. !w"!rM'.... i mw . m.m.-umu, n .,. , , , ff '1 1 ill I 'I nil I ill i i if 1 1 urn .i, . .i,,.. .m., .j.tijlJL i , jjnrrir riB , i ' ' i f No. 14 Yol. 6. Tarboro', Edgecombe Coimty, (K C) , Saturday, April i 1857. Whole No. 270; ' " ' ' " j ' ' " ' ' ' ' " '"'" Geo. Howard, Editor & Proprietor. TERMS PER ANNUM, If paid within two months, $2 00 Otherwise, - . 2 50 RATES OF ADVERTISING: One square first insertion, 1 00 each insertion afterwards, 0 25 Cards, a year, - - 5 00 Court Orders and Judicial advertise ments 25 per cent, hiyhcr. Yearly advertisements by contract. Land for Sale. 1000 ACRES of good Swamp Land in the lower part of Beaufort Co., on the south side of Paniplico River, and near South Creek. For particulars apply to W. II. Willard. Washington, N. C, Jan'y 2. Joy to the Invalid. IS there any citizen, of Edgecombe who is suffering with a cough, cold, asthma, spitting of blood, pain in the chest, or any pulmonary disease if so, you can be cured by the use of Dr. Strong' 'f Pectoral Stomach Pills. They are entirely vegetable, and on ly 25 cents per box. Try them. For sale by Geo Howard. German Bitters. TESTIMONY FROM NO. CAROLINA. Certificate of Dr. W. SMITH, of Pine Hill, Richmond' County, M. C Pine Hill. March 4th, 1854. Dr. O. M. Jackson, Philadelphia Dear j gir I have been a subject of Dyspepsia-, in its worst form, for the last five years. Such was my condition for twelve months that the physicians and all who saw me said I must. die. While in this condition I was carried to the watering places in Virginia, Tennessee and North Carolina, but was not benefitted by any water to which was ta ken. While -en my way home I stopped at Rutherfordton, a small village in North Ga- ; rolina-, to try the effect of some Chalybeate , water in that place. About the last of the j week I went into a drug store to get some medicine for my enild and myself. There were several of the village physicians in the store, and one of them seemed to take some interest in my case, and, after Asking iue some questions, said he had been a dyspej-s tic, and had been greatly benefitted by the use of "Dr. Hooflan's German fitters," prepared by you, and he insisted that I would try the Bitters. He, also, called the next day at my room and insisted so much that I would try them that I asked him to get me one bottle. He did it, and I com menced taking it as directed, and 1 do say I was more benefitted by it than all the wa ter and medicine I had ever taken. After reaching home, one of my neighbors came to me for a prescription and medicine (he a dyspeptic), and Jfgpave him nearly all the Hitters I had left; wjifeb effected much good in his case. He has often called on me for more of the same kind of medicine) saying he was more benefitted by it than any other he had taken, but I have not been able to get any more for him or myself since; will you, therefore, please ship me a dozen or more as soon as possible. Respectfully yours, W. SMITH. Sold by Geo. Howard, Tarboro'. ATTOBEY AT LAI TARUORO'. N. C B. D. FORD, Goldsboro N. C Tomb Stone dealer. May, '54. EGGHMFS. German Bitters, For Liver Complaint, &c. Such as Inward Piles, Fulness, or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for food, Full ness of weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stom ach, Swimming of the Head, Hur ried and difficult breathing, Fluttcr ingat the Heart, Choking or Suaocating Sensations when in a lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots of Webs before the Sight, Fever and dull Pain in the Head, Defi ciency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Fain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, &c. Sudden Flushes of Heat burn in the Flesh, Constant Ima- Evil, and great depression ?f Spirits. AT' : 1 g Store THE subscriber has just opened a new Drug Store En Tarboro') And will continue adding to his stock until he gets it complete. Among the articles now, offered will be fouud Blue Mass, Calomel, ; WIL31IXGTOi Marble Works He . giniugs of Quinine , v '. Black Drop, lodiue, Strychnia, Creosote, Lactate of Iron, Carb. Ascetic Acid, Bi'nzoie Nitric ,, Oxaliic ,,, Peruvian Bark, Bay berry Canella Mazerian Gum Aloes, Ammoniacnm , , Arabic ,, pulv. Camphor ,, Myrrh ,, Opium ,, Shellac Oil Anise ,, Black Pepper Cinnamon ,, Cloves ,, Ergot ,, Lave ader ,, Olive ,, Origan it The Proprietor, in calling the attention of tha public to this preparation, docs so with a feeling of the utmost confidence in is virtues and adaptation to the diseases for which it is recommended. It rs no new and untried article, but one that has stood the test of a ten years' trial before the American people, and its reputa tion and sale is unrivalled by auy similar preparations extant. The testimony in its favor given by the most prominent and well known Physicians and individuals, in all parts of the country is immense. The fol-1ov.-hi'- from Vou'r own State is respectfully submitted, referring any who riiay still Sarsaparilla y, doubt, to my '"Memorabilia," or Practical Receipt Book, for Farmers and Families, to be had gratis, of all the Agents for the Ger man Bitters. For sale Irr Ceo. Howard. ,, Peppermint ,, Sassafras ,, Worn! seed Extract Bark ,, Sabiua ,, Valerian Arrow Root Blood Colchicum Coluiubo Krameria Licorice Pink Snr. iOc Senilis Valeiian y, McVvjvtr'tn; O'a'tr. CarsthaVidcS Turner's Cerate Anise Seed Fennel ,, Sulph. Copper Ether Iron Morphia ,, Potassa Zinc Flour Sulphur i'recip. Cox's Hive Syrup Ipectc Iron Rhubarb Squills , iJssenoe Mustard i, Lemon reppermiut fjauda-Kum Paregoric BateiMan's Drops British Oil Harlem ,, PejDporine Bay Water Wine Ergot Alcohol Burning Fluid Lamp Wick Castor Oil Cream Tartar Alum Borax Copal Varnisk Black Leather Pearl sago Hal Ertus Veast powder Tooth Tlair Brushed co:n!s Vhite 'Var Flea bane Blue st''ne C n i e ' t ha i r p e n c i 1 s WAVers Hed Ink Nutmegs M..ce Cloves Seidiit towaer3 S ida ,, Wilmington, N. C. W.-'G. MILLIGAX, Proprietor, Respectfully informs the Public that is prepared to make and put up to order Marble Monuments of all sizes. Tombs Head Stones Furni ture Tops, Mantles, Hearths, 4c, Of the best quality of American or Italian Marble, not to be , surpassed in style or workmanship, and as. cheap as can be procured from any establishment i of the kind in the eouutry North or bouth. Iron Railing : 50 different styles for enclosing family i lots, from 75 cts. to $10 per foot, fur nished and put up to order. ! N. 13. Orders from all parts of the Country, accompanied by the cash or satisfactory reference, will receive1 prompt attention, and all articles war ranted to be as recommended, or no charge made. Wilmington, NT. C, October, 1 855, Geo Howard, Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Having located at Wilson, N. C. WILL regularly attend the Courts of Pitt, Greene, Wayne and Edgecombe counties. Office next door to Gay's Hotel. . June, 1854. Dr. J. B. March isi's . . CELEBRATED C1TUOLICO.V, Foj the relief and cure oj suffer- Read Thi 3. WHO would refuse to give 75 cents to be cured of the diill and fever, or ague an 1 fe. ver and you can positively be cured by jiisingDr. Hull's unrivalled Ayue an I Ft-ver Pills. Tbey cure the first day. One- trial j charge for the twenty-four She is now will coHtince any one of their efficacy. ) using the -fifth bottle., Mrs. Doster enjoys For sale by Geo. Howard. j better health now than ahe has since 1840, , an,j j ,0 not j.now .iyj,:lt ej3e t( credit the ing Females. It stands pre eminent for its curative powers in all the disea ses for which it is recommend :d, usually call ed FEMALE COMPLAINTS Of these ' are Prolapsus U teiu, or Falling of the Womb, Fluob. Albus; or Whites; Ciiuomo xm lammation and Ul- CERATION OF TtlE Wo.MBJ INCIDENTAL He- jidriihack, or Flooding; Painful SrrPRES sei, and IaitKocLAR Menstruation, &c, with all their accompanying evils, (Cancer excepted,) no matter how severe or of how long standing. REFERENCES. I acknowledge that the four bottlcswhich my coniDauioa has used,, are worth the Vegetable Tine t u re THE GREAT Purifier of the Blood, Restorative and Invigorator of the System; the Cure for all Nervous Complaints, Gene ral Weakness, Dyspepsia, Cough, Rheuma tism, Scrofula, Fits, Piles, &c, with all Dis eases of the Throat, Breast, Stomach, Lir er, Kidneys, Slg. Mortimer 4 Mowbray PROPRIETORS. No.' 240 Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE. John W. Mortimer. George W. Mowbray. Frvm lln. Jikn l. T. J'-ronif, Mayor of the City if ' Baltimore. Mayor's Offick, Baltimore, August "2rd. 1852. 1 take great pleasure iu statiug that I improvement to but the use of the Catholi eon, as she ha s been gradually improving ever since commencing it last spring. WILLIAM DOSTER, Atlanta, Ga. I have sold what you sent me, and so far have examined the names of those who as I can learn, it has given general satisfac- hvc siguel certificates respecting Iitmiton's Vegetable Tincture. And among them I recognize gentlemen of the tirst respectability, viz: Jos. I. Sta- f'lj 1-TON ) W1 A. SHIAEFFBll, C. DtiNAN lld Othetg. h:.ih !ta t t'lso cheerfully testify to the tion. I believe it to be a good remedy for those diseases for which it is recommended. JESSE LOWE, M. D. Lawrenceville, Ga. I have no hesitation in 8:T?5ng, Dr. Marchi si'g Uterine Catholicon is invaluable in ute rine diseases' generally. I have used it in Carter's Spanish Mixture. J&This great alterative medicine and Purifier of Blood is now used by thousands of grateful patients from all parts of the United States, who testify daily to the re markable cures performed by the greatest of all medicines, "Carter's Spanish Mix TurSi" Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruptions of the Skin, Liver disease Fe vers, Ulcers, Old Sores4 Affections of the Kidneys, Diseases of the Throat, Female Complaints, Pains and aching of the Bones and Joints, are speedily put to flight by using this great and inestimable remedy. For all diseases of the Blood, nothing has 7ot been found to compare with it. It "i i a0. "i of all impurities, acts f.lenunssi the sysu,- geft.tly a4 efficiently on the Luer aud K,' aeys, gtheog the Digestion, gives tone to the Stomach, makes thts skin clear and healthy, and restores the Constitution, en feebled by disease or broken down by the excesses of youth, to its pristine vigor and strength. For the Ladies, it is incomparably better than all the cosmetics ; ever , used. A few doses of " ' CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE i'l remove all sallowness of complexion, 'rin the roses mantling to the cheek, give Kusticity to the step, and improve the geu fi'Hl health in a remarkable degree, beyond 11 1 the medicines ever heard of. i'r sale by Geo, Howard, Tarboro' . YJEXJCAN Husband's Magnesia Stltrei- Aperient iliistang Liniment ii'A e a m a t is rii G a rt d $ t 'fiorgnhton, X. C, June ?0th, lK-Vl. Calcined ,, Car!on. ,, Citrate ,, Fowler's solution Dona vn it's ,; Acetate Morphia Balsani Copaiva Dr. A G. Bragg A Co.: Gentlemen. I Soldified ,, feel it ray duty not only to you, but to tlnse Capsules of my fellow beings who are afflicted as I Cantharides have been, to add my testiihony in fvorof Salts Tartar the wonderful effects of your Mexican Mus cang Liniment. j I was severely attacked in December last, with Inflammatory Rheumatism in its worst form suffering uight and day with excru ciating pain for six months being for Cue whole time entirely unable to walk, or even step. My right leg was so contracted and drawn up that I could not put it to the ,, E p. so in ,i Rochellfl May 1, 1855; CH hiiieal Iv.tharga Red Lead Byle Armenian Chase's Trusses Physician's Gases Spatulas Lancets Catheters Specuiums Breast Pumps S'ringes VialSj Corks, eiCi Geo ILrtCtird. -m- Dr, Spcnter's Vegetable Pills ARE the cheapest and most approved ground, and my left arm was as badly con- family medicines ever" offered to Hie public, tractedi During the whole timej I was at- They are extremely mild in their operation, tended by two of the most skilful Physicians neither causing sickness of the stomach, nor in thepbifle But tbey were unable to afford any unpleasant sensation in the system, as me any relief, and they finally gave me up, s t00 frequently the case with medicines pronounced me incurablej and said I must given to act upon the bowels; hence multi die! tudes, who have been unable to take other l.nVL liiu "'.iJV v ..i.uu. u. I.. , lit... Tl..1 TTi .V hn-vora:i, who for the past 10 years , . . , vagina and os uteri. It is worthy of the no tice of the Faculty. JOHN C. ORRICK, M. D. Baltimore, Md. So far as I know, it has given good satis faction in every instance, and is well spo ken of, not only by those who have used it, but by their most intimate friends also. 1 do not know of any instance where it has I hwve enjoyed the entire confidence and es I teem both of our merchants and citizens j generally. JNO. H. T. JEltOMM Sold -y Geo. 11 o ward. MEXICAN SUnstms Jiininxznt. Kvfefy d-y hfiw evidefiees of the value f failed to give relief; and I have taken spe this popular medicine reaches the ears of the cial pains in all cases to learn its effects, public, A 'friend 'of the Editor's, a contrac- M. II. MILLS, M. D., Rochester, N. T. The following unsolicited letter was recently received from Huntsville, N. C. Huntsville, Yadkin Co., N. C, November 23th. 18"3. Dr. 3. B. Marchisi, New York Sir: I deem it my duty to express to you my sin cere thanks, for your discovery of the cele brated Female Medicine, (Catholicon.) My wife h is been more or less troubled with flooding for eight or nine years, and found t nothing to give her relief, until by chance I heard of and got a bottle of your medicine. We found it just the thing wanted; it acted like a charm, and "has given her entire re- tor on the Pacific Hail Road, told him the other day that he would not be without it on his section on anv account, whatever. He i finds constant use for it among his hands. The great value cf this article has induced many Worthless imitations tinder different, but similar names; but the persons who once use -Bragg &. Coi's Liniment will ttot be dc ceived by any vile and tfascally cheat who would palm off a spurious preparation on them-. Liber lih Vif$nit, Silne. $)lh, 1Pm3. Messrs. A. G. ' lh'itgg cSi Co.J Having used the Mxican Mustang Liniment in ttiy f-iTnilvin several severe Cases of hard lumns , . T , ,. .... lief of.a permanent character, and swellings. I ehecrlully d;ive my ceiLn- ' 1 t w cate to its excellent effects. My daughter had a hard lllmp.as large as i a hen s e2 on ner wrisi ivv a vear or more. With much respect, your obedient serv't, (Signed,) WILLIAM J. BOLIN. The claims of this medicine, to the confi- At this critical moment 1 CortihlonCed us- pills or prcpai atious of medicine, on account ' j told her to rub the Liniment on it as di- dence of the public are strengthened by the ing the Mexican Mustang Liniment, and, after of theirs nauseating effects, use these pills rected, and in a few weeks, by its constant fact of its having received the approbation using two small bottles, I began to find relief without the slightest disagreeable feelings, application, it was en Irtiy removed without antl liberal patronage of many prominent from ray sufferings. Seven bottles cured me All that is asked of those who have, never producing pain of soreness. '" members of the Medical Faculty in the Uni- pcrfectly, and I am now as well, and stout- - vct become acquainted with them, is to pro- , i have also used the Liniment for Serofu- : ted States, some of whom have voluntarily er than ever I was before. Yours gratefully, George Good. Morganton, June $0th, 1853 I certify that I am acquainted with George GoOd"j who signed the above certificate, stnd I know that he was afflicted with the Rheu matism as above stated, and that he was cured by the use of the Mexican Mustang Liniment; James C. Smythe. For sale by Geo. ildidard. St abler'' s Cherry Expectorant. , o) , s The large number tf certificates which we have received from persons from all parts of the United States, is the best evi dence that there is no Humbug about it. The press, hotel keepers, magistrates, phy sicians, and public men, well known to the eomiriunityi all add their testimony to the wonderful effects of this GREAT BLOOD PUFU FiCR. , T:, ; ....... Call and get Tamphlets gratis, and see cures of Cough, Bronchitis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, D epepsia, ' Nervousness an---icueral Weakness. As a female medicine or ': delicate childreuwe believe it unoquailo i Qc&. Howard, cure one box, and the Proprietor's word for ' ious tumors or S wellings in the throat, of given letters, of commendation, (see pam it, they will never call for any other kind of iong standings on two of my servants, and it phlet,) sustaining-all that is claimed for it purga tive medicine so long as Spencer's Veg etable Pills can be obtained. Price 2-! cents per bot Also,Dr HulVs Vegetable Fever and Ague and Ant i-Fever AMONG all the advertised remedies of tha day for Ague and Fevef or Chill and Fever, none seem to meet with such rapidity of sale and give SO much . general satisfaction, aB M HulVs celebrated Pills. Wherever they have been Introduced, all tdhics, ih whatever shape, all niixtures and pills, and prepara tions of every character, designated for this disease; have been discarded, and 2?r. Hull's Ague Pills have been received as the only fermancnt cure. , Ihey stop the Chills ana Fever the first day, - and do not sicken the stomach or operate on the bowels. . v i ? price 7 vents per bot - . For fiale in Tarboto by Gto. ffoibard. i t . J,,; if - WUet'icrs t mm OF NORTH CAROLINA For sale by Geo.Moward removed them both m a short timek i con sider them all remarkable cures as they had been treated unsuccessfully by physicians, and I can safely recommend the Mexican Mustang Liniment as the best article I ever used Jesse Tt Hopkins. Proprietor of Hopkins' Hotel. - . ::-'; -PlitC$S.-hk Liniment is put up in three sizes, and retails for 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 per bottle. The 50 cent size con tains 3 times as much as the 25 cent size, and the $1 i size has 3 times as much as the 50 cent size. The large sizes being much cheaper. ,For sale by - Geo. llowanV. Notice Notice. 1 HAVE just received a fresh supply of Dr. Strong' s .Compound San&iiec Pills, which arc so well knowu for their curative prop-; erties in all .bilious complaints, affections of the liver, sick headache, dyspepsia, &c. and useful in all cses where a cathartic or aperient medicine is needed. These pills are very popular and justly so. Price 25 cents per box. Geo, Howatd. as a curative agent. This medicine has never been introduced by empty puffs and misrepresentations, nor is it intended that its present popularity shall be sustained by any medium but its merits and the approbation of the public. Pamphlets containing much useful infor mation touching the nature and symptom of the above diseases, together with testimoni als from ladies of the highest respectability, as certified by the most satisfactory authori ty, to all which the attention of ladies and practitioners is respectfully invited.,' can be had gratis at the Drug Store of C?eu. Howard. FOU S.V1.K. Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters Carter's Spanish Mixture, Superior SeAteddm Schnapps, Gto. Hotcard. ' flarlc ! A Warning Voice ! ! If you are sick, why delay until your disease becomes incurable, and then have j to lament when it is too late? , Thousands, who die prematurely, might have been cu red by Hampton's Vegetable Tincture Why go languishing and drooping, debilitated and broke down, life a burden, with a de sire to avoid your best friends? Have you a cough settled on your lungs, a dry hacking cough, the glassy eye, the hectic flush on the cheek, pain in the breast and side, night sweats, with all the fearful symptoms of Consumption? Or have you Asthma, already stifling you with dreadful anguish of suffocation; setting up through the long cold night, while the sweat runs from every pore from the nightly effort of respiration? We say, don't delay, but try Hampton's Vegetable Tincture, the great Restorer and Invigorator. It has shown itself most powerfully curative of nervous diseases in their various forms, giving new life and vigor, restoring the shattered con stitution, and thus infusing hope in place of despondency. By its mild, pleasant and safe action on the stomach, liver, kidneys, 1 ungs and nervous system, it cures Dyspep sia, Liver Complaints, Diseases of the Uri nary Organs, Coughs, Asthma, Bronchial Affections, Consumption, Scrofula, St. Vi tus' Dance, King's Evil, Worms, Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Gout, Fits, Fistula Piles, with diseases arising from impure blood. For sale in Tarboro' by ' Geo. Howard. Carter's Spanish Mixture, Let tJu afflicted Read and Ponder I An Infallible Remedy for Scrofula, King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimplee or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Boils, Chronic sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tetter, Skald Head, En largement and pain of the Bones and Joints, stubborn Ulcers, syphilitic Disorders,-Lumbago, spinal complaints, and all diseases arising from an injudicious use of Mercury, Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of the- Blood. For sale by Geo. Howard. Slotted JUST RECEIVED, a great yaricty of Havana Cigars, of the rery best qua lities Principe, Regalia, Cazadores, Panetelas, luovasiou, &c. for sale, by He. Howard, Tarboro'. fJOTICE. Hobensack s Biver Pills, Hobensactfs Tonic Vemifuge, Hobensack' 's wrm Syrup. For sale by Ge: Howard. - -i Hooflandrs German Bitters. Certificate of WJf. . AT WOOD. Huntsville, Yadkin Co., N. C. Nov. 1st, 1854. Dr. C. M. Jacksca Dear Sir Allow m to express to you my sincere thanks for jour discovery of a medicine, which, to say the least of it, has effected a cure, that all oth er medicines, that I hare taken, have en tirely failed to do. Hoofland's German Bitters' hare cured me of the most stubborn and aggravated case of the Piles that, per haps, ever fell to the lot of man. Mj case is not a stranger to - this community, as I am well known in this aid the surrounding counties, and can truly say that my recove ry has astounded all mj friends and rela tions, as I had tried every thing recommend ed, and nothing did me any good uutil I was prevailed upon upon to try the Bitters.. You are at liberty to make any use'bf this communication, for the benefit of the afiliot ed, you may think proper. Truly yours, WILLIAM J. AT WOOD. Dr. It. Hooker, Pwogers' Store, Wake Co, . N. C, Oct. 24, 1753, says: ."Having expe. rienced very great benefit from the use of Iloonand's German Bitters,' in Chronie Dysentery and functional derangements of the Liver and its concomitant evils, I am de sirous of obtaining a quantity of -it for the benefit of my community. 'Ten will, there fore, please send a lot, &e. &c." These Bitters m. wr-. :rwirmV9 they invigorate and g;rengthcm ... ; . I never prostrate it. a aa,be U3ed ftr & . fants us well as adults. 4 For sale by Ge. nHtr$ i r V t I . I i'X , 1 V i. f I, A i. I If r i