'X 4 PUBLISHED EVERT "WEDNESDAYS i i .... ii 0 51.... J 5 H. EPWABDSBROUaBTOI. CO. One eopy, juontiut, , . , . . ... 1 ,00 aub of a.;r:.v,.-"U.io oo aitUocM Bans b sen by Registered Letten fost-omo uraer, r Jixpreea ox imp, payable to the order of the Pablis&em.' ' 3S! f THIRD QVAItTE It ' Vt 1 Therefore Wsefaitiied by faUh; we hT peace rwitb. Ood. : through f oar Lord , .Jesse 2. By whom aJea we have ecoess. by, faith into Una grate wherein we stand, and rejoice in hop of the rlory of God. "misto eg; a And not only en, bat we glory in-tribvj Utiooe also knowlsgthat tnlaiqn worketb 4. . Ana patience, experience: end ex " -' - - - . v.. - - sm. 5. And hop insð uoeeslamedi aecauae. .he low z Ded fe shed abiresd leu feqarta; by the Holy GbotwU&4a given nnto-niv. G. For when we were yet viUap itrengUt, in da time CaxHst died for the nnBodly. . Fervcaroely for righteone teen-wSffTf ou die :. yet eMulrenUre fofc i ood .iw some would even. dt4 1 &i.i 8,, Bat Ood commendrth hi wtb .toward as in tbL w&ila we were yet ainnera, Christ I died fof W1 t f"Jfi2:i;at 9d 9. Hook oot then, ielna o jdatifiaCbw: hie blood, jret ehatt .km MWd!ro)jJr-?n!m throqgb-ntKLj,., r, 3.-,,-, mr; ?ri .-. . 10. For if, rat a w were ene.mi et, wtf were : reconciled tJ Ood by. the death bf-nV Sob ranch-'more, being Teooooiled, we hU be Paul wrote thfe epWl while : he wea M Cotlnth; fcboTrt"A ft'oSIt iim sort 1 ie.' mon, desTgiled to be read before -tie cair and, to apprecute- ttr w most Md ft ttironshfl at one' siUing.Vhenina ty 'wnomlJ first cnnroQ at Kome was iounaea ,we ao ot i know,' palholioaoonfendi lrifliOtit. proof, that PeUjclounded;, "strangers of.Eome, Jew and. proeeJylee. ho heard. Peter ; on. the day f FenleoosW were donbtlees among the 8,000 conTerta, and may bare been the first preachers of the goav . pel in Borne., By thi time they had attracted attention "for .their faith . was "spoken of throughout the wbqle werld,t . l; ,7 They seem to have worshipped ia print boaECf), (Bom.- 16:5)L esa IfaTored than the. little hand "of like faith and order," who now occupy the Chapel built by the Bouthern Baptist Convention. ' I - I'. Paul knew many of thenv by name, 1 tad i was anxiooa to Visit thean, that he night ' im: . part some spiritul gift."-: The-thwarting of this cherished wish ; was the oooasion of hie writing thi epistle, and 'who will regret thai Paul was kept from Bsme : till he penned these gtorioas- trnths? 1 - Coatext. ?i ' : Tlia Rom in church was composed of Jews an 1 Gentiles. The first f our chapters : prove three things : (1) That Jews and Gentiles are: nnder sin. , (2 ) That the Jew cannot be saved by rirtoeof Odd's evenant with "Abraham (').) That Jew and Gentile alike.niust be saved by faith in Christ. , . Coramenti. V. 1. Therefore. The oonelnaioa from what precedes. Juttified. . Ioclnding three things; (1) Pardon ; (3.jottc giw rBjyUledto CaTiat, 1 Pet 2: 24 (3) Chrkt's righteoas- ness imputed onto as, v. 9. By faith i Works excluded, except as a reeolt or proof of faith,, James 2:13. Paul was, in this sense, an "only believe" I preacher, j Peace ; witk. Sai. (X God at peace with ns. His j oat ice satisw fied and wrath averted. i (b Wa at Pease: with God. i Oar enmity destroyed,; inward peaoe of eonscieooa KlVjeaU Through ml L6r& Jam Chritt. Th sinaer xteeds no iotro- d action to Christ, ana thrdngn Chrtsl k 4p- p roaches the fciJ ' . '.s,j.J ft j 5ava y y. a 2 . 1 awBWBaw--- 1 nsj t .-T 7.. '. "I 1 i.L." :..-?!fv-!, a, ,!Ti -; :u-'l ai eil tJ J a- .aiw- jf'j cv; 1 ' ,. t .... i " Qdf mid -mim. Aiftt. t 1 ' 1 1 1 e940. liJ l vr,:oa cf ?i tinMiiawlvgafti &wodiU tyiiymiq ... . f i .. 1 - ; ' . ' . iiwed. rEtoibitg, make nianifes btelovh ptoenVuti&jMatea&i Christ U enhstk V. 9. JfeA wrsBa greater inulndea re are justified, of ocatse He will save us. fjf hi W. .The, Tmbrwithovt, spot ia pled. iwvrfA, ,, God's. wrath pour-.. out.upoa Chriat beneeJth, Him, as -the-i Meiteijngxoat, we are. aaiiL He, wilK noii ltXa4 St&5 fSiWA. fOoofJmiderntfVd-W MW4T3ann If b died for His enemies, Ue Will take mt?bfWi-MviA&eiii?(trti- fik Ji Cartas died Id iosttfyy He He t Hw HsdSdsnd 1ef t 'ns - a rcviefc inheritaaeev HV liVM a bia own' xeootor, f Md- will? e ttit : thsiMinars aoiecAacedout ef xctta, Lc A better bJec4 tro: tMs? leaaon would bo' 1. Peaoe with God, v. 1. 8. Access 10.01)4.7. SV3r Bfrr-HtaiUi r8 Joy, ass hflpe of Godsgtoryiv.arf- G9d.ve'm-- Ihd looih.H a w . . Sv JOV IBJ tnjQniazMn.' vs. n. 4. c.h n- i. jaettc oi ahaB-v - - : i cz-tn ' 6.:liote ai ;ponrd fortlk Jn enr hearta by the Spirit, 5. Beeauternmt Ulw m jn3 ; V Tbe jertainty, f.Tation.in.view of PJ gmmitting-tAeas. tag Trs to memory , , all will baaora banafittad than bv tnv nom. . 1 tL.l V - 1 J I , . TiMuiniie. -ju Mod a way t ot supdwng ; rixta eaemjea Is no wr by love. Jllostration. I.mean tode. ttroy these my entmk, a Chinese emperor ia reported to have said.. Instead. of Jbojchering them be oonfered favors upon. thenL'Didat yoa say," asked an officer "that .you would, destroy your enemies?" , have destroyed, rny monies,? was the jepl j. , ,They,are now xny friend." . Will you, be subdued by hla love now, or wait, and be conquered by His Wrathr-' - - - - 2.(- Christ died -foi ns, .what are ws doing fotvHisarxs ,-.? b , i sti ' f f'-v:,- ; vr -., COMMUNICATIONS . , .. For the Beoorder. . TEXAS BBXINlsqENCES. Mu father emigrate MUdonarie Joe Vreath and Jam . W Journey na PiUtburg, . Orleans, Med. river and, aero to the Sabine river ,r r " '., , A Ivnnf ihm tima nf tnw TAnnff man. "hood, say from 1830 to X$iO, tbere was a stroDg tide 01 emigration now inz tioxa the Southwestern Stares into thd young State of Texas, My iatber and tamily had followed liia neiffhbott-nd- settled- in Grimes .county, near. Fantharp's, now the town of Audersen. Uev. 3 W: Creath and Jesse. Witt of n Virginia, had gone ont as the- first Missionaries of the Domestic , Mission isoara ot me Southern BaDtist :Cori ventton, ' andt com meneed operaUbas in interior of -Texas, ' Witt ImSanAngastine, and Creath in Mofltgowejy, Unnie,- land' Walker " counties.-' '-urotner 0in6innatT,the great 44 Qaeed of the dst with Ifty ormoTe boats lying ber t levee? Here-tre spent efrfhoora ittowflrht: eeeiaiR wlttt v.iE Jj ,Magoooi then of Cinelib; atif for ; a j gaide. o Soon, oar .OoaU, in Soolh ' America") .was Jy joe at be wharf of .Louisville, n Having rM "ew Jiours tpf spa wi tjaveried ad fv7.oMher riwapaljsUeepfv that: tyr Uaward oac boat steamea put- atOp the great Sliasiflsippi, . down. wii rfpasj . Memphis, rY lctsoorg ep., ana .many, oiner noieu ia". the great creeoenl.ctty.pf Sowtb ; Here wr had toyaira; ar. or more iwr .ju-ou nin.,uui. icn xaye ,T4s an opporcumiT w. knUes of 'ehipprngirtiai steamboats,8 tretchlngaldn the crescent of the ivef "the f vast c1evees - with j hoge,! lies of raerchftndisaod j armies or rats and j waeen: to ; liatea to the rim or all labgnages and tribes that nereeate and chatter? abont that teaenifleient oileof baiWings known as St. Oharlea'a Jloteh aod to speodj bn hoar in :U)a0Paptis4Jdpoterj ' aadlieadingjBootnv witb, brother j PMOaa,thedite.orineuUwea-.;, IWktEwtkii Chrhj&le-vnk mon, tasy,e ahorfctyeaf perioaipais. u. iq. the, afteroooiic of the next day, we to passage fQrp. Bed riyer As, ksoitlaxlMtchof bTacklegscsame on board id oatch ; the unwary, and by bedtime, thejliad ropeJ ih air the greeiihorD-p&r8i and ' ' filched Ehej? poclcetfi. 'r' 1 Ten ;th went , hahoe, and -awaited the next boat, ft eearch of newsobjecta to guir and rob; "'There fa hot a viler set of men bp earthytban these1 gambling fish bawkp," that float cop and down the Mississippi river and 'its tributaries and borrow in the" dens of the river towns. The officers and ere wa are; generally men noted for their wick edhesa andT vicej How they ears add rave sometimes when a preacher or a white- horse; come on t board, both of which are considered om, laona of bad luck tv ; , , .9(?i3 ; The lower Bed river, winda its nax nowr deep, - and sluggish current amid the cotton -woods and willows of , the acarely. inhabitable landa of the Mississippi bottom. Higher np; the, river were many, fine cotton and. corn farms, with now and then a su' garl plantation. The banks of the river were alive witb aligatore and terrapins, 'and 'the' air . freighted with mogqaitoea and other insects. At 4 o'clock in the morning we land' ed at Grandicore, a yon ng,-growing little village 7 with a narrow road down to' the river, for a levee and' this the only passway, was so block ed np with merefaandise and freightr we had toUmb over an extensive range of cotton bales and hogsheads to the top of the bill. We roused the hack-driver, and. six of us crowd ed into a two-horse carryall, aod drove to the old Spanish. ; town of Natchitoches, (or , Nackitash) . and awaited day break at Cjckrell'a ho tel. : We spent a day, rummaging round this miserable old town trying to learn what we could wf its history, its people, its morals and its religion. The community seemed to be wfthef- oifJ 0) eio.it tllio'v i8 Sihr:; t-""-- - n l" -- 1 Ujjkyv I prjf:-.J l-esaiX't 1 j-. j-"- i wi.-,ti. 3M . I f-.iwdoa las to inri"fia sdl-tSeela TV -II 1 Wit TI .:i:Us;. 1 ' tai 83W f B51i y. good.'mannot atbetterohe pro Mtbly imNUiJpaeL, P And there is as. Utle reason to .donbt that he meant. veu 10 pauiug outis nana 10 toucu, ; he Art, fat 1 ire1 are exDre8sfynlo!d i 1-1 L aU f 'a- . r j aac xne oxen aiumoieo. " bo rar a an i y ess jroould : see, r. Wa. .grosp I ment is sure to follow, t Baft the exam ight bave jaavehe ark from; fall-? qg, ,00,, tnat na was,a good .man, ying to do a good thing and accom isMDr great gwxlnote these three fthiaga cartfally and yet God struck Mm dead JnrHia ? wratb, jlvlng bim woa.aoes RQt jnuict .epeeoy pan shment o6W as He did in those dayr, hfr He ebasges nol; and nis wrath ia ia hot Against t those who ate jgoUt jt W?f?mfesfcBri state; -It behooves us then to dinsidi fer carefulfy what sins resembles that' bf Uzzabf that war: may: avoid them; ; Now there, are in the Bible two kiudi bt commandments, some referring to those sins wblh are sins on. accboa bf the mora! constitution 'ot many and others which; are: sins simply: be pause Qodff foscbids r.tbenv To stean pr to jie, lor example, wooja .besins, though we had po direct revelation bf Obd's will,' bat 4o'? haV6-; looked back la ' fleeing ! from Sodom nwtmld pave been an innocent and natural thing had nnt find fQrMddea.it Of boDrsaaUje.CQmmandDAents have he atae;B0irce-i-tw-ab3OlutWwill i uod. A tbing-iaMight simply be- aase lie made.it aowould have en wrong had. Heao chosen. But He has seen fit: to constitute his reation some things arej morally Ertvnar anrl finma vmncr hAAflnaA TTa forbids 3 them. ,,v We . shall , call com,-s tnandments relating to the. first mor al, and the other, absolute, corn mf. odw Ha d;t&mapkqxa. ;Idar4 saw' Mga-b andeoTpreslini nifon.si bAH j tlfowe vjtoiistisinii ttris; tetter t0; iwltl these absolate, commandments., jWroDg to ttrl t airandhepTinfsh ment for braaklng anyu'oommahd XJreath at first, had. ;no horse: tren- ne under Boman Odthcrlicism id its eral Samuel Honaton, Senator in I 'direst forms. The marriage relation YV.nopatui frnm thftlL. AtatH.aaid tO I Lv.,. ili.b lohiul wirt At nk Father . w-Mflpfe fate Brofchreatii, ed'a mes-pj ifeatfon? MhOoekrelr told-tnetherB 'pure-blooded person Job Grace. of which Pan! iesos,sviour,ri8f,-pnest;4annoiBted) jwaaVjTotrOiorse, There, ia, iiaroa 1 Uf natioflafity Id the place. The T. 2. IfV.AaMfhadj am: Tie aaysman I Ws victor v m.lhe, battle of Sail JarJ nha jdf. Rrniah-;;M MirAn,i Tndiani longed toV-'la;veVr Wl 3San1a)o.1 cinto. f-i have given him bis f i breole; Freaeb, Eaglish and Negro; Favor wUh 'Ood.f. ndi-'Fixedi 'andmtiona fdt JtesnKo,pne.ia allowr I nd ft vwas hard ten teafwhieb pre-?; ',.:.-.? f . - - P'-i" . 'f ' i . m ar rr I w- : k. . . sute. we stand m gioe,. wWch doea l ed; w ttdanuttjOM jars, sonaionj domioatedJHere the ttpanlah i ar uufc vuaage. x cnange no w of Jacob-are not coDgnmed. deoenda on Ooi niiehaniarilAnMfL climax : , tpeace OaACKlrt J spread., inecarisiianvc.uaHw ,uf.xu i Tiverm one o?;tw .wuqireaKs,.wnen nrsirta DreezBB.rauu suwicufvujjw- i ttta Trpsnnr..waji: nipn. Krarieu a lew Note . the Cflnrrt of C2sm1 " Ta Ks mwmIa I'm VsaaWasn JT "J .'Vrvav. , M r VSW Mt MVS w f 1 v. a. Aoi oyo.r . kot, Anrpxlsing. that we should rejoice in hope iol, future . glorjf ve glory rejoice in trilti alfelioyin. sU obnt - tribulatioasrjj Thejpreaen though Ailed; with tribulations, we rejoleeia. J for all thmgs work toethorJoroodtoJhem that love God.Keaeedj jeeu)iarity of the Christian religion. Tribulation, from tribi lum, a threehing instrumeftt; yforkeXk pa- w., Tribulationrthrsshea: out? of jus tint I chaff, and leaves the wheat- The most aftUc' ed are often the most patient. r O SrtsaA endured with patRnce, puts . na to dietleat,"l tries naJ I Patience prove Ja-"bpev;aad thus improves i& iJExpertonceJIiopeJWW gotaen wUhoua chprchj or a congregaUon, itself a .new channel, about fifty miles amtngspewira iu length, lea viDg the old channel, on tbejBaptistAjOr rnewvlheni .onlj !whih atebitdebes stood, totally dry: deapisutbemtand ridicule Ihem., nrdinaqf stsge& :;:Dnrihi: highC IBut na rerj atiort time, 4iro. ireaia :fxeahet,8t large steamboats could run Ihadi gtMred,H8eVerai,t resrtable; no the old "channel,' AS well as1 the !cborchea,hjd vWpreachiog in com iortaba j&'pnsesVtp large congrega:, jU8naTcompo8fdfnof tbft bgl.tftoj jUien in hejcquntry. vWHrLMs tl waa to see once more ia ine flesh my aged 6 parents, j my ..brothers and Bisters, and to see i brethren Creath ! and'Witt, and survey ; their 'fields'. of labor, tnat I. oetermtnea to visu I Texaar in the spring of rISiS '' With, chata hedna end ' "eiiaa l witBhope.5 43Mf Dr. Solomon i Oafr for v fravelin tried is the firs, is ourifiedl ''The 'hope of :MmDanion.i'bid..adied'to;my fam- glory, thrown into the furnace of tribnktka;i)y and frleuda in Saflolk,.and Start- I the border linec ofc eaaeaoWliopalwt the) Sab 1 V. hsllepe maJceth' net atheuneS. or Oods or tribnlations. God will noli ytis to sbamw bv dnoiAs-'itti'uilWilt5TBw :ireasoB why we are not ashamei vrvu a lore mwuu us. I 184& -We.?oassedf from isorfolk.to i Baltimore; thence, by Bailroad, , to; : Cnmberland; thence by stage,otct the. Monntainsv through the; deep sno w, Hot Gtid The first time the Spirit 6 men; ; fbe. AenaB y J? f f aV xji a vv new. in, consequence or xnis new channel, in the river, the i old ' town ITackitash, was - being absorbed by ! (Mndicore, the0 new f 6fsiats th$ : kadi nt'thukmfntr.i V t-MJtti.iP.vJ te3efJ ; iTrom this place we journeyed in a: hired Wagon across the very poorest sbrtbf pinfmrilt etd Fori-" Jessap long the head quarters of General Zachaiy' Taylor, then ia: a stage of nttir dilapidation and decay. From fhence,. fcbortiride bronght na to Texas, at isaoioe toWDi joni the) Sabine : nver nia town, like some othera.f I met: in,- Texas,, waa magnificently laid out, by sDecnlators. but, never built up,, , It lacked,two thinga to make it a great eitjr houses , and .people. ,,Tne lanaa along- Uus river, down taitf moutn were, said ..to , be' .very poor ! and uanAtv inriahlt: ahlfl. .The. naviga tion orthe.oaoine river, was greauy fprm tostdesVandja rgepf.ijrtjy; I hindered by Jarge sand-bars near.Its rjieiniru aiuo. .awvuwo i montn. . uere, muse pause, ouui i n .ui ia iirarAJiv enveioueuju wwuua greatness, and awskens love to onxbeaxU fo ; V. Ktak 'smok from the? itumeroua Uonediattia'. fhfHeiv Ghost brW .loveaovmpree Dlace ia literally euvelopedjncloudA, QodjVSot br dht iorby powea,i but by I. faL,nrsA " that Vatud' the banks. Of. my spirit, saith Lthe Lord??rna.t -Waiim r.', Going on now to. desoribe th j; ont8Cdeahd ihe'pebple. wore adiogy. 6lrisdonv;oror wUtto.eave h0n8eg;io; few days, looked as ; thoneh yon, bad sutea nogsueua; sse of sin. In due Urn J; Wl tbe.liiUaess. Cjaa da8t ur tnem, .wuue.au wr w ... maw Ann as srviiaaiisi nTt wAeTt:-11 ' -KETlrrKW"'JOirKS. r i,....4i1 ?' .'a ' :. r. f-n il'.'t.n Rai.u .For the.BeobrderX WISEB THAN B01Ww5' don't think we study ;itbet tragio death of. Uzzah. as much as we ought in these days. Jb or tnere ara vanons i fuitti uuow wst-w- . ' - l ' ; a aAA . M a k wi hth -ora, inougTioiwyp . --- ol men fliruwfln 1 ivl it men . andwomen wouldbut r. Unlike God, BU inlsg foed, yes uc in puxauiaa.a r ,y f ,rr ,flfj.ona , boV mlirht from this v is ax- uoiut f-A - if Wwa iiiivn' I stnrvJessons ofUod's character, ana how He rezards sins of different de crees. He; Is ; unehangable, ahd'He pregc ant; With; .jask ipright,hooxbU. ldmi 9jSJjSt& has given us these old histeries that :U5" rrrr-:..nwri -.uhtinw I ve mav understand -somewnai or inexhaustible rov--! i Gornmenr. and then tow. :v,v- - T We have not the slightest mason - - s v - w? n roi" a in. anu r vmi iiiv, i - - . . maniw:--. -.v. i; .ewiri .1 fiaiv near ? - rr.7rA-t-'rUf' I fi flnnht that Uzzah wasatnoronca- Bwevolent. sindVa benefactor jCl! broken fmountains ouraafitowj man, T apfffltU9- j AdmiratioB ill animJ,.laaa. sa todl4 lXH I And it is wonderful at first sight te observe how mnch more indignant Mod seems to be at tbeviolatioit of hi absolute oonimands than of the moral ones Look at Uzzah and pavid. David broke two of . the oralr laws nuder circumstances of he greatest atrocity; as 1 beard , a reacber say; "Jjavid a sin against tathsheba' waa bad enoueb. but his owardlv murder of that brave and faithfut soldier has ho parallel in all the annals , of meanness." But Da id was given time to repent and died' at a good - old age, full of hon ors; While Uzzah, breaking an ab solute comrnaBd 'and doing it from the best of motives was struck down in an' instants Baal Was no such sinner as David - against the moral Jaw. He spared Agog and the best of the cattle a thing it would have been right to dO-ia KwAl4 butwbieb: God had forbidden. And for this violation of an absolute command meut the kingdom was taken away rom him and from that noble Jona- ban ., ",.! ... ; ; . '.. So far as we know Lot a wife was a. far better woman than, her two daughters. Yet they lived to be the mothers of nations while she was struck down instantly for doing what n itself was so very innocent and proper, but which was a violation of an absolute commandment. ; It was the violation of -' an absolute com maud which brought ruin ion- oar race.Ta eat a pleasant fruit in that garden God had given:; them: would have been '.entirely right in itself, if. hadTOOthbeen : Jorbiddea,! Even God'a love for grand.old fJMoses;, did hot make mmithe mpre lenient when Mosea .broke an-; absolute command toeotand.,8track, the. rock to which J he was ordered to speak: but Ham, fltcted r'the severest . punishment on . Hoses we can imagine, wnen lid re used hinentrance luto the promised'' ,Ttat is the ..way God. regards the. oloeof fhese little things wbib aire fcht .morally, and might be emtn ent: f proper if they were not forbiddeni ii is not whate;j would 'have done? bu6h ahbther'one as ourselves.1' Wer would a ve tnr nfed these vile daoght jteis tdto- bfltarB? bf salt and spared" f he old lady whose duly ofifnse was: U tooklne towards ber burniner borne wheieber friends arid married daughw era were dying; h And in the caseot TJizah and - David ft wonldt have ; struck David deadns he sat listening complacently to the words, of the messenger MAnd the servant Uriah thai Hittite iisideadr also-J ibut, we would bave said, ,Pooc TJzzah,let him.goaile is a good man and. he meant no,, harm , and; really accom-, plisfaed a greats deal of .good by .savv ing the. Ark, from,a , fall-? ..But as God has tbe ruling' of this universe: land punishes hot ccotdlog; to our lueas uuv ma uwu, we.uau iuuvu . wir, ferglve up the idea mat we are: wiser than He at the outset, and endeavor to sbabe bnr; lives according to His ruling 'and libt JaV We would 5!rule were we.sopreme.rit v ttrd'oes horakedeadi nowbut if His wfatbuWar hotter against those who -violated absolute' 'commahdinents in olderl times, ICls ; so yet as ' those who9 ' are wiser thanj na will find1 outJ to their sorrowun another world. These : little 'things iright in themselves become the most; j We tan see reasbo tor lhls2lf "Moral m to n m 4n a" ' ttf 4 nl rt t k AWAfai i gtouadS-a' man who rt-iected God1 mikht be truthful and honest because it was best for society;' and twet ior- himselC' ' So also ii ; man can violate these laws nnder i stress , of: great I temptation without being especially S insulting to the Almighty. -i But His tabsolnta commands stand- upon one great foundation and no other VI am pie given oa show thatGod has lesa forbearance! towards those who dare to do.these little, things ianocentin , thenisel vesiihiebrnHft ha sj?en fltJoJ forbid;) tjeti fl '.beFfrre -fifmsA embeflftjfe, andjcemenibr, toc,the awful Jeatb, of. Uzzah. and I rxahxinf was. worse t h an ,E tefif osq$io;fe Saile pteteudifig ttf d6 Him "aservice.a nd tbatW ;theTncrpwnini?fmnert inencithat.iatef Ihg Qodtd his facefl that we 3 areswiT 10811?; ante knows better what will advancers4 jcatisft Witb'an liaVidttf V10ss he peter offdred Xiotlisuch an dnsalt; as tbAt, fcWhat iWBlomakeayhpman;;. rdeB more , indignant than pre 'tend W do 1dm 'sfservhie dV doW what he adTofMddelf orfmaini Siidteixifaiolds etorJewalfa p gQing; iross a tiyejj which; ha ba strjckljj frbidaeh a man, to crdss, "and g)V2 itg as his reason that lie thcm'ehv tire1 odoRne 'rmy ftfinTretf bWCgoJq jig ifJaeiw! fWhati wonldfJaoJceonJ laaaAdjofio hancb,f,ansiBuat ,t)a( be was deficieat.in ability to jtdge whatwas bt!row remem?- uer mac-uzzsq -ww-w gooa' maoj : tlat'; be acted with: the best of good. ItteniipDSs meanAftgj do-jQpd.serfH Ivice and that so, far ,aa human sight J ucutu ko, uc Uiu uicst jguvu eav- Inir theArklaid, next tweet? we win take op 'the' case'lof omeri modern ti Uzxah's who are : wise above what is written,, aad' understand , what js W7F lit it- S learncst struggle ..was,; occasioned ptf whai bas .appeared to him rtdbiClhe conrse with., them, f owit .Tha strnff-. toer6e-Jibriiatn jwealtbw body 'of Baptists', 1 Knowing J xnai iney are-a ,vgiant asieep,",atrugr jgung to wake.np and put fortn their. t Tne &nexkoMct that . awakened Smuch interesLwas Ihereaniafit olihe, par Seminary that the'.Assqciation recoramend the , churches te? raise?a U.V.' j2 ii.'i'l4lL .MnA nnn witooof any a wcasiQo was declwed gabd for God's cause far better than toe Almiglity Htmself.uj bJiHt&it.'! ! a: n-'f tlT ir Ftbe Beooeder,,! UENEBtL ASSOCIATION OF KEX I TUCKI BAPTISTS. " 4 Ifhat Kentucky Baptit ,Uat Uicen in the j jat Jlfrf Year Georgetown poGege' Com.' j MMieiny iii ii W ji-iJi:3oi'.-l.fid ; Our General Association; 'which convened ia Winchester oa the 23c;d ultimo, was ahorn to, some extent of interest on account of the', small at tendance. Situated so far eastward was the hospitable county -town of the blue grass county of Clarke, that onr Southern and Western Kentucky Baptist clans could not .come up to the annual gathering. " ;. Elder Green Clay Smith was elect-" ed Moderatotwi-Kftj-litSUSi bS?Ge fe.nauUscribtionscJo'J Wen mipp. these to redu(5edrfo,wmln are not now acKOpwieyeeg(.,inou j - . i. .tki.'a-'' u ii iJ' ey oeen nerewrpre etrpueousiy couni hAnntArir (ihrin lrt -Hot" 1m 'rt ritfiT! Tn Kehtncky r and thaf subocriptipns'bf PUS stocks and bonds and other assets honkf 'be ceBtimatftd' afc -loefr-f real ralne atibeiimei tha i s&bscriptJona. vera. made, so far. aa .(hsrame can- Ry P8certftiiied. i .,, 4rtJ a. That 4 committero thTreefolii baiiappoihtedta1 confer with a 8lniifar tommtttee f j three from thesis aq-i Li fciaf l5oardnofJbe, Semmarya.ftadiQr banTass. the'sjabscriptions and bonds' hA aibonh t - w hih they 2 consider1 broper to be n counted as j making,np the f 300QO0f aad announce the same, bhblicjy throogh tbe Recorder, ! 3rd.1 ThatrDr.'J." P.; Boyce be re appoioted Geoeral Agent bfj 4his Association ta raise the amount: that SbalLbe 8o declared to be still necea-r hary to make-up the , $500,000. and lua xue uuuruueo ue-urgeUy to give hiin and his agents all the help in tbemDovenp;! ' rsna nUv bu,y.n & v4;tw That ?tbe-, oavment of the. bonds by the subscriber, according . io me terms or ine contract, is a batter of vftalTmportahcTSnd each payment sbpnld bf -prpmilymade when due. VV-r .t-i ! 5 b. That this General Association iloes not think it desirable to press any attempt to raise a larger amonnt from , Kentucky than the 4300,00ft bnginally prpmiaed,,, i? , ,0 n4 I Besides routine business, and the hsUal discussions of epor tsi7we have nothing mote worthy of special men gener, oi iieineijotiege, ana j nag j b . nnpf,.!nn nt fpmaift rf-'Pt,at-a. TH&BMf5MjRf3c6r Stmom) lltfanSii UlaoV. iMoormnj i , " do a i oo! a oo .I fS .00 -" no JO 00 18 OQl lia,g 18001 tBOOj 3iooo ISOO 50 00 Csaak nu'f 12nt t 8 00 15 OO 2Q 00 00 St 00; 2rf cot 50 oohoo 00 100 00i tisoo 25O0 :8'bo oo 125. 00 140 00 0 00 60 00, SO 00 ' 85 oo 1T5 oo; 170 00 300 oo : jpsjfnafiaJ eenalineil ! bitnariea alxVwoiWjrf ! nMO?hanreWWtLe ion. ant for e rld 1. ; J. W. Hays, of, Elizabeth town, weie elected Vice-Presidents. , " : The reading of the report on State Missions discovered that there bad been collected from all soarcea in the past yearj $3,433.43; expenditures had left a deficit of only $122.69., ' I Reports of mission work done, up on the whole, would about make!' as compared with ct ber yearsv a 'fair J average. The report also made an.fxr bibit,. of the following ;I collections, to-wib: i ' For For Borne Mission Board, $2,643 iThe forat ensmfilalhnft.ff. he fimaJl eain on last sear. , 1 .The sensation l'6fh'eyAs0ciatiSn1 was the introdhetlonof f be fbtroltif resolntioai by hhleh a CI waJUder Over the question of female. delegates. xnerc was enougn discovered by this Question to show that while Ken tucky Baptists will still' be' oulfanf and receive the. "slaters'! as delegates, t he j: are not yet; ready , to, go? ,in very ( far with the Women's flights women.'. At 'teaslyoa heed not "expect to hear1 soon that we Have ordained Women preacnerayi - ilrn 1,1 tw ool IThatKeataekr Has Givet In the Past 1 o n-Mr: .snpfllSsfWjii f.fa.io: ? xotwunstanuing . tne.. Jxentucny at present igetsnb ;indome;:from iius: Broi Manly, preciQus. dear brother. made many ot us weep 'as botUrned 'over- the 'chaoel ? kevs to - ex Gdvi- BobihsOn; President of -the Board ot Tm8teesr and badeOoliegei rjaods andjtll tatewelL. .,.fr; vi. We are consoled in. battiher with hird from this section' of the State inf that what as oorlos' wiU; beUhe Seminary galn fiejiremOTffl soon to.IiQuisville to fill, aa you. know, the bhair. made vacant by the resiemation I itispatwt ji my or oar deiiDeratire DOdies tnat a jferrtlol? caaftfi lVspWJy daieloping tselfafoimgbdismiawteri 0;6rja cAar onns man mil lease, the Plough balrotf Boar-dTd'fetyctorlb'mioISJ tfwiijfijcgsi axfj fo 89i'ssi 9ifa coli I iHojgoef hfllega.and1M Inaryfandcqmes put,, fnll'edged rofionalreacfierj4 expectingHo' drori into 'some 'good oblace'tf ttafl readyfbr himinreilgh the tnanipaJt-H lopjfcotsome jpyeatlal ;iS minaryf rotessoiv. $Aq4 Association,. comes m'andthe tWr- foitf fe thSemltiaryj and pastbt'of thel-aiaif )BoVcaliatrodaced.Hiusgadf i iilsb clas$ omn-The derAtOTj laceahinvon some important com nittefs. ' His "name' appears' "as the ziemberof someib6ard, and he feels' limself highly j fxalted!x Where4 apoa sdme broiber- who has been, in be ministry some years, laboring Sard and having a family Jo support hlnks, well, if the Seminary does all hat for a man,-1 must go there too if I f aaaansariied'i isf i 1 stains od Accordingly he resigas his charge, maKes , wnatever,, provision ior. ma auiiiy he can, gjoes .off to ge$ a slight ouching p of the Seminary brasb; legoes ton seaskBt pernapsvor j aJiSMai6A4t myiJev tut -thatia poougf bebas-jt he credit pf having gone to he.Senyuary,' and ean speak bf itih!combany ahd bat e it bnblisbi fed in the paperslt - He bappenrto aU lend aAaoctstionj o.-UonvenUont hnd While ih) qnestiou of, edncaioo ta up. seme one who has the Seminary Craze, proposes that all the Seminary jbbts7 Should -ataiiiFwp so thai Icoiay be seen what: u; aauet lekiog lot of (fellows i they are, aU-pastoiHf too of some town or: city, church,. Is not most itl .lr.t r -J a f rff it n; -m ztu ; m?rr ; ? j.i r r on was very eood.. which ia unma. thing nnnsiiair,-v :-W4 "The mostlstrik'infi? -U&M M'thtf lexerciscsrcWastheTmorath w jyaedthem Tbwasj lariy. ptriaing Fdreign Misal6tis;4.224olr1 JLLJJ Chabet,$62220:Fornottieq !T",U AVJ vuB-'u:niV"uuur 1 low ; jjtci o i ajieaHBTy, iroai-r unrii a WHJEBEA9, ItJU Obvious that ftuder burpre8eaf's8tefflMof''coltetitioiir the Lordfc?,i And i he ..r.who-violates them strikes straight 1 at God'a soy er'gHy ani H punished for bis present system iMissibhi thewbi kli becoming lei 1 iefseienrsi iadntbe peoples beebmiote ieaaiinterested, Aftfljffioitxviif r4 J Jnfocroaanponhe aaechel acre oe is - , . . Written pledge -Of air-tho, ttteta : Shere present, that Uifdl bt,ig Ithji subject, be tore thrjCtuircis. atd msKe.couectiona, ai. sia:eu uiitea uir- ihg. each tear fbr-thtf varfuUS'luisi4 klooirya Objecta1 obWottViile'Otf o agents vor any btber3ucbi otjU ' 1 tne enureses raay.joeur propyr.3 t r, A i BeMved. .That a .liat'u)' all, .who 1 ,buui jticuu jtuvuinivca pu.i w mu tlishedln iabWesterx Xecrtdiry h4 that ihe Foreign and DomfstioMhs ion Boards of the Southern. Baptist Conventiou ;be. famished 7 with the name by but State Mission Board, so jtbst they need 6t' send lnof employ ttay .agents in'the. fields Jt hu to be worked wp byJtWpastoraii:gl vy.aH 1 This, was followed by ptber resolu tions ? equally ,'as, objectionable .to some; TheUntrodnction'of them ktf ' fell as suddehryhphn: tn bodyb as did kihdred onei at OntGeoeril'Ask sociatlon at Elizabeth town twojeara ; ago They were 1mm ediately, on- Birueu 10 iMimioiiier euort n s revo- lutioh inotrr'wysteat .f colTeetfoni1 foTttissiovworkvana i'avshon rband method Xos, the slaughter of jyibe.b. .Everything In 'the '.signs at once; an eared warm discussions and stout resistance, and tbeitfeeks were im mtdiatelyoclearedfbt. action.? It; mighpeiinteresting (to,;faruisb re. marks maae py several 01 tne ae- batantsrpfo 4hd Yjo.-'TbisTby Jthe rlatnre or this communication TshaTF bagfotbiddeh'.xo da.m The one sidei averring that i theother was for the destruction of the .agency ,) stemt the other side DroteStincr to the con-?" j traty:'-The' matter -wasronght ta a final close y 1 the i adoption oof j bp substitute , oflrted by Eider fCleono Keyes, of Mason county, which while it seemed to be only to tended to pour oil on " the troubled ' waters, wasT 'decided;, defeats to 3 the i origioaV resolutions and a signal triumph fort the other side., Your correspondent was imnre&sed that this friendlv bnf icat; i ; wealLbw. nor wbaU theyi7jet ope to do. it ia remembered that we i aiva at targe uucnuer oi .vry pooi; eOpre amb0itJns, aDd in 'additioa'to this the1 days uflluttciat Ibarra ss3 KentSIiaBdji hartigjgsif eerallyi hich lhe period ppruurehendii,, shall be considered, the fol)oaing showing 1 bf bur work'ii Kehtueky'fthWrVjBt l tire years ts iiot wit Ubut'rt j art set d nf pleasartj ami ,rji0c4i)pH to pa,t Fromeliablii eouroea t U4V.atUer-J aVIS BUM lllLlllBTlllfV HI(IIlklllB j Dating thlWfive5 Jiar8JlCer?2 1 ........ .J. : . - j. .. 1 estate AiisioriM iui iu?s uotjj ID eTii' AsttbiathatJia ilC.OW;. j Virion VilSSOIUUB. , , . -in,BJM OfiihIuVlioWe,ufl1 Wrfffi ii lielo i3iQsa od) Iua ":,f '--nc 3oa gTelat .LI iow odl m $184,000 y.WLen.itis adittd lhat there 'are bo 1 w, 1WJ004 d ue in. .bonds giy en by dientuegy .uapt ists tQ tne. seminary, it Witt'bese jbrefbren7' bave m och 0 tor which theyb6u1d be congratulated by bun brethren, abroad and by which they Uhonld fplinifstA thftmftplvpR. I im r,My Jettebas already growasuffi,- ciftntly Jon g to ad moni8h' a "closing. I 'must' say, hbwevery-thatlnad a--pleasant 'visit td Georgetown: a Tew idaya'agolis Cad ..onlyspeak .ol Broi.: 'Bf Manly, Jr' idoeing and farewell, address, r ..A t ter.dell ver i n g. diplom as :to five ' graduate?, President Manly ideliveredafnosfe1 interestio and' tonchlng farewell addreaswJM io eacji t Oa the past history of Georgetown.: College, he said the institution had turned .out 2f000 from' ber wallSj 200 of these mrnisters; sof the 5gospeliJ !Oaiy four' Baptist Colleges-tin the: United States antedate Georgetown. s It was the first Baptist college, in the. 'South, and first westof She AlleghaVt ; nies. " Ch artered in 182d. -WTitaS 'Then he gave hs a ''most- interest iog detailed htstory. fof ber- different? ; Presidents. -i Of the .future ; of i the ; College he said the time was at hand: ; when its endowment Crist'" be -coni- ; pleted. - The corporation hoK&aow? 7d,ooo tanoauatngs ana gronnds! $31,00Qj invested jcapital, has -f fatal jj built;a , Jarge-t boarding hall "at: an. outlay of $6,000 cash." The alumni' and students have 'raised $i3.0C0 to' endow a -Etadcnta chair, the college; tnTsthefipirit" 6rtSer4SaJts bffensive and objectionable form ; -This spirit is Men too that soane bf our; religious papers are igiven 0 baking special no ticeof every young ban who goes and, returns from the Seminary, and when he gets a place they do not fail to mentibtf that Be v. Mr;-J-i w aala student at the Seml-f pary. ,asiciv-t -tnbcKtit ?w I . There seems to be a disposition to. so. inauujiaciare puonc seniimenc jiharnd man should dare ty preach Wfie doe-innatgoo! th0'Seailbailyv and f(he does o.iBQat: cpirfiite; biu, Beitto thftj swamps Bo.matter what pis talents 7 piety may be." W6u wbei to the4 BaptKts lof Uhec'in tfiifauch ,birit 6ld JocomQ gbwal, SC hwthmpl ruvenderrtleeasjusfph k caiiM itonJdbtcome th&prf jlng one lit the denoroihatifiBU, 'It IS bettVr tb have a mad of footP rate attain menta With a heart fglown ugmlfli tove tft ghitstr-wttbartroqg LQuvictiott . of. rihe .truths Q w hicbie Emitters wjio is wilfngto go anywhere 1 hd Lfeachihegbl.Uhaa'toa'wi fuurr wuobv. ntiiwawieuieeu iiainpcr jhimi thatiibe caiiraotbend jto,ihft lowly rlfrti I RMS' . rffJf V Tri'Va MPiV7 ifihetl, and rdocate'd. 1 Wliat'.'woula niirHsTVran'tf Bfrefed -rAogtft w iiMfiuM'ras3ipBitenfl0i ifttuiiti !Ma5aMoaaiiftr'oniBi up to a kserteintetandafd and be put thxaheh "certaiii coarse oXtralnlhUA1Way' rience' wittr thefspuit of KJhristi 9V.' SiirieJ xlibBi 010m oma9.R8 f.rra r ' -! I ' 1 ' - ! : .' For the Recorder. I 'ol fca ,0fflir4f9bf?tfrA-;i j : jThe Commencement ,.of this. Ihstlr tnf nnmn "nft' rin thA'Ath' nn(T ?th lof.he. Tbb first day was" speotin (the examination, of ihe scholars ? and 'aoightthoaoBtral .'debate waa; part jtieipated in -by -the atudents who handled the merits of the sword and pen with hsnal ability. t3n Thhrs (day the address w&s deliverfed Iby3 Capt. G. sWiEiiis, of -watte vWe. iFlat an biect,' Practical ftEdacation, presentett in5,.piainr practical, J common? eensa , manner.? and was deemed just- the (thing rfor the.'occa-J aioju ougb.TinlOTtunate in having to read: his speech, jet it was highly, spoken t by competent Jodgee- The? literaryirefereences touched the most salient points in literature, the figures 1 were? beautuai -and appropriate aoa aU couched; in .good language! Hir descrjpUQf of ; maiden rising wjta the lark, andtbaainer boaneta td the. r isio z uo was im pty 5. grand1 1. and ' ihisjadyice, to he -boys willneyerfber wrgpiwi. xnw; jvpuwai fis, uiuitseii a fit Illustration' of "bis 'subject Ar a p elect-the aeciamauoiia andcom,-' ppsitfbgaXairor . fTtreseexerqses, interepersed'witir; mu&uv ere con&idertdr the most ed,-, joyable of all And' soma of the.OT iaaUspeeehes would compare ? very; lavoraDiy wun some seniors 'i nave heard ,atf onx, ,fIlege..:rheitwere well deHvertd ' and , tie, "prendscfa-, preparing for the 'minsitTysome bf' whoin will .enter iWatu iFnrt U0Qg. -o Prot IyeXr and hist auwiatantAr ESS S52! rW, rvu? ;u .pc twu nuu r- may are cTte,ofessorI WhiaoiiIefcwavJiAs fexerUna tUw5 Influence jipoatberf ;moraw.pi tne rionmogityjji.nd especia ZlMn IHlifAnd Jjrls'under, ihis" charge.9 The Comaencement was :we1Etended 6 theltrona th? this imperfect acccraht withpnt tbaok. ing'Mis'jcy-fvVfor'the' Sweet5 rab8tewhte-tdaed SO mbtttlb Onr etjyments -Her sweet meJlowiedl aldigaifysOf ,manw fkepfUsraUG the while enthused. The evening was spent in promenading tbe'ballsv. andean pppvtjinwaaAff all to' teTkof thd rWhVlff6wers,quote . poecryoec; rreieit m re staying to' ido eomflf oflut'rarHOlvctjflt Char.- lie and Mae bacamereuleB8 and we Sprrng-Btttaaiinatloa. sThftelosojfjMfeBntfsacJ the WtWo fib Phtcoi botpe, 6thqf f June, .wM.tJudeed , , 6 east 01 reason ana a now or som. !he exercises were-ib the h tehee t- degree credibieto theteacherand to tb-ej-i)iifiUSi3i3 TbeKScbblarshjDi dis. blayed-, waai .et; al pare , exacts and I uigc oruer. j.uo an jepajrea OS:. ?d Thfcomposltlensf Si Pn "School Days," ''Thought, In-' fluence "and-"-MNlgutorings out Btara were of decided ' merit'and yTJbejwyoone writers: thai .Ella McNeill. Mar v McN pi 1. . vJphnson and Uora Watson, udience. ..toqtq -9i6s an sswei 09-? 9 J . Beeehesv---. j sThW XPltidfclaimerauitted emselyea like.r,men. . Among, thar b'atiy.ifhic A wpre good we cannof forbearmentlohing tor especial merit; ' Ktfae geBlIeiEitetrl by Johnny Mo- P.hersonv'Developm en t of Sont hern 1 esources'-by Joaor McKoy, Crop ottgages"r Dy Archibald Gibson, the 'Confederacy by r Alex. iShaw-and .1 i.TT t 1 : a. W 1 1 n TT . u Arv, aegju;io"ij::? oy f ur.vyaites. Cownsend: " " " a " ' ia, ei iimieTiiic, was tnelfitahefronti and Jike an old, true and triedsoerUk ted himself.-. Moset, he said, had only viewed the Promised Landirom rSagab.imt bis joy was greater, for ? he was nowlUiq Ji Bich.mond, be had : long songhtbujOnly nowjhad fodnd,p End though' he expected, much' of it, . ad read and ' heard mnch of it yet,' from what be saw and felt when he came, beooeld -exdaimr-in-the lan- tta fcwjff Q teteh fof -hebi, and be hold, iltJ 4ni d was; no5 told me.?; r! U c, beauty. Misses. Mary' ookuim snmeuc , ,. , . , a iNvwvaa. ajufivaiiuvi kicrru Hour eucaanied the atten- loifof i3Ta aadier ceV He (bolt iigh and due groundEfofcbighmBd j thorough -deeaMH-rM the best i-u tCmatnglcoo&fbTitaied led.praeaical piw,ajia seiner. .The , ;Weo tbunghQav jraar hainlted jn.; ulaHi ami ruaaMMlv manji-r. atu! ifc rTefrgh!l.t6rt1f! Hh-it'iWeiitti1 jjriit'aiHQn trvvw'ht'8 -sere having ? such a feaatoot m sUdmiumlytrutb.d or la.T s -of r. Ii ou ad thougb t. win ieein on Atfiirt. h.i The Tee Dee-AasocIatioB w4ai beat'l Springi t s u3y?tober, and, ait wotttd. ilwi ft'vinf KimI tM hire r, Vj&n&ianm :t 5 W! ?i hat t occa. Pf kisow of itfirlh, ttbat,'tt.eVomein 6fJ this wbUe-regiorvaye it VfTieVhOeord witb.'blia.npoonhiB nHiiut Sciiptnrali! AWtiiP&im f malfl-Pxeagheraj i e?th comnVftfe -abDoinfed the State Mi8sfoo--Boardj' tor oonfer wlthrxh IBaptiSt f ministers otOJorth 0 OjUpllna,-jOfTSdf to ttbeir: civinz,, teach len das or two .weeks Breach-. iingr'in destitute portions of onr State; would "say," throogh your columns that - the- following 'brethren i have : kiadly consented itowbtk fomtbe . lBoazdtbetime. hereinbefore speci a ifiedi , Brethxen,George. W.' Green, ' sB. G. CovfngtOri.'A. IA Stoneb.' J. ' tB KfcbardsotfiJT H.'Prifcharda'T ju J3 euxins, 3 JAMVAirxoni c wis; ttsylbr,; J.A-Mundy, ,Q C.; Hay, Wmiami7j.?iB.l BodnThebi VVhl6i lleldS.l'.CoBr'adatrd A.'F.rurefor . .Several jt.ftlifsaoPjrethrenbave already performed . the-Iabor prom- 4 is6d, but "the majority of them are ' yet nhasalgned.'"- W bare called oni ttfr 'bretb'reu of3tii-.State? 3thTongbI theKcoRHBiti .evetl-tlmea jforj suggestions,; to the 'localities in. which these; brefhreh might labor1 i vrithbest Jreabltt Y'butso' far haive heard frotti.vety-faiDiBrethTeitle 4 hear 'from-3 onr rf espective local- : ties We are in earnest and wish to do thwork'aa speedily and as ;didduslyasfpo4sIbIePACt - -)5 '! JoiNetrr.- Com i.. ..... ...':... .',lft;n --fji ut