S2-"" " " " - ' '""aat'"'"-S?B"lc,IMell,ll,'B,,M""MaMMmM JtM3QM ae - zgsgZ .gs " " jJ " x : " tjga. y 1 1 n r- - . : rzr-a-' mmwmim Wo. 3. Vol. 6. ..TartOTo; Edgecombe County, (KC.) Saturday, Jan'yl?, 1857. ' Wliote NllHl Geo. Howard, Editor & Proprietor TERMS-PER ANNUM. If Ja id within two months, Otherwise, RATES OF ADVERTISING One square first insertion, S2 00 2 50 1 00 each insertion afterwards, 0 25 Cards, a year, - - 5 00 Court Orders and Judicial advertise ments 25 per cent, higher. s2r Yearly advertisements by contract. New Flour. A SUPPLY of all grades made out of New Wheat, and of firjsfc rate quality, iu bbls and half bids. N. M. Martin, Bro. Jj Co. 129 Sycamore st. Petersburg, Va., Aug. 19. Baggiiig and Rope ? VI WE are now receiving our fall sup ply .Bagging and Bope, which we oifer for sale on favorable terms in quanti ties to suit. iVi JU. Martin, Bro. & Co. 29 Sycamore st. Petersburg, Va. Guano -tu- WE are prepared to furnish No. 1 Peruvian Guano in good strong bags and fine order. JV. M. Martin, Bro. & Co. 129 Sycamore tt. r Petersburg, Va. CALVIN II DIBBLE, Late of Wilmington, N. C. JONATHAN B. BUNCE, Late of Kinston, N. C. Dibble & Bunce, Commission Merchants, In CoTt on, d71our, Grain, Naval Stofes and Southern Produce generally, No. 180 Front Street NEW YORK. We will pay the Forwarding charges o'n Cotton iu Washington. REFERENCES, :I Wm A. Graham, llillsboro.f'. John M. Moreiiead, Greensbo ro', N. C. 11. L. Myrover, Esq., Fayetteville, N. C. John D. Williams, Esq., Prcst. Bant of Clarendon. M: Stevenson, Esq., Cashr. Bank of Washington. German Bitters. ifi TESTIMONY FROM NO. CAROLINA. Certificate of Dr. W. SMITH, of Pint Hill, Richmond County, N. C. PlSte tliii. March 4th, 18-31. Dr. C. M. Jackson, Philadelphia Dear Sir I have been a subject of Dyspepsia, in its worst form, for the last five years. Such was my condition for twelve months that the physicians and all who saw nie said I ttust die. While in this condition I was carried to the watering places in Virginia) Tennessee and North Carolina, but was not benefitted by any water to which was ta ken. r,While on my way home I stopped at Kutlierfordton, a small village in North Ca iViina, to try the effect of some Chalybeate water in that place. About the last of the "week I went into a drug store to get some medicine for my child niid myself. There W'.to Eoverul of the village physicians in the ftorc, and one of them seemed to take some interest in my case, and, after asking me 8ome questions, said he had been a dyspe; e tic, and had been greatly benefitted by the use of "Dr. Hoc-flan's German Bitters," T' epared by you, and . he insisted that I "oold try the Bitters, ' IIe, also, called the next (lay at my room and insisted so much that I would try them that I asked him to get mo one bottle. He did it, and I com menced taking it as directed, and I do say I was more benefitted by it than all the wa ter aud medicine I had ever taken. Dr. It. Hooker, Rogers' Store, Wake Co, N. C, Oct, 24j 1753, says: "Having expe. riciiccd very great benefit from the use of Hooflind's German Bitters,' in Chronic Dysentery and functional derangements of the Liver and its concomitant evils, I am de sirous of obtaining a quantity of it for the benefit of my community. You will, there fore, please send a lot, &c. &c." Tlnse Bitters are entirely vegetable, they invigonte and strengthen the systcm nevcr prostrate it, and can be used for in tents as well as adults. r'oi 3ilu by Geo. Howard. i Wm. il. Willard, ' Commission Merchant!' GIVES his attention to receiving: and for warding Merchandize, and produce, and is prepared to makeliberal CASH ADVANCES on all articles consigned to him for sale, or shipment to his friends in Baltimore, New York and Boston. Oct. 21. Plows and Castings. 1000 of John Mayher & Co's No. GO - 10 and 10 Plows, - - 11,000 lbs ditto Points, ' : -For sale by - IV. . Willard. ' Oct. 20. B. D. FORD, Goldsboro N. C, Tcmb Stone dealer. May, '54. DOCTOR HOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED Overman Bitters, PRE P RED BY DR. C. M. JACKSON, PMlad'a., Pa., WILT. EFFECTUALLY CURE IIYER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, Chronic or Nervou Debility, Diseases of tlis Kilneys, and all dinease arising from a dit ordered Liver or Stomach. Such as Inward OPiles, Fulness, or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for food, Full ness of weight in. the Stomach, - Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stom ach, Swimming of the Head, Hur ried and difficult breathing, Flutter ingit th Heart, Choking or Sutiocatiag- Sensations when in a lying Posture, Dimi:cs3 of Vision, Dots of Webs before the Sight, Fever and dull Pain in the Head, Dcfi 'ciency of Perspiration. Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, &c. Sudden Flushes of Heat burn in the Flesh, Coftstaut Ima ginings of Eril, and great depression of -Spirits. The Proprietor, in calling the attention of th public to this preparation, does so with a feeling of the utmost confidence in is virtues and adaptation to the diseases for which it isTCCommCP.ded. It is no fiew and untried article, Wt one that has stood the test of a ten years' trial before the American people, and its reputa tion and fealfe U unYiVallM by any similar preparation? extmt. '!'! testimony in its favor given b tho n. t-r k n' ncut and well known Physician- and Mt.j-.vid'ials. in all parts of the cou:;ii'-y i iiii:ru-rie. The fol lowing from yn; own .i ite is re.-ipectfftdy S'lhmUtevl, i-ef erring any who m iy still loubt, to my 'Menior-ibilia," or Practical Receipt Book, for Farmers and Families, to be had gratis, of all the Agents for the Ger man Bitters. Foi sale Geo. IToward. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Rh eumat is m Cured ! Morganfon, iV. C, June ZOth, rir Ci lirao-or & Co.: Gentlemen. I feel it my duty not only to you, bulto those of mv fellow beings who are afflicted as 1 J in fuvorof have been, to add my testimony the wonderful effects of your Mexicaji Mus tang Liniment. I was severely attacked in December last, with Inflammatory Rheumatism in its wcrsl fj- m suffering night and day with excru ciating pain for six. months being for the whole time entirely unable to walk, or even step. My right leg was so contracted and drawn up that I could not put it to the grodnd, and my left arm was as badly con tracted; During the whole time, I was at tended by two of the most skilful Physicians in the place But they were unable to afford me any relief, and they finally gave me Up, pronounced me iu ur.ihle, "id said I must die! - At thiscritioal ni."t!.i."U T 'evuvueheed s- 5i,.r t'ae M:xu-iri M.-- ' .tniwi. arid, a tier using two small bo i ties, i bvgau to find relief from my sufferings.- Seven bottles cured me perfectly, aril J am now as well, and stout er than eer I was before. Yours gratefully, . : -. . Georgt Good. ' ' i - ' Morganion, June 30M, 1853. I certify that I am acquainted with Georgi Good, who signed the aboTe certificate, an. I know that he was afflicted with the Rheu matism' as above stated, and that he wat cure 1 by the use of the Mexican Mustang Liniment. James C. S my the. For sale by Geo. Howard. New Drug Store.! THE subscriber has just opened a new Drug Store la Tarboro', And will continue adding to his stock until he gets it complete. Among the articles now offered will be found Blue Mass, 1 ' Anise Seed Calomel, Feniioi ,, ' Quinine ; - Sulpb- Copper Black Drop, ., Ether Iodine, ; ' ; ' ' f . . 't Iron- I Strychnia, Morphia Creosote, . Potasaa Lactate of Iron, ... , ,, Zinc Carb. ,, Flour Sulphur Ascetic Acid, . Precip. Benzoic ,, Cox's Hive Syrup Nitric ,, ' Ipece Oxaliic ,, .Iron ,, Peruvian Bark, "" Rhuba-rb Biybtrry ,, Suuills jCauella. ,, s Essence Mustard I Mazeriin , Lemon Gum Aloes, -Peppermin ,, Aininoniacum. LauU.iuuiu Arabic Paregoric ,, ,, pulv. B.ite.u.n's Drops ,, Camphor British Oil ,, Myrrh Jiari ein ,, Opium Pepperiue Shellac Water Oil Anise-' Wine Ergot ,, Black Pepper Alcohol ,, Cinnamon Burning Fluid Cloves Lamp Wick ,, Ergot Castor Oil ,, Lavender Cream Tartar ,, Olive Alum ,, Origani Borax ,, Peppermint Copal Varnish ,, Sassafras Black Leather ,, Wormseed Pear! sago ! Extract Bark Sal Eratus ,, Sabina Yeast powder ,, Valerian Tooth Arrow Rvot ! paste Blood ,, Hair Brushes i ' Colchicum ,, ,, combs Columbo White Wax i 1 Krameria ,, Flea bane Licorice ,, Blue stone ! Pink ,, Camel's hairpenci j Sarsaparillii ,, Wafers I Snake Red Ink ! Squills , Nutmegs , Valerian ,, Mace I Mercurial Oint. Cloves 'Cantharidcs ,, Seidlitz powders Turners Cerate ,, Soda ,, Husband's Magnesia Seltzer Aperient Calcined ,, Cochineal Carbon. ,, Litharge Citrate ,, Red Lead Fowler's solution Bole Armenian Donavan's ,, Chase's Trusses Acetate Morphia Physician's CaseS Balsam Copaiva Sp.'itnlr Solditied ,, L!iccts Capsules . rt 1 1 c t o r s CantharicTeB Speed! nms Salts Tartar Breast Pumps ,, Epsom Syringes ,, Ruche' Le' Vi(ls, Corks, &c. May 1, IjsV5. Geo Howard. m Dr. Speiicer's lrc get able Pills ABE the cheapest an 1 most appn-ved family medicines ever ofn red to the pnVdic. They are extremely mil.; in their operation, neither causing sickness ot th stomach, nor any unpleasant sensation iti the system, as is too frequently the case with medicines given to act upon the bowels; hence multi tudes, who have been unable to take other piHs or prop;u ations of medicine, on account OI ,'llvu -6 ia ,...4- Al!lr.v.t dico twrL, Ma on'iMia without the slightest disagreeable feelings All that is asked of those who have never yet become acquainted with them, is to pro- cur Ulltr UuAi iiiii-i v l" x 1 j'i i v. vv7 r: iui 1 1 tw ,t.j it, they will never call for any other kind of purgative medicine so long as Spencer's Yeg - etable Pills can be obtained. Frit 25 Hfdii per lex. m Also. Dr Hull's Vegetable Fever 7 ,1 n I - Anti. Fn Mi it. I. ay m " tit, u r tjsju m- c t- b t, m v t 1 1 AMONG all the advertised remedies of th day for Ague and feVef, or Chill and Fever, none seem to meet with such rapidity of sale, a nd give so much general satisfaction, as Dr. Hull's edebrattd nilti Wherever they have been introduced, all tdnics in whatever shape, all mixtures and pills, and prepara tions of every character, designated for this disease, have been 'discarded, and Dr. Hull s igue Pills have been received as the only permanent cure, lhey stop the tennis anu Fever the first day,, and do not sicken the jtociach or operate on the bowels. . , .... J'rice 75 cents per box. For sale in Tarboro by Geo. Howard. u .. . IV.iceli rs ' 1IST0RY OF NORTH CAROLINA For sale by Geo. Howard, House, Sip, AND The Subscriber INFORMS the citizens of Ede combe and adjacent counties, that he is "propnrcd to execute the above descrip tion, of , In all he various Branches. , KeftTences can bo given to persons for whom I have done work iu this vi cinity, iu the above branches, as to capability au.l punctuality. Persons will perhaps do well to call on me be fore aiaking contracts elsewhere. Wm. A. Baszeit. Taiboro', J uly 25, 1S55. THE Co-paitnership heretofore ex isting under the style of O'ozrry & Co., is this daj, dissolved by mutual consent. The- firm will be continued under the name and style of Oberry & Bro. Thnmtis Oicrry Green (Joe. try. Tarboro', Sept. 16, 185!. N li. The undersigned, thankful for pat favors from their friends, will give notice to them that they still carry ou their business at the same plaee. We keep going all the time a steam Mill for the purpose of grinding corn. We nisi Mrrv mi fb irainr. in virt .itnl wheel making business. We will also, make blinds and window sash at ' the 31 ill. We also still carry on our House Bui.ldiny business. Our friends or the public who desire work in our line, will oblige us bv jiiv ir.g a call. Oberry Co. TaibW, S.pt. 10, 1850, ATTOBMEY'AT LAW, 'TAKBOWr, N. C Groceries. subscribers oifcr for sale the fol lowing : 1 1 1 Tt; Rico) St. Croix and refined Coffvie (s;Ufr.(rg llio, Laguira and Java Coffee, Black and Green Teas, Porto Hi co M "lasses, 0wego and Excelsior Starch, S lt course and fine iu large and smill bags Genesee Family Fiour, Goshen Butter Orange County Cheese. Ail of which will be sold on accom modating terms. R V. ri.slcins fc Yt jicditch. Nov 15th, 1856. Read This. AVIIO would refuse to. give 75 cents to be cui-ed of the chill stid fever, or ague and fe. ver and you can positively be cured by using l)i Hull's unrivalled A-jkc and Ferer Pi '.!.. They cure the first day. One trial will convince any one of their efficacy. F r -ialc by Geo. Howard. From Jim. John, II. T. Jerome, Mayor of the City "f Baltimore. Mayors Office, Baltimore-,- August -3rd, 1S-52. I tcke great pleasure in stating tht I have examined the names of those who ve signea ceruuc.t ieSpect.s Hamilton's Vegetable Fincliire. And among them I recognize gentlemen of, the first resDecwoiaiVi viz s jujj. iy. oia- ' , ".eton, Wm A. Schaeffer, Uuxan and 1 her,-. 1 also cheerfully testify to tlid ! standing of the house of Messrs. Morn- j rncr $; Mowbray, who lor the past LO years j have enjoyed the entire confidence and es ! teem both of our merchants and citizens ' crenerallv. JNCb II. T. JEKOME j o Soldbv Geo. Howard. Civil Practice Dj North Carolina, 1 Vol. 8 ic. j p. 410. Price redmcd to $3. With Wiley's & Eaton's Forms, Cant well's justice, and his vol. showing the Actual Practice in Court, the mere Citizen, the Functionary, or the Lawyer, have easy access to Business Forms and Ceremonies For sale by it. D. TURNER, Raleigh, Principal Depot. Postage 31 cents. FOK SALE. Life Pills and Phenix Bill era, m Carter's SpanishMixture. j " ALSO,' Habensack"s wrm Syrup For sale by Geo. toteard. i Geo Howard, Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Having located at IVilson, N. C. WILL regularly attend the Courts of Pitt, Greene, Wayne and Edgecouibo counties. Office next door to Gay's Hotel. , June, 1854. NEW AND FIXE Winter Goods, OF THE Newest styles and patterns of French, English and German - ! manufacture, j n DeLaiues, all woolsilk and wool WHICH will be made up in the la ' Plaids black and colored Silks, -Po.' test fashion, on reasonable-, terms, and;us Giughams, Calicoes, &c shortest notice. Gentlemen 's Furnishing Goods, From a shirt Collar downwards, aud a choice Lot of Ready Made Clothing, which shall be warranted. , Jas. Mehegan. Tarboro', Sept. 16. WiSSard & Curtis, 'Commission Merchants, And Wholesale Dealers in Groceries and Provisions No. 10 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. James A. Willard. Henry M. Curtis. Pi TTW1 AN, WADE & CHARLTON. (Successors to Wills & Pittman,) GKKERAL PRODUCE Comi&i'msion "lerchaiits, Petersburg Va. Ei akk Pittman, Late of the Firm of Jamks Wade, I Wills & Pittman. T. J. Charlton, ) late of Montgome ry Co., Va. Joj to the Invalid, IS there any citizen of Edgecombe who is Buffering with a cough, cold, asthma, spitting of blood, pain in the chest, or any pulmonary discaseif so, you can be cured b.v the ae of Dr- StrongU Pectoral Stomach j Pills. They are entirely vegetable, and on- ly 25 cents per box. Try them. For sale by Veo Howard. W1LMIXGTOX Wilmington, N. C. "W. G. MILL1GAN, Proprietor, Respectfully informs the Public that ho is prepared to make and put up to order -Mnt'ble Monuments of all sizes, Tombs. Head Stones. Furni i u re T ops, Ma n t tes, Hearths, 4c., Of the best quality- of American or Italiau Marble, not to be surpassed in style or workmanship, and as cheap as can be procured from any establishment of the kind in the country North or South Iron Railing : j 5Q iffercnt styles for enclosing family ' j from 75 cta. lo S10 per foot, fur- ... . . nn. N. B. Orders from all parts of the Ci.nntrv. aecioinrmnied bv the cash or ! satjsfactorv ' reference, will receive prompt attention, and all articles war - ranted to be as recommended, charge made. Wilmington, N. C, October, 1855 Land for Sale. 1000 ACRES of good Swamp Land, Marble Works in the lower part of Beaufort Co., on counties, andean truly say Uiat my recove the south side of Pamplico.lliver, and ry has astounded all my friends and rela- near South Creek. For particulars apply to W. H. Willa ra Washington, N. C", Jan'y Kotice Notice. 1 HAVE just received a fresh supply of Dr. Strong's Compound Sanative Pills, whiA are so well known for their curative prop- "rties iri all bilious complaints-, affections f the liver, sick headache, dy spepsia, &c. .ud useful in all cases where a cathartic or ipei icnt medicine i3 needed. ThcSe pills re very popular and justly so. Price 25 ;enU per box; Geo. Howard. Carter's Spanish Mixture. For sale by " Geo. Howard V.1856. Jcw Goods, ;ICW0Mli, JVcddcll Hart, HAVE rcoeived their Full and.Wir. ter Stock of Foreign and American' Fancy and Staple Pry Goods, the aiost magnificent and commanding they have, ever offered. " , , , In Dress Goods y Plain Merinocs plain, printed, striped and ombre shaded Cashmeres and Mus- In lfrrappinss, A full assortment of Ladies Cloaks. Mantillas, Shawls, &c., embracing nil the latest styles and novelties of the season. - In Embroider iesy French and Irish Embroidered Collars and Sleeves Handkfs, Flo-tracings, Maltese Valenciennes and English Thread Laces cambric and Swiss la sertings, Edgings, &c, &c. In Staples, Black Cloths and Cassimercs Twsii?, Satinets, Linseys, Kerseys, bed and ne gro Blankets red, white and Canton Flannels colored and printed ditto for children brown and bleached Sheet ings and Shirtings of very width and quality Damasks, Diapers, Towelling, Linen of the best makers, Linen Cam bric and Lawn Handkfs a full assort ment of housekeeping articles. Ready made. Clothing, Men's and women's, misacs and chil dren's Boots and Shoes in every varie ty Hats, Caps, Hardware, Fartniug ImpleineLts,"Bagging, Rope and Twine China, glass aud crockery ware Groceries, $c. With every other article to be foujad in similar establishments all of which will be sold at very low prices. Buyers are invited to examine before making their purchases. WEDDELL 4 MJlRT.. Tarboro', 19th Sept. Hk HI. Martin, Br. Sc ., Grocers 8?Commission Merchants, PETERSBURG, VA. m. .V. .71. .liar I in, Son A Cm:, Commission Merchants, 1 RICHMOND, VA. N. M. "MARTIN, Sr. W K. MARTIN, II.L.PLUMMER,Jr. R. A. UkWf IN, R. TANNAHILL, N. M. MARTIN, Jr. JPStrict personal attention given to the sale of Produce. Orders for GooJ. promptly filled. REFERENCE!, R. R BitTDOEtis, Esq , Proidt; "Sr. Bank, Tarboro', N. C. Messrs. Weddell & Hart, TArbo', Dr. J. J. Philips, Edgecobe Comnty. C. F. Fisiier, Esq., Caaluf, Br. JKx. Bank, Petersburg, Va. . James Weddell, Esq., Pctersturj. R. E. Macnair, Eq., Tarboro', N. O. IlooJlamPs German Bitters, Certificate of WM. J. AT WOOD. IIuntsville, Yadkin Co., N. C. Nov. 1st, 1854. Dr. C. M.. Jackson -Dear Sir Allow ma ! to t0 m 9incer; thaaks for your least of it, has effected a cure, that all oth er medicines, that I have taken, have en tirely failed to do. 'Iloofland's German Bitters' have cured me of the most tiubbo rt and aggravated case of the Pilss that, per haps, ever fell to Ike lot of man. My case is not a stranger to this community, at I am well known in thia and the-arroundin tions, as I had tried erejy thing recommend ed, and nothing . did me any good until I was prevailed upon upon to try the Bitters, You are at liberty to make any use of this communication, for the benefit of the afflict ed, you may think proper. Truly yours, WILLIAM j ATWOOD. After reaching home, one of my neighbors came to me for a prescription and medtcine ! (he a dyspeptic), and I gave him nearly all the Bitters I had left; which effected much good in his case. , He has often? -called oa ! ine for more of the same kind of medicine, saying he Vras more benefitted by it than any ' other he had taken, but I hate not beta fcbla i to get any more for bim 0l" myself 6JBfi will yon, therefore, please ship me a dozea or more as soon as possible. Respectfully yours, W. SMXIT Said by Gt6t Hovmrd Tarbgr FallTradt f

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