iff. Tho BibUcal Recorder, '-I Si. t 'Tlf- .WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1888. ' Baptists believe In. voluntary religion. It is a matter that every one ought to decide-for iiimseLf, . Infanta can cot choose for themselves, and .to, tbey ere. - not proper.subjects of baptism ; they are not riffling "iabjecs70ne reasonof i ur opposition to the' anion , of Church . and State Is the fact that such union VontraveneV Jthls votuSiry - principle." i All citizens are members of 'the State" Church, whether' willing or. not.' Oar Baptist forefathers were taxed : for the support of the State Church, and sp oor ' - -people are tt jealous of anything like ' taxation or Bjwessment but inslfit't on volUtdrp 'Logt But, as hsual, sognev ; 1 . hive gone from one extreme to the other., Opposing compulsory giving for rlig. ions pposesV"soe ba - oppose all gl ving'J We need to bear In' mind, that the question is not between giving and not giving, bat between com fxilsor ilag-saifl 'voluntary giving.; Hie Bibleputs; byocjd idisfiate thedutjr of giving ejwhilTmab ; nestly that this giving, should bevolun- taryr..we d not believe that any are at fibertyo close; theireartsdf the fr. 1 ' purse and 'give ' ng,7Xnd we' be V live that the churches ought to with draw fellowship from thoto who have of 1 this " world's ! goods; and declines ' to , - ' 'honor the Lord with their substance. 'If one should fail to see that this, is (voluntary giving, we' reply that no one - Of his own free-will, he takes upon him, ' 'l in bis bapUsm,rvowa it consecration, to' Christ declaring-fcli purpose to observe Kiarefullythe reniplrements p: thf rdi ; If he is so forgetful -of these yows'aa "i houd tip hie worldly goods: and give ' nothing to the cause of Christ-' and ho- . inanity, he chooses I 'covetoueness rather Uuu; consecration,', and the " church f-; . should treat him accordingly. But this voluntariness is seen especially In the amount of our gifts, and the choice of objects' to which we shall "give.. As to the amount of oar gifts, Paul baa stated . the principle': ' Every man according ' as be purposeth in bis beart;"nof grudg ingly or of necessity; for God loveth a 1 ' cheerful giver.S Cor. 9: He does Sk not iaje are to give or not as we pur pose In our hearts. He takes for granted ?' that we win give, and urges that it be cheerful and hearty. Elsewbere, how- 'M every thejtone apostle states' '' the meaa- ; ore pfaVgif bs? : The be as " (dod -bii'prbBpej 11; !pompring this with other Scriptures, we find the 'minimum limit to be one tenth.? Beyond ? this limiW the Lord has left to our own "f t eonsciencevr j'li w----' likewise, we are to decide, each fpr himself, what objecft are deserving and jrorthypf ? oar yoritribationsc Here ; again we" are met by an? exception. ' The v Scriptures eo" clearly teach "the duty of -' ' pastoral support that it seems tons that po member oagbJL to be e:ratss4fcs i ntrrorfting according to bis ability to - tae;Wupirt . . -.i ( . . -it-:Ctj7ii--i I teu himsetf as, to all these objects and gikre to th worthy and Withhold frpm i ?toe i unworthy vk, utneianty we pastors of our churches to explain to the xeople the"' objects , which claim: their "benevolehce,1 thal they may understand whichr are c most .aeeerving anA oaviae ; ) their gifti accordingly. 'No leaaimpera-; k" tTve is the doty resting npon the pastors ; Q ibgiTeLthlB "people an .t9pprtanltyto AMMtalkMf a a ViaBA AMaata ! fanw da leread andlwilUng' to ive? bt thef 'do ; yi,t - . t - r . .f i . elearly set before ;them,:theyr most de-; lde for themselves. I Aecordbgly, It veema to us unwise to' make comparisons as to the relative lm-i r h-K- :f y ; Ixrd-;wortaLet the pastor, elearly set before the people the claims and the! r.rlf h?drroentr:let those In War of each cause earnestlv nrVe all .fh viia PA..nna for T.m.MiitintT .nAh' irJ j-a. i. WVI t ) auvi itucu : a.u w rtheir owh consciences dictate. virSi i :'. Givinsr . should be iroluntary i i we ' should "give willingly and ' cheerfany-f with .ihe facte before ua).we.: are 'tdi decide apsn the objects and amounts?! i our gifU, remembering' the ?1 iautationi Sraboveoted. --?t j ". :;' : ;"'irri'i it ..TJC ; vtSs. f . " u, I?0" hu" . duty or for iniormatioo t; If yon 'desire '-'f to.be instructed,; we;: will -say that we ft thinkvyotrare your " brother's keeper. ; . whirl of' business arid, the exactions ttf -; ; aeUUhneaa, maoy . do not take tiin ti vbeeame aoqaainted with the members of V household of faith,nor to take any , -7Tr-.i I tnemben aery interMUaette We s that voa have lost much ol the skill re 1 u'.J t-i j -r w.j i. Squired for its performance. In the busy lm-:te'-ia w M,f V fJi3Wi ' . "'. interest in those with whom they-arl v'aw i.i'iimMti" :-.J- " men who are in .almost every comma - i r. r : " , z . , t ' - "B nave aooui 9 memoers; 1 v nity, members or Baptist churches, who Jf Contributions: State Mhslons; notbl feel .Isolated and alohe, because tbe ing; Home Missions, nothing; ? Associai ;' t,. v,A.'l.nnntU fh.iil k'Wr tion&l ! MissIousJ hothlncr ;.'Poriiflnf U.- liafA h.i nnnntlnpii hv thnir hpAthrWrir' H! r' . vr- who live around them. ' This loneliness .lis especially oppressive," because, in 1 many Instances, these people have left . behui) the sweet and hallowed religious ; v associations, h The vast husineBs opera- ?ltlon'of this country have brought the jwhole people ? into a- common eommu ..nity. And mcnengsged In telegraphy, ,; railroad ailirg, and commerce, are eon " stantly changing their, places of resi ': derice. Young men especially are daily v thrdwnii&to strange communities,' where - the temptations -to evil are numerou?, and wbf re tbe Inliuenees to piety are - weak. ; it is the duty of every christian . to be on the watch for such strangers, : andf invit. ti.3t, with words of sym pitilf, to the .' house .of God. There is .- ' a tovo in tba State la which cf peep!?,. nea tai wcn:en, r .t i - .cad, v l. j pre tilcown to . r-r L'.l-t-rs cf tbe c!:,rch .roQnd them. The coldness and Iz,di2erence of these church" members "Lavs ). driven these strangers into places of amuse-' ment, worldliness and sin. There ought to be in every town chore!) a commit tee, composed Of iuenand women, who have the most pleasing address, and the most attractive manners of any j in the church, to beltnowq as The 'CbmmitteT on ; Strangers. This committee should feel It a high privilege, and a fsblemn duty .to find outj the stranger: bv-the to.wn, and halite then to '-'tb house of Godyoand makethsm feel at borne among the saints. And where there is no such committee the churchTshould regara useias a commniep oi me wnole to attend to this important; master. Hundreds of bur- Baptiet people 1 are driftmg away fronf ixs evf ryeariwhb; might be held and made osef ol, U par' brethren would give 'themirberlyr: attention ; which Uie .Fathers children deserve.' 'It may be,' brother, that there are'Ionely heartslust at your ,doorV who : are ry earning; for s sympathy and fellowship, ttf whom yon have' spoken ot 9ne word of wetopme pr encourage ment, ijxoa," may ; nave oeen IndrtTerent to them, and yoa nia eontinae to be iot jbat there are others who have not' oeen ana "wno wi- not te.- . These strange .lonely Baptists hav'eseen faces that emued to i allure, -and - they have heard Volees thai bavsung lo eharm thfmlhto fihand rdnrth'e;iae been5 yitebda&)u tte aalooni.-j ?Not .ly-4s i there remlsaBteas In' this narticnlar ontbs D&rt of mant tirofess-- ' l togcbristian,ateTh'ir I wanting the spirit, of cordiality rand I Mnttly inMfeoane la; mhw-inuaiee&.l Withany memlraof-theBame4Aarcb The- mei&bere -divide themselves' Into; I circles;' 'anoTno'one dares to break' over i theundary,we. heaTa gopd deal I abou jeeognition .in heaven, ibut , as some odeshas said, ft Would be? far bet ter'ifSre hadf little'mbre 'recognition on jtbeiearthjpaslif - ineighbpr ing State once said - reprovingly. ; to hia people' I - suppose-When we et' to beaTethVangel wftl jboCmetake yoar.churcbrnp to' that amaranth grove' and introduce them to eao other" ,C ,: .In1l Kings and 20th chapter, we Bead a parahje addsedbjj king .In: these - words, " Behold a man turned a&ide, and brought & man to me, and :aid, Keep this - man if- byany means he be missing, then shall thy Se be "fbr his life f , , .And '" aathy i servant waa busy here and there, be was gone." OS let us remember that the Lord has put men in our care," to "keep 'for him. We are oar brothers f keepers,' ; Some people are respectable church-members, very res peotable members of society,but they iare ' busy here "ahdthee,w; with plf aanrwltiB,' aelfj wlth'Mohey,Lhd the matt; given to- them Jo?, keepj 'is goae-gone to raihL' - t- '.Cn -i , . 'ttt:i1:irtwwKvrfs3lS I fl'B a city caued.ln tne xxew xeatamenw Thealonfcasvcitf whicli U aaid tQ be, at the present time, rich and populous, In this Maceddnian city" Paal creached the gospeL? A churchy com poeed largely of converted heathen, who had ''turned to - - ' - X dbd .front idols to serve the Uvmg and Urjjf ..pdsras pUheedeed,- some say.tnai unnstianity naa never De-; come exttnete in Tbessaloniea since its stplantrnVt; - (f aPaol tefd Jthwchurch Jin grateful, re-.; jnembranceJ l He addressed : to her two letter, iri the ffref bf ?which he ppeaks I V - . ..... . . I i mends the brethren as being :ensam: pieeto;tAtba4beUeyt!ioeed r 1 ?WV Lw -'.."JM -:-'-) i'V.-.r Jl ahala , faAvn WAn 0aavj4&v Anw vKa word of the .Lord nM only inacado! -nla and Aohaia, but also in every place our faith to God-ward isspread abmad." fj hodyf Their.,faithiand love, andope tnem 4o incessant labors for God) than' and.patient of. hardships, afflfotfons and persecutions: t jShe was, therefore, a oieZ charcb.' was, "Padlrsayj as much when he calls the brethren s nsBples'-iypes mdddsj praisS and warm place in his bearCt list OS now turn awayf rotn this model church JoeOntem other body ? whic li we witf (w bear to calf by per. true name for Xear of offending1 but io' this writing we will epeak of bee as Ibaths Shadow Baptist ChckchJ -Thl ibcality :bt,tfit chMcliyoa)tteeinpi f : iZnt 1Sncp afnOA rh?i rTi f ih iariff Uri it-i t irii-ViS..' I - - -- - ? - . - , j ueain ar on&aow xtapnac jnoren to p tfii 1 v .. . , -. -' Association ' eeOdeth fcTeetiog; Bear Brethren : We send .as deleeatei .brethren Ak'aod htm I ' "Brother O fe preaching for ns no w tsalary..v.-..iiiHswima4ti-: 1 ...a . i .. . . , ... . t.cn.itxr..urMT'.hi.v.tw n sions, nothing; Sunday Schools, noth? ing : Thoaiasville Orphanage; -"nothing Ministerial KducatiocL nothing; Minute Fund, ttothlng. ? ?.pvxi. 1 "Brethren, we are few and weak; but thank thd Lord, hdt art "strong in- the v' It is difSeuIt to decide which proved the 30re interesting the aggregate of the contributions, or the strength of the faith of Death1s Shadow Baptist churchL Heaven save us from both the faith and the works of such a charch ! 'I Bat what about the problem Simply this:. Imagine a line drawn .between the Churches ofc Death's Shadow: and Thesf iloc:. It will be a long line, f or thcyiTre wide apart ia chiractrr and, locality too, ; Along this line art piany, very tury t.U jptUt- cliarches in; North U.tro''aa. ;' ilany of them araia perilous proximity to Death's Shadow; a bapj y few are wrjl up the line towardi Thei- a:Nl salonica. This, then, is on a of the great prot !ems for North Carolk v Bar lists to solver. How can our chun e$ le moved up the - line from Death's' Shu iow to TheaafUonicat " i . . j. 4. -t Is it not an interesting problem t "" . j.X VALUABLE TRACT. i ,The fAmerIcan:BaptUjt ; ablicatipn Society is Issuing a series "of 'doctrinal tracts, One of these- Is on the Parar inount and Permanent Authority of the. DiMa anJ x f n hw Tin TntYn A f Broadus.- In his usual clear and forci ble style" be shoVs" how neither reason ChrUtian consciousness, the tendency of the times, culture, the church, nor indi vidual inspiration can be" an authority el with the Bible: j Tbe re velatlon is complete, and we need hot look for. any new truth to be: revealed. ? Bafc there may be progress In interpretation. Research in Bible lands, physical sciehce lingl8tie sfu($ies have belpediptfind new meanings in the Bible. (,Pxovidence has helped men io see truths taught In theBible Jbhnthe fBaptiet had no special revelation as to bow his mission, was to end.; .He did not know,, till he found himself In the duogeon not till the" executlooet,, entered ! his "celL . He learned from Providence.' r ,Porf 7 years ago therar tgseat contr9yersy eoncerning the te jot Scriptarb ae t sUver i TOeieyIUej f Neither of them was extreme Vugh tot satisfy a laree' proportion -rof -his fol lowers. Ta "je&ns later; a alto'ln1 nearly Impossible bythe fires of passion,, owKraogeiyBcnpiarewas haBdledbothiNorth5 and South! MuV I to tj t. 5 ViV;lVU.rv-i'fi WMWSs. I we are 04onge eonsiaermg. uvimj quest ion of politics land inorals, but . question of ancient' history: r And,if I rememoejjarigw; uxe great resiueus many of qb, tn air parts of the coanrry, are coming" arouad 'tbt aJbonV that wn3 cepUqnlProvidepce changes oar ftandr point, and we see Soripture in a differ? ent Hshfc i? w. .fiwtouia li.il 61. QtherJlI'atubnai given of . thia principle, i'and : of , the,, importance h of careful , investigation ; as to? the true meaning of God's Vword, and the heces wtyj of,- nnvarying, snpmUsioritb iit authority. The ; traet f closes i with a warningagainet" the" beginnings' of departure fromGoda word,3 it: 5$K-rse-i, ...L jj,iui . .. ..i mi i..i ALL THa Baptist ' Almanacs ! printed for 1SSS were disposed of before Chrlst inas. -Hundreds -o orders "couldOjt bf filled t Will try to do better next year, and print enough for every good'Baptlst to get acbpy Tf ; any 6f ''obrhretbren who-trdered Almanacs have, any spare copies on hand that , tbej eannot aeli readily they will please return them to hsatoarxMnse:-??a W, "ifaft.i It for motion IFjmUmdvi .ft Jfegardtothepwriosed.'planiiormlding indigent '.ad worn' oor Baptkst minis ters.r It -seems; to ms this matter; baa not beep brooght 4a the kttentibn of thevdencmination as' it liould b. for while other object, mls8ion,i Orpban age.'&s. 'ought to receive hearty sbp poft from all, this object appeals with irresistible force. The plea that we are all poor and have a great' many calls for help'.'does. hot'exense,.' for with one hundred thousand gtvers, one cent from each" 'makes"' one t thousand n dollars. twentvflve cents from eaohitwentv-flve tbonsand;e S -f j,w could have sought' this information privately,- but if yoa wilt give it int your paper it may be what others wish? to knowVery troly yodrs aLonisburgl Dec. 2Qth, t8S7 , AO Al .WO AUVW. UCUWIW .U.AUQ. wri I Mns .wors: have not. been arranged by 'I'f' a. "? --iL a ---iki" -' ' - f J I ttlD ' WrSnlB matfnr1 hoo hann Mfwfnifl (. Would b: glad to hearf rom any mem-M - wi m a ' Uber. of .the Board on the'eubject. Ed. Ctoe tof Pastorate at -n.i .AA.j2i A aKj.ii .r. my work as pMtwUh'the'eharch ati Klnnie's Cteekt v Tbe brethren and peo- pie of that eooittiunlty eeeuaed veal ani-f os tnat l continue oor as their pastor,!' bur circumstances were of 'tach a ebaH acter that 1 could not. We parted with! the oet.1 of feelings and I am happy to say that I have great confidence in that peo'ple: 1 tbey nre few in 'number and uuauciAuj weaa. ua tuey seeuieu iow 'tryingl to- do' what t tbey can.'t I shave! foaDd,dnrit3gr uiy ay with the,' thati whenever we showed them a doty, from Qo'S; word Hhey were fekdy topedorw it.' ? As regards pay iog their past or iihey have paid m better. tOao aay eborch? t have everleconBideriog their abll Ity ntj- Wheh hurcU ts doihk. whai they-canj thotogb they con tribatebdt littlej 1 appreciate; it as'though 1t" wai nmchf - But wbf n 1 see a ehorch tryinrf to'makik; big show and db .boMtttWil . n.wn uuh aita in ti&m luriiiHiu. '1! uhri nran at Kinnte's Creek.' hot of that klnd,fr They say but little, , bat 1ry to do niorej and surely do what they say. i God does not bless for" -what we' say we-, will do; oat for what; we do f Bat He will earee lorxiot doinsr what we promise. ;itrwsC-.f- Tbls eharcb has Icalfed 2 BroJ Blancht ard lor their1 paitor; I; believe it was providential. I J think be will salt theai; He seenis to be a fttirrlng brother. They know "him and bave tbe ntm&t eonfl dence1' in Liih; and then be iives'ua by, so that be can be with them oftener than L-f. . .vj, . . -tr v ?7T': 7Uip.u7 fliy uod bless tliem and tneir vountr oastor. t . .. . . ouu Ijito lutui i uuuutuui uarvceii "Jt MorrisvilleIf.'C?' I im-r,t, vh--: ' "-i-" ?-r&v-i34fejf t Consolidated Ileiort of ;206',t otU to1 ih t TO. IfialnniWM n -',JIome Mission Hoard. For Quarter eodins; Sep. 30th, 18S7w Sermons and addresses, Baptisms,'5 s. K' i Received by letter s. t.' r. -7,828 n,166 . 606 . .1,772 - '.534 . " ' 27 .113,193 . .. . '11 . . ': 7 the q ; Total additions, v . ' . v Churches constituted, - y 5 : Sunday-schools organizad,' Piges of tracts distributed, Houses of worship boilt. Houses of worship buildiD, Youtsg intu etndying for : Liluitry la Cuba, , ; . , . i."rcr.9 01 aoout &j iup aaries cave "3 r !c D I- f not t r't u received, aiii are not included ia tbe above. I. T. Corresc THE BIBLICAL RECORDER,; WEDNESDAY, JANTJAEY 4,-1888. refsosal tdd' Oilier Itc: is. Rev. Las remove . I. Tatton", of Morginton, to Glen A! Ine. .,..Rev. Dr. P. H. Ivey basa.epted the pastorate -of the eitucb In Greens boro, Ga. v; f ' ' - Bar. G. M. Tolson, pastor of See- --e-BaptistboTehWUmlngtonj-ha been quite sick. . ?vl .;.4EeVjX.H.r Eager, oar msibnary to Rome, arrived In JUioerty( va., on the 28tn'I)eeettbtfr .BevR.TS Jones preached 'for the Fayettevflfe Street Baptist church on S anday, Dec. 25th. ii: - 1 -.. Saturday last was the last dav of the wee the last day of the month and. ; -vii-i tRev?rfjG, r W Manly, of .Wake Forest College, spent the holidays with xrlehda in Richmond, Va,Ji M; w Forest,' has been in New York for some weeks and is Improving in health. - v ! i iBeri Ri IX' Mallary,! of Shelby,. NiCl bur purchased a .residence in :Grif!lD,'Ga.. and removed to that city. ! V??RevrH' WlatOafo't Waesbbrof bv. special" invitation,2 addressed the ;yonng men of Monroe on Christmas day.4 tv nvey. w. u. juauam nae remorea from Mapleton to Potecasi, and requests his- eorreepondents to notej the change in nis aaoress. hY: -rt a v?fRev;T)r.-0F; JamesVof Culpep-' per (Joart iioase,' Ya.,' has declined the. call to the pastorate ox the first vhuren, Durham, H. O, ' ! 1 : i.v!Rev. Aj It Con way nand his ohnreb; ln Wilmington, save a free din ner to two hundred widows and orphans, on Christmas day.jrg -.,u'i j,.-.' .Re'v Vr' T.Jones. address is Canexsi,. New Kent" eoanty, ;Va. r A number othls North Carolina 'brothren t ui 1. Vr -i Be v.; J . ; R. Maynard, t of .SCorna Tille.alled la gee ns before the Christ. .uouaay md in. t xie-Mweii ana . x At . w a i hard at work foe thelIaster.idM le'. .V-Brp. Caraywbbd feat moved fjroin Mt 1 Gilead !to Troy, Montgomery county,' and requests his correspondents to note the change in hia address. : Revi Dr, rTbomaa Hume waa in Raleigh on Monday of last week on his way to Norfolk, Va; where be spent the holidays with relatives and irtends. itui .f. ."Revl Wm.'Tnrner.6f Salem, who aa been' cpnflned to hia room for aome weeks, ' has j,sufficientlyf improved " to ftOdble "hira ta ajraln fill ' his enoolnt-i T 7 . k : r ; A s - mental ; ' j - ' - ....In your last RxcOROXKyou make me say that Bear Creek church ; for the last- ten yean has paid only ; f 10, when it should have been ninety dollars, L. n-h .Ttet J.B. Richardaorirof High Point," ia making special efforta in his churches to Induce his brethren and sis ter to read the Rxcordsb. ' He is wise paster. 'i !-- " f The congregation, of the .Third Baptist charch, ot Raleigh, has deter mined to commence work on their new bttildlng next March and to complete it oaring the year jr-c&ar-. l;K-L CDrJ J? R Doggan Professor of Chemistry in' Wake Forest College, has been 111 for tbe past few weeks with ty phoid -fever,: At last reports he was siowiy improving, -j- .;f!i''";i" r' -.i . .Rev.'A: D. Banter, of Cary, spent a aay witn irienqs in Jbtaieigh recently, lie preacher for the' churches In Apex. Gary Jfihady Grove and Lystra. A'EOod jtieiJ ana a strong pastor, s.. , nf;.felll.' Spurgeon glvea it aa bit opin ion tnat tbe? most sectarian of all the Set are those which boast that they are not sects.'? This la as true in North Carolina as it la in London; c--n i I .VBro; BMUIawatin Raleigh on Christmas day and; addressed tbe congregation of the First church on the Baptist Orphanage."; The church gave ft a fWtxnanaMa tw An m m A aMkaaMfiAM SI r ''" JrTV"1" 4?i2.x . Ravi W. R - Hara.lfr.av of Hvanna. wrw, uuui a. new; uouse ot worsmp ior very church; he has served as pastor. and is now planning' to erect booses of; via a i. 1. j. r t . orauip lor nut a: aozen jnisston' sut-i ; tions in uaiuora oountysi -nmmMi . Rev. O S Wtllfa.m of Najir.vtllA. i Taoernacie, Baieign, jn u, ."The breth- V MWUUOUiUft VUU1VU I J tk. TI-ai r HL .-- tr . rs ci . a. v w n-vv extend a hearty welcome to Bro. Wil 'Wll-j 'ir. L .'rhe BommittMi of five hrAthnm to thoroughly consider the present tneth-f ods of the Southern Baptist Convention; for conducting its missionary enterprise M:. 'Jkm lm.. las .aIt Iy. itl... . dm .. w wm- Mj-. r. 1 VM u5j iwu. a weva. very - pie&sanuy w Asueviue last sammer.i ? j ?Rev!ohnMiteheu Wake forest,, bis new borne, on Bator-i day last and enters at bnoe on' his , du4 ties as agent of the Edaeation Boards jn hia address, from PowellsvlUe, N. C.1 to.wa&e forest Uolieae.. . t ..(l (j..;,,., .. ir.mm wa t .'..Bev'M Ii. Kesler, of StatesviUe.1 one ox tbe Senior Class at Wake fore t: College, preached- at abe Raieigb Bap4 tist Tabernacle on last Sunday morning fcivd ' afternoon,' and," greatly delighted bis bearer.- v.The brethren "SDeaK of bun as a man of great; promise.",--"- X Prot John , Backett, Principal bi 5the Greenville Institate was in Raleigh on Thursday last. ' His school Is fiourf iehlng, , haviDg 116 students. Captain Uuciet was iu Kaieigh to attend a meeting of theExeeutive Committee f the Ii. U. Teachers' Association. tv amendeavoring to clroolate tb RKCOBDER In my hew field. It is grow. ing; in favor aa it grows la efficiency, and it is now.one of the best papers in North Carolina.. ? worn, zor the paper is all that is needed to send it to. every Bap. ust noma. , win the pastors do ltr i. plt.H-Rev. L. G.w Barrett. of '"Bristol Hhode leland, baa accepted a call to the Firth street ? Baptist chnrcb,? Lowell, a itiM Hal aa vi ra ramnvan wnar- Airvs s-c v-. i . v.twt r wv....".v j onaw university, Kaieigh, w.1 U1, ana la ) (tiii'tnaaMhtia Mm.mk.i kw kkmw 1 hv... u.vmvwuu.. .VAA.VU.WAW. W.VWU.W 1 ltt'lSal61gn wt. ,-V:s: 'V i"' IJ$; surUele pn, Commo - 'l utuuw un oapwet Aimaoao u worm 1 careful reader. , I want it sent throuirh- out the land.-4.; 72. Pittman. But all the Almanacs are out Nq use sending ior tnem now. r wui try to improve on it. ana nrinc enoutrn next vear. . . '''. .bn'ursday night Dec: 22J, six prB0os united, by experience' with the Jb irst cDurcn, it&leigb, and on Sunday, use. fzotn, one oy experience, one on statement, and five by letter At night, the pastor, Kev. J.'L.; White, baptized be ten 'persons.;, On Sunday, the first tost., five persons were received Into the etiureh one by experience and four by letter. .fOne'- was' dismissed.- At r 'jht afier eerpcai four were bip'.ized. t.ace tLe coniuencement cf llav. ZIr. Tear pou's raeetic;, 83 peroons have beea re ptivtf J int0.ti.i3 church.' by experience, 1 ;r ir ....The FIrBt church. Asheville, N., C, has raised Rev. Dr. Nehoa's salary to $1,600. : ' . . .The bouse of worship for the Eeo. cad BaptiefTshurch, Asheville, is nearly completed.. r u . Rev. Dr. A. E. Owens enters upon the seventeenth year of bis pastorate of theCourt Street church. Portsmouth, Va., with the united affection of bis i brethren t and . bright prospects , lor I a asi tnaaslisa 44 tionfn InAfiOl i J1, i A ( ''. C I .Bro. N.. L. Shawof ,Warrejatoh is much In love with bis pastor, Rev. J. Taylor;! andndescribee him' as grand eonsecrated preachefct Bro Taylor has been conducting a series of sceclal meetings for some weeks which he suspended daring the holidaya The church was greatly duuc up ana en couraged:'' r'f : s.tiS I Hf w nnanl hn.l-h hoi FiAAn nnnr for nearly three, months ; so much so that I could not attend any Association however near, not even the. Convention at Durham. I rejoice with the brethren in our State work and other enterprises. I am truly glad that yoa have taken the editorial chair again, and the metal has . .... ... - I Mf..?; The United States has," through the Supreme Court of Utah,, taken pos session of the property held by the-Mor- mon cbarch' -The- temple' and; other buildings, with all the books and papers, are ' in the hands of a- receiver. The Territory is arranging to oome into the Union as a State, and - will apparently give up polygamy in order to get in r,..v.The question of, the anion .of the two Con ventions of Baptists in this State la now .uoaer consideration. -, we are perfectly willing 7 toT leave , it to ' the churches and district Associations west ot the Blue Rldze.' We would be glad to tee all U$ Baptists ;Jn north carouna united into one general body' and ; in loll and hearty co-operation in mission, educational anq. canqaj; scopoi worK . , . President' Cleveland has sent the Pope of Rome a magnificent copy of the Constitution oi the United tJtates, cost- fntf t250. -Thia is done to please the Irish Catholics of New -York; and secure XMU . riovemoer. iweniy yeara tbe man who wisbea to aeeure the Irish ' vote " for - president: ? will I have ; to give the Pope of Rome a million or two j dollars. . This is about the biggest fool thing the President has aa yet done. Grove, S. C, ranks amon bis brethren. in 3onth Carolina as a first ' class pastor and preacher, lie has accomplished a great and .lasting ; work for the Bap tist! of hia section, and is loved by hia brethren. In a private note to us re cently, be says :; ., I have liked the Rb- cobdkb more of late than j ever be fore, while at no time within recollection have I ever known it to swerve from the 4 ... 2 m ll. :J A . iruiu 01 kuu iuriu nu anoeruiiq soana. lour views 01 late npon almost every leading topic are regarded by the breth ren aa sound, and especially so In what yoa ; have said In regard to woman's work. 41 . : It is a notable fact that the Meth odist Conference in Fayetteville made fewer changes than have taken place among the .Baptiata - dariog . tbe past year. Forty yeara. ago Methodism was on horsebsvek all over, the 8tat. - .Now the policy is In favor of stations and I jaraoriagear- sometlinea a JUetbodut preacher stays at one place long enough to see several Baptist preachers ' come and go.: Well, we are in favor of itin erating some ministers--would like to itbem Itinerate all the tune. -Jiat thece are aome who Improve on aeqxudnt- anoe. - Their -. gnna grow , bigger every Kunday. The? people love them-oiore nd more, day. by day. They heed xtot itinerate. ':U;he' man-, who writes m- oon in coxa Diood on i'riaay and fires it on use a gun on Hunaay, then: never heara of the sick, stor knows of any die-; tress daring tne week, let him itinerate, anywhere, everywhere as far from ns as possible. Br,i J. II. Mills in Chil dren and Charity, -v f 4 i , Letter from Tliomasville. Brother Owaltney, of Greensboro. N. C.,' preached for us five days two7 weeks ;ago at the church in the evening, and at toe urpnanage in the afternoon. His VI air anri la.hora umnnoar na vera frMotlvi blessed; to the cburcbto' none, more than to myself.' - He greatly encouraged and cheered me in my work here, - The cause was helped. ' Six . who had: been hoping for; some : time. were encodrasred to come out xuuy on the liord's side and put on, unnst py oaptism. : 1 baptized w w v. v vMaMe v. wy tuos UUU I s-U a t . Others were helped and will come; soon,' whfie some were awakened. The church Is strengthened and all feel that the Lord blessed ns. Bro. Qwaltney's! vinifc is one oi inose gracious vieiiairoDS which always lingers in the heart, and' for the returnjof which there is always! an earnest wlaltt. s7.".' fli SrX The work went idrward on" my flekif considerably daring the past year. ';it baptized thirty-two lattliiberty eiahtt" at Kernersville, and , now; six at TbouH asviile, while there ias been a good in crease in ii Derail ty ana Christian 'Work. j i ieei mat tne ixrd Has oeen very. gra -I wish to eav a word for Kernersvllle to our people throagboat'the State. It Is.tbis: I have prepared and sent out si circular letter setting lortla brleny the condition of affairs there. Tbe .chorcli moat; have help oif tb iauselVlU be jseriously crippled. ..'The brethren' and sisters have done their pbeatr the, com matiity has helped liberally helpnowj must come from oar people, abroad; Read my circular' when received;; and help, some-ra large; contribution is not expected. "Lay the matter before jouit people and; give them a chance to bel p the cause.' 'A contribution to the house at Kernersvllie in a gift to State Missions The j church is In a thriving,; growing town of Ikladnoble people,; aidll vat preaching is heard gladly, aha is hiaking a fine Impreasion, but thW debt 'On the hoase, and want of means to complete it, is an incubus. ; Help the cause . by giving a contribatidnlo raise ClU will take only $500, f rotn , ocr brethren 'all over the State. T Sendlt, brethren, to orp. i.,A., jorown, ,ana Bo.reneTe tne pressare and remove the .obstacle, and fivlf ftnnnortinj? f.hntrh with n. MiMni fc.. .ar .. v i lv t i vi.or auu a lcuow-ueiperineverrcooa 1 resoond to the calli a - -vi. 1 t. . uviiri 1-ii.'xif It gives me pleasure to state the pros. pects for the college laret decidedly brighter than at any previous period of my connection, with it. I have secured the property so there can now.be no J doubt' of its permanency and its per pro Tided oor people give it the liberal patronase its location and 'the impor tance of maintaining it and its merits demand and deserve. The interest of the Lord's cause will be greatly pro moted by it., It is almost a necessity. The location of the Orphan agec, here makes it doubly Important. J propose to devote my energies to aid in building up the Lord's kingdom in this commu nity and , section, and to ! place. Thom as villa Female College in the hands of tm8tees, and so make It a perpetuity, To succeed, I only need a literal patron 89 from our people. The faculty will continue the same, lor the spring, five months. . I have the promise of one of our most popular and pro jaising breth ren, a graduate of Wake Forest, that he will join me in thia important wcrkhext .m. ; .- , -. , , . i On ThanMriving aay i nearu w iu- structive and excellent sermon . in the t; M. B.' Church here, preached t y Pci. Tillett, of Vandertllt University, very mueb marrea, nowever, Dy iwn uw w the word Anabaptists when referring to Baptists. v- ... , ' " Tbe Prolessor will learn Detter aiier "a whil. - Experience and Ihe progress ox Baotist nrincioles will teach hiia. Jbven Dr Holmes, of Ihe UniTeraity :ol iYiri. gin la, has had the good sense to change the obnoxiousrrrword " Anabaptist,; Which he used in his united States, His tory! and substitute, the word "Bap tist. Prof. Tillett. 1 suppose, knows J;ha Baptists utterly repudiate, .thejdee eonveved by that word as at au appn-, cable to tbemL He knows,' too,- doubt less,' that tbe word f Anabaptist ".was toed bv the enemies of Kaptists .as a terurbf reproach during all" the ages.' Baptists aie not AnabaptUtsIf there are any anywhere, they must be amopg 'those; who,; in "their own ' estimation perform :a - ceremony they call baptism when 'they' think it has already been performed on tbe same' subject. Bap-. ,tista never'commit each ,foily and in- i ! ii S t T 'T fliTTreAa ' Thomas ville.'Dec. 17th, 1887, f'. Doctrinal Preaching? ' ft'- i ' X i ' -A i ' i ' 2ro.- JSattetrtI certainly likeyour ar-. tide In the Recordkk of the 7th nit., on ' Doctrinal Preaching Ininy !vonnfirer' davs almost; evert" sermon I heard, ' it "seemed ' to me, bristled with doctrinal points, and tne result was zne odifets were epecially given to' this kind n, ham .;,. rfw.ff.b ewn uwuu uyui vuvua uunua avr v 4 w. u . . ' 0 ....... . 4 or twenty years,' tney seem tnat way m- clined yet, Tor 1 seldom hear a sermon fromrany of their. preachers bat some point oz dxminianum ia pTojeciea Yery prominently. Bat" I mast say that a larger part of Baptist preaching or preaching by Baptist preachers is on the homaa aide, and I am afraid that this- Is sometimes carried to excCes. T In avoiding AnWnomianism, there seems to i be a disposition to trench OttrAr oronnd.-'' pihc- .! . 'i, rArminian Dome years ago, wuen t wae'rancn younger than I now am, L preached a sermon and bad as a part of my hearers two Baptist preachers, both Older than I, and one quite a patriarch ';vAfter ser mon I waa thrown in their company; when the younger of 'the two asked "nae If the view I presented of the depravity and helplessness of the : sinner it true, wouia : it not discourage; sjoners lrom, seeking salvation f u Before 1 1 could . re call my thoughts, for an answer, the old patriarch Came to my reliet P He said i " That-was last jight f t lay the sinner low; make him feel bit helplessness, and then he will be more likely to cry Uti to God for help. These" words dropping from" the lips of age and, experience,, spoken 'toeariyuthirty -years ago, have been a great help' to me.; -l hey. belong essentially to tbe system of doctrines of grace, in opposition to ; the doctrine of works in the matter ox salvation. - One brought "low aader conviction for (sin and lookine oat from hie helplessness for relief, is likely to have alT conceits of bis imperioiisness In 'any sphere what ever knocked Out of him. - To talk to one in such a case about his imperii nets would be mocking bis grief. 2 ' The burden 01 much of the preacmng now-a days, seems to be to convince the nnregenerate 01 3 ast now much they can do In the matter of salvation. And then If eonie of thee people shoold be Z2yf, What mnst we-. doMo? tji?vAdt" straightway they;wmWtold lhattltefe is r.othTnir'they an? do! it is oory) be lieve; gitetip ail tehTistf-lie do ago; lew. .. the work. 1 Sorely those who a while ; were trying tc3 prove to'the sinner 1 muen ne eatx no, blow hoc ana eold tout - or tne same mouth." 1 that' I -hkvei never feft prove ' to: the' enregenerate they toan do.? I much prefer bow mueh the Lord -has done for' them and bow much more he promises tol do ; for them; 4t I much prefer to offer them-. A ; free ; salvation, without money and ! 1 Kiftumt rl...t: XtrV.f little ' Ti that are past lias been just along these! uau a hut ituunui ui turj Triira . . . . . . n . . " . . lines 01 thought, p 1 have not ' preach salvation by grace. UDqnwgagub.p:i nave nee enanneq to t. 1 t--z .a. . - 1 rra. - ; 2 xuereaaer will please pardon 'thfir personalrefer-' ence. -v'?.?" wsa ssn.w jjt, As to our:difltinctiveprindplefr Tt.ntr.t. i h tht. tn? i iii not preach and nelend them, nobody eise wui uo it loros. iney are bo piaia v . . nt . . - rrvs -.a - 1 to Ah Intelligent; Baptist thai it soine4 times seems strange to that erery body don't see them just as we 'do. Bufc we mau reuiemoer iuat tne plainest, 3..i.i..j .Z and good people, 'Whose minds 'arebe4 fogged by- a; general hotTon ' that ? the' Bible is a very tuysterioua' book; Arid! tr one4 t beire ere Some mysteries.'! t is! tiKi-..' -frt v.hru rhatahin. jntdlved Mo "mystery: As to the t ordii nance -of J bapUsm, lust take LfddeH a Beott's definition of the word," to dfpi in or under1 water.? That slmnieeil niUon je the culmination of Greek learM mgior tne last two nunareu years. aikI if anv one"savB tbe word has. a sanntA meaning differing . from the classicay tell him that1 Haroack one of the most critical German scholars- of this age,? eye there-is nothing in "Snehr.tes'ti mony will have more weight than any argnment that most of as coald makei But above all let the people know arid: nnderatancl that " tbia ordinance fe 5 a standing symbol of the burial and resttr rectiou of Christ, and the only act whicbj he has given bis 'people to perform; ez4 pressive or tnelr laith in his burial and resurrection.-. And tbe - Statements . of history have a powerful effect on. the. puuuu muiu. ne sometimes reacr, ine statements iof Scripture, and are met, If not in word, at least in mental action by fomethbg .like this: Well, that ie ; youTj eonstruetion 'r we , have another, t -Now.-,brig to bearon, liio primitive observance ot the ordinance -the state? mentr of, such authors as.'JifoshiemJ Keander,' . Conybeare,-.; and . Howfob) Stanley, Schaff, SfCnd although peo ple may resist oor ; eonstruetion , of, cet tainv passages of Scripture, they are not prepared, to resist the facts of history corroborating our, view of the ordinance in its actr as dug np from the. remote 4epths otchristian, an tiquity by scholars of the .most , profound researeiv Facts "are the most potent arguments ever ye presented tO tbe. human mind. f, They are just what, tbe juries of all our courts are constantly called upon' to -consider in arriving at true verdicts.- -And they are the, most- powerful weapons in the bauds of, Baptists in- support of their .distinctive principles. . r ,v ... 1 . What I have, said as to testimony rt garding the net of , baptism W equally, applicable as to. the subjects baptism and the polity 4 of ' Baptist chprches; We, as Baptists, see. no subject of bap tism in the New Testament but a be liever, and no 'form of charch govern ment but the! congregational,, and the writers on ' christian antiquities' are replete with statements in ; support bf tnese views tanen irom the practice pf the primitive churches. " .-"'- t V.Our preach ers ought to post' them, selves on the statements of writers in regard to the points mentioned and use them freely, not that they may appear learned, but .that .the people -may be inlormed on the, practice of the primi tive eharches, and see by coiaparison that Baptist ct-rches of te nineteenth century correspond with t': schnS-chesof uii cumi;., I have writ 3 more tl a I intended WI en 1 1 gan. Pardon 4. e trespass, ii itbesucLi. J. LXSSVKVU. Durham. C. t"." Those Pledges tfor Concord " Dear Brethren: My note la out now," drawing Interest at 8 per cent for $110, which is id pledges made at the Conven tion at Durham, to pay for. tbe lot e.t 3oncordU.j Only a f ew days remain now till Christmas; and not adoUar of what was unpaid when L leit tne convention has been received,'. If it does not come in byOhristmaef-thenJ'H baveto borrow it, fori baye it-ut $ t l? ' ( c,l have the deed for the lot a beauti ful lot It ie,-.tOj Brethren who pledged at the Convention, please remit at once Then; I am so aaxiauathat a house shall .be undertaken, eoon Let. every 'BaptiBt in tbe State, when' he goesr to 'make, bis Christmas purchases, think of Concord ; and make, a contribution" to Christ's work there.' Only ' very few have responded to the 'dollar call. . Will !not; many others do. 'So during the Te Imainine days of December? j Please , read this,, and lay , the paper dowu.np send the dollar jqrtuwitn. ' rJraternalIy. , , ' . " 'tve,- - - ' .r. Geo, P. B6STICK. . "Conc?rd; UecH, 1887. 1 v More than $S0.XK)'or the pledges made j to, me at Darham'etre still unpaid, and j the note' is due to-inorrow,(DeCj olst). .The secretary .of," the corpbratipn : who sold the lot has 'agreed to, prolocg the .i'M--- i'li.- '! j.L. kt'-, ; 'f'" t-e. r. que, you. remensDer. joeiore. uurauuis. .si. , e .v a i . , m h -4 j h . ii i I I voff fha Inf noii fni ini ri h " ys,. ; t ? 1 t -n 1 1 i. 5?V . 'r.ViL-.a-i-iJ P t 'iASn iioV-- m. i i; i:.rzvrirrij'"yT"i w:-i i..Vm. 1 si ' f 1 " a j L Sfeetingsaltended during Sninnier u i anaz Fall. ' ' 1 r ' anil Fall, "-Vtar jsroi isauey M bavtr been iwa. nmn-berof 'good ineetings durlog- tbe past summer and - fall,' Bome of which 1 ue gvyru acyuui, wMgiii, would wait until 1 got through holding meetlrrgs'tind baptizing for the year, and give you a mnltuur tn parvo1 account. . The Ifcrd' ba blessed my bumble1 ia-bbrr- and -my ; churched i thia J year, for which ' I 'ambotb ( thankful add glad. Last Sunday "Is baptized live at Provi dence 'Chnrch in the Pilot Mountain As sociatibn: 'and ton Tdeeday following I baptized iX at Beaverlslandin the Be. ulah Asciatlen: I have baptized nearly on an averasre of every week 'durin a the fall and half of the summer I have oeen on my field heaH seven tears," and mv neoole' bave : become 'terv'dearf td me.:. During the past year I have-preached at : Madison, Beaver 'Island,'" Provi dence, Mt.; Hermon,- Sharon; 8nmmeis field, Oak Ridge Institute and Baughn'S scnooi-nouse, - x' nave naa ro wore bard, bat am as strong physically r as ever iri my Ufe,; I have concluded that iharcr.work dou; kill men.T 1 have com menced getting up money to build a chOTClr'at Oak Ridge Institute, a field which has been neglected almost exclu sively 'by the Baptists.4 We anticipate building a f 1,000 bouse, and bopef by the last 01 next summer to have an or ganization there. -My field is more prom isinflr now' thanjeverf itf the pasfc-S We have had some trouble," but the ihost of uij uretureu huu Biaicrv nave a inmu w work. , '-"i" -a - W - ' ?:jfotirsvery truly '' f':t-j : i'W. H.'Wnsox1 -.1 Vi.- k nn... ,.,r. : -. '. - . . ar - t-x - aj wwirw '..i ,1 'i- r.r,7Jic ,Jteir?dfrotFfio Church-My. rf Jl.BrPff'furJ o.y : - - wvaua TT:?IuLStrffi rc o &; .. near Jira-.Ji aileu' 4)u tnn fustlSuii- ISO' persons baptized into the fellowship of. the church., Myi ' ' . . . . 1 - -1 . . 1 . a t ' vouuuevuqu witu .me cuurcu aa oeen $0 long and pleasant, that it seemed like' my spiritual home: It was likebreak-f l J. . , 1 ' . . , . 5 ti Mxn orxrf.! am itKa WAnn t-rt (a! i mfl. S4.no an t.ir nrni in wrr 7wi wr.rir.j rIZTItJn-Tl-'IiV 1-37 1 .a. AiiftVffa . umv IaJais s lu huti a lei l uuuih LtJj xh'Z. ilT'" band of wnrkpr4 ' Mav the ,ofd con-' like tryinir"tb' I.811100 q. the Enon church as paatos. 1 1 1 S.boj Providence- S 1 S-'Socfety ditto, 'dittd, hhw mnoh !;naaDeen preacmng to tnis cnaren ioxn yor-Bawyers. i.rerv n;'ouio, aino, 7...0; toteThemf m tuett were aoout 'A&u persons DaDuzea 1 yci,-'.3w, iut f ftinue them in aUtEdrefEorts to advance- South Yadkin 5A8sp,' $5.00; WM S, Rnther I . tbaC.Mastex ktogdonv:th:a"IL . : Gra R'ver: A- AfLS i ine,AUASiex a mgaon. on in ei 3 I ..-1- . . . - " r . . ' . rafc t9u! -r iie nK cnaren , iitnoat aeDt ,aa.i! s.w. w I FOfnlWAfl Sk AQ 1 I rvnni TnasnriMri TT I hftPei I rrrr. ;?r '-rr v .r", - piaana retnreii: jwm u; V-U9 " -organizea ana wm con-; I r Tr 0- . " . . , L brethren tTet tired and laur occasionaJlvJl bot sfeteri never tire doine the Iiord'a woK'..ri f --rr .i l : ?ii.j ' i.ii5yiil .' i;wui Kive piace iitiuuuii Airy . tnree Sundays tnu year, and ;wiu .give JttneouierBatoraayana candavto itect the other JSaiurday and pnnday to. lied I Panks;; church, Stokes county f "W"l I preachjon , Sunday night,, after preach- m;ermanton.1vuq ?I MT Jo,.tWt, point, I will preach at Pdot Mountain ;8Ution on th ft P. I a -1 t si'icc1 K - ' Vi. MU. Airy- Alec IB. Jbo7. vi i .ai A.v uuui . A ij n s IllVftl ' Thtt' Union -'will -1 Convene ta with -tbe chnrch at Catawoa ' on Friday; JattDf27 1887. ermdt.t lt O'clock AiMl by EWer'O.GiHrMK l Oueries-i The y datv eP'batoAto the chuMbJrPJCheek.ThS doty 3. Has "a rsoni'who prbfessee- faith ;yet has ho works, any promise ;Scf the Bible on rwhich to Base a claim to sal Vationf Elder X M, Muf chinson.' Al BoeS a Mcall to preach' confer the tieci ' essary mental qualiflcatioq on the per son called? S. U BoIiDger..'- 1 are earnestly requested to'send repre.. sentauoiij,' as - tne eontinuaiice or ' tne 'Union .willT depend - upon " the 'Interest mkCife6ted.,i4"-?Ji 8: BRlbCfKS.vf?Afn'ii i' ,Vi.taT''S-- tittBJr hlW S4.1 f ;tu Cas Acknowledged ' ' tt. i- pledged for Bethel churchman follows jf Brethren, Koah Biggs, f 100.00,' Little, 25,00' Dr.'i J. ;QrImes;;5(1.00 WflHamston church. . 50.00;" Charlie T. Teele,, SMffc-T. Carson; 5.00; ItnfuS Carson, 5.00; J. H; Tucker, 5.00;- Eer. J. W. WUdman, iT.OOY'Jesse W. Carson; 5.D0; Etberidze. Fulsrhum &' Go,. 25.00: i. Hon, Harry Skinner, 50.00 ; Mr, Maget, e.vy; woun ,iv jsimpson. i.uu. . juany thanks. ' '-, V Geo. J Dowkli. i 4 1.. - . ...i. I.I . . ' . J ' ' .1 ... ... ..-I .; . t7fi Contributidm to'Pine1 Forests . ' 'Please let the f ollowlng appear tn the Ekcordkr as xsobtrlbatcrs to Pine Fofr est church':, 'i-J r.- 7 ' ' ? A. E, Peefe," $100; II. C.;'Edwardsi 50c D. M. .Beale, 4.00; N. J: Britten, COc; C. K: HarrellLOO; C. W. Barrel V 1.00;"E..B. Lassiter.' l.OO; J.'J. Blanch ard l.00; L P. Blanchard, 50o.'V Atner Lagfeiter, 50c. ; G. M. Powell, 1.00; J. R. . Bangham; VJ0c. ; T, C. Parker,' 50& ; "J. 11 BaughanU'SOd. fJ. J. Beala, 1.00; J, PL: GriSQ,.l.X)0; W. J. BaaghamSOs-s Hilry Davis, 60c.; J. T Barrow, 25S.J B. F.Baughatn,;EOc. ; 7 '. V;;;2' ;; j f . 1 J. C FLEETWOOD.' i OrdinationFarewell fn.,-IT r Chapel Hill, etc. " The second Sanday in October R 1 7. F. McDufSe was ordained to the fnn V. work of tbe Gospel ministry at Robm. son's Grove church. Ordainioe presLv. i iery Elders J. J..Lanedellr J. W-Au Vinson and the writer. . - ; un uifr miru oanaay m uece ruber I. preacnea my lareweii sermon jat Olive ' Branch church. "It was painfdl to bid hem goodly. As the years passed br4 I tny affectlonr for- them grew stronger- -By request of this church, my other churches (Bethesda and Robertsoa'a - '.' Grove) 'were with us, and I preached my i .bledAf ter- the" sermonrBroTTrKe w jton Boottiev.of Wake 7 Fores College j iwas installed as pastor of OlivVBrahch!' e were weu. pieasea witn tnis brother. If he fail to succeedw.e shall be disap-' ' pointed and surprised. , . - " - . The people of tbu place (Chapel Him ' have received :ti8 5very kindly; 4 Being freed from .the eares of. the farm,' and : being: surrounded bymore and better advantages than I formerly enjoyed, I hope td be more efScient in my labors' ! : Chapel Hilt, Dec. 21, 1887.'' - Meeting at Beaver Island, '-i iTbe Baptist church at Beaver Island' ? Roekiogham county, N.1 C. commeacMl i r a meeting of '.'days en' Saturday before tae second tsanaay 1a 'JNovemcerj 1887, and ubon tinned till ' thfe" next Tuesdavi week; during'' which time niiW were tJ celved.for baptism amona the1 number-. I, were four tf the same family, two broth ers land two Meters. w Rev; D. G. Tavlor thepastorof the churth,-Was assisted three days by Bro. WJ H: Wilson, who rendered good servicej'. There were sev- feral other professions during' the tiieet-7 lag.. .Dive 01 use above .fc amber have been baptized. To (iod ba all the praise ' bs.-.-js-.i JAMES A.'.ERS0S, Clerk. 'h cknowteclgmentg." Xhi Mi t arm Cririnir itil! .-V Ti.l; . Asso, $3.89; W MS,' Rntberfoj-dtoi.1, Green K Kier Asso. 2.00: i5illsr Vreeit ch. ditto, dittoi'-; I.60; Mrs A C Parker; fWest Choa-Asso,' .00; tbenezer ch, UaKn: Asso, 4.eo W'M - I -Ho11v Serines ch: R.l-t.S . A.. I tai i8 t " 7 " - "-'-kt "- - 'J . s&.l b-; - i,-a To. Eastern Asso, $4.00; f M S, Rich Fork chj Liberty "Asso, 1.30: Trading Ford ch. South YadkhiiA$so,6.0o; W Ji H, Hickory Grove : ch. Sonth Fork Asso. 2.00; Cleveland ch. So ' yadkia AESO.5.oo; .Vyf S. Holly Spring ch, Raleigh t Asso, 3.66; 'Ebeaczer ch, Union ; Assot;a.oo; .Mrs A v rjtrker.' VVest Chowan i. Asso, 5.00; Brassfi elds ch Central Asso. 1.49;- lJarnam.cn Alt .ion Asso. ,4.77; W. M S, RntherfordUsn ch. Green River .Asso. 200: Mt. Tailor ch, .West Chowan Asso', ,uo; Wilkesbdro ch.-'l.oj; Lattle Sunbeams. Ox- ' ford ch, 4.00: W M S. Kforeheadch, Atlantic Asso, 3.00; . .Vi M a, Third . JJapUSt church, J Raleigh Central Asso. 3.66f Wake Union ch.v v oitto,,dit&, 15.00: Rev E. G Beckwith, s.oo. V Hryam lloust. Middleburg ch, 55.00; Ox., ford ch. Flat River Asso,' 16.00: L A S. Dnr. ham civ Mt Zion Asso, 5.00; East Durham S S. ditto.-t-Citto, 5,00; Ced roHcch.. ditto. ;S jlitlo, 5-00; Yates h, duvp; ditto,.5.oeAV M S JKHthertordton ch, oreen Ktvec Asso, 3.00; -Island'Greek cWf lat RivenAaso, 7.86; W i M ,&. Poplar Spring :h.'CentraL Asso, S.obt : W-il , Brassfield ch. ditto, ditto. 5.0O; Mt : Vejnon.fii, ditto, dittor xo.oo; Wake Union enr ditto, ditto; 5.O0: Wake Forest "ch, ditto; Mittd (pledged), 15.00;" W M S, Wake Forest , "ch, ditto; dittoljedged;,'io.oorwaite rorest 1 siring:fie!Vs.oo W JFerrell.it.oof W II S Sl ditto. ditto (pledged), 10,00: Kev O L. Ct.amblee.il.oo!-f . Timberlake, JDOr W B 0aaiWe5,iT.oo;Mi I V Cartright; i.odi Dv ; .M-C Chatnble( 5 .00; Hem C -Woodson, 5.O0;iatloStinlairis Oiford h, 6.00; Rev S.I,vCnra4nd .wye jaOK. Goldsboroh. iAtlaiitiAsa5;iemon$vilJclvAUb.i.jr w jisiienderso IIenarscn,ch.:dI Korp&'io.oo; Ma A fcsitViAf-frt Asso.-y.So.Ked liask cu. ;ot Mt ASM, 3.oo?S ersoa cb, rial. River Ajso.b.oo; v tto. ditto, S-00;. ReVH W anon cK Groen Rirer Asso, . 6.40J Kulhetfordtbn SJ5 ditto;' dirto, 5.00; C SloOJ Barrow. i.2. . . iotal, f 200.35, c k Edvcmlimt-tox Tib6v'h: West CLowaa j -Asso.- $r.77;' Lexington ch, Liberty Asso, 1.96; trt!ely lit ZaAtw4.S7.S9J ;ch,- Uak Asso2.oo; Clerdand ch. South Yadkm Assof J.Oo,WakeUnio ch, Central --.t& CtniCIavtaa S & ooc- 1 .- ' ' ,j 'AS8o,-0. 75 - 1 o1. 37-7f ;l r(h. I J - 'Hem Afbsis.r S. SI C Cleveland ch, i s 1 r ' t7A in.J.r-' jr i -r ' . .. -T A.;m frl. -' 1 jhertr .Ann ? 1-W.lkshoch. A.: Wake Untos ch: Central Asso,, Total. I. ' i-,-.-r'--.Tt7-:? t . , -"v. -. !. B.iJ ,.uir.A..w Aa. V-T". rw ch. Sandr Creek I Asse.-i.Vo F WrHsacock. printi-g press. 1 -; w; , v p s dilt v Morrime ihi Ealeigh. A4ao, 7.50; Gap Ceek ch. Three Forks Asso. , ii7:. Shadv Grove ch. , Chowan Asso, 3.ioi WjM S, Holly Springs ch, Raleigh Asso3.25; :Mnptn cn,. esi ynowan 9,it; Mt Tabcr h, ditto, ditto. 4.307 Bethd chi Chowan kss0, (CEowan tract). 85.06; New Hope S S;i,South Vadkiu Asso, 2:43: I111" Creekek.', Flar Rivet -Asso, 7o; Mrs Mc. 'Clanrwy. "i.w; iCIeveUnd ch,' South Vadkm Asso: 3.00 Buclthoni S S, Infant Class, 70c;. ftji0 'SSSrdrSS IAmo, 2o6.83;Wak Forests .diUoitto, , -.;f ; -yVoi, B. SlaU Cc. ' Raleich". JJ. q...Dec. 31, 887- s 7- , V Oat readers who take Interestin their farms and gardens are requested to read tha.ilTwiiuininiti ot Messrs. T. 9 W. f Wnrt1Jk8oiis..of Richmond. -Y. These f,gent!emea5ondact the great .Soatbern all tested and acclimated to.Ouv section, soils and climate J Tbey will send. you .ineir enfendld catalogue, tbe most complete evr offered to the South, free of charge on applications This catalogue will tell you, when to plant, and gives, much val- : nableimformation.rOnr farmers lose much by neglecting their gardens,as well ' as by fajlinsr toV secure .1 saf e,e reliable eeeds.- Jow isn your ebancer to tecure mocb. needed information on theV sub- V rtnv hnf(irn'vhn haVA SOUS tO ' edu- cate: have now the best of opportunities to secure a home at waae orefc y", lege. ' Bead the announcement in. this iseuetvoti the sale , of the : splendid -Montague residence., V Thia . bouse and'lot.is,.in first-class "condition and beantif oily situated. .r The , ofler pf the 4atnr arA refiitn hv, Mr. R. A.. Free-. : Lman, nearForestville,in less than a mile ; of Wake Forest College, ana we opp"-. -tunity to boy the beautiful home of the late. Dr. Montague, gives our brethren and sisters who wish .to move, up tne country and to settle near Wake Fori College, a chance theywilljieveragain. have. Write to B. F. Montague, il of Raleigh, :n. C - SJ - - Hew Advertisements; .ned The" attention of our readers is c& to the following new advertisements in this Issue:" ? - ; ' The Leading Southern Seed House T. W.'Wood & Sons, Richmond, Va. -' ' Tobacco Seed," 25 varieties R.", Ra;land, Hyco.Va, 1 , & " Horner School, Oxford, 17. C, J.Ja. Horner and T. J. Drewry, Trincipa-sT v V; Norrls & Carter, TwIeigh, announee ft great-break in prices in holiday dress goods; besides bargains in other 1(iaes "t Burpee's Farm' Annual forlS8i Atlee Burpee & Co., Philadelphia. - ; "I i V J