NAZI SPEAKS ON HOMOSEXUALS. RALEIGH—Nazi leader Harold Covington recently aired his views on homosexuals over his pre-recorded “White Power” telephone message. If Covington were in a position of power, he said, he would “punish homosex uality with death.” This statement comes as part of Covington’s latest grand scheme: the creation of a Carolina Free State, formed by the sucession of North and South Carolina. According to one handout, this sovereign state will be formed to “serve as a homeland and a haven for all white men and women of all Aryan people.” Covington accuses the U.S. govemement of “encouraging, fostering, and enforcing unwanted and detrimental association and mixtiture” of white citizens with non-white, conspiring to destroy the family “through the propagation of sexual degeneracy, the vile and pernicious so-called “Equal Rights Amendment,” the toleration of pornography and perversion. . .” Covington’s plans for a Carolina Free State were first announced shortly after the acquittal, in Greensboro, ofNaziandKuKIux Klein members. These men were charged in the shooting deaths of Communist Workers Party members during a “Death to the Klan Rally” in 1979. Covington himself ran for the office of state Attorney General last May, and garnered a surprising 43 percent of the vote in the Republican primary. He was edged out by former U.S. Attorney, Keith Synder of Asheville, who was later defeated in the general election by Democrat Rufus Edminsten. It should also be noted, in passing, that Covington cmae to prominence in the American National Socialist Party following the arrest and conviction in Chicago of former leader Frank Collin con charges of engaging in sexual acts with two underage boys. The following is Covington’s complete statement on the question of homsexuals: First off, the term “gay” is a misnomer as it implies something lighthearted and happy about this perversion. There is nothing lighthearted or happy about faggots, as anyone who’s seen the movie “Cruising”can attest. Homosexuals are mentally and morally abnormal people who have made a conscious decision to pursue a lifestyle which places them outside the bounds of decency and all Western values. It’s no co incidence that the law refers to homosexual acts as “Crimes Against Nature,” because homosexuality is indeed unnatural in that it denies ,.ie basic biological imperitive of reproduction. In essence, the homosexual is a person who has set himself above God or nature; who has consciously and deliberately said to himself and to the world: “Evil be thou my good. ” There’s no joke about how the only good thing about faggots is that they can’t reproduce. . . unfortunately, that’s not true. They do reproduce, not sexually, but by corrupting others, especially the young. I’m sure you’ve all noticed how so much of the so-called “gay rights” movement is aimed at allowing queers to be teachers, jxirents, legal guardians, social workers. . . anything that allows them access to children. The child molester is in fact the purest form of homosexual because he’s the one who produces more queers through corruption of the young. NCHRF Surveys NC Sheriffs Very few sheriffs and police chiefs in North Carolina would oppose repeal of the state’s sodomy law, according to the preliminary results of a survey being conducted by the North Carolina Human Rights Fund. The Human Rights Fund (NCHRF), a non profit, tax-exempt corporation formed in July, 1979, to promote and defend the legal rights of gays in this state, sent question naires last month to all 100 sheriffs and to the police chiefs in all towns of 15,000 or more. About 15% have responded so far. As the NCHRF predicted, almost none of the state’s law enforcement agencies keep data on the number of sodomy arrests in their jurisdictions. Charlotte’s police department is one of the few that keeps such data; they reported 11 sodomy arrests in that city during 1979. Of the responses to date, only 15% would oppose repealing the sodomy law as it relates to private sexual activity between consenting adults. One-fourth said they favored repeal, and the remainder said repeal would make no difference to their law enforcement efforts. At the present time, sodomy (“crime against nature”) is a felony, punishable by ten years imprisonment, whether or not the parties consent and whether or not the acts take place in private. bfc Gay Conference Organizes for 6th Year Baton Rouge, LA—The Sixth Southeastern Conference for Lesbians and Gay Men will be held April 10-12, 1981 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on the campus of Louisiana State University. The conference is being sponsored by the LSU Students for Gay Awareness. As a student group, this organization has limited access to private funds. Following a regional planning session held December 6 on the LSU campus, the sponsoring group encouraged interested individuals and organizations to sponsor fundraising activities on the Conference’s behalf. Exhibit space will be available for the conference on a limited basis for those who wish to sell arts and crafts or commercial merchandise. A flat $25.00 fee will be charged per commercial exhibit. No commission will be taken from sales. Organizations will be able to exhibit free of charge. For more information write: Conference SI, c/o LSU SfGA, P.O. Box 16031, University Station, Baton Rouge, LA 70893. This is Harold Covington. This week’s message is not a pleasant one but I’ve been asked by a listener to do a message on the National Socalist view of homosexuality. The caller has also asked how we would deal with homosexuality under the new order. The answer to that is very simple. After independence, the law of the Carolina Free State will punish homosexuality with death. The reason for this is not so much to punish individual queers — and I will admit that like all diseases we will probably never succeed in wiping out homosexuality altogether — but by such heavy penaltys we will drive this filthy perversion so far back into the closet that it will never again threaten the basic fabric of our society as it does now. We will also drastically cut down on their ability to reproduce through corruption of the young, since if a faggot knows he’s risking a rope around his neck, he’s going to be very wary about approaching children on a playground or anywhere else. Well, you asked a question and now I’ve answered it. You people out there have the right to know just how we’re gonna run things after independence, so if there are any more issues you want me to address let me hear from you. For more information on the plan for an all white Carolina Free State, contact us as Box 27406, Raleigh 27611. White Power. — transcribed from a taped “White Power” message, 12/17/80. The phone number is828 4903 for the taped message; the number for the NSWP office is 834-0063. Ednorial: The Front Page Is Back! You have in your hands Volume 1, Number 2 of a publication that came very close to dying. A small group of people have gotten together and (because we think The Front Page has been a really good paper) we’ve decided to do what we can to bring it back to life. Only time will determine whether we’ll be successful or not. For the time being, The Front Page will be published monthly rather than twice monthly as it had been. When we’ve got a few issues under our belts—and if the advertising support is there—we may go back to twice monthly publishing. A note to our subscribers: you will receive the full number of issues for which you’ve paid. Well be extending all subscriptions so that no one will get short-changed (and we apologize for the gap in publication). One reason for our decision to go monthly (at first) is that we want to be able to commit to our advertisers the kind of dependable, regular publication that they have a right to expect. The Front Page will be published each month in time to be on the street by the last Tuesday of the month preceding the issue date. (For example, since this is the February issue, it’ll be available to be picked up on or before January 27.) In the past, many different things have caused The Front Page to miss publishing deadlines and to be somewhat irregular. That will not happen again (barring, if course, acts of God or other things beyond our control). If an article isn’t finished in time, it’ll have to wait for the next issue. If an ad isn’t in by deadline, it won’t run. In our conversations with Michael Baker, we all decided that the most important thing to be done if The Front Page was to be saved is to find a way to assure regular, dependable publication. We feel that we’ve found the way (and the people) to do that. Now a word about Michael Baker himself. For the past year, working largely alone, he’s managed to get out 23 issues of a paper that we feel has been a great credit to North Carolina’s gay community. There are very few gay publications in the country that are better looking or better in content than The Front Page has been for the last year. We really hope that well be able to keep the quality high (and perhaps even improve it some) at the same time that we insure the dependability of publication. Last week, we got a big boost in that direction when Michael agreed to stay on with The FrontPage as editor. We’re thrilled that he’s willing to do this, and now we’re even more confident that the paper can survive, grow and improve. We have lots of ideas for new regular features that we’ll tell you more about in the March issue (look for it Feb. 24). For now, we’re just glad to be able to say “Hi! The FrontPage is alive and well!” For those of you who are interested in a little further background. . . here’s an editorial, written by Michael, which was to appear in the December issue of the paper (that issue never made it to press). Please keep in mind as you read it that it was written two months ago. . . and things have changed. Can This Paper Survive? (Part 2, continued from October 24th issue) by Michael Baker This essay began life as a discussion of the on-going problems of putting out The Front Page, and what might be done about them. The bulk of the article (part one of which ran in the last issue) was written two months ago. Now, in addition to a discussion of problems and solutions, this essay has come to be about my retirement from active involvement with The Front Page, and what might be done to keep the paper going. There are so many things to talk about, I’m afraid this article is very long. But, if you’re interested in The Front Page, I hope you’ll bear with me. 2. So what’s The Front Page’s financial situation? Is it making money/, breaking even, running in the red, or what? “The road to good intentions is paved with hell.” —Peter deVries “Oh, honey, don’t let me commence!“ —Truman Capote (Continued on page 3)