-ir t-"- .6:.: -r. -r-r-TT; jtyaZXtaGm e-xm-jHmmim.a-Tar , li-i. i in.. i !" -- - " - '- - :" "--ZT. imMn u v. -J-JAMqttamlTagaBisBgT-, , mi .-..',. , fsJ ml ............ -r-' - - - - . g - ; - .. ; y . 1 ,' -,. " " " . - I A n. 4; Vol: 6. 2HS SGftfHBSKS, Geo-IIgwaud, Editor & Proprietor. TtRMS-PR ANNUM." ' paid withih two month, 82 00 CM 2 50 RATES. OF ADVERTISING: One square first insertion, 1 00 ' . each insertion afterwards, 0 2o Cards, a year-,- - - 5 00 Court w Onlers and - J udieial adcertixe- mcntx M2iS per cent, hiyher. IST Yearly advertisements by contract. New Flour. A SUPPLY, of all grades made oat cf New, Wheat, nnd of first rate quality, in Ibis ami "half bids. X. M. Martin, Bro. Ok V20 Sycamore st. Petersburg, Va., Aug. 10. Bagging and Rope WE arc now reet iving oar fair sup ply lagging and Kopc, which we offer for sale on favorable terms in quanti ties to suit. JSr. 31. Martin, Brv. dV o. 129 Sycamore st. Petersburg, Va. Guano. -Ul- "WE are prepared to furnish No. 1 Peruvian Guano in good strong bags and fine order. A'. M. Martin, Bro. 0 Co. 129 Sycamore &t. Petersburg, Ya. CALVIN. H DIBBLE, Late of Wilmington, N.C. JONATHAN B. BUNCE, Late of Kinston, N. C. Dibble & Bunco,' Commission Merc. hn tits. In Cotton, Flour, Grain, Naval Stores and Southern Produce generally, No '. ISO Front Street, NEW YORK. We will pay the Forwarding charges on Cotton in Washington. REFERENCES, ITon.WM. A. Graham, Ilillsboro', N lion. John M. Moreiiead, Greensbo ro', N. C. H. L. Myrover, Esq., Fayetteville, N.C. John D. Williams, Esq., Prest. Bank v.of Clarendon. M. Stevenson, Esq., Cashr. Bank of Washington. t German Bitters. THSTIMONY .FROM NO. CAROLINA. Certificate of, Dr. W. SMITH, of Pine Mil, Richmond County, N. C. Pise Hill. March 4th, 18-j4. Dr. C. M. Jackton, Philadelphia Dear .Sir t have been a subject of Dyspepsia, in its worst form, for the last five years. Such "was my condition for twelve months that the physicians and all who saw me said J must die. -While in this condition I was carried to the watering places in Virginia, Tennessee and North Carolina, but was not benefitted by any water to which was ta ken. While on my way home I stopped at Kathcrfordton,:a small village in North Ca rolina, to try the effect of some Ch dyhente water in that place. ' Abut thc last of the Week I went into a drug store to get some medicine for nvy child and myself. There were several of the village physicians iy the store, aad (?ne, of them sccpicd to. take some iiiterestdri wy case, and, after asking n:e eome questions, said. he had been a dysppre tic, and liad been greatly benefitted by the use of "Dr. Hodflan'r" German Dittcrs," prepared by yoa, , and he insisted that, I would try the Bitters., lie, also, called the next day( at my room and insisted so much that,, I would try them that I asked him to get me one bottle, lie Jid it, and I com laenced takiujr it as directed, and I da say 1 was more benefitted by it than all the wa ter and medicine I had ever taken. i '. i i: Dr. Pv. Hooker "Rogers Store, Wake Co, N. C, OcV. 24, 1753,- s ys: "Having expo, rienced very great benefit from the use of 'IIootladd'st'Geimn Bitters,' in Chronic eit enr and functional derangoments of nic lJiveran i ts poncoamani evus, i am ie firous of obtaining a quantity of' if for 'the benefit of my community. You "will, there f"e; ple;ise send A lot, &c. &c." "" ThcscJ Bitters "are estikly - vfir.BTABLfi, thfy luvigorato'iihd strengthen the system Myvor prostrato it, and can be used for in f'nt as well as' adults. ' Tarboro',. EdgeeqmbeConiity, (N. C.) Sa turday Win. II. Williard, Commission Merchant' WASHINGTON, N, C , GIVES his attention to receiving and for warding Merchandize, and produce, and is prepared to makcliberal CASH ADVANCES on all articles consigned to him for sale, or shipment to his friends in Baltimore, New York and Boston. ' - Oct. 21. Plows anil Castings. 1000 of John Mayhcr & Co's No. G0- 10-and 10 Plows, 11,000 lbs ditto Points, For sale by )'. II. Willard. Oct. 20. B. D. FORD, Goldshoro N. C Tomb Stone dealer. May, '51. DOCTOR HOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED Cfrcrmcm j3ittct0, PRF.PAEED BT DS. C. M. JACKSON, Philad'a., Pa., WII.I. EFKECTUALI.Y CURB LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the fTi'lneus, and all diseaaeg arising from a dit ordered Liver or Stomach. Such as Inward Tiles, Fulness, or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for food, Full ness of weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Bit of the Stom ach, Swimming of the Head. Hur ried and difficult breathing, Flutter ingat the Heart. Choking or Sunocatiag Sensations when in a lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots of Webs before the Sight, Fever and dull Pain in the Head, Deli ciency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, &c. Sudden Flushes of Heat burn in th2 Flesh, Constant Ima ginings of Evil, and great depression, of Spirits, The Proprietor, in calling the attention of the public to this preparation, does so with'a feeling of the utmost confidence in ifs virtues and adaptation to the diseases for which it is recommended. It is no new and Untried article, but one that has stood the test of a ten years' trial before the American people, and its reputa tion and sale is unrivalled by any similar preparations extant. The testimony in its favor given by the most prominent and well known Physicians and individuals, in all parts of the country is immense. The fol lowing from your own State is respectfully submitted, referring any who may still doubt, to my "Memorabilia," or Practical Receipt Book, for Farmers and Families, to be had gratis, of all the Agents for the Ger man Bitters. For sale hv Geo, llncard Mustang Liniment R hen mat ism Cured! -t- M or j An I an, N..C, Jdne &Qth, 1853. Dr. A (J. IVragg & Co.: Gentlemen. I feel it my -duty not only to you, but to those , , ' . . . have been, to add my testimony m favor of , . , . , . ArAtf'rtAn r . , the wonderful efiect3 of your Mexican Mus - iang Limment 1 was severely attacked m December last, with Inflammatory Rheumatism in its worst form sutFering night and day with excru elating pain for six mouths- being for the whole time entirely unable to walk) or even step. My right leg was so : contracted and drawn Up that I , could not put it to the ground, and my left arm was as badly con tracted. During the whole time, I was at tended hy two of the most skilful Thysicians iii file place But they were unable to afford me any relief, and they finally gave trie np-, pronounced me incurable and said I must die! " ' -l- : ; ij - At this critical moment I commenced us ingthc Mexican Mug tang Liniment, and, after using two small bottles, I began to find relief from my sufferings, t Sovcn bottles cured me perfectly, an 1 I am now a3 well, and stout er than ever I was before. t ; . . : Yours gratefully, ' George Goo I cer fify Jh'at l a m ficqtlaihtedj with G eorgi G ood, who 'signed the above certilfoate, ;an; I know that he was, afflicted with the Rheu matism a9 above stated and thathcwat curel -by the msc of Uho, Mexican Muiln Liiii:hM' Jamti6: SmyiU: For sale by . 1( v 6' Howard. Store. -iu- TIIE subscriber has : just opened a new Drug Store In Tar6oro'9 : And will continue adding to his stock until he gets it complete.; Amono- the articles now offered will be fouud Blue Mass, Anise Seed Fennel Sulph. Copper Calomel, Quinine Black Drop, Iodine, Strychnia, Creosote,. Lactate of Iron, Carb. Ascetic Acid, Benzole Nitric ,, Oxallic ,, Peruvian Bark, Bay berry Canellrt M,azerian ,, Gum Aloes, Ether Iron Morphia , Potassa Zinc -Flour Sulphur Preeip. Cox's Hive Syrup Ipecrc Iron llhubtfrb ,, Squills ,f Essence Mustard t, . Lemon Peppermint New Dmo I Amniouiacum Laudanum ,, Arabie Paregoric ,, pule. Bateui.iu's Drojs ,, Camphor British Oil ,, Myrrh Harlem ,, Opium Pepperiiie Shollae Iky Water Oil Anise WiiuJ Ergyt Black Pepper Alcohol Cinnamon Burniug Fluid Cloves Lamp Wick Castor Oil ,, Lavender Cream Tartar Olive Alum ,, Origani Uorax Peppermint Copal Varnish Sassafras Black Leather ,, Wormsced Pearl sago Extract Bark Sal Eruius ,, Sabina Yeast powder ,, A'alerian Tooth ,, 1 Arrow Hoot , paste Blood ,, Hair Brushes Colchicum ,, combs . ; Col umbo ,, White Wax Kvameria ,, Flea bane Licorice ,, Blue stone Pink ,, Camel's hairpencils i Sarsaparillrt ,, Wafers Snake ,, lVed Ink Squills , Nutmegs Valerian Mace Mercurial Oint. Cloves Cantharides ,, Seidlitz powders Turner's Cerate ,, Soda , Husband's Magnesia Seltzer Aperient Calcined ,, - Cochineal Carbon. Litharge Citrate ,, Bed Lead Fowler's solution Bole Armenian Donavan's ,, Phase's Trusses Acetate Morphia Physician's Cases Balsam Copaiva Sptitulss Solditicd , Lrtncets Capsules Catheters CanthafideS Specu'ums Salts Tartar Breast PuiapS ,, Epsom. Syringes ,, llocke'le Vitds, Coiks, &c. i May 1, 1855. Geo Howard. Dr. Spencer's Vegelahle Pills AllE the cheapest and most approved family medicines ever offered to the public. They are eXAremely mild iii theif operation, neither causing sickness of the stomach, not i any unpleasant sensation in the system, as is too frequently the Case with medicines given to actupea the bowels hence multi1 tudes, who have been unable to take other pills or prepaiationspf medicine, on account of their nauseating effects, use these pills AvituoUt the slightest disagreeable feelings Ttlluo1 . All that i apked of those who have neve) , Mi vu lv ., , vet hrtcomc acoUaihted with them, is to pro ! cxirc'one box, and the Proprietor's word for , fc , i It, tllCJ Will IIV; Vail M.XSM. UJ - VIA V-A ftillU Wl mariicine o lonsras Snencer'a Vff- Jllig"ii - o t etable Pills can be obtainedv Price 25 cents per box-. jllso, l)rr fhi IF Vegttablt Fevtr and sflgue anal Anth-Fever AMONG all the advertised remedies of tli day for Ague and Fever, or Chill and Fevcrj nono seem to meet with such rapfdity 6f sale and fdve so much general satisfaction, as Dr. Hull's celchrat't i Pills. .Wherever they have been introduced, all tonics, in whatever shape;' all mixtures and pills and prepara tions of every character, designated for this disease, have been discarded, andlr. Hull's Aque Pill ' have been received as the only permanent cut's. -t They stop the Chills and Fever the first day and- do not sicken the stomach or operate on the bowels-. Priceo tents per box. For sale in. Tarboro' byr Geo. HownrH. IViievierls HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA House Sio'ii j. 5 AND The Siib&cribcr INFORMS the -citizens of Edge comba and adjacent counties, that he is prepared to execute the above descrip tion of In all the various Brunches; References can be given to persons for whom I have done work in this vi cinity, in the above branches, ' as to capability and punctuality. Persons will pcrhap.Vdo well to call on me be fore making contracts elsewhere. " in??. A. Jhmctt. Tnrbnro', July 2.r 1855. TI1R Co-partnership heretofore ex isting under the style of Obcrry 4p C , is this da dissolved 'by mutual oiis'esit. The firm will be continued uudr tin.' natne and style of Obcrry & lro. ' Ttfriiias (W-rrn. Great Obrrry. Tarboro'ept. 1G, 1S5(. N I. The undersigned, thankful for put favors from their friends, will give notice to them that they still carry on their business at the same place. We keep going all the time a steam Mill for the purpose of jrriiidinsr corn. We also carry on the waggon, cart, an 1 1 wlx el making business. We will also make Winds and window safcb at the Mill. We also still carry on our II use. Buildiuj business. ! Our friends or the public who- (jki;e work in our line will oblige, us by giv ing us a cull. Gbc.rry Co. Tarboro', Sept. 1G, 1S5G. ATTORNEY. AT LAW, TAUHOUO', n. c. Groceries. THE subscribers offer for sale the fol- lowing : - , Porto Rico. St. (rt)ix d refined ("!offeo : - -- - - j - - Suizars, itio, Laguira and Java Coffee, niack and (ireon Tras, I'm to It:ci M classes, O.-wejio and Excelsior Starch, Salt coarse and line iu large and small bags Genosee Family Flour, Goshen Uuttor Orange County Cheese. All of which will be sold on accom modating terms. 11 T. Jluskim & Buicditxh. Nov 15th, 18.iG. Rcai! This. WltO woil(i refuse to give Yo cents to bft cmed of the chill and fever, or agne and fc. ver and you Can positively be cured by 1U iT.ilT'a it mi 4 1 1 r 1 j nub ti nil Fsiiv-r r.7. t Kotr th fir, ,Uv: nP tvUV will convince anv one of their efficacy. For sale by Geo. Howard, : From Hm. John 11. Jerome, Mayor f the: City of Baltimore. Mayor's Office, Baltimobk, v AuSust 1832-: t bAe gfct pleasure in string that I iiave examined the nrones of those who h?ve signed certificates refnectinsr Ham p to ii s Fcgelab le ' Tihtlxi re And fmong them I recognize gentlemen of ' the first respectability, viz : --.Jos.' K. Sta- pt.-eton. Wm A. Schaetfek, C. Duxan nv i others. I also cheerfullytestify to the high standing of the house of J3fers. Morti mer $ Mowbray, who for the pst 20 yell's have enjoyed the entire confidence and es teem both of our merchants end citizens genercliyv JNOv I'T. JEROME ; Sold by , k Geo. Howard. , . 4 Givil Practice ; v fjj ixortn uaronna) j j 1 Vol. 8 o. pp. 4 tO. Price reduced to $3. : With Wiley's &" Eaton's Forms', Cant well's Justice, and his' Voir showing the Actual Practice in' Court, the mere Citizen, the Functionary, or the Lawyer, have easy access to Business Forms and Ceremonies For sale, by II. D. TURNER; ". Raleigh, Principal Depot. Postage 31 cents. tLifePilh and P he nix Bill ersr Carter s SpanishkMixlnrej- - also, , " ;'' rJ ; Uobensdck's wfm Sy riip : Jaii'jt 211571 Geo Howa r dy J r . '- - ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' Having located at 'Wilson, N C. WILiL regiilarly attend' the Courts of Pitt, Greene, Wayne and Edgecombe counties.'-. Office next door to Gay's Uotei. rn;; i i , ; . June, ,1801, 1 NEW AN D FIXE ' Winter Goods, Newest 'styles and patterns of ; French Engtishzand Germanl -.-s MANUFACrtJUE, T. ' ' WHICH will be made up in the a test fashion, on reasonable terms, and shortest notice. ! Gentlemen 's Furnishing Goods : From a shirt Collar downwards, and a choice Lot of Ready Made Clothing, which shall be warranted. '. ' Jas. Meliegan. ' Tarboro', Sept. 16.' r . I Willard & 'Curtis, Commission A fercha)ils, And Wholesale Dealers in, . 1 Groceries and l9rorisions Not 10 North Water Street, 1 WILMINGTON, N. C. James A," Willard. Henry M. Curtis: Pi TTMAN, WADE & CHARLTON. (Successors to Wills & Pittnian,) GENERAL PRODUCE Conussiiion Mcrclaatits, Petersburg, Va. . Dt AKF. Pi ttman, " Late of the Finn of James Wape, C AVills & Pittman. T. J. Charlton, .) late of Montgome ry Co.; Va. Joy to the Invalid. IS there any citizen of Edgecotabe who is suffering with a-cough, cold, asthma, spirting cfbloo l, pain in the chest, or any pulmonary disease if so, you Can be cured lv t,e use of Df- Strong1 1 Pectoral Stomach . y Pill. They are entirely vegetable, and on ly 23 cents per box. Try them.1 ' ' Tor SHleby -Geo Howard. WIL.MINGTOX irble Works, Wilmington, N. C. W. G. MILLIGAN, Proprietor, - Respectfully informs the Public that he is prepated to make and ' put up to order Marble Monuments of altsizcs) Tombs, Head Stones, Furni ture Tops, Mantles, Hearths, c, , . Of tbc best quality of American tr I tali.tiT Marble, not to bt5 surpassed m ' or workmanship, and as cheap as j can be procured from any establishment ! of the kind in the country North or , gouth' Iron fodiiing i ! sh.itnfc st.vlns for pnolosinVr miiir ! U- from 75 ,ctg; t0- l0 p r fot) fur. n:, 11n frtdnr; - 5 " " 1 N. B. Orders from all parts of the Country, accompanied by the cash orl prompt attention," and all articles war ranted to be as recommended, b no charge made. . . Wilmington, N. C.j October, 1855f for 1000 ACRES of good Swamp Xacd in the lower part of -Beaufort Co.- on the south side pf Pamplico River, and ruear South Creek. ' ' 1 For particulars' apply to V n -'W. 'ff.l Willardl Washingtony K. C, 'Jan'y 2: Notice Notice. 1 HAVE just received a fresh supply of Dr. 'Strong's- Cotnpbund Sanhtivi ' A? which are so ell kn6wn'JoVtheircurative prop ernes in an of the li tnd useful in 1V cas where : cathartic or i iperient mediciuas .needed. These, pills ,re very popular and justly so. Price2$ ceutsperbox.-; ,v eHotcard. -r . , Carle rJh Mixture: ' in Land bale ffiifjpf). JMciry, Christmas and Happy NeWYcar t a GIFT BOOKS :i I 1 Friendship's Offering,-The Philiposna, The Geni Annual, The Passion Flower, The Snow Flake, Atlantic Souvenir, The Forget Me Not, Gift of Affecou, The Moss liose? Friendship's Token', Memofs GiftTie Winter Wreath, Children'a''"toy,f''pfGturo,''andi reading Books, & little Goods for little 'Folks, Ladies French and German Baskets and, , Iiejiculcs, : ;Mr.; .French an4 Bohemian Gilt CMnVToya " ahd Inany otherGoodsfor the times, " ! U. T. IIokkins iBowdilch: Tarboro',,Dec.T8, 185G.:. u . 'i''vj Vegetable Tincture . ' THE GREAT ' ' ' Purifier of the Blood, ' Restorative and Invigorator of the System; the Cure for all Nervous Complaints, Gene ral Weakness, Dyspepsia, Cough, Rheuma tism, Scrofula, Fits, Piles, &c, with all Dis- eases of the Throat,vBreast, Stomachy Liv erTvidneysV&C. ' ; Mortimer A Mowbray proprietors. f SlUfi GIML" Of HGB, JVo. ,. 240 Baltimore Street, BALTIMOttE. John W. Mortimer. ' Georjre Wi Mowbrar. w w NOTICE. Mexican Mustang Liniment Wright's Pills and Vermifuge, . : j :Wi Castor Oil, by thegallon, and in quart, . pint and half pint bottles, Olive Oil, in quart, pint and half pint hot's, Balm of a Thousand Flowers, Ayer's cathartic Pills, t" For sale by t . Geo. Howard,, Carter's Spanish Mixture, Let the afflicted Read and Ponder ' An IsrALtiBLB Remedy for Scrofula, King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneou -irruptions. Pimples-or Pustules on tho Face, Blotches, Boils, Chronic sore Eyee, Ring Worm or Tetter, Scald -Head, "En largement andpain "of the Bones and Joints, stubborn Ulcers, ; syphilitic Disor ders, Lumbago, spinal complaints, and all diseases arising from an injudicious use of Mercury, Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of the Blood. ; For sale by . , Geo. Howard. Slotted 1 JITST RECEIVED, a great variety of Havana Cigars of the very beat Equa lities Principe, Regalia, Cazadorcs, Panetelas, Inovacion, &c. for sale, by ' i , Geo. Howard, Tarboro'., NOTICE. , A Feesii Supply op. ,3 Hobensack Liver Pills. a&s,- - tlobensacks Tonic VerhifugcJ r ' Strotig's Cotrip d'Sanntivc Pith ALSO, v .... PecloralxStomrtch Pills, -Superior Schiedam Schnapps For sale Ky " ' Go Howard.' Hon j land's German Bitters. ,.C trioleate of WM. J. AT WOOD. IIusTsviLLE, Yadkin C6,.'C. ' !"! , ' " Nor 1st, 1854. i; Dr. CJM Jackson Dear Sir Alio ine to .expiressio you my sincere thanks for your discovery of a medicine, which, io say the least of it, has effected a curef.that sFl oth eVmedicfnesT'thatCl havetakeni have en tirely.: failed ttodo., Hoofland's German Bitters' have cured me of the most stubborn, and aggravated' ease 6f Vhe Pilbs that, -per aps, ever fell t6 the lot of man. My crfs is iiui, a .siranger io ydis community, as l am -well known in' this and the surrounding counties, and can truly say that my Vecove- i has astounded all my friends and rei jtions, as I had tried every thing Tecommend- ed, and nothing did me any good uuti I was prevailed upon Upon to fry the Bitters You areat iiberty to mate Tany vise of thia communication, for th benefit cf the afflict ed, you may think proper. Truly yours, ' , . WILLIAM J. AT WOOD.. After teacldng home, one of my BeigfiSora ame id me'for a rrcVoripaon and: medicine (he a-dyigpeptie), ald I gave him nearly alt tne otters l hadjeft; which effected raicb, Mviflff he was 'Cht horit.A . " c. , '.liinu fj IbUWlUBnir ' xJther5 he had tAkcn Dt I have uoi been ablft "get any mfor Mm prJtoT!lt aiace j-wlll totheWore. !ease shf ! ' f w w UVCVM or mere as soon as possible. Respectfully yours, W. SMITIT, ' 1 i i i i ' . Foi For sale by Geo. Howard I For sale by Geo. Xlorcardi ; si !? by (ley. Howard.: 1

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