- l" ,- - - " - 1 - . - -. , . -I , .,. - , . . 1 - - - - - , r ' - 'v . , ... ii- - t ... - - . I - . . , .... 4 :" - - v- . " , , . . - , ' . i -! t. it Jf -3: EDITED BYT. MEREDITH IE . - . . i , . ..... . , ... " JV '- - i. HE mBUCAh .-, recorder s pubfishPcY fix period ll A.. idnesdar, at 3. 50 pcf aTOm, if " S- SliF Any pers'on who will Lccome responsible for ;i pies, orwhoxvillforard.tho nam -Jlgl? unuance wilLbc allowed until arrearages aS id Persons vishmr trt il Mh;n , m'? .t1:. Pa,H' uu - Jttll , uuierwise they will be rnn ' Annthi ensuing ,velrd Said he, Gcnt emen vn : ,nV? i,.- lQnled-. country; uhen the churrh m T:' m 4his ol sad repose.:.. V . " , v. 6 Jf. state there were imnrr impu ; t.Y .5?? World, tance from our shhniA1'.v " - 2S5SfelCff to troubl Zy -3 , ?'w,u tlctaJn tho General's f? to Dplb's Fer gaori a life eo short nn,i 'I-, " " 10 " c iiwwwur snorn fhf.it. k.v" . v f Arnold; . u.r r . : 1 1 r lanruage unknonrR , fnTTP! .toinjr education eirly; -No-lime ffio: interrupt TM' v--'w,&4"vv iron le Gavoi its Education shou d , ...r.u e js to be lost in mind, theii ill' 1 Jllf 1 R M - - , I ' , UUUl.ilLHin cn. a censon iiv - rJ.- y 10 meet Th?f, ..i" r." ai7 IUU iniwiJrepco.for "X'""1"1 aooi is one, of thn v": dlun,! hoped he.ld SE ed to SoVortowhai t All communications except those of a mat nqd gone .out on J. . . - uac w aOTnis w in iwe an, oil 3- J " wu.re.;wnj.must be poi' as this.urely spirit wese jnouninms ),..; -If distance 5 W ofiolLPXv ' SV eye on he. "..omp.'l US' ips - ' i III I Ml I I II WHIM From the Eclectic Review. out on voyages 'of discovery but the ships of Tarsish fir, r toe,nnd far their eHva ul L.VVW.wnsfrom rr' vCf ana tneir ijo d withl tHr -i i the name of the Lord thy God" r lto kni VVli;rlestioned;;Pauldin fh asked the'person his name, S iSSW onward faster than !at " Wge;it has ever vet imnV "'!ar .prevmstances. it too, the t. forts nVi "XV" ana-presernnn-f- mnststrirA iK .: J!' . w. mcan.! that we u ; " ana tersevemnri. Yvm Carev D n J 1 y the df?alhof th' Ke. S Tk subse"e the spread of the j ? axejr. U. D. of Serampore. Bengal-- Bv' Pe, and thaere ivouldhe a irri, i i tWistopher Anderson, Edinburgh.: Svf , . & aimroDriaUonf 7 Conslde: . is no, a subject for lhe Uil.u -; h ncxare to oursp v.hs t,a l,:i v ' '? . iln,-n nfn.r l v",y wmosewftose t,r in anatti- "-nuerea. triem 'unwHlm . nts Human intellect more sublimely, occupied in l1 suchW as Elliot "br Bn 3nS w " view of an?p s thnn w;n;.i rJt . toVnnimui uiV -Pi "J?.1?0, nor even ure vUh-ahi, '" :t - After all, this uricinliVSl " 1 s??c.r.?r??8- toin- r ., J t , " , u LJLMMl.l II lift' n-1Atu' L 1 ' 1 - ffdom of yarded as an ataimenf. for 'nff1 iq he, "thai qiureto ourselves no humnhlm rnoe 01 mind partakingf more of no, thd obsc project of gdin-forth, single handed, to'malo uiiv.au imorne very heart' of ' the kin darkness, m the distant East. : Whilost with that strong irhnression nf cUl,v;ItS"fai4out i??5UP, sal ration of the piety; to. ascribe immediate suo' rr n " : 4rut U0V there issuch j.'f irom iieatenc6nveved nbt hv audible sound or vis W bt- lifM? !s mVKuJect 1J ro any priety ce ne as a signal tbt 1 fT -; "w"er5tood it Gos- ihaThemSnf S " - a Bnt,s officeand not rn t v "M A-'uines, reach it V kt- 7 severance, to ,h,m narrowly mfll&WT tind uTitmgs:-., WetolS It.yjiM caprice, or ariv aim h k : v7- "usrment rvot nil . . : 5 him pulf his stocking off S ofhls made S,SS;?,ren,?i-,, needful to kivi i "J"S.S PVw.tQ m his.; hand TIA -.Y "w iug ui muiovea, onanvdcrns;,; xiai- Ghost clii,i Ch describe the formation of this stronVh pose in the mind of i-Aimo. r if I - " I. ' ..1 .. , "Ji vain.- uruncnes was emp: he Avas part ristiari od astthat "if "i, : mree papersvvrabned urr- M - i V , ' .na t they at Iheten iiSffiMW with- -niaiie himvfmllffw.- Sififs9?V5 .fl::RP0R this wemade him A v ?'a V the end with dS "5 " V h S S 4f WA??Mt he would DNaifJ: rnth 1 . . - " : . - I h.ft hn nrOA'M,iL. :.i - " o-a xrf - V , uue "udrectiruineaa. l,c'v 7- 1 V liC "uni rc4fC5 that its now iS-S" - iuld CStefeS? cbncetulted, Kr. tcmwh;c,h0;S ow oe nassinh- thi-rtftrt.T-wTkii j .-t y.o. urv coeds: nr is. ..; I " i"!!""1' v xe.eveioi the m nH ri i V too- -more than thnt ru i.j- i r , "."vh y mm we mi SnJvJfS4 The clltion of of wliSfe to'ibrin n aviation man i ' -vhlch serers U3 the" "hu. . uianrace. I car. u ; iK-, -iS SSCOf? atthc,id.of a nation rpjnWtm-.i pKrUcSlar'oK rduceator o ff a'-'d.r-a been its S S: ar c?7. in framing . h;,; 105' Proposed to insert an artir U n, it hn . ' o ji uiuin netnifit f aim eacn isbonn.? (rested by GdJ"-ViiK m- ! 0U'itT' 's fa- tPb:. A People, reckless f-ihJ:, 7, world, dnd firofl,' ?l I - A V aZH. 1 11.11 in I T w - -V I - iardeeDercTisXt.;" :fc-.'M".wcnr nnVti Al. Spny. . ana, rf- W flB ownHe enab-ps on the rrnh nr -rVrny vouatnes :,P.YPaes-:to.jUo or endure whatever bp HiA: ' .. H memic the c.omrn?nd,- U,, rir.ual!y hidsfcrewellto'S r ' rv.rj "Jiiaquants.,'-? uomfy r1"" -Pasures ana comforts ".-.T;i. LMrt. . tent - .? i?," MrPauIdinir 'Pirn ti ion! l i S o .Vvvr s Tepeatedlv-and bo, re teihtp- kAi V. " "-oiytisjon to . nieasn thnm, 1 smmm snwtes ' i ofwnich he afcrrdsmbnT-S-1? ' S W 4 thri Vt?i J i ?rds.emoodiec mth6 form of r"miableao.mmodationraVretched ' Vnf ? d Enqiry into thef Obliffhtions neshunger'nnd ihiHt and " of Christians to fe'mcan for iKS: nand iAlI : l! .:? '- ',Jl'.S.was tteP l,o.;a-t rorWK- encourascment, Should.rather bTh ; Pect, althou-h: ofvic t. 1j2 f combined wSth.t)oveTtv.,;,wr;T r -.tA.'., a.","""" puuiisaeu iiji m otnerfianii ' r .! - jVa - . i ne train M thenght by which lnm "VIMIJUU .111(1 himionl.skecThi wepped Hn:adde.le1b13 to ask him questions WnrJ .m ,.iJ9T " us not anv.mm,'u J L VrT" n came to - r,tr , - "ouia reveal all. ; v; -. Sar5 blue o ver -o . -"jjsvulH mm was a i though a rather rWw .!t V button holes vere laced with v-viap -over vith the coat, controf and fin. ur::,;wu'lu:?. scjl to keen the mind ? 3 . vnrrr,nt ;wl7.; ' an w restrain its nc aone. ifj the student trnulil k--ri: - - - I Mcr..! -if . cnuncm ana V;vt'--A - :wm now mention. i- , I- -Aiie of universal scholarship must' be: renounced at the outset - No man calearn ve ry thing--.The shortness of -life f?!uJ mother rlaiids: pie ot action, ls-thus inte'restinv Ulr. Anderson ; -: "A " it seems as though it had oee.n-thomS 'nHMfT- bIessf ?r . Apostlesrwhlh talonefset alhmotionVi He had, said ; -t,oTGo andteach :all . nations' ind.nv rnfn n fV,. 1,1 1 . .;. ' r - -' -v m,,u uiiu preac&the Gospel to urn T a Mt'f...r :i ..T P.-.." maniiest;, and thou many are per m. nuriy contrary to thel spirit of (he Vos H " 'kw " - -"' ciucKin for its'mmictc.:!' Pff;i' tla os-i, i he nearest irulithrv- conSciiEntious'prmei: d fcotive; singly described bv PntraryMcoirission? . W"a a calUo them to -venture a 5? fterc Pf cacJungdthe while; rindi hr.LT. a?? nankeen waistcoai 1 'Tf '""M nun n ei v - rv fuwiji.Monio wrongs and whenever it to:Zu.j - . rungs; cupidity its vrrictories become monnnS s. gum, and deserve the prirr "r;.w! . and coming times;. V- " . 'cs1 classes oi its citizens A i ? l Character if a people 4'l i one honorable place in tbeworliitj difi 1 its .prwisions, and-establishments fo r national imororement, fell? fPff.and refiningthannerV fornlightemngthe ignorant and w?orinS Swe?Cdfr PellectuaTanrmora? ihe degree of aid- given to tho indiridual in every condition for unfolding his .Wer? determines the ranlr rf PWr,r?. m . -.... u.uuMWUl mere wealth adds nothing to aiDeonleV rton, . .u. UonVsbul whieb con. dtute "l Jwr ' Iea meiL- the nation con sists of thi many, not the few-' .v" ina are sunk in ignorance and'scnsualHy here yon seea degraded communitr. even science he lodged ; its bosom: progTcss'of the ' devote hira- of the state. I . . --- w naiSLLuniiliTM UTilnr.. i ,v,hv. oiivmc UD1T MnM1Bo , C. ! SC VP hif lunml,.- . - - . o - commission ffl U 4 m:':' a regiment oi drao-om ' f..r;k' ' ..Y-.i. -"VMVai-wouia human tr . Vu' crAnoVwth to-Jameson, with rill tbp .The aire of Math.hn tr' K r?vt w1 au oeen ta- be too short to' rend n W, ur VT- " i verV tPW-hnnbe m -i - . - , - v ,-; f-t m tatican oe re t . . , o mr MMrft.n i ... i . - - - . -j -. lauai U on earth, at the in orrient ar'roite Jess to himsplf. tk -rz- -i ; .""Vb11 felt bv him 'tA ', . . . f , l"e opligation.was , M by him , to be imperative, - 'sat down- 'patientlv exam nPf u .uU i L ""VIJ lishpd"flf.e w""!::,lvllljaiI,a(.oeenaccom- J ; "WVHI iUi HIS Andre cussed Wne'sfifirfr reiidpr?:-.W.Vl:I:: airipd agreed vol an ta ril y to go out m company armed, watch the : road and intereeptlany suspP seen passing iowrirrls-N-W -ir ? t e r . . - - - - j. um, , c uur oi mis tho number of its MlabhydrSS &5 'ff erynrarhe load. ' conclusion, his estinv t T .KlSSSf MiJ?msk of Tar- acre were then liyfnin tho norld about serefl sonVRi JW ? Jfctolha Hud hundred and thirtWonemill -Pfthesete calculated tiiaVen ... . r -i .i fc ristians : one hundrpd m?l Sife-i onehn -a thlrty S2fe?; '"ereforefour hun "fea and twpnttr mMi; : n i , An pc; , sun iu i-iigan aaricness. Animate we now know to have, been holov .,"0f the heathen ;clea;heyj -.vu-uncommon treniusi- in othnrQ n i. he entertained no dpsnnni nrr ' he-aPI,eare4 'o him as capablo'of receiving t "'Sp-olves.barinlin manv olacel vhKfn .".ViUmi"u genius j , in others a trac dposit,on; but his conceotions oi other ' vStf tSVV0n ju?t a"d pressirig The iSlVe'?rPCansMdbeen conVeyed to the en rods south of this f the road, three jne'n vy qiuuen ana at that, pot Andre was stopped, after having traveUedfrom. Pine's Bridge without interruption.-, ." , - v v - ' ". - - - - , - The partienlaw tf thisvent Ishali here inVti vi.uv uir ii. ii i f ihm ill I rin w rxf . AM - . -r. m,. iv- VCViillUIl V given ion. anrl hn, :c,,i. ..i. i ;..n r . . ""v ouun n e j tower still tho Christians of the Creek and Armenia fb ' S -I V 1,T.-.l-.v M ere more vipirme lU.ii. :r 1 . , fclrrc.. i " - W1B iVianometans iem . - o " iuw4U3, near: ine.as- 1 ) V iP'an, maintained, theml; u"' .1, : hbour and relation veMhgr S rcn for slaves to the Turks and P?rs bns the4 nwnbers of the Greek church I and Papists in general Ss3 b,drI,0U!'6r'"8aidhe; dbest&e: thl l"e nrcft England much exceed cS f "d many rerrors and much! looseness of ! iIoZ . 10 be-ind amongst dissenters of all .nominations. LTb T.,nrone rl i nrp m.. l " i - vcuuiacjc hn'r? "V P a Par with the ecclesiastics of-Eng, Sent d e c: 9rrnost Christian, countries - and nvlfl- dreadfulceoof ignorancKhypocrisy, I pan 0Sf t0ain ground irr, almost ; every f and eL- l end?.ni; thc truths, of thegospe), tv mptK 4 l S,spel it jelf, are attacked, and eve 1 undSm W hef nem can invent js employed rk klPom:of , oufv IMJeius. of th;pgs.hi pdV Srid-fe. ..i l0arev'sestimntinn - nj.iui.: - vaVhowtK - " " , r ' "" itu,iaig gen- v o --w.ua.i, w ! -agree, .when he is "jr. x auiuing ana vv iliiams at- Smith's triaL writ w ut iuc nine ,py tne judge advocate, and tuuoii liavoeen ircsm. the '.recollection of his captors, it may be regarded as e'xhihitinnwu er exactnessjn KSetails, than -ariyWcourif hith rr:; ruCi - aiisn er. lo.me question of the courts Paulding said ' V ; ' . Myself, IsacaVah Wart,and David Williams were ly ing by. the nide of the. road about fifteen rniies above Kingsbridge, ion Saturday mornins'. ?Cr; - V e Jad lain their about ah hour and a half as ncarasj can. recollect, and saw several persons V w e re acquainted with, whom, we let pass. ' Pre- m uy om qi the young men . who: were, with me, said, ' rhere-comesargentlerha-likelookingman who-appearsTtp be Well dressed, and has boots on! and whom you had better stop, if von do'nt i i - 'Ya lhat l &ot.upt ahd-presented ray fire-' locknt the, breast of the personand told fiim to ouuu, anuiuen tasked him which Way he was going, v Gentleman,' said he, ''I hope you belong to Wi LParty.; I asked :him whar party.-H? ? Afepy'- Upon that I told him m the country on. particular business, and I hope you will not detain me a minute -nndtbpntn lUnnr that h e was a" British officer: ha - nnlTprlnt n watch. - Upon which'Iidld him tn ;"&cmnT, it then said; Iily, God,' I'tnust do -an v ibinW trtre alohri.'. and seemed to make a kind ahd pulled but General Arnold's, pass whtcrr -a?' to John Anderson, to pass all: isruards to -WbitPl . X' j u Ul ,n lrroall the means of ari smg to the dignity pf men.; Tlfy Jiave thought r j r: ..r VV -wno ground them n tU anyman;; and ita fortunate circum ComparaiiTeiy;ie.w'. books Vdeservc "to" be read ZT- ' V"r 15 11 'el c"aced- ' How. many througk -There must.be a. iudieio- .nurselresnalle. to stifle their Si rrr.u! .w ournonor as a neon e. -trnA " l tne)ili.(... . 1 ."iiuuoiis ana improvements communih. and whnsp rUmii. degrade and taint their rnnntrt- influence extends.Ca7:nzi,i 4 i and a few rmnA KnAVo svy man .iviany ot the K,rti.r. ,i r.T.r. " - ' gestca thought on" tb, iiiauuiwanimais, exceed h m iri size in WiTnI - i. l ? V'- va O.ranivorous appetite for books. -irhTpT. TnV, ness. in. acntV JSIff which trn pels aman to. wlsb T.nch ennobje. a. Jhefnin Ten&Ti ffT, dnHgivt .eierauon above all the.othef ; inhabitants 5f iV H,W ;V W may read much : ' f l-?The" pest records ofAnct . :.. nf u UAiC Vr;"fc" wumuuuiuwiis i.ourinenuig nis mind with imHiWct 'j-f preserved .the fame of the ancipnt; 'i iV- ttaP?" tmed this tarthenmg hIS raind With undigested Util imprciiiri namtWJ, tf;?. ,"n5l? ? shareurtheir achievements ' I I AmT who, that justly Umatet: the inmicinsr tr?c ,,nT imd W " ?PnnSr irom success in the , fine arts, the eminence.-of fioU,i,j.;.: T117TA tf m o rt n...li:.. J . - , - . r f. . : -,uuau11 morals-and undefiJed te JI? C;l7v T.14.4 uV. wi: study. icdku i. lit: in inn in inirinm ..- - . r 1 ' r n i , - "-v, -promptly .ww., .-.wre me guaro c, rapo eon. and is now ISJ1" 3h!,Lmhcraa chA the , ,V Col. JLehmanowsVy visited cur citf Iat weck aadpreached in the .McChord anJ idESt" and powerfully, is thp main object or education SS? v e of his addres8 ''mhePres. -Learning is uefu only-as it fufiuhitSni i Yr "-n11 chU-ch' hTa sketch of hb erentfol Wkh' materials for iulSV11 ' us"r speciprovidence of God IprW X v!J i - V :-A.masvof know, in protectinshimin try ndimcultie and thp iml Jera? .minentdaneis of twentv 1 7 'i. - ;:He (blJowed fortun of uuuu5u nis wnoietareer,trom the time he than vast wealth PTforirl IUl war ( . VV hn n-nnlrl colteires, the freneral tain of. artillery to the! eventful battle of kv iii mis last battle he n3nn.r,riur.... jerritorr. and success-iw: .. r-" rv- main :fltf? nf ATrc,,i iv. . ' rv"iy hbtnomt; thenar . - - " rJ . v-'Hi i u.re,PE sees, contrihuto something tn -hlo ,- r . . , ""r , v" "isreiurnto b rance, , to our unfettered and Vpcc :ii vi 1 i ' n. w.nis.suc-l heas sentenced to be'saot bv th n.m,K L.-' diffliWinnr Tkf , t;. r?'?;;?-Vw. r.ua ucieust around which he lie leaned from hrn to;'.fZ:. K"J' ledge-andtopur.free institutioTLr Wofthetrong-andcultiratel ri 5 dCttili nation, rather than to the' great rivers andmonn-r f ract t0.-ltseI V with magnetic power; the . The object of Cbh L.. ia visiting the "West is to tains,;tq our shfps ahd-arrffi tTf- are'met fus to Update a debt incBrrelin"eVti power? " -'an? Within the course ofjeading or .of conversation. - .ureh for foreign emigrants in the city of Was : -u YetwhilennPnAi ciini't:: fH But. besides this fixed aim there- must bp ln8?.n,.and also to found an Academy for the eda- &o Jil!al7 'jMp& sn.lLr- .commence their 'coursp 'with rr. 'of, :! : nonearnea wnat amount ; much in the stmcthfeand operations of theVhfad SH? -C0?-t8e V lfcclf.trt . t i "me,inev become wpnrr frrrrn frri,i;o:.. - oriHeWsurf verts.their :mindsT orthey by .barriers . which the mind cannot pass, or b "f aV ;bavo finished . their education, that event which comes nlil-P n 11 Thn oJ u,l4U inai nner study .is needless. A man : of learning Sostclearlv shows menho knowu ,So;rates wapronuiicedbytheoradei m-J ymremeraberr A true wrongly leit'his own ignorance. And NevtonlZuZ- .,v,uwi,,i,ujyH!i yujiiisoii nas iransiatca was cpntributed.Lgngoti 7fn. Luminary. I On Pulpit Vstentalion.--llow Iinie -must the presence of God be felt in that plaec where the h'ffri functions of the pulpit are degraded into stipulated exchange of entertainment on 'the one side and of admiration on the other, and surely, it were a sight to. make angels weep -when a weak and, vapouring-mortal surrounded by. his -fellow sinners, and hastening to the grave and the judge ment along with them finds it a dearer objects his bosom to-regale his hearers bv the exhibition of- ;of3s poems i Thinlt nothfng gained,- he,cries;:'"while!auht -re-J -biraself, thaa to do in plain earnest the work of his pKHrl i ,i "T : . - r ' rt - - 1 . ; - ; -'' , . : - I Master, and urre on the tuisiness of repentance l l " noundiess range oi know- wonnyoi auenuon py every. reader. - in what ledge, the narrowness; of the mind, the cares of ever duties nien. are engaged, they- cannot-'hone ... uuu.iis apeeuy termination, maKe u impossi- ? in? mgnesi useiiuness, anq tne mot complete success, wnnout a nxea purpose, and', firm con- kancy',-;i'...-:; ---",-:.: . - -, - ' -1 - - . ble. to learri.ahd to acceraplish; hiuch,:it. is an inquiry of rreat mompnt-JwHnv shall the best, use of- the little space allowed .us and advance", the furthest, m: the . illimitable , KU spread out before us?. Afew hints, in answer to this inquiry, will, it is hopfed. be deemed use- 'y-O NATION ALHOrfpHR. V V ; --JThe next great element of a nation's honor, i a, spirit nf Phuanthrcpy. y e imight speak of the necessity of hegin-1 and as bound r -The.Parisian papers think(some of them,) that therRusiau claims oh France, are merely a! ruse to get the American Dill passedfthat the French minister will shift pT the - Kursim claims, . and amid the gratitude for this; tempt the '.Chambers to passthe American Bill, ntn. con.-ft is" expect ed, however, that on the motion for the raymcc't citne iuuiuvau vMii..an arafnG;nenJ is.ta oe - rA people 'ought to proposed, by the c-pciition, referring the project a member nf the human fa.mih- to the Minister oi oreim ATTitr in t?pt tn sir. to bear part in the work of human J ternp! an arrangement on-more favorable terms. -'. I 1 ' - ! - - '.'!'...- !''--.'

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