m"mmmm'''mmHmmmmmm'mm 1 p-. ,. , S'k V ' ' , . .' - I'" . " ".".-' ...... I . I'.... , ' '" ' 1 f '"'' . I ; '. , ! ' -i " - j ' as, Vor. ir no. i. i 1 lH AI k. The IWultcai. Uecordeu1 is published'cvcry Wednesday, at 2. 50 per annum, if mid witl, , , vis months, or !$3 if paid subsequently to that ; period. I . Any person who wil become responsible for six rojiies, or who will forward the names, of six sub .Til)eis,,shall be entitled to a sereuth coj.y Gratis No subscription. v be revived for ies jjnn midyear, unless paid iiijadvaoce; and lib discon tinuance. will be allowed until arrearages are paid Persons wilmigto discontinue wilfbe expected ' iriye mitice to that effect prtor to the commence ;i.rr o, ;i new year ; otherwise they will be con- ?:;,viiii us .icpoiiMoie ior the ensum" twelve All communications except those of agents. who ! 1 gratuitously, "to secure attention, must bcpost yi'f. I 'rJ'-A lew advertisements ' tvill be admitted, nt , so v.euly-iive cents, per square,, for the lirstr and 'ihirty-s.'vcn acd ahalf cents for each subsequent siernon. ' Froin the R. TcL-u:raii. TIIE IN'ECCSSI P V OF LI 15 11 A R I I2S FOR r : . MINISTERS. : It.js,-,I believe, univcrsalty admitted, that tlioso who.devote themselves to agriculture land the invglianical arts, inust be fur allied with the ap prippriate sets of 190IS, before they can;. work 0 :iJ vantage. - vqung man ?ct(i ti u up for hiinsejf a farm might!, i is true, use his hands' instead .f a 'spado .but up body would be S unreason- f ;l leas to expect !niucliiro:n hijn, while laborinfrs xmlti- such d Mad vantages. None but an Egvp- j li in task-master would domain! thet.iL; o! bricks f without giving si raw. , 1 no same remark will apply with equal force to every mechanical trade. The carpenter, the wheel right, and th'tj Liaek ?miih, intist have' a variety of toolsat hJind; or uiey will l.ibar to very little purpose, however diligently they may appply theinselves.1tp the bus--i:;ess before ther.i. ; imv Hirl think every reflect ingf man . -inns'. rr;vceive that what agricultural implements . 'ami ..'lU'chauieal tools are in the 1 fields r'and work thop. ba ks afe 111 the study of a profes-; .!(;:!.. I mui. They are the instruments, with v'vi':!i the mind works ; . and are as nr'cessa rvic the student as the plough or hoo is ,to" the n.rir.'T. 11c can do tiotliing to purpose without ''u'ir. 4 . ' I . . mm,- .a,.,-, . f . - i-t iiCL:-iu:veb 10 a liu- tory studies, but during the whole course of his lie must have on his shelves,, an ex ..iviwling: but he can never rise, to ' eminence,, .in ! .the profession of the law.: j ' . ' .; Need I add, that the minister of Jesus Christ idS must have a good prbfesss-idnal 'librarv 1 Harely it must be obvious, that without books jiisStudy lacks its' most essential, furniture. The J'Jible is true, is worth more than '-all other baolcs. It-' is a library of itself, which ought to be estima-icd- above all price. "The man of God," in or- !cr to be " thoroughly furnished," must make it his principaJ study. It should always lie 1 i . I - ' T I . ' . . I I t .'ii.s-rigJivuanu wueu ii.oi. in- uciu.tt use. iut it does not follow that he must read nothing" else, or that other, books are of little value: l i - - r"i ...i i iv . anv .more than it fallows that because the I rift ofthe Saviour outweigh- a 1 other tniis of ; I . . : . ' . . . - t , d to mim: therefore, 'other gifts a re not worth ; eniov nwni nin . I ,.,0c,v..h. ,..,ct hvuhis .ua liu- ; 0teren1 mwer it mv itr.nr-A Ii -,. , ' . "" ,l S ieei, we luu-t -uire circle 01 associates. 1 le was my lrund. 1 , ' i' '"""cO'ihiiu lijiuT.. 1 -try of well selected professional books; and.!'. if tircl ri- f h4nrAe ! -Vl Ut1 ; Mve-a mind to think or feel with. If v.e re-! We went to-ether t-, th, school room, to tlie !' C,ove!linot. men appear friendly, and colise ums tie well acquainted with their counts. A voUiC f Suk t t ' V hrklC member, we mu-have a memory to lemember ' phty-roiuid, io out chamVr. I have seen him, f";S ? about ray goin- atvay. ,;aack, lAMntiy .be without books,! or study: but : i i: 1- o A U " U'il!K - wlnhP listening to the pleadings of parental ! 1 vvvr,il most prudent to remain V- never thus become an; ubjle counsellor, or KVor,i;,yn a ..lLr :.i s-.r.'-Mfrn m bKn J r ' t Na 0V!l0' one knows that he has the power! fiithfiilnes. tirgi.i- him to immediate repentance, I W1 UU br(uro,n b,ron;n and Cutter arrive useful practitioner.: The lawyer also, must have . '''-J'p1'-" -f i. lofoervi the difference between liht and 1 nnd warning him by a bro'lier's recent -rave of, " spect them by the Hrst oWanuary. hislibrarv. nofonlv M-hile entraVtLin ' im-nnm.'V Wemut possess iiv untty tJ the sXinl: for it! uJronf in thea( tions of men: nnd tbr.'i i,.'. ;.!.... ;J .b-l.-.v 1 1 llo.l in ... .,,! ,:.,.,.;.! ' , ! . 1 Uad a few visiters vesterdav and ir.- . . w - mi J O ., , - . . , -i- i . r : ii i . u jo '-. n .i ,i. in . ,,i Hv v hum i ovt uui ui l i .practice.- H.ivirii rnl ivtinn nf 111 boot n ill Im irvl ii-a...l i '.ii.. vvivk...v..v..i.uwowu..it..jiiui ill il till. . . . . " .. . 1 'l ...v. ....... v luiKiiuai IU lll.li I.H I'll"'! U.U . thread daily,, or in course; bui to consult. at his j th1;il,lsetl' V" bleS;?1J -ol.tlitu who is'the :hich man has, and which brutes haw not, ly ()no en;u i;e rUi leisure as' often as he. finds'occasion. A person o! lo savo- ' !.'.. ' vhich we make this distinction, and sufier or eii- .,,.-.".. !,,.-', t, ' . . . . . , , .. J i . : i i . i r . i . . . i p i t : .iv. . iua i luance. 1 1 i a? a (itnc-k-apprehension, may, nodouht, nass-lor a ve- j i nitabie thcre.o.ethin a tnuig so iVnpor-! j-1y these leel mg. I thJu-htloono i tl- lVc lever man, -witliout 'many bcioksor much Kant should be indicated ,y spine pecujiunV ex-1 -1 If now, we will observe, we shall .scMhai we ; !Ve '-A .viVhvnn . intr. or beinsr thankful for. . , orS in 01 'Uec-entmiue ngnt li.inu ai leilowsbip tae :Kliu:is oi"oth-r ineii as we do respecting our . c 1 ii,.,, 1 mJ ., i, IT.,! ,.r' r...;,..'.;i .'i.:..ti.. 'fiw. ...,, .. C 'l'U.w.Tx.,- a-.v,c t.- ....... to t lies.1 our ( e-ST-hret-nren and tnen be ners i, nv: r v4- -.t .i!;,m,.i.. i i.,..r.T bv 1 . ..' . - . I - . i-uiuu) m iuvv,,,:.,.; lac . v.uiig - . . - , .... ... r " . j ueauly po:s,m. I he liaral ol death was then XI. About 12 o clock, I mid inexperienced mmtster; a, vast andvi.ntl.rJst- : .P;. - constrained by- the love o-. ; ",tcn we tmguish )etwt-en ri-ht and wrong j u ,,is ,,0(jv was day, brethren Brown and liinei i. i 11c orancues ut mis, uiviue science -, ,"' . , u: V ; "i , v V , 1 writhijig in aaonv, 1-aT rtvM was lorotten.iu the: Ava. The rarr ral in nUrous and of the highest possible impor- : ff to the heatnen. v e Invc one i.:rd a of .aipulsion to do what we drnciotinlr agonies ofhissJul. 1 heardl t enniceire, excite nfrino Aidiirh tlw fnnnffirlnn nf one futh, o;ie bapjsin. .Ue.haveoae hone of know to be mht. and a sort of varnmir not to t 1 ...... . :r..i , .u 1 1 . . ;. .. t . , .. p-j o- -T" l..? instructionand benefit of ,his, people, books are of great, use. jlAfter faithfully and prayer-' billy consul ing his Uible, and arraying his own thought. in the best manner he is able, it is cer t;r:ly desirablel-liat he should have all the. as tajj.ee, which can be desired from the most able nnd pious of his predecessors. I But how is he to obtain that assistance 1 How, but by having. rea dy access to thtjir writings? by having them in i-?s library. . . j j t Let A minister aid-opt and pursue this methbd of .study ; let him actpiainthimself thoroughly with llic Scriptures, especially in! the languages in which they were written ; let him always fe- ' sort to them in the first instance, with, cpneor 'l inccs let him them read ' extensively, what the best'authors liavc written upon' 'the point un vler censidei-Etion! bringing ef-er'y opinion "b the ".at:duid LVfore hi.n; let him proceed in this .manner, givinr every subject in its turn a tho- fcjti'rli-r ihvp.fr.'ilion: land Ins tV profiting" will )t fail to appear to all. His views will be gradually' enlarged, hh mistakes corrected, his graces enlivened, and his public discourses en riched. i ' " ' ' j . - . : Buta niinistcr cannot adopt and pursue this :ourse without the aid of a good library contain ing nt least, a few excellent standard works, to gether with a pretty large catalogue of miscella 1 rncous volumes. Such a library cannot upon a : t'noderate calculation; cost less than seven or '''eight hundred dollars or more. And hoio is it I -rtohe obtained ? This is the point at which ; I . save been aiming from the Beginning. : Youn men who devote1 themselves to the i Ministry, are. in general, far from being weal- ' a ho:t of assailants, and to be taught with plain-! "'l5l'l . c'iL" ness and perseverance. Duties growing out pf : "F1ED AVltil one heartjwe feo-. our depen-t!l- most impalpable of these doctrines, 3 re to be ' ce on-the divine Spirit far success, and our t4-.ted and enforced, .indirect opposition if many ! ( nty t0 labor an'd:trt pray. .i;Ve are engaged in sneers much false, reasoning, and - all the ba bj the saiIlt ?rwt work. e have the some altnigh nrcpensities of the human heqrt. - ty Projector in the nay of trouble.ind peril, '.Now when any difficulty, or controverted sub and -, the same-lather's house in heaven af ject presents itself to a minister for investigation; Iter the troublet and perils of a few years are when it becomes important, to, bring into a nar- j Past- ' ,1 r r-';' 1 v,Wcomnass the best thinrrs that ean besai.l for - 'In behalf, then oftlw Anssioaary Board with HI-KD TO RELIGIO MOUAL.TV, UTERATUUE, AND CiK.N.T.Ar. ,NTRI. thy Most of them nearly or quite expend thei ir me patrimony in preparatory studies; and '.not a lew are involved lin debt, whee they commence preactnng. J heir salaried are renerallv so low il.-Ci they find it -difficult to meet t he current expense of their families: To run in debt for books, with out iho prospect of paying, would, c'learlv be wrong. To purchase them wHh readv nio ney, without doing injustice to creditors "is 'im possible. , - ' ' i "; . '"'s. representation is no fiction. I have wit nessed it nil in my own case, and more too. And a host of other witnesses might be summoned to establish evecv word of it. Nine'ininistprs rnt often throughout our land, know from ex'neri- encet hat it is trim . T-'nr w-.m rtfl,rtl, - should "i!o. I have .' mbal thut i: "rt until every page' is al as u-y B.!;.c. " 'Now, f aay this evil,Vvver 'sues tiu cleiy, I hav though' not ne for a future c.o:iimuiicatio!i 1-r&.n ibe. Amcritny l;ipi it ALiaxin!. ' ' L RUV'v.TSXun C'H ACE'S ADITRI-S.' jl.u- t :itiu n rue suintis nr 00 nt 01 prxec : This-is the unity which Clirist has ordained i for h:s churches. When tVey .cherish ihi car. move onward, with heavenly energy, in " 1 1 1 1 I wotiv uHucii ue nas caneu liin -to pe ,rm. . When they ccast' to 'cherish tms, uo human sub stitute can avail, htbweyer 'ingeniously "it ..may be! devised, and howeyer lnagnifJciVnt nn'' array of iriUlu5ulr,l,mu;lu,u,u co-opyauon m ; the use of tbj; appropriate means, ani at the f same time, brings down upon those? means! . p restive si git. burn a sign is the pre-eutmg of j tjie r:g,(t band. It is, m itseli, a m :st nalrtrul , ,)k('n of co-operation. It is, by .general usag(v-! 1f:,'il k,lOU'n token ot tru'nclship1 m all the walks, Wife, i It is.rpre-emiuenlly, the chosen symboM I f Vounrrn-vM fnthe mimWW ," ,7 r' V,very one ol them to feel that we send, by yourj ,I,0l'.?ht upon h?s rondn :t, :he woul l feel asham-f 1 " e Mght to exprs opinion freely and withou't i , , k Ins .?de h 1 te prune of; tight hand, a reaewal of our IVaterna p edge" , "v and verv unhappy, and 'he afraid that fns: is one whch the Christian ui ,ec ro i Z o 1 m : f T P T :" hr " 1 1 "J f Uf ",ust CUUl,al S,Ct lin hl l,,e 1,a,,u' ol Sln wouhl happen to h.rn. And if 1 lo ' rrvivnee to the interests i proM rmntto hmeifj and with much less ad-! Loid. ' Ut. s)i0l( , .J . c , . . .. 'fr?, with whom he h connected Ly the bond vantagetolns peoI;le than they might and j. Dear brethren and sUters ! when our blessed shoiilK ""V. olbrrU hv would derive from belabors had he a good Ii- v.our was about to ascend on hi-h. he said to to .;r f o ' 1 . nt. i"1, 1 mU,cha5 s consistent with a faithful adhcicncc brary. tf the ktnll ladies of a cc-rtain louli I ll -MM-ny of his di,ciple.,e Vve) 10 t u2hed 1 y l p"!'1 art,d ho,inc?: ' " ' couKlname, had not presented me with irei ,f ,a !"' ' "l'U '" ' ""I" J J ot as llu-l T 1, 1 !, , t 1 . ,J,,ls.u.c,V?,coursc ".f01 at allin harmony with dent Edmund's works, lor oreachi durin' he fSirvlh r, 7 o,. ., ,0 y,,,- .,, 18 onw -M'al rca ''V persons w!io he .ir.: the age KorKearance is a virtue hard absence of their pastor I L o iH.ow vi. f '7 '" 1 t!,!.'' :arh,,' L?W f xecution-rwhen pea-osmv a:ut us.'lalness ol t!u- , t ... , . ...e ptosetuuon 1 one. 1 w. ...i...':. ' . ' .7 .r UTS-7 e. one method to bronose. whieh ; U1 me niyii ami noiv ei::erpi ize on Wbidi you are! a,!,;, : , J ; .?, . u"?' prejuaiccs, the . , ' . - eniuatkin'r, von will Ijc- -j ;eered bv 1 he vc ce of ilw i 1 u.u, kuV mvso n wv 11.1 . e "j mc-jjia i ui uupr$. o onas lut-i u, isvaod, and .must bj reserved f .-,... i.i..,J.Y ai, 'w.... . ' , . vl 1 V done wron-r :.,(. ,n .v:n.nnnk- f.t,l ., II.. : w 1 " defer nothing m oai.k-irhr JAr ! S H.'jf it f tii it c . . ; r ... h. hi : . .. bf plghtcd ftith'.and in solemnizing the most uiV of sin against .iod. and he justly fears that ( 'Jed -tU;u:iig and permanent of all earthly conne.vious.A will punish him. If he steal' his neighbor s pro And it was employed by the apostles on an occa- ;xirty, or cheat his play-mates, or strike or abnst sion i i 1 1 ice the present. The right hand of fellow- ' shrp was given to iPaui and Barnabas, w-hci they were about to go v.nto the heathen. . ' We would cherish the vaiti of the spirit which they cherished. We -would' follow their example::) exnressmf- it. And we. wo UK! , Ji.C- !)ieh cording to our abiaty. urose; the wcr! uu -ommencei 's iy hnppiue?s; en lb; an. t'n ternai uu r 1 1 c 11 ' 1 . ior ourselves and fr all tha T .... , ..... ... .1 r-.. r I I . . 1 . t .i r . - - . ..... ...... which I am connected, and of the General Con vention, and of all our churches', 1 present you, m y 1) r ot h e r , fo r y o u rsel f an d your companions under the nutronatre of the! Board, this token of our fellowship. -Our right hcia ls I the pledge of i love, and sympathy,, and fervent prayers, and persevering co-operation ; of a love which all the waters of the wide ocean, over which you are to pass, shall not quench; of a sympathy, which shall weep when we hear of your afflic tions, your sicknes-VyouT bereavements.and your death ; of fejvent prayerj, which shall nfot ceapeto be poured forth for you in public and in private ; and of a co operation, in which we will persevere, by ministering to your necessi ties and by sending you help, while we liver rind by, 'earnestly endeavoring, God helping us,-so to bring up our children that they shall more than"! supply our places in this co-operation, when these right hands shall have withered and moul dered in the grave. ;. To you also; my brother, ! let' me present the same totcen ot iraternal ' regard for yoarseli and the beloved companion who" is to go with you to the very' walls of ' the temple of Juggernaut. The Lord himself, in his power and his grace, go with you. Tne endearing intercourse which we have had with you during your visit to this country, has made a deep irnpression on all our hearts : and rest assured that it wilpnj ways give us pleasure to reciprocate your kindness, by do ing whateyer may be in our power to encourage your heart and to strengthen your, hands. . And. to you my dear orouier,!. our associate in ' ''-'.". -Vy . .1 -',": e:e;: -. p '-"-1' '.'. " ' ' ''''"' ' : Mr. I? --'. Mr. ? -ltlon. , t MaHm. NKWISKHNi N. C. WKDNKSDAY, JANUARY 1 27, 18;i(i. th responsibilities which rest upon the Board to yon, who, turning away from many an infi lling offer," have consented to take, temnorarilv n ... :.. . I. I I . .1 . 1 "'.M journeying, we would present the same token ot Chrisiian love, and uniuii, .and encouragement H e will roiii tK'seech the (Jodol all grace to bestow on ,u abundant wisdom aud suength so thai you may be exceedingly happy and exceedingly useful in the respoiiMble sei vice to which vou have L-en cal led. ' 1 H " !! In presenting thi.s token, we have also a rcard 1 I ui mi ,ii iiusaionarv in: ntis wno are u I ready la boring in jagan lands, and whom you are oin iS4i a oar .special messenger. ! . r?"--y :-lli,,u1, 'U lil- ,nidsl 1,f nirrounili,1S hca- - 1 ijii 1 iin 1 "", "if uinn.siuu 01 ii;e lir :i v ii ,1 ir Vi f.,,.. ,,:it. " i 1 l'TtinVaMai.d'5 3iaral Science. C ).scii:.Ci: tvinV-i-P'...-.ii'u- fv..i,.,'"i 1 . I 1 1 iiai tic mean i c "):cience t a;ul hr.v t " rrir'-rr ' ! "' almK.isVsU i - - tlt"ct., - I Whenever we do any thin"-, there inn vt?U In srimef hi n " iri1'1 ,r,ir) w it. i rfl'l,.,. :r .'. t , - "o - - - . - ii. j uu5, 11 we, w.il!. Wfmilst linv I.mc In m 1 1 - ; I. i.' ' t..... 1 . 1 , .! uii.t. nae eai? iei:ear will) : ant! SO. 0! ' a thousand cases. j subject to peculiar ieelmgs, in consecuenee of t lb existence of such .qualities in his actions -! v. n-lVo rit, ,vm.o are conscious of the feelings of riht r wromr in our actions with respect both to lot! and man. i If a hoy tell a lie, though no one knovs it, or! swear, and no one hears him, or break the holy !'.Sabbath,':t!iouh no one sees him, he fee.s guilty ibem, he feels guilty of injuring them, is asham- m iu luou meiu iii iny lair, ami etuii ions niai . ii- i'... i : . ... :. . .i. . heXdeserves to be pu:isheJ by his p arc::: 1 ! 1 . - ' ,, , . . , - . , : do:-what is wrong: and a so by whi- 1 we in the i - . . -.- . wii.ti v .....1, nn,1(.n, a-:., ,1 ,i..lw :,..i uiii- uu;i i.hi Jin uo-Jll , aim UI CICUllK I luOV IU I I 1. Suppose we are considt ring about r.n ;C- . lv . t.on in order to decniex whether or not we shal j 1 . 1 -i tto 11. jjf.'i ns take a case. .1 A !. J-jCI lis take n ease. Nnnnn.se- a c )i Ut; were so veiciieu ns to be angry with n is uiner, "11 . . 1 I I' . I I .and was cor.sRk-nng whether he should strike him. He would his father was stronuft ish him for it. unwise, for he w'i gam. I5ut suppose firtfl CO I'.-n.n I; lh:Tt lit .vnr.f ,m UIIU I. II Lll llf IIUU III VIIIIU IIUV lltllllUU UK' I I1HVI fordoing wroivr. If ,!, child reflU-d for moment, he would feel that it "as wrong to strike j - --- i UisJ JILtlV.IIlr, UIIU HJctl, it 111UUI' liis umv IVIJW " 11. er his fatlm could punish him or not. And ifa child saw another child strike n sick father, in stead of doing him nil the good he could, he would say that the child had done a very wicked thing, and that he ought to be punished for it. And if a child, in attempting to strike h s lather, hurt him self very badly, everyone woufd be sorrrfor him 'liut they would alf'sav that it served hini right, and that mi e deserved it. ' IVgain, suppose a child to feel that it was wrong to strike his father, he would also feel something which seemed to tell him not to do it. If he were angry there would be two kinds of feelings withm him. His" hngry feelings Would urge him to do it, and his conscience would say, you ought not to do it. And he would! be a bad or good boy, just as he obeyed his angry psssions, or as he obeyed his conscience. Or, to take ano ther case.. Suppose a boy had received some rrihnrMf ivliipti ivno rrttmn Ii i in tn bll V Vila V-th i n rr - l:. ir ia llt. i.k " . ne o t, o .,AraJ starving for want of something to cab His love uu incv i. iiuui Jlllal n uu . ... of play would urge him to buy the play-things. But his conscience would urge him to relieve the noor rtimr children. " A selfish: boy would . ., j m-'i larauon : ,;ever inay 11 ne iorjr!ien. ul( j ".v 1,1 " o nave none wen are so mucii 1 "- uui:iiiiii vast , plans, with the iu.i.u.ieueas , tnere be. ihenf le. anv eonol:iii.:ii Lri'L.;.! :i bolder, lie who has done nvrnnr L rumvs ib.n i s,ttu 01 a ran-roau car. Tbev are imnmit r,r most.asfau iliar to me ai.y comfort of love", if'anv fellowship of the Spirit deserves to be punished; amUience he iV PiCD dIay-s' ttiocv. Thcy would . ;-:ika:ivh)Wi'ls and m..rcie. fulH! v.. ,,. ;,-.,....; nfrr.;d il.-.t l.-wl. ;a .. 1.:... M'C rid ol it, at whatever hazzard." TUMn,t 'I'm 10 is: i'n-tl !i- t vim -. rti !. 1., 1 . 1 1 'iiiniw im.- 1 1 in. 1 t..... i l y y r 1 1 oLiiiui v .ii 11 111 Mini 1 ru innrmi v : or his : iWl,...,',., .... . . r. t-.... ........ .i..,. ?vt op anl give me.t glass of water? I feel ! were much gr.ttilied lo bid him welcome apait, poweV of 'the loins', by whi.-h dLwuish J y. 'n Ava, and should Invebeerf more gratified if. jH-;n.t,.V .-i .t.t rvj v ,.r ;0 p ::'., w:lutj. U'1S m ln,ll,y "W ot apparently m mum-; sister (.utter had been with him. Hr. Brown will V. i ..... ...i ......... . diatcdanirer. Tae next moiumg he was wijrse. ' probably be up in two or three day? er t,:ey -Jiave respe-e; to our k now men or to ( iod. ! i m i i . i i . i . i - i .i . . , . , '. i , A physician was cubed, but did not understand . harly m the morning, nccomnanicd bv hr And, a5ve form t;,,,n, jud-net:t, respecting; , J e c.iarch v,as ul u. t!l tn:uk, ::m, h wnJ Cutter, called on the .Mea trade, Wobn-ee who tae aciio is o!"th 'r lueii as ve 1.) ie.;:h-e:;:iLr our e , L, . , . , i . . . ' i i "03 i . ..... ... - - ...w u . . . v . . . . . iiiii .ui- i.t..iuK m i. in. l' u. 'iij ui .in nil I'v: i.n.nit ii.. I" " i fill! 1 m ,! 1 nri Pflillil i" V nriT-S I blTini 1 1 inn.' D "Oil S-dl.-ur b n-r t nnioi-K1 n mnm t.1....nni ... i t 1 mome" 7on 0111 ! ther excliim.-Oh! mvson ! my son!" I h.ard with a Christian congregation. These disciples leeang. lespect ng nghtand wrong, that we may hij as ,K, l0SS04, fru" , si:l, t.sil!tV crv 0;lt, ,( ) ' tho infantSf are heaven born, and they have b ouserve 1.1 what manner conscience .rhnon,shes, Lon, morc. on rsvsoul () fioJ have (iospel'of our Lord Jesus. : l.i. I I l. IM 1 h probably think, first. of all, that j ,. (?s,s' ll? d? 1 i.jou.a cry i lIo for fi.ar of arousinlr the rovernmenf hut t ' - r than he, and would pun- l i V ....' !. 'i .1 1 .j does not appear to hcTdatv to remain inacirvc This would show that it was T,K ',u:- , : ' 1 ,.UVi,u l,,0:st cru's.OIl longer.! Despatched Moun- fen. nnd fonn raid lose more tlnn he would ! . ngpg'oiiy, uu tne i.ng n my ears now us , Kai t0 lhc uth-eastern pan of the city where his father was sick in bed,! 'l"" - tbey preached to a considerable number' Ilwii . . ..... ..... Ivilr i ! in in,' .-o nn. mi- tt-.f nlin..j .-tt i . . . LIGKNCE.J T, MERKDITfV EDITOR. - ' yield to his love of toysand leave the children to starve. A good hoy would yield torhis con science, and deny himself, and "ive the inonevto 1 the ppor. " Wc may lea rii how conscience ndmonishes us, also, by observing how we feel after an action has been performed.' Thus, take the last case. . , ., ooy nau ueen benevolent, l,e would leel bap- py, ?e.-oulJ approve of what he had done, - And if he had seen su?h an action done, by ar.o- ii a Doy nau been benevolent, he would feel hap- ther.hewould love him for it, and desire' to ree him revarded. And if the benevolent boy, in passing along the street, had found twice ns I I f ! 1 m no uns cone wrong is niraui ana ashamed, and j liesbowsit 111 l:?s countenance, and his actions;! , Yl"V.v "c . 1 u"f4 "a J W1C, "0r tlearly be (iicovers it. 1 bus the Uible tells us, , 'V u'ked is snared in the work of his own hand: " 1 .1 11 1 . . ...... aid though hand join in hand, the wicked shall, not go unjvanishtd ! THE. kEWAUD.-i OP, PROCRASTINATION. -j Written by a Clergy man,. 1 0:1 kaew a young, man of sixteen, the son) md hone of nious" narenls. and the favorite ofn ' ' - - I Mention, but the alluring pleasures of youth daz-l zled him, and he res.h! to leave religion far a ' r.; a.... I' ! youthiul nr. r ga i irele, end n j u, t :e,r nnith, his. ile e;-e:iet. it n tU ? ' ve; "And rnut ibis b,-dv This mortal frame decay, And must these active limbs of mine. I Lit. mouldering in -tin. clay !:t lie laid down til.- Lp k and forgot its we.r.i voice.! i I ite that evening he cane iome to tr.y cilutn-- her, breathing short, like one who had been walking fact, and laid down by. my side. After' h-e ,,,:iU' home ws minister ten uiui 01 a mercnui .T.iiuur. v . 1 it r .u 1 r 1 i: 1 ' i,,rtrfi uls 1 ,hir. LriiN' !).t hr bis bee su e poor r- ' .- : ' " , ; mi rev on me meicy: mercy: mercy: and 1 1 ' i- .11 1 . j 1 r 1 llu-.,-. rfi'ii'lun rr nnt 1,15 li'tT-.rlc tn'.l'nrn iij l.il,.-. hc cxcaiinct, .. am ost? am logl, am , ., n J IU ..IV tt 1 - .1 - 7, ti r . llis breath rrew snmter. and biy vou-.. fiinter . . a. r , . ' . I'cart ren , u.g cry. t a n ios : t am lost: am . i am o am -? i a a . my fn -nd and tnat t i . . r . . i . . 'i; i ii ir i lost, luiuerf ttow cat. j i ir: came from the death-bed of friend any own beloved brother. Header, by my brother s dying grojins, by the tears which fall onjthii paper while 1 think of him, and by'thc tears and groan's of Calvary, I bes.vch yoa. re- mchil;Cr, atfd lay lo heart the truths you are h.re taught rquuHAiiANCi:. 11 Why is it that if 'lefi-r nothing In i m h hiker, forbcu'f n6t'ii .vy.'' Ti-efaL'e to " Tuu Minis i i;v wc KEICD TITis is an iinpoiUtnt inn flry and when it has been' : fully answered, we.haU see the c.iuc cf a large part of the strifes, ah J mob, and violent at IcmptVto put do wo opinion fit th present day. Tlippi thin'Ts are 'buridaul. in oar titnp. bf.inu it nweu iu( uey us ne gave auav -to the n -or ctn -. . 1 - u ueoesoircd. Cororrom ,!.,. ,-.,.. ......ai 1... . . J.i ..... ly kccis it tost-t ier.. K .i. ...liV om i 1 iv si r nic ifAni.i 1 m . Oa UK-.-o1,lr:,ry. i.'a Uy. insUad ..fLnns I.iH I .SS.S' 'Sl.?? l?". lion 1 , 1 , ....... ... .in.-.., .,1 ...... ivh, mm iiifanov n. " Ml tl.: t.- In .. ..ful, r.... I. ...I i .r. .1 . r. : ". " " ""i- nuuc. 1 hf- i WAr.. :i .. :r i . i . u 1 .1 ; r..i .. . inuiii"j arn liti - sj.aM.n , n ue nau caueu mem names. iur me nut all things are uot expedient irione. vi w el. -....w ........ ..uvu u- na .nuiv .tun ui n i.iv, uui an unn r;rt. 111 11 11 1 v r nip 1. 111. tin tt'iin 1 . . . ...-. ......... 1 niiitrk n rn 1 ini i.. 1 . . sttmi1 pf ninnM i rr.r :imi n,i -.- 1 1 .-.-u irtin-r i..'i ihn .-.-if "ii i i nut in i:,J t'i( inn;i n'nvi'm" nr.ircr fir hifru ' I'll T.nr.la t 1.1 1 1 . 1. . .1 .. .V, i: e. " ril: r ' I -V r w' v rr"'? ren arrived, and during their stav. I did verrlh n i r I, . 1'" wii.ui.-j ... v u, vuiuvo.ui.,1, crn vKilnrcnl Ih.i mncn may be said almost Jiterally, 41 We defer nothing! came into the world and dieo-for sinners ? "Yes, to each other wc forbear uothing' Thi? is the 'and I am the only man in the Hurman empire sccret ofso much irritatioa in the conituunity of 1 who believes this doctrine, but ftbink rnorft will r t.iiAh M am ii n ii a 1 1 .n r rr i n s f tl.nr. I . ( i Z , opinion from us.it sinjJe hairs breadth. ' We are uanttnsr forbear ance. r.ach one wishes to have j his own way ; -to have his own sentiments held bv all othershis own schemes adopted by all oth ers. " vc de,er nothing to coca other we forbear nnltiinir " We have fuund out that the con.s:itution and laws under which we live, --allow u r, hold and ' . I ' ' ' HCJBMBia 5 Fy w i ' WHOLE NO. $o express whatopiaions we please, if ,LCv injurious to thy public trood. anil i public irood. 'n.V Zy, l Vc on the pfiacipIcrregarJi, "Jf VheTc ! ings, the eptnions. or the intvrir ... fcl bcar- notliins.1' .Society based on compromise , 1 .ons profa, thinkaliKpUsui j exaclly the.same interest in any -i?S7ni,.i u ; member of the community nvtr" loTn'r '?vn?? ,,,s "'bims gratified, his opinions adonii ' "Jr1 cUiultedf cost others trbt H "'rj t.i'.y may expect agitations and division.. Conns. Obi. From the Bap. Magazine. ! ntJiniAii. I JOURNAL OF MR. K1XCAID. Welhave received, within n few A fays, a Cwii- tinualion of .Mr. Kincaid's Journal at va-a portion of which we now lay jboforc on'r re?:S 9ar 'nst ects were given at p. 397, vei lo n n ln ..a' Moc- -9vltof V ',au our usual as- c-,-i. 1.1 . l - . . ...iuiv ..1 t wiauip mis morning, nut no visiters ' Ij 1? l. i Ml asked for books, but I gavc away ori: V h'.tcr from br. Webb inffirrrn; tb'. lre is no intelligence yet of the arrival of bf ade and the m-w miii.,niri..i kd them in .September or October, we be-in to f,v n v-f f,j dcu r.n3Jl0us. Thi. nrorjah;fitv 7 ilvy d?d nt !.-:tve America as early in the year as war-: expected. We begin to feel encouraged yl the government has no real intention of dri ving u ay. ay. Jan. 3, i?. The weather has L. rrn-. mild. ! I V.r thirty days rist it has been very cold : at '2 o-cloel: the thermometer has been down t c mra.i - ut'jrrees, and the dew.co sneal.that we have been obliged U keep our windov.'s and doors saut. Lb ;:t nine o'clock this, eveninir, just as our prayer meeting closed, br! Cuitercatne hi iving every tiling r Cutter took' Tea ve ot itic citvdid not. as far a any alarm. Just beforn mi'v leu, we trot intelligence 01 the 5nf. nrrivl r :n .1. . . 1L 5311 rn.. o. a 11 t ie mw-iinrnrwc m M. 1 m : . ... ....4.ul.iiV i4J. lls,:ciral t.i Mas onr T.nhnri1. 1. . J ' uiif, i' M :i l- 27. Made preparations this momii.o- for Pi ture operations. I- or some days before I he hrnh- . '-1 t , - . . J . urll) oS. n;uj devcn vi?Uers h . all very ignorant. Cave awav five tracts and one hook. 20. Had a long discussion with revcral priest. One of them I think felt a little. An old man inu :tu entire stranger called just at evening I b.'gan to talk about the Creator of- all things lie listened with apparent satisfaction for som.r time, and, feeling encouraged, I began explain ing thejDivine law, its nature and requirements, to all of which he listened with fixed attention. I then safdlo him, have you ever heard of.this doctrine? He replied-.'Xi? vera 1. mpntlis. ago 1 got a little book of" you, and have read it much. At firstj I did not bclcivc it, hut for some time now I fiave felt assured that there is only one. . . ... , true and living God. tAn" do you know any thing about Jesus ChristVthe Son ol God, who i believe, when they read and consider a long time." 1 Where do you live? "In the palace." Is there no.onc in the palace but yourself who believes in the Eternal God? "Not one. All dispute this religion; say it isa foreigner's reli gion, and not suitable for liurmans. and thev . rj i.j ii?. . . nctciwu me, caning me a heretic 'M I .told him there a$ hnoiher uun.in th-; palace who IoVmI J