a:. .. r.. ,i: ,.. y, , -, t WBLISHED ETEST WEimSDXYFl 4. i iui ,Lsiot OSca ayttrltti Strii Oppoiti! NTaria 3 00 Oneoopy, ix .aioniha... ...... I 00 ciuWot v,-. ,.777. .; .;: .".;:. :..v.io oo Otrtu of ten,rA J;4v..V.'.i;.t .1 . .'.4 .SO 00 RemitUncea canst 6 seat py Hftgisteroa i Letter, PoBtoffloe Order Srptess Draft, j fYbU tth aide of t&XiHVhmM, di I For the Bedcar;L SHALL IftWCr FBEACH. fen'fdr wfcffirBtiTIhif7reict fertfmoWemmrjti rrffged tocrtf ven raetrtiyths&f'thia otfeLbdlrHh 4 iuuuu.wMf xt .v: :r I14" ifrt ..f votiH Liis i.-j ,r,oi I'fiiiiprtt of the'.fTortK' CCerolU,ffi,( II f.. M uri- l';'t f It hrlt m I'l At I I I'"'! 1 II J I II' . 1 I t c4 lag jbu ,wi'aa ooeisBU icwjwt on cuv tfi$i 3 1 oi U:rog t oi iwf la kIao edl re Laid coos Jrbot j 1 Mtplui LwT VOLTTltB did aio4 by 4hir tmf tnta ftoaitha ppwr of BU& ant9i hxL And yet will a&y.maa who is not so daeedsftBdq&iadedi iattx adheceQO&r and advocacy of tesljajiwfiU'prao- gtd tEaithfeyPWaMkdirted m?a werftiais propyl to the somirtms rierioiw iKi tfccy I ease mea weifalsQ pipphetA iott becao8 beeriw aw8aM--argly,18aoc8afai m me matter or moving oiv ujeijc hearers and,, caatlnff large .numbera i-peppie, iq ,me anroiesaioit ot religion ' anC lotatie, cnarcb;", j3q taattAu catuwt be anv reason uhu an individual )WM toeacX;or'ttt(e does. claim as converts, and tbwenaw WJJi5&6 that they arttcaUedof Oodjhd the PTCi does, WaihemMCftrlst, for, KtWhsX9p .fhitfrora -anthorirea qwUoSsSSyI2SS J me4 lhe;nertlz; d 'cotemands rtabhl thal'oW it not pj4sainaaatSd fau HitfP'SSS InWttWWTn eiven them m manvthonsMSTof old& :tta)08fieif heyj ptphetan MlaborftntIHI sSla tothSpninSS If llTuron? 6ulTkathiln'WbaVthd8iltoa&a in Aln. It isitallew;palpab!e, aad aaSreWiief ones had wwiiSqftlsnof to ftat ridtoloui wwstlnr tod 'pirTenlon Meinnh?ialJP nseVmtet?akeryfew of ajripttwtaaystliat? thatf Ui?iJba-S$ nerftled f.GAs nemajr th fr.it. oae:miait preack 7 innLo wAfiLV:,- be o iotwv. - Mortovef, the oppoiiur eravix t :U7coaverttthOT maket iTtTrYw PWB tetfallylala&Waa Jtda it mean, .their: cUoD. and,, their hearuehis 'S! Jteaed iastwurawa Twtmienf that Joda wtnt ont with, the otbec Apoa-; tleeiaad did jnat what they did, waa jotAi anafnl as theyawere.wNot a particle of distinction is made be tweenhim and them gq far as the ft measnre of the effect of hlajpfaching weat.vvnattixeyjtxaid. report on their This" iftsaertion is atferly averaiviB of God's 8 ord,T'aii nicfed 'ttpn will utterly debanch SSd corrnpt and rain the cause -wherever it it acted apOD , ' Otitis ziuAsv-VYK ?.: Tbat I d .not -miacpn8traa ibes. apologists vfbr;j women,. preachiBgt4 will, before examioiJig jthe proppsi-f tion,.laj it bore 4py readers aa.-!ni; from prod aces, for chorns fore hundred. Let what follows be" cafe ?i!?LSi kwh4 9.u j H!,- u c6on;hii mMKmim -a snore, piain, 1 to kB0r?tnre 'frc ZlZZ-ZlS-1 shaffitfforwbtaatttptcH-as totf AmleahTpl,tighlr.feepreJ are ye In tblxrtsWaL Jodas; ! I rernrn irom ennaa nreaenmo tnnrs 1 wnmarr tA fph. bnf tahAtn ihatim . 1 tap 1 , Boaca - wiu. Darmir. L anoiA 1 . n . - . . ; i'Trrr, 'Trw.v.Trwr .-"rrVi 1 lis't; UJiVif -2 "ey maae, .iwrfOttife also report. upmmandJhese that no JBophistTy ary ,w ".,-"'? -PM1'-? I .h.rt. Kf. Mn 'uh. I UwJA.t'-A kaitHirf I t than a II aittui Ata" ahAHia I w W. kl" K4auu I .cuwilW W WUWauimjU.Ut.UlWtUCU I alntf th Samefc8bns:.:,1!rherei I m??.55 I !n52PiS5 6nbiimmte"1Bmt:SaU KmnIfIt ISaS??1??? MB nuo uiBiiuwr, lawiuiiv auvi P'VU- I uieace aou auuveara : oi uuu a law i tw fetraWa whichttisshhmeftH r wavu9u urn invv tuav m maw vr iu in? -Thti'tfWlufo fbreachersl 'ttfitt vert tinners to GO&Qr at least confirm and ttrmgtkehtUtiitordreiMV FalM ptcphitrebWot. Iheyalsd- aro false prophets -wttOi'thoagh epeakf the? very trmh; ore of ientbfite spirit of Qod, but come intkttKiien name to declarp iL Ttoelz graadimark is: ' nob turmng ryrp ik power . The term frnita1 is believed to rw fer to one orthe-pther, orbothol the followiog: L, ,Their, holiness, or the fraits of 'piety Jn" their Jiyes,1 or. 2. their; success " InrBavifig BOQlsthe I 'fnitts'of their ministry-the prodi I no,r Iariot a' trae' prophet t -He can verted tools and did that make hurr a true minister of o jeana- Christ r( Jeans himself tells us text Jadaa was a detHthe wot ot perdition m . a -"H&sadi thef'case f Jattass&adt many' repetitions H rWhy HJertSinly it has. ' I knew of tw6 wjen.a (I with hold names, of icourse, but, t have: overwhelmiag proof ? of ll the ; in stances iBow-adduce'u One of theses was godly man of race meaatai ppwf e ,aad attainmeata. flHe ibasoaft annual subDort the funds ."Which hard We riven fdt pfermib'enlPent ni2tf' That this rOoQventloo earnestly recommends fco the Baptist brethren , and churches connected with this' Convention to mate' c6ti ttibutioh. to the "Southern Bapti&t Theological Seminary, forth, an nail iuppprt ef'the iusUtuUoa nutU tb endowroen t f tnd can, be collected an S?Sycl ? mMWm ohn Ai'Broadus; who teoku'p a ooU tection fAmotratiag to atKmt dorsement the Convention ;vHconlq 3Wk DShi5m.etlnirr?.l6 Board of trrnsteei I was ehretM OmK rwpon4.BtcTtUofitMr$ to, devote, my t labors for the present lo, "ralsingl thOj "Currents Support fund and, ' with4 th. frhole South as toy'field. In carry ldodt the pro vis i tons of the resolutions and the Wishes of ,theOioard..of TruBteea I shall ep? deavor "to secure this sum. r. j 1. By Tisiting as many Conven tions, Associattohs 'and churches as possible, and taking up collections for the objects stated; mt tt 2.'i5yjcorreepondlnr twlthtiastors andiehurehtai and organising plana eystematia giving to thetjemw .euaeavoriag to secare at least collection a jvear in each church rhlch hasthe love of the Setnitlirv at heart1- 'We shall be' bompelled td relywiiinry mar this-plattTasmo one man or aoorev ot men could visit all will set aside. w utu.i paila oi:,the f yast field f and fno more T Pttthertnbre it ts'i Shame foi'Ohrfs- worthy object cculd be presented for tia'ittf to5 'contttenarte 'ad patrenite the- regular J ' cpntribution. ' of" ' the 'That chtttches. XAPlWfla'XWauatW to dJ it is shame-1 cards will be furnished pastorstnl tofckwpoiiandUlewTittQBrIf I applicationrffWbiobi will, assist them then eome any uuta you; and brlBg iu their collecUona. v T . Qbt'tbiK'doctilD receiv.UmqaQt ' ' 3." We "hopo to' accomptlsb "iniaoV aatoaur hoaaoj neitharMd kim Grt by ' appeals to brethren of "weH-kndwu1 tpeedfor hethatr Uddeth him Oo4 I pietyyiiatelIigbceoandib.navoleno. speed-iapartaketcf. his: evil deela. wiio,are,TrienUs1t9 the cantBroiian 2 John 10; 1L Af:er thati anr I educated iBptist rninistery, and are teachings, as not only the words bat the context mAkeacextalni --h?ta Ltf2aWJaoeTer:( Qbd's I ord,! Teitencea mqpt not preach. AP.thMit silences women. Is. plain aji long :astheserde?s caivejwminandienMa"! jvomeu keep silence, in the churc.hesJ' I'Xtls'.not pern? itted them ta speak.; Itia a shame fora woman to speak) In. the. church.'' .VL suffer , not a tiou of the fruits bf piety ttrtf lives; ! of those who heard them, ; Jt seems, howeverto refer'thlefltlr not elfclil slveli t'o'the latter; ' For St they ere sheep's clothing7 H)utsfae reHgion and Ul8e professions of loreWit was not so easy to jndgemthEav-hj, their memoryJs-.aost.fragraut..,) Pa ha. I 2Vii piwtPtMfort . C0 uenncemeat that ; any;3ereona who are Christiana can i listen to frater- uize wifcuaad brd-Qod jipeed thoe WhOjiiw they theweltte aimt .Mi dLwbeyipKGodisamaxvelloasUaiDgi X..5 1MP0JIT4N1! ANJiOUKCEJiUNT Office CorresDondine Secretary. ' . left behind; bim, a. name thatjiSiiaa, preoaa pintawut an; whenever he, is MwGap9ken, of.mea: aay.bit he, was one of the lowliest; and loveliest, and saintliest and jnqst consecrated of Christ's ministers.. Yet that man hadb6tthe'gtand: tiiifrk.' Hefwlas PAS Bexthbeji At the rtcent session pf Jthe Southern. Baptist Con vention an Atlanta, : tne, ahour ot ten. willing to "come to our help In this1 emergency." Dr. Boyctf4w1thhbnf r am associated ia :thisc work ; wilf make a special appeal, iu behalf of this argent cause at once, in the hope tha4.now,' as in the past generous re-, spbhses will beMmade. Barely bur. geat Denomlnatloifitb'bnly? One Theological Seminary' in thewhole Souths and thafamoufi fhe'foremost In the land' with ah unequalled pat-' ronagei; and air enddwmentbf $500, MM rivm -nm ttrmmn: "wm nAt that Seminary to fail for the waritno! timely aid to keen it m operation uu-( til the endowment fa paid let Thef cause is nOw bef orfe y oo, and I trust yds will not wait' for the visit of the otock, Mon4ay was set apatt for the tj-mor formal appeals; consideration of the claims of the I Knfrha An iii t nniA vrnm Soathern BaDtist Theoloeical Semi- but that you will act at once. Fund. may be seat; to iiev. James r. iJoyce, UveeruiirfrniiadMcjpietya ieaa i a x vhif ,; I Pm aeemloieach.4!hent.(hat mVM Zi &hr , Treasurer, 310 Fourth AvennaLoniff, Ppoft M mm$$mW&JE2Z Kt but notify me ah th. time sayciWteplBgly witfcithv VtopheV I J psetne efflerehcy was now, upon IhCIemale prerslrs:whos JIS-aS, deter mine twh ethei !prno callepyMt- ""'v5 I tJPHewdwiwporti'H I rnVstnacbrwlsbeprW SteSS -sfrSiK: -r " i ' . : i Guns iwcuui'ijaf ivimvmmuv - J - - " --'tH- - WSiM- feah 4att montlurthneceascaaeoJW WMBB miraiiinerarabj8eori.oyis heoodW ! cwinl and,herdid xnt wdievery bodydneowaii(WighJted were ashamed at nia perioTmanees- w&utor, m mmtymmsmw havrbeen1 pln(lrirp1ieuriif i a - . r . &ah nf Tnlwlii fhf th ciirrSrit ish n - - r port of the iastltution during-the progress of theehdtrment move mnfeiq When i thpi endoWTect: whs negar.iiniil8eap apeeialifuad Cor enrrtsnpport.wSaraisedamotiatrr rng to about 05,000r -on. which rtha Seminary ;bas subsisted for the past fiTOJfrjiaThaen4owmejiti,cansid- nara times nas progreuea it vwi. airm ovi Af th .requieflaving been aub n, bonds .and. real' estate of sendingtbat-I, may, be governed in my movements, and not waste timemifiogr or 1 cdrlreepWdlhg CV CT6W OUt PF I aVWw.rtAli ai riia-A oa It iit w iirTaiAJBZafc-J I uyu. 8I dJ oM.Bi WHAKTONI- e a j grf JOortearpOudlny Bectewry; ?,u! a -rt tot? r? Igyjryqy r.T j?T tUJ sloa 5X?& not lay down, the firiii pteacbef was 4a'S&22ii ftfalsdWitf ?uef as aV ft PMVtftM paec6aafaliLowtrtedi btt .rT 7ZiA7ft wi:tri,riwi,f!ii I the hwgfat M etna Jertyai anff nauuvi comparatively small 'haa been baid inl m frnm fh iKowr 6t 'satari 'ttMo' 'Godr I iaj W"" "- t',,"r " - I the Dona8,taaen not macunng nuui i lor wani oi epiruuai Qursing, x&Un Thbj1tmdmieaiiecei-T i4 ft hittlublibftcis!tl5.00tf I ieexeusable.eondifld PTPdraZlpti.J p anntim? tiUd ID Sdditldtfr3,000' I God has linked his popTc- and their1 peV 'aaiiam f!S Beecred for ths-Stti1 J interestJi tbetr'bapptoeS'a8 wn as is abbot all thevido Now.: isiBat I f" fM"TOrrl,TSfr I det' aeBienswearptenaeaiff i their asstiaiesr,TosepaTaoty lagwirerf ASVa" -itiiiinvi Iw pjaupiwwwrtwisMj MvirJgtbsp board-Jmd Whlrietees and Ut vhrtrPf tvm e4mi aKSlUunM mfln ewwcfttpbw ,4. expense bttm&isriLt tMndadtpoceupyand4.lt Tor the Kecoraer. 1 Mpfe.fban, liairtbe assoclatronaL year! haa sTid Into the ,pt,7ahdput ilttletha'sf beefl"done"ln xheYIheyartr W our xordi V As, body or wnrrchetf some ot our members ' are suffering' i others' ?hile bei v rewbf tbeuf ate driftimr in" the demoralized secalaf 'Chrrenr of1 thV day. "llHac ;the- Impoverished And' 1 fores ail who get converts ought Jq-b. mraisters,tand altwholoi nof ought notf TlISE td4N0iPAlkAtW(?L fi. TRUTH IN. AKY Sjjpg,y ASBTTOa. memorised and deli vered parrpfelikftt palming then oa as his pwn 9ermpua4 Waa bei truft preacher 1 A, map, recreant even.tov tha imDUlses and could ba base . enouen. to. maiireai a beneficiariea. In thapveaept-tpat-' tion of aflairathererereoaiyuhtte alternative v4rt "&rrBv& It I (mJtmM cprpusorpejra maneuc lunus, wuica iuey jiauyfiu, righ lp P9 a that was given for.per- ealtivatoth klsgdem innUV the, comiag thaj Lord of the hatvestw that he may rej celve his own, and crown bis tenant: wiftgtoryn4, AonpTa ani-eternai w1totwlthsndipg,iwei thamiibad, Let, Christ Mmselfc speakitJqhnsir. rlte LW&&Vmi4&ttioX WKP? 3rnd-tetfia. is that: saying Jil?tr dWlWM nDeht eodowroe& anpL pauot be sa I pomrBveraef frpmt miigidedaa butiopk. truegpeapwethjmia , geaj? yo;to-re on ye bestow ana consecrated ministry ot the gos pel, nothing remaloa bat a living rattu and-an 'apuvcrpuedieuoa to re- upon you, aeyoive the resppnsip nty ofttrtach uhelolbe'pFofiSa? Tionu le grtat'Apoitlsf tne'CdJ tiles speaks ou thawiaeiMiVe proeehf nc-ourseljefjr but, QhJiJWIwft er to gratify thetFTanltyWW mote:tbdrcxyiJafc:iiliereAnotUo raise a re llgieua pa'tJ-npfciftTfPiJWb mote the' glory of 'their' Mastcrfthe Great Head of the chnrch, and the' salvation of mankind, !And; thti dU vine treasurp is depaUio arth en vessels; yea, in "us ,whp are, sgj frail, and- continually 1 eiposed to the1 crashing malignity ht fifsBiianW majesty but it to -God'a workJwho commanded thtJighiMRapniPl darkness and to BhioQ ltontJuearts. to tlve ,the1igh;t sm6 khdwjedgerbf the glory 6f God in t&eHface fof Je? sua Christ, that thevetcslleney btthw power may be of Gpd snd Mfcpfjiai Now, God of His inttoita goodness hath called us with a holy ,caWng? and made it the chief 'oocupatton of Our life, and -with It bai'bdmmf ted to ut the-werdi of rcepdciliatioiL' which is, the, power .pCGp anto, 1 jatinn o everyone;, ftat ,Vellereth This "word of the Lord Is 'perfect,' cpn verting the eouV-toaklng-wise th simple, rtjoidng the hearty enlightear' ing the eyes and jendarlng , fort ver,- as welt as keeDlnt? tia from, thft itaiha of the destroyet.iWift iuclf an jitt fallible directory before us to -s tody, and witn:wma tadefloo and rettw the dpctouea of Jbe, force christian duty on every .mem. ber of ChrlstV body .entrusted ttfodr' ear'e and traialog,' we need noteftv AndwhUp we have but an. Iaw,: w. have bat one faith and, one baptism nor is there reooirniaed bvitha Kino: (n Zlon anything as of Divine origin mas conuicts witu inr unity or nia Ilead and the specified priacfplea'Pl His churches and the polity . tcjereofj How Important then that .h wabjh! men oh Zion's walls faithfully, teach the bellevers,'':ahd ughard" the flock? from every foe. ? Several, things if J tercept our harmony and ; progress LiWani of. proper ;fraUcoal,vregard for each other iu bur labors of love. 2.i A desire to, have the pre-emibence uesa to w wwjocv v one auotfatir ta love, and tp esteem each other mora nullifying the commandments of God," by 'depending1 5 ori ' ouf'earfnly wisdom abdi hdmarr 1 legUiattotf- foi tbechnrches,1) instead otlWaifiagdq the, Lord InfaiftimdprayefojCjPhj vine assistance, and for the. enlight ening the miud and heart on God's work in connection with the duties ow?inAlehSfhSd 1st, to be clothethwithf humility : 2d, the BUtoaAsOmiX the spirit and fulLbeliel lot thg truth jet,.. tnlnd be ih you which aslso in Christ'Jesus btfhdlSrWSat to do, W4xempnfy Ejjtis KelieTtoi4bV Paul, and' that: .host . fwk&G thtougb faitk ubd;aedjkgdom5Wougji stopped the mouths onions, queucn ed thedtsnew wfflre, escaped a edge of theaword out ofcWeaknMi were made strong, W axed vaap,rii9 observe abd 0 iood 'thing Jnl be' Lord withhold from i!us. .Our esasOw eUUonaJliSUtsmestiifptfto and ministerial education aLfdepart-, ments. wiltbci fer0petlyicftredTor"uU etr.men ' " - - - - - a NA.ir rii(H irerua.ut)ttur-u 4UCJ i and .tearing: hb true"propBetr 1 m&Mit&kto. I hnt for the veir0witVver.4r6ttldohive I bfur warfare1 arehlshetfir.a: aru I beeb kefeaaed to mny of the I vince.Hhe niarchlhgtedeiwerp.is - -wutv.i. (miHHKni ar rin n rvninc di naaBV i unon ae jernsaiBin : v3 suati u wit jvt -.;:,' Bewvworeii hib hi wwn 1 ct&harH . tia mifliMir imrttrsj 1 rtpaRPn rtflM rae. rjotir 'in Jerusalem ayiryimfapin&pj?w ttrtiUndiv$daalcha3i?tt v.ticvki'ttf I tei.ohi.6ahlrtaaiw n 'yo&tndJinmatl.l, LSSiSS reacafsxaned pf.God-mnat net eWtiwiriiall .pttthv tta-tfhM &5SSS?Su!r?fi I bp iiweatloped te,s utsfl &it -Mmtty hbw tbafitfc iacwaart I aTth.iEvideti!srathWedthSB 1 -Tijlet8ttlt Mibiatteeiietf-I aefuion will be laree. TPo.asb.srek I they weattortb tbd fifeaehed eve- !TOfcWTOV.W$W TTr I nnT.whJ. aiookttheto-t I thsilarvdwaldu MaitUr the tjto I rrwhere.the Lord wotkiar with tbem- ti.m Ana b.wb iui. nncar;rcBUBi v . . . - -t . ... . . . mtr virryir- , ' . tutctemitesttrGazteTaySxaT oovis j I fMtftnra and jitnrtftota.araiiiaLUiA i and eonfirmincf f tne wora wuurzus lrtok at ihivrmdtitiideaihat .fiock.tOi I AndAwment AuterDrlae. atou thaimtSt I folio wiair.These aetvanta tesUSed twu nm lock at, Aha TaatJiuaibera I rta nrimtroiia?e iiow:nuWiOfi.tOr I that Jeans came to "aave. i" peonifb of souU thauwiconretted by themv I tt,:destrpy4 theajagnificent presUg. 1 fxbuheUusah to takebeiiev'u I?it?".Tu; t',,' rMvh. I (ona cxjiiisu jawii:BueyBtuxo i already uevi aim.riji .wi uui?i i era iww.u,ul!Lwf WWH rSn: I teUa MAsdeonf ertedX aouia I tioo.'- wirf t?'; j stl rnmseif. and mase.rlP1 ao a nn r M i na i irwiniwi w rm aja aucia -t . - , . . --m . . - - failure, it toey are juqJ H3L 1"S I rr: raJPI9avi! I rfd riidintlree veat3.andef cburse I BQrjbrt of the Semiaay,untilhe:I pie partaking eternarUfe,should b - . x a . ia. a i l- a-a - rm . feet anaer-Bperpetaai 'oougawoua- io 8?W8 .00, PfW tlargeiqal. wasrt.wU the "i Mr a - " i : w k a mannta a wicfe all f -throri and some' dieT -.for the rophRs do-nqu; AffuaK 1 5! fmbro right tbreach ohath' belleyntM TOff I .whgmMtb.e r&$Mte& Sp? Matte trna preachers or fAw S o be the"caseT .4 .1 . :....;nv.Y-iarm ' . .An ft-PI 4VVho endowment, nowl broffressins .so fa- vorablv.ba completed and invested. ! The Convention decided J. upon the last preposition .unanimously and "mot?y ' t t&fly gaa Theirs were laboKfiarwaedi wtti no such ' frsiU sa.ee? Mara ts!i tbSTt srta- eiTTht iihave cnbt "ft1 dlsfeipectfal .Kt avi cf ttcsa'-Q'aake'r ladies that ti.af 'conTerciina that they makac '" r . Jk a 1 I atrcrcs: jof a ccvictsd. JfjlsecisistssSc E .11 Cordially IH ,5uo.paasaso u uo jui- i u lowing feolUtion ,rr 1 ... .- .. r-.- , IB mr11 s- itiisir&o;' m I it. sorrow at ,f fi-, ;w 1 1 tp f, rMV.n; t, all fci,f,?y,tctat ;:: lt wasn ecTrirT5tatsirs,iJ' nr perity andtnal auccesa bf the South CIIl Lpw5 luwiba'.I 4vi,-.iQfjr J2eolrJ, That it concurs with the-' Board of Trustees in tss opinion tnas wcdi.es U2WIS3 either ta.cicsa tne ted iud,.laTtsUil.pr to psfcc eiOifV nhucbUectivaiy and KdirtdJ nallt a&d.thta we can do by blsas sistance which ne nas promises 10 whtf Uveia hitm :Thaa: tojgion Mm is tovexhlbltl Ilbr) excel lency esx:fell9W-beinirsH2hThtfiia.5na tha hops of dory whom we preach, j rv la ! pre-eit evpry na4perfectladhri?t ! Jesus ITS7itb the me'anltbaiGod ' 02:1 given C3, ES'I fl:' l"JVt;j-ev- f:;l:::2i3 ,xrc: -Jy.aiower'e i ,'ci Lea la cou-ection with a sasc afbnJa ,adT MpMfsslbbsJoo Kiaaaaa!. ri9U boa dotfnrrrafiganjBq ma . I bayeintJywoaivMfrpmrAToL of toa3tojk!fdw i muckaMbM atai sijfprmatipn pWi ioM rhdosm?.fresouJcejn .veJl ,l.9fl9)il. Jl .7 ,M9U .'I :U it t f r .)(!, ,? ,r, ,rr ii'ifrr iff bo aistlJ l f fa triii; rwohWrluTVWtia AtfiKtnrP ihey rsBBti'do'.ihr -wWi abroaOl.riAJ tabfi .of.itnahl Jhorn7sC DbptjA yt Carolina, would iai iftligfiUlJi llouSttelS 3dUi t.'ttolnaktadltiodobf Anil booS cpnalatltf Wtlrawth Caxpttt htaos whohave become prominent by swjingtditie;,'"Tiiey are the tnetf whrytfoe to 'bo bOnbrea bNbrtri OaxbJtjiaiO L JJ ;JjoJ tkhilt M In addition A: mabi valaable'ataR pstlcaj infprnj aourje.Hand) jopk sllk oultoreTbfW ealtarc frnft crow Ingvta, &o., . beaidos a brief sketch! of each county, giving population. fifmbeif oJlhy, horsoajgoatsl cattle tonfcki 'ad d'Sts aggf egate' pcoa ducllous of. Irish potatoea, sorghum, honey, chnfas, peanuts, oats, cloveri millet gfasie?, turnips, cotton, com, tobacco, wheat, rye, barjleyr drleq reaches, dried applea' Mi) The book Is evidently the result pjpaqqli hard labor (and extensive correspondence. That It contains spme errors and. pmisslonsWas uua- vviuauic. xuo wofiuer is mat u uoea not contain more. As 'a'North Oaf-1 o1iuian;"I thank Cor in)lk-forrthla valrjable and tlmejy, contribution' to On'SwiiteiiCttWulliMhat every North Carolinian will provide ftfoaW wRtf rbobyontifrlwfised edition wbicti Vs eootf CO be issued.- and heed the author's 1 ftrqueslto examine caretally aho? write fully ittregarxTtO aierbibHtassl6ba.,, MoeMiWsr! A?rtaTefra2rw wVittanarh wuat rengtby review of thH exeelle'nt book for the Kaieieh 05n-tT.-,and there iadangex ot;:taaktDgahis com UpnJjat few lngscpncpriUig4t find its author. i,icn4afjiti la Ifn (lbnifW ulecaore ftthe ( W WQjttm MpirB.npferti fQrdcoqnty, 'BhAJaaa Aem apmaoy XW.MWORP'W apd; fw& Ip4j eraior 01 tne unowan . AaspeipoPj yapnghjaijlwyar cby .prpfeas he m Mapb pfihta liffttpppllt. eraur apdistpriea ptRdyLs4 graduated a$ top Vcsity oflfprtb Darinctke war he was Maiarof artiU l5X S5-r.iid Kd ercpiucthp qe aaappu puqjueMyjBp.oi.everaj occasions m poenicpn.iGTOeraljLep which haa elicited the nraiae of the yi1&mWtitAt&P aprthjCprpHoa rresa wheoe tit .WAa.-dUver,ed4 1 Ha is a good writer, a tbo'rpflghogeHt tlsmapi,,., great ftwr(Tipfa.ppetry W'l idpeumentp and 1 dieted, a buu vi jjQriu varouaa Rnver Jweayhedj Aerppv eitatmospnjBreiTor drew a swomjaefeey deieAee-jTBprp md reare,tbjBjeecjh5nfJei?jiar-. "jem?&ta?rl .atrjuggleaiifpr fekil andJ;ieomi.4ibBrty f he I baa iiadejinselfcjSOi,! iny.n4!y.llierpry;ftai bl tells bis story with as much clearness apiW1 blmsielt been an eyetwitnen pf tjfejy Ji hp repprdAaTfee ftttlf pppretesdbig book bfr 323 .qpaea-iwhij5b has been selected by our Legialatnte awl W dpraedjryi pwLsSftPflrbitejidenjtiof .iio6nnpis,(i -te,xfc yooif jor tacll.rehrtfioftHaBtatei thgogirkTt:fgi. qKpvrarge wpTk,.cousmearly ajfe Jhatia.ina9 who had lived in North jCarpUoa from $p Faald.badtikelrto tell.ss pf5 tha ev!y secern staspf. the mmt'ikfii qgate iteqaprtpcit pled jfniersli. .RiFithr Ifte io8 .a . i a. 1. 1 VT t 1 aydVAewtteeHth rile 4AlTPirvra!rW poKtWarffi and thefr inromfnent leaderS.uix1 railroads,; schooL-, coTleeev intprfi trowbdiFheWafefcr;iu of ihe'Statef ia Aat ,lDerTfd -of - x i t - v 7 2 t , jT-r jr 4l4ie -mitfj, the same . Get the book and jriad ifiPji Alff make yaprto tbary6dre'asKorth Carolinian Read itto. yourihild1 wthMmkBpbfp(p veraTraveisi'Bepd cpynt Jpy Md&lrMX eWgyatedtpMauot fields, the1 isothermal Tinea 4 .ad 4 altltndea - or diSerent . sections. tare plainry.traced'ihealxi togicai report wiiuook u coiocn is is 000K 01 zaj. jages ana con tains lu additfdtf td a list cf Govern-, era and tate;cerwu fromIoda tP the present date with fciicrt btgriph ical aketchea of the . present ;tata: ofaoerai. the name of the aemberr of the.OonventionacJfU??, m. W&te 66. 'C3 andl87imembsraof thaCpn.. ;tinentaland B.,C9Ugresses-flem- ibera of GeneraliA6?eably Bisperaj inf MMfklenburs Declirationcf Inda- uUUCJW bswuw j v,"J ysi (VriWMi and tha cewsnanera 01 the' Btatejpucn othef ane-torbtbi- tiCu whtcJt oagnt 10 La m toe-upas of every native or adopted' North .are isctftrurjXoeVtWwEIcyi rthTuKJDt? Pconrriht WtirtarH pmitte!! a ttcMesj' MrapTS nia ed tcrSUsaidrirssdiid!) tea- rratianfiLaeas thaTartrslTiiaH bf NatiTe North Carcliziaaat ttho J nets avaibeooni rc.l2,,rt'5eiij"ajrf Statl wilPmake1 himesi return to NorthCaronnTtwl cost you but $100 rpoatage prepaid, njixpt, orb oiitne leapt; xecommEaas-i taiithjp3ftwtj achpotcnlstorypt tbp .State Wtbatit.noiflnly nitta by a North Caroliniap, hPltahfJ' by aNrthi CaroUqa fi5W printed by ohi qaiwaiPjmteria andiiiUats trated by ar ortbiParplfpa(erjgrjTfifl L would (likej 1 9: Kive Taojoe extract from Kthe-bPPcMtiU9 and tpaoei Will not auowjiae R PQa atresf n& a?pjkj,Hai?dhA!;Loa9.4,MoprB'. latorVahonld .be, a cart of thefarM nitypyof very orth OarcUna bp mej jx jo. wigtrtm ihe jtECOEDE Qiay lslJiX aea a little article aiened Fajr PhyJ 1 iiu I'liiiii aui iw uujjji,iB am u utm t&MI 1 iftoftjjw. dfa9Tl OidM the Bsowflpfcdl lAj-QUESTIONl FCll TCE AITT 0CATE3 PSiop of ff JLhsbje.oieit fwanshingiTaisnnlout jr.il eav. tothe'dtseomrob-wbicTr lticnCeri dergolng, in" other hands, We4 .ma,sra.iiiis say?&ai that thfiqueatwalajnotiipjot eaiof dJreren'tbaturtr which avPr esn miy?r5ua 1refmlhl?aTife!Toni muiraioatsrs jaVaugeUcal ttftbe nioTalicbndltlPnfinffnheH- bf Ktolety'etferaTlyfof fttfdeerp tst 'brlcticatJ i!nbnrtance?rnsf eaai ictef pf! w6flfaapHiat fbnbdaa tfbu9 orall' soda! 'and-' pdblW firttiU and happiness. As she rises abovej or'tioks below'ber ' proper position, iniho'BOoiatsertheKtUbniyof society, as constituted by tha tones, cient author xpf our ? being is: deedj and. :stieh;;aooial ;.vil.ewill oUow as jjtp the .-natural i conseqaene. naf InserelpaiPl jthtprdec Fbiobj Godwin his wisdom haardalr tercpursao( ers ws,dan.d the ,m. PWSy&iaTe, thoMer?derpra batdratdeVelob'menV:uahkheir mol fualerrectfoojhnt!4 bappf&essud fclarfectfon is esHentfafnho 1hflietfW"6t Vom&niri ber 'pa viofatidcbaf aeter4 as itdma Whatever impairs the deltetcyBf bfer totoi'aT Uttnte. b f arnlshes flhit ebitacter of 'modesty brcbla fief oeanty ana crown, ana tne tower or bf c etreirgtbV strikes'-at the i'vltal spi ing, at tbeirery Ktrt of D awefat vlrcne and happinessJJIigfaty Un the possessibfl PI her rja. chaiait wheaevar iaatrrahappUy opaaents taidiveatobexaali of 4t,s womatt te comes aipbJeeiiuwejJuifiaicfttii iempMndijiveiaipe and whenhe siaka, .he poilstke. worid;daw with es.ijNa.tpra armpajzesj wlftBiiT! latlpa iRi tbPajdewailvPLsth the fm, AWs Iwqmantfad Pbfjedges, as n trutb ..wtetj equally Tn te. framework of h na ture, and In fqe Word pr, GoL every obda wife' ftddsr ber yaWn-1n obeyfbrhhsbandrfo f all fepo' for'-alF her etiegfe's, co operating with man as she" was created 10 do-as bir ,str?stead bf aip'lrtn ith' an htieatatarana ohldveJy toolclneis - tP ''beroire'' htl ooaxpetitpf. Acwomau" to breechesj anda taao ini)ptttcoat4s 'eaohrP apeataslft rWhkshdofterSi riolencebtP onrr aan8ifif decrjnun,ind osr re tTMdafan thaiordcrctof .c&turep and thft; authotilya ofiGodJc Ve regret ike exi.tenuplAmong;t.;cs.ef iemala pr eachjjag, and, thefavpr-with wbjoh bppp, taafe.aMpubljpiaejjlt of feocietv. aha esoecialLv for tha virf tue and happiness, of jwc mi (ju'auJtorself I cry oat tealnsfsuch a revoltioz lihtoiW Wmt4iosViuPl(t bntiflt'fehilldippeaVtika'bo fo owl itlreadedllglif M ttawblDgflay,"4 WTtftthese -gene?a!ateaariaB,w3 lirofceeVr'fd'Arfr1 dflastlPBT11 it HUiei toai iSigetlclat'erWclsni The "advocate bf female pWachln say, that, la the texf.'Lec yAufw fwpkeepfftlenpe HMMbeunroos, speakT' the original, word translated UaOtpecoaittedttafarlhJfni ttbmBU& eylaen tljf tfte tfesTgo outhft ApostTe Ib'ttate whatTbe womeii of 4 chb'fcu whUsrtlyJqkan cnle lssnpt, ar-ame.ndjla ,&h cats, as in u pioerjs.w ij ysq ;ia?j?S8 rAiistoryt t.hbard ElffahSoioL'O'v ardPaoL Does f cot re Sect oi Je sIja-if J 'lay believes in ' Chrup -Char ndt eaw noiisibafl-HY 1A edi to-Jjfabi at tue shall Moftfr ifi'dUflnettoh Troat what the oerfJsyi:dA and bxb te'-dcC QjieriifpabfcPaWh'rOk; aakoo lievet Instr actio tained io tbarfrtJawtDKaxatement : ?f Tfie women c Jl mast.cbP'I acknawledyea thaA if thsbAogapBB oftJArwstlRitajifKba intarpreted Pyjthp. practicp pf .aome ottrhnfche,3cll 1 iaay reti well UO HUUII14CU 4U VO 140 oouoo. raWP hlgUyrespecs thi Jpietytasl genital worth, of, some: pLtrox bmhw, owafiioDatheyttre'BacfeaUy'erQ? tsl reugtoiaaatypcOiey.otiajrerT mtop which .in ey, would restrain r the v8g irrant3course bfothersl" and abttti- ddned'tbesselves WtbS fmptliTPf this unsafe and capricious le&diTtiri PlfllO KlJJf Ot CP4J JJiO1? A;4 af tin' ovSreSad'oiIIful Chrtlaai a hi ralWTIl'dra awt-tXiEsilottf atUOaaK srrpssfeUscabBalS a9 eagie, .I.OitT'vwp'u !2 IS teJrVrtSfetor- jWhesi e2J?Jr8rd,t5!p3e w?P, r?p,jreat, wr. Juf hjtto?f he4, M ij s4l4d'Ty Ad jc.tns7 IC La;di J r rrt -wtils to ?tsll t- , fcrld ct 1 itaSw .'floisew puTJif rfdl lle-BiBh-Reboief: 5ft Mm VfU. U4 Mi 4Ji now JIn.A"oo!ta-OoAooit;5 a?an ippo is col 00 ".oe 10 labor Uati eww-wH ep eof 1TW enmfroo gpyop.Poi 00 25 001 WOO 45 Of 01 175,00' 125 00 40 00 tSOTjO 60 00 AS" 00 iroo ROOPP IftfaMtt brW'Jawas-TWgsj r Ini&rUd rraaofeaarxa. wheaUjoy. oa Ui taarta ma uuaiur atiik..uriLjat U la ad- siefiaiifct 10 ii9Hi!i3JiJuiuaU Jul m11 tea sr el BvFm?mi "S noi j m ta i BrfVt-ral'XaialVQd feii f,prTtmttrt1aiiiU TV 11 . r a. -7 "rr' w 4u town oraazarcuir C l)y timiiafiJC 1 WA4 faWriawtWAuBrlldl29 nJiSt iPuJidf HmHiifl.U lifaaawiiS tU kl rthi naai of . llasttoteamarJa., . itAWfWtuV rti ataoij ti-yaas'A lo gaVwkja. baa qtsstfaiaeftr dtetowknaand mu.M. ,a ... .v. . .1 . ... vrwge fact MafaarWXBardSWv-pU ,lstovJ '6W?ryiiaIJ yeafit w i bf i 1 T . n , . "V wuww wtuysi JVawfbsnsMttliia aapoar J. M, Hook and IT. B. Bronahtna - w w wmw waaa kaf TiiJiflMiia'ufeWtaoriWa; si tqy baa KauoX, ttfoCuayffla-JBiiCaaiiff rijfaTSSthttaauayiStaDlIia?,' vyASV Jfwamff MbolM4 tilaTavhiis 2lWVier, , PiUk indeed fioodahowlaff WfF.W aaaiht ft1! hh(r ijaaAaUalogtiKrwf 1 and yoor sdbl .work, .and apue buaaypc mm ViclioWl But to BTa ibspiaUI 6aai3lTBi4i. C0k990 Oill Jua fism WAms&&miim If slww ooomoaerjBprlog, Bat itdlot 1 poon and Sill taTioto? It tie Jtgi,' boWlaihl SngqrVi orm BRJSV tr&.brptHoiil toldhUo !iti how- them, by tjb held of 0od, that thera ixteia, aoiiroir MmWr ?iW jS; fhi aldwdha-foQOfaonjpWBt sad aaaat to Oka great inUrwt la if tnOil ghall iff g lie itspl vfiIiS9aL$7r:iia tt rnWkouoHand' attaT -Wa1i laaJe lakkKS loaiMtaZoAy law tohoolMRtlii bTMiwdtrd tidaroaaeaau aoklUred ovor tha ooaoty so wla. Cn too raggtat Mma plan to gt vp aa lote'rost fa oar obooVwl rrp it .fail stOtdAg i WHMiA, a Ufl (All'pYeol- yprt UnxaL'Ikaowariuda tatpikart tlrBPtjy1 flSW ffia Mfl8 do .anytliipa. Jhia J thatroobla feat aover 1 all OT.Tl;lA'tt- i"h'ufliffmdiy- and that ao ofUnbftfia'aTBlau'di poadawpc-m gaiaasaotBairi;4flaiaing tafaataatagilaswciaj MpritnimmrAlSOmM mmibamtL4k dayAa ltrasaD(Waa.iha MlfW-SiJiUAUaBbart)likajl4Jtda oijtfraAttflUotia o-J3Paa4Waf A afMaatoiiatM ttJUMii'riil:stLtnn,Z Bat Braaasmsik U fiballw w wha Sfaf aara Mmljltm irtd tettJs5Voe9r faita4?8)ajinft:4a 5tJrhip Wato. fl5byjrfc Ot , tba grp4 ghrwUej ft workr ajnd lik Joshna of old, err, m rH eCera 04 at, Oi ntit ai W a k&d atrtma.'ir work? iS2i Bijwac;artw avdaD'l t,''ti,"'"K0"y1"i"'l ft-pU1. aLl AJab2r3VlaA:acrall j c-'''of tM-"idfyv3'"Hoclf i;TV' elaai ould w't ier a JjarTf st e! J t't pre i tit'o. uOr:"kL Jaat "yiJJ ra AuJ blJ MMasetroapvNavl fAaaaTa UC S'.'P yiJt.,t"'Tt.",t.Jiel, i""f f -sir , a-.s. 1 it.iTjiJrVtLd-w ,tk wiJ4 w..;w;U--a";-, t-i 'cost 0MvetfC44 tiu jXarrSersiii wall sat .li ..;?tV 'c ' airy LcuI:y la tT-'Z c3 fc.;;-

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