The Biblical Recorder. .PUBLISHED EYEB Y WEDNESDAY. . ,t a U M f SALEIGH, H. C. , -t t-t OSc ea JSayetttvUle B tract, Opposite Marke f ' -Sonare. 7 " ------- One eopyoD year, . . . ........ 10 Oneoopy si xaonthi,; ,......' 1 23 Clubs of t.....M10 50 dabs of ten,.. ....,. ...... ...... ...20, 50 EemitUnees must be sent by.Begistered Letter, tost-oiEoe Order," Express or Drift, jvAYAble to the order of the Publishers.- '" CONTRIBUTIONS.! . : " ' " 1 .1 ! II - ' lit I i I'J r S i x J - 1 I -.i f'SU-- j J ' "Vt -1 ;." i..)'V ":' f . tJllivA ilJ J Jjt 1 : i i 'r The Organ bf &eNortharoH to Bible RcligiohV EdutionJ Literature, Agricul JJ 1 R'ALEIGH -N.'OV-MATi 7f'4879:', Htjiibee"'42.: lo.C. : .;; -j. i1? j For Uifi Recorder KFJILN1SCENCE3 OF MY EAfiLl Llf IN TENNESSEE. Fir&t ytar't Experience on th$ LireuitHuiS erford County and its People Wforowi Vint to a Dying Man Love far the Work Sn JtoHU to ConfermceBuftp , fli . 'i?rM. A.kL.-rtieiU to ffiuluiile., altt. t 3 That was a memorable day when I eit the paternal roof, and started . lur. uiy r. first, circuit. ; JNever, waa I ; more deeply impreased with a sense jof my iucompeteocy.V Avaj.I Joar, -oeyed astride a well stuffed saddle bigs, underneatb .a Broad-brim hat, over the hills "of Smith county, through the cedar 'glades ol Wilson county, across the Stope river Into the rich lands of: Ratberford. What apprehensions ,vhatustrange imag liinga, what hopes and fears as to the fu;ate of thtsnew epoch inlife's' pil grimage. I tras timid, afraid of every body and every thing. ' I knew bat little of the 'Bible, bat Attlto of man kind aud baf little of the character of my'work.A change of wearing appureiiny saddle bags, 'two or, three skeletons of sermoBB in my side ! pocket, an ambrella and -overcoat, was my stock in trade.? ,t)f eottrse I was not mnch of preacher . Bat according to the fashion of the times, the Methodist church hai taken me op, as it did others, to iroagh-hew, shape and pobahr the ron&h materi als into travelling preachers. ,ily theological- school was among tha charches and people of the circuit,1 my study was -in the saddle. I had a list of the appointments left by my predecessor, which J had. to find aa best I coak..-, I ceaebedr Jthe circuit at Fishers, six miles Jrom Mnrfrees baro. - There: t preached with mach trepidation, my first sermon Coder thepatriawhArroottiof Bro,. Fisher, I felt that! still hada homq on earth. 1 went; on from, day to day t making, new. experiences.. and . finding new homes at every turn." "O what tears' marked every mile pf the zigzag windings of my first Vronnd on that circuit. The second round. added to my experience, and 'multiplied the number of my homes.1 Often my fearB and. appfehen8ions were turned into joy and triumph. ; 1 , For instance, ! preached at Win- ro w's a cold snowy day to a very ; 'small congregation. Mr. Winrow introduced himself and his wife with the remark, "Well wife, here comes dandy preacher.7 "vvnere trespaB8es and sins. r vww. uu i urn ureua, uea oa .Deauia i nnaer lavoraoie circumstances, xiope his saddle, his legs wrapped in, gam-; is buoyant, desire la igreaVtaith! Daters, ana bis bead sheltered, with as : active iand rzeat is i nofewant- a broad-brim hat This company in I log. May the Lord control. .and di theidistanee. had the appearance of ; rect every word, .feeling and action a: cavalcade-; marching underneath J of ns all, (for I am now one of them) parasols. -One of the fnnnisstr-anrillriHifiPlorv in ths nnhnildinef of His wMte8t ot -lthat crowd was Tom. lxause in our.hearts and in the salva- omita me presiaing iiaer. Je iTion ot precious sou is now ,aeaam reigned his horse into the thickest of the crowd, and said, 1 They say that Jones: has got up ta the stars me nrat year. When a young man gets to soaring among the stars the first year; the rule ' is to send tiim to ; towh.n a thought it was a joke. But Smith meant it. . 'At any rate I was, : sure priQagb, sept t0i the biggest: town in . the . (Uouference.,, X. always i regarded it as a reproot rather than,a ' compliment, as the act of an enemy, i rather than a friend. Perhaps it was a wrong Jmpreastoa s- oat I felt that because; the presiding -Elder! bad hot the caDacltv to' climb to the: stars', he was very willing to see any : young" man s who"1 was rash enough tol venture up uiexeiall and break Jus peck, r .Bishojj Soule presided at the Florence Conference.,, He was yen- erauiu iu Years, uui vieoruus auu 1 find Greensboro fl ulte a trettv place, adorned with many handsome j -residences ana witu beautiful pro-; fnsioQi of t .evergreens . and . flowers. ' Its, location on so vmany hills with no unsightly ravines 4 and with' good! water, must' make it healthy ; and j itS'gOod sohools,' good : society - and : great religioufl-i advantages together , with its. accessibility , to eyery -.part i; or oar . country render it .especially desirable as to a place of residence. Oar Missionary, T. B.? Crawford, from .China, has : been with na on his, way to ' the Southern ; Baptist Convention., He spent several days here and was pleased to give as sev eral lectures, (the ''China Mission, Baoe : Peculiarities; and the Chin man in America. what ; to . do with him,'') which evinced a great deal, of robust, tall, dignified, polished and! thought and careful study an4 which eloquent.- Hia sermon -on Snnday, endeared ourjteople' very greatly to! upon JHhe exceeding great and, preo- him and ; his work.r "It Is 1 thought j tons promises,". was, ayery fine thing.;! that mach fruit in increased contn The plan was excellent, and the de- buttons for the toreign field, will be iivery spienma.' i rom tnat uonrsri the result ot bis visit to our place. ence i was sent to Nashville cinder J.BMcFerrin;. .u? j The Conference being . over, , the i preachers were again in their saddles : homeward ' bound.' The' visitors to ! the horse races' in X Florence -were' 4eaviog about, the same time. t.The. nexi:, day. about, a, doaea preachers . stopped :on the road and ordered dinner. - At the table," the brethren , became first j-mal, and then Very! wild and - uproarious, o The lady at the head of the table, who. had been; reticent up to that .time, remarked, lgGntlemen, Xjpmttme you are jutf froml(hi racetS To which remark there waa not word of reply. ' i A - few j sly glances passed across the table. I We.di8patched . oar meal jn tpta) si lence, andwer gla4 enough to get! out and comment up the reproof, and to' wonder whether it was intentional! or accidental. ;Mn ; either case it was' a rebake that did; some ot as good,' for a long time afterwards ; 4 , . ., VhurchJand. Va. , The BECOEDEa ; is greatly prized here and and we hope to extend its' sirculation even beyond the limits of the 5hurcu 'members.;- he.liord bless yon and your great work. , . , T. HARBISON. , Greensbbrd;' April lith. ' 5 - ; . . i ,;: ta'fuda at may bel adeemed neces sary for the purpoae of preparing at! ieast Jtwo preaching places in. the; sooth eastern portion of the Union, RevrAHenetts :to' superintend the( preparation of these places. 'to t hv QaeryNoi-rf 'iWhat -should be dona with members, who are in the habit of going vo and dram drink ing In dramshops and drinking sa-i foons T" was then taken up and die-' cussedibyt.brelhrenAllen Betts, N.! J., BronghioR and others. Answered as No,,,?, .,,,.. j,,..,v- ,-.. "The thanks pf ihe bddf were then tendered td the "brethren and friends i of inwoodichurchJfocthalt ibospita- -We entertainment of .thiafjbpdy Adioarned tof.Jsoylock, A,Jn to? morrow , ' - ," - t ' Owing to fiWclemency' of'the. Jweather, there were very few assem i Ibled at.the , church on Sunday no! regular services- , ..... . , j 1 J Thus ended a meeting of the Union which will long be remembered by , those whose privilege it was to at-; tend. - D. B. Hollakd; Mod'r. is that scattereth andyet lncreaseth.i Elchmond daring1 the meetings 1 of! the Baptist Pablication Society, Eev. LL Petty, the author of Lena Landon. A recent iteadine of that book ac- qaaints me with its high merit It ia an earnest, warm-hearted, gennine: Baptist book, jand ought to- be in ail out Sunday Scbppl libraries; In; addition tQ- us intrvnsio merits ,U is gracef ally and. qeaoiifuily gotten np, and .would adorn.' is would .enrich any parlor library. ,rJ hope ,Ahe - will pardon, this, unsolicited- .allaslou, :to his book;,which' I had 9aqh LbappJ nes? Hi rea,dlDg; " y. ; s, n ; . Let me . say that the , Becoideb "grow better and. tetter,r,ana .that firoVtw;1 LETTEQ FttOH TIEGINU. DtaJr Rtcorfar '. J-' :-'. ti'--'- i Three acts passed .by'the-Xegislav ture iof 'Virginia promlsO to'give newj life to" Kichmofld; The passage of the Bill Ifi regard tc the state debt,! the building of the new railroad up the-line of theames riveriTaiiey on the path of the old canal, and the reduction of: the tobacco tax. Spring ; trade opens well and. theosiness' men,eem cheerful and hopeful. That erfibjaflte'-.texcarsipu t last) eoinmer! iniirodueed manyrortkCarolinamer-! chants to Bichmopd, and .they seem! to like the Richmond market. . ... , . . . Jn spite of these prosperoas signs,! the the croaker is still neara ia oar streets. To hear him wail out his complaints . for .half ah' hour,! x. xiarrison, wno, was appoinwa tof thaAni,TH, -rtn wfthlderifr think Ci llnrS -D drir UaboaF todawa.! li Allia Belts preaonea. - . iKTw- A--. v-- nfni m 1 1 wr nrMi&i' nun i mi t if u n iiiin. mm : ' -cess, after which, the Union was. call in almost1 every nlace; : There Is a large amount of fS0yTI WESTEEN For (be Eeeoc(j6r,r UNION ,MEETINU ii5 The South Western ' Union Meet ing' of the Baleigh Association as Isembled with the chnrch at Inwood, Friday.and Saturday, 2Sth :aad 2?th of March 18 w iln tne, absence of Key. not heeded.-1 A spirit oftmeerfulness .- v r oervaaes our city, auu me auu ww w r vrruiA ia i-sn. I ity 'are J manifest ... in -rn iti ForMBeoorder. LETT EH F0M GREENSBOfiO another tn vnn haa nnvthin?dandvfied about H I Tiear'Tira.'Tiatlttv : them big buttons, and that hair all In obedience to what seemed to standing np strait on the top. of your; be the clear Indications of Divine head. But yoa must go home with providence, I left aiyjaeld oi'Jabor in me. My wife will give you a terrible I the counties of Wake and Moore on lecture about your, dress, and your the first day ot April,. to take charge, pride. I don't expect, to Teed youTj of the church here.,. Ifor was it with j horse ; and I doubt whether my wife; ont much sorrow, and, even some will give such? a dandy: preacher .asj .misgivings j for we are all liable to yoa are anything' to eat, '- But yoUj mistakes in interpreting Cod's provr mast "go ; with' me "and : take the; idences. ?iay, with much sorrow j chances. , J ja;i)finQ ttstd ref dae for how could it be otherwise, when j There was no! invitation W go any one wasleaving some oftheibest peo where else." . -So i ummoued op all, ;:ple ori earth,' whose' klndness ' mani the heroism that"was left in roe and; fested4in "so many "aadtTsb rarioup went iome with that mannotitnaw-j WHys,6yiriced their affection so forcl in g what would feemy ijbtftiNeyer; bfy and so 'feelingly' that eVea the did I recetT-mere-disnawhed hos- Veriest tkeptio could not doaht their pltallty. instead ot"a terrible Lect-j disihtered regard for one w ho had ure" from his -wife, rreoelved trobj "tarrleW ahOTalMewitHtMni. that sister, nothing but smiles, sym Indeed me!muiir; have" toad- heart path v, and enco.ufagiemttMjrrcuit of Sfcrae not to be warmed into Btrong environed the town ot Murfi cesborrb, affectlob," especially when 1 SOHlY auu UlUUgui uio ucivio ouuig v. rvi tuwu bvcu wi vu i wur vi ooinu i finest congregitfodi tliaVSWSem'oled thtnkingof, -OTdpareiTJgwfiry their wixntne uaessiocieiy iot iuiuuib; i xrif lusauxieiies jcuainis'iaoors, 'prayer by Rev. J.' R. Maynard;- J. B. a train appointed Reading Ulerk, roll of chnrches called and delegates enrolled, and out of 17 churches 12 were represented. i " i Ordained ministers present J. J. Marcom, Allen Betts, S. W. Mitchell ,; J. R. Maynard and P. R. Jones. , Licentiates : u. W. Norris. , . , Superintendents of 8. Schools:! Hiramr Weatherspoon,D. B. Holland, and Anderson Betts . ; ? .The time for which the Moderator; and. Clerk, were elected having ex-j pired, Bro. Daniel B. Holland was unanimously elected Moderator for; the ensuing year, and' M.-A; Sexton! Sleeted Clerk and Treasurer for the ametime 0 w.-.'U ' I .a Minutes ot last, meeting. read, cor-; greeted, and approved.' ' "";',, u uommuceeon religious jsxerctseszt Fastoru and J deacon a of ,1a wood! Uchatch. 5. ri . Tennessee; f feU wlo the hanas 1 wealthy, cultivated and 1 jQdicjoq8 brethreawboJitdjtbQ-fgooA sefite and the charity to b W wnhjwy-yn perfections, and -iq; guide .msalopg .my untried, pfhwav& This was a UiCUW A vAar f reesbdrO. ' I was aronsed at 2 oSjlock in the hight to' visit a dyingfyoung: man. four miles awayr .Bfotr Hmilhi 1 was5 mV gaidcaloijg'ti'elaroniar.byH ? paths efthenaterVehfn g teoOBtyftci - the home of tne ovine mao iie waa the eon f ipreaaecSaidMO ..if you.tWk -SUjCb. ai:,8i9per3V l and - can bataved.T pray for me, . I liayd , bad a pious E .Committee ,on Finance P. H.j Barbee and J. H. iDupree, , The report of the 'Executive Com mitted was made special order foMO 1'doektO'UtOrtatr. t H:,'.tm:!ii dQaeries wereiben, acisepted fwdia- I rnnninn on .to-morrow. . ... pn motion of Rev.H.0 Yfis Horris, ine UBioa saa'iaBmiur'wiit aereai :tet beiieidi alteraateiy; andity eori- aentiOte Moderator. of . thftjrjstj 'itr.tnfa- t.h TTnirtn t(vmAnnv ttiA wholA1 iheiracaest desireltowhdef abis PCmffthl hriLsA-iJdnh i work easy and pleasant, to. make-the; , aidnrnetf to3 i& Worfo w olomrJ ACM?5u eroos i9TiJ man baa inner and outer man eamfbrtahla aad ,harwt their readinaaaatoc: every word and work t their paofitoality in buildinf? coinfiron. and among them some fine boildings are being erected. RevDr. Geo BJ Taylor, Mission-! ary to- Italy,1 has! been in Richmond tor two weeks. His arrival here gave great pleasure to many 1 hearts. He was broneht ud in this city. . ana is known to multitudes ot the Baptists.. There was a great desire to give him a public reception soon after hit ar rival, and a : meeting was appointed for that purpose at Grace Street, hislold mother church, but. failed on account of Dr, Taylor's sickness. A second. meeting , was . afterwards eet for what proved to be one of the most stormy nights, fh spite of the blinding storm,quite a number come, but the sirvtftA Was nostnoned. " Dr. 'Tavlor feachd America inbad fcodify condi- ttonroarmsjfenerai iieartn is gooa.. He haa-not a siirgle white hair iff his' wniskei's, ana very rew or -any xma? 01118 head.e goes to If ewTdrk to-; day tdcoHect fnnda forbis'tjbapenn Rome;'5 fltfwni? tie Convention 4h" Atlanta; and Ratelgb oogbt tb try to&tofrbim on the Ayr r f f?? Mi 'Rer.tef Du B Witffeei of Man-! ehestervhasreaigned btr.'charehiin that city and has been aiding is some! protracted deetiBgs5 He ia: nowln PortaatojatbfandIiSJuppese willi re main. la. idw pastor ; Jt)wen ot;; the ,Conrt;treetiucUuroh - in. -.a jpeeting: iwhioh. be RfttJotV coramenmu m. andt mm h received, no call to. . another, field ieHtervicia ot God:s house and their BAtTMoa,OW6ctett f Carolina 'BAQtdd: d.eBireTthserVicea Of ?riy;, apprcjauouT oj.. (ne,:enp(;(s i ini -u mow-was 'eaiiea w raeroy i l oian excoiieu ycauuci; y fiiu, ucuj . memorauie luciueut ycuceu wui i in.worutj wi uaiMJrjr, ujui, lameirxearj prayerpyrevJSe r 'at a csmfi:metihg r:nearIur4 f iul atteution?tbtthe word and ia theW t.t List of .churches called .not Ktnac M?oiraiffliattovi.pane iWltn; l in ai Joraa-Bjw j I this- delfeffafei enrelfc .e .no Idea i what tils plans are., , r 1T m U.m boJab k(l . k ,MMT 'Ml KBiW'l of )17'1 -"-nil Irf A h A IM me 19 ineuj vxne oaroer. totpe irrory. ana.aissuiar.y sermons,? was naving arrivenitne inrAA.RA(1,ZAAl and lihAriilit.v ltiavArvi thing1 pertaining ? to t,ht Master H-On motfotf,HhVappb!h Wf tft :WPt! lab uiB-yiauo air.., , , taiytaitrdhaifnied.;with eh oneillts pieces 1h ate w a ar a tne xSECOiideb ' wixsin iy in ven xnei paperth a hrfghter and more eneet trig 'coffnteflaice- tonnoseot 'ua in aTreadv1 paifor, andriuay,Bthe rdrad bis )mlngs-inandg6!pgoutauiDar waefotljteicaiisaws 9U bacoli toff fee! Wtter afwr reatlrtfg,hlar- theM &i fo Plorifv Mmsalf in all thrnpa! I,; -OnPrvt.No.4. il What pOTJOT LiriJfejph Ticcea H cama uiueuuiit' uui isut nntiranrviiven-ui!S'Tiiigtiwnrn)rH i.woo. can. uul win jjul .Day. vat fled my convictions mid tefb the rfleet I B1 IMiiUtMmfWtaWtfttttte OttiMlif f: I afett-l-Vriur tUete'takeu tDg - to a v Old tnentrewiiMi - ot - myf IHIi stnt'tia f loU.tieIter omj 1 tly diaMti eternal rtfef-MaObd- ao Bdi ; them: some one full oil wisdom love nd th-Bly dtaea xtaaJ ttaetrt' and that HIa caastf may tftBtreugUi- " reilEl9u3 mena'rtn5:iviiTwnai lLllilCD3tttCnttl llitl M..5I .1- rriAM a wav the t Di fit of Qod 1 Ntf! 1 woaW gw the1 wHd lrie)g tiMlf , ht -oppartaaity WBfc ia. gooi - forever, and I feur thai I baye fHoi , tied awav mv dav of crace. . II jod enL anri increased amofik ikam r. thuik it ia possible Car oaetpbeeavedi L eama tiktaam a perftjet ratraa ger and nn fvr. and tell me . what tado to 1 thev took me? into vtheir i iiosnitablo Jbe wyi.iThe mentaj 'jingnlst j)f horaea aiidjtbeir losing Jieayts with) taat yoangjnanjj. iwre".lj i);iwueieiiMi.u x,sui t us y u cti.f f y iu, a V c- H a 4 am upia nQtwhstanding ,the .difa.caltiesA inf was 1 At. nrat. tor jnea aear riretnrea and siitersjiaapreparea peiore nan to charge npbn and seize by the for of their kindness 'our very 1IEA.E cItadeLelnae4d they are masters an ittcfe. It teenit hre bks net rmw the Doctorate otit he tras receii bnotaar tMa-taoataeaCaliaBl4se'ai- . mi ,ran iaMMatkii in 11 nua WtiV.iiid ioi iiiiii 11 biiaunicrauloj .ci pjcal ot cii wxfl MtimxR mm t& AUtoom. aaA.brethrBf Weatser- i spoon, ana Anderson . jJetts... r ihe; foltorine' ftaawef' was theii offeea;l am accepted t " we-BeUeTd l Be. as moat ifilaooeaA spwctieaaDdwoo: tbe.ioost devoted iriendsi of .hia lUeJ Oaef ,bia adcoixera. ecownad , biax aome jreara ajc a tbfoet, Jjaoreate: O .how bitterly he deprecated ,i folly. We prayed aud. pointed hin to theXamb bf God? Vs learned al ''ter wards ihaf-he-dlfed a happye lie ver 1 Irfnh'e 5 C6r JeSUS.'T Tiai :' beebmBhor6h ehry aithised f arfl 1 work M I fort that the lifeof an itfi iifrfc oitnlster wasvttre tgfeteutx! ' 'hflmlry lOTWteiBUflert toVtlO' thi greatest Whin iharpinesS,sa duty of th&charch first admonlah; I the; rorpmoath AfijociaUon VjBv fellowships ' r"; r - j had ahe, pleasurp ;ptattepding Pi'Bepbh'of ifie Executive Commit rpweral iihies. -.the ieriefl'of. revival tookja reeesaof I the .Giace .Street myciwif and familyhttl its -'.weekly visits with growing, interest and in- lours iruty, , Richmon&t Va. . WHAT OUtt MISSIONARIES AUE DO- Bro. J. H.' Bootb,f. who 'labors at Dallas, in Gaston; county, ; tells as that he is "now feeling' morec,thah ever encouraged with -regard to his work at this place. "The congrega tion there -is -increasing ahd ' the prayer meeting growing in1 Interest We did not protract trom last Sun day, as we had hoped to do, front the fact that the minister who-was to help as conld not oa there. Hope to protract very soon.'7 The Baptists have a good lot in Dallas, but: it is in the wrong part of town, and they propose to .sell .and buy - a.: better lOCatlon:iy,A ,v-ui-' "The prospects in our new Associ ation (Sooth Pork.) are brightening. Our, Union Meeting, a new .thing tor; this section of ; country, .which was; held with Mt Ruhama church . the! 5th Sunday in March,. was a decided; success. . All seemed to be .well pleased. On the 4th Sanday night j in March I preached , in the Baptist church in the town of Hickory. to a .crowded house. - I fjrfnd the few members there 'greatly rejoiced at the prospect of having Bro. Jones to settle among them as their pastor.; On the next day" 1 stopped a few hours at Newton. Found the Slaters there much encouraged." 1 Bro. W. T. Jordan is doing a most excellent work at Lumberton, LauiNj inburg, Shoe Heel and Rockingham. ; Yoa have recently seen so many re ports from this field and are so well posted as to Bro. J.'s workj the large ingathering, the brighc outlook, &c, that I will say no more of it nntil my next. Surely no pait of our State has been any more highly favored than has this. Bro. Wo. S. Fontaine, one of our missionaries in the Beolah Associa tion, says that be has much to en courage him on bis field. "There are 38 members" of the church at Sharon, 2 received for baptism, and 2 converts 'who will join us." .01 course without a stove no school can be kept np in the wihteK'Last Sun day I preached twice, morning and evening -td large eon gregatiohs. Tne discoaragitfg part is that the eigb tMjrhooor is sput"apriinte !so! mioy denomlrmtictos.T Cnristianii, (O'Kel- ryitesf0testan&Metfeoiiatiifipi8r oopal Methodists andu -Hardshell Baptists. anei ftratrjihreei haveaof cul(ted(fbr year thatit did ot mat ter whatiamtot. the church? a man joined; so thathe bad Jape abut all witlhsanejt coaeajj,R Ueqopgc ;abe Baptist s as . Owfioted, ilJiUeral,,, and scbismaticin refasing;.tot.pommane with: the Lord's, people , jo ih,e , qjher I arm , ef Ji i.echarch These things had theii eAect.upoa the pe9pleaud ! ,1 ha t4t workeryg ardanisit arnhrld trorn house' to' rinnsA ; nn1 from I he bn Ibi r.' J to n sir n c tth em i n ; 'the doctrines onhe jeW Testament I Ail iuu tucujucia are uuw Hifauusu tnajmst; -docWlne apdxBBhitf mon Bennmeuboi lucuucouverTeuiu the;n'eigh'borhood "is Ver'giifg fb th'e samft" points Thf sis endonrgittg ljt Bro? lit-A..'1 Browh; whdr labors at Winston and the snrrouudJeg'torirr tryj bet preachedi 23-' sermons; 'at traded J7 pray er-mett a isited CO familes, I baptized 1, : recei vMt Jby fetter 2, paid oa; church. 40; taised for ForWgn JJLwSloofc f 33 6 aaetpaul for other objects $I20.tTby hate one of the beat and moat f ient Bnuday School In the State, numberiag 125 paplla vitb lO.,(teaoaer.,n JXpoo: the whole, tbja i Bt 4 ha nuMt eacoiic- aa At every poiiit occapied, and there are indications of, success heretofore ; won' yoa.aeip jaa aaaiaia mesa odi- sionariefl.... some, money at onee, J: JohnJL Bit i - - Saov B'd Miaa. Ij7 pastors their sympathy, co-operation, and a pecuniary tupport ' -! ;n Then followed a discussion of the query: What is the duty of - the churches to superannuated ministers1 in Indigent circumstances 1 1 "The opinion prevailed that it is oar duty to provide for their, comfortable inp-j and,' on motion, adopted : --- jietoivea ' xa&t we . earnestly re-i quest, the ,pl arches composing this Vaion to )ake..ap a collection, at an! early da, for tbe benefit, of .Elder; Samuel Morton, and to forward the; same to 'Eider u. w. Harmon, see-i retary of the, Union. .-H It .v.- . The subject missions was dis- ElderB? Zanders r6iortedv hfs H bors 1 at 'Oool 'Spring. The church : -now numbers' 20 and the Snnday. Sohool 30 members At; a meeting; , of the Executive Board anappropria-j ttion of 120 was made to this cnurcb,; to assist tbenr in the support of their; pastor daring the present year. : t jf ermission r; being : granted, , the' writer addressed the Union on the: subject of Ministerial Education, and, $31.70 were' raised !in' cash and sab- scriptiont 1 to - assist Bro. Buny an Mortonia obtaining an edacation atj .WakereBKpTeparatary. to the work'of the minis try' jA good' de-i gree of interestr was manifested, and; more will be raised during the year.! bi.Elder Ai EvBennett spoke in high' terms of Bro. Daniel Austin, who is: also at Wake Forest preparing him- self for the great work of preaching; the erdsbel. L'' We exnect to assist him aisov whenever he: needs onr help.i God be thanked for these and other; f oung. men, whom, He. is raising npj 6 take our places In the ministry, j " '! On motion, it was resolved to hold the next ' session of the Union with, the Brown Creek church, commen cing at 11 A. M.,: Friday before the fifth Sanday in June. . j Queries tor dlscassioa f Woald it be coadaclve to the cause of Christ; and the well being of our churches to make collections at every stated meeting ! First speaker, Bra r W5 D. Gulledge. ; V ; Is the Saaday School a part of the! work of the chnrch : it so. is it the; duty of each member to take a part T First speaker, Bra B,j T. Gaddy. ,. Is it the, duty of church members ' to take the' Biblical Recoeser f First speaker; Jamet Elake. uf Essays to be Prepared and Bead. Oh Education E. S. Lathrop. i 1 On Missions Dr. H. R. Allen.u I : Elder W. G. Rollins was appoint ed to preach the Introductory and Elder G. W. Harmon the Missionary sermon, y r"" ; x . 1 The meeting was pleasant and bar- monioua, and I hope that much good will be the resnlt, I wish again to urge .the brethren of the jUnton to come np to these meetings, and help us in the great work in which we are engaged. The Master is calling forj .tnore earuea t,v hnited .effort on the; partot His people. .Let as be foand ftt tti a tt Antxt. ' T vjt. . . aAnaufl. ow jr. cross-bearing spirit among our bretb ren; and I pray God the day is not far distant when every brother shall, realize he has something to -do for the Master,: be his talents v ever . so small. Oh I - that every member of the great brotherhood could feel that; the Master is speaking to eachas individuals, i when he say?; ? "Go ye into all the woild and preach the' gospel ; to r every - creature.?, Then shall we hear, the clarion,, yoice of gospel souuding forth: from 'every! hill and vale; making glad the hearts' of the sons of.menwbo; now! sit-in? the regions of darkness j then shall; we hear the songs or solemn . praise; as they go' np to God' from 'hearts! lighted up by His benign love, and; see uaumtndes tnat now tun -to. do eviI, crowdlng t- sanctuary . ot oar. VI in. . uiua tu win . .. , , WM, J. FULFOEB. , ! Cool Svriria.'N: O. u' lM ! i ' rj- T For the Eeoorder. 5 j TO BE A. TTIDOTTEB. meetings which j have jast closed at theGiace.Street" BaptisCchurchJ minutes, after, which Rer. H. W. I Thev were In pros ress 'six weeksJ rKorr'isrpreached ayery interesting; I'JQfi Hatcher 'toe 'pastor .did 'all 'the. i ii I iThe Ilniou-i then ten sermon iromxMimauso:,xv,ax: -rorii preacning.; xra, Id that fid died.M Kd. ' After pfeach4 1 son. members; Of MethodistTSTSerTthe noblest elaskf mako' hbther J attemptef efceyr tty of maoKiii" - 1 rivat"iri tfceir' tbnndina &b., v&e.j ,'r!CU jfi3 t9 me i hovel fejert6nce-4- people. - Not tlit theyo oi"!B' ii ESlfflitnia em 10 wmm w .c '''qateafcacomvfaabiacpveaeaecayi a foarfieVfotEV fcfext?CotifeTettC8 a Jre'ncVilmSg!i.e Ire'rit. r, moautcd meQ.'iuoTii:i aloue jtlie ton It . nt . ill. I ! .o.K. weu-BiairAa saaaie uazsi w'vtw? people, i Not tlC tiiejWooN m thev Io ifrt abdotlbt of the lovi fteyteTSJJffilaatfliIArd Of atrnta tnevre not A wnri cenmc torewost affactiotMtl vliber C'.iy &sJ tsacrabty 'receiticLtielc Jeter and' this'charch.aided' tnTejuartertrattcB6uf,attaeJ taeeangresuited tn"aDout"0' ariai-j tifratfoa of VhicliHthe''b'&Efoe& was jtlons 'to the church by baptism? Thla resamfcdi' J,i ufaT09- j la the'thbrd protracted meetlagwhich faa' 'postponed 5 fbrJ fhe1Tea3df4r,af 1 church within the past' fouf yea) sj Ie66rt llVwiui tnen ' t&fceil niTaaI la&erefiatis' in mil orer' alx month a 'BettSJJ, -OiuMrcom,;tandi fcrettsr pIImIIIM h 1 1 I '" '') f2PB. IJpba cTStba ah Tfiraat Wea m: brfta ftilArifW.-ieneiiaU, wolM eutJtfMdtion of BW."J. f.l-fflongOlaa tie Extcittve Committee f Waa HolluitlaBaAnnu a4 'dditiav flu-. i JCiy ytaiw tbis,jcharcti" eenmro$ ctrat aMpiisCbareb, wUloU iMiW necT,the:.mcs&; cresperona syonng teborchea iathe ity.The member-j .ahi a sther O rao Street ichartj l n ia Jareru 3ojT:;,taq tfcefore?tbe Clayj !? fit A NGflV TT VTft V jiJl ifRia 1. ! j t: t. wij 5ii; .;m:i -, -f lor .,,t, r. For UieRooorder.' t FROtt THE SpUTH TADKIN. Lfi; ,fii ; :. ;, Jjyiii Agreeable to promisevI will now Writ &y on a few lines from my adopted home.-, 1 , am,plea3antly , situated orifhin a Fav hnnrfro varrii rf C.nrA "Spring Academy. -r Professor John Ducket, a icbolarl v gentleman, is thej priBctpal oi.tneecbooU fie has a very good soboor ana la generally ibeliked by all whoknow him ; charac terized for bit firmness and decision in all . matters withrWhich. he . has to do, and ttose d8lring.ito give .their! edocatioa cannot do bet4 Lpiai?ethemjiudetjtlje,.ta, torage of this scholarly and chuatian ty w here the pupitsare'Mah kbt 'to o& the 1en citirdTug to trhe prl nci plei. I have a pleasant and desirable field lor ministerial latbw;4,aoa! Iher bnly thingVcesaafy Ji1 amantodeln order to I Succeed ta 'beii wilunr to fwerk.iik luosdeDartaPOta Jn.kich a mmwt litiwmtilQ labor. hiClie' oowieiv luruueu xuia aeciioa is eooa. hd its general- intellifeencel'fs' above ordinary : a 1 seem to) tmka taora than I ntenww eiiuioaai pamaitaJ teuey.oi. ore an Kl!f01;I f The eiehth session of this was held with the church at Pleasant Grove' 'commencing' at 10 iM'pa Saturday before the fifth' Sanday in March I70 Introductory sermon was breached."' 'SeVen 6f nhe fourteeh churches composing -Ue Union Were represented. Eiaer Ai xa.'Uennett r waschosen Iol6raWA V- fwHW. After-TMmeJ rottfinebaainess, the; flowin qaersr waa diaeteaaed batdtrties-nvwoa of lrarel.i JiiHI MtiiM 1ft 4 M j Ui U Mia I 3inThe epeakers urged ihepa&tpni to vifiit, tbeir . flocksi to-do ggesj, ways and.meana.diriatian .effort An4 4o preacn tne wnoie. Fospei; ana.ln- ttrcctcdto tppropriate 3 illiyu t Et:cdi"itr;!i tris triads: JL4Ikcraf f t:;t:4 tkat ,U:e9rcbci, :inoralUy a,B(lo virtue, ana higher Standard wOf i piety, , - Our.;,', church hoases are seaerally filled . with or -derl ya and. attentive hearera, .which. tends ,o ligbteoJbe'oaNepsi (oat ep often. fall as an incubus npon the mloister. , An other thlog that tenda to relieve .the , burdens of pastoral life is the brethren are "hot forgetfal of the wants of the . Inner man,' but they see to It that he has the tub-! attnUaWor.lIfe.fcKJ3i;V? tThe SoathTradkift5 Associatlori, although a joathral ; body, it a fire one, ready for every good word "and work; and are now making an eSbrt to cultivate all the destitute territo tory within i its" bound j and where yon find such men at the; helm as a Holooa, Clemeattf Tarcer; Lhdscy aad i) rose, oacxea qp by a . host ot otbera joat aa- peraevenn k we mar a ;VJKor, Hpot r,t gaining Oiii::3H::::ioiii::::!: incrtb great odd 4bp re aro ftgaia a.1 a. 1 3 ? at a m . a" mtjcj, out jBojuiag truta as we ao, And it beinsr-, mighty: must' prevail. out, notvi t hatandtn g -. waat . X bave over already said, there is a wast all ove o'yYoi if-5l ooiowcmnix' ' g-i' In h 3 I .J:CIJK:S.sSX:.-i. hCbri Sa 38. Board, and. Sec. Bd Mksi. WHAT IT IS Tho Biblical Recorder. JLD V1RTI8IEQ BATES. SpACs. Itime. llaoh;.. 2 do 4 do . Mow mn Hi' 9 1 ool a ooi t oo 4 001 6 00 10 00 lm. too ool . 8 00 10 00 15 001 27 004 16 OOI 50 W 8m. $8 00 15 001 20 00 87 00 0 00 100 OO1 6m $15 00 25 001 20 OOt So 00 45 00 60 00 100 00 175 00 13 m $25 00 40 00 0 00 0 00 85 00 170 00 300 00 ; BpeoUl Kotioea charged 20 cents a line. Obitoartea 'stxtr wordr Ion are1 laserted free of eharfte. f W tea they exceed this length one cent for each word ' most he paid In ad vance. , v.r. . studies, and those taken up more judiciously selected and more thor oughly nnderatoodj with; air increas ing reference .to actual life, ia the de mand pow made on our Female Col-, leges. V It would' beVbetter for the girls, better for the tnen, better for all the best interests of humanity,ahd the cauise of Christ, If this demand, heeded - C. Dtjkham. '' " An old piece worked -'over.'' To be a widower is no more to hear! abont him the - tolt footsteps, and; rustling robes of his ministering angel,, No more .to : gaze- upon her angelic face, or to feel, the magne tism of her sparkling eyes. No more to sip Joy from the honied words that flowed from her lips. iXo more to enfold her to his adoring bosom ; or cradle his head on. her . heaving heart ; its beating poise,; his lullaby; br night, 'his' inspiration by day j No mora to feel tiie .magaetism of her soft. embraces, and: breathe the Atmosphere of , her sympathisin g de voted heart. .No, no. JNo more of alt :naaatf...i-H4it'4 ' 'tJlite ? J a-M w wv -- "i ! To be a widower is to be alone, in! the wide world.1 Alone in ioy and in sorrow in health and in affliction.' Alone amid tne teeming activities or the day, and in the silence and gloom; of the night.1 It It to moarn all day long, as the matelessi dove npon the one bouse top. It is to fight life's bat-! tie alone, without a helpmeet. rlt ia to be confronted, haunted and chased at all times; and every where by the hideous ghost of loneliness. It is to; be a hybrid half man and. half wo man, to be cook aud hostler, to rock! the cradle and follow the plough, to keep the house and tun tne business. It is to see the sunlight .at relioity disappear from his home; and sable drapery of desolation, testoon his! chamber windows. It is to. feet his life a dark vacum, hope a tantalizing mirage, a delusive phantom. This is surely bad enough, bat It is not all, nor the worst of his case. To be a widower is to be jeered, teased, and joked, by all classes and all ages; to be the subject of criticism - and butt of ridicule I for j everybody. Wbetner be goes snabbyor genteel, whether he walks straight or crooked, whether be brushes his hair or tan gles it, whether he looks at a lady or tnrnt his back,' he 1s a legitimate subject for faa. ' He belongs to a doomed class. His, presence tn the social circle, ' is . ; the signal fo?r' he grinning andthe sheering to begin.' YeTOttle-brainbaWgsters,5 there he goes,1 grinat hiinlnQfolt1 women,! cdrl vottr lips hod display -Jrbnr' 06-: qaettish airs for the amasetnent ef ine'giggiers." -x .Bnsuau urevnren heralds of the cross ahdddctors of aWinitrl ifrcM icatcli w(16 wpf tn company wittf hn hnmarrled bmtej especially on e; of iuo uocnneu -oiaaB,; charge tiporf; hibP with-'So -Ons! aeght: of winkings iad 'sly fIhsirittatie4s. felt bim,' -Bafarize liim' pekf atf at him,': grin: ana 1 titter, w Never mind bis feelings. 'H has be right to hsve ahV feeUngK ukm fegairry wf! no crime. But he Is a widower.' Hit; him Hit hlur again. Ltegh at him. AUOf ydalahgh a himl 'Vd3a3datt aivide, L had every .'pppbrtuhity o sea the; pwee aad the, school ,tbere. cessful .iu building .no" thb. schddl. r J3u au'cceaa liere ia. most . eXtrao.rai4 A hahnifrcomDanv of eirlt. amoftf favorable place for'.study, a more'ea-i 'pabIe,Vinscintioaa and 'JnotSAtisp. faculty ad principal, I do tt6t felirfwj Tbe school . ia larite. r,TCao- dtnncl for more, room; fcawever. let oflio iett3i i iiii for;foundataoni- of httnew boildingj Tale la to be or. bricfe.&t)t40 fet and1 corresponding, to the "tmaia Coltegei financial ptwurea each' dmands afe, raada' on this 1 school, as n6t J onfjl crowd its present large bafldihgi bat; I make more room a neceaslty, proves ; ine capacuy .oj.ipe .jc-rincipa loraiis work andihis', -aqtirtngt. enefgyTMl! Atl.honor to the faithful teacher;", i . parta )hls ipalf r if the- centre ihit,; ! howevef, seems 'jnafural Jhd jbecom in g,) doe t nbt make a woman of him-' !seTt rjrny affected " funess "of , yoice by. .lisping words, .jorby,' any special,,fa3Udiousnes8 in gesticula- Itioaj tat, :asi' naa'cf;ituoaght,l'cat-: ;tafe and sehse,bent on teaching aom4 thine that ahoald. ever be xemember-',';; " : ' Ve have been'invited to call the first Ban- day School ' Convention of the debtiat Arso ciation with the ehureh at ForeetTin This , i very befitting, aa this ;1 jthe -place Inhere the Association, was formed jot nineteen years ago ' The "whole body-Vas composed of seven chnrohea: Pranklinton, Tlat" Eock, Wake Forest, Forestville, . Brassfleld' Mt Vernon, and New Hope with 605 as the ag gregate white membenhip.: There t were only abont 4 or .5 Sunday; Schools. within the bounds of the Association- with, about, ae many hundred schplars.' And . now we num ber 18 churches, with, a membership of 2,300 or more, SlSunday Schools aftb 2,000 at- teodaota : Behold bow the Lord has hlaaed ns and made, out of na the power for nfineaoe that we now represent . How bentting, I say, after these nineteen "years to go back, by the kind an4 hearty invitation of the Forestville brethren to organize our Sunday Schsoi Con vention nnde the same taSowed' roof 'and snxronaded by the same' aaored walls.! But this brings ns to think of the great loares we havesttrtained, as, a body, since then. ;We shall not see the 'smilmgfaceeC the beaming eoantenahoes, the eool-Bt eyes; nor tear the welcome, warning roices ot -Samf ffailt, WinBoyahVWT. ;WaHers B;Jbnes; J. W. Fort, P. Joatioe, .p. W, lattice, J.B. Lassiter, j, at.f Trawici-yWqStri5X WVT. Brooks, nor the'TearteVtogato "Jod bless his memory t ' AH these werepreis ent fhen, In' the prime of hianhood but hive sinoe fallen asleep, save brethren Brooks and p. Vusfioe,., who atifl Jinger iaa connecting Unka between e'preseataM rjssand yet whoset feebleealth!t ypbarjUienxif the pleasure they ao mndh covet of being with ejfanH lr. "Royall whor 'haa i moved to: distrat Statat q They are waior h snmmons of tho . welooiue messeiigor to passoverlhe rijrecaad rest undetsbaije of the trees." V sj I we' fall "be prepared, to follow them. - , v , The CoirvenUon will meet oa Saturday be fore the 1st -Sunday In une at 10 o'clock . A. M., and continue doriar Sooday. ? A suitable programme will be arranged and an nounced at an early dayJ Hope the pastors and Sanday Sohools will take due notice and let the matter be well known, appoint dele gates, Ae. Let every chnrch and school in the Association be represented by at least one delegate. Each school .will be, entitled to two representatives. Hope they will all be present,. i -xoi hlr Asseeiationat S S. Conveationa . Among the hundreds ot letters that I have received upon . this snbjeot since the first of ' ApriT,' 1 iave yet to find the first one who is .u IIUW1U .tUI HUB lUUTVlUVUh fiiisry oni favors' li, and 'matfy'ara fepUns for: thd Iworkrtaf ergaaizatiou; tacbegtn at pnee.,t jew,in prger toaccomrJiah anytWDg mm Amoving dlrfl .spiric, vigor, aad,. orc he .would IJULJuju.J-J;? cieas, pouq, 1 1 IU JJ LJ It eboald eVerTs'toe, and practical t&s well as ornamental ,work is doneandui.hSrthe girls 4- in tbis direction, it wilf be necessaryjtor the TxecatlTelBoird tn ' each Associatron to W gi&at'once', and'Wra'wtth'msuiday Bflhbol Workers in 4&eir' refive' AjBocia- tioaspWiWfca as with the' State- Board; get all fheJpforttatwiKneedipr deeirec a&4 puah DAI hrethren, you have told ns that, you are u' favor of the ' cause,' you have pledge! yo'arsefves to aid' us all vim raf iartlu nob aodertaiinli Tou anydueah iaHhis noble aederUkin'l have asked uat .teiiLtl ttpenr Jetf(Vwith the piIafthat:xoa.:wiia4o plk pouid o wul farnish you with foraas orCwnatitvtions. By-La wa, and whatever else of .'the kind la aeeuaa.eai .io Sitioan -tiSWKso vux A Kood brother la 4hef JaerEWer. Associa tion suggests Warrenton as."' the place . for QietriiieHf&M'iVhki Wthat. brete- ren.ot.Oje. Warrentos Raod School? The CentraXwll be orgtnized wflh he chnrch at Fore-tnie. Ubodt'ftbiW SttaS- lindane. rNw wU, ( a .y voq. Jbtn brn ( ot, 4ba, Booth jtaaaio,.' jiitscern, iup r ar, unowan, rial BndehViountaTuV lM Bror' W? mV'Xmmbki of Holly -fiprlngs, JaaBOSt eoaatjv writaa an aBew $ 'Xo will. I ao4bt, beipleaaed jf jeartf that 4h Baptists in Macqq oonctj hATewikeDcd to the to-, tporUnceof Sandaj-school training. At the XSnton lMtiDgheld at Holly Springs on the nftts1 BiuiAy n JMaTe -wiiw vasr xmsani mulisly i i I sfil oa!V -a tlMSIiliQ newti a M Qua 0 I M HI I I ;'! ;! ."I l (."11 t.' I l l ' I' l :'t I l nrday before the f osfth San4y iaaxt.MAy.. The object la to. arouse all the .churches In this eounly , from tb lethargy ".Vhich jhaa wwlaafaelde & r I am trul glad .to. lee this definite action on the pari 6f the reihren! 'o'afwson. le the ttrytbu aesoaiVailt ot3all paeaatt tiee and Associations are, weU.jorganized and aroukedr It will be fmboasible ever toacoom- -pBsh atnehCbtms depaftoiantSf otl lahoxWa nave pur. Assocjaaonal meeesgs ,to compare notes' and enlist a greater interest in tbe Home aad Faretga afiasion work.! So wa aanat hare ue Bundayeboei Qonventions to engender more 'seal In onr noble nndsrUking leading thartiililfn to aana, jamawg, risa fMBaaifaat cfc t-t ri . Sib. flBCarrellrJata' -of .tie General, Assembly of N. O.- says that hia Bitty. - "ay' -mix -means1 let M nggnM- try- Uro.- Hordt il Miasabia L UlUvJ ,1.1' tUUib ! this mnann vtiiui dmiM n..rr.A svivtAsiiatla plan; of cpex&Hon,' inepiie new seal and new yhope among fjunday School workers throngTi- .oni sue state, ana prosaetit tne vote moon aaoce-etfeottudly evcy way than tn oar prs T:-?Trsf4 jcoi'::: :?,?-.'? Ti to .fit y.frca til r-rtt cf tit f l-,9, , f

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