12. - Vo. li. Tarboro', Edgecombe County (N: G.) Saturday, larch 21, 1857. No. 268. Whole $2 00 2 50 1 00 Geo. Howard. MW& Proprietor. TERMS-PER ANNUM. 1 paid within two months, Otherwise, RATES OF ADVERTISING I One square first insertion) ,, each insertion afterwards, Q 25 Cards, a year, - 5 00 j V ' , 7 ' ' 7 T .. 7 7 7.. j . . ( xjouri uracrs ana .juaiciai aaveritsc- menfs 25 per eent. h ifher. JT Yearly advertisements by contract. Land for Sale. 1000 ACRES of good Swamp Land ia the lower part of Beaufort Co., on the south side of Pamplico River, and near South Creek. For particulars apply to IF! H. Willard. Washington, N. C, Jan'y 2. B.D.FORD, Goldsboro', N. C, Tomb Stone dealer. May, '54. Joy to the Invalid. -St IS there any citizen of Edgecombe who is suffering with a cough, cold, asthma, spitting of blood, pain in the chest, or any pulmonary disease if so, you can be cured by the use of D Strong' i Pectoral Stomach Fills. They are entirely vegetable, and on ly 25 cents per box. Try them. For sale by Geo Howard. German Bitters. TESTIMONY FROM NO. CAROLINA. Certificate of Dr. W. SMltfr, of Fine Hill, Riiftmond County, X. C. Pijf k Hut-. March 4th, 1854. DOCTOR HOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED CE&crman Bittct0, PREPREt) EXT DR. C. M, JACKSON, Philad'.a., Pa., WILL EFFfeCTtTALLY CURE LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a dis ordered Liver or Stomach. Such as Constipa tion, Inward Tiles, Fulness, or Blood to the Head, Acidity of tho Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for food, Full ness f weight in the Stomach," Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Fit of the Stem ach, Swimming of the Head, I f uiv ried and dimcult breathing. Flutter ing at the Heart, Choking or Sufiocating Sensations when in a lying Posture, Pimnrss of Vision, Dots of Webs before the Sight, Fever and dull Pain in the Head, Defi ciency of Perspiration. Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, Six;. Sudden Flushes of Heat burn in the Flesh, Constant I ma ginings of Evil, and great depression of Spirits t he Proprietor, in calling the attention of tho public to this preparation, does so with a feeling of the utmost confidence 1ft Ps virtues and adaptation to the diseases for which it is recommended. J AT TV g Store. THE subscriber has just opened a new Drug Store In Tarboro And will continue adding to his stock until he gets it complete. Among the articles now offered will be fouud Blue Mass, Calomel, Quinine Black Drop, Iodine, Strychnia, Creosote, Lactate of Iron, Carb. Ascetic Acid, Benzoic ,, Nitric ,, Oxallic ,, Peruvian Bark, Hayberry Canella MazerLin LJu m Aloes, Ammoniacum Arabic pulv. Camphor Myrrh Opium Shellac Oil Anise ,, P.Jack Pepper ,, Cinnamon ,, Cloves ,, Ergot Lavender (Hive Origsni Peppermint Sassafras Wormseed Civil Practice Vi It is no new and untried article, hut tone : iXtr;iCt Jinvk that has stood the test of a ten 5 ears' trial Dr. C. M. Jackion, 1 mladcfphviDsnT ! befurc the American people-, and its reputa :vI have been a subject of Dyspepsia-, in 11(1 S;lle is Ulirivalled bv any similar i:s worst form, for the last five years. Such i Arrow nronnrations extant. The testimony in its m..w.i x .1.. At. .x : " . was my coiuuuou 101 i-.vene mourns mai : f bvtlic most prominent and well r,lM,; the physicians and all who Sftw me said I known Physicians and individuals, in all 0oluinl wiist die; lute in 1111s coumuon 1 was nf h v.nriiitrv is immense. The fol- Sabina Valerian Rc-ot icum bo Darts of the 'country is immense. The tol- v v.. tallied to the watel-ing places m irgima, pdwillg from your own State is respectfully U(M Icnncssed and .North L-arolma, but was not ui)mitted, referring any wlVd may still benefitted by any water to which was ta- i ,j(1,abt) to my Memorabilia-, " or lVac'tical ken. While '6n my way home I stopped ai : Recpt iVook; for Farmers and Families, to itutherfordton, a small village in North Ca- ; bc 1ft(j atig) 0f ai nlC Agents for theOer- volina, to try the effect of some Chalybeate Avater in that place. About the last of the week I went into a drug store to get some medicine for my child and myself. There were several of the Village physicians in the tore, and one of them seemed to takesorie interest in my case, and, after asking nit S';iiio questions, said he had been a dyspe; e tu-, and had been greatly benefitted by the use of "Dr. Hoollan's German Bitters-," prepared by you, and he insisted tliat 1 would trv the Bitters. He, also, called ihu next day at my room and insisted so uiu. !i that I would try them that I asked him to get me one bottle. He did it, and I com menced taking it as directed, and I do say I was more benefitted by it than all the Wa ter and medicine I had" ever taken. After reaching home, one of my neighbors came to nie for a prescription and mcJicMi'j (lie a dyspeptic)-, and I gave him nearly j P. the Bitters 1 had left; which effected much jruod in his case. He has often called on lac for more of the same kind of medicine H i ving he was more benefitted by it thin any other he had taken, but I have not been able to get any more for him or mySelf since; will you, therefore, please ship nie a dozen or more as soon as possible. ltespectfully yours, W. SMITH. Sold by Geo. Howard, Tarboro'. til ah Bitters. For sale Gfo, Howard. "MEXICAN iVIiisiang Liniment. R he urn at is m Cured J J -t- Mrjanlon, X. C, June ZCvfi, TH-. Bragg A Co.: Gentlemen. I 'erl inv duty not only to voii, but to those bf Tiiv fellow beings who are afflicted as I aPsllli - have been, td add mv testimony in f-4vorof the wonderful effects of your Mexican Miks- ee Pivk SrtV-SanVilic ,-, Snake y, Squills Valerian v, Meivurial Oint. Canth irides Turner's Cerate -,y H usband's Me gnesiA Cak:;f:l V, Carbon-. Citrate Fowler's solution Dona van's ., Acet.it'c Morph'i BalsaiA Cojiva Soldified ,-, Cantharides Salts Tartar ian'jr Liniment. Epsom Car lev's Spanish Mixture. VdT'Tliis great alterative medicine and 'Purifier of Blood is now used by thousands 'M' grateful patients from all parts of the Tinted State?, who testify daily to the re markable cures performed by the greatest M all medicines, VC arte it's Spanish Mix ViMiE." Neuralgia, Rhenmatism, Scrofula, Fruptions of the Skin, Liver disease, Fe vers, Ulcers, Old Sores, Affections of the Kidneys-, Diseases of the Throat, Female Complaints, Pains and aching of the Bones n I Joint, are speedily put to flight by iwnoc this sreat and inestimable remedy. For all diseases of the Blood, nothing has ret been f6und to compare with itv It cleanses the system of all impurities, acts ntly and cificiently on the Liver and Kid 'icys, strengthens the Digestion, gives tone 0 the Stomach, rnakes the skin clear and Vatthy, and restores the Constitution-, en 'ebled by disease 6r broken down by the e of youth, to iti pristine vigor and For the Ladles, ii & ifitnparably better ' Un. all the cosmetics ever used: A few 'ios'i of CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE 1 vemove all sallowness of complexion, '''n:i the rtses mantling to the cheek, give ' ty to the step, anxl improve the gen ' ho iit'i in a remarkable degree, beyond ' the medicines ever heard of. i ui sdleby Geo. Jlowkrd, Tarloro ; lo oh el 1 6 May 1 185-"v. Anise Seed Fennel ,, Sulph. Copper Ether Iron Morphia Potassa Zinc Flour Sulphur Precip. ,, Cox's Hive Syrup Ipecrtc Iron Rhubarb ,, Squills M Essence Mustard , Lemon , Peppermint Laud inum Paregoric Bateman's Drops British Oil Harlem ,,' Pepperiue Bay Water Wine lirgut Alcohol Burning Fluid Lamp Wick Castor Oil Cream Tartar Alum Bo ra x Copal Varnish Bl.iek Leather ,, Pearl sago Sal Eratus Veast powder Tooth paste ilair Brushes combs White Wax Flea bane Blue stone Camel's hair er-r'itt lied lult Nutmegi Mnec Clove1 ISei lliti powderS ..dii - ., felteV Ap'eent Cochineal Li il urge Bed Lead Bole Armenia r V'hit.ie'.i Tru.-seS P h y s i c i a n ' s .? . 3 Sp.t iibrs Lancets CtiH-t-V3 Stecuiiiui3 Brest PumpS Syringes Vials, Corks-, &c. Geo iftt&ard. Oj North Carolina, 1 Vol. 8 vo. pp- 4 tO. Price reduced to $3. With Wiley's & Eaton's Forms, Cant well's Justice, and his vol. showing the Actual Practice in Court, the mere Citizen, the Functionary, or the Lawyer, have easy access to Business Forms and Ceremonies For sale by II. D. TURNER, Raleigh, Principal Depot. Postage 31 cents. ATTORNEY AT. LAW, TARBORO', N. C. rocerics. THE subscribers offer for sale the fol lowing : Porto Rico, St. Croix and refined Coffee Sugars, Rio, Laguira and Java Coffee, Rlack and Green Teas, Porto Rico Molasses, Oswego and Excelsior Starch, Salt coarse and tine in large and small bags Genesee Family Klour, Goshen Butter Omngu'Couuty Cheese. All of which will be sold on accom modating tonus. ' T. .11. skins fc Bowdltrh. Nov loth, I800. Read This. x- WHO Would refuse to give 75 cents to be Geo Howard, Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Having located at Wilson, N. C. WILL regularly attend the Courts of Pitt, Greene, Wayne - and Edgecombe counties. Office next door to Gay's Hotel. ' June, 1854. Dr. J, 15. Marchisi's "CELEBRATED C VTBIOLICOiV, Foj the relief and cure oj suffer ing Females. It stands pre eminent for its curative powers in all the disea ses for which it 's recommend d, usually call ed FEMALE COMPLAINTS Of these are Prolapsus U teui, or Falilng f the Womb, Fluou A lb us; t,r W u.toa. ....,;.sU . . a.MMATIOX AXD Ul CKUT10 OF THE Wo.MB; IxdDEXTAL He- MouitiiAyK, or Flooding; Painful Suppues seo, and Irregular Mexsteuatiox, &c, with all their accompanying evils, (Cancer excepted.) no matter how severe or of how Ion": standinjr. REFERENCES. I acknowledge thathe four bo tiles which cured of the chill and fever, or ague and fe. j m companion lias used, are worth the vcr and you can positively be cured by j charSe for the twenty-four She is now I usinir Dr. UulFs unrivalled Aaae and Feeer 1 US1U 9 nun .bottle. Airs. Doster enjoys J'iIIs. They cure the first day. One trial will convince any one of their efficacy. For sale by Geo. Howard. From lion. John II. T. Jerome, Mayor , of the. City of JJuliimore, Mayor's OfrK'fl, JtAt.fijlouK-, August 2'Jrd, 185"1 better health now than she has since lb4G, and I do not know what els3 t credit the improvement to but the use of the Catholi con, as she has been gradually improving ever since commencing it last spring. WILLIAM DOSTER, Atlanta, Ga. 1 nave sold what you sent me, and so far as I can learn, it has given general satisfac tion. I believe it to be a good remedy for 1 t(ke gret pleasure in stating that I h;ve examined the names" of those who those diseases for which it is recommended j lVAve Signe J fertiftctftes respecting : Itu'ntp'ton's Pegelabh finc'tiire JESSE LOWE, M. D. Lawrenceville, Ga. I have no hesitation in Sa?ymg. Dr. .Varcfa- nd mt, them I recognize gentlemen of 5 Ut(rine Cathtticon is invaluable in ute- the .'rst respeotffbdity-, ViitJos-. K. Sf a Vi.;:tn, V'm A. Si.UAKVi F.it, C. Du.NA and V'tl.eVs. I a!? cheerfully testify to the biifh standing of the house Of Me$rS: Muiti- rine diseases generally. I have used it in FiuorAlbus, Amenoirhoca, Prolapsus Uteri, ftnd in case? of extensive ulceration of the vairina nd 6s ateri. It is worthv of the no- j mrr .V UtvUrh;,, who foV.the pst 20 years tice of the FacuU. huv eoyed the entire confidence and es teem both of our merchants rnd titien? geiuivily-. J-NO-. II. T. JEROME ..'. !jf Geo. Howard. MEXICAN JOIiNT 0. ORPJCK, M. D. Baltimore, Md. So far as I kncvr, it has given good satis-i ! faction in every instance, and is well spo ken of, not only by those who have used it, but by their mot intimate friends also. I j do not know of any instance where it has failed to give relief; and I have taken spe- u, evidences of the value of cial pains in all cases to learn its effects V ege t ab I e, T i n c t u r e TIIE GREAT Purifier of tht Blood, Restorative and Invigorator of the System: the Cure for all Nervous Complaints, Gene ral Weakness, Dyspepsia, Cough, Rheuma tism, Scrofula, Fits, Piles, &c, -with all Dis eases of the Throat, Breast, Stomach, Liv er, Kidneys, &e. Mortimer A Jflcubray PROPRIETORS. No. 240 Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE. John W. Mortimer. George W. Mowbray. .ir medicine reaches the aS ofthe friend of tb.e Editor's, a contra c- IV , .IH.. J..,! tnlil linn Hio ). Sfierfcer's Vegetable Pitis ARK the cheapest 9rd most Approved 1 was severely attacked iA leccaWer last, with lnnamnatovy Rheumatism in it worst f,,rm-Suirering night and day with excru ciating pain for six. month's being for the whole time entirely Unable to walk, or even i step. My right leg was so contracted and drawn up that I could not put it to th 1 .1 lAi .1 j KA.Vl.T 'All" o,u""'-l "V - ' h I. t .ut;- tracted; During the whole time, I was at- lamny meaicines ever ouca w u,, puui.c. tended by two df the most skilful Pb vsicians They arc extremely mild in their operation, in the place Bat they were unable to af o-d neithct causing sickness of the st6mach, nor me any relief, and they finally gave me up, unpleasant sensation in the systeni, aft pronounced lAe incurable, and said I must is too frequently the ease with medicates y e, . given to act upon the bowels; heiirt ntulti- ' ; . ;t V ,!,-. ftde; wL'o have been unable t'd take other At this critical moment 1 commenced Us- . ..... . ,r i, p.- r : , , Pi. pill 5 or iiepai a tions i f niedici ne, on account ino- the Mmcan fttttann Liniment, and, after I '"13 1 -, ' . . , - , . i t ii . r i i o oi iiicir nauseaini'i cuutio, use mcoc uuu us n" two Sniall bottles, I beiran to find relief U1 o ..... i'. : public. tor on t ue ; ,m other day th-t be wanly not be without it oh his section on aVy s'ecnnt-, wh.iteVer. He ! tinds constant t'se for it among his hands-. The freat value of this article has induced many flrovthtesft' italic n undef diSTerenr-, but similar names: but the persons Vi-ho once use Bragg & Co.'s Liniment will not be de Vjpivd by ay v?!e ad rascally cheat who wd'uld pill1! oft' a pui'ioHis preparation oh them. -Liberty, Virginia, June ZOfh, 1833. Messrs. A. G. Bragg & Co.: Having used the Mexican Mustang Liniment in my fani'dy in several Severe cases of hard lumps and swellings, I cheerfully give niy certifi cate to its excellent effects. My daughter had a bard lump as large as M. H. MILLS, M. D., Rochester, N. Y. The following unsolicited letter icrts recently received from Huntkville, X. O. Hunts ville, Yadkin Co.-, N. C., November 28th. 1850. bi j. B. Marchisi, New York Sir : I deem it my 'duty to express to you my sin cere thanks, for your discovery of the cele brated Female Medicine, (Cathblicon.) My wife beVih more or less troubled with flooding for eight or nine years, and found ""nothing to give her relief, until by chance I heard of and got a bottle of your medicine. We found it just the thing wanted; it acted like a charm, and has given her entire re lief of a permanent character. With much respect, your obedient serv't, (Signed,) WILLIAM J. BOLIN. The cfiimS bf this medicine to the confi dence of the public are strengthened by the rM.. tmr oiiiVjti'inipu ftiiVfMI K'ttHv.; SMlVk.1 l"m in !. ;0 .vcto.1 nf Hinsn who bare novpV i-jit iia x.. .-.-tmA members of the M Ucal Faculty in the Uni- perfectly, and 1 am now as- elt, and stout- . ... . , .. . , -l F-'lli j . , . 3 iinjiiiimicu jiw- pyoUUCinT; pAlU ur soi t;iies.. : - . " el than ever I was before. Yours gratefully, George Good. Morganton, June SOlh, 1853'. I certify that I am acquainted with George Good, who signed the above certificate, and I know that he was afflicted with the Rheu matism as above stated, and that he was cured by the use of the Mexican- Musta'fig Liniment. Jamek C. S my the. For sale by Geo. Roioard. Stablcr's Cherry Expectorant. The large mtniber of certificates which we have received from p'ei'Sdns from all parts of the United Spates; is the best evi dence that there i3 no Humbug about it. The press, bojel keepers, magistrates, phy sicians, arid public men, well known to the comni Unity, all add tKeir testimony to the Vonderful effects of this GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. ' Call and get Tamplilets gratis, and see euros of Cough; Bronchitis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia', Nervousness and General Weakness. As a feinaie medicine o fordclicate children we believe it linoquallod Geo. Howard, a lien's ess 011 her wrist for a year or more I told her to rub the Liniment on it as di- . fact of its having received the approbation without the slightest disagreeable feelings: rected-. arid in a few weeks, by its constant and liberal p-trtiaage of many prominent All that is , yet become acquainted witn tnem, is to pro- producing p I cure one fed', and the Proprietor's word for t have also used the Liniment for Scrofu- given letters of commendation, (see pam it, they will ii'eVei- call for any other kind of ious tumors or Swellings in the throat, of phlct,) sustaining all that is claimed for it purgative medicine so long as Spencer's eg- iong standing, on two of my servants, fnd it ftS a cuiauve ageni, removed them br3tli in a short time: I con-1 This medicine has never been introduced Sider tnem all rehiarka. de cures; as they had ' by empty puffs and misrepresentations, nor been treated unsuccessfully by physicians, is it intended that its present popularity and I can Rifely recomniend the Mexican shall be sustained by any medium but its etabte Pills can be obtained Price 25 cents per bo&r. lls'dt Dr ThilVs Vegetable Fever and dgti'e and Jlnti-Fetier AMONG all the advertised remedies of tha day for Ague and FeVer, orCiiill and Fever, none seem to meet with such rapidity of sale", and give id tttuch general satisfaction', a Dr Hull's celebrated Pills: Wherever they have b" een introduced, all tonics, hi whatever shape, all mixtures arid pills, and prepara tions bf every character, designated for this disease, have been discarded, and Dr. Hull's Ague Pills have been received as the only perm.an.eM cure. Ihey stop the CliUJs ami Fever the first day, arid do not sicken the stomach or operate oh the bowels. Price 75 cents per box. For sale in Tarboro' by Geo. Howard. f fleeter s HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA For sale by fao. Hxvtrd Mustang Liniment as the best article I ever j used: 'Jesse T. Hopkins. Proprietor of Hopkins' Hotel. PRICES. The Liniment is put up in ' three sizes, and retails for 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 per bottle. The 50 cent size con tains 3 -tirces as milch as the 25centize; and the $1 size has 3 times as much as the 50 cent size. The large sites being much cheaper. For sale 'by Geo. Howard. Notice Notice. 1 HAVE jUst received a fresh supply of Dr. Strong's Compound Sanative Pills, which are so well known for their curative prop erties in all billons complaints, affections ofthe liter, sick headache, dyspepsia, &c. and useful in all cases where a cathartic or aperient medicine is needed. These pills are very popular and justly bo. Price 2 " cents per bor. Gcr. Hp oxer d. merits and tbe approbation of the public. Pamphlets c'.mtaining much Useful infor mation touching the nature and symptoms of the above diseases, together with testimoni als from ladies of the highest respectability, as certified by the most satisfactory author! ty, to all whicrl the attention of ladies and practitioners is respectfully invited, can be had gratis at the Drug Store of Howard. ...... 1'OK SAliC. ; Life Pills and Phoenix Bitt ers, Carter's Spanish Mix lit re ' "" : : ATfb '" ' "" Staperior chiedam Schnapps, - , . Geo. flavor d. Hark! A Warning Voice I ! If you are sick, why delay until your disease becomes incurable, and then have to lament when it is too.lato? Thousands, who die prematurely, might have been cu red by Hampton's Vegetable Tincture. Why go languishing and drooping, debilitated and broke down, life a burden, with a de sire to avoid your best friends? Have you a cough settled on your lungs, a "dry hacking cough, the glassy eye, tho hectic flush on the cheek, pain in the breast and side, night sweats, with all the fearful symptoms of Consumption? Or have you Asthma, already stifling you with dreadful anguish of suffocation; setting up through the long cold night, while the sweat. runs from every pore from the nightly effort of respiration? We say, don't delay, but try Hampton's Vegetable Tincture, the great Restorer and Invigorator. It has shown itself most powerfully curative of nervous diseases in their various forms, giving new life and vigor, restoring the shattered con stitution, and thus infusing hope iu place of despondency. By its mild, pleasant, and safe action on tho stomach, liver, kidneys, I ungs and nervous system, it cures Dyspep sia, Liver Complaints, Diseases of the Uri nary Organs, Coughs, Asthma, Bronchial Affections, Consumption, Scrofula, St. Vi tus' Dance, King's Evil, Worms, Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Gout, Fits-, Fistula, Piles, with diseases arising from impure blood. For sale in Tarboro' by Geo. Howard. Carter's Spanish Mixture, Let the afflicted Read And Ponder I Ax Infallible Remedy for Scrofula, King Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneous Pruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face Blotches, Boils, Chronic sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tetter-, Scald Head, En largement and pain of the Bones and Joints, stubborn Ulcers, syphilitic Disor ders, Lumbago, spinal complaints, and all diseases arising from an injudicious Use of Mercury, Imprudence in Life, or: Impurity of the Blood For sale by Geo. flowarf. 2Hotfced JUST RECEIVED, a great variety of Ilayaria Cigars, of the very best qua lities Principe, Regalia, CazadoreS) Panetelas', Inovacion, &c. for sale, by &e: Howard, Tarboro'-. NOTICE. iffittobenmck's Liver Pills. Hobensack's Tonit Vemifnge tlobensa'tk's tOrm Syriip, or sale ty Gf Howard. Ho'ojland's Germ an Bitters. Certificate of WM. J. ATWOOD. Huhtsvilxe, Yadkin Co., N. C Nor. 1st, 1854. Dr. C. M. Jacksci Dear Sir Allow mi to express to you my sincere thanks fe? your discovery of a medicine, which, Vo say the least of it, has effected a cure that all oth er medicines, that I ' hftre taken, hare en tirely failed to do. Hbofland's German Bitters' have cured rAe of the most stubborn and aggravated cast of the Piles that, per haps, ever fell to the lot of man. My cace is not a stranger- to this community, as I am, well known in this and the surroundinz counties, and can truly say that my recove ry has astounded all my friends and rela tions, as I had tried every thing recommend ed, and nothing did me any good until I was prevailed upon iipori to try the Bitters. Yon are at liberty to mak any lis of thi communication, for the benefit of the afflict ed, you may thinjt proper. ' Truly yonrs, WILLIAM J. AT1T00B Dr. R. Hooker, Rogers' Store, Wake '(V, N. C, Oct. 24, 1T53, say HaTlng exp. riericcd Very grea benefit from, the" nse f "Hoofland's German Bitters,' in Chronic Dysentery and functional derangements of the Liver and its concomitant etils, I am di sirons of 'obtaining a quantity ef it for & benefit of my community. Ton wUl4 there foreplease send a lot, &c. Slc. These Bitters are liyiiREtV nMTABxr, they invigorata and strengthen . the fyttenu. never prostrate it, and gin ba used for in fants us well as adulte. For sale by Xrfk ZTdffiara