,mn imwii 11 '' '3 r"' "'.11." " mmmiimm'm'mmmm''m''mma VHswMBwaMJmMBwaaM .sktol lir';.-': ? p ''li - ' - ' - . - - .. , , .... ' " . tut 5m- jAjg&fZ,. ... ' .. , ' ! y-):;::..:.,;vV;' - m: SYol. 6. ; Taifeo', iOilecombc ('ouiitr,- (N. (,!. ) Saturday, Fclvv 21. 1857. . v! Whole No. 264 tr- ii Geo. Howard, Editor & Proprietor. , ; ... -TERMS PER ANNUM. Jf paid within two months, $2 00 Otieripisc, . 2 50 RATES OF ADVERTISING : One square first insertion, 1 00 reah insertion afterwards, 0 25 Cards a year i 5 00 Court Orders and Judicial advertise ments 25 per cent, hiylicr. tiSF.Ycarly advertisements by contract. German Bitters. TESTIMONY FROM NO. CAROLINA. Certificate of Dr. W. SMITH, of Tine Mil, a Richmond County , X. (7. . . .. PIX8 Hill, March 4th, 1854. Dr. C. M. fackion, Philadelphia!) cat Sir I have been a subject of Dyspepsia, in its worst form, for the last five years. Such was my condition for twelve months that the physicians and all who saw me said I must die. While in this condition I was carried to the Watering places in Virginia, Tennessee and North Carolina but was hot benefitted by any water to Which was ta ken. While, on my way home I stopped at Hutherfordton, a small village in North Ca rolina, to try the; effect of some Chalybeate water in that place About the last of the week I went intoat drug store to get some medicine for my child and myself. There were several of the village physicians in the store and one of them seemedto take some interest in my case, and, after asking me some questions said he had been a dysper e tic, and had been greatly benefitted by the use of 'Dr. Hoofian's German Bitters," prepared by you, and he insisted that I would try the Bittcrp. lie, also, called the next d.y at my room and insisted so much that-r would try them that I asked him to get me one bottle. lie did it, and I com" nienced taking it as directed, and I do say I was more benefitted by it than all the wa ter and medicine I had ever taken. After reaching home, one of my neighbors came to me for a prescription and medicine (he a dyspeptic), and I gate him n'early all the Bitters t had left; which effected much good in his case He has often called on me for more of the same kind of medicine, saying he Was more benefitted by it than any other he had taken, but I have not been able to get any more for him. or myself since? will you, therefore, please ship me a dozen or more as soon as 'possible-. Respectfully yours, W. SMITH. Sold by Geo. Howard, Tarboro. MarchkV & Catwlicon. REFERENCES. I acknowledge that the four bottles which my conmanion has used, are worth the charge for the twenty-four She is now using the , fifth bottle. Mrs. Doster enjoys better health now than ahe has since 1840, and I do not know what else to credit the improvement to but the use of the CathoH. con, as she has been gradually improving ever since commencing it last spring. WILLIAM DOSTER, Atlanta, Ga. I have sold what yu sent me, and so far as I can learn, it has given general satisfac tion. I believe it to be a good remedy for those diseases far which it is recommended. ' JESSE LOWE, M. D. Lawrenceville, Ga. I have no hesitation in saying, Dr. Marchv rs Uterine Catholicon is invaluable in ute rine diseases generally. I have used it in Fluor Albus, 'Amenorrhoea, Prolapsus Uteri, and in cases of extensive liberation of the vagina and bs uteri. It is worthy of the no tice of the Faculty. f' JOHN C. ORRICK, M. D. - ; Baltimore, Md. So far as I know, it has given good satis faction -in every instance, and is well spo ken of, not only by those who have used it, hut by their most intimate friends also. I do not know of any instance where it has failed to give relief; and I have taken spe cial pains in all cases to learn its effects. M. H. MILLS, M. D., Rochester, N. Y. The following unsolicited letter tens recently received from Iluntsville, A7. C. jluijtSV.ille, Yadkin Co., N. C, November 28th. 1859. Dr. J. B: Slarchisi; New York Sir: I deem it my dtity : td express to you my sin cere thanks, for yoiif discovery of the cele brated Female Medicine, (Catholicon.) My vife has been more or lcs3 troubled with Itaeiiag for eight or nine years; and found RtthW to give her relief; ufctii by ciiahec I heard of and sot a bottle of your uiedicine. We found it jvtst the thing wanted; it acted lik? a charm, and has given her entire re ft;? !f n permanent character. With much respect, your obedient serv't, WILLIAM J. BOLIS. tV; .-'aim ; of ttns mliejria td ttld confi Umi-- t U:; liUitlicTare s.treng'tlieried by the ' t vt itts having received the approbation and liberal patronage of many prominent members of the Medical Faculty in the Uni ei States, some of whom have voluntarily fiiven letters of commendation, (see pa m 1'htet,) sustaining all that is claimed for; it as a curative agent. For sale by Geo. lletcard. Wm.iH.Willard, Commission' Merchant. WASHINGTON, N C, GIVES his attention to receiving and for warding Merchandize, and produce, and is prepared to make liberal CASH ADVANCES on.all articles consigned to him for sale, or shipment to his friends in Baltimore, New York and Boston. Oct. 21. Plows and Castings. 1000 of John Majher & Co's No. 60 10J and 10 Plows,' 11,000 lbs ditto Points, For sale by IK H. WiUard. Oct. 20.t 5 - , B. D. FORD, Goldsboro N. C Tcmb Stone dealer. May, '54. DOCTOR HOOPLAND'S CELEBRATED (German .Bitters, PREPARED BT DSL C. M. JACKSON, Phllad'a., Pa., WILL EFTECTU.VLLT CCRR LITER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, Chronic or Htrvout Debility, Dieatn of the Kidney, and all diwet artiing from a dit ordered Liver or Stomach. Suchas Constipa-" tion, Inward Piles, Fulness, or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart- . burn, Disgust for food, Full ness of weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or -Fluttering at the Pit of the Stom ach, Swimming of the Head. Hur ried and difficult breathing, Flutter- r ingat the Heart, Choking or Suiioeatiug Sensations when in a lying TostuS-e, Dimness of Vision, Dots of Webs before the Sight, Fever and dull Pain in the iU ud, Defi ciency of Perspiration. Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain.. in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, &c Sudden Flushes of Heat burn in the Flesh, Constant Ima gimngs of Evil, and great depression of Spirits. with a feeling of the utmost confidence in is virtues and adaptation to the diseases for which it is recommended. It is no new and untried article, but enc that has stood the test of a ten years' trial before the American people, and its reputa tion and sale is unrivalled by any similar preparations extant T lie testimony in its favor given by the most prominent and well known Physicians and individuals, in all parts of the country is immense. .The foN lowing frJm your own State is respectfully submitted, referring any who may still doubt, to my ''Memorabilia," or Practical Receipt Book, for Farmers and Families, to be had gratis, of all the Agents for the Ger man Bitters. For sale by Geo iTottard MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Rheumatism Cured!! t Slorganlon, JVV6, Jiinc&ftth, IHoo. Dr. A G. Bragg h Co.: Gentlemen I feel it my duty not only to vou, but to those l,lus ur l.T;a"a ' iu.,., wu a nens egS on ner wnsi ror -a year or more, of my fellow beings who are afflicted as I of their nauseating effect8) use these pilla j told her to rub the Liniment on it as di have been, to add my testimony in favor of without the slightest disagreeable feelings. rected, attd jrt ft few Week5t by its constant the wonderful effects of your Mexican Mus- , fan Liniment. I was severely attacked in December last, with Inflammatory Itheumatism in its worst form suffering night and day with excru ciating pain for six months being for the whole time entirely unable to walk or even step. My right leg was so contracted and drawn up that I could not put it to the ground, and my left arm was as badly con tracted. During the whole time, I was at tended by two of the most skilful Physicians in the place But they were unable to afford nte any relief, and they finally gave me up, pronounced me incnable,' and said I must die! . . ; At this critical moment I commenced us ing the Mexican Mustang Linimeni, and ; after using two small bottles, I began to find relief from my sufferings. Seven bottles cured me perfectly, and I am now a3 well, and stout er than ever I was before. Tours gratefully, .. . George Good. . - Morgdntdri, fufie o6th, -1853.-I certify that I airi acquainted with George Good, who signed the above certificate, ami I know that he was afflicted with the Rheu matism as, above Stated, ani that he was cured bv the use of ttie Mexican Mastctng Liniment. , . James C ' Smythc 1 For sale by Geo: Howard. let Dm btore -tu- THE snbscriber has just opened a new Drug Store "-... -t In, Tarboro. And will continue adding to his stock until he gets it complete. : Among the articles now .offered will be fouudr- Blue Mass, Calomel, Anise Seed Fennel Sulph. Copper Quinine Black Drop, Iodine, Strychnia, Creosote, Lactate of Iron, Ether Iron " ii ,, " Morphia ,, PotasBa Zinc Flour Sulphur Precip. Cox's Hive Syrup Ipecac Carb. Ascetic Acid, Benzole Nitric i ii Oxallic ,, Peruvian Bark, ( Bayberry Iron , Rhubarb ii Slu!lls . . Essence Mustard Canella Mazcrian ii i it Lemon Gum Aloes, Peppermint ,, Ammouiacum Laudanum- Arabic Paregoric, , ,, pulv. Bateiuan's Drops , Camphor . British Oil Myrrh Harlem Opium Peppcrine Shellac li-y Water Oil Anise Wiuo Ergot ,, Black Pepper .Alcohol Cinnamon Burning Fluid Cloves Lamp Wick ,, Ergot Castor Oil ,, Lavender Ureuui Tartar Olive Alum ,, Origani Borax Peppermint . Copal Varnieh Sassafras Black Leather ,, ,, Wormseed Pearl sago Extract Bark Sal Eratus ,, Sabina Yeast powder Valerian Tooth Arrow Root paste Blood ,, Hair Brushes Colchicum ,, combs Cblumbo White Wax Kramcria Flea bane Licorice lf Blue stone Plhk Camel's hairpcttcils Jsarsaparilla ,, Waters Snake Red Ink Squills . , " Nutmegs alerian Mace Mercurial Oiut. - " Cloves . , . - . . .. .i Cautharides Soidlit powders Turner's Cerate Soda ,, Husband's Magnesia Seltzer Aperient Calcined- Cochineal - I Carbon Litharge I Citrate , Red Lead Fowler's solution . Bole Armenian Dona van's ( Chase's Trusses Acetate Morphia Piiysiciau'a Cases Balsam Copaiva . Spatulas Soldified Laucets Capsules .Cthcters Cautharides . Speculum's Salts Tartar Breast Pumps Upsom Syringes Rochclle Vils, Corks, &cr i i!llay lf1855 Ceo: Uowtird; Et-wjsa, -m- Dr. Spencers lregtl able Pills ARK the cheapest and most approved j family medicines ever offered to the public. They are extremely raihl in their operation, : neither causing sickness of the stomach, nor jftn.y unpleasant sensation in - the system) as is too frequently the case with medicines given to act upon the bowels; hence multi- lu,lcs no navo uvvu uuawc i (nn5 uiua AU u,ai 13 s,kUU "Vlu"00 c . , i . . : . yei Dccome acquanucu mm luum, ia piu- cure one box and the Proprietor's word for it, they will never call for any 'other kind of purgative medicine so long as Spencer's Veg etable Pills can be obtained. Price -5 cents per boi-. m rr in it 4 17 Also, Br Milt OF CXCIUVIC A CUCt an d J3g ue and Ant - Fever AMONG all the advertised remedies of tho day for Ague and Feverj of Chill and Fef er none seem to meet with such rapidity ofsdig, and give so ; mucn general satistaction, as Dr Hull's celebrated Pills-. . Wherever they have been introduced, all tonics, in whatever shape, all mixturesand Spills, &nd prepara tions of every character, designated for this disease have been discarded, and Dr. HulVs Ag&e Pills nave been'received I as the only pertndhent cure. 1 hey stop the unuis ana Fever the first day; and do not sicken tne stomach or operate on the bowels. , 4 i Prictjib cents per box. yi fc ; , For sale in TarbbrV by Geo. Howard. ill HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA 5 ff 5 Fcr sale iy " c : 1 Geo. Howard Civil Practice Of North Carolina, 1 Vol. 8 t o. pp. 4C0. Price reduced to $3 With Wiley's & Eaton's Forms, Cant xf.lll. T . . . "U1S justice, and his vol. showinc the Actual Practice in Court, the mere Citizen. me r unctionnry, or the Lawyer, have easy access to Business Forms and Ceremonies F or sale by i II. D. TURNER, Raleigh, Principal Depot. : Postage 31 cents. ATT0BPEY AT LAW, - TARBORO', N. C. Groceries. THE subscribers offer for sale the fol- ' lowing : Porto Rico, St. Croix and refined Coffee Sugars, Rio, Laguira and Java Coffee, Black and Green Teas, Porto Rico -Molasses, O-swego and Excelsior Starch, oalt coarse and fine iu htrre and small b:iis Genesee Faiuilv Klour. I Goshen Butter Orange County Cheese. All rd' which will be sold ou accom iuj lating terms. 11 T. Jl'tskitts X Boivditch. Nov, l'nli, 1850. Read This. N MO would refuse to give t cents to be ; cured of the chill aud fever, or ague and fe. j vcr and you can positively be cured by using Dr. Hull's uurivallcd Ague and Fever I Pilln. They cure the first day. One trial l ney cure tue nrst day will convince any one of their efficacy. For sale by . Geo. Howard. From lion. John If. T. Jerome, Mayor vf the City of Bitittmnre Mayor's Office, Baltimore, August 21rd, 1852. I tttke great pleasure in stating that I have examined the names of those who have signed certificates respecting Hampton? Pegolabte Tincture. And mn-ong them I recognise gentlemen of the first respectability, viz ; Jos. lv. St.v Fleton, Ws A. SoiiAKi KKti, C. Dl'xaX and others. ' I" also cheerfully testify to the high ;tf?ndingot" the house of Messrs. Mot ti nt r vj-'jr.'frAr; who f.r the pflst 20 years hav enjoyed tlie entire cotifidence anj cs teem botii of oar merchants and citizens gcnen.Uy. J NO. 11. T. JKUOMH iSoid b;j (ti O: Kuil ord. MEXICAjV S&mtMiQ iLinimtnt. Everyday new evidences of the value of this popular medicine reaches the ears of the public. A friend of the Editor's, a contrac tor on the Pacific Bail Road, told hiin the other day that, he would not be without it on his section on any account, whatever. He finds constant use for it aVAnng his hands The great' Value of this article lias induced many Worthless imitations Under different but similar names; but the persons who once use Brag & Co's Liniment will hot be de ccived by any vile and rascally cheat who J Would palm off a spurious preparation on , , Liberty, Virginia, June 30A, 18o3-. Messrs. A. G. Bragg & Co.: Having usejtbe Mexican Mustang Liniment in my . family ill several severe Cases of hard lumps and swellings, I cheerfully give my certifi cate to its excellent effect:. My daughter had a hard lump as large as application, u was eu'ircij imoeu wuuom . . . producing pain or soreness. have also used the Liniment for Scrofu- ioUs tumors of Swellings in the throat, of ' long standing, on two of my servants, and it removed them both in a short time. I con-: SidCf them all remarkable ctfres, as they had ( been treated unsuccessfully by physicians, i and I can safely recommend the Mexican j T - ot! 110 Vlouf artiplo T . Used. Jeste f. Hopkins. Proprietor of Hopkins' Hotel. PRICES. The Liniment is put up in three sizes, and retails for 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1' per bottle. The 50 cent size con- tains 3 tims as much as the 25 cent size, and the 1 size Las 3 times as much as the50cent size. The large sizes being much cheaper. , , ' For sale by Geo. Iloward. Notice Notice. , 1 HAVE jtist fe'eeived afresh supply of Dr. Strong's Compound Sanative Pills, which are so well known for their curative prop erties in all bilieuspocoplaints, affections pf the liver,, sick Headache, dyspepsia, &c. find usefal in all cases where a cathartic or aperient medicine is needed. These pills are very popular arid justly so. Price 25 cent? pefhoi. ; Geo. Howard, i ' '"'t -' ' : '- .- Geo iloward, Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Having located at lVihon,N. C. ii hjxj idguiaiiy uuuuu me courts or Pitt, Greene, W ayoo and Edgecombe counties. V1U" " )t'Xhe Snow Flake, Atlantic Souvenir, June, 1854. , The F6rfet Me Not Gift nf AffHnn. Hotel. Dr. J. B. Marchisi's CELEBRATED CiTUOLICOX, For the relief and cure of suffer ing Females. It stands pre eminent for its curative powers in all the disea ses for which it is recommend ed, usually call ed FEMALE COMPLAINTS Of these are PnoLArsus U TEtti, or Falilng f the WomV. pirft TTI,c. or 'J,,ts;- t.uw.Mo imujijiati'ox and Ul ceratiox or "the Womb; Iscidextal He MomuiAOE, or Flooding; Painful SurpREs sei), and Irregular Menstruation, &c, with all their accompanying evils, (Cancer excepted,) no matter how severe or of how long standing. This medicine has never been introduced by empty puffs and misrepresentations, nor is it intended that its present popularity shall be sustained by any medium but its merits and the approbation of the public, Pamphlets containing much useful infor- mation touching the nature and the above diseases, together with testimoni als from ladies of the highest respectability, as certified bvthe most satisfactory autlmri- ty, to all which the attention of ladies and i practitioners id respectfully invited, can be had gratis at the Drug Store of Creu. IfoiBard. Land for Sale. 1000 AGUES of good Swamp Land, in the lower part of Beaufort Co., on the south side of Pauiplico iliver, and near South Creek. For particulars apply to ' W. H. Witta rra. Washington, N. C, Jan'y 2. Joy to.thc Invalid. -S" IS there any citizen of Edgecombe who is suffering with a cough, cold, asthma, spitting of blood, pain in the chest, or any pulmonary disease if so, you can be cured by the ue of Dr. Strong' t Pectoral Stomach ISllt. They are entirely vegetable, and on ly 25 cents per box. Try them. For sale by Geo Howard Cartels Spanish Mixture. ggThis great alterative medicine and Purifier of Blood is now used by thousands of grateful patients from all parts of the United States, Who testify daily to the re markable cures performed by the greatest of all mediciues, "Carter's Spanish Mlx turei)' Neuralgia, Rheumatism Scrofula, Eruptions of the Skin, Liver diseasej Fe vers, Ulcers, Old Sores Affections of the Kidneys, Diseases of the Throat, Female Complaints, Pains and'aching of the Bones and Joints; are speedily put to flight by using this great and inestimable remedy. For all diseases of the Blood, nothing has yet been found to compare with it. It cleanses the system of all impurities, acts gently and efficiently on the Liver andvid- ne8' strengthens the Digestion, gives tone to the Stomach, makes the skin cleat and neaiulJr munuu, u- feebled b disease'or broken down by the chesses of youth, to its pristine vigor and strengtn. For the Ladies, it is incomparably better than all the cosmetics ever used. A few doses of m CARTER?S SPANISH MIXTtJRE Will remove all sallowness of complexion, bring the roses mantling tb the cheek, give elasticity to the step, and improve the gen eral health in a remarkable degree beyond all the medicines ever heard of. For sale by Geo. Howard, Tartoro'. FOR SALE. irt- Life Pitts and Phoenix Bitters, a as, - Career's Spanish Mixture. . . ANr) . r ,i;: Superior Sthiedam Schnapps, VcolXbic'fi.'- The Approaching Holidays. Merry, Christ mas and Happy New Year GIFT BOOKS -.nJAtn'o nflr...; pi,- ni,:i;m Tho'Gem Annual, The Passion Flewcr, The Moss Rose, Friendship's Token, O f Memory's Gift, The Winter Wreath, Ohildren s toy, picture and reading" Books, & little Goods for little Folks. Ladies French and German Baskets and lieticulcs, French and Bohemian Gilt China Toys and . Baskets, Cups, Jewels, Boxes, and many other Goods for the times. 11. T. HosJcins d Bowditch. Tarboro'; Dec. IS, 1855. B. HAMPTON'S Vegetable Tincture THE GREAT Purifier of the Blood, Restorative and Invigorator of the System; the Cure for all Nervous Complaints, Gene- ;ral Weakness, Dyspepsia, Conirh, Itheuma- tism, Scrofula, Fits, Piles, &c, with all Dis eases of the Throat, Breast, Stomach, Lh er, Kidneys, &c. Mortimer Jflctcbray PROPRIETORS. No. 240 Baltimore Street, BALTIMdRE. John W. Mortimer. George W. Mowbray. Mexican Mustang Liniment Wright's Pills snd Vermifuge, Castor Oil, by the gallon, and in quart, pint and half pint bottles, Olive Oil, in quart, pint and half pint bot's, Balm of a Thousand Flowers, Ayer's cathartic Pill, For sale by G: JXvtcard. Carter's Spanish Mixture, Let- the afflicted Read and Ponder I Ax Infallible Remedy for Scrofula, King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Boils, Chronic sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, En largement and pain of the Bones and Joints, stubborn Ulcers, syphilitic Disor ders, Lumbago, spinal complaints, and all diseases arising from an injudicious use of Mercury, Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of the Blood. For sala by Geo. Howard. JTTST RECEIVED, a great rariety of Havana Cigars, of tko very best qua lities Principe, Regalia, Casadnres, Panetelas, luovacion, &c. f r sale, hy (Be. Howard, Tarboro'. NOTICE. (J Hobensack's Liver Pills. Hobensactfs Tonic Pemifuge, Strong1 s Compd Sanative Pills, Pectoral Stomach Fills, Hobensace"s term Syrup. For sale by ' Geo. Uoicard. Ilooflandys German Bi Iters, Certificate of WM. J. ATWOOD. Huxtsvillx, Yadkin Co., N C. Not. 1st, 1854. Dr. C. M. Jacksca Deaf Sir Allow me to express to you my sincere thanks for your discovery of a medicine, whichj to Say the least of it, has effected a cure, that all oth er medicines, that I have taken, hare en tirely failed to do. 'Hoofland's German Bitters have cured me of the most stubborn and aggravated ease of the Piles that, per hapsi ever fell to he ht of man. My caeo ia not a stranger to this community, as I am Well known . in this and the surrounding counties, and can tftily say that my recove ry has astounded all my friends and rela tions, aB I had tried every thing recommend ed, and nothing did me any good until I was prevailed upon upon to try the Bitters. Ton are at liberty to make any use of this communication, for the benefit of the afflict- j ed, you may think proper. Truly yours, - WILLIAM J ATWOOD. Dr. R. Hooker, Rogers' Store, Wake Co, N. C, Oct. 24, 1753, sayS: 'Having expe. rienced very great benefit from the use of 'Hoofland's German Sitters,' in Chronic Dysentery and functional derangements of the Liver and its concomitant evils, t am de sirous of obtaining a' quantity ' of it for the benefit of my community. Vou will, there foreplease send a lolt -So," These BIttef s are ixTraivr TazT-0i.s they invigorate iiSd strengthen Ite systeri neTcr prostrate it, Vnd can be usei for ia - fants us well as adults. . For sale try Geo. ncnlx i t I i t i- f k ! ?. "I- - I. ' c

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