4 ThfiTBiblical 'Recorder! PUBLISHED EVEBT WEDNESDAYS EDWABDS, BROUQHTON A CO, ! RALEIGH, H. C. . t. ' Office oa Faytttevfll Street, Oppeatt afara - . square. . - v . - . i - ? Oneoopy, one year,.. ..'.".$2 10 One copy, six month,.. ..;...,,,...'. I 25 Clubs of five,.. ;i0 50 Clubs of tea.. 20 40 I Remittances moat be seat 'by Registered Letter, fost-offlo uruer, Express or Draft, payable to tee order or the itibliabeis. : - ,-. T V Por the Recorder.' H REM INISCENCED OF XT EABL1 LIFE . IN TENNESSEE. . ? I ' ' "" '.No..?. . - I I ' i- r I 1 -.-I I . I I . II I. II II. I 1 V ;. II. 1 ..... I I . L 1 : I 1 . J 1 1 .. . I I ' . I 1 I ill- - I 1 ""., I I ! I v ; I " I I . , T I i r V olume 43;- .Tin ! ' ana Meseoyjonn jvetelana MofilltFill ing MoJJltf appointment Sent to JBedfatd consisted of two churches, McKen4 dree chapel,' fioe hoase with . a large, fasb iotiabla congregation j and AJOiiege mu a email log nonse wita -a small rat irresration nfv nnnr rWthln ( todes professed conversloh under nis preaching a rat deal of Tidicola and caldmn j followed In the wake of his meetlogs. His efforts to be start-' ling,' or ' sensational, often led thim: into lamentable1 Tlolatlott of 'food. taste, and of conimoii BenBeJ'sn f - zr Otte of the mostf meinorable trials: of my life; was 'being1 compelled to flit an appointment of Moffitt at Mo-i Kendree chapelEIe was annoonced to preach on a certain abbatb; whiQh brought ont jaa immense congrega-j tioh' to !hear him' AbonE the time: the service, was , to commence, it was J. Br McFerrin, had charge of both discoyered tn.at: Moiiitl aa ie,tBe churches: aDd;r:;war hUJ assistant' eitj. rIba4 tp, take,. bis . place witj-j hve fled also, but there was no way; We alternated each Sabbath, morn- and nii?br. on th fnrinrinlA nf circuit preaching. Nerer did a ttptl-JWW '-Vff to' timia ana Dasarai young man stand l iearu to bwim iosw wtiuiiu up uetore a: JNaatJVHie ; congregation than L Uut my colleague Was well known in the city, and he bad brass enongh tor six men. "He was one of those extemporaneous sort of Speak ers, that could do as well with fifteen mi notes preparation as with a week. He had the happy art of tehlng all he knew and leaving the impression that there was- much more, behind. One of his maxima was-, "never dis trust himselfkeep -up appearances, and the wod willj give ; ybu credit for the ; "balanc&?Hrj;tp xp when he saw 1. .was modest - and ad- prehensive of failure j 4 hold np y6urs bead, seem to Know every thing, do your best, and. I 'will help, you through." He stood by me like a brother, and I never neglect an op portunity of showing him ray grate ful regards,; when be comes to pas tern yirgiuia. :s I heartily rejoice Xu his eminent sacceaa in the Master' cause. - .-(f3-)'" -i wq t,ui Every Sabbath to measa joy and a terror j 7a joy toT stand op la the tub, that stood in the corner of the log bouse on College Hill, and preach j J esus to a plain people who loved the simple gospel-4-a terror to face the aristocratic con tregation at McKendree . chapel. Two men of that congregation were a great terror to me. One was. the eccentric i John Price, who bad a habit of sucking his -teeth, and wiiggling- on3 hia. seat, when the preachiog did not ait him. I got in the habit of preachiog to tad left side of the hause to avoid the sight of brother Price, who sit on the right of the pulpit.,. I will mention an in stance of the eccentricity of this man. Growing a little tired of fried chick en every morning for breakfast, he said to his wife, "if you don't give me something, else to eat I shall turn to a chicken." The next morn ingj the everlasting chicken was on the table as usnal. As a substitute for grace be flapped his arms in im itation of the rooster .and crowed. The next morning he bad Something else for breakfast f BroC Price was a class-leader. There was . a sister in his class who bad : a . long time wor ried him with the 'same old story about her lack'Of ;ieligiony He; de termined to put a stop to this Sterol typed story.abouthet lake war mn ess and doubt. ; So he said to her the next time, my sister; I am tired of hearing this; doleful story, T will give you the same, advice.aman gave me the other day. Seeing ; the sign uSalP over my store be cam in and inquired the price of ialf.I told him I had quit the, salt business and di4 not keep the article. Said le,."take down your.sigtttaenJi;:,"aiy siter, my advice to you is this, it yoa are destitute of religion and don't intend to keep the -.arjticle. take down your, sign. ;Don't come to . this meeting any, more a with that old - story If you don'c bave 1 any ; better account to give o(your ;s6nl net meeting 1 hope youwili stay? away1,3S j There was another man-connected with that fashionable churcbwbose; looks and manner towards me im pressed me ''with tbe .idea tbai be (Moseby) , looked J upon jme as the greatest .impositiQnithat bad ever been forced upon any respectable chureh, as a preacher. - The sight of tni8 man on the streets was a torment to me. His very looks set my nerves to quivering. It was one of the sur prises of my lite,- when he came to be one day and said', Brother,: Jones, I am afraid you V are .not aa comfort ably situated at your boarding place as you ought to bei I want yon to come and make my hbnse your home as long as you remain in vNashvule free ot cbarge to you' or the church. I found in that man an ardent friend, and in his family one of the sweet est bomes lover, met oa earth.? My morbid fancy had painted a false hood, and a' slander upon Mosebv'a face jrhichJjgas. glad enough to re move. It is not 'safe at all times to throw the reins loose upon the neck of fancy and bid; it run lawless and, Willi i.i. ifitKis ' Jiia."!sa.. y ii,'i WhHe' in ;iasbvillk;irmade the acquaintance of a most remarkable man,John-ltewlandiJMoftttt.0'lle was the greatest evangelist that ever flourished in "," the. Soath;west:and bad bis, bomer in Nashville. is AN thoughr the san; iof his glory bad passed its meridian stil) 1 his fame, as a pnlpit orator, attracted to. him a large crowd whereyerhe preacned, in spite of ther3amagingcriticlams of hi rtAfamoro uiTa Baa' th nnat theatrical,; wild and bombastic de-t ciamer,a ,ever,iisteaea.ta Me was exquisitely sensitive sand fastidious aoous his dress. The smallest specK of lint ipf jdust oil bis garments upset bis nerveV'tner!rathed..;and ad- justed . bis hair in most ifantastical style, .and nsnallv rode to tharcb bareheaded' to prevent hb gay bairs puna irom Demg smashed. While he had many; admirers, and multi- into the waterT bead, foremost; So I bad to pitch in," not .knowing .'bow I! Qod, and the' native "spripgs of my own soul, (xod came . to my heiDkr, j.n five minutes my embarjassment Vas all gone, and I went throng the re mainder of the sermon on. a high tide: of bursting ballalayahs. I felt strong aa a giant refreshed" with new. wine,: ana my boui. gioweu sanaf wjwereu; above all fear of man. . That sermon ; made'John Price my fast friend.. He; met me In the . aisle, and gave me a text forthe next' Sunday: JAlIivlngt dog is "f better . than a dead t. lion. "Why do jou, give . me . such" .an give .will not preach pis.-. - J Fot the Eeoorder. j ARE 'WO MEN "ALLOTTED Oil FORBID DEN TO rilEACH, ' "Let your women keep; silence in' the churches i for it is not permitted .onto them to speak, , it Is ,a shame for women to speak in the ph urch. The things that I; write nnto yoa are, the commandmepts of the Lord." TOor.?14 r3V33 anci37i;r j kThe 6Wwhichsem8T to ' beonei w'FOmfi lapreacbirabas ablute4 iy nothing to do; with this question . It is to be settled by the ITew Testa ment, and by that alone. "God has recognized' these" pomelo preachers? can't we do so,- is a question f put only. by the fanauc, and those caught by Jt are weak,, pqtoripusly tbad ; women, ,"suQceedn a a8.sJpreachers,Jas well as those not .known to be! thus. There & now, in thisStata Vdistin-; guisbed Quaker Woman " preacher," ah excluded . Baptist, recognized byi ministers of the gospel as an VEyan gelist,''and who' has been for some time holding In some of the Meth- would give to women the divine righ to preach -publicly in! the ebnrches; wonld rmake t.the ,'Newr.TeetamenC useless as a guide in faith and prac-j tice. ' ' ' t',':i't j 4. .Women. are commandedrby the, Lord not to speak in" the churches If women love the Lotd "theyjwin therefore,":! keep this' , cbrrimaudi-j-! "He that bath my commandments, and keepeth them; belt is that lovethj me.w "If ye love ae,;keep myebmi mandmehts?' 5 "If " a man0 love 'l nifl be will keepthy weTds-e are ofy friends if-ye do .whatspever -I.jcom4 .majyon This v is 110. f Does1 Jesas , mea -;it P.I. Jesus .dida'fi khbw.hdV to put it, wbooes know I 5. 'Jf ; women ,ili;'ot .jkeplthis pl4m cmmauCbf ; theLot ( lnl( try! to explainlt away aha then te in; direct bbnfiict with iftneh Whatt j :' We'are nbf to udgeby what tfieyi ieem lo be tibr"' by1 ; thb rgobaf they! ei)todo'butby? TMU Wordi1 liet' Jesris55 speakrHe !that efovetb ftie riot keepeth-Tiomy 1 Bayibgs Etliet John, so full of love and tenderness inis old age, after sojmanyppportu-j cities to. know , had, been, )ai8r speak ; "Ue, that isaith I ow Mt liar.'andthe truth WpOCli Miri odiSt churches "wonderful revival" meetings. . She teemt'lto; be ' doing - TJdt nere fS a wbjnarf tipob wbos' gTeat feoxjdi iThe5 people flopk her and, weep, weep; weep, whenA geeni to rest abundahfly.f She ars ib preaches. ; Jt !s,rthe gloiious, lioly our place, recognized by rtinisttrS tna nleasnre1 la d6:"rOaOr7'Wvcne Depot Agents Mr.' Keith and family and Oapt. Spear and family, have on? thanks for Jieay co-opfiratipn ip thi r , . ' . Hoffman. K t v We visited and addressed thepeo pie' of thisouiet little borough id Elchmond county, and nesrly enough signedlo form ajLodgeJ cWeLthinK they will become strong enough to fbfmo'ne soon." Near this point thev have a "Baptist "church- and a good BAnday gfrWiX nf glltlS bfajib want-preaching. .The brethren are .pooTi but theywill.do what they can We hav.e,, wrjtteptiBrpt G waltpey! about them, and hope something caq 1e done for tbem In the sdmmef.' At Keysef,' Eetl-WiGrKtng,' of Osgood j preaches for them occasionally. - We wish be conld see Bee his' way clearj to give them 'an ' occasional i Sermba at Hoffman. We think they. would oom become seU-snstaining.A , ... iJnti Jnhn'a Tdnt sdi xatl m Here, not far1 from therottth arbi Una linej we were called tiporf to ad4 dress the people at a oombined taeet-l lug of this and Aberdeen Lodge-H the first now numbering 44 and the latter as members. ;Tpe:pabli?. too odd from," it unless ion "answer' this question, said . L. He said,."! will give, . you one . iaeav . A jpoor . ser mon, with . the. Holy lihpstand fire in it, is better than the finest sermon lhat was ever preached with no re ligion in it". The next day I had the courage to .yisit . Bro, ; Price at his place of business.' , He said to me, if there was a cellar at my boarding boose, and I would go down into that cellar every aay to pray, ne wouia give me a coffee sack to kneel npon, and he thought in that way I would soon get Are enough to set the city of Kashville in a blaze. . There was no cellar at Bro. Moseby'&and I did not carry the coffee sack home with me. So the city was not set on fire that time. It was here I first became acquainted with Rev. Ii. B. C How ell. A maionty of the members of the Baptist church in' that ctty had embraced the teachings of Alexan der Campbell, and held possession of the house or worship.' ftTbe 'minority who held to the old Baptist doctrines withdrew, rented the Masonic Lodge as a place ot worship, and called Bev. B. B. U. Howell, of Norfolk, to be their pastor. He at once took high rank among the other ministers ot the gospel of the city. Rev.- Mr. Fisher, of Kentucky , a noted evan gelist, held a meeting during this year for Div Howell. 'Fisher was the ape of Mount, in the fastidiousness of bis dress, fantastical style of wear ing his ban?, in his ' theatrical airs, and in his captandnm manoeuverings with the passions of his audience startling and,starrngwhi8pering and bellowing, shouting and crying; and all that sort of thing.-. Bat he fell far below Moffitt in intellect In cul ture and in oratorical power. -Here-minded some people of the donkey which attemped to wear a lion's skin; which was always too short at i one-end orthe other. I have seen men attempt ; the same- ludicrous thing since the days of Moffitt and Fisher? isp5di at eigta ftao 1C was " predicted at the -com mencement of the year that the city 2of t Nashville had t toomncb brick and mortar, : and ' eo forth,' for" a raw 'eonntry youth to carry, and that 'll wonld: ba i crushed : beneath the' too. heavy responsibility. But by the help of the Lord -l survived As the result ot two- year's labor one on tbeclrcuir and? the" other in the cityv? ,witb, their '-varied 'lessons, 2 went npJtofThd" next', conference at Columbia, a wiser and a better mani Bishop Morris, presided for: thd first tim&s My probationebeing5 ended 1 was voted into full connection and ordained - to the office of deacon.' ThiSJ swas xaj- firtt: wdinaUon; If laying on ot bands conld confer mia- isterial authority and power, ! ought to bet a preacher, having been. or- dained three timesv ': It ought to en title me to oe: -a oisbop.'- The new bishop 'Announced his 'purpose to send the yonog .men whoi bad been tationed in town, out on the xougn circuits, and to put the men who bad been toilingvamongv the mountain, and in i rough ? fields, 4 In the tottnst' He believed in a literal tnterpreta tion of the word gcr in the commis- aioa round and roand one handred and fifty miles every month among the mountains, the cedar glades. And the blackjack .. barrens ot Bedford circuit, not a mere helper as before. out me preacnerju jcaarge ine jhu- tor Oh twenty four churcnes :, and pleasure than when i preacnea to a.'different congregation .every. tone, the multitude is . there, there is joy; and ''weeping," and of course a great "meeting a - revival;4 Tery many profess religion good1 people, too men j old men; and. many "pro fess to Tie revived greatly revived. These are facts, and all the proof can be given at any time; What tot be success isn't so every time. The troth is, when women go xut as preachers they are either vgood wo men or bad women. If they are bad women then bo one will say they ought to preach ; and, if good women, their claim to the ministry must be recognized by the New Testament or it cannot be recognized b by us. To the plain word, therefore, let' us go. I. Presumptive Proof Against It 1. Example. Jesus was a man. The Apostles were all . men... The seventy were men. . When one was to be chosen in ,the place of Judas he must be a man,: . All the writers of the New. Testament were men. The "great commission (command) was given to men.., :, ? , 2. Qualifications. Only, one class of preachers recognized in the New Testament Bishops or Pastors. "It a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. "A bish op must be the husband of one wife." Not the wife of one husband. The qualifications of the wives ef bishops and deacons are given ; but absolutely: no qualifications for wo men as preachers are givenf u t Ii. The DlTineProhibitloiu 1. "Let your women keep silence in the churches.? They cannot do this and preach. ' ". - i "It is not permitted unto them to speak." Then they must; not speak. vu .-5 .-Ani 3. "It ii a Shame for a- woman to speak in' the hurch.r? Then they must not bring that shame-open themselves by speaking in the church. 4, "The things that- 1-write unto yotr are the-twrnaiunciments-' ot the Ijord." The command men tsd the Lord mean something,' and "are not to be broken, hs Simam ai isd?'? btl the gospel," preaching to great coh jnreatlons,in4nyj toodfteoplef "fcnjoy the'tneetlngs and many others' have professed faith' inJes as. Very well.. Granted. Butvt wish to know what; to do. . The best yoa can, do Is to be governed by the "old Book" ;1 and: that too,, regardless, of what seems w utj m au tu&b,.is aseuu uun stitti The BooJc T . '""," V V." ... i " But though we, or an angel from I beaten, preach any other gospel unto j you than, that which we have preach-' ed unto yon, let him be accursed."-- " If there come any nnto you, and j bring not this doctrine; receive him not unto your bouse, neither bid him Ood speed : for he that biddetu him God speed is partaker 1 of his - evil deeds." 2 John 10 ill. O. DUBHAM. : j . . .... .. 1 'too 9(f; oiusu 3d uu.-'jntv I iO-TS-iwW'- r vfc The Organ of the. North "Carolina Baptists Devoted, to Bible f Religion,; EcJucation, JLiterattii-e,: Agnculture. and iQeneral Jntelligence.: x 130 ,ich iIjT Ul JSTUMBEB, 43 . , ineflklnd'1 EnplJnh lively encouragement to every effort; arid thed by egreea. teach- them to f peak- .correct ly, r. Wieprecepta are ot grsat yalue. i but .children, are itoltators!by datJreVW they'wlll d aS ibey'see 'ot hers do: "and not ' as fotberw te then toftoV 1 1 r:t.-A lady, f prond of : heri promising son showed hi m; to ,,a visitor. rOXM Wx'nlsap're'.andy aftet a time,"return(d having bis fancy dress covered wHbEdusL &Hia7lBOtbetto make. joke ofhis ; condition), f aidj f'JSon, have you been, wallowing with' ooy, "i wauea ; im . ine mnies wen 4om ab3 wanoweU:byiyielf.lfl merely imitated jrhat be saw If yOi wish a, boy -to . walk. and talk pxop4 was invited.,and the ball was packed.! TIT. ..IJ"L . 1. 1 -ti . 1 refreshing to see the spirit and, de-j termination of this bobie order fni putting ' down 7iQtemierance. -The; grog sellers Occupation IS. ueatry gone in this whole section:1 . . . .. . ' - ... ' r .r i- . ' ABOUT CHILDBEN 1 A lri 'Vim r,..r..' i. .;.: . . t. . t. ; i ........ ? ' ? . . . . .. .. III.-TheETlLi that Folldw when Allowed fJU. It sets the New Testament aside as a standard of appeal, .and ;;sult atitntes ,,f the .impressions of.i-.the mJui Teaches ? a religion of feeling, not principle j a gospel of sound not sense ; and a ealvatiocr throagh ,th rejectioii'i of God's Wfrdnot , by Obedience to At jji- ijfie kbhah tA'&UI 3 PutSiWomen out of their sphere and . thus detracts from, their saneti- ty, iDfluence, and the respect showa them... .! fc!!itO! h?riSaw'-rti-:'- r'i1 hM It goes band in hand with all the latter, day .movements women lawyers, doctors, women's rights &c. tfstringertae Qqtakeridea be Due, that among all the members of the Lutheran Church, th6 EpiscOV n 8 " pal CtiurchthMethodistChurcH SjffSEi e&rtoth lithU wftanrfhhrAhiA I his life how glor 6f ,theiv6rldJ and -alt, the 'Baptist Churches ' of the world,-the Bpmt nioveS none of 'the women td preach. "110W IS w that; it' JS 'only ? among that little ' sect-Quakers-whri so petvert the office ' andWbrkot the Spirif 'who teach likt -'the Bible Is not the ' Word of God." (see' Encveto. vedta of Eeliaioui Knowledae. W Jl Newton Woven and OebjTiTyXer.pnb' 994), Whcrput under fobtas ariunhOiy thing Baptism ana the liora's" up Per. and who encourage theit Women to preach, that the pirs of uoa can find, suitable iHromen to v preach! WAYSIDE JOTTINGS. From onr Travelling Correspondent Dear Recorder : While it is true that Spring some times produces a masterly poem, yet more frequently it overflows the waste basket with insipid ditties, and unfledged thought. April, too, though - she may " walk a Qaeen" amidst floral grandeur and spangled earth, yet her moods are fickle. .Now, i her fair face is wreathed in smiles of ecstatic ioy auon j it is clouded in ; gloom tears : gushing r forth - and ' trembling from her long eyelashes- living, for all the world Iike"Patience uu,.a luuuumeuvjj, Diuumj au. jiivi or as she delighted, in her uncertain ! reign ot su jsnine, ice, ana storm, xo ; let r:,i A':l : a-!.': r.; I -"Green and yellow melancholy Like worm i'the bnd, ' js:.. : Feed on her dftma8k.cheek,r ? while allber subjects now elated4n ! the. warmth , and tenderness ot Aer ! smiles, naw,.cast.down in the. ice and ritrnv of. hftr. frowns become Rome- ? tnvng use jjuuwu.w,,. jpiaiure mwr iK.ye t-partoofcIthe,orbiiddjBn But May comes with no uncertain sound, wreathed in jgarlands, smiles and jloe hersldedt with Isparkling taoeka,:and wdlanHlm&j8treIsy-!- her reign i$ one of joy "and peace and air? your visits to the people Steady; sure; impbvlng; jbyfnl.tT Wchinmi bef,' like thea glad " messen gef ' tfiat bringeth go6d tidihgS?? So1 rnahy rills nvniets, "ana" strong "currents flowing in contftmally to the1' broad,1 pure river,4 ttarfnggiaia iBevorKefs in theineyardtbecitjf o6 out God, and of all who love bis 'appearing m What a deathless (sermoao is pre sented in the llfeandjdealh) .of: that mighty man okGodr&tOipgate, purer 3 ao.Wi mm yt 6".f-"--rr .v I Vr ' I A-tnong every people wnere tne gos day m each uionth except, Monday reacbednd Binhers' believe t-The following conversation is saidV to have passed, not long since, at the hotel in Chapel Hill, between one of tbaTJniversitr Professors and "a small toVi f'"3. !UoV, mv mother is a preacner." " i Prof. "Yourmother a preacher V Boy. "Yes, she t a preacner."-H Pro. " Where does she preach 1" .Boy,1 She is Dreaching ,ia , .the Methodist church,'! - nt a-i f iFrof. ?4Well, what does your, father Boy. "He 'tends to me and. sister. Lesson s woman's rights. Luxe. the Spirit finds inen to preach. ' How .art' owATInt firr-thooa h Intra ft ' 2. From the date " of the text d IK 5G or 57), to the close 'of Yhe Oanoti of Scripture we have nothing of any woman, Jezebel excepted; (see Bev; 2 i 18-24) who claims to 1 be even a prophetess. ' So for forty 'years the Divine ' prohibition given through Paul seems to have freed the churches front this idea and stopped all the woinen: good and bad.'from attempt- Inito preach.1" It shOuldJbaremeirii bered, however, that in' those days there were cb Quakers or Methodists, and the People believed "the : Lord meant what be said. 1 ,:i ,i,JJ 3. To adopt such a rule of exegesis as What feast is enioved in "Mr. Moody and hiSwOrk inj eBaltimore." What but ' thetspmf bf ail ' Grace could give to mortal man each entire consecration power, and perfectjoy in bis work f a mt-amx 9t wiDo not the reader1 find a sweet es sence, and genniae flower i of ' beauty and truth m the article on k am the truet lyine,' John 1S i lr5..).Who does not deUghtto;readaUtthe artit clea: of the vold man, of, immortal youth the portrayer of, the V Juniper Tree"and the spnghtly "Beminiscenr ce8rK,How ully his p'oetio S9ul en-- joysano;is,the.8ent4ment 5 --.i. w;.A3 ift loome sweetly Eina.V -:;: . l iBut the, weeklyteast is neb, abun dant and .pureT-wpuld that all would lrKejser4-ore4fJoutyj.-: n x our Traveller oemg called noon to address this goodlr people (among whom there had: Deen..too: great a flow of spirits of: the baser sort, 3 or A grog shops marring. Its air face) . did.so,.and gave. them solid talk upon -the ( evjls .of intemperance, A 2.nereupou enpugnsiguea ine pieage "to form a Lodge, but being stronelr Solicited we "consented to give them: anoiuer lecture ou toe iuonaay mgns following, and form their Lodge, and this, at the time appointed, we had Having -suggested, 's (Iv)-That a long chain of wiseand virtuous ancestors leads to many im portant benefltsi and 1 incidental ad-t VkntaceSr m,tetvil i " (2.) That' each! link bbght'to pre- serve its purity and brightness-by j moderation, regularity and perform-) anceof 'dutyj'a ' : j (3.) That even bad blood may be greatly improved by a temperate and virtuous life let us now . proceed to : Walking and Talking ' j Children should begin j to. walk , when nine months old." If they fail ; to do so, the cause of the failure should be ascertained aud removed. If tbeoursing mother is seriously dis eased, the child should feed on the milk of a goat i If the mother en feebles herself with daintiesv instead of simple and substantial food ; if she poisons herself ; with: alcohol or .tobacco, and so transmits disease to her child, the should change her diet and. save her offspring. The mother who eats no hominy, no mush, no : corn bread, and dips snuff three times ; a dayx will seldom find be5 infant able to walk under two years Of age. nt if a healthy mother will 6atiini: pre food, 'including corn bread; or pop-corn, take reasonanie exercise, and never allow herself to be; angry or excited, bee child . will . gain strength eveu while cutting ' teeth, and will soon be able to walkj The child also should avoid fat producing Sugar,, candy' and chewing; um. Hominy .mush, (pop-corn, if Vsoft) and the juices of .meats willjiiqpart for a child, .If used, it rsbould 'be polled., The milk of the gpaps Jbe .best jii I'Jtbe world, j When ypu "see a pale, puny child,' sitting on the poor, with two fingers in its mouth, and fretting at every?efforts made -for its comfort, the safe aAd'simple remedy iS the fresh -'milk' of? a? goat: f Bat children heed otherhelps id learning to walk; The vjcgle-hoard iittooroi monrtn Wew.HaiOver,Peiirier,Biadea and Camberland tit is '.'plankitwa inches thickf ones foot: iwide, awfclQ feet Jong, supported (bat not fastens ed)iat bnthecd, Qu thiajiibeebvUtr dreu catr;rid(ii,a,nd bepce tfee fpeqple. in,the Jast, w?mppj?i J!pL on a joggle board," while, those. ia the., West . say, ,Happy as . an old woman at a canip thwetln , ' r , The babcart IS Wonderfalf beTri fnitfarnfn'g xV walkj WW &veeimi with a bow "IrttnefadrlisofaV' brb. The cbnd reBtS iti hfmJbn' tbbow and ; its- feet! :0n ' the - floor, ahd:io motes arbtaStfrn WHUtUf The rex i cTSeis ex(nerffridcfa1rirfgl lS?lmU pdsible'1 A cradle ettspended -'ifocr the-- ceillogtandnbved try6tt corrr held by the child, will give strength to the arms but the cradle off rdct ersai ter the cnild learns to roee tueir, strengthens the ..whole body. Such & cradle is however exceWingtyo'tiire , some', to " brothers' ' and,'Jsisters.'lA prominent' manf ;ln fcBaietgh'"reXuseSj even iiowto, bay ';cradle;,foy'liiy darlibg ri1 boy ' because f!1 biS ' TojoEher: made him rock the-cradle nrttryears ago. The 'greatest ''dra wback ? "btr will Teadily iiiterprec. A nurse; who does BOrtJ. promptly learn1 these signs;: shonld3 be 'discharged. -4tTh flrst words; ottered ; II I'. baStbabyi shouldbe aowed.to do tho pt they c4n' lb srflkiniir1 English GveJa walking IS " the J baby-carriage; SUr uocortfotionthbut1 bfforf.' tlyin Blessed fr-tbV'bdyliosencilW too 'poori'tc bdy him t a carriage.' Yet evete a baby lcariagtfhosedfIf, moderation, before the child ishine months ldiandoecasionally.fafter .waroBi joay.not.flo.-the chudiiany harm wjUcerUinlyi5reiieye.thft jaaother.6, 't&rJei l$-&Ssmt'u t . For the first six , months jof its ex istence, the child, is; like a traveller in a foreign cpun try but when toothy cutting a commences,, ine .language, beatd begins to be nnderstood. Then be' careful nof to allow' a 1 child r to tb witness deceit 0? any1 klndrTeactf J VUl UUUODUV1U wV VOUUjfUt M UfyUi ut and affectionate in the "preaenca Of! feaildrehrTbey' understand har they -hear six months befote.thejr can talk. Uunng thisT time L they make signs which an observant nurse TJl 1L . T J I to 9d rfeASCES'-ASIE.r .j. ! h 'The Atlanta treg'edyv in whioli mostestirsable and-excellest eitized fell a victim to the savaorervif.hni r-man malice and an iqfamons code luai or iu uueiio remrnas as mat the Sonth'is not yet perfectly teconM strncted socially; ny more than it is.jlitlyr.. fladj a thorough re4 peal tbf thePistbi'tft leases of bharrel! ' is honorable already prevailed in the! hoDUtb, ALtiaotaiWOuldnot be ubnrn ing ihe mardec of , CoI. R. tA. Alston.! 4oy a man or iar-ess, worths who ao curuiug.iu uuHanesumate oi ngnt ehoold have 1een the 'one to fall in thd fierce and frantic "eontestfwhich he precipitated, t It is to be-hoiied .that thi-Jamentable -tragedy . will 'serve to deepen the. publie, horror of iu uucuu, uuu urauu wilu luiamy . Any -who wilf still resort to it for: avenging wrongs or, asiuthestd in-; stance referred to, of wreaking Bpite." ' ... I clip the above from the Standard, Chicago, of March 20th, 1879. The writer assumes that the South is un reconstructed ! politically ' and isocially.t Row what precise idea the -writer or the editor , ot the Standard may attach to the word .reconstruct" : appears difficult to ascertain'. & If the people of the r3bdth assert their right of self-government, and in the exercise,. of this right elect their most worthy citizens and states men as their public servants either State or Federal, they are tn-reconstructed, aodmtistbefeconstracted. If some misguided negroes, under the iDllaence of spme Northern fana tic, create a rio'tAhd the true South ern patrjots rjse. and quell ,the dis turbanceVevenf ft "does post a. little 'of the'blob bf the rioters, mrecoiii jtirutte& is preached from every town And hamlet in ; the North and West Should the Trustees and faculty of some college in the sou tu adopt a text book written by a Southerner. they need, to be - reconstructed,- and as in the case of Col, Alston should some desperate character, in theeold blood(take pa life of a fellow-being, the" whole people, .hot; only of At-' las' ta, but Georgia the whole Souths are murderere, Oalbariansv bdt recbn stmctediit ffPolHicalJtianarchists; ,m'lP9'aUy"gavs.gfs. ,-5 iitj t hat But "an excellent citizen fell a Victim to' the'savabery ' of human' malice and an1 dfamons!eode-thht ot th dueUo.Mj ioW where in alt the fatal jtragsaption, was t heir, auy thing like the "duello W -The introdaction of the 'ides, by the writer; bjl'the above, proves either fiisonijtee'bf' bis flume 113 1 Aioaice his cholee. v tMPt 4?? fmpli.cat,ioa .U thatr. the: people 0Ltt ontnreihamtnaiJdn ellstS. 'This ;tbo;,Ii .falser arid.be-'- tictedaofniurder? as'be thei cold-5 blooMtdiJandererrrof.,awbolepeo CSid Stsn ailJ 'if. At coi34rislfllmfcfi eid Tbe Standard is usually, very con-- stiVeih0itsKtobfe anatierances 5a fencebB'd awbRe lt nidfet prove Its' tdeatity, itbei.vbyiwme7edtoriaL' thrust. or? by-tSiving;, place to.spme tv uuiu ik uvi uo vt en u ritftipKdri'hWlobk'a UeP Ui. inf -i etifim mlsSvms ot&cst -n What oXNew j yrfewitjhoitf Fwk Has, it been reconstructed f 4rC -""A1 woman, hamed Oanibbell. kill-' edi her 'hn$band ' while , at ' family J prayers, Jnewburry port, Alas&j $btti&i tiorrbrg W wte all tbe South has bocB a eiiie beeri re-' corded .and; doetiiioe this .case cry; alopd 4or the 'ecpnatr qctiqn pf bft. wboie. add feWbat, makei tba.North' reponi' blektokiUAPg) pn,in4liidjiarl just as much Cbatity in the one case t aS the other." '.And Chicago, with its enueas Sabbatkf breaking,- lawless? aess and murders, isito not a casein; i ISK.B . me louowiDg , irom ine Z.i'J -. . u; giye for not parading this &s a special case 'calfin er ror recbristrnction r I Special Notices chBrgedSO wntt S liae-.O . I -JoliSrie T-rordt long, r tnaertca ucf ui wwrge. ' w sea mey exceea Vnt lesgts on cent Tor eaeVword mnif be paid In d calfihe Batwould it tot 'be well rto look into Bostabr and see if any disooTCfiei i canmada I , ell here is a speci 4P?sn. , ,( . Tf "A DAILY pape? notices' th ' fac i that a Ship sailed-from' B6ston, thi i olher s dey; bound - for .the Africii eoast, wipi:eight;,bnTdred thonsanc ,gallonaof !rnnison board, andbjpii H JSight hundred Hhousand gaUoni ' UTrstandons MissmxAJtY Astrangi , mixture; aud this too from tbewpuk be centre ot civilization. Is-, this what our brethrenTipbrth 'calLre4 TibtistrricUou'Wenknk4 Oodx we "send the 'African mlgsionarles with out Turn, ; and;if . such is. in prt .0 jWbrfe jt hjsmjBaningpf recpnstrnpUop thanks to the AH wise and crracious iTatherthaeweireun-yeooiistractedi What 's fcity that 'the dwellers id the, highlands 01 the JJorth have not the superasipn of, all; things in tbe whpJeqathjtBthipgs aromas they are.and I suppose that Northern; meddlers will hot be be able to mend fHe matter -w jjjumbm.s I 'iC ?LAssoeIatlmial:Jttersi. i! .Many of the churches think it com mendable to send a' creat many'cbu4 gratulafibh's; salutations and Christ-; tian ; greetings'? to thb Association; also naming;' the place, and time of said A8sociation ,rr r,4. j J' ATI such preliminaries are, worse, than bSeless. ; I tiever ; saw 'b letter, that was tw ih&rt sent to f an Asso ciation'. 6 Write the ' name -df. Ihe ,migo t y ,iN ortn. cities,, towns country I . oltficdZrw ocwuand 1 chwakbbw Titfi'SFMsr Prisii iT.--n4iaaajii,.Noveraber:'!2 -Jndge Burosy f 4 thenSuperw. Court,1 ;this morning, finea,WarreEL Tate ten thousand dollars ' 'for cqa-' tempt of Court, itf thooting -Wflliam Love, who, bt the tirdefof ihe killlas',? was, a witness in that Cert. and had; not coacluded his.testimonyTates counsel tookan appeaL" ' Now what excuse can the Standard cbnrohY-Jtbe, name delegates the statistics, , the - name 'of pastor, the Clerk, and postoffice and po more. If r you nave any ningeise to sayj wnte it on an other ' paper, ; so it may be resd at the proper time, if read atall. The reader, not readers, of these let ters should hold" up the bead,' raise the voice, read dearly; distinctly and quickly,' only noticing! that which AouW be read. At the rates of seventy letters should .be read in an hour, so that the -Association may organize and get to"Work.' :'f .j-4"; Then read tbe letters qoick to-day, - e Ajid read them quick to-morrow, : i s f ' j Mncn time tboa spent is throlrn sway j -'. Time roiBpent brinB ill and Borrow. , , ' fTH AT OUR MISSIONARIES ABE 90- . i aiti f nBro.' Henry Sheet?, in his second quarter's report, tells ns that he "preached 33 sermons in 0 weeks, sup plied 2 churches and 10 outstatioug, attended 6 prayer-meetings and vis ited 70 families. xfie saysV 'My work isprogresiing'RS 'finely as' I rnighf fxtyxXJl t hbtw1, totw able; to report more in tny third report whibb will be made about the last of Junei lwilf begin a Series Of 'meeting's lBt of May at ! Jamestown Factory, where we hope to report good results." , Bfo. W. B. Knight, who. labors at Jamesville. Plymouth. Cedar Branch and Mt.'7Pleasant Writes March 3lst: "We" are trying to get lumber to build a new cburcBIT Cedar Branch, near JamesileVtf 3bink there will be one or more to baptize there next SbatsbaitLaye.tbreei ftulta- mwm to xmmh, - .h th$ vtbe pfospects are ; enconragin gf or, aq in gtUeringpthiyear Thei;peopie generalbij are- anxious., fpt, BaptisJ prjeah.ing,',.Apra$. he saysurther tkt heyv 'are haying , . lutereajtBg meetings . at all my appointments, Wee betore,la8f8 .,xnanMtver sti5ty sinner, r Last ; Saturday and Saoday we hi large and ajtteuave.congreHj gationalmrkasanv Washington county.'' Sabbath Behoof Wprgat0R ,7.riif8 "5 j APJ&74 am vers.wr pleased., with my home, in iue.we an4am'"Jbppefttl .that, we future, of, course ,it Is Pmost too soon. 10 teiLmucu wui hou wui ve upne,' but the signsto goorbavvery Iirantoifsterdayjaad, tbmkwe, of.sqme twelve or4fitteen members, There "arejut hree or, lour Baptists; fn ihej tbwnut .several , near f who wmrbabl Joiuyhe fcl r Bro1. . IB. Bopne. ,.ia ,is report frouitotesvilW tells f W b?6 week labor ,perfc'rmed, witrig 12, sermons preached jtt the;fchurch and7t ong out station; attended 9 prayer meet fngs.aad yisited 20 famifies.,Three7 havetbew.adfl7 to - tnis hnrch, since his last reportr They have an, interesung little Sunday School, with mpreVthau ttepdanti?"3-t Safe tabury they can baVe.no SchobVbe cause they ihave nbchnrch-iOnse and the owner of the Hall in which they HrofBhipobjecta to BroTB., has preached Iberel and at onebnt station 113 Aennohsi Wlthin the?Six' weeks, baptized 4 persons, jisited 23 famitiesj'attended -4 prayer; meetings and raised $500 towards paying 'for their charch Iokt:ThIa ii very muth needed and : ii bope thi iayiis-not tiar distant? ewhen" .there48baUjbe8, nice, comfortoblehonseof .vfprship at this Important station. Theotherj dehOmlhatioas lare in fall blast' herey , - asd if werould havd tte x&k&b'sx& ca we- Taust tavej.'a ccsse. acji h Sunday School, JonN E. Bat, .j oecy. tf'a ailss. . Tlie:B!iblicalrEecorden Sfiob. Jlhcb;;. 2 Vdo.. . 4,rt-de- ..do.. do' lthns. $V'oo S 00 soo 4 00 orsml, 6,00 10.00 .16 00 lm. I'lfOO 8,00 ,10 00 ato 27.00 50' 00 8m. 6m. I 8 00 J5 00 ;20 00 26001 ST.OO 60 001 loo oo1 lis 00 25 00 85 00 :4soo .60 OO 100 00 175 00 12 m 125 00 40 00 to 00 60 00 XS 00 170 00 300 00 vane. r il mm HI4J ,1 scpi-p tyr'Sati 8, SBoar &&. Pd mutton. oummiaBionB on nana, oenajior tome.1 We turn nt receiTei 800 copies more of 8on$a of JQrstifaswttaiv'se jertl aew:soiujs.4tnlBb7v .prlos. This make ; 2800 oopies spl4 fa the Btite, and only attests its popniariri ' ' 7 ... Bra. G. W. Jones, of the Haleich Aasocla- I ' tion tells 'ns of a school wnich ' be organized wa ui nona wua lipase iurerL jast oppoBics tb city" of lUlelgh obH the fen Sanday in ApHli with 40 papils the first day5? "There is si prospect, of aTery large Inexeas in.: tbe ohool , i.witiit ; hope of accomplishing mnch ?$$&&y'i?Wwi' bid f7CnJ .oaiM-freesorO, ujH M ir J Al , J Byo, Wiapener says 'JTease send me one dosea "LltUe, j Leeder? oommisaions. jQof school is on '"the Jnewaand the little follai are nearly ip anxions lor eomm&sions, so that Wy can dometlg towBroina money for books; 1 ep, J. 'Ahnost say school an hate thS sande tm say. If they will try this plan , thorwcgnlji- end make strena WebrttwardS snooessj , oj :Peri7?gtaielKaia-jca'3i modi tro ) The Snpriniendent; f Ate Bondsy School at Perry's Chapiel teu&. us pf orgaohyng theu school on the first Snty ur withfohr tojoinu1 lie next Snndayi;eigbt:moreioia edb- thehext", teir morej'' sad- on, fas' fourth Sanday SS tttori 'Jotned, nuking 55 Bcbohvrs gained withia 4..weka.:. And here is pros Ieot of increasing ; the members.'t This ; Vs .what If'tsllng things by stom.M7 A6sodExainpls,:u'i 0 .rf. .;,ThIjongj Creek Sunday Sohool In Pender opnnty, ttongh yery f weak, sends na one'doi liar to asaist in establishing Sunday Schools la destitute sections.' Chey ' have ' teen; naing the Little Leader plan, for some time and say It is the best thing of the kind they ever saw. , Tney hare pieces read at their mission ary meetings selected from the Exooanxn which has engendered such an interest In the work -that.on the daysyo the Society' to meei,t'they have out t ooS mkny who do not attend toe school regnlariy. - And the result Is lhat tfieyare j about getting' np k crab for the Esoosnxm. 1 Nqw Jet all our schoola do Iik wise. , Buchsnam Sosday School,! - . k : ir . Bro.: P. D. Weavrer, writea -- ns from this little school of 85 members .and Says in re spouse to ,oail for aid : Enclosed please find fl.'0a'li 'We are Very poor, trot w want to throw in bnr mite." - If all the Sohday Schools and : churches' la the State would do a well ia proportion Ur thei? ability as has (his School, there, would soon be nq need of appeals for money by oar Sanday )Soh6ol and State Hinibn 'Boards,' and' there quld not be a neighborhood In tie whole State withoni a ehnroh and nVrorfsaing Sunday BchooL j ! Warsaw Bdsy&ho;; " BrolTW'BJBeDtbef school sayetJ M i4 proud jb ay thatmf 8andy,. School if doing, muchj betUr .now than, formerly, in numbers and ifx efficiency i Thoagb7ilmes ndiiireiuinglff pftrd,' Just now money hard to ralae We take nV col- iitadU'iiMildtaisiifist Bystt means leT ;beiiaT a Paptist -SUt ; Sunday yiiotycife e proper wsy to. guxTraJa, up jis 'chad' in the " wsy he should go,J and when he Wold he wuf not de-' part' from iLTrafeenf 'p to-V' idgiim s5jti Wa' Unless tialn them tap! the rlsddggeaaritiau to give fbf U3h wl nef er,b4n nny Utter oondt. tr,92f 0 teste LvLrinun ThsNelf eiool ed artii vsb tu 9 That; we spoke of - sonMwees ago supers intended jby'BNat yallen,'h'ear i3ge way,' yent vorkt .one and rafsed $30 to get tneM": rbutflti wbich7waVweedlBgly wiser AD1 tlwi. what Bro.'AiU,a i-i: "We bate aery:aieringfpmfo';of;!M fifurfahinff sohooi,d tbere. HlUfr:B8& l?" onlr manage so as to mace tbe interest out live Uie;nolty.tMsny, I tear; wfll wa oold when the horelty eoaoes", bat pray for is," that (Sod will "dlreor a; a3hrf;y'lad:ir; b4 hmifimXSkPf jwide field. fqr iwez oea andj my almost enure unntness for. .oeWpytngsno; ctdtiTatm'" t iixrink from thV "underlaliDg wilh painful wild-1 nodertaJuog witn pa tude.s (This hsaturaCmbrofiheriuf d' pi&d fn onwiaerthairwav 30 s.l :lt i Be there every ndsy2o1 Tnet awe a gaS wjayAingl3a wAlchm osn db'bettaf dedng - tWl than ya regular end pmnctuaj in attendance at Sunday 8ohooL. Sorbose, yoa' make jpp ypui minds t that yoa wUI hi there enry Sunday ,rand will' 1 bs'thee Ih biae.1 -To dbfiiis yoS saould! tbinkv hnSabaiaay that the wort . fa 1 Sun-, day. SSf you ought tce t&f1oflt.pm' you- feel too tired to more toe. next aay. See 'that 4touV brthes Wti? orderv If the OTdreai1b tbmnaTj?aended. STira that the feat 'end ldvei iad. ioe.aiw. - not b ragsed noiwfledJo to bed esrJy on4 Sstarday nigbi an'd 'xiae early enough 6a; Sunday inorning Hd'lbatae,i, ahd toessaal prayr' aiia eat'-breakbistl wlthiShg 'tt laisura. v Bnrrr Is tni he!pfil lo good fels" tags oa Ihiasbbs j-e 5iat tow ciocs is right and start pn timei taking care that you are not hindered, to hunt for a, bock, or lessoa, 1 M"w1Jcbv'ahouijlMte 'been found and Iaiil1proItrtorfclll;If & axohu wSiiwiiitthd-recitSthey w21 finj tJamsiisJi gratify elpd tovwdj I baring "a happy Sunday. School year.- Scholars Ompanton.