WI IBniBmnCDAIL EM(D0M3DIgml:,:'V - . ' ' 't- r : '( !" T u .'."RI'ailTEOUSNESS; TEMPERANCE, AND JUDGEMENT TO COME." V "V v ; I IV ' ' t : --.-;, ' .. . ' EDITED. BY j MEREMrrijT v v ' . - - ft i (--'.-' .. . .- r or THE FOURTH I vfnTION OF PROCEEDINGS AJiNVAL MEETING OF THE BAPTIST STATE CON NORTH CAROLINA, HELD ATI CASHIE ' MEETING " 1I0VSE, UERTIE COUNTY, NOVEMBER 1-5, 1S34. (Contiiiued.) , I , REPORT OP THE BOARD. (C 0 N CI V D E D.) 1 J wViW our cv iest upon these unpromising spots in oun State, wc-ate , -tw 1 III? w v . . ., - . . , a - i i ' m . . ' r . l i .,l(iniinn nnri lhA whn p Irint hr'ciirh a1 the irrcai lipatl i. T :jni;,m who will never cease in their toil, until the whole land i . konnv rninvauon. anu tiie w of the churcn.wmuujHvucayu wn.. - .-1 The Board will close the report by adding, thatv in'the Convention is thnhooe of the denomination. ; It is collecting the pious, the intelligent, Vk Uti vo-Baptists of Jhe Stat and, combinliKr theix stwjntlfor the goodl. J0UN -ARMSTRONG, Cor,' Sec. REPORT ON HOME MISSIONS, Ur Commiltec on the subject of. Home Missions, -.beg leave follows ; . . , . - . to report as 10 ' f Viewing 1 calmly the highly favoured State which we inhabit, we are i ': presented "with a widely extended and interesting Society of our order, and If aloVitn Uiousandsof our fellowrcamres going down to riiih. We pro r..L in have received the truth in the iove oCit, and to be lanimated wilK I '.-A hi sympathising and benevolent prmcipleiof Divine rcharity. The que- ' jn4 theIinutes and history of bur denomination in bur owii State, e find (hit it has ever been .a matter! of solicitude vitlr our btetlirenbf the past 1 enetationj Uiow they could) best promote " Itinerant' "preaching through rnt iip'ix several Associations and I Districts. It has been, and still is, a nialtr.of ankious solicitude with ' ourselves, how we may best promote J ! Itincjant or Missionary; preacliin amongst; us.i :Wepercite'that the har- veit is'Feat and the labourers are lew ; and that there is a great , call tor - minisienai labour and exertion.. ; Wer lament to find so- much'diyersityjiOf " i opinion amonst qui brethren on this subject ; but if we wait for unannni i ty of jcntimcnt, we shall be called from bur listless inactivity to account . i for ou : stewardship, anff thousands of our fellow men pass Into eternity un . prcvai ailtJ nothing done. ' :,jr j; ;: , :.y-"..: v t-' : r1 -'j : -:'' Oac churches arc some of them destitute, others eold and" declining, with the walls of 'discipline broken down sbme; pastors cold and backsliden. i and tl eflbbk& scattered; error, (with its many heads, introduced byjfalse f teachers, professing to be preachers of the everlasting Gospel, and too j many, alas ! -corrupted from the simplicity of the truth. And also, sinners petishVng.for the lack of knowledge. One of our Missionaries, yho rode j and preached in the West end ot the State this year, reports that he met and a young kvoman whp had never heard a prayer, and appeared abashed i and shrunk away on the occasion : his soul was melted, he sat down and wept. ' ; With duej deference and great earnestness we recommend, that the . ; twelve sections laid out last? year through the State1 and partly attended tof jj-e occupied the succeeding year by the careful appointment of a' Minister vfor each district, to travel and preach throughout the whole year, if prac- I Vvl J TVi4t 1 1 r v rti etrnt 1 r 1 imi fprl tn I hie cpp tinn Vkii t 1 ct 1 r Y ia nitrn ; option, acid discretion in such cases. That he should receive money when I offered to him, and keep and return to the I?oard an account of the same, - but in no- case solicit a donatio.n. 1 nat it is his business, and should be 013 .COnSiani jpracuce iu pieauu inc jjwuuus jjusci ,iu is puriiy anu wherever it is! desired or requiredaffectionately, in a Wotherly spirit; to ex pUin te:bbjects'of this meetinjr, and with much-patience and meekness, J e'ndaVour to Soothe, ihe minds and calm the fears of those opposing them- $ehes, stnrjng to bring and to keerrthe unity ot-the bpint m the.bond ol peace : for' we know that our soleobject is the glory of God - and the good ' ot iiqn. J ol wjucii is respeciiuuy suomiiiea. UEPORT ON THE INSTITUTE. TheCoramittee on the; Wake Forest Institute ask leave to report:- i j iThat ftince the meeting of the Convention ' in November, 183. the In stitution has gone into operation, and its success thus far has exceeded the hones of its most I sanguine ; friends.. 'It commenced about tlxe, first of February last, with about twenty-five students, which number continued to increase, until August, when the number had reached seventy j at which time, for want of houses for the accommotktinn nTth students, the Trn- , tees found it necessary to' give notice that no more' could be admitted until tne nrst oi February next.; An exammatiorwjf the students of theJnsiitu tion took place inAugust last. The report of the Examining Committee speaks m the highest ternls of the proficiency of the students, growing out of the untiring zeal of its jPrincipal, the Rev. Samuel Wait,, as well as the active energies pf the minds of the students, produced from the salutary effect of from one to two hours' labour each1 dav, civing strength and health to their bodtes and vigdr to their nnds The great proficiency U il,e siuueuis, iauie various oranencs ot studies, and the cheerluiness with wmcu iuev ait engage in the labour, department of the school, leave it no longer problematical that there js great utility iii uniting moderate labour with Study. If but temporary buildings, which arc now going. up, can be made ready in time, your JpommiUee-are in possession of informal! od .to' be " reiiea on, -that next session wilt commence with one hundred -.students: Thepublick are aware of the many and peculiar advantages of ithe lnsti- I tution, and. its; friends have now every thing to hopeand nothing to fear. I As the Institution is the legitimate ottsnrinir of the tjonveniion. and had its f management until setting; up for itself I linder an act of incorporation, your Committee would still reeommend it tcj the foitering care of the Conven tion. Your Committee cannot close this report without!, referring ; to the 'blessed fact of the late revival anions the students of the Institutions We say blessed, because few such incidents are to be found in the annals of ii nisiory.. tnai ii snouiu. piease jroa,fui sucn -an aimosi miraculous raan 1 ner, to pour out his spirit upon so mahy, sb young,-by such feeble means, fort iderl K5od, have toiled to put the Institution into operation, by thus early brinsrinff to a knowledge of the truth, as it is in Jesusj thpse whose happy Iot,it has been to be placed in the YY ate i orest institute. "" - Kespeettully submitted. ; - ! ;, J UAV1U THOMSON, Chairman. KAhEX .TBaDITIONS. Concluded. "s I ' . Honor to Parents. ' ' " mO children and grandchildren !. respect and reverence your mother and father; for, 'when you"were small, they did not suffer so much as a rnusquetop to bite you. , , IVsin against your pa rents, is a heinous crime.:' ; . "'"' -: k 'i . . ' -I0 others:'- : - "0 children and crrandchildren ! love 'each 'other' arid be merciful to each other as brethren. Quarrel not ; for you are all friends and. relatives, descended irom the "same race. Let there be n o envying or divisions among you: for you are pf one stream anu one country ; therelore, let fill eri-. mity be done away irom among you. '. j , j " O children and crrandchikiren ! 'live in peace i with each other. ? God from heaven observes us. ai)dvivaarL manifest lb hinylf wje.do not lov each other, God will not love us; but, if we love one another, God will look down upon us with iy". . , . . .' - 1" , Against Murder. ;; children and crrandchildren! do not take the life of man. If you kill, you must bea r your sin. in the next world vou will ho killecl in rn- Rewards and Punishments. 'The righteous persons, the rightcbay.' Arrive at heaven ; . ' Good persons, the good,- ."V Gotoheavenr i ! Above all that, that is happiness here, ' a ar greater happiness remains.". "Unrighteous persons, the unrighteous, At death ?o to hell j Lascivious Persons, the lascivious -1 he king ot death takes note of them: Wicked persons, the wicked, . Go to hell." ' . III turn Oc Against Robbery. hildren and grandchildren 1 do not for-t.1 io short a period, to tne coversion, aim we nope, nnai salvation ol about cioiy lake the property of another Observe my y souls but such are the facts, and though to us they may appear won- ' ehil'dreri. that robbers ouicklv become slaves. ul. vet we rejoice m their result, ahd take courage in the belief that Shnnld vmi trnnA ,r..;o i in his good providence, is already Rewarding the labour bf those who ih ; t nii;nmAn nA ui m i .A- K REPORT ON a. THE PERIODICAL. The Committee tp whom. was referred the subject of a Periodical, lias . had the same under consideration, and! submit the 1 olio wing report : I ? It will be recollected by the Comrention, that at bur session, held at I Reaves' Chapel, we agreed to extend our patronage to a monthly periodica, then published in Edenton, by brother T. Meredith, to be called the Baptist ! Interpreter : That at our last session held at Carthledges Creek, upon a r careful inspection of the numbers published, we gave it as our opinion. 1 that the confidence, of the Convention was not misplaced, that the paper i .nau mei wuu uuiverbai appruuaiiou, yim we inen unnesitaungiy reconi ! mended it (o the patronage of the Convention, and that renewed efforts be ! made to procure frfr.it a still wider circulation. Since that it has been f more extensively circulated, and yourj committee believe "it has produced I much good in removing the unfounded prejudices of our well raeauingbut misguided brethren, and diffusing correct information. But experience proves that a monthly paper,' however j well conducted, is lnsumcient for our nurnose ; and as we fear a monthly and a weekly naner cannot be sus tained by us, we. recommend that a weeklyjpa'p'er be published by our bro ther T. Meredith, and as many of our brethren in S C. have patroni2ed bro. Meredith's paper, we recommend that it be published in some central position ot our atate, and more convenient to our brethren m South Caro- linn tlmn dta itroeohf 1 rftrr . io caat a . ! ' rwvai.wu,.;wu cfcuinsiaiices wiu justiiy such a All which is respectfully submitted. -; REPORT ON THE r The WM. P. BIDDLE, Chairman. REPORT QN FOREIGN MISSIONS. (.- '-v'v:Jl-'?.v.vU-. ''':;;;. '.i: M;-:;,.,;.r. Committee on Foreign Missions beg leave to present the followin CULPEPER, Chairman-. AGENCY. F : n ; X -Report i-r.s . . . ;i"'J: --. " ri:; ' ' The aspect of our various missions, in this department, has never been more favourable than it uat present. The recent completion of the trans Uatiofi of the Scriptures into tlie -Burman language ; the iijtrepid and suc cessful operaiions of brethren Kincaid and Cutter at Ava ; the liberal dis-; tributio i of Mracts'in many of the most populous parts of ,thetempire ; and; the earnest and unprecedented spirit, of inquiry recently excited among thei :vBurmah'rpeopleV added to the judicious and persevering efforts bfjthe brethren at ltangcon, Maulmein, and other places ; and the late accessions made tc th. missionary forces in that country by recent appointmentsh-r-. altoget er present k scene of interest and encouragement never before tvit hesed niho J3urman Einpire.l iAnd, as an intimatidti khat 'results' o'f 'the utinost aomsrit will follow!, it may ; be mentioned -tha several flourishing and effective churches have been constituted, in connexion , with which - upvardsv of. five hundred persons have been baptized, in this dark, idola trou.Uaiid. V.T : ;;: ' i ;-;-;; ....-' :-t'--' V: :.'v Tho mission recently established at Bankok, in Siam, through which, it is believed, the gospel may shortly be introduced in the vast empire of China. Jas coriimenced under highly auspicious circumstances, and pro-: mises aiield Of extensive and successful labour. f : r'f; - i I The kmssibw in France, thqugh sverely chastened . by -the!, death of our . late highly esteemed brother Rostah,5 is still progressing auspiciously un- - d6r the superintendarice of his .successor. ; . X--'y:rA':''X''':-x---i Wilhm a year a Baptist churchfhas' been - constituted in Hamburg, in 1 German1, and a Mr.. Ohken, a minister of the Gospel lately belonging to an other denomination, has been baptized and' ordained, and installed as their " pastor. :i ":..A-t i ' -'I ';':' !,?-; 'i ;h. ;!;!;, -.t'::. 'jV-' ':' t!tvV,r' :'';:! Th above is a condensed and imperfect outline of the statg of bur Fo- v reign Missions, down to the latest accounts, rWc should be pleased to go jnore into detail, but our limits forbid, a I i . I" ".- AH which is resnectfullv submitted.1 " ' : . ? T, MhiliKUi in, Jfiairman. REPORT ON EDUCATION.1 I The co.-nnaittee on education ask leave to report. That they have civen the subject submitted totheir!consideration a careful investigation. They are fully aware of Its importance, and believe that.it will be the lever by which, With divine aid)your denomination will be raised from their inacti vity to a band; of exalted jusefdlness. ' ' ' t ' ' I ' The education fund is now; ample For particulars on this subject ierencej maybe had to the report of the Board. Objecjls for the disposi lioa of this fund.are now needed.; There are many young men who have engaged in the ministry, belonging to our Church, who need and desire an education ': but, owing to a lack of encouragements they have not takeri Active steps lojavail themselves of the advantages pf , a regular course of StUfly; . There are many brethren who have been engaged for years in the ministry, Iwhose iusefutness is, in ja great measure, curtailed by the want of , aft education. V The Committee are personally acquainted with instances of this kind, j ' Some are. detained at .home, by dependent families ; and , we would recommend the churches to which such brethren may s belong! that thev should take steps for the support of the families of these brethren. while they may be pursuing their studies. Should the Church to .which a brother m5y belong feel unable; to aid his family, then let the Union Mnotinor tb which the Church may belonff. lend ihpJr . aii. Independent of the reasons which might be urged . against this' support comititr! from the Board.'-such as the inconvenience of families residing at the'Institute. there are considerations which render the com- . ruauce oi tne suggestion here made desiraoie.i r n wouiu prove a more cer- taia means of secnrinr the labour of those brethren who may be aided. and it would attach them more to the church or churches "that -may assist Ybur Committee,' to whom was refer red the subject of the Agency, beg leave to report V.. vf.j-1 "".)") : ' i : vj ."' '"...-.. ;- " . ',: ' That in the opinion of your Committee, the history of the Baptist Con ventioii of North Carolina, niost manifestly shows, that its success is to be resolved into the efforts of the Agents under the blessing of God. 7 1 une uiiucuiues wnicn mei ine; vonvnuon ai i cuiuuiencemeni, nave not yet all been removed : the same arguments, therefote, that urged the apjiointment of an Agent, at an early pejriod of the existence bf the body, may novr, with equal propriety, bie adduced in favor of a reappointment. ! Much ignorance in relation to the objects, muih piejudice in relation to the measures, and much listlessriess in relation to the efforts of the Conven tion must be removed it is truei much has been euecied m correcting er- and in promoting Ihe interests of truthjl but much still, remains. to be Your Committee 'indeed, believe that the interests of the Coaven- deperid largely upon the exertions of the Agebcy, and thecefore most rors done. tion, Jearnestly recommend that it be continued. All which is most respectfully submitted ! -' .. . : ,! JOS. REPORT ON SABBATH SCHOOLS. B. OUlTLAW, Chairman. You; Committee feel deepjy sensible of thb negligence that has hi therto prevailed in our churches on tne important subject !of Sabbath Schools. (While we believe -that Sabbath Schools 'have been greatly blessed of the Lord, and that many; of their pupils have been inadethe subjects of divine grace, and useful andefficient members of ouir churches, we therefore think that we can not too 'highly recommend immediate attention to the subject, and that our .active and intelligent brethren use suitable means to procure proper books, with such other ' facilities as may be in j their power for the promotion and' prosperity of a work, which wre believe to be so intimately connected with the prosperity of Zion. ... j . . s,;s Which we respectfully submit. li ! .. i ! JOHN PEELE, Chairman.. ; REPORT ON TEMPERANCE. The Committee to whom Avas referred the subject of. Temperance, deem the Temperance Society a& one of great importance,- and find the subject was, by the Convention at its? last session, recommended to the patronage of all religious and philanthropic individuals. Since that pe riod, many neiv Societies have been brrre4 in our churches for the pro motion of this all important object, and large accessions have been made to the Societies,formerly in existence in our churches, and the amount of good effected By, these Societies, and the exertions of the members, and friends of the temperance jreform, has been very great Your Com mittee, therefore; recommend that renewed, increasing, and united efforts be made by all the friends of humanity in bur Churches and Societies, to increase the number and extend the influence of the Temperance So-" cieties. . ! 'AMt' :::'ilj': i (:: . A.d Ay-' -- All which is respectfully submitted. ! . 1 ' REUBEN LAWRENCE, Chairman. I . . - REPORT ON TRACTS. "O chi and drink The Committee on Tracts, beg leave to report : . . ' That they have had the subject under consideration, and from the evi dence furnished by the Baptist General Tract Society,. of the great mo ral influence produced bv its publications in Canada. Germany, and among the Gentiles of the East, as well as in our own ' land of disen thraldom, and believing that those silent preachers, (as they have been significantly styled) aire calculated to remove the film of prejudice from f the mental eye of many opposed to the cause of Zion, and'thej peculiar tenets of our own Church we, your Committee, would therefore re- ihe Wake Forest Institute continues to progress, fulfilling the ; most ;. That we recommend to the different Churches of our de- fsangume expectations of us friend, and we dpubt npt will soon give us nom:hntinn thrmlfyhoiit this SJtntA thp riftrv' nf forming Societies a proot ot its increasing usefulness, A little time since a most eneenng, "r - V' -.jT"- vT To i-l v Ah ihPmomU f eyivaror fdigioh broke out among the students, and i trna 'a i .i . 13 . - '.,. ?.i , .l!. this C!nnvntirtn hft rpnMfstn tn vprt tnir infliiPTicn. in- tueir, reSDeCtlve jemphted by 'the Convention. Already has the signal bf divine approba- I neighbourhoods, to carry into operation the first clause 01 this resolution. Auuiwmcu o icapecuiuiy suuiuiueu. JNO. A ' 011 had the effect of dispelling the doubt of many who stood alooC from u secured their srood wishes and cordial co-operation. . POUNCEY, Chairman. Against The ft. children and grandchildren! do not steal ther goods of another ; for the owner workrd for. tliem until he1 sweat. Thieves will have to re- y.": . -i . . -4 ' ' I A gainst 'Adultery and Fornication. ' r ' O children and grandchildren 1 do not com mit adultery or fornication with the child or wife of another, female. or male ; for the righteous one looks down from above, and these things are. ex posed to him.j Those that da thus, will go to hell." '. ' ': . ; . , : i Against Polygamy. . . " O. ch ildren and grand9hildrcn 1 if you have iOne wife, lust not after another female or male ; ! for God, at the beginning, created only two." . 1 I ' Against Lying and Deception, j " O children and. grandchildren ! do not speak falsehood 'What you do not know; do'not speak. Liars shajl have their tongues cut out." O children and grandchildren ! do not use i deceitful -language, but speak the words of truth only, j The righteous one in heaveii knows eve ry thing that is said." I ' ' j Against c Swearing.' ' O children and grandchildren! do not curse, or use jmjrecations, and do not scold. If you curse, or use imprecations,, they will return on - - On, giving Alt. , , ,t -drcn and grandchildren! rive food to the nobr : and. bv so doinp1-. you mil obtain mercy yourselves. ' - Doing good to all Men. O children and grandchildren ! according to your ability, relieve the distresses of all men. If you do gobd to others, you will not go unrewar ded ; for others will make like Tcturns to you." K , Against Idleness. ', , O children andgrandchirdren while in this state here onl earth,vlabor diligently.' that vou may not become slaves ; nnd.lwhen persons visit you, nave ipou ana.annK to ive them. ; s ' . s A gainst Voretousness. ? . - " O children and grandchildren!, do not covet the... thin crs of others, nor desire to accumulate property; but work' according to your ability, anu covet iiol , v .. . ; 1 - ' " Against Intemperance. . . " O children arid grandchildren ! do r,ct le guilty of excess in eating and drinking. Uej not ; intemperate, but take that which is proper oi ly."' Obedience to Kings: ",c hildren and grandchildren ! obey the or "dcrsbf kings; for kings, in formertimes, obeyed tlie commands of God. If we do not obey them, they will kill us.". ;. - Against, Efirthly-niindcdness. " O children and grandchildren j do, not covet the, good things of this world; for when you die, j'ou cannot carry away the things thai are on earth." . " O children and grandchildren ! do not 'de sire to be great men, and possess authority ' Great men sin exceedingly, and when thev die, ' 1 11 ti ! - . . " - ' i go to nen.'M . ? : . ' J x : i - j Against Anger. rO children and grandchildren ! -never get angry.' If we aTe angry with others, God is an gry with us.. The righteous One looks dowii from heaven upon us. The person who looks on the great and small, the vile and the wicked,' children and youth, without anger,, and gives them food and drink, he shall bo established uj. changeably." . ' ' , i : i On Forbearance and Humility. J "O children and grandchildren ! thoug ja person persecute you with deceit, anger, and 're- vensre. thouerh he strike vou ' thump you, beat . you do not return him evil. r If you Teturn evil, you derive no advantage thereby. . Then with the heart forbear, and speak to him respectful . words ; by doing thus, you will not go unre warded." i 1 . I The man who without anger endures all with humility shall be established unchangeably, for by doing thus the advantages of meritorious qualities are his." ; - t . i ' -V On Love to Enemies. . "0 children and grandchildren ! if a person injures you, let him do !what he wishes, and ; bear all the suflerings he brings .upon you with humility. If an euemy persecute you, lovehirri '- with tHe heart. On account 'of our having sinr - ned against God from the beginning, we ought to sutler. ',. .-' k How to act when one cheek is struck. " O children and grandchildren ! if. a 'person strike you on the face, he does not strike you on the face ; he only strikes, on the. floor. ; Theroj fore, if a person strike you on the cheek, give TRADITIONS CONCERNING THEMSELVES AS . A' NATION.' ! ' . ! -.A Nation-of Wtmlcrers. ' ! ' ! No proof needle br'oughi that the JewsVcrc the chosen people of God, but were cursed for their disobedience, and that hereafter God wilt again rhorr them favor ns ntlhe beginning : "trad this;is exactly the belief of the Karens concern ing themselves. - . ; ! : " v 0? children J and grandchildren ! formerly God loved the Ivaren nation above all others, but they transgressed his commands, and in conse-' quencc of their transgressions we suffer as at present Because God cursed us, we are in our present, afflicted state, and have no books. -But Qod will again have mercy on us, anda;ain he will love us above others; God will yet save us again ; it is on account of our listening to the languagb of Satan, that we thus "suffer." !"Thc Karens were created bv God. ,ra ooa jave mem commands ; jThe Karens were cursed y GiJ, ' Aiid they have no happiness to the present time When God went away he pave commands, But not an individual obeyed them." j ' Tskay, mentioned in the following .fragment, was one of the virtuous ancients, but nothing fur-. ther than his name is known. . . "In ancient times men ate from the branch of bearen ;i Tljeyate in ancient times pjuckmg from the branch of heaven ; ' '- . . They ate of the branch "of heaven, they ate of the branch of heaven: . Now vrc have no great men ' -. . The great men vf ancient times, were great men in-' y deed; - V- ?- , . The great menNof ancient times were great men tral V ; The children must eat, but they cannot eat like IVkay. The men of ancient.times had perversecars, And thereby we have to syfier ; . v The men of ancient times had ears of barbarian?, i And we have suffering thereby." In the first and third ;lines of the following couplets, the degraded state of the Karens iV in tended to be represented, and in the second and lourth, the salvation which God shall procure for them. "'i I , ' '-. "The worm eats the branch of the Pyen lrce The great Sun descendincr vill buy f asi : - The worm lives in the branch of the 'Pyen tree, The great Sua descending will entreat (us)T ' o h . I Jehordh. ' -y There can scarcelybe a rational JouUthiit tha Yu-wah of f he Karens is the Jehovah of the He brews. . - ''. ' . It is conceded that the true pronunciation of the name of Jehovah in Hebrew is unknown butthat it varied widely from' the manner in which it is read al. present, is manifest from the manner in which the- name is represented by Greek writers, who wrote the word iao. With the present Masnretic rx)intinr. the word read Ye-ho-wah.and dropnincrthe middle svlla ble, as Bishops Hare and Lowth both do,', we have Yu-wah at once. , j j If fhe identity of the narns needs further con firmation,we have it in the'eorresponding custom of the Jews and the Karens, in not pronouncing the name. It is ye!l known that th Jew s hdda". superstitious notion that it was sinful to pro nounce the proper ifcrne of Jehovah, which cor responds preciseh' with Karen ideas in relation to calling God Yu-wah. i " "O my children and grandchildren! 'call not God Yu-wah ; by calling him Yu-wah he will never return to. us." - ., . - God created w in ancient time, : ' And has a perfect knowledge of all things; Call him not Yu-wah, but call him great ancestor . When persons call his name, he hear J." . ' t" !l" ! i . 1 No King. . I It is said of the dispersed Israelites, in Hosea, chapter 10. v. 3d. they shall say, We have no king, because we feared not the Lord." , Ami strikingly in accordance with this "prophecy,' the v i ror, o eni . .v. - i j"0 children and -grandchildren !i becaufe the Karens transcrresstd tne contmands cf G:i they have no' king. i i -it. - : IS - 1 They are expecting to be restored to a Glorious " I 'CitijSin correspondence tcith the . i .'.'j ' ' belief of the Jews.. ' " i " . " O children and grahdchildren ! the' Karen will yet'dwcU in the city withTthc gedden paHce. . If we do vell, the existence of other kings is at an endi The Karen kirig will yet appear, and, when he arrives there will be happiness." " Good persons, the good, ' -' Shall go to the silver tou n, the silver city ; " . Righteous persons, the righteous, Shall' go to the new town, the new city; Persons that believe their father and mother Shall enjoy the golden palace." The Karens believe that when they obtain a king, he will be the sole monarch of thew rU. and that every one will be happy. Rich and poor will not exist, much in accordance with the.. scriptural representation of "the . return,, of the jewsv ; : . j -.-! 'i v iv ' ""When the Karen king arrives, , . , There will be only one monarchy, f ' When the Karen king comes, i There will be neither rich nor poor; When the-Karen king shaU come,. . ! Rich and poor will not exist. : , They believe when the Karen king comes, the beasts will be at peace; and cease to bite and de vour one another, in accordance with .the scrip ture view of the Millennium ; i When the Karen king arrives, ,.' ' ! Everything will be happy; .t When the Karen kin arrives, ' The beasts will be happy; . ; 4 - " . When Karens have a king, . v : LionS and leopards will he their savageness.- - " 1 3 . . . S.J. WHEELER Chairman, To be continued. him the ptaer to struce. t ; j ' f To be continued. , J

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