. .. ,- r , ; , . , 1 PUBLISHED ETEBT WEDNESDAY EDWARBSV BROUQHTON ft CO , .;s-(!o'i fiWi:' -f ft-, i tWl aa Office on FayettevUla trt, OjJpiit''Mirk One feopjy on 'year',!, .tm j -1. ;t $$ JQ ;One copjv i.Tnoth. . . . w 1, 24 Clubs of Av&.., Clubs of ten;1.': '..'r.'i'l,'.': I .:,".' ,".20 BO , Remittances must be. sent. by. Registered thelorde offhe PaUMiszB sJj-A- ')! aJv: til "tiit't O! "1 . A. . i .Jr. "... - . f , 41 ,ii jo ALA BAH A i w IV w: no di vMKfY.A' : Q lUt IUQ IAJTW U Ul J. uo tna.'i road nu to ti id Va. My first dbj&t Va toistitvey ittej ueiaana ieara toe con anion opines charcb and tf the coin munity1. Ifptindi t h e ch urch i id I f ' s u fterini' from e ' i ' t ... r , ' i,.,. ,.-,' .!! " J..--" i VnTmrtr' 'AQi - -fiir .aI-S"' M &M 9 iR XTIQ-H'. CLi-JUNE-44 l&7&i iv i h--i- o r; . TtjMBEBS46.j kill roe in self dence,- for .ram gan jneattJa 'Strikeijneiyoa had bettef kilLm am owe jfoTyo dpa I will.cartaialy: w .jpiu ,;i ajj u.?t .rDarUJgto.y.eara .3 dis covered yeryweaj; :tMj foin gwbipl amfisiuT tba- moat .intense, en thusi asmT&eentrnce w8 difficult h n j-anionR. tber visitor having to b let Idova by ropet and y wdlass a dw -tance of fifty or 8isty;eet. fijaHgrea as genUenjens depeenaeti wo pewiops DelfeeU erand and j $eautual s ,aa ,taeJKase lib tOi?n- wei;e .filjel The bonea oC a fMaataAonjof;itf emeaj das f aisfe were; adivered.,, nearly .many ages agotaokto thagh hd difficulty - that ; bdHji?rea;,iTthet,yea,r John Newland Moffitt. Some-dea-i peradoes became roffendedv.'with ttfei preacher and ordered . him . to leave the town. ;The members of the church advised him to go ba with bis meet ing and "ptioeaised to proieet hinY. After that' two ; hostile1 pariieAttet inthe hoQse of Qod; oti 6 party in the centre of " the s bailding-, 'brandiahing their bowie-knives 1 and creating' dip order f generally 5 jthb other ' party sin ging 'and praying v aroma d ? the altar, their deadly larmsi-clashing together s tfceyl too-red to- and tro among the-, mourners. J TheJ ineitl night a' party arrested mayor.' -Oocfc-nil's carriage, and demanded Moffitt with the veiw of lynching him. Bat the brethren, forewarned of tbeebn spiracyi compelled - hirii; to sleep ih town thati night.- He. made a very fortunate escape; and thongh tit wise toJeave the town forthwith. .! at But the, effect of stis excitement ; rested upon toft CQmmnmty tor year a. The bowie-kDifa and the pistol held andispqted reignover,the peo ple. IJnUke the dwellers among the hills pi Tennessee,-who settled their disputes with fistico-fts and; bipkory canes, ; these v Alabamians- resented an insult,.! nbft, by. words or, , blows, bat the crack of ,the pistol or tbrjast pf the cimetar, I ; felt the necessity of being polite to 'everybody, oat of the pulpit;, .and in; tbe( pulpit to preach Jeaas, and; let the yicesand bad behaviour of the people, aloue; ., j A. case of 'discipline, .which X will now relate; "greatly intensie4: my horror of the bowie-knife. rnleVli Dr. II. had become, veryiodious to.the public,' and bad i been ; expelled. Jby the Free Masons. The enraged, peo ple bad,; ordered him - to .leave the town iu ten days or .forfeit. bis life. He was an .official, member of the church. It was my duty as preacher in chafge to , execute, ;ebnicb disip lino in the ase.. ii called to see at b is oce in the npper roonxibexeof which, was.tbe citaue of bis defence. There I found pr, JL,and, his friend Mr. il. ,,QQ .tho viable 4 were five or six loaded rpjtoto and two double barrelled gjingain:, the corner of the room, and a nomber of other pistols and bowie knives oh the Dersons of theaW two 'mCnV; ' ItHe'wrfor'- lardf "TT . " . r J ik.l.ll.A ... rtHitthk awiWpa'iMiWUv! trees. tonxbJeibiA; afleR (filled nA the entraaqe. .As pr.esnpp- Itise.proof of tbat;tbiytthereaaaj dare sinki or..oaaia in.;xae aouaus Busdrer these baU4ecayedbouea.a ""Kwaa 'my 1 privileges this jyear.to -attdhft the closing texeroiaea of Car oline LeV Henta'a Feniale Academy 4hi1orencei Alabama;?! iHer husband Was at bnei time professor an Obapel -fliliiiUoiverstty North OaroUna. While bis wife vas ?givin her time and eBeTgie tO'theBohool, and to literature, ne was runuiug uray wimi t heMorua MnJtieanlia deln&wn j nnd ! reaming of golden harvests from huj 'growing plants,' ybichnever came.) ; Xittring the latter' part of Jnjy so-j jourih Tuscumbii I found fchar m- ipg;home at Gol6hel.TiOCfthSrt,,0ne jmile ih ihn country:1 ' He was ana- tlve of.'STorthampton connty, Ni CL,j and a noble specimen' of a christian gentleman, i How well do I remem-S ber the 8 wet, rose embowered ofHde, which was ,my study, and my chain-! ber." The UoIonel,must have carried; the idea' frora prth 'Oarolinai fo? I; have fieeE very many jhst such cosy; little places in JSorthhampton county. ; It ' wasnear tba fountain head of, the great Tascnmbia.: Spring I had my first experience in administering the ordinance of baptism after the, primitive mode. Ohe Of ; my prede- censors undertook to' immerse some persons in the Jtame. place. 2withoat wetting the soles of Ala feet jot he, tailed. 1 s Ha waited tout on a foot i bridge, which had been constructed "for the purpose, . leading the candi-' date by his side ; but In attempting to put the man under, the adminis trator , slipped and thmbled over, head foremost. So "they went down both into the, water," not exactly in the way that.PhiUip and the Eundch went, Some half a dozen colored persons had been trying for years to set tne Aienptust urejuci.o ait uecnueu desperation "war depicted on their object of hiy painful- visp l- SaitfDr. 11. Jly friend' Mri PShkS agreed! b stand Dy"me: to'the!Mbittef dVfWe have deterniined1 exhahst' all the nrearnrs yqusee seip-1 merse them." .But; they all decline) him 1 to dbtt intliat way..' l: told;them a. i . "1 . . . " .' ! . . l.'l. would co it. a great crowu 01 wuiio people, aswell as negroes" assembled around, the ; head '.df, the big spring. 1 succeeded V admirably , with Jf ' the smaller ' candidates!" But ' whenMt came, to big,Jim" who weighed f wb "hundred and; fifty . pounds; . I trembled, fearfully Vunder the appre-: Ta3ioJe.tVwhiispered';to;G "h nndertbbk; to do, with infinite de-; under. awae saonceo; irom i;ue xocki i tists-churdi oTDurham has made teyss 'essat ti needless; m I i than htm forhis falthfall admirable word 4 ana heartily endorsing and commen in2 t hear 1 Pass, on .to' my ; seeon theme; On examination bf .the spe cial pleadings fnsfaVorxdf wOman'fe rireachingw-called tn 3bdJS Word! i shameful thing.! Whafl are these 1 j i. .The? pwjadfcefiagainst womei preachlnghas nriglaated '.'either: 3a the false teachingTof K6me, tas itb prleittly' dignity, and t power otllti tbe Jerrba'eottS t interpretation J given to' tvfd 'Pissaees in the writiiiga JDf 3UvPauVtajrney -taeaAJUiktiwoidett "masrnoUinUheUJburcbvasfciquMi. tiobs and diaputa with men in j a die portal way at alU ; These quotation 'fceflf'tontert to thiaioew!dea dCeri tainiy newtb all professing chTistxaai elcept';(as' Bros Darham ihas wel said) that small and obscure band o ' religionists called Quakers who ear hardlyiJ'bo called christltns sin f thbj trm'ectvQotftvvtord and :tram- I i 1.JJ TT-. : ; ft ? jw on ana aisjnso ixtt orawuinccx. 1 'Originated either in : the falid -teaching of Borne." ' Wondrous dec-i laratibn 11 'And yet he who made it) had bisBible before him, or he onghti toi havef had.-'-The Holy Spiriti-T aid; 'It4 not permitted unto" then to speakbut to be under obedience aa -also 'eaith the law," and this was aatdj fokrcefUvnet before xconianiam had positive existence : ana tue law itsei Nra8" promulgated tozer tieeniy eentu withstand this we are Informed tha the prohibition originated in the faliiel teaching of Borne'? It! Moreover that law was issued -by' God in order toj preserve 'Hi arrangement -aa - Unthe, poaitioH' of the exes towards r eaiw ower. is is is wniieu "maa waa uui made or' the woman, but woman; for the:man woman m nst ; IjsI w in snbjection-Hnust' ube nnder obedience.'' THEREFORE 8hei"is not rpermittedctoj speak: in chn5ch, because THAT is nsnrnins authority Qyerth jriatkHST.is attemrjtjhg 6;f arrangement as" to her posittbh.' ,vu mis is piaiuiy luuui, iuajtuu b word, THIS is the reason - given why it is hot permitted for a woman ip,8peaK,in courca ;auu yev iuo rum "otifdnated in the, false teachinff ot 1i0n3ew 1 tri or it originated in "the ipirbnpnna' lntfimref.ationieiven uto two passages, in 'the writings of St J Ianl." 'She mhst not- in'the1 chttrdh, ask question's "and dispn:te wim meu m a utaioriai way ai an. Let ns examine this, an easy task since it, all depends, upon the mean. ' ings of a few simpleGreek words." Let the ' wbmenri keep silence Sigat08an. ' n . ' ;r4It is not permitted unto them to speak5 Ott Mcins , . "It is:a shame -'for a' woman to speak in ehurch" : Aisehron en elckle Hdlalein. Aur.MPwi I nu 4iiButI suffer nbt awoiban to teach, echoes' the' noise of ? them all speak for theotbers.! It" ir'nofr'necessary to quote more' than oner ay oavm iieard oB,'iw havo-ij heard 'iaj They all talk alikeuOan ; it! b DossiblQ 7-thatt .flnch T?-an ui earnes .and pracUcatiJnanioas; St-tPauld ypteM vein terjsef. of the llth.cha; ter of thia epistlo to the regulation . I a practice -which he .intended in tb reason throosh these . twelve vi tp,8hQw9 women,; of Oorinth;tha it was JmproDer.. for Ihem ,.to praj and prophesy injqextmn icjjyrrwit Tho trntform method or tbi teachfn of the Holy Spirit sustainl .'iL'The, hatmohy of God word -depends nrk ttntti ) i fThft.Daakftr; ifiw.limakearah I Irrcmblo 'contiicteeontxadio- Uonof the7lioy flpiritby UimseJI. 1 aiilmnsti however, iclosetwthla article 1 at fthiirPoUitrte4 wilKiconUnue -my oxamination mu another, commnnicar tion. ,ni.It.jnluUtera ,fand icaurpa covered 'when he' intended 'far ther-otflt ihthe same "letHt tell themsthatrt'ifofW ataUl Gan any one; whose imnd i not biased by-a-theory believe an: such thing of the apbtle-f the Al mighty who inspired ana moved pi members deqQnnce..thiaA violation, of the,yery torder of society, and wnica mast eventnallydegrade, the femal ,sexf Jetthefnq PSaiuss , ana, f now jss uuscripvuf w isoow rhrir hPAn nnhinvArfld-and that thev Vness and evil wbrkinc wherdvef ah nughf, with propriety dd'so in "tain AtK. WAV with H theirfheadi 1 Bassed When eithfer V a'WkilBlsfl pronat or admfsltte Wngs' j chance of one gay . creating a confla gration which all the patents under .heayenfcouId not : easily extlaguishl 1 Thopsarras ot unbelievers nave peea born into tbe family, of icepticism by professed preacheni loOhergospet who -supposed.' that ' they were.helpk Ing them to, faith,' Toupg" jmenOn many instances, have obtained their first notions of- Infidelitv : from; their tninlstera-they! have 'sucked lh the ison, but4 refused the" antidote; The3 devirs'catfehwtsMn doubt have Ten tbe'metfwhd weretent topreadh J -ana ic seems nara lasray icj ana yE Ji6Tdttiary fcommott senset onght to 'bM Uacb' arinls'ters ' wikdOmj rn' fcu'eh f matter. LI fjnd!death hang npon ni-lu jo fetish! .xr i ; ; to write Jni?; How lei us. examine thia and a what it is. worjih.,,. Intake .highe ground as to the author ot tne tette to the Corinthians. Paul was bu the instrument, . tho penman of Go and the, Holy . Spirit , Himself jWrOt' tnat letter tnrpugn tne man.. r now me, lucouiroveruuio, mvi i that ttfe Holv Soirti;: doef forbid 1 terly a. woman speaking. in .church JJn less bI m pte word are absnrb. meaningle8S,this IS AFAOTjblas 6 no bias, nremdice or no Dreiudu and whatever" may Ixsihe meah lag of this passage, " Let f yonr wi men keep silent in the church. Atya toaji be silent, be quiet, keep suen Ow lam- Break nt fc' i The Holv Spirit has'donL throo Paul,: exactly f what otlr oratOrica writer-' thinks r inconceivable.-' ti: has Pone it. How-then-, are we t understand this 43or. xi t o. If it moans that a woman may do la a certain : way i what she ia;i positively forbidden to do immediately , after-; wards, (foe the epistle must be read: as a whole,: it is one thing, one letter,; and not.many letters and.each chap-j ,ter separate and., distinct, irom thei rest) then the ...Holy Spirit , says one thing with one breath and another thing with another r breath. " He , is, therefore, not Qod. for.He is change-! able, and God cannot change. ' Orj else He contradicts Himself, and thej word says one thing iu one place: and another thing in another place.; Thisr-destroys the inspiration of the Bible, and annihilates its truthful ness,' for a witness who Contradicts himself falsifies himself; and false in' one, raise m an. :- ; ' ' !-i This, therefore, it cannot mean,' and this the whole context shows that it does not mean. J Mnch as our newi lights,our modern discoverers of truth; unknown of before may- sneer at it,! the whole thougfirofthisTctr chapter down to the sepUoiifwhich treats of the observance of the communion I nor to-osurp authority 'oprthe man; ;eraot truth nvfetiy rHect and desplsej but' to .be inence Ihdatkem m 'xxTm om ' to teich not td Belti silencftl i never, observe is , the . .matter or i?ty3iUk!Xi , r onnarAl' ImnrhnAr. iAraaaintr ''Thiral BOW lOr' ine -meanine Ot ineBO. I nara annilrv. m-iavnha hraAHs' In weeicworasT - . " s:.4. il the church at-ConhtbV ItiSa ln'aM ii Gimt08an f -TO be ! silent or still,; f tAP nr WiatW ihaf. hisn isnt1 tHit- tpkeep siiencfe, to Cease tospeakil norant will even queatibbthat among 7 LaJein 8peak---OU NOT.4 ad Afhftr h4mifnt thinW tlm" Wbmftti AieJlfdw i-Shameful,'di8gTacefal,! pase; infamous 5; in Homer cahsing, snametiiegracing. -- - , !IKdM(A i-Toteach-bnt not.vi n?FMW!?UlSHlli nalmi nniet. atul- e?f"f. "'S&sti3 ir See lexicons 6f Schleusner.l-retB uuiuesa uuwri-iiiuvcb i nnn xvirn ttiv hhhinluiiuh - mill uiiu iini: :- j.- - . , ; ' - iC j- chneider. uonnegam .Jfassow, iAa- !?i'wS:i!Ld .... . .ymL, tt,iwiL Jfr.lfi'uf t l and many , otbers.' unere are no rrr-aA .nrf-MHUAoU i I J''xU wkArt h i Plain and clear, and an .instance In in than rtnntl "nuatS As the I bug more letter -containing soi U1UU k 1 1 Ut l. ,UM 1a ! are translated' itf pnf Eaglish'Blble; vauuub, ivuuu. uu u is ui iluc yfMrmenqom: (saving of Q aakersr who meet whenever it 'goes against spirltnal illumination. their; mental freak8 and rifyinatfld t in '-or ta haaRri -.3$ uiomtl 1 Hi ; the KecirdaV: b; 1 r Sucff'a assertion' Jef rays' ibufi-i iti'mtp m iik-vi xiia'1h hit5. MipUA- ?itlWt& riAlfi'Vo l-assdm'i kitr nas"Decome -necessaryr' w; .wwirf, anu go iw leiw u i wouuaiiyw i jginia Wlttt SOme.reneciiOiia, wui wiubo liK't-wA.V hfmCferthryrceftalnTY)4aid I. f fninirnc . V-. -AfmfiXSft, t win rifa-innJ-iaiy(K4rai4tn. tjU ..tA ll .their iiiWard Therev,ttkeiit lown as secreuYiraim 9d Buewiiiy aa i , . ' . , .1?. -r0 ltanerfinent..and' nnwarranted! jttoif !of Ignoahci in otheri. 9 tHane'ge,ahd,,tO',d6hoiincft Bucfl; ihao absurd rjos8ible.Thi8 is "my pastoral Do it quick,' a6d avoid all this blood shed. It was agreat relief to get through this aaei ot VdisciDlmerBo easilyii, $ti)l bpwier,kniye1,an4,ipisj tola haunted my visna, atnighf.; apt jwhen, (. waked;J fti streeji.in day time, apprehensions and evil fore- managed. iiyabiougnyear ? ce 5.9 ?J 21 ViAifiS If 1 STit tonted aen&ment. feveh IHAt4a! Bhatneful aaihdeceht in fiaV.thaft".! ribsitivAarmTnarid Hirt! There: aw itime'ln' our Boutherh j a,comma;n that , ijUBO cQptehea- was universal,, that such a perform took an activa parkin conveying, the; by u-n,entu WW"y .dead.bodto itsQme.d waaerj; fbosoo the . deeo-t ..Juoc.tne i wwmiwjf convicted and ? executed. Robert Paine (now f bishop. Paine) d welt feelingly sand 1 jBloquentlsiPPonithe vil of arrvio2i deadly :.'weappna,-At ithe'faueraleEvlceofbrptherrjPishop.l :Hfr..o?4o,piAam-0-ata.i;.the; rtif Hit t if 'desrvtis tone loathed. This 'iar the fact however.'1 4 The! Sinnlbrlmi.We are 'threatehMS bur own gentld women, for -whotn,i with homeTTEomr qr ra7Bnquiaereu , w . . . I ft 1 1 .,. -f ,. M, AS liTftaii Vif:t AIV11: habit or r carrying ,-deaqiy weapon8; sworus wr i; n?vVVrt niee thW? fall by the hands of violence f No; aJand jt.iajoar ntyjmwttno. manwUl knowfngfy make an attack ?is8ueifrmte uraSeamafrTheiean8! Xf i,I,t lHT!i A r(4.' t had oriroosed rwTitiogt Otf ahree: i I TjffcHsd heads.. -One has become nn-t iMPssatv.'The most excellent ahd Incisive article or my orptuer , - ATTaMhh " wm ' ti r orabt lami tb do this. lSbf arfrbni -the weaMhg of deadly. anna soejnff a- pruteunou .w .wv. --T - - .;-,. 1m vliJttialhrtSrocIaiminar tOthS bubliii, if you mean to insult ' tne prepare tb:, Teen, which in at iinrnam. aua which fii cosimbhTy called the Bap-i talk as mucha Ybu Dlease Drovi- dispute with menJn a dictatorial way.! i Why such a declaration, is an-insolt! to ha common . sense :evea . of nn-! learned itauettered mehi r.ifi j.bnt; evidefnoe&i the ; desperate . straits :to which those are driven who ar striv dug to justify thia shameittS thing by 4HL But lo ! I anbthert ! verse; da I ttw nmpharltly paradedv i 1st CoeJX :;5J z.iuir oiuj, nuuiau vuat jiivjeu ut propheJsietb.With Aer head uncovered; dishonerethi her head: for that.Js, even all one a if she were shaf em's d This is the great sheet anchor of the. "Quaker Female. Preachers? f jandj their copyistsandaumirers, ana a great? blowing of ftbrazent trumpeta is made over 'it ;Let bnai who but! other shameful things the women of; the Uorrinthian ,ch arch .threw aside; their veils, the wearing of which (thej head and face, except the eyes, were' en tireiy covereu. w no. in e m ick cioin ft wa?.f ne sigq qi a cnasce, ana respecj-i able . woman i tbA 'noh-wearing. of '.which was the sign thatj' the ; femalej was, a prosutute. . . xeese .ureciani females' thonghtl . thatlhe, 'liberty! the rules and restraints ' of society! under which they . had? been,' restiv.e as. Borne of, their sex even 'now are ;: ana xneyi appearea ia. puouo wunouv ti.i. ' j-a . 1' ! - .w-'i mac maae au iook upon inem as nar 16'aiid thel Jconsequence was a dis gracefal scandat ,Thus this seeming ly simple small ;mat(er,. was a , grea: andistre88ing;.evil,made.tremen ;dbns,,troubleitliand'ime;nte :Wbev.-rebuked 4lfcf4wttllatf othei evns iu mat ouuruutiwas freuutteu iui a single, letter, and'ne by' bnbNE! AFTfeltJANdiHjfeGod's eplrit in all' and,?! very lettef "(M ja" 8jjpglenatancei to the contraifian'fQUDdJ attends to only. one thing- at a ftme. and tbel 18, nqs 'uoy wopaensojayf 'and4 tlreberfv ibraVau'd iJ PnbHc.- fks thesV Vernal 1 : . v l. u., .r ,,i -T . . c who reject uoqs Avora'' Whenever il eultitheni;ay)bWhrimattr o? iemaie apparei. m inp-qoniext as weii are lievw m t, mi m p. ijw gfc aa X4 ply Spirit wrote lio'teisei at dUMnd itf .paraffrapa;''that '.'dfscusses the! ;ter1afilled:with- teasons; tbsow jra woman should be decently and lodestly apparelled ; why she should j dtess as that It .intght appear she! was, a wothan' ahd not ft' man".1 - And tills is'fheJ yery' reasoni1 the1 Bpirili when Bpaaking o jUmi: ijtyga (yte(rApe XV V HAITI MX 9 most -tot fiDeak ir hurchsWhy8hei3nin8tXbold h.e4 tongue, keep ailent'ia' chnrchnol ic it miMttutnl iw.ansft Mhn in not j a mah btit ; a wbiiThe;1ehgtbt'o 4 1 this oaragraon.'vorr xw nrova notn- ing but that the matter, discussed ill It.waa ah exceedingly important pce as It was.- , fcjo.tnat it ts -not only not; imbossibfe'to betieve: that the SDirit of God is speaking here ! only ' Of the matter or improptdressing' wnicn caused disgracefaVscandal i and thatj oaly.a few ; para graphs,! farther oa in the same letter He sneaka.oL women i ta'king in 'cbufch- and forbids all of anything jbi-a. .JLha con;2xt req -ires this understanding , ot 1 ,ucr. j xi : o. WORK OP Dear Recorder ti -saub'l i ti ? xiavmg careruiiy ooservea j,tn progress Of the Baptists L of fforth Carolina for BaveTar Jreara tpaat I bopa that o fe w-wordi from me will jiotbe regarded aapreanmpthou.i iTne Jioaimaof.iiMiBaiosftiorectli North Carolina Baptisk Stato Oon4 vention which haa been iastram en tal in doing great gpodjn the past, and wnose general work seems to bare been guided bT"piouarteal ahd wis4 4ary missionary wbrk, which,3 if faithi rally carried out by tne various pas-j tor of the Stats will prodnoe results WUicn ail time! will' be-too short to compute, s -May the dlvlaa blessing rest upon the great work, ;a n ie i WUl the Board allow me: to make! one or.two Bugge8tiona, !whlch they can take for what tbey ara worth : 1st. Build a good house in : Char Iotte. Tha honnn whlA.h in nnw in use labadry loc3tk:n lt Hs'inferibr and old fashioned. ' There is a large Baptistelem'ent an the tity' which' Cannot be gathered intb the 'ctinrch tfntil a change is effected; 1 The very zealons and energetic ladies of the church have bought and pafd for a mostaesiraoie lot upon which they 1 hope to baild. The chnfch Iswinine to sell the property which 1 it now holds to tbe amount of about $3,000, and to subscribe according to f their! means ; but they are not able to build witnout nelpK It is one-'-of the rob-i jects , of . the Convention - to t build chnrches, and it ,19 the legitimate work of the Board. Not -many men! outside of the city are better, ae-J quainted with .the facta, than I am.! 1 have snryeyed the field'fiom! every standpoint, and am persuaded that a good house, faith in God and earn est wotk, will ia a few years giye the; Baptists Of Charlotte a leading po-- Biium among me aenominations.) But the' house must1 be built bv the! Baptists' Of the.State and; HhrBoaf d; must be the 'prlme mover1 io, the WOrk. ' ' : ' y -''" Jjvi-... ;.!; wi ! "ZatL ' Appoint toissionif-fes tV Wil-I otner large towns,' or" cities, where there' are churches already! establish ed;- The Board' is very ,;oroberlv trying to settle a -Baptist -Dteacber in Avery town of from 500 tb ipOOianab-i ItantS;" ,ifWe!-' have initho United! 8tates one Baptist preacher to everv; 3;000 inhabitants.- Itf North Ciroli-i oathe nttmberof preachers-ls-till' greater in proportion to tbv-'BTJmberj oi ionaoitanisi a proper xiitribatioh: would give to Wilmington from Cto 9 preacaersv to Charlotte tttsm.f3.Xo 5,1 and aa many to RalelghyiltaJs . inn-i possible tot the pastors, especially .in 1 Wilmington and. Charlotte, ;t rach ; all the peopled these cities, . It seems to ma that .the Board' could cot do a! better, work thantoPiKuptomaRd Aui( yBit juieu uwu uBBqpara nnder7the,directioQofiboajdjj yieera". selected, from 9te0 churches We are by no means dome too much lQtheJcbuot4d ihthe'nialrer towns hud 'we are far'b'ehiad la the cities.- J " B. G. Covington.": .i-ifc7'l- I-fl lt i-i.-ji Jib.,1, ;i I The- habit of I iterpetAaily -mentioii- in g the theories of iuhbeUevera when preaching the gospel gives atean the appearance of -great-- learning, but it) aiso provefi.i n tax want Biet;c common: sense. " In order" to"sbw the value! of wholesome food It ia not. needtol to proffer, your, guest aaQseioCyoison, nor., would ihe, think ttbor ibettex.of your hospitality s1f yoa4jd so,; Cer tain sermons arenmoreb calculated to wpatAn faif-.h than tt imnAor man KaJ jieverf:;There8enit)lQ,; process' tbrongh, which a. poor unhappy dog; is fequehlly passed at ,tbe GrottodeL Cane ataples-Hlfthrown fnto the gas, which reaches np. to . the, 8pectoter8 knees, not': with the view of killing1 him,' but aa anlexhlbUton.! Lifted but his vappiy bath, he is! thro wtf -ihto' a pii tf rjj aterV ahdj revives la Umev8ucradds utnotJ likely ttf tie .6TOclfelyrwttn. idog oi parsuer Of gamfeldhehs bearers '5onaay c after 'Banday are though t,they may autvi ve thevxper-j imtot. bat-tbe-rtdilLi.nflvihkMviiTiA fipiritually strong or practically tosa- f oL't It is never worth while: to taakel rents in.a; gArmenti farthe Lsaknof raenaing ttsm, nor .to create doabta in order to show how cleverly we can quiet them.. . Should, a niaa;, set fire! to- hi fconsapecftusa b$ Jj ajjAPAteati extinguish?? j?hich wculd-put,it out m no . tino, vr tW? woaiat2Sd.!,a chnrches of the Centrar Association Jtheqaestidri ot troth f or fahehood. aggregating .$20,859.90. an average 4 If Ue be ! propagated,! ot truth be rinauded,;!tb-:wa.tckmea or .thai Lord will have go give. to their account o permitting lt-8jntrgeon. : .t r FttOX BK0. OILLILAND. ' I spent nearly .two- weeks in the town of Gbldsboro. .; I found a very fair Sabbath School numbering 116 It has a class . composed of : the old X9lks: which is a rare thiug la. most OtoariflchOOla, mlxtte-j:zl !. From there I,ifentrto.u-Freinoatf about eleven miles distant. I found there a eh urch; of twelvo jDDembers without pastorfi There is in r great deal of. Baptist sentiment ria that community I amtnot paly ,aarpris4 ed, but grieved tor think ; that this! point shoold hava been so long negi lected.''?;; ;r,kii t-... - I spent a Sabbath with the church ia Wilson, It was a treat to me td be there. They are strongly attacni ed to one anQther. One of the breth reu'said to me that the . church was dear to him, the tears running down' his cheeks meanwhile. Oh 1 that the -members of all oar chnrches felt such Ibve for one another! ' .i I attended the SabbathT School icatitate held at Mt. Olive, on the 3rd and 4tb lost, by appointment o? the Sundaybhool Board of the Eastern Associatioa. It was - aa ia teresting meeting. -r .ioii t r : t Or my soul, beat. with the 4nfirmi ties of tblue earthly : tabernacle. It will M tbns bot a little whila : the aqundof thy Redeemer's feet iaeven at the door-.urtiT, i UU not by one look, bat the con- stant looking at Jesus, that sanctifies and comforts . ' . y. JnFvr ih Recorder. - EACTS AND flGURKS IfOKTH FEE . ..... jiEBViKQ. , ! Editors Recorder ; : ' - During my sickness .1 have been, overhauling the minutes of the North! Carolina Baptist s Associations- ifor 1 1878,4 tind i trying to calculate the pTJbgresi of oar Baptist host J I have before me the retains of 21 of the 40; white Baptist : AssociatiOBS in the! States, uThese 2L' Association foot up 600 chnrches, Sunday schools, .gp.piecommnnicantf, n f 101,70L54! total) xioptribationp,, and.! 149,037,75, contributions exclusive, of pastors! BaUies.:oa,;, bad showing ffor orth .Caroliua Baptists. ;.., ,,.! A Nirieteeri of these whitel7A8sbcla-j tioqs, viz : Chowan Tar River Bast- etn, Raleigh, .Central Flit Rive',! Lltlle RijSd'atD'reWir 'Creekj Cape Fear, .Waccamaw, Peei Tiee; i&roti:pterd Eockyw River. Sandy1 - Creek,' Mb- Zloo," Liberty, Bbuth Yadkin and B.eulah lie east of. ' ;i.it t: :va liXu jta.f i.T)i.i.rj i. vud xTicuuiyub xirxjiuc Aittiiuau iruiu Danville tb Charlotte or "are5 crossed by that railroad. These 19 Associa - I , ' - , tfonS repbf ted ISstyear churches uruaiueu uiuislctb, u,o memv t)rs;ahd Reaving utnheWacca mawr' Liberty and? 'tRbcky t-BirferV whose : minutes : have not Txnne-to- ; hand) $,062 baptlsma. r The.cohtribu-. tions to religious, object r.ot:iS j of these, ouUideot.paatora. aalaries, as reported In theirLininates amounted to $47,435.33, a average of $f&C0 to the charch andaboatt)2 jcentSitotUe member i .butisome, ,of the chnrches : failed to make any returnaKof;thelr contrihntions. daring; the jearr and pat few,,-of .them rreported,t famooats: contributed for buUdJpg aud!xpair''': jlnghoasesofj worship. The. largest conrripuiiona 1wererpaaer,by'rthe The BibHcidiEecorder. EpAcat-litiine. llnoh,.. i? do h 3 do' . do", uu do f 1O0 3 00 loool 16 00 8 8 008 8 OOIIlS 00 001 s bo: : 4 OOn.0 .00 1 A Am '.riA' iroo Sax. as oo 20 001 r28 00 XOWl 80 00100 00 6m, ;25o &s ooj sr oof, 6bbo 100 00 its 00 12 m t25t)0 40 00 0 00 5 OOf 60 00 85 00 170 00 300.00 Special NotlOvB charged 20 eents a line; ' ObituArie ilxty wordt long are Uaerted frge Of rturgn., ,, WTinathey erreed thli Uagtb oo eent for each irord mnat be paid ia ad vaaoe.' if 1 '' 4,' OpiTDUCrriDBT of abdat $8,00 'to' the :memberr;ex claslve of pastors'1 salaries ii the smallest by those of the Sbcky Rlt--er Associatioaf 3.25, or Abont. k of a .cent per member.ivThe Central, with only l8barcbeaad8,W5.meniber$f cemtriboted fiearfattcjee a much w , the Chowan, Eaatcrnj Raleigh; and Cape Pearjt the four. mjuizAH&fy niheUiU,0ut togetkertpn& -. aggregating 211 churches .xaad ever 24,700 members; .The: coatatioha of the Cape Fear andasternAssd ciatlons averaged bat 41, cents peer 'member; those: of ,L the" Raleigh 75 cents, and of th noble old Chowan" 63 cents. -'The Tar River comes next tag IL80 per- member. Then comes the Mt. Zion, $1.64 per member: then tha South Yadkin 4L24 -taea' the Salem, ;away:u)verstbBif mountains, 96 oent):fthe Raleigh,75 ents; . tha Chowan v 63 ents j -i then t the Browa x ; Creek,.46 s cents ftheoPee .Dee 39 cents t Flat .River: 24 1 cents ; Liberty,' 22 cents ; Beulah, 19 cents ; ,Soath .River. 12 ceats Cape .Fear and.338tern, each, ceats; Little, River, jents ; Sandy Creek, 7 ceats; Cedar Creek, e.ceataV and Rocky River Jf a ceat pememberrf j .. .I kaow thiit tbesej fignrea.arei not altogethexair jljut they are as fair as the charch clerks report them. If the Becretary.of oof Mission - Board would furnish every church clerk ia the State -with ' snch blanks as are pria'ted by Edwards," BreuglitcVoi Co for aharcH - letters .to the Asso eiatioas, adding eolomns for oftiirch extension and 'amount expended on Sunday saebls at home, wo; should get better reports of what iadonend : toe pianKa imomseives would retand many- otoOar.delinqueat churches to do ?inethiag .jto be-reported, to tb . Associations. 7 The Cedar Creak and other. Associations, havadonejmaeh ia the way of churcb. bnildingvwhich has not been reported in the mln-i-ntes of the A88ociatioB. "s North Car olintans generally,3 and "Korth Caror Una Baptists especially, are so avers to publishing1 whaf they do, that it is neit to an impossibility to taba4 late theirwork Oorrectly. -They never rash into print '; they can's -be per snaded to give information about themset ves$ when- earnestly desired to do so by others : aad it is only when dragged out by misrepresen ta. tion', thaV yoa can get?them , to tell ahytbipg to their credit ttbw if the foregtnrf 'figures'1' reflect opoa.thf Churches Jbf 1 any Association, ief them send up fuller reports.'' to theif tTniou Meetings and AssbcfalionsI and let each d elegate to ' our Bap4 net oiaio vviuavenuoa rase -win him a miaate of his Association an . hand it over to the Secretary of th Convention, wnicn meet. in.Uxfoi ' next November.'; " -. -; . : ,Gotoot thUTahle aad,PreserT It. ; ,.t, If ybb ean fill op any of the blanl oalumos or put in later, statistic, toi : those marked do eo and aehd th additions on a : postal. crduto. U i undersigned.. NORTH CAROLINA BAPTIST STATISTICS FOR 1878;' a a 1 NAME OF ASSOCIATION. uraBny-Uoantalp, ... . Black MounUin, . BfroadltiTer, fat part, ' Bvdiim Creek. Cape Feari, mhm'h)..;, Carolina, in. pact,". . . Cetawba'Riter,: .V Oedar Creek, .';.;'.). 12jUhowaa,i. 18 Eastern.. . iFlat River..-. French Broad, tT 8 9: 10 18 16 18 1 r4 '4V fi FKeadahip ,i.Mtit-s..ii HiawasBe. in par t, . . . . T ii . . . , Little Siver,... I ML .Zion,. , . , ;. . . . v New "Found . NewBirer, lapart,....i...v. Roan Monntain,. f - lfocrr .uTer,., Kalelcn, Sandr UreeK, 89 80i9oota Fork,. .... ... . a - i.w v. -31-! South KiTer, ..?. ;. SilTrwUTltanla 88 Valley KiTer, . . ,-rs kit ....... ,26 29 SO 22 22 83 '4 83 29 651 251 86 ill 80! V.4 - 29 18 14 22 32! 18 23 22 18 88 29 19 151 a QA! ofalteAiaoeiaUoM: i0i&7 at.dTotal Cvlotd-jUaoelatlon, 2828 1 16 24 2 "14 14 11 . 89 ' 24 v 8 .93 . , '-17I :10l :i3 -13 18 '"13 sl i J 10 " 8 "18 sl2 w14 131 as4 417 SO sg! 53 10 ii u ,16! '6301 .488 oatriXxit'hi above Paatora SaUH ' 1,717 'f 2,678 1.433 8l "5,278 a: n3i art 18:37: ?"l "m 85! feI4 W$ 4 1471 .295 4C4 162 149 103 14U ' 4 8 66 1971 134 - 1191 180? 108! V In i. vl,B28 5,468 1 -2,645 . 10,061 5,351 -ja 2,678 5 ,.2,500 . . S3 7 r r4,82 -814 &S42 1,220! J if!! .1,5731 1,319 993 8018 ...... :-'' 189 09 '20,859 904 - 6,814 62 ' ' 613 91 of.ssoss, ' 251 84 i Ail 232.09 264 89! 78 84! ' 3,841 11 f. M -605 27, I ! S 5 4,084iti05 41 ;2,423 "11,446 1,883 J '8.881 a 2,806 a.w 21' . 779 . a 1,734-81 .-rflG8 13 a.9074 ti ,r,,lj.,;7 ef i a i 801 387 1091 89 16 .. .89! 1 H 75,414.', :i I - 62 2ttf 691 : I47f i,l22. . , . r 1 'JieTttTg-sf r "TTakernrefetSnaday School'' oudi I . Prd..aff rites.-nift tfiat-it eeetat to him 'VBaptot Stato0Ss,a rMTenflon.and Aaeooiatlonal Corrrention are jnst - vhatwe oreu. ttiiuo we nare greas many eunoay Bchoola in tie State; ' Buurf of them are hot welleradoanjir bi dbin the work Vey tr dot ?i And'by trieane-f the Cbn- Tentona, jfcink -weca, nmedy this ernV Well a pwridfl f or Jeetirata eeotion&t Xm heyfaTpirf any OnRthai wiU arouse us pwpip uoepw won , oi weir xespon nihflltiee, and eauae their to work more dili- 1 :J gently in the i great Sanday School oanae." The senUments expresaedaboTe. w ex cttx tn aoeoid wUh.iay Avlew of the matter. Hare writtftB aad iaU all thai I know how in aay, but it'really sMms that with all the as. raalon the anbject all over the SUte, are U .not reof (nfert enough -in tha great work to tndaee jay of jour largcrtows or UUeaio Ure' ilnd entertain the Cosrentioa. Ill reeult VOl - e, of eonne,' that there ban be no jCkmrentlo.: u Bcooe brethren hare eng. gested Ealelgh?,aa;the. ihost mntabb plao for the meeting, but cries : oome up -: front fipod many parte, sayingtjTDon't AaT ererything mMehor' this relaoiy thV people of Ealdgh haVe faned ttftsiterid uktitation to lheOoirreUtiLl aBk baoe mor, who will entertain thelState Sunday Bchool Conven- Frm Hiekary Bro,f J. B. Jonet, our: young miBloaary at this plaoa, aays fl am glad to learn that the brethren generally . in tha State are favorable to Aasociational and State Baptist S. S. Con- TenBons.: I hare erer 'Deen to faTor of the Sunday School work. I bellere- thai1 it It a powerMInxiliary td the hurches and the means; of doing, ea moalouable amount-of good, and that it oomea upon ua aa a duty to meet toge ther and deTise . auch plana aa shall pfore moet effectual In adTandng the' interest of the work 1 How t can eonceire of no bet ter way to do this; than ' by means of - Asso ciational. and Btate t3orrywitiona. finite ' the Sunday Sohoo wotkf rs aa oppot; bmity -; to meet and, discttEa tha T&rions . methods of con- rtnnMrin ll.hMl. .. Ih. MiMu .1 Ik. HKVUUK fmVVHk UWHUM PUU.UfB WK1) ll Vi UIO suodess of the very beet Schools in the. State wflft1ri(ugBi tohghi'Thkll ;6ier; are eaeTgt-and effldenfefkikwbrl&Mi In tiie State, is no.iqueetlan sxd; tt; ia squally er tain hat there are joany rnll: and inefficient workers. .Ijt these two olaseee come in. con tact ana the utter ul D6 tenentea. -TTiie various 'notion .and views, as' to1 how the Work should be carried 'on, will be disenssed, and th4 beat 4laua, t least to a great extent wiUfrbe. adopted , Th impoTtanoot i fh work.will .ba presented io.many,ia r light tnat tney.nare neyer een .oerore,; and taey will return to 1 their Schools inspired with re - newed seal vA energy5 for 'the 3woritvlAnd the resulW 1 behaTe, .wilt .b more end better a -1 w rasyIkSiidaychii;i'a Bra faa. G. Pittard, the Superintendent of this i flonri8huig8choolsays: :"In regard to jConyention,' to hsTe the Sunday Sobool work iwionghly orgaattid we will be obliged to havefhi OoaTe'httdns. Let as hiTethem; Find enclosed: fiVe f dollars a a i'ooatribution .frea40raaayj5reek Sjinday School; raised by .a hat polJeotioBand a.littk oorn plant raised year, I will endeaTor to do au loan for the Sunday School, work, at ' home and abrosi'N tiiankyonBra p Hate fclwaya JooaH yoq -wiUiag 4nIod. Pteese- return icmx simMBJhBkafoyvr School tribution.. .It came in good, Uiae,: We are very much in need of funds. Won't some otheF SehooTo'ttSiwIT'fV;'' TaemiomSrty.V I am in receipt er-a-eopy of. this excellent Sunday School, EeriodioaJ sent by the pwhlisbera; It fNsoataaa S3 'pages; and. be sides two pages devoted to each lesson, there 89.6 ffW?.f .aijasj showing the ex teatiojt. sJrjthnaHjmpavAt gramme, an Opening fieeponaivc xerdae, Bview Exerclae, and' Missionary Treason. Hie .Questions are clear- atiniulatfiiiT ' and 'tttoioagrpj',,w; plat'n and c distinct, and the appearance of the page open and at traoiive.r 'Fahliahed by AdataS'Blackmer Jk Iiyon'lPnhlhing :Vtlngd,u Illinois, wholare atMpubliiwen Sun. day School Teacher. ' 'v 1,s!i-11'.' .' ' ' Front the Chovfn , . f , wr Bousba!!, says ; 'Tleaje send to Saw. . yer's Creek Sabbath Bpnool .one" doiea Little Leader couamiilona." TtV Lltde leaders have coilected arid paid t fa aovenfy-f our dol lara' moeif of which ha been expended hpon awtoos flqebtaiifcSe 't&ajtfc f.i Wmii ' hdfb ' vj Tb Boditji, fiH send' aJoomkibuiion ito ; yousBpard aftar, the present month. Please sendj ljareftira mail, jwe want rthem by nextflufday. Jfoat see what ihs p&n ean AFlaaSogfested.- ' '" iJIii.iwt -x3ro. r F- HarreIl,-of ;WhlteviHe, writeai , 'Suppose far tha presentthat, you iboraaas IcUroommnni cation and more general Inter est byTffrmg every school alitUemore stock h la the ehip.--vei ? dollar's; worth of the good otd hat collection- win -steal a- place in their affections, and from' its "nipopulaxity ' we hsvenothing; to kwe.l I twlU cause no bus friend to desert his own cause. Jtiecan first I tolerate,, then -sanction' and "the' em brace. -oeooooiitiM "time and space;- why j ant ssktTreeaarerjWonibl to: arrangw a Hat of abbrevaitiooa, embradng .n -subordinate Associations, and' publish monthly reoeipts givtegabbreviattd asmeof Association,, asms ofTSchPoSU th jUector and; thi-nioaa t And. tha -seme -of .-these eredita-rjaay show s 'stimulating bobtessT at the close of .the year. . To prevent abase ehjofir- eaeh o2oeror eoU lector to pass tns proper recetpt, an4 modaBt- I ly restore every ess. over or' oy consent I SO ,a j t j Total Alissionary Baptista iaJferth : Carolina, according: td above returhi'J w-asn.cianoafli i7! chnrches, VW brdainpd cinister?, and 159,9 condd-" nltatsuiThese figures wiU probably .be increased by . later returns frod'tlse; Associations parked L:X'A2(tteriUet.$ V? frt-haimaa Com'. oa'Statistlcs.icrif. tt 4t without delay, onedoCaiio-the 8. St Board-at (Itaieishi ami Remainder ta iiev. B2thw.o..M23-Xhestauttreet, .zrjiuaueipuia, Ha inej ww do aei." 119a wiub - prpuajt appearance of "the-S-ery xp books uta y-? ".n h.wD ovf .y w.mr A. ug I vutotcf pametI a osiag eriJJ is a rob per to tne scnooi as w 1 ts to. toe pucusaer. Honey oa tsod lula all ua yeir and t2;e chil-dreBBieriEgfirBssieUSUreillLrJsiDg.'