f I Ao ,r ,lft V'-s' . " ' - ..." ; .- ' , j ; . .r- m. . ' .- :'.'' .; - .'" - -1 J.- ).aYpl 7. Tawtepy Edgecombe' Gouiity,v (N:G.) ;Salurdayi Februai-f 20,4858. Whole So. 316. 1 K1 11 Fko. IfoAn n, Eilitor& Proprietor. h ' Tift'MS PER' 'ANMUM. I jyi irf'iriflid t wo muntJis, hli'.rin'sri ' -, 82 00 2 50 f : "RATES of advertising Hc square first insertion, 1 00, crtrt insertion afterward, 0 -J iin7.s, t .year: .' -, - J uu irf Orders and Judicial advertise linen ts 25 rex. Jiiiher. Yearly advertisements by contra c JM L It III II U -TIIK Co-p:irtnersln p. heretofore ex iting under the style of Oberry & Co., i this dj dissolved by mutual consent. The firm will be coutinued under the came and style of Oberry. & tfro. - Thomas Oberry, It. i H'.i.zn:. Green Oberry. ilTurboro', Scpt..lG, 185G. ctN B: The undersigned, thankful for fpnst favors from their friends, will give "notice to them that they still carry on their business at the same place. We 'iep going all the time a t steam Mill Jr -the purpose of grinding corn. We 4so carry on the waggon, cart, and ijluel making business. We will also rjake blinds and window sash at the ."lilb We also still carry on our J- I Home. 'Build iu j business. Oiir; friends or the public who desire ,rork in our line, w.ill oblige us by giv i Sir us a call. Oberry & Co. iTarboro'Sopt. 1G, 1356. j V ; 0T30E. 1 THE Copartnership heretofore exist ing between Palamouutain & Stewart is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the Firm will be settled by T. J. Stewart. Palamouniain & Sicwart. Tarboro', Nov. 1,185G. Ii ; : " 0TiCE. THE subscribers adopt this method f announcing to the citizens of Edge combe and to the public generally, that tliej have associaied themselves togeth ir under the name and style of Williamson (C' Stewart, For the purpose of carrying on The Carriage Baiakiasg I Q1 F3 I IN THE TOWS OP TARTJORO . tarriasres and buggies of every doserip- tion will be put up in the neatest and most durable manner; in addition t this, they have cxperiene: d workmen vh'ise especial business it will be, to Make Wagons, Carts, Sfc. For farming and other purposes. They have" also in their employ good ilqcksmitbs! for the" purpose of makini, !1 kinds of implements generally used tipon farms. I Repairing and renovating old Vehi cles and mending old and damaged im plements, will also constitute a branch of their business. I They express the hope, that by strict application to business, they may ob- A..t A nhM y-v .t t r rot IaI. c.' i. ,1 tUl 1 .1 : 1 1 llliUir lliliuus. uuu mc jiuuiiu gcumaiij . . y J. A. Williamson, I : . " :. T. J. Stewart ; Tlw undersigned thankful' to hU friends ; and the public for the liberal I patronage heretofore bestowed on him, j congratulates himself in, having been able to associate with him in business, Mr. Williamson, a man of large expe rience in Lis trade, having spent a long series of ycarein its prosecution res pectfully solicits a continuance of their favors: ; ' r ' ' ; 2 J. Stewart. Taiboro'; Jan. 1st, 1857. ' THE Subscriber informs the Far mers and citizens of Edgecombe and adjacent Counties that he has returned to his Old Stand,.? . t . rt - Ne a. r ihe Bridge i li Tarhoro , And has enlarged his facilities so as to enable him to make aud repair all kiuds o' Farming impli meuts and ' , Eoery description oj Iron work. He will also attend to ihe repairing of Buggies, Wagons, t. Cotton Gins. Guns, Locks, -Keys, Stoves, lielbhanging, ecc. Thankful for past favors, ho hopes to receive adiberal tdiareof patronage. . ' 1. B. 1 'alamo HHtain. Tarboro', January 1, 1857. J i 3 C o mpeti tion DcOed. x v i i : i f - - 1 k 'v.- ' r r Robert A. Sizer, WOULD inform the citizens of Tarboro' and the surrounding com munity, that he has es tablished 'himself on Main street and is pre pared to carry on V Sat Ulle and Harness M A K I X fi AND REP A I R I N G . Having qualified himself by; a service of eight years, with the best workmen in the -city, of Richmond, he is capable of doing any kind of work in his line, which may be called for and would compare his work with that of anyone in the State, in point of finish and dura bility. Having receutly purchased . A (jood Stock of Materials, Of all kinda, and being furnished with a competent number of goo i worktin n, persous may call on him with the cer tainty of having all orders fillud with neatness and despatch. He keeps on hand a supply of Sad dles, Harness, Collars, Riding Bridles, Martingales, Halters, &c. &c. His stand is opposite Mrs. Gregory's Hotel, at the sign of the Rig Saddle. Oct. 1 1th, 1857. George Howard, Jr. Attorney and Solicitor, VI3.SON, X. C. Attends the Courts of Xash, Wayne, Edge combe and Wilson counties. ' Office opposite the Court lious April, 1807. UOTiC New Firm. Yuthan 71alhwson and . ; 11 A VIMli associated incmscives in j the Mercantile. Business, announce the ! .111 ! same to tn paouc. j They will keep a ncral assortment; of Fastcy and Staple ot5(!si Groceries, $c. $c. and sell thorn at their usual profits, which they have no doubt will bo per fectly fatisfactory to their customers. The business will b-j conducted under: the stvle of Mafu wson & Pippin. March 1, 185o. Piano Tuning, ; Jy the Year. j T. A. k. J. .A PROFESSIONAL action and tone re guhitor an-! tuner of Piaaus, informs tuc L.idics and respectable Public, that lie will visit laroorotaree times a year io; cuniu0 or r-'ulatiu"" whoever mav irive him a call. Vi 1 -oll'lu lo -v o Pianos tuned toe times a year alter having subscnoed for it, 600 id es - - oOthehrst, ao ' the tiiiru tuning; strings ami regiu.-mug tra. Non-subscribers i 4,00 each tuning.; All orders left at Mrs. Gregor will be promptly attended to. September 2, 1857. 's Hotel,' Is hereby Given, THAT the Copartnership heretofore ex. isting under the name and style of . Bdssett ; vfficliUrlspn, y Is this day dissolved bj mutual consent. And further notice is also given; that all the effects of the firm bay been assigned to W. A. Bassett, one of the undersigned, and that he alone is. authorised to collect the debts due the said firm. Mav 18th. 1857.- , W. A. Basset t. JJ. A. Richardson. TT7 " New, Drugs, &c. THE subscriber has enlarged and improv eiThis Drug Store, and is continually ad ding to his assortment, a great variety of Drugs, Medicines, cue. , ' Castor Oil, by the gallon, and in quart, pint and half pint bottles, t Olive Oil, influart,''piht and half pint bot's, Balm of a Thousand Flowers, Tarrant's compound extract of Cnbebs and Copaiba, - ; 11 1 : - " Holloway's Ointmeut and Pills, ! Baker's Bitters, Hubbard's -Bitters, Hpoflat-d's Bitters, S tough ton's Bitters; Moffat's Bitters, Health Bitters, - V Oxygenated .Bitters, '-&c. &c. f. , Gto-'UoKccrd. ?'' ; -'S .:V L. D. Pender, ".A7T0BWEY AT LAW. ' TARBORO, N. C. iYl. Martin, I5ro. & Co., Grocers Commission Merchants, I PETERSBURG, VA. J . 11. mlfftriiH) Son V Co., Comm ission Merchants, , RICHMOND, VA. N. M. MARTIN, Sr. 11. A.MARTIN, W.K.MARTIN, R. T ANN All ILL, II.L.PLUMMER, Jr N. M. MARTIN, Jr. . JCStrict personal attention given to the sale of Produce. Orders for Goods promptly filled. ; - - ". REFERENCES, R. R Bridoers, Esq , President, Br Bank, Tarboro', N. 0. . Messrs. Weddell & 11 art, Tarboro', Dr. J. J. Philips, Edgecombe County. C. F. Fisiikr, Eq., Cashier, Br. Ex Bank, Petersburg, Va. James Wkddell, Esq., Petersburg. R. E. Macnair, Esq., Tarboro', N. C CALVIN II. DIBBLE, 1 Late of Wilmington, N. C. J OX AT 11 AN B. BUNCE, Late of Kington, N. C. - -st- Dibble & 8m?cc, Commission Merchants, Cotton, Flour, Grain, Naval Stores and Southern Produce generally, No. 180 Front Street, NEW YORK. Wc will pay the Forwaiding charges on Jottuu in Washington. REFERENCES. Elnn.Wri. A. Ghaiiam, tlillslxW, N.a lion. John M. MoitfciiiE i, Greensbo-; ro', X. II. L. Myhuvi-r, Em., Fayetteville, ; X. 0. I JoilN D. U ir.LIAMS, I.-q., Piest. Lau ; nf (;;.rcl:ii,m. M SrVvKvJr,.v, Esq.. Cashr -71 Bauk Vahi::-t. u II. Doli.n-ku, (J. Potte::, .Tr. J. 'amekdex D other, Potter & Co., For the s.tle of ('otton, Nav.-il Stores, Grain and other Southern Produce, Liberal advances male on Consignments, of receipt of WiW of La lin fur shipment s, AGENTS. In Wilmington, N. C, MirnuAY Peacock. ,, Washington, N. C, B. P. 11 avkns, Esq. E. H. Hooper, EPenlal Surgeon HAVING permanently located in Tar borough, Ar. 0., nff i tn nnldio in the . , , . - various branches of his profession. appiicatious t0 hi., cither in country, will receive Mention. " r "r . " 1 - RSPERENCES To the. Faculty of the Philadelphi8 i College of Dentul Surgery. Jan. 23, lb'uG. Carter's Spanish Mixture. , THE GREAT Purifier of -the iSloodl NOT A PART1GLK OF MERCUUV IS IT. - gThis great alterative medicine and Purifier of Blood is now used by thousands ! of grateful patients from all parts of the j (ju-tei states, who testify daily to the re markabie cures performed by the greatest of ail medicines, "Cakteu's Spanish Mix ture." .Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruptions of the Skin, Liver disease, Fe vers, Ulcers, Old Sores, Affections of the Kidneys, Diseases of the Throat, Female Complaints, Pains and aching of the Bones and Joints, are speedily put to flight by using this great and inestimable remedy. For all diseases of the Blood, nothing has yet been found to ; compare with it. . It cleanses the system of all impurities, - acts gently and efficiently on the Liver and Kid neys .strengthens the Digestion, gives tone to the Stomach,, makes the skin clear and healthy, and restores the Constitution, en feebled by disease or broken down by the Excesses of youth, to its vigor and strength- For the Ladies, it is incomparably better than ''all the cosmetics ' ever "used. A, few loses 6f CA'tTEH'S SPANISH MIXTURE will remove al,. sallowness of complexion, bring the roses mantling to the cheek, give i lasticity to the stepand, improve the "gen eral health in a remarkable degree, beyond all the medicines ever heard of. ? Por sale by -i Geo: ' Ifiwhrd j Land for Sale.- 1000 ACRES of good Swamp Land in the lower part of Beaufort Co., on the, south side of Paniplieo River, and near South Creeks , J For particulars apply to IF. . Willard. ' TVashington, N. C, Jan'y 'i. Riisel! & Brother, GENERAL Commission and ForioarJia?, Viliuiii(oii, li. c. H,F. BUSF.U . J.,B RUSSELL. Liber.il Hash adiranrros madf nn cnn. ,.,f. e n v i c signments ot Cotton, Naval stores, and i other Produce for sale. Refer to Jiio. MeRait, Prest. Bmk Wiltninton, O. G. Parsley, ' ('oiumorcial Bauk, Thos. V. Wright, " Rmk Cape Fear, Edwd. P. Hall, " Brautr'i Ban ; State, Wilmington. Robt. Norfl-et. Eq. Tar!)oro't - NEW AXD P!.S Winter Goods, OF THE N-west styles a ud patterns of French, English and German MANUFACTURE, WHICH will be made up in the la-' of the prisons and prison ships of the Brit test f i.-hion, on reasonable terms, and isb, in New-York, with a shortest notice. Gentlemen's Farnishin From a ?!::rt Collar downwards, and a ! choice Jn of Ready Made Clothing! which shall be warranted. J((S. Tarboro'. Sent. 16. If. 7. : ley an. Ha mpf oil's feget 'able Tincture. We pcik as nnto icise Men let the rcr,-t-oi'td iitd ajflkhil Judy i' for them.icli en. The whole animal creation are subject to : d'.scjse but few die from sickness where iiust'iict is their only physician. The bcuefi- cent Crc-itov has given the various plantt and roots i'ur the cure of ii.scase; and it is ; u;ion this great truth that Dr. Hampton ba ' ses the tnany wonderful cures of his celebra- ted Tine are. , TruLh is mightv. We anneal to our own cii'o-eas. Wherever falr'.v tiled the same ! success attends its use in chills and fevers. diseases of the liver, stomach and bowel?.' As a COLUlfcA p reventive, it bns been truly successful. Coughs, dyspepsia; rheu- matism, yield to its gentle sway. As a Female mediciue and for delicate children, c believe it has no coual. ... For sale bv Geo. Howard. Dr. Spencer's Vegetable Pills A HE the cheapest and most approved ,.iu?a nvrr oflfnml tn th, onLlic . . ., , . . .. They are extremely mild in their operation. neither causing sickness cf the stomach, nor any unpleasant sensation in the system, s is too frequently the case with medicines ! given to act upon the bowels; uence laUiii - tudes. who have been unable to take other i- - r. ; pilis or prepaiatioas of metueme, on accou ' ' . . of their nauseating effects", use these prlls without the Slightest- disagreeable feeiiugs. All that is asked of those , who .have neper yet becojnc acquainted w'u'a them, is to pro cure one box, and the Proprietor's word for it, they will never call for any ether kind of purgative mediciue so long as Spencer's Veg etable Pills can be obtained. Price 25 cents per box. Also, Dr flu IP 8 Vegetable Fever 1 and Jlgue and Anti-Fever AMONG all the advertised remedies of the day for Ague and Fever, or Chill and Fever, none seem to meet with such rapidity of sale, and give so much general satisfaction, as Dr. Hull's celebrated Pills. Wherever they have been introduced, all tonics,, in whatever shape, all mixtures and pills, and prepara tions of every character, designated for thig disease, have been discarded,- and Dr. Halts Ague Pills have been received as the only permanent cure. They stop the Chills and Fever tne nrst uay, anu uu uui shjuu mc stomach or operate on the bowels Price 75 cents joer box. For sale in'f arb6ro-rbyr Geo. Howard. !i'iti; i Fiim 1 1 i mm cines 1 lt( ; I Slrotisfs Comp'it ' Sanative Pillsi Pectoral 'Stomach PJlls,x For sale bj-r J Xt&?tiward. 1 f i 7 7 0 ' A perfect substitute for the' " Lcuicet, Leeches 'and 'Blisters ! ,. INSTE AD of being a panacea for all mal adies,, it has control over but ONE MAL.V- DY has but , ONE AI3I accomplishes but ONE THING, to wit : subdues ixflamjia- toby disease whatever be its form or, locality,-whether in the head, throat, chest, abdomon, extremities or skin. Every form of inflammation hut ho other disease is subdued by i it as easily as fire is extin guished by water. Is it asked, how it does this? simply by restoring the lost balance between the fluids and solids Such is its potency, that like vaccine matter, it requires merely what adheres to the point of a quill dipped into a solution of jt, to affect the en tire system. For sale by . Geo. Howard. Just Published, , BY PUDNEY & RUSSEH, Records of the Revolutionary War; Containing the Official Military and Finan- . , r, 3 ; J r .I'll i 1 1 ri'ii. ii mi ii rin nn r n i i t w a . i w i-. :; " of the Revolutionary Arniy, v From 177-5 to 1795, containing the most in teresting military, historical, and financial information during that period. Also, the organization of all. the lieghients, showing the names, rank, date of commission, , time of enlistment, andserviccof the officers and privates of each. Also; the general and brigade orders of Generals Washington, Lee, Gretne, Weedon, and others, In 1770, 77, and 78, showing the last trials at Valley Forge, breaking up the encamp ment, order of march through Philadelphia, and the plan of attack on the British, at Monmouth. Also, an account of the cap ture of Fort Washington. ' and the horrors List of American Officers imprisoned, The time of their capture,' release, &c. An account cf ths , SOCIETY OF THE CIXCIXNATI, New-York, Pennsylvania, and ;Mary- land, a list of the lr embers' names, &c.; the half-pay, commutation, aud land acts of the Continental Congress. 'A complete list of all the Officers who screed to the end of the War, And acquired the right to half-pay for life, commutation and land.. Proceedings of 31th Congress, and United States Oourt cf Claims, relative to a restoration of the half pay acts of the old Congress, for the benefit of the -. Heirs of OJiccrs of Vie Revolution; Virginia half-pay and land laws;- the reas ons which led to the passage of the Act of July or 18-12, by Congress; the names of the Virginia oflicers who received land, with an interesting account of the military-l.'.iid districts of Ohio, Kentucky, aud Tennessee, the locations of warrants,' surveys, etc". Revolutionary Pension Laics of the U. Stales As they now exist, with commentaries there on. Notes on the services of various class es of revolutionary ouicers, with an exten sive list showing the time they died, '&c. tec, &e. OnelaryeVlmo. vol. oGOO pages, Price,Qt, This work is intended as a book of refer ence to the historian and scholar, as well as furnithing a thorough guide to persons claiming title to land or pensions, from the services of their forefathers during the Rev olutionary War. The volume contains the I e k r rrt ah . 1 : a , . j o-v.;x.w i the hands of all the descendants of tha ,-. . , . . i brave men who fnutrht under the hannpr of brave men who fought under the banner of '76, thatthenoble actions of theirs maj not escape reminiscence of their descendants, who must retain this work as a memento of their brave deeds and patient sufferings. S512) M0NTI1 can be easily yearn ed by acting as Agent for the sale of the above Book, and ether highly popular works of standard merit, published by us Agents wanted in every cit , town, and villice in the Union. For Catalogues and particulars, address ; j :v PUDNEY & RUSSELL, Publishers, ' w 79 John-Street, New-York. Carter's Spanish Mixture, Let . the afflicted Read and Ponder I An Infallible Remedy for Scrofula, King's 'Evil, : Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules i on the ; Face, Blotches, Boils, Chronic sore. Eyes j Ring .Worm or 4Tetler, Scald Head,En f largement and. pain of the.Bones.and .Joints, stubborn Ulcers, syphilitic ; Disor dersrLumbagp pinal complaints, and all diseases. arising from an injudici6us use of Mercury, Imprudence in "Life, or Impurity of the Blood-, "" Pamphlets containing much useful mfor" inatibrii touching the nature and symptoms o1 the above diseases, together with tcstimoni. als from ladies of the highest respecta.oility as certified by the most . satisfactory authori ty,; to, all which the attention of ladies, and practitioners "is'respectfully invited, can ba A nt i rili 1 iVfrS si s ir naa grans ai me urug oiore oi - . .,.. fc . , Geo.Qxcard, Tarboro'; , '. ' " ' ! ' fi-Vom Vis$cher, Otcen j- Co.,' GmMr "' iT tifarpertAfcerti9wgrHuft (AppUtotf tiadies' Retreat. MRS. BYRNES, FEMALE PHYSI CIAN, 108 Thompson, near Bleecker street, New York, attends females during their con finement, and treats all diseases peculiar to her sex. ' She has commodious rooms tow the accommodation of her patrons, and patent apparatus to assist nature. Aft male pill, a safe and sure remedy for all ob structions, sent by. mail with full direction! on receipt of $2. .She haf also a sure res edy for pyles. and a valuable invigorati cordial. 47 Wh i tc , n a vi V fc U ardce GENERAL Commission MercJiantSi And Dealers in Guano, thomas white, ( iclershurr p. R Davis, J ciersQurp, W. II. HARDEE, A TA. Wm. II. Willard, Commission Merchant) WASHINGTON, N. C, GIVES his attention to receiving and for warding Merchandize, and produce, and is prepared to make liberal CASH AD VANCES on all articles consigned to him for sale, ot shipment to his friends in Baltimore, Nav York and Boston. . . Oct. 21. Willard & Curtis, Commission Merchants, And Wholesale Dealers in : G roar ics and Provision , No. 10 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. James A. Willard. Henry M. Curtis. Barbox C. Watson, astoji Mbaxis. V. Watson & Meares, GtnH Commission Merchants. 3 4 SSurliii Slip, NEW YORK. THE subscribers are prepared to grind Corn at their Steam Mill in Tarhoro't At the shortest notice. A toll of one sixth will be taken from each grist. Oberry & JSro. March 11th, 1857. v CARTELS- Spanish Mixture, GREAT CURE OF RHEUMATISM. The Editors of the Richmond Republican, of Dec. 24, 1852, say that Carter's Spanli Mixture is no quack medicine. They had a man in their press room wliO was afflicted with violent Mercurial Rheu matism, who was continually complaining of misery in his back, limbs and joints; his eyes had become feverish and mattery, neck swollen, throat sore, and all the symptoms of rheumatism, combined' with Scrofula. Two bottles of , Carter's Spanish Mixture cured him, and in an editorial notice afl above, they bear testimony to its wonderful good effects, and say their only regret is, that all suffering with diseases of the blotxl are not aware of of the' existence of such medicine. They cheerfully recommend it See their certificate, and notice in full arof nd the bottle. For sale by . . Geo. Howti. ; EYI3S, EYE3- ASTONISHING! '.. Cure of Inflammatory Sore Eyes, after thre years' suffering. " ' Those who have weak or inflamed eyea will see cures in pamphlets, &c.' A CARD. Louisville, Ky!, February,' 1857 Dr. Hampton I can safely say that af ter having beeri afaicted three years fritht the inflamatory sore eyes, and in the tima having tried many prescritptions, and ilia growing worse all the ' time, and nothing short of total blindness appeared to b toy doomI resolved to give'( your Tnctme a trial; and, to my astonishment in)ss taan ene month my eyes were e; Gently better, and continued to impr'uTe unta they were entirely -veil, and b ayebn dear and sound for over one yef," and now I ; belieTe I can see as well nny one of ray age. . And my health oJnerwise has been so much improT ed th t i must say that I do not believe I -r knew what health" was before. , v..7, i-a A'; . T.VDUNCAN, ti4t : )t Clerk, at Falls City Ilotel. - V Fluudreda rwill, testify of cures, of Cou&h, Pyspepsia, 7: Rheumatism, K Scrofula, &c. With, all cases of Nervous . Ue&daclte, Ner yousDiseaseSy General Debility it is th,e; greatest restoratiyfad invigprator known, Fr safe li Tarboroj sjf J tifraffi I V

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