'tffcStl 2."' gJLL J1M. ij . B 1 13 hi C A L R E C O R D E iftf t V.4 L i.' ft t .4 rising ministry, and to preserve the purity of our doctrines. Connected with such society, might and perhaps ought to be a Baptist weekly paper, which should thus bo made the official organ of " the denomination, which would recognise all or ; dors senk. and transtritals forwarded. The Uti lity of such a society ticcms so clear RtacTevident, "ns not to ndminn moment's doubt of its great im portance. One of cir missionaries remarked a few Ways since to the Writer of this article, that in .travelling through the country, 'lie could find , Methodist, Presbyterian, &c. books enough in almost every Baptist fjmiily,. but no Baptist books; and the reason bssigi cd was; they could not pri 1 1 trure them ! It is knbwn that Methodist book's and publications are spread over the face oft Mma, ana have gone u ip irt every house, as the rc oii Society, and thus they o supply themselves with suit of their Publicat are not on lv 'able . pooivs, but the lsaptis - at a time, like this, rt nbtVbut hopo 'and pi k Also: Shall the Bantists. tfmain inactive? We trust' nd 'pray that at the convention, j -some decisive measu I .the interests of our t res will dc taken to subserve nomination, and llie glory V i -v. L. T. ; .of CJod. RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. V-V ' M Art English s'eboo AULMEIX. 5 has recently been opened at this station, an ac jount of which is given in uus letter. It seems alsb, that ther is an open- ing for a Baptist chtkch !at Madras. " INIadras is an nuporuini city oi -oast,-south of Calcu British Presidency ci India, on the. Coromandal ta, and is the capital of the t the same name., Iu.;SifMONs to Du. Boi,l::s. iu!mcik,March "n't 1501. li ev. and dear Sir . jj . I sit down to wriie by the Steame Dianna, ' Avhich leaves Maulmeiif, to-day,; for Calcutta, to inform you that the English School ientioncd 'in the letter ilTrom the Board about a rear aero. fi.has beenjiu operatio'.t since he 1st of Febuary Jast,ai my house, undr the care of Mrs. Simmons. The ljiours that the v hildren ire required to be in school, are from 9 c 'clock to 12. There have been Jrom 25 to 30 regular attendants, and about '. one hilf are childrt nbf Burman mothers, and the re'st are Indo-Britbns, as mentioned in tiie re: ports -of the Sunday school. As the parents of -, some are im good circumstances, we sliall receive thq usual Ichargcs ol' the place for their tuition ; v and, at the same timr, it is known that we receive any poor children who may come, wijthout! mak ing any charges. ,TVe have long felt the iinpor: . tance of such a sclit ol, and that atrial should w : -oTarcTeTfrnS rt &UMpijn January, jin Cau:uQs Chaplain of the aTmaTfthfe l Sas 4on corniced las labors, sclmnl.oif that he signed to 'have .spoken 4 Mklereri, pS I3H ? "V5 V.rV,h hlJui: , R0?s cormelctcd with the chifrch and l- r V ! . A 1 ' ' 1 coigregatioh, re- ' -iVfr om 1 17 ' iuij iunoii was riven th-it1 I ! BW-0' theouS t vim. iiniT in pi r wi i iiivin v A' no r'ii. ; 'i VI ! . - V7 C reimefst this place ibrIad , m:,r.LIr' e.wm to part witH nnj one vlom , ,id SiEa ; V"rr? .Pff. and pravem.was mido n UJest be fhp ; ti thnt i,; t . . ...u.1, UUIUS t)nr hearts iih nim'ct; m; At .Madras, iherdarc ohurclios nf l.t-.,. m.nal.oa.cxccWpfi.c Baptist: AspK gone irom tins &tnf nn ft . : . , rw" v, unu in nine iimy lu, mere rnio- it hp n h nk i...i there of our order. The pa'rticfulars I will ive i. i.c.u. ivu up members of .the mission are at present 111 health! ! r Yours in the Closnel ' . ; flev. Dr. BolleJ. ao?i,ve Simmox: " 13RO WK TO DR. BOlS. Maiilmtiin, A pril 1 0, ! 8; -I lev. and dearSif, 1. A) t ho u gh yt ha vebothin J special to communi- cate,; yet I imnrove the onTJnrmnitir ,1.. ',n?.as I understand a vessel leaves to-day '.for i . l are pmbabFJ- a ware, before this, of their i : -r!U ir- nebb 4l Rangoon, and the removal -oi oio.; Dennett to thijs place. Mr.i Judson is now aosenton a visit tn i returns, to tro to Rangoon. ITp Hn i " r - j i nu va n na w iHn n( ,1fAWtf ,1 I lit 1 f 1 Vw v gouu ueaun iaeij, owing toteeveral attacks ot tever, to which he'is snbuw Tk i .... .1-. i. i i ... last ne iieara irom Ava, brd. Cutter was quite ill At thio clrt ;M -l-. ll - ik ! , . . LI1I.A (I till' 1.'M Til Till I IT rt A A i I .1 I I - - v.. guuuucami.. - ; ve are gomiton Ky.th our s udies, aS usual- mm ourselves able to eon vori :tt tn ral weeks I have been riding a Burman worlc, containing an abstract of the r ,rtom aV.m.' 1 -ww imiu. r Mr 1 P py.Ppgphy, ecc Their systems of georai i..'. . . - zz.:". rj'"-x'g-" v piuioso- n I - j-V.iu uonuiiuiuy.ii it may oe eo eiilled ) are -very stu nehdous. The rrrent Wrvf 1 tJ .i ; supj2or celestial tnansionf are represented f .as must uagiiiucenij i neir ideas of geogra ' -w f i . ... .,-.-v.6wSiupUM i I nctlv the reverb of h n t m t h Tl u" .'. i J . .... wnutiwmv ui i . in i i nnr inn ; i nctly. .: . T . T j j. men WJlOItJ I j Jcligious system is sjo bajsed upon, and interwo i c.i iiiii iiicu geugjrapuy ana astronomy 'tha tney mastinvitablyjstand or fd 11 together. Let a Burman; only believe that thdre is such a counJ try as Arnerica, at a distancerdnd of a size corj espondin trourebcTintion f if. and hi fk J . . .. ; . . . . i i -in Jtioodhism isann h atfid a nn ,fewJ uncling bymay.Ao to receive' (S. i reli-ion ir its stead. I This makes me thinV tJ l'moreattGWtiorifonti . ot, - .1 I li-iLl lii:- "T.w-.r , w UIiui espt-Ljauy ,10 uie inculcating ot correct ideas on J nronnrmnliv fnr if 1 a.lJ.JiL ' im ! t a r iv; iuih uu iiiiiiuooiuic iferi iiig cnii- l vrtren thus taught, ever to become, conscientious believers in the religion of thd country, :Your letter to bro. Webb and mvself JiTmn tn Jiand.aboufa week ago, togethef witl quite a V rmantit 6Fn6wspapdrs, which were a. rich treat .- .j -7 " 1 afrn tnnrfttV.-' k .,;.X . 1 ; ' With affectionate remembrances to all friends, -. 1 am as ever yours, ; - 1 1 " I , Natiiax. Brown. Rev. Dr. Bollijs. - - I h r ' . '"T-"; '.. t J3ro. Cutter is sftiee recovered.' ' . .i we auiv. ijAOUiX iu mi, UULLES. j II The following letter from Mr. Mason; of rslitl later date, will show the advantages arising from havmg two missionaries at this station from the interruptions which ajsingle one is necessarily exposed. to; and the irregularity "ofj efmrt thenoi ensuing. Before this, it is probable a second has tfrnved at Tavoy. I i! -, , i : " f . Ttivoy, Jimc, 3, ISH f Dear Sir, , ; -: .iQy- v;:'- "';: ("f-';; I imvft little that is called interesting to'eom municate. Immediately after writing the !short note by Mr. and Mrs Judon, when they left us, ny whole Hi mily wais taken sick, sb that, at one time. Mrs. Alnsnn nn! thv tu n .t,?hlr. ... ii Jmeii to their beds, with no nurse but myself,: un-' medicine like the jest. Tljis s Ul m uouest season ot the year; and the fered us his house in thnnhnAfVi" " " -i, P r ocetipicd, tlntl we n, VefS6uhbm Ive mentionodennj ved. Our dear liule boy expired a few days af- rMM-'r-lo .-f.l T ...... .v.. -i-i. . ' I i ' i niii-t uucv, t-veu vi, nes sicu ocsiuc me. imison nas reeovereu, and is trying to re establish the day schools in town againjbesides faking charge of thd Karen boarding school in tho.compound. I Jiid expected, xintl promised to visit the Karens at the South and east again, le (fore the rains,! to administer the ordinances tut : , T - "ilVU 11. fnin- lave a. srhnnlinf fvi, it AT -. U. 't ' .i a boardmo-school ill" the romYvniirJ Wf fen Karens, j In ilm department, u!e experieico &iyai uuucuuy ior,t he wantol books, l-havc a iract eroinir through the nrps ivhiu ,,-,,o,i pi wju resem moxnent ; but the pro! shee U K , f.i . i-. vwMJc- uohji io me ior correction nrwl t hnr i; ope of its bei'rjg'but . befdre thp close of tie All the Schools. Rimnnnni'ld Tvnrn rw iJjnder the sUnerinteiulence nf Irs ! !U-irm i nora ner, TCTnicnmrs are to be expected. Moui, r i -f '. ! i - . i . . way moling has removed to Ma mi)i ' I. it ' I have tne young man to assist me in1 that deitrt - meut, whuml baptized last-car; I and a lost' valuable assistant he is. .We. have considerate ! comt.1nv. but iver -tliino- lma hk Wr'inr 1 th ,vh rAP, cenainiy .must be when the ranis close. Ye t o rn ni! have no decided inquirers, except one or I wo to- men, who attend oriMrs. Mason's instruction. I am frnir.fTtfiinMvK, i l-v,v!l7 iuu iju nunc,, in Jlltvui, l hi the English ohafci; situated in another af of the town. This evVnin tni ,hw firc, L, n'viruiii: iui iiie liunnans. onen n u-p . As nsiifil T nrnncd in Turrlicli nnn n. a v. e candidate lor bantism nmhtr tllo n.l," P?"".lars Dot hWri- ci mv.iournal -as is l ; 5 , ; r"-v, you. France. MR.. POKCHArr, -rn nirr! - " a ii i. ua i' i ia j COARD; Translated from the French. Very dent Brethren Paris, January 5, IS 3. 3. in Christ : ' ! Bv Avak' of the ou l.was.on the 20th of last Mav, iroimecl ri pectnig your letter of ihe 25th March. Whie waiting ionthe arrival of Ir. U ihnarth. I urn i, visit where I preached mtey years" ago, and ulure l pv, uito ui uie vicinity ot Btj Ciucnth, d some subjects of jdy and encouragi- Mr,.H " S? h1!..-' Mr! aid Mrs. WiJmarth. I dared "1 U.,M : vitationtahd I returned to the'vicinity ofbrfea AVI t linn t nrn-f i.l i . .1 viJl-tU - uauc any oeienranation. Kilt Cnnn in r rrm . . . . f -I But soon in Wnnuen ecf nvL witl it i Mr... Wii ,rtV J- niarth's - iiiiiui lii. .ii ii im. rio t-i r; j i i sojourn at Aiy I house,! "dnlM ' A ' via j 3 uiiij ;i r: viii ysen uown with that dear brother.-I t len can e . , , . v c.. l ihnf .?. l.,,..l I i '.k nitUI UlUlIltT. I THOU r1r.n - x a?!,u ivugusr.;. There we searched. Uvirt, chaPd awd WflSl ! l? a situation for a chapel, and apar rI eut for ourselves and! our iay remoal : and i I nrr ori of r:-. .-.i ..-uiuiui ai l ans, our lit- Um. tho tonlmnn . o. , mv-v-umuv uuw : 4 to know anv hSSonTrJ!'" fi1 ! :j u; jc i c.jus. Annst Since that time I have preached reiularlvtiL leverv I.nrd' U.i 1 rculai i,ulce ttuu 11 1 1 11 1 in 1 1 i 1 -. I . I f . J VMliW ' M"n "m everv 1 hini i m v . 7 " t c U1SO IiaO on tuesday evenings, at eveninor. ointe uie yin oi iov. we havP Un hA ay evenings, at mv housp. "V ! kKo c t,?A" 'UUUJC) a iiieeunrr t. 7 . , t ""uiiii uur . vainoiif :neighbors attended, ad where I piesent the ditibe "uuc sumc h. irnm ttmn-nn- . . . i snouia I should Ubej hapP5r it I could communicattl FOU SOme interesting rirrnmDnna, r.. i F v...... inuiiiiur manner - . inwresuog circumstance, as a fruit of ! pJUl fttit'V or Lnnm.tr -.; hut to .o.-r..l. t.: i give you the following dotniU i ' ,V uavc uatl many interviews with a Catholic rf tr in -n I. 1 t 1 ... er prejudices, and although she dares not attend uui uciifiruui iiuuti. wnn. nnfinkon.i ui mteimirs. Has o-ivpn ne enmo n.l.i; -i y bt Cnrfiflfno xn. r..U:, nr.... i i J , .uics.uuii. vnen nas shp. pm nce,?nd. Action. ; Often has f she iii iii-Mii virc 'ninhnl ,.k 11 l. . nr ' r"".uu uie enusionol a re- SiS5S somthin to w "JJ explained Hi&mlp p.-3.X InrT-T w-ie r IC'r.r iua "VeriruPlea me, by sav- i. P uai 13 as 1 IeeA towards you "' One day; she broticrhf In mA nn . .1 ..-i 1 ' if 1 7 ,T v 1 ", ageu iwetve years, hlmCmo i ugl an? quested me to give fWhUe we com seemed deeDln . , iHuiiuuue 01 little CirCUm - StnncP5 hnvo nAnninJ . . ,T -.V vrriuccu iaat she has, really a relisidus affection for nC t . she says, " that you arc christians." At the same time, the torce of nreiudice rnnntorti : .5 certain point her nercentions of tha k t.; worthv of bein? added, thar feho ii . j , o -.,;- , r- uuiu,es. tier temale servant. , who :is also n r;atl.xi: regularly our meentmgs on Tuesday evening which are held at'mv house. Bvthp rrmfo rnA' have learnt to conduct ourselves with respect wise. ' ,1 We t.r f t -. - -- zz: and kindness towards 'such poof and precious SOllls. j,......';.: ' . . Another person, a young lady, a Catholic, and a friend of the mairied lady of whom I have spoken, manifests towards us the. amc Confidence, fche is even more firm and decided than her friend. She frequent our meetings, with perseverance. She declares that she lias never heard the doctrine of justification explained in a manner so clear. She is pretty well instructed, and has considerable acquaintance with the scriptures. She has many times brought iofthe meeting a; voung female, her friend, who, also; has appeared to take a lively in terest m our mstructions. . i In consequence of our relations with these per-J sons, I have made a visit to aiCatholic priest, an old man, of eighty years, who 'profe sses the' doc trine of grace; but, along with lhat, he is entirely set upon eertain opinions not very important ; and, being remarkably timifl, he lias a great dread of hlS Colleagues. ! BosiJlp ho' rmnrpws in cn l-ram ming a manner, thkt I have no hope of sus feSsiun of Jdnst'nism. They recei ive the doc- nnes of grace, and reject the linlallibilitv of the i ope. 1 hey have spoken to me of the number of twelve hundred, reckoning those at other places. i i f s !U i ar. iiut these ladies acknow edge that these JamcuNtU are in a miserable re ligious state, and aro falling more and more into formality and indifiercijce. j ; Accent, dear hrethrpn. ihr nnmnV-n f rir i - f " - ....... v v4 I'J - pecttul and fraternal ailectionj . A. PORCIIAT. KKVlVALS. lmjrrsf r ori,'r, JA.w.A student writes to tlieliditor of the Wntcliinin "if ; h,Z mg tU1 AV,.l,iU3 ml College, upon the all-impor-, s htw. ant subject of religion. There have been a lew "ouLiui convtrsionsf wlnr i inr innto nc the beiriniun''' of Iipiipp ii.no mi ' work appears to be silent and slow,' but. yet ad- T vaiicmg. Dartmouth Cx,Uec.A correspondent informs 1 lit a .r ml . ! lliat a rcv,val ,s progressing in Hanover and i r-. o- ''ri ni ij.iuuvcr aim everal students in the College.and several of made partakers of the V "i. . V . '.. 1)ul'ii'' aJe happy to 1 earn that tlie in- '. ' , stublccX oi jlhams has baiitized religion, continues. I5ro. ltized several r . . . eoyrt w-ork has b.c re...1thC,r:t 'V-sexeral were baptized i u itnin thennt wort- u.rn 1 tr, i - t -.v .v il.l. ll IIUU11I1UU ' u l,-aru u,ai ineEe ,s ;l very interesting at- j a . ' ' ' w .... I U M V. IU1IUV1 luiiuL-nv, nas eninraceu vhe gospel, and now takes v,v..v. ,u uiu rengtous iaeexinq:s at that p ace. . . , . . - i iiiviiu iu lllis IJ1UCC which continued IS days which has been follow ed bv hannv renlt . TI .....! . r. U-account Ot a iirfilrnrr,l mtlnn. ii.: i iiecloseot the meeting,March 21st,; 30 related 1 for b . - .... "-l'ta uv uiu rnnrrn .npt sm x ne next Sabbath, s were baptized oi? the following 17 more. I and 25:.xtract of a lefter from Eld. J: .S P:,vi,. .7.,.., .nmfield Pounge Co., O., April 7, 1S35, to the Editor of the Cross & Bantist Jonrn.nl -During he, month of February volh- readers ere informed of a protracted meeting held in hi, ' -g ace,.aiid of t!, rich blessings we h en.enjoyed. cilice Iliai imp rtlhnra l.,,. i' .. . JJ"' . the close of hat meeting,, nJ banSd,S UT v ?nUed fvU,i he Bal,tisl chucb. On last Lord's dav. at t hp r no nf : K S.UfLa,:i 11 Walfr -Je, where J i i,!.: 'uieii anu seven women : ifAiiion a I . i"i . . i ' iui tit i nnnr u iric hivin - i nast hpnn .w:" , "r.cv.crai Ycar! chin this town ---.w. in. HIUIUIU3UI me Aon1re",n, inrci I l. 1. .i . - J . . v""-,i.u. lUil.ll .UI IIP. 1 n this Irtwn 'l'hnl. l . as th " . " z v.iiaut ui seniiments, i x iiv.il ctmu-reoi sentiment am MISCELLANEOUS. i - 'i'uiii, uuoui tins umc, luiDiisliecl his varinuc TShifi "coV : r. " "l"u,u'' iao- 10 uo tms was tho.Aim fn ir tr 1 y 1 . ..." " J1IIA I MifiPI l.rtTn... .1 " - .i,;,. -----. .v..wMe,v.wii, uicicjv 10 ooram ivto ".J... " . T"'CJ '.uu auuiI1 case, However. bKXZ1 IX" "F?.? ,anS of Ilolland, as he - j iy 111c iou:uai;i; Ol IlOIiand as Iim naa to those of t?a mt. on1 11. 1 ..... . about three nioaih ninipri im ..1 . .. . , r i -H.fc7VUVV t -AA.MAM. lJ liCii iiSlOniSn. J that Providence was training unn V1 tO his fflVinfflhn wnrri nf nn,l ;n th i..Li" L- 7 "ulJj au s Kinurea and multifarious dia iofw Sires e. subjoined fact in his irannrlua Ia Prmi ey's . Kenglee ; "c uioie. f. weieedodfi' Pul!ef and his associates appea to have bront n ..t.- ' 1 iiau2 aiu wIno been recentlv rl " benson, in Jndoa, and (JeoreetrVprtT in,s,I7 Dy Ine baptist church in n . ' Hu,, of whica he was a member. Hc Fawceu aV SS ' ,?n n?.Der r. .nno Ar' ti 1. iaii iu lUIhSlilie. Ill VJClODer liilS, Mr. Ful er nnrl Ho , j v.- c, iSalelv to:( We 1 . iiiuwmiiix mm ui ms navinor S.lhi. whatWt have been the iTViw-.u" s.,aL"uae of Carey, to the God of all mercv. when this tnrr. .t i i. .tl .v- 1 - T , y .-i iuiu mm, mat uie youn man he saw m London m'(:.i u .u ji.- i. 1 . t a ' tu wiuiii iic iucu sum, "i am going out to India to transit- ti.. s,n. ' .1 end " tu. me miMuu 10 nis nie s It is saidof him iw l.i.L. 1 J 1 . the satisfactionV;":1!.11 5iarfns "e,P "e.nart. ilip irrPfl ?r.rr ueaiu, j eelD me wnoie or "Sp SvtP rn ?f"Ptares transla ted and printed in seven of the eastern languages, including the (Chinese : nnri ih lanVaSTn- ,mpleted twentv-one others of he" languages and dialept ..rT.i: .r .v. i- forhril10" 1 th,c eveninS monthly prjiyer meetings for the revival and progress trf true religion through- rrMHr,h'.ContlantrJr hcld al Serampor,he,for nnrty-three Vedhclda weekly meeting for prayer ISM? tburet:f,rcn'.in h mission chapel, from seven to eight In the morning, with a view to the spread of the SflfiSJS?1? : andr,h.e hlcssiRS o God granted on the FimS???rpab?!iSr'those he,Jers united with -him, f East Inllan native with him there as no dinorence bwide that created ly the grace of In A Si ClCile in bim tl,e decPcit Witnde. Sffl 8 panof India' as Mudnabatty had been w.t lf y 1Ven UP! and lbis contained! a small Jrn membrs. of which he tas then cho SK; ?hls 0D? missionary station, with a 5rnall m "dnnnr63' 1V lo Kce "ased to eighteen S n? TilaTs 111 ,u.s own inimediatc connexion, I n .hi ".ffopel churches raised in thfem, each " LWMiwiuiijr nearly tioub e the number of KS.bf.r!!'h.lc ? llial .ne.irt SSrarapore coniained in iL-,,e:-cs,al,and cl,"fches occupied by nearly "SrW J JI7-,atr)n re.nll, with the exception of v , ' A'ow curope, raisea op bt the Divine goodness in India itself. In addition to ihL he Dene d elevrn misshm,.!-,' ... beheld cjeven mion;;; A,,1 ?any churches of the (.ame faiiiT nifPJ? i cowainm" as j i i . less than 2o missionary stations formed fby other de- he felt scarcely les interested than in the; thirty in his . ...v,...J.,ltuu. jounuay ocnotn jouinai CONVERSION. OF CATHOLICS. We have for some time considered it highly desirable that the American community should become awake to the danger which threatens our liberties from the prevalence of 'Romanism. And we have seen with satisfaction, that! a spirit of inquiry has been awakened pretty extensively from which the best results are anticipated ; for if the nature of Romanism comes 'to be under stood, its inconsistency with republicanism will he seen, and measures will be adopted to prevent the threatened evil. At the Samfi t ilT u n !nnr... 1 ! ate the operation of a spirit of unfriendliness to- aius me- persons or interests ol Komanists. Thev arel meiT and entitled tr nnr r.rmrd iU,. are generally emigrants, and should; receive the Hospitality ritsc to -strangers; and, in addition to all, most of them have suffered as the victims of despotism, and surely they should find sympathy in this land of the free. II i We have, however, been of late much gratifi.d in seeing several editors inn tOtheSubieCt of tllPrnnvrreinn nf flw. 1. A reader of the Bible cannot believe that Ro manism is Christianity; nor can he believe that many of its devotees are in a statd of sah-ntion It must, therefore, be infinitely desirable that they should be converted 'from their idolatry and ignorance, and degradation. They arc cer tainly a portion of the human racqto whom the gospel is to be preached. ' I ! True, there may be special difljcultics in the way of their conversion; indeedj we have sup posed that they arer less accessible than any other class of human beings. But w&-jiave no dispen sation from efforts to bring men ic the know-' leage oi tne truth on account of circumstantial difiercnces in their character and tJontlitibn tv- I he nroner infmirv wmiM 1 . ,j . i ---j Jivwu:i me pe culiarities in the circumstances of the Romanists require any modifications ofthe comrHon methods of missionary operations; and if ho, what they arc. It may safely be assumed that the gospel of Christ is entirely competent when' accompinicd oy trie lnuuence of tlirt tl r ti j . V jp"it io suDuuetne bearts of all descriptions of human beings to the obedience of fan!,. The truth must, however, W-J.,0m f mdc fc'W? efW measures j .".uuiuirt nooie onject ol christian enter- A Some facts are of an encourao-i!,IJ eharactcr. i ne .iissionaries of the A. B. H.j M. Society have rennriofl lf. ' . 'JV"-lJ mi - w . .v, ri ,. v."n vision oi lorty-t hrce Ko man Catholics and their baptism?,' kriri r the last year, m th- kfoto r tt:1 . ' fa !ne i r , . ' miaaoun. And what hasbcendoncin Missouri may be done i" o her ; cr-.5 T , . r . uwnu in omer .States. r vi " ,w euuivarc a smnt of k-inflnr.c4 "ope the best respecting them. Ahi. Daj. ENGLISH BAPTIST MISSION. To -morrow is the nipptinr f ti.A ri.'.... - . I KaDtist trnnslm io7i 1 ... S.lcl 01 m i icici reu 10. lir. Vates and myself propose to attend. j a . It is gratifying to report that although 'throurrh nreiu dice against our sentiments we have hilhertoVeccived no countenance from the BibleSocieir vet iKt in! version lm h .i.Turie,7! 3 e5 '"at one cA. , , , uuul"tu rtS lue icil D00K in their schools by our independent brethren, and a bci "volem gentleman, desirous of inti-mlnn,, .V- t T JY; 1 ter has generously offered .oSv S; lands as elsewhere. A "correct" TnnSVr ll l:ii LCre m ,h1 ?wof some, nadonbt The truth' Sva-V11 il 'Wat and veari Bt of .heTwm of Ihe ?e UL . . 1 vr-kr-i 1 1 . 1 1 1 vinfn iha l.i.. .1 tor lhe Enjlish Episcopal V.. fhi ffiW- pariments nftlin vj ""iu baptists be tar?, .U-V1?,"? . not promotin- the sanetifienTr .u"?". J?r ' "Stuiu oaOOafi XnrietH TU o ' their annual meeting at A s PreSvtf- WSli,,el? on ShocWhni Jw.i?!A!esbyu'?n Chtirch Secretarv tu laylor appointed ceedinrrc fK c course oi me pro SFpISfani i?ec,1!s rTas Pressed by, Rev.; Sir. wSS -5ffVr?eV- -oP; Pull and Bev. Mr. ooii.--lUchmond Tele?raph7 i j m Frorn the Christian Index ' v .v 0p1POtSEIls OF MISSIONS. To those brethien who contemn Missionary ope rations, and all the benevolent operations fthe with a jealous eye-and we fear with an evil one-we desire to say, in a christian brmhcrYy ' manner, a few words. . . Dear Brethrcn-xriih painful solicitude we view; your determined hostility to the cauVe? Missions nnd what we are compelled to call the cause of God, and truth. We have been am n At you we have conversed with you, and preachVd ' with you : and in roanv instances i,-. ' sweet counsel together. We have rejoiced with ' you. we have mingled our tears with yoms, ami we have ben t the knee together, before the throne 1 ot mercy. You bear witnr tr. ,.,.u r .. . ? uoctnne we preach, our deportment you approbate. -Then why-O why, dear brcih- ren, do you denounce u? nr; tnnn... hunter,, schismatics, heretics, blood-suckerL $ uioottrnounas, c. We forbear, forour mini recoils, ardour, heart, sickens at the thoiMt of SUCh a hideous mrtnro VTo . i r . . . .uui mere -arc a number of you who lack inlormntion on theFubjecV and what is lamentable, many of you utterly refuse -to receive any information on the subject. Manr will not read a tract, unless it is an anti-missioa 1 one, and I had as well say an anti-christiaa one. 7 v e ask such in the nnmp nf 1I10T ..,! - vuviu.uun UUVUU comply with the. following scripture, "Prove all Hum ii luai which is good. " rfce also Phil. iv. S, 0. You are fond of reading tracts against benevolent plans, such as a "patriotic again have attempted it in the country where I now write. You surelv arp hnrr;nn:nfr , tracts better than formerlr. flv,:r,l tf! c-.l of all mercies, vouchsafe to increase your love for w.v iiuuii ireiurcn wny are you alraid of us? V hat evil have we doni ? Vh f ceth us of sin; and if wc tell you the truth whr do you not believe it? Why do you denounce us as heretics, ami say that we preach or believe that God Almighty has grown old. become infirm, and cannot accomplish his work, his purposes : and that WO inner l.otn !:.. . . . ua' . ,.k, ,UI uuc al lue camc Urae pus, rco,ui.ons mat wc shall net preach, "our against it with great .vehemence. .....ww. t ,,, ,n your puipits. and you rt cm inc. flat. i e ask you, as m view of the judgement sea:, which seems to display the most consummate ar rogance, i c. we, by believing the blessed word of divine truth, and endeavoring to advance the caue ofthe Kedeemcr,and send his glorious gospel to the ends of the earth, or you? For' while you .exclaim against us. for " helping the Lord do hi, work; you are exerting your poweis, and strain ing all your nerve?, to Ulp the Ird put down the long tram of erroneous heresies, which we hare brought into the church. It seems as if you dis believed your own avowed principles, and well you may ; for it is evident you do not believe the Lord hiinself; at least you depart from his word. Read and deliberate on the Gth chapter of Ezra. But if that should not satisfy, read the following: "Xow I say unto you, refrain from these men and let llieni alone. for if ihis mnnci '.i.: t . , ....... 4l ..,Wult- io iiou-nt: but if it bo of God I VP Pnilll mprlhrnm it. I . I 1 . v,-'vu i .-. .ti i i ii ia orK oe oi ye caun. werthrow it: lncr i.-,i.. , I even to fight against God Do cber'X scripture ? Ytm do not. ' 7 Dear brethren, are you so infatuated 'with th'c gauay appearance of your system, that you suppose he world will not see your gross inconsistencies? It is utterly impossible. We have asked you aam and again to;sh(Mv us any other way, to dissemi nate the glorious truths ofahe gospel, than the way ,n which. we are engaged; have vou shown - Ulllll uu 'i.mai nine tenths ol the disciples of Jeu are m tavor of nMssionary plans : we therefore Wy- . . ". V v "vsnaiu not m - .-. j siiuiimze cioselv ' scrutinize your own conduct, and motives-do the same by ours. O dear brethren, think of the many hard speeches highly favored as to he found among the Lord5 founded, that you have ever persecuted the children 1 i ?t JeUS J ,and Hira in lheni-' We do not speak because we have any thing to fear. V?h ifoT our.Persen! In ThestrenV of t he Lord we intend to persevere. We jher strength from opposition. The cause of a3 - h Lo. of, hosts ha h spoken it Kreiy mountain shall become a plain, and the headstone shall be carried forth, with shoutings, crying cc, AVc do earnestly solicit the prayers of all nnr much. boldness: or wuir,L. ,:L"aDQ,D? lon ith ally. But oori. giving them a text for their next mSSSS. trvArusl;iS"ian501 -i"" Lut an oId ma, tra coun ir rustic," I subscribe my name in full HOSEA HOLCOMBE. 7c Catholic Sentinel, of Boston thus of Iho refusal of ,he mISS vv'u tin oy a moor ' "llic intolerance and -bigotry 'of Masaebn- nnd'm- d,s?asinS: Matures ofignoranco and ilhberahty. It was decidtt,. bvlariro . tMiik m ."WW . , u iui iui; uioiiuliUll OI the Convent. From thnnhrtmrinrfthr. m,::. ,'""'u'.u w,r ty ottnc men composing the legislature of this state, nothing founded on intelligence or1 libert ality, might have been expected." j " And thus ofthe Bible: '? "As fo part ofthe Old Testament, it dctaila transactions of fraud, lust, and incest, which no innocent vestal of pure and tudefiled modesty . should be suffered by parents or guardians to iIip S?ir har cred Shakspearefor theindellicacvnnd rnliinA...- 1 - 0 nr l i " vuaucssoi some passa- , ges ot his dramas Knt v r-.i . . . . rampared . to the salacious end'obscene delinca tions that are hunnr i,n ; . -. n r u,:u,sli leu. uenounce ail tractsy yt publish tracts to condemn tracts : you have reprint ed the Patriotic discourse. ilm ' wtuwr: uremren who are opposing the same. Dear brethren pray fcr xhem- for ill faitliful fcrrcnt mavrc .f i..:!.. m' l0.iri.e f w-t iijjjucous availetU 7 j.the OH Tesiamen?! ?V'- r Ty ?V rr

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