ammmamimmmmmmmmmmmmmZmmm-mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm rhe BiblicalUecorder. ,.T1 1 """-rT -Tw; .si..,-.1;,J,,!!M..i:.ji.r(i i,; - JLne BiblicalKecorder. r v I : ' - L- ". -L-U 1 - jftv' '-rr; -"H 1 c " J ' ' rV ' Vi" "j vdjrrr, TT r-i T7TT7m - "i ' ; - . ADYZSTisnre: satis. PUBLISHED i f ' : f ' - 1 , . . i i.ii. mm mil a : AO UU- ll IRH mi IRI'liU UUIZ HI IRI f i r i . , ,-, , rr r, . EDWAEDS, BB0UGHT0N & CO., RALEIGH, N. C , OQce: Cor. Hargett and Sallstjory Sts. s , TERMS OF SUBSCRIP110N: , One copy, one year,;. ...... t .i $2 00 One copy, six months,. i .... r. . . . . 1 00 Clubs of flTe,..'. l. 10 00 Clubs of ten, mm ....................20 00 .remittances must be sent by KegUtered I -rr - ; An' Letter, Post office Order, Express or Draft-1 V OLTJME 4:0. The Organ of the North Caroiina Baptists , tievo ted' to' Bible . ReligidnBducaBoh ; Xttetiirjd, y Agriculture, t and, Genera V Intelligence - 1 ,rv , International Sunday Scticol Lesson. SECOKD 'qCABTER, 1883. LESSON IX. MAY 28th. BY REV. A. 0. DIXON, AaheTille. N. C. " FOLLOWING CHRIST. Mark 8: $488; 8; 1. 34. And wheu be bad called the people unto him with hia disciples also, be said unto them, WhosotsTer will come after me, let him deny himself, and take np his cross and follow me. ' S3. Tor whosoever will save his life shall lose it: bat whosoever shall lose his life lot my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it. " 86 For what shall it profit a man, if he f hall gain the whole world, and lose bis own soul? 37. Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul ? 88. Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words, in this adnlterons and sinful generation, of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed,, when he Com eth in the glory of his Father with the holy angels. , . 1. And be said unto them. Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God . come with power. : ( GOLDEN TEXT t Whosoever will eeme after . nie, let him deay himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. Mark 8: 34. 1 Number 46. ,-51 .3L vfi im it DAILY HOME READINGS. M- The Lesson,..-.. ...Mark 8: 34-38; 9:1. T. Following Christ, John 12; 20-28. W. Result of Gaining the World, Luke 12: 13-21. T. Losing Eternal Life Luke 16 s 19-31. F. Giving up All for Christ,..PhiL 3: 7-21. S. Waiting for Jesus....... 1 Thesa. ch. 1. S. The Present and the Fu ture 2 Cor. ch. 4. CONTEXT. The words of this lesson were called forth by the rebuke which Peter gave to Christ for saying that He must suffer, be rejected and killed. The disciples were dreaming of earthly glory. The ambitious request of Zebedee's Trife doubtless reflect ed the aspirations of James and John. This hope made Judas cling to the money bag, and keep with the disciples. t in stead of such earthly glory, Christ now holds up before them a life of felf-denial and cross-bearing. Mt called the people unto Mm with the dUdpUsT Such a life is not for preachers only, but for all Christians. OUTLINE. I. THBEE TESTS. 84. II. THREE SEASONS, vs. 35 38. III. A K ACT. Chap. 9:1. COMMENTS. I. The Three Tests of IMscipleahJp. ,' 1. SELF-DKNIAIu , ... : Whonuoeter teiU come after jnet let him de ny himself. The old Adam, the flesh in us, cannot be bettered. - It must be crucified, killed, by starving It to death. Our worldly desires, sinful appetites and selfish aspira tions grow strong, in proportion as we grat ify them, and weak, as we deny them. What of self there Is in us is all evil ; what of Christ is all good. . Without Christ we are totally depraved. That was Peter rebuking Jesus, denying Him, cursing and swearing. That was Christ in Peter, preaching with a tonene of fire on the "day of Pentecost. That was Paul arguing against Christians before the Jewish council and on .his way to Damascus breathing out . threateninga ! sgainst them,' It was Christ in Paul before Felix and Agrippa ready to' die for the Sa viour he had persecuted. . Self Is against Jesus and must be denied; "The spirit war rcth against the flesh." Our natural hearts . love the world and sin, - He that by the power of God has . mastered . his natural heart has done more than he that taketh a city. Turn to GaL 3: 19-21: and you will find the things of self to be denied, r Read c a through v. 23, and find what in us we "may allow to have free 4 course without check. ' Also, Titus 2: 12. " V , . ' . Cross-Takinq. ' ' -" -And take up hit crass. Lay the two pieces of the T down thus" ZZ and you have no cross. The pieces must cross each' other. : So it is no cross for us to do what accords with our feelings and inclinations. 1 It 1s a cross, when it oppose ' our natural hearts. But the cross of Christ means more than that. ! So disgraceful was It to be crucified that none but the most degraded criminals - .or slaves were put to death in that way.. The cross of Christ, then, means shame, ig nominy, degradation, and we are to take up even that cross, when God lays it clown De fore us. No shame or reproach for Christ's sake most we shun. Notice the difference, between cross-taking and : cross-bearing. God often puts crosses upon as, whetherwe will or not. It is ours then to bear them., But cross-taking means : more. "There's - the cross before you, says Christ, "take it up." To refuse to take vp is aa smiui as a refusal to bear. God does not compel you. to be baptized It is a cross he lays before you and sarvt "Take tt urx" He does not - force us to coafess Him before men, 'though -: such confession may cause us to lose friends, property or life. t'Take up that cross" Is His command- ' 1 ' , 3. Obkdiehcx, j-, H" y And follow me.: It & not enough to deny " self, take the cross, , and stand stUL. : Jesus requires forward movement, : active, obe dience, . Follow me". In all my command ments, in my humility, patience, meekness, forgiveness, and death; if need be, for I was - "obedient lmtor death.'.' 'To obey is better than sacrifice." ; Were you to sacrifice all you have for Jesus, it would not be accept ed without obedience.- 1 - II. Three Reasons why we should deny onrselTes, take up the Cross, and Follow Jesus. - L BSCATT8 IF WB FAH. TO DO SO, WE WILL ; LOSE TAB MORB THAK WB GAIN, c . For vhotoever toiZZ tote his Ufe shall lose it, dc. ,lt, when the test is made, we should refuse to deny ourselves even of the body's life for Christ, we shall loose the very thing we are trying to save; yea, more, we shall lose the eternal life of body and souL ' If, on th other hand, we should give np our lives for Christ, we shall gain eternal life. The principle is this: We shall always gain by the sacrifice, more than we give up for Jesus, and always lose more than we with hold. ' God's bank pays better interest than any other. ' 2. Because, it wk Fail to thus Dint j Ourselves and should oaut teb WHOLBWOBLD, WB SHOULD BB THB LOSERS. ; For what ahaU it profit a man, if he shaU gain the whole world and late his own tout t Soul should be translated Ufe. If a man should gain all the world's riches, pleas ures, and honor, and then die and leave it, what profit? But life has a deeper meaning than the breath of the body. What profit all this gain, if he shall lose his eter nal life? His riches, pleasures and honor then will render his poverty, sorrow and shame more unbearable in the world of darkness. Here is a problem for all the S. 8. schol ars to solve: What shall a man give in ex change for hit soul? 3. Because, tip wb Refuse to Bbab the Shame of the Cross, Christ will , bb Ashamed op us at thr Judgment. Whosoever shatt be ashamed ef me and of mg word. The lowliness of Christ is an of fenca to many. So are His words which inculcate'maxims different from the world's. ..... Men ridicule to-day the self-denial and con secration taught in the Bible. Woe to them who are moved by their ridicule to 'be ashamed of Christ- We are to stand by the words of Jesus, let men and devils mock and sneer as they please. This, too, is an adulterous generation, when many of the pretended followers of Jesus are running after the world, God's enemy. We must be faithful, or Christ will be ashamed of us, Ing on Friday; and to have a delegate with; the Board on Saturday, Ordered by the Union meeting that these - proceedings be sent to the Recorder for publication, ! ! '- - i- ,J E. 0. Williams, Chmn. I E. H. HoreoN, Clerk; CEDAB CSEEX UNION yoTt Chooeej and let one oew book bell h blessed homo -from which- they maA rrintkiniriiy all tbrt trnotJ ord'Cos-i'I shall never be driven :prthronffhHart i Bro: Bailey: V attended the Jedar; I' riei hywns, .together witft1 tiuch.': Jtew' I well and tell the persecuted Uhina- ones as are leauy , guourf s u n Special notioes charged SO cents per line," I No. contracts made lor every-other-week advertisements, nor for special position is paper. . . 'Uonuanea aixiy woraiiaag, are lasencu free of charges When-they exceed tbi length one cent for each word must be paiu in advance. - - - ' - SOUTHWESTERN 5 TJNlON OF S p E1GH ASSOCIATION. RAL- I It was the pleasure of the writer to meet with a number of the ministers and other brethren of this 'Union, at Piney Grove, on April 28th, 1882! - ( Ker. J. R. Maynard preached the intro ductory sermon on Christian Boldness, set ting forth Its necessity and reasons why we may and should be bold in the cause of Christ,'""'' ! 11 ",: ' " " ' ; On Saturday, the rains prevented a meet ing till latei when only tne necessary rou tine business was transacted. - - Sunday; a large congregation assembled in 8onday school work and spent a pleasant. hour.- 1 ' ' . ' RetG. J.iDowelt1 thenJpreached to the large and attentive audieace1 with1 energy' and effect, tm ChrhUaa' lBheritanoi ' ta' which be clearly presented the' many pos- sessions that we receive from our Father, from the ' heaviest - cross to - the : brightest crown, all given for oar good and glorious inthe end. A good collection for missions and then dismissed. ' ' The next meeting of the Unloa is to be held at . Swift Creek church, beginning on Friday before the Sth Sunday in Julyaext; Rev.' J. CL Maroom to preacn tne introauo tory sernwo, and ' Rev. JL. I). . Hunter the missionary sermon on Sunday. .. i . ; H. W. Norbm. BaUentine sMiUt, May 3. : Creek Union, as correspondmjrnies senger irom tne - uape xear vjdjou last week, a it met with tne cnurco t 'White Lake The'1 congregation as not large owin to the inclem oy of the weather.V Bros. J, Bf' Pown- infc Mercey, and t Bryant, were the only ministers in attendance, j! also went' there ' in: the interest 01 our i book be used both in Sabbaths school? find church. Let its have but one loohl Let thls be TeYiBe,!,iftrtd,, addMitb ai1 the laDae'of .timamat demand.-,' Let the same words aq d music be, used in : the Sabbath school and the. churclt ; In' the Sabbath school let the' words of hymn's be odmmftted :lo' metnorji taan 'of the western slope, of one who will welcome them. who to-day bids them Ooine' and unlike their perse- eutors will never tey(i"Depart," to those who ' come to. Kim to the "Bet ierXJountryJ ij.j..." s ,tii 1 Go All, ov r our own; State, from the ravine of r the .mountains to the lowlands of l he East, and tell through church 7 (Lebanon). :;We hare no J gsa delightful ahd profitable 'V⁢ of I hoaa faithful.and earaest ment1the, house to worship in, and Bro. J. S. the exercises, t By this :plaa ,tho'.Babt Pevane D. -S.: Benson and myself J bath school would heartily engage io bate undertaken the task to omia a j.und be delighted,' ami -' benentecu oy hou8e!. and, I asked' the Cedar Greek Tohurch sineing,1 and the chqtph.wQuld union to assist, wmca tney ma very i taKe a like part ana pleasure in sao- bath school singing; mug tne two would be brought near .together, - - J. A. Stbadlst. , bberallv: Brew K. if, : MelTiu cave 5 t EoW. L : Smith;; $1, A. B. Bo. deaux 12, G. P. Thomas $1; W; Cain 50c J. G; Lateu 50t.!i and.iome Otters, amoiintiEg-tO f 1Z.50 In caan. Those who pledged we're Bobt Smith 5V W. Ji Suttn 5, W. JEvanB $1, $ion Smith tl. D. O. Smith tlMon roe Peldrson 3. A. B. Bordeaux t, W.'J. Kuas 50c., J . . jtw'.Meajord i, CHRISTIAN G1TIG. After a sermon -from 1 Cor; 6: 20, in-humble but earnest 'Christian!;" dame to ' the .writer sating: Jl . want JT. ,W Eusa 50c. M. Hales 50c., mak for the cause of i ChriaU What ; shall ; Saying B wishes - an- "interview with you if convenient We were soon face to face. ' He said; "I am distressed fet the existing' coolness between us.' 1 He was soon told enough, "the Devil is aeau. a a&io auueu uw jass : cir bumstance to show my view! of for giveness,, which I; hare - often ; been a8lced. ior . Home think the Christian should never chide: or . rebuke the wrone-doer: others never interfere because of their own imperfections lest they should be renroyea. and - doubt less we have known some fearin? their temporal interests may be checked' or their popularity enected. XMever check any in church or State. Butlike Da. via. "let u the V Righteous sm i te me" and I'll r. thank him, : and must , be feady to smite him,, (but righteous ly) and with tithe first i sign of re pentance I must, I can. I do forerive. It is written, "He that confesseth his sin. and f orsaketh it, shall be f or- riven." not before. s. . t I would be clad to hear more prac tical preaching, hoping it. might nave a similar effect to one produced some TEAR TO BE FRIY0L0US. ing $20.50: Yours in: Christ, W. M. Mohroe. T SOUTH R1TEB UNION. I The TJnion meeting of the South River Association met with the church"at Flea' ant Union, Sampson county, on April 28th, 1883.- ; Among other queries, the following "was discussed: "Axe we under any obligations to the Jews; if so; what ?w Whereupon it was- " ' '- ' t! ' ' ' Resolved 1. That we are under great obli gations to the Jews; ' ' t 2d. That the Baptists ought to have mis sions sfwciaBy to the Jews; ' 1 a A . . t Sd. That the Chairman, Secretary, and 2lder R. Newlony b a. committee to write a suitable' piece coacemi ng the above query, and forward to the -editor of the Biblicai, Rbcordkr for pablicatioBr' and that the Sftoretarr forward to i the Secretary of the Southern. Baptist Conveation these reeola tions to be laid before that body for consid- eratiOB? ' '.u . -.t UO it vi'.is- " 4th. That should armission to the Jews be set forward that we will give our hearty co operation.': - Under resolution 8d, the following Is sub- mitted:-'""'-' ' V. The Christian has a deep interest tn tne I srive ? To what obieeba ? - How much '', ; I was glad to have the que- brelbwu were aiaxious know their duty in respect togiringi; . i The right o! (iod over! u is absc lute and supreme. N' part'. of . us is our own. uur hearts, our anecpiona, - our.willsy are His. fi An,, act ; of ( wor ship, evon so proper in itself may or may not be acceptable to uoa. w ae- . r r. . i . , .. ... ... . .si. m penas on tne nears oeipg in .it. ; xo sotnfevery strict, in form and ceremo-. nies, our. Saviour -said: -",WelL,hath: T.aftinii nronhftsiad Of VOU. hVDOCrite8. 4 it is written1, this" people honoreth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me' . . : .. . ; ; Our bodies are alao his, : aa;weli aa Our souls.:. We must take care -of thfem, missionaries of our State Convention, 1'Tbe old old .Story.'? Go speak the Word of Life, every Sabbath through ycurown pastor,', All , this you do when with earnest prayer, you con tribute to the support of , missions , at home and, in foreign, lands, . and ; to maintain a pure gospel, in your own midBtr and to sustain Christian ichoola.' THatfit is our duty tojgiye to these object we know for "Even fa' hath the Lord -ordained, that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel," but how few realize" the brivileoe of - bearinff part in this treat and glorious work eveh while we toil j years back. Pastor P. found much on farm, in shoD or store or kitchen, I pleasure and done much eood in vis- yea w hite we lie on the sick bad. i And Iting his flock of ten. j One Monday frnat a pnveieger Jt I A. navOi. out i morning ne caiieu tm oister ; o. ana mperiectly Answered ,' two of our 1 felt anxious to know how Bhe enjoyed I A WORD FROM BRO. D0DS0N. j SUBSCRIPTIONS, ACCOUNTS, &C. Female colleges, academies , and private schools have accounts', for board, tuition, &o. The men who are debtors neglect to pay. They - die and their administrators are bound by law not to pay when the account runs out of date. According to the common lnw of Virginia, it is Baid, s sealed bond does not go out of date j for 20 years. All open accounts ought to be closed by bonds. Let a young man with a Bmall salary go out nnd rthlW.t the monev or close bv bonds' If this is not done.' th cred itors are ish. B refuses to pay date, he is not an honest man. A man reckless of moral principles will be s ire to come to nothing sooner or later. He has no right to go Into J . . ...... rn. ' 1 I HI . . LI. ... in hlfA tVi. hnn-ll .ii: . ...L.: mm tlin wnt -navinc hia1 aeDts. xne mas- tus auusue iun uu uw uim wu i iiinunK ceruiiu vuuiu, iiuieuv iub meet will be a dav of fire and will tributionrf, and only did' it when they i pame,) he saw the Devil on dress pa- opresn rift nArnnn., A aubscriDtion hadpraved him, with much entreaty l rade Now if he was then without mar) n fn TniflHinnH. An' tutver iroes out that he would receive their eifts'.,,. : . his telescope, or field camp glass, of date with an honest person. Ism ; And how did they raise this Jarge; trusting to natural vision, you see he m . m - - i - r i 3- i ? r a. a - - -t. ' a.- k , penny wise, and pound lool- I ;eeo, aresBjf ano wora; iinm wwur i ntif the debtor is livinirand recta. ; in fiyme then; tne nrtt.tmng, hf an account oniv out oi I requires vi ua iok w WrM brother's questions, and my article is so long I fear it will find the waste-. basket. If not I will , in future an swer the other. ! J. B. Marsh. - - . ; -. j, -. r- . 1 1 . . ' -i. .... - THE DEYIL IS BEAD. i- W"" 1 . - - . - ' Dear Editor:--I have met with con siderable puzzle through your most excellent paper, but can't charge you with my perplexity, and how . to get at the author just now does not ap pear, quite plain. You were some time past in the habit of publishing the sermons and travels of the Vener able Elder Washington J ones. Many us read them with much interest the Sabbath service. Whyf sir t in fche morning? your sermon on the Sovereignty of God, his wiseimmuta pie ..i purposes, unchanging ' Grace, pre I was aware, made .me almost Shout in the language of the Psalmist f'Come let us magnify the Lord, to gether. . let ? us exalt his name. Your practical discourse in the after poon on Moral Honesty, opened my eye8randl thought it the longest sermon I ever beard, l never wanted to hear Amen so bad before. Sunday I -rrivoloumesswiftrnrumrBuyrlife;?-' No frivolou8ness succeeds in any great . enterprise, sso xnyoious man suo- ceeas in ouBiness, -.o . commeiciai : -kind." I Busine8 is' not'a" trick "in amusement; it is "hard workt hard etudyy daily consideration, ' Incessant v planning- wakafuutesa viat ought never to sleep. If so. for a corruptible ' crown, i what? f or an 4 : incoixuptible ? j :i The danger is that we- make light of ; . . 1 - -a tne gospel because, .ox -onr aisregara, ; for the f manner in which it is spoken. Were we anxious about the vital mat-? Iter we should not care how it was ut tered. All mere study of : manner, -and way of putting familiar, truth, is - an accommoaauon to tne mvouty oir the age,.f When we are told to' make ; bur service more interesting, our mu-H Bio more uyety, ur . pruuiug . uun .r .,; animated, we are but told to stoop to . the frivolity of the time, that we may entrap a truant attention" and 1 arrest ... a wanaering uunu. viitcu du auxiuua people, hungering and thirsting after 5 righteousness; knocking at the church door;- saying, "upen to me tne 1 gates . of righeoasness, I will enter in and' be glad ; this ts the day the Jjord Jiathv taade'i we; need unoi study any me-r bhanical arrangements ! or nrge , our--Selves s to any-:; unusual animation l of ; manner; the urgency of ; out: desire, the purity and nobleness of our. iym-, pathy would4 supply . all - the , condi- f. tions required by the God of the feast, y for the pouring out of heaven's best, wine ana the preparation Tof all , the v fatlings of the neavena for the . satis- r faction of our hunger; ,. God makes all the ; .universe contribute to.', the soul's growth, t ! , , . " "Mt tixen and "my iatungs are ; as it was I was determined to put my j tined ahd readyi" therefore come to' old half-bushel measure on the fire,! kwfl marriage." ' 5 -'' :s ' - ? Biid have a nleasinsr remembrance of God. soul and body. f Paul:isays j of i their point!,' b'nt' in 1 nearly the ' last the- Miacedonian Chtistiaost' "The otete maker a great; mistake. Bot i ibtihdance of their joy and their deep perhaps he ought to be excused; he is and get a new one. (She had long kept a village store and sold potatoes, boal, apples, : etc. ) I did think I bould not go to Church in the even ing. My measure was burnt,' but the fire within- sot hotter and ! hotter. tThe bell struck out f-r church; I felt I must eo and hear my doom, l was ''g,?!? .iSSs JSJlif S J?L2Sr JR AlSf ffi -f "0 t "?t tehen he eomethm the glory of hts Father with jewgiaSamuqb asof them are the Prophets, very glad that so few in North Car- I Contribution ? Not by some tableaux J might be mistaken in the gentleman the holy angels. Jesus h intrasta this and the Divine Oracles; and of them ac i;,:-!, inrlined to nlav off tricks I or grand festival or raffle appealinff in command. But about his account, lift nr wtif.rienUl and crosses with the nie .aaimt ime: For lona: I u . , . J ......... I tit j.-.a k I t i j i t. . v. J wU alwry? mSEe peBpft ngtf kW W life or self-denial and crosses with the lue of crowns and glory. His taking the cross now is the preparation for His coming in glory. So our cross-bearing prepares us for tne crown-wearing. If we always ac knowledge Him in His humiliation, He will certainly acknowledge us in. His exaltation. Let us confess Him while surrounded by His enemies, and He will confess us, when surrounded by the angels. III. The Fact that this lowlylLlfe of His will glre power, and not weakness ' - as the Disciples doubtless supposed. ShaU not taste of death tiU they have seen the kingdom of God come with power. As if to say 'My mission now is one of weakness and submission. I will let them take me, put me ou the cross and crucify me, just as if I had no power to help myself, but you will live to see a manifestation of the power which will come through my submission and ' death.? Pentecost showed forth the accumulated power of Calvary, and Christ shows forth to-day that , power through those who are' willing to follow In His foot steps of self-denial, cross-taking and obe dience. His ; way is to empty ua of self that he may fill us with power.' - - - - - - - - - - i KumON MEETINGS, &c. n-j ihctat c&mB,I?ftr.lone years tney nave ien iue uih;wir. -Israel's God. Jjately we hear that they are suffering banishment from some countries. No doubt many of them during the sad past have with deep aigbings -and longings of heart looked back to the Fatherland, and to the ancient days of Israel's prosperity and greatness. To them the winds have moan A in mnh melancholv strainB. that tears might freely flow from the eyes of all who have a sympathizing heart. Jesus wept nA thAiiL - Oncrht thev not to be met by all Christiana with Jhe most earnest expres sions of sympathy; and at the Bameithneihe. same time the gospel in Us richness (which has so much of promise , for themy b4 ten dered to them. To us missions specially to the Jews is a subject of great importance:. i Let us hear from you, brethren Who are competent to write upon the .subject.. I. Rotal, , J5tt" B." DowinuQ, R. NBWTOH, ; : . ..... "i . .i . Committee. Buxkhorn, May 1, 1883. v s iheirvwh'lSlQlve.. , they, -"hrst. gave to us by the will of loo." - The question of the brother. "io what object shall I give(v? is a very practical and, important one,. x4ot every guti-' nowever . luitguiiiucuu, w acceptable to woo. .u i NO one would ior a moiaeni waim thatihbnev given to a poor . drunkard to buy liquor to drink, or to a poor a TiAwinn nan pet the London and Edinburg Reviews, both for 1882 for $4.50. Address Leonard Scott Pub. Co., 41 Broadway Street, New York. E. Dodsoh. SABBATH SCHOOL SONGS. ' I am elad to know that the editor of .the Biblical BecokDeb is getting htinrrV for Watts. Bippon, Wes in rmr Sabbath schools. I have lOne thought oi, ana earneauyuciuicv .VJ: v.-,ft y , A. VMS v"vufi" ,r , .i nA I a fTio antSfiti tea which God has. com.' v zrr-r---. - w I ,An ii to crucitv and not tof m OA AX www . J , ....... gooa. oomeoi r t tt. di8lagtefui to GodrM preservea,anu aus j r L' merelv for its nlaifSca- yet to v w 1 nioasvKventoivea nne uxua X HUUXIA UUb uaig uuhuieu utj uhm) por your loving readers, which are 5iaov Kho JJiink .e-verythinfir inthe sometime before the account of Eld. G. W. J., a worthy brother preached at our Association,, and publicly de clared in his Bermon "the Devil is dead," and he, repeated it, savin rh Tlevil is dead. Brethren." bid half bushel, where .Peter brought his blush, David his ' broken bones and Mary - Magdalene her Devils. !"By faith I saw them floating to a land of forgetiulneas," and hope to do better." ......... Thomas Siradlbt, Sen. v . STTHSHINE AND SHADOW. - A few months ago there lived two miles from Asheville a happy fam ily. Bro. John Brevard, his godly wife and their children maae.upa; "rinrriA nirp.lA. which it was the pastor's delight to visit. Bright,cheerful and He keeps back nothinsr from the soul,' he plucks the highest grapes inf : the vineyard of heaven for the soul, . h'e seeks " out the 'goodliest - and C choicest of his' possession7 and treas-'- urea that the soul may be satisfied ; ' he has kept back nothing; . last of aU, , ne sent niB Don saying - --. I s "They will reverence my Son. . In that fact see the symbol of all that can be crowded into the sugges- f tion that God-withholds no good: thiog that can minister to the soul's development, and the soul's growth : in trum and love, and : grace. Ben Dr. Parker. ; i , , 5 i UK. CHURCH OROrTTH. have been sorry he.did not tell us JLjai Bi8ter Brevard was a jewel where he was Dunea. x nave tuougui. f- i.:ftn husband and children had IT J x i - J ka. I Awn AAwi a rvc foon rrrfii hlTYl . I i . . t - tt.a. am' I in 1 j"""6 . ..T-,.j..'.l r Tii.i ii -t a vlt t aa 1 vu, b. r, --T . .. , t nhiActs OI atre,. won a oe pieasing; w uw sua wJlru" Vur. P sunsmneior an arounauw. ; - f - - . . I A arhv r riflfMTIHlT - LlltJV UIlUlBbCl I U1U1. 1JJBH U5.nuwu, I : , nfiUT- r n nnriHfl in WI11CU IUCT 1 w - V . . , - . . , i. i.L.Vl. -.'!( " " . . . I i:nnf,vi nf 1H1TIH! tarn tireacner cave unmisuiuuio ct- i . , it-.' HoaortAd ima t aesoiatd. i MINISTERS' AND DEACONS. MEETING. stTNDAt ' jSCHOot r Institute s at i , PERRY'S CHAPEL. . ,-, . , t L . -' -- - Although the' clouds threatened rain, 'the writer and five other students left the Col lege at 7 a. m. t attend th & 8. Institute t be held at Perry's. ChapeL. which place, thrnnirh thn" tindness of . MrV'.BarroW, to rreaflv indebted for furnish- ine us a conveyance, we reached about. 10. where we found Dr. W. CLankford and Rev. JI H. Lamberth. : The attendance was not as large as was expected. f Bro. J. Pruitt conducted the devotion al exerciseaL i 1 . The first query,: 'What is the best mettK cd of condacting-r Sunday vachoola,:in.the. country.'? to-vead idisBna.JiThjy' ;N. S. Jones, E. Ward, and Rev. Mr. Wei- Ions. , - v - r "".-fl. v "l -. . At 11 in . Kflv' j. ri.'. LtsmDerta u rescu ed a most excellent sermon from, John: 1,A. ;it rfrfnok we were entertained arid ed ified by the discussion of the second Query, 'Should every member of the 'church be a worker in the Sunday school t JSrettren Murchison Lamberth and PnrneU , took .part in thia discussion. It is unanimously., decided in the affirmative. . . -i The third ouerv. 4Howt shall we labor for the conversion of. 8. jSiacholarat'! was discussed by Brethren J. tJJ t!ruiw ana x. P. Ellington, v - . - n v' - ; i The meeting then adlourned, and all went home feeling that they had truly received a blessing from the Lord. -' v' 71 ' " t: . - . YY; j. liABKFUlUfi VUU1 U. , ' a J. L. Nbal, Secretary. k Wake Fbreet, May 5. 1882; i x-i --"!-. m There was a Ministers' and Deacona,' Meeting with , the,,.-waugntown , x church, m Forsythe -county,, fOBFrM b-. fore the Sth Sabbath in Apr, 1882 in troductory Sermon by Elder R. W. Crews, from Mark 16: 15i .'lAnd he said unto ttem, Go ye lato -all :the world and preach the gospel to every creature-' . , .... .- i The f olio wlngr queries were discussedk ' t'Ah exposition of Tim. St 8-r3s' "The Dea'conshlp." : Dtscttsslon Opened by Eld. tt - a., -D.n' vtv ttvm that the 'Lord rer quires: no more of a deacon, so far as his chatacter is concerned, than of any other Christian. Other remarks were made by Brotf T; J. Valentine, Eld. R. Ri Moore and TaiWhaouglt to be done with the church hA t ottia iii mnnort Christiantty, andiistk' tegular i draavdrinker t .JTast a neater; EldiB. R. Mooter Other speeches byfcBTOiiXJ J.) Valentine EhL R Gaurley; andlQd.H.iAi Brown.. .1 1 .y- w-r i vM - t serHlOB raiajr vj pit. nnrtion i of these songs . are from-bemg first class, either in sen timent or . music They are short lived, and it is well they are. .They axe sung for a few months, and then thrown aside as worn out and worth-- less. ' " ' ' ' The flood of modern Sabbath school song-books now pouring In .Upon nay results in four evils pf no small magi mtttdev; First: A vast sum of money is wasted in buying a-new song-DooK every year. Secondly: ,' Much pTeCious; finin is wasted in learning, and smg- of but little, or no merit-r. .Knm tvf. tAAnh no solid eospel truth. Thirdly: These songs have almost en- tirely suppiantea tne now u wut. ,.k antVinraaa these above named, iViA Viavn triven the world; the; best vivmna : ever written for divine wor ship; Fourth: , But perhaps the :.greaV' est evil is this: toe -aimosi , universal nnvA.mcA of , these modern oaoown onTini Bftnors. i rdoinsr much Lto pner Vent that concert of action that ought at: i between' - church ". ahd Sab- hath'schooL : The great .body-; members never sbntrs as are now our Sabbath schools. rain Treacher T6iT6 idanftea.' 1 unaerstooa ne was cqumu with a laree solid bolus of Forgive- pess. coated over with sugar of Con Two old deacons had been at variance a lone ! time. They both thought they: were the bell-weather of livd looks -deserted and desolate. The children are at Grandfather's Wnd thfl husband boards in town What " haa turned the sunshine into feuch a shadow It wasoniy an at tack of measles, common in , the com munity, from which many had easily ii V. U- Vui nnf. in r LUUUKUU .W; . 1 I -o ... . . 1 . . with massive towers and spire reach the flock, or else they ougnrovw, ecoverecL'. But she grew worse, un mi fat heavenward. Uownrany wno,i and tney oiten ouiteu eauu otucrwuu eall themselves .Christians give so mhch to gratify pnae, xnat tauy ,iee tnable to give anything for God. i Giving should oe scriptural, xne Bible points oujbjtwo objects for which We should give pne renex ui mo poor and afflustcdhnd the spread of the GdspeL The blessed Master said: "Giv6:tc hiM that aaketh . of .thee; sometimes the younger: ones caught a hard poke. i. Sometimes these old felt lows butt the shepherd and divide the flnfk. However, these two oia men had their parties and refused to speak to each other a long time. '; It came to;pass that one of them needed more'ppenand for family use, and published m. the settlement, on a k,il, on Sunday. about twelve o'clock, phe seems to have caught a glimpse of iGoda , chariot coming for her, and kaid to her husband VBy three o'clock. ij ! :kni Wn m nfifTfed F 1 iii pass the oil man's door, and about fia-whkt fiay;be betfegW 11. bo we. I Oar Saviour tells.. us-"The . Uown YelloW-jackets' nesU began to L havfi with vou always," -and -that sting tender 'place and operated tiirnouxtirfioriaL effectively: making mm ceu nts ex- . !. . : j I. a. Mm m.s-.'m-r-t mm mm mm Wtn W1 " TTm 1 ' SATHEIAY MOKWIKO i tfyrVli iha heathen be .-ajed wHnouttne, gospfelJisoussiwa .opene , by Y at-, enffi attef I'which ;.otber 'remfcts , were Siffe iM ?retitfetf G0Urley,'M'oore, Browtl,, .RiCnardsortanaiWUsoti ' w .;, : j Dbes the Bftfle hold those church mem- hera,Jwhb pay their, subscriptlousiot cnurcn i -vV o. art nf rliirious SStffl K KervYce VBit iisu'ch ytons ."wertfJ helpipgi theeH ri our" Sabb.Utachif. WhSS Brown; r tiouney- ana "JfT'.rTa I thoughtlul cnxirca'memjwja vuuiu question yas .m" V feel were worth learning ana singings It does it m;thi(war,l ?nojeVm: . church with him. if I A -i-le l?Zmf: &I U m need? I see the beat wiu warn or siug TTnT Ti. Wv for vna ia to sav farewell christi- generally, sung m give mem .rTI I E "n -iV; An htter Bvthk . 'I'haV TAaal T)nm W i KlfUf-'iKf 'TilUvMSwiir ".V.T WT mf I tm.. '--- lt mm-. 1! .i-L.'L. a U'A. 'iW.'MA' V " little interest i..Jhem. They seem or. W Klf . j.1 T. maVaa...tham.. And so trovideL-1 for theTh'Wrf to 'helb'btbersy irveTthem patience audfirnihess ,tb time he felt his mattock on his shoul r. . . . . . .... i i j : i tlerj himsew wacjong nis pna jxeigu- rs.. jjinteruokg; the clearing, au eyes o T1 IV frmisrirt of men is not truly increased by j the addition of a yast horde pfrawre bfuits. A churck truly grows iwhen j it increases in efiiciency.; j . . This growth; should be earnestly sought. And this for two very ap parent s reasons:; First, .becauseonly. this way can u weu pcvv t cnurcn exisieuw, and the sane- aecondlv: because the Lord Jesus is especially 'pleased ? with such'a growth. And-so it u written: "These things saith the bon-: of God; to the church in iThyatiraj . . . I know thy .works, and love i and faith and ministry and patience, and thy last works are more than the i t . . . ...... . .- Tin several ways this growth can, be . Lt n iftokinff every one to , ihimself. , The church can grow only Paylshalldeadf Sure at three o'clock she breathed her lasW ESJjJPHl - what dwells in" But the grave had no terrors. Jesus JJ" "Church growth is in-- had taken awa'y the sting.of death. J J1 ftfflridwr he passed into the sunshine of :heav- 1 J? one be willing to: suaaow w. ww s p- t 7. . 1 v M.'1tnt strive to ;ntSinuiviuuui.j - and TChiermentsV must strive to' Patterson,, another member ox ane ICt n bb individ- - mj - m vnn sir. bitivh aini might giye her Ut. enerae. M w l t ,triT, together. , v- -j 1 1 4. intinsncA . vie Me su I to cure her. , Her sick- rr wWa keeper.,. By ex- . sunshine, .the sunshine of JnS&trJrbr: panje.;i cheerfulness and faith.: - ',VaemniAuW: When the pastor, became despondent, J .TlnmIf Cin tik other. ;: The e only had to go and see her. torn urcas V by.musVpwserre bade ashamed of gloomy ieelings. gviSdrilM. Theorld needs; Euring her past few days she was yery gtiinesa, but this it lanxious to ..'depart and .be -with wt ivai Christian's Christ,".-au often begged hns- Ji-goldroTiiiti-.4 ' Cor-' W to Drav Jesus to come and take WLX.iE. only the ler. : JuSt before day she quietly de- rhs7soIeiiiir dfitf of i I . ijaa .ueciueu vu .vTh-Ta f-.-nd' anrib-as they Could sinfc -they bearne vr. union meeung wivu-xw . - --- .!.., !.m.m In Tirtnrv over Bin.Ana;majwB.lQeiH u: M w - j" ,.'?r-.L-rr. SffiSSrffS hZlWZW n ."' ' ' a vr . 1 m.z -L-m. 1 ww i bbebw, tiii i t i . - r a.m 1 ITsjE gidpng; And thus; tnis ueugnuui vt.;u- 8imf divme worship -a... - nJAU yi rti U aaj s affords1 them' . but little.. .pleasure .'or .......... .. . - . j ...It I . Z " ... .... .. '. . . . - i - .n-i 1 Thoa eiosea ac. nappj 7- . . .-,..,., ,1-,, .'--vim 1. 1 iht 1 reniiest auiuioM("'"'if-i : . ai ifK i i t 1 am uroiouuuiv .-.-j luimcssoui ciplme in a:churenwitnarawa.xxuu the weait tne Boiemmj kxvv r ROCKY R1YER UNION I 1 i A TTnino Meetiflir Was held River Association with Clear Creek church. .. iw.i tnri Antnrditv before the 6th Sab bath in April, 1883. Elder E. C Wmiams nrMr.hed the introductory sermon on rl- f&lder Williams', was elected, moderatbf;. Several of the Churches were represented .. by delegation. - ---. ' , y - ' "The meeting was harmonious, Several, questions were uiscussea: umu dvuiut niAfter recess; the Executive Board for the a crwiutinn met: Elder Williams made his report of 25 days travelling, aad 25 sermons w to date. The uoara agreeu ior uim 10 be conunuea, uduci -r next meeting tf the Board f-o4-church on Saturday before, the 5th Sabbath in July next, when and where we invito a J of the churches in tne Rocky River Associa tion to send a delegation to the Union meet- the western pert theAsaociatiou J delecatea to our sweawwK.' ; - Brethren ome ana we iwiu w 6-"-f ist .W.H.Wimok. Clerk. j , SummerfieldrMay ii 1883- 1 f ' ; 1 r .-rr j -' - ' ft 'a r Do not ' pity -yeurSelf. Self-com- t 1 ' tWidea. that one of the-greatest win &n that could come to1 the cause! at a. tViA tireaent' time.". would be to have Out churches' and Sabbath, schools closely bound togeiner m vrirMtrrv and coiODeratioo. -If eacht -.-j ----- ai,tiu&!a"bd so takes away the fear; of t Inr -t '" -L it .. .nMiil iha , vie musu kueu jtiip w ,.p,av .; Gospet. .This should be;th rsa work, of every Christian life. -Tdevetf Christian,' the Lord says:';? "Go y in person or dj proxy j? woria ana preaca hjj uoa w pi.o creatur&"i-!Do thia by personal infln InPA- pit ircnlattiT2-:thef' Biblaad gospel literatuM-and. byhpprtid those whom'fcfod has called to aevpte ' J . m. i. . W " aC tvit. tt T:T i I. . 1 'A.i.J - not, feed k.wiOk thought - till grows ' bfc.Forgefc yohrsciLL . xnmict u. wSrld with its want and woe. Think of God and his help. i.jFIing ; yourself sorrow andan, bpob'.ib uv. maa7 iind-rjon :shaU udhow God comforts those that tian at work.' and Crawford and Walker,go t6 Af rfcf Saraj: u ISTtoWrtu m with ?ae?;w flLTVWIBi W Ww w S3 " and church singing. bdie,Te :.thaT i cmnd would resulLfrom such a change as tnisrxxs aii mo auug n ncd 'j!idft: or burned up - it &U MWW " ' " J anoak nerihe -,words:.Qf r eternal! UfV: And tell ! them -of a 4betteJs fconntry Of which they shall never be despoiiea, .A-n. oil mmla Annioitr.nnnff 1 -v . ' . a. . er, wM" A j " I parted , to oenoia a ngnir..,Auwiu-..iix--- . ... nw,t. v. ... tha motor ? Th loner dis-1 r T7v '-'in. Jl Trii I every churcjx or tjorist. Alan n on iWmv tmmmmm.mmm, j. -w - Trr.-r ' a n n v rnovi fiurT.n vs'r aaa. - aaci a ab vuv , . w alnedold brother approached him,, It An tha iWa atitt 'And K?X : 1 bretto have had such, of thehurch against tempUtion, and !lmttemvn,.n3"Goa 'makes: the -chwch bear. the guilt oi, liusbaud, children and church. tod " rnembcrs. , ' ( f - " --'f - v throws these shadowe of bereavement erring Ja facross our phwayi,because he knows Je work for Christ.'; :that;our graces, ike mm lent to; allow the mem. tt.. i W,li(yir. ftf earth lv tOV Hut r,neWOnu K)arwwttHS vawi xurgno vuo another.-' ThTFseems to bewmplyinj with:the,Onep trouTari.VBeaisthe ? Oeyfl.and, Will.flee itptBfjAA-xW ei 4heiisermen uidg that berso.rganie Pu;r7 - , . ..rniminniinr arx'.itSLY. i-Uiv bne by pne we passnnto tu iuuw- rC organization ought to be; ?.heai .land, where these light afflic- ,cshurc " t r.rh work."The: itiona".are not needed to makeus beW l'schK M Uar anA kn "ti noontide of elory ?an.aaT.-wLu A..4 fBAn-? ""v- -7- - - - institution., .tvnarrtaun; .u.- ferf apdiaawaiiothiBr equally iotrchedl I -f1 Let ua .be careful ;:rVht be undertak- Ik M. Kai I AIT ClAWVA JA T- . . 7 owM he will be ,ureto walk, with SiTStto be impressed; gK)dadpM4caieiiwtonTBany,i;t walk with Jesus among f heardjfind-l'-fiot thaany ' tHnd he will be sxe to .its n beloved brother minister, had act- id aisrrrteodstj, 1o the writer ' (ahd. lis hand; the offended b refused to jlatpiifc.saiing iiatftreet 'wfthan iblrkws; and '-will 6t 'deceive.1; A' soolness -f ollowedf orrjaonthsi ,u.uil we were "hrpu2V'tpetW'hd: ne? bectedly heard the funeral sensoir of .1 4 -Tt - Vo oVi-nrrti the on tne .memuerB iu i.y v- " .---.t Lord's' work-Bhop. . . . . v, m 0T1 i-f.m nnt II.C7T rAniiwf li -rr! ficieuct'' ra s wora.-euui. ,4 , , 1, no' .h-nmlf iTOWth must wk nlfi Wthe rieht thirir in result frorrtirlw digestion 01 the preau the right place, but far uxore difficult df life'. A, faitMuVpious tJA-T.. ? Hrwr.-iny thintr nntl'ministrr is indispensable to .3 "wt r' Vm onvind: mvself. that things MWftt'hi fiTDhcted. toJtuin ' nn pf - V iT"-1. '-i SA-- ml '- WMAD CTM Trt V I the old Father, Above 'Writfen;. tin a I tixcjiaBeiw"esi- jiiVJzwmjT - 1 few cllhulea a kind brother came to me 4assisii w iuxu u. u.- ' ?'-Tb.ev-efrect'-of-rioble thoughts," of : just-principles, of elevated ,oonoep-( .tions, is never lost. Allison' '