fifi as-i-was want toao in lormer fears. .1,. take tea: with a young couple whom married some years ago.i Theiaay , at that time .was a Methodist t she baa sineeeased bee conscience bybeing' puneda with Christ ra baptism, and is now a mew-- bextortbe; tieatsviile Baptist chorch.- Sunday night fs cleudy and threatens. to rainbut the house is nearly lull ,and the people listen attentively .to. m sermon of thirty minutes length. After preachiofr I anr weTI cared for in the hospitable home of Major Jr . T. Morehead. The Major males a Superior knitting cotton and -sewing cotton and sewing thread, also nice articles of bleached and unbleached cotton oloth.' Those wishing such things wobio go wen to give mm a call., ; ' Monday, showers of rain fall, bnt a" good.joongregation - assembles at Pfovideooe, and Bev. "Daniel Taylor and the writer, organized the forty - four members who received letters from Leaksville into an independant church, to be known as the Buffalo church. This interest began under the missionary operations-' of the Beulah Association in 1863, and has gradually developed Into a church. BrO. TayiOf' accepts the care of- this church and agrees to preach for it one Saturday atid Sunday per month, TheXord's people 'made a good in- vestmeat when they gave their mon ey to support a minister at this point. This was laying np treasure in heav en.' The baa t of heaven never breaks. Had they kept their money it would have died on their hands at the surrender... This church will doubtless live to work for1 Christ after those who, under God,- started -it. have been called to their home in heaven1 ; - Monday night finds me at Deacon Dallas's.' The young people gather from" the1 neighborhood and show. that Prof4Wilsonts stay among them sln.7 ...A me. reauTrectioo--onr 1 new una Bantism ; keeps ,beforef3 w the great f' truth, , Jesnadje,dfoi nsV ana arose4rour;ju8UQcation.0xft iea,on' xii,ancr arose in vim., 'ake tbesuppete Hefe ire hafe before s, represented Itn etbe"; bread and ine. His mancledr body .and spilt food for 08 nourishment by, which rd$growvt 'In Theaveo,. crowns re cast t the. feet orJ esus. and all the glory of salvatioo. from the be- ginniDg to the end, ascribed ioHini 4 flit v t unueriue 01a' aispensaiiaa, ,tne. types; andr, ibAdow;-orordTnance8, serveu iqe J same purp js v under the new." ThdVjweradaars'nad ttmtv' id keep before; the, , uxind t.bAtgreatj trQth, that Sal vation; if ever. oUajor-H ctu ujr uiau, uiuBb cuiue irom a uigneiv Source than, majL baila : y frdrts yerjr, one muted to Christ4 as tha bfanfth eia tn thn frAA.nii vinb' bart fruit. Heu thaLabiaelhrrin, l UK, uu yiia 'titui vnc eauie ucavcku, I MicAirui,t.7 flkVCannotbe otherwise thei Master savasiL. Qm twith'CftrlRt: A, branch growing ia ,. the rtae ifibevineis gobd" a'nd healthy the hratifth tnnftt hoar frnlt: K witn,th,e, nilitnlAa in oil' nm itkHW.. -tatn. A J Jr r.' : . 1 ji - .u: v ..mnnrf r I know 'what wljlbdodm oitb' their homes for the night, they thought, andiSome-f prayed over ftL 1 Upon reassembling next morning they resolved, npon., their return to kbeirrespective churches tD, takeGods jword and go before ' their brethren and.lay bis plahs before them ask Ing them to join them' fa following It in order that the shame and sorrow, they had felt might never be theirs4 again. They did not expect all the qhurches to join them In its adoption, and they) were pot disappointed, but they found some willing and ready,' and the result has beenclfrom.--that. lay-ter this,4 the 1 missionaries-, ihave Mezrpaid promptly in csh teaohii Union MeetfagaW i4 the churches, wlth-mcaj s balance ' in f he treaa- ( uiy,,suereiy owaBg m? wiojia- ated cbuntenajnaeaoof "loffiebrj lrretf and wreathing (hem wtt&smfle.T; But this la not; U.Theooa'tribu ttonslia.veeeR gradqJly increasing.1 Arjd notwithstanding the, very great depreciation id "property,' both real and personal, by Which? they are.renB tiered 'much-poorer1, anf the exti;0me I tigBtne8s or the money market jn JLS78 yet their ooatributiona for fhht; year, under, the aystematio piah, as; compare4with the spasmodic plan of 1875, show an increase of over : t. : : i i..t oiiijr l?r Jeuv w muwwflu aiuuc, w 1 What nnvht A ls ifnnk nidM r.mtdin now rhnrish in aaulpa XSaAQf d0ne eral localities and increasing the amount bf preaching in numbeB-of churches from one to two Sabbaths, in eachnonthv These are solid re anltsi and ahoald prove? thesuperior- vwmc. ism wny neea ine proor t God's word teaches, it, and as miuion- arjr.Bapti8ta we should fouow tt " The work , in that association has )U8t begun," but enough t has been:' done to strengthen the faith of , the, brethren 3 and encourage them to press on. The leaven ' is at The seed has been sown, the blade has appeared, and with "the proper cultivation a bountiful harvest win be reaDed. It is further a matter of history that God has blessed' the amounts thus contributed in that section mdre than the same amounts .given under the old plan, waste places have been made glad, churobee nave oeen ronnaea, ana many pin ners we nope and trust nave been saved. God bless the live, active pastors who inaugurated the work in that Associotion, and may others be inspired to do , likewise, and may we all learn that God's ways, His plans and rules, are the only sore guide in ail the affairs of this life, obedience to which will insure an abundant entrance hereafter. Aud let na remember ' 'Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it." Take courage, "He that goeth forth and weepetb, bearing previous seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoiciDg, bringing his sheaves with him.r . . . , GUILLMO. prefuppores'aj aeathy-oar aean. fa baa twJUMBEEllT38. eair afford to have,, other attractions I scarcity of money , and tn tn? connection with, them, wby shall w&aremain sifent f on the" subject f Oar opportunities for improvements, if occurs to me, are; fully aa-gbod,if loot better," than; any othero denoml- natibi in the" State ; and we regard ft not only a blessed privilege but a matter of imperative duty that we ill should, Jend; the" work our most' liear) " cbncuten(je,.; andiithat-we" 8houhl do all In our. power to pro nkotcvrrit8 - sueeess.' ' In " the aecond e. severity not the winter have retarded me very muon.'I hope all who love ChrUt wm sena me an iney possioiy van in A fSftr" Tf fri. hr.rtiran ArlU un 4hA oney, they will be fellow-elperto Til TAVtnv t .. the truth: i- 177 .SELECTIONS.- inn them ifi the end. they will hecath- ereH !and burned." go Jelui say 's. . close, with tb sealenfng ijues libti.xny brotherrt What artf yoa do- jpg lor the Master? Be true wuh Tourself For the Recorder, JOHN 15:1-5-1 AM THE TRUE TLNK, These words, were uttered during our Lord's last in tervje w, before- He paiyiw-iiwn7By iraont weni suffered with His . disciples. Per mproved the singing of the : ktSSK.J r. reaeh LeakiTilletiFrMa tfclocftW" ml,' ando spend ihe ;nigbt ntaaaaallv with' a- hretherl WhaTia bu- ! auxir cw no ib nvuy:-iUE erery guuu the roadstirb f good, hd the large -hoaae is -abbht hJt faitibf people.' ,vf Wle X am nreacbtnc iier -JLamei ! .Taylor from !Patrick county, Va.1, toff rives and after the sermon closes the services 7 with I prayeriThe fthrirch haaitareimlar meeting for business. orty-four Members: -recerrre letters between 'Madlsiojn; and iLealtsville. This rednces the ; Leaksville churcn . td about ohe hand red and seyetynve .members. ,isro.Jung says ne received a letter from Dr. Hartwell in regard , to the Chinese Mission in CalUornii. patrons came out afsOj- to epjoythe. ion, ana taste toe gootr liquors, Am the afternoon patrons 'and! on'i were ail in a jofly'Wolr Kaiuo, a quMWi'OTS DgUK if 4M0O I was one of '4he! brag, ischptars in the school,) bebauseY,T hadgojie about as far fAU readinsWritine and cyphering as ny' teachers xvould ; carry me. 1 was considerably eiated "with the thought that r I knew it all,; and that. my education was7 nearly, accomplished. tTheinear,a new, - man opened school in the same house: , proposin g to teach branches h1 fcever heard of, sueh aa'gtammar. sciences, mathematics; add latin.f 1 was amazed to make-the.'iligcovery that there was still a great deal fpr to learn before I' could be called an educated maaii i Ditched in with wild enthusiasm! determined, if bos I He makes a cfood talk in behalf of ible, to acquire if ; I was tbor I the mission and cosea,by I saying I "ugaiy enthused' with , the jaea ot I an ready to receive wjoaian- berhood more than one hundred per cent ; This letter is already too long,, but I will not eloae without saying, many1 thanks to the good sister for such fb)e fish to take to the loved Anen' at hoine. : . . """ - , . , i I a-w - J. haps, the supper suggested the sub. ject, &C ' "Whatever may have sug gested It, jit Is one of vital import tance, viz: i Union, or onenness with Chrisc man'aonly hope. The Apostles always speak ot unrtstians as in Christ, &6.1 The trathsbere taught are fnjidamental. r "1st Man is in competent of doing any good r iu t be sight of uod, or trmv profitable to himself, witbont hhion with Christ.. To the .natural man, this may seem a hard doc-' uiut. ou . luey wuiu. wuou vtwu tankbf them In Derson. it is. moceu than prbba'bie' that they, the people' said on r mare than one, occasion, 'Thlgisaaard saving who,f c 1.,. cuxd ia-" verse, "i . am ine,r vineyObe real vine-there are others - ' For the Eeoorder. STStEHATICT. 8FASM0D1C BENET- The remark is of ten made. VI know that the Scriptures teach the duty of regular con tributions fer; the support of the gospeL'feef Jbow necessary it tofallDon and how to get my ,peo IC to- take! hold;0TjtiathA fhnnartt of. teiich enanirera , rnrnAfi inrn 1 rnp tittiimt cuaiiuei a. i uiabiaaiar a u.dul luhv are ,not. Httfrtbh of unwritten history theyare hireiiggsthieves andirob;.; W.4, j)e;vere rcofuflisaMiviBg-ims 1 uers--so eean.uiuu ,01 intra woo namel and-blace&u ifiUi tnT& -1 claimed to. beT shepherdi .andWBre ,Tn a certainllocaiity iaUhe State f hot:" In the Sth verse, ''Ivans 4he' W'TToYttiTJamllhain thatveax AlX4iotiiare"theL t)ranehea?-."tor with STC '.'ijAntUf" iVniutiatinn MftVAtMul 1 ntA m irr rd ri Ai ' nntw,ntT nthinm- . 1 ..Tl.l- J- . I afmi-J iLJklJIi. ii ( unaer apparently ixo;w.ireB t ii j.u vmuvu uuhuw au ilo stances. r The churches were located I life,' profitableness from, the vine, &c In 'a far mine section "and were made I Hence.' Paul's reasohidg--iForto be no of farmersL iheic' wives and child4 1 carnallT:jmihded i:iB Vleatbinls iot ba. ren.' JIen of small means, it is true, 1 spiritually deady BecanSe the carnal. and many. of them .mqic SMcropt 1 miadi u -enniityfagalnsr, God. for, it were, boun tuui proaucueom ls not suDject w -we-iaw o.otj, mnrtAl a crrwvt 1 ririftJ . So all had; reason td ihink' -the Lord, bad dealt, j "ecoming ; a acholar. 7 It " was my , oorning ambition? to'acqulre it aU. The large boys were allowed to study, j tiling J .Ltl'jL'iJ 1- I '"' f loSBOus iu iutr suauy groves Q the summer, and in the log cabui; oout by their own hands In'thewinril w. some dozen or more or thesf were built around 1 the school bouse, Presenting the appearand Af j a - it was customarv to' close the si oa with au exhibition brUfalogues, aeclamation and a,big!irnhef;Wch interest to the schooL were occasions of great "i people as well as - tQ berS.wuh to give, - .Another! brothet- endorsea-brotber lung's speecn ana nrgea'tha-Ufethten to do what (hey: can for,thia bbJecllBro.l.King re ,ceives somethings but- the writer is nsable to report; the amonati Bat iarday evening ltyiaited a family three miles in the country and eat as mica fish as I have ever seen, either from Smith, Dan or,, xaokih i,Biver. a?hi f aBHlr-seems to.havo prospered 4n maiexial thiirgs;in .'the vlait, four. Ajears, and I am .remindea by this, that increased wofiuiy i propsi j calls for an Ihcrease i of Contribution to tha caose' f Chrwfc iulM every v GunrRA VA flaAiftiMa1 Anv moto a rquenUy before the grea daj,of nai ot yottSaj. by ihia iMorb exhibition. In the wt)bdd neat by the as God Hath' prospered . Wo' I Cor. cnool honAA - natnraP'aAtA , Jk-nTt.n itt-2i aturdiv nisrhtthe church Peat flat rock, placed - i& perpen- l is about Iutrfnd theoptoKtlt wcularly upon one rjga fast in J;he I liaten tt id expcsltcryjetrmonj ?Afr round, and v.rt tnntbt'.VtnktM 1 rr ?rlva I eoent sthe nirat plesa- ?gs about ten feet fri the ftlr.TProm I antlv with the tlerkf ct AhOi bhurch txsnn tif nil v - with- them.' "But where, all should have been joy and glad-. ness the spectator would have seen ODori the face of iotne,4 gloom and sadness: God bad -dealt bountlfnlly with his toeoWe.--but' they had failed to show their gratitude. He tiad ennred out blessings, yec they had reelected' to bring their , tithes Into the store bouse.,, Jfas.tprawera there with salaries unpaid and winter. j ustahead, wiw ho' shoes k or wana clothing for Xheir iamuies., mission iriM were thers without money to meet their current expenses.!: .Jlem bers of , the Board ;were there with the debts due the .missionaries .star- Incr thnm in tha face and " SU "emDtV treasury. . Do yotr wonder that sad and : irloom v ' faes were in that throng 1 The atHUtaodM)' jpZan had failed to'brotect the honor and good name of the ehurches.'1 3. crlsia waa noon them. t . Eat like men they met it.' Thfev, then? tand, there" had 1 one w'tpatmi pid thahk 'Godlt was me iass,aTi.irj3 umj"" , ? neither indeed, can be. "So then the that are invthe 8 flesh' cannot .pleaauod;cCi--.iM -, aiSnd.' Therefore, all spiritnality lite, and: grace received Jaymen in tnub woua or tne next comes acu andeWholy front Chris t,Jot at see-1 ond.hndWesu8 has jio yioegeranbr AfiFj do - we geta,s partfioaii Jesus, and a part from - somewhere ise, either ourselves, or o thers. ,,j'i. . at- . a i . i- ; am wo troe vine, x am me vine, ye are the branches. The conclusion is logically inevitable, epixitual life and grace comes heltherahrough' man! the church; or tle . ordinances The iuea i xrrieau u oat uixieoiinuvu, the church has not Pries Vbut Jesus' and i wants hot otherAJo'5 yoa ask what pa rpose t b ey aer ve if no virtue tcomes through . them-;.,i A grsndi glorious purpose. The preach er i proclaims s the good . news. persuaaesa men i to ice Teconciiea. What wetiall thel ohnrchitsa'hbuse Vonlv a houseV where tthe saiflls rcah meet and. worship Aaarpray;wia' re joice togetherMiThaordmanees'keep the .grand, vital' trutb,of the' text prominently, before the christian: ahch i -c-vuv w&, no , i-jf a. )T1t) . .v.-t-, ; j hnnifl never 'occhrwaffaini byi their disbbedienceU. 'They Jtaewi that God j the worId,,,yi Phlou joronehest 'nhM'wnriirA' riothlnffattheif hands I with Christ, the world'a only hope, i Vithont ' jhstructionaj howalt waa to j ; Take baptism., Hera we represent af r . ' l . a a. a a j - . m , 1 - liCCCSJpUShecUr J A. aeyi wens ui uunai aa a icauficpuviii vaiuu i c-J s:w-''"V'' T "1 vDnr iEfrp. Bailey t I found when I reached Georgia that pnblio attention bad not been called specially to the proposed .mis sion to the California ' Chinese, be cause my communloatiohs fo' the' Christian Index bad. never reached their destination. . , , ., :-, Jti, The genial, as well as the erudite editor; Bt. backer; hwhd',e" learned and exAfliis'rd. editorials faave'made the dear old Jndex one of inr most valuable religious periodicals, gave me a very cordial welcome, and, be sides, making a contribution to my. work, generously and cheerfully then opened his columns for I any matter I might wish, at any time, fo present. He also called special attention, ed itoriallv. to mv 'work,-ami beartilr commended it. Wherever I have been in the State I have met a most gratifying welcome, aud though collections have not been larse. they have been 'pronounced very good by such , persons i as Dr. De- Votie and others , who understand the difficulty of collecting money in these stringent times. I find cordial sympathy and approbation ; of the work everywhere; I believe Geor gia wijl raise her part towards the enterprise. , ,, h I have been thinking- a good deal. of late about he Providences of Qod.. Jesas is ruling in tbe ' world and ntilizrag the; various energies, men- xai, tnaieriai ana spiritual io tne ad vancement ot his kmgdomi 'And it is exceedingly interesting to follow the history of mft. providences1 by which he has prepared the way for the In troduction of, His . trpth amotiig the Chinese." jFor1?3Pyeari s they 6ave been comlnc. to-taia ooontrv1. - but their pfesence;ialong the; Paeiflff has attracted very. Uttla -attention in tBti Atlantic and .Gulf . StotestUl-Tery jreoeatly? and7 cJiristia.OM ir theAt State -have Deen .almost t ntterlf: joblfcviooai oaol". theirobjigatiati x td evangeiiaa rnem . . - jm o.w a loax as i n . ; . 1 r - r . States, dare eginfamg.iQ, . jtbink piace)-such J an r. ihstltOtioa: ! would vl-putlv anirmont,. tlia irnrlr P tlia tPiiuddy 1hQQjs.fT?fThej defective -ness5 of wo r s present; systenl i of Sunday School instruction is mp of the growing evils' among our clfv, Jicminationv,1.Tbisi i-me-(leadifli' h oahee of their fri quendiisolation. I rl i s . & . m iue insirucior8.4ajeQexperieneea4- anpanaeed ignorant, are ooti comvl veieuiia imu4rt 'unowieaee oi any j- kind to others, ; They know not what o t,each n.otbo.vif .t teach it JSow,1 iX,we?6oly had some which' instructfdn might be imparted to the Preachers, they - oonld s then ' go forth and teaothotbera with at least Some degree of intelligence j and in a short ,peripd"the results of their golden , harvest wbtffd'be' a soqrce of great graUflcattOW 'Tn - the third; place, such aa institution would' advance Irefy' greatly ? tba i prosperi ty of - the f:Pollege. .This is one- of the healtblest naud most pleasant location im the State, and ' not only' Baptists, but 'other, 'denominations would .prefer this to any other. Board is exceed ingly cheap and water is as good as , can be found and as Bra- Cobb observed, there . would . be. at least 250 or 300 -visitors every Bummer. This would v prove the very"1 best - means of thoroughly advertising the L College, and in. less than five years our present numoer , ot students would be' Increased to 250' or 300 y hence, we sincerely hope and' trnst that our leading brethren will take an active part in the immediate pros-1 ecu t Ion of this good and great work. Let us have the institution in opera tion this vacation.' Everything that i necessary ;i . is-, a- tittle exertion on our part,, and the . work can beT easily and successfully accomplished.. Brethren,' be and " all," let ; us ,have your hearty sanction and co-opera tion. . a , it.n ;. t w.' sr. U. ' WaJce Forest, Ni OAprilltt. A STATEMENT arcfc pga$tisg&ini$tert4in4 Vhnrchis 1 1 In the Unt&CMtS& fil o bave an interesting and im- to yosu c On the vf felion'oi .Nathan member of .the? Board sbf Managers of b 'AmeifcaBibll Society, rf a viuvv uviu au uu vllj VI fl directlth attentioh ' oflhe, waoia oouniry to me uninese in a.menca, ant event that has calied' forth comment ia every7 dairy and "weekly ' papery isechiar ana' religious, " iu the land as" this1 been only' Sri accidental eoineidencerbr ; has Jesus caused it 1 -Shall ue -thus ei epeciai atten , tion, to.these people r and-to our ohll-, cations to them, and we turn a deaf earl LetLNorth; Carolina Christians .earnestly ask God what is the'meas- nre of their duly, in this matter, and send on their contributions promptly. Lam anxious to. inake a jrood report before the Southern BsptistConven- tion meets , in Atlanta. a nope to be in North Carolina againiearly tn1 ApriLVj-Let correspondents: continue to address me at Wae Forest, 2LCb am m i? raternauy,; eji f. i k .wQtiffifc -Qm. March 21710,. 4 ,J'.dJ 1 . For the Eeeorto.,- THE OKTirCAltOLlNA 8,8. TJNIYEK- ,;1We read with po small , degree of interest anq, pleasure, tne communi cation of ,Bro..N4 B;' Cobb,' in!your tastrlS8ue, tn regard to the establish ment of The North Carolinaanday, Sehool TJniversity ateWakeTorst J uouege." jj or some "time -past we baye forcibly, sees -and1 felt, the ne cessity pi some suco institution, in the first place, it would prdaiote to no inconsiderable! eattsot-the cause which the Baptists of North Carolina bo heartuyespouseticWep are very much gratified .indeed- to know that brother Cpbb t desires ;to introduce3 new, improvements among me Tan xs of the BaDtist idenominaiiOat of his State, ' 'If bthert institutions: (such as Chapel Uill anq rinlty uollegeT . For theBeoorder. - ' STRAIN VP A CHILD IN THE WAT HE SHOULD GO AND WHEN HE IS OLD, HE WILL NOTBEPAitT FHOH IT." , . -; -, . : -:. . How many parents have the proper qualifications for trainiog their child ren as they should go ? I confess I have not. In order td' train children io the way they should go, parents must have a thorough control and gov ernment of themselves, this wilt en able them to administer to their children every day as their needs re quire. As a rule, children need the steady. parental eye, upon ;. them, from the cradle, to, man and womanhood. They need jto hear their parents ask tbe blessings or uod upon them each day .. they. Uvev-;i9u ; Caildren need to see their parents' apply the golden ..rule, in, all their dealings with' mankind. (Do .unto Others, as, they "would be done by;) Tea, they 'heed tVsee in tbe. coun tenance. ox their c parents the verv image of .Christ, hnce they will see bothlngiu their parents, but honesty, firmness, gentleness, kindness and rdve .Thus Jbey'ww be trained In thtf way meyrshldl go. ' O. how; christian parents iflfbghthttf feel for the world; of , children, aebo have ungodly parents. No one to train them1 in the- wav thev shonld fro". I .boat; thamatjteiPrQvi to pray for all ows an nnholy event in.Congress. tort &Qcli,. ehildren ! together ith those wbo have no pareots. each:dav I live- t Mayhe Lords blesstail such cniiuren,nrmy prayer. 4, S cs adi i4si j vxw Vg. A, lAQTJB., i fit i m 'iPor the Eeoorder. OUQHT nOMEMO PBEACHI - ' -t If theytoght,7xherl surely Christ mpst bave;jtetn absent-minded, or. made amistake, for. nil the twelve apo8tles:twere ,tN..:Mat. 10:2, 3, 4; Were any. o .the (Seyenty sent out by Christ women T Luke:l04l Would the pioneer' work they were sent to "do.'have been . suitable for women I If women ought to i preach then the eleven abostles must .have made a f blunder when: they- had to. fill the place left vacant by. Judas t for Pe ter said 't Acts. 1-2 1, 22,) ..Of, these, mm' that have companied withns, &o.f mti8t one be ordained to-te a witness with ns of, bis resorreotion." I And they gave forth' their lots? lor two men : Joseph' and Matthias, and iMatthias was chosen,' verse 26. . e.-,U women ought to 'preach, sorely, these apostles ought to bave appoint ed Mary, who was '-Last at the Cross and first at the -Sepulcher".. to have filled Judas's'place. - " , v x ltt-3 xtiJ J, ATBTEADLEX. .v a ! -w''-V ct j ; per the fieeorder ? esi FROft BROTHEB JDODSON. 'iV ,.The brethren in N. C.,who subscrib- . ed to me. for-llome Missions .will, pleas sendlbe pledges as fast as they can in money orders - tor Statesville or Iu . registered .lettersi to. Eagle jmj3,N. C. t They can collect In the "church "meetiagsi fc and Sabbath Schools. 1 writeo get alt I posslbly pan7 in Aprils as i the , Convention meets at Atlanta eaxly in May. The the 5th inst, to learn and o consider ' facts affecting the J relations between be said Sociey and the ' Baptist de nomination. ' -: It is known to yoit that in 1836-a tge -aumber: wfe Baptists "withdrew from' co-operation with the' American Bible Society, fpr the reason that the Board of Managers had adopted the folIowing'TuleV ' 7 - ,v ., 1 JIri appropriatinfg money for jtrana latiag, printing or distributing; the Sacred f Scriptures , in foreign lan guages,1 K the, Board of Managers shall encourage only such, versions as conform in the principles of their translation to the common English version, at least so, far that all the religions denominations represented in this Society can consistently use and circulate said versions , in their several schools and, eommunities." . . 'In a late revision and reconstruc tion i of ! the By-Laws of the Society this article was entirely omitted, and for reasons which affect equally the Society's relations with all the evan gelical . denominations. ' These By Laws as they now .stand were unani mously recommended by a commit tee of the Board, and wereuflani monsly adopted by1 the' Managers; and the above mentioned special rule having been omitted, there- is how tfnly- tbe following general provis ion :; .'. The Committee on Versions shall have charge, of, all translations of the Bible, published or distributed by the Society; they shall recommend measures tor seenring new versions or revisions of old versions in for. eign language;! shall examine new versions presented for the considera tion and adoption of the Society, es pecially in regard to their catholicity and the fidelity of tbeir translation; and shall recommend such asthey approve for the use of the SooTety." This . Com mittee on Versions is composed of one member from every denomination co opera ting with the Society, and the Baptist member of it is the Bev. Howard Osgood, D. D.. of Bocbester. The Conference was in session nine hours, and heard the reading of every act' taken by the Board of Managers; from the year 1829 to the present time, that could in any way .concern the interests of our own de- nomination.; 1 The result of a most thorough, examination of the facts and a full discussion of them, was. a nnanlmous conviction on tbe part of the Conference that, there isnow nd obstacle in the way of the co-operation' of Baptists with the American BibW Society in' Its work' at home ndatmma; uua -n t '3t' : -i This welootne state ol,tblngs-!n precise accord' with the original po sition of. tbe Society has arisen, as 1 we believe, tkroixgh the overruling j pruviueuce ui uvu, uuu if unngs De fore ? bur- ministers .and 'drarches a moat l interesting . question as 0 whether the time has not now come in which,aptist8 can most efficient- 1 and economioally7de1 their home and foreign Bible ;workr through the American Bibe Society.; No Society can hjopft to have the same abundant facilities and ! meana to supply : the home, and foreign -demahd for', the Sculptures and while, in our distinct sphere and" way s,, we maintain and propagate, -the distinctive principles and practices of our denomination we see nq reason why Baptists should not unite with all evangelical Chris tians in giving Oxe. Bible to the world withbot note bCommenr7; O 'nm t ; Itr ia not expected or . desired that there should be any other denbmina-. tional action, ia response to the comf monfcation now made tot yeathad that churches and individuals decide for themselves whether they will give thai American ' Bible Society their sympathy ; and co-operation In the Bible work. i c; tv-r " ;The object of the undersigned has been to ascertain the facta , and lay then, before you j v " , s . -d 5 M. B. AKBERSOif, Kochester.'ir; Y . ji Edwabd Sbjkzht, Kew York.1' ' " " 1 John a. Broadus, Louisville, Ky. ;: wi. a uat3UwmL,'jfew xerJc -9 8. S. Crraso, New.York: -AljVAH Hovky J Newton Centre, Man. i ; Jahes M: Hott, 3eveland, O. .. EdwabdLaxhbop, Stamford, Conn. ' J. N. MUBDOCE Boston, Hats. ZK t' illESrBT Q. Wkstok, Upland, jPa.. f Could wtbprtttmt, Ind erprtuly eoneurt in Vu Statements m V-ir "J " 3. h. ILbbvI BkbinondYvti -tt'vr.- AOBTBccp, in. t La c.j br V- 'tia Wish pie Lord, foold . suka ,aa. ah; ' godSer ancf godder and jjooder, till there is so had kfUi So nil ft UtUe Quaker lad ones In. pease f.tneetinf, ftxkd ia eaying itj did he aot expreai the greet lopgiag at a truly Chris-" tiaa heart, m well ei it eonld have bees aa plained in a volume I Ex. i t"i ,1.'A - am VMsrmxssrsiTEa. Jlaoh,. do 5 W Meol'mn ithne. f.00 - 2 00 8 00 .4.001 ilnvl Sb, 00 8 001 10 AO! U 001 ,27 001 fiO QQiJOO 8 00! t5 Ift.OO aoo 8rooi 00 2'00l 25 on so oot 60 00(100 00 001175 00' torn t2s;po V 00 sow 60 00 85 00 170 00 ,300 do lp7- Aimuaefeexfy worde long, ar Inserted free of charKe. WheaXhey exceed tbU leurrtb me.cnt forieenk WWrdBnut be paid U ed, i SMayScii',DBiiaileiit r. mj wi,Sae "JOHN. J3ec JL 8. Jtoord, and Bd MUdoni. ' i Oar MeeUar at St Yeridn. .,t ..jtil : iSstorday mornfna broacht. together i qalU ' i erklxf tha dinnLM tTi fVnfV.i .?. 4n hsam tarfrMsayfln tubjeci' fithe Aaaeoiational Sday.BchooliOdnTen-' ' ing; tpeeorlea tffbreiren Heck, HoIaffi, Pittmen,' LeweUyn', PoteaV sad MUJa all fa Tpring IheOonTentaon." It seemed to be' the sentiment of all that theea AooflIonid 'Con ventions would be more potent for good than even the State Convention, which le admitted ' by all to be bnebf , the greatest .needat the 1 '- oanse at preeenl'lt' was intended : to - pass ,' reeorauons witn , xererence to the, matter r oalling the Conveation at a very1 early period, but the very inclement weather on ' Sondar prevented such a movement.. ' Saturday afternoon, astilL larger ntrmber ' . wee present .to listen to the speeches on th a -"- anbjeet of tompejrance. It is tally encouraging to see bo many oi oar young men advocating . I o noble a work and giving thVir' infleesoa ; , in its behalf. The eaojeet was viewed in all Its phases, and espeeially as tk cvrte of our .' land, and the enormous crime-of the age ' 's the gigantic crime of crime. ? Bro. Mills r - in his happy stjle, viewed tt from a broader ' - and the Bible etandpoiBt-f'temperanoe In all, 7 thing8.1 "More men dig their gravee with ; their teeth than' is sometimes supposed.1 This way of eating too muoh ia a crime as well as drinking too muoh. . There may be a differ- enoe in degree, but still it is oriminaL' . 5 - ' , There was many a disappointed heart Sun- 3 ' " T- ' "7' M . . .- tuj morung wneu we awose ana . ottnq u V ralnlng. It ooatinned.tb faU in torreats aear ly all day, so that the meeting was ' entirely , , broken up Bat He . who raleth ! the world and holdeth the unirerse inhis grasp;' fs too wise to err. ., Now the work of organizing the " Convention devolves .npon us in a more pri- ' vale manner, will any church in the Asso-. is olation volunteer to entertain it? The atj tendanoe at first; will, of course, be small, and any one of the churches might with very little expense take care of it Mt. Vernon; or - -ForestviUe, or Wake Forest, or Fr&nkhnton ' would be a most excellent place for it. They , ; are all near lira railroad. Would not the :, 5th Sunday in June be 4 good time for the ' organization of tbe Convention ? ' What say you, brctaren 7 ., Bible Enlyma- 4 . ' - v , -Who stold her father's images ?:, -.- Who was the eldest son of Jesse ? i : z: ! What propertyof Naboth's did Ahab covet? . - Who was the unbelieving disciple ? -Who was eaten op by worms? Into what place was Joseph sold ? What ia the name of the Slat book of the Old Testament - What was turned into wine at a marriage ? 1 - Who prepared a gallowato hang Mordecai? Of what band was Cornelias a centurion ? , By what orator was Paul accused ? " Whe was the husband of DrusHla ! ' Who was the father of Ahinadab 1 Who fell from a . window while .Paul was , preaching ? . -; . "Where was Paul and Barnabas worshipped?. Who pretended to be mad before Achish thekingofGath? if-raii- ''c-'r'5 .By uaing the first letter tof each name yon will spell the name of the sauch gloved pastor of "thp Charlotte Baptist , church, j .t7. Sundav School Institule : 4. , There will be a Sunday School Iostitmte held ia Che Baptist church at Mt Olive", Wajne.oounty, NVp arst Sunday In ' H. May, 18??s Queries otoeaaiedfeioaiVva ' 1. Iithe Sunday'Scnooi apar pf,tba work u&j of the church; if so,' Is' tt the duty of eaoh t .. - taembriiotakespattt ' f 7 ; kJL, What is the! tB 'ttethodof teaching J ,1 v.-'-a I hi. the Sunday School ? Speakers for 1st qooryc W, S. Avwa, i.U: Hood, Jr. J. . Peterson, A'X Xtmom?Q. Clute and C. 3 Nelson, . . , jt -fw,via-? " Speakers for .the 2nd 1 query: P. , H. Iyey Jesse T.' Albrltton,01.1 Oliver :and J. N. Green. 5.- Saturday before at yeloek. eondactad by a;cinte..r.s is f , r t i,j- . ,Meet on Sunday at 10 Vclock.-J. E. Peter- son to oonduet TUie lueeUng.'' We hope' the ,. oretnren w speu w u wj , : . HIsaWrTanl Ot; - - -''j."'. s: I have been able io get tbe minutes of most -of the Aaeociattons'ithis side the mohtaIns,Ci -' " but there axe some ;few others that have not ntnnrnn to hand, and without which Tit is impole for us todoanyUuagmtheeeAaso-' " 77 eUtiona.' WuThoi jsome brother aend aw at V - - . least one eopy of the last nimutes of JSha fol-' 'i lowing Brushy Mountain, Boan ilouiitai . i Eocky Eiver, yadkln, French Broad,, Tran:,'. ;; , f u. srlvania. Tucaasiega ana waocamsw r - .:. hope that some ,' brother," say the Clerk, ni. . t . attend to this matter at once. 1 f-' ' : r -.' ' .;, ts '".' " ' .'-' ?JI-TI::'-''', -1 ' Associations! Ceaveatfons. - w TrJ, -1 Wik nnon this as .one of the very beat ways of getting up a Bute Convention; Flzst " 1st all the Associations organize . themselves i-J Uto Assodatloaal - Sunday , School, Convene ..- . . . ..Xf . IL . , tions ana tnen appoint iBprooouwuTOB m ww ff general Convention, of-the State to be beta . y t: omefims during thS sammer. But do not " J , , , let the interest In the jSUte .CoavenUon die or - ran wane. -uratnren, we aiaw wmnnt ' - fayitattoaa t iatertaia tbe Ctmvantion.;g n?3 I - We hiTe jttst'arderW , - ' t sTwohub'Wpa-morB oCJSSoags of s-?-1 r qrttitude.twhitUi-pubhraWwill; eti contain' sotnaiiewiT Tlds 4 will make : - ;sso3 j.600 copies -thUwe'hateioTdwi . .ti1 nnlv on vn at.Mit ti rwmnlavftv nf Oi hobk. If vour School has aotaaad it.rr ; , : yba would do well to send for a dozen eoples at once. They ooet only $3.60 by expreaa, and I4.X0 by mail.