TleBiblical Recorder. l'Jt-J-i? The Biblical Recorder.. . . , I j i . ,1 hp , n - i i , i lit ii . , i i . i i : i v - ii .. i'i-; i i yi i I : .o. j ft: i i . I . l i is1! s.. I ., I i '..-, t ' i ..ill I 'r, -.- i ... - t .. i i . . i . i n. -t i i $8 50 ,8 50 15 00 00 7 50 43 00 8 50 85 00 6aoo 65 00 80 00 . 85 00 185 00 ? It 00 87 50 37 00 5000 16 00 55 00 S3 00 60 00 60 00 t3 00 4 80 00! 6500 45 00 100 00 185 00 g-'-"": .. . : .1) I P).H'-vr-l mMMMfciimmMi 1275 00, TlRXS OF SUBSCBrPTIOH: rw copy, one Tear.,. .,if 5.00 six months.... ..... Una cvy . - LOO oi ne 5 .- Qw 01 cen P7 extra w wuaerj ,u.uu ggttance Boat be tent by Registered Letter, Moffice Order, Postal Note, Exprasa oc Dnitr ' pjygblt to the order oi the Publiher. Literary Notices. ' ' Babyl&w ehannfog little monthly of eigbt pages, is 1 filled with pictures to please baby's eye, and little jingles and atories to1 please his ear. - ' The baby is ruler of tbe household, and, as is befit ting. 3abyland is bis official organ, JOfty cents a year. - Sample copy, five cents. P. Lothrop Company, Boston, Mass. Our LiUU Men and i Women for Sep tember, is an interesting nnmber of this deligbtial magazine for tbe little folks. It contains 24 'pages filled with pictures and stories. D. Lothrop Company, Bos ton; Issues this magazine, and for fire eents will send yon a sample eopy. Let parents send for a eopy and examine for themselves-; tii is 'r 0 Th American Magagint for Septem ber U a note worthy one. In addition to an interesting and T&ried eoUeetion of eboiee literary features, are two Tery forcible articles on questions of the day one, on "The President's Error, by Jamee G. Blaine, and the other by Got. Foraker on Tariff and Labor." Lieut. Wm. P. Foll&m, U. 8. N., has a finely illastrated article on '"The American Navy of To-day.n ' The writer shows what progress has recently been made in the direction of giving the United States a navy. VEamblea about Naples" is illustrated with choice views of famous Italian scenery, Charles , Burr - Todd contributes a charming paper on "Hia watha's Country." "Dead Man's Lake" ia a fine poem by Wflll&m Wilfred Camp bell, and which is illustrated by a hand tome frontispiece. Ex-Gov. Rodman M. Price has a paper on "A Moonlight Duel on the San, Joan," describing an exciting incident of the war with Mex ico.. The departments are, as usual, very complete. Th Statesman. Walter Thomas Mills, Ai M., and Bev. A. J. Jutkins, DD.t Editors. Statesman Publishing Co., l?a Washington St, Chicago. . Price: Single number, 20 cents. Per year, i2.oo. ... .. .: . The prospectus for The Statesman for 1888-'9, a monthly magazine devoted to the problems of practical politics, co operative industry and self-help, is at hand. In October, " will doable its present size and add many additional features. ' It will remain, however, with its short, crisp, independent discussions, ' pre eminently the busy man's magazine. V. . . A. 3 1 AA JA It numbers among its writers many of toe ablest thinkers both of this country and Europe. The most important item in the announcement, and one in which Journalists . will be . most interested, is tnai ueivuie stone, wnose pnenom enai success on tne Chicago mews is so widely known, has become a member of The , Statesman Company, and on his return from Europe will give his atten tion to this magazine. Baptism and the Baptists, Baptists I suppose derive their denom inational name from the ordinanee of baptism, and it seems to rue as the sub ject and act of baptism are among the great dividing oiHerences between Bap- uses ana otner uansuan derMminations. we ought to exBTdse greater ears in the performance oi tho ordinanee and the preparation of the candidates. - It is no unusual thing for Baptists to subject themselves to severe eritickm on the part of those who are in opposition to thi ordinance by the eareless and loose way in which baptism is . often per- lormea. ,a In some localities, they will baptize in a narrow, muddjt baptistery not more than four or five feet wide, where no one can see except, the few standing round the edge, and then, where, often after one or two baptisms, the water becomes as muddy almost as a mud puddle, from the accumulation of mud on the aides and bottom, which has accumulated from the time it was used nntil it is need again.".- Now I' am not opposed to ban- tisteries, but in the name of common, de cency and for the glory of our blessed Lord and Saviour, and the love we have for his cause and ordinances, if we use. baptisteries let us, build them large enough antr always see that they , are clean and in good order before they are used. Tne tmpresstveness t baptism very largely depends upon the arrange ment of the place, and the proper equip ment of the candidates. ' There is no reasonable excuse for. candidates being baptized without coats in their shirt sleeves,1 -when tbe membership can pro vide these things by only a little' care . and trottbieL'i We .don't bury- people in' dirty clothes and torn, ragged socks ' I feel ashamed as a Baptist that our peo ple so often' seem to have no : pride In the performance of an act so sacred and of such significance of meaning. I have sometimes felt If the froM and my loy attv to' Christ did not eomnel me tn he a 1 Baptist, that 1 the lack of pride andl eeu-respect 1 on the lT part .of Baptists would drive , me from them. To see a candidate' baptized in dirty clothes or with:1 ragged-dirty stoeUngs,1 is humiti atlce to me.' I -do not-blame the candi dates, for often they do not know how to prepare for baptism, and sometimes tney are coo poor to ao so, ana yet our - people will look ' on as though nothing -was at stace. - It looks sometimes as if the Baptists tried to bring odium upon the ordinance by their slovenly way of performing it. , , John the ' Baptist showed his good sense by going where he could get plenty ox water ana a gooa Place. . ue nsea the Jordan, 'and the people went dyer; twenty miles to his baptism As many wens irouj Jerusalem, wnien was more than twenty miles from Jordan..: And. in John 3: 22. 23. we learn .that both Jesus and J ohn, went where they could get plenty Of water. After these things . came Jesus and bjs disciples into the land of Jndea, and there he tarried with them and baptized t and; John, also' was baptizing in Enon near to Sallm. because there waV much water there V and they 1 came ana, were Dapuzea." ' my, experi ence has proved that it will not do' to! trust the arrangement of baptism to the brethren no more than it will do .to4 let: them build churches.: If any a preacher has gone to an untimely grave by preach V houses unfitted for conirreeatlonBi "Where they could 'not bd ventilated, or Nwnere the poor. preacher because the . house w;ib so cold; contracted a deep. cold, which' landed him into eonsnmp f tion and in an untimely grave. Let there be more care and prudence t , and better arrangement and preparation fo.baptism, and Iriil venture to say e will net only have more of it to do. on, we ; will save our credit and self : Aspect as a denomination.. '.. ; -The 'Moravians. with 20.000 Anit members, out of their poverty, give an tZim to misBions, an average CI C12.00 per member. . Even the small t and poorest disciple has a part in the Lord's work. . . r - i . . 1 - i r Jnsids GUmpte of a Clerffyman'i We reproduce from the Chicago Stan ford tbe following extract from" tha diary of the Bev.' DrV George; T.Dow Bng, of Cloveiand, Ohio, who has re eenUyl turned open-ebmmnnionist and Orxt city pastors, an4 post.bly some others, will wad it.with eome intereBb., Dr. . Dowling was certainly not .very spiritually minded, or happy In work as. pawor. The diary is. for one wees or from Friday toPridayWvra i Friday. Went into study at 9 o'clock. Wrote letter to firm down town," seeking to secure a situation for a gentleman who had written to- me- from the coun try,, who bad no means of support, and a wife and child depending on, him, Wrote to one of the'eburch officers con cerning business connected with the ehnrch. '.Received a reply to advertise ment in Thursday's Leader in behalf of kiiother Gentleman for whom I was seek ing employment. Wrote answer to the reply. Also another to tne gentleman, requesting him to call. 8ent them down town by my coach boy, John." Instruct ed him. also, to insert Sabbath church notices In the'Zeader and Herald. ' ' r Commenced studying. ..Bap' at the study-door. Girl stated that my ehnrch assistant was in the parlor, went down, received report, and gave directions for further work. Commenced studying again. Bap at study-door." John brought answer from firm oowntown, stating that no more help was needed.-' Wrote letter to gentleman in the country, en-; cloeing this just reoeived. ' ! '"' ' i Commenced studying.' Bap at study- door. Dinner was ready. Ate dinner: Told John to hlteb up, and beiready-at the door. Called on sick lady, Dunham avenue, another on Wilson avenue, another on Cedar avenue, whom never before had found at borne.- -Talked and prayed. Stepped into buggy and drove off, and in the evening was told by a neighbor whom met at the prayer-meeV tng, that she bad a bone to pick with me, because I ealled near her house and did not run in. Told her that I had that kind of bones lying all over devei land. Called on another lady on Cedar avenue, where bad called several times' before,- but' whom had never found at borne.-' She was out. Fortunately,1 she is a good, sensible woman; otherwise she would probably be heard of before long, heaving a sigh in some neighbor's house,; and saying she ".bad never re ceived a eali from her pastor." Called on a lady whom. the church, directory stated to be living on Prospect street Found it a mistake. No such lady lived, there. ; Made a minute of the error;, Expect shortly to hear ,tbftt she ,V baa never received a call: from her pastor. Called on another member, of the church. Be was out, but his wife was in. Very pleasant lady, and a woman of good sterling sense. : - ' "'N ; Called on invalid lady; Ho one at borne. ' Rung- twice and went awar. Expect shortly to hear that She "has Dever received a eall firenV her pastor." Called on lady who bad been in trouble. Woman of excellent sense. Had not called there, before but , once since tX came to Cleveland two. 'years ago. n But she seemed to appreciate the fact, that the church of the Lord; was not organ ized a gossiping society, with the minister for, gossip in-chief , Shall try. to call again, soon as 1 can make it con venient, which I probably would, not have done if she had grumbled. ,.ff Went home. , Found a. lady, had been, there, desiring to. see me on special busi ness. Bald that inasmuch as I was out, she would see me at church that even ing. Ate supper. Went into study to prepare for. preliminary talk, witb which to open my meeting. ..Walked, down to church. Jfopdisthe, lady whQwjuated, to see me on speelal .pusiness rtandmg joutside the door.5' Transacted bruinees; entered , my meeting, And . eommeneed joathe minute. Conducted the meet ing.! and at its close saw brother Osborn la reference to bavins tbe onran put in praise meeting, of - the, following, week alter which, I, met several inquirers fn the reeeption-roonu Talked and prayed with . them, and trust some oz them gave themselves to Christ , , mtiigJ Walked home. Drank a Cup of milk, and sat op and studiedtill eleven o'clock. iAfter retiriug,' my thoughts baving be come enthused with theme for approach ing Sabbath,' found It Impossible'' to sleep till between twelve and one o'clock Then went to tleep and slept soundly,' like a man with a clear conscience 'and ,a.good8tomaeh 1 t-uO .Uisbi.i l . Saturday. Rp at study-doorFasMed' what was wanted. - Was informed' that the doctor must be sent for immediately, because ibnc of; the ebUdrettibad the inieasieaA i Was 'about to fay, s" Send ir the pastor, he's never called: oo.-me,! but. happened ,to thinks tbatt fcidkia't have any pastorM Seat: ior th doctor; iRap satb study door.; iPoatmaav had 'come, t bringing s letter - from ; Amerieatf Baptist iPabllcation: Sodety. desiring ia collection, from: the j churchy and laperi sonai aonation jjrom tnepastori,eelectt ed irymnf and prepared 8nnday evening programme for the printer. ! While do ing this, Tap at the study-door aatle man down stairs to see me. Sent down ;word for him .to: wait,: and I would be disengaged ,inj :few .moments. . Sent hymns and programmes down town by John, and went down etairai Anttthw answer to my advertisement.! Wanted a man to go -on a -farnu- Promised to ieee about it as vso Jki sasibom. came up from down town. -Replied to letter from American Baptist Publication Sd- icietyi ("Wrote to 'my assistant xequesbi ing bez to call, upon one! tn the eemgre g&tion. of whom I had heard tbe previous veningt as having Deen,uxi tar, three lonths, and wondering why her bad ot; received ' a call irom her pastor. nested assistant to scate that that day being Saturday, it was Impossible for me to find, time to visit her thenv bat would endeavor to do so after the Sab bath da ties were .!- al l'-7 f f .After jsendlng this equestjl began wondering whether this lady's physician had called upon her.: If hehady I won dered still further, whether. ha knew tj ineans of a thiraele that she' was tick; Whether God. hadent an iangel to fe veal it to him in a dreamv or whether she, instead of taking it for granted that her doetor would. know by special revet; lation that she was ill, had taken pains to inform birx - For, & .few mocxexxts wished I was a doctor. . ' .. .' Bap at study-door.o , We were ot , a doctor, but we were, in the presence of 4 doctor. .' Informed me that the elisrt ehild had every sym ptom r of zaeaslas, and ttzt i j all prctatiHty the ether children would have it also. Was about The .Qreanibf thc North; Carolina Jlf l jH ill J tell him .to aend : for1 the pastor, but sfgaln remembered I dldnt have any naetoa.'.- uoiaHMnT eiii ulai 1 After he bad gone continued studying t?U dinnertimv thehrwent intoi study against, Bap at the stody-dooav ' Tele graphie despatob frxten SyraotaaestatinK that a lady irlexat ot the family would fee at ,tha depot: at seven o'clock, and : reqaeeting ; mai tomeet bern As the kands oi:tbeTelook; however, wire rolb tng on toward Sunday, found it impuo ble ta . spara; the time, i and .therefore John,. Knew, she .would nnderstana reason,- having had a iour;y ears' ob- ationj of t U inside ox a minister life duringf my pastorate at. Syracuse.. retired early , to be prepared slor Bun- ayservieeq t.t i miUH t&'' iSoisdcy.-En teredo study for the par of reviewlna tor the last time the hemeioz morning disobarse. FfWent to Qureb, and iaxtect eondncung service d. preaching, admin istered the ordin ce of baptisTO.! E.Cama home and ate dinner At Jk o!elock . took afternoon nap,, that might bHi fresh iov evening sermon. Alter whlch,.WBBt into study and remalnedtbeM till time: for servioev Went toueharefav preached made a call, i alter aervloey same bomi and. re Urea. Jfondoy. Spent part of morning in knswering letters which- had aeenma lated during the week, and then went down: town. -a Dined with one of my members where I have a standing invi tation' After dinner called at a gentle man's reaidenoe. to consult with him about-at situation which, L thought be pnlghtbeable to secure. Then posted fry letters, went. to, the library, called Upon eome? of the businesa men of my Congregation, at- their offices, and took tea with another member of my church. Where I also hare a standing invitation, After tea, attended anion religious ser vices : at .the Tabernacief then walked home; reached . the i banse ' about ten O'clock, sat up till twelve and studied, and then went to bed. u' ' d i la .... .. Tuesday. Entered . jny study. Rap at the door. Gentleman in the parlor to see me. Went down and found still knother applieantahfed me to secure bim a situation. Directed him to firm down towni oUred -my stody " Bap aVtbedoor : Be port from assistant oon- cerriing twr ladies that were tick, and another' lady in trouble - Promised to eall In the afternoon, t Studied tilidln- ner-time. Speat the aftemooa In call ing on the sick, some of whom were members of my church and some of Whom were not; Beached home late Found the family had alt been to sup per, but had a good appetite for ray lonely meal nevertheless. - After supper, got ready to attend a social gathering in (compliance with-'- invitation, - bat on accoantof severe -storm coocluded hot to go. Aecordingly had a grand quiet lime studying, - from-eight oolook till Sweivei4 tau.'.4JV' 9Yu ttM .; . j i !TeditesaWLboked out oi the win Sow and saw the walks so slippery that ! any one eboold attempt to eall on me y woom sup aown on tne ice. ; crave tJt J the .breakfast table that? orefoek arrtved 'and no oae had except the postman. H brought -letter of twenty pmgeav from a stranger no had never, sees zee who was living Montreal, Uaaada, and who was evi- ently insane on the subject of religioa. ot tell who it was, for unfortu- 7 M bad forgotten to 'sigit nie bame. f Read part of ione sheet, , and (coneluded that such a remarkable epistle: Sought to let its light shine; so I put it, pnto thenrek and Ushonevn .h oiH j Requested John tta be reedy ate the idoor after dinner. : Spent the afternoon jia attending to personal? matters, of business down town.,, Game home. and jate , -supper. ;oWent into the parlor to. I wait for a gentleman, who , bad made an. engagement to spend; the evening with me, but who y did cot come.; Bead till' .nine o'clock, .and then retir4.u a a-jlT.-. . K77iariai. --Entered , study at::nine Rap at the door, ;! Two ietters from the jpoBtmaiy, Opened, ensv and, found a re queet frocn, a pastor, of. one of eaf.couA try.churches, stating . that their , people -bid been, rerairing) their house, and he had subscribed , more n toward, the . bill i tbanJie really ooold afford oat oi: a. IsmaU, salary to- pay, Wantedme fto fiojme ana give ,a lecuire, lae proceeds to be donated, itowasd the pledge,, Wrote ;an answer eomplying with hie request. I .Opened the other letter. ..Found it to be a request from a friend out; of town, iwho was sick, and with nothing to pay, bis bflla, Dired 'if I could iborrow ten doilara, and be would repay, U when, be beeameweiW fad returned to ClvelaQd, Wrote an -answer stating that as, soon, as, my,; February ; salary. icame to hand,, which. would be on. the. first of March,. would forward him the money Preferred to forward It not as lstan hnt mm ,m rrtf Tttmtt.T ilea by which, to, keen .out of .troublen ( m A m -3- ' ' m. -r- m whJcftthadtwiecked-so many good, but a wfsa clergy menj-hTlxe llrst was never tled-bec whatever could afford, lend, l felt as though, ought to,give.f second,, waa. never i to .borrow. toped, theref ore, he wouid aeeept the. t as treeiy as it waa oliered, knowing that the only, reason I didnotcare to; sorrow the amount, for lum waa that! did not like to ask. another to do what FW.klto do mysel f fi$t t Wroto a .lfitter, to s a lady whose bov was bound out .three, years ago, bat who M anxious, to get him back, again, f The parties having legs! possession demand, jKpQibefpre they, tw reasa, .him, ion account jot boattLpffered, tpifdonate the proceeds of a lectore in. ease she dei bided to. raise themeuey, . Wrote another; ieziee.sajtna partflavuigj.the.jChUd,., pymg to persuade .themtpy 'educe the PWTKwLznijeajiz itr i ,Aiwr nmner. spent tne aitemoon in writing an article for one of ourdcnoml., hgtipnsi papers. ,vHad.jus abont time , toshaye beforesuppeiv Then w to take a general survey ef the j grprkf iftJUs ,. different departments uauea on one ox tne trustees, tnea one of the deacons, then one pt the-ofacers px,;tn, eanaay ecnooi.. ; Aiade several , more calls, reached home at about ten. b'cloek,, tired and eleepytli Betired. to onus, onaieyer-tueii, tne otner,.-t&en. uroea OTer-.andjt aamojningir Colleeted .by, the pastor of Abbott'e. Ureek CO, , i-t ItoyrJ. A. Snmmey, e v. -J onn ; xiitcne u - and te v, Geo.- P., Q8tick,.each ClOOs W.'P. Red wine. H, PaJmer id .-.JX Y7.-,Beason, each,5d ts; J, -xu .is easor and ili. , each .2S .cents ; L. A. JJolden, Ferebee. each 10 cent .Total It la our earnest desire. to. raiae the lands necessary to pay off our debt and to complete tise bouse and dedicate on tbe fifth Eanday ia Feptember. V7iil not each one to whom LVo.: rta!7gs'' has scat a lftter tend ce erg it - IlemersvIe. 11. A. Lows. tne tnaoksi uos icallexL Babtiitf. Devoted to Bible RALEIGH,'.'.' N." 0.,' WEDrapAPMBJR;;!;? tetro and PefreV BKV. BUSH Permit' me 'a few -words touching a eoint of BeHptute exegesis; as treated in Xk$ BaptUt.Tecifihet for 'May, la reply, to a criiioUm by DrPndletou;i ? - The point of discussion Is the mean ing of oar Lord's words, as recorded la Matt. 16; 18: "And 1 say also opto thee;' that thou artr Peter '(jtm); ahd epon this rook (cefra) will I build, my cbtrchw'!, ,f ; 1 Itmav seem the hels-ht 'of rash 'bre- sumptioD? for an obscure country pastor to take issue5 with' sucti eminent au thorities as those quoted In the article, mcluding both 'Drs. Henson and Pen dletdn:: But so strong is my conviction if the weight of evidence In. favor of an entirel v : different meaninK; - that I am fain to present my view, even though it easa for oahght in the face of laeh an arrav of devout Mtolarshrb. !' i It has not been many vears since I abandoned what seems th be Dr. Pen- dletohs view.' or somethinir similar, vit that theifoandatlonr of the. ehureb, as there stated bv oar Saviour, was the mutual confession of Peter and Christ. I have noi studied the passage much ia te'llght bf De Wette, Meyer,4 Alford, -aL; bat have examined it somewhat in the light of other Scripture, and ' of the Lexicon meaning of psfro and pecra. 1. From the Lexicon, I find petros to mean "a stone." 4af piece of rock," a small stoned whUepetra Is "a rock,' dr 'rock" as a ridge, peak or ledge,; that Is, the native or foundation rock. the "Irving rock" of some classical wrl ters. ' V' i Jesus says : , Thou art Petros'' a piece of rock ; a small pfeee, but a por tion of the 'living rock," having the iehhme rocky hature. "- Then he adds: T'And on this petra"thU original "liv hia' rock Itself I wOl : build my hureh." ' What can this original foun dation rock be but Jesus Christ himself? Pejros is a poetical word 'of tonc,' and js never used I think; in the Scriptures, except In this and one" or two other pas sages as the surname of this ' Apostle Simon. - The ordinary prose Word,Ao, s always used for stooe, Whether literal or figurative in its signification. 2. The form ; of , expression . In the next versa, the Saviour says;, "To thee wUl t give the, keye of the kingdom"; but in this verse he does not say, On thee, will I build my church, but On this rock. , , This is a form of. expressionquite Similar, to other figurative expressions of bur Saviour, where the allusion waa un- mistasaojy to uuuseu . g.t utwouu 4i 19 ; , J 'Destroy ; this tonp2vandin three i, wm raise u up"; Joan 64 ou: the bread which oometh down heaven"; end in words ot Peter, "This is the stone which was set at naught of yon builders." t i The first of these three passages- ''Destroy. this temple, and in three days I will raise it np"o-was wholly, blinding to tbe iJews and, would be even more blinding to us than the passage in ques tion, were It not for the -explanation ad ded by the Jtvangeilst v put he, spake jof the temple oz bis ; body, r. iz . , ypar re ply, that ia those passages I have quoted (the Scriptures make it plaia to usthat Ike .. reference in each case .was to Christ, while in Ibe passage Ja dispute they do nothing oi the sort, , i answer that Jesus frequently, v and 1 evidently jwlth direct purpose, talked in i that blinding , way. ' A", notable example la in the seven parables recorded In .the 13th chapter of 'Matthew. . ; Two of these, parables our Saviour interprets in Very minute detail, and leaves the others if or us ta interpret And concerning some of these others there Is wide diver gence of views about their real teaching, land even more 'vehement discussion, I think,, than about the meaning of petra in the. passage before us. , .-, i j S. Your explanation of the reason for changiog.from the; masculine, to; tbe feminine form of tbe word, as 'demand ed by the sense," and: "because Peter i wa 4 nutn seems to . the exceedingly far-fetched, and Juilys as."snbtie a: re- jflnement" of language " to, evade; . the plaia ease of the word oi Qod." as any jyoa will easily find , among.. Pedobaptist 1 1 writers, Si JfTom aut can, dlBcoyei;; about vetros and vetrai the vara distinct words. with distinct meanings ; and by no. means a masculine and feminine .form , of the jsame wor;lX the ngure pf l'eters,'i a man laying at th foundation ; ox a building" is a .'horrid 'mixture of meta phors," how about many other of Scripture! , For example, , 1 Peter 2: 5i " Ye also as lively stones are built !un a spiritual bouse Zi p Bph.r S.5,20.: '"Ana are built npon the foundation: of 1 the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ I 'himself being the . chief .oroerHstone." Tbjesev'and.other , similar passages, , are lively ,4 metaphors;,, andt i ifail,, to. see iwhereih they are not as f horridly, mix. d?, as the one yen aupposain tbe ease 4..The ScriDtures freauentlv refer to psu4 Christ as, tbopndatlon, tx chief jejOTer-stone.ot the ,urotw but. never; I jtnat 4 am aware or to .reter. tnat, way- lat least, as distinct from the rest of the apesties.i;tn5Pake vthe , passage ..above; pAnd are built pon the foundation of line, apostles ana prophets, esus Christ Ihimself .being the chief corner-fitohe": br.lOorSrFor otbeMouadatioa jean, noman lay than that is laid, which as j esus, urmst" ,yne scriptures abound a, sach.alittBiona to, CJarist as.the founr ation, or('r chief.) cornerstone of , the lauon, wir cmez.) coroei . .-1- - i j A t'A'-A ' t :!' .1 -CTrKlT? ?Xl? r I f lll Anan tha maam at e - a a-. m b Wg.theMmg.centurloxv CorneUua, fiOSf xam no awar.oiany.act oufeter r; of exjy .Bcripture allusion o him, thai erring to Christ himself, there Is indeed k fineJ stronar plav upon the two words.. the beauty and significance of which! to by mind.jis woef ujay.marred by .either, pi.we otner uuerprezauons given in your article Feins, a piece of . rock, small; ana, rough,, fut possessiri jthe . genuine tock 'naurew'viMrafVthe.origmal,i,,,liv-. inaor rarent .rockr--PeterJ a Partaker . bCthe lUvine; nature. And a ehild of ,The meaning of, words, form, of ex- reB8kn;' strength and,, consistency ' of gnre, ., and. consistency ;,with : all ' other enprare, eeem to.; me. to indicate tbatj an idea, but Jesus foundation of the bis1 words In this passage, 'And-1 can far more readily oeueve pnat ; ireter , unaerstooa It. this way wbeu the words were Ercken, than that "our rx.l frf-ni, Tr. Pendleton, will so real ii." (ia Dr. Her.oca'8 way) iwca r 9 r ::a ncae ta heaven," Ear- tUt l"acerfor Cciar,ler. Reumon, EducationLiterature ' an your columns-some of the reasons why you cannot reduce the "price of the 'RK; Oorxjbb. ""It has been mahytyearft since 1 rn&nlnrila.t(wl tvnes and'TjreEseS. but X1 still retain a' siiflcient knbwledirof the ;Bewiiwr uudiuvss w euauw uw iu boo, In theinatfer'of expense, y asffer-, f encepetween, a paper puDiisna wacur i Only and, a weekly paper; whose fornl is made up from the daily edlHon.flsJ have heri rifti,W asked ' whvhJ' BXCORSB dosti t? when a' t pseekrriaii'be: published for 11, and have given tne above explanation, which has generally given satisfaction; n il woeidtbe well to repeat tbe explanation- often, or let it remain as standing matterJfor the behei fit of new subscribers twho will aow and then bring Up. the samequestioa or be- troubled with tne tear tnat tne -ttBcaa-- kr is getung ncja ton last, u ne trutn is, the majority of r the .weeklies,, boh secular and religions,; Instead Of growing inn. nKTH K nun ILTQP1T1B iOT UUbEUGB. iav'i ieaiwttH Y.i 'iiii'ttUbiii'TT I came here five weeks ago much let lown .from eMkness,, t or -tea. days i grew wprse. ;! Since that A , have rapidly improved. Am i almost .entirelj weiL These waters are, very, flne.l Since I have been here they have effected, wonderful changes In the conditions, of some Pro prietors and gue8t&?ie with each? other m making one's t stayy pieasnn W. Taey have succeeded-, ; t ; have neyertseen, a cleverer company.of people, f My churches have been exceedingly kind to mo.As soon a. my . physician said it waa neoeesary for me to suspend WorkJorja while, they kindly consented forme to comehere tp remain' a long asitisneeeasarv.f i,i t,.',r v In ray absence, Bros L J. Taylor has given further proof of his large-hearted- I ness by generously preaching for my people m Weldon feveral .times; v,It is ood to have such churches and such neighboring pastors7 as' mine are. Bra W. B. Cullum supplies for me at Sha ron -and Gardner's, - and does ; It ' well Sharon hast very much saddened by the deaths of Sister Mollie Hicks and Brd. Gid W. Nicholson, . whom God baa called' home daring my absences i'lTheivi obit uaries will appear In 1 Um sRicobdbr soon, i Am sorry I eould not be with the bereaved ones i dariag their1 affiiotlons:' Have tried t'trf i ask for God's1 breeince with them and hie sastalnmk ffraeelttn next Monday I expect to start to the mountalne in a buggyj i Will spend two or three weeks Tttaghirig it! " After that ! I shall return to my field, where I would rather 'betban' ejiywtkere J else i It am hoping that Bev. J. M. McManaway will' accompany me on my way to the moan- i .uasc ouiiuy we u&u two 'goon wr v a. a .a : m i ? tnona in ' the xoorning by Bev. O. P. kfeeks, at tiight by Rev A. W. Price. 1 trttfcvi W. B. MOETOS. Cleveland Springs,. Aug. 29, 1888. rastoral Duty. .:) "ii in!'" .'shU.'V .'i .Ii .vfii .What is the dntv of a nastorir ahen. nerd to the church or churches he serves? i The first 'duty is for the shepherd to become lovingly ae quain ted' with xeaeb bbeep aod lamb of his flock. . It :L Jiis next duty Is to , call them all to gether and -feed theok . IL.bjoweveri there are any missing tonesatrnlar' feeding timea, it ie- thenihie duty toigoi In search of those absent onea. learn the icause; of their absence, feed. thesiy and. aammisfe? w. uiein neeaiwhatever tnef need may e. Wennd iccthe Jiook .that different ones need diflereat treat, i ment? while some requIre,fDrtibeirnourH iflhuiept; strong , meat,, others seed the milk of the word. I tUi ae role, ike shepherds throw out promiscuously the food to all alike of tfieBock present, and then goes away withdut observing who the absent ones are, "and, as a matter of course, he docs hot Vd fnearch'6f them;' I ieht here.T0uall see a srektbsvlaht of.datyT-Tyes,:reeilduty en)thetpart of ;toe.ipreaeaer. usreaenevexeaae tnesa ulml haMthfhU JtaltaaH HkiUai uue. tmnjr : . uem tney areLsacuv on r i i UV.-1 A 4 W 1 . . "u aa. : Ithey can dfeoTbe attention tasattoek of sheep (or a flock of ebareh-membes8) require of a shepherd (preacher) to keep it healthy and id a growing epnditiotwwho ; can describe It! , Clothe spiritually dead that are-! in thecburchesi-ea littlei'ol real healthy material to be found! One great cause of sd manr of these dead ia tne abennerara negiecs of his floekvif Mod compares a live church tothed: J ereatniembers of orrrinortal bbdids. Ef- err member of a healthy body ta willing . and ready to act. at the will of theniindv lEvery member, acts and ecf orma its Ipart at the will of the mih&W How beaa- tuul m CgoMl vBy thU flfltUewe nxav jail see .the dead riees of, the irnembenbip I lot the ebnrehesi Just as these different CgJ0 S members are jubject to the. will of the mind, so ought every member of a 'church to be subject to the wffl of God . cnrlst Jesus their Xrrl. (Jodreqnlree that , the, lambabf the Lurches feL nourished, and. jttelh to spiritual yrork, aM tM epm-' tedt tnlsr webaratorv; UborTi to. his' J nistersM rJowJtratbeyj dolnJthis i ' j - ' . - . j - - m- ' r- -r ' w ts fraltyflahepherds: take the lambff of 1 t . " ' i knOWn.'bV l ihete floek. :nd,feed them .tbemV.1 eelves when thelrwell belhg rfequlrts tt preacher, this is precisely your, dot; td bhureheM anarf 6 thetosel'khrf ?iuf wwawwM. awavwiu rvui SffiK bei,andfor" their usefulueuih'' and to: iov cuuxitu a anot (towieir.i xeiio wjQn I throughout ,ihe whole world- ; Jf ' Jere? l- A - A - . . . . , -m ranere ana taisingon this subr might near him cry oat and say;. ray oeaa were waten.:and mine. eyes a loantain of tears tha,t;-t ' might'! weepaay ana tugnt tor the" negieet of toe you tne ox oar etrarchea, w a .tsA i " i - B, ' Q. Al' IlMWk Faralngton,!?: Oi A&nowUdgements. uis,-v j ' " - f 't liy Heeelvfid fnrthi r.hnrrh RtSi1 ritt county, N. C, as follows: ,JI on. D- Wort hlngtcn, Dne nioe eight light ebaadeUer; Be: C tl. Bitlitt 4 . rVeretary - - - -,-s-r- v "V- ww w w. .. w -wmm :.jtmm.. eb'MUaya Of tbe Aiaericatli i llsutbti I'Illow ' Soeiety 2,776 pages of traeis fodletrl-r bdi ion. . j. nan n. ...w , e .jeaJh i ft? -:Gko. J. Tibwtttmssary?tX Ii al i5 r i'.'. ... K ..... 1 fht.z';'htJl Tomorrow ,U lares en orrirh to break our strength, and God does not fit it to our backs.-; Bo let ns say it -over and over again, though we already know, it so well.-5"-And if we wpuld weU hand! car load, let us net take too much at once. Clark. - . . erature and; General 1 Int 4?8' ,Vj A-Prrae'stery ea Civlng. 1 The Gospel o'efra .editor sat reading her malt;; two letters were 'perplexing; and he paused to fhlnkv there was one from: the West 'Bud Missionary Society: and another from Can Creek Mission Sod-1 etv. each asking "What can we de to malted oney efor the J MaeterV caase. Can't you suggest some hew wky.'ae we have tried all the old ones; we don't want Ijo wait tui the year U drawing to aciose, nd them rash make up ourj amount.. lease write usi eomething that' we can ' o early in tbe year. iiu;i id t$l:t ;ea" ssw tbe: editor aloud, e erv: jsomethiug new is wanted. , The old has. beep, tried, till It M stale, , . That west-JEina societytiwiui jts xasnionaoie City, membership, 'disbanding in July 4nd-resumiDg.lir September, Is as 'tuuch, puzzled to41 psevlde , ways' and means to raise jplsrfonary money as the Caff Qreek llission ' Socletyi whese eountry nem: ra have most ox their meetings in the rnmer season1, idjodrnlhg. durini the Inter. ; They eAch want to know some?. untr new. to. no xor me cause oz. vmnsz. jj ; i - . J w I "!':! ia : - . : . M ( This desire is among nearly aJl societies eud church 1 members something new to do to spread Christ's caasej Suppoee all tried one very old way; that of doing Mtnot ferCnriBaitwThls would be" a blissful eolation withjbleesed result. It in wonderful' all Ubat i the . Savior did ritbout for us. What can we do with out for Bim T -Belf-denial is our remedy, In this strain be, wrote to those two Jocietiesj, tTry,'4 said- ehcr'to see. Jiot what yonean 4e ior Christ,' bat what Aan. jomfa fiDithojut toe Christ,; and write ' pe the result, which I know God will etu 4; w .-, T I The end, of , the year ,camv and .with it the reports from i West, End and Can 0eekv" . Mrj. WeUmsoxi .Wilson secre- year is almost here, and I must write to thank you for your advice last June, ean'ti tell the "results; the Lord al I alone ws the full record, and He' made it ohy as yed'; wrote He would. There as a full meeting of our society when our letter -was1 read, 'and bur president Said: "That is a plan every "member Can try," and I hope every one of as will make an effort to do without eomething for Chrisk". 1AU i of as- have epportuni- ea?t-.i",.iij 't;T .'... ?..-; The pastort wif e added, 1 "I propose that we pray over1 this, asking the Lord tot point out the beet way to do without for h Christ, and prepare. us j tot walk therein,?, . Old --, Sister flmlthaon, led in ferventprayei! that bad a happy effect kud we all resolved todeny ourselves for Christ's.- oaoseri . At the next meeting, jwhioh was after our summer -vacationv klmost the entire . afternoon was token n telling experiences, and ; the pleasing fifects of the new plan... To some ex tent this continued At each meeting up to last week, when our year -etided, and -"-. . ' i!J. -1.- iT- : 1 V . 1 ust ten, times, as much as our usual w awaMVwe V4WW tat vw . ft pai a T sa waan i rat nirn iblb. iu.ii in nnw rMaeNM a it, and we hive "not had any en inienl . Ixcurdbn. fair.'festrvaL rtpperanythiht ..of'fb 'd.1; If ooia never qone voux nearr gooa- xo ive Beard the self-deniabmraeticedi K)he memTsaldiJ'fcLjaehied; myself . xrrp w ty nice- xjuipimr ior tne season, ind instead, I made a visit to a poor kptist exmnm -mr j the taountalniv re--1 red a Saeday eehooi and a missionary ' 3iety;u we tied a delightful time, and red 8500 for the Saviour." 1 cou s. OCssU Swan: ' Intended ;vcroln(r to iUrope, ; but father was VJOt-welL -' I re mained at home, and did without the1 rjp TO4iUHedi-Surope,mloxig(oBi city rwnarx.S; wuiBrJjiaoiee.twentv with i mej jWe gt up .several vfresh air exeersions cor ne poprimowiers ana cneir enuaren. I jkpow we , saved j some , babies , from rlvimr 12nwnA&jt mnn X Kia A m001eft4e7oar eciety.,;i i t Mrs. Richardson:. j?? When?t I went- I . m a m. . . . . iwajr .jof, tne, summer,; instead of taking wait on zne. z tooa our sica - stress, for me to care Jor : and ia 1 iace pt,swpping?at zne notei. we took )Hyate pdh'and weregreaUv nlea. a oejpor-seamssreaa was penecuy !bappy"1 Bhe'j is, a pew;womao. -Doing. iwTtKrknC 1Ka' it ' f ha hnt.l r on .1 io ior tue cause. I vne aiwr another related the pleasing resalts of reelivaenial, wveral rn dotng 1 jwitnoat sometning ror Christ bad done jsome aetvof kindness and saved money !ae weiL b Summer vacation trips waa not .the only theme.?! Mrs. Williams told how 'she had denied herself a lace dress.1" ! bad set my heart 1 on it,n she added. at 1 have gotten along admirably tot JrMy iold one lefar prettier stnslof tbe new ones I have seenf : ; hail mlssedi the worry of ha vine a., dreea madet iWcwarm-. weather."?. Bv doing withoatr:thJa I have saved fifty five doliar8,-.A44siOicr 'iVif fd5 14 aid..!Uli kUm Henry said ? got the money to iget .Bome j prtog dresses and i then did jwitbeqt tUeniu lliwas surprised thati I ha4se manyjgarmenteon hand! gave jawash basket full away to, : some f ami Hies, who weret in .iOeed; and bad plenty leftS;- t oioloi'.vA 6a.i ix'.'-i t.'n I . Mrs, Thomas i : h'l, went without a new f Mrs. Alleoi "T denied myself a new tarioriaTniwre:""' " vv- v Pihia'mJZU MLnWVJl!l?m t MairiB' . yw auawu u . i. a ous uu ui w sais miiiHr krfnnT!9 nf,nii(i.i,timwn. mnh htr. arw'M jT . mugu Detwc every .wav."T .4Xjauirntar.i rff.mlifi.WSaa'l1 r,ZhFPZZimJ?. id been one of inn loolnn bonteibnra LYouv alt know.! aalfl ,RhL .'iinw dvenr society..! Hid hot uo w how.deep seated my affoc myembershi. nis was oqid Christlbutn, kbe'bkrvest of eouls has been rich. Tha chutco' with! missionary .and' other eo pietiea. .The gala, to that part of the city bannot be estimated bx doliarj and cents. Inste4dj)tfidcMng to, weil-to-do ehurch tes, donTt you, all think many of us should fld Without these pleasant privileges, and join mission churches! Great will be bur reward in beavecg and ia this world. i0" , , Vow In conclusion:! Thelf'bHtbnot been told,3 not can"! 'Thabkf ally and praye f ullr our sistef It3hriist" -l " -' Then the Gospel Gem edftor radth l vprtrtrt frnm-ffnn tf-iuA' " -tr.---Pit-i rJj- klns.v Rnrtj.r1; oJi . . 7;L felt ImnoHaf fn" Brit. nn II caa hoe, t .ea a reuort llnr sof intv raeraily.gave P a quarter,' a total of 1.13 a year. That was more than the ence. id Nuubub Hi : 'ill' .i'ji.:')(!i. a, t, f. -Mo church gave, as we. xmly had; onee' sv month l preachings and- the preacher eften bad .a f nneral sermon. As .there was no chance to preach on giving, our ehnrcl waenevfer developed.'11 a-'; nf 1 The preacher. Was present when-: yean letter came ;j be. heartily .approved; the plan, and, as it waa" something t every, member could try we" adopted it unanl-' mously. "It I surprising bowj many things bhe can-da without and 'often bomes are better off; by the self denial As our pastor was leaving he remarked, f I will leadlih tbi by doing without tobaeed ancVwiU pay' your Socfetythe cost of it?!; We knewthls would be a great denia forj be dearly loved tojchew and smoke; the;next month when) be came to preach be gave over the amount fy.10 saying; "there ts the priced three1 eK' ara as day for u month;! and chewing tobacco for the same periodU? - We were greatly, pleased. Hie doing, without to baceo Jast year netted ni 6L?01 " This t more- than the ehnrch paid as salary: Bat I begaatotaft yoaiAboat oar sa Ssty; doing ; withpRt, sal Abppt sthe; first ing we did without c waa goiog to the Circus. J 'You may Jab gh at rtbis. iseif-de iial, bat we saredJ $19.50; for- almost every one on Can Creek goes to the diw eus if it cornea io.flve miles, ot as. Some of our members next decided to do with eut bog meat and save the cost j eeveral agreed to greaUy lessen Cbeir consump tion of -butter,, eggs and ; chickens; and almost everyone was willmg te do with out some garmeote Yoa eaaweasilyisee that there is hardly aziy limit. to7 the op portuaiuea xor eeu-denisji sainwui not relate all we-tried,- thoogh I -ras secret tary snd wrote down what each agreed to try to do' without. owa .hsataaJs j Would yen believe itt This self-denial broogbt into bar tieasaryi ffSSS t U It - af- feetedr. oar bretbreo and the : whole ehureb. A- revival camat od i three1 months : ago ; our nieetmg-htmse : has Jbeen repainted, refurnished, fitted -for winter occupancy and, beet of ell, we have preaching everv Lord's vJav. and have a floarishing Sanday-eohooL: Grate luiij yoora, i.p 'J3?f.-. iiMiiz a -4 aa aaare.' y. The editor laid down tbe letterknel and thanked God for helping thbssr who honored: the,ezample of :Hii son, by J.di.;o jiftii-?v -'-.n iia4)'ftq I onMwtlhgbiih Association will convene at Piny. Green, Bampson county, It. U.,- Friday, aep tember 28th.,. . ; . .; . .. I Introductory sermon by B. John son, n uuiMitonary sermon oy xi j. xun- fVi-'a 3Jf-A ni;t ft ft t i .L An we aa MIssmnarvKaniJstaabev ing the injunctions of the Scriptures in iwSwwi tun ,n ww i- u vut, iiyw tuo we. to elicit the sympathy and -oorbpera fion or the. wboie xnember&hlpj r Whit- hey .BbyaL''' iX'; enf 1 bees now amomr Christians ae there was t-j . -g.- ... ; , . . In the days, of Christ and, HIs Apostles f ! ,a. m the Absence ...of ? the pastor or some ordained minister, should a chrirch neglect to observe the ordinance of the Lord's Suppert John B Downing. r , 5f BOBBBr A. DfiAjidHcar. Sec if iuouu, Ave oj.QOOr iiif ' jdl ims- Boiue Son and :Sealhle Suggestions. There are 'noW onlr six: week hntil themeetmg of oar Assoelationi What bas yoarchmch done for the different objects, claiming our attention this year t (Will not" some brother nf every church iBee that funds are 'raised1 for the differ ent' objects of our Convention 1 J&ipe jciauy wm r yen see that, larger, amounts than ever be raised for. State1 and Por jelgtt Missions and for our Orphanage at rrhomasvillef L" tfu.tiifibT i 36 i I wottld ask that each delegate to the Association endeavor,tocarry up at least lone new subecriber for the Bjcoordsr.. All this I ask,' first,1 for your church's eaket eecona,s for yonr pastor's sake Sand last, but not'leastiior cfurBavior's i i i ti 5? Tons , uretnren, piease ao not allow a etter to go op to the Association, stating 1 wnas peace you ! . are e w oyinar i ' What 1 jiaiuuui .preaching ) yoa have dbadiand i bad who is to preach for you. next year; land what yoa hope to do sometime, if yOU Only H long nnneh; thingri iyour letter both ask for prayer in your behalf and., prayer i for the body in ses sion euch a letter, is a perfect blank, ifrom the. fact ' the. Association has no 'need for such letters; and all the good : jthey -do Is to expose both the church m . . m At m. '-mm -w TT au tufpasHor.i oi D'.i.-i 9J&tUct Dear brethren, the Spirit of Christ is (certainly ; a mission Spirit ' s Paul .tells ins if we nave not the mind Of Christ; we are none ox His." So let us prove to our jown Thearts1 joy and to others that1 we are Uhrtsta by doing as He has done. : J. G. FXSHKB. iBosUn, TSCiC, wixsm frmllcos sivT' .-ll5J ?'co ii." n i iSliu'W .iir..f. -4t I VX ilf'.. M?clergymanwrlthiFnrl Hudson's jviat ' to America.' and of hearing bim Ipreach in Plymouth says;-? Jxmi t "$he old choreh was crowded, and I was able to' find a seat only In a corner of the gallery.' Shall I confess ray dls ppoinuneut, whm a Hhinv-wom man, and that ItorAenoloL 1 j where misdonarje'nameit arid especially those of Judson and Bice, were familiar .Words,' somehow, in my boyish fancy, I bad thought -of bim as a- great orator, ; kith a loud Toice1 and commanding cones, woo; wouia sweep 'down au . be- end over again: bis1 ope, theme; pleasing tfftus, somehow I forgot all' abont elo b.uence. There stole over me, a boy convert of only a feir months standing, k 'great i tendeiaess.V Was this noble. nan Influenced In - all be ' bad done, by the simple thought of pleasing ' Jesus f Welt, theh,n migbt jhbt x, - bo as I was; strive" to J please "Jesus' also f1 5fy eyes begab to flu, and my ; heart was in my to please Jesus! ' A hundred times since.' the single simple thorieht of that sermon has come to me, and the memory of that J Jummer aiiernoon in inc. corner ox tne allery; and the ' scehe and the"' words have been an inspiration. And if that' Is eloquence which-' gets" Its thoughts Written imperishably upon the heart of in auditor, then tbe Simple,' almost Childlike words of that hour were truly I alnnnant " -'; " 'it ... ; ,. i i We must trust C : trace him. Ada. 1 where we eannot j Special Notices charged SO cents a Use. ,-, No contracts suae lor erery-other-week sdver-1 ttsesjenav-. J ' ..:T J-.A s --Vt Obknarles, shtty words long,'are Inserted f re 1 of charge. 5 When they exceed this length, ea ' - . eW foV eaca word aanst bepaid la adfaacat ' )ots froth Eastern North Carolina. it' iilVCt'iS Hii2 , '" :".-i"f.irr.'.i.r v. t - j.rtl fag's Head-offlistloaary Ualon OrgaaM ? ized Active Church and S. 8. Work'.; '' ers New House of Worship for Eliz- ' aketk City Netesi etc -.'ii xu iM The eeasott-at Nag's Head about ver.'p I brooght my family dp last Sat? ilrday.;,-1; n oi'y'- ' :t. ' . j Tbe natural advantages of this place are unsurpassed" Fishing, gunning and surf-bathing' are some of the chief sports. 5 t is to be regretted that the art of . znani . ias;done--solittle.:p,7j. , ic-j" I ,bave been in 'Elizabeth City one P month.' I have scarcely bad time tosur-""V vev the field, as I have snent onlv8nnt days here iBowever I a am greatly ---de lighted with; the, prospects. I-find the- Members of my church .ready for every," good-work, and X ani endeavoring to n s give each one somethtDg special to do "4 ii had a; very enthusiastic .meeting Of ;b e ,yonDg men Monday: night. TbeyQ organized, a "Young Men' Missionary S'nion to1 meetrweekry: 'These young rethreh hbre to' reach the non church goersjthe d&&tifiit$iii 'EV.A zz i Dnr women p are also, active..,, Ttiey. nave a very interesting missionary soei-' . y, and the little girls meet monthly to " ntrioute their wites to missions. Our Sunday-school is growing rapidly." I ere were, forty new. scholars brought t in during the last two weeks. , The mem-. .. . bers of the echool teachers and scholars,' '1 are hunting op those woo stay at home -Willingly or nnwillmgly.rv'jcis t ii- .it-'t Our congregations have .increased un- there is not room. " I?eep interest is . evident among the uncon verted, and we v are hoping for converts at every service. b I receiyfdicineria8t Sabbath-foui by" experience , and tfive, by letter. H,pthera.i ' are awaiting baptism. -,r I WC shall begin a series of meetings on the fdnrth Sunday in September, the rj ; Lord wiliingViThe town is ripe for the s fliilii pa't- I I. have the best yet 1 to., write. Our. bouse is large but old so bur brethren ' have said; I'iWe1 need a "new bouse, and ioe will build iWehope to let the con-1 tract In September. Of course,, we will K. . build , a" bouse worthy of our great de-,, nomination;1' It is a great undertaking, knd we may need help bat of this here- ' . afterir The bouse will be built r, v ;A I look upon this field as the most im- 4 portant in easternNorth Carolina. Eliz-' abeth City is the key to this part of the State. It should be the banner church -f the old Chowan. Association, and -we V -believe it will be. : ,;t i Jam hopeful and satisfied, ' Our days are few, and should be spent in leading : souls to Christ This utterance of Paul In, 2 Con 6; II should be the secret of every minister's life then when bis loeks are silvered and his strength fails, he can pay in the language of the same great epdetle, "For what is our hope, or joy, or ' crown of rejoicingly Are Hot even ya la the presence of, our Lord. Jesus. Christ at ' his coming t , . For ve are our . glory ana crown." l Thees. z:i. ifu. - rJ. City, Aug. SO, 1888. ...IsihuOiM .T 7 "t 'i ! fit is natural tor toenr and women, too. . jto .admire xnahly men., Whining and; canting senumentaiists make them sick, jand theyfeelnke following Chrtsfs Cx-' ample with nisi lukewarm church and -ispewhag thenx out of their mouth. -- Men 1 who have back-bones themselves honor-, iwell-vertebrated fellow belng&l - ' j 1 Every oxiee in a while a wave of gush : etrikea the religious -jetiy; fish of the icountry on the subject of Baptist close commumon,. TotoUjtbem that the Bap tistestd'exactly oh' the same ground in regard to communion as do all all the : jother i bodies, incindingT tile' Catholics, and excepting pnly the DiscipleA'doee . pot stop the gushing In the leasts They 1 stUl'whlne'&bourour want of love and' talk of the glad day in the dim and4 di: tant future when Baptists shall cease to ) have any devotion to principle and shall), bare more for their gush than for, 'Thus -eaith the JJord.":'.The day they look' forward to with r such1 watery eyee and 1 i dhavering voicesjof prophecy seems to' 1m growing more: and more distant in i View of. tbe stubborn fact that the Bap-' , fcisla' toSWeden'Denniark,- Canada, iWalM anfYitheMTTnltMT' RfAta wWrs M close eomrriuniCnists: are increasing more rapidly than the population, while the i open, eommnnionists In .England, are wtrograding: ;; - '" v' ' . ; Now Chey know that fact Just as well as we do. i And their pretended love and ? desire for i fellowship with us .la like Joab's kiss when be smote Amasa under the fifth' rib. "And they think, we are such fools we do not see through their v hypocrisy; and cant- But tbe manly xnen; among tl ipther denominations ), despise,, the , gushers .and whiners and y earners for union" at the expense of principle as thoroughly as we dot. They 1 will not betray, their own principles for the sake of ..trying to get a sentimental v advantage.over , the. Baptists.;,, Their ehurches. all . Stand ' on the common ! ground 1 thaf the' unbaptlzed must : not 1 eometo theLords table, no matter how : pioua, ..they: may be. JThe. Jntsriofv yot i Chicago says ; We , agree , with j them ' (Baptists) In' saying that '. unbaptlzed persons ehonld not partake of tbe Lord's ' Supper." And -the American Presbyts-l rton says:, vah'.t-t :-tia. .! ?J. I Open communion Is an absurdity,, when it means communion with the nnbaptized. L Let us have unity; indeed, bat not at the expense of principle ? Ana let as not ask .the Baptist to, ignore, oz be inconsistent , with his own doctrine. : Let us not' either make ah outcry at bis close communion,' which is but faithful- pees to principle, until we -are prepared toJ: be open, communionists ourselveM from which etupiditytuay we be forever j preserved.' ' !' . ; ' ' " ' ' ;' ; And similar extracts Vould ' be glveh ' from' other papers pf as high standing. They contend with ns on the subject of what cotutltutes baptism bt they are honorable opponents who are true.tol their ownrpTmdpl6S, and; liave as thor ough a contempt as; we have for thoee who, for tbe sake of attacking Baptists, peny their own position Western Re-' iporder.' r-1' i4 i s - Acknowledgements for the North African Mission, ; 1 -AUe . Comazin, 10 eents; Mr. Long, .y Bev,, Rufus Hilbern, A. F. Foard, each; . $0 cents Pleasant Grove eh, $150; W,"! O. Lee Jand J; D.' Rogers, each $1.00; - Plney Grove church, S. C., $3.52; Gum'.' 8wa,mp ChpeL 57, c :t3: Archie Clark, 10 cents. - ., D. J. Clark.. 1 Clarkton, N. C."1 ' I 1 ester day is yours no longer; to-mor- . row niJiy never be yours; but to day is ,: yours, the living .present is. yours, end r, hi the living present you may ft.vtch ' forward to .'the things that are before. F. W. Farrar.