EDWARDS; BEOpGHTO & COll Qflee a Fayettevlll St OppuXarkeL -,r s TERMS ofl amscKTFTioirt Ua9 copjy one ycar,.f . . . t 00 Vug wyjr, ei. iuuuuu, Clanis of five.'.-.. v-uu 1 rwi Clubsot ienf ' ,'. ,.'. V..Vvi -r ?? ,.POTl!AeJinttatibo,akol by. Registered Letter, Posjrofflce Qrder," Hxptee or irait, psyablete the order ot the Publisher u LESSON X-MiRCn 6TH. . tHEIHXSESS 0 JESTJS ..... inv:.. 7 ;i9-2& TO JOHN. -GOLDESr TIXT.-He was 1 Burning m4 SWaiig IJybtWoha 5; 85..' . 4 MWUness o Jesus to Jahnftike 7 : 19-28 T. ' Parallel from Matthew, - Matt. 11: 2-lSf vf. Wtrnsef John to Jma, Johnl 443 -Worksitnessinj for JossusjlAike TJl-lT lYords witnessing for Jesus, John 7i37-53 M.ConfeesioDseoncern'KJesajjMattHaSO S. Jesus proved tote Christ, Luke. 7; 19-28 2W OUTLINE. .f:f. IIS" 1 (SlTKSTIOSritO 1-SQ -' 1 Ammn; 11-23 ' 3 OXSOBBJtfl, 418,.;; L-Theemt Denbtert Onefrtion.o; y.rv While some f ikJqhaV .discslea followed C&tii' ffieir sefkia baTrefe'rre4 toreV miiii'iri & eir old jteaclief and'TIer consdracfilrlcken" doubtless, because he knew be bad'jmpruonedjWV jnnocent man, was wUIiajtoaikrj hi f disciple to yisit him in bis dungeon. -Their lore for John did not ebb and. flow -with the tide of 'pop nlar favor, bat was as trtrong now as' when snmmnded hft tHef ' applajiding ' mnltitade,. HOTttrftkeyoffljattacb Sent, iiMfcWe. ahbd.'lwajs-. bring oar. douhts to jeeas. John ent bfr cause he cauld not go himself. We have the advantage over John that . Jesus is ever in hearing distance. . . . ; Art tAau At that ihouldc&au t Tour things combined,' it jemsr4o make John doubt (U Jesus bad not jet proclaimed Mm self the. Messiah, and, hence, . John, might have begun to regard Him: as simply another fowrunner with greater power than him self.; &ibilyiH,w'i')i f' A-V-T'i- f- (2.y John was a child of the desert, used to -a stirring, active, life, and 'thesilent, monotonous confinement within four walls could but-have a' depressing effect upon' him. .Jonah '-was sa despondent. that he wished to die, when' there came a reaction after that powerful sermon to theNinevites. (i) obs,:doiibtle8S,r'8bar,i wiOt''otiier - -Jews, the error that Xrb would 'cnie as a Wm'poral:deUVereT,'and( felt disappointed wbea his disciplea told' him &at.Jesuabad Bofyet so announced himself. V t' X- : "' 4. It may have been thai. John, felt neg lected by Jesus.' Here he.'was , gyfferinjg In prispnand Christ had not visited him, nor triea to release him; How eften jphristiana are.tempted to think that Godl.Mtf text thenv.i JBut let ua bear ia .raind tha Odd is doing best for us, when he sends r affliction or trouble, .;: : .... .i;i''.--' IK The Great Doabter Answered i r": (1.) An answer by his wqrksfjn'firf tarn Xew'And wmjffi'yfiik&ai ap pearmgtonc'bls'J4uesfiOnrs, h Went " oa curing those that were brought to Him, ' Injtrmuie. Diseases'. .whether chronic or temporary, f&fuei, Perhaps nlajrue I wathen ragir m thfi ndghboring towns.. Etit 8ptrfo;Shot possessedwith. devils.' Learn': If persona doubt our religipn, let us UWJesua prove 4t by our works. 7 ? (2.) An ansjf er by BGa wprdft Tben Jemu 'om1;23 snmfl up (the miracles, bftt gives, as the crowning proof, of qhrist's; diymityi Iha.jiOiptfirfiU mp&iM preachtdS A mere man not trj.to establish relr! Pn .by preaching jto'thepoor; but! to the ncniior iMea; regard money as t great powfer.n Jesus showa .ua that be does not d pend for euccoas tipon what man esteems strongest. -- -- .f.rj'--: j ty-ftra.i V. 23TJT0I ni2 In m. As if to say to John: You are troubled now; because 1 am not acting' accoToTB?' to your notion. The secret of true happinesi & not in cavil- linsr thus, .but in submitting vanr will tn my win ind being WifclwiUih Ima dO:Q Ji if Learn-To 1 ju4MeKto Jolm Chrirtl proves nuaseu 19 do ine sou 01 uea oy xus worManajusworas, V- -irrTr Ihil 2ff; I1L The fireat Doubter Described. V.! 241 T iptak tuito tha peopli eonturninn JohtK.l The people begin to wonder that' the conswerea so nrm, oegins now to-waveri . Tun. " t..:..(l..l .L -jull J . . uusM ainex would do Injustice to John; turns to correct their miciatV- i ai-'il; J -Lr-!i buwwaa. iiu wtuAca vo .ahh wiHUf when",' a few months s ago!" you were all flocking into the wilderness to heir ish'n"i:'rn rVin itn1f '-tri'lihe lsw:' It will was SVslmply to see an unslAfcWiral whi'ph any wind could, shake, as these questions seem, to indicate,! Did you not regard hi'm nrtji5nlv fit. fflF VMl 1 I... fc'nAd andnottothedeserttoseesuch: ...n.vr.., .v..;.v KVIUU JUTS EDW IO V. 28. A prophet T TesjEhat ia what you went to see. and vou were not 11sannntnt . wm tcu iim uvw uiH umh WWB UU messengfirwhomordabandjenttobW renara thl :JL Heaafkbiti ihertyi'and freer theirtminds'f ronxi These deubting Questions are so sign of Ms weakness, but rather that he is too strong a man oKye oubiuhaim the prjimgae' ijhimselfSeaxaj To confess Igncaptaj ,td Chrif and priy for ' enllghtmett Js not a sign, of -mUkness'ibut j rather 4ftgthr;i;'T Ints tino u ;: ,ck Be thai is Uocsl t a the kingdom of God it snefc er than. h& As a &ah,Joha (he Xaptlst "was the greatest bonf 01 womanyyet,.'lhe least one that comes' alter me and is filled -wiii my epirit Is greater ia'power than he." Trho thenne:! . 0 ircii, slncqGoa haa his sri.lt fr"' tla' LLlnr? aad tie l-:-t U3' B-i.ii: aad tie Chrisf.ia' vl.l tils- power ii gr: .ter tL j i .'r.-'i i. is. I u,'u;y ll I I. .., I l.i . r 11 , l Tit 31 ."JiW KM'." t, - ,.'.'' v m fear .... . i ' - . - a a a i HI Reminisee&ces of a Loa Missionary Life T. TATES, D.,DrC ; j 3 f ."I r.t 46 'jib BUDDlHIMC or CHUT a. ' . . ... . .. : 1 1-- .... This is aforeiffn relfeion.'tho'tfeca Hal teii6t 'pf Which 'caixbd found: ria1 La 8Doacrtne year cro; ot wr eya, was ntroducinta Cfiina,lrt,m-Indi itioh renbrta that Chinesa trarlera iro, turnincr fioine ' from soine part: inther" westprorjaDiy some-yjait m. i ne 44eu. ses as there are fe,vidence8'of ;,the CMnesehatfeig tyaded;with Egjpfcf reported tne existencoor a new ren gionthe iHSugtiratiorff hichaa attended, by the apprance ; of an nnnsual st&r in tho heavena. Aff .J 'a matter f hikory "the Emperor MVii' disTjatched an embasaV to investigate the taatler'nnd report..'. l.1?he embassy thWv ?reni abottt thfe iieW relirion Of course, 'r at ; that' time, 'jBtiddhisra. 1 in India .wasa comparatlfeff .new- teli-' gion'. 1 Ini: process "of time the ' em-H bassy, contenting 'themselves vrith not going' any farther West.J returned, brinizinff .withl thenVr the image, : of Buddha-a eaeef India.. They also , bronht some of the' bnddhisf ritaai: nottranslated into Chinese; but Chi-, nesized, i. 0. Chinese characters werO selected, the sonnds of :wiiich repTe sented as nearly; as! possible, the -Indian sounds of tha ritual and budd hist classics. ; Such an illofidcal mm- ble pf Chinese - characters was, and still is; as unintelligible to a Chinese reader-as an anglicized I Chinese book would.be to yoa. Take one sentenw: c?l Inr. k'athav whn art m Hoavon typ-nutn U fso tsai ?ien Sang And fet that is the character of the budd tiist classiev that is repeated daily by the devotees of Buddha in China. BxbEdkms says, that Monks .from: tJie banks of the Ganges come to the Chinese court to propagate T,heir reli gionJo During several .centuries, this new faith struggled fori existence and influence iB iheiuntryiiThoEmpe- rora treated it with altemate' patron-J agei and persecution. ; Tha Bnddnists from Indixama peaceably, teaching the , Chinasa itof revere their pompous ritual abd .their1' pkciJ, 'benevolent, Bpifeadu among them the ;doctrine'.of the-separate existence of: the soul, and. its 'transmigration into; the bodies tf ianimalsT Theyl - also pleased- their; ixuagiuauvuu wiui cpicuuiu yik.cviuu' seenes oij&trawayi worlds,, filled with lighninhabited by;' Buddhas, Bod Idsattwas, -and angelic beings, richly fcaorneds witnvj precious 3. stones ana metals. -JkAhia.-'way, they enticed the, Cjhinese into idolatryji t .r- I My si extfenencoand study of the Chinese-'and their,reliffions, lead toe M attributef'the luccessful5 introduc tion of Buddhism into China and the adjaoettt fconhtries Bind" islands, , to ai religion i nuauua was suuucBBiui these Oduntries---China, Thebet, Moti-' golia;f fMari6htif iaf CoTea and Japatf, because it supplied or -promised to siintlv;ja a d felt Wanta want ? that' every numan neari xeew ijub ueeu wj. in, - fig It -were,1 to supplement what was felt to be wanting" in Taouism iid Confucianism for neither the awp mysucisms. ana pomiwna cere mpnie's of theTjsouMsj nor the cold pitiless find pbuosopnicaP ritualism Of isted when BaddhisroWresenied itself I hearts Buddhism which & atheistic, while" it had no ' hasis'updri WhichI PteV rest its pretensions, promised mercy, and relief 'nndertrying; ? tneur deceased fnenols m'purga (toryi' And as the Chinese;" at that1 ,T4ip. were worshiping 'tnelr ancestors any promiseotBurjernaturalvaid was thoat welcome. " -io wts 34 soa: - In"xtt opfnroh It was this predicate oi Jpuaanism xnairgavB.ii its saon- I ,iwv, &W-rrfcvAtM. nmf I ' V . ..... -. .. i 1.: i :..f-"! J the ultimate trmmph 01 unnstianity. I Th WtwV or:trie TQnly God of fnertvi I Lit fl iL. ; L-.U i-i vi iL- 1 wnirn warn mkti iii f i i f-friiniLfi i.ia iiriiiir l it id bear upon the multitudes, must I TfiAriiTft1 WrieV timeifbriiBnddhismi' tuts promisea to resciie tne ueaa irom thiirJ prison of darkness fwa3M ccn-. juries id Buujugabiug vmui.. xucgua- pel ofChfist whih it does not promise I V.M"" .w . I knbVr'Sa the 1 powef 'of God unfo salya- I . If . .i,D ( Tn . I t direful tncubtu that rests like' a ehipall upbh the entire1 populaV vi vuib arreat iana tne BuperBci- fear ofthedead.'1 - ; of the ChinRSft. wVi ether. Confa- '1 ' 9V istior Taonisla have come.more or lesi, runder, the. Buddhistic supersti nop,?,. u jlcv mo tiree. Bjstems or re li srionv. Jnf erlace 'eaclT other" i The Tabuisfs havs. adopted much, that in itapngia jraa, ureij. juuanisuc; tne Buddhiata' repeat and, teach, much ,cf tha Confucian riibral philosophy, and thef Ccnfucfonists,."'whQ become inch v I a tney enter tne literary cirss, e"" j I 7 t! 3' rddhist cr Tr,ouitt pri: ;t,: r i' . l tT:ir,' to drive tLo -evil with ' the'-llessing 6f -1 Him'iwho : "do,Kteach-iIl natiOnV tc.VwillWn1 1 i m 1;!:? f. . i tLcir d rc"irc3i if ni ho ;T 7'.V;d xili.'It? J ' 1 111 " 1 1 t i i i ft 'jt tl3 "u to'extricatd thefr deceased relatires3 from 4h6' Chinese purgatorfY vto a As a rule, all mothers are Buddhists. J Theirchildren iwheri 'they obtain ' a Uterary degree, prof essedly -abandon the worship of idols, and worshipttbe' ! tablet ,-f ;,Conf uoims 4o : them ; th6 ionnae pi .vtbyf:. literature v Aiany i Confacionista however, andevenmany high officials? whq1 not bring; re- proacn upon uoniucms or upon uiem- iselTes; tbt ''orthipmr' idols fa "the SBon of the Goddess of iUit6rf0a toier. 3'Herer, the, smd tteir trowetfj Ww.lv a4 41va wmA nAWffa f lift? v'aVKi:?! pett jaddea tor their earlyntraamng proyo that they1 are as snaceptible as the kings of Israel were. i While most 01 . them profess : to be voniucionista, they are at heart, under the influence of buddhism.: s J u s-" 1 , Tha. three systems unit, .with ances tral worship. )' 1 " ric. ! i 1 I a Buddhism in China has, from time to tim,e undergone so- many changes, and had so many1 important additions9 to meet the wants of the people, it is yery "diflerent in its practical fwork inffsifrooL? the r buddhism of India,: from-.whenej it; was imported .Thfe. Chinese, haye.eyem added new deities -that werf innknown, ,to the Indians,! one of which-rsM" J'n, .called in this dialecXav-17wthGoddes of Merey, is, ."perhaps more devoutly j? adored by thejyneae, and especially by the, women 1 of China, than any other known deity. . And strange to say 1 v mis goaaesa loas . preaiuea, over 'every . native that goes to sea.',1 v'She also forms one of a group of small idols which occupy the shrine of almost every houseno id lor an tne Chinese 45 ; worship an d train their children to worship at home as well as in the temples. . y ' ; JJuddhist temples are numerous in cities,' towns and villages, and dot. the country in every direction. They. are generally much larger ..l and mnch more expensively built than the dwell ings 01. tne peopifu .uocupying . as they dOjPro.minent positions.tnsyare always conspicuous, ieyj are, usu ally built by4 public contributions giren to the priests who canvass the country from ' hpuse to lion se, and, generally : they do not leave a house. tan tney get Bometning. iience tne teinples belong to the people. : Many of the Buddhist monasteries, which are on' ft grand scale, are Btowed awaV in -qaiet glen andHrarrounded by nne mountain scenery, ''or on tne almost inaccessible peaks of high mountains -i-the : favorite location? of the Budd ihistr.TSome of 's these are richly en dowed in wooded land, etc., and have connected, with, them many hundreds,' and even i thousands of monks.' 1 have. seen ' cast ' iron pot m which the rice ipr tne. priests connected, wijtn one 01 these ' monasteries, was.' Cooked, " that .tfould hold, thirty barrels l.k In some at few Chinese scholars--meh of liter- 'ary Ability, who having "been degraded1 irom omce, or naving Deen saaiy ais appointed: in 1 their expectations, or having lost their property or ; reputa tioni hate renotincea the wdrld and mmuredithemselves' in a "monastery, embowered, m some sylvan retreat, iar away from the busy throng of life, to spena-Ltheir days in meditation ana communion with the spirits' of the de parted worthies. They render valn-i ble service in teaching: the priests tne cnaracters oxtne Asuaamstac ciaa-: S1CS.,.l -.-..-.-,?f- -iffT :hifi r I ji, ft rule the Buddhist) priesthood. is reerunea Dj;,ttne.aooot tajqng torJ pnan .cnuaren., ana training, tnem .to thejanlies .of the, temple. f Chese in. time,, are advanced step by , step,- till tbey become priests, and tthi is.tHeir hbine for ; lifer They hare . ho f ami Jiesjforikelthe .'Eomahistthey eacnew's-marriage. Ana,iute , them. &o they have nunneries," which, ' in inost respectsTfesemhle thelemples. TheY have; idols' and8 are:yisited by - mi : 1 fill. 1 . wpmen. xne nunsxtress a uiue oil fejrenti ..from fee oommonl women ;af ihe couotry.i -They, jdOvPftt 0 cramp their feei''TheyT as well as the Budd hist priests, alr Bhave'1 the' head ' all 'Ter. "vthe priesti Irearfull and flow-" ing yellow robes, and are dressed gen erally quite different from the people, 'Their'shaved heads and pecuhar dress make them, tery' conspicuous. They ai"B generally, very ignorant.' arid 'are ai dOgraded set pi men,' 'and a by'wo T argng rthe people.' If you wish: to i insult at mani?'cait him a- noo-wfltf-. the faame by rbich! a Bdddhist priest is known J Aotwithstanding they are5 a' dejgTadedsjlaBSithewhole people are nnder he influence of their rellgion anjcuLmust 1 remain so, tin they are liHeratAdbv the rirriiinftl f flbi"Bt tMS .ne iaois m tne Duaamst monaster kre. of enormous slze. The rrinci ju.a vi. veuiuity- a seaieu- in tne oriental style on a flowerox thejotns; and pveri andjeton-in jsth' twielve 7or fourteen ' feet ' high ahd ieyena oxlnore feet'acrOsS 'he-, chest, aad- re! nsually in'cbod :rbDirtibni; They? are Imilt nOf.br kk "And 'mor tal like chimney 'ia made with -a hole in the back, for the reception of poaie luring creature. 'f xney are xneu plastcredpNlished,3syarnished'va gildedlib They have lall the; parts and features of a hideous' looking man, of more tnan giant proportions. 1 Hij hese are the sods hi the "heathen i eyes have they but theysee ndt, .ears haVs they.'hut ther hear not the beti- tlon for mercy and protection noises hate they, but thet smell not the fra4 grant T-oiienngs- oj incense, mouths haVe theyfc but, they speak not to the f nfcic-i jdsyct:3. , Thc7 have no bow t .ci-ccj-.- :cn;r.i tr.cy mat v t'i j.thera S.V9 lika unto.thsm,--. Vi wor hat Trablio 'temples; naVe sernpm'iomft Iguiet'Trpper room inrtheirwri dwell Sn' ashribe'to'Bttddhain theiier- 'iTl5 Jr jTiiu th? eca, cf ttllow c il:3 ti KV(f i-'-' i''f- i i ii i i iii , ii i ,1 n i i incenseHrhtclrlias1 .iiaeeifdeff 'fof ageaa mi'the Bam plaoe-ih vsv'llarere hall thai has no windows- a Chinese1 temple, with tho hideous fcicoa of the idols peeriBg through' the dense ehlokft andith iWackenedf waUgwandTroofr: lookajnorJikete atake-hoje of pan.; aemoniumi tnan:a place worship for reasonaole, ahdn intelligent meuj anj women. ; "lal k of destitution, herfii wrf hatfl a destittftion fh'afiir af. iflicted with the pUgue of leprosy; tho : Wfpbssessed 4withJ av til -that ? ir blind deaf .iradsdumbJiandi theiri Iheitrts &r6 set to do eviU' And' theid '1 kre somel jf 3; the1 'people ef or? whom i imanded ua, to go and; preach th? gos pel of light and .life; these are , some pf thej gentiles iyliQnimBjai jtiphed mthe Jew TestatUAit.' to jwhpm the gospeVas'to : ho preache jowf the fullnOsi of thephtiles has'; not 'reVcome in,', and the obligation' afill rests s upon ns t6 uie the; hecesi- sary means to bring it about. r Dear Christian ifriends, &n icoold r see; you facr tOiiaQe J wauldi plea,diarithift ancient .pe,opJe,"I woul4 :ask:yeu ktf ay wjbyat, jpanbe done.:to meet.the des titutionhere,7 Is there any other way hantbyf EpreigU;, Missions ?,.Then s j here isn6. jbtherjWay, will youi f up., port, Foreign Missions ? .JVUWoacpnf, fribute of your means, and: ,do it monthly and cheerfully, as unto tne Jjord f- Or - will you feive yourself, a living sacrifice, consecrated to' the ex' tension j of Christ's kingdom ? for heartafand wills to .work for 'Christ f and the souls of menw ; . - i' . "'HI I .! A Tfi IP ABROAD. f-l .; ' " ' ST. MAEK'S. 1 It is the Sabbath day, as beautiful and bright '"as Omhipotcnee eyef pro vided fbr the5 comfort of hisoreatUrea? Our hotel (Victoria) is enly a short dis tance from t&is grand cathedral,' and the moving mass of hurnanity natural- ly drifts us in that direction, dtis the hour ot morning prayer and as; there is no English church. within reaches, far as Ketknow.iWft wnclndtOitrj'tot See what kjpd of worship is conducted m tms neart, 01 atnoucism. a? priest is officiating, and the lad jing ling the bells that are fastened around ib!e bottom - of' his robe.1 There are two atftarsi neHe;the right and the; other to', the left upon: centering1 tho eenlerdWr EoraihlhtAda4 ih iroht of one and goes throdgh his mahiOTUtions,' gesticulations .and genuflections, while an almost: innu merable ' multitude surrounds : the alt tar, bowing; groaning, crossing them : selves, kneeling and counting:: their, beaia. -He . then moves - over to the other altar the f worshipping., legion follows. .There are hundreds of idle," 'cfajribaC, I6bkert-6nr' eyidently . from Jejvry? iil-'fMifyXiblf around "antongtn'e" miie4multude'J i nere are no pews, no reawi, save, per naps, 'a doien; br twoOhairS scattered about over thevkst'laudiehce robmi This is because' they wish to place all, pjinceand peasant 6h the same f ootj iig, ? making 'all stahd, kneel'as i WCT ucsb. xucis oic ctiucuut - . bnt very few who engage in tne exer cises, except the lowest and most flfii graded ,classe&i. .iherei by a pillar,, kneels anoldr woman whose frame, is bent with ,the weight of years,. wor- ! shippihst a crucifixhere is a' decrepit male formiV whose head is as white At the aim' oh tree, "bo wing in humble adcP, nation before' a picture of the TireinV apparently wholly uncohsciouS of the iptesehce of intruders there " a t eh. departed Saint.' Thcse!Lare': but spe- ennena . .oijnejTaggedairtyiJmow.ey tnrongv -wie , through r ignorance and 4 ai dupes; cthei nlighteriediT), hood, weeklv andr daily -bow. here to tne images oi,: tne-saints ana tne ca- viour in ODen violation, ol. the com-' mand ofrJieaven, 'Thour shalt not. jnaite.tunioinee any grau., iiuag?,. nor any likeness," etc. jLn the midst of"' it' alia i collection . is', taken' up ' to, forward the cause.:; Sick ati heart 'at withessingthis idolatryln' a christian land, we turnawayana makeour'way back jo the hotel, : , IWhilo on this subject, let-mo, tell .it. tern, .what r we see here sMondav.. .1. mhstj tdf "yn' a legen just herej wj,( riiierencB iq tne Doajtjf ,tnQijilvange,7; as .tola us rjy ,our.guiae it,Koes. somewhat ,thu 'StIark.died.al mains Wre sacredl f.: preserved until when 'two Venetian ;merchants, on thferr return front that city,' stole' the bojiy andrpacke4it ina baslOBtiicoyer? ink it with pork. and. then shon tins- thenamqo'f this offensiye flesh laths jears.of thous6ulmanSrf Jatpg tle- noane war a: joy &zq, tb take command stqrm;t6:say - it :Wheri'he;W Ut arrived a grand recep tiqnwaS tendered.w, Afterthech urch Wis Erected the remains werO dep6s ited here, .where they ; have since rested. V? The whole ..structure is of. marble; anafrom the outside, looks something. .'I ! lilde, a mosque, The , floor; is all of. mcjsaio and is yery undulating owing td ;he linking of . the -piles, oa.whh it s buptj . The walls, too) are decor- ' One spot'is of special interDst,-'.,'Crpon enteriDg: the "centre door, i7jW will Cua a rea and white diamond shaped pidca of marlld.inserted in" the Coor. 1L 3 ciiks tL3 jlaci whera Pc- 3 AI- cxJz:.r- III, 'robed ' in' rcntical 1 j : ;I L:j f ;;t Liiza wiL.i jweia, C3 IL3 n;.cf Hi c ; : - ,'-m o . a I itJi ;-mta 11131 oeJi j-ie'srU souii "tf:i-ri.r.:.-; i-.!.",a '"4 i-i twr Uj , , , ,,, , , , !f prostrate ,Gmn:Emperor;4peating the .wordiqfrthfr ($lt??salm;iiIhon; shalt treadppon the lion and adder the young lion and the" dragon rhalt thou tfampleunder -feet Waeflpk Barbarossasf m l4l(?waif felt7erY much 'hnmiliatMfi drmnrmTirEdi' i "Tor SUPeter. ot to thee, J kneel Hui fimlntk'a''M).'..iiWVuiiiViilk;''. ' daimingf i tTo! Jitt khd 8tZ Peter 11 Not wtmld.heitake his loot off an til1 Frederick was fully, iumbled nd. tnis is no all, lor ne;rjnadegtbe.popr Emperor'fiold'thJtfrr.ufor'himlto mouhjt isorse'af fthi. dSoT.THif waali ttoneto aholvithe osurjrMmayi of the opQioyer vftft-the. dwaperor iThia is all t authentic, but , I .tell voa xnat some 01 tne otner tungs pointed w 1 ne guiae rooc Teryj apoenry L3 PritThwin tellsfof 'syaSe of he rcal.blooa of ChdsVla'partof the: iknll ot John the. Baptist. t These I id''not,seeV,hutomer,thfir3i just aaj rOtiderfui Bttch as four comnins.of 1 emple I at Jeru8aim,ij3 they are xquisitely heautiful sfna nay be real ; ? baptismal font-brought from Con- tatin.ople in Ao Dz4204;rfthatdne n;sW&icbrJOhtti tbJdp!3ttqwabeM eaded-r-it isfreiikfitone: idthtb ideati al stone jOiiliich Christ stoodrwhen ei denvered tbusermon i on iitha eunt.I ,yesaelotholyjwaterj!ar. ed ffom JLthens 'to" Constantlaopler ,uu mvugu vuuw iu iiuu uiavo m krtrait of theyirgTn-mted byit?' Lukel'a'nd manytlother fuch things'.-' For . all of these we .liave.ito'Pati iti'S ... Kere. aB.at, Niagara alls; eyery'time you, tarn around jou haVeWay ! a'nd - it?1 is 'pay: r paifXI j On tiS, outside, j sitf north of the lildingi-is the'tomb of Daniel Manin, the last Prtsidenfc! oi the Venetian EepubicK.whotvwaa.;lmriid here ini 184. ttiMarks tomhiis !iwar'by j' ana nere are tne wingea nons - oi Which . we have all heard.': There are so cither animals iheaice, (ami the I lions ffMi,0tarV three norseBS ana i rew" cows wtircn r re!kept:vcn;bhe ofi the Islands in' the Suburbs as .a ..shqWi for ith children,: whwh are caVrie: oat there on regnj. atechrj$.bhl:'as ame,mjericana. $crr wnenta t bircua comes B'arond A They are so much crowded, here, thai f they ihate , their flower , stands 1 in ncaies. as weu as some oz tneit iruit trs C -JcBtmagine an- orchard J in boxss on tbia- -.elevated - eite I ; 5 TfhO clocttpwer,: too, preeents qdite an'in foresting spectacle Jt' is arranged so as not only to twin t to the figures on th dSal; but also to give the time ei? sictly'Jby means8 of numeraia, -Which cjhange every flye nainutea, and these ate below tha iacev so that you may read t V: 25,:iTVaa;tc. T.wo . large images ceme out, Or rather stand out, ;alua Btrike the?lr4drsj indena year the figures Ovtjthe .apostles come ot and bpyr' tohe ynage of theiVirf in Sthihti'AMnrni'l.liAfAvar.... .', . n uivu W V T uwiiyM!:iii..., tit ft I . Jaut come wita na into, our gonaoiaj ahd we will toake' a "tiait to some bfl thd othet places bt interest ,He're is the church of St. Maria Saluta, built in the 17th ce&tttSVr-toetay-the plagrue then -iag' Yh 1 thbusan pjBrsonB were swept awayt insiae tnere is an,; eiegant .painting- repijesQBwig, ( venice jmeeiinx ,anv ueoewwiiix ;iuc .Viigin trf stay the hand of destruc tion ana aesoiation. , xne, aeaa were all buried 1 wnthin '.'itSeJ cfty until the. conqtest' of 'NapoleotiTs who erected m cemetery outside And forbade the con tinuanceol this ruinouacustom JV.... . . i Gliding along the Grand Canals we pass the palace of Byron, in which-he WTote Don J nan 1 and Bome other pro- ;anot.ie't1a.i Tri th iennfcKlWre - is biifiedthe 1 heart of CaVa,3Ma left' nana is in iwmo, nis rient nana in the. Academy of Fine Arte in'Tenice,- - tl)e Venetian provinces. Here is aP sd a monurnept tp .Titian, who -revived the artlof paintinz from , liy- n'bodywhicrwss r jQalJby7e( ureeKs. v Among oinerstrangetnings iss a large'1 tJamting :-' hanging .heM' t Vie-church 'tot 'sale r '-They- 'don't sepm to scruple to do anything to rdise 'jllere;8 the famous llialto abridge onainirle marble arch, 91 feet span., resting on ,12,000 pileV," .nd -was. L built in'1599. Pn,both.s;dea.;pfvitr . . w roa t , an i J-n i rtV ' j iraft 11 they are sarranfifed as 'foWViry' afc tractive. 4n'"passin2' OvertlEobk cm' exerjside for a pjaee. f or theirehkles . toi go.?. uicoarsQ l hpdfdrronfor lby haye.nothing pfj.,thiakind.ijdOa thl other side' are the fruit and nres-ft L t&yio 'markets,' he square oiShylocMs iiiano oi onasespeare, tnenrst.Loge s palace, the'placo where ' the flwtdis Iributioriof newspapers WaS.'eter mide;-the kite of the first'bahk in the world; the institutibn whefeanaWmy frdm whic the an ffel that browns St .Juarjciflajuibie.-ii-tt -ij io-! oi -r i i .... w ouijiv, 'f-, ,;-t ,,5n: The Hesnrrectlon of the:o4y;I .v na,,, Aii;iA3sprB,BcsBrjEir, , o? rc'i ft VI I. . . .. . i iiwii P- X F ATI1EES. BltTILREK AJTD. SlSTE&S : -Byjcur rpointr.cnt I an hers 1. Uiiy to feppiit i sotr.s leading Iru-th s held ty us., J do not come with ,a"y csf tu:, lief tatitay conceit cf r.y ; Tangea ; unaer a .covcreq way, are 5ps containing jewelry fruit ffancr 1 . . .1 Til I Text : ".. Wfy tloxdi it be thought u l 47-n incredible ?ctih vou, iha Qod ; JaIobW raisem dead f 'r-Acts-xxvis in. ,. i ii.ifii mi .! t i i i i ii J ownylhut sh'iDonltaimtoeall toyouf mindlsome jof Lthe things 'jcurfently heUare ,anipngu na4Mremeiiia 'JThb resurrectio.oi, the, hodycne ot'the' gfiindtabctines that could pssiblycMp -e come jit withoTrncovered' h6a'd!and deyouti heart asking; -the jiid'of thafi Divine Spirit whose-it, is to noake pur minds to uhderstanid and on.rr. hearts to belie've the truth, venJ though' that fprehensioru - .vjtboMM tooioiq jxrptn ie, prominence giyeu; to j?ie laneeTiHIerme- sl!rart' of our'hohr auiiQiuQoi tons passeaover in silence.; Ilnthe resurrection our faith finds its' esf evidence an. there oub hope will, Ana hn-fruitiohlJ" t7 shall m&no .tujmpvto'uay wexpiamtne manner if this wonderful eventIBIy lohly'1 atawfll; beJft show irom hothreasfin i " vvny should it bethpnght a tmng Incredible with you that God snould JraiseiJthKvdeaa ?,We notice, first, home of twH-TtyrmaHar-fri resur- FWMW? wdjisee under.;. stand tho Apostle'. lanCTasre. He is pot arguing' for ...Tttturb1" existence, pearly all in his 'tlay, and nearly all men nbwy believean future' existence, drhaPanl , proclaimed this alone fhefe. would; have been,,4itle dissent. and, no" opposition. " This SadnrtflAa ieeeptedi obtnewS ahd'Gen:' tii.ua 4Wku -ui w ru- w su ai ter iue . len nwi expect Josiife Jiereafteri. One of the most noted infidels of ur daK standing beside hi dead, saysi, i'd uat so long aS we loyeone'anotner lonsr as lovei Wsae; the. lips ef death wll we beieye3 and Jwpe for another yb'MZ l,'. ' " ,,. j Our telltpeaks of the rlsurrection 4f;sthe: bodyi5!The inaoriry1 of the1 people ydid not beliete it theni-they do not now. Because they cannot see Ao?7 it can be thev denv thai it pan hn Men, brr i thisa d octrine: on 'yarious gronhdsV m6i j ' ; 4 I 1j ilt ie said the1 future existence is spiritual and therefore dbea not-need a body nrjye reply, no ppe jhasTetpe riehced spiritual existence, and there- 1. fore no one carr tell w rhat'tha tuWIr f t that existence t are f and further ths doctrmaptfthe reSurrecuon involyes a changedbody, not such as wei hive. ?Sbni bodv. that is. a.bod v iraifori to J ttinW8ent,orsoulUf9. "It is' raised a ipiotual body,'' h body suited to; the. spintuaiiugnl - i 2t i'The.bodv Jian in mlnT.casp.9 one out of existence. There jtsino ody to raise.'. This difficulty isi real one and requires," a fair and can- uiu -uswtiri' ux au y uuuiea mre io their jrormtheyi have been taken up into other bodies, into vegetables, and. lost in the atmosphere. .Sometimea they have enter(ed;,iiito the composi tion Of "other human bodies;u No :hx& man- wisdom Joan detect the least' 'par ticle of the original body, ; Men have been burned, or arownea, or deyoursa J ,brwildaetslpif wilder men-. " T In: meeting thlsfdifficultyt vwill t neip us to rememoer tnat in tneecon okny of jhatu ret nothing ii' destroyed i I Ih., jtsaimplest elemen ti matteT, re-,. fuses, to cease to pe.;., w e may change ikfoVniitecombinatiohsila proper? ties? bnt" the5 atoms remain."? ; Chem- iatry aflorels manyl illustrations here.' -Takesa piecepf pe eppper jibripg it into, b j)ntact:,witjv;toxyge' gas,, yon have 'oxide 1 of A copper : put this into nitric acid and you have a pure liquid., IS the copper lost Take your liquid to a chemist and ;he"iwill restore vou feyery.- grain in its purity, bsn ai. - lit. j it.i t T J : j lBBaiiuttsjJrieesuj x aiauy was, one .day Iectunng to his class and had in" hand ' a beautiful ilver cupi whioti chahce1 he dropped intr a! iafeof yeryi powerful acid Before 'he daldj recover. 4t Jie acj4 had eaten jt. pp. "x wui nave my cup again, rj&i said, and by processes well known to' him he soon nad'aumfofpure sil yar and from the. hands of the silver smith, soon held before his class the identical nun he had lostA- JSn p'oose A r ral in which there ia no lima or nhos- poorusjput into that sou paospnata of! lime,'' then? sow wheat Ma that soil The neaas oi wneat -ripen,1 '.wow u: you; wUl.lake that wheat to a chemist he; will, produce from the wheat both; 'the lime and the phosphorus. , These llljistratrOns proyer that there are laws wiichii df aundersWdrkteiibie'nB to ixolowj atpmsi;throughirxtany?and:va- . riM changes And. restore them totbeir- orlginal I orm. Faraday followedhia cup.J''The chemiat follows his copper or I his lime. Is -it'ncredible 1 that' Gdd,itbeiiauth6r: of these JawB, can' foBQWstheipartioles Ithatxgoi to niake not a matter of mere ecientibs .inter cBtL ntfso'tertain'is the identitv that to pepend on this identity. A buys poison ;,U .suddenly dies and ; .-if, nr iea ; jnontns, pass; a suspicion -Arises, wnsLBumeioinz is wronsr: iob eiomacu p( p& secured b chemicaKanaljsis is madfli the samejipoisen'f bought Jbt ,A is found. -.There is a little circum-; stantial evidence pointing to Aj h is arrested V and tried? a1' inry ; heat jthe' case -and condemn the accused,' and the chief evidehed is therestdred poisr on i.Chemist,rphysician, judge j and luryrsay that tt is credible that man can) restore that "which was lostl and a mabdies because'they sayM it--rIs it . not( credible that GoAican followiand restore and so giyeiifs.L. .-i 3 Xut what of . the? body thatienters int6 .mother hnisn body ? Theses 1'y.rLiiiM n nt in coarso ui ume en. t?r i-ti ;a' Urge numtsr of ' pccpla uur tr::Trcr :3 : c it1 is n;;.t j tap- laoeirine.pi, tne tresurrti.Qn- ur opnp-ituretetjbe-suTft'pf ,its import. 5. rei Further, this tracinjg-ofSdentitj js it I V; -kviU xl I if. 1 in i in- in .ifi -',;, mrt m - pHhaSdenoiPrt require the raised , body eiisefl OTelyt rfttpm-y tjleyer gposaessedYhere. Tre,is f onstangiyins of aui takt ing oh, and we.may. wjeH belieyethat therpiiclestht entet ihU the resurT reccion poay weuia Detnosetnacmaae the, tody at its,hest.f IThese particles GodjConld pr8eirotrom.lmH$ati9b youy cnanKea pvery seven years, some say erery few" months. u WoWsuppsTS a man! at fifty was eatok by Cannibal I most of Itiiat' bodylenlaBTa into theirsr !T t. i: i i i i Jv vuuicBUiiwuuu wumm efiqoraiaac (this vehretJtedthe "resuf-1 recti on bod .Df .the. victim thd vjortU mepat entered ntoit Et r.orty y?af f t- ii i ... . . . . j We do not say thfine26ei drPtfiis only that such a thing is not i2credi I 3 Another objeption .has been raised. ! j'TherewUlnot be 'materiar to coh-H stnrctail who-haye ITyed This scarce." iy rdeserves sehoui:.' attention enough m9 me4.TI AJloriP4? Ithiiayeri' pg eighty be. seyentytfiye pounds, land the flVrerao-A VtalA & ftirrV-Kl jyeirs 'ahd'the ayeragii11 poptilafibn iof thdieaf th' to UOQ OOOOtfiere7 ja,materua enough xnftnoantiwten bodies for the inhabitants of flie whole , 4. Again we are told that a chemP fcai analysis M human bodyigiyes no morehint. of;ijresurreotionMthaB is found in the' body of anianima ,We reply the doctrihe'ia not based on any chemical Or 'other comMaatTohs tut oujthe powr HI GocLuatistna qties tipn ff-Qis-power and Hisiwill3: 5rsl iirxSXTTCAL PARTICLES COCXD -3E 1 f IWe : 3iaya shown that we' ourselves follow jlinea which make, possible the t any given timeCTheJproposi-i tiotf jnrolves v no absurdityien 'ifl repBcung rpjc, tne. paxpciesy ox tne : us,fvi But God ik not so limfted. Hia b tyM?Iber, thatti; jwys,? 1 ?s npt incredible that God should raise tnendenticaLbodv. thus talon? tne extremest new-aud the'onenard- estto establish. and -liajgnnii2e with scientific tru-j SVTiO - - IPKmCAI. PAfcTICLES K0T UICES- 1 SAx..':;;.i-ftk?f 7T. . 1 Tv A Tirtw nv that tho TUMa Aeum rn-fc .nj-Bucn HtraineaaentityT . neither does ant fair representation of uiii uose require ic. a laenraiy or living things isjnot identirof particlea, but of , form,, of gualityjf of consoipuBaess Yon ihave thesameti'djrVdu had the 1 Bejif-eonscKmsness : is the. samei - though there may., not be .an -atom, in ivour present bodv that wasin.it then.. 'We! sowiwteatlEr wheat at? .wheaxrofconlymnrfjecfed but mhP tanlied. So in thff xerredtian I may .not have a -particle, of-the matter jthat is in my body now: or ever, has been. et if it is reclDgniMd.AViriy bodyV'it looks like ixoy --body, others say it is my Dody,tmy. ownliM)nsciotinesaJ so decides by any reasonablej definition oi aiomicai iaentiiy;wpuia. involve a :ieir body everirtime: we sleets SThe .uuu.iuuhou auu power uuat uan pre--,i served; an ,adenutyrthropgh.jthB.5onr stant chanffea of r life, can snrelv nre- ervd'thaVldentltt through e Jew ehanes" between' death And the resuf-c rection.Ir;Vi Ai y-: KiJ POSrflYE PROOFS. i WerfiOw fnrS1to2the!"rj6siti re "side. (i' "I .f i ... - We have shown that theresurtection pf the bodyIis: possible iwiUi Godbnt there. Am. many AposaibiQiirigshat: c li ilk! Men of all-ages andcotiditiohf hve, believed in a jurrection of the body. ryhero areTpappQsitipnsJ w,Jiich rnenbanhothelieveJ - Jbjpne.can be; lilve that tvricetwb arefiVej that Var-r aUel lines can? be feb! long drawnas -to meet: i that two! straight iiheB can 'en close . space: "f that ? a part; Asgyeafcer than the whole. iThe; niind irefnse; tot believe any testimony to such prp pd8iti6nsi but' 'the doOtririe'bdfore Us prpaucea no? revulsion-5 ana '- large ndmbers of people have believed it d tThe Indian buries, borsejr and gun, ajufi uog, anu.au ma 5ouimj .-eiieuw, with? the i dead 'warrior V not as- a sa- tee of sorrownat 'thatT-he"Tnay e-'them an Jthec? 'happy hunting A.wav back in old Evnt in the dava of jiloses we find them embalming the lies ox vae ueaa. - vxreat tomos were It,' and those a bodies iif i in exists ence to-day; i Mumnnes,, we eall therm Silent.' yet jeloquent. ! as , Toicine :th.S belief of that pld nation, in, the resur-s LiJ.ls.i. 1.JI.L'J'. ki' Jiiik'it A.-i" reuuuu ui o uouy, tnev van vuo iv tuinnir Spirit, ifeictb : ff ItThere fffchiuU;of4he'resnrfee- tioh in nature. .In the. sleepip, wAking;.of ,allr ani.rnatethSugfs each- aajj m ine pnanging oj,,eeasoiia. j.rju Burnmef 4lWinteirso typical bf death ' th4t;tha blddettinrbphetJ said, ' we" do jalifade as a leaf," and then from, fWnter to Summer, so like a new life or Irather an old life given, back,. Then there are special tUustrAtiohs in whichiwe. leeniost; wonderf ulchanes.? Fpi examplehe'ibutterflyS-anongly worm at nrsu Alter a time irom. itfedlf it.spinsA svlkeu.;thread r and 'Wxipsitseif' in'4finer mummy"r cloth' thaia-eycf- Egyptian'5 pHnccS h'c.dpn;. Look ,at.;it;a i ccai'-tti2 yoa ! siy; butt wait, till Spriag-tifcey-pat TrOur I tclf-made mumryj ia tho,-sur.Eit?; LVd thrcIi burst, and but there conies Tlffm&Re:cofabi t .ADVERTISING ' 4 TST.-' Spaca. ltunetJlmi. r-7 jBxb. .is a. !Iafibill'W,rW) 4-4. fiibo 125 00. 3 00 5 00 14 oq 2&00j 40 00 ,0 . UOur 4 do .&ooi 760 10 00 Hoo: 25' 00 0O0 25 00 80 00 40 00 SO 00 CO 00 4 00 M..eenn 00 S3 00 .50. CO 75 00 H do 1 t,do : 10 00 0 004 SOCOilSO 00 da 00 'o ool 90 001 175 C0'230 00 bpsptal AOflcea charged SO cools pet linew contract made, for veryother-weelt adverhsements,sor f or special -position in paper, -t- - .JitO. , .5 Obitaaries sixty words long, are lnserted rree of ,c&arge.,;rneTj; they.'iexceed this length one cent for. each, word must bs paid in advance I ... v. ; otiait-u X7T Tacouch about I have reai'A.'iQfGArman countess, who, on her deaihsbed gave orders tbitikw body, Bhpr44:b.e glased id a tomb, ot granite., j Abovej -Jjeneathi arundVVere to 'be jjlaced sold wills, these'to B&iboltedan3 3clanrpedi witb strongest iron; and erf it Vis' tabs cut with pen. of are&itt:tE3 rQcksjil'Thia was-falt sOct thS imerMment Against the re-1 sujneclacm Madrwonld 5aot touch. lt,: . ' butrcnreirwouldi p.o vbrook isuchv chajlengtng plGp's power .-AJittle, seed' from within sprouted; 'it .shot through1 a erevicej it grew strong and hand tintilJ itdburst-'f h boltsbltrxd' , Uf ted the jck and instead of : etor'J nityeasmScGodldeQeda few. short jears i saw. the coffer's vm'onu merit ld iruitt. 4 But'I do not say these ' things p dy? thFreiurreclron. They lonly Jhint at iU& r br-- t ?e U vi & turn to tha Bibl 'Sfherd ihQ ipossiby becomes actaal, and; hints bo- - VT1 octrincs oi immorv talityimd resurrection were one.'"' This'5 . ds ahowa blithe fact th'atheohry5 feR?pte wJwtdenied therisurrectiohJ Ike Sadducees-denied also an v-after iexistericel " They .were niatcrialists.rr ""Bift the diiceei sa af therels ioT 1 1 IA..IVU M1WA Ud, UW OJll IV, VUI the Pharisees confess lth."r i j "This1 cdmmen tetief ofnhe' Phari- sees isehowii Mli'e'-'casebt Martha before the.raiaing of Lazarus. - John; ngftfAvfyf 5!H)SJ bits iSHO.iWs La I know that he shall riseat theresurreo- . tioiiatthelastday , OXD TBSTABEsn? f EO0F3 ' . , I -(8.Tfie oidTeaWmenr ixpficitly ! teabheS 'the reSurrectioh.Ih,"In -Jbb;" perhaps 'the;j)ldest of ;a!1 booksp-we ' reAdenAptera,: iat4-riotn orerseaij I i!Qfc lat r thoa wouldest .hide ,ne ia' the ) rave," that thou wooldest fceep me secret, . ttitU thy wrath be past, that thou wouldest i appoint me a set time., and: remember rme 1 If a man flie,'' shall he li ve ' again t all the , - days oi. my appomwaxime wail wait, uii my change come. Thou - shalt call, and I.j will answer thee; thoa wilt have a desire to " me workofthinehandsJJa iir? "i-ii 3 U f jltProtiFaf aday bad'a desire to the' ' werk-Jit-jliia -handsJandTrestared it,:u shall not God have, at desire to. his.:, Again Chap: : 33-7 V v : ) ' , tfii'ttat my words were'no'wrltCeflY4-'-oh, that they were : printed tn a book 1- that ? mey were graven with as iron pen and, lead in the rock for ever t For"I know thai my redeemer livcto, and that he shall itand at ' the latter day upon the earth: and though, after my skin worms destroy this body; yet ' in my eah shall I see Godt whom X fihaii see for myself, and mine' eyes shall behold, . , ekdsnotanothefs thcuga mir reins We con- 'aumed.withio m.2jifT.-e' -u--rt J 3i;tL H WJien inent'snea! men.sav that.the Old Testa- -, aks vasueiv as to tne luiura fit 'must Surely bethat'the havOnot' i LrbadJobi oi isir ow -tstLzu ,w-a? Uavid also speaks, aeb.lh$ihU: s Therefore, my heart -is gladV and my rt'wIolftffh'Th-r flesh ' also shall test in hnn. .Fr -hon wih not leave mrsool. In : hell : neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One , lt see corroption. iThou wilt' -shew me the- pfeth ei uf y Treseaiu nuaess vor f joy; at thy right hand there are, pleasures m iar etermdre. tu.-Jv 1 Again," Psa,47rlS s; ;?As torme, I.wilLA . behold thy face in nshteousness. .-1 snail bo r Batisfled when 1 awake with thy; likeness In Daniel: 12 : We have the clear-? 3 iesfeiprediction of the resurrection ct- the body: ; ,s) t o rjAivt 1 1 "And many . that sleep In , tbe dust of the, earth shall awak, some to everlastiDg' life; land - rsome jfe ;hame id'eyrtastinff!:epii-; .!r. lumnL" - ' , . . . . 'ir T r-r.4, A. 1:11.1 !..ih.;ii.'.;j i 'Ui4-aivai0ttTefHhebanes i f ' a i'fThi hand ofithe T$r& wupbumeiSand -3 carried ,me.out la the spirit ot.ths Aierov andy . .set me dAwh'in the midst of the valley which was fall of bones, and caused me to pass oy f " tHm mnnd fthont.i siid hchold, there werer yery many inthe epen valley; and, lo,' they' Srere yeryrdry,! aAad M' sahl unto me, oi y? fi man,Tcanftbeee,Mnes;nve,?sAna. n-. sWereaT. liord Qod,' thou knOwest.' -Agate. he! JwdUutd5ne,S Prophecy upon.. these,' beauty t and p0wer'toflr. -So-roan I, m i. ii.ii. BurajiLacer,puKildtp alLetermtyi must never'be onened.V Her renueat dnes, and sayunto.tnem, y.yeuty uuucb, bear the word 'of Vtii Lord. Thus salth the ' trrl Ooannto thes bones: a3ehold,r'IwiUJ itsjuse Breath to enter into yeu, and ye shall ;,,-. , WtelatfS I wilJ lay sinews upon you, and, wPbHDgupfle6h.npOUyou,TUHioverjroat .w&h skin, .andut- breathln. you, and ve. shaHlive; and ye shall know that I am "the . L Lori. q I prophesied as 1 .was command-: : s :edl and as prophesied, Jhere rws a noise, . and behold; a shaking, and the bones came 'together bone to his bone,i And wJwa I be--t held, lo, the sinews and ,the ncsh came up uppn them,4 and the skhr covered Ihem ,' 'abevet but , there was jtoj breath in -thenviori tTliea said be unto me. Prophecy onto the, wihipWphesy, son man;1 tod say to ther ."r wiB(; Thoasaimrte Lord . God t -Come It frcta-the four winds, O breath, and breathe C upWtbese8lain;ttiatthey may live. o I prophesied, a he commanded me and the;! ; ,1. -breth came inWthem, ahd they lived, and Btobdrup upon theirfeet;'an exceedmggreat'J't army., -Tlien said he uato-rae 6n of man,f:: these bones ai? . the whole house of .Israel T l, behold; they say; JOur bones are drid; and ;A ' ; pui hope, is Jtosti, wears futottlfrJurparta.rj:l Therefore prophesy and say 4intpN them,,: Thhsaith-the tordGods Behold, O1, my" i peo4wUUpenyoMjav . -yed to' come np out ot your graves, and.'i riSg'7U mto" the land of lsraeL And" ye , shall know that j amthelrdwhenlhave-ifrlJ auv and 1 shall place you in your owniana;incu ahall ye know that 1, the ora, nave P lafad perjmedit saita pe Jjoru.j rg,; r openea.your grave, yiwv ui-BPi brought ulhp tmt1 of-your graves; and ah nil nnt tv niAt in v6ui-aad Ye shall IjvewrtJ.t Any, interpretation oitnis- -paiaSos a wnich' leayes'ont indirect teachings . arfhoTesurrectiOnM the body, Poth ,J in thetwonderi&r''c6mmfctogethcri -of i. the ibpnes, and, in the last; words of. ? ixplariationis aianlty interpretation. . ., T3areltr'itf 'tiew 5,;Jthese passages I quoted; there can lo-'no doubt cf tbo " hiiTYw ikrrritin the Old Tc3- A 4edrine being taugntin tne via xua Ayvk-""- o o r .f jtac eatel s'.srt ih oi mcn Whcrs life and immortality rem?'j ri 'tfjbrii2rvi3 ' car tcVeih pace. k. i.