The .Biblical Recorder. PT76LISHED EVERT, WEDNESDAY ltime.1 lm. I Snk 6 m. (13 m: Ihe Biblical Recorder. BY ! I EDWARDS, BROTTGHTON & CO.,' "';" RALEIGH, N. C - ; Oflce: Cor. Harnett and Salisbury Sta, - . TEJOfS OF SUESCZHPllON: r One copy, one year,." ..... 1 . . . $8 00 One copy, six months,.. ...... 1 00 Clubs of 'live,... ........10 00 Clubs often, ....... ." . . . , .20 00 Remittances must be sent by Registered tr, roBi omce uruer, .Express or Unit, payable to the order of the Publishers. btenatissal'SniiaT Scion Lessca. ' SECOND UAUTEn, 1S83;- 1 ' LESSON TUL-MAY 21st: : bt ebt1 A.c.-iixot ; : 'i . , - , ; AsheTille, N. C.p SEEISQ AND COKFESSINQ CHRIST. - '. - Mark 8: 23 83. 23. And 'he cometh'to Bethsaida; 'and they orlng a Wind man unto him, and be sought him to touch him. , 23. And he took the blind man by the hand. and. led him oat of the town; sod when he had spit on his eyes, "and put his hands upon hluj,: he asked him. if he saw 4ant. - - .t, ' . , . 4 And be looked np, and said, I see men as trees,-walking. .25.. After that he puthU bands again upon his eyes, and made him look np; and he was restored, and saw every man clearly. - - 26. And he sent him away to his house, sajiog, Keither go Into the town, nor tell it to any in the town, - ; 1 27. And Jeras- went out, and his disciples! into the towns of Cesarea Fhilippi t and bv the way he asked his dl8ciple,'aying unto them, whom do men say that I am? - 28. And they answered, John the Baptist: but aome say, Elus; and oUiers, One of the prophets. - s - 29..-And he saith unto them. Bat whom say ye that I am? And Peter answereth ; and eaith unto him, Thou art the Christ ! 80. And he charged them that they should tell no man of him. .. ' AmI be began to teach them that the Son of man must suffer many things; and be rejected of the elders, and of the chief priest, and scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again. 82. And he spake that saying Openly. And Peter took him, and began to rebuke him. . j i r - 83., But when he had turned abont and looked on his disciples, ha rebuked Peter, saying. Get thee behind me, Satan: for thou savorat not the things that be of God, but the things that beof men. a. : ' ' ": i )r i. ' v' f ' i '; - 5;sgf cotDEirmT vMfi -Then, art the Christ, the Son of the' Sob of the living God." Matt. 16: 18. 'til . yl ,j 1 1 J U 11 S 1 'f 1 f .-r :.! A,. i;: lillIv The Drgan of the 6rth: Carolina Bapfete Devoted to Bible Rekoh, Education Literature, " Agriculture, ahd;General 4riteiligence. I Tnrh,. S do v 4 do ' 601011 .do. 1 do $7 50 14 00 23 CO! 23 CO 85 CO Z1C $1 nin : 5 7 50 10 00 U 00 2AC0 8 00 - 4 00 .8 00 lOW! 16 00-4O 0l O CO 114 00 25 CO! SO CO -49 C0! CO c X J Cv 120 CO 175 C0 250 00 t25'00 .40 00 50 CO 60 00 75 CO ? ' RALEIGH, N. Q., WBITE8DAY,' LIAY 10, : 1882, KlIMBEB;!45. HOME READINGS. ' M.;The tesson tiiukStSsks. T. Parallel in Matthew,. . . .Matt. 16: 1828. VT. Martha's confession,... John 11:20-27 T, The .Way of 8aIvationV. Acta 2; 29-40 F.': The Test of Fatal Error. f ' r . l John 2 21-24; 4 14. Faith and Eternal Life,...! John ch. 5. How Christian '.5 Sight is -! Preserved,. ,jH 2 Peter 1: 1-11. 8. S. Chris OUTLINE. .HPALIN6 HEAltI6 CIPLKM, BEBtiKUlG PETEB.- THE BLIND - .,-t :- t .' the' DIS- Cast his eyes upon the ground, when ha found tliat he cooTd ot see clearly .r: Jesus bever leaves lu work half done, i ;HU pur. pose is to write upon everything Be under takesas He did upon our salvation, "It is finished. ' These of u Who1 have r been Cured of spiritual 'blindness stand in con stant need of these' after-touches. '"Our Views of truth and 'duty are at first often imperfect v The Spirit is promised as our f guide into all troth,' and it is delightful to have Him touch 'laway the mist,' and re veal to us clearly the meaning of the Word. to get this clearer vision We must certainly ''lookup." y w " ' . ' v ' 1 a ' V. 26. Scat Xtm' away to Tiit om. ' When we have been greatly blessed of God' it is meet to tell it first to our loved ones,, begin at Jerusalem .and then' go to the "utter- I most parts of the earth. , 2f either m into (hi townjwr UUtiioany tn On 1ovn. Christ knew that it would' only stir their hatred afresh; ao he sent 'him where he would be likely to d the most good. ; . This is the only case, we believe, on record, where the injunction of secrecy was kept if ? j 'y-, j D. Christ Hearing Confession Concern- - : r toy Himself. V, 27-29. . j Whom do men My that JatHf This ques tion of : the Master does not teach os to be anxious as to what men may think of us. . If we have God's approval, it matters little whether men approve or disapprove. ' It matters much, however, as to what men think of Jesus, and we cannot strive too earnestly to fiad out their viewa on that sub ject, that we may correct them; if false; and confirm them, if true. l: -; people - all v had exalted "views- of Christ,' and yet' none bt them were correct ; haul John tht Baptist: at course' risen s m the dead'as' all knew of ia murder." fas. Was a great man with the people,' and' was expected to appear among men. .Those who could ioi amit 'tbai ;he; was Eiias stilJ honored Him by placing, Him among the pWpheta." "Kone said He was an impostor His works and character were too convinc ing. Men may have exalted, and yet false,, lews of Jesus. ; t Unless jw6 accept Him Inf His true character as the Son of God, how ever mucU we may otherwise honor Him, we are as much lost as if we consider Him an impostor. : Those who say that He was: aj good man but not God, condemn them selVes, because He claimed to be God, and it is unthinkable that a-good man can' at the same time be a hypocrite.' I i '.' 3. OF THB DlflCIPLKS. ; Peter spoke for all t- Thou art the thrift Here a. few weTeJrigat, while the many were; gyBifci"-'.4wiili naaeL notlook : for it unoog the masses, r? JStpmm .r-- ia more apt to be wrong than right. A piti able sight it Is, when a follower of Jesus refuses to take a stand on any question nn td he finds oat. the opinion of the majority, TJet hs confess our Saviour though, like the disciples, : in opposition to the tiews of all . others. , - i . v : -1 ' f , and our : translators in . both the old and nw 'versions here use the word -Assembly,- : ," .' . , J"; i . Oar text tells ns thai. Christ is to have a ''Church," a people called out. It is to be built on a foundation Bolid as rock tf adamsnt,and lasting as eter nity. We do notdiscoss,, this morn-' jng, the interpretatioa of the passage 1b its surrounding : words ny more than to say that occasion of the ntter ince of our liord was Peter's confes sion,, 'Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." On Peter, as a representative of men thus confessing, ; the Church has been .'built, 1 and to them have been given the "keys of the Kingdom' in all sees the "foun dation of the Apostles . and: prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner-stone." t . . .. . : This we can grant,' and must grant, but in doing so we do hot in any sense fnake ?Peter & Pope. Certainly , not an infallible one, for he committed the n. most gross :- and cowardly sins 'after this; and Paul withstood him face to face. s In . no sense, was Peter or any other' man ever head of the Apo8tolio ; Church. Christ : has never given up His place as sole Mas ter and Lord.-: Lj . f. w V .'What did the Saviour mean by "Jfy Church?' .-V v . : ... " ' i - Two extreme views of the Church are found Bide by side among ns. One the Roman Catholic view,, close ly imitated by Episcopalians i and Lutherans, ana in some degree by Other bodies. . It is that the Church is a peculiar institution, ; in such a sense that it has special powers and may.1! confer ; or withnold p spiritual I ;be for good : an offense. : that mus'tt IhWrr.h .la' the' Btoneest' of all neeas come oecause of our "wicked r a-WAHona. The enemies man come itures;, but still an evil: an ofFensR .o &AtRk of Hel have not, and u oj, wnicn seen in me lacK oi power in Christianity The orgkh- I It ie from 1 1 Church oueht to mean New Testamenf. nnitv. , , . ,.. .j . 1 1 r ' OBJECT ,OP; THE CHTJXCH. J;;, In short, this' is to perpetuate tie jvmgaom oi unnst on earth:. ! ,.(a)-7y. preserving a standard of discipline tn.ihe members.-- Hence, jwe covenant together to exercise a watchcare over each other, - and to pelp vach; other in ' the Christian life, and we are commanded "to withdraw from such as walk disorderly" Im pnrity within is the ; cause of .the greatest disaster that has ever come to the Church. t - ' , - , j kyfBy bearing each other's iur uens, in fulfillment of the law of Christ. We do, not find any command or example for a community of goods n the Churchi'yet,' there is such a Common aim and interest, that the practical result is better than a com munity of goods."- v ", . Just here let me say. that there can t prevail agairt,j0rw-V; nP-iMi It ii the dut oi tne memoera to thfl oder oi , tne cinurcn. he institute was a'JTflrrf Shell, nd At ten .o'clock tfro. John Jk Kay, .ha natruri ai Miaaionarv Bantiat s . I twho had been appointed to conduct ,, But more than thin, L.lea4ig insti-r he meeting, opened theTexercises by tntirtn'a nf onr Srata are now oflerinff I ireadine, Scripture; and; after singing o 'o,1rtf. , a iha annB nf minkfra rl I read && the first Question fur .dlS- bf1 tuitionyan to! -make no1 mistake;-1 jcussiou'; .".What is the best inethdd oi. Ham fa theemblem of birth to the and fully understood, they give 1 .conducting a bunday benooi m tne life: Jt Aora ot water" ' Tne 1 n fid'a suppeia the emblem of nour mient; wefeed- on Christ: f My Jla is m9w inaeeu ; my. oioou . is flrW, indtfd. In nature," birth, as a"' Ft goi before nourishment ar a ?acT 'Soipiritually, the new birth as a let, joes before the ;. spiritually feelingn Christ, as a fact., , It fol JowVSat new. birth in the symbol goes Vfore the feeding on Christ in the skbol. - Hence we bold that it is nnHntv aa church members, to Insistia orderly Baptism before com bauniL , , ., , y.- s . ,.-,!-;" I t PIGkl3 USED FOB , THE CHTJKCH. ;, I It rivfnrther heb ns to glance at some f the ''figures used, for 'the Churcl It is called an army, of Whichlhrist is the Captain. Under Him aUommander and Leader, cam e tuition to the son&.of. all minis-; J jcountry.r" which was ably discussed m fn,lbe,State, irrespective L of ,de-A y.BrethrenAV.l irerreiuas Jioi- TmHW.rVa ia ffiA vort trthrnrivh i itella how all can' workand Bavs it is nd i pcMular r institauon. of Major 1 houty of every one ; tor do all they seems to have been something of fail- I paignsiefensive and offensive are .to nre n "Ij" oat the objects of our be nhsrtaken. , . Ab .. the, Dnke pf iuuuuci. t a uu not ma&e enousn oi fhz .(lonw,;.!!'- -4.- t.1 1 ' uitf . rXiBoeciaiiv nnco tnm . who .rA of the household of faith," which we find in Galatians. -t-i)--By'preserving the ordinances. Christ left only two ordinances, and buuw so ueauiuui ana so simple, .'yet so full of trntb, it is strange that. they should ever have been pervea ted. It belongs to the , , Church - to hand down to the future: Baptism ww iue juora a supper as ne gave iioem. ontof the Utinrch is damnation. Its of- i -f j.uo vumtu ; .w - m, j carry uw . .tfOBDei ! V. 80. Charged them that (hey thould teU no man of Mm. Though they confessed Him true mission. ' They " were looking' for . .a temporal kingdom, and would have preach ed Him, mid He allowed them, as the Christ to; reign' and rule ppon the earth. The cross )raa not yet a part w.uiwwwtugurs IIX Oirlst Teaching the Dlseiples. ' lY. 3Lf Began to teach them (1. His suffer ings) (hat the .Jtnamwi'-erany 'tkingii (2. His rejettion,! anrf U refatei bg , Ihe Oder; &t. S HU death,) AnaM ieutea. (4 His murrecfionj l after three 4yo raised up again. - From whatl bUows we see their; ignorance of these fonr great facts, without which their preaching wooia nave ben vain. if, Christ Eebuklng Peter, 8aSaoirf Hat 'iovina iMwi&2dT6 tte the teoDle also. as ' they needed to under stand it. 'to be saved; y F&er took him and be gin to rebuke Mni; Showing that Christ's teaculBK was upyuscti uwu wiiuu fion -1 vi it- - I t 'of His mfsstoh.t;?-"wi.v;-;:; ' fV. 83..' Get thee behind me Satan. Satan hidr trieS to: tempt" Christ away from the cross oy onenng nun ine giory oi tne wju. I. Christ Healing the Blind Man. i r b . V.' 22. Cometh to Betheaiaa: Bethsaida means "the house of flsh,! and was doubt less a fishing village on'ihe, banks of the I as the Christ, they were yet ignorant of Hi Jordan, where it flows into the Sea of Gali lee; the home at one time of Peter, Andrew and PhiBip.: (John 1 : 44.) "This Is the only one of the "mighty ;works"done there of which we have anv account.? TKev bring a p. 'blind man vnto him ' He did not have' the earnestness and faith of the blind man of iT ' Jericho. The friends of thit one had to bring ! - him to Jesus and pray for him: tAaf one Sid his own praying," and persisted in spite of the crowd and the remonstrances o the dis r ciples.; When our .friends, will not cry to ' Jesus for help, it is well for ua to plead for thenv r- j4d betought him to touch hint. They thus marked out. the manner In which they j wished Jesus to heal him; but Jesus took his own. method, i We should make onr 'Te quests known; unto God, -I without dictating unto him ways and means. H jtrequentlj "answers prayer In ways we least eipect Not the touch of powerp but of tenderness ' and love. ' When brought to Christ by hii friends, the man had faith enough to submit himself to His care and guidance, . ; Happy the boor, blind sintiefl whd is willing to let " Jesus take hiahand and leVd hini.V. .?nch; I trnotrying to do the same thing, submission win insure eight, fed him out 1 and thu pui'hlniself la Satan's place, i : It of tne town, -oeverav prooaow-xeasouB ox i nuty uo uiav .wb, wm"""" , vs.. yi -Parhtcna in Tvbld undue'excite- I either caseHheievereTrebuke-WM ' ment," that "would result from such a public I Those who; wouldr tempt the. Christian from ,1, - m&acle; z) It may be, to impress mmseii i tne cross, occupy me same pusiuuu,. more deeply upon the man a neary as ne would be sure to remember the man upon whom bis opened eyes first rested. (3) And : doubtless, because the people "of Bethsaida " had rejected the evidence of so many mira cles; that He'considered 'it useless' to repeat before them another. When, he had tpiton Ail eyes, o5c. it. Not that there was healing : power In the spittle.;: It was used simply as a symbol to denote the transfer of virtue -, from Christ, and to teach us the lesson that almighty power "chooses to use instruments . to accomplish, its .purposes. v The rod of i Moses, the lamps and trumpets of Gideon, wert t simply God's chosen ' instruments. .Jbey could have done nothing without hia , powers In ow efforts to do good we are t .powwless or ouiseives. . . T. 24. I tee men at trees, walJcing. In times past he had doubtless seen, and hence knew what trees and men looked like.- In the flickering vision' of partially .etored sight the trees seemed to be walking like men, or the men walking about him appear ed large as trees. This is the only case of gradual cure among the miracles of Jesus. The reason of it was doubtless in the man's very weak faith. "According to your faith be it unto you," is a lair never broken; This indistinct vision strengthened bis faith, so that he could now trust for a ' perfect cure. The spiritual vision of those who ac cept Christ is often" confused snd indistinct so that tley need to pray "God increase our faith," ia cr3r to give more li&bt and clear ness. '" :.y : ;.v.:' V. 5. He put lit hands vponlis eyes and r.:i 7.:,ti tool tp, dc. Ha seems to have I esz3 i3 referred to 3 &a "Ekklccia," tavorest iw,"d6cj 'Theft wordvwis ai- mos equal to , ,feJ P j7 'things of GaHl U my purpose to en; dare the cross j your visions of rthlylory' are worldly,; and proceeds : from: the man, the'old Adam . ia you, ; and hot .from God.', God's way is one of humility and cross-bearing.'! . - . ,-,r fleers have power above all other men, and its voice is the:Toice of 'God. :, It may formulate etatemeata of doctrine 4r crc eds, which must', be . accepted, and iU' rule of irohA It la thorough ly orgahied,and clalmi exclusive con trol even over conscience itself. ...This type of tha Church intolerant, and abusive, and it holds -in its bondage millions to' Whom the name. Of Christ is known Theother; extreme ; view ofithe Church is that somewhat pop ular doctrine of onr own day. The Church is the loosest of -all organiza tions; indeed Bcarcely to' be' 'called an organization, so easy is it twisted and pulled about to 'suit the caprice or convenience of men. Ithaa no fixed Order; no law Yon may' believe and do almost anything in the Church ex cpt to believe that iiou - ar riaht. is hard to believe that when the Mas ter said "Jy Church". He -had .in mind either Soman Catholicism or a "Young Men's ? Christian , Associa tion." ;. Either would . be a dishonor toy him as an organizer,: ; ;.In His Church there was order withont hier archy : freedom: ; without ' confession. what was it nm mp p PS; I In, ahsweringXthiawe e are not l$6 look for a formal constitution, such as we 'find in hnman organizations; not for a constitution ; and by-laws. ; Have any of yon framed and hrihg in your homes the constitution , and . by laws of a family ? ; There are certain well ntder8tood -principles which un derlie the family organization.'; These show themselves i in .the , home-life," and we need no law to know that big amy and polygamy are . monstrosities; that tne man is to be, wi in one wue,, the united head of the J family, . and each to enjoy eqjialitf of right. i 1 The Church isl the household faith"-- family. ' -1 Thegreatl under-, lying fact .that binds together is the birth; all who are redeemed belong to f the assembly and Church of the first born, whose' names , are ,. written in heaven." This has been called '.'the invisible Church. All . true believ ers, known only to the mind of God,- separated from . ail unDeiievers. . xo tnis unurcn tne tneu on me exoss Be longed,-as do even in their last tie ones, redeemed Christ, who he because thev have 1 because they are his own and he takes tnem. .trot, nowever pieasant ic may be ; to . think of this Church .which God; and not man knows, it is . not the Church of our text. . Christ said, "On' this - rock -will, I build my Church.n To build is 'to organize, to set in order, to compact and shape so was around the - world. -10 1 Church at Antioch was a Pbrei ;MiaBionary! Society, and J'auV and Barnabas their , messengers preaching the Gospel to the regions beyond? ,; 7 v t I :Bui I need not say morel If you want to know the object of the Phurch, read , the Epistles of Paul, for these were written; to Churches,! to individual bodies of believers, in' Rome - Corinth, Galatia, Collosse, eta Each independent in itsolf, yet interdependent and courteous f and iwipiut wwara eacn otner. . An ex, i thna trlorfvine the name mPe good will and fellowship whoaa - nana thev bearhiThis, Jand is seen in Pahl's coming from Damas- aot the scheming, , plotting, selfish; eus, .with a letter to the Church in organization founded by Ignatius Jerusalem, upon which letter he was T,nvoV fh trnfl "society of Jews? received. .r I iha in'nn. of wriinh has . been to lift the world t a higher , plane, m- Wellinion said to the complaining preacH " Look j to your marching ordere,ir T so the Church is to im plidtlyobey orders. da-Withi loins girded ad feet shod, with shield and breastpite. and helmet and sword, this arnr ia to set no banners in the pame a the Lord. The Church is Called ie Bwdb, Christ the Bride groom rw thti husband lores the wife, ad Obrifc loves the Church as the. Bride i&o to be loyal, so the Church is to be rue to its marriage tows, and as the Bide is the source of the mul tiplicatiuT of j the' children of a the Bridegrom, so Christ's children are begotten and born in tne iinurcn. The Chtrch is the Body, Christ the Headi .' is tho head controls the bodysc Christ k is tof cohtroU the Chnrch. The union is not accidental, or for cotvehience ; it is vitaL , .t . I -Whathen'ris the Church Y , j 'An orgmization bearing' the name of ' Chrisv composed- of regenerate! souls,, whf have been baptized iin to nhriat. ' vVo nave taken . vows j of loyalty, aid whose aim is the building gingham, .as before referred to by me in. a communication! last winter. flST-St If in all these ways this benevolence, and beneficence, is extended to these faithful sexTahts of God, i should j not Wake Forest do the same ? . Does it hot look better, at least in the nature bf things, tfeat .she who has" so much' beneficence asked, should at least this much beneficence bestow ? Hryvf .Agajq doe? not i Wake Forest owe it to herself, to do this ?.. Would not uch favors shpwn:to our ministers,, irake re'tur&s to the 'college by way if increased interest ' in the hearts of uch .ministera and increased ivolun-i labors on their part for. tne good. f the cplie - trie influence . naa upon otners tiere'a" minister"g sOh goes to Bing- am's mr other institutions in the tamM preference to ,Wake. Forest, ecause eis not really able to send lis son where "his heart turns him. x SittT dollars a" Tear 1 for the . two Special notices charged SO cents per line, Ko contracts" mods for every-other-week advertisements, aor for special position in UDltuanes sixty worus long, are msertcu free of charge. -.When they exceed thi" length one cent for, each word must be pait in adTaaee. !:---- wiMifa ' - Gddrdesighed Ihatl eertaia r body of -believers should have a. house wherein to ' worship . him, v it seems to your -humble writer that he would so fill their hearts jmdtnindatwith l de? termination to work that .the house iwould soon' be'built by themselves. ; Where; there is a; will, there is a But it ii riot always essential that God ahould be . wtrsbippeL;.by a be-' lieving body in a house made for that - special purpose. in ancient aays, no was worshipped in groTesin priTaie . houses, on the sea shore, everywhere, anywhere that the people could get together and could get one to speafc the glad tidings"! to thenu a, . A w t ft do not remember an ; instance , where any of the Apostles ever troub led themselves or others' about build-, ing churches; ' They spent their lives to convert sinners ; laiuo carea tney about 'consecrated house," x. .j . --;"Owe no man anything,'! applies as much to a body of Christians as to individual tnembers. " 'K:y - I J O; brethrenl let us cease caring so much fors the Vbuilding made with hands," Let us. put on the "armor ; of faith" with the heimec or saiva- aesaioria At Wake Forest; besides "in cidentals,'! library fU,' &c, &c, makes can to cot others to - unite with them Initho work;. Bra. Holloway thinks jthat no member should be , retained tn the Church who is. not willing to -work in the Sunday SchooL Bro. -Pace says it is the duty of each mem jber of the' church to be co-worker with the pastor, and to lead h;s chil dren, to : tne Sunday .School, and. not send them and. he stay at home. -The hour for preaching having ar rived the discussion was closed until the evemng,tVfif uiiVidi $; 1 The ordination sermon waspreach fed byDr. Wm. Royal; from Heb. 13: 7. - He preached a very impressive sermon, as is characteristic of him," showing that it is the duty of a min ister to teach,, to declare s or preach he Itijqrd, ttof watch forspuls, . and , I tion rid"enduringihardness as good above all; to try to possess the high-1 goid!ers 6f Jesus Ohristi" let us strive est typen of Christianity. ' - : - -1 htntna worthv toenter. at list, in- tProf. 0. E. Taylor then delivered I tnthat ni6nBe not made with, hands te - - -M.J 1V 1 ww - tne 0cnargeran a ...very lorcioie . anu kolemn way. . ,He said that a minister phould be a man of the strictest integ rity, he should be honest and upright iniall Ms ealinsrsfeHe urges the eternal in the heavens.". i y ' Smith. HEARING GOD'S TfOED. a "big hole" in a, poor, preacher's I brother tCbpreach. thel wordt to the lis' sheep, so should he watch, of er Bro. Stringfield then presented the Hole, assuring the brother that , it bnrse. and when we remember that that sixty dollars' will go far5on the Way to pay ; the board1 of his son at uch schools, is he not almost bound !o take unpleasant alternative of send ng his son to another than , his real, shoice. Now then, will not ;the in- uence of such a course be bad as to, nArra ' and will 'not others de- jline torpatronize our own college by 1 1 .Bro. Bostick deliTered the bene- v .koa mmnlanf tTi a minister who I dictionJf 'iSt 'Mfjih'utp-fit!- U prohibited, from sending to Wake II imiiS- f orest Oa account oi .nia umibeu i itt uuiit iui uo , w cmww. - .w God's speaking to us will be always s. Iwithin the lines traced out ny noiy Scripture. God is .always consistent. Nay, more: it will only be granted to, A-nrt ran oniv dq aearu w.uvw "uw wuiuvi vw', " : j - and a sword with which to fight the world and tne adversaries oi unnst. me&ns. i '.Let not our honorable president and the equally ? ionorable imember8 pi (no, xJvoru. u ii i u a. iu usvouw v. ministera so loTe our cause and our fre8hme'nts, which were prepared in great profusion. : ; 't At 3 o'clock the audience .again as-i Bembled.and the .Chairman announced ' x 1 - . L n n .1 a m f.i. inAnaoirtil - lis tue uexb u ucauiuu iui uiovuooivu. up of Chrst's kingdom in the world, Uneeothat they wUl send their boys I Should eve member of tho chur oi nun to- Wake ForestiiWhetber or not.1 pe a woricer KEMBEES. Dor Tjreacher8 iiknowf that itl takes L. . i . i n i f 'money to puu ue, iuare Ko, ., ui thev have not the money for their sons to pay for the. luxury of - sniffing, the bf ther Wake Forest lawn or after name and"oTjecf la o "define the 4aalification? for membership. f Who way be members of the Church f .. (a) Believers, t " The Lord added, to the Church, daily, such as were saved." Or, as the new Tersion has it,' " such as were being saved." "Be lieve in the .Lord, Jesus Christ, and thou eha!t be saved. M t5 This was the first requisite for Church membership in the New Testament No warrant for any. such thing, as a sort of half way h membership in - the Church ; neither unbelieving; infanta nor unA believing ' seekers. .;-No matter ."how pious the parents of the one, or: how earnest the desires of: the other j. can. become me sbers " of -the Church,'' while unbelievihg;Whyihduld they? No other society admits members who. lift the world t- a higher plane, in- i Btrolling with books n--r ff.tIlK4n()graB-fca nfa.Ah(&-cU? !ru socieiy , out it is mure lunu yu ucgo. It is the duty of every believer in the Lord Jesus. Christ to be in the Church; not the company most convenient; not that one whose social standing is most pleasant, bnt the Church which is at one with the law of our 'Divine ; ;I am glad to-day to invite you to fellowship not perfect, for; none are more ready than we to admit imper fections; yet a fellowship that knows no authority of tradition, or creed, or Pope; or Conference; or court, but whose only, authority is the, law ; of . Christ into this blessed fellowship We bid' you come, and may the "Divine Roirit so lead us into' the truth thai every error may be left behindhand tniiiht be able to secure means to board and" clothe Their boys ' while at Wake Forest, but the tuition charges are to them simply prohibitory.,-,J i, Lastly. ; It. does, seem to me that Wake Forest .'owes it to herself to make an important phange ia this ex isting' state of things,. because she in the Sunday School f which was discussed brethren: rJ. A Beam. Frof- Tavior ana tne wnier..-;wf ). Bro. Beam thinks ; it is the duty of each member to be' teacher as'well. as to work for. the "School, even if they cannot attend the SchooL . -r ;; ; , ; ; . , ; Bro. Pace theh aaid that those who' go to the ' School" should go in the house, and not Stay but and wear the roots of the trees around sleeic, when tney mignt oo.insiao aoing.gooa.. Prot .Tajlorthen told ; some rea sons why some people can't go to the Sunday school;4 butsaid that it !was tnre forms me for God's service, whilst ( it makes me 'complete,and furnished completely unto every; good work" (2 Tim. 3: 17), it does not tell me to iwhattipecialiwoTkil am called by ;what service I may really please him, what I have to da in, the .morning, what in the af ternoon,etc.' 1 And how could I stand; before God, waiting unott himaf I were not quite sure that r.h a -Master who had called me to serTO him, wonld also tell me from hour to j lunuar wuwm t I : ' . ' t, by the following Hour tne service wmcu u -im, W, H. Pacel have done through ; me? A waiting iLttitade ia oossible tnly bef ore a Mas ter who peakt to me :yafeiffc. In old times, Israel was conauuauy ought to stand side by aide with ! her the duty of every person who. can - to enterprising Bisiera xa wiw ouum. , I . From the presidents of the follow ing institutions, I have their sxate toenW for the following facts:' - "J I 3 Georeetown College, KyU gives tu ition free to ministers' sons, while she is educating on, an average, free,about 18 young ministers. attend., and: that it was. wrong for them to stay away; when they can go. "How should we work for the con yersion '''oi Sunday-school scholars V was. next discussed. Bro.' Stringfield aaya that we can?irin? soula:ins many jajs, and thatwe should iprf every means we can. ne aava taat we cau ment of the Lord they journeyed, and at - the commandment' of the Lord they:pitched their-tents.Can you, t then, think that, Tinaer tne new cov ieoant," the Lord 'will hot tell tts how long he will have us toeit at his feet, as for 5 new s service r ahd afterward, 'whither and how far we have to go? In the days of his fleshy Jesus could do nothing of himselt He did what he saw the father do; he judged as he heard Weare ahis followers; .out priviletre is to walk aa he walked. We serve him ? not fas; serTant8, t but as friends. A'Wht servant knoweth not j. what his Lord doeth.",; All that Je-, sua heard of his-father he has made I known xi . vw i xi. t - It is only through faith that.we can r.w.t.rwr.v. " I Art nnnnnfirirtir carjtain W V"MT7W ' " xXaI khowledged King of Kings, aldxinr: tord shan ; 'present it to himseh a society how can the Church t sons of Grant and Li ncoln I take the . same j oath on en tering the - army, that was taken ; by a . foreign born citizen,' and they were retired to put;oh ihe fsame uniform. . Chil-, dren' of Christians ' have, advantages, but semi? Church membership: is t not one of . them. The promise is to yoa and your children," but it is apromise that God? will CAii. and prepare for his Church. Faith they must nave,; yet this is not alL shall ; be ac- ition to ministers sons, and she is educating an average of 10 young men per year,, for, ( the. ministry- freeot. nnargK.--- - , . - :: . -- -:y-- y- , glorious Church; not hayingapot or free tuition to minisfers' TOns and is wrinkle or any such thing, but that it, Educating free of r tuition about 30 be holy and without blemish."Amen; yonng.rmnisiers annually.! . r... Bethel College, Ky.7 gives free tu- i win them by smiling or by peeping. 1 hear God speak to us. So far as you v., AN OPEN LETTEB. To "the" honorable Presrent ' of " the i v Board or rmsrees or n ase - ror- . est uouetre. - i. Dear Sir and Bro.: ' ' .. "j: c. r Mifitiii mn lur duuicsdiue ,uu vidi t f AOi-r-Mopffsm w a requiem w mem- i . m - : all who accept Christ Ur6Mp, and by Baptism we meanl w Msume" nT-:..'Vf. hours. K So our lit- I Baptasmi" and not something else, general ruie, .uuopivan i.bythe blOOdf I On this point; I nowever, i paruoa- takes to himself, T not quote from ; the r'Newbrk ; Inde Die: I,u"u, V Men bantized.but I . ' a -narr notinoted: for. ita I ?l ?" W a""6u" . . v - ... - i a -.thA.nnt i t nan -I nnma . Howard Colleffe- I Ala.) charsres a-1 mere nominal sum jot ministera sons, and she; vithMtti'doUar'i entUmment; has been educating an average of 14 Won nc ministers a vear free of charsre. f Should not, i Wake Forest ; stand I tome spiritual truth upon the minds have faith in God . -andiija, hui will , . Bom. 12: 2) trusting jthat his will iat Wood and accentable. and -.perfect, so, ufKyou:wiU comeK under the Jight' of his countenance, the ehioing of hia,.1 facei Aott;;agaio-wnenyou. ivve m j the nreaence of God., when you think, reach the children, we must try to I bpeak, and act nnder tho light othis . pnd out what will suit each , one in bonntenaace,yon enabienim xo ?lu;Bi. Sie class, and try to prepare the lesson you ? by his eye. He is then , able to ith a personal application of it to Bpeak to you;and thus to make you lhOTe Bro.uTaylor iays??we as intelligent,; teaching yoaleaonsi for jteachers should always try to; impress I the present and .lessonsor tne ( eternal - Bro.' A! T. Hord then entertained us with a speech. He said, we should first know Christ ourselves; secondly,: we should follow him; thirdly,,. wo should pray God to give us favor with khe children. -Bro. Splawn then en deavored to ehow that if we want to "SLY CHUBCH.? & -I- A- SEitMOir BT, BEVf ALEXAKDEa ; ' , BLACEBCsir, . .. i . ! Pastor of the Second Baptist Church. La - j ' fayette, Indiana. . f , -5 j - . ' ! - "And I say also unto thee, tbat thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my chnrch; and the gnies of hell shall not pre vail against it." Matthew, 16: 18. - 1 So' far as the words of ? our Savior are recorded, we find that He uses the . word Church only on- two occasions. In our text, and in Mat: 13: 17, where directions are given as to how we shall deal with an offendinsr brother. In both these cases He - refers to the Church as a distinct, organized body, As we read farther in! the New Tes tament we find the word : f requentl v fsed.. From. Acts to Revelation it occurs. more thai one hundred times. The word means simply an assembly. a Company of people : called together for some special purpose; but in the New Testament, in every case save one, it refers to a cenpaay of tdiev era The cna exception 13 ia Act? 10 S2-C3. "where ths ratherir'at IZph- oreiudice in Javor of our tweition; In American -Bible TSocietyy in" not pub lishing the Burmese; ciblo, the fade pendent The ilatest. Greek Lexicons define .Baptism vas iimmer sion, and give it no other. meaning."; ! XQ1S api'itiu 9 l .ma uwr: -vi, iua may in successful that rcertain purposes may be accom- f Church. We do not say it is the door riliRKpd:4-' 1 - . , r .. .. I nnkit iaiftfcTth, oor-ifJ Not'-Bantiztf people ana tnen aamit inem r pneraa mit them by baptizing s them.';. Bap tism is M putting on ChriatliiiWhat; t The pile of briok ; yonder that has been tempered, and s molded, and dried, and burned, may be very good building brick, but they do not make a oriCK Duuamg. v oo converteu peo ple may be the livingistones, the ma- terial out of which' to build a Church; ; but they are not jet ;a' living1 temple, a Churchr;Jlnei- must pe cemeniea together in i"iovev t audi built a by tho plummet of God's exact truth. - The jnurcn anr orssniaaiiuii .. i., . i ."The Church of the Living dod," ,Diciples," "Christians," Breth ren;" but the raosc common, dwjigna tion is -simplyifrho Church,"r as The Church, at Ephesus," "ine Church in Sardis," "Ths Chnrch in Philadelphia," etc. r ; ;. ' "J; " I For convenience ; 'sake we have named ourselves according to our pe cul iar practice - andd octri nesBap tists, Presbyterians, Hethodist3. Bat this 'is abnormal," because men have broken the commandments of Christ. Had there been "loyalty in' "One Lord," one Faith -aid one Baptism," the New TestafncntdcGiration, "the Charcii" would- have teen" sedcient in all a33.i We are not of those who eav tLat diviiioa into tzcii 13 a LIc;3 tfff . we Pat on, we are in. To be m Christ ia tn Ka iri tK door for ha Ja'th'ddoOr By this We perceive the ace bf ;thil j beautiful ordinance, as tne recruit is examined as to loyalty and. fitness before he1 puU' on h?, uhiform'pl a; soldier, so here the examination aa to faith and fitness is before the putting on Christ before the world. . s . . - - - '. ft - . DTJTIES 0? imfBEBS. ,i The oeiievine. oapcizea ... unristian ianotonlv in the Church, bat, to be I in Church means responsibility.' v He" is bound to show forth the beauty "of the doctrines of the church in bis life; to help his fellow Christians as indU vidaals. and to do his part in the work of the Church as a whole. His time, his thought, and hia money Are to-be used for the Church, as God has prospered him; and he 13 to share in sending the Gospel to every creature. I In our text, the Saviour says: "The gates of Hell shall not prevail against it " This figure of a fortress is a beantiful one, b3t no fortrc:3 stands without brave men to hold it. '.- The stronjrest fortress in the world is said to be Gibralter, and Gibraltar ia God- O.-the-auill than Junius jhis ! way, 1 wave 'a - more tlume:...r ..t It impresses mo that Wake. Forest j jWake .Forest College lies College owes it to our self-sacrificing J hearth llj mother taught 1 mmisiers auu uwiv vuuerseu,bu lur- hish tnitiou td the sons of those minis- era who devote their time to preach ng the gospel,! at reduced-tates.if it, ;annot bf furnished to such, free.7..-?,':r! In almost everything ; elsei'deduc ;ibni are made" in charges1 to- active bihi 8ter8ots the gospel There - ia ustly a public recognition of tho fact hat because their incomes are scanty, abreast of these institutions ? . I know the moat of them have some 'endow Wnt, and Wake Forest needs an en owment to give'her morel strength,' nt wjth all this, doea ahe; not owe it . to herself to do at least as . much as fiowardollece? -.;;' ", -V t-fcWith' nd other' object than to ben efit our college and -aid our .needy ministers, 1 write this communcation near , my me to love t when I was a boy. The last time Jyisi ted -the -4nstitu tioh4 my heart welled: with pride for what she is and what she, promises, to be. ;; If she will, take this one more step, she , will step that mncri hitrher 'and nut herself along 'side ' of the more enterprising liegea m the South. us. . fut When your Jpoard- soon to meet at ako.Forest, shall, come together, life. tTa tMiila Urn Rnv f kmA that 1 f . Tbottrt who Walk With! UOO, aOiae the conversion of souls should be the under his control in every use Of their cniex oDiecc or eyery teacner in tne faculties, of their tame, cf their mon py throngh; all J-hey keep listening; ready , to be stopped by ,God s Teto. To be'stoppedl If you ask how God fknif nfFnn in TutViolf I dmuVo if is mat thl8.BO faT SJ it Can La 1.1. - 2-.t tka 9a.I v. .ln;rn4. Via donfha of : vonr ndjBaptUt Church m Kaleigh.rAfr being? far .deeper than the rejgion of undav school., and., that, we should pi ten be more personal, and have some snecial object in all that we do. i Pravp.r waa then offered in behalf ter which Bro. ijohn Bayfi made a talk' in behalf of State Missions, and jtootc up a collection, ' amounting, to bine dollars - and fifty-onb cents' in cash, andJ three dollars in t pledges. The exercises then closed, and we all felt glad that we went. .. , . : johk JUL aAT, President. J. W'.'Flujstwoot. Secretary'. '-' K"" Wake Forest College; May 2nd, 18815. Enteepeisbl tavoreby way of deductions should be I bte'ase ask them to consider at least bade," and margins for profit , con- I the subject aspteBented in this com munication oi is i i P. S. ; Jhave neglected to say that I was,t much pleased to read ; in the "XkcoBDEBC, I)r. Pritchard's reference to my former article in which he re ferred to- the necessity of endowing Wake Forest and ! told --w hat a grand work the. college has already , done in 'ministerial education. . To that Ire- ply,, it That b of which I writer she ought not to leave, undone.; t:-. . . ; 1 . . -'i ; : t April,- mz, ..c. ; J - ; ?-cc feeling, dispositionjor, impression jrou get stopped in one direction, you get y free' to go' on in the other.." A door, ' opens or isshuIt is simply the' 'application, and realization, in small details, of. what all true Christiana have , experienced in , some , solemn Critical question ia their' lives, when . jthey felt full inward assurance, con- ; yiction and freedom;-with deep peace, ' o accept or to refuse", to go on or to 1 &isBC'MyM ly i When you abanaon not oniy aeu- racted on their account -Whether you take corporations who forhe. ministers reduce rates of ray eV""1br.go"tb;the individual buteher, who it. may be tosses an extra soup- bone into his market-basket for-good measure, i you will observe this rule prevails. Nor is it less patent; in the fact tbat merchants .usually .deduct a per cent, in their sales to these men of God, and; physicans -seldom, make a charge at all in? most rlaces,t' for their services to their whole Jfahriliea; Besides 'even the ' schools and acad emies in almost all the .towns and cities of this and other States observe the same" rule.. I venture the as sertion, that there, is scarcely, a place, in North . Carolina, : whether i with primary or advanced school, academy or college, where there is not a deduc tion made in thechargea for the tui tion of ministers' children And thi3 too, .irrespecU ye of the denomination of ' which -the' miniater ;. is a mem ber. The" writer ha3 known thi3 to -- 1 ' 1 11 . ?r.-- 'y , NOT HOUSES BUT SOULS, i Our dearJrotherW..M, Kennedy. W -"P ?? ?ruuA - who is always ready for a good wofd S Setltnf,o llk ' br a good work, in April-the 19th then God is able to make you hear hia feof BBJ)iT0ic4,th.i)erpl, torn, wthBut W r WO.V- It i3 aa eyil, overruled, it nay I made, not of man ; so the God-nade J be the cas8 where the principal of ty of Baptists In his ar'iclevWhat Shall I Dor" he speaks of the numer us 'calls' thAtwere xweeklr made through the Baptist press for help to build churches. ifle, wishes to ihelp all; but this is impossible. - Now.oth- era are' perplexed in' the same What shall wo all do? v Ww'II for the ' coHeee. I -To several bf these appeals I have she ought to have done.the work I responded with my dollar. To many others 1 was compelled, to turn s dear ear. . Bat for. a year, or two past I have , been thinking and the result Of my thoughts is, that '-u : s " ) WB . -STEEI 1I0EJS ' WOESHIPPEia BATHER THAS MOEB PLA&E3 OP WOK-' snip., , .Would Paul,'if he were. aTiye,' ad- J ise' a handful of believers to go in ebt - in - order to build a meeting house? .Would- ho not rather advise mprej preaching by godly, living, .by honest toil, by circumspect conduct, by abstaining froa every form of eril, in fact by obevinz God'a word If - this Attitude, and then the. capacity of X hearing develops, ..the conscious-.. hess of God's voice deepens and in- , Creases every day. c You will get practiced in hearing God'a Toice you : will, learn to distinguish it clearly and quickly from any other. rrfl , , i "True, fall and implicit confidence " in sthe goodness" and f perfection:; of . God's wSl, in its desirable and accep- ! table character, at once checka'your -Imaginations, ; dreams, ;; plans, h and : wishes... Shrinking further on from. - STJADAT SCHOOL INSTITUTE ' ' i CSDIXATION. AND- iormmg any ueoiro uvu uy vumm that your daily Ufa and E2rric3 'should - tat stand texcra God to la ( .Although; the weather ,was ; very threatening early in the morning, the clouds bean to clear away about ten O'clock, and a large crowd collected at New Ifope Church to witness the or-' dmationol Bro. G, P. Bostick, and to be present at the Sanday School Institute. . ' take. V0U it him epeak, xi.d to tear Jbis deei3:on3. You are . anxious ,tnot 7to interfere m any .detaihconindnsand . sure - thai Only his wilUrin--3 Ufa and tap pinc:3 n that way,far frofa a ta-chine, you become the freest being of the universs, Jiying asd crowir t op in tip 5 frea open air of heaven. The CTiriS' an, of London.

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