te Best ooks of ’05 « Jesse Monteagudo Contributing Writer it • _ > 2005 was not a good year for *<- queer books. Four major GLBT it book stores — Key .West's ^Flaming : Maggie's, ^Sacramento's Hie Open Book, ||§euti!e's Be yond the Closet and . npa's Tomes & Treasures — -: WStexA om „ [ 1 „ - ness, vic tims of declin ■■i n ^ sal e s and competiticrv frostpi .pfajflt■■ iittate; end l!|| Internet *||S Even worse, Lambda Book ReporffqS which reviewed GU3T£||| literature with distintHl 19874 , non since • ceased to exist. ; On. the other hand, i | the Lambda Literary | I Foundation (LBS's pais) eat) is curresgjji regrouping; ■ InsightOut book ck continues to,;, erve 1 • <®nT7 mem ■ here; .Books' T I^Vatch Out For! (biwof.com) promises to continue in the LBR ^gjtadition with e-newsletters devoted, to lesbian, gay male, and women's literature. Vo-i t'O VU No single book dominated the ?! sBiGay and Trans literary soeneS is year, with the possible except in of the late Dr. C. A. Tripp's thmte y&rtd. of Abrgham Utwohf Holiday Gift By Jesse Monteagudo Contributing Writer . Books make great gifts. With that in mind, "Ihe Book Nook" offers this list of books that we ttiink would make great gifts for die lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgen dered person(s) in your life. As we did last year, we list the books by price range. Please note that these are list prices, which do not take into account the discounts that various out lets might offer. Under 10 Dollars: There many good bodes list The Bear Essentials Postcard Book The Best cf Barn/ G o l l o p (Bruno Gmunder; $8.99); Homo Art by Gilles N4ret . (Taschen; $8.99); and The V Essential Gay Mystics, edited \ with an introduction by V Andrew Harvey (Harper \ Collins;$8.99), Also priced , \ under $10 are The Only Bush ' \ I Trust Is My Own, humorous essays Dy P e r i e 1 Aschenbrand (Tarcher; $9.95) and Shut Up! and Listen' to Yourself, . an insightful - self help book by Joshua Estrin (Angel Mind). Thoughts Press; $15.99) and/or Lesbian Pulp Fiction: The Sexually Intrepid World of Lesbian Paperback Novels 1950-1965 (Qeis; $18.95). Gay men who like their comics hot $10-19.99: One of this year's sad stories is the breakup of Silo and Roy, two male chin-strap pen guins at New York City's Central Park Zoo (Silo has since moved in with a female pen guin). This shouldn't stop you from, buying the iTHE/lNTIMAtm? WORLD OB ABRAHAM LINCOWNS •ftu- i. and sexy will devour two new collections by Canada's own Patrick Fillion — The Incredibly Hung Adventures of the Mighty Males and Heroes (Bruno Gmunder; $17.95 each) — which feature the erotic adventures of Camili-Cat, Naked Justice, GhostBo^^^^ other muscl^^fWn^cm!^ frequently nude super heroes. Finally, these charming Ana lango M«Ke&x lhret (Simon- Sc' Sdtuster; $13.99). Written by Peter Parnell and Justin Richardson, and illustrat ed by Henry Cole, it tells the story of Silo and Roy — and their a d op ted chick. Tango — back when they were one big happy family. Gay history buns will appreciate last year's Stonewall: The Riots that Sparked the Gay Revolution by David Carter, now in paperback (St Martin's Press; $14.95). The lesbian m your life might enjoy Rock Hard, Put ' Away Wet: Lesbian Cow boy Erotica [cow girl erotica?] edited by Sacchi Green and Valencia ‘ Roxelle (Suspect >r. books in the White Crane / Lethe spirituality series win make great gifts: Two Flutes Playing by Andre Ramer ($123.95); Gay Spirituality by Toby Johnson ($16.95) and the classic anthology Gay Spirit edit ed by Mark Thompson ($19.95). $20 29.99: We all , 1 Kh A remember the moment when we KNEW that we were G, L, B or T. Famous "people of the Rainbow" recall that moment in their lives in When I Knew, edited by Robert Trachtenberg (Regan Books; $22.95). Humorist Margaret Cho, who defies categories, is back with : continued page 7 ——. ^ " ■■ — - . —-T"--* - - - — 4 ' Visit us on the web at www.frontpagenews.com * I **»*♦♦ V 4 * ♦ » 4 \ V * *• 1 * * * 4 * ♦ 4 4 * * * * > * * 4 ' * ♦ * » * • * I *•»♦♦»* * ♦ * - • r ’ ' ‘ V . , *• „ , ' V , ■ - v ... ; . '. . 14*4*11* 4 * 4 ♦'*-* *♦* %•♦**•* * 4 4 * * * *■ I V* V* 4 4 4 * * * « » f * 4 » 44 t I » 4.4 • * * >’ • * ■ f « X * » * » 4 *\« * ^ * » . i . , . . . . . » 4 . . 4, ..•% * ■