Oh, My Stars! Horoscope for the week of January 7, 2000 By C. Lichtenstein rGet ready for a lunar eclipse in Leo this week and, two weeks from now, a solar eclipse in Aquarius. Just as we saw in July and August, these eclipses goad us into emotional excesses and extremes. This time however, we are in resolution mode; events triggered in the summer, conclude now, Ready? You better believe it, kids! ^ ARIES (MARCH 21 - APRIL 20) ' Fun may have its pitfalls and moral lessons this week as the Leo eclipse shadows your every move.Rainbow Rams should be extra careful of trampling the feelings of friends during the eclipse-o-rama when their frolicking romps jackboot through others’ territory and sensibilities. A summer romance may return for another round. Are you ready to climb into the ring, champ? TAURUS (APRIL £1 - MAY 21) Family issues that never quite resolved this summer rear their ugly heads again during the winter eclipses. Proud Bulls have the emotional task of balancing their needs with those of others. Sometimes balance is unachievable and you're better off making the difficult decision to go it alone. Hopefully that is not the case here. Strive for balance but be prepared to be self motivated. GEMINI (MAY 22-JUNE 21) Ever diplomatic gay Twins may find themselves more like the blabber-mouth Sag when the winter eclipses wax and wane. Arguments., er.. I mean "discussions" that rocked the summer may pummel you during the next' two weeks. When your back is against the wall, you have no other option than to talk your way through it. Speak Out; it will have global implications. CANCER (JUNE 22 - JULY 23) When your wallet took a hit this past summer, you swore that you wouldn't be taken for a wild spending fool ever again. Well hang onto your hard earned dough during the winter eclipse, proud Crab. The planets again tempt you to stave off feelings of inadequacy with loose money. Don’t be swayed! It's time to find new solutions to old problems. It's cheaper in the long run. LEO (JULY 24 - AUGUST 23) The lunar eclipse in your own sigrv can cast an emotional pall on any new endeavor and veer you temporarily off track in a cloud of depression. Same old story as the past summer when the two eclipses bombarded you with obstacles of your own making. Gay Lions should resolve to not to react but to wait, wait, wait. Plan your course of action in two weeks when the fog dissipates. VIRGO (AUGUST 24 - SEPTEMBER 23) If day to day work doesn't provide you with much satisfaction now, chalk it up to the emotional energy generated by the eclipses. Pink Virgos are looking for affirmation and a sense of contributing to a higher goal but maybe that's more than you should expect from just a job. Use this time to readjust your clock and reassess priorities. Put yourself on top of the short list. LIBRA (SEPTEMBER 24 - OCTOBER 23) Friends can either contribute or detract from the fun when the pair of eclipses cast a shadow over group activities for the next two weeks. Queer Libras love being the center of the social circle but it may prove to be too much work and coordination now to get things on track. Stay on the sidelines if you can, cousin; I doubt whether the party will go on without you anyway. SCORPIO (OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 22) Both the Leo and Aquarius eclipses may have you question recent career decisions, but don't let the planets change your course now. Strategic gay Scorps are clever enough to know what is and is not right for them in the long term. If anything, these eclipses will demonstrate that not only are you making the right move, but it's about time you did so! SAGITTARIUS (NOVEMBER 23 - DECEMBER 22) If the words are not coming out just right or if you find yourself less able to get your point across, take a breathe and allow the two eclipses to pass quietly. Gay Archers love to travel but now you may find that travel is too much trouble and wrought with frustration. On the bright side, this transit may help to bring to resolution any outstanding legal issue. Rest your case! CAPRICORN (DECEMBER 23 - JANUARY 20) Can money buy happiness, affirmation and love? Queer Caps may think so but the two winter eclipses may prove them wrong. Before you splurge on nonsense, remember what happened during the past August eclipses. This time you may be able to see things in fuller perspective. There is a crazy rumor going around that the best things in life are free. Follow up on it. AQUARIUS (JANUARY 21 - FEBRUARY 19) Aqueerians may be more emotional than usual during the eclipses in Leo and in their own sign. What you thought was rock solid now may appear to shift in the sand. Great ideas in the planning stage may suddenly change course. The secret in all of this is to go with the flow and not try to force things along. Sometimes the path of least resistance leads to the greatest triumphs. PISCES (FEBRUARY 20 - MARCH 20) While many rainbow Fish are anxious to give something back to the community, the two winter eclipses may cause you to reassess the direction of your good gay deeds. This is not a bad thieng but don't let the emotional turmoil take you completely out of the charitable arena. See what brings you the greatest joy and take it one decibel up. Don’t lower the volume. (c) 2000 LICHTENSTEIN, All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. Ms. B . ' Continued from page 28 princess.” I love her, arid we talk about getting married, but I cannot commit to anything long term with her because I love sex and she is making my sex life unbelievably unattractive, boring, and one-sided. I am sexually secure and aggressive. I am not into what people think my role should be based on how I dress. I love to give her head, love her response, and love trying to improve our sexual bond, but I feel resentment toward her disinterest and dishonest behavior. I thought my girlfriend was gay because she loved women and making love to them —that’s why I am a lesbian. Perhaps I was wrong. HELP US, PLEASE! — Femme in Distress Dear Femme in Distress: “Stud” may not know it, but she’s a lousy lay. If the problem were just technical (e.g. she jiggled your breasts like a 14-year-old boy and touched you clumsily), there’d be hope that she could be trained. But her unwillingness to leam or even talk is a problem. Maybe she’s watched too much bad pom in which women get gratification from just getting on their knees and servicing their men. Her fantasy may be being “done” by a woman who lives to serve. Stud probably doesn’t realize that if her woman doesn’t share the fantasy, Stud’s disinterest in pleasing her partner makes her DaU 111 Dell. How direct have you been? Ms. Behavior would suggest telling the truth as you’ve told it in your letter: “You are making my sex life unbelievably unattractive, boring, and one sided.” Let Stud know that you won’t commit to her unless this changes. Tell her exactly what you want (competent oral sex sounds important) and give her a time limit. She may need to go to therapy, read books, or take a class in vaginal worship, so give her six months. “Butch in the streets, Femme in the sheets” is one thing, but your girlfriend sounds “Dead in the Bed”. A sexless relationship is torture fpr someone who wants and loves sex, so if it doesn’t get better, move on and find yourself a woman who will cherish every part of your body and live to make you scream. Contact Ms.Behavior via The Front Page or send e-mail to MsBehavior@aol.com. oun 39-Boofh Video Arcade open 24 Hours everyday! movie rentals $4 327 V. Hargett St. ■ Raleigh, NC '(919) S3 3-S96S