V the hi:i:kl soiTuritNs:u. rrBLISHED EVERT THVESDAY BY CHARLES, IIEAKNE AND BIGGS. , TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: . (is awvasce.) One copy one year, - - - $3 00 One copy six month?, - - 2 00 ;One copy three raontbs, - - 1 00 , Twraty-Fhc t ttut. Ls &Idei to (he above rates uhea iahl at the cud of the yean Baltimore Cards. CIIAS. H. MYKS & 330 , IMPORTERS OF J fcrwidy, Wine, Gin, Cigars, Olive Oil, Lon don Stoat, &c. 72 Exchange place, BALTIMORE, MD. Kov. 25 ' 1-tf K C. ROBKONJrT" WITH R. T. BWKS, Importers nnd Dealers in Cliina, Glass ifi Qucemware, t Ami Manufacturer of No. 53 South Street,' je 23-30-tf. BALTIMORE, MD. C P. Mexuex.h a Greensboro', N. C. M. T. WufTAKEu, Enfield', N. C. J. Niches, Baltimore, Md. Cvrus P. AhuuJcnJuill tf; Co. COTTON,' TOBACCO AND General Commission Merchants, 15G Pratt Street Wharf, BALTIMORE, MD. Doc. 2. . 2-p,ily GRIFFIN DUO. & CO, GROCHJR.S AND ' Commission. Merchants, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IX Foreign and Domestic Liquors, TOBACCO, CIGAitS.' &c. No. 105 West Lombard Street AXU No. 2 BalJerston Street, Jan. 27 ly BALTIMORE, MD. James R. ITeeuf.kt, Peter IIaikston, QfMaryland. Of Xorth Carolina. HERBERT & HAIKSTOX. Commission Merchants No. G Camden Street, .Baltimore. REFFERE.NCES ; James W. Allnutt, Brest. Bank of Com merce, Bill.; Woodward, Bahviu & C., JJtdtimore; Howard, Cole & Co., Baltimore; ViUiam John-son, ChnrloiU, JV C: Judge Cikldwell, Salislur'j, X.V.; Hon. I). M. Bar ringer, Raleigh, Ar. C. sept. 8, 41-3m JOHN C. MASON & CO, - Monumental Steam Cake and Cracker Baker?, A'os. 45 and 47 W. Pratt Street, 2d Door from Spear's Wharf BALTIMORE, MD. Not. 25. 1-tf J. L. PICKEN, of No. Ca., V1TII HART MAN & "STRAUS, CLOTHIERS, Nos. 321 and 323, Baltimore Street, Aug 1.1-37-tf. BALTIMORE. WARNER &-BU0., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS tittiH:, No. 240 Baltimore St., rp Stairs, BALTIMORE, MD. December 2. 2-tf ' DR. EDWARD WARREN, HAS RESUMED THE practice oj Medicine &? Surgery, IN THE CITY OF BALTIMORE, Office, 43 Courtland Street, 2d Door from Mulbcry, ; Nov. 25. 1-tf Cut. Spilker. Chr. lloyye ' OH AS. SPILKER & CO., IMPORTERS OF Fancy Goods & Toys, Nos. 10 & 12 Hanover St., : BALTIMORE, MD. Nov. 2d, 1-tf i, F. rjtillij'S. Buryuine Maitlatid. PHILLIPS & MAITLAND,' General Commission ' Forward ing Merchants, BALTIMORE, MD. Nov, 52. 1-tf " W1ESENFELD & CO., CLOTHIER S, No. 25 Hanover Street, BALTIMORE, MD. Nov. 25. 1-tf W HE DREE & DICKExaSON, Gen. Commission and For- ivarding Merchants, BALTIMORE, MD. .' Nov. 25. 1-tf l yr. K. DOBSEY, E. E. BLAKE, . ,Of Baltimore, Md. Of North Carolina. DORSE Y & CO., Gen. .Commission Merchants . No. 240 West Pratt Street, " . Baltimore, Md. a Consign menta of Cotton. Tobacco. Naval y Stores and Country Produce respec t- fully solicited, and narticular aitention riv- cn to tn purchase and Shipment ofBall Kinds of Merchandise. r ci'1-10 tin WW'WW '-."-vlw-y , ".gi.; : . ' "" ": ' teems or ADicRTissiv'eV VOL. xuir Aorioik uad Fetersburg. V. W. Grand, C.ll. Grand", C W.G randy, jr C. W. GRAND Yd- SONS, House Established 1845, FORWARDING AN'D COMMISSION M U II C J I A NTS, J No. 6 Commercial R,ow, NORFOLK, VA. SOil THE SALE OF COTTON", Grain, Naval Stores and Country Tro duoc generally, arid purchasers of General Merchandise. ' Sept 15 . 42-tf r COTTON FACTORS AND Gen. Commission Merchants WILLS' AVHAIIF, Norfolk,' Virginia. REFER TO W. G. Lamb, jr., Esq., Messrs. Rhodes & Bro., AVilliamston ; Messrs. Cooper j- Bro., Jamcsville ; Col. TV'. F. Martin, Eliz abeth City ; Henry Butler, Esq.. New l'ork; Exchange Nat. Bank, A'orfolf, Ya. Sept 15-' , 42-Cm EADER BIOGS. J. J. EIGC3 KADER BIGGS & CO., GENERAL Coram ission JSlercJiants, BELL'S WHARF, NORFOLK, VA. Special attention raid to the s.ile of Cotton, and all kinds of Country Pro duce. . pune 2 27 ly FREER & XE.VL, Gen. Commission Merchatts, NORFOLK, VA. I.IRERAti ADVANCES OX CONSIGNMENTS Geo. II. Freer, John B. A'ed, of A". C. of A'.-C. A'. . Smith, Jr., Scotland A'ecA-, A C. May ID, 18GC. 25 tf TH03. R. OWEN, Jr., of N. C. WITH COTTON AND Gen. Commission Merchants NORFOLK, VA. jjnMGGJNG "ni liOl'E furr.islifd p-ny-Jfij able in Cottu. LibctuI 'lvuos Iliads. sep 1 i )-. t' BRANCH & HERBERT, Grocers and COM MISS ION M E RCII ANTS, Store form'ly occupied by Hill, Warren & Co 123 Sycamore Street, 3 Doors be-low Martin & Tannahill's, Petersburg, Va. Y "57ILL give their personal attention to T f the sale of Produce of all kinds and prompt returns made. Have ce-nstantiy on Laud a good supply of lagging and Rcpe. Miles B. BnAxcn. Late of the firm, of Branch, Hives 4" Co. J. II. Herbejit, Late of Halifax Co., A". Sept. 1, L-CC. 40-tj:u J. E. VEJiABLE, J. D. WILLIAJISOX J. E. VENABLE & CO., Comm ission Ucrcheuits1 PETERSBURG, YA. CJELL and buv on Commission, Cotton, S3 Tobacco, Snirff, Wheat, Fionr, Com, Provisions and General Merchandise. Bagging and R.ope on halnd and for sale. M. T. Sweesey, Traveling Agent. REFER TO Thomas Wallace, Pie.-. Exchange Bank, T. T. Brcocks, President Virginia Bank, K. Kagland, Presideiit City Bank, John Kevan, President Farmers Bank, Frickand Bi.ll, Baltimore, Alii. Sept. 1 40-tf ItOBT. A. , MAETIS. BOBT. TANSAHILt MARTIN & TANNAIIILL GROCERS AS1 C OM MISSION MER C HANTS 120 Sycamore Street, PETERSBURG, VA. Feb". 17 . 12-tf M'lLWAINE & CO., VJiolesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, 79, 81 and 83 Sycamore Street, PETERSBURG, VA. It. D. Mcllu-ime. Frank Bolts. S. S. Bridgers. Nov. 25. 1-tf R. C. psborne J. R. Patterson N. M.'Osborne, jr. L- E. Stainback OSBORNE, PATTERSON & CO. GKOCER3 and Commis s ion ?Ier chants, 103 Sycamore Street, sept 14, 42 tf Petersburg, Va. A. McCeiesh, formerly of Alexandria, Va. N. F. Rives, formerly cf Pctersliuy, Va. J. W. Kese, formerly of I'eteratjurg, Va. McClicsh, Rives & Co., General Commission Merchants, No. 61 Exchange Place, "BALTIMORE, MD.' i V i 0ottorb Kji FECIAL attention given to the sale of acco aint is aval Mores, -vi care Sivea t0 lkc Pchasiiig of all kiois of -Hcrcitauaise. oc-i TARBORO', EDGECOMBE (X THE WEEKLY SOUTHEREIt. TH U US DAY, - - DECi2M BElt"li 1 866 From the Columbus (Ga.) Sun and Times. ; An Infamous Exposure, " The following lettet was found in the streets of Columbia Immediately. after the army of Gen. Sherman had left. The or iginal is still preserved and can be shovai and substantiated, if anybody desires We are indebted to a distinguished lady of tli i3 city for a copy, seat with a request for publication. We can add noibicg in the way of counaent on such a document. It speaks for itself :- -' - - "Camp Neak Cavdkn. S. C , ' Ftbuary 26, 18ti5. "My Dear VVifk : I bav. no time for particulars. We huve hnd a glorious time in this State. Unresisted license to burn and plunder was the order of the dy. The chivalry have been stripped of most of their valuables. Go! watches, silver pitchers cups, spoons, fork-, etc , etc., are as common in camp as blackberries. The terms cf plunder ere as foilova : The valuables procured are estimated by com panies. Each company is required to ex hibit the results of its operations at ny given place one-fifth and the i;rt choice ills to the share of the commander in chief and staff, one-fifth to the corps com mander and staff, one iiiith to field officers of regiments, and tsvo-Efiha to the compa ny. "OiHeers are not allowed to join these expeditioi-3 wiih.'ut disuisir. themselves as privates. One of our corps comm in ! uei s borrow td a suit of oajiir ciothes from one o! my men. and was successtul m this place. He got a larsre quanilv .f silver!, n n eld-time silver! mi.k pucher) at d a very tine gel. I watch, from a .Mr De Saussnre at, this place. De Saussme is one of the F. V. Y's of S. C, and was made to fork over liberally i was ui&ije ie iuih. over noeraiiy. , , . . icew over the rank of cap am are nol OflGc made to put their plunder in the estimate for distr.b'i'ion. ims nvi-.rv u-ts fair, and fortliat reas-.n, in order to pre- feet themselves, subordinate Ulcers and privates keep b-ick everything that they i c n cany about tae;r persons, such as ringrf, ear rings, breast-pins etc , f which, if I ever live to get t onie. I haw about a! quart, i am no joKing-i have a, east a quattol '.ewelry lor yuu an'.t ml the oir s- nnd some No. 1 AnA rin and pins among thtiu. Gut-. Sh?rma has sil- ver His 5I1U ;tld enoegb to start a bank. sbar re ii itolo watcnes an-1 ci :iiaiTia 3 3nd alone at Cckimhia, was two hundr seventy-five. (275) ' But I said: I could not go in particu - lars. Ail tbe ger ri oLacers, aid nwny bes'-ies, twd vaiaab.es ot every Uescnp - 1'nri d;iM.Ti ti Pin bi-riii prcd lmbr-1 nneliPt " ,, ,. r ,-T , c i too'! ' We took Wd mid silver enough from tbe d- -d rebels to have redeemed their interna! currency twee over: J hi ine currency i woenevtr we ca.Tie acrtos it, we burned, as we considered if utterly T,-.tAa ' "I wish all the jewelry this army has could be carried to the 4'01d By State " It would deck her out in glonous style, but al s! it w.!I be scattered idl over the North and Middle States The d d uiggers,-as a gener.d rule, prefer to stay at home particularly after thev found V Kill V".H-. C.iout that wa only wanted the able-bodied men, and best looking woman.) Some whole families and plana- timers we toon tiocs of niggers. But tbe useless part ofl these we son saanage-l to loose some times m crossing nv. other wavs. sometimes by 'T ab.all write to von acain from Wi'N mington, Goldsboro, or some place in N. Carolina. Ine order to march has arrived, and I rcusi cioee L-.irriediy. Love to grandmother and aunt Charlotte. Take care of yourself nnd the children. Doo show this letter out of the family. "Your affectionate, buiband. "Thomas J. Mykrs. ,lT 0 T .,, , ... J ''P. S. I wi-1 send this by the first , g of .trune to be m-.iled, nnless I havo . Lieutenant, ect flag of tryoe to be m-.iled, nnless I have. an opperyinity of sending it to Kilton Head. Tell Salbe I am saving : a pearl; But Lam-. bracelet and ear rings for her bert got the necklace and breastpin of the cna.t T ,r ,n v.;, through Georgia This letter was addressed to "Mrs. Thos. J. Myer3, Boston, Massachusetts." Fun at Home Don't be afraid of a little fun at home. Don't shut your house, lest the sun should fade your carpets and hearts, lest a hearty laugh shake down some of the musty old cob webs there ! if you want to ruin your sons, let them think that all mirth and social enjoyment must be left on the threshold without, when they eotae at eight. Wbeu once a home is regarded as a place to eat, "drink, and sleep in, the work is begun that ends in gamb ling bouses and degradation. Young people must, have fun. and relasation somewhere ; if they do not find it at their own hearthstones it will be sought at other and less profitable places. Therefore, let the fire burn-brightly at night, and make the homestead delight ful with all those arts that parents so perfectly understand. Don't repress the buoyant spirits, of young children; half an bour' merriment rouud the lamp and firelight of home blots out the remeniberauce of many a care and annoyance during the day, and the best safeguard they ,can take ,vtith them in to the world, is the influence cf a bright little domestic santtuni. of tbem. These were takeu from the ; tne little rim ot delicate white lace, en- Xho voice of pleasure or of power may Misses Jamisons' daughters of the Presi ! circling the lovely, dusky throat j there ! p:i83 v,Y UDbeeded, but the voice of af dent of thcSouth Carolina Secession Oon- was the -gg vsibl$i) wbcre the shawl ; fiictiou cever. Thc cliamber of tbe UNTY, NORT CAROLINA. Til Fro'ihthe San Francisco (Cal.) Mutcury.' I'se-r f a Dead it3g. The following will explain j'how a certain Frencbman is ausioud to ob tain from tfic Board of Supewiscrs a monopoly of all the dogs that nay die in Sau Francisco, for the nest! twenty years. .. " ,.VJ, ' ," ft, . What use can be made of dc&i-logs? It can he used for a multitude of use ful and luxurious purposes. Lj -- Name one. A part of it 'may la put into a lady's smelling bottle. Under what form ? Eitbc-S a? 'deli cious perfume, or as siueilinsMts. llcw e"n it be converted into a per fume ? Gljceriiic is l-.rgcly wsc bv perfumers for the choicest pcrfuiua. How is flyceriue obta'med from a dead dog?" liy mixing soda wijh the boilings of the f.-.t and bqaes. What does this produce ? A' sweet substance called glycerine ; or tie su gar of f it. How can the putrefying flesh of a dog be turned into smelling; salts; Merely by adding to it a little hydro chloric acid. What further uses can be rsaueof a dog 1 You eau wash your hands and face with a part of it. JIcw so ? Part of the glycerine may be used for scenting scan, or made up into glycerine soap. What other use can a dead d."g be put to? A ladv froir-rr to pnurf tnn .r rmt, n - i ..,. . : . ,. their hue. How can this be managed ? Fart of! j the glycerine may be mixed with car-! e t . t i i- Kmc, and sold tor lip-salve or uohcate , , . . 1 : tint for the cheeks. Name another use that can be made 0f a dead dog ? It may be brought to n ' ,v,i:.,., nn' -tU much reli.-h. tt .i- i i i t -i ' now can mis ue aone : r roni ine: skin, tendons and. bones, gelatine can , be 0btained ; and this gelatine can be , i, 1 mu:ie ,lU Jly. j What other delicacy can be made of jit? A part of it can be put into our ; tfa ac, cotfoe tarts or pudding. How i can this be done ? I r-. 1 2r cae ce recaed by Doing strain - eti through us 'burnt v's'!- j What else can be done with a dead ! i o ; (teg i A gentiemon can appear in a Fart cf at a ball or prernnnade. How so r 1 art ct tho sltiu may be ; rjai0 at0 boots, and part into ridiug- , n. ' ! hat order was madft in Paris ; about dead dogs some tw years ago '. j That all dng without an owner should be itnmediatcly gbot and thrown iat0 1 c . J 1 the be,n0- ! How many dogs were so destroyed ? ; Several thousands. : vn f . t t, t tr 21 j j couM ,,e furne,i !nt ? 1 he 10 fuse pickers (chiffmw-rx) What did, they do with them ?- ; rp rhev crot them out of tbe river, skinn- 1 ed them and boikd them don. j What was dono with the skins ?- Ibey were made into ktd gloves. Vv hat Was done with the boilings I ! They were mad-3 into soap and can - 1 . dlC3. First Love She put down her veil again immediately hpr lips moved 1 . ,fc ., .J. 1 , . T mv0'u,-tarilJ a3 SlJft lowered it: Ij . :tlvUin'Ul1 falJH icwerea is: ij thought I could see, through the laoe, that tbe slight movement ripened to a SR!;jei Still (bore was enough left fob; ' , " , . ' , : look cn enough to charm IhcrCWaS had fallen open, slender, but already well developed in its sleudeross, but j 0f the dead, the altars of religion, nev exquisitely supple, there was the waist, j er m;sscj the presence or sympathies naturally low, and left to its natural j 0f woruar.. Timid though &be be, and place and size, there were the little mil linery and jewelry ornaments that she wore simple and commonplace enough in tbemselvc: yet each a beauty, each a treasure, on her. There was all this to behold, all this to dwell on, in spite cf the veil. The veil ! how little of the weman does it hide when the man real ly loves her I Collin's Basil. . Facts of Puooress. That well known statieian, Bon. Samuel B. Rugg'e.s, made remarkable statements in his .-peech at the'Cyrus Field banquet tbe other night. Speaking of our railroads, he said they cost a larger sura than had ever been ex pended in any one century on the means of transportation.-We have 36.000 miles of railway, whicn have cot i,3SO,'000, 000. In Europe, there-are 30.000, which tost thc enormous sum' of $3,500,000,000 The construction cf railroads in an old, closelysScttled country is of course more expansive than in a new, while European roads are more solidly and permanently built. But th?' saving in the transporta tion of freight and passengers amounts in each hemisphere to, $5,000,000,000 an num. Mr. Ruggles estimates the te!e graph lines in ibis country at 90.000 miles in length, and in Europe at 00 000 So that tbe New World decidedly leads jthe eld in ifs facilities of communication. uKSDAY, DECEMBER 13 1806 When the smoke and dust of tins conflict ill e ear away, and (he rec ord ni tae great assize of history be made up, and the sentence pronounced on this most stupendous striL"!e for uaiK.uauiy, mere mil srana lorttt no ures so sublime as that of this ;nt so.dicr, L-iuhant orator, sagacious j l 1 - - l Statesman, and christian gentlemen, j l-ereft of every earthly possession, shut out from au converses with the human family, guarded by mutes, jaiiored by a tyrant, accu.-ed by. assassins, tremblkig ;vitb paralpjs, blind, manacled, tortured with an ingenious crwclty, which de- ii.lu ui sieeuj vmu a urunu mot) o ),TOr-l T'!1, n lr. f ., 1 ,.. f I uii'HoDs clamoring fur Lis Hood, yet cairn, dennaat and un-launtcd. :iy'-;i,f no favor of the best, and no ruard .,;,.f ,u iv.." i. : "a -.,l bavc a puuiic inai in:s,affjldj ani at 'ai moment courts ot ins toes. i IJfe has been allotted to him well nigb to the verge of his thrco score years. Honors have for more than half his poured on iiiui life, biiiug fail the measure of American fame. Yet were his life to rfval the ages of the patriarchs and his honors to double the glories of the illustrious sou of David, the bright particular year of his history would bo that iu which a chained cap tive, the last victim of a lost cause, he raised his voice ia ncrr-ctnal claim f.,-, no favor of twenty mi-lions cf eucmief, ! but JU-;tiC3. I A feeble tongue, it may be, that! makes the appeal, but the cry pierces the triple iron of his dungeon, pierces I the missive walls of bin Bast He, drowns the multitudinous roar cf the neih- ! b ona-- sea, rises acuve victorious na ") "soaridln" t'.oi! rioaus. and w:n down t!".c tte? ' to assure t ! that the virt j the courage "S men c.a thev call iiOiijan no neitii:r ;in the Tiber nnr !-. "" r. phra-j j : tea. v i !(. , ever tra d vl becoming a a o'd r. An t.bi maid is far t ' tnre than a h icarti:-ss wile, a.nc "s'? blcsseuness is greatly superior, l!l r?:nt 01 PPinsss' ! :redJV3 Vlh ' out love, "t ad net iu ove. aear e-i: 1 Wvva;.,.. S; vs lh(. jou,. iut we j0 not : th k! -on .i. tiii3 ou. si ion On the contrary, wt-hobl that u is ;:-''0!'i tiling I ali in love or get iu lov, if ti e Id' e.i y one. j o ill in k ;e. with an honorable ma "i is a prcj as u is ;or r.n noritiiao.e man to :i:i iove T'iih a virtuous ai-d :-iriiab'e v, ou.an ; '. what could be a move gr tifyng speetar le j than a sight so pure, so approaching in its : devotion lo tie ceb-vbd? No; fall in I iove :m soon a.-:, vou i.Ke, prov; u be vith a E'.iit'.ib'e fvrxm. Full it, iove, and t'.en raarrv : but revet marry Hides von do !ot. j oat s Ih marry ibr a "Sio:oe ji'eat roint. .r a 'biisiand rev er der.idc voart if bv b-comiii'r a an auj-jp.ee. ;ever sen roneii. body Love CO!:'!' .:.d S"ul, ": !.ern-.s so contonsctible. "ir:iti s all tilings ; it enobles all irass. -ih love., the tnarri gc rite 13 tr'.'.y a sacrament. Witb-mt it, th" ceremony is a base fraud, and tbe net a . human desr cvation. Marrv fiT lo" or human desc-eration. Man- not at an. tie an oit tnanl,' 11 t-tune throws not m your way the man of votir l.ert ; and though t'.e witless may sneer an.i. the i--ser mxy laugh, yn;j ',tjl have your reward m an approving cnscienc- 1 a"?. coniparanveiy Peac:(ul life. t 1 well to-do old baichelors w-e bavenosvm- ,r',,- TU. 1, ..... ,1 tenths women f all they arc worth to support and children. IVirenohicul W Jvurml. V, OMAN. To the bouor, tbe oternai 0f the fair sex, be it said, 'that ;ia the p:tu of duty impossible bt 110 sacrifice is with t hern npossiolc but to sunnk troiu what love. ! Iinnnr. innn.'P noo nr-.d rf!i.rir:n v-iiiir:- Lici, the pillow of thc dvinsr.-tlc visil so delicate that the winds of heaven may not too roughlv visit her, on such occasions she loses all sense of danger, and assumes a preternatural courage which knows not mp! fears no conse quences. Then she displays that un daunted spirit which neither court? dif ficulties nor evades thcni ; that resigna tion which utters neither murmurs nor regrets; and that patience in suffering which seems vietorious over death itself. Judge, Story. General Robert E. Lee. Tbe moon light fell clearly upon his countenance of personal beauty, and revealed bis power ful and erect form. Gallant, noble, plo-. rious son of the Old Dominion ! Had Virginia no Washington, she would proudly rank thee as the noblest and greatest of b?r illustrious sons. Second only to George Washington, and second only because the cause for which yon fought was unfortunate, every Southern heart applauds, reveres and loves you, and tens ot thousands ot Northern while the loretgn world rives to von trie palm of untarnished glory, unspotted greatness of all who were great and no ble and patriotic dnring that feaifui Strug- gle. Extract ran, ll-.uiam, a talc of rc-vc j Camwutgn. NO. 3. of Stuff Rebel arc'jladt of. The New Y()rl. ta!ks to the Northern Rauw in lhe ri;?ht strain ,.S wid be perceived h, Us articles below. It does not ininco mau,:t b fl; b shot into them as often , 0 their rot ten broadsides to hi?n J f'resent Aroc The lunatic and J esc rebels, and fa-icy that they are goiu, 1 ' i , 1 . if J . render . this term infamous by coatin;,;, in the language in our present as well as m our past tnstory-and from the ua- turecttgs, always wilt . bc however I fools and knaves und the tools and toadies of despoli-m mav s rive to dishonor it, Who arts the rebels in English history ? Wliy, the llampdens, Crotnwe is, Rassels, 'U,J ' aud Sydneys, mhny v-f whom died on the air' iiVtellK fr.-nr. n know that whatever th-ra is of od in the English svstom in the result rd' the sacrifices and ffiorts of these iilus- J trloas rebels. So in Scotland and Ireland the I'l uce.-, and Wallaces, and Fitzger-. iilds are the heroes of hitorv indeed, we only stated a iingie bist-vrie&l truth that no !o; al mm is remembereJ in hist ry save for his crimes and for the purposes of avoidant, as Aiya, Jeffreys, and siuii n'.r lo3';tl:s!s. Why even our most e'am oro..!.; lovi-.ts cf this rmuntrv T?:-n Rnt'er :r J i." , , , - - j i - null, v'oald r.evir presume to place iiie ioyul Arut-ld in the tame cate- i tiorv wish re' 1 Wasliington, or Rut il r.ingevs at:v6 the rebel lis rebel followers io.leed. !er at .d hi S;hny!er o- wei v- r t!;e nature ot tim-gs, ! it-ovis uo ti.e wy svi or me canij. una ! t , ! - . : . T . - I i i .1 i I haievt r may r a mo-nerii, thy tdamor of the loyal rebels are illustrious fur id I of tne iDval m e. -pti' ut it wii! Mi-urea's to a arc altCircthtr ' bean government it from r- bels to Keron.-a-a ff.veru- ' Hi ; in;' Is j --.0 lifuiijs are notls-- th eLrc-sct are chami- ! uerarum and rnneia-ion. wt!. uo regganN V? yoa can ta!ce with you h not a haU e d by the next generation as even greater ---r a blanket, but a woman'.' If you1 fools than knaves, though it is difficult to tr""'''fc !r,e" inatrJ nt-, fur your are! suppose eclipsed in the latter respect. ' -';'- --.ly equipped for the. "road till. Rebels, farsooth! It is the noblest word r ' . ""n dinner ij rea'dr' vr.. ,7- viir.gk l. When people c .n't rebel against j world hv5l: ""as and what p-irporU to be "'their j 'S t government, then the thir ir is changed .".f n.ioi. T-k.. if 4 (...,. C, T '. 1.. w ouid agree to a h minister tLo true erov eiir.nent of the fcta'C3. Jefferson Davis and others would not have been rebels, or would Washington and Adorns if George II I, bad d;:t.e so. This pregnant truth as generiiioa may net receive, remaps, 'it we bfheve iiiey yrill, a all events, hatfvr tv;iv ba ti,- Kf-e.nititif virt tiro ril l, , iwaaiever n:ay oe tue seoruing virture ia ..iuersoii xavis ami nis oroiner 3,- r - ... i. j 1 i . . . rebels ure as ecr'.am o; prosperity as ash- : . i i - c ,, lnitoit ant a i tbe oiber rebels ol history. tit Mule. The t-Lo aru am.iacjia.-is ana u':.,.i . -i then e.o:us to a fail stop : natur J.iiskov ered l ee mistake. Tha weigh more ac cordin to their heft tjian enny other ki'cter, except a crowbar. Tha kant Lear enny quicker nor further than the boss, yet. thtir curs cars are bi-r euuli I for snow-choes. You kua trust them i with cony one whose life aint enny mere j than the mule's. Tha only way is tu V-.verjket-p thetn into a uiedeler tcucing, and . let, them luiun out. i ha art? readv for use just as soon as tbaviP Jo tu abuse. Tha haint got euny friends, and will live on hucklc-bcrry brushy wiib an oc- s J 1 ,i ; Kanada thistles. Tha are a modern inveushun ; I dou't think tbe Bible deludes to them at tall. They sell for money than enny other domcsrik auiaii-.e. Yu kant tell their a lie by lookin iu'u tb ir moutu enny move than you co Id a Mexican cannon. Tha never bay no disease that a rood club won't, heal. If tha ever die tha must come right to life again, for 1 never head nobody sa " ded mule." Tba arc, like sum men, very korrupt at barte. I've known thcta tu be good tvales for six months jus tu git a chaiise tu kick sumbody. I never owned one, and never mean tu, unless there is a United States law passed requiring it. The only reason why tha are pashunt is bekause they are ashamed of tbem self?. I have seen cdikated mules in a sirkus. Tha kouid kick and bite trc mcijjis. I would not sa what I am forced tu sa agin the mule if his birth want an outrage, and man want tu blame for it. Enny man who is willing tu drive a mule ought to be exempt by law from running for the Legislature. Tha are tbe strongest kreeturs on earth, and heaviest akordin to their size. I Leri tell ov one who fell oph from the tow-path cn tbe Eric kanawl and sunk as soon as touched bottom, but he kept rite on towing the bote tu the next stashun, breathin thru his ears, which stuck out ov the water two feet six inches. I cidu't sea this did, but an aucshuneer toll me uv it, and I neve knew an aucshuneer to lie, snksa it was absolutely convenient. A literary auriouueenicnt from Leip sie runs thus : "Our readers will be obliged to us for drawing their atten tion to some Stuscript works which will shortly appear. We have not read the bocks ourselves, but if their con tents are as interesting as their titles, th j nerusal must be the acme ef de- The titles arc, "Swapantschak shavirDailamanrastotra,', I'Trugunat- mikakalikastotra," 'Upangala)itavra todyapana," Saukarchtatschaturthiyra todyapaua," uixl AnaLtauchaturdaiiya-takalha." LT!tAXSE.VT KATfcS - One sqcare inch dpace 1 time, ?; 10, Each Subseoueilt, inrtinn ' '- " T14 One square one,year, ! , "- i ..-.j $15, 00, ne-rotirth column, - CO 00- Ono-half column, : - - .A": Ouccslumn, ' - , ; -. .. .-1' t:;im Of? Business fards wrupyfaj ' ft '-naH W less iasn (til fur Twenty pillar a-jearifus inoniStJy fijancs aoweJ. . . You Bh3?? : Trau'ifcg, , -jt t4 "That seat is occupied," said a bright, eyed girl at tho hotel table to a ma:f who was about "td take it, Occupftrd V'-Xiq growled, "whore's hia . bagjage V r AVitU, a saacy upward look -at-hiin,' I'm "hbj baggage,'' she said. And -this bringswatoi say tha, if you are goin a lopg journi3y in regions where it is "first com;'f firss' ;s(irved," the niost desirabf piecs of -Salt ww ill iicr seated betiU cd wke, ancf are iuely , . -, and exactly opposite, -U,:S, hcfoi 'tU liurV' f.tl a d.r, . "N -v.um.wasi till - There you are," and theu'u. U-t ft .?P 5-t twain one, with the two b j.-: ?u house, serv d aad smiled on. Lol t!l table at thc, PPy follows,-so tnem actuauy uotcommg tne Chairs t, 0CCUPV- :U1'J ,H.e art? h'd reacbilU, ... ,n,.M .nu ........ 1 ... 1 .1. . .11,- i!i 'j.ciy uiiuuiiuii iicroo.-i iiie la'jiu nun mid tentacubvj of a gigantic po!ypn3. :When night comes and with a border tavern.jt is n"t you that shift uneasily from sidj tf) side on the bar-room floor. If ' there k' any est bed she gets it, ami you share it. , You follow her into tli3 best car ; she is first in the stage coach, and you 'are too. . More than that, a woman keeps yo.u "up-. , on your honor ;" you are pretty sure t,. , behave yourself all the way. A faiict ' ft OIL' IoiOil.. , J .. ,,.' -; The Extinotion oe a Rac-e.-TIic Tasnianiaas, or inhabitants of Van Dle- man's Land, arc uow reduced to four iu- - ' j :: i .. i . . - .h i i ,u ' - ' woman. l be entire race, supposed to have hc.o.n from 5 000 tr 7 000 in nnmW: .lf ne tu f ,-- 4. , , . . . , .. . 1UUU 111x3 ULCU UU3l,0Jeu" Pi uy..iuo "-s their means of subsistence, Xt , chiefly by violence. ' They managed very early in the his tory of the colony to excite a profound'" hatred and fear ahiong the settlers, aftftts were hunted down without nj,etcy.r-, About 1820 the last survivors were .ta- s kcu to Flinders Island, where they were" kindly treated, but died off with astonishing rapidity; It seems proba-' ble that iu half a ccnturv more tbcm v i i . will net be cne abonginee m Austra-, a na. A good joke is told' 6f Park Benja min and Henry Ward Beecber. On ' one of their lecturing expeditions, they i' happened to travcl iu the same railway ? car, and getting into conversation fcbous preaching, Beceher invited Benjamiu 1 to-, come over to'Brooklyn some Sunday ' morning and bear him. ; " I do not know where your meeting t house is," said Benjamin ; Low will I. find it?" , ' - "Ob, replied Beecher, all you have to do is to. come over one of the ferries ond follow the crowd." -. 11 1 would come," continued Benja-.r tain, "but for one reason.", , . ., . . " Ah ! what is that 1" asked Beech- ' cr. "Because," said Benjamin,' "with a" ? merry look of his eyes, -I make it) an i invariable rule never to go to any placo of amusement oa Sunday." - , .. . o-- - Scente in a , Hotel. Guest kavo you a good sfrong porter about tha house ? Clerk Yes,, we have . tho strongest one about the place. , Guest. .. Is he intelligent?' Clerk Oh yes, sir, quite intelligent for a porter." "' Guest One point more. Do ybu eon-1 sidcr him fearless, that is bold -and-" courageous ? Clerk As for that mat- ; ter I know be is : he would not be afraid, .. of tho devil, himself. Guest New, Mr. Clerk, if your porter is intelligent " enough to find room No. 117, fearless enough to enter, and strong enough to get my trunk away from the bed bugs,-,-I would like to have him bring it down. More than half of tho obstacles 'in your path are like a rotten stump iu the woods, which a timid man takes for a ghost, and runs away. A brave man, walks up to it and finds it to be Vhat it is. Never be assailed and unwavcrcl by tfhat is said about risks and difllcur ties and competitions. Never rotteafi into a narrow and obscure walk, with its only one chance ct success and use fullessnes3, as if it-were the. safer for,, that. Push forward if you have thq common consciousness of ability, iato the great thoroughfares, where though, a hundred chances of success" and use fulness should fail, a' hundred : chancca : arc left. Jamos walker, - ... '.j Old Dr. B- was a quack, and a very ignorant cno. On one occasion -be was called by mistake ' to attend a J council of physicians in a critical caso. After considerable 3iscus&ioa the op! a- . ion was expressed by one that the pa- tient was convalescent.'' "Wbeu it came B-- s turn to speak - " Convalescent saini '.why, cared that's nothing serious, I fcav ccavalcsccut in twenty four Lcura I!) ' ...?,.. I ': j- .1. V! I-i r v. 3 :4 r . t 1f - ?'A i A ' 'I 7 r V i 'X; ft:- .