' M 7. E(lgccniiibe.Ci.unlj, (ArC.) Saliinlay, April 3, 1858. Whole No. 322. Tawboro No. 14 223 SGOTHSMBK, mo Howard, Editor & Proprietor. TERMS PR ANNUM. lf paid with two months, $2 00 TES OF ADVERTISING: , ,,,. first insertion, 1 OU " H( J insertion afterwards, 0 25 5 00 r Tr Orders and Judicial advertise- Yearly advertisements by contrac THE Co-partnership heretofore ex . j tlii stvle of Oberrj & Co., thfs da? dissolved by mutual consent, is tins u j nA. The firm will oe couuauuu uu name nd ajle of Oberry & Bro. u Thomas Oberry, . , GVeei Oberry. Tarboro', Sept. 16, 185G. B The undersigned, thankful for nl,t favors from their friends, will give notice to tnein mat iuCJ o. their business at the same place. e , : nil the time a steam Mill Keep g'-"u6 ; . ,. Wo , rnnfl of ffnndinjr corn, we also carry on the waggon, cart, and wheel making business. We will also make blinds and window sash at the Mill. We also still carry on our TTmise Building business. Oar friends or the public who desire work in our line, will oblige us by giv ing a call. Obcrry & Co. Tarboro', Sept. 16, 1850. THE Copartnership heretofore exist ing between Palamountain & Stewart is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the Firm will be settled by T. J. Stewart. Pah mountain & Stcicart. Tarboro', Nov. 1, 1856. THE subscribers adopt this method of announcing to the citizens of Edge combe and to the public generally, that they have associated themselves togeth er under the name and sty le of Williamson & Stewart, For the purpose of carrying on The Carriage making IN THE TOWN OF TARBORO . Carriages and buggies of every descrip tion will be put up in the neatest and most durable manner. Repairing and renovating old Vehi cles will also constitute a branch of their business. They express the hope, that by strict application to business, they may ob tain a liberal share of patronage from their friends and the public generally. J. A. Williamson, T. J. Stewart The undersigned thankful to hi friends and the 'public for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on him, congratulates himself in having been able to associate with him in business. I Mr. Williamson, a man of large expe rience in his trade, having spent a long series of years in its prosecution res pectfully solicits a continuance of their favors- T. J. Stewart. Tarboro', Jan. 1st, 1857. THK Subscriber informs the Far mers and citizens of Edgecombe and Mjucent Counties, that he has returned t0 his Old Stand, Mar the Bridge in Tarboro', A'J has enlarged his facilities so as to k him to make and repair all kinds 01 hnuing implements and -Every dticrintionnf Trnn mnrk. JIe iH also attend to the repairing of llorrino IT. . wo, uagons, Cotton Urns. Ciuns, C Keys' Stoves .Bell-hanging, l hankfulfor past favors, he hopes f) receive a Hbcral share of patronage. I- B. Palamountain. January 1, 1857. , ' , 0il of Ey Leaves, for beautifying j Preserving the hair, Crif PeCt0ral SyruP for Colds' &c oiUr Restorative, Reintieir. pile Ointment, Salt by Q. U9wardt Tawboro' ! Competition Defied. - Robert A. Sizer, WOULD inform the citizens of Tarboro and the surround ing com inanity, that he has es tablished himself on Main street and is pre pared to carry on Satiate ind Harness MAKING AND REPAIRING. Having qualified himself by a service of eight years, with the best workmen in the city of Richmond, he is capable I f doing any kind of work in his line. which may be called for and would compare his work with that of any one in the State, in point of tiuisli and dura bility. Having receutly purchased Ayood Stock of Materials, Of all kinds, and being furnished vith a competent number of good workman, persons may call on him vvith th.j cer tainty of having all orders lilled with neatness and despatch. He keeps on hand a supply o! Sad dles, Harness, Collars, Hiding Bridles, 3Iartingales, Halters, &c. &e. His stand is opposite Mrs. Gregory's Hotel, at the sign of the Big Saddle. Oct. 1 1th, 1857, -. ; " 1 George Howard, Jr. Attorney and Solicitor, WILSOX, X. C. Attends the Courts of Nosh, Wayne, Edge combe ami Wilson counties. Office opposite the Court House April, 1857. WOTiCE, New Firm. .Yathan Hathrwson and William Pippcn, HAVING associated themselves in the Mercantile Business, announce the same to the public. j They will keep a general assortment of ' Fancy and Staple Goods, Groceries, $c. $c. and rdl thpm at their usual profits, " - . which they have no doubt will be per will be per- fectly satisfactory to their customers. The business will be conducted under the style of Mathewson tt Pippen. March 1, 1855. f ! Piano Tuning, By the Year. T. A. K. BOIISTEDT, A PROFESSIONAL action and tone re gulator and tuner of Pianos, informs the Ladies and respectable Public, that he will visit Tarboro' three times a year for tuning or regulating whoever may give him a call. Pianos tuned three times a year alter having subscribed for it, 7,JU iu est p-- - . , . 4. r.rtfl.i first SS'i.nO the second, and 5$2,00 the third tuning; strings and regulating ex- tra. Non-subscribers $4,00 eaeh tuning'. All orders left at Mrs. Gregory's Hotel, will be promptly attended to. September 2, 1807. Is hereby Given, THAT the Copartnership heretofore ex. isting under the name and style of Bassett & 'Richardson, Is this day dissolved bj mutual consent. And further notice is also given, that all the effects of the firm have'beeu assigned to W. A. Bassett, one of the undersigned, and that ho alone is authorised to collect the debts due the said firm. May , 18th, 1857. W. A. Bassett. B. A. Richardson. New Drugs, &c. THE subscriber has enlarged and improv ed his Drug Store,, and is continually ad ding to his assortment, a great variety of Drugs, Medicines, &c. Castor Oil by 'the ' gallon, and in quart, pint and half pini bottles, " Olive Oil, in quart, pint and half pint botTi, Balm of a Thousand Flowers, Tarrant's ccmpound extract of Cubebs and Copaiba, ' Holloway's Ointment and Pills, Baker's Bitters, Hubbard's Bitters, Hopfland's Bitters, Stough ton's Bitters, . Moffat's Bitters, Health Bitters, , r v - Oxygenated Bitters &c. &c. ' :v . J Glo. Howard. L D. Pender, ATTOBUEY AT i.AWf TARBORO', N. C. W. ill. Martin, Bro. & Co., Grocers $ Commission Merchants, PETERSBURG, VA. J. .71. Ifartin, Son A9 Co., Commission Merchants, RICHMOND, VA N. M. MARTIN, Sr. W. K. MARTIN, B. A. MARTIN, R. T ANN A HILL, N. M. MARTIN, Jr. H.L.PLUMMKR, Jr. J8Stric personal attention given to the sale of Produce. Orders tor Goods promptly filled. REFERENCES, R. R BuiDOiSR, Esq., President, Br Rank, Tarboro'. N. 0. Messrs. Weddu. k t i aut . Tarboro', Dr. J J. Piiiltis, Kidgoeombc County. C. V. Fisher, Esq., Cashier, Br. Ex Bank, Petersburg, Va. Jaaies WDDSfiL, E.-q , Petersburg. R. K. Macxair, Esq., Tarboro', N. C CALVIN H. DIBBLE, L;it?of Wilmington, N. C. JONATHAN B. BUNOE, Late of Kinston, N. C. Dibble & Bunco, C o m m iss i o n Me rct a n fs, In Cotton, Flour, Groin, Naval Stores aud Southern Produce generally, . Ao. 1 tSO Front Street .NKW YORK. We will pay the Iorwirding charges on Cotton iu Washington. REF'i:UNCES. Hon.WM. A. Graham, Hillboro', N.C. ; Hon. JOHN 3J. .Uorkhkad, UrcoiKsbo-; ro N. C. H. L. MvitoVF.R; 1'q., Fayette viile, j N. c. i John D. Williams, Pic-t. B;in 1 nf (1brMnlon. M Stkvi:nson, Esq.. Cashr. Bank Washir.-t. u II. Dolls k- C. roTT.;::, Ir. J. V...i..a)EN Dollner, Potter &' Co., t , .-. . . n .. . For the sal? ot uottou, A.-v:u tre, uraiu i and othv-r 6uut:Lin 1 rmiucc, NKW YORK. Liberal advances made on Consignments, of receipt of Bills of Lading fur shipments. AGENTS. In Wilmington, X. C, Mi:kuay & Teacock. Washington, N. C, B. F. Havens, Lsq. E. II. Hooper, nvh it a I Surgroni HAVING permanently located in Tarboroutfh, N. C, Offer? his services to the jtu'tlic in the various branches of his profe.-.-i:n. it irb:T iii (1 JlPlllUIIWIIO Willi, ....v. . .,. TO:n l,IJ H II VI IIUIU IIIU VUUIIllJf '!" v prompt attention. REFERENCES lo tne vacuity oi ine ruuaueipuio College of Dental Surgery. Jan. 23, 185G. Carter's Spanish Mixture. THE GREAT Puriicr of tht (Blood! NOT A I'AUTICLE OF MEECUBI IN IT. jThis great alterative medicine and Purifier of Blood is now used by thousands of grateful patients from all parts of the United States, who testify daily to' the re markable cures performed by the greatest of all medicines, "Carter's Spanish Mix ture." Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruptions of the Skin, Liver disease, Fe vers, Ulcers, Old Sores, Affections of the Kidneys, Diseases of the Throat, Female Complaints, Pains and aching of the Bones and Joints, are speedily put to flight by using this great and inestimable remedy. For all diseases of the Blood, nothing has yet been found to compare with it. It cleanses the system of all impurities, acts gently and efficiently on the Liver and Kid neys, strengthens the Digestion, .gives tone to the Stomach, makes the skin clear and healthy, and restores the Constitution, en feebled by disease or broken down by the axcesses of youth j to its vigor and strength. For the Ladles, it is incomparably better thai all the 'cosmetics ever used A few doses of CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE will remove all sallowness of complexion, bring the roses mantling to the cheek, give elasticity to the step, and improve the gen eral health in a remarkable degree, beyond all the medicines ever heard of. . .. , Fox sale by Geo. Howard , lIlfM . i nU Land for to , jar 1000 ACRES of good Swamp Land in the lower part of Beauforf Co.-, on the south sido of Paumlico Rivur. and near South Creek. For particulars apply to . W. II. Willard. Washington, N. C, Jaii'y 2. R usel I $: B rot her, Commission and Forwardiav Wiliiiiiilon, i. c. H P P.U'ICLI,. J. B RUSSELL' Ijiboral C ih advances made ou con signments of C r, ton. Naval Stores, and : other Produi-e for sale. Refer to -i no. jjciu.', l Tcsr. liauif n nun 2Tton aiiey, " K oinm.'ieial J;H)k, x ' - - . , Sale Tnos W. Wright, " Ban!. Cape Fear, j dron brown and H'd Sheetings and Shirt Edwd. P. Hall, Biaucli Ban.: State, j iugs, of every width and quality Damasks, Wilmington. . Diapers Irish Linens for shirting, sheet- Robt. Norfl-ot. Jvq. Tarboro'.' NEW AXD FIXE Winter Goods, OF THH N.'vopt styles aud patterns of French, English and German MAWUFACTUlli;, WHICH will be made? up in the la test f;-!iion, on reasonable terms, and shortest uotieo. Gcntlfnen's Furnishing Goods i?YOm sjin.t lar downwards, and n choice Lot of ll-ady M.ide Clothing C i whicli shall be varr:int'.d. Jus. Mi'hcian. Tarboro', Sept. 16. flump foil's Vegetable Tincture. We spi'ulc an unto tri.r M'j;i 1' the 'cs iOi isii unit' 'ijflii ti'd jiiti.jc Jut' fin ) i'lcs. The whole animal, creation are subject to disc. sso but few die from sickness where in.t;iiet their only physician. The benefi cent Creator has given the various plautt and roots for the cure of disease; and it is upon this great truth that Dr. Hampton ba ses the many wonderful cures of his celebra ted Tincture. Truth is mighty. We appeal to our own citizens. Wherever fairly tried the same success attends its use iu chills and fevers, diseases of the liver, stomach and bowels. As a COL BRA p reventive, it has been truly successful. Coughs, dyspepsia, rheu matism, &c. yield to its'geutle sway. As a Female medicine and for delicate children, e believe it has no equal. For sale bv Gro. Howard. Dr. Spencer's Vegetable Pills ARB the cheapest and most approved family medicines ever offered to the public, They are extremely mild in their operation, ni'it.lipr r:i usin' sickness of the stomach, nor 0 anv unnleasant sensation in the system, as i ... is too Irequently tne case wiui meuicines criveu to act upon the bowels; hence multi- tuleSj who have been unable to take other! ;i1b rip mvn ii iition.s nf medicine, on account i of their nauseating effects, use these pills ; without the slightest disagreeable feelings. I All that is asked of those who have never yet become acquainted with them, is to pro cure one box, and the Proprietor's word for it, they will never call for any other kind of purga tive medicine so long as Spencer's Veg etable Pills can be obtained. Price 2o cenis per box. jilso, Dr Hull's Vegetable Fever and rfgue and Anti-Fever AMONG all the advertised remedies of the day for Ague and Fever, or Chill and Fever, none seem to meet with such rapidity of sale, and give so much general , satisfaction, as Dr. HulVs celebrated Pills. Wherever they have been introduced, all tonics, in whatever shape, all mixtures and pills, and prepara tions of every character, designated for this disease, have been discarded, and Dr. IIulV s Ague Pills have been received as the only permanent cure. They stop the Chills and Fever the first day, and do not sicken the stomach or operate on the bowels. Price 75 cents per box. ' For sale in Tarboro' by Geo. Howard. Family Medicines, Strong's Comp'd Sanative Pills", I . ..... AND . ;V i j Pectoral Stomach Pills,, y , , 5 For sale by,- K t i Geo.IIoward.i U poiiiiig, ! New Goods at Low Prices. ' ' ; ". WED.DEiiL ' & UAWf) ': , Stock of FOREIGN AXD AMKRTCAN Fancy una Staple Dry Goods, The most mngnificent and attractive! they have ever offered, in which, may , be fomul plain Merinoes plain, printed, striped and ombre shaded Cashmere and Mousseliu Dj L.iines, all wool silk and wool Plaids black and colored Silks, - Ginghams,, Cali coes,' &c. Ladies Cloaks, Mantillas and Shawls, in every variety French aud Scotch embroidered Collars and sleeves j Handkfs, Flourtcings Maltese, Valencien nes and English Thread Lnccs Cnrabric anJ Sv'5si InsertinSs' Edgin?s &c i Black Cloths, 'Cassi meres,- Tweeds, Satin- ' j ets, Linseys, Kers ys, bed, travelling, and .nesrro flannels reu. white, and ( :inten Flannels -colored and printed do. for chil- ing, vc Linen, Cambric and Lawn Hdkf's ; a full assortment of housekeeping arti jcles Ready made Clothing Men's wo j men's, misses and children's Boots, and i Shoes,, of all kinds Hats, Caps Farming Implements- Bagging, Rope and Twine- China. Glass and Crockery ware Groceries, &c. &c. With every other article to.be found in similar establishments all of which we of fer at our usual Low Prices. Buyers are invited to examine before ina- king their purchases. tVeddell 4- Hart. Tarboro', 25th SeptM 1807. Antiphlogistic: Salt, A perfect substitute for the j Lancet, Leeches and Blisters! INSTEAD of being a panacea for all mal adies, it has control over but ONE MALA DY has but ONE AIM -accomplishes but ONE THING, to wit : subdues ixflamma touv )isks:j whatever be -its form or lo cality: whether in the head, throat, chest, abdumn, extremities or skin. Every form, of injhimmation but no other diseased is subdued by it as easily as fire is extin guished by water. Is it asked, how it does this? simply by restoring the lost balance between the fluids and solids Such is its potency, mat like vaccine matter, it requires merely what adheres to the point of a quill dipped into a solution of it, to affect the en tire system. For sale by Geo. Howard. From Hon. John U. T. Jerome, Mayor of die City of Baltimore. Mayor's Office, Baltimore, ; August -J'lrd, 18V -I take great pleasure in stating thtt I have examined the names of tho.-e who have signed certirictcs respecting Hampton1 's Vegetable Tincture And oinosig them I recognize gentlemen oi the first respectability. iz : Jo . K. Sta- PLKTOX, W.M A. SciIAU-TEa, C. DUNAX Gild others. I a0 chee,t'a:.y testify to the high standing of the houe of Messrs. Morti mer 3f Mowbi-aii, who for the past '20 yeais have enjoyed the entire confidence and es teem both of our m-rchants and citizens generally. J2sO. H. T. JEROME. Sold by Geo. Howard. Carter's Spanish Mixture, Let the afflicted Read and Ponder ! Ax Infallible Remedy for Scrofula, King's Evil, Ptheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Boils, Chronic sore Eyes. Ring Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, En largement and pain of the Bones ami Joints, stubborn Ulcers, syphilitic Disor ders, Lumbago, spinal complaints, and all diseases arising from an injudicious use of Mercury, Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of the Blood. Pamphlets containing much useful infor mation touching the nature and symptoms ot the above di sease-?, together with testimoni als from ladies of the highest respectability, as cevtilied by the roost satisfactory authori ty, to all which the attention of ladies and I practitioners is respectfully invited, car. t,a had gratis at the Drug More of ... u . Geo. Howard, Tarrjtfro; Havana Sears. 1 IIAYE j eived,' an extensh assortment ot llavilua- -gegarsV "embracing La 'Lsperanzas., La Invocacien, Regalia. Fixfd Star, La Nacional, Figaro ; Prese-lJ Plantation) Lacbtiana, Diana, &cr toge'tn-1 er with! some No.; . 1 Smoking -Tobaf cc Chewing Tobacco, "&ci . . Geo. Howard. l- Tarboro', Sep. 22, 1857; vJ k rx Win. II.. Willard, Commission Merchant, WASHINGTON, N. C, GIVES his attention to receiving and ffjr warding Merchandize, and produce, and If prewired to make liberal CASH ADVANC58 on all .irticles conignoJ. to him, for sale, qt ship; aent to his friends in Baltimor, Nw York and Boston. ! Oct. 21, Willard & Curtis, Commission Merchants, r And Wholesale Dealers in v ffirorrries and. Provisions No. 10 North Water Street, : Wilmington, n. c. f . James A. Willard. Henry M. Curtii. Barkos C. Watsok, Gastos Uiasbs. Watson & Meares, I Commission Merchants 3 4 lUirliiilip, ' NEW YORK. -- ' White, Davis & Hardee, GENERAL : - Commission Merchants, And Dealers in Guanoj' THOMAS WHITE, f Peicrsbursr: P. W. R. DAVIS, II. HARDEE, I TA. " N0T3GE. : THE subscribers are prepared to grind (orn at their Steam Mill in Tarboro' , t the shortest notice. A toll of ont- i sixth will be taken from each grist. . Oberry & Bro. March llth, 1857. .. - ftST1 fro in Visscher, jOwen $ Co. ,V (7 r Newspaper Advertising House, (Appleton' Building,) 346 848 Broadway, K. X Ladies' Retreat. MRS. BYRNES, FEMALE PHYSI CIAN, 168 Thompson, near Bleecker street, New York, attends females during their con finement, and treats all diseases peculiar to her sex. She has commodious rooms for the accommodation ofher patrons, and a patent apparatus to assist nature. A fe male pill, a safe and sure remedy for all ob structions, sent by mail with full directions on receipt of $2. She haf also a sure rem edy for pyles. and a valuable invigoratia cordial. 471 y SAUTTER'S Spanish Mixture, GREAT CURE OF RHEUMATISM. The Editors of the Richmond Republican, of Dec. 21, 1852, say that Carter's Spanish Mixture is no quack medicine. They had a man in their pr 33 room wfco was afflicted with violent Mercurial Rheu matism, who was continually complaininf misery in his back, limbs and joints; hif c3es had become feverish and mattery, aeek s wollen, throat sore, and all the symptom of rheumatism, combined with Scrofula. Two bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture cured him, and in an editorial notice aa above, they bear testimony to its woaderfal good effects, and say their only regret it, that all suffering with diseases of the bleeC are not aware of of the existence of such ft medicine. They cheerfully recommend it. See their certificate, and notice in full arotjut the bottle. . r ... -,.-' For sale by Geo. Howard. EYiiS, EYES ASTONtSHINQl Cure of Inflammatory Sore Eyes, after thr$$ years' suffering. ; ' Th -se who have weak or inflair, will see cures in pamphlets, &c t id eyei , A CARD. Louisville, Ky., F . . Dr. Hampton-I can J?' 1f7' ter having been affli that af' a . cte J three years witbr the liiflamatory so .A a , " " . . ... J eeyes, and ia the time having tried mr . gro wing wor,e;nJtfreS?ntPti0 Jbort of tr,,. nothing doom, Vre8r, "-ft appeared to be my tri'. ' veu to give your Tincture a ar.a, to ray astonishment, in less than one nonth my ejes were evidently better- and continued to improve until they were entirely well, and have been clear and sound for over one year, and now I beHeye I can see as well as any one of my age; And my health otherwise has beenso much improv ed that I must say .1 that I do not believe I ever knew what health was before. s -j . , ' A,T-' DUNCAN. L; r: ni CleA at Falls City HoteL j Hundreds will testify of cures of Couch Dyspepsia, r Rheumatism, ; Scrofula, v &c. Mtn ah cases of Nervous Headache, Ner- I"'3 V.es,- ..Mynral , Debility, it is the r vt.M restorative .-..nd myigorator known. For sale in TarUoro By Vitr il6Mf, ' f 4 4 I, i t i t t t o " K . i V I I j II hi