' " f??7 -j mi linn i. .., , ip 5 ft'! 1 So. 0. Vol. 4. o , Edgecombe County, (I. C.) ;Se Dec'rlS, 1855. Whole -.No. 20 -I I " ' - - - .'"rr',?to jf-:'-B lfj ajUUUIJU-JL, . Muni,, r. itiirday, -3 j I 523 SOoSSSSSfS'a,: ' (Jeo. IIowakd, Editor & Proprietor. TtRMS-Ptfl ANNUM. lfpa,if J within two months. 52.00 2 50 Oiliericisr, RATES OF ADVERTISING firm, v nn C , ; lrarf . - 5 00!"fe' but .d,iMty of getting a fiN " "' t t t t , .. I Cheap and efficient mnnlnnn W T.l frit ft Of' a,H' (Micci'tine- 25 prremt. lwjhcr. j I'cn-'V f (n rtiscments hy contract. Fall and Winter GOODS. nmv receiving and opening at ' - d,,ir Now tore, one of the best select- 0tl Sti ck (f Goods ever brought to this .fl.in of the country, consisting in j;irt of Foreign and Domestic Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. Li.iics lhvss Goods Cloaks, Talmas, anJ Mantillas French and Scotch 1nbruidvvk'S Clothe Castimcrcs, Satlinetls, Tweeds, luntin-ky Jeaus, Kers- ys, Ve.-tings, eve. EetttiJ made Clothing, Xciiro (!""ds, lilaidicts, Linsoys, loots and Shoes. I hits, C;ps, Hardware, Cutlery, China, Glass aud Crockery Ware, Groceries. S-c fyc. In fact, everv thing finally found in a fit (!: IV .,,. v.f .,11 ill l,;,.l, lvivo l.otn selected w:th especial i n nun t.w l 1 reference to the wants of this section of tic country, and will be sold VKKY LOW. CT(Ju-ck sales and small profits. U'h!cH A: Hart. Ta i lor o' , 1 o ! h S e 1 1 . IS 5 5 . '25. ? IMI'OIITEUS r.nd Vh losale Dealers in n ign I? im stic Dny Goods, No 58 or DO Sycamore Street, 1 KTLRtT.UIUJ, VA. WE nre now repared tn exhibit to tlie 3?crcl;:!iits of A'irginia and North Carolina, a large and commanding stock of Forcing :i2fl 5oEUi'tic Having purcliastd largely of Heavy Woollens eailv in June, we can offer goods at such prices as cannot fail to command attention One of cur firm will remain in New Ynk during the season, in attendance at the and forwarding anything, new and nov el, as it may be received by the weekly ttcainors from Europe. Merchants who are compelled by competition to buy at The Lowest Market Rales "Will find our styles and price such as v'll enable them to compete successful ly iviih those who purchase in the ortLcru markets. Stevenson Sept. 5. v ! 1 'j i ' aj ' J yi-j Female College. TilH next session of this Institution tf.ll commence on the first Wednesday 111 August, 1855. Auijde accommodations arc provided Iiir;oiy number of voung ladies. r,,r information, Catalogue, &c. ad '"'" the President of the Faculty. Rev. - '1 r,ront, W. S. G. Andrews. June 4th, 1855. All Aeeoimts T . ... ADL previous to the 1st, now due, ;re made out and ready for settlement ll,lc indebted will nlease save them- "vl's the mortification of being dun M by calling forward and settling ";lr bills, as interest will charged tr,Jw the 1st, on all accounts. . ' IF. A. Grimmer. J!,y4, 1855. '"STORY Q F HQ II T H CAROLINA or sale by Ceo. Uoieard. MPORTANT TO M ANY years experience in stock feeding 1ms convinced farmers that, nil cram .oucht to bo ,l L.w r, . v .i.u iui.iv IVUU1U answer the purpose, has preveuted ma ny persons from commencing. The subscriber in recommondinff Lenniirs Portable Improved Corn and Cob ITS ill, For grinding fine meal for family ufe, crushing corn aud cob together for stock, and shelling corn, and other pur poses, does so m a full belief tint it will answer the purpose for which it is in tended. It has now been in use several .1 I , . n ' LJ,,! 111 uie otatc ot Virginia over , '" ,,uw 1,1 J v lrginia and A'lth Carolina. Thousands s are now in u-:o in the Southwest and North. Hundreds will, on application, testify to their usefulness nn a farm. All we ask is to give them a fair tri al. They are warranted to grind line corn and cob meal; corn meal, from which two-thirds can be sifted for br;ad; hominy, coarse or fine; gri'id nig of wheat, barley, rye, &c. aud is a good corn shelter. Quantity varying according to power. applied. Having purchased from tho Agent of the inventor the exclusive right of sell ing and using these mills in the county of (dd Edgecombe, we take pleasure in recommending them to the farmers in the above county; and from a desire to have them in general use, we will sell them at Forty-live Dollars as we re- U'i'tio iliom nr will nut tli.ni n n t,-., adding the expense of labor. ., , r j Vojirlt Kintj. Tarboro', N. 0 , Juiy 5th, 185o. P. B. WILLS. BLAKE PITT MAN. JPetcrsburg) Wills & Piltman, (Lately of the Firm of Wills, Lea Jiroivnlry,) WILL give their attention to the sale and purchase of all articles of Jit ric ultu ra I Prod u ce, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, &C., And purchase for order and se commission all articles of 11 for Groceries, e-c, fyc. llcceive and forward Goods, and act as General Commission Agents. .Sugar. 135 Bbls, clarified Sugar, 5 ' Porto itico do., For sale by W. II. IVillard. Dec. 10. Sladwiiy's licmlij llrmcdivs IVOS. 1, 2 & 3, ARE so prepared as to harmonize and act in unison with each other. Taken separate ly or together, they will instantly stop pain, speedily remove disease, and quickly cure its cause. No pain can exist, or disease af flict the system while under their influence. No. 1 Radical s Ready Relief is the l.rt and only remedy ever recorded in the modi- cal history of the world, that has stopped the most violent pains in a tew seconds.: it win stop the most severe pains in live minutes or less, and will cure the most obstinate and painful llhcumatic, Nervous, Neuralgic and Bilious complaints iu a few hours. No. 2. Radicals Renovating Resolvent, for the quiek cure of all chronic and scrofulous diseases. It' is 'powerful, searching and pleasant; it cleanses and purifies the blood from all scrofulous diseases: it resolves away from the bones and muscles all diseased de posits; it electrifies the fluids and solids with health and strength the patient will expe rience its powerful,' soothing, -beneficial ef fects in a few hours after taking it. - Radwais medicated Soap the superior ef ficacy of this highly medicated compound over nil other cosmetics for purifying the skin and curing salt rheum, ring worm, rash, tetter, chapt flesh,' and imparting to the complexion that roseate .tint which im tare intended it should wear, is ackuowlcdg-; ed to st-md beyond the reach of rival. Bad way's Soap is purely balsamic in its proper tics, it cleanses, heals, purifies and impart, f nil who use it beautv to tne compiu- . - - For sale by (i eo. Howard, Tarboro. House, Sign, AND The &ub&crihcr INFORMS the citizens of Edge combo and adjacent counties, that heis prepared to execute the above descrip tion of -.R'aintiais In all he various Branches. lieferences can be given to persons for whom I have done work in this vi- cmity, in the above branches, as to 1 v-..j uuu punciuaniy. rersons ( Will Peril;) D3 (i( WO tn r,l nn mo V.r. fore making contracts elsewhere. 1 "n. A. linsctt. Tarboro', July 25, 1S55. North Carolina Institution FOlt THE eaf and Dumb THE next session of this Institution will commence on the first Monday iu September. It is very important that pupils should be punctual in their at tendance at the be-'inmnvc of the ses sion. Applications for Admission, &c, i diouid be made to H'u. D. Cooke. Principal. Italelgh, Aug. 1855. New liUiU -M- TIIE subscriber has just opened a new Drug Store And will continue adding to his stock; until he gets it complete. Among the articles now olio red will be found DIuc Mass, Calomel, Quinine lilaek Drop, Anise Seed Fennel ,, Sulph. Copper Ether Iron Morphia Potassa Iodine, Strychnia, Creosote, Lactate of Iron, C;,rb. Ascetic Aci'I, ,, iino Flour Sulphur Pivcip. ,, Cox's Hive Syrup Ipecac ,, Benzoic JSitric Iron It hu barb Peruvian Bark, JWy Caneo;? 7 Squills ,, Essence Mustard ,, Lemon Peppermint Laudanum Paregoric Batein, in's Drops British Oil llark-m ,, Pepperine Bay Water AVinc Ergot Alcohol Burning Fluid Lamp Wick Castor Oil Cream Tartar Alum Borax Copal Varnish Black Leather ,, Pearl sago Sal Eratus Yeast powder Ti,oth ,, . paste Hair Brushes combs "White Wax. Flea bane Blue stouo Camel's hairpencils Wafers Tted Ink Nutmegs Mace Cloves Seidiitz powders Soda Ma.eriin ,, (Juni Aloes, Amuioniacum Arabia pulv. Camphor My rrli Opium Shellac Oil Anise ,, Bhick Pepper ,, Cinnamon ,, Cloves ,, Ergot ,, Lavender ,, Olive ,, Origani ,, Peppermint ,, Sassafras Wormsced Extract Bark Sabina Valerian Arrow ltoot Blood ,, Colchicum Columbo kranieria Licorice Pink Sarsaparilla ,, Snake Squills , -Valerian ,, Mercurial Oint. Cantharides Turner's Cerate Husband's Magnesia Seltzer Aperient Calcined. Carbon. Cochineal Litharge . .... , Red Lead Bole Armenian Chase's Trusses , Piiysieiu's Cases Spatulas Lancets Catheters Speculums ; , Breast Pumps Syringes; v Vials, Corks, &c Geo. Howard. Citrate Fowler's solution Dona van' s ,, Acetate Morpliia. Balsam Copaiva Soldified!S, Capsules Cantharides Salts1 Tartar ---,r -Epsom -- .Rochelle " May 1, 1855. D rn o n i tt A FRESH SUPPLY of Jajne's Family medicines, . ... -.. Fahnestock's Vermifuge &C .-- : ; For sale by Geo. Howard. Geo Howard, Jr. "; ATTORNEY AT LAW, Having located at fVilfton, N. C. WILE regularly attend the Courts of Pitt, Greene, Way no- and Edgecombe counties. Office next door to Gay's Hotel. June, :5: niEPAllATOHY to a change to be A urn.t. novt. T hJlVr. w-n,..!, tliiur mv Books and will -thauk m v friends to render what . facilities thev can1 in making settlements, as the ar. raugemeut must-be closed by that time. I have a very fair Stock oj Dry Goo s Groceries, &;c On hand, which will be sold at a small advance on COST for cash, or negotia ble paper. No new account will be opened ) A. Grimmer. June 20, 1G55. S4k-4 V4 Sl4 TIIE subscribers having purchased j paired at low' rates. . Second hand Pia the Coacli Establishment of James Nel-1 nos taken in erchaii"-e. son in TAlU'OUO', have associated themselves together under the firm of ' " PaLimaunlaiii Slcwurt, For tllG PurPn; carrying on the And Repairing business in all He li ranches. vrill nvnditinnc'iT vorviir fill f:irriM- o:' Buggies, &c, in a workmanlike manner, aud on reasonable terms. Having first rate workmen i'i our employ, we have no hesitation in ex r the belief that we will be ublelsinil1 ices to tho ckizeus.of Edge p resell i . to give general sji t Ufa ! i . gf n s "... i i....i:,v. . .v.-.r,.n ' (kits, and all kinds of farming imple-l II) " U 'I'I li. U-tJl I" li' " V;J .il ' ' ' 1 , mcnt$ will bo mad and repaiico. A portion of public patronage is res pectfully solicited. 7. Ji. Pidtimounluin, T. J Sfeicurt. Tarboro, May 11, 1855. Z-yl. 1 Paiamountain returns bis sincere thanks -to pis frunds and the public for the liberal patronage he has received, and informs them that he wilt still continue his shop at his old :-!a:id near the 1'ridge, and execute expedi tiously all work that may be entrusted o him. WOULD announce to the citizens o. iar- j boro' and vicinity, that x:e Has locaiouui , rarboro' near the bndge, waere ne ,ai , cute All Kinds oj Smith JVork, and promptly repair all machinery, Buggies, Guns, Locks, etc. which may be entrusted to him. Bell-hangings attended to. He hopes by strict attention to business, I 1 S rit the conn- and moderate charges, to mer r--c; a pi er il l..r.f.o 0' the liiiblic. and i support. Tarboro', May 20.. " ttYUiiiL i Ji. r iZiU ; ..w, I DR BR V-NDRETI. would here impress ' I.:...: ,.i. itiin n-i .onM-.tllv. that, however different may be the .action ot the Pills at different times, that such different I All that is asked of those who have never action arises not from any alteration in the ! yet become acquainted with them is to pro Pills, but from the state of the body; they cure one box, and the Proprietor s word for should therefore be persevered with until the n,t?nn i uniform: for thev are an effectual nf ntr. hnvinir the same kind of ajououiu 7 . action on the human body that storms and hurricanes have upon the air, or that the tides have upon the ocean; they purify. , For sale by Oco. Howard. Wm. II. W.sllard, Commission Merchant. WASHINGTON, N C, GIVES his attention to receiving and for warding Merchandize, and produce, and is prepared to make liberal CASH ADVANCES on all articles consigned to him for sale, or shipment to his friends in Baltimore, New York and Boston. Oct. 11. ".",i"iiJLcty . 00 bales jujst received and for sale by W. II. Willard. . Washington, June 28. v TV n Land for I000..ACRES of good Swamp, Land, in the lower part of Beaufort Co., on the soiith side of Pamplico liivcr, and near South Creek. . -For' particulars apply to ' W. II. Willard. i 7 Washington, N.'.C, Jau'y 2. ' Sale. To Cic I?sisit':i! Fsablic. in- THE undersigned respectfully an uounces to his E Igecombe' county friends, acquaintances, and tha' Ladies in particular, that he has opened . 4 ... - - On Market street in inimingto?i, Where he will always keen a complete " . - " v ;' ' assortment of Mimical Lurhnndhci Stam- Engines, of any power or style, PIANOS of all sizes and qualities, with S.Mills of every Variety; v ' : rosewood cases and iron frames, 'mauu- !I,niDg Machinery and Pumps, factored by the oldest-. house in the G nst und Fiuur Mills itc, country, SioJart & Co. NT. Y. . The i In addition to these he selected while iu New fork last month, a splendid stock .of .Guitars, Violins, Flutes, Ban jos, Fifes, Clariuctts, Accordeons, and all the detail articles keot in a regular Muiic store, all inporlc-dand warranted liis catalogue of Music is thebest one iu tlie State, consistiug. yf the best and latest compositions of the day, as Songs, Polkas, Valacs. Ail instruments re- r-' mi 31usi.e and catalogues tsent by mail free of poztayz to any place desi red. Instruments carefully packed and sent any where. Call and t03 me when you come to town whether you pur chase or not. Il'rmann L, Schreincr. Wilmington, Jan. 1st, 1S55. HAYING- permanently located in lrboro', respee; Tuiiy ofi'ers his profes- combe aud the aaiuiuiug.c'ouii ies. Hav- . prosecuted his pr..iV-iou for-up wards of six years, iu all its various branches, he feels assured that he will be able to please those Who may honor him with a call. Office at 31 1-3. Gregory's Hotel. Jun'y, 1855. - Indian Vegetable Pills, FOPt the speedy, safe, and effectual cure of all diseases brought on by billiousness, impurity of the VLood, and general derange niout of the system it is a ' -widely, well known fact, that WriyhCs Indian Vegetable I'J.'Is are the areat Panacea. The Southern mrliealnrbt, arc indebted to the iuven m3uur.ictuvcr of tIlis popular family hn of Fevers and colds, so common iu the South. For sale by Geo. Howard. Dt Spencer's Vegetable Pills ARE the cheapest and most approved ' family medicines ever offered to the public j ... ' TlieJ ar0 extremely mild in their operation, I neiiher causing sickness oi me siomacu, uoi ! anv unnleasaut sensation in the system, as j is too frequently the case with medicines given to act upon uie uuuS, .iuu..u tudes, who have been -unable to take other pills or preparations of medicine, on account of their nauseating effects, use these puis i without the slightest disagreeable feelings. j it, they will never can i auj purgative medicine so long as Spencer se3- , ctable Pills can be obtained Price 2b cents per box. also, Dr HuWs Vegetable Fever and Ague an d A nti-Fe ver AMONG all the advertised remedies of the , ,. . .... .. u ,."PI-.;il '.VvPr. a ' . i v..--T nf5,i.. iione seem to meet with such rapidi.y of saltf, I l . . 1 -L i J .-wt-, i - I C'lri'vi-H'T . . ;i lelraicd Pills. V.'herever they Br. -Hull's ce been introduced, all tonics, in whateter ,ave subscriber has sold a number of them ! luce!lcia iumP3aud Engines, in Edgdcombe and the adjoining conn-! Jvitts Corn and Cob crusher, ties, and they have given general satis- llicc Thrashers, . . . .. faction. - " femngle Machines, - shape, all taixtures and pills, and prepara- , wuicn wiu compare wita ; most (.ortli tions of every character, designated for this ern House. disease, nave oeen aibcartieu, unu x. -n.o Ay lie Pills have been received as the only 3.1 i 7i- ii.,ir permanent cure: ihey . etop tue imus ana i'ever the lirst day, ana. --? no. mucu Stomacn or uieiav.- vi .1 nii uui. wj. , , ? Price 1 o cents per lot. For sale iu Tarboro"by . v Ceo. Tlotrard. . Graefeubcrg Medicines. JUST BECEIYED, a fresh supply of these popular medicines, viz: Vegetable Pills, E-o Lotion, Green Mountain Ointment, ' Dysentery Syrup, Barsaparilla Compound. Children s Pan acea, Consumptive's Balm, Health "bit ters, Marshall's' Uterine Catholicon, &c. Geo. Howard. il mins; ton, N. CV A. II. VAX136KKELEN, Troprictor. -2&2 THE subscriber having purchased the entire interest in the "CLAKEN DON IKON W01lKS solicits or- 1 iUkcr lur,Jllie other Water-wneels, Shafting Hangers and Pullics, Cotton Gins and Gearing, , Iron Castings of all kinds and patterns, Brass " t Jjocomotive and Tubular Boilers, Flue and plain Cylinder lioilers, Blacksmith work of all kinds, Iron Doors for Houses and Jails. The. Establishment Having' been re-organ izi d for the ex press purpose of insunug punctuality in the execution of all orders, the publie may rest satisfied that any work which, may oiler will be promptly delivered according to promise, and of such work manship as cannot fail to give satisfac tion. v ' The Mechanical Department Being in charge of men of talents "and experience, I have no hesitation in say iug that the work hereafter turned out, shall compare favorably in every res pect with that of the most celebrated in the States, and at prices which will make it to the interest of all iu want to send me their orders. , . - Repair Worh -v Always dene without delay and hav ing a large force for that . purpose, it will prove advantageous to ' any person needing such to give me the preference without regard to expense of sending same from a distance. Orders will be addressed to "Claren don Iron Works," Wilmington, N. 0. A. II. Vanbokkclcn, Oct. is. v ; THE subscribers, have engaged -tho services 'of a first-rate Harness malcer, well known in this vicinity, and are now prepared to manufacture new. Har-nes-, or repair old, at the shortest no tice, aud on reasonable terms. pi d t mountain & Stewart. ' Tarboro', Sept 24,' 1855. , - ' "; SOUTH E!CX SPRING TRADE Garlick, Gicalhihey D g Medicines; Dye Stuffs, Paints. Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass Patent Medicines, Segars, Snuffs, Chewing and Smoking Tobac co, Perfumery, .Tooth and Hair Brushes, .Lubin's Genuine Extracts, Lan drcth's Garden. Seeds, '&c. THE subscribers beg leave to remind their friends and customers in the Old North State as welbas their own State, that they are constantly receiving addi tions to their already large and com prehensive stock of the above articles. .From Merchants, Physicians, Far mers and others in want, they most re- r.n-.f V. 1 1 r "nil o !i rrr 1 1 xf tmW.t- n -v.a-.V v. ..j and examination of their stock and pn- , , . ; w J n . - - v v, w v it leading articles in their lice, wliich ' they have in quantities and at prices Alum, , ammonia, copperas, blue mass, calomel, brimstone, borax, black- ; camphor, cream tartar, cloves. En. extract Intrwno.l. fl:.v A i 7 r. ww. . essences of all kinds, flour sulphur- race ginger, gum Arabic, glue, Harlem oil, Indigo, inks, Lyon's kathairon, Larry s Tncopherous, Baker's bitters, Hoofland's German bitters, Vermifuges of all kinds, Wright's pills, Brand ret h's, Peter's, Lcidy's, Hose's, Mc Lanc's, kos Dr. McClintock's Family Medicines, j Hampton's Vegetable Tincture, Mus - j tang Liniment, occ. IVilminpinn. N O. ' Garlick, G wartime r Hodges, Ky. GU High street, POKTSMOUTUj VA, : il .11 I j. 5 o .;-:.4i:1 -i ' :if ----r i 9i It it k r I H . . p f Tarboro', August U.

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