The Biblical Recorder . PUBLISHED EYEB7JEPJDA Y, ... i EDWARDS, BROUGHTON' A CO. 4 . n t vrnn w Office FayettaTille Strttt, Oppftast Mark - - - , Baaara. j ., -v, "' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ! ' ' " ' " - ' 1" " 1" ' 1 ii-ii. in 1 1 1 i ., 1. 1 u . .mi 1 1 ' ' ' T i TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION i One copy, one year,. 16 One copy, ail months,. 1 25 Clubs of fla,r. ".-.'.TTTr;W...;.10 50 dubs Of tets;U.i!..f.l...,wUVO SO Remittances mustbe sent by Begistered i 1 r fr ;f He' Orgfi ;f ! tKc NdrtK.Ckrblina Biptists, Devoted to Bible Religion Edu cation,; Li teratbre,; Agriculture and General Intelligence, ;J - j 7tUtl'JiJ 1 m'-tJ- f. I .1 i .. , .; , ,For the Recorder. KI'.XINISCEKCES OF M Y EAKLT L1FB IN TENNESSEE. US i: or i .... iw f !iHi.Hn.S "jC.t u-J tl f.t i" 7vJ -7 ft,;cJ i J '1 j Imma tte Model Saint-'lfriberi Axlt tM I net er?inpt t teMer icla3s?o?cii Zeus, , " tpepple i jmbrel fftn(edr'?i9ra uvea )d aou aroana QQtovaot Jaf were;,t b e, Man oej ,,wbo . emtgra ted from Manae'VKecl QV'.Tlier.e: Marrree, wh6 get tlegLnd named the i in bnsiness, .fervent in 8pirit,n thet closet hia daily resort, hia family a, Bethel, devotioa the breath of hiaj heart, reugtoB thei very atmosphere of hia soal. The presence; of . oxre! snch ,hearer ii the. per-ia a.perpet-: nal inspiration tq the, preacber.ft Ey-j ery 7day 'tliaCiboljr matt migH J)ie CQtidaa" person .'Soaeht oat his re- treatln th(i (prove,'and saw the bard groiina Vhere1 he had so'oiten knelf, ' and 'this emootlie ' barked saplltr to jsMca5 be had' ciaag-paa he - wrestled j with the angei for Messtags. ) 1& was there he ootuned supplies or; grace that sustained hhxi so- wooder-- Lfnlte thjjongh We&itUig. ' tnirn nr Krm-frPABiinrn n . nrt whn L m3D rho bad traTelled flaUe eitea- also settled andlnamed 'the town of gvea't the lasWpa. Qdrenzo ; Marfreesboro, Tennessee., The bean-: vV,f PPC7.dPm'- tiful . eonntry,, and.iertae, bnd9 of nlghj e was , a. jefeat nemj to PMth.r.rii Mtnnc i. attraotod tn "the weedw as well as. to., whiskey. the vicinicyXibt; htf,towiL, . class So ed Jhe . Wgh, pulpi j of wealthy; itttenigeui tarfnera from !- Insteadtif kateljhg in grayer as, .was thelafstsendei tnei iteiftahd took 4iisr seat fa the - altar.PressenUy he Arts and stride ,lI haTe travelled id nearly 'every State inr thioouiitry nd seen jalfc sorts of ! peepJey bat yon are the durtieat a&tl :haTfr. ftver mot with f,Xoar poJpitii so filthy with tebaoJnce ijo-nldtft a fia3L a placa tonMinJjray.n4'fcprea6bj psach a nasty piacn j'A'ere s :ieii low squirting between the- seats now. And jatt-wpmea- go aboni,wiU;ithy, the Knh oUidkf father Axley bad finisbed bva,ectre his serihob'. I have 4 eiilereapalprt8 iK5rthtairha,as!ewen't as dtizens pnbtowdatfcQa DOieq iur,ueic .utru laiteiugeiioe, moraUtyanil religion. uTherjrespj. tenaaa . and the , Methodists 2 were aUkefjSfdn'g, ai(bt inaenial -B$i)!j the Baptists ,,were,i few, an ,tjampsr, and 4o wlldowr 'lpab)i elima, tioi. ;!natsoorrccing535 sician of lhe,wn,,preaJie4. jhe pld hardsheI!s4oriBe'-,a .ewpfjf despct'larep-wirto It .wasip 'that.hoae lbeaxd be noted, , JUiwrenco.Ltreatraie.i u:qpt bouud-tbeology, rin its quintessence. He offered the gospel onlytt9jjthe elect, said, that itwoald . be a'sin to preach it to the rest of mankind. He f'i ) ', -'jriW- I i'iJ s . uecanea to pray in a baptist lamuy of the opposite faUhTnpoo the ground that they bad denied the true faith that Christ never cited for them,; and that it! would be a sin to. pray for" them. ( In one Of bisrharangues, he j talked of other chrUtiariaTaijd their labors somewhat - in this' language.: "As for temperairee" societies, .mla- iouafv orsranizattbos and Bible so- ciet ies I tu t nit ; foot ' on the' heck ot t hose infamous ! impostors wherever, 1 fiod themAa tcl the;TreerIl Baptists,'beaidVso& the devil became a Free-will Baptist: Murw luac iiiuc lut-jr uau uiuiupjiBU, as fast as jouiig; rabbit Asfto5 the! Presb VtVi iaus. h would as sddn' ex pect to find the Leviathan of 'the sea io a mud" puddle' as to find a plods' man in the: Presbyterian "ministry The Methodists reminded him of the tortoise that would not move until ton put fire on his back. Then he would poke but bis head and toddle.. tJU . IUCBC iuciuuuiou. picaoucio luat ... : ' i A m ' : ! A i lit ; " : ? go inrooea lae woriu wnu suamaa' i'rjgiti'alltf filed' With the JuicW of the mifMmf EoW& minfttef Caa rteachi the pore gospet 'WftH a! stinkin? BDittooti his feef Is sotne- taWbile in harge of the hnrcb in 1 thetown if Murfireesboro, I received a young tnanr into the church by the name of A. Clemons ? I lost sight of that man until 18C8, -while attends iog. the - Southern JBapUst -tanyen-i tion in Baltimore. I was introduced to the sanies man. i a Rev. A. . . Qlemony, delegate, to the Convention from Texas. ,1, ' 1 eel. lite wnang. Qp posite his same, "e plurxbiis umm". Yon find - these ; f ecruits vf rom the; Pedo-baptist ranks all over, the land. Some years ago a motion was adopt, ed in the Baptist Conyentidn of West Tennessee, that every member of the body who had once been a member of a Pedo-baptist church should give a dollar to the object of the Conven tion : and a very handsome sum was raised. And so they are still com: iog, every year and every month. r ! The next Uonference was held in roo,. ,P?!i firAiinfirW rbama.wFinnfara B. Pitts, who pre- r u iA rrtn wa rphkn I sided over the Conference,1 in 1 the would craw!, and jpmpand scream.' ladies.' bwareu,of theni.rt,;They'Vare nothing but matrimonial $tfcuVii6f i. They are too lazy to woric, tooproua to ibev ' are onlv travelling rpnnd the world in the hope of find ing some rich nran8daughter whom they can fcdmbag and inarryyi warn yon against them7lhey are more to be dreaded thanf the ,e8tnct).ve locusts of Bgypif; There-were present two travelling preachers raatrimoniAlspeculatorsV absenea.of the bishop, sent ! me to the town, of Tuscumbiay Alabama. " f.:i t-i niiifo(! JKDBSBi1JOHBL MiY WOMEN .PREACH IN PUBLIC Oil TEACH. . jMachhas been written; and 'said on this subject, and there is danger ofiDurpaitizan.feelings carrying ns tnn fir nn oithur aid A. ; J . hfivn . nntr, a jroru qi iponwoyersywitn any per- the ! prophesyu or aching of this woman preacher.1;" Perhaps some will say : Ob, bat she did not preach she only spake to the men of the city. -X answer, that is all I wish to prote. Marya tooaon, (John xxt 17) waa first of. all JommMorf direct, by! Christ toproclaiatt teach, ottpeali to' the Apostles the glorious news of his resurrection; and shall we stop theirj mouths now f , 3hall they be forbid; to tell it again and again I .If jt hadi would Uhnst have committecLsuchA 'blundei; I, Those may believe it whp wisa, ana mus censure,, wie pavioar. cannot. -"' ,-7-v--v,-:,.-y XJBTTsrattT rmFfi'nore wnmatTia the jipreadloi Uhei pSM,iSbft4lItej Apostles. Acts i 1 11 : These all! .oontinued with one accord Inprayerj and sapplicatiooA. with: the women s and . Mary the .mother, qf Jesus and i Withhia brethren." .Here iaas much i ald fdr the women as for the men." ' ; In the second chapter of Acti on thesday of peutecost, referring to these same? people,J-Tbey iweri all with one accord in one place,' tee qhapter islS ill,, And they wero all filled jt,be Iloly. fibost and egaLH.speakt1(' with 4 qthe; tongues as,' the Spirit gave thein dt terance Hf'fookittt4 that the women were present dd spake 'with' tongues tts well as' the merirPetef with the eleven arose for thetrde fepcfrora theebargeof xtrunkenness, an4 flqotedjiJtba prophecy r O(v-Joel, Ufrgi iSAd:,sbatl eometorpasa in the last days, Saith God,;, I -.will, frouroutof myrspirijt upon ali fiesh ; women and tnenj add tdqx sons and yourawpftf tKaWnfcmy f 18tBteAlCOTW,ei?tntt:dW my haMmMmi mw pour out nr. tbosetdayW bf my Spirit, and they shal jmj, (preach, proelaim. I caonofeseoi why i Peter should. hava thus defended the.dausMerand haiutJ. maidens unless they were Included in the charge ofdruakenneas , oa ,ac-! count of their speakidg with tongues., I'wduld not inake Petersbtnconsls ten L'ifir the 'Holy pTrit;dnder. whose influence he speak el as to quote' a prd'phecy which ;' did not ap ply to thrcaseiirband.-Sarely thes prophecy of Joel was not -to end with ' this onooccasioti,1 but to 'ctsntinue to all ve nerations. 'the last-da vs.'' UT i. ml. - xr .-Hi 1 j!. "Acta 1SI : 2G. " "Priscilla, . a ibeloved sister, didaid AquiHa in sthef more (ooroogn : lnsirocuou . oi .Apuuuav urriBcuias s wont mu not eau.ueio. Romans 16 : 3."Paul says : "Greet Priscilla - and Aquilla ' my " tellow helpers in Christ Jesus. "'? ' v " I A1 i nl tU jWv mnmn -man ' AVIS m.x, ! it. -auu " luo oaiuo uau Philip the evangelist bad four daughters, virgins, which did pro phesy. ' Did ntter predictions, teach. preach, instruct in religious doctrines and exhort, .as the , word prophesy implies. t Paul was herejin the house of Philip with these prophetesses and not a word do we. bear from him of rebuke or censure for their pro- pbesyiflg;5 His silence stfemi to bid themtiod speedIt looks to me that thir ease should be' enough to settle the whole Question in debate. 1 c Romans 10 r 12.' Paul says; "Salute Trypbena- and Try phosa, who labor- ed-Jn the IordU ,iajatex the, beloved J?ersiir,.s,wb04 labored; much : ia.tha Lordf VSome, will say.jitbis labonng nn the. Lord waa some personal, ert vice, tO:PAnirOctbe prethre.n.,,!I.YViiep, women, &C., notthose ct whom ha had 8aidia,.chapter:xiVithey should prophesy i with their heacLiCOveredi They wore iguorantiand inanbordi nate,4brs Pa,nl says, they are com manqedq $vittaQpeaenc6jrA p cause ; tbey . werq 5lgqqrant hpsays "If thev-will learn anitbJng.leMhe: ask theirbusband at home,? but no disturb Vthd,xhurcb .with, rlmpropei r babbling ;quet4pn8., t,he originalj urees, nere translate speaKf u meQi 'which according to Donnegan, means; to' talk ; to Speak : to prate j to prat-j frtS to babble j d chatter jtq twtterJ las uieauiug, wu npcas, uucb uui.uc- fine the nature of the speech, whetfc. ef jgocd br bM'Tdynjind the ciy crimstances restrfcts' t he meaning in! this plaee tb ktt Imrwpertfpealiing,,5 becausel.eIt,,was fdirec'tedT0 four ?ptMl Ji nsubdrdinaxd women for QledienMzjii . . .... . . -.1 i xuey wouio learn xucy mu8i ass ineir husbands at hdmp. , Thp text may be read th'tisY It Is bof permitted them to labm'tfiwiM'W 1m X 'sbjsbe Tor awbmantd speak; fb"abbleV brate r cbatCer In the jchnfch? Thls Idf. terpretattorf bafmoniies" witb 1 other SeripttireaTsboVTBj' iml bhowsritf 'ln. ooasisteifcy betweettPahl in Tfthe xU 5 and 'xtn 31; S5 noT preserves bis f wprotor id' tactrIf our bretli rer Snsist'on this-passage avprohib iting all womeoi th ordinary feebse; f roDXpeoith in ; church, r then - ear female missionaries r mutt ibe alled home, ounSabbath schools mast: not have, femaftfeftchersy J'pr.i teaching i speakjlo g, they must not : uia g or Snter choirs, for singing ia3 speaking. TTim,,,!!; XI tAe wpmen learn Bdt I snfier not a woman . to , teach, pbr' td iuurpauihoritjf over , the man but to be in silence.n;panj here seems to refer to some particular case,1u8ing the1 .singular numbet,: alt the.'way through.- He sbowS.he' relative' po-. titidn between man 'and woman, ehe mnstbe subordinate. ' Teach is here ued in connection with the .idea of usurping authority over the man. If forced to hbTdinaiy constro ction it w ill 'dose the mouths and schools of all Our femald teachers. If any one wishes to place that ' harsh ' con struetioo t!aey may doso,f I shall not" JAMBS J3. PtJBEFOY. . preachers-matriinbniBW jsonjqn.abjecl, andiU .WUaite i 1 if vAn nlAARft to rttLs: JthAnl JSd.,8 To I mV Anininn . . :; tranW?ei? ?. JE18 Junq-OAseS 9 : z rrzz wri , I r-s-? ?tw.; K. l tases a verv ditterent expressionaa .l""lu SET W??1?!? kn verse 6, -Greet Mary. who teed chequered stockings5,' the petsonifica tidi' -:ot :ldppety,Vo4ditJ jid.tmpn dence,'heatubiw;jutteri each; tirades of yulgarf3abn8e,caf Jsfmplylndi crons in the -extoemer Buthetfhe published on the outsiddcOverOf his pritttederdlottt9aT f!labout not know Whether ,tO'bea Ca1vanUt or Ardlnian ! anatnclQjfled 'tfi? de cide" the ., matter (Jy .throwing, -up ''beads and . tails.' . TUsr oame, and he became an Arminian. -,Hence. his foHpw.esJhavjedben jLptbingvb.nJt a set of black-legw froBi thattiow to the present fiktlllgt'd chdta ot their ow.p theX?yVel id hd character of other people. j Wfte I sawi.tbis I lost mv ehrisrtaa temper. 'I have to confess - this one indlecretidn of by youth, I got M&ftJ abuse him throughl he pressRliat the Teditor, declined, .to i publishiiny niece..rl was ready to attack him on the streets witb my tdn'gdeshothtnir else? but ths brethren-dissuaded tpe from it. I had jseen. a great many rakeha&-wa;seaiioeJuna tse great horse rake serosa the corn fields, and had read ot 1 great-rakes in morals,' trntttiUrfia'a laiariHlronVBal. timorewasthdfrflafe I had wRjniL .BrbWatsonwss asaam 'Iiittl6 did Any .body '.then dream of me nigu vusiuuu UOuWt'ka destined to take fclhat immunity! that Dr. Howell and meti of hii DbttUlil .W U.WH. M.W MMW mm-mmm , - . fT , tist faith in taat townxnatmanyoi i tae 'i,:1 f" mala td the full jwork bC thetgospel; ith authority to if' even MdsTst cthaf dmeri VShbuId each or prophesy publicly' and pri- atelyv beeausft't tmikI nadBctiB- ureemnpleir it. tr ; Marnn ei!J ei2 rA I may have occasion tQ39 the ord propifery.! wUlqsotelhe nrean Bg as grveabTicW ebsteraeropoesy K&imTo utterpraictiona? to makfr elaratioaiofjevejjw toome.- Xslnr iPreaeb iJtOaJostruDt tiaa ligipusrdoctrjnes.; M 4nternrticor ixDtain Script ore ot reh ffions r sub- ectsi-M exnqtiibff -t E6al.Jt,3d : 'There . are , three t.Drophetessea. ITT .. It it ' - t mentioned the Mid -Testament : l,, Miriam the f bh. Judges eiatrprdrihes1 speech" ittbcxill In tb 'Newt TeBtanieTit, Lske'iiV EGaud-y,;'wnilti:tltat'Annvaptx)i phetess, was.ot ail others tire first tbf breach (Jhnst to' tne xpeople, seven WhenJxe was a oaoeia iitai matnefs: arms. i'Asd ahefornxng tn-that in itant xave lhaukft. tike wise unto the ljoru. ana ap. joiiJum w. wen. tAat looked jor redemption i Jienwa km." Who will condemn thisf,.. A's Christ passed through Samarra tri sat on Jacob's well and there came 4 wfttaab ftf Bamarla tb dr!aW water.' Christ Pfcedcbed ttnttf her arid she was tonvSrtea ana went ner way' Tjerore FE3HA1E PREACHERS. iv : 4, see her speech to its fifseciafcspe6pTrere to embrace BapmtddCtrinestbati a,'finejap tist church "and Baptist tTniversity werj to beestablisbeoVthere that snehTJnoblsrePTeSeiltativBs meh' aS Dr: B atom lh e father of T. T. Eaton i of PetesboTff.iJ. ILs Pendletdo and JameSfiAiDel&e , werautovgrOw op aadiourishinrthstitdwaif ?o - jBotlctmecretom toirtao uetno dist nrci,t it.! wzsi Jten There belonged to lbs church amaafcythe name of Linean, wfceta .Iifcave xl ways tbcs-btcf es a ccdcl c-ist, his character thai cribisiciS cf meek- ne-r, tie of -ctristiza. jcy alr:.:3 tdr.:rT .-cz-'-ZlS'-izntl t:s lightest rebake frbm bfm; add there 3reviaenuyiDy ni approval, ana reached Christ 5to the teerr oftb itr. John iv i 29. H3oma see a man .. .. . . m .1. t. '.I. V T did? is not this theJnrissi i 4a1 maavxx,of thejamarltatis kr tha.t eitv beliaved on ..him. for the tojpst prcphssjiag, epeaking of the- th mhers doubtless evangelicaL .ao vt . tiDVUio u v vaa v viuv I , the -same splrir Paul dirtets the hilrpiahsafv 3, Helps thosw romenawhteb-labored witb radln the-j ospeLwitb Clement also; and Witb i ther mr: fello w-laborerSb&wWhat ver mav be the doubt as tot the force bf .thd reference oboyev to Triphensw ter8is ana ttsciuaaoof -d iftre. Thse women ara ,dqc, noon Misa'ttro fobtip g i jblfemepli nds lai)orers wltb Paul'himSelf: not in tent-making, making; garments like Zlorchs lor iookiog goodTvrcfuals i ... . r . i . i p tt j fir. PUD fliaKraumoga utuavvT.mrvwiue 'am vrk'tkomspel. itaeyilfihared ctn! he J8ame,okind.ot gospel :i W4jrfc. in 'bicb vlaali andrtiClemeaUwera en; aged and tbereforp were eptUled to hq,belpjlhePhiUpiajp ohuroh 4 "In 1 Uor.xu 4, Paul saysal'liivery an praying or prophesying haying is bead ltoveredr, dishonoreth1 his ead. Jt ssppose -that dprsob raying or prophesying 4n th6 pnbikj assetnbiyf aad that it tneaiis to sut to and tor theedtfieaaidnw the earers' Paul sava iaat.aa jnnch for woman in tneoin verse : tfut everv Oman m at yraria or propBeBieia ixn ner neau uucuvereu uiaaoaoreia er nisa'awtliW Waytncf.M&' 'the1 opKhsingvi 6ach. is exactly alike j hat thO nian does th3 woman may tteirari ifshe will 6i.W cover fce? ead. With the 'proper meaning or rpphesyili canncii but) uaderstand aul as. fnuyaataoriziDg two&en ta tter3 or edteuonCi i to apeak.: teachi p1 reacSier.exhort.tlf this, is toot what is meant Aiknow:Aac what is tneantr. I fiome iihiiik,! Paab cpbtradkla all this, in the xiv i 31c "betypan womens lte,Jlsnce,.intJhe,jcharcesUdtU ip.not permyLtfip;,tinto tnetn tq epe4 but they are commanded to bp QOder. " a r w aiso saun me iaw.,.roo. The followitrg able article appear ed in the Raleigh Observer of 18th. We heartily endorse' all the Particle, contains and present it to the read ers of the Recobpeb , : , ..: m.; Baxeigh, May 17, 1879. Edixob Obsebvkb : A consider able amount of interest has been re-1-cently. excited jo different parts of the State by female preaching. Many ministers have been perplexed as to the course they ..ought td. pursue tots wards this new departure which they could not , conscientiously, endorse.; Nq friend of,, God and! man scan f aiV to rejoice in, seeing , sinners resenred from dternal' Vuin, evel thqngh the means em ptdyed may . not appear .to ihlni to" be sanctioned by divihe an 'tbority. Ahd'altbohghmnCh mis- enter as weu as gooa may do wrought bv these newmeasUres. many minis ters have desisted from themterance j ot ven a caveafy and probably wise ly?fiTlfere tsJ no Inconsistency In odr follow, and our disapproving the mode .ot btaurineu thoseiretnltSLT The mmisteri Who, afxe? a careful and prayerful : study, of , God a wordt vis j thProttsbtVcdnvinced that it is a sin. J aurasqipation'ioT women to npaer-r. ftake he mlnis'teriaY ffietwould: bet InasmucU as the communications of the Spirit are not , confined to Bithev sex, females' have- equal lights ,witbj males to teach and to preach. 9 The tenets of fPenniBarclayi and- others are, neitt: n a somewnat, .moameq 'form by many of, thejQuakers ,pf ,tha present iflay riTha particular f.poinfi before na now id the, right of t women to preach. 'We submittbat the word of God is the only rule of, faith and "practice:, 'Afccording; fo;itpfaliJ : ble instructions, it : is wrong forwo4 ben to tthdertakd the office pt teach' ers in the choich. i Let us examine the record in asr brief a manner a possiblej i i tit&-&W.iMl iitell c! Wp.rppsBjfllay down, onecttw laws -oi .iaterpretatwui wjiich) loom mend themselves, at .once tO'Cjmmoo1 sense, jindare , .common r to .every tmtisepu ermenuUoSr.n.Anamrj blguons passage must be interpreted ."agreeably, to, what Js jfevealed-mote clearly ia.therf;pattj pf Scriptdre. One single.passagq 4s . not to p ex plained ,in ' cdntradictiqq ..tq.fnianjr others I'which aid doequivocal"4n meattrngrAn1 &ppearance'Uf "con tradiction between .a general asser tion in one text' add'a ;retrictjoa,of Itbaddf&er masimedines'' bere ffioved bVmaln!ril dact1imll tations of the former.. The' scbpV of t a passage tnnsf always Tbe consider-i ed'Thd object qf the ;Epi8tlpto ' ITimb'thas prbftssedly tqliatrdct ; this young preacher and We church j bi large as xo xne guairacauons ana : duties of the infnlstraddT as'to The i xnanset of avoididg-dn couq'fefict' iog developing; heresies. f In qefinipg the Sphere - of w'omeTf'ln the second chapter of the first Epistle, tb Apostle's trieaningr Is so clear th ad it hi almdst impbsatbltf tb! mlaUkeit1. "Let the woraeirietfrrft with all subjections mt -fI gufferm1 K woman to teaclKAil the best ex positors are 'dgred'tliat this ipj auc tion relatcsLto public worship; mWo mena arejeojwMd f aotonly not -to pray iu public bnty noCa to; CeachV They are to iar not to. ffttcLttTha words Zcant and; ar clearly set iq opposition; to;: eacb :otherr The immediate f context; nnqupstjopbly settles it thatr the primary reference of the problbitioaJso.ppblMi nilpis ttatipns. For the 'poatle twq reasons why, God has placed, if men out Of this .sphere , of..ipbIio; niinis trations:. V1 " r In the Hth chapter, of Ist.OoHn thians, the Apostle is giving special, directions for the : conduct pf public, worship' and says t 'Let' ddr wck' men keep silence in the churches: for. rt is not permitted tn them to speaks To this prohibition Paul adds the weight ot his apostolic authority." Not satisfied , with this, he adds the authority of other Script oreSr ?Bht they are commanded to be under ooeatence, as - aiso 1 saitn ? tne iaiv.r log of other: passages bearing on the same rIut The; agreement of all the Ablest expositors and the univeri sal riraotice ahd belief of the church mnst have great weight tn this mat . ten .During it hel first- sixteen en ; turies of the church's j existence, wp jever hear of women preachers In. the. latter part' of the fifth' century It is probable 3 that there were a fewj women's rights women in the African church who neglected the apoStolid commaqd end tried to transcend the. bounds .which,, the,, Bible . bad pre4 SCTibedFot the" Apostle prohlpH tioBt wis" dttiilhatically'iTeriewed! n the Council Carthage, Ai D. 308.; in,copsiqerauon r -these; renecuons pq pne sh 3uld' think' 4t strange tbati Piany sbould.regard " it" t heir duty to! abstain front any participation in thej meetiog8 Con'd acted by theSewomed.l Vr jd5 daimafe;tbeubands;of qnr r;eaderf crifprjoar oandor in. da-j daring that it is entirely: out .of our thoughts' to bake ant attack: "noon the" Chrlstlarl eharaoter or purity oil motitft of itheseo female . preachers.! JXini8tersmay .eqru.mnchjfrqm their: nqurip(zei.nna irqn inBimpiiciiyi add earnestness of .many of their ex.- b'ortatibtis'. 'At tbesame timewreas-i serti that'itbtf very i ' best' of popld Bavq,.mageii vudeiTgttedv.'mistakes which, havp proved isources of great feaJVJrhich) if they wiiriearn4 aajthinjtet CWldl AfeJd.6a.JIetf. tfieV'nusbinas-at:' home,1 Wrong, tor, a pwttfflB, ttiga iaaae'ftf a woman td speak c.aita Uarisc to .xne oarnariiauBxxB i swfi f'-rcb' .- 'i CcS ii'theS u.U r.ii.isluiiitess, ba l.foraj'cfirtaitf1 clia OfCorLithiad t!3 Lfitt..r JcaCIu t,it'a-f.!o-' IT - - f .wometrwbitS wertf perfectly "Jc de Ultlt 'ropi s(n1scartany par-; rtedients whifctr annar tb'be iuccessr fsf wfe Open t he jay;foHbesdb verl; rani-or noBe rrnncrpies 'wnica , . w i t J . 4 T . oasHtateittfe lbttflo:atTotfu 0Pu6nr eaTesTbopes."1 i nwieanar taingio tamper wnn sdtrntbrTlrat cawfaltbdrdiCi ioa pronotrnOTdathe-closeiof 'llev- elatioa agiibet libiose who add to dr sabatract i roaar what God 4aasririt en should teach tta to guard ith sa bred careand.vigUance, the 5 Book of LUe..It woiW t anoutrage there- tore ppoq Marwiifwi BuantyiLQcaarga knXtsritb, wnt ttizeal Qwtbejcause ffciatjfhqfwnscjetkoiialy swia iromr eqperauoau. wpatjaey believe' to be nnscripturai, measures. the Society fJriends. Yftis notoar bdrpose to expose , all the errors, of 5 or ot tnis pocieiyue8rinaitne,aoc rine that the Scriptures are not the nry ruie or xaua auq jnannera. yxuia, onoris ascrioeo vto: ina, cpint as .walHatf'-baJusM rhar we SUppbsb to be1 ' the dictates f tfidiiEepirit Within tifby thdbf ereenient with the Scriptures: they everse this Order and' tr the truth f eciptuwby theP supposed teach -ap of tha'SPlriti The Uolv Sbirit teaches, directs and -governs inde peqdcntlyi of tn Scriptures, ' andf novectne ocnpiures.J3Ants ooctnne fi the Spirit' guidance la the funda- entai principle tor oakexissr and uUtatea jtJia8aurca - jail l those ecnliariUesr by r which ii l is distin guisbecUw-lke jfctieudsi-iaakei ;VEry; lttle ot the church and its ..crdi Ccnsistentlywith; j.their greitjfundamestal.f rrcr,.; theyrido. awty, with, the, 4Etit?d;fmi2istry, i-. iore entirelv.the ieacraments.of J3ap- :tjs3'.!'e!id .the ' - .Ierd,a.'S2r?ari ' The OldTestament as well as thd New, contained theeame prohibition. Women were not permitted to speak in the v Synagogue. Th rotionetP groond of the prohibition ' is j also glven:,AForiit Is aitiamsitdr wdmen to preach iu the, church, o It is oon txary to all welli established ideas of the refinement and delicacy of her sex. 1et ns examine tbef.ouly pas sage, which can j be ; quoted as tayor ing, ,the contrary, doctrines iknu 11L5: ,.jE?ery woman that pray eth or propnesieth wi;h her head uncoverea dishonoreth ' her' head.9 The Mos taini8t8 and Quakera. copstautly ap peal tq this verge insapport of thtirJ practice.',: Surely Vthis .iajthe BooxJ Seating5 bf tttt fmnlMe't $6t wfe ntf afledlidg an1, attfrdnMcdriiTpi J oeir Bci, uuu ut yanaucp .wild jlu j vnvttMUVM MOWVUS VS. . , U V SKL. . U s not speaking of the flgbfofwo ToVi f vp,,Y " lHtll) Cf t' PiVmiH timhiv r.ifps thertfnDetf ifir'wrwlthod pi3fo1rlbmBl!nsenoe, autntHr-viuminnm ui wuiiikii t ... .. . . t . . i - -i v r '- vj VVWV WfftW VUi leek not fottowl t1ydtr15aftpi6vebf aeinxawngparcinmunu worsntp. riU.iim8trate:ortpOtfe,a'''wc(fflaU bojldibe -admitted into ' the Lfi ature anoVfithoukL, appeal hr a dress noecommg ner sexjreuldLanyione ondemninff the .manner pftfefiriapi pearance. necessaniv. approve of woj irS therefore 4ne " interpreted'' as en' oronhe8Wflritn:tTifA- f A;., hib 3f-J- .L' jt;;4 - i. ,4 1 . i it--. 1 mcv,'-wiHrewii,- as aisuirgnisoea fronrto s tolebt have oeen allowddx.w6betf8td utter prophesies In tpublk5,who Wet'enot petmittedi'to otfeachtfortf JT 3or; 14:31, the iDlaBction.-Iiet yddrVo: men; keep silence In thehurChe8,' is fl Jthe most peneratmaraeter? The Aposlle had; peea Speaking of the gifts ox tongues and. of propAcctr, aad the command to keep: ailenco in the coufse refer la the giftpf rffiaiso, asjjdistinguis.h? rairii,j9uicaoo?!i tram ieacjtung-oa U IsstatedJniActsl-.thafePhUt lip, hadr fpuf idaughtersitfirgma uitUj uio propae?y. rcra-ipp narr r&tlYe.itw moreltbanprobable that they ; prpphesled ,-.pri vstely & jtbejrx come at tetiKci'ui'a arnvaij. ,We brinJ cp her ttf iw,".cf,qterj-! petatioaCnrit. Ui 1 dowatqat aq aa-j piguoua ps-annut r-9 laterrretea r mca uiy to a c 2 r : 1 t ? s a t r " 1: 1 iJa;y HH WP?.juti it r,ar. ; gued' thatthe VonaeffuiJuccess wlilCb!Sh8s attended:?thV c fforta'df ! JbeselaborerapiaveathatPthey-bftve i upapenqn w ie- iAimigntyi . empbaticalhr dissent Trom this poa fldd:The pioui effortaot bisguided eMifee$r ofteiPblesSednot- withstanditigstoeil rroriC Thoui sands aed-tbonaanda have been con- erted uadefomauOathpltc preach ig.1 dst Wtted hdld Viit God minds jot th& people jwonld be dark ened ,and .perplexed? sThq ,grea truths of God's word etand Mn verj close relation to-each other. Tota depravity, regeneration by the Hoi Spirit alone and Justification by.faitq stand prfall together., :1R Error i.lsj very in8idions.r And those who have never studied these doctrines in theirj relations will be T.m.nctt7tnor6r easilys betrayed into erroneous statementaj which may terribly damage the cause; of God. . . The most fearful .disorder 'and entanglement ;bust necessarily. boarded teaching ThnS Truth, the f Palladium of the XJhurch, instead of heing8a(iy,jguardedana reyeredj Dmeaa'poor victim M p&'muti4 lated and hacked by' ruthless bandsj rWere we disposed to Criticise some of the extreme; measnresJ adopted i by! L thesqi-newr; cteachera i Ina igetting; thrpugt"Hmourners, we could expose: at species of semi Pelagianism which does dishonor to the Holy Ghost and; to the truth oi-wod-"--A- high -Btate of feeling; and lemDtion.'i9 .oftenr.the mttZf.of .the Soirit's working. nBut twa cannot, recall v tne apirc pyex-; nf finer Hia ! ftrhnHnn 'i'Thtai .iLtriri trproduoe thW Mue the eject:? M we Iwu inatf net Iinqdireraj wenan earnestly, pray ith-them:, and dot them, we can extend4hem(ont.sym- 'mi -'4.' -.i- ' m. papy, out we can neituer sing, paw nor : pdlpthenflnto M he Kingdom. WeTnbsttAt Mtt'W and :aee the sal tation otlheLoridin .VrarjX!.-! j- tions,-which are-btrior-taoneut, ana win worx out for ns a far more exceeainy rana- eternaiweight of giory."T kives hU6aictlbn.tdlhese perversions of truth ? Theresas enough saving trnth to accotoplishitbe salvation of tbesoul,"and God, in bis mercy has otteamade it-vthe:instrument of the Spmt;s, saying, pqwereitbough,rinin. that it 1 Is, the- duty, of every .Chris-i ttan todo air tnae 'iies tn bis or her power td save rhis fellowmed, and if be or. she is qualified to speak for the (difijeatiop ' of other?, and finds that mese laucrs are4.oie,S8ea,.wno, nas a right to stop the "stream Of blessing becaus human ordinances have dot been only obser ved 1 04 We reply that Chiist, the great 11 ead of the Church, has ordained .the mode ia, which: His GPspelJ W Jto be - preached to men; lie has- instituted a visible church and has gi ten, to it laws, ordinances' and, officers..,. We iudge that the Lord Je"us Christ knows better than we' do bow,Hi8 Gospel should be dis pensed. ;1 ; " i Ifoine still a rgelhe point that thty . flo pot. see ?why. thb earnest and pious, exhortations, of, pne devoted Cbristiadrmale or female. ,tnav not: accomplish ar bnchgood as those of another, irrespective lof:' the ont ward, ordinances of the dhurdb;' we submit hatJesqs,! Christ y oar teacher and, gnide,;nd ,that ,Ue knows best what 'methods ought to be tollowed.f,f 3 He has appointed the, visible cburca'to' be tbe piliar and! ground of .the truth,!! and bad ordain ed.tbat. berpublio.orgaaio functions shduldbe periormed bv officers who are to be selected and appointed ad cbrding te provisidns''' wbid'r He has expreaslytjlaid; downVifTbp -.Word of J uoa.s luus comes to men: ruUloMed iby, those who are clothed twith piopj. jer authority ,'and acknowledged by( the Cburch to be suited to their wjorkl cTaabaudoit this' grddnd! is IqiPWft ke Ldeoti'for evr?.bidd of error and bereiy .What will-be jeduie otHe formpf sound.words'lj Again, this-WfderJflTTttf either righfe wiongtHilf: litis riser. audr.a-aouree it neruaaeav good, sref bound to go to rork an thbaVirdf Sromair-H rishtnir bnah;C ppid of 4ur adgbtera- to tba 'rrpnt . mo pjanjfefet JaiyAqaifBfleatiOttS: f?rW3nRWIIiU8v bteaTdowft' those ban lers .which God a wnnl, aimI. Welt bWerel society h4i-e establish d.- Moeoiniuoor.'isi opcneJre muit be consistent and open our gllati ve Pf-jV1.??? ;pf? the, State edtinsers of 4 woman be as effective In iHU filfiiWtMgtsiatUrPas those if. a man i-"The ' truth 'ib' the tame from whatever. spnroB it may me JkMMOmuM this new leoartureia riaht4nthetdfretioirnf breaks uphaVsacred! rHhich as been ' divinely-established be- ween the sexesvuiF the thing Is rong, it is our plain-duty not to en- We UtP in ' restless tge'id Which e muititnaes tgaiiopwiidiy "after very novelty, Therraeems to be a rowiagindiSpoSiUoa to follow thtf old tracks i Those who oeiieve 'that tbe old 'pathi5ard"thd bes sfiddld aufeiy b exxis1orHaot runhtng sifter this last importation from the lioUte&hmlismsiWe ldbirejfthe" generosity of oar MetlaodiatrethreP more than laeir wisdOul and consis tency They bare certainly opened tbeit arms widely iarecaiving those , ho not only -ignore the sacraments! and the stated ministry but fly right Jltft the face of God's express : com9 .band hicb, prohibits women .from exercising .the , functions of ipubliq iacheri f Juppcse ",the difirep da- ppiainationa. cf 'Protestants ahenid cmuui to uu - am. .. .anon me ineorr THE BIGHT OF WOMEN TQ PREACH vMEssRSifEPiTOBS YoUi fc paper containing ptoy Brook's firstn,umber in ad vocacy pf the. right of women to preach tbe, gospel, bas just Reached me.8 1 1t seems the preacher's rbf toy District are becomings the ''special cbampiops sqf womens nghtsruso far, at least, as preaching the gospel is concerned.' hile.T' do not think the proofs they adduce entirely sat isfactory, Ihavsnd controversy with thoe esteemed brethrea on the sutn ject.r flf rChri8t,,preachd1 and sduls are saved, rtI therein dp rejoice, yeaand Hriir rrjdice.afc" 7 fc! Jiutas U may, - wUh" the 'present drifting ot things,' become; a :practit cal Question in our chnrchi I desire to submit totnesftbrethren a few in-t -' If women have the right to preach' the gospel, should they not exercise thai fight in. an ; orderly- way. lTo prevent improper, . or incompetent persons from assuming the light la preach, onr church has, I think, wise-4 iy required that before a person ex ercise the right iq preach as shall re ceive a license from the -.Quarterly: Conference. And "No person, shall be licensed to , preach without" the recommendation ' of; the- churchf of which is, is -a - memberkT r of the leader's; meeting; of t the , chargex tot fpft ?elqng8,.,fe?f n;rl !yf ,apwt if a woman belonging to the obufch in Wilson: or Newborn should .request ker Pastor " to 1 apply ' to the chnrch to recommend Aer to the next ; Quarterly , Conference as t a suitable person to be, licensed to preach. would the Pastor be authorized to lmmhW,itbvKD?i.i.ri.. -' -A mm A it msmrmmmymj W . U . LUUJh . AUU U the church iahould recommend Act4, iwpuld lss; President, ot the Quar. ter iv .vpnference. have tbe f right to enter tain tne reepmmenaation 1 , The Ltaat uyj pAvate. oineniber twho-ifdlt Hjsposri ?apUH.Pf rtUPI, teezzT F3 fQ - ctiqnijpt ribHrlig, toacUer,; whqcoqM; fowp tlie .int.nni cal ! jp v. 1 "jrit!' cci 1iz:z as 'tf "fiocths i wlt'n ' wr'-H. tvi' me qnestioha1' are' applicable to ad appUcatio'u for4 i'recom tdendation by laiweman td Ueo xeCeivtdaa k travel ing preacher into the N. U. Confefrr fence. If these questionsb3 answer fed ln.U)0 ajBlcnutie, .X -then .ask, if krtiWtbdtern of- her 'piobatldnVxi pi res, would she -trotr be eligible to pflaeo, atfd to- Elder's'orderp, and ll 8o, eniayu sbej adt ;.TeaclL : the ftmWP fi; Ami I may 4nqhe pharch b6 again favored,. if aotwith k femalPdpe,tleast;wilb'a female I iloino;.' h ever, 1 hiuk iit:id voltes a poiu t ,of ecclesiastical f .la w in 1 1 $ fkTrP0 .i f?qben,.tak.ef pnr blac&r. wWo-wfil take1 Ih'eirlaWfi t ' t KUa A l-AlUUr9 ITirE.; ,; . 1 The Biblical Recorder AD V&MTI8LSQ RATES. iSrica. lthna Int. .8m. 6m. llnoh,.. $ 1 00 I 8 00 $ 8 00 $15 001 2: do ,. - a 00 t6 00 15 00 25 00 3 do , '3 00 8 00 20 00 85 00 4 , do 4 00 10 00 26 00 48 00 Uootma. 6 00 15 00 87 00 '60 00 ) do 10 00 27 00 60 00 100 00 i - 'd J 16 00 60-00100 00 175 00 12 m 125 00 40 00 50 00 60 OO 85 00 170 00 800 00 1 Special Kotioes charged 20 cents a line.. ,; Obiturle sixty wwHb long; lnsrted fre of charjea. Whea they uoeed thla lengtb cms ee&t for sack word mast bs paid la sd AlBTVTthe'coddld'' ruideand keep ns aright, each in her respect- -ive spherevircMiiJSSX Benivrtt. : smittar ; sctcDi D si artrlEiiL Cor." See. 8.8. Board, and Btc Bd Hitttons. 1 IadfTTeru8?oa Copies: a . 1 mt mm.lmJm - --1 . . . - . i"Tl.r"1''1' w nana sovie popiM of, JKiadi Wordi," : ot. fioodar Bonool rjepay.hlcb havcbeen giren tu fcy ' 1 alQOBff thfKft aehoola UiaI btb nnt KU a nW alaW thwnalvss:wlUiytpapa.TTW'e bay al- nady aant out taors than. 509 copies to differ .t irts, f tha1 State, .aad jhare aoae o& hand yet. Indigent schools wishing copies Should write to' the ''Baptist Banday School -&Md,lBigti, f.! We shall haTe other copies aoonJ'-TiiiS i ul exceedingly liberal $ffe? aaad;ni ;b7 ll'K3nd. We an lFe Iy highly ajipifcdaiew-iXt istroertbe papers are pId.:aAd, a UUle put of date bat jtiwy bT Deen ke; ai piecCand look as well as Iftney wewnstJtroiniHepresW ' We'sin esrely ho that uxtt Ebsrality oi the part of fEindirorda wffl be Hcbly rewarded by ex le9dltaehtmlatic :nnta alt our Schools 4Winiuhfld3a JKfal and attrao tiye columaa wbich 'adaf maoh Interest to tte'wuae: "Nor dowewiab Uus aimply for .ths'iood bt'lOnd' Wordabut also bsoa'usa we feel sore thai no school can take this ad' mirabla little abeet without being materially benefited, Schools wishing to anbseribs for Kind . "rTo'dst : anayi send na the name and money andf we will gladly order, the papers for "them. Remember the old paper are free of charge. . - , ; Sunday. School Convention.' . -- "The OonTentloa appointed is the Central Asseelatian td meet on 'Satnrday before the first Sunday in Jane i postponed nntit Bat urday before th aeoond Sunday In Jons; to SToid an interference with exsminauon week ' at JWake forest C3olleger a veil as at our In. station.' Hope all the Sunday Bchool Snper- faflBSBfil anil.Mabvra will 'lat tttta It. . y w mmm. V mm mmim HH. W AUWH. aaexUnaiTelyaa jpossIblDoai't -forget Ihe time of, meeting Saiunftfjr before the teoond Sunday in june.: vhich will be Jons7Ui The following ia a programme ; for the oocjh SlOn. ' ' ' ' t.;.:, .. . i", .'- - gaaiafion; election J of permanent "officers nailllo'olook, a. "m. latrodoctory ser :monwyBeT!W.Bj.JEoyaltiH v Satnrday S oVslook, p. m. addresses on 1. "The good, to be effected by organization in work.'' Speakers JaV" 8. "Pnrefoy J. M. Heckand W. Wright' '' ' " - aiWhiit ia oart work f f8ijeakertrd ; ScarboroaghirTr. ll'Poteat and Li R imis.' fSaaday, o'clock J a.:tm. SandaySobooI: Maaa-meeting oondooted, by the Superintend jdent of ForestTUle"jaady 11 o'clock a. nu "addresses' or, essays on f"beet way 'd,eontea' SundiyliSo by O.' ABenv Bi. 1JL Cboyera and TPAlo'erman. L ' j . fiuadsyca: eeioek $ pv L ;ddreBtes oa"l. ;u vtr. . . . ... . . ..... . w n a r aval in. Miatwut. iiiimi tfm tm ..Ma4... School and the chnrch r Speakers,, Q .6. I!s4it;.. lcpaffia.4 ; w. ..... I 2.' "Ought anything hut the Bible to be, itaught laSanday School SpeakeraJ H. B. FltfaBaa, jr. GaDey, C. t Oower'and W. O." I ". It is expected, of ooorse, Utat there will be abort speeches from other, brethren present bptbe $4ftereht sab'jeetaV X ' "'."x-l' I ( 'Btf svto leV the0 tuns5 and plaie he well ! nndeiitood layour-neibcrbood.J ' f 'repeat n hgaitfttfato bS )fcForstrilI; ba Satnrday - before the teoond Sunday in June. 1 : j ;: T. wa ti . Ui:03 ' i. J ? r 'cium'n Ex. Com.' i ' 1110 aussisivsm OUSSUelJ ocuuvu 1 t Til i 4 tiViTi! iU Experience.) and j observation :.aas led. me , to jtbe , ppclusipn ttbat the gooa or 111 success or oar husbands. a toeir nisu - caiuafr,.' aepenas pon-odr actions . and eff orts almost muchiiSjnpon Jtheif Own.iilt is possible for one tp rtuccetd iweU ho goes about bis task with a heavy espobding bearU Thed.Ie the last ords which our husbands heir at home before star UnirWthe1rDreach la tion and enconragement. This is ttiore important than,thatw should nieet them with, pleasant words and actions on their return. rAlsd td en courage and - assist them' we should be ever ready to join iio conversation lth itbeui aontbeiSubJect expe mental religioo, rpd .endeavor s -to ,jake" their' hdurdrdf etndy both' jpdasa'n It and profitable. The1 tneai re saUriei of ma&yofdur ministers rt atrire their . families, sometimes, to, ineonveniencies, and even I parusaip; ies us.enaeavor to avoiq cbbplaint'On this' sufciecL1" that our husbands b hot thereby tempted to f renoquisn thiir charses lof pcCGJir '1Bgrbocif3?dflsdda.p4fe5if iwant of articles xf r Jnxnry, and Bicuvi uuiuiur fc, ia m jart 01 ine cross whitb'-WS ssehf destined td tcsrj kt fclt!a:x- Tiiti !tst!5-c5 Alcca" we' f thereby indirect! - ye tReSaet nallyi : Pfeac me ,r 'i -io a perisair wfetld J tua tit QqS will 'nerd ti?a. W tToent titei ;iiiJ follow "Oar nBEuboria not aa larA mttat ji ft .w.a laatvaa ' though U will be, we are-Increasing in , naiuowra. ,4a moiency uwe f sarpaas .mat Riaat yeat,We .haer two Infant claaees, ' We also have, aa Infant siDeine class, led by one' - of the 'sisters.' 'They assemble in 1 ihe. Academy 1 Sanday ;yafternoonLin It ? is jtry interealiog. .Until last winter, we nerer ' SoHpeaSed ; and tben-o&ty fw BandayE - e roads were -so bad -and tbe. weather ao ia- ement that we euld not meet. . uar meinbers are- sure active now in lbs ' nnday Sohopl work than former!, and there are more engaged in it ; . bat there are many mUS't M.t.-i.4..i . x.fl. .1. . m. ,v . . . r We must hTe both the AasooLatkmal aad State 8aoUy 8cttoot ConyetiUona.'. The more : We haTe of the ooncert of action, the greater will be the'result of oar labor. " . , 1 Alt of mvseem- U tldnkthe 'StaWConVen-1 tm M lHHlatflllifM 3ma U ' . Mm. all 11.1a do' one ieema disposed to inrite it. The 'Without an isTitation from some place to bold itw nave auggaatd aereral places from tltmA tAL Hrflj ;mt " -" ' - avilanl h 'don't want ftof entertain, -the .body. , Why f I am not able to sty. ' One thing, howeyer, f Bin lTlia'311lUnnn.HTMlaf1 MIMI, I: -nantion will be held. Bat iarit mat a burn. aglahame that there is ''Hot liberality enough IS flotth Caroliaa to' entain oar own Conyen- - si fill j3t?'ifr'A er-iliif.i TrniB Wnn-itaftiA. , . .. - Fletcher, of Ashe' countyraays 1 f'X am aoutff an 1 ma tin ' tne sanday uonooi -work, and I am bamry to aay God has sreatlr ' blessed Hny labors in that respect. ,1 lore - xae wora ot my numm more ana more erery day. and X would to God . I eoold trfye bt'. whole time to the work." -? i "Since I penned the above,1 1 have organ- -' a a. wa,aj wa.a aw - auwa, .vu.VUlUWIv, aadeottena dab of subscribers for t'Kind. iWordS." C33iOii : f.mj.j i-rmz- i,i..4t i 1 - - :t -"Li :V:i.i , ......'l ;T7m T W- 11... m. isf nn- b.f.Mii aw1f I " . mk in tha eld Sandv Creek, tails aa tht"thT . ;, are Sunday Schools at all the churches in our '- county eaoept Jiro. i-itesuas, we tare- four - 1 L .t mmiX,am ml-m,. it-aa. la. $ -- : gipized faurt faring nanaberln g from 75 to 60,r -ist,; 'JriaU Meel."stii:iled nxta we -,- tare aa zer;run tanaay t.nooi la tj .our. chniS6s "aiiJ at!ribdihiCHw'"'tT-JUak God jfjoi zSt bMUueifiUcf for ui. libwle ruota.'' '' "ZZm llaj "S- l.l4 -mm.j ta"aHl'lJ E-

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