The Biblical Recorder 1 EDYf AIID3, BROUOIlTOli d 00 L3 OJ 8U2SQXI?nOXi ryttTUJ Street. OrfeHs KMk One oopy, six tiotith,.,. ........ .100 Qaba of fl?..J..... ........ ,.10 00 '.Clubs ot lea,..., .JO 00 'JBiuitUn mnidt b ent by Begtstereel 4mr, rx-oao urasr, -xrrprese or ureri umoiom or iae iTkHOTm. i.; IllWf?l nVfl1 VMH 4talfe..llt.ttl u.Lj kHM.WvI ltlmtt4 : :5 - ; l LLZZGZ JLJVht 13, 1$7 . ;T .':' bkt.x. d. mxox. , THE 8ZCClilTT"0F BEUETCTS.- 2 f; - - -n ML And wt know that ahlhioga work tbf If gether fot good to them thai lor, God, to -:... them who are the eaSed aaoorung to kit purf . p r ,r : ' , -: :" 29. For whoa he old foreknow-, he ah ti4 pTedosUaAU U M eebToTiaed to the bnagaof ; "T " .., ' D.LIgyw, I ' iV'rjl cl.cU; az.wLuui i.e -uiy . V-V Lo bloo ja&ti&edt aaJ-ia fa juV.lea, 'CVlhea he ate glo2dtfrfi'?? -y x f i -siV-lT- U Vhet ua w eea aty qi UtMe thfasi I ri,Ix God m f , who w be afiaiaat a J : s V o tT. A.l - .1 kAl LI.' fl Ul ' de&Tereti hiaa up for wa mS how ahall he hot with him ate freely gjve ha all Otlagafrutt 33. Who ahaU Uy Mything to U ehats4 I Uod i aleet I J a ua that jnauaeut. 84. Tbo i he, that eoademnethr. Jt Qiriatthat died, yea xathor, that it agaiBi who W area at 1he right hamd of wboaleomaxBtkiBteraaHQBfocaa.t'- ; :-: f Si Who ah0 aepewto wfrom th lrf , CJirUt? 4off triheJattaouM diatresa, or we4 aeenoon, or uose, o juuteoaeaa, or penii oraword? ! Tlolfal i r JmitU WfUCaB,?o th feaka w. ar JdlUd aa Ua dy ioc ; we toe aeowthte tM aahee fot the aUaghter. - t .ST. Hay, la all iheae .(hlnfa we are' mora than ooBqaerora fhroAgh hka that loved wa. I 8. Tor I am yoiwaaded, that neither deaths t. nor life, nor angehv Twr : priadpaMtfeai bo? powers, nor thiaga pteeeat, or thiag U oorne ' i . . , .. . ( V 59. Nor height, hor"deptht nor ' any other ' oreetore, hall be able- to aeparaU tw from , tha lore I God, whioh to in Ghrlat Jam oor .v:v. Cmtax4.ef:,; . , r w la the. preeeding BhapUr,' Peal faea . aoribed tho warfare hetweaB tha flesh ud the apirit. Io the laaV reree bo annonnoas the . victory M throagh Jeaoa Christ oar Lord.? Chapter" viiL- aimply ' ealttea vpon the - thought that the spirit wffl U tbe end ' "qoer the flesh,' lhat ehrittiant are $aft (L) Beeaose ibe law of the eptritof Christ hath made them free from the law; of am and death.V (t.) They are broaght into aa onohanMible relation with God: they- ate ' mde ebiidrea- of , God. ' Onoa r'a J child, ; no 'power eaa WtohiLi them I ohndren then heirs-T 'The heirship de pends upon the ioaft fshlp.' iithei lonkhlpylj uzlohangeable, th4 'hAeri'Ui'ItoarW, ; ' M " In view of this "gUtrioos and certain, aalro ' lion, Pattl represents not only Christiana hot ,'the whole ereallon" as looking forrard, with, outstretched neck, "w siting for the adoption, to-wit t the reamt(ioa of V The t security; of fee$eex4r ft.. .0- r TT vs.- 1 - , . j, , , f . , j, t ' 1 jj "Ti ' J. -- " i - -LLl 4. - iuj 1 15 I - " - -- - a 9- " r Z. fc' it & inaAetA btftrtiatum for m$. t. MT,- int lea has a nUnlsUr at (he court of England U look after her interest. - Jeaoa is the Christ tian'a minister at theooart of Heave As a i-Jrocile II h&dentanus our n&ture si wants, and has tsoa. His person the woom wnMarare arsmaents tbat wfll prevail. we am, ixs pieiss. lor m i Joi eontinnal advocate.;' ? ' ' ',',ki."t TIIXJ! THK-"Lotr Or CtoMt.' w. -85i4 "What ahall separate na from it ? " Aaff fr dMMif ;,It worketh rmtlenoeTr 5'aiitft YeepeneatiioA ) ' "Even'the ctoxturee of the tnl o,siaoa .fAaod. fJoiwwM., Jr , wbtdnmf 1 Thovh and" shlvirith - eo ac: 4 c&a sua tzne ChxUana give np (neir aaaj-Jlrm'iCAfM oy them; ha orewUTCheni 4k)ve to QuS; la: aatneiiiihaklM. j tetLv.i'eVi 't-rxlttt. from thw Septasgint How ltteraUy Was this prehney Ifmlfiaad, "Who .Christiana were killed very -day and almost every hoar la tht dayaoeenntedaa iheep foitho-aUaghter? V. t7. JTmw Mm iaMfitsMrar1' Not ooiy do ire, tiuvegh Christ, ooniw trlfcohUJon diatreaa. &e bat we make :them 'arv ma I Tbw'irotlogetherfor iT.itfFM. ; rtgth1 toveV CbUfjf the foandationof thChrhhm hpe - ffi f atQl stronger fcense. Wttir daotaor . Vaa the two moat general statea in whieh mas) may lie.1! :'(afyera.) Neither ', the terron'o deatfi, box the jWala of life, Jfcr !0vft only good angete here meant. If they wxiatdL they eooU aoi, jWijwft aoy P0 Tbopght by;manj to , meea,htghet , orders ojf angela BMght ar-depth -'Thtaige in Heave .aorta Xarthpi HeU. ; No tempest, noatorm from above, no aorrow or temptation from beneath no height of bliss, - no , depth of miarry.; JHer , mny otker - preatur. JL broad expression, taking in all that may have been omitted Tk low ef Ged i Chritt JeHU our Lord. Tha lore of Chxist for aa which ha prodooed within as oar love for Christ. Z - ; h 'r ' Semarksv . : .1 1. God has aia eleot, yet all are oommandei to atrive to enter in at the straight gaU.f Thedoetrlneof eleetioD, thongh mysterioma, need not disoonrsse a sinner who wishes to baBved.-Y ---; , - - - '; " God has ;ordsrned - the"; end ' and the meaaa. His preJeslInatiog k m ezcasefojr knenesa. . ' we ahonidr trost uod, knowing that all depends Vrpoa Him, and work as if ft T "v apon: L God's -fo' .1 AU God Psottskhqe. tL 28 (1.) Viingt art vxtrHiyj. ' No atagnatmn. has made an active world. , (2.J AH Vtingt ' vxrk together. It is all God's plan. , No diav . oord; no, eomf osioo. . Goi niakea them hr. monixe ia aome way. (3.) V AU thing por together for gc U them that; foas; j "What, then, can harm -them? Moient wje4 , men songht ia vain for tbo :l'Pbiteopber'f - Btone," a something , which -wonld t tnm, th baser metala iato gold. tTha Christian.wh believes this verse haa foand U 4.Vhat afflij '. tion. what nuafortane, vwhwti hereament " does not beoome golden wh m ws JbMtethat .it if seat fove gaad f9&T'&itz IL" Gov's r npossa. r 2 80v Fortkim, God ' ftaekmaw' a&- 4hiagn cbwl a loving: f knowledge of his popI i-heve teeMt 4PrV i destitute. Preordeliu He hith choeei as " ia him before the foundation oP the world.? ' Conformed to 'Wiltifrm. s4'rm fthiseiaaM we Wia1 two tWags:;(t)ho idnd of person whom G r eiii ted - namely, those "oonfonned; to the Image of 1 hia aWVThe to Wjdw ii the Griiki . God predestinated he ens to- damaatton.'X'-) The chief aim of the gospel is lb make. ma , like. Jesns,' to ooaform then :e his .wag4 , Moral image, of ooatsev v- ,S(5., i :.' Xto9rtCT The eldest son la the ewl . iah iamHy had oeoolinr priTileges, b.o received ... a doable portion of his iatber'f heritaao landasnaSy aaooaededbtm to tho throne: K J 0 theagh first i inheritaaoe sad oathorityj 'la still a brotheii ' Jiang. lrAfw JT Jtttlf . famfly. : And,aathe first born. He wU takft oare of the yonogest j chfldraa. Notion th ehua, which eaaaot ba brokaa thai :b3ad tero.eterui tie together. iareknowiedgft i4 the first Enk fastening J to : eternity 1ati ' nea preuesunauan, oauug. oome between, ei gionfiesttoa J;th' JJ4IJE IsWWasW; t God be for as, who eaa be against as V ha power m "break ? this ohefax! t Oocta paa i'poseif ijitr9Ji,tjj-,Ja i'Ml -J IH, TMTATaaliva,'JT8l -The leaf ' fa Inomled la ttw greater If a loving la&ef woaM give na only soa to die for -as, : what else eaa we Imigme that he' woaid wfase : do for oaf y Sk, esntaa': la eontraet with hi adopted sous jti menUonei rTa Goc - Hlf soa u store thaa aS thugtelaa. ow If He haa given hia son, wiU h ref rm, th ' - aa things" 'repaired to oomplete bar ialv Uo r'-W ro ;t - c . 17, TMPaaTaorCAtsl,. 4The most net oral translation of V.'.S3.t Sf wald 'be thai; - "Who shiil brSSr a'bhargj agaiost (or ao ease) GodY eleet f'mrGoi that Jastfc fietht Who ia4 hethafin3emaethr Win; -Christ that died JtT4Cr4thV?a,-:ChrUti msn eiii aeeose. heoaaae Hs died taworateei. ' The; Father wiil aot, heoaaaj-W 4eaih''4f Tin IosbiToCaaMT.7a rather fhal iesriKi 'again. " A dead Christ oald not tar a; :vMIf ' Christ be not risen,! . thealToor preaclJc?alh7 and yoar faith la! also vain. i Co; 15: 14. Bat oars Is all depended apon, us. 3. Christiano are aafe. " Xet as then inaka sare that we are Christians trust ins only oa trjoat"duAVtpWa i dying aoW Christian.. ,that neither death nor life," 4, repeating the last two verses of the lesson. Are wo fally persaaded I . we eanaot andfrstaad God's sovereignty and man's free agency. . Not contrary to rea son, bat above reason. A child , learning ita A B Coatmot andsrstaa d a book in goome try.i We know eooagh to spell oat oar aalva ttoa. iil tta wait patiently, nntil we pass Into tha'her: mlaav ?la Heaven 'and we hope thaa aaderataad thesemyiteriea. f Tha Lamp Lore It Btct leamlBg.' rXhvt itrayefl far away hi ta darpne Neth ttar.ner a Ucht eooki X iee f - Tmwonte lBBDSwoiaa.'k waiihtbl. cJi uorstiMWp'diwAWwi xa ,?H Tpt Jardan-a waters ay oostm woald Uaj ,? r for Ale eTrrJiile wooldlatew: ' ittf nets woeMXeast In GaUlN's oaj-li 7 Where the aoin e tha Not stands esr. -lUj Tt . i -' i I-..-.: t.-, - s , , - f 14 tTraUon,s tlaa there's room made for alt ; r ' for 1 soeJ HnUst darkaeaa Bk me ' OaTnoa'as1 Xaatd LTtf mm iai MMmiaw l-j cMe thewa84errs WWtO m fchlig . -Jfiwa loarwaves sesm eajer woowamet . . lWwWUviPUoVwattiitm thaabr:i rWatfearet OioaT Hor paea naOM aroaad'lltef , , BoTiha'stori&v can torment thee no more f? J-."t ba i' Baow a? iESastf tratellerjr M&.ijSdg ;tavi'OTj ers-i ' hat hllt wUh' power t j . command and. TIL. TailXTicttss'or Csr?r K- TTA ir;fTJtaS sU3UaUSCSECS.:i d !a YKaft' -'nsygT jR- vxt itt Sf i ,5aa aitvartfne fib JWme of Jette ,Witt- Darfog tki tBarly settlemest of; the northern part of Texas, the : border Ttrc.rfw.a tha abode of a set of ahanreleas tmt-lawa and reftxeB' fom Justice, who ,f oon d ivconven- f awaa w arv w v atvwa visw : wa v aa ' wv that ther mlght'eTade the offlcera of the1 law, by - crossialt' flfst - from me aide, ana their from-the ptner. oome tl'toosa cHaxactera vere still linget-Ing-tn' thoar bdrdera at the-time I p&asea xnrtmgn, T a. a amau Tuiags lit thfr woods, on th1 Loatsianat ai(J, I.Ihqatred the meaning of the crowd that war ptherml1 ia tha nlacoL I -wsr loldtiey: h8ailat, tobtiry Botottona irauawi who ftaa oeen anoc down tho ldaJ before .6yraef -the titiseas. . 8o tar frdta trying the ttaa lot " deUbe'ratel kilHngr; thia : noted high-aw-fobSer ahd - mttrderer whd had. bid ,de2ance to taWt"aad to man; tha teopla . 'glori&ed.vhiiaiBs ; .'hexe for tk: dins' the community tjf ! fero Woaiti8ast?:tba!& waaft-'terrorCile) ef erj-ody. ? At1 the - Rttla coantry towa ; of iniaaf '6ti the Texas1 aide, -while' tre Were stopping for breakfast at a log ahanty, ' called; ar txjteT,; th court waa BittlDg- in1 another, Io cab in, and trying 3 notorious scamp for reome diabolical wickednea g. It wa4 iaid tbat at f oa e taae, 1 the rthieyesi tz.V throata ; 5 ahdV f4?iHIahsJ '".ia thia tssntry fctiSo" to--isit:crcas,:4ad 's4 deiat cf thi tdurj cf jastiee.'JtSat tvare'trthd c;:;zc-3- turned tleaii and puniah , these desperadoea, aa their crime seemed to demand They caIed. themselves the "Moderators.? .Very aoou, they had .killed off, add banished alt the rascals they could 1 catch.7' Bat thia court became- ojv Dressire in the exercise of their aell- f constituted prerbsattves. Bo- twelve othef citizens formed themseiwa into another rxmrt, called the - Rgular toTsV to fput eheck:C leia? oac the "lloderatow, to ' keep ithem in the bounds kC honeaty and decency. --'i 1 waaTglad14eaeugti hv away fro ifr this wild rebioa and aoiobra a -. ; iSr AJP-,.-m- 0 aK-1 ifi -i r a-ai- 0 C a " -wft A-ftW omm- viVa -.,. :iavet f Am waa my pecaliarpleasnre to greet at hia owt temporary home, uroj jeaae Witt; Utetf lYtrgintaj then the mla-1 aionary of the iamertio lioarc or i the ooutbeav tiapuat txrarenuon ia this town. I had listened to i the gospel in Virginia, front the- auyerf toagaed words rOf thia Brou- I was in the 2d Baptist church in Richmond when the Board of Domestio- Mia ' aiona made their first public call for Missionaries to go to Texas." ''Be. J: YT, D. Creath, arose with teatial ! ihAtr 'and -ttmnloua voice.' and' aaid Here t am. a6nome., Then : the meek, the sainted - uer. - j esse WUtf arose and! said, 'by the grace of Hod, I wilt got and help plant the Hose ef Sharon on the-prairies -of Texas. - It was a jay and a treat, 40 att down by tire Qreside of this god- Jy matt, and ais saintly family, and talk ot Vtrgiaia. ana aexaa; ot me paat Jthe present, and the future. It s tonohtngiy aatt to usten ie ue detailar.of their loQaT and tousome joamey from .Virginia to Memphis, in a wagon; thence some: oistance down the Mississippi river and then by land again across Arkansas, and Louisiana,' to: Aagnstinei; ' Sister Witt's health was still annexing irom the tatigue3 and exposure of that joarney. San Angustine was com menced in 1830, and seemed long since to have r reached fjta ... zenith, It had all the appearances of age, and some indications of decline. it was anread over a number of red hills, and embedded in the foliage of the China tree, and contained about alxr knadred inhabitants." The ad- iacent lands were well adapted to corn ana cotton. - Aitnongu mey had to haul their cotton to the Bed river, a1 dtstanee "of Beventy five miles, etui tbe farmers eiearea sdouc 12$ on each hand employed. .This tow Wat fiee the jwndevonx:,ffJtba bominabla sooaaorei , aoa ouoaaun of the other States, andi vile Jay po- crits ia the garb or miniaters of Je sus Christ, who robbed and murder ed one another, without any regard to morality or decency. Col. Brooks, a prominent citizen of the place, told me! that' thirteen ' murders oc curred in the town during the first winter be resided Irr the olaoe. Of, coarse the morals of the' town hadV greatly improved.; Murder wasno: a thing ; of- very rare occiirrence The, two rival Colleges of -the pTade were arjot to be consoiKlatediinto one. i Thi Methodists :had-' good cnurcn. f -xne napiisia naa a respec table membership, Coil Brooks and Gen. Berrv. two of the mostOToml- nenfei arena of the town belonging; to them. Bro. Witt was deoldedry populari and hieing1 a good work for" toe master in Ban AUgustinev our neying oh from- this1 town;we'epentr the next night irijNaeodoehetia smal er, but much hafidsomer TowHhtha San AaguBtirie The Catholics we(e building a house ol worship bar the ' Protestants1 had no house in the jriace. '' Paasiog;'thelittIe village OfJ Douglas, in jxaeodecfaea county, we. slept Ih -the town of Crocket, the county seat of Houston. -1 attended a Temperance meeting in the place.' fctfjnade?te 'BpeeehP f Whatever; Crocker may be W,1t was net their avf towii 0f ytij -large4 diroensiotii,' bor particularly noted for morality Or reli'Rion- It waa my mlsfof taae the nekt day- to have for- :astagont panfoBr ahl nalotel v,'dif ty-! old Tinas, who- was Tunning 'away from one wife to-; overtake another. Btopped to day at the- sUge stand, to change horses and get dinner-It was here T niet-the- busiest 'man -I aaw3bi.; Texas. . He lived In log hnt eight by ten feet inaize. &e was- baild-' iBg anewbonae of larpr'tfitnert-. t J 4 A ..Tr 3 j FbrTtheTteoorder. i v ? THEN , INDi KOW. ' . ..t i Mushroom I called out the-con ductor. 'Mnshrocm.r I-awoke with -i 4 start, ibofeed froupd iathedszed 4 way, pecniiar to eieepy.traveiera, put as I recalled .ray scattered faculties; I remembered,' that iuot iar from tbis Doinf. was or once was.' the vit lage of Dont Care J : ''19 uXont Care" lacking in eupho ny, gentle reader t s Doubtless, but in -my bosom, the name-recalled mem oiiea, dear and? sacred for. there I frienaa and there waa the : chnrch of my firat love.1 Hastily . seizing - my valise I sprang out, and approached t crowa tnat was gatnerar ar tne a countenance indicated that she .1 whe WB f CItened anmAwKar. hv ihH tUmi and blace; I .next obserred a .lady ;ir: :j of ' .the community aou-fs theltopes ;of 'a rich contralto voi a; edhonhrough 'thetoudly tt ... sg chores1. 1 mentallv exclaim. j omer tnan sister uo a iieaai r 3d Was recalled to the solem cf t . e joung 'speaker. lie was euot ce ; .24 by others; .-audI 'gradually station. 1 noticed with surprise (tor knew this Section of Carolina was noted for Its salubrity) that evtry J face had a .dark w brownish, hue t but I could not supposeHit to be the effect of iU health, , for every perapit moves with a quick energetlo steps and seemed as busy as it the rate of empires depended ,pn ..his lodiTlduj al exertion. 'Approaching the - first tnan whose attention I succeeded in gaining for a moment, -1 inquired when the stage- left for Dont Care. A broad smile and a hasty 4i don't know.' waa the reply. I was soon left standing alone, . wondering what coarse to pursue to gain , the wof-r mation l desired, as i was aoonc to follow in the direction taken by the citizens' of this busy; place I felt a touon upon my arm. Turning x saw- an elderly gentleman whose air of: qnlet dignity waa in striking oontrast to the bustle of the diaper a- ingcrowdxt -.t.j.r -r-.i -ha .t J "I heard you inquire, for the oon vejance to Don) Care, if -I misj take not, he said. "That name ia known no longer, the place fomer ly so called, is now known as The ElsibgTowo, and thephseton of the Landlord of Eagle Hotel, of that place, will leave here promptly at 3 : 40, p. m." I thanked the obligi gentleman for his attention,-and he proceeded to tell me that great changes had taken place in the last few years, both at Mushroom and Bising Town, (formerly Don't Care). The former, bad arrived at a state of great prosperity; which arose from the discovery of a weed, which was declared to be tha panacea of all evils. mental v and physical. Tbe rraWio reeeivedthls near thwirv with discoverer of this wonderf uL blanh J rconierrea witn others of adventurous turn of mind; forth with, they ; pro ceeded to build and) enlarge their borders and to compound thia new remedy, s Some went, into the culti vation , of Jhe weed ; jthis-andthb' various proeeasesicntierwenrj be fore it was ready roe use, crave oof copatlon to many people. Tbe dust exhaled fromMaiitjflledto air, bovered the-houses ted caused thestraage complexion of the Inbabf- tauthJ . Batmyuew ftiend' informed me that; these evils-wer4 considered as naught by thAieitizens of Mush room. Were not they the progressive people, the monied people, the much praised pwpje I And was .not the One Eyed Gazette,ublished weekly. to heraid the, en terprise and berat- mm msoanrooms?, 0$ ejjdeserve xhjs fprwfyfciwKty my rcommunicauve informer, "far they are a kind 'hearted; liberal Ded- ye,, and deserye .rjrany ;d) their, Bidding him a hasty adieu. T was toa numt comfortably seated in the phaeton. . (So great an improvement they are to the old time stage coach:) uponi arriving at J&uung;iTown augntea at iagie iiow ana was conducted to a , cheerful apartment, where i intendeato, remain awhile Incognito, but. coon ;the once-familiar sound of the church , bell rang out its cheerfnl call , for evening , worahlrj. f uai a uvab, u, lvuu.. ccyiiounouB rnshed over me' at the sound : faces of dear ones arose quickly before ray mental viaidn, and rialng haaUly: 1 took my way toward i the cburctt; of Do Nothing. Gliding It to the first unoccupied, seat, la waa gladif the friendly screen f of amassiva, pillar, and eggs out ott doors, aud set thet table under some acrabby oake, Twf waa' too busy to" eat din net -or to1 speak to hia guests. ' And when- We offered him the -moneys for oardln aer, he wa te busy ' to looav at ut too busy to stop long enoughi ' to re eeive the-moneys but just reached our his left-', handj tooktbef money and crammed it into his pocket, audi kept on pushing the plaaei with his. righl baud; too busy veu - to 'ay good-bye. That fellow ought, to- be rich by this tine, - Soon we entered the bottom lahda er the Trinity river 'with ita long masaCMd fcr palmetto groves, t We spent t he night atCi elanatL a small village on-the site side of the Trinity river; It ing Sabbath, I ' preached, by tnvita tfoa; tor BeVr Mrl Becktdni ad old Presbyterian i minister,' originally' withl this Presbytenan--'BroV t;Brd, WorrelU the Baptist pastor of the place, was not at hcme. A -i u . ri y ;The a-it day we traveled W to theflocrisLla tewn: of Huatsvine. the county safr of Walker oodnty, j auu uume vi ev.'.v Some recollections of thia town, and its people, and iU sarroandlc -s trill pear lai the next' ;articlei ofithis scrie&i i'EETT2EN JfirrsJ tUyea1 ista a- court. tcVj nrrfit,' trj j :,;(?atrilasJ, Tik. i-' vi i, whichyeMnaWed.meto yisw;,tb pfthe labors ,pf:the, sisjers orthis phurch, wJUich Appeared in the HjEW CORDEHtlu AO, loeywtU uyupuew remembor. that thasisters were aided and encouraged chiefly- by BroviPo All. ' ear:BrojDoAlI 1 Hbkwell I rememebered ;his stately step," his dignified 'raien; bat ; especially :tiar earn eat zeal and i hfs fefvenr piety. Surely r Shall see A faee-lor hie was eter at his post5 T looked in vain. Oeeupylttr-iis1 iswPawr several young men iathprid!or earrymanhood, i whose i serious de portment indicated that their pres ence bar waa. from no idieimotare. Indeed thet gentlemen's:.pews:wtre filled With i toung men: unknowmto i mewi 33nt among; them recegned oldiiirOi Honesty,, witn, whom wme Bppeared tobave deaii fWHhJtindly Jland ai-ril vi4;,a'& t'.i-Jt r s.i As the ? last .tonea tlioi bell ceased, to .vibrate , upon the .ear one ly, to,:thde8k andrequested; the at: i ' . ' s ' :1 r a JJ cnoir io--Binz Borae. lamiuvi him. Af ma jyrVoices Juni ted" and . ross in haimony4l turned "my eyes . in this direction, of the "pente ,pews. See ffiat nnf 'tlhft trfttltlrf ltlieiS.; WhORII D.'-Creathwi whole soUL seems enchained, by the snUit of devotion I " CaU u it be T rnurmnri 'It can i it 'is.Bfeter Picus i 'Kear'trl recosmized-at'Oacs sister Ecievolohcl, ( tow could I forgs her.) aid Ci jriitr Say What Toa JT.Z?. to r- t'.I w. he kept himselt I therefore proceed, d to inquire if they had ja pastor f Whereupon a pleased expression api peared on every "face 'whila: some oae quickly said,i; 'aye, and iucli k pastor Where is be, 1 next ink :qutred,rt TravelIingtto and fioi i the earthy said sister Say What Yon Please. '.'But be is always at work for the Master.' wherever he may be,? nit : i of the hour by theeaftfest totfel 4 -said SisterStand-Firm. "What sayp Dr, Mara Walkerl", asked sister Say WhatYou -Please, ;witb a aly glance at sister Gj'A Head. -And all the Lhz I3iblical''lieco: in ' AD VSSTISIS&, JL TZ3. llnoh, . f 1-00 i "8 00 $ 8 00 $15 0025 00 2 fdo f . 00 6 00 15 00 2j 00 40 00 JlAoIZ 8 00 20 00 S3 CO 0 CO rdo A OO.iO 00 .26 00 ,45 CO CO 00 Moormn 6 00 15 O0 jSZ CO 60 CO E5 CO do io oo 2T oo 60 oo ioa oo 170 00 . -v. do -4 IS Ow CO OQ 100 00 175 OO'SOO 00 Bpooial NoUoes charged 20 cents aline Obitaarieii sixty woraaion2, are - inserted ' free of charge When thej exceed ttis lee tb -oaeeent for each word mut be paid ia ad r tajenedf men- have f had . talented mothers, a Bacon, Hume," Rnskin and Hawthorne-arer striking' illustrations ot tne-trttthof tthis Btafemenf The Immortal fameof Thennopylaa : is jao longer a matter of wonder when we con8iderrthQparting injanctloa of the noble Spartan- mother, to hsr eon when going Into " battle; : " 'Come back'with your shield or -upda.-it. ' - ? TLScily way to Escafe talent i3 to cultlr- 'j Lrclns. aid -ttesa .ratist be - liaE'-rc'.s... There i3 no thcrt Cft- wvWa aa so weetly d welt upon by sevei of; the yonng spea,kers tjpon dlsmssionT ouietlv bassed outi dei termed t an "early day to inquire Into the hlstery trf 'th bhurefif fbr ijt was ttidenff that aiera was'fhi oguated. WBMng earlj' next morni log IpasaedthroagU the well known ntree s, j quiet ;aud almost 7 deserted tt.t early hoar; and observe i wKh piearaisthf sfrrear-imtwvemeiiti 4 everj-rnere viaible. f The faatura beanrea, for which tha place had at-' ways seen noted were now enhanced by ttt art and Industry of m ait :: i Asb paused to admire: a new and tastU. aoraed residence, I. obserted a ge Unman ??artoroaehinar m whose looks erer: famUiar.-Hfr paned, lopkc at: me, . scrntinltincly a. mo ment, ben asked, "Am 1 matakenl ie nc. ai uoeerver ;i otber, I ane- red, "and von are tha benevu olent ntlemanw! VOoma riffht in." has- , crivine mala heartvahake Ihehs lkmy wimwiUbedeiirhted't6 see jc , " X fdllowed him into a room1. .chare j from the air ol refinement and t: e, which' only;womao'a hand can i art. : While ' het basaed . lute anott apartment. and almost imi medk :y reappeared with a lady Ieanir 1 oh - his arm.' It waa nlater Bene '.ence 1. So then she had exer. cised .a tirtue for "which she was caliec.'bv maktne-brieht with her prtsebe the borne of the Benevolent gent' aaav fEeader, have you ever met t th dear-ones after long, long yeara oi y separation r. s 'Xnen you knooo-sthing tf, my teelingsvas tne t;irs flew ,by wbUe we recalled deps d joyf and ; conversed of tnec j cf other dayaw Butjiow, lest we 7 yen, . l wiii bid you adieu, whill rest for, awhile in this, the 8tra::rs home. V I ; .jTjtdaya following the eventa List recrf rd, out ma in Dosseaaion of cn or lioxiotnmg. eister J5e- ce7 informed me that ' the was now called w The ln- Bahd The evehta which the change of names had remarkable as ' the change The brethren whose slothful1 d caused their farmer appel- kad been removed - by time imstance, shall : I not say- by .se I and a band or laborers h brought into the fold whose id zeal keot oace with their- int r mce and thet busiaesaof the tshc. t was. carried forward smooth ly ti .easily; for they all had a mind' i work. Almost my first in-. quiriitod.been concerning Brov Dp: : AU.ilWned he had ceased to labor. and 4a entered into rest. It ; was from ister Go. A Head that 1 learned the; ?olb w)ng Jnoidents cpnearnio k blm. j Ie was near to her in life, and hlsmnory will ever be fresh in the- heart bat beat ror nun with ao much loveCjUl gratitade ' Many 8fflictions werdpmined to assail the man of rOod,pie so terrible and sudden that he, wai stricken, mentally aad phys allvr reck- How sad an ending o' eo loriofis? svi lifei i Hi aoand jddgt Bent; s which with-the gracexii 4ieaxtd moulded . nis actions into such . :,eaatiial , ay metry of .charao ter, tctered, - trembled, and: let him fall Jn;i many greivoas-. errors, rand tinbecciing positions. ; " Ah,? said sister ?Oo A iPead, ;whilo teatsieU fast at I thickt:',Gjd fOnly ean(knew ffor I mer can telli hoar I felt when I woull see' the . grand old man, old before lis timej": by rood's afflicting hafad,Meered" at by the thoughtless for foibles, he wouti have scorned had reison sat; flrmB on her' throne. But the' end camn at Iafttand ane- roundel kox by amultitde; but by a .,vm or- ferre, we gently and jOU , AavksWIyftaoadi feiDVwar to rest i'esida her ha loved in wlL Fat it platters littla Tweeu, whether the ikies be peacefhb r,cloWering, hen the christian aearrier lies dDwn torest for the clouds U1 aU do gone V"iI T 0 iolQy- tbatu the ladies or the church' kept opt their wklyrunpjighjiiberf. ahty . ana Jhpashiful.rsjCofrr the prinren made Ahet f efforts-' now i labor of love and notatfeceasity I attend one ofthelf meetings; aoi moaesiy forbids that Ttell you bow warm. the welcomn t ronoitro At a.'.i jt - "77. "w,i!,wHi'ft'r r l KT' Binco faetr with them last, I did npt mUs tTauAi facaT,nt the circle wa ehlafgedT by many uzw LmmDers-promihent belong them1 ,-was i sisterfTrnrnfartIwas t WW .1: er "0Diar bearing,1 anp: o "eepeeedr affection 8?,WJI hr P by very member of the so Sl?V 5Tt9.- le'ntrod'tfcea Iff fU-. 'Hiker; "I had 'hithtok Kh.;! -ijy-enjaged . ia makis fnqulifes cod- ce, nipgHa friends thatI Lad not t, ri" P3. t zstttQt the Invinci- aH9-aadlM' , .Oii BAit'.vd' t T -Shere occurred a fell to !the CoaverV frHft f 0US ita good time t2 f ri.out who' he.-was-aadi where me'That it was acralnst the rules of order for?ahy ne to . eay anytbing- tbat could be considered as gossip,' "but said she, tnrnln to the ladies. "as you' have excited Observer's cu riosity, you I may state w ho Dr. Mary walker. ia.'WellJaaid sister Stand. Firm, i'sbe belongs, to that class of persons who thinking themr selves endowed 'With the faculty of governing, are not! content to rhle their own: affairs, but. try to control tbe business of other people and even that ofwhole villages.' 'For instance,' are DerfectI v ' f satisfied "With our ' pastor Dr. Mary jays he is no pastor at all j.for: Bhe( can look in his eyes and ; see that he khas .done many things he ought not to have done, ' and left undone other thin er he should have done rat all hazards' Well," said sister Bay What Ton Please "she is very wise to thus read men's 1 souls, : and' ought not brains to rule TV Yee replies sister Stand .1? a m;.vpQiesa noses outnnm- which reply; arose consider able laughter. When quiet was re stored sister Oo A Head gravely re-. rnaixea, : v e i nave at least socn . reason as has - been given ns and I suppose the, brethren jwill continue to choose our own: pastors. , Sister Benevolence always. defended then absent and now. told me, "that al though Dr. Mary had a great deal! of egotism in , hex composition, she was a good woman, and was undoubt edly the most intellectual woman of: the age. "She ought to be, exclaim ed a young aiater, 'look at her ad-' vantages.9 Here sister True Heart' rapped loudly on tbe table and called1 Voider I The subiect was then dropped, nor- did I hear her name mentioned among them again, bdt hadJtieard enoueh to find out that whatever' others might ' thinkv the l.tan sT-tlwXllTllleitrta. 0MU, "MM..r sidered their's the- Parogan of Pas--tors '";v;.: ;:-;';;.;;-. ; ';-. i 1. could tell you of many other per j sons and things of interest tnat came under my observation during my; visit: but I fear, kind reader. your patience would fail. Perhaps, at some future time, I may tell you, somewhat, of Deacon Liberal, young Bro. Do All, (who waS travelling, though slowly, on account of diffl- depoe in his father's steps,) and the boat of . young brethren whose zeal and energy had been ot such benefits to the i bureh.,baJBnKi indifference,' bad for a while: been aroused -ton' state of great - activity, . but having- done a good deal of work, taking it altogether, he considered that he. was now at liberty to retire from tne fhld, though hopes are entertained that he will vet. emerge from hia- retirement, as he is yet in the full vigor of life, 'and has talents of a high order, ; . r; ' ' . ; ; . "i s The sisters informed me that "The New Curtains lasted ; remakably well, being stilt in us; but they haver beard that the4 brethren intended: replacing them with new ones at an 'early 4ayv "-''ObsekveI ' occasion' with high enjoyment s Th one just passed:-was no ; exception ana one ot tne largest cro--ds7 eye: seen on such ah . occasion turned.ou r- . ft m l m'- io wicnesa tne closing exercises o the past : session. 5 Oa Wednesday evening, the 13thV thei large chapel was thronged with; the teaaty jand intelligence of this section to witness the graduating exercises, ' and listen to the address of the Eev. Dr. Eaten, of Petersburg, all of which surpassed the expectations of the most sanguine.- After n apoTie pr1-,- .,aurca.- tne,-grauoaunir i i!.Ak.f.,).;1.;.J . essays of Misses AliceHinesahd IZZZ&,KJ? , nothing else that will make. 'brains ' , growv i.UnIr.edcnltivate our S ' braiojtwe willfiad-ouraelvea-endinir- I- I Fhere many .seem Think that bn-: Mamie Adams: were - read, ; and we have heard of bntr.ono expression; and that of high -commendation : ii regard to them.5 Nothing' but leaves,9 and "this world a thing Pf beauty; were treated by the young ladies with a pathos,., feel ing,. -force, beauty and elegance otdiction which reflected the ; highest credii upon their heads and hearts.'"' This- exer-f cise being concluded, Prof. Brewer came; forward aad; introduced J)r.4 J2atonr who, charmed ; the audience from the beginning to the, lose'of his admirable 'address." Palling "to take any notes, we avail onrselvesof .tne correct and: excellent rreport-ot 4 tne Aavance? -m o0isft-.lnfiT.-a 1 ,r .Mr. Eaton arose, and, after Indulg ing in a few, complimentary and well-timed allusions to. tbe, gradua ting essays of the young ladies, anr nounced as 'the subject of his ad dress, 4 A Plea for the Education of Gkla-?T ..n- fit iv-rwd . , He said : that there never 'was' a more mistaken notion than that tal ent rendered Its possessor unfit for- tbe ordinary occupation ot life. That an intelligent : plowman,- boot black or newsboy would soon learn to do his work with one half the trouble it would : cost his dull companion: 1 to perform the same. - . : i,. m ru -4 j.; c He said that it was also a great mistake that brains Are apt to be self-asserting. That ) is the stupid J fellow who is obstinate' and not j be convinced' by roascm.- He -vaiq reminded that J the ; great German, poeti : Schiller, t was g wont 1 to sy, Against stupidity, the" god's .fight powerless, but he would assure hia hearers that " u- j- 'Against stupidity the gods fight constantly.' .Theman of brains enters apon his work however doll and unlntfrcft opportunity to improve his condition Education sometimes makes a man restless but; it always renders him interesting and instructive to those around him. Education is the pol ishing of the lapidary. ' It , gives strength and direction to talent Brains are essential to executive ability." An army may trium pb for awhile without a leader of talent. but its ultimate destruction : is cer tain.. Thia was forcibly; illustrated in the late war between France and Germany, xfapoieon was a man: ot talent and ability, and for a time the army of :Praricewas vlcxorious,4)u;t-'j he took upon himself all, the wort of. directing , the warfare and, having, been" careless in ' the selection and training of his subordinates, sooa tttter his health failed : the armies of . Prance werer overcome,' ; hza i j ;-, So long as men believe that brains are necessary only for lawyers, phy sicians and preachers,1 ' and .that training for any - other pursuit ;in life is Of little moment, just so. long wUl there be a tendency to disconrf age the. thorough education of ie males. '' ' jf 5T4e -1 wo leading -occupations 1 of women in this land are teaching and housekeeping, and certainly in this sphere she has an especial need tor brains; aod'as a. 'majority of Jadies follow these two important avocai tions, it is evidentHbar the' world needa. more educated, ladies? than gentlemen,. a v.oWf MiktA . .PAdantrv is not talent, it ia an en- Itireiy kntagonistio thingv; and 'ilk aoominaoie wneiner iu uau or wu man. r A gen nine blue stocking woj man is ever -filled with a little learn ing, which is a ;; dangerous r tbingl She will lounge upon a sofa, read a novel: JOrwrite a little poem, bnt in f tbe ordinary affairs f every day life ci - x : !" For'the Beoordet WILSON COLLEGIATE SEHINARY.j t .sTbe Wilson' Collegiate Seminary, tinder the excellent management-of Profc JB. Brewer a graduate -of Wake Forest College, stands desery jedly high in the estimation v of our people generally, and is Tegarded by them aaonet of the best institutions of learning in Eastern Jortb ' Caro lina. It is the pride of jhiajsection;, for certainly no i tnstitotioii-rofi'erB finer advantages for the education of young ladies than those atturdea oy yVifsoa ,jpolIariat Seminary m4 oertaiaty ;no;- locility,- offre.-vhighe' noaacements than the healthy, pros-, "twrnna and hA&nHfnritrthwf : ttfil. son.4 Situated"bU; the highest potnt'l Women all dote upon operlativei, of the Wilmington and Welddn'road 1 andlheir affibitfdn tstoetceU' manityfbeganin Anthropoid Aprs. ? IhywardJhg'theiaiplom -Brewer-made'somo - farewelTe-'" marks, to the xwo'ioungcladiea who . were then to leave him-for the-duties of. life j, and bis well; put words "of wisdom and advice were like ":ap- Pies' of gold in pictures 'Pf silver. ' Miss?Annle? Young : War presented with a pen for: having made the greatest proficiencyjn penmanship, . and Miss Julia Yelverten for having h'ttaioed the"highest scholarship re-. ceived acopy- of'the Ahgel in the ":. ; ClonxlaThspresentatiGin was made " respectireiy by .Mr. Cunninghim and ' " Dr. Eaton. in well, conceived and fe- r liciforfs remarks; Of course the' ex- ' ercises of the 'evening were'fiavored ' by strains of delicidos music, which imparted isvdebghtfnl; rplishj to the excellentrtornenii I& Sa r Thursday-.night y thlBTannual concert came oft, , and Mrs Brewer, the1 accomplished wife of the princi pal, and Miss Bettie- Chandler must have felt proud of the success which crowned .their efforts, and- added new laurels to .their .well-earned fame as musical instructoi's. J In con sequence of i the illness' ':6f -Miss Chandler just ; before: the Concert, much Ojf the responsibility of, rreDa- ,ration deroIyed.npQniMrs, ; Brewer, anci .tne -gratnymg resqlt rshowed that the thorough training received. a thoiahdg ofBrof;Hahh: have fit- ted - her admUaWyibrvthectrying -taskvr iWe pronounce it a most deci- ded success.." " ' - - - . i .-Thus closed a highly "sncceesful " session with credit to all concerned be added. Calisthenics will be in troduced, and some time during the session the system of Kindergarten teaching will be' inaugurated, all of which go to prove that the live and energetic principal; is abreast ; with the enlightened spirit of progress, and that he is determined to make tbe Wilson Seminary second to no institution of learning in the State. ' v"-' - '-jtatihi lteeorder; BRO. COBB'S FACTS AND FIGiyttES. tim-:0-7ipt)rL : Bre Cobb, ia Becoeder Pf J ane 4th, shows, the "facts and 'figures" from 21 'of the 40 white Baptist As sociations in the Stated Thanks ' for them eBy? tentyrrpSrted in tteir minute of Jastyearjherejyas given 4101.7QL54. and exclusive ot bastors salaries there was" YepoHed rt 4he i I have before me'now the mihntes of 18 of these Associations, and only , five , of; them Central, ; Mt;TZion, J Raleighnat "Ki ver and Tar Biver are filled with an ythibg' Hke the iacts and "figures c whichrahould nave been put- in- them,'iThe ;min utes of . tbe Mk, Zion' are as ulls, any lr nave before me, ana yet, to my 'knowledge, to, the A $G,661.8C . shown by these minutes could 'have been added 112,600.00, SO ihe min- oiesp of the M.(. fZion Association -wouUl hsvo..8howu-$i9,i6r.8a in- stead Jot the -t661;rrbichs they and tetbetsehtredf f thriving; iri-5 duatriOns higbtoned,' refined and religious ! populatiOuV Wilson throws Out its arms of welcome to-' the' young daughters ot Easforn Carolina, a6d ; bids their parents and guardf3ns"l6i consider; well the :ad vantages Aand. facilities which, aha aniovcaa aniadM f flcational)centre.r.TJtie institution:cjf' which iwe wnte as; estabjishedain' 1859 by :tbe. Bey. Dr.j-Deems, apfl- baa been; successively .under hfJBQnl-i trol of, thpse i excelwit edpeatorat Profs. AdacnsArrington :and J. pa B. Hooper. ; inJLSZ5 this school was united with the Institute nuder Pro; HasseU od known as: theWilso Oolteserthe control fof4he Female .Seminary :being; assigned 40vFrpf. -Brewer, in consequence, of his Jecoa- j nixed ability And, emipeut fitness tor that branch of duty. .1077- touna Prof Brewer tbe ownerf the beau tiful, groa uds and spacious building,! ahdTat the bead ot the Vllson Collet elate Seminarv--a"tn(Sst bODttlar In' -stitutlon of iRarninc- The buildin k-i nlias been'cohsideTaMymproVeVi,!! Tethef Advantages' &3fed,:'aiidJit Standi to day. an raatent to-this Kpction.-Shfth- hfiioff .Cha'caseif the1 annual' commencements '.bring large 1 crowds to Wilson,' ana nwrsatheOh do show." t & Bro.X5obb has shown from r'faets ' and figures" that, exclusive, ot pas- . tors' salaried there: vwasf hotwith'" t J standing BrtBe'failaTeS Of church. "-: clerks to hu tip the rertsrs jo- me,, Aaaooladoos as theyshbuld rj tzCte- I ported iff theSe'Thtnuw? men done has beeHeDot "v? . - Tlthmk:tthaiimfibare-1- - jM asa.HWtvu tviii; ia- uv,,utVav IIVslll I 4UI4 tskO ClU Amannt m sva v:1--' . i a -a n. m ' auiuu& uku. ..-.. - WDSI Has ed. ASdf In in TOwjfitii-ofswhatrwas, really i. 4uewiuwu:avroiuanuapjpqaij Maflr ovrour oreinrenoianese.zj. as her learnintr down, unon vou -aa, if Taocfaiiona waa ' reported In '" their you were casing - a- mencai snower T raimrferr and rr bo, then-' instead or battf.': She ii not: al ways talking 4 &$637i7 given' bv them;we.ahdu2d about greatmen; and greatL thliTCT f av:haa Wheir we add : about whh! she has: read; lmt Jyi h?n sparkling wit,; rgraphio; qscripfj Assaaations,we:eee "1io wT faV"Troci - Bhb renders iierserf Interesting ;upp tfctost wmirfdaIicesnbjecti bee character and" resrMjt ber tales and if ,her husband insists on eettln Hi f UUUUIC9 UU rt f KAlUVW) l everteady talent la sure to dense method for hiS extrication. -- Jrti h iHieally educatebTwohien 'a sensitive and touchy. - sensitive lueruu ea.uiuat.f3 arts iuuoj 'wbosuDrseViE JeaoTni:'1:: $F M sillied: ttHl Itk&EuStiX cfdkissStatB giv eaeb-yeaf toad- 4 ! MjVf nee Christfs kiigdom, extrusive of Vweenaptlst andber-de'aoifrina-, dldnstby- rksrsnd- writejs, Jbas ' A .jr.- been03' the soni08Ltioii. that rthe ft iiain i ft a. aa iti i,un rrinii n a i.a f . mi m ti - .-i.- nle are those, who keep their ieeiiogs 1 b5ieotsJexclu ve bf t-iitoto' t! fCZs. s , .: i ..- - --L w 4. a T.ft ar a. J 1 f o T - a. r r . j ".-v-i . fy. J. spread tor yaras aTQunct mem. - oe i 'give ytariy toaiy-iroc izpqmio iitiveuess'is a clear proof of- a Vabi 4 20238 1 1 tsirlghtntoykyigr) be , cfiturecWithiaa'edncated;o-4ip that other, de-.5 manhersonolhermental'yIsrohJ , !,. 4,2 fk.f naif fnfma a vrf1'lTnn nft'KAn-"W1b-.I'"iK-ffiir'fta era -y " - small portion or.ner Burrounuipgs.:, i igre Bht the chief iraiaewof-woraea -of 4 u tpsH" - S&tXwvsBAXz brains gatihat.withbnti:trieirathlBrfc.S-1"f: :f .aiei'f SniTKFflSfr ea..lL COulllB 111 uavuiaLUDrciuuuicuh 1 - : , " . . .. Back of all great- ineh: ts-rtaleated :ntTend-?cre'gllX-to; a IU W w wr uvu, wr m -wwvw humv " v aiu satry 8u1strippinhenf.lsI?C3, ' motherU Thai fathert may ihaVdlifcet tbb'AktuxjicUbat: histpryQws haan 1 Jtt-UC itcshrto iCLifo inay-sopu . i 4 .i - - .... y'

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