- . 'i:- '. ir .,..- . (TD (TTTTRnW Tffi Ttf TOTTJ? Barie Bar Room. fll,jttst returned from New York with 1 i Stock of Goods, n ting f fic quor Cigars, To CDn Souff, Sugar, Coffee, Rice, But. tefobcese, Crackers, Candies, Nucs, 4Ts(). ACWiut""") 1 v Aly , IViiaiI Vil perfumery, Hardware ar,Tia ware, and a variety of - other aisles too tedious 10 mention. Sept. 1858. ,11 ana eiam'" jy0w is the Time, jfiwfl 6 the appointed hour por Bargains! Tlios Vook, 0AS just returned from the North, with a splendid Lot of IVqI, hes, Jewelry $ Plated ware, Which he respectfully invites the La An and Gentlemen of Tawboro' and adjoinm (f counties to can ana examine, and which he will sell cheap for Cash good Notes, at the old Stand on Main ; tured in a superior manner. He chab B HI- TT 1 II . i it . . or ndioinine Mr. Howard s. 11 H ""J June 9, 1858. Land Plaster, Lime and Molasses. -$- THE subscriber informs the citizens of Edgecombe county, that he will keep constantly on hand, T v t Land Plaster and Lime, and Molasses by the barrel, in quantities to 6uit pur- chasers, and at very low prices or on j a short credit to punctual customers. Also, just received, a few barrels of prime Ocean Shad a lot of Whole Her rings, Cement, Plaster of Paris, &c. 6000 lbs BACON, for sale, cheap for Cash. Willie Wahfon. Tawboro', March 20, 1858. 11 A E. Ricks, D. D.S. GRADUATE OF THE Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. OFFICE AT Mrs. Gregory's Hotel, Tawboro9 . Persons in the Country wishing to see him, will address hitn at Tawboro. All calls left at the Hotel in his ab sence will be promptly attended to. Aug. 18&8. Bowman & Miirchison, Factor and Coiiimissiim MERCHANTS. 104 Wall Street, New York. Land for Sale. I WISH TO SELL the place at which I now reside, situated near Evjield, Halifax County. The Tract of Land contains Seven Hundred dcres9 Two hundred and twenty of which are cleared and under fence. Therc is a plentiful supply of Marl on the premiics. The Dwelling House -ui uuuses are in good repair. 1 will lake pleasure in showing the Land to any one wishing to purchase Jno fl. W hi taker. Eofield,N.C. Aug. 30th, 1858. nJ sv.. i i- D. P. Gregg, D. D.S. IS in Tarboro', and ready to perform Dental operations for those who may wish to patronise him Nov. 16, 1857. nrT OAKLEY & co (We Farmer, Brace & Co ,) PierS, Booksellers and Stationers, Hurray Street, NEW tOKK. - s Co. offer at low prices for cash, and liberal terms for approved credit, T mv StCk f BANK acd OFFICE ST A JWNERY, BLANK & ACCODNT BOOKS, 0p e'pt an1 Memorandum Books, PAPER ALL KINDS. Cards, Circulars, Bill &c- Printinz and Lithographing "tcd to order. Inl School Bockg. Bibles, Miscellaneous, Gm " & C- Vuhr,Bh Bullion's eeriea of tnce7r; Corast' Series on the ScU AnrnL r'8 Plogie; Brocklesby's tUed ,m,? lney'8 G'ogPfcy. JT Wk CUM Rea'lcrs5 ; P'lmer'i teJolD? indthe "cheapest and best'! S oi rr u6d. ; , - 3.6ta & Fashionable GOO IDS, IS 'IU8T RECEIVED ,Py James lMehcgan. CALL and examine ltave your or der, which will be filled in the best tuanuer and at the shortest notice. Clothing and burnishing Goods, Cheap for Cash. Tawboro', Sept. 3, 1858. Call and See! . THB-OTG3IB3Sa Having just returned from New York, with his Fall and Winter Stock of Cloths, Cussimeres Nestings, Is now ready to furnish Gentlemen's wear of the latest styles, and manufac- longes any and all to show a set of cus toiucrs as tastefully dressed or as hand somely fitted as his. He permits no "lad job" to leave bis establishment. He asks a fair compensation and does justice to his work. His Trimminns. fcc. arc all of the best aiat no imitations. x .,.mt. ntnfh;niT c,. . . ?. Shirts and Collars, Handkcrchitjs, Always Gloves, fyc fyc. on hand. j&gOrders promptly filled. Rolit D. Johnston. Wilson, Sept 21, 1858. 39 "Distributionists." Spring and Summer Campaign, 1858. THE undersigned are now receiving their usual extensive and varied Stock of Spring and Summer And are desirous to make an equal distribution" of the same, amoner their customers, friends and the "rest of a large Quarto containing TWENTY PA mankiud," for a very small remuuera- GES, or SIXTY COLUMNS, of cntertain tion in cash or promises to pay. ling matter; and ELEGANTLY ILLUS- We especially invite the LoiHs to give us an examination of our stock of Dres.i i other Light Dry Goods, And can promise, such as tray so favor us, Prices almost corresponding with their wishes. " We take this occasion to express our thanks , for the very liberal patronage, hitherto extended to us. M;i the ws on 8? Pipp en . . Tawboro', April 22, '58. " Br. A. H. Macnair, INFORMS his friends and the pub lic, that he has returned home and re sumed The Practice of Me Heine All persons indebted to him are reques- tcd to cotne- forward immediately and cIose tueir accounts by cash or note, or they will be put in train for collection. Tarboro', March 30 1857. j j !! I I I I II - i Bagging- OO bales" of gooil Gunny Bagging, in Store and to arrive, for sale by N. M. Martin, Bro Co. Bale Rope. 3t coils best jutt Rope, direct from manufacturers' hands, for sale by - N. M. Martin, Brob Co. $100 Reward KAN AWAY from the Sub scriber about four years ago, negro boy JO H X, aged about 22 orta years, -bright copper color, thick set, and weighed ib nut. lftO niimls under teeth tolerably wide apart, and a large scar on his'" thighs occasioned by a s"ald when a child. He formerly belonged to Mr, W. II. Bevcily, and was raised by Wm. Carney, near Bethel meeting house". 1 .purchased said boy a few months before he t ran away from Red dick Carney, and I think he is lurking about Greenwood, . where his. parent live. The above, reward will be given for or apprehension "and delivery to me, if secured in any jail so that I get him again. : " James. J Lawrencs., , Tawboro', Jaly Ur 27 ' '' I I . I - . -J.. Spring and Summer Stock of Boots,1 Shoes, ! Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, Bonnet Boxes, &c. G. I. Brocket! fc Co. HAYE received their Spring and Sum mer stock of Boots, Shoes, Huts, Caps, &c. And will be pleased to wait on all who may want any article in their line. Their stock is complete and all may rely upon beiug suited both in price and quality. Tawboro', N. C. April 17th, 1S58. miY GOODS Spring, 1858. Stevenson, Weddell & Co,, Wholesale Jobbers, in French, Scotch and American FABBiGS! Have now in Store a complete assort ment of New and Seasonable Goods, For the Spring and Summer Trade. 8ySpecial attention is ?olieited from the North Carolina and Virginia Mer chants John Stevenson, Nos. 73 and 30 Jomex Wed del t, Sycamore Street, Wm. II. Crow, ) Petersburg, Va. SaS A lrize Tor Everybody! WHO SUBSCniBKS FOR THK NEW YORK WEEKLY PRESS. A BEAUTIFULLY IL.L.USTKATED FAMILY mWSVAVEK. THE NEW YOUK WEEKLY PRESS is Lnr. f h, host nnr of the d.-iv TUATED every week. A GIFT WOIVL'H FKOM 50 CENTS TO $1000 00 WILL BE SENT TO EACH SUBSCRIBER ON RECEIPT OF THE j SUBSCRIPTION MONEY". TERMS IN ADVANCE. One copy for one rear, aid 1 gift, $2 00 Three copies one year, and 3 gifts, 5 00 Five copies one year, and o gifts, 8 00 Ten copies one year, and 10 gifts, 15 00 Tweuty-one cop's o;ie year, &21 gifts, 30 00 The articles to be distributed arc com prised in the following list : 1 U. S. Treasury Note, $1000 00 2 do. do. do. 5 do. do. do. 10 do. do do. 10 Patent Lever Hunting Cased Watches, 20 Gold Watches, 50 do. 100 ' do. 300 Ladies Jold Watches, 200 Silver Hunting Cased Watches, 500 00, each. 200 00, eactui 100 00. each. 100 00, each. 75 00, each. 60 00, each 50 oo, each. 35 00, each 30 00, each. 500 Silver Watches, $15 00 to 25 00, each 1000 Gold Guard, Vest and Fob Chains, $10 00 to 30 00, each 1000 Gold Pens and Pen cils, $5 00 to 15 00, each finlH T.nr1Ata Bracelets. Broches, Ear ! Drops, Breast Tins, Cuff Pins, Sleeve But tons, Rings, Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and Silver Thimbles, and a variety of other articles, worth from 50 cents to $15 00 each. On receipt of the subscription money the tubscriber's name will be entered up on our books and the gift forwarded with in one week to him, by mail, or express post paid. J6AU communications must be addres sed to DANIEL ADEE, Publisher, 211 Centre street, New York. To all whom it may Concern: THE undersigned having recently made discovery of A rtiiicy for Piles, Offers his services to the citizens of Edgecombe and adjoining counties. He charges 5 No" aire, no Pay. If it should, retard, he will cure' for nothing. He has not yet' failed ib'a iungi.e case though ' some have been cases of long standing, and very'painfub His ad dress is Rocky Mount; Edgecombe county, N, C. . D.P. S. Hicks. AFil2V18&. f SIGN OF THE BIG WATCH. OWING to the present crisis I will offer still greater bargains in Watches and Jewelry, Than has ever been offered before. Call and examine for yourself. Thomas M. Cook, HAS just opeued a splendid lot of Watches and Jewelry of all descrip tions, which I will sell low for Cash or good Notes : Gold magic Watches from $150 to $350 Gold hunting English Levers, ' best makers, from $75 to $200 Fine Ladies' Watches, from $2-5 to $150 Fine hunting Silver Levers, $15 to $75 Silver Watches, from $6 to $15 1 have also just opened a splendid lot of Jewelry and Plated ware, Embracing a variety of styles and pat terns of Breast pins, Ear rings, Hrace- ' lets, Finger rings, Ladies' and Gentle men's chaiusof gold and silver, Pencils and Pens, Cuff pins, Buckles, miniature Lockets, &c. and a large lot of other articles too numerous to uieution. Having employed a first-class Work- 'mau, I will repair Watches, Clocks and Jewelry in the best manner and Watches and Clocks sold or repaired, warranted for twelve months. (Watch work, cash on delivery.) All Goods sold by me, if not as represenfeci, rao- j ney will be refunded. Call early and examine for yourselves at Thomas M Cook's, Main street, Opposite the Edgecombe House. Tawboro', Jan. 7, 1858. James l.Earl,M.D. Hickory Fork, Rnwirtl cruntics for the making of curl hair KiCVVal tl. and busK matrasses, repairing the srats THE Subscriber lost, on Monday of sofas, chairs, teete a teetes, and di night, the 13th iust. at the Fork. of the vans and all other kinds of cushion Road at Mrs. Shurley's near Tawboro' seats. Materials always on hand. A large Bay Horse, Fr particulars call up stairs over the . - ui- r l-. 'well known jewelry store of T. M. White face, all his feet white, a miw , j , , , .. . .in . , , . Cook, or orders left at b. L. Bond s quilted seat saddle, with a nog skin cov- " ... , 1 in j iii i runuture store will be promptly atten- er a rope halter, and a black ientht r , , m L t n ioro . . . n , . , ded to. Tawboro, Jin. 2. 1858. bridle, part ot the rein web. Also a silver lever watch, with a silver chain, aud a silver masouic key. A reward of! Ten Dollars will be given for there-, eoveryof the horse and saddle, and Ten dollars for the watch, chaiu.. and key. ny inf .nnatin re-peeting them will be thankfully received. Eli Whirfeld. . R.v kv Mount, Sept 15, 1858 A. A. Willard Wholesale Dealer in Groceries, Dm Goods, &C. Com mission aud Forwarding Merchant, IS prepared to make liberal CASH AD VANCES on PRODUCE consigned to him for shipment to Kis correspondents in Balti more, New York, or Boston. Washington, N. C, June, 1858. Lime. O O O casks LI M-E, a good article of Lump, in new bbls. for sale by A. J9. Willard. Washington, N. C, June, 1858. VALUABLE Boclcy Point Land for Sale. : 1.000 Acre ofLind, LVING on the west side of the N. E. branch of the Cape Fear River, 18 miles trom Wilmington, known as the Vatts, or Ferry Plantation. i These Lands, as all others adjoining them, are underlaid with lime rock and the best of marl. There are 450 to 500 acres cleared, with a gO-d Dwelling and Outhouses, Negro Houses, Stables and Barn; the last two new framed buildings, and on the brink of the riv er Wishing to move, I will sell on accommodating terms. For further in formation apply to roy father, Levin Lane. My overseer, L. D. Cherry, will show the place. E. E. Lane. June 22. 26 Lumber for Sale. THE subscriber offers for sale at the Mill located on John A. Vines' s land, first quality Lumber at $1,50 per hundred feet second quality, $1,25 per hundred third quality, $1,00 per hundred Bough edge, 60 Cents per hundred. I have a Wagon and Team, Any person that wants Lumber hauled, can get it by applying to me for 5 Cents per mile on the hundred feet. All persons who buy Lumber at the Mill,. are requested to make returns to me at tire end of the year, as I shall want to knowhow much baa been sold. - .-. JOHN H1SAKN. ApiilSSK rWf Pine Land for Sale. s&& . - - THE undersigned offers for sale, A Tract of Pine Land, Lying on both sides of the dividing line between Edgecombe and Martin coun ties, adjoining the lands of Nancy Mayo, Joshua L. Lawrence, William Best and others, and . Containing about 800 Acres, Of which 500 are well timbered and adapted to the production of Tar and Turpentine. The trees were boxed on ly three years ago, and have not been worked hard. A small but comfortable dwelling house and kitchen are on the tract, and about 70 acres are under a good fence. The terms will be such as cannot fail to suit the purchaser- Theophilus C. Uyman. Feb'y 16th, 1857. Wm. H. Johnston, Attorney at Law, TAWBORO', N. C. J L. BmD ers, G. W. Whitfield Br idgers & Whitfield, Attorneys at Law, Office hours, 9 till 3 o'clock. Tawboro', Jan. 1858. Upholstery aitd Mattrass making. Rubt. H. Howe, OF RICHMOND, VA., HAVING served a regular appren ticesh'iD at the above branches ot busi- ness respectfully offers his services to the citizens of Edgecombe and adjacent Bricklaying and Plastering. THE undersijriiod having entered in to a Copnruership for the purpose of carrying on the business of Brifklaying and Plastering, In all its various branches, tender their services to the citizeus of Edgecombe and the adioininir counties. The best ftnd tbe adJoinln countios. The' best cf references given in the couuties of Wt-yne, Wilson, Greene & Edgecombe. Oliver Davis. Charles Foose. Davis Foose. Tawboro', April 1, 1858. THE business of building in all its branches will be carried on by the sub scriber, who offers his services to tho citizens of Edgecombe and the adjoin ing counties. Being an experienced workman, he feels confident that he can please those who may want hi3 services. He is also prepared to furnish draw ings and specifications. E. A. Sherman. Feb'y 20th. 1858. Edw. Zoeller & Co. house, m, Ornamental 8f Fresco Painters, Gilders, Bronzers, and imitators of Wood and Marble. Prompt attention paid to Glazing, Varnishing, &o. The citizens of Edgecombe and adjoining counties are urgently s -licited to give them a trial. .A 11 work entrusted to them will be executed with fidelity and despatch. Paper Hangings will also be attend ed to iu town or country. Tawboro', Dec. 4, 1857. " Beautiful House FOlt S.W.R. . . THE subscriber offers for sale the splendid two story residence on St. Pa-trick's street iu the west end of the Town of Taiobord Which he has recently completed, con taining nine rooms with fir places two passages, one above and one below and a verandah in front and rear There are two Lots which will bo sol-i together, or separate, at the option the purchaser. Terms will be mad accommodating. G. B. LipKorribe Aptii ti, - 5i!?! Beautiful Furhituref FOUSALE. THE Subscriber having .old hit town residence, offe for -ale, at very reduced prices his , ; XHowseJioId Fupuhir The articles are all nearly new and f a desirable character,, and will bo soli at a great sacrifice, F. M. Garrett. March 13. 1S53. ' Geo. T.: Williams J. Gun and Blaclcsmitfi. s.: . I WOULD respectfully announce ta my Friends and the Public in general, chat I am now prepared to do all kind . of Gun, Bijle and Pistol IVork, vhich m iy be entrusted onto" at.; Bell Hanging, Pumps and Locks re paired, &c. I will also do all kinds of Blacksmith work, Such asFarm IVork, Carts and Waggons ironed off, Buggiei ind all other kinds of work in ray line, which are too numerous to mention. All work done with neatness, and war ranted to give satisfaction or no charge. G. T. William. Tawboro', July. 1858. Accordeons, REPAIRED and put in firt rate or der at T. M. Cook's, Miu Street. Home-Industry! Mr. Franklin Fries, of SaUmW. C, M A N UFACTURK? - different quali ties of Cloths, denominated s S f stem Janes : The coarser kinds are adapted to every day's use in wiuter the finer pieces are looking almost as well, as broad- loth," are fitly adapted to the .Fatf aad Sjiring, and certainly are as durable ai the farmer. Any persons wishing to purchase a cheap, and neat suit, and esteeming economy as something necea sary to success in life, would do well to call on Mr. Fries. Any wishing to see specimens of the Gooo)s named above and to know about prices, may call on the undersigned. James C. Knight, Voluntary Agent for Eastern Carolina. Tawboro', 29, July; '58, N. Ca. - New Grist Mill. THE undersigned have juat g.t int'"- succei-sful operation tam Gri' Iil! On the road from Tawboro to Enfield, betweeu the residences or v m. r. iew is, Esq. and Rev. J. F. Speight. W toll of one-sixth will be taken, and ws hope there will be no disappointmentt. Obcrrj & C. August 12th, 1853. - Dr. CnAS. W. Kniqht, permanently located at having Penny Hill, The residence of Dr. Geo. " Sugg, ten ders his professional service, to the cit izens of the surrounding country. "He) will always be found at hii office, ex cept when professionally engaged. December 16, 1857 n Land and Buildings FOR SALEt THE undersigned, wishing to remove South, offers for sale his most valuable)' tract of land, house, out buildings, &c.f situated in the Wester n part of Nash County, Aod lying onthe Franklin County lin equi-distant from Nashville and Louisburg. The tract consists of 333 1-3 acres, mad is pronounced by best judges as the most valuable trae of lana in tnis secnou. ; am cuerjjeud farmer would, amass a fortune from ill directly. -The timber has as yet been cut from only eighty acre of it. The BUILDINGS are all new well constructed, and supplied with all fit ce-sary appliances of comfort, and locav ted in a very beautiful, Jarge Oak Grovt. Ihe water is pure and the neighbor hood agreeable and intelligent, lwttl take pleasure in exhibiting this prop. vrty to any who may desire to examine it at any time. As I intend to make Immediate Sale, the "first cixne" will ye '"first served " , J. J. B. Yi&k Castalia, Nash Co., N. C . March S8. 198, J '.1 f.) i ... , r I - s 1 ' t -4 j ''I M s .

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